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Discrete Mathematical Structures

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Course objectives: This course will enable students to

 Prepare for a background in abstraction, notation, and critical thinking for the mathematics
most directly related to computer science.
 Understand and apply logic, relations, functions, basic set theory, countability and counting
arguments, proof techniques
 Understand the concept of graph theory
 Understand the concept of tree .

Course outcomes:

After studying this course, students will be able to:

1. Verify the correctness of an argument using propositional and predicate logic and truth
2. Demonstrate the ability to solve problems using counting techniques
3. Solve problems involving recurrence relations and generating functions.
4. Explain the concept of graphs and
5. Explain the concept of trees

Module -1

Fundamentals of Logic: Basic Connectives and Truth Tables, Logic Equivalence – The Laws of
Logic, Logical Implication – Rules of Inference. The Use of Quantifiers, Quantifiers, Definitions and
the Proofs of Theorems,

Module -2

Set Theory: Definition of Sets, properties of sets, Venn Diagrams, complements, cartesian products,
power sets, Set operations

Module – 3

Relations and Functions: Cartesian Products and Relations, Functions – Plain and One-to-One, Onto
Functions. The Pigeon-hole Principle, Function Composition and Inverse Functions. Properties of
Relations, Computer Recognition – Zero-One Matrices and Directed Graphs.

Introduction to Graph Theory: Definitions and Examples, properties of graphs, Sub graphs,
Complements, and Graph Isomorphism, Vertex Degree, Euler Trails and Circuits.


Trees: Definitions, Properties, and Examples, Routed Trees, Trees and Sorting, Weighted Trees and
Prefix Codes

Text Books:

1) Ralph P. Grimaldi: Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, , 5th Edition, Pearson Education.

Reference Books:

1. Basavaraj S Anami and Venakanna S Madalli: Discrete Mathematics – A Concept based

approach, Universities Press, 2016
2. Kenneth H. Rosen: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill,
3. Jayant Ganguly: A Treatise on Discrete Mathematical Structures, Sanguine-Pearson, 2010.
4. D.S. Malik and M.K. Sen: Discrete Mathematical Structures: Theory and Applications,
Thomson, 2004.
5. Thomas Koshy: Discrete Mathematics with Applications, Elsevier, 2005, Reprint 2008.

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