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Land Officer Document1-1

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Q1 A, Quote the pillars of vision 2020 and its cross cutting

 Good governance and a capable state

 Human resource development and a knowledge based economy
 A private sector-led economy
 Infrastructure development
 Productive and Market Oriented Agriculture
 Regional and International Economic integration.

Its cross cutting

 Gender equality
 Protection of environment and sustainable natural resource
 Science and technology, including ICT

B, which one of these pillars is more related with this position

 Infrastructure development
 Productive and Market Oriented Agriculture

C, Chose the true answer between 30o, 50o, 90o and none of them, the 100 %
of slope is corresponded with what degree of slop above

 None of them, the true answer is 45o

D, mention the 4 thematic areas of EDPRS II

 Economic Transformation
 Productivity and Youth Employment
 Rural Development


Page 1
 Accountable Governance

E: Cross cutting issues of EDPRS II

 Capacity building
 Environment and climate change
 Gender and family
 Regional integration
 HIV/AIDS and NCDs prevention and treatment
 Disaster management
 Disability & Social Inclusion

Q2 Mention the mode of land acquisition and ownership in Rwanda

 Method of acquisition through the customary law

 Through land occupation
 Through inheritance
 Through the process of transfer by sale or as a donation
 By prescription
 Method of acquisition through written law
 Tenancy contracts of plots for building purposes for a 3-year
period in urban areas
 Long lease contracts of land for agricultural purposes for a period of
15 years or more in rural areas
 Free assignment contracts in both rural and urban areas to
natural or legal persons for social activities with real impact on the
welfare of the people
 Sale contracts and title deeds for plots that are built in urban
 Right of access: mode of land acquisition which is common for public


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Q3 Quote two types of erosion and mention 4 measures taken by government
to protect erosion

 Rain water erosion

 Wind erosion
 Steep terrain terracing
 Good drainage system of storm water by appropriate conduits or sewers
 Storing water from houses
 Trees plantation to reduce the direct follow of rain water

Q4 Quote 5 factors followed when they are choosing the site or place of
settlement in rural area

 A site should have basic infrastructures in place or should be where

infrastructures can be put in place with ease at less cost
 Should be near crop farms not far than 3 km away
 Should not be on high risk zone, valleys or near swamps
 Should be at less fertile ground where applicable
 Settlement sites should not be so close to each other, except may be in
hills places where two adjacent hills can make one settlement, at least each
village should in distance of 4 km apart

Q6 what are the principal instrument of the implementation of land reform in


Q6 using sketch, give the different types of foundations currently used in


 For the ground is solid enough(foundation of 60 cm of deep)= 1 type

 For the ground is not solid enough(foundation of 100 cm of deep)= 3 types

NB. See figures from the books


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Q7 Explain why the grouped settlement is the solution in rural area

The Government has always considered that regrouping human settlement

represented a solution to

 Problem of population pressure,

 poor land management
 impoverishment(poor) of the rural masses, and
 this type of settlement should become in the long run the mode of use and
development of the national territory(sustainable land use planning)
 Facilitation in land consolidation
 Ease to access on basic infrastructures
 Environmental protection

Q8 give the indicators of the implementation for urban master plan

 Traffic (street and railway) network,

 lines of communication
 urban surface materials, vegetation indices, fractional land cover
 built up density,
 land cover and land cover change
 Population distribution
 critical infrastructure
 Surface topography

Q9 what are the element of the implementation of the urban master plan

 1: Guiding Principles for Plan Implementation

1. Approval
2. Development of implementation tools
3. Project based implementation
4. Good Governance
5. Institutional set up
6. Clear vision of implementation


