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Power Quality
• Part 1
– My contact
– Learning outcomes
– Assessment methods
– Reference books

• Part 2
– Quality of Energy Supply
– Distribution Performance
– System Performance (Reliability) - SAIDI,SARFI, CAIDI,….

• Part 3
― What is Power Quality (PQ) ?
― Why is it important to Energy Suppliers?
― Why is it important to Customers?
― Typical PQ Problems
― Impact of PQ on Utilities and Customers
― PQ standards
― Power Quality Problem Evaluation
Part 1

Prof. Ir. Dr. Hazlie Mokhlis

B.Eng (University of Malaya, 1999),

M.Eng.Sc (University of Malaya, 2003),
PhD (University of Manchester,2009)

Room : Power System Lab (Block E), in front of Intel Lab

Contact : 012-646 7936 (whatsApp only)


Learning Outcomes

On completion of this course, students are able to:

1) Analyse power quality problems in power system

2) Evaluate the effects of power quality problems on the performance of power


3) Propose feasible solutions for power quality problems .

Assessment Methods

Exam : 60%

Test : 20%
Assignment : 20%

Group Assignment
Will be given next week

Individual Assignment
Will be given next week

Part 2 Quality of energy supply
Classical Distribution Systems

Future Distribution System


http://smartgrid.epri.com/ 7
How does the Smart Grid help improve power quality?

The Smart Grid includes several components that help utilities better deliver
quality power to your home: smart meters and technology on the distribution
grid that helps manage voltage and power factor.

Smart meters are advanced electric meters that provide customer and utility
with comprehensive information about the power delivered to your home.

Before smart meters, utilities would base their equipment settings on voltage
readings at an electric substation and engineering estimates of what that would
mean for actual voltage at each customer’s home.

They would often set voltages unnecessarily higher to ensure that the last
home on a line didn’t receive voltage below than requirement.

Quality of Electricity Supply
Quality of Electricity Supply can be broadly subdivided into
three categories:

• Reliability
-Measure of the ability of the network to meet continuously
changes in customer demand

• Commercial quality
-relate to individual agreements between the utility and end-
use customers

• Power Quality
-relate to the quality of power supply in terms of voltage,

Measure of the ability of the network to meet continuously
changes in customer demand

– the availability of sufficient network capacity to guarantee
supply of electricity to customers on longer run (no
interruptions under normal operating and demand conditions)

– the ability of (adequately designed) network to withstand
disturbances, i.e, customers continue to be supplied.

Commercial quality

Generally relates to individual agreements between the utility

and end-use customers

– conditions for (re) connection of individual customers

– Installation of measurement equipments

–Regular (billing and meter reading) and occasional

(response to problems and complaints) transactions

Reliability Vs. Quality

• Power Reliability – The presence of voltage at

the service entrance; long term (sec to hours)
supply interruption

• Power Quality – The percentage of nominal

voltage, including impulses; Transient (ms)
Supply Interruptions

Example of Reliability Vs. Quality

Lightning stroked on one of the parallel transmission lines (275 kV, 50 Hz)
resulted in a single-phase to ground fault. Protection system managed to
clear the fault within 20 cycles. However, one customer in the distribution
side (11 kV) complained that most of the equipment was malfunctioned due
to this fault.

Indicate and explain whether the event below is related to power quality,
reliability problem or both. If involves power quality issue, determine the
possible power quality problems. Why the equipment malfunctioned? Your
answers must also include in general, one solution to reduce or to
overcome the problems completely.


Distribution System Performance

Service Reliability
The service reliability in TNB system is expressed by two

Firstly, it is expressed by the number of Interruptions –

System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) and

Secondly, by the Duration of Outages –

Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI)

The product of two is called System Average Interruption

Duration Index (SAIDI)

This index is designed to give information about the
average frequency of sustained interruptions per
customer system wide.
i.e Average number of Interruptions per customer

SAIFI = Total Number of Customer Interrupted

Total Number of Customers Served

*(Total Number of Customers Interrupted is the accumulation of the whole

customers affected by the breakdown in a particular period in a designated
*(Total Number of Customers Served is the number of all the registered
customers in a designated area)

This Index represents the Average Time Required to

restore service to the Average Customer per sustained
i.e. Average Duration per Interruption

