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Executive Record Sheet

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27, J.L. NEHRU ROAD, KOLKATA - 70006, TEL No. (033) 2286 1660, Extn. 1012, Fax No. (033) 2286

Executive Record Sheet

A. Personal Data

Emp Id: 112134 Name: Shri. RAMESHWAR LAL REGAR

Designation: Director From Date: 18-09-2020

Group: Group A Stream: Geophysics (Exploration)

Sex: M Social Status (GEN/SC/ST/OBC) : SC

Date of Birth: 10/05/1964 Date of Joining GSI: 03/07/1987

Retirement Date: 31/05/2024 Mother Tongue: Hindi

Present Posting

SNo. Division Name Region Name City Name From Date


A1. Address Details

SNo. Address Type Details

1 Rameshwar Lal Regar S/O Kishan Lal Regar Regar Basti PO.Sujangarh Hometown Address

2 Khanij Bhavan,GSI Complex Office Address

3 Rameshwar Lal Regar S/O Kishan Lal , Regar Basti Village/PO SUJANGARH, District Churu, Rajasthan Permanent Address

4 C-16,Model town, Behind GSI colony, Malvianagar, Jaipur Present Address

B. Educational Qualifications

SNo. Qualification Institute Technical Code Marks Passout Year

1 MSC University of Rajasthan 52.25 1986

C. Deputation to Other Departments

SNo. Department/ Organization Reason Designation Number of Years From Period To Period


D. Training Details

SNo. Course Purpose From Date To Date Remarks

1 2nd workshop on borehole geophysics 27/08/2007 01/09/2007 Completed successfully

2 Advance course in processing of geophysical data 11/08/2008 29/08/2008 Completed successfully

3 promotion linked training for Suptdg. Geophysicist. 04/07/2016 16/07/2016

E. Foreign Deputation Details

SNo. Purpose From Date To Date Country


F. Award Details

SNo. Award Name Awarded By Year Remarks


G. Publications Details

SNo. Subject Year Nature Type Title of the Paper

Geophysical studies for configuring the bedrock profile along Jhiri dam alignment,
1 2008 Paper National Geophysics(Geotechnical)
Par-Tapi-Naramada link project, Nasik district, Maharashtra
Role of geophysics in designing the new spillway of morel dam, Swaimadhopur district,
2 2001 Paper National Geophysics(Geotechnical)
Crustal evaluation and basement topography by gravity survey in the central part of delhi
3 2005 Paper National Geophysics(Gravity)
fold belt, Rajasthan
Transect mapping for bedrock topography and deleneation of lignite bearing horizones in
4 2005 Paper National Geophysics(gravity)
Barmer district, Rajasthan

H. Posting Details

SNo. Region City Office From Date To Date Duration

1 WESTERN REGION Jaipur Western Region, Jaipur 03/07/1987 13/09/2010 23 YEARS 2 MONTHS

2 EASTERN REGION Kolkata Eastern Region, Kolkata 13/09/2010 01/04/2013 2 YEARS 6 MONTHS

3 WESTERN REGION Jaipur Western Region, Jaipur 01/04/2013 16/04/2015 2 YEARS 0 MONTHS

4 WESTERN REGION Jaipur Western Region, Jaipur 16/04/2015 28/05/2018 3 YEARS 1 MONTHS

5 NORTHERN REGION Lucknow Northern Region Office, Lucknow 28/05/2018 01/04/2019 0 YEARS 10 MONTHS

6 WESTERN REGION Jaipur Western Region, Jaipur 01/04/2019 21/08/2023 4 YEARS 4 MONTHS

I. Promotion Details
Pay Scale / Pay Scale /
Designation Office Order Office Order
SNo. Designation To Grade Grade Joining Date Remarks
From No Date
pay From pay To
Joined as
Senior Assistant Assitant
PB-2(9300-3480 526D/A-19012/(
1 Technical Geophysicist NIL 19/12/1989 02/22/1990 Geophysicst
0)/5400 RLR)88-19B
Assistant Grade-I Gr-1 through
2 Geophysicist Geophysicist NIL NIL 16/12/2005 12/16/2005 DPC promotion
3 Geophysicist NIL NIL 02/12/2010 2-Geophy.(Sr.)/ 12/07/2010 DPC Promotion
Senior Superintending
4 NIL NIL 01/04/2016 2-Suptd.(Geoph 04/01/2016 on Promotion
Geophysicist Geophysicist
NFSG ,Director
Geophysics with
effect from
5 Director NIL NIL 18/09/2020 01/01/2019
Geophysicist order dated