Page 4
7. Phasing of developments
8. Performance measures
9. Timely revision
 2: Implementation of Structure and Local Development Plans
• Plan approval
• Preparation of regulations, directives, and working procedures,
• Entering agreement with implementing agencies,
• Formulation of projects according to LDPs and operational plans,
• Allocation of budget, manpower, and equipments,
• Valuate, negotiate, fix and compensate landholders, relocate,
• Site clearing, surveying and localizing bench marks and corner stones
• Construct necessary infrastructure
• Allocate land and issue title deeds for potential developers (individual
applicants, investors, or public bodies),
• Issue building permit
• Register the allocated land on cadastral map,
• Monitor and evaluate building development,
• Update SP and LDP as required when modifications are made to local
 3: Development Regulations
Implementation regulations are instruments for the effective guidance of
urban development
1. Expansion area development
2. Intervention programmes (renewal area, upgrading area, mixed
intervention area)
3. Informal construction, settlements, activities’ control
4. Hygiene and sanitation control
5. Expropriation, compensation, relocation procedures,
6. Infrastructure and service maintenance procedures,
7. Land allocation, title deeds procedures,
8. Construction permits procedures,

Page 5
9. Solid and liquid waste collection and disposal systems and procedures
10. Land and property registration and management systems
11. Traffic management regulations
12. Historical sites, monuments and buildings listing, conservation, and
restoration procedures
13. Tax valuation and collection procedures
14. Public hearing procedures

 3. 1 Phasing of implementation
• Sequence and connection of activities
• The finance required at each stage of implementation
• Stakeholders and actors
• Phasing stipulated in the SP should be adopted in the preparation
of LDP and projects,
• Clear breakdown of activities and public investment costs should be
stated in phasing
• Implementation guidelines should be provided respective to the
recommended phasing
 3.2 Powers and Duties of Local Authorities
Local Authorities have the following major powers and duties. To:
• Prohibit or control the use and development of land
• Prohibit and control the re/subdivision of land
• Review, consider and approve or prohibit application for
development activities
• Follow-up and report the proper execution of plans and projects
• Formulate appropriate laws regulations and working procedures
• Protect public land
• Control illegal construction
• To provide and maintain parks, green areas and municipal services
• To identify areas for re/development


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 3.3 Administrative steps, procedures and actions
Local governments, in undertaking the major duties and
responsibilities presented above, need to have the required legal
backing. In addition to these, transparency and accountability are the
most important points to be considered
 3.4 institutional arrangement
Institutional arrangement should be targeted at
• Technical integration in designing and execution of investment in
• Efficiency in the use of resources through good budgeting and
program execution
• Financial viability and sound financial management of projects and
• Developing the capacity to plan its services ahead or at least in
pace with demand
• Sensitivity to the needs of the low-income group and majority
• Concern for environmental protection at all levels
 3.5 Financing
A lump sum financial requirement for the realization of the SP should
be stated in the SP document.
 3.6 Partnership
Plan implementation should foster partnership in supply and
Operation and Maintenance of services and facilities. Partnership
could also be employed in preparation of implementation plans and
 3.7 Transparency and public participation
 3.8 Evaluation, Monitoring and Feedbacks


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Q10 How can you categorize the accident of fire hazard in urban master plan

Q11 Give the importance of soil mapping in the planning of the community

 Soil mapping helps to analyze the location of any site

 It helps to know the land use
 It helps to analyze soil composition
 It helps to analyze the topography of the sites
 It helps to know the size of the area
 It helps to analyze the fertility of the area
 Large scale map of soil greatly facilitates the application of sampling
method in statistical research for planning the community settlement

Q12 what are the factors we have to consider when we are planning for the
human settlement

 Thinking on low, medium and high income people

 Governmental vision about land use management
 Protection and conservation of environment
 Vision of land use productivity
 Location analysis
 Physical analysis of the area

Q13 what are the importance of soil mapping in soil valuation process

 It provides resources information about an area

 It helps understanding soil suitability for various land use activities
 It is essential to prevent environmental deterioration associated with
misuse of land
 It is used for the identification and classification of soil
 Is used for farmers to retain soil nutrients and earn maximum yield


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Q14 what is the importance of GIS in human settlement planning

 Digital maps in human settlement can be combined, manipulated,

analyzed, and visualized in different ways by using Geographical
Information Systems (GIS)
 It is the process of measuring and detailed presentation of natural and
artificial features of terrestrial area
 Topographical analysis of the area or site
 Population analysis of the area
 Soil analysis of the site
 Environmental analysis of the area
 Master plan preparation
 Plots demarcation

Q15 Define Road setback and its dimensions on national roads in Rwanda

 It is defined as the minimum required distance from the plot boundary to

the building, road etc
 The dimension of national road is 22 m on one side, then its 44 m both