CAIDI = Sum (Customer Interruption Durations)

Total Number of Customer Interrupted

*(Customer Interruption Durations is The Number of Customers Affected multiply by

the Duration of the interruption)
*(Total Number of Customer Interruptions is the accumulation of all breakdown

It is designed to provide information about the Total

Average Time the customers are interrupted.
i.e. The total Outage Time the average customer is without service

SAIDI = Sum (Customer Interruption Durations)

Total Number of Customer Served

*(Customer Interruption Durations is The Number of Customers Affected

multiply by the Duration of the interruption)
*(Total Number of Customers Served is the number of all the registered
customers in a designated area)

• Putrajaya consists of 23 precincts of which as per November 2008, the total
number of customers are 24,000.On one fine day, there was a breakdown
somewhere in Precinct 18, of which out of the 24,000 customers, about 300
customers are affected. This is the 5th breakdown recorded in the particular
Financial Year and the breakdown occurred for about 45 minutes. Previous
4 breakdown records are as below:

No(s). Event Duration No. of Customers

1. Cable Failure between PE 76 minutes 125
15.21 to 15.22, Cyberjaya
2. Joint Failure between CB1 PPU 92 minutes 312
PTJ6 to SS 8.02
3. Cable failure between PE Elite 80 minutes 26
1 to Elite 2, Cyberjaya
4. Substation Flashover at PE 300 minutes 150
Compact 18.02

SAIFI = Total Number of Customer Interrupted CAIDI = Sum (Customer Interruption Durations)
Total Number of Customers Served Total Number of Customer Interrupted
How to calculate SAIFI, CAIDI & SAIDI
SAIFI = Total Number of Customer Interrupted
Total Number of Customers Served
Hence, SAIFI = (125+312+26+150+300)
= 913 = 0.03804 numbers of customers interrupted per year

CAIDI = Sum (Customer Interruption Durations)

Total Number of Customer Interrupted

Hence, CAIDI = (76x125 + 92x312 + 80x26 + 300x150 + 45x300)

= 98784 = 108.2 mins per interrupted customers per year
SAIDI = Sum (Customer Interruption Durations)
Total Number of Customer Served
Hence, SAIDI = (76x125 + 92x312 + 80x26 + 300x150 + 45x300)
= 98784 = 4.12 mins per customer per year
24,000 20
Example SAIDI
What is the SAIDI, SAIFI, CAIDI for 30th April and 1st May given the following

Table 1 shows each power outage, the duration of the outage, and the
customer-hours. As of August 2011, Y Company has 456,406 customers

SAIFI =626,000/456,406=1.37

CAIDI = (456,000x20)+(100,000x600)+(10,000x300)+(60,000x120)

SAIDI = (456,000x20)+(100,000x600)+(10,000x300)+(60,000x120)
Exercise 1 Reliability Index
The outage data for the month of April for a utility that serves 3500
customers is shown in Table 1 below.

Calculate Total SAIDI,SAIFI and CAIDI for that particular month

SAIDI = 25235/3500 = 7.21 min/cust/year
SAIFI = 580/3500 = 0.166
CAIDI = 25235/580 = 43.509

Exercise 2 Reliability Index
Table below show the outage data for 28th of the month. Utility has
50,000 customers.

Calculate Total SAIDI,SAIFI and CAIDI for that month

SAIDI = 0.428 min/cust
SAIFI = = 0.02
CAIDI = 21.1 minutes

TNB System Network Performance
Distribution System Performance


200 152
145 148


00/01 01/02 02/03 03/04 04/05 05/06 06/07


(mins/customer/year) 24
Benchmarking – Network Performance
Comparison of Distribution System Performance

SAIDI 1200




200 35 83
6.05 20 6




















il i


TNB : 80

Part 3 Power Quality

There are various definitions for PQ, depending on

one ‘s frame of reference
Some well-known definitions:

“Any power problem manifested in voltage, current, or frequency deviations that

results in failure or miss-operation of customer operation” – Electrical Power
System Quality, McGraw Hill

“Any deviation to the magnitude or frequency of the ideal sinusoidal voltage

waveform can be regarded as power quality disturbance” – Michigan State

“Power Quality is the degree to which both the utilization and delivery of electric
power affects the performance of electrical equipment” – Ontario Hydro Power
Quality Committee

