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Nurhati Bambang1 Dwi Ertiana, SST,S.Keb,BD,M.PH2, Ita Eko Suparni, SsiT,M.Keb3

email : nurhatibambang93@gmail.com

The purpose of this research is to know the description of the age and parity
on mothers who have Low Birth Weight. Infant mortality in Indonesia is still very high,
according to the SDKI 32/1000 birth with AS LOW as one cause. The incidence of
Low Birth Weight can be caused due to the age of the mother and parity are risky.
The population of the research was the whole LBW babies in Kediri Regency
HOSPITALS as much as 500 infants, and the number of samples taken as many as
83 samples using a purposive sampling. This research uses descriptive design, with
the variables of age and parity of mothers who have Low Birth Weight.
Results of the study showed the incidence of Low Birth Weight on maternal
age risk (< 20 and > 35 years) there are 38.55% whereas in multipara parity there
are 60.24% and grandemultipara 6.03%.
Based on the results of the analysis Age at risk (< 20 years, > 35 years) and
more parity than 3 also led to Low Birth Weight Risk. This is caused due to biological
changes associated with degenerative diseases. And in the process suffered a
setback in her body then this will affect the State of the uterus, the circulation of the
blood are already experiencing erosion thus affecting the food circulation to the
fetus. This situation can cause interference with the growth of the fetus so that will
give birth to Low Birth Weight. Similarly, on a parity of too high will result in the
disruption of the uterus especially in terms of the function of the blood vessels,
repetitive pregnancy will result in damage to the blood vessel walls of the uterus, this
will affect the nutrients to the fetus which led to Low Birth Weight.

Key Words: Age, Parity, Infants Of Low Birth Weight (LBW)