Q16 a: the term HIMO and VUP are abbreviations, develop them in full words

 HIMO: Houte Intensite de Main D,Oeuvre

 VUP: Vision Umurenge Programme

B: these programs above are in line with the poverty reduction initiatives, to
shore up this assertion, provide two activities under each of them

 Une strategie en action humanitaire visant a investor dans des
projets favorisant l, employ des populations locales(find examples)


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 Direct support
 Financial support
 Public work

C: what do you call mitigation measures in environmental protection;

illustrate this based on clear examples

 Mitigation measures in environmental protection is defined as all possible

ways that may be taken in order to protect environments
 Forestation in way of preventing erosion
 Radical terraces
 Reduction of biomass use by using other types of fuels(Gas, cooking
stoves, biogas, electricity etc)
 Reduction of emissions in order to protect Ozone
 Buffer zone around the natural reserves

D: at which slope the only trees can be planted to prevent erosion

 Over 40o

Q17 Quote 5 advantages and 5 disadvantages of rural settlement


 More natural environment

 Better social support network
 Less stressful environment
 Perceived as safer
 Class differences are not as distinctive


 Limited transportation available

 Social network can led to strain in case of small town
 Limited of employment opportunity

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 Difficult to access on public facilities
 Dependency of agriculture

Q18 A the government of Rwanda has initiate the programs that are
implemented at sector level, quote some of them and say their role in economic
growth and development of sector

 HIMO, Houte Intensite de Main d,Oeuvre is a strategy that a government

used to help local people in their projects that is a sources of jobs creation
 VUP, Vision Umurenge Program(explain these by using direct support,
financial support and public work)

B Define UMUDUGUDU as stated by the human settlement policy

 UMUDUGUDU is defined as a mode of planned settlement made of

between 100 and 200 houses by site in rural areas.
 Measurements of plot reserved for « UMUDUGUDU » range from 10 to
20 hectares with a possibility or capacity of extension and as far as
possible a space provided for various nonagricultural activities so as to
allow the population to earn their lives.
 The combination of all these elements constitutes the UMUDUGUDU.

Q19 Quote land issues before land management policy

 Very high population density and heavy pressure on the land

 Excessive parceling of family agricultural land
 Loss and degradation of soils
 Natural Causes
 Pedological causes
 Geomorphologic causes
 Climatic causes
 Scarcity of land


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 Man-made causes
 Population pressure
 The disastrous effects of the war and genocide
 Inappropriate farming methods and inadequate soil
conservation techniques
 Pressure on forests and natural reserves
 Lack of adequate land legislation
 Unfavorable land tenure system to women
 Inadequate human, material and financial resources

Q20 suppose that the country budget for basic infrastructures is low, say why
and propose alternatives to meet the country needs

 Bad planning(gutegura nabi plan)

 To do what you did not plan for
 Mismanagement of the budget
 Corruption in procurements
 Unskilled labors(technicians)

 Good planning
 Planning according to the budget
 Budget review in the middle
 Better recruitment
 Non corruption in procurements

Q21 when constructing in area prone to strong wind, propose 5 measures to be

taken into account and explain the purpose of each

 In area prone to strong wind, Wind Breakers (Trees) must be used to

reduce the wind velocity
 Retaining walls should be constructed to support very steep cut slope
 houses should have a reinforced concrete structure


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 Roof structure should be placed such that it faces the opposite direction of
the wind
 In case this is not possible, the roof should be hidden behind a parapet
 The wall facing the main wind direction should be raised up at a minimum
of 20cm above the roofing material
 the latter should be inserted into the wall to avoid any leakage
 A hipped roof is recommended to protect walls from rain water
penetration and for wind resistance
 A Roof Eave of a minimum 35cm is recommended

Q22 after many years of rural settlement or imidugudu program

implementation, it’s still delaying, quote 5 reasons

 Shortage of financial resources

 Population mindset
 Lack of good and sufficient construction materials
 Lack of appropriate institutional framework and tools to plan and manage
the land in rural area
 Inadequate land improvement in regrouping sites

Q23 Discus the succession order for this case someone is legal married, he died,
he has children, and his spouse remarries=legal marriage after his death, in a
case of inheritance without a will

