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Guidance and Counseling Service Nigerian University System: Problems and Way Forward

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International Journal on Integrated Education e-ISSN : 2620 - 3502

p-ISSN : 2615 - 3785


Guidance and Counseling Service Nigerian University System: Problems and

Way Forward

Chinwuba Mary Adanna

Faculty Education, Department of Education Management, University of Abuja, Nigeria

Samuel Benjamin Agerewe

Federal College of Education Katsina, Katsina State School of Education, Department of
Psychology and Counselling

Kozah Bitrus Rita

Kaduna State College of Education Gidan Waya, Kaduna, Department of Educational

Abstract: This paper examined the problems that has militated against effective Guidance and
Counseling service in the universities in Nigeria. Secondary data were used in the paper. The
secondary data were gathered from print materials and online publications. The paper
specifically stated that poor funding, inadequate Guidance and Counseling materials, shortage of
trained Guidance and Counsellors, poor capacity building programme, negative attitude of
university community and inadequate infrastructure facilities are problems that have hindered
effective Guidance and Counselling services delivery in the universities in Nigeria. Based on
these problems, the paper recommended that; Universities management should increase the
budgetary allocation of Guidance and Counseling units in the various universities. Counselling
materials like psychological tests, play gadget, tape recorder, log book, record folder, etc should
be provided for the guidance and career development centres for effective service delivery.
University authorities should employ more qualified/trained Guidance and Counsellors and post
them to the Guidance and counseling units.
Keywords: Guidance and Counselling services, University system.
The university system is a teaching and research institution that attracts students, staff and other
stakeholders who have one thing or the other to carry out in the university environment. The
university education is an institution of higher learning providing facilities for teaching and
research and authorized to grant academic degrees. University education is a rich cultural and
scientific asset which enables personal development and promotes economic, technological and
social change. It promotes the exchange of knowledge, research and innovation and equips
students with the skills needed to meet ever changing labour markets. University is part of higher
learning institution that may reward a degree or some sort of credential. The university exists as
an institutions with complex nature with identity of different people from different backgrounds
with distinct views and divergent goals and with different social issues.

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IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