In term of customer perspective, PQ can be defined as: The availability of

pure sinusoidal wave voltage of the declared magnitude and current at
incoming point of the supply system 27
Power Quality Definition
• From various definitions, PQ can be
defined in general as:
“Any power problem manifested in
• voltage
• current
• or frequency deviations
that results in failure or misoperation of
customer equipment”

Brief History on PQ
• Incandescent Light and Heating Era
– Main PQ issues were frequent disruptions due to
weaknesses of those primitive systems.
– Wild voltage variations with load, very noticeable
with incandescent light in which its energy varies
with the square of the voltage.
– Frequency was not an issue.

Brief History on PQ
• Electric Motor Era
– Appearance of induction motor at the dawn of century.
– PQ issues on maximum deviation of voltage; torque in induction
motors is essentially proportional to the square of the voltage.
– Frequency sturdiness started to became a serious issue, even more
so with widespread of synchronous clocks fed from the grid.
– Power factor became a serious concern due to increase of demand
of reactive power by the use of induction motor.
– Early energy meters were found to be not accurate when metering
loads with significant reactive component.

Brief History on PQ
• Harmonic
– Firstly taken into consideration in 1920’s where it was
suspected of causing abnormal behavior in motor, as well
as radio interference.
– Harmonic in the early grids were mainly the product of
iron saturation in the core of transformer and motors.
– Later the introduction of large mercury-vacuum rectifiers,
metal-melting and welding, and fluorescent lighting,
harmonics became a widespread phenomenon.
– However, it was only the introduction of solid-state
devices that made harmonics a universal concern for
customer and utilities.
Modern Symptom of PQ problems

Blinking clock
Motor failing
Electronic controlled systems that stop unexpectedly
Computer shutdown or reboots automatically
Transformer overheating

Why are we suddenly concerned about PQ

Process Changes from Batch to Continuous flow
Processes become more critical
Microelectronics Advances (Equipment becoming
more sensitive)

Why are we suddenly concerned about PQ

• Newer-generation load equipment, with microprocessor-based controls

and power electronic devices, is more sensitive to PQ variations than was
equipment used in the past.
• Increasing emphasis on overall power system efficiency has resulted in
continued growth in the application of devices such as high-efficiency,
adjustable-speed motor drives and shunt capacitors for power factor
correction to reduce losses.
• End-users have an increased awareness of PQ issues. Customers are
becoming better informed about such issues.
• Many things are now interconnected in a network. Integrated processes
mean that the failure of any component has much more important

Is this going to get better of worse ??

• 1970 2000 transistors per chip

• 1980 10,000 transistors per chip
• 1990 1,000,000 transistors per chip
• 2000 Estimated 100,000,000 transistors per chip
• 2011 Estimated 1,000,000,000 transistors per chip
• Disc Drive from 5 Mbytes to 5 Gbytes

• Bottom line: electronic equipment becomes smaller and smaller; level of

sensitivity becomes higher. Unless proposer mitigation is installed, things
are only getting worse and thus probability of equipment failure also

Why is Power Quality Important?

• affects both utilities as

suppliers and customers
as users

Impact on Customer Side

• Computers and communication equipment

are susceptible to power system disturbances
which can lead to loss of data and erratic

• Automated manufacturing processes such as

paper-making machinery, chip-making
assembly lines, etc. can shutdown in case of
even short voltage sags.
Impact on Customer Side
• Induction and synchronous motors can have
excessive losses and heating.

• Home electronic equipment are vulnerable to power

quality problems - e.g., blinking VCR machines and
digital clocks.

• Equipment and process control malfunction

translates to dollars of expense for replacement parts
and for down time, impacting adversely on
profitability and product quality.
Impact on Customer Side

• Failure of power-factor correction capacitors

due to resonance conditions.

• Increased losses in cables, transformers and

conductors, especially neutral wires.

• Errors in energy meters, which are calibrated

to operate under sinusoidal conditions.

Impact on Utility Side (cont.)
• Incorrect operation of protective relays,
particularly in solid-state and microprocessor-
controlled systems.

• Interference with ripple control and power line

carrier systems used for remote switching, load
control, etc.