J. FSP Allocation Details

SNo. FSP Code Title FS Year Status

The GM survey under project National Geophysical Mapping

(NGPM) forms the thrust area of activity of the department.
The integration of the Specialised Thematic Mapping,
National Geochemical Mapping and Geophysical Mapping
Programme will help delineating the subsurface geology and
structures in mapped areas. These three components lead
to identification of geologically potential areas for mineral
prospect. The study area falls in parts of Chittorgarh,
Udaipur, Banswara and Dungarpur districts of Rajasthan. A
comprehensive study of the geology of this part of Rajasthan
was made by Heron (1935, 1953), who proposed three
major discussion of the whole lithopack which is now
represented by Banded Gneissic Complex (B.G.C), the
Aravalli Supergroup and the Delhi Supergroup. The area
Geophysical mapping in covered under present study exposes rocks of Bhilwara and
toposheet nos. 45 L/ 1, 2, 3, 4 Aravalli Supergroups with their contacts extending in a
1 M1AGS-GPM/NC/NR//2016/5774 2016-2017
7 in Udaipur, Chittorgarh and NWSE direction (Gupta et. al. 1980). Geochemical mapping
Dungarpur districts, Rajasthan. in the area has indicated four prominent zones with
anomalous metallic concentrations (Joshi and Singh, 1998).
During the FS: 2016-17, it is proposed to carry out the
Gravity and Magnetic surveys in accessible parts of
toposheet nos. 45L/ 1, 2, 3, 4 7 lying in Rajasthan falls
between 24000?00??:25000?00?? and longitudes
74000?00??:74030?00??. The GM observations will be
taken up keeping the station density of one station per 2.5
sq km. The acquired gravity and magnetic data is to be used
for the preparation of number of gravity and magnetic
anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative interpretation
to delineate the subsurface geological structures. These
toposheets which are under Western Region have been
taken considering the fact that they fall in the core OGP area
which is to be covered on priority basis.
The GM survey under project National Geophysical Mapping
(NGPM) forms the thrust area of activity of the department.
The integration of the Specialised Thematic Mapping,
National Geochemical Mapping and Geophysical Mapping
Programme will help delineating the subsurface geology and
structures in mapped areas. These three components lead
to identification of geologically potential areas for mineral
prospect. The study area falls in parts of Chittorgarh,
Udaipur, Banswara and Dungarpur districts of Rajasthan. A
comprehensive study of the geology of this part of Rajasthan
was made by Heron (1935, 1953), who proposed three
major discussion of the whole lithopack which is now
represented by Banded Gneissic Complex (B.G.C), the
Aravalli Supergroup and the Delhi Supergroup. The area
Geophysical mapping in
covered under present study exposes rocks of Bhilwara and
toposheet nos. 45L/ 8, 46 I/ 1,
Aravalli Supergroups with their contacts extending in a
2, 3 5 in Udaipur, Chittorgarh,
2 M1AGS-GPM/NC/NR//2016/5773 2016-2017 NWSE direction (Gupta et. al. 1980). Geochemical mapping
Dungarpur, Banswara districts,
in the area has been taken up by Joshi and Singh (1998)
Rajasthan and Panchmahal
and they have reported four prominent zones with
district Gujarat.
anomalous metallic concentrations. During the FS: 2016-17,
it is proposed to carry out the Gravity and Magnetic surveys
in accessible parts of toposheet nos. 45L/8, 46 I/1, 2, 3 5
lying in Rajasthan and Gujrat falls between 23deg 15' 00"
24deg 15' 00" and longitudes 74deg 00' 00" 74deg 30' 00".
The GM observations will be taken up keeping the station
density of one station per 2.5 sq km. The acquired gravity
and magnetic data is to be used for the preparation of
number of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for
qualitative and quantitative interpretation to delineate the
subsurface geological structures. These toposheets which
are under Western Region have been taken considering the
fact that they fall in the OGP area which is to be covered on
priority basis.
The gravity-magnetic (GM) survey under project National
Geophysical Mapping Programme (NGPM) of Geological
Survey of India is being carried out in Western Region since
FS 2010-12. The G-M surveys in parts of degree sheet 45J,
45K, 45N, 45 O 54B have been taken up since
commencement of the NGPM programme. These surveys
have shown number of important sub-surface geological
structures which could be useful in locating the new areas
favorable for mineral exploration. The acquired gravity and
magnetic data is to be used for the preparation of number of
gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and
quantitative interpretation to delineate the sub-surface
geological structures. Further these maps will be used for
integrating National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data,
aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. The Katrol-Bhuj fault and kachchh main land
fault passes from the study area. These are important
structural features for studying the associated geophysical
response. The area comprises mainly Mesozoic and Tertiary
sedimentaries and the basic effusives and intrusives (Late
Cretaceous-Palaeocene). The oldest litho-units belong to the
Katrol Formation, comprising predominantly sandstone,
ferruginous grit and grey shale. The Bhuj Formation,
Geophysical mapping in overlying the Katrol Formation, comprises ferruginous
Toposheet nos. 41 A/14 15
3 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2016/15830 2016-2017 sandstone, iron-stone and shale in the lower part and
and 41E/3,4 7 in Kachchh feldspathic sandstone often cross bedded, in the upper part.
district, Gujarat. The basaltic lava flows comprise fine-grained,
medium-grained and porphyritic varieties with gentle tilt
(3deg -5deg ) due south-southwest. Intertrappean beds are
represented by ash beds, pyroclastics with volcanic bombs
and sandstone beds. Plugs/sills/laccoliths and dykes intrude
the Mesozoic sedimentaries. Palaeocene strata comprise
Supratrappean laterite, bauxite and clay (Matanomadh
Formation). Tertiary litho-units are predominantly marine
argillaceous rocks and limestone of Lower Miocene age (Gaj
Formation) and buff shale, clay, marl and conglomerate
(Sandhan Formation) which unconformably overlie the
Deccan volcanics. During F.S. 2016-17, it is proposed to
carry out the Gravity and Magnetic surveys in toposheets
41A/ 14, 15 41E/ 03, 04 07 considering as the core OGP
area which is to be covered on priority basis. The GM
observations will be taken up keeping the station density of
one station per 2.5 sq. km. The precise locations of gravity
stations along with elevation values are important data,
required for the processing and generation of gravity and
magnetic maps of good quality. The proposed DGPS survey
will facilitate to project to full fill the requirement of
coordinates and elevation of gravity magnetic stations. The
physical parameters of the rock samples collected during the
survey shall be used in qualitative and quantitative
interpretation of the GPM data.
The gravity-magnetic (GM) survey under project National
Geophysical Mapping Programme (NGPM) of Geological
Survey of India is being carried out in Western Region since
FS 2010-12. The G-M surveys in parts of degree sheet 45J,
45K, 45N, 45 O 54B have been taken up since
commencement of the NGPM programme. These surveys
have shown number of important sub-surface geological
structures which could be useful in locating the new areas
favorable for mineral exploration. The acquired gravity and
magnetic data is to be used for the preparation of number of
gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and
quantitative interpretation to delineate the sub-surface
geological structures. Further these maps will be used for
integrating National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data,
Geophysical mapping in
aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
Toposheet nos. 46
objective of locating new potential area for mineral
E/7,11,12,14 15 in Udaipur,
4 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2016/15822 2016-2017 exploration. The rocks of Aravalli Supergroup are reported
Dungarpur districts, Rajasthan
from the area. The occurrences of lead, Zinc, boxite, iron
and Sabarkantha, Panchmahal
ore, marble and soap stone minerals are reported from the
districts, Gujarat.
area. Geochemical mapping was conducted in FS 1996-97.
During F.S. 2016-17, it is proposed to carry out the Gravity
and Magnetic surveys in toposheets 46E7, 11/12, 14 15
being the core OGP area which is to be covered on priority
basis. The GM observations will be taken up keeping the
station density of one station per 2.5 sq. km. The precise
locations of gravity stations along with elevation values are
important data, required for the processing and generation of
gravity and magnetic maps of good quality. The proposed
DGPS survey will facilitate to project to full fill the
requirement of co-ordinates and elevation of gravity
magnetic stations. The physical parameters of the rock
samples collected during the survey shall be used in
qualitative and quantitative interpretation of the GPM data.
The gravity-magnetic (GM) survey under project National
Geophysical Mapping Programme (NGPM) of Geological
Survey of India is being carried out in Western Region since
FS 2010-12. The GM surveys in parts of degree sheet 45J,
45K, 45N, 45O 54B have been taken up since
commencement of the NGPM programme. These surveys
have shown number of important sub-surface geological
structures1-5 which could be useful in locating the new
areas favorable for mineral exploration. The acquired gravity
and magnetic data is to be used for the preparation of
number of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for
qualitative and quantitative interpretation to delineate the
sub-surface geological structures. Further these maps will be
used for integrating National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM)
data, aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with
the objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. During F.S. 2016-17, it is proposed to carry out
Geophysical mapping in the Gravity and Magnetic surveys in toposheets 45G/12,
Toposheet nos. 45 G/12,15,16 45G/15, 45G/16 45H/9 45H/13 considering as the core OGP
5 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2016/15818 and 45H/9 and 13 in 2016-2017 area which is to be covered on priority basis. The GM
Rajsamand Udaipur districts, observations will be taken up keeping the station density of
Rajasthan. one station per 2.5 sq. km. The precise locations of gravity
stations along with elevation values are important data,
required for the processing and generation of gravity and
magnetic maps of good quality. The proposed DGPS survey
will facilitate to project to full fill the requirement of
coordinates and elevation of gravity magnetic stations. The
physical parameters of the rock samples collected during the
survey shall be used in qualitative and quantitative
interpretation of the GPM data. The rocks of South Delhi
Fold Belt, Aravalli and Mangalwar group of BGC are
reported from the area and the contacts of these major
geological groups are passing from the proposed area. The
occurrences of magnesite, mica, beryl, emerald and soap
stone minerals are reported from the area6. The presence of
E-W trending fault also known as Banas Dislocation Zone
and number of other major lineaments intersecting each
other are important structural features for studying the
associated geophysical response.
The GM survey under project National Geophysical Mapping
(NGPM) forms the thrust area of activity of the department.
The integration of the Specialised Thematic Mapping,
National Geochemical Mapping and Geophysical Mapping
Programme will help delineating the subsurface geology and
structures in mapped areas. These three components lead
to identification of geologically potential areas for mineral
prospect. The area of Topsheets 63P/5 and 63L/10 in Uttar
Pradesh is occupied by rocks of Vindhayan Super Group
which is in contact with Makoshal/Bijawar rocks in south.
Mahakoshal/Bijawar rocks rest over Archean granite
gneisses and have extended in north below vindhyans in
patches. The earlier geophysical mapping work (Mall et al,
1993) have deciphered a NE-SW subsurface ridge in north
of Marihan along Shahganj ? Bharua and a N-S cross fault
along Gurdah-Shahganj-Rajgarh-Chunar in basement. The
area of Toposheets 41E/8, 12 16 is a part of tectonically
Geophysical mapping in dynamic zone, Kachchh (Kutch), Gujrat and has witnessed
toposheet nos. 63P/5, 63L/10, significant earthquake events of 1956, 2001 etc. The area is
41 E/8, 12 16 in Varanasi occupied with sediments/rocks of Gaz, Deccan Volcanic,
6 M1AGS-GPM/NC/NR//2016/5776 2016-2017
Mirzapur districts of UP, Rewa Bhuj, Katrol, Chari etc. formations ranging in age from
district of MP and Kachchh miocene to middle/Upper Jurasic which are trending in E-W /
district of Gujarat. ESE-WSW (Satyanarayan et al, 2003). Sporadic
occurrences of Bauxite, Kaoline/clay/fire clay are reported at
places in the area. During the FS: 2016-17, it is proposed to
carry out the Gravity and Magnetic surveys in accessible
parts of toposheet nos. 63 P/ 5, 63 L/ 10, 41 E/ 8, 12 16 lying
in Uttar Pradesh and Gujrat falls between 24045?00??:
25000?00?? and longitudes 83015?00??: 83030?00?? and
24030?00??: 24045?00?? and longitudes 82030?00??:
82045?00?? and 23000?00??: 23015?00?? and longitudes
69015?00??: 70000?00??. The GM observations will be
taken up keeping the station density of one station per 2.5
sq km. The acquired gravity and magnetic data is to be used
for the preparation of number of gravity and magnetic
anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative interpretation
to delineate the subsurface geological structures. These
toposheets which are under Uttar Pradesh and Gujrat have
been taken considering the fact that they fall in the core
OGP area which is to be covered on priority basis.
The GM survey under project National Geophysical Mapping
(NGPM) forms the thrust area of activity of the department.
The integration of the Specialised Thematic Mapping,
National Geochemical Mapping and Geophysical Mapping
Programme will help delineating the subsurface geology and
structures in mapped areas. These three components lead
to identification of geologically potential areas for mineral
prospect. The area under study falls in parts of Udaipur,
Dungarpur and Bhilwara districts of Rajasthan. The Study
area exposes the rocks of Bhilwara Supergroup which
comprises Hindoli Group and Mangalwar complex of
Archaean age and Jahazpur Group and Ranthambhor
Group of Lower Proterozoic in age (Gupta et.al 1997).
Geochemical Mapping in toposheet nos. 45 O/3 has been
carried out by Kumar and Verma (2012). As per their study,
some analytical data reveals moderate concentration of
Geophysical mapping in
REEs (La-176 ppm; Ce-324 ppm), in the area around Kotaj
toposheet nos. 45H/14, 15 16,
and Devtalai in north-western part and Jalam ki Janpariyan
7 M1AGS-GPM/NC/NR//2016/5775 46E/13, 45O/3 in Udaipur, 2016-2017
in SE, underlain by garnetiferous mica schist of Mangalwar
Dungarpur, Bhilwara districts,
complex, and phyllites of Hindoli Group. These values are
higher than the crustal abundance. During the FS: 2016-17,
it is proposed to carry out the Gravity and Magnetic surveys
in accessible parts of toposheet nos. 45 H/ 14, 15 16; 46 E/
13 and 45 O/ 3 lying in Rajasthan falls between 23deg
45'00" 24deg 45' 00" and longitudes 73deg 45' 00" 74deg
00' 00" and 25deg 15' 00" 25deg 30' 00" and longitudes
75deg 00' 00" 75deg 15' 00" respectively. The GM
observations will be taken up keeping the station density of
one station per 2.5 sq km. The acquired gravity and
magnetic data is to be used for the preparation of number of
gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and
quantitative interpretation to delineate the subsurface
geological structures. These toposheets which are under
Western Region have been taken considering the fact that
they fall in the core OGP area which is to be covered on
priority basis.
During FS: 2016-17, general maintenance of the laboratory
and equipments was attended. Magnetic susceptibility and
density for samples of geophysical projects in UP-I, UP-II,
UP-III UP-IV have been measured. During FS: 2017-18, it is
Determination of physical proposed to undertake the various physical property
8 STSSSI//NR//2017/12405 2017-2018
properties of rock samples. measurements like density and magnetic susceptibility of
rock samples from different areas using available
infrastructures in the laboratory. The parameters will be
useful for interpretation of geophysical data collected from
the concerned areas.
Technical CoordinationFormulation and implementation of
Annual programme
FSPInteraction / Coordination / Liaison between Operations
formulation; monitoring of
and Projects/ Divisions/ Regional Mission
projects. Preparation of
Heads.Coordination and monitoring of the targets and
material for various Advisory
achievements and keeping track of time and cost of
Committee meetings, training,
9 PSSSI//NR//2017/12400 2017-2018 approved Field Season Programmes and additional
periodical returns, generation,
items.Matters related to manpower placement / transfer
distribution and upkeeping of
etc.Preparation of material of Stage Review, Term Review,
geophysical reports and
QPR RAC and periodic returns.Distribution and upkeeping of
maintenance of raw field data/
geophysical reports.Maintenance of raw field data / records /
records/ maps.
During FS 2016-17, continuous recording, downloading and
analysis of registered seismic events are in progress.
Continuous data acquisition Monthly seismic bulletin of the observatory is prepared and
with Broad Band seismic communicated. During F. S. 2017-2018, acquisition,
10 STSSSI//NR//2017/12403 2017-2018
equipment temporarily downloading, processing and interpretation of recorded
installed in GSI complex. seismic events will be continued and monthly seismic
bulletin of the recorded earthquakes will be prepared and
The gravity magnetic mapping under project National
Geophysical Mapping Programme of Geological Survey of
India is being carried out in Western Region since FS 2010
12. The GM mapping in parts of degree sheet 45J, 45K,
45N, 45 O, 54B and 54C have been taken up since
commencement of the NGPM programme. These mapping
has shown number of important sub surface geological
structures which could be useful in locating the new areas
favorable for mineral exploration. The acquired gravity and
magnetic data is to be used for the preparation of number of
gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and
quantitative interpretation to delineate the subsurface
geological structures. Further these maps will be used for
Geophysical mapping in parts integrating National Geochemical Mapping data
of degree sheet no. 44L aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
(45L/15 and 16), 44P (44P/3 objective of locating new potential area for mineral
11 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2017/14321 2017-2018
and 4) 45M (45M/1) falling in exploration. During FS 2017 18, it is proposed to carry out
Churu, Jhunjhunun and Sikar the Gravity and Magnetic mapping in toposheets 44L 15,
districts, Rajasthan. 44L 16, 44P 3, 44P 4 and 45M 1 considering under project
uncover which is to be covered. The GM observations will be
taken up keeping the station density of one station per 2.5
sq. km. The precise locations of these gravity stations along
with elevation values are important data required for the
processing and generation of gravity and magnetic maps of
good quality. The reduced level or RL which is an essential
parameter to calculate Bouguer Gravity will be measured
with help of Differential Global Positioning System. The
physical parameters of the rock samples collected during the
mapping shall be used in qualitative and quantitative
interpretation of the GPM data. The Alluvium and windblown
sand of quaternary age reported from the area. The
occurrence of Copper has reported from the area.
The gravity-magnetic mapping under project National
Geophysical Mapping Programme of Geological Survey of
India is being carried out in Western Region since FS
2010-12. The G-M mapping in parts of degree sheet 45J,
45K, 45N, 45 O, 54B 54C have been taken up since
commencement of the NGPM programme. These mapping
has shown number of important sub-surface geological
structures which could be useful in locating the new areas
favorable for mineral exploration. The acquired gravity and
magnetic data is to be used for the preparation of number of
gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and
quantitative interpretation to delineate the sub-surface
geological structures. Further these maps will be used for
integrating National Geochemical Mapping data,
aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. During F.S. 2017 18, it is proposed to carry out
the Gravity and Magnetic mapping in toposheets 45H/1 2 3 4
5 considering as the OGP area which is to be covered. The
G-M observations will be taken up keeping the station
density of one station per 2.5 sq. km. The precise locations
of these gravity stations along with elevation values are
important data required for the processing and generation of
gravity and magnetic maps of good quality. The proposed
DGPS survey will facilitate to project to full fill the
requirement of coordinates and elevation of gravity magnetic
stations. The physical parameters of the rock samples
collected during the mapping shall be used in qualitative and
quantitative interpretation of the GPM data. The rocks of
Geophysical mapping in part Delhi Supergroup and Erinpura Granite are reported from
of degree sheet 45H (45H/ 1, the area and the contacts of these major geological groups
2, 3, 4 and 5) falling in Pali, are present in the proposed area. The occurrences of
12 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2017/14263 2017-2018 Graphite and Wollastonite are reported from the area6. The
Sirohi and Udaipur districts,
Rajasthan and Sabarkantha presence of NE - SW trending Chanbal Jamnagar and
District, Gujarat. Kheda Kishangarh lineaments are passing through the area
which is important structural features7 for studying the
associated geophysical response. The NGCM mapping has
been carried out in toposheet No.45H/3 and 45H/4 during
FS2014-15 by V.S Sekhawat et.al and Ajai Kumar Sahu et
.al respectively. In toposheet 45H/3, high Al2O3 16- 17.2% is
observed in central part in linear from Thep to Delwara and
Delwara to Ganva over carbonate and granites, Fe2O3
7.2-8% has similar distribution pattern to Al2O3, MnO 0.11
0.121% ,Co 23-26 ppm and Cr 48-107ppm have low to
moderate values only. Cu 35 39 ppm in calc and biotite
gneiss near Mahri in southern part and Bhagi Mauri in NE
part, comparatively higher value in north of Poshina over
carbonate. Moderate value of Nb 30-60ppm Sr gt;380 ppm
all above the carbonates and V 58 104 ppm in NW corner
above the biotite gneiss is observed . Moderate to high TiO2
value 1.31-5% is observed at the lithocontact of pegmatite
and calcitic marble. La 76 to 100ppm, Ce 135 to 174 ppm,
Sm above 18 ppm, Gd gt;18 ppm Tb gt;3.6ppm Dy gt; 18
ppm, Ho gt;4ppm, Pr 7.37 to 25.96 ppm, Tm 0.45 to
0.85ppm Ge01.7 to 2.8ppm show similar dispersion pattern
and is probably due to the granite gneiss and granitic rock in
the area . Higher value of Cr and Cu is seen in the soil
sample near Semlabuj. In toposheet 45H/4, relatively higher
values of Zr up to 655 ppm are present in the NW part of the
area which indicates the presence of quartzite and
dispersion map is also showing that the higher values of Zr
are lying over quartzitic rocks.High value of Nd neodymium)
ranging from 40-45 ppm around Bhuridarbar, Chikodi 120
and north Valran area probably due to the presence of acidic
rock i.e granite.
The gravity-magnetic (G-M) mapping under project National
Geophysical Mapping Programme (NGPM) of Geological
Survey of India is being carried out in Western Region since
FS2010-12. The G-M mapping in parts of degree sheet 45J,
45K, 45N, 45 O, 54B 54C have been taken up since
commencement of the NGPM programme. These mapping
has shown number ofimportant sub-surface geological
structures1-6 which could be useful in locating the new
areas favorable for mineral exploration.The acquired gravity
and magnetic data is to be used for the preparation of
number of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for
qualitative and quantitative interpretation to delineate
thesub-surface geological structures. Further these maps will
be used for integrating National Geochemical Mapping
(NGCM) data, aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data
Geophysical mapping in parts
etc. with theobjective of locating new potential area for
of degree sheet 44P (44P/7, 8
mineral exploration.During F.S. 2017-18, it is proposed to
and 12) 45M (45M/5) and 54F
13 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2017/14051 2017-2018 carry out the Gravity and Magnetic mapping in toposheets
(54F/3) falling in Jhunjhunun
44P/7, 44P/8, 44P/12, 45M/5 and 54F/3 considering under
and Dholpur districts,
project uncover which is to becovered. The G-M
observations will be taken up keeping the station density of
one station per 2.5 sq. km. The precise locations of these
gravity stations along with elevation values are important
datarequired for the processing and generation of gravity
and magnetic maps of good quality. The reduced level (RL)
which is an essential parameter to calculate Bouguer Gravity
will be measured with help ofDifferential Global Positioning
System (DGPS). The physical parameters of the rock
samples collected during the mapping shall be used in
qualitative and quantitative interpretation of the
GPMdata.The rocks of Delhi Supergroup, Malani plutonic
and Bhander Group of Vindhyan Supergroup reported from
the area which is covered with Alluvium and windblown
sand. The occurrence ofCopper has been reported from the
The G-M Survey under the Project National Geophysical
Mapping (NGPM) is the present thrust area of activities of
Geological Survey of India. The integration of Specialised
Thematic Mapping, National Geochemical Mapping and
National Geophysical Mapping Programme will help
delineating the subsurface geology and structures in
mapped areas. This may, in turn, lead to identification of
geologically potential areas for mineral prospect. During FS
Regional Gravity-Magnetic 2017-18, a new Geophysical Mapping Programme is
(G-M) mapping in parts of proposed to carry out the gravity-magnetic (TF) surveys in
Toposheet Nos. 54A/13, 14, parts of the Toposheet Nos. 54A/13, 14, 15, 54E/2 6 lying in
15 and 54E/2, 6 in Alwar Mewat district of Haryana, Alwar district of Rajasthan and
14 M1AGS-GPM//NR//2017/12372 2017-2018
district of Rajasthan, Mewat Mathura district of Uttar Pradesh bounded by longitude 76
district of Haryana and 45 to 77 30 E latitude 27 15 to 28 00 N. The GM survey will
Mathura district of Uttar be taken up keeping the station density of one station per
Pradesh. 2.5 sq km. The acquired data will be used for the preparation
of number of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for
qualitative and quantitative interpretation to delineate the
subsurface geological structures. These Toposheets which
are under Western Region have been taken considering the
fact that they fall in the OGP area. As part of pre field study,
lineament maps and aerogeophysical maps will be studied
and an integrated map will be prepared as a part of
The G-M Survey under the Project National Geophysical
Mapping (NGPM) is the present thrust area of activities of
Geological Survey of India. The integration of Specialised
Thematic Mapping, National Geochemical Mapping and
National Geophysical Mapping Programme will help
delineating the subsurface geology and structures in
mapped areas. This may, in turn, lead to identification of
geologically potential areas for mineral prospect. During
FS1993-94, geochemical mapping of 12 toposheets covering
parts of Chittorgarh, Udaipur, Banswara Dungarpur districts
of Rajasthan in rocks of Mangalwar Complex was carried
out. Four areas namely Nikumba-Dhariwad-Ghatol for
Zn,Ni,Co; Dongaria-Bhukia for Cu, Ni, Co; Bhinder-Kanor for
Regional Gravity Magnetic
Cu, Ni and Vallabhnagar-Shishvi area for Pb-Zn-Ni-Co.
(G-M) mapping in parts of
During FS 2017-18, a new Geophysical Mapping
Toposheet Nos. 54A/1, 9, 10,
15 M1AGS-GPM//NR//2017/12344 2017-2018 Programme is proposed to carry out the gravity-magnetic
11 12 in Mahendragarh district
(TF) surveys in parts of the Toposheet Nos. 54A/1, 9, 10, 11
of Haryana and Alwar and
12 lying in Mahendragarh district of Haryana and Alwar and
Dausa district of Rajasthan.
Dausa districts of Rajasthan bounded by longitude 76 00 to
76 45 E latitude 27 00 to 28 00 N. The GM survey will be
taken up keeping the station density of one station per 2.5
sqkm. The acquired data will be used for the preparation of
number of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for
qualitative and quantitative interpretation to delineate the
subsurface geological structures. These Toposheets which
are under Western Region have been taken considering the
fact that they fall in the OGP area. Part of proposed area is
covered by aerogeophysical survey on 1:30,000 scale by
OHR. As part of pre field study, lineament maps and
aerogeophysical maps will be studied and an integrated map
will be prepared as a part of report..............contd.
The Special Thematic, National Geochemical and systematic
ground Geophysical Mapping Programme forms the thrust
area of activity of the department. The integration of the
above three components will help delineating the subsurface
geology and structures in mapped areas. This may, in turn,
lead to identification of geologically potential areas for
mineral prospect. The study area falls in parts of Gwalior,
Morena, Bhind and Datia districts, Madhya Pradesh. The
area covered under present study exposes rocks of BGC in
southern part, rocks of Gwalior group in central part and
largely alluvial in northern part. In northern part of area
Geophysical mapping in parts
(Northwestern part of 54J/3 7) rocks of kamur and Bhander
of Degree Sheet No. 54J
group of Vindhyan Supergroup are also exposed. The
(Toposheet Nos. 54J/3,7, 8, 11
16 M1AGS-GPM//NR//2018/16210 2018-2019 adjacent area in toposheets 54G/13, 14, 15 16 and 54F/16
12) in Gwalior, Morena, Bhind
(Rai, M.K. et al, 2016) and 54 K/1, 2, 3, 4 54 L/1 (Hasan, M.
and Datia districts of Madhya
et al 2016) have been covered by NGPM. During FS:
2018-19, it is proposed to carry out the gravity-magnetic (TF)
surveys in accessible parts of the Toposheet Nos. 54J/3, 7,
8,11 12 lying in Madhya Pradesh. The GM observations will
be taken up keeping the station density of one station per
2.5 sqkm. The acquired data will be used for the preparation
of number of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for
qualitative and quantitative interpretation to delineate the
subsurface geological structures. These Toposheets which
are under Central Region have been taken considering the
fact that they fall in the OGP area. Toposheet nos. 54J/7 and
54J/11 are not covered by NGCM till FS: 2017-18.
The gravity-magnetic (G-M) survey under project National
Geophysical Mapping Programme (NGPM) of Geological
Survey of India is being carried out in Western Region since
FS: 2010-12. The G-M surveys in parts of degree sheet
45G, 45H, 45J, 45K, 45N, 45O 54B have been taken up
since commencement of the NGPM programme. These
surveys have brought out a number of important sub-surface
geological structures which may be useful in locating the
new areas for targeting area in future. The acquired gravity
and magnetic data is to be used for the preparation of
number of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for
qualitative and quantitative interpretation to delineate the
sub-surface geological structures. Further, these maps will
be used for integrating with geological data,National
Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data, aeromagnetic data and
remote sensing data with the objective of locating new
Geophysical Mapping in potential area for mineral exploration. During F.S. 2018-19, it
Toposheet is proposed to carry out the Gravity and Magnetic (TF)
17 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2018/21060 2018-2019 surveys in toposheet Nos. 45G/3, 45G/4, 45G/7, 45G/8 and
and 45G/11 in Pali, Jalore, 45G/11 in order to cover OGP area on priority. Geologically
Rajsamand, Sirohi and area is represented by Sirohi Group with intrusive of
Udaipur districts, Rajasthan. amphibolite, Hornblande schist of Delhi Super group with
intrusive of Erinpura Granite and Jalore Granite. Sirohi
Group is represented by assemblage of pelitic schist,
quartzite and calc-silicate. Pelitic schist is the most common
rock type of study area. Erinpura granite (granite and gneiss)
and its variant are dominantly coarse porphyritic variety with
phenocreates of potassium feldspar. The granite is often
foliated, but the central part of the granite is massive. Jalore
granite of Malani Igneous Suite is massive, medium to
coarse grained, equi-granular and light red in colour. The
area is largely occupied by various faces of Erinpura Granite
with inliers of Delhi Super group. It is difficult to visualise the
structural pattern because of the isolated nature of inliers;
however, they appear to be detached remnants of isoclinally
folded units. The deformation and shearing is evidenced by
silicified shear zones present in the area. Calcite occurrence
has been reported from study area.
The gravity-magnetic (G-M) survey under project National
Geophysical Mapping Programme (NGPM) of Geological
Survey of India is being carried out in Western Region since
FS: 2010-12. The G-M surveys in parts of degree sheet
45G, 45H, 45J, 45K, 45N, 45O 54B have been taken up
since commencement of the NGPM programme. These
surveys have brought outa number of important sub-surface
geological structures which may be useful in locating the
new areas for targeting area in future. During F.S. 2018-19,
it is proposed to carry out the Gravity and Magnetic (TF)
surveys in toposheet nos. 45F/7, 45F/8, 45G/1, 45G/2 and
45G/5 in order to cover OGP area on priority. The acquired
gravity and magnetic data is to be used for the preparation
of number of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for
qualitative and quantitative interpretation to delineate the
Geophysical Mapping in sub-surface geological structures. Further these maps will be
Toposheet Nos. used for integrating with geological data, National
18 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2018/21078 45F/7,45F/8,45G/1,45G/2 and 2018-2019 Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data, aeromagnetic data and
45G/5 in Jodhpur, Pali and remote sensing data with the objective of locating new
Jalor districts, Rajasthan. potential area for mineral exploration. The rocks exposed in
the proposed area belong to Delhi Supergroup, Erinpura
granite, Malani Igneous Suite and Quaternary sediments.
The oldest rock in the area comprises Slate, Phyllite,
Mudstone and argillite belongs to Sojat Formation of
Punagarh Group which is part of Delhi Supergroup. The
rocks of Delhi Supergroup are intensely folded and
generated many fold associated structures in the study area.
The Punagarh Group of rocks dominated by bimodal
volcanic and volcanoclastic members is considered post
Delhi rift- response in the Marwarcraton predating the Malani
Igneous event. Grey and pink granite of Erinpura granite
occur as scattered outcrops in the plains and stream/ river
section. The Malani Igneous Suite comprisesrhyolite, olivine
gabbro and Jalore granite, Baryte, Bauxite and Lead-Zinc
occurrence has been reported from study area.
The Special Thematic, National Geochemical and systematic
ground Geophysical Mapping Programme forms the thrust
area of activity of the department. The integration of the
above three components will help delineating the subsurface
geology and structures in mapped areas. This may, in turn,
lead to identification of geologically potential areas for
mineral prospect. The study area falls in parts of Rewa,
Satna and Sidhi districts, Madhya Pradesh and Mirzapur
Chandauli, Varanasi, Kaushambi, Allahabad Chitrakoot
districts, UP. In Toposheet 63O/4 (parts of Mirzapur,
Chandauli Varanasi districts, UP) and 63G/11 (parts of
Kaushambhi Allahabad districts, UP) most of the area is
covered by alluvium, however, in their southern part some
patches of Sandstones of Kaimur group of Vindhyan
supergroup are exposed. The area in Toposheet No. 63D/13
Geophysical mapping in parts
(Parts of Satna district, MP and Chitrakoot district, UP)
of Degree Sheet No. 63D,
exposes with rocks of Vindhyan Supergroup; the Kaimur
63G, 63H, 63O (Toposheet
Group in northwest, the Rewa group in central part and the
Nos. 63D/13, 63G/11, 63H/13
Bhander group in southeastern part. The area in Toposheet
14 and 63O/4) in Rewa, Satna,
19 M1AGS-GPM//NR//2018/16157 2018-2019 63H/13 14 (Parts of Allahabad district, UP and Rewa Sidhi
Sidhi, Mirzapur, Chandauli,
districts, MP) exposes rocks of mostly Rewa and Kaimur
Varanasi, Kaushambhi, groups of Vindhyan Supergroup. Geophysical Mapping in
Allahabad and Chitrakoot areas adjacent to these Toposheets have been carried out
districts of Madhya Pradesh during various field season by various Geoscientists of GSI,
and Uttar Pradesh. NR (Arun, S.K. et al, 2013, Bhattacharya, D. et al, 2012, Rai,
M.K et al, 2010, Om Prakash et al, 2012, 2013). During FS:
2018-19, it is proposed to carry out the gravity-magnetic (TF)
surveys in accessible parts of the Toposheet Nos. 63D/13,
63G/11, 63H/13 14 and 63O/4 lying in Uttar Pradesh and
Madhya Pradesh. The GM observations will be taken up
keeping the station density of one station per 2.5 sqkm. The
acquired data will be used for the preparation of number of
gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and
quantitative interpretation to delineate the subsurface
geological structures. These Toposheets which are under
Central Region and Northern Region have been taken
considering the fact that they fall in the OGP area.
Toposheet nos. 63D/13, 63H/13 and 63H/14 are not covered
by NGCM till FS: 2017-18.
Background informationThe gravity-magnetic (GM) mapping
under project National Geophysical Mapping Programme
(NGPM) of Geological Survey of India is being carried out in
Western Region since FS 2010-12. The GM mapping in
parts of degree sheet 45J, 45K, 45N, 45O, 45H, 46E, 46F,
54B and 54C etc have been taken up since commencement
of the NGPM programme. These mapping have shown
number of important sub-surface geological structures1-7
which could be useful in locating the new areas favorable for
mineral exploration.The acquired gravity and magnetic data
is to be used for the preparation of number of gravity and
magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the sub-surface geological
structures. Further these maps will be used for integrating
National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data, aeromagnetic
data and remote sensing data etc. with the objective of
locating new potential area for mineral exploration.During
F.S. 2018-19, it is proposed to carry out the Gravity and
Magnetic mapping in toposheets 45D/06, 09, 10, 13 14
Geophysical mapping in parts
considering as the OGP area which is to be covered. The
of degree sheet no. 45D
GM observations will be taken up keeping the station density
(45D/06, 09, 10, 13 14 falling
20 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2018/17623 2018-2019 of one station per 2.5 sq. km. The precise locations of these
in Sirohi ,Jalor and Pali
gravity stations along with elevation values are important
districts, Rajasthan and
data required for the processing and generation of gravity
Banaskantha district, Gujarat
and magnetic maps of good quality. The proposed DGPS
survey will facilitate to project to full fill the requirement of
coordinates and elevation of gravity magnetic stations. The
physical parameters of the rock samples collected during the
mapping shall be used in qualitative and quantitative
interpretation of the GPM data.The area is covered with
Jiyapura and Reodar formation of Sirohi group characterized
by presence of Mica schist, quartzite and dolomitic marble.
The group belongs to the Delhi Supergroup (lower-middle
Proterozoic). Presence of Erinpura Granite of Upper
Proterozoic age covers most of the low-lying areas as well
as the hill ranges. Jalore granite of the Malani Igneous Suite'
of Upper Proterozoic age also present in the area.Apart from
this the rocks of Angor formation (comprising conglomerate,
quartzite, slate and phyllite) and Goyali formation
(comprising synsedimentational basic metavolcanics and
quartzite) of Sindreth Group are also present in the area.
The oldest rock encountered in toposheet no. 45D/10 are
biotite schist and migmatite of the Jiyapura formation.
1) During FS 2017-18, continuous recording of seismological
data of Broad Band Seismological Observatory (BBSO) at
Lucknow was maintained and the data was downloaded
regularly and analysis of registered seismic events are done.
Monthly seismic bulletin of the observatory is prepared and
communicated. The continuous monitoring by seismic
observatory provided a seismicity pattern to know
geodynamic process of the Gangetic and adjoining
Himalayan region. The seismic data recorded will be helpful
to shed light on seismicity trend, heterogeneity and
seismogenic structure of the region. During F. S. 2018-2019,
acquisition, downloading, data sorting, data scrutiny, data
processing and interpretation of recorded seismic events
(local, regional and distant earthquakes) will be continued
Miscellaneous activities of and monthly seismic bulletin of the recorded earthquakes
21 STSSSI//NR//2018/22052 2018-2019
Geophysics Division- I. will be prepared and communicated. Regular monitoring of
seismic observatory will be continued. 2) Monitoring and
coordination of activities of Geophysical Investigations,
Formulation and implementation of FSP.
Interaction/Coordination / Liaison between Operations and
Projects/ Divisions/ Regional Mission Heads. Coordination
and monitoring of the Geophysical targets and achievements
and keeping track of time and cost of approved Field Season
Programmes and additional items. Preparation of
Geophysical inputs for various Advisory Committee
meetings, trainings and periodical returns etc. Generation,
distribution and upkeep of geophysical reports and
maintenance of raw field data/ records/ maps.
The Special Thematic, National Geochemical and systematic
ground Geophysical Mapping Programme forms the thrust
area of activity of the department. The integration of the
above three components will help delineating the subsurface
geology and structures in mapped areas. This may, in turn,
lead to identification of geologically potential areas for
mineral prospect. The study area falls in parts of Chittorgarh,
Bhilwara and Bundi districts of Rajasthan and Nimach district
of Madhya Pradesh. A comprehensive study of the geology
of this part of Rajasthan was carried out by Heron (1935,
1953) who proposed three major lithopack which is now