The statement of the Indonesian less than 2,500 grams regardless of

Minister of Health in the Strategic Plan age. pregnancy ". This is in line with
of the Ministry of Health in 2015-2019, the efforts of the government and the
in the last 5 years, "Neonatal Mortality world in reducing the Neonatal Death
Rate (AKN) remains the same, namely Rate contained in the Sustainable
19 / 1,000 KH. The cause of death was Development Goals (SDGs) or the
caused by Intera Uterine Fetal (IUFD) Third Sustainable Development Goal,
of 29.5% and Low Birth Weight Babies namely "In 2030, ending preventable
(LBW) of 11.2%. Low Birth Weight infant and toddler deaths.
(LBW) babies, especially premature LBW is caused by a short
babies, are still a global and national gestational age (prematurity), and
problem because they have a high IUGR (Intra-Uterine Growth
mortality rate. According to Restriction) which in Indonesian is
Prawirohardjo (2014), "Low Birth called Inhibited Fetal Growth (PJT) or
Weight (LBW) is a baby born weighing both. Both of these causes are
influenced by risk factors, such as significant relationship between
maternal, placental, fetal and gestational age, multiple pregnancy,
environmental factors. These risk hypertension and anemia during
factors cause lack of fulfillment pregnancy with LBW events.
nutrition to the fetus during pregnancy. Based on the theory from the
Babies with low birth weight generally research journal Aisyah in Kediri City,
experience poor long-term life that mothers with a parity of> 2
processes. If you do not die at the children at risk of 2.3 ali are more likely
beginning of birth, LBW babies have a to give birth to LBW and can pose a
risk of growing and developing more risk for fetal growth disturbance in the
slowly in contrast to babies born with womb so that it causes birth to babies
normal weight. with LBW.
According to WHO (2016).
The infant mortality rate (IMR) and Then it can also be seen from
mothers in the world as well as in the data based on a preliminary study
Indonesia is still a serious problem conducted by the author at the District
because it is an indicator of national Hospital of Kediri showing that the
health. The number of infant mortality number of pregnancies in 2017 was
in the world according to WHO (World 2210, with a total number of KEK as
Health Organization) in 2015 reached many as 438 cases. The total number
75% of all under-five deaths . The of BBL in Kediri District Hospital in
highest risk of a child dying before 2017 was 2002 babies, with normal
completing the first year of life in Africa birth weight of 1461 babies, low birth
is around 55 per 1,000 live births, weight of 490 babies, birth weight
which is five times higher than Europe, more than 51 babies, including LBW
which is only about 10 per 1,000 live born to KEK mothers.
births. According to research
Indonesia Demographic and conducted by Andrian (2014),
Health Survey in 2014-2015, LBW regarding the relationship between
prevalence rate in Indonesia is still maternal age and LBW events, states
relatively high at 9% with a fairly varied that of the 88 respondents some
distribution in each province. The respondents were at risk of age to
lowest rate was recorded in Bali have a baby with LBW, where out of
(5.8%) and the highest in Papua 50 respondents at risk 41 (82.0%)
(27%), while in Central Java Province respondents gave birth with LBW, and
it was around 7% (Kemenkes RI, 9 (18.0%) others did not. So it can be
2015). According to the Indonesian concluded that the mother's age is
Demographic and Health Survey associated with heavy babies low birth.
(SDKI) in 2012, the infant mortality rate Respondents who have a risky age will
was 32 per 1000 live births and 60% have the opportunity to give birth 5
occurred at 1 month of age, resulting times with LBW.
in a neotatus mortality rate of 19 per Then there are some
1000 live births (Kemenkes, 2012). definitions that were put together
The causes of death include LBW. according to research conducted by
Based on the results of Indrasari (2012), showing a significant
research Anjas Dwi Purwanto (2016) relationship between maternal age and
said that there was no significant the incidence of low birth weight
relationship between pregnancy babies, where p values = 0.001 and
distance, maternal height parity with OR = 4.262 with 95% CI: 1.759-
LBW events and there was a 10.327, OR value = 4.262 means that
mothers of age at risk have a 4.2 times According to research
greater risk of having a low birth Rantung et al (2015), it is known that
weight compared to mothers who do of the 70 respondents who were aged
not have an age at risk. ≤ 20 years as many as 22 respondents
Viewed from the case of low with LBW category (31.4%) and not
birth weight babies (LBW) prevention / LBW as many as (2.9%) and age who