The universities are saddled with the responsibilities of teaching, research and provision of
community services (Ogunode Akin-Ibidiran & Ibidiran 2022; Ogunode, & Audu 2022). The
universities are institutions for transformation of the society. The university system is the highest
in the ranking of higher institutions. The universities is an inclusive system that cater for all
irrespective of the individual social status (Ogunode, Akinjobi, & Olatunde-Aiyedun, 2022;
Ogunode & Ndayebom, 2022). University education are established with the primary purpose of
giving the students a sound and qualitative education so as to be able to function effectively in
any area they find themselves so as to be productive in society. In addition, it would make them
to be able to achieve self-fulfillment and attain self-actualization (Iyoha; Odion, & Dare, 2010).
The university education is designed for all category of people irrespective of your social,
psychological and emotional status. The university is an institutions that accommodate all
without discriminating. The university system is designed to function with different collection of
individuals with any kind of social problems.
The University system is designed to function with guidance and counselling services.
According to (Federal Republic of Nigeria 2013), educational Support Services facilitate the
implementation of educational policy, the attainment of policy goals and the promotion
of effectiveness of educational system. According to the policy, in Nigeria the goals of
educational support services shall be to: a. Develop, assess and improve educational
programmers; b. enhance teaching and improve the competence of teachers; c. provide
conducive environment for learning; d. make learning experiences more meaningful and
realistic for children; e. make education more cost-effective; f. promote in-service
education; g. enhance access to learning; h. develop and promote effective use of
innovative materials in schools; and. promote partnership with Non-Governmental
Organisations (NGOs) and International Development Partners (ID Ps) to access
One of the educational services in school shall include; Guidance and Counselling service. The
Government shall continue to make provision for the training of teachers in Guidance and
Counselling; Establish and equip: Counselling clinic, career centre and information centres. The
policy also observed that, Proprietors of schools shall provide adequate number
guidance counselors for their institutions. vii) Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT)
Referral Services. viii) Providing care and support for those infected and affected by
HIV/AIDS ((Federal Republic of Nigeria 2013).
Universities in Nigeria in implementing this policy, established the Guidance and Counselling
units to provide guidance and counselling services to the university community. The university
system is full of people with different social problems. It is the responsibilities of the universities
to ensure students and staff with various social, emotional, psychological problems are attended
to. The guidance and counselling service is an important service in the university system to
ensure social stability of the community. (Ali 2014), observed that the need for guidance services
in University education is therefore imperative and of tremendous value if they are properly
tailored and channel towards the benefits at the point of university education programmes. It
entails psychological/emotional educational and social aspects. Psychological because of his
feelings as a university student with the stress of accommodation, inadequate financial provision
by parents, insecurity and cultism to mentioned jus but a few.
Educational problems may also surface according to (Ali 2014), with the present quest for
university education; where-in students are admitted into course they did not option for. Student
social responsibility may also hamper their interest in academic quest, and performances. The
need for counselling in our universities also stems from the fact that students have some
personal- social problem in coping with the stress involved. Some of these problems include:
relating with opposite sex, overcoming the psychological/emotional trauma as mentioned earlier,
coping with misunderstanding, adjusting to time schedule and etc. To achieve the objectives of
university education, guidance/counselling services are heavily needed. The university students
needed to be guided, encouraged and counselled to enable them end on positive side.
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(Ali 2014) posited that many students were admitted not in the course of their first choice,
because of over population in demand for placement. Eventually, most universities fill their
vacancy for students in their second choice course or other unpopular areas of study where-in
they meet the entry requirement. This may be done but the student may not be interested but
because of lack opportunities for admission having waited for a long time for the golden
opportunity will accept the offer, but will soon lost interest and definitely his ability to focus on
his/her study so as to acquire the necessary skill is affected. This is where guidance and
counselling services are needed by the new timers to be able to continue their study.
Also, the university system is full of different social vices and crime activities that the service of
the guidance and counselling. (Asiyai & Oghuvbu 2020) observed that several complaints from
the general public about increasing criminal cases in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Students can
only attain academic success when they pursue their academic activities with seriousness, rigor,
dedication and hard work. Students’ involvement in vices may not only hinder their attainment
of academic success but could dent the image of their institution and reputation. An institution
noted for lawlessness amongst students and anti-social vices like fighting, stealing, cultism,
indecent and provocative dressing, sexual harassment, breach of peace, examination malpractice
and impersonation may not be able to attain academic excellence. It has also be observed that
staff in the university need the service of the guidance and counseling unit. (Ogunode 2020)
noted that many academic and non academic staff are facing various challenges in the area of
marital, career development, parental challenges and stress and frustration from assignment.
In the view of above, the Guidance and Counselling units in the Universities in Nigeria were
established to handle such students and staff social, psychological and emotional problems. It is
unfortunate that most of the Guidance and Counselling units in the Universities in Nigeria are
not providing the quality services that the students and staff needed to function well in the
system. It is important to examine the various problems facing the Guidance and Counselling
units in the Universities in Nigeria.
Concept of Guidance and counselling Unit
Guidance and Counseling Units or departments are part and parcel of the university system.
They are established to provide quality guidance and counseling to the university community.
(David, Ohunene, & Ogunode 2021) observed that the tertiary institutions Guidance and
Counseling Units are established to provide services in form of individual counselling, group
counselling, seminar presentation, workshop and provision of guidance through the internet for
students and staff. The tertiary institutions Guidance and Counseling units are named differently
by different institutions but carry out similar Guidance and Counseling services. At University of
Ibadan, the Career and Counseling Unit is committed to serving students in their career quests
and other needs that may require professional counselling support. Though, limiting itself to
areas of actual competence of professionals and support staff in the Division, as an integral part
of the Student Affairs Division, the Career Guidance and Counselling Unit promotes University
Community welfare by extending support services to staff of the University. The counselling
aspect of the services provides, systematic and creative psycho-social therapies that emphasize
non-clinical practice while clinical related cases are referred to appropriate quarters; all in a bid
to ensure qualitative service delivery in provision of overall wellness of students and staff. The
Unit works in conjunction with other collaborating agencies as well as with other departments
and units to enhance the overall conducive campus climate (University of Ibadan, 2020). At the
University of Ilorin, the Counselling and Human Development Centre (UCHDC) aims and
objectives include:
a. Identification of students’ innate abilities and development of their capabilities, potentials
and talents.
b. Assisting individual to effectively adjust to educational and institutional challenges.
c. Development of sound character.
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IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

d. Promotion of effective interpersonal relationships.