Geophysical mapping in parts
represented by Banded Gneissic Complex (BGC), the
of Degree Sheet No. 45L and
Aravalli Super Group and Delhi Super Group. The area
45O (Toposheet Nos. 45L/5, 9,
covered under present study exposes rocks of Hindoli Group
10, 45O/4 7) in parts of
22 M1AGS-GPM//NR//2018/16227 2018-2019 of Bhilwara Super Group and Bhander and Khorip Group of
Chittorgarh, Bhilwara and
Vindhyan Super Group. Geophysical Mapping in adjacent
Bundi Districts in Rajasthan
areas were carried out during FS: 2016-17 (Hasan et al.,
and Nimach District of Madhya
2017; Bharati et al.,2017). During FS: 2018-19, it is
proposed to carry out the gravity-magnetic (TF) surveys in
accessible parts of the Toposheet Nos. 45L/5, 9, 10, 45O/4
7 lying in Chiitorgarh, Bhilwara Bundi Districts of Rajasthan
and Nimach District of Madhya Pradesh. The GM
observations will be taken up keeping the station density of
one station per 2.5 sqkm. The acquired data will be used for
the preparation of number of gravity and magnetic anomaly
maps for qualitative and quantitative interpretation to
delineate the subsurface geological structures. These
Toposheets which are under Western Region have been
taken considering the fact that they fall in the OGP area.
During FS: 2017-18, general maintenance of the laboratory
and equipments was attended. Magnetic susceptibility and
density for samples of geophysical projects in UP-I, UP-II,
UP-III UP-IV have been measured. Proposals were
processed for the procurement of state of art instruments for
upgradation of Physical Property Measurement Laboratory.
Determination of physical
The procurement process is in progress. During FS:
23 STSSSI//NR//2018/17613 properties of rock samples of 2018-2019
2018-19, it is proposed to undertake the various physical
Northern Region.
property measurements like density, magnetic susceptibility,
chargeability, resistivity and thermal conductivity of rock
samples from different areas using available infrastructures
in the laboratory. The parameters will be useful for
interpretation of geophysical data collected from the
concerned areas.
The gravity-magnetic (G-M) survey under project National
Geophysical Mapping Programme (NGPM) of Geological
Survey of India is being carried out in Western Region since
FS 2010-12. The G-M surveys in parts of degree sheet 45G,
45H, 45J, 45K, 45N, 45O 54B have been taken up since
commencement of the NGPM programme. These surveys
have shown number of important sub-surface geological
structures which could be useful in locating the new areas
favourable for mineral exploration. The G-M mapping1,2
conducted in various sheets have clearly reflected the high
gravity response from study area and suggest the limited
depth persistence. These mapping also reported few
interesting zones suitable for detail exploration. The acquired
gravity and magnetic data is to be used for the preparation
of number of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for
qualitative and quantitative interpretation to delineate the
sub-surface geological structures. Further these maps will be
used for integrating with National Geochemical Mapping
(NGCM) data, aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data
etc. with the objective of locating new potential area for
mineral exploration. During F.S. 2018-19, it is proposed to
carry out the Gravity and Magnetic (TF) surveys in toposheet
Geophysical Mapping in 45I/6, 45I/9, 45I/10, 45I/13 and 45I/14 in order to cover OGP
Toposheet Numbers 45I/6, area on priority. The G-M observations will be taken keeping
24 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2018/20256 45I/9, 45I/10, 45I/13 and 2018-2019 the station density of one station per 2.5 sq. km. The precise
45I/14 in Churu, Sikar and locations of these gravity stations along with elevation values
Nagaur Districts, Rajasthan. are important data required for the processing and
generation of gravity and magnetic maps of good quality.
The DGPS survey, along with gravity and magnetic mapping
will fulfil the requirement of geographical coordinates and
elevation of gravity stations. The rock samples will also be
collected during the survey for measuring the physical
properties like density and magnetic susceptibility. These
parameters shall be used in qualitative and quantitative
interpretation of the GPM data. The rocks exposed in the
area belong to Delhi Supergroup, Marwar Supergroup,
Erinpura granite and gneiss and Quaternary sediments. The
oldest rock in the area comprises Slate, Phyllite, Mudstone
and argillite belongs to Sojat Formation of Punagarh Group
which is part of Delhi Supergroup. The rocks of Delhi
Supergroup are intensely folded with many associated
structures in the study area. The Punagarh Group of rocks
dominated by bimodal volcanic and volcanoclastic, is
considered post Delhi rift- response in the Marwar craton
predating the Malani Igneous event. Sendra granite occurs
as scattered outcrops in the plains and stream/ river section.
The Malani Igneous Suite comprises rhyolite and olivine
gabbro. Copper mineralisation has been reported from the
study area, Bidasar, District Churu.
The gravity-magnetic (G-M) mapping under project National
Geophysical Mapping Programme (NGPM) of Geological
Survey of India is being carried out in Western Region since
FS 2010-12. The G-M mapping in parts of degree sheet 45J,
45K, 45N, 45 O, 46E, 46F, 54B 54C etc have been taken up
since commencement of the NGPM programme. These
mapping have shown number of important sub-surface
geological structures1-6 which could be useful in locating the
new areas favorable for mineral exploration. The acquired
gravity and magnetic data is to be used for the preparation
of number of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for
qualitative and quantitative interpretation to delineate the
sub-surface geological structures. Further these maps will be
used for integrating National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM)
data, aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with
Geophysical mapping in the objective of locating new potential area for mineral
toposheet nos. 46E/8 and exploration. During F.S. 2018-19, it is proposed to carry out
46F/5, 46F/7, 46F/9, 46F/11 the Gravity and Magnetic mapping in toposheets, 46E/8,
25 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2018/17641 2018-2019
falling in Vadodara, 46F/5, 46F/7, 46F/9 and 46F/11 considering as the OGP
Sabarkantha, Aravalli, Kheda area which is to be covered. The G-M observations will be
Panchmahal districts, Gujarat. taken up keeping the station density of one station per 2.5
sq. km. The precise locations of these gravity stations along
with elevation values are important data required for the
processing and generation of gravity and magnetic maps of
good quality. The proposed DGPS survey will facilitate to
project to full fill the requirement of coordinates and
elevation of gravity magnetic stations. The physical
parameters of the rock samples collected during the
mapping shall be used in qualitative and quantitative
interpretation of the GPM data. The rocks of Aravali
Supergroup and Godhra Granite are reported from the area
and the contacts of these major geological groups are
present in the proposed area. The presence of NW - SE
trending Jaisalmer Barwani lineament is passing through the
area which is important structural features 7 for studying the
associated geophysical response.
The Special Thematic, National Geochemical and systematic
ground Geophysical Mapping Programme forms the thrust
area of activity of the department. The integration of the
above three components will help delineating the subsurface
geology and structures in mapped areas. This may, in turn,
lead to identification of geologically potential areas for
mineral prospect. A comprehensive study of the geology of
Rajasthan was carried out by Heron (1935, 1953) who
proposed three major lithopack which is now represented by
Banded Gneissic Complex (BGC), the Aravalli Super Group
and Delhi Super Group. The study area falls in parts of
Karauli, Sawai Madhopur, Kota, Bharatpur Alwar districts,
Rajasthan. The area of Toposheets 54E/3 4, parts of
Geophysical mapping in parts Bharatpur and Alwar districts, Rajasthan, is mostly covered
of Degree Sheet No. 54B, 54C with Recent Alluvium / Blown Sands. However, some parts
and 54E (Toposheet Nos. of area exposures with rocks of Bharkol and weir Formation
54B/12,15, 54C/5, 54E/3 4) in of Ajabgarh group of Delhi supergroup. Areas of Toposheets
26 M1AGS-GPM//NR//2018/16234 2018-2019
parts of Karauli, Sawai 54B/12,15 54C/5, parts of Karauli, Sawai Madhopur Kota
madhopur, Kota, Bharatpur Districts, Rajasthan, are exposed with rocks of Bhander,
and Alwar Districts of Rewa and Semri groups of Vindhyan supergroup, Quartzites
Rajasthan. intruded with Amphibolite of Aravalli supergroup and
Ranthombhor and Hindoli group of Bhilwara Supergroup.
During FS: 2018-19, it is proposed to carry out the
gravity-magnetic (TF) surveys in accessible parts of the
Toposheet Nos. 54B/12,15, 54C/5, 54E/3 4 lying in
Rajasthan. The GM observations will be taken up keeping
the station density of one station per 2.5 sqkm. The acquired
data will be used for the preparation of number of gravity
and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the subsurface geological
structures. These Toposheets which are under Western
Region have been taken considering the fact that they fall in
the OGP area. Toposheet no. 54B/12 has not been covered
by NGCM till FS:2017-18.
The gravity-magnetic (GM) mapping under project National
Geophysical Mapping Programme (NGPM) of Geological
Survey of India is being carried out in Western Region since
FS 2010-12. The G-M mapping in parts of degree sheet 45J,
45K, 45N, 45 O, 46E, 46F, 54B 54C etc have been taken up
since commencement of the NGPM programme. These
mapping have shown number of important sub-surface
geological structures1-6 which could be useful in locating the
new areas favorable for mineral exploration. The acquired
gravity and magnetic data is to be used for the preparation
of number of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for
qualitative and quantitative interpretation to delineate the
sub-surface geological structures. Further these maps will be
used for integrating National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM)
data, aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with
Geophysical mapping in the objective of locating new potential area for mineral
topsheet nos. 45D/15 and exploration. During F.S. 2018-19, it is proposed to carry out
45D/16 and 46E/1, 46E/2 and the Gravity and Magnetic mapping in toposheets, 45D/15,
27 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2018/17632 46E/3 falling in Sirohi district, 2018-2019 45D/16, 46E/1, 46E/2 and 46E/3 considering as the OGP
Rajasthan and BanasKantha, area which is to be covered. The G-M observations will be
Mahesana, Sabar Kantha, and taken up keeping the station density of one station per 2.5
Aravalli districts, Gujarat. sq. km. The precise locations of these gravity stations along
with elevation values are important data required for the
processing and generation of gravity and magnetic maps of
good quality. The proposed DGPS survey will facilitate to
project to full fill the requirement of coordinates and
elevation of gravity magnetic stations. The physical
parameters of the rock samples collected during the
mapping shall be used in qualitative and quantitative
interpretation of the GPM data. The geology of the proposed
study area for FS 2018-19 comprises of three major
geological groups namely, Delhi Supergroup, Aravali
Supergroup and Godhra Granite. Two major lineaments, NE
- SW Chambal Jamnagar lineament and NW - SE trending
Jaisalmer Barwani lineament, are passing through the study
area which are important structural features7 for studying the
associated geophysical response.
The project National Geophysical Mapping Programme
(NGPM) is being carried out in Western Region since FS
2010-12. Total coverage by the NGPM survey is shown in
the status map of NGPM. The major part of proposed area
for FS 2019-20 falls in Kachchh group of rocks with
Mesozoic age. Rocks from tertiary age and Deccan Trap are
also present. Some of the formations present in the study
area includes Gaj Formation, Sandhan Formation, Kothara
Formation, Miliolite Formation, Fulai Formation, Mahuva
Formation, Rann Formation,Chari Formation, Katrol
Formation, Bhuj Formation,Matanomadh Formation, Dwarka
Formation, Rann Clay Formation, Khari Nadi Formation and
Anjar Volcanics of Deccan Traps. The acquired gravity and
magnetic data is to be used for the preparation of number of
gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and
quantitative interpretation to delineate the sub-surface
geological structures. Further these maps will be used for
integrating with National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM)
data, aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with
the objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. During F.S. 2019-20, it is proposed to carry out
the Gravity and Magnetic surveys in accessible areas of
toposheet 41 A/16, 41E/02 06, 41F/01, 05, 09, 13 in order to
cover OGP area on priority. The Gravity-Magnetic
Geophysical Mapping in observations will be taken keeping the station density ofone
Toposheet Numbers 41 A/16, station per 2.5 sq. km. The rock samples will also be
28 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2019/28243 2019-2020
41E/02 06, 41F/01, 05, 09, 13 collected during the survey for measuring the physical
in Kachchh district, Gujarat properties like density and magnetic susceptibility. These
parameters shall be used in qualitative and quantitative
interpretation of the GPM data. Since Gujarat falls in Seismic
Zone IV/V, therefore faults delineated by the survey can be
correlated with observed earthquakes in the vicinity of the
fault for further studies. Om Prakash et al. had carried out
gravity-magnetic surveys in toposheet nos. 41E/8, 12 16
Kachchh District, Gujarat in FS: 2016-17 and observed an
elongated gravity high closure centering near Wadwa Mota
in the north-west corner of the study area and extending
eastward up to Nigal and interpreted as upwarpment in the
basement (ridge) due to emplacement of high density
material at depth. Kuntal Bhukta et al. also carried out
gravity-magnetic surveys in toposheet nos. 41A/14 15 and
41E/3, 4 7 Kachchh District, Gujarat in FS: 2016-17 and
delineated several Bouguer high gravity gradients which are
expressed by the known faults of Kachchh rift basin such as
Kachchh mainland, Vigodi and Katrol hill faults. A
well-defined bipolar magnetic signature has also been
observed over volcanic plug at WamotiMoti village in
toposheet no. 41E/03. The proposed survey will be useful in
establishing extension of anomalies delineated during the
above mentioned surveys. The project can be executed
during FS:2019-20, subject to availability of Geophysicist
from CHQ.
The gravity-magnetic (G-M) mapping under project National
Geophysical Mapping Programme (NGPM) of Geological
Survey of India is being carried out in Western Region since
FS 2010-12. The G-M mapping in parts of degree sheet
41A, 41E, 45G, 45H, 45J, 45K, 45L, 44L, 44D, 45N, 45M,
45O, 46E, 46F, 46J, 46I, 54A, 54B, 54C, 54E 54F etc. have
been taken up since commencement of the NGPM
programme. These mapping has shown number of important
sub-surface geological structures which could be useful in
locating the new areas favorable for mineral exploration. The
majority of the outcrop of this sheet , however, belong to the
Delhi Supergroup which is divided into a lower arenaceous
(Alwar group) and an upper argillaceous and calcareous
facies(Ajabgarh Group). The contact between the Delhi
Super Group (represented by a conglomerate bed belonging
to the Rajgarh formation of the Alwar Group) and the pre
Aravalli rocks are visible only at Barjan and Morija. The
conglomerate is seen to have pebbles of feldspar, vain
quartz, gray quartzite and amphibolites; the feldspars
appears to have been derived from the pre Aravalli rocks.
The Rajgarh formation is succeeded by Kankwarhi and
Pratabgarh Formation of the Alwar Group and Kushlgarh,
Seriska, Thanaghari and Bharkol Formations of the Ajabgarh
Group. The acquired gravity and magnetic data is to be used
for the preparation of number of gravity and magnetic
anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative interpretation
to delineate the sub-surface geological structures. Further
Geophysical mapping in parts
these maps will be used for integrating National
of degree sheet Nos. 45M
29 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2019/24251 2019-2020 Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data, aeromagnetic data and
(45M/ 3 4) falling in Sikar
remote sensing data etc. with the objective of locating new
Nagaur, districts, Rajasthan
potential area for mineral exploration. During F.S. 2019-20, it
is proposed to carry out the Gravity and Magnetic mapping
in toposheets, 45M/3 4 considering as the OGP area which
is to be covered on priority basis. The area falls between
Latitudes 27 27.5 degree and longitudes 75 75.25 degree.
All toposheets are OGP toposheets and are covered by
NGCM. The southeastern part of toposheets 45M/4 and
northwestern part of toposheets number 45M/3 is neither
covered by gravity nor by magnetic(VF) survey, hence in
these parts gravity survey is also proposed. The G-M
observations will be taken up keeping the station density of
one station per 2.5 sq. km. The precise locations of these
gravity stations along with elevation values are important
data required for the processing and generation of gravity
and magnetic maps of good quality. The proposed DGPS
survey will facilitate to project to full fill the requirement of
coordinates and elevation of gravity magnetic stations. The
physical parameters of the rock samples collected during the
mapping shall be used in qualitative and quantitative
interpretation of the GPM data. The proposed area was
covered by gravity and magnetic (VF) surveys prior to
commencement of NGPM programme (Ref 5). The density
of gravity data is sufficient as per GPM norms. Since area
was covered by vertical magnetic survey, hence it is
necessary that this area should be covered by Total Field
magnetic survey to make whole data as a part of NGPM
data set and also for compilation of data.
The project National Geophysical Mapping Programme
(NGPM) is being carried out in Western Region since FS
2010-12. Total coverage by the NGPM surveyis shown in
the status map of NGPM. Geologically, the area forms the
southwestern extremity of the Delhi synclinorium. The
eastern and central part of the area is occupied by the
metasediments of the Delhi Supergroup of Lower to Middle
proterozoic age. Magmetic activity in the area is represented
by emplacement of the phulad Ophilite Suite of rocks,
Sendra Ambaji Granites, Erinpura granites and Malani
volcanic which are represented by rhyolites and paraalkaline
granites. The last magmatic event in the area is the
emplacement of alkaline suite of rocks near Mandwara
during Rettiary period. The rocks of Delhi Supergroup
exposed in the area are represented by Kumbhalgarh, the
Sirohi and the Sindreth Groups. The metasediments of the
Kumbhalgarh Group have been designated as the Todgarh
and the Basantgarh formations. The Todgarh formation
consists of a sequence of calc-gneisses with impure marble,
calcite-biotite schist, calcite marble and quartzite. The
Basantgarh Formation is represented by calcite marble,
calc-gneisses, biotite schist and quartzite. Both the
formations are considered equivalent (Geology from
quadrangle map 45D). The acquired gravity and magnetic
data is to be used for the preparation of number of gravity
Geophysical mapping in and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
toposheet Numbers 45D/1, interpretation to delineate the sub-surface geological
45D/2, 45D/3, 45D/5, 45D/7
30 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2019/23970 2019-2020 structures. Further these maps will be used for integrating
falling in Jalore Sirohi districts, National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data, aeromagnetic
Rajasthan Banaskantha data and remote sensing data etc. with the objective of
district, Gujarat locating new potential area for mineral exploration. During
F.S. 2019-20, it is proposed to carry out the Gravity and
Magnetic mapping in toposheets 45D/1, 45D/2, 45D/3,
45D/5 and 45D/7 considering as the OGP area which is to
be covered on priority basis. Two toposheets, 45D/1 45D/7
are OGP toposheets and are covered by NGCM. The
toposheets 45D/2,3 5 are adjoining toposheets which
enables seamless map and continuation of anomalies.
Moreover, these toposheets are adjoining toposheets of
OGP area, therefore subsurface continuation of structures
prevailing in OGP area can be established. The G-M
observations will be taken up keeping the station density of
one station per 2.5 sq. km. The precise locations of these
gravity stations along with elevation values are important
data required for the processing and generation of gravity
and magnetic maps of good quality. The proposed DGPS
survey will facilitate to project to full fill the requirement of
coordinates and elevation of gravity and magnetic stations.
The physical parameters of the rock samples collected
during the mapping shall be used in qualitative and
quantitative interpretation of the GPM data. The
Gravity-magnetic data of adjoining toposheets is not
available. Toposheets 45D/6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15 16 of
