Doctor of Civil Law (DCL) (c), aCIArb
Professor of Law
Course Description Public International Law (PIL) is a branch of Political Law which is a
study of the basic principles of international law and an overview of the
legal principles governing international relations based, among others,
on the United Nations Charter, Statutes of International Court of Justice
(ICJ), the doctrines of well-known and recognized publicist, and the
decisions of international tribunals and bodies. It explores the history,
theories, concepts, and events that shaped Public International Law and
Jessup’s Transnational Law.
It aims to provide the students with a critical introduction to specific
themes of international law such as but not limited to war, terrorism,
territorial disputes, state immunities, application of international law
concepts through various domestic and foreign jurisprudence, and
awareness of the current international issues.
6. Ethical Action and Moral 6. Be the leading exponent 6. Work ethics and standards
Character. To exhibit highest of a learner-centered coupled with respect for the
standards of integrity in both approach to legal education rule of law, teamwork and
personal behavior and that integrates values and cooperation with classmates.
professional decorum. ethics to provide quality
holistic education.
a. Definition of Public International Law
i. As distinguished from Private International Law
ii. As distinguished from Transnational Law
b. Functions of International Law
c. Fathers of International Law (PIL) and Transnational Law (TL)
i. Jeremy Bentham and Hugo Grotius (PIL)
ii. Philip Jessup (TL)
d. Theories of International Law (John Austin and Oppenheim)
iii. Natural Law School of Thought
iv. Positivist School of Thought
v. Eclectic School of Thought
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Prof. Dr. Irene D. Valones, DCL, DPA, MPM (UP), LLM (UK, London), aCIArb
Professor of Law
e. General Concepts
Obligations erga omnes Rebus sic stantibus Jus gentium (law of nations)
Jus cogens Pacta sunt servanda Jus inter gentes (the law
between the people)
Ae quo et bono Opinio juris Sive Customary international law
Doctrine of incorporation Doctrine of transformation Monism and dualism
Res judicata Stare decisis International law vs
Municipal Law
• The general concepts are not exclusive as there are other principles of international
law that will be part of the classroom discussion.
What is Public International Law and Transnational Law? Is International Law a True Law?
a.1 Executive Order 459 (Providing for the Guidelines in the Negotiation of
International Agreements and its Ratification)
a.2 Memorandum Circular No. 89 of the Office of the President
a.3. RP’s Extradition Treaty and double criminality approach
vcountries that have signed extradition treaties to the Philippines and have taken effect
by ratification
• Canada, Australia, Spain, Thailand, China, Hongkong, Indonesia, South
Korea, Switzerland, United States, UK
Section 12, Rule 24 of the Rules of Court of the Philippines
a.4 Tax Treaties
The United Nations and OECD Model Tax Conventions
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Prof. Dr. Irene D. Valones, DCL, DPA, MPM (UP), LLM (UK, London), aCIArb
Professor of Law
a. Province of North Cotabato vs GRP Panel on Ancestral Domain, et al. GR No. 183591,
October 14, 2008, 568 SCRA 402
b. Commissioner of Customs vs Eastern Sea Trading 3 SCRA 351
c. Bayan vs Zamora, GR No. 138570, October 10, 2000, 342 SCRA 449
d. Abaya vs Ebdane, et al. GR No. 167919, February 14, 2007
e. Secretary of Justice vs Lantion, GR No. 139465
f. Ichong vs Hernandez
g. Lim vs Executive Secretary, GR No. 151445, April 11, 2002
h. Pimentel vs Executive Secretary, GR No. 158088, July 66, 2005
i. Constantino vs Cuisia and del Rosario, GR No. 1060604, October 13, 2005
j. Pharmaceutical vs DOH, GR No. 173034,October 9, 2007
k. Bayan Muna vs Romulo, GR No. 159618, February 1, 2011
l. Pangilinan vs Cayetano G.R. No. 238875/G.R. No. 239483/G.R. No. 240954. March 16, 2021
m. Paquete Habana Case 175 US 677, 1900
n. Laude vs Jabalde, GR No. 217456, November 24, 2015
o. Nicolas vs.Secretary Romulo, 598 Phil 262
p. Saguisag vs Ochoa, GR No. 212426, January 12, 2016
q. Vinuya vs Romulo, GR No. 162230, April 28, 2010
r. Tanada vs Angara, 272 SCRA 18
s. Mijares vs Hon. Ranada, GR No. 1393325, April 12, 2005
t. Republic vs. Sandiganbaayan, GR No. 104768, July 21, 2003
u. Nicaragua vs US, ICJ reports, 1986
v. Fisheries Jurisdiction Case, UK vs Iceland, ICJ Reports, 1974
w. Danube Dam Case (Hungary vs Slovakia, 37 ILM, 1998)
x. Colombia vs Peru, 17 ILR 28; ICJ Reports, 1950 Asylum case
y. North Sea Continental Shelf Case, ICJ Reports, 1969
z. Nuclear Test Case (Australia vs France; New Zealand vs France, ICJ reports, 1974
aa. Dissenting Opinion of Judge Tanaka in South West Africa Case, ICJ Reports, 1966
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Prof. Dr. Irene D. Valones, DCL, DPA, MPM (UP), LLM (UK, London), aCIArb
Professor of Law
• Enforcement action
Domestic jurisdiction clause
iii. Economic and Social Council
