Syllabus Uts
Syllabus Uts
Syllabus Uts
First Semester A.Y. 2023-2024
Vision Colegio de Kidapawan envisions in improving the Quality of Life through Quality Education.
Mission Colegio de Kidapawan aims to produce outstanding professionals in a culturally diverse and changing global society.
1. Nurture the learners in a safe and conducive environment and ensure an enriched life-long learning.
2. Develop individuals into mature and responsible citizens by internalizing desired Filipino cultural and moral values;
CdK Goals
3. Promote environmental stewardship and advocacy to help the needy;
4. Propagate new knowledge or innovations through research studies which enhance teaching and learning.
1. Provide academic and non-academic programs that fit the needs in the local, regional, national and global communities;
2. Provide enhancement programs for leadership and innovative skills training;
CdK Objectives
3. Engage in researches that further enhance teaching and learning;
4. Involve the community outreach programs in coordination with the Local Government Units and other agencies.
EXCELLENCE. Quality of being outstanding or extremely good.
INTEGRITY. Quality of being honest and having strong moral principles or normal uprightness.
CdK Core Values SERVICE. Act of helpful activity of an organization towards its functions
COMMITMENT. State or quality of being dedicated to a cause.
ACCOUNTABILITY. Face or condition of being accountable or responsible.
CdK Graduate Colegio de Kidapawan is a student- centered college that seeks to develop graduates of global distinction by providing quality education.
Attributes The College defines its core values underpinning its degree programs through the graduate attributes. These describe the knowledge,
capabilities and potentials that students are encouraged to take responsibility for developing throughout their studies at the college. The graduate
attributes are not a list of skills to be mastered; rather they reflect and encapsulate for both the students and the entire community the characteristics
that define student’s college degree program(s), and specifically define a set of characteristics that are transferrable beyond the specific disciplinary
context in which they have developed.
Whilst graduate attributes are promoted based on the curriculum, they are also designed within the entire college experience as they encourage
students to think of a broader purpose of their college education.
1. Knowledge Competence – graduates have profound knowledge and comprehensive understanding of their specific program, the ability to
encounter various traditions of thought, and the ability to utilize knowledge in practice within multi-disciplinary or multi-professional realms.
2. Analytical Skills – graduates are capable and effective problem-solvers who apply scientific methods, critical and creative thinking in order to
develop complex ideas and solutions in responding to complex challenges in the future.
3. Technical and Professional Skills – graduates are equipped with the abilities and knowledge which prepared them to living, learning and
working in a fast-growing digital environment, engage in professional behavior and have the potentials of a leader.
4. High Sense of Social and Moral Responsibility – graduates have the knowledge and understanding of “right” and “wrong” and accountable for
fulfilling civic duty that would benefit the whole of society; able to listen to, as well as clearly express information in responding to others in
various ways at the same time using different technologies, have high sense of sustaining commitment to high ethical standards in social and
professional practices.
5. Gender and Culturally Sensitive – graduates have the capability to consider appropriate and inappropriate behaviors towards people based on
their race, ethnicity, age, gender religion and sexual orientation; sensitive to social justice issues, aware of different competing point of views,
have a deep understanding of, and respect for Filipino values, culture and discipline.
Department Mission Deliver quality and affordable education to students of diverse backgrounds.
1. Engage in community extension programs and activities that provide community service aligned with the school’s vision and mission.
2. Train students in effective teaching skills and competencies needed in the teaching profession.
3. Design a curriculum that develops student’s self-esteem and attitudes that are ethically and socially desirable.
Department Objectives
4. Prepare prospective teachers to be committed educators whose clear understanding and appreciation of human ideals and values inspire
learners to reach the highest goal of human aspiration.
5. Encourage students to conduct research relevant to teaching, learning and environmental concerns.
1. Promote academic excellence and equity for the culturally diverse groups of students.
2. Provide quality instruction that is responsive and relevant to the needs of the society.
Department Goals
3. Provide opportunity for leadership and self-expression leading to personal and professional competence.
4. Instill value of life-long learning among graduates who desire to excel in the profession.
PO 1 Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the diversity of learners in various learning areas.
PO 2 Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content knowledge of the different subject areas.
PO 3 Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure learning outcomes.
PO 4 Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use of tools and technology to accelerate learning and teaching.
PO 5 Demonstrate positive attributes of model teacher, both as an individual and as a professional.
PO 6 Manifest a desire to continuously pursue personal and professional development.
Course Unit 3 units
Hours/Weeks/Semester 54 hours/18weeks/1 semester
Pre-requisite None
This course introduces students to the contemporary world by examining the multifaceted phenomenon of globalization. Using the various
disciplines of the social sciences, it examines the economic, social, political, technological, and other transformations that have created an increasing
Course Description awareness of the interconnectedness of peoples and places around the globe. To this end, the course provides an overview of the various debates in
global governance, development, and sustainability. Beyond exposing the student to the world outside the Philippines, it seeks to inculcate a sense of
global citizenship and global ethical responsibility.
4.1 Discuss the different religious 4. Western and Eastern Concept of Textbook Graded [3]
beliefs and political the Self Giving Recitation [4]
philosophies that greatly 1.1 Confucianism Lecture examples of White
influenced the mindset of the 1.2 Taoism artworks Board and Quizzes
Eastern Culture; CO 3 8 1.3 Buddhism Interactive Marker
4.2 Explain the concept of self as Discussion Individual / Assignment
found in Asian thoughts; and Group PowerPoint
4.3 Create a presentation of the Activity Presentation Painting
Filipino self.
5.1 Discuss the developmental Chapter 2 [1]
aspect of the reproductive [2]
system; I. Unpacking the Self Textbook
5.2 Describe the erogenous zones; Giving
1. Physical and Sexual Self Lecture White Recitation
5.3 Explain human sexual examples
behaviour; 1.1 Developmental aspect of the Board and
CO 5 9-10 reproductive system Interactive Quizzes
5.4 Describe sexually transmitted Individual / Marker
diseases; and 1.2 Erogenous zones Discussion
Group Assignment
5.5 Differentiate natural and 1.3 Human sexual behaviour PowerPoint
artificial methods of 1.4 Sexually transmitted diseases Presentation
contraception. 1.5 Natural and artificial methods
of contraception
6.1 Identify the different CO 7 11 2. Material Self Lecture Giving Textbook Graded [3]
components of the material 2.1 Components of the material self examples Recitation [4]
self. 2.2 Self and Possessions Interactive White
6.2 Explain the association of self 2.3 Effects of Material Possession Discussion Individual / Board and Quizzes
and possessions; and Marker
6.3 Identify the effects of material
possession Activity PowerPoint
11.1 Use Bandura’s self-efficacy 2. Setting Goals for Success Textbook [1]
theory for self-assessment; CO 9 17 2.1 Albert Bandura: Self-efficacy Graded [2]
11.2 Differentiate growth and Theory Lecture White Recitation
fixed mindset by Dweck; and 2.2 Carol S. Dweck: Fixed and Board and
11.3 Design personal goals Growth Mindset Theory Interactive Marker Quizzes
Individual /
adapting Locke’s goal setting 2.3 Edwin A. Locke: Goal Setting Discussion
theory. