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Elementary –

Unit 3
Lesson 3A –
Britain: the good
and the bad
Act. 1: Listen and match the sounds and verb phrases.

____ Drink mineral water

____ Play the guitar

____ Speak German Audio 3.1

____ Like animals

____ Watch TV
Act. 2: Match the
verbs with the
pictures and phrases.
dinner exercise homework housework mineral water a car

Drive Go Do Drink Live Do

Listen Cook Have Like Do Eat

vegetables to the cinema a garden animals to music in a flat

a new phone the guitar tennis a book sorry German

Speak Take Say Watch Work Study

Play Need Read Play Wear Want

history an umbrella a coffee TV glasses in an office

Act. 3: Fill in the vowels.
C__k d_nn_r D_ _ x _ r c _ s _

D_ h_m_w_rk D_ h__s_w_rk
Dr_nk m_n_r_l w_t_r Dr_v_ _ c_r

__t v_g_t_bl_s G_ t_ th_ c_n_m_

H_v_ _ g_rd_n L_k_ _n_m_ls

L_st_n t_ m_s_c L_v_ _n _ fl_t

N_ _d _ n_w ph_n_ Pl__th_ g__t_r

Pl__ t_nn_s R__d _ b__k

S__ s_rr_ Sp__k G_rm_n

St_d_ h_st_r_ T_k_ _n _mbr_ll_

W_nt _ c_ff__ W _ t c h TV

W__r gl_ss_s W_rk _n _n _ff_c_

Act. 4: Complete the
phrase with the verb.
_____ dinner ____ exercise

___ homework ____ housework

_____ mineral water _______ a car

____ vegetables ____ to the cinema

_______ a garden ______ animals

_______ to music _______ in a flat

_______ a new phone ______ the guitar

_______ tennis _______ a book

_______ sorry ________ German

_______ history _______ an umbrella

_______ a coffee ________ TV

_______ glasses _______ in an office

Grammar: Present Simple

Act. 5: Read the article below. Complete the things

Carola likes (1 – 8) with a word or phrase from the list.

gardens – Indian food – multiculturalism – pubs

– the BBC – the freedom – the language – the weather

1 ______________________: People from all over the world live in the UK,
and they live together happily. Usually.

2 ______________________: English is international. I speak English. You

speak English. I don’t have communication problems.

3 ______________________: My garden’s small, but I have flowers and

vegetables in it. When the sun’s out I sit in the garden and I feel really
gardens – Indian food – multiculturalism – pubs
– the BBC – the freedom – the language – the weather

4 ______________________: I wear what I want. I say what I want. I do what I want.

5 ______________________: I listen to the radio in the morning and I watch TV in the evening. A lot
of programmes are interesting, funny, or educational. Sometimes all three.

6 ______________________: We drink there, and we eat there, too – the food now is very good.

7 ______________________: It’s cold, but not very cold. It’s hot, but not very hot. It rains, but it
doesn’t rain every day.

8 ______________________: My boyfriend cooks fantastic curries, and the UK is good for Indian
Act. 6: Answer the questions.

1- Look at the phrases in blue. How are verbs different in all the phrases? Why?

1- They live together happily.

2- I speak English. You speak English.

3- I have flowers and vegetables in it. When ……. I sit in the garden and I feel really happy.

4- I wear what I want. I say what I want. I do what I want.

5- I listen to the radio in the morning and I watch TV in the evening.

6- We drink there, and we eat there, too.

7- It rains, ….

8- My boyfriend cooks fantastic curries, …. They’re different because….

2- Find the negative forms in the article and complete the chart. How are they
different? Why?

Affirmative + Negative -

I have I don’t have

It rains It doesn’t rain

They’re different because….

Grammar: Present Simple.

We use present simple to talk about:

Actions in the present Daily routines

Ana has English classes at school. We have lunch at noon.

Present Simple

1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person


I live You live He lives She lives It lives


We live You live They live

Auxiliary Verbs

In present simple is important to use auxiliary verbs, and those verbs are Do –

As auxiliary verbs, Do – Does don’t have any meaning. They’re just used when
making questions and affirmative and negative answers.

do not does not

I – You – We – They (don’t) He – She – It (doesn’t)

Do you go to work early in the morning? Does she do her homework at home?