Degreesheet 45D are being undertaken in the field season
National Geophysical Mapping (NGPM) Programme was
initiated in FS: 2003-04 with the objective to acquire gravity-
magnetic (TF) data having the data density of 1 G-M station
per 2.5 sq. km in the entire Indian Shield. The GM survey
under project National Geophysical Mapping (NGPM) forms
the thrust area of activity of the department. The integration
of the Specialised Thematic Mapping and Geophysical
Mapping programme will help delineating the subsurface
geology and structures in mapped areas. This may, in turn,
lead to identification of geologically potential areas for
mineral prospect. Systematic Geological Mapping was
carried out by several workers viz. R.K,Tiwari (1966), Sanyal
et.al. (1986), Binod Kumar et.al. (1986) D.K. Jha et.al.
(1984) to understand the lithology, structure, stratigraphy
and tectonics of the rocks of Vindhyan, Mahakoshal and
Gondwana Supergroups. As far as Geophysical work is
concerned, the area is not explored much. The study area
falls in parts of Panna, Satna, Katni, Umaria, Shahdol,
Jabalpur and Narsinghpur districts, Madhya Pradesh. The
rocks of Semri Group of Vindhyan Supergroup, Agori Group
of Mahakoshal Supergroup and Upper Gondwana Group are
exposed in the area. Deccan trap and Lameta Limestone
Geophysical mapping in parts also occupy in the southwestern part of the area. In the
of Degree Sheet Nos. 64A, Toposheet No. 64A/09 Copper Mineralization occur close to
64E 55M (Toposheet Nos. Karuakap Sakrigarh and described by Raju et..al. Primary
64A/05, 09 and 64E/01 and sulphide mineralisation in the form of sporadic
31 M1AGS-GPM/NC/NR//2019/23523 55M/12 16 ) in parts of Katni, 2019-2020 disseminations of pyrite with subordinate chalcopyrite occurs
Panna, Satna, Umaria, associated with thin recrystallised veins and veinlets of
Shahdol, Jabalpur and quartz-calcite traversing the phyllites along the foliation
Narsinghpur districts of planes and an intrusive meta dolorite, along NE-SW
Madhya Pradesh. fractures. But Drilling in the area established absence of
enrichment below the zone of oxidation at Karuakap. In
toposheet nos. 5M/16, anomalous value of silver (Ag) and
comparatively high value of lead (Pb), gold (Au) and
cadmium (Cd) in sandstone of Jabalpur Formation are
observed. During FS: 2019-20, it is proposed to carry out the
gravity-magnetic (TF) surveys in accessible parts of the
toposheet nos. 64A/05, 09, 64E/01 and 55M/11 12 lying in
Madhya Prasad accessible parts of the toposheet nos.
63H/01, 03, 05 06 and 63D/16 lying in Madhya Pradesh. The
GM observations will be taken up keeping the station density
of one station per 2.5 sq km. Gravity-Magnetic and DGPS
surveys will be carried out by using CG-5 Gravimeter, Total
Field Magnetometer and DGPS instruments. The acquired
data will be used for the preparation of number of gravity
and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the subsurface geological
structures. The toposheet Nos. 55M/11 12 and 64E/09 have
been covered by NGCM. Collection of rock specimen for
physical property measurement is taken from anomaly zones
as well as representative litho-units. These toposheets,
which are under Central Region, are proposed considering
the fact that they fall in the OGP area.
National Geophysical Mapping (NGPM) Programme was
initiated in FS: 2003-04 with the objective to acquire gravity-
magnetic (TF) data having the data density of 1 G-M station
per 2.5 sq. km in the entire Indian Shield. The GM survey
under project National Geophysical Mapping (NGPM) forms
the thrust area of activity of the department. The integration
of the Specialised Thematic Mapping and Geophysical
Mapping Programme will help delineating the subsurface
geology and structures in mapped areas. This may, in turn,
lead to identification of geologically potential areas for
mineral prospect. Systematic Geological Mapping was
carried out by several workers viz. Chaman Lal T.
kameswara Rao (1974-75), T. kameswara Rao Sumant
Gupta (1975-76) to understand the lithology, structure,
stratigraphy and tectonics of the rocks of Vindhyan
Supergroup. As far as Geophysical work is concerned, the
area is not explored. The study area falls in parts of
Chitrakoot, Rewa, Satna and Katni districts of Uttar Pradesh
and Madhya Pradesh. The area proposed to be covered
under present study exposes rocks of Rewa, Bhander and
Semri groups of Vindhyan Supergroup. Rewa group
comprises Shale of Jhiri Formation and Sandstone of
Govindgarh Formation. Bhander group comprises Shale of
Ganurgarh and Sirbu Formations. Semri group comprises
Geophysical Mapping in parts
Shale of Rampur Formation. In parts of toposheet nos.
of Degree Sheet Nos. 63H
63H/01 05 Bauxite mineral has been reported on a number
63D (Toposheet Nos. 63H/01,
of hills, which have been described by Kalsotra et. al. Of
32 M1AGS-GPM/NC/NR//2019/23480 03, 05 06 and 63D/16) in 2019-2020
these, the deposits of Baunra hill appears to hold more
Chitrakoot, Rewa, Satna and
promising from mineral point of view. Bauxite in the area
Katni districts of Uttar Pradesh
occurs as sheet like bodies within the laterite which form
and Madhya Pradesh.
capping over Rewa Sandstone. The adjacent area in
toposheet nos. 63G/04, 08 12 have been covered by NGPM.
In the adjoining area a gravity high has been observed and it
is interpreted as due to the subsurface extension of
Mahakoshal rocks below Vindhyan sediments. Major sharp
gravity gradients, towards northwestern and southeastern
boundaries of this gravity high zone have been interpreted
as fault/geological contact/lineament. During FS: 2019-20, it
is proposed to carry out the gravity-magnetic (TF) surveys in
accessible parts of the Toposheet Nos. 63H/01, 03, 05 06
and 63D/16 lying in Madhya Pradesh. The GM observations
will be taken up keeping the station density of one station
per 2.5 sq km. Gravity-Magnetic and DGPS surveys should
carried out by using CG-5 Gravimeter, Total Field
Magnetometer and DGPS instrument. The acquired data will
be used for the preparation of number of gravity and
magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the subsurface geological
structures. The Proposed area is not covered by NGCM.
Collection of rock specimen for physical property
measurement is taken from anomaly zones as well as
representative litho-units. These Toposheets, which are
under Central Region, are proposed considering the fact that
they fall in the OGP area.
The gravity-magnetic (G-M) mapping under project National
Geophysical Mapping Programme (NGPM) is being carried
out in Western Region since FS 2010-12. Total coverage by
the NGPM surveyis shown in the status map of NGPM. The
lithological unit exposed in the area belongs to the Ajabgarh
Group of the Delhi Supergroup of palaeo to Mesoproterozoic
age. The Ajabgarh Group is represented by the Arauli
Formation comprising of carbonaceous phyllite, shale and
slate with intercalations of quartzite. This formation
occupying the flat topped hills linear ridge and mounds.
Undifferentiated aeolian and fluvial sands covers the
peneplained areas. The Ajabgarh Group of the Delhi
Supergroup is represented by the Weir and the Bharkol
Formations. The Bharkol Formation is characterized by
interbedded sequence of quartzite and phyllite intercalated
with schist. The younger Weir Formation is defined by a thick
sequence of carbonaceous shale interbanded with quartzite.
The Vindhyan Supergroup occurs to the south-eastern
corner of the area and is represented by the upper Rewa
(Taragarh) sandstone formation of the Rewa Group. In
southern part (TS 54F/5), the rocks of the Bhilwara
(Archaean), Delhi (Lower to Middle Proterozoic) and
Vindhyan Supergroup (Upper Proterozoic) are present. Meta
tuff, quartzite, mica schist sequence exposed around
Sikandra represent the basement rocks in the area. These
are inferred to be a part of the Mangalwar Complex. The
Mangalwar Complex is overlain by the Delhi Supergroup on
the NW side and by the Vindhyan Supergroup on the SE
side with unconformable and faulted contact. The acquired
gravity and magnetic data is to be used for the preparation
of number of gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for
qualitative and quantitative interpretation to delineate the
Geophysical mapping in parts sub-surface geological structures. Further these maps will be
of degree sheet Nos. 54E used for integrating National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM)
(54E/7, 54E /8), 54F (54F/5) data, aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with
and 45D/11,12 falling in
33 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2019/25739 2019-2020 the objective of locating new potential area for mineral
Bharatpur Sirohi, districts, exploration. During F.S. 2019-20, it is proposed to carry out
Rajasthan, Mathura, district, the Gravity and Magnetic mapping in toposheets, 54E/7,
UP and Banaskantha district, 54E/8, 45D/11,12 54F/5 considering as the OGP area which
Gujarat is to be covered on priority basis. All toposheets are OGP
toposheets and are covered by NGCM. The area is bounded
by latitudes 26.75- 27.5 and 77.25-77.5; 24-24.5 and
72.5-72.75 degrees. The G-M observations will be taken up
keeping the station density of one station per 2.5 sq. km.
The precise locations of these gravity stations along with
elevation values are important data required for the
processing and generation of gravity and magnetic maps of
good quality. The proposed DGPS survey will facilitate to
project to full fill the requirement of coordinates and
elevation of gravity and magnetic stations. The physical
parameters of the rock samples collected during the
mapping shall be used in qualitative and quantitative
interpretation of the GPM data. Shikher Shishodia et al
carried out gravity-magnetic surveys in toposheet nos.
54F/6, 7, 10, 11 and 15. Based on gravity signature, the
area is mainly divided into three zones. Two gravity high
zones are observed on northern and southern parts of the
surveyed area and a gravity low zone falls in between them.
The Bouguer gravity contours do not follow the trends of
geological features on the surface. Multisensor Twin Otter
Airborne Survey System (TOASS) was used for carrying out
AEM, Aeromagnetic and spectrometric surveys in
toposheets 54E/7(part), 54E/8 and 54F/5. Aeromagnetic
map indicated general trend of contours in NE-SW direction.
A NE-SW to ENE-WSW trending magnetic low zone passing
through Bayana(TS 54F/5) has been observed. NE-SW
trending magnetic high has been observed around Bharatpur
(TS 54E/8). A prominent magnetic low trending in NE-SW
direction has been observed in TS 54E/7. These responses
are due to magnetic susceptibility contrast associated with
various litho-units of
The geophysical mapping employing gravity-magnetic (TF)
methods under National Geophysical Mapping Program
(NGPM) was carried out in 3500 sq km area falling in Pali,
Sirohi Udaipur districts of Rajasthan and Sabarkantha district
of Gujarat Gyanesh Lashkari et.al. (2018). The objective of
mapping was to generate gravity magnetic data for the
delineation of the subsurface geological structures and to
establish the geophysical data base for sheet number 45 H
under project NGPM. The study area was bounded between
latitudes 24 00' N 25 00' N and longitudes 73 00' E 73 30' E.
The major rock types exposed, covering about 85% of the
area are calc-biotite schist, quartzite and calc-silicate
belonging to the Gogunda Group and calc-gneiss,
calc-schist, impure and pure marble, quartzite and cherts
belonging to the Kumbalgarh Group of the Palaeo-
Mesoproterozoic Delhi Supergroup. These are intruded by
syn-to-late orogenicSendra-Ambaji Granite which comprises
of medium to coarse grained granite and granite gneiss. The
area has undergone polyphase deformation. Bedding,
foliation planes, intersection and mineral lineations are the
dominant structures preserved. Earlier folds are observed as
SW plunging, tight to isoclinal, plunging to reclined whereas
later folds are open, upright and cylindrical (Jain Arora,
1973). Second deformation controls the overall disposition of
the outcrops in the area. The Bouguer anomaly contour map
Geophysical inputs to
indicates the general trend of contour in Northeast-
34 M1ASI/NC/WR//2019/28055 Integrated Thematic Mapping 2019-2020
Southwest direction whereas some contour observed with
item of Western Region.
North South trend follow trend of the general geology of the
study area. The total variation of Bouguer anomaly value is
41.22 mGal in surveyed area. The magnetic (TF) anomaly
contour map shows a total variation of 1618 nT ranging from
-682 nT to + 936 nT. Two gravity high zones were observed
in toposheet 45H/02. One high gravity zone (H4) is located
near village Gopalbera in toposheet number 45H/2. The
peak value observed in this area is -25.2 mGal trending
Northeast - Southwest. The other gravity zone (H5) is
situated near village Pagaru in toposheet number 45H/2.
The peak value observed in this area is -29.9 mGal and also
trending Northeast Southwest direction. Two magnetic
bi-polar signature were also observed. In FS:2019-20,
Integrated Specialized Mapping Programme is proposed in
parts of toposheet no. 45H/02 on 1:25,000 scale with a total
coverage of 350 sq km. The geophysical survey is proposed
in conjunction with STM survey for delineation of the
subsurface structures/ lineaments and identification of the
potential mineral blocks, if possible, through integration of
geophysical data with geological and geochemical data. The
GM survey will cover the southern half of toposheet 45H/02
with random distribution of gravity and magnetic observation
points in 350 sq. km area. The area to be surveyed is
bounded by Latitude 24 30 00 N: 24 37.5 N and Longitude
73 00 E: 73 15 . This Item is linked to ISTM, Item No. 24162.
The project National Geophysical Mapping Programme
(NGPM) is being carried out in Western Region since FS
2010-12. Total coverage by the NGPM survey is shown in
the status map of NGPM. The acquired gravity and magnetic
data is to be used for the preparation of number of gravity
and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the sub-surface geological
structures. Further these maps will be used for integrating
with National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data,
aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. Yudhvir Singh et al had carried out
gravity-magnetic surveys in toposheet nos. 45D/15 45D/16
and 46E/01, 46E/02 46E/03 falling in Sirohi district,
Rajasthan and Banaskantha, Mahesana, Sabarkantha and
Aravalli districts, Gujarat. The gravity low zone was observed
towards north-west corner of toposheet 46E/03 and extends
up to south-west corner of 46E/02 around Dadarda,
Anroliwas Doji and Ranasan localities in and is open in the
west. There is possibility that the low gravity can be due to
either Malwa Deccan Traps or due to presence of low
density of Godhra Granite with intermediate to deep
settlement. A NE-SW trending intermediate amplitude gravity
high zone, which continue in the southwest, has also been
observed. The proposed survey in adjoining toposheets will
be able to establish their continuity in the south and
west.During F.S. 2020-21, it is proposed to carry out the
Gravity and Magnetic surveys in toposheet 46A/3,7,11,15
16. The proposed area falls in the southwestern margin of
the OGP area and also covered by NGCM, hence these
studies are useful in understanding subsurface extension of
Geophysical mapping in the exposed formations(OGP). The Gravity-Magnetic
toposheet number observations will be taken keeping the station density ofone
46A/3,7,11,15 and 16 in station per 2.5 sq. km. The DGPS survey, along with gravity
35 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2020/30401 2020-2021
Ahemdabad, Mehsana, and magnetic mapping will fulfill the requirement of
Gandhinagar, Sabarkantha geographical coordinates and elevation of gravity stations.
and Kheda districts, Gujarat The rock samples will also be collected during the survey for
measuring the physical properties like density and magnetic
susceptibility. These parameters shall be used in qualitative
and quantitative interpretation of the GPM data. Since
Gujarat falls in Seismic Zone IV/V, therefore faults
delineated by the survey can be correlated with observed
earthquakes in the vicinity of the fault for further studies. The
area bears potential for oil, hence structures favorable for oil
can also be identified. The area comprises Holocene
sediments of Katpur Formation, Akhaj Formation, Varahi
Formation and Jantral Formation. The Katpur Formation
consists of the older alluvium deposited by the Meshwa river,
Khari Nadi and Vatrak River. The flood plain deposits of this
formation and made up of dark brown, silty clays and
medium to coarse grained, sub rounded to rounded sands.
Sedimentary structures such as ripple marks, cross bedding,
graded bedding and convolute bedding are present. The
Akhaj Formation represents the Aeolian equivalent of Katpur
Formation. The Akhaj Formation comprises of light yellowish
grey and white, fine to very fine grained, well sorted sand
along with some medium grained sand, a small amount
broken oolites and sporadic calcareous concretions. These
occur as sand sheets. The Varahi Formation consists of the
recent alluvial deposits of the Meshwa River, Khari Nadi
andVatrak River. The present flood plain deposits of this
formation comprise mainly immature and unconsolidated
sand and silt without aany pedogenesis. These deposits are
still under the process of depositionand exhibit sedimentary
structures like current bedding, ripple marks and laminations.
The Jantral Formation is the aeolian equivalent of Varahi
Formation comprising recent aeolian surfaces represented
by sand sheet and sand dunes.
The project National Geophysical Mapping Programme
(NGPM) is being carried out in Western Region since FS
2010-12. Total coverage by the NGPM survey is shown in
the status map of NGPM. The acquired gravity and magnetic
data is to be used for the preparation of number of gravity
and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the sub-surface geological
structures. Further these maps will be used for integrating
with National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data,
aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. Yudhvir Singh et al had carried out
gravity-magnetic surveys in toposheet nos. 45D/15 45D/16
and 46E/01, 46E/02 46E/03 falling in Sirohi district,
Rajasthan and Banaskantha, Mahesana, Sabarkantha and
Aravalli districts, Gujarat. The gravity high zone was
demarcated in eastern side of toposheet no.45D/16 around
Patadiya village in north and Unchi Dhanal village in south.
This zone suggest the presence of Todgarh formation
uniformly throughout the zone. In the toposheet no. 45D/16,
there is gravity low, near Delwara, and the gravity gradient is
steep, which indicate the presence of granitic terrain below
the surface. There is high gravity anomaly zone covering
south-west of toposheet 46E/01and western part of the
toposheet 46E/02. The gradient of the gravity anomaly is
steep towards south side of the zone i.e. near Demai Nani
and it is gentle as one move towards north. This high gravity
peak may be due to ultramafic or any other high density
material at the subsurface. The anomaly is open on west.
The proposed survey in adjoining toposheets will be able to
establish their continuity in the south and west. During
Geophysical mapping in 2020-21, it is proposed to carry out the Gravity and Magnetic
toposheet number surveys in toposheet 46A/6,9,10,13 14 in Gujarat, as this
36 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2020/30383 46A/6,9,10,13 and 14 in 2020-2021 area is covered by GCM and falls on southwestern margin of
Banaskantha, Mehsana and OGP. The survey will be helpful in delineation of subsurface
Saberkantha districts, Gujarat extension of OGP, which in turns may identify structures
favorable for mineralisation. The Gravity-Magnetic
observations will be taken keeping the station density ofone
station per 2.5 sq. km. The DGPS survey, along with gravity
and magnetic mapping will fulfil the requirement of
geographical coordinates and elevation of gravity stations.
The rock samples will also be collected during the survey for
measuring the physical properties like density and magnetic
susceptibility. These parameters shall be used in qualitative
and quantitative interpretation of the GPM data. Since
Gujarat falls in Seismic Zone IV/V, therefore faults
delineated by the survey can be correlated with observed
earthquakes in the vicinity of the fault for further studies. The
area also bears potential for delineation of structures
favorable for petroleum. The area comprises Proterozoic
rocks of Sendra-Ambaji Granite, Todgarh Formation, Malani
Igneous Suite and Quaternary sediments of Akhaj
Formation, Jantral Formation, Katpur Formation and Varahi
Formation. The Sendra-Ambaji Granite includes pink / grey
porphyritic granite (exposed in the Taranga hill) containing
several enclaves of calc silicate rocks with either sharp or
gradational contacts. The beginning of the Holocene
sedimentation is marked by aeolian Akhaj Formation. Recent
aeolian surfaces are represented by the Jantral Formation,
forming sand sheet and sand dune. The Katpur Formation
comprises reddish-brown silt, clay and sand representing
flood plain deposit. The overlying Varahi Formation
comprises sediments representing younger flood plain
deposits of laminated clay, silt and sand. The Todgarh
Formation consists dominantly of impure calc silicate rocks
represented by calc gneiss and calc schist.
During FS 2020-21, it is proposed to carry out the Gravity
and Magnetic (TF) surveys in toposheets nos 57L/8, 13,