• Unhappy customers as well as malfunction and

failure of system components and control
systems, impacting adversely on profitability.

From “Electrical Power System Quality book”- Results of a survey on the

causes of power quality problems (Courtesy of Georgia Power Co.) 41
Sources of Power Quality Problems

• Supply/Utility Side

• End-User Side

• Natural Causes

Supply/Utility Side

• Capacitor Switching - Capacitor voltage cannot change

instantaneously, energization of a deenergized capacitor bank results in an
immediate drop in system voltage toward zero, followed by fast voltage
recovery or overshoot.

• Circuit switching - Energizing a circuit (line or cable) can create a

transient over-voltage similar to that generated by capacitor switching.

• Transformer Energizing - Energizing devices with

magnetic core such as power transformers will result in inrush current that
are rich in harmonic components. Transformer inrush current typically
decays over a period on the order of one second.

Customer/End Users Causes
• Use of electronic loads that use static power converters which draw
very distorted input current e.g. current harmonics.

• Use of large motors that draw big inrush current during start-up and
causes voltage sag/dip.

• Installation problems due to poor workmanship, as a result of cost-

cutting operation.

• Poor design specifications, poor grounding system and etc.

• Unauthorized changes to original specification or making extension

without notifying local utility.

Reported dominant Power Quality
Computer lockups


Equipment damage (at partial load)

Data processing equipment

PFC overloading

Problems when switching heavy loads

Overheated neutral
Most prevalent Power Quality problems,
Problems with long lines measured at 1,400 sites in 8 countries
Nuisance tripping

Utility metering claims

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Incidence (%)

H.D.Keulenaer, “Power quality self-assessment guide,” in Power Quality application guide- Copper
Development Association. Vo. Online available: http://www.cda.org.uk/pqag/pqag.htm, 2002.

Economic of Power Quality Case study 1
• Impact to Silicon Valley
– One cycle interruption makes a silicon device worthless
– Five minutes shut down of a chip fabrication plant causes
delay from a day to a week
– One second of power outage makes e-commerce sites lose
millions of dollars worth of business
• US PQ losses: $20 billion/year (Frost & Sullivan)

Economic of Power Quality Case Study 2

• 1970’s Power Disturbance costs estimated $10 million/year

(mostly interruption)
• 1980’s estimated at $100 million/year
• 1990’s cost of power disruptions may be $1 Billion/year
(Mostly momentary events)
• In one semi-Fab case, the cost of single events was more
than $250 k

Why PQ is Becoming More Important in

 Manual Handling to robots

 Emergence of Wafer Fabrication Plants
 Manual Wirebonders to fully automatic - wire bonding is the primary
method of making interconnections between an integrated circuit (IC) and a
printed circuit board (PCB) during semiconductor device fabrication.
 Manual test boxes to computer controlled
 Moving more critical process
 The Multi Media Super corridor Project (MSC)
 Petrochemical had lost up to RM164k (USD 43k) per incident
related to power quality problem.
 Semiconductor industry in klang valley has estimated the lost
of USD 5 million for the month of June 2009. 49
Overview of PQ

Steady-State Voltage Characteristics

 Long Duration Voltage Variations

 Variations in the RMS voltage magnitude that exceed a specified
tolerance for more than a minute

 Sustained Interruption
 Complete loss of voltage for more than a minute

 Voltage Unbalance
 Steady state quantity defined as the maximum deviations from the
average of the three phase voltages or currents, divided by the
average of the three phase voltages or currents, expressed in

Harmonics Distortion

Harmonic distortion of the voltage and current results from

the operation of nonlinear loads and devices on the power
 A non-linear device is a device that does not draw a non-
sinusoidal current when a sinusoidal voltage is applied.
 Categories of non-linear devices
 Arching Devices (e.g. Arc Furnaces)
 Saturable Devices (e.g. Transformers)
 Power Electronics Devices (e.g Adjustable Speed Drive ( ASD), Power

Symptoms of Harmonics Problems

 Telephone Interference
 Capacitor or Transformer Failure
 Capacitor Fuse Blowing
 Transformer Overheating at less than full load rating
 Motor Overheating
 Clock running fast
 High neutral current

Fast changes in the system voltage or current that are
characterized by peak magnitude, frequency components,
rate-of-rise or the actual waveform characteristics
 Impulse Transients

 Sudden change in the voltage or current that only goes in one

direction (unidirectional), e.g. Lightning current surge waveform.
 Oscillatory Transients

 Disturbance to the power system characterized by an oscillation of

the voltage or current, e.g. capacitor switching transient waveform.