The children will get 75% of the property (read in succession order of 1999 in


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Q24 Quote 5 specific objectives and 5 general principals of land policy in

 Specific objectives
 To put in place mechanisms which guarantee land tenure security to land
users for the promotion of investments in land
 To promote good allocation of land in order to enhance rational use of land
resources according to their capacity.
 To avoid the splitting up of plots and promote their consolidation in order
to bring about economically viable production.
 To establish mechanisms which facilitate giving land its productive value in
order to promote the country’s socio-economic development.
 To focus land management towards more viable and sustainable
production by choosing reliable and time-tested methods of land
 To develop actions that protects land resources from the various effects
of land degradation.
 To establish institutional land administration arrangements that enable
land to have value in the market economy.
 To promote research and continuous education of the public in all
aspects of duties and obligations with regard to land tenure, land
management and land transactions.
 To establish order and discipline in the allocation of land and land
transactions in order to control and/or curb pressure on land, inappropriate
development, land speculation and land trafficking.
 To promote the involvement and sensitization of the public at all levels in
order to infuse land use practices that are favorable to environmental
protection and good land management.
 To promote conservation and sustainable use of wetlands.


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 General principals
 Land is a common heritage for past, present and future generations
 According to the constitutional principle of equality for all citizens,
equity shall guide the right to acquire land and property
 Land administration should guarantee land tenure security
 Land use planning and land information management are pre-requisite to
optimal and sustainable management and use of land , being the source
of economic development and wealth
 Methods of land management and land use will differ according to
whether they concern urban or rural land
 Existing fragile zones that are of national interest should be protected
 Good land management should develop land use planning, including
organization of human settlement and consolidation of small plots for a
more economic and productive use of land
 Land transactions and land taxation should be included in land
administration as elements of land development
 Cadastral plans and maps are the best method for obtaining, registering
and analyzing comprehensive and accurate data regarding land
 An appropriate cadastral system is an essential basis for really
understanding the land situation of a country, and thus for planning any
land reform action.
 A well-defined legal and institutional framework is an indispensable tool
for the establishment of a national land policy

Q25 Define these terms

 Land restitution: is where government adjudicate on the past injustice and

return back to the land original owner
 Land redistribution: land is taken from large landholders by state and
transferred to landless
 Land consolidation, is the unification of land parcels with an estimated
easier and productive farming than the fragmented plots.


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 Land administration” Land administration is the process of determining,
recording and dissemination of information about ownership, value and
use of land, when implementing land management policies
 Land management/ Land management is the process by which the
resources of land are put to good effect
 Land fragmentation: subdivision of land into small plots

Q26 A: what are different strategies that the government of Rwanda has been
taken into account for the reason of land management?

Strategies in land management should include the

 planning of land use,

 organization of human settlement
 enhancement of consolidation of plots for a more economical and more
productive use of the land
 national land policy
 setting the institutional framework for land management

B: What are the reasons of land management? (Why land management)

 To integrate ecological with social, economic, and legal principals in the

management of land for urban and rural development purposes to meet
change of human needs
 Ensuring the long term productive potential of natural resources
 The maintenance of their environment and cultural function

Q27 after defining LAIS, give the importance of good land administration

 LAIS is a web based land registration tool that is developed based on
procedures and processes that are provided for by the Ministerial
Order Determining Modalities of Land Registration
 In order to ensure proper land management and land administration and
specifically the maintenance of land certificates issued to landholders

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during land registration, a Land Administration Information System
(LAIS) has been developed
 Changes to land rights will be notified to the system through
administrative documents. Administrative documents will be received at
district offices, checked and details entered to the database via an
intranet using a web browser. Deputy Registrars located in zone’s
offices will check and approve the work undertaken by district officers
 LAIS has been introduced as a way of moving from analogue to
digital way of dealing with various land transactions but most
importantly to create a more efficient, cost effective, quick and
transparent land registration processes
 Importance of good land administration
 Guaranty of ownership and security of tenure
 Reduce land disputes
 Provide security for credit (mortgages)
 Support for land and property taxation
 Contribute to develop and monitor land markets
 Protect state land
 Facilitate land reform
 Improve urban planning and infrastructure development
 Support sustainable management of land resources and environmental