58I/14 and 58J/1 considering the fact that the OGP area is to
be covered on priority basis. The GM observations will be
taken up keeping the station density of one station per 2.5
sq. km as far as possible. The acquired gravity and magnetic
data is to be used for the preparation of gravity and
magnetic anomaly maps and derived maps thereof for
qualitative and quantitative interpretation and for delineation
of the sub-surface geology and structures. Systematic
Gravity and Magnetic (TF) surveys are helpful in identifying
(i) deep-seated fault/fracture system at both regional and
local scales which can control emplacement of
mafic/ultramafic intrusive/bodies. In view of covering the
OGP area on priority basis during FSP 2020-21, a new item
is proposed for one year in parts toposheet Nos 57L/8, 13,
58I/14 and 58J/1 are proposed for GM surveys under the
project: National Geophysical Mapping (NGPM) for
searching new target areas for mineral exploration Southern
India is known to be an amalgam of continental crustal
blocks that are demarcated or divided by several shear
zones. Northern part of the southern Indian crust is the
Archean Dharwar Craton, which is divided into Western and
Eastern Dharwar Cratons WDC and EDC respectively. The
Dharwar craton stabilized by ca. 2.5 Ga is separated from
another crustal block further south by a crustal scale shear
Geophysical mapping in
zone referred to as the Palghat-Cauvery shear zone (PCSZ).
Toposheet Nos. 57L/8, 13,
A transitional zone between the Dharwar craton in the north
58I/14 and 58J/1 in
37 M1AGS-GPM//WR//2020/32508 2020-2021 and the SGT in the south, roughly demarcated by the
Dharmapuri, Vellore,
Salem-Attur shear zone (continuing in Moyar shear zone) in
Villupuram and Karur districts
the north and PCSZ in the south, show a complex
of Tamil Nadu state
tectono-magmatic history dominated by Archean granite
gneisses and charnockite. Geologically major rock formation
is a number of large charnokites massifs, Khondalites,
Supracrustals gneissic complex intruded by mafic/ultramafic
rocks, granites and alkaline complex (Figure 3). Late
Mesozoic intrusive mainly consist dykes indicating the
long-lived magmatic activity in the time span. (Geology after
Ramakrishnana et. al.). In parts of 57L falls in Krishnagiri
and Vellore district of Tamil Nadu mainly comprises of pink
and grey migmatite, granitoid gneiss, hornblende Biotite
Gneiss, Basic and ultrabasic rocks, magnetite quartzite,
pyroxene granulite, charnockite, garnetiferous
quartofeldspathic gneiss, garnet biotite gneiss, epidote
hornblende gneiss and alkaline complex. Regional gravity
and magnetic surveys were conducted by Bhattacharya S.K.
etal in toposheet Nos 58I/8, 9, 10, 13 and 57L/15. The
gravity contours are NE-SW trending in the eastern part and
in the western part the contour lines are E-W trending.
Transition from gneissic to granulitic basement is manifested
by increased contour gradients in the east. A gravity gradient
zone observed in the in the north western part of the
toposheet suggests the presence of a shear zone. A
prominent gravity high and strong bi-polar magnetic anomaly
is seen near Samalpatti indicating sharp contact between
the high density Pyroxenate body and the basement devoid
of any fractures
The project National Geophysical Mapping Programme
(NGPM) is being carried out in Western Region since FS
2010-12. Total coverage by the NGPM survey is shown in
the status map of NGPM. The acquired gravity and magnetic
data is to be used for the preparation of number of gravity
and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the sub-surface geological
structures. Further these maps will be used for integrating
with National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data,
aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. Yudhvir Singh et al had carried out
gravity-magnetic surveys in toposheet nos. 45D/15 45D/16
and 46E/01, 46E/02 46E/03 falling in Sirohi district,
Rajasthan and Banaskantha, Mahesana, Sabarkantha and
Aravalli districts, Gujarat. The gravity low zone was observed
towards north-west corner of toposheet 46E/03 and extends
up to south-west corner of 46E/02 around Dadarda,
Anroliwas Doji and Ranasan localities in and is open in the
west. There is possibility that the low gravity can be due to
either Malwa Deccan Traps or due to presence of low
density of Godhra Granite with intermediate to deep
settlement. A NE-SW trending intermediate amplitude gravity
high zone, which continue in the southwest, has also been
observed. The proposed survey in adjoining toposheets will
be able to establish their continuity in the south and
west.During F.S. 2020-21, it is proposed to carry out the
Gravity and Magnetic surveys in toposheet 46A/3,7,11,15
16. The proposed area falls in the southwestern margin of
the OGP area and also covered by NGCM, hence these
studies are useful in understanding subsurface extension of
Geophysical mapping in the exposed formations(OGP). The Gravity-Magnetic
toposheet number observations will be taken keeping the station density ofone
46A/3,7,11,15 and 16 in station per 2.5 sq. km. The DGPS survey, along with gravity
38 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2021/38752 2021-2022
Ahemdabad, Mehsana, and magnetic mapping will fulfill the requirement of
Gandhinagar, Sabarkantha geographical coordinates and elevation of gravity stations.
and Kheda districts, Gujarat The rock samples will also be collected during the survey for
measuring the physical properties like density and magnetic
susceptibility. These parameters shall be used in qualitative
and quantitative interpretation of the GPM data. Since
Gujarat falls in Seismic Zone IV/V, therefore faults
delineated by the survey can be correlated with observed
earthquakes in the vicinity of the fault for further studies. The
area bears potential for oil, hence structures favorable for oil
can also be identified. The area comprises Holocene
sediments of Katpur Formation, Akhaj Formation, Varahi
Formation and Jantral Formation. The Katpur Formation
consists of the older alluvium deposited by the Meshwa river,
Khari Nadi and Vatrak River. The flood plain deposits of this
formation and made up of dark brown, silty clays and
medium to coarse grained, sub rounded to rounded sands.
Sedimentary structures such as ripple marks, cross bedding,
graded bedding and convolute bedding are present. The
Akhaj Formation represents the Aeolian equivalent of Katpur
Formation. The Akhaj Formation comprises of light yellowish
grey and white, fine to very fine grained, well sorted sand
along with some medium grained sand, a small amount
broken oolites and sporadic calcareous concretions. These
occur as sand sheets. The Varahi Formation consists of the
recent alluvial deposits of the Meshwa River, Khari Nadi
andVatrak River. The present flood plain deposits of this
formation comprise mainly immature and unconsolidated
sand and silt without aany pedogenesis. These deposits are
still under the process of depositionand exhibit sedimentary
structures like current bedding, ripple marks and laminations.
The Jantral Formation is the aeolian equivalent of Varahi
Formation comprising recent aeolian surfaces represented
by sand sheet and sand dunes.
The project National Geophysical Mapping Programme
(NGPM) is being carried out in Western Region since FS
2010-12. Total coverage by the NGPM survey is shown in
the status map of NGPM. The acquired gravity and magnetic
data is to be used for the preparation of number of gravity
and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the sub-surface geological
structures. Further these maps will be used for integrating
with National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data,
aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. During F.S. 2021-22, it is proposed to carry out
the Gravity and Magnetic surveys in toposheets 45E /04, 08
45F/01, 05, 06 falling in Jodhpur and Nagaur districts,
Rajasthanin order to understand subsurface extension of the
exposed formations. The Gravity-Magnetic observations will
be taken keeping the station density of one station per 2.5
sq. km. The precise locations of these gravity stations along
with elevation values are important data required for the
processing and generation of gravity and magnetic maps of
good quality. The DGPS survey, along with gravity and
magnetic mapping will fulfill the requirement of geographical
coordinates and elevation of gravity stations. The rock
samples will also be collected during the survey for
Geophysical Mapping in measuring the physical properties like density and magnetic
Toposheets 45E/04, 08 susceptibility. These parameters shall be used in qualitative
39 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2021/37353 45F/01, 05, 06 falling in 2021-2022 and quantitative interpretation of the GPM data. The area
Jodhpur and Nagaur districts, lies in Jodhpur and Nagaur districts of Rajasthan is mostly
Rajasthan. covered by sand blanketed terrain characterized by NE-SW
trending sand dunes and sand hills. Sonia and Gibhakar
formations of the Jodhpur group and Dhanpara, Gotan and
Pondlo formations of the overlying Bilara Group, both of the
Marwar Supergroup are found in the area. Rocks of the
Jodhpur Group occur as isolated patches. Quaternary
sediments are also present above and below the soil cover.
In Toposheet 45F06 the oldest rocks belong to Malani
Igneous Suite and are non conformly overlain by Sonia
Formation of the Jodhpur Group. Economically the area has
good reserves of dolomite and limestone. Regional gravity
map (5mgal) shows NW- SE trending contour lines closing
around Toposheet 45F/01. Kuntal Bhukta et al. during FS
2018-19 carried out geophysical mapping in toposheet nos.
45F/7,45F/8,45G/1,45G/2 and 45G/5 in Jodhpur and Pali
districts, Rajasthan. A gravity high zone H3, trending
inalmost NNE-SSW direction was observed in between
Malpuriya and Jhupelav village (toposheet 45G/5 and
45F/8). A prominent low gravity anomaly L1 was observed
near Salwa Kala in toposheet 45F/7 may be due topresence
of granite rocks (Jalore Granite) under the soil covered. The
other gravity low(L3) over entire toposheet 45F/8 may be
due to combination of MIS rocks and Erinpura Granite.
Mostof the gravity gradients follows the strike direction trend
NE-SW of formation of the study area.
The project National Geophysical Mapping Programme
(NGPM) is being carried out in Western Region since FS
2010-12. Total coverage by the NGPM survey is shown in
the status map of NGPM. The acquired gravity and magnetic
data is to be used for the preparation of number of gravity
and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the sub-surface geological
structures. Further these maps will be used for integrating
with National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data,
aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
objective of locating new potential areas for mineral
exploration. During F.S. 2021-22, it is proposed to carry out
the Gravity and Magnetic surveys in toposheets 44L/07, 10,
11, 12, 14 falling in Churu District, Rajasthan in order to
understand subsurface extension of the exposed formations.
The Gravity-Magnetic observations will be taken keeping the
station density of one station per 2.5 sq. km. The precise
locations of these gravity stations along with elevation values
are important data required for the processing and
generation of gravity and magnetic maps of good quality.
The DGPS survey, along with gravity and magnetic mapping
will fulfill the requirement of geographical coordinates and
elevation of gravity stations. The rock samples will also be
collected during the survey for measuring the physical
properties like density and magnetic susceptibility. These
parameters shall be used in qualitative and quantitative
interpretation of the GPM data. The area is part of a fluvio
depositional basin containing thickpile of Quaternary
sediments. It consists of sand dunes with interdunal valleys.
Underlying the thick pile of Quaternary sediments, the
Neoproterozoic rocks of Marwar Supergroup occupy the
area. Sardar Shahar fault has brought the rocks of Delhi
Supergroup in contact with rocks of Marwar Supergroup.
Geophysical Mapping in Shikha Dagar et al. during FS: 2017-18 carried out
Toposheets 44L/07, 10, 11,
40 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2021/37345 2021-2022 geophysical mapping in parts of degree sheet no. 44L
12, 14 falling in Churu District, (44L/15 and 16), 44P (44P/3 and 4) 45M (45M/1) falling in
Rajasthan Churu, Jhunjhunu and Sikar districts, Rajasthan. The
Bouguer anomaly map depicts the discontinuity in the
NW-SE trending high anomalous zone near Rampura in
Toposheet No. 44L/15 and after discontinuation again
changes the direction in NE. The breaks in the anomaly
interpreted as almost E-W trending lineament/fault. Two
intermediate gravity highs closures (M1 M2) have also been
depicted by Bouguer anomaly map.The magnetic (TF)
anomaly contour map shows total anomaly amplitude of 481
nT varying between -137 nT to 344 nT. The magnetic (TF)
anomaly map has brought out high dominant zone whereas
gravity shows high could be due to intrusive source at
shallow level. High magnetic anomaly depicts over
low-grade meta-volcanic rocks exposed in Biramsar area
(44L/16), which has been reported earlier (S. Banglani et al.,
1997-98) for low-grade copper mineralization. Regional
gravity map (5mgal) shows low to moderate variation in
contour lines with circular shaped anomaly around
Toposheet 44L/11. Kirti Bhushan et al. during FS: 2018-19
carried out geophysical mapping in toposheet numbers
45I/6, 9, 10, 13 14 in Churu, Sikar and Nagaur districts,
Rajasthan.TheBouguer gravity anomaly map indicated a
circular gravity high near Sulkhaniya village inToposheet No.
45I/13. This gravity high has been marked as the zone of
interest (Z1), iscorroborated by circular magnetic high
anomaly on the basis of GM-SYS model. The minimum and
maximum magnetic anomaly value of -1600 nT and+1144nT
is observed near Bagri village and Radoo village in the
toposheet No. 45I/13and 45I/10 respectively. The major
bipolar magnetic anomaly, associated with NE-SWtrending
feature in toposheet No. 45I/13 near Bhuma Bada village
has been depicted as(Z2) which is extending in 45I/14 close
to Dotsara village.
The project National Geophysical Mapping Programme
(NGPM) is being carried out in Western Region since FS
2010-12. Total coverage by the NGPM survey is shown in
the status map of NGPM. The acquired gravity and magnetic
data is to be used for the preparation of number of gravity
and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the sub-surface geological
structures. Further these maps will be used for integrating
with National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data,
aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. During F.S. 2021-22, it is proposed to carry out
the Gravity and Magnetic surveys in toposheet nos. 45E /01,
05, 06, 09, 10 in order to understand subsurface extension
of the exposed formations. The Gravity-Magnetic
observations will be taken keeping the station density of one
Geophysical Mapping in station per 2.5 sq. km. The precise locations of these gravity
Toposheets 45E /01, 05, 06, stations along with elevation values are important data
41 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2021/37348 09, 10 falling in Bikaner, Churu 2021-2022 required for the processing and generation of gravity and
and Nagaur districts, magnetic maps of good quality. The DGPS survey, along
Rajasthan with gravity and magnetic mapping will fulfill the requirement
of geographical coordinates and elevation of gravity stations.
The rock samples will also be collected during the survey for
measuring the physical properties like density and magnetic
susceptibility. The area forms eastern part of the Thar
Desert and is mostly covered by blown sand. The area being
mostly sand covered, only a few outcrops of Tertiary age are
exposed. Stratigraphically, the rocks of the Lower Tertiary
and Quaternary sediments occupy the area. The rocks of
Nagaur Group of the Marwar Supergroup and the Palana
Formation of Tertiary age are concealed below the
Quaternary sediments. Lignite seam occurs at a depth of
40-80m at Barsinghsar. Lignite is also reported in many
boreholes in the area around Sarupdeasr, Lalamdesar along
with Kachaur-Athuni area, Bania area etc. Regional gravity
map (5mgal) shows NNW- SSE trending contour lines
closing around Toposheet 45E/05 and 06.
The project National Geophysical Mapping Programme
(NGPM) is being carried out in Western Region since FS
2010-12. Total coverage by the NGPM survey is shown in
the status map of NGPM. The acquired gravity and magnetic
data is to be used for the preparation of number of gravity
and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the sub-surface geological
structures. Further these maps will be used for integrating
with National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data,
aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. During F.S. 2021-22, it is proposed to carry out
the Gravity and Magnetic surveys in toposheets 45E /02, 03,
07, 11, 12 in order to understand subsurface extension of
the exposed formations. The Gravity-Magnetic observations
will be taken keeping the station density of one station per
2.5 sq. km. The precise locations of these gravity stations
Geophysical Mapping in
along with elevation values are important data required for
Toposheets 45E /02, 03, 07,
the processing and generation of gravity and magnetic maps
42 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2021/37349 11, 12 falling in Bikaner, 2021-2022
of good quality. The DGPS survey, along with gravity and
Jodhpur and Nagaur districts,
magnetic mapping will fulfill the requirement of geographical
coordinates and elevation of gravity stations. The rock
samples will also be collected during the survey for
measuring the physical properties like density and magnetic
susceptibility. These parameters shall be used in qualitative
and quantitative interpretation of the GPM data. The area
forms a part of the Thar Desert. The area has a
characteristic desert topography withflat to undulating plain
covered by blown sand and dunes.Afew hard rock
exposures are seen in the eastern and South-eastern parts
of the area in toposheet no. 45E/07. The oldest lithounit of
the area is the PondloFormation of the Bilara Group. The
rock types encountered in the area belong to the Bilara and
Nagaur Groups of the Marwar Supergroup and the Palana
Formation of Tertiary age. The oldest litho unit of the area
belongs to the Pondlo Formation of the Bilara Group.
Regional gravity map (5mgal) shows low to moderate
variation in contour lines in the area.
The project National Geophysical Mapping Programme
(NGPM) is being carried out in Western Region since FS
2010-12. Total coverage by the NGPM survey is shown in
the status map of NGPM. The acquired gravity and magnetic
data is to be used for the preparation of number of gravity
and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the sub-surface geological
structures. Further these maps will be used for integrating
with National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data,
aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. During F.S. 2021-22, it is proposed to carry out
the Gravity and Magnetic surveys in toposheets 44L /03, 04,
08 45E /13 ,14 in order to understand subsurface extension
of the exposed formations. The Gravity-Magnetic
observations will be taken keeping the station density of one
station per 2.5 sq. km. The precise locations of these gravity
stations along with elevation values are important data
required for the processing and generation of gravity and
magnetic maps of good quality. The DGPS survey, along
with gravity and magnetic mapping will fulfill the requirement
of geographical coordinates and elevation of gravity stations.
The rock samples will also be collected during the survey for
measuring the physical properties like density and magnetic
susceptibility. These parameters shall be used in qualitative
and quantitative interpretation of the GPM data. The area is
part of a fluvio depositional basin containing thick pile
Quaternary sediments. It consists of sand dunes with
interdunal valleys. Underlying the thick pile of Quaternary
Geophysical Mapping in sediments, the Neoproterozoic rocks of Marwar Supergroup
Toposheets 44L /03,04, 08 occupy the area. Sardar Shahar fault has brought the rocks
of Delhi Supergroup in contact with rocks of Marwar
43 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2021/37347 45E /13, 14 falling in Bikaner, 2021-2022 Supergroup.Regional gravity map (5mgal) shows low to
Churu and Nagaur districts,
Rajasthan moderate variation in contour lines in the area. Kirti Bhushan
et al. during FS: 2018-19 carried out geophysical mapping in
toposheet numbers 45I/6, 9, 10, 13 14 in Churu, Sikar and
Nagaur districts, Rajasthan. The Bouguer gravity anomaly
map indicated a circular gravity high near Sulkhaniya village
in Toposheet No. 45I/13. A NE-SW trending gravity high in
the SE corner of 45I/13 near Bagri and Bhuma Bada village
is observed which has been marked (Z2). The major gravity
low (L1) around Shahpura village has been observed in the
southern part of toposheet No. 45I/14. This low may be
indicating Erinpura Granitepresent beneath the sub surface
in region having stretch in Toposheet No. 45I/10 and 45I/14.
In the toposheet No. 45I/06, distinct gravity high is observed
near Ganora village and towards south of Nimbi Jodha
village which is corroborated with magnetic low in the