Short Duration Voltage Variations
Short duration voltages variations
include variations in the fundamental
frequency voltage that last less than one
 Voltage Sags
 RMS voltage variation between 10%
to 90% of nominal voltage for less
than one minute e.g. transmission
line fault before fault is cleared.
 Voltage swells
 RMS voltage variation exceeding
110% of nominal voltage for less
than one minute e.g. Single-line-to-
ground fault healthy phase swells.
 Momentary Interruptions
 RMS voltage variation below 10% of
nominal voltage for less than one 57
Symptom of Voltage Variations Problem

 Tripping of sensitive load such as Programmable

Logic Controller, ASD, DC Drive, Motor controls,
Process Controls etc.

 Arc Lighting Drop-out

 Transient Voltage Surge Supprersion (TVSS)


Voltage Fluctuations/Flicker
Systematic variations of the voltage envelope or a series of random voltage

 Characterized by the magnitude of the voltage changes and the frequency with
which they occur.
 Voltage fluctuations are caused when loads draw currents having
significant sudden or periodic variations. The fluctuating current that is
drawn from the supply causes additional voltage drops in the power
system leading to fluctuations in the supply voltage.
 Cause variations in the light output of various lightning sources.
 Loads that exhibit continuous rapid variations are thus the most likely
cause of voltage fluctuations. Example arc furnaces, motor starting, sawmills,
and arc welding.

Basic Tools for Power Quality Analysis

 Root-Mean-Square (RMS) Method to present Voltage &

Current magnitude in RMS value.
 Use of CBEMA curve for Equipment Ride-Through Capability
 Fast-Fourier Transform for spectrum analysis
 Harmonic Power Flow Analysis
 Wavelet Analysis

From “Electrical Power
System Quality book”,
page 14

What is the Power Quality Standards

• A standard is a document that provides rules, guidelines or data

that are aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order.
• It is a reference document used, in particular, in the context of
public contracts or in that of international trade and on which the
majority of commercial contract rely.
• Standard can be used as a basis for regulation enforceable by law
although usually voluntary.
• PQ standard started when the CBEMA curve was published in
1983 as a Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS).
• In 1980’s, harmonics which became increasing growing problem
for utilities end-users drove Europe to introduce the IEEE 519
standard related to harmonics.
• In 1995, the international Electro-technical Commission introduced
the harmonic standard 61000-3-2.

What is the Power Quality Standards
Quality related terms.

Security of supply: Technically safe and long term sufficient energy supply in terms of
quantity and quality at any time, based on the sufficient availability of energy
resources and appropriate low risks in infrastructure, regarding the conditions of
international competition and environmental compatibility.

Electromagnetic disturbance is defined as any electromagnetic phenomenon which, by

being present in the electromagnetic environment, can cause electrical equipment to
depart from its intended performance

disturbance level is defined as the amount or magnitude of an electromagnetic

disturbance, measured and evaluated in a specified way.

Electromagnetic disturbance
The electromagnetic disturbances phenomena considered are:
voltage fluctuations and flicker;
harmonics up to and including order 50;
inter-harmonics up to the 50th harmonic;
voltage distortions at higher frequencies (above the 50th harmonic);
voltage dips and short supply interruptions having a duration up to 3 minutes;
voltage unbalance;
transient over voltages;
power frequency variation;
d.c. components; 63
mains signalling.
3. What is the Power Quality Standards say and define on power quality

Quality related terms

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

EMC is defined as "The ability of an equipment or system (or installation) to function

satisfactorily in its electromagnetic environment without introducing intolerable
electromagnetic disturbances to anything in that environment.“

NOTE 1 Electromagnetic compatibility is a condition of the electromagnetic

environment such that, for every phenomenon, the disturbance emission level is
sufficiently low and immunity levels are sufficiently high so that all devices,
equipment and systems operate as intended.