e. Acquisition of the necessary skills required for academic excellence and healthy living. Some
of the services in the centres includes;
Programmes available at the Centre
The Centre provides guidance and counselling services based on the following programmes:
a. Educational /Academic Counselling.
b. Career Guidance/Counselling.
c. Personal-Social Counselling.
d. Marriage and Family Counselling.
e. Health Counseling. And
f. Research and Other Related Activities.
a. Educational /Academic Counselling
The Centre provides services on:
a) Registration procedures, choice of courses and requirements for graduation.
b) Spill-over, transfer, change of course and withdrawal cases.
c) Effective study habits, usage of library services and acquisition of examination skills.
d) Coping with academic challenges.
e) Creating awareness on the available opportunities such as postgraduate programmes and
scholarship awards within and outside Nigeria.
b. Career Guidance/Counselling
The Centre offers the following services:
a) Preparing students for the world of works especially self employment.
b) Providing career guidance on job opportunities and challenges in the various courses that are
available at the University of Ilorin.
c) Conducting researches into the various aspects of career guidance and counselling.
d) Creating, promoting and developing training activities that would improve the employability
of students and graduates.
e) Assisting companies and commercial enterprises in organizing career talks for prospective
graduates in order to acquaint them with job requirements and career prospects.
f) Guiding students on job search and job retention strategies
c. Personal-Social Counselling
The Centre provides services on:
a) Coping with academic demands, life in the University and life after graduation;
b) Managing of phobia (fear), stress, depression and feeling of committing suicide;
c) Building of social skills (assertiveness, decision-making process, modeling and mentoring
d) Managing cases of addiction to alcohol and other drugs;
e) Overcoming undesirable personal habits (stammering, shyness, extravagant behaviour,
overeating etc.);

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IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

f) Managing emotional difficulties (e.g. temper tantrum);