region.At the junction of toposheet No. 45I/9 and 45I/13,
NNE-SSW trending linear contours (G2) with slight flexure
near Khuri village has been observed. The minimum and
maximum magnetic anomaly value of -1600 nT and
+1144nT is observed near Bagri village and Radoo village in
the toposheet No. 45I/13 and 45I/10 respectively. The major
bipolar magnetic anomaly, associated with NE-SW trending
feature in toposheet No. 45I/13 near Bhuma Bada village
has been depicted as (Z2) which is extending in 45I/14 close
to Dotsara village. Moderate magnetic variation can be seen
to be associated with the major gravity high near Shahpura
village and itssurrounding area. The contour flexure having a
bipolar trend near Barabar and south of Malsisar Churu
village (Z3), in south-western portion of Toposheet No.
45I/09 and toposheet No. 45I/10 is also corroborated with
distinct and sudden change in contour pattern in the
Bouguer gravity anomaly map.
1. Geophysics Division, GSI, WR comprises of 53 officers
including four Supervisory Officers executing five NGPM
projects, one project on outsourced GPM, Project Uncover,
seismic Microzonation, geophysical input in nine mineral
investigation projects, four detailed gravity-magnetic
projects, twenty-three borehole logging projects, one RMT
project and two Buried Terrain projects. Coordination
monitoring of targets and achievements of these projects
and their reporting to HOD is being carried out. Logistics to
various geophysical parties are being provided. Various
reports like monthly progress reports, AGR, RAC, TR, entry
of geophysical field items in FSPMIS, plan document etc. is
being taken care of by the Coordination Division. FSP items
pertaining to Geophysics Division are being formulated. The
Record Room containing Records Geophysical Reports are
being maintained. GPM data base in respect to GPM
surveys executed by the Division is being maintained.
Services towards maintenance of Geophysical data
Planning, coordination and processing lab is also being taken care of. In addition to this
execution of all items of overall supervision of technical and administrative matters of
Geophysics Division, GSI, the Division is being taken care. 2. Geophysics
Western Region AND
44 STSSSI/NC/WR//2021/36320 2021-2022 Instrumentation Division has been engaged with annual
Preventive maintenance, servicing, preventive maintenance, repair, calibration and
repairs and calibration of testing of different types of specialized, dedicated
geophysical survey sophisticated Electronic instruments and their accessories to
instruments implement various Geophysical methodologies for
accomplishment of different types of Geophysical
Investigations under Field Season Projects. Servicing,
maintenance and calibration of physical property measuring
instruments, optical survey instruments, electronic test
measuring instruments and geophysical field instruments
and their accessories under field simulated conditions in the
laboratory Workshop. The division provides various types of
geophysical instruments and logistic service support to
Geophysical Field investigations. Procurement of state-of-art
Geophysical Instruments for smooth functioning of
Geophysical Field Investigations. Commissioning of newly
procured geophysical Instruments and demonstration to field
parties. Issue and receipt of Geophysical Field instruments,
survey equipment etc. along with their accessories to / from
Geophysical field parties. Maintenance of stock ledgers,
physical verification of stores, issue of Demand / No
Demand Certificates under Geophysical store.
The project National Geophysical Mapping Programme
(NGPM) is being carried out in Western Region since FS
2010-12. Total coverage by the NGPM survey is shown in
the status map of NGPM. The acquired gravity and magnetic
data is to be used for the preparation of number of gravity
and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the sub-surface geological
structures. Further these maps will be used for integrating
with National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data,
aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. During F.S. 2021-22, it is proposed to carry out
the Gravity and Magnetic surveys in toposheets 44L/01, 02,
05, 06, 09 in order to understand subsurface extension of
the exposed formations. The Gravity-Magnetic observations
will be taken keeping the station density of one station per
2.5 sq. km. The precise locations of these gravity stations
along with elevation values are important data required for
Geophysical Mapping in
the processing and generation of gravity and magnetic maps
Toposheets 44L/01, 02, 05,
of good quality. The DGPS survey, along with gravity and
06, 09 falling in Bikaner,
45 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2021/37339 2021-2022 magnetic mapping will fulfill the requirement of geographical
Churu, Hanumangarh and Sri
coordinates and elevation of gravity stations. The rock
Ganganagar districts,
samples will also be collected during the survey for
measuring the physical properties like density and magnetic
susceptibility. The area forms part of Hanumangarh,
Ganganagar, Bikaner and Churu districts of Rajasthan and
experiences semi-arid climate ranging between 4 to 40
degrees Celsius. It is well connected by good network of
roads. The area is part of a fluvio depositional basin
containing 130m thick Quaternary sediments. Detailed
geophysical exploration (Mukherjee, Ram Gopal et. al) and
drilling for potash in the area has yielded sub surface Pre
Quaternary geology and structural information about the
area. Underlying the thick pile of Quaternary sediments, the
Neoproterozoic rocks of Marwar Supergroup occupy the
area. In Toposheet 44L/09, the Delhi Supergroup rocks of
Ajabgarh group has been observed in well sections. Sardar
Shahar fault has brought the rocks of Delhi Supergroup in
contact with rocks of Marwar Supergroup.Regional gravity
map (5mgal) shows NE- SW trending contour lines closing
around Toposheet 44L/05.
The Systematic geophysical mapping employing
gravity-magnetic survey on 1:50000 scale was initiated in
GSI, WR in the Field Season Programme 2010-12 under the
National Geophysical Mapping Programme of Geological
Survey of India with the objectives to generate
gravity-magnetic baseline data, and to delineate subsurface
geological structures for identification of favorable areas for
detailed studies. The western part of the study area the rock
formations exposed in the Jaisalmer area belong to
Mesozoic -Tertiary sequence and in turn are overlain by
Shumar Formation. The rocks exposed in and around Kanod
playa belong to Middle and Upper Jurassics comprising
calcareous, ferruginous and friable sandstone, marly,
limestone, gypseous saline shales with phosphotic nodules
(Pareek and Srivastava, FS: 2004-05). The Eastern part of
the study area, the stratigraphic sequence of the various
lithounits. Slates and phyllites with quartzite are the oldest
rocks. Their contact with the Upper Vindhyans has been
found to be marked by a post-Vindhyan fault referred to as
the Great Boundary Fault. (Prasad, 1975). Prasad (1975)
has described that dolomite limestone ridge in sandwiched
between lower and upper shale horizons of the Samaria
Shale Formation. This formation is under laid by lower
Bhander limestone and overlain by lower Bhander
sandstone. The dolomite limestone is sandwiched between
lower and upper shale member of Samaria formation
(Gautam, 2013). Bhander sandstone conformably overlies
the Ganurgarh shale and forms a strike ridge in the area. It
is very hard, massive and compact and generally breaks
with conchoidal fracture. At places, it is fine to medium
grained gritty andorthoquartzitic in nature (Rastogi, 1989)
Ground gravity-magnetic
Sedimentary sequence consisting of alternating sandstone,
survey under National
shale, and limestone of the Vindhyan Supergroup of rocks
Geophysical Mapping
are exposed in the area. The Kaimur sandstone Formation
Programme in toposheet Nos.
(Kaimur group) overlies conformably the Suket shale and
40M/4, 45O/8, 45O/12, 45P/5
46 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2022/40207 2022-2023 forms a prominent strike ridge of uniform thickness trending
45P/9 Covering Parts of
SE to NW. The rocks of the Rewa Group conformably
Jaisalmer, Bhilwara, Bundi,
overlying the Kaimur Group. The Rewa Group is represented
Chittaurgarh Kota districts,
by Panna shale, lower Rewa sandstone, Jhiri shale and
Rajasthan and Mandsaur
Upper Rewa sandstone. The Rewa shale formation
District, Madhya Pradesh.
conformably overlies the Kaimur sandstone Formation. It is
bounded by strike ridges of Kaimur sandstone and Upper
Rewa sandstone. Lower Rewa Sandstone
Formationsconformably overlies the Panna shale formation
and is hard, compact, fine to medium grained. It is
ferruginous and contains clay and shale pellets. The Jhiri
shales confirmably overlie the Lower Rewa sandstone is
seen to rest over the Panna shale. The Upper Rewa
Sandstone formation directly overlies as the Rewa shale
Formation (Panna- Jhiri shales) (Yadav and Shekhawat,
1987). NGCM: Geochemical mapping and sampling was
carried out in Toposheet 45O/08, covering parts of
Chittorgarh, Bhilwara and Bundi districts, Rajasthan and
Mandsaur district of Madhya Pradesh during Field Season
2012-13. The toposheet 45O/08 is bounded by latitudes N
25 00' to 25 15' and longitudes E 75 15' to 75 30',
respectively. Relatively higher values of Zr (up to 899 ppm)
are observed in the north western part of the area near
Ruppura and Tikhi villages against general abundance of
270 ppm. 9 water samples were collected from the
toposheet in 5 X5 grid pattern, each representing largest
catchment area of the grid. The chemical analysis of these
post-monsoon water samples of the area has shown the
magnesium values varying from 2 ppm to 13 ppm (Jobin et
al., 2013, FS: 2012-13). The acquired gravity and magnetic
data is to be used for the preparation of number of gravity
and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the sub-surface geological
structures. Further these maps will be used for integrating
with National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data,
aeromagnetic dat
The Systematic geophysical mapping employing
gravity-magnetic survey on 1:50000 scale was initiated in
GSI, WR in the Field Season Programme 2010-12 under the
National Geophysical Mapping Programme of Geological
Survey of India with the objectives to generate
gravity-magnetic baseline data, and to delineate subsurface
geological structures for identification of favourable areas for
detailed studies. The area forms a part of Nagaur-
GanganagarEvaporite basin, which is an inter-cratonic basin
where marine sediments of the Marwar Supergroup were
deposited on the basement rocks of the Malani Igneous
suite and Delhi metamorphites. The fluvial landforms
developed around Bikaner represent a colluvial wash plain.
Low mounds, barchans clusters and sandsheets are the
youngest quaternary unit (Pareek and Srivastava, FS:
2004-05). The rocks mostly comprise reddish to buff and
grey coloured, medium to coarse grained, micaceous
sandstones which are often calcareous and glauconitic. The
sandstones are of quartz arenite type. The earlier workers
mapped the units including dolomitic limestones, limestones,
dolomites, chert and cherty dolomite, often stromatolitic, as
Bilara Group in between two arenaceouslithounits of the
Marwar Supergroup (Deshmukh and Chandra, FS-1976-79).
The magnetic (V.P.) contour map has revealed a number of
magnetic low and a couple of 'highs'. Though the depth to
the causative body is rather large, it is logical to expect the
diamagnetic nature of the evaporites to constitute to the
magnetic lows. Test drilling is, therefore, recommended at
following locations in descending order of priority: I. Near
village Sarupdesar, where a negative closure of -240
Ground Gravity-Magnetic gammas has been delineated. This should be in addition to
Survey under National the test drilling of the Jaitpure- Bijraser zone as these
Geophysical Mapping together forms a large closure. II. Near village Molasar,
Programme in Toposheet where a negative magnetic closure of -300 gammas has
47 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2022/40210 2022-2023 been recorded, III. North of Rambagh where a negative
Nos.44H/10, 44H/11, 44H/13,
44H/14, 44H/15 covering parts closure of -240 gammas has been recorded (Mukherjee and
of Bikaner, Sri Ganganagar Lahiri, 1988) The acquired gravity and magnetic data is to be
Churudistricts, Rajasthan. used for the preparation of number of gravity and magnetic
anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative interpretation
to delineate the sub-surface geological structures. Further
these maps will be used for integrating with National
Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data, aeromagnetic data and
remote sensing data etc. with the objective of locating new
potential area for mineral exploration. In toposheet 45I/01,
02 05, the GM survey has been carried out by outsourcing in
field season 2018-19. The area falls under the Thar desert of
Rajasthan and it is covered with thick wind blown sand. The
thick Quaternary sediments underlain by MSG, which
includes the rock formation of sandstone, shales and
limestone. The various rock types of the area belong to the
DSG, Erinpura granite, MIS and MSG. and is characterized
by gravity high of order of -20 mGal in northwest, -18mgal in
north east and -14 mGal in SE with gravity low of order of
-31 mGal in south. Total gravity variation in the area is only
-17 mGal, which can be interpreted in term of lithological
variations present in the area. The eastern area of gravity
high, where the contours are aligned north-south might be
due to the presence of Erinpura granite of DSG. Magnetic
anomaly Contour map delineated magnetic high of order of
700 nT in southeastern corner. It may be due to the
association of pyrhotite in country rocks. In toposheets
45/02, the gravity low of order of -31 mGal in western part
around Bamboo and Lyara villages whereas the eastern part
occupied with gravity high of order of -18 mGal. In
toposheets 45/05, is characterized by east-west trending
gravity high of the order of 5mGal in the southern region,
enclosing Bidasar in north, Rupeli in south and Beerchhapar
Rural in east with steep gravity gradient in south. It may be d
1. Geophysics Division, GSI, WR comprises of 59 officers
including Two Director (Geophysics), five Supervisory
Officers executing six NGPM projects, one project of
outsourced NGPM, geophysical input in six mineral
investigation projects including Uncover-III and RMT, two
detailed gravity-magnetic projects and borehole logging
projects (Three parties). Coordination monitoring of targets
and achievements of these projects and their reporting to
HOD is being carried out. Logistics to various geophysical
parties are being provided. Various reports like monthly
progress reports, AGR, RAC, IPR, TR, entry of geophysical
field items in FSPMIS, plan document etc. is being taken
care of by the Coordination Division. FSP items pertaining to
Geophysics Division are being formulated. The Record
Room containing Records Geophysical Reports are being
maintained. GPM data base in respect to GPM surveys
executed by the Division as well as executed by other region
of the GSI for WR is being maintained. Services towards
maintenance of Geophysical data processing lab are also
Planning, coordination and
being taken care of. In addition to this overall supervision of
execution of all items of
technical and administrative matters of the Division is being
Geophysics Division, GSI,
taken care. 2. Geophysics Instrumentation Division has been
Western Region AND
48 STSSSI/NC/WR//2022/43464 2022-2023 engaged with annual servicing, preventive maintenance,
Preventive maintenance,
repair, calibration and testing of different types of
repairs and calibration of
specialized, dedicated sophisticated Electronic instruments
geophysical survey
and their accessories to implement various Geophysical
methodologies for accomplishment of different types of
Geophysical Investigations under Field Season Projects.
Servicing, maintenance and calibration of physical property
measuring instruments, optical survey instruments,
electronic test measuring instruments and geophysical field
instruments and their accessories under field simulated
conditions in the laboratory Workshop. The division provides
various types of geophysical instruments and logistic service
support to Geophysical Field investigations. Procurement of
state-of-art Geophysical Instruments for smooth functioning
of Geophysical Field Investigations. Commissioning of newly
procured geophysical Instruments and demonstration to field
parties. Issue and receipt of Geophysical Field instruments,
survey equipment etc. along with their accessories to / from
Geophysical field parties. Look after the newly established
Lab for measurement of physical properties of rock samples
collected by the field parties. Maintenance of stock ledgers,
physical verification of stores, issue of Demand / No
Demand Certificates under Geophysical store.
The Systematic geophysical mapping employing
gravity-magnetic survey on 1:50000 scale was initiated in
GSI, WR in the Field Season Programme 2010-12 under the
National Geophysical Mapping Programme of Geological
Survey of India with the objectives to generate
gravity-magnetic baseline data, and to delineate subsurface
geological structures for identification of favorable areas for
detailed studies. The area is a vast expanse of open country
with undulating sand dunes. The remaining part of the area
is relatively flat. The whole area under investigation consists
of Quaternary alluvium underlain, most probably by
crystalline of Aravalli System. The alluvial deposits consist of
fine to coarse grained sand with intercalations of generally
variegated clays as can be seen from the log of the
boreholes. The sand dunes form very undulating topography
(Tyagi, R. C., 1971). The entire mapped area is covered by
Quaternary sediments on the basis of physio-chemical
properties like colour, detritals, matrix, cement, sorting,
roundness,,grain size, degree of induration, presence of
organic content, sedimentary and biogenic structures, these
sediments are classified into four formations viz. Vend
Formation, Rann Clay Formation, Radhanpur Formation and
Varahi Formation. Varahi Formation is the youngest
formation in the present area. This formation constitutes the
river bed, levees and flood plain deposits. Younger flood
plain deposits comprise of clay, silt and sand.
Geomorphologically, these consititutes as point bars,
channel bars and lateral bars. The planar cross bedding.
Festoon Cross-bedding, ripple drift lamination, and graded
bedding are observed in the channel bar deposits
(Chowdhary and Seshaiah, 1988). Since part of the area is
Ground gravity-magnetic
under alluvium cover and isolated, it is difficult to find
survey under National
complete stratigraphic succession in the area and also to
Geophysical Mapping
establish the Stratigraphy of the area. However, being in the
Programme in toposheet Nos.
49 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2022/40202 2022-2023 strike extension of the rock of Delhi Supergroup, mapped in
45D/4, 45D/8, 46A/1, 46A/2,
the adjoining state of Rajasthan, the outcrops found in the
46A/5 covering parts of
area under review; has been included into the Delhi
Banaskantha, Mehsana
Supergroup of rocks (Mohabey, 1983). The DGM, Gujarat
Ahmedabad, districts, Gujarat.
has conducted geochemical studies in proposed toposheets
as per MoU with GSI. The acquired gravity and magnetic
data is to be used for the preparation of number of gravity
and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the sub-surface geological
structures. Further these maps will be used for integrating
with National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data,
aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. In toposheets Nos. 45D/03, 05, the Bouguer
anomaly in surrounding area, total gravity variation of 58.3
mGal ranging from -25.2 mGal to 33.1 mGal in the surveyed
area. Gravity high zone, near Vasda village and Khimat area
in toposheet 45D/2 45D/3 seems like circular regional body,
it may be due topresence of high density rock of Delhi
Supergroup which is also supported by magnetic high
anomaly. Total field (TF) magnetic anomaly in surrounding
(degreesheet 45D), shows the values are ranging from-1113
nT to 1435 nT throughout the study area. Radially averaged
power spectrum of gravity data has indicated three density
layers at depth below ground level 6.40 km, 2.25 km, and
1.00 km. The radially averaged power spectrum of magnetic
(TF) data has indicated two susceptibility layers at depths
3.02 km and 1.25 km. Bouguer gravity contour map shows
high anomaly over mica schist of Delhi Supergroup and
shows the low anomaly over thick quaternary sediment of
Akhaj, Katpur and Varahi formations of Holocene age and
fine aeolian sand of Thar desert (Kuntal et. al., 2020, FS:
2019-20). The Bouguer gravity anomaly map shows one
high anomaly zone denoted by H1 and a low zone L1 in the
area. The high zone extends from M
The Systematic geophysical mapping employing
gravity-magnetic survey on 1:50000 scale was initiated in
GSI, WR in the Field Season Programme 2010-12 under the
National Geophysical Mapping Programme of Geological
Survey of India with the objectives to generate
gravity-magnetic baseline data, and to delineate subsurface
geological structures for identification of favourable areas for
detailed studies. The major part of North-western Rajasthan
falls in the Thar Dessert and is mostly sandy terrain. Only a
few in situ exposures of the Pre- Quaternary age occur on
the surface. Hacket (1881) and Heron (1931-32) were the
earliest workers on the geology of Western Rajasthan. They
have grouped the rocks of Nagaur-Bikaner area under
Vindhyans of Western Rajasthan. They divided them into a
lower arenaceous group and an upper calcareous group
which are referred to in general as Trans-Aravalli Vindhyans.
Roy Chowdhury, et al., (1965) carried out geological
mapping and exploratory drilling for gypsum in a part of the
Trans-Aravalli Vindhyan basin around Nagaur and observed
that the rock types of the area fall into two distinct groups (1)
Arenaceous rocks (grading into argillaceous, gypsiferous
and gypseous calcareous type) and (2) Calcareous rocks
(Jain et al., FS: 1973-74). As major part of the area is sand
and alluvium covered, therefore, efforts were node to collect
information about the existing bed rock below the sand cover
by examining over 150 dug wells. The examination of
sandstone core belonging to this group from the Chittorgarh
borehole reveal that it is maroon to buff coloured, fine to
medium grained, micaceous in nature, showing cross
stratifications. It resembles the sandstone of the Nagaur
Group. The red colour and cross ratification indicate that its
Ground gravity-magnetic deposition took place under oxidising and shallow marine,
survey under National current action environment. The contact between the Nagaur
Geophysical Mapping Group of rocks and the Tertiary Sequence is sand covered
50 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2022/40190 Programme in toposheet Nos. 2022-2023 and nowhere seen exposed on the surface (Faruqi, 1948).
44H/3, 44H/4, 44H/7, 44H/8 The fluvial landforms developed around Bikaner represent a
44H/12 covering parts of colluvial wash plain. Low mounds, barchans clusters and
Bikaner District, Rajasthan. sandsheets are the youngest quaternary unit (Pareek and
Srivastava, FS: 2004-05). The acquired gravity and magnetic
data is to be used for the preparation of number of gravity
and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative
interpretation to delineate the sub-surface geological
structures. Further these maps will be used for integrating
with National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data,
aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with the
objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. In toposheet 45I/01, 02 05, the GM survey has
been carried out by outsourcing in field season 2018-19. The
area falls under the Thar desert of Rajasthan and it is
covered with thick wind blown sand. The thick Quaternary
sediments underlain by MSG, which includes the rock
formation of sandstone, shales and limestone. The various
rock types of the area belong to the DSG, Erinpura granite,
MIS and MSG. and is characterized by gravity high of order
of -20 mGal in northwest, -18mgal in north east and -14
mGal in SE with gravity low of order of -31 mGal in south.
Total gravity variation in the area is only -17 mGal, which
can be interpreted in term of lithological variations present in
the area. The eastern area of gravity high, where the
contours are aligned north-south might be due to the
presence of Erinpura granite of DSG. Magnetic anomaly
Contour map delineated magnetic high of order of 700 nT in
southeastern corner. It may be due to the association of
pyrhotite in country rocks. In toposheets 45/02, the gravity
low of order of -31 mGal in western part around Bamboo and
Lyara villages whereas the eastern part occupied with
gravity high of order of -18 mGal. In toposheets 45/05, is
characterized by east-west trending gravity high
The Systematic geophysical mapping employing
gravity-magnetic survey on 1:50000 scale was initiated in
GSI, WR in the Field Season Programme 2010-12 under the
National Geophysical Mapping Programme of Geological
Survey of India with the objectives to generate
gravity-magnetic baseline data, and to delineate subsurface
geological structures for identification of favorable areas for
detailed studies. Most of the area has soil covered shale of
Sirbu Shale Formation of Bhander Group with few scattered
outcrops of stromatolitic limestone and limestone exposed
along the nala sections. Outcrops of shale, stromatolitic
limestone and limestone and sandstone pertaining to
Ganurgarh Formation, Samria Formation, Lakheri Formation
and Bundi Hill Formation of the Bhander group were
observed. (Ahmed and Basu, 2013). The area comprises of
basement rocks of Hindoli Group (Archean) and the rocks of
Vindhyan Supergroup (Meso to Neo Proterozoic). Hindoli
Group has exposedin the northern part of the area i.e. north
of Vindhyan range where they have beenjuxtaposed by a
major reverse fault, the GBF. Few exposures of slates and
phyllitesare observed NW of Bundi whereas quartzite is
observed north and NE of Bundi.These rocks form the
basement for rocks of Vindhyan Supergroup (Singh and
Naqvi, 2016).The rocks of the Bhander Group of the
Vindhyan Super group comprise aconformable sequence of
Bhander Limestone, Samaria Shale,
BhanderSandstoneandSirbu Shale, Bhandar sandstone and
Sirbu Shale (Munshi, 1982). Their contact with the Upper
Vindhyans has been found to be marked by a post-Vindhyan
fault referred to as the Great Boundary Fault. The Lower
Ground gravity-magnetic Bhander sandstone is found to comprise five subdivisions
survey under National viz. three sandstone units separated by two shale units. The
Geophysical Mapping Samria shales underlying the above sandstone, has been
Programme in toposheet Nos. separated into three units - Lower Shales, Dolomitic
45O/11, 45O/15, 45O/16, limestone (Stromatilitic), and the Upper shales (Prasad, FS:
51 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2022/40204 2022-2023 1974-75). Vindhyan Supergroup of rocks are exposed in the
45P/13, 44H/16 covering parts
of Bundi, Kota, , Chittaurgarh area. The Kaimur group overlies conformably the Suket
Bikaner districts, Rajasthan shale and forms a prominent strike ridge of uniform
and Mandsaur District, thickness trending SE to NW throughout the mapped area
Madhya Pradesh. uptoKolipura. The rocks of the Rewa Group conformably
overlying the Kaimur Group. The Rewa Group is represented
by Panna shale, lower Rewa sandstone, Jhiri shale and
Upper Rewa sandstone Formations (Yadav and Shekhawat,
1987). In the northern part of the study area is located in the
vast sand sea of Rajasthan desert, the features observable
is a repetition of dunes and interdunes with variable
dimensions and geometry. Study in this area has revealed
three sets of dunes of three different generations
accompanied by interdunes and playas. The playas present
a succession of evaporate deposits which show only
lithological variations in a monotonous dune field (Basudev,
1984). The acquired gravity and magnetic data is to be used
for the preparation of number of gravity and magnetic
anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative interpretation
to delineate the sub-surface geological structures. Further
these maps will be used for integrating with National
Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data, aeromagnetic data and
remote sensing data etc. with the objective of locating new
potential area for mineral exploration. The Bouguer gravity in
the adjacent area has brought out total gravity variation of
30mGal ranging from -72 mGal to -42 mGal. Minimum
gravity value of -72 mGalhas been observed in the central
part (Toposheet 45O/10) over the Jahazpurgranite in
Jahazpur shear zone and maximum of -42 mGal has been
observed inthe North West part (Toposheet 45O/5) of the
area over Kekri formation ofMangalwar complex (Singh et
al., 2015, FS: 2014-15). In view of the geological setting of
the area it is proposed to take up gravity and magnetic
surveys under the Project NGPM in TS Nos 45O/11,
45O/15, 45O/16, 45P/13, 44H/16 during FS: 2022-2
The Systematic geophysical mapping employing
gravity-magnetic survey on 1:50000 scale was initiated in
GSI, WR in the Field Season Programme 2010-12 under the
National Geophysical Mapping Programme of Geological
Survey of India with the objectives to generate
gravity-magnetic baseline data, and to delineate subsurface
geological structures for identification of favorable areas for
detailed studies. The area is a part of Western Rajasthan
desert and is traversed by sand - dunes rising several
metres and enclosing numerous flattish depressions. Being
a part of the Rajasthan desert, the solid geology of the area
is masked by a mantle of sand, and the geological
information has to be gathered mostly from the examination
of well and 'kund' sections or from some quarries etc. No
proper development of soil has taken place in the study
area. Interdunal area and valley flats have detached pockets
of inceptional lithounits such as carbonate sand, brown
sandy/silty loam etc. Brown loam provides a good soil for
agriculture. In the area of study two prominent geomorphic
units of high and low dunes (Barchans, mobile low
undulatory mounds and low ridges, transverse and reticulate
dunes with gullies, parabolic, coalesced parabolic, comb
dunes with shallow irregular gullies and stable high linear
dunes.) and linear valleys/flats (Sandy flats with low
mounds, Brown sandy/silty loam,
Calcrete/gypsum/carbonate, sand bearing linear wide valleys
and depressions) are present (Iqbal and Prasad, FS:
1987-88). Khichiyan- Jamsar playa occurs as a deflated
depression within the interdunal areas. The interdunal areas
are surrounded by linear, transverses, coalesced parabolic
and comb shaped dunes (Pareek and Srivastava, FS:
Ground Gravity-Magnetic 2004-05).Bands of greyish-white and whitish sandy clays are
Survey under National found overlying the gypsite bed at Dhirera and Jamsar.
Geophysical Mapping These clays are gypseous and at places contain crystals of
Programme in Toposheet Nos. selenite. Several gypsite deposits were located in
52 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2022/40175 2022-2023
44H/1, 44H/2, 44H/5, 44H/6 Ganganagar and Bikaner districts by- the Gypsum
44H/9 Covering Parts of Development Officer of the Fertlizer Corporation of India.
Bikaner Sri Ganganagar These deposits were found to occur in two district belts
districts, Rajasthan. namely - (1) the one going through Suratgarh -
Raghunathpura are in the north and (2) the other through
Lunkaransar - Jamsar area in the south. There was
however, no report about the occurrence of gypsite in the
intervening area, between these two widely separated, belts
(Sogani Mehra, FS: 1962-63). The acquired gravity and
magnetic data is to be used for the preparation of number of
gravity and magnetic anomaly maps for qualitative and
quantitative interpretation to delineate the sub-surface
geological structures. Further these maps will be used for
integrating with National Geochemical Mapping (NGCM)
data, aeromagnetic data and remote sensing data etc. with
the objective of locating new potential area for mineral
exploration. In toposheet 45I/01, 02 05, the GM survey has
been carried out by outsourcing in field season 2018-19. The
area falls under the Thar desert of Rajasthan and it is
covered with thick wind blown sand. The thick Quaternary
sediments underlain by MSG, which includes the rock
formation of sandstone, shales and limestone. The various
rock types of the area belong to the DSG, Erinpura granite,
MIS and MSG. and is characterized by gravity high of order
of -20 mGal in northwest, -18mgal in north east and -14
mGal in SE with gravity low of order of -31 mGal in south.
Total gravity variation in the area is only -17 mGal, which
can be interpreted in term of lithological variations present in
the area. The eastern area of gravity high, where the
contours are aligned north-south might be due to the
presence of Erinpura granite of DSG. Magnetic anomaly
Contour map delineated magnetic high of order of 700 nT in
southeastern corner. It may be due to the association of
pyrhotite in country rocks. In toposheets 45/02, the gravity
low of ord
The project National Geophysical Mapping Programme
(NGPM) is being carried out in Western Region since FS
2010-12. Total coverage by the NGPM survey is shown in
the status map of NGPM. Total 408 toposheets and
2,85,600 square kilometers will be covered by NGPM
programme by 2022-23 since inception in WR During F.S.
2023-24, it is proposed to carry out the Gravity and Magnetic
surveys in toposheets 45B/01, 45B/02, 45B/05, 45B/06
45B/09 in order to understand subsurface extension of the
exposed formations. The Gravity-Magnetic observations will
be taken keeping the station density of one station per 2.5
sq. km. The precise locations of these gravity stations along
with elevation values are important data required for the
processing and generation of gravity and magnetic maps of
good quality. The DGPS survey, along with gravity and
magnetic mapping will fulfill the requirement of geographical
coordinates and elevation of gravity stations. The rock
samples will also be collected during the survey for
measuring the physical properties like density and magnetic
susceptibility. These parameters shall be used in qualitative
and quantitative interpretation of the GPM data. The area is
a part of the Thar Desert mainly covered by sand dunes and
wind-blown sand with scattered flat topped hillocks of
sandstone and hummocks of rhyolite. The outcrops and dug
Ground Gravity- Magnetic
well data indicate that the basement rocks are the Malani
Survey under National
Igneous Suite overlain by the Marwar Super Group of rocks,
Geophysical Mapping
which comprises the Sonia and Girbhakar Formations
Programme in Toposheet Nos
(Jodhpur Group) and Pondlo Formation (Bilara Group).
45B/01, 45B/02, 45B/05,
53 M1AGS-GPM/NC/WR//2023/45576 2023-2024 Rocks of Malani igneous suite exposed in the western part
45B/06 45B/09 covering (parts
of the area. The Sonia Formation occupies the central and
of) Jodhpur and Jaisalmer
bottom parts of the area. The area does not have any imprint
districts, Rajasthan.
of structurally significant events. The Malani rocks are
exposed at Kumharan Ki Dhani, Tirgaji Ka Bhakhar and in
dug well near Durga Singh Ki Dhani(45B06). Jodhpur Group
is conformably overlained by a calcareous horizon of cherty
dolomitic limestone representing Pondlo Formation of Bilara
Group; gradationally overlying the Bilara Group, Nagaur
Formation of Nagaur Group represented by an argillaceous
sandstone forms the youngest member of Marwar
Supergroup (Bhatnakar P.S, 1981). The study area has
being cover under National Geochemical Mapping
Programme during FS:2021-22 but final reports are yet to be
circulated. The NGPM survey in the proposed area will be
helpful in delineating the northern continuity of gravity and
magnetic high zones and gradients in and around
Sohanpura, Deorajgarh Jawaharnagar falling in toposheets
45B/03 07. The RGMI (5mGal) map covering in and around
the study area has being uploaded as key map. Bouguer
Gravity variation in this study area is of 65mGal (-20 mGal to
45mGal). The acquired gravity and magnetic data is to be
used for the preparation of number of gravity and magnetic
anomaly maps for qualitative and quantitative interpretation
to delineate the sub-surface geological structures. Further
these maps will be used for integrating with National
Geochemical Mapping (NGCM) data, aeromagnetic data and
remote sensing data etc. with the objective of locating new
potential area for mineral exploration.
1. Geophysics Division, GSI, WR comprises of 59 officers
including Two Director (Geophysics), four Supervisory
Officers executing six NGPM projects, one project of
outsourced NGPM, geophysical input in six mineral
investigation projects, borehole logging projects (Four
parties) and one project of Mission IV. Coordination
monitoring of targets and achievements of these projects
and their reporting to HOD is being carried out. Logistics to
various geophysical parties are being provided. Various
reports like monthly progress reports, AGR, RAC, IPR, TR,
entry of geophysical field items in FSPMIS, plan document
etc. is being taken care of by the Coordination Division. FSP
items pertaining to Geophysics Division are being
formulated. The Record Room containing Records
Geophysical Reports are being maintained. GPM data base
in respect to GPM surveys executed by the Division as well
as executed by other region of the GSI for WR is being
maintained. Services towards maintenance of Geophysical
data processing lab are also being taken care of. In addition
Planning, coordination and to this overall supervision of technical and administrative
execution of all items of matters of the Division is being taken care. 2. Geophysics
Geophysics Division, GSI, Instrumentation Division has been engaged with annual
Western Region AND
54 STSSSI/NC/WR//2023/45594 2023-2024 servicing, preventive maintenance, repair, calibration and
Preventive maintenance, testing of different types of specialized, dedicated
repairs and calibration of sophisticated Electronic instruments and their accessories to
geophysical survey implement various Geophysical methodologies for
instruments accomplishment of different types of Geophysical
Investigations under Field Season Projects. Servicing,
maintenance and calibration of physical property measuring
instruments, optical survey instruments, electronic test
measuring instruments and geophysical field instruments
and their accessories under field simulated conditions in the
laboratory Workshop. The division provides various types of
geophysical instruments and logistic service support to
Geophysical Field investigations. Procurement of state-of-art
Geophysical Instruments for smooth functioning of
Geophysical Field Investigations. Commissioning of newly
procured geophysical Instruments and demonstration to field
parties. Issue and receipt of Geophysical Field instruments,
survey equipment etc. along with their accessories to / from
Geophysical field parties. Look after the newly established
Lab for measurement of physical properties of rock samples
collected by the field parties. Maintenance of stock ledgers,
physical verification of stores, issue of Demand / No
Demand Certificates under Geophysical store.
Geological Survey of India (GSI) has been systematically
carrying out ground gravity and magnetic survey in Survey of
India (SOI) toposheets under National Geophysical Mapping
Programme (NGPM) since 2002-03, with objectives to
generate baseline geoscience data and identify potential
areas for mineral prospecting. The competent authority of
Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India has kindly accorded
approval for carrying out ground gravity and magnetic survey
under National Geophysical Mapping Programme (NGPM) in
identified areas covered under Survey of India toposheets
through outsourcing mode by utilizing fund from National
Mineral Exploration Trust (NMET), Ministry of Mines, vide
NMET Office Memorandum No. F. No. 6/2/2015-NMET/130
dated 08.09.2021. In this regard, a project for engaging
gravity and magnetic survey service providers to carryout
Outsourced Ground
Geophysical Mapping in about approximately 54437 sq km
Gravity-Magnetic Survey under
area (82 number of toposheets) on 1: 50,000 scale
National Geophysical Mapping
distributed in three different blocks with areas 18720.53 sq
55 M1AGS-SI/NC/WR//2023/48881 Programme in 82 Toposheets 2023-2024
km, 17820.71 sq km 17896.05 sq km respectively is planned
covering parts of Barmer,
for a period of one year at an estimated cost of
Bikaner, Jaisalmer and
Rs.12,84,66,600/- (including 18% GST). The objective of the
Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
Geophysical mapping is to generate gravity and magnetic
baseline data for delineation of the subsurface structures, to
validate the existing Geological model, if any, or modify/
update the existing one and for identification of the mineral
potential block, if possible, through integration of geophysical
data with existing geological and geochemical data. The
importance of qualitative analysis involves the study of
contour patterns, which indicate the faults, dykes, litho
contact, steep gradients and lineaments of the anomalous
bodies while the quantitative analysis will determine the
parameters such as depth, dimension and other information
of the anomalous bodies. In view of Geological setup of the
area, the outsource Gravity and Magnetic survey under the
Project NGPM in 82 Toposheets covering parts of Barmer,
Bikaner, Jaisalmer and Jodhpur Rajasthan is taken up.
Geological Survey of India has launched the National
Geophysical Mapping Programme (NGPM) in FS 2002-03 to
systematically generate ground gravity and magnetic data in
an envisaged station density (one station in every 2.5 sq.km
area) to cover the entire country with preference to Obvious
Geological Province (OGP) areas. The degreesheet wise
compilation of ground gravity and magnetic data acquired
Compilation of ground under NGPM has already initiated in GSI, WR. Twelve
gravity-magnetic data of number of Degreesheets are already covered for
56 STSSSI/NC/WR//2023/45709 2023-2024
degreesheet 45C and 45D compilation. The two degreesheets 45C and 45D are
acquired under NGPM. proposed for compilation in FS 2023-24.Compilation and
preparation of seamless ground digital gravity and magnetic
data base for each degree sheet will be prepared.
Compilation of the physical property of available rock sample
collected during the different field season and will be
presented in tabular format. Compiled Bouguer anomaly
map Magnetic anomaly map of each degreesheet will be

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