NOTE 2 Electromagnetic compatibility is achieved only if emission and immunity

levels are controlled such that the immunity levels of the devices equipment and
systems at any location are not exceeded by the disturbance level at that location
resulting from the cumulative emissions of all sources and other factors such as
circuit impedances. Conventionally, compatibility is said to exist if the probability of
the departure from intended performance is sufficiently low.

NOTE 3 Where the context requires it, compatibility may be understood to refer to a
single disturbance or class of disturbances.

NOTE 4 Electromagnetic compatibility is a term used also to describe the field

of study of the adverse electromagnetic effects which devices, equipment and
systems undergo from each other or from electromagnetic phenomena. 64
Malaysian standards, International standards regarding to power quality

Type of power quality EMC documents available such as MS standards, IEC EMC
standards, IEC technical Report, IEC Technical specification.

Currently 3 type of power quality or EMC documents:

1) Malaysian standards with MS IEC 61000, MS IEC 61XXX, MS IEC 62XXX, MS

IEC 60XXX series publications.

2) IEC standards with IEC 61000, IEC 61XXX, IEC 62XXX, IEC 60XXX series

3) IEC technical report (TR) and technical specification (TS) with IEC/TR 61000,
IEC/TS 62XXX, IEC/TS 60XXX, series publications. The draft document becomes
technical report due to not enough voting and support from 30 members country of
Technical Committee to become an IEC standard.
*The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC; in French: Commission
électrotechnique internationale) is an international standards organization that prepares
and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related 65
technologies – collectively known as "electrotechnology".
Malaysian standards (MS)
MS standards and IEC standards on power quality are MS IEC 61000 series and
IEC 61000 series, are known as generic EMC standards according to the
following structure:

Part 1: General: General considerations (introduction, fundamental principles)

Definitions, terminology

Part 2: Environment: Description of the environment, Classification of the

environment, Compatibility levels.

Part 3: Limits: Emission limits, Immunity limits (in so far as they do not fall
under the responsibility of the product committees)

Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques: Measurement techniques

Testing techniques.

Part 5: Installation and mitigation guidelines: Installation guidelines

Mitigation methods and devices
Part 6: Generic standards
Part 9: Miscellaneous

Product family/product EMC standards: relate to a group of similar product or a

particular type of product with specific conditions under the responsibility of
the product committees. 66
Update on the Malaysian standards (MS) and IEC standards regarding
to power quality
A list of power quality standards or EMC standards IEC 61000 series are as below:
IEC 60050-101: International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) Chapter 101:
IEC 60050-161: International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) Chapter 161:
Electromagnetic compatibility
IEC 60050-551: International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) Chapter 551: Power
IEC 61000 Part 1: General.
IEC/TR 61000-1-1: 1992: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 1: General -
Section 1: Application and interpretation of fundamental definitions and terms.
IEC/TS 61000-1-2: 2001: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 1-2: General -
Methodology for the achievement of the functional safety of electrical and
electronic equipment with regard to electromagnetic phenomena.
IEC/TR 61000-1-3: 2002: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 1-3: General -
The effects of high-altitude EMP (HEMP) on civil equipment and systems.
IEC/TR 61000-1-4: 2005: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 1-4: General -
Historical rationale for the limitation of power-frequency conducted harmonic
current emissions from equipment, in the frequency range up to 2 kHz.
IEC/TR 61000-1-5: 2004: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 1-5: General 67
High power electromagnetic (HPEM) effects on civil systems.
Update on the Malaysian standards MS) and IEC standards regarding to
power quality

IEC 61000 Part 2: Environment

IEC/TR 61000-2-1:1990: Environment - Section 1: Description of the environment -

Electromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling
in public power supply systems.

IEC 61000-2-2:2002: Environment - Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted

disturbances and signalling in public low-voltage power supply systems (MS version

IEC/TR3 61000-2-3: 1992: Environment - Description of the environment - Radiated and

non-network- frequency-related conducted phenomena.

IEC 61000-2-4: 2002: Environment - Compatibility levels in industrial plants for low-
frequency conducted disturbances (MS version 1994)

EC/TS 61000-2-5: 1995: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment -

Section 5: Classification of electromagnetic environments.