g) Assisting students to adjust to the University environment through orientation service;
h) Fostering discipline and responsible behaviours;
i) Coping with loneliness and feelings of inadequacy;
j) Management of resources (e.g. income and facilities);
k) Managing interpersonal matters (making friends, conflicts between or among room-mates,
friends etc);
l) Handling Religious and spiritual matters;
m) Organizing training on assertiveness and decision making skills; and
n) Managing other personal-social concerns that interfere with individual’s normal
d. Marriage and Family Counselling
The centre offers services on:
a) Marriage and family matters;
b) Sexual matters (e.g. harassment, rape, pre-marital sex, incestuous relationship, variances,
sexual dysfunctions);
c) Choice of partners and preparation for marriage;
d) Handling difficulties in marriage; and
e) Handling interpersonal conflicts in courtship and family.
e. Health Counselling
The centre offers services on:
a) Personal hygiene;
b) Prevention and control of diseases; and
c) Referral to clinics or hospitals for medical assistance.
f. Research Activities
UIGCC provides services that are related to:
a) collection and dissemination of guidance information;
b) organization of workshops, seminars and conferences;
c) writing of guidance and counselling texts (e.g. pamphlets, handbills and leaflets); and
d) research work, outreach activities, postgraduate practicum and training in life planning
skills, etc.
Problems Militating Against Effective Guidance and Counseling Services and Career
Development in Universities
There are many problems militating against effective service of guidance and counselling in the
Nigerian universities. Some of the problems includes; poor funding, inadequate Guidance and
Counseling materials, shortage of trained Guidance and Counsellors, poor capacity building
programme, negative attitude of university community and inadequate infrastructure facilities.
Poor Funding
Poor funding of guidance and counseling units or department in the universities have militated
against quality service delivery of guidance and counseling services. Funding of education in
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Nigeria is poor and below the UNESCO recommendation of 15%-20% according to (Ogunode
Chijindu, & Jegede, 2022; Ogunode, Johnson, & Olatunde-Aiyedun, 2022). (David, Ohunene, &
Ogunode 2021) posited that inadequate funding is a major problem hindering effective guidance
and counseling services in the Nigerian tertiary institutions. Funding is vital for the
implementation of guidance and counseling service in educational institutions. Adequate funding
is key to the delivering of quality guidance and counseling services. It is unfortunate that tertiary
institutions in Nigeria are underfunded (Ogunode, Ahmed, Gregory, Abubakar 2020; Ogunode
2020). Guidance and Counseling Unit in tertiary institutions drives their funding from their
respective schools. The poor funding of tertiary institutions is affecting the performance of the
Guidance and Career Development Centres of the higher institutions. (Ogunode & Owobamigbe
2021) and (Adebukola, 2015), observed that lack of adequate fund is one of the major factors
affecting the effectiveness of guidance and counselling programme in Nigeria. Counselling
Association of Nigeria (CASSON) should enforce standard for how the office of a school
counsellor should look like. As an agent of curriculum implementation, should inform the federal
government of the need of school counsellors. Counsellors in some school are not recognized as
professionals because of lack of adequate facilities. Some headmaster/headmistress do not
provide office accommodation for counsellors that could be considered suitable for use as
counselling office where counselling could be carried out. Many counsellors are just given any
available space to use as counselling office. Many are not provided with the facilities and
materials required to practice effectively. There should be adequate fund allocated from the three
tiers of government and school management, to carry out some programmes like career day,
career weeks, vocational training and seminar for the counsellors in order to improve on their
profession and perform excellently on their job. (Onuorah & Ogbodo 2019), observed that
Guidance and Counselling is not well funded today, the education enterprise has become a costly
venture. Enough funds are not allocated to each secondary school to run its various services.
Where fund is available, very little is embarked for counselling purposes (Ipaye, 2006).
Inadequate Guidance and Counseling Materials
Shortage of guidance and counseling resources in most universities have hindered the delivered
of guidance and counseling services in the universities. (David, Ohunene, & Ogunode 2021)
observed that inadequate guidance and counseling materials in the guidance and counseling units
has frustrated effective guidance and counseling service in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Many
Guidance and Counseling Units in the Nigerian tertiary institutions do not have adequate
Guidance and counseling materials like psychological test, Cumulative record folders, log book,
publications, play gadgets, cardboards and various felt pens as well as money to organize
activities such as orientation. (Abubakar 2017) acknowledged that poor funding responsible for
shortage of guidance and counseling resources like log books, cardboards and various felt pens,
publications, play gadgets, psychological test material and cumulative record folders.
Shortage of Trained Guidance and Counsellors
Another challenge preventing effective guidance and service delivering at the tertiary institutions
in Nigeria according to (David, Ohunene, & Ogunode 2021) is shortage of trained Guidance and
Counselling professionals. Many tertiary institutions in the country do not have adequate
professional trained Guidance and Counsellor to manage the Guidance and Career Development
Centres in their respective institutions. Also, (Onuorah 2019), noted that lack of trained
counsellors is a major problem. Despite the fact that there are many holders of higher degrees in
guidance and counselling in Nigeria, some lack the skills necessary for this practice. Aside this,
some of the trained counsellors in Nigeria reject postings to schools instead, they prefer to go to
non-school setting for greener pastures. There are many reasons that accounts for this shortage of
trained Guidance and Counsellors in the various educational institutions across the country
according to (David, Ohunene, & Ogunode 2021) and some of these factors include lack of
strategic planning on Guidance and Counsellors production, inadequate funding of guidance and

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counselling programme, inadequate tertiary institutions offering guidance, increased in the