Q28 Give six districts of secondary cities in Rwanda



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Q29 what areas of application of GIS for land planning and land management

 GIS is used for managing spatial data and for supporting decision making
process in various governmental domains such as cadastral, public health,
education, transportation and road planning, utilities and agricultural as
well as in the private sector
 Map of information concerning soil and land cover, geological information,
population distribution, flora, fauna, human activities
 Digital maps can be combined, manipulated, analyzed, and visualized in
different ways by using GIS
 A series of maps may be used as an adequate recording of information
concerning both the soil and plant cover
 Areas: Land administration, agricultural development, reforestation etc

Q30 in 12 lines, explain land consider as not exploited

 The land that is not protected from soil erosion

 The land mean for agriculture is not covered by crops or other plants at
least up to a half of its area
 The land mean for grazing doesn’t respect grazing regulations or is not
pasture for animals up to at least one half of its area
 The land means for building and or infrastructures is not developed within
the period prescribed by competent authority

Q31 A: what are the importances of rural settlement scheme imidugudu

 Reduces the existing gaps in accessing infrastructures and social services

 Ensure to all Rwandans decent housing as well as more salubrious, viable,
equitable, sustainable and productive human resources
 Land management
 Promote land consolidation for more productive
 Opportunity to create other off farm activities
 Reduce population pressure on the land


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B what are the disadvantage of imidugudu

 Easy Diseases contamination for all citizens

 Taking long journal to crop farms
 Conflict between peoples
 Any disaster can affect many in regrouped site
 Problem of dirty from the remains such food, waster water, etc

Q32 what is the relationship between the goal of land consolidation and that of
rural settlement

 Yes
 Proper land management should include the planning of land use, on the
backdrop of the organization of human settlement and the enhancement
of consolidation of plots for more economical, and more productive of land

Q33 A explain the scattered settlement

 It is illegal residential area in urban areas

B Quote five advantages and five disadvantage of scattered settlement

 Advantage
 Development of small business
 Possibility to resettle other population after expropriation
 Disadvantage
 Difficult to land consolidation
 Lack of specialization in agricultural practices
 Inappropriate farming methods
 Inadequate soil consolidation
 Bad management and poor use of land resources
 Risk of pollution
 Insecurity, banditism
 Non access to land tenure


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Q34 why the settlement policy should diversify plots of low, medium and high

 Plot of low standing to accommodate low income people

 Plot of medium standing to accommodate medium income people
 Plot of high standing to accommodate higher income people

Plots should be developed according to affordability of all people categories

Q35 according to human settlement policy in Rwanda 2009, give the constraints
and major challenges in the rural human settlement sector

 Inadequate cover rate of imidugudu

 Considerable housing needs
 Inadequate land improvements in regrouping sites
 Inadequate planning and management of human settlement
 Shortage of financial resources
 Inadequate legal framework for rural human settlement

Q36 according to human settlement policy in Rwanda 2009, give the constraints
and major challenges in the urban human settlement sector

 Considerable housing needs

 Impediments to the implementation of the national human settlement
 Poor urban planning
 Limited public financial resources
 Inadequate urban infrastructure and complementary facilities
 Inadequate decentralization of human settlement management
 Inadequate mechanisms to recover the costs invested in human settlement
 Limited human resources
 Insufficient building materials


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 nonexistence of regulation standards governing planning and construction
 Environmental problem

Q37 what are the categories of legal marriage in Rwanda, which of them is not
dealing with land conflict

 Community property regime

 Limited community property regime
 Separated property regime

 Separated property regime

Q38 what are four basic legal principal for land registration technology

 Land management paradigm
 People and institution
 Right, restriction, and responsibilities
 cadastre

Q39 A defines land tenure and land transaction

Land tenure

 May be considered as a set of modes or procedures of land

acquisition and ownership.
 It is, in other words, a combination of rules that define the
modes of access, use and control of land and its renewable
natural resources.
 It is therefore a relationship between men or social groups
and land or its underlying resources


Page 21
Land transaction

 Land transaction can be understood to mean all the operations involved

in the evaluation of land and real property, registration and
deregistration of mortgages, land and real property transfer, land and
real property taxation, and the nature of land and real property