IEC/TR 61000-2- 6: 1995: Environment - Section 6: Assessment of the emission levels in

the power supply of industrial plants as regards low-frequency conducted

IEC/TR 61000-2-7: 1998: Environment - Section 6: Low frequency magnetic fields in 68

various environments.
Update on the Malaysian standards MS) and IEC standards regarding to
power quality

IEC 61000 Part 2: Environment

IEC/TR 61000-2-8: 2002: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 2-8: Environment –

Voltage dips and short interruptions on public electric power supply systems with
statistical measurement results.

MS IEC 61000-2-9:2002: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment -

Section 9: Description of HEMP environment – Radiated disturbance.

IEC 61000-2-10: 1998: Part 2-10: Environment - Description of HEMP environment -

Conducted disturbance

IEC 61000-2-11: 1999: Part 2-11: Environment - Classification of HEMP environments

IEC 61000-2-12:2003: Environment – Compatibility levels for low-frequency conducted

disturbances and signalling in public medium voltage power supply systems. Awaiting
Ministry approval on MS IEC 61000-2-12:XXXX, which is identical with IEC 61000-2-12: 2003).

IEC 61000-2-13:2005: Part 2-13: Environment - High-power electromagnetic (HPEM)

environments - Radiated and conducted

Draft IEC/TR 61000-2-14: Part 2-14: Overvoltages on public electricity distribution

Update on the Malaysian standards MS) and IEC standards regarding to
power quality

IEC 61000 Part 3: Limits

Draft IEC/TR 61000-3-1: Part 3-1: Limits - Overview of emission standards and guides -
Technical Report

13) MS IEC 61000-3-2: 2003 Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input
current <= 16A per phase).

14) IEC 61000-3-3: 2002: Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker
in public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current <= 16 A per
phase and not subject to conditional connection (MS version 1994).

15) IEC/TS 61000-3-4: 1998: Limits - Limitation of emission of harmonic currents in low
voltage power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 16 A (MS
1555: 2002).

16) IEC/TS 61000-3-5: 1994: Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low voltage
power supply systems for equipment with rated current greater than 16 A (MS version

17) IEC/TR 61000-3-6: 1996: Assessment of emission limits for distorting loads in MV
and HV power systems - Basic EMC publication (MS Version 1996).

Draft IEC/TR 61000-3-6: Part 3: Limits - Section 6: Assessment of harmonic emission

limits for the connection of distorting installations to MV, HV and EHV power systems
Update on the Malaysian standards MS) and IEC standards regarding to
power quality
IEC 61000 Part 3: Limits
18) IEC/TR 61000-3-7: 1996: Assessment of emission limits for fluctuating loads in MV
and HV power systems - Basic EMC publication (MS version 1996).

Draft IEC/TR 61000-3-7: Part 3-7: Limits : Assessment of emission limits for the connection of
fluctuating load installations to MV, HV and EHV power systems

19) IEC 61000-3-8: 1997: Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations – Emission

levels, frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbance levels. (MS version 1997).

Draft IEC 61000-3-9: Part 3-9: Limits for interharmonic current emissions (equipment with
input power <= 16 A per phase and prone to produce interharmonics by design)

Draft IEC 61000-3-10: Emission limits in the frequency range 2 ... 9 kHz

20) IEC 61000-3-11: 2000: Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker
in public low-voltage supply systems – Equipment with rated current <= 75 A and
subject to conditional connection.
22) IEC 61000-3-12: 2004: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-12: Limits for
harmonic currents produced by equipment connected to public low-voltage systems
with input current < 75 A per phase and subject to restricted connection.

23) IEC/TR 61000-3-13: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-13: Assessment of

emission limits for the connection of unbalanced installations to MV, HV and EHV
power systems. 71
Update on the Malaysian standards MS) and IEC standards regarding to
power quality

IEC 61000 Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques

MS IEC 61000-4-1: 2002: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-1: Testing and
measurement techniques - Overview of IEC 61000-4 series.

MS IEC 61000-4-2: 2000: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and

measurement techniques -: Section 2: Electrostatic discharge immunity test. (New
edition: 2001).

MS IEC 61000-4-3: 2001: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and

measurement techniques -: Section 3: Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field
immunity test (New edition: 2002).

MS IEC 61000-4-4: 2000 :Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and

measurement techniques -: Section 4: Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test.