prevention is an important step by were not at risk LBW category as
conducting regular pregnancy checks much as (21.4%) and not LBW as
at least 4 times during the pregnancy much as (20.2%). Statistical test
period and starting at a young results obtained p value 0.001,
gestational age, pregnant women who meaning there is a relationship
lead to giving birth to LBW babies between maternal age and the
must be quickly reported, monitored incidence of low birth Characteristics
and monitored. refer to health care of respondents based on Gisi Status
institutions, for this reason it is Table 4.3 Based on the Characteristics
necessary to support other related of Respondents based on nutritional
sectors to play a role in improving status
maternal education and family weight babies in the District Hospital of
economic status so that they can Kediri.
increase access to the use of According to the research of
antenatal services and the nutritional Henny Juaria in BPS Ny. Arifin (2014),
status of mothers during pregnancy. there is a relationship between parity
According to Wahab (2010), and the incidence of Low Birth Weight
the lowest neonatal mortality rate was (LBW). The incidence of Low Birth
found in infants of mothers who Weight (LBW) is higher in high parity
received adequate prenatal care and mothers than in low parity mothers.
aged between 20-35 years. Parity has an effect of 30% on the
Pregnancies under the age of 20 years occurrence of Low Birth Weight (LBW).
and women who are over the age of Based on the purpose of the
35 add to the risk of inter-fetal growth description presented in this study,
retardation. Manuaba (2007), adding namely that know the age and parity
that teenage pregnancies under the description of mothers who have low
age of 20 have risks: birth weight babies (LBW) can be seen
According to Kusparlina at the that the prevalence of LBW events in
Tawangrejo Health Center in Madiun the world, Indonesia, East Java, is still
City (2016), an age of less than 20 high so special attention needs to be
years has a 1.27 chance of giving birth given so that the impacts caused and
to a baby with LBW compared to a the factors that can cause LBW
mother of 20-35 years and a mother of especially from the mother's factor or
more than 35 years has a 2.10 times maternal factors can be overcome.
chance to give birth babies with LBW
compared with mothers aged 20-35 RESEARCH METHODS
years. The risk of pregnancy in This study uses a descriptive
mothers who are too young usually design, with the age and parity
arises because they are not ready variables of mothers who have LBW.
psychologically or physically. The study population was all LBW
Psychologically, teenagers are infants in the District Hospital of Kediri
generally not ready to be mothers. totaling 500 infants, and a total sample
of 83 samples were taken using
purposive sampling. The study was
conducted at the District Hospital of status of good nutrition as much as 65
Kediri on May 29, 2019. Analyze the respondents (78,31%).
data with a percentage
that from a total of 83 respondents
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION obtained almost all good nutritional
status of 65 respondents (78.31%).
4.1 GENERAL DATA 4. Characteristics of respondents bas
ed on hyperemesis.
1. Characteristics of respondents Table 4.4 Characteristics of
based on Childbirth Complications Respondents based on Hyperemesis
Table 4.1 Characteristics of No
Hyperemesis Numbe Percentages
r (%)
Respondents based on Childbirth 1 Hyperemesis 31 37,35
Complications. No 52 62,65
Birth Number Of Hyperemesis
No Complications Precentage Number 83 100
(%) Based on table 4.4 it can be
There are 47 56,6
complication explained that the results of the study
No 36 43,4 of a total of 83 respondents found that
complication most were not hyperemetic as many
The number 83 100
as 52 respondents (62.65%).
Based on table 4.1 it can be
explained that from a total of 83
respondents, it was found that the
1. Characteristics of respondents
majority experienced delivery
based on age
complications as many as 47
Graph 4.2 Characteristics of
respondents (56.62%).
respondents by age at the Kediri
District Hospital in 2018 can be
2. Characteristics of respondents
seen in the diagram below.
based on Mother's gestational age.
Table 4.2 Respondent Krakteristik
Based on Gestation Age
Gestational Numbr Of usia
Age Percentage(%)
7 8
Aterm (>37 43 51,80 6 65 5 6
1 43 3 4 4 3
Preterm (<37 40 48,20 10 12 012 0 222 3 1 11
2 00 0
18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48
Number 83 100
Based on table 4.2 it can be explained Based on the graph 4.1 shows
that from a total of 83 respondents it that from a total of 83 respondents
was found that most of the gestational found that most of the age of the
age> 37 weeks were 43 respondents mother is 35 years old as many as
(51.80%). 8 respondents (34.7%).