B gives four land tenure systems in pre colonial period

 Ubukonde
 Igikingi
 Inkungu
 Gukeba

Q40 mention the documents given to a person registered his land and its

 Contract of Emphyteutic Lease

 Certificate of Registration of an Emphyteutic Lease (with as Annex an
Extract of the Cadastral Plan, also named Deed-Plan)
 Certificate of Registration of Conditional Freehold Title
 Certificate of Registration of Freehold Title
 Certificate of Registration of Full Title of a Condominium
 Certificate of Registration of Full Title of a Condominium Unit

Each Certificate of Registration is composed of 4 sections:

 The “Parcel Section” in which is recorded the description of the

immoveable property
 The “Proprietorship Section” in which is recorded full details of the owner
of the immoveable property
 The “Charges Section” in which is recorded annotations of real charges on
the immovable property (e.g. servitudes, Caveat, Statement)


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 The “Restrictions Section” in which is recorded annotations on restrictions
on the immovable property (e.g. Seizure)

Q41 according to the expropriation for the public interest, what are the 15 acts
taken as of the public interest,

1°roads and railway lines;

2° water canals and reservoirs;

3° water sewage and treatment plants;

4° water dams;

5° rainwater canals built alongside the roads;

6° waste treatment sites;

7° electric lines;

8° gas, oil, pipelines and tanks

9° communication lines;

10°airports and airfields;

11°motor car parks, train stations and ports;

12°biodiversity, cultural and historical reserved areas;

13°acts meant for security and national sovereignty;

14°hospitals, health centers, dispensaries and other public health related


15°schools and other related buildings;

16°Government administrative buildings and their parastatals, international

organizations and embassies;


Page 23
17°public entertainment playgrounds andbuildings;



20°genocide memorial sites;

21°activities to implement master plans of theorganization and management of

cities and the national land in general;

22°valuable minerals and other natural resources in the public domain

Q42 what is LTR, give its procedures steps

 Rwanda has been working on a Land Tenure Regularization (LTR)

programme since 2005 (with trials till 2008 and full implementation since
2008) with the objective of all rightful landholders in Rwanda receiving
legally valid land title documents and minimizing disputes preventing the
issue of land titles
 Demarcation of land using aerial photography to produce an index map
 Adjudication and recording details
 Issuing claims receipt
 Recording objection and disputes
 Publication of records
 Mediation period
 Final registration
 Title assurance

Q43 what problems or defects usually found in gravel or earth roads

maintenance and all possible remedies

 Meeting with rocks

 Meeting with water ground
 Lack of appropriate technology
 Accident due to landslide

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 Existence of poor soil which is not good for road because of errors in
 Lack of skilled people
 Lack of all required machines

Q44 what are the advantage of land registration

 Protecting your right

 Clarity of your rights
 Clarity of your boundaries
 Security of loans
 Easy of transferring land titles

Q45 Define

 Expropriation, an act of taking away individuals land by the state due to

the public interest in circumstance and procedures provided by the law and
subject to fair and prior compensation
 Emphytetic lease, a long term contract between the state and a person to
exploit land in return for a period agreed fee payment
 Prescription, a procedure of definitive possession of rights over property or
losing right over property due to expiration of a certain period of time
provided for by law
 EIA, Environmental Impact Assessment: systematical process to predict,
identify and evaluate the environmental effect of proposed action and

Q46 A mention six methods used in land valuation

B gives the methods used to calculate land value depreciation

Q46 what are the main factors influencing the value of the agricultural land

Q47 what is the importance of soil mapping in soil valuation


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Q48 what is the role of GIS in land surveying

 GIS help together existing information, collect new information, analyze

data, produce maps, deliver accurate products, provide a central location to
conduct a spatial analysis, overlay data and integrate other solutions and
 GIS database enabling surveyors to easily manage, reuse, share and analyze
data, saving time
 GIS benefits for survey planning
 Increase efficiency
 Plan effectively for site location
 Access vast amount of public available geospatial data
 Provide decision support
 Automate task
 Save money
 To view historical data

Q49 why property valuation

Q50 what are the objectives on national human settlement policy in rural and
urban area