ASI: A: Aux. verb S: Subject I: Infinitive verb

Grammar: Yes/No Questions

Affirmative /
Subject Questions Answers
do Yes, I do.
I Do you… ?
do not (don’t) No, I don’t.
do Yes, we do.
We Do you… ?
do not (don’t) No, we don’t.
do Yes, they do.
They Do they… ?
do not (don’t) No, they don’t.
does Yes, he/she does.
He/She Does he/she… ?
does not (doesn’t) No, he/she doesn’t.
Act. 7: Complete the questions with Do or Does.

Ex. Do you work with a computer?

1- _____ you have a dog? 6- _____ Jamie study French?

2- _____ you speak a foreign language? 7- _____ your husband cook?

3- _____ she play the guitar? 8- _____ it rain a lot in your country?

9- _____ the students in this class

4- _____ he work or study?
speak English?

5- _____ the school children in your

10- _____ Angela like her job?
country wear uniforms?
Act. 8: Make questions using a pronoun and a bold verb.

A- She works at night. B- Does she work at the weekend?

A- I don’t play the guitar. B- Do you play the piano?

1- A- He likes sports. B- ___________________________ tennis?

2- A- She speaks foreign languages. B- _________________________ German?

3- A- I don’t eat fast food. B- ___________________________ pizzas?

4- A- They cook Italian food. B- _________________________ lasagna?

5- A- Teresa doesn’t live in a flat. B- _______________________ in a house?

6- A- I want a new phone. B- _______________________ an iphone?

7- A- My dad drives a Ferrari. B- _____________________________ fast?

8- A- Sarah drinks a lot of tea. B- _____________________ it with milk?

9- A- We have two children. B- ____________________ boys or girls?

B- _______________________ to music
10- A- I don’t listen to the radio.
on your phone?
Pronunciation: Present Simple Verb Forms.

In present simple tense there are two forms the verbs are written in English.
They usually end in an “s” when combined with he, she, it; and without it with
I, you, we, they.

These verbs follow the same rules as for plural nouns in English. So, they end
in s, es, ies.

Ex. Speaks – Watches – Studies.

Act. 9: Listen to the audio and repeat the sounds and sentences.

4- It rains a lot.

Audio 3.6 5- He has a cat.

6- She does exercises.

7- He goes out on Friday night.

1- She speaks Arabic. 8- He watches American programmes.

2- He drinks a lot of coffee. 9- The film finishes in a minute.

3- She cooks every day. 10- The bar closes at eleven.

Act. 10: Listen to the audio and change the sentences.

Audio 3.7 1- I live in a flat. (she) She lives in a flat.

Act. 11: Say six true things about you, 3 + and 3 –.

Choose from the verb phrase list.

1- I play tennis. I don’t wear glasses.

Act. 12: Repeat my six true things. I’ll repeat yours.

1- Eva plays tennis. She doesn’t wear glasses.

Act. 13: Read the following article and find out what foreign people think about
living in Great Britain. Say if the person has a positive or negative opinion
about it. Justify your answers.

____ Erdal, 39, is from Turkey. He has a café in Cardiff. In Turkey we work hard and our
jobs are important for us. British people don’t work like that. They only want to finish
work and go home.

____ Khalal, 39, is from Iraq. He lives in Newcastle. I don’t like the weather. One minute is
hot and the next it rains. It changes all the time. And I don’t like the food. Potatoes,
potatoes, potatoes…

____ Camille, 20, is from France. She lives in Liverpool. The British are friendly. People in
the street call me ‘love’, ‘sweetheart’, ‘Darling’. It makes me happy!

Because He/She says that Turkish people work hard and British people don’t.
____ Shurooq, 21, is from Oman. She lives in Chorlton, Manchester. In the UK women have a lot
of freedom. In my country, if I want to go to the bank, I take my brother and he does everything
for me. Here I do everything. I like the weather here. I love days when it rains, or it’s cold. It’s so
different from the weather in Oman! The people are also nice and friendly.

____ Michelle, 24, is from Canada. She lives in London. My favourite thing about Britain is the
Scotch eggs. We don’t have Scotch eggs where I come from. Everybody says that British food is
awful, but I love it, especially in pubs. The shops are great, too, for example, Topshop and

____ Lian Tang, 24, is from China. She lives in Manchester. I love the UK. Why? Because I like the
culture, the art, the history. I also love the beautiful scenery, for example, in Cornwall and in
Scotland. The only things I don’t like about the UK are the weather and the food. I really don’t
like fish and chips.

Because He/She says that….

Act. 14: Read the article again. Complete the sentences with a name.

1- ____________ likes the weather.

2- ____________ and _____________ don’t like the weather.

3- ____________ loves the food.

4- ____________ and _____________ don’t like the food.

5- ____________ and _____________ think British people are friendly.

6- ____________ thinks British women live in a different way from her country.

7- ____________ doesn’t think British people work hard.

Act. 15: Look at two words from the article. Match them to their
meanings. What do you think everywhere means?

everybody all things

everything all people

Act. 16: Complete the sentences under each heading in your own
words. Think about why you like (or don’t like) them.

Things I like about my country. Things I don’t like about my country.

My favourite thing about ________________ is… One thing that I don’t like is…

I really love… I also don’t like…

I also like…
Act. 17: Ask another person about the things they like or dislike about
their country.

What do you like or dislike about your country?

What I like about _____________ is….

What I dislike about _____________ is….

Now compare your answers.

Do you like the same things?

What do you like or dislike about __________?

Lesson 3B – 9 to 5
Act. 1: Look at the photo of Jess and her husband Carl. What’s his job?
Find the answer in the interview with Jess.

Carl works at night.

Jess works during the day.

Act. 2: Read the interview. Choose the right questions for each answer.

1- What do you do Jess? Do you have time together?

I work in an office. I’m an administrator. Does he have free weekends?

2- ___________________________________? What does your husband do?

No, I don’t. I work normal hours, from 9 Do you work long hours?
to 5, Monday to Friday.

3- ___________________________________?

He’s a police officer. He works at night, from 8 pm to 6 in the morning.

4- ______________________________________?

No, he doesn’t. Well, he has two free days, but they’re Wednesday and Thursday.
He works Saturday and Sunday – they’re busy nights for police officers.
5- ______________________________________?

Not really, except when we’re on vacation. I’m in bed when he comes home; he’s
in bed when I leave home in the morning. We don’t eat together. That’s awful.
Sometimes I don’t cook, I just have cookies for dinner.

Can you think of any good things about your different hours?

Yes. We earn more money because Carl does a lot of overtime.

Do you have any suggestions for couples like you?

Have a whiteboard in your hall or kitchen and write down all the housework.
Then tick things when you do them.
Act. 3: Listen to the audio and choose the correct answer.

Audio 3,8

Jess works ____________________. in a club in an office in a hospital

She’s an _______________________. engineer doctor administrator

She works from _______________. 6 to 2 7 to 3 9 to 5

Carl is a ______________________. fireman lawyer police officer

Saturday and Monday to Wednesday

He has _________________ for free.
Sunday Friday and Thursday

He works _____________________. as a fireman as a teacher as a policeman

They don’t ______ together. go out eat dance

Act. 4: True or False.

Jess is an architect. _________True / False _________

She works in an office. _________True / False _________

She works from 9 to 5. _________True / False _________

Carl, her husband works as a doctor. _________True / False _________

He works at night. _________True / False _________

He has three days off every week. _________True / False _________

They spend time together only on vacation. _________True / False _________

Jess always makes dinner. _________True / False _________

Act. 5: Read the
conversation and
fill in the gaps.
Interviewer What do you _______?
Jess I _________ in an office. I’m an ____________________.
Interviewer ____ you work long hours?
Jess No, I ______. I work __________ hours, from ____ to ____, Monday to Friday.
Interviewer What ______ your husband do?
Jess He’s a __________________. He _________ at night, from ____ pm to ____ am.
Interviewer _______ he have free _____________?