iv. Trusteeship Council
v. International Court of Justice
• Optional jurisdiction clause
vi. Secretariat
v The Use of Force
v Doctrine of Self-Help
v Threat of Force
v Individual and Collective Self-Defense Anticipatory Self-Defense
v Allowable Coercive Measures (retorsion, reprisal, embargo, boycott , non-
intercourse, pacific blockade)
a. AM Luther vs James Sagor & Co., 3 KB 532, 37 Times Law Reports 777-784 (Great
Britain, Court of Appeals, 1921)
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Prof. Dr. Irene D. Valones, DCL, DPA, MPM (UP), LLM (UK, London), aCIArb
Professor of Law
i. To respect the right of other states to the territorial existence and integrity
ii. To carry out in good faith the treaty obligations another sources of international law
iii. To refrain from intervention in the internal or external affairs of any other state
iv. To refrain from resorting to war as an instrument of national policy, or from the threat
or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of another state,
or in ay manner inconsistent with international law and order
v. To refrain from giving assistance to any state which is acting in violation of
international law or against the United Nation’s preventive or enforcement action
vi. To treat all persons under its jurisdiction with respect to their human rights and
fundamental freedoms
vii. To respect the property rights and jurisdictional processes of other states insofar as
they do not infringe upon the former’s own rights
viii. To settle disputes with other states by peaceful means
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Prof. Dr. Irene D. Valones, DCL, DPA, MPM (UP), LLM (UK, London), aCIArb
Professor of Law
i. Personal jurisdiction
ii. Territorial jurisdiction
iii. Land jurisdiction
iv. Maritime Territory (English and French Rule)
• The general concepts are not exclusive as there are other principles of international
law that will be part of the classroom discussion.
a. People vs Acierto
b. Dizon vs Phil Ryubus Command, 81 Phil 286
c. Raquiza vs Bradford 1 41 Official Gazette 626 September 13, 1945
d. Miquibas vs Commanding General, Philippine Ryukus Command, United States Army.
GR No. L-1988, February 24, 1948
e. Lauritzen vs Larsen, 345 US 571
f. McCulloch vs Sociedad NAcional de Mareneros de Hunduras, 372 US 10 (1963)
g. US vs Look Chaw, 18 Phil 573
h. People vs Wo Cheng, 46 Phil 729
i. The Schooner Exchange vs M’FAddon and Others, 7 Cranch [US] 116
j. US vs. Bull 15 Phil 7
k. Lotus Case
a. Expulsion/deportation
b. Reconduction
c. Doctrine of state responsibility
d. Doctrine of equality of treatment
e. Acts of government officials and private individuals
f. Enforcement of alien’s claims
g. Calvo clause
h. Resort to diplomatic protection
i. Modes of enforcement
j. Territorial and Diplomatic Asylum
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Prof. Dr. Irene D. Valones, DCL, DPA, MPM (UP), LLM (UK, London), aCIArb
Professor of Law
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Prof. Dr. Irene D. Valones, DCL, DPA, MPM (UP), LLM (UK, London), aCIArb
Professor of Law
q. Southeast Asia Fisheries Development Center vs NLRC,, 206 SCRA 283, February 4,
r. DFA vs NLRC, GR No. 113191, September 18, 1996
d. Air Space
v. Chicago Convention and the International Civil Aviation Organization
vi. 1967 Treaty on the Exploration and Use of Outer Space
vii. Principle of Exterritoriality and Principle of Extra-territoriality
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Prof. Dr. Irene D. Valones, DCL, DPA, MPM (UP), LLM (UK, London), aCIArb
Professor of Law
Group Activity:
I. International Conventions
a. Republic Act No. 10530 (An Act Defining The Use And Protection Of
The Red Cross, Red Crescent, And Red Crystal Emblems, Providing
Penalties For Violations Thereof And For Other Purposes)
b. Republic Act No. 9851 (Philippine Act on Crimes Against International
Humanitarian Law, Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity)
c. Republic Act No. 11188 (An Act Providing for the Special Protection of
Children in Situations of Armed Conflict and Providing Penalties for
Violations Thereof)
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Prof. Dr. Irene D. Valones, DCL, DPA, MPM (UP), LLM (UK, London), aCIArb
Professor of Law
1. Make sure your FULL NAME shows up appropriately.
2.Mute until you are required to talk. Use the Zoom functions to communicate (chatbox, raise your
3.Make sure your video is on (if you have camera capabilities) for engaging and interactive learning.
4.Do not share the zoom access information for your class with others, or enter under a different
5.Do not take screenshots, cell phone pictures, or otherwise record the meeting without express
permission to do so.
6.Do not use the Zoom chat box for side conversations with classmates.
7.Do not engage in texting, social media work, or other distractions while in class.
Class Standing (Presentations, Group 30%
Debates/Activities, Recitations, Class
Participation, Revalida)
Midterm Exam 30%
Final Exam 40%
TOTAL 100%
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