English 9 Q1 W1
English 9 Q1 W1
English 9 Q1 W1
1. Read and reflect on the poem “Life of Fine” by Langston Hughes
Activity No: 1 Title: “Life of Fine” by Langston Hughes Day: 1
Directions: Read the poem “LIFE IS FINE” by Langston Hughes and identify the significant human
experiences by answering the comprehension questions that follow.
Life is Fine
By: Langston Hughes
1. What kind of life is reflected in the poem?
2. Did the speaker become successful in his attempt to jump into 16 th floor? Explain your answer.
3. What did the speaker mean by “I could've died for love— But for livin' I was born?
4. How does the speaker’s tone shift at the last part of the poem? 5. Is the message of the poem
worthwhile? Prove your point.
Directions: Reflect on how the following quotation relates to the message of the poem “LIFE IS FINE” by Langston
“You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated . In
fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so youcan know who you
are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.”
-Maya Angelou
Lesson/Topic: Modal Verbs and Its Uses
2. Define modal verbs and its uses
Activity No: 2 Title: Modal Verbs Days: 2
Key Concepts
Modal verbs are auxiliary or helping verbs that indicate the mode or manner of the actions. Modal verbs are
a part of the larger category called auxiliary verbs which are verbs that cannot be used on their own they need to be
accompanied by another (main) verb. Sometimes modal verbs are called modal auxiliaries.
The most commonly used modal verbs are: Can, Could, May, Might, Must, Shall, Should. They are modal auxiliary
verbs that provide additional information about the verb that follows it.
Lesson/Topic: 3. Modal Verbs Expressing Permission, Obligation, Prohibition, Ability, Advice, and Probability
Reference/Source: Page No.: __________
“Modals.” BCCC Tutoring Canter, accessed July 25, 2020.
Express permission, obligation, prohibition, ability, advice and probability using correct modal verbs
Activity No: 3
Title: Modal Verbs Expressing Permission, Obligation, Prohibition, Ability, Advice and Probability
Day: 3
Directions: Complete the table by writing in the second column a sentence using the modal verb indicated. Example:
Could Mother could cook different delicious food when she was perfectly healthy.
2. Could
3. May
4. Might
5. Shall
6. Should
7. Must
8. Must not
Lesson/Topic: 4. Express permission, obligation, prohibition, ability, advice and probability using correct modal
verbs Express permission using the correct modals
4. Use correct modal verbs in writing a paragraph Note:
Refer to Day 2 Key Concept for your answers.
Directions: Write a short paragraph about your opinion/observation on the government’s implementation on
vaccination against Covid 19. Use modal verbs correctly expressing permission, obligation, prohibition, ability,
probability and advice.