3. Characteristics of respondents 2. Characteristics of respondents

based on Gission Status based on Parity
Table 4.3 Based on the Characteristics Graph 4.2 Characteristics of
of Respondents based on nutritional respondents based on parity in the
Based on the table 4.3 can be No
Nutritional Numbe Of
explained that of a total of 83 Status r Percentage(%)
Good 65 78,32
respondents established almost all the 1
Poor 18 21,68
number 83 100
District Hospital of Kediri in 2018 can 20 years of age and more than 35
be seen in the diagram below: years of age (Triyana, 2013).
Meanwhile, according to Isnawati
Paritas (2010), the highest incidence of
27 28 prematurity is pregnancy at the age of
18 <20 years or> 35 years.
Most LBW occurrences
3 4 2 0 1 experienced by mothers aged 20-30
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 years are likely to occur mainly due to
Paritas interauterin growth inhibition /
complications, while others are
Based on graph 4.2 shows
included according to the pregnancy
that from a total of 83 respondents it
period caused by not the ability of
was found that most maternal parity
the uterus to hold the fetus, disruption
was multipara parity (two children) as
during pregnancy, release of the
many as 28 respondents (33.7%).
placenta sooner than the time of day,
or stimulation that facilitates uterine
contractions before term.
This is adjusted to the theory
4.2.1 Age of Mother in Kediri District
contained in Sistriani (2008), a good
Hospital 2018
age for mothers to get pregnant is 20-
From this study can provide
35 years. Pregnancies under the age
results on the age description of
of 20 years or more 35 years are high-
mothers with LBW infants in the
risk pregnancies.
District of Kediri District. This can be
According to Ervira Indrawati's
seen from the 83 samples of the
research at Mardi Waloedja Hospital in
majority of respondents who were not
Malang City (2017), there were 53
at risk of LBW, as many as 51
mothers at risk of LBW at 53
respondents (61.44%).
respondents (21.2%) while those at
Based on the data above
risk of LBW were 47 respondents
shows that mothers who are not at risk
(18.8%). The risk of pregnancy in
(20-35 years) tend to experience LBW
mothers who are too young usually
events. Although the age of 20-30
arises because they are not ready
years is recommended as a healthy
psychologically and physically.
reproductive age which is a safe age
According to Kusparlina
for pregnancy and childbirth.
(2016), mothers aged less than 20
Referring to the age factor
years have 1.27 times the opportunity
and based on data obtained from the
to deliver babies with LBW compared
District Hospital of Kediri that the age
to those aged 20-35 years and
characteristics of the sample look the
mothers over 35 years have a 2.10
youngest age is 18 years and the
times chance to give birth to babies
oldest age is 48 years. Age is the
with LBW compared to age 20-35
length of life since birth (Budiono,
years. The risk of pregnancy in
2005). A woman's reproductive age is
mothers who are too young usually
divided into two, namely a healthy
arises because they are not ready
reproductive age. What is meant by a
psychologically or physically.
healthy reproductive age is between
the ages of 20-30 years, although
According to the research of
some experts say it is still quite healthy
Rantung et al (2015), it is known that
until the age of 35 years, while the age
of the 75 respondents who were aged
of unhealthy reproduction is less than
<20 years as many as 22 respondents tabulation parity of primiparous
with the LBW category as many mothers experienced LBW, namely as
(31.4%), and not as much as LBW many as 28 respondents (33.73%)
(2.9%) and the age was not at risk with while multiparous parity of mothers
the category LBW as much as experienced LBW 50 respondents
(21.4%). (60.24%) and parity of
LBW is caused due to grandemultiparous mothers
complications in pregnancy. Which is experienced LBW 5 (6.02%) .
one of the factors causing the birth of The results of this study are
babies with low birth weight (LBW). supported by Prawiroharjo (2006),
And preeclampsia in pregnancy is a parity 1 and <3 are parity that is not
serious complication in the second- safe for pregnancy and childbirth, and
third trimester with clinical symptoms supported by the opinion of Manuaba
such as edema, hypertension, (2000) mothers with parity 1 and <3
proteinuria, convulsions to coma. With more often giving birth to LBW. This is
the occurrence of preeclampsia, blood made possible by the reproductive
vessel spasm occurs, resulting in organs that have gone down and the
impaired placental function, then muscle cells that are starting to
uteropplsenter circulation will be weaken so that mothers with parity at
disrupted, nutrition and O2 will be risk tend to give birth to LBW.
disrupted so that the fetus will In addition, high parity will
experience impaired fetal growth and also have an impact on the emergence
the baby will be born with a low birth of various health problems both for
weight baby. (Kurniawati, 2010). mothers and babies born. One of the
From the research obtained health effects that may arise from high
from the District Hospital of Kediri in parity is related to LBW events. Then
2018 as many as 83 respondents with Repetitive pregnancy causes damage
the majority of mothers who are not at to the blood vessels of the uterine wall
risk of LBW that is 51 respondents which affects the circulation of
(61.44%). However, a small proportion nutrients to the fetus where the
of mothers whose age is at risk of amount will be reduced compared to
LBW are 32 respondents (38.55%). previous pregnancies. This situation
Age that is not at risk for LBW occurs will disrupt the growth and
due to pregnancy complications such development of the fetus that will later
as placenta previa, preeclampsia / give birth to a baby with LBW
eclampsia and anemia. (Wiknjosastro, 2002).
The results of this study are in line with
4.2.2 Parity of mothers in Kediri District the study of Rumalutur, (2006) who
Hospital 2018 found that more mothers with parity
Based on research who were not at risk with less
conducted on May 29 to July 22, 2019 pregnancy faced. out of 3 times as
carried out in Kediri District Hospital it many as 110 (79.7%) of mothers with
is known that a total of 83 maternal parity more than 3 times as many as
parity samples were obtained by 28 (20.3%) samples.
multipara 50 respondents (60.24%), Based on the parity of this
primipara parity of 28 respondents study in accordance with the study of
(33.73%), and a small portion festy in 2009-2010 with the results of
grandemultipara parity of 5 the study which stated that the
respondents (6.02%). And in the incidence of LBW is high in mothers
appendix the results of the cross with parity below 4, 113 people
(88.2%) and the incidence is low in 2. Nearly half the age of mothers at
mothers with parity with a parity of risk is 32 respondents (38.55%) and
more than 4 as many 15 people most of the age at no risk is 51
(11.8%). These results are also respondents (61.45%).
consistent with the Trihardiani I study 3. Nearly half the primiparous parity
in 2011 which stated that from 250 was 28 (33.73%) and most of the
research samples showed (87.6%) multipara parity was 50 respondents
most mothers had parity of less than 4 (60.24%) while the grandemultipara
as many as 219 people and the parity was 5 respondents (6.03%).
remaining 31 people (12.4%) mothers 4. And it also needs to be understood
with more parity of 4. In accordance that even though high parity will
with research conducted by Nurhadi in directly reduce maternal health status,
2006 with the results of his study if prepared aspects of maternal health
which stated that most LBW cases will certainly have a better impact and
were found in mothers with parity of this will certainly result in an
less than 4 as many as 54 (85.7%) interpretation that maternal health
people from 63 samples. While status has more influence so that if this
mothers with a parity of more than 4 aspect of concern certainly will affect
only about 9 people (8.1%). the increase in maternal readiness to
From the results of this study deal with labor
obtained a total of 83 respondents and
the majority of maternal parity obtained REFERENCES
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