No, he _________. Well, he _______ two free days, but they’re ______________ and
Jess ______________. He works ______________ and ____________ – they’re busy _________
for police officers.
Interviewer Do you ________ time ______________?

Not really, except when we’re on _____________. I’m in bed when he _______ home;
Jess he’s in ______ when I __________ home in the morning. We don’t _____ together.
That’s awful. Sometimes I don’t _______, I just have cookies for ____________.
Act. 6: Answer the questions.

What does Jess do? ______ _________________________.

Where does she work? ______ ____________________________.

Does she work from 8 to 4? Yes/No, _______ ______.

What’s her working time? _____ __________________________.

Does she work on the weekends? Yes/No, _______ ______.

Which days does she go to work? ____ ______________________.

What does her husband do? ____ ______________________.

Does he work during the day or at night? ____ ______________________.

What time does he start and finish working? ______ _________________________.

How many days off does he get every week? ______ ____________________________.

Do Jess and Carl always spend time together? Yes/No, _______ ______.

When do they spend time together? _____ __________________________.

Do they always eat each other at home after

Yes/No, _______ ______.
coming back from work?

Does Jess always make dinner every night? Yes/No, _______ ______.

What does she usually have for dinner? ____ ______________________.

Act. 7: Which of the following questions are about….

Do you have time together?

Does he have free weekends?
Her husband
What does your husband do?
Jess and Carl
Do you work long hours?

Act. 8: Answer the personal questions below.

Do you work or study at night?

What problems do you have when working or studying?

Grammar: Present Simple.

We use the present simple to talk about things we do every day/week/year, or

which are generally true or always happen.

To make a sentence in present simple tense is necessary to write the main verb
in its simple form (I, you, we, they) or with s, es, ies endings (he, she, it). In
sentences, auxiliary verbs do/does are used in the interrogative and affirmative
forms, and don’t/doesn’t in the negative form.

Example: I, You, We, They He, She, It

I usually work at home. My brother works downtown.
My parents don’t live near here. She doesn’t like studying Maths.
ASI Do you speak French? Does it rain a lot here?
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. No, it doesn’t. / Yes, it does.
QuASI Where do you study? Why does he do homework late?
Act. 9: Complete the questions with Do or Does.

Ex. Do you work with a computer?

1- _____ you have a dog? 6- _____ Jamie study French?

2- _____ you speak a foreign language? 7- _____ your husband cook?

3- _____ she play the guitar? 8- _____ it rain a lot in your country?

9- _____ the students in this class

4- _____ he work or study?
speak English?

5- _____ the school children in your

10- _____ Angela like her job?
country wear uniforms?
Act. 9: Complete the questions with Do or Does.

Ex. Do you work with a computer?

1- _____ you have a dog? 6- _____ Jamie study French?

2- _____ you speak a foreign language? 7- _____ your husband cook?

3- _____ she play the guitar? 8- _____ it rain a lot in your country?

9- _____ the students in this class

4- _____ he work or study?
speak English?

5- _____ the school children in your

10- _____ Angela like her job?
country wear uniforms?
Act. 10: Make questions using a pronoun and a bold verb.

A- She works at night. B- Does she work at the weekend?

A- I don’t play the guitar. B- Do you play the piano?

1- A- He likes sports. B- ___________________________ tennis?

2- A- She speaks foreign languages. B- _________________________ German?

3- A- I don’t eat fast food. B- ___________________________ pizzas?

4- A- They cook Italian food. B- _________________________ lasagna?

5- A- Teresa doesn’t live in a flat. B- _______________________ in a house?

6- A- I want a new phone. B- _______________________ an iphone?

7- A- My dad drives a Ferrari. B- _____________________________ fast?

8- A- Sarah drinks a lot of coffee. B- _____________________ it with milk?

9- A- We have two children. B- ____________________ boys or girls?

B- _______________________ to music
10- A- I don’t listen to the radio.
on your phone?
Act. 11: Complete the sentences with a job from the list.

Actor – Administrator – Police Officer – Rcceptionist – Teacher

1- a _____________ works in the street or in a police station.

2- an _____________ works in the theater or on TV.

3- a _____________ works in a school.