population of students and counseling programme and unstable educational policies.
Poor Capacity Building Programme
The poor capacity building programme of Guidance and Counselling in the universities have
contributed to poor service delivery to the university community. (United Nations Environment
Programme 2006), defined capacity-building program as the act of building abilities,
relationships and values that will enable organizations, groups and individuals to improve their
performance and achieve their developmental objectives. According to (Kennedy 2014),
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is an educational instrument and through CPD
training courses practitioners can improve their skills in particular areas, and their essential
training course would take place and, as a result, the capabilities of practitioners can be
improved. (Ogunode & Oluseun 2020) posited that the importance of a professional development
program for academic and non-academic staff cannot be overstated. Professional development
program helps academic and non-academic staff to increase their knowledge and skills.
(Kulkarni 2013) remarked that training and development programs were key to improved
employees’ performance at work, updating their knowledge and improving their personal skills
and development. (Ukaegbu 2017) cites (Acheaw 2011), who insisted that the purpose of
training and development is to have an increase in knowledge, skills and changing the attitude of
a person. This would result in several potential benefits for the individual and to their employer.
Furthermore, Acheaw argued that training also increases the confidence, motivation and
commitment of staff, provides recognition, encourages responsibility, enhance the possibility of
a pay rise and promotion. This gives workers a feeling of personal satisfaction and achievement,
improves opportunities for career progression, quality of staff and helps to improve performance
(Ukaegbu, 2017). Ogunode Ndubuisi & Solomon (2021) observed that majorities of non-
academic staff which include Guidance and Counseling officers in the universities have not been
exposed to training and retraining programme since joining the universities as staff. (Ogunode &
Emmanuel 2023) submitted the poor human resources development in the higher institutions in
Nigeria is linked to poor funding. (Ogunode & Oluseun 2020) concluded that inadequate
funding, lack of Strategic Plan on Human Resources Development, institutional corruption,
favoritism, strike actions, political influence and poor implementation of staff development
programme as the challenges facing the administration of professional development programme
in the Nigerian higher institutions.
Negative Attitude of University Community
The negative attitude of university community towards the Guidance and Counselling service in
the various universities across the country. Majorities of the students and staff of the universities
don’t patronize the service of the centers in the various universities. (John 2014) observed that
majorities of students even though when faced with various problems capable of affecting the
academic and social lives will not come to the center to professional guidance and counseling.
(Mark 2018) noted that most students instead of consulting the various guidance and counselling
units for professional solutions to the social and academic problems will rather seek advice from
their friends or spiritual leaders. (John 2014) sated that in some universities the Guidance and
Counsellors are left doing nothing because the university community have not actually
recognized the importance of their services to the community.
Inadequate Infrastructural Facilities
(David, Ohunene, & Ogunode 2021) noted that inadequate infrastructural facilities in many
Guidance and Career Development Centres in majorities of higher institutions has affected the
delivery of Guidance and Career Service. Infrastructural facilities according (Ogunode 2020) and
Ogunode & Agwor 2021) is social capital within the school environment. They include school
buildings/complexes such as classrooms, tables, exam hall, chairs, auditoria, desks, staff offices,
seminar/conference/board rooms, laboratories, workshops, studios, farms, gymnasia, central
libraries, specialized/professional libraries, faculty libraries, departmental libraries, etc.,
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Institute/centers’ specialized facilities e.g. ICT infrastructure, special laboratories, conference

facilities, etc., and Boards e.g. interactive, magnetic, screen and chalk, etc., ICT that is computer
laboratories and services, network connectivity, multi-media system, public address system,
slide, and video projectors, and Ergonomics furnishing in laboratories, libraries, and lecture
rooms/ theaters, moot courts, and studios, etc. They went further and listed the importance of
infrastructural facilities in educational institutions include: it aids effective delivery of
administrative functions in schools; it makes the delivery of services fast and reliable; it enables
teachers to deliver lessons fast; infrastructural facilities provide a conductive working
environment for both teachers and students; infrastructural facilities enable learners to learn at
ease and learn well; infrastructural facilities enable the teachers to teach well, prepare their
lessons, and deliver them online (ICT). The importance of school infrastructural facilities in the
realization of educational goals cannot be underestimated. School facilities aid the delivery of
the teaching and learning process in the schools. The absent of conducive centres with adequate
rooms for students and guidance and councilor in many higher institutions is affecting the
delivery of guidance and career development services.
Conclusion and Recommendations
This paper discussed the problems that has militated against effective Guidance and Counseling
service in the universities in Nigeria. The paper concluded that poor funding, inadequate
Guidance and Counseling materials, shortage of trained Guidance and Counsellors, poor capacity
building programme, negative attitude of university community and inadequate infrastructure
facilities are problems hindered effective Guidance and Counselling services in the universities.
To address these problems identified, the paper hereby recommended the following;
1. Universities management should increase the budgetary allocation of Guidance and
Counseling units in the various universities.
2. Counselling materials like psychological tests, play gadget, tape recorder, log book, record
folder, etc should be provided for the guidance and career development centres for effective
service delivery.
3. University authorities should employ more qualified/trained Guidance and counsellors and
post them to the Guidance and counseling units.
4. Guidance and Counselors in the universities should be exposed to constant training and
retraining programme. This will help them to improve their services.
5. The universities authority should direct the Guidance and Counseling units to carry out
public awereness about the importance of their department to the university community.
6. Universities authorities should provide adequate infrastructural facilities to the guidance and
career development units in the universities. There should be counsellor’s office, staff
offices, office furniture and counselling clinic.
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IJIE | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) p-ISSN : 26153785

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