MS IEC 61000-4-5: 2000: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and

measurement techniques -: Section 5: Surge immunity test. (New edition: 2001).

MS IEC 61000-4-6: 2000: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and

measurement techniques -: Section 6: Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by
radio-frequency fields (New edition: 2003).

Update on the Malaysian standards MS) and IEC standards regarding to
power quality

IEC 61000 Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques

30) IEC 61000-4-7: 2002: Testing and measurement techniques - General guide on
harmonics and inter-harmonics measurements and instrumentation, for power supply
systems and equipment connected thereto. (MS Version 1991). (Awaiting Ministry approval
on MS IEC 61000-4-7:XXXX, which is identical with IEC 61000-4-7: 2002).

31) IEC 61000-4-8: 2001: Testing and measurement techniques - Power frequency
magnetic field immunity test (MS version 1993).

32) MS IEC 61000-4-9: 2002: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4:Testing and
measurement techniques -: Section 9:Pulse magnetic field immunity test.

33) MS IEC 61000-4-10: 2000: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-10: Testing
and measurement techniques – Damped oscillatory magnetic field immunity test (New
edition: 2001).

34) IEC 61000-4-11: 2001: Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short
interruptions and voltage variations immunity tests (MS version 1994).

35) MS IEC 61000-4-12: 2000: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-12: Testing
and measurement techniques – Oscillatory waves immunity test. (New edition: 2001).

Update on the Malaysian standards MS) and IEC standards regarding to
power quality

IEC 61000 Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques

IEC 61000-4-13: 2002: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-13: Testing and
measurement techniques – Harmonics and interharmonics including mains signalling
at a.c. power port, low frequency immunity tests .

MS IEC 61000-4-14:2003: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-14: Testing and

measurement techniques - Voltage fluctuation immunity test.

IEC 61000-4-15: 2003: Flicker meter - Functional and design specifications. (Awaiting
Ministry approval on MS IEC 61000-4-15:XXXX, which is identical with IEC 61000-4-15: 2003).

IEC 61000-4-16: 2002: Test for immunity to conducted, common mode disturbances in
the frequency range 0 Hz to 150 kHz (MS version 1998).

IEC 61000-4-17: 2002: Testing and measurement techniques - Ripple on d.c input power
port immunity test.

Update on the Malaysian standards MS) and IEC standards regarding to
power quality

IEC 61000 Part 4: Testing and measurement techniques

MS IEC 61000-4-24: 2002: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and

measurement techniques - Section 24: Test methods for protective devices for HEMP
conducted disturbance.

IEC 61000-4-27: 2000: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4: Testing and

measurement techniques - Section 27: Unbalance, immunity tests.

IEC 61000-4-28: 2002: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-28: Testing and
measurement techniques - Variation of power frequency, immunity test.

IEC 61000-4-29: 2OOO: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 4-29: Testing and
measurement techniques - Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations on
d.c. input power port immunity tests.

IEC 61000-4-30: 2003: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) . Part 4-30: Testing and
measuring techniques - power quality measurement methods.

IEC 6100-4-34: 2005: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 4-34: Testing and
measuring techniques – Voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations
immunity tests for equipment with input current more than 16 A per phase.

Update on the Malaysian standards MS) and IEC standards regarding to
power quality

IEC 61000 Part 5: Installation and mitigation guidelines.

MS IEC 61000-5-5: 2002: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 5: Installation

and mitigation guidelines - Section 5: Specification of protective devices for HEMP
conducted disturbance.

IEC 61000 Part 6: Generic standards

MS IEC 61000-6-1: 2000: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6: Generic

standards - Section 1: Immunity for residential, commercial and light-industrial

MS IEC 61000-6-2: 2001: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6-2: Generic

standards - Immunity for industrial environments.

MS IEC 61000-6-3: 2000: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6: Generic

standards – Section 3: Emission standard for residential commercial and light-
industrial environments.

MS IEC 61000-6-4: 2000: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 6: Generic

standards - Section 4: Emission standard for industrial environments.

From “Electrical Power System Quality book”, page 8
• Course outline
• General overview of Reliability, Security
and Quality of Supply
• Overview of PQ
• PQ Standards
• PQ Evaluations
Other useful resources:
• https://www.tnb.com.my/faq/power-quality1/

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