4- a _____________ works in a hotel.

5- an _____________ works in an office.

Act. 12: Match
the professions
with images.
Actor Journalist Engineer Accountant Doctor

Footballer Chef Tour Guide Hairdresser

Architect Builder Cleaner Dentist
Soldier Waiter Pilot Shop Assistant Teacher

Waitress Bank Manager Model Nurse

Lawyer Police Officer Musician Receptionist Taxi Driver

Act. 13: Match the
definitions with
the professions.
What do you do? Where does a/an ______________ work?

1- a _____________ works in construction.

2- an _____________ works for an accounting firm.

3- an _____________ works on TV, at theaters, or in movies.

4- an _____________ works in constructions or offices.

5- a _____________ works at restaurants.

What do you do? Where does a/an ______________ work?

1- a _____________ works cleaning houses.

2- a _____________ works in a factory.

3- a _____________ works at hospitals.

4- an _____________ works for a tech company.

5- a _____________ works at dental clinics.

What do you do? Where does a/an ______________ work?

1- a _____________ works on airplanes.

2- a _____________ works at a news channel.

3- a _____________ works taking tourists on tours.

4- a _____________ works for football teams.

5- a _____________ works at hair saloons.

What do you do? Where does a/an ______________ work?

1- a _____________ works at a courthouse.

2- a _____________ works with music.

3- a _____________ works in fashion.

4- a _____________ works at medical centers.

5- a _____________ works at banks.

What do you do? Where does a/an ______________ work?

1- a _____________ works on planes.

2- a _____________ works at shops.

3- a _____________ works at hotels.

4- a _____________ works in the army.

5- a _____________ works in the security forces.

What do you do? Where does a/an ______________ work?

1- a _____________ works with animals.

2- a _____________ or a ______________ works waiting on tables at restaurants.

3- a _____________ works at schools.

4- a _____________ works driving a taxi or a cab.

Act. 14: Answer the questions.

What do you do?

Where do you work?

What do/does your ______________ do?

Where do/does your __________ work?

Act. 15: Listen to audio 3,14. It’s the first part of a Game Show called
his job/her job. Three people ask Alex and Sue about their jobs.
Underline the questions they ask Alex.
Where? Alex Sue Other Alex Sue
/work outside? /have special qualifications?
/work inside?
/have good holidays?
/work in an office?
/speak foreign languages?
/work at home?
/work in the evening? /drive?
/work at night? /make things?
/work at the wekend?
/wear a uniform or special
How? clothes?
/work with public?
/earn a lot of money?
/work in a team?
/work long hours? /like your job?
Act. 16: Listen again to the audio. What are Alex’s answers? Say Yes,
No, or it depends.

Where? Alex Sue Other Alex Sue

/work outside? /have special qualifications?
/work inside?
/have good holidays?
/work in an office?
/speak foreign languages?
/work at home?
/work in the evening? /drive?
/work at night? /make things?
/work at the wekend?
/wear a uniform or special
How? clothes?
/work with public?
/earn a lot of money?
/work in a team?
/work long hours? /like your job?
Act. 17: Listen to audio 3,15. It’s the second part and do the same for Sue.

Where? Alex Sue Other Alex Sue

/work outside? /have special qualifications?
/work inside?
/have good holidays?
/work in an office?
/speak foreign languages?
/work at home?
/work in the evening? /drive?
/work at night? /make things?
/work at the wekend?
/wear a uniform or special
How? clothes?
/work with public?
/earn a lot of money?
/work in a team?
/work long hours? /like your job?
Act. 18: Look at their answers. Make sentences about them. What do you
think their jobs are?

Example. Alex doesn’t work in an office.

He sometimes works in the evening.

Act. 19: Listen to audio 3,16. What do Alex and Sue do?

Alex is a/an ___________________.

Sue is a/an ___________________.

Act. 20: Play His job/Her job. Choose a profession from the pictures
below without saying which one. Ask questions to guess them.

Example. Do you work at night?

Act. 21: Now think of a person you know who has one of the jobs. Is it a
man or a woman? Play the game again.

Example. Does she speak foreign languages?

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