 Objectives in rural area

 The main objective of the human settlement policy in rural areas is the
improvement of the existing system of human settlements for
sustainable socio-economic development
 Specific objectives
 Rationalization of national land use
 Creating new housing units
 Improvement of the quality of houses in rural areas
 Strengthening the role of local communities in human settlement
 Organization of a system for rural housing financing


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 Objectives in urban area
 The main objective of the national human settlement policy in the
urban sector is to improve the settlement conditions of the urban
population with a view to boosting the implementation of poverty
reduction strategy
 Specific objectives
 Complete control and management of the urban planning and
 Controlling the growth of urban population cluster
 Matching the supply and the demand of building plots in urban centres
 Organizing a human settlement financing system in urban areas
 Organizing and coordinating human settlement management
 Development of the building industry

Q51 what are the role of maps in land management

 To ensure man’s survival as well as his continued and increasing prosperity,

 It is vital that all land resources are known as accurately as possible.
 The limitations of these exhaustible and non-renewable resources should
be understood in order to avoid unnecessary wastage and control the
losses and damage during use
 It is the most convincing tool of description and registration and an
essential and important method used in almost all forms of human
 It is the process of measuring and detailed presentation of natural and
artificial features of terrestrial area
 Plans/maps are a description of features that have been measured and
drawn in an accurate and practical manner


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Q52 what are the duties of the land owner to the land

 To pay taxes related with land

 Surrender the right to land when taken through lawful
 Not use land in way harmful to others

Q53 what are the system of land tenure

 Customary: land is owned and dispersed in accordance with customary

regulations , specific rules of customary way vary according to ethnic, and
 Freehold: right of ownership of land for indefinite period of time
 Leasehold: right of ownership of land for definite period of time
 Public land tenure: land is owned by government for her purpose
 Open access

Q54 what are the inspection tools in land surveying

 Digital camera
 Tape measure
 Laser meter
 Wield meter
 Sound meter
 Concrete structure scan
 Earth resistance meter
 Radiation meter
 Digital moisture meter inspector

Q56 what is NCI and its objectives

 NCI: National Construction industryIntend to support the significant role

that the construction industry plays in the social economic growth of the
nation. The objectives are particularly relevant to the sector
 To promote use of appropriate technology
 To remove restrictive practice on women’s participation in NCI


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Q57 Define master plan and mention its components

 Master plan is a tool to guide and manage the growth of cities in a planned
 Master plan is a framework to guide and manage urban growth
 Goals and objectives
 Population analysis
 Need assessment
 Standard analysis
 Agency action plan
 Cost analysis(financial strategies)
 Implementation plan

Q58 Define

 Property management
 How is it managed abandoned property
 What is WIPO in full words
 What is the different between a product with registered trade mark and
the one with unregistered trade mark
 In Rwanda, what is the depreciation of a car after 3 years of services

Q59 Discuss the importance of property management in the public institution

considering the 4 main roles

Q60 Quote and explain six guidelines to develop an assets management plan

Q61 Quote 4 main and frequent reasons of partnership between private sector
and government

Q62 what has more accuracy between GPS and theodorite

 Theodorite


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Q63 Do you think the refugees who were forced into the exile for political
reason in 1959 and who returned in Rwanda now can claim their owned
previous land which has been occupied by other Rwandans for more than 40
years now, why

They cannot claim back their previously owned land which has been occupied by
other Rwandans who remained in the country, because the Arusha Peace Accords
fixed the time limit for acquisition by prescription to 10 years.

Q64, after defining land registry, what are 3 functions of land registry

The land register is both a list or a registry of land values (owned plots) and
their owners and a representation of the territorial layout

 Financial: evaluation of land property, determination of land taxation

 Legal and land-related: identification and physical description of land
properties, identification of their owners;
 Technical: establishment and updating of the parceling plan, which is the
direct and indispensable tool for the physical identification of these

Q65: what are the elements of the implementation of the urban master plan

 Legal protection of the plan

 Capital improvement of the programme
 Zoning regulations
 Land subdivision regulations
 Building regulation
 Urban renewal programmes
 Tax policy
 Institutional re organization
 Purchase of land for public purpose
 Incentives for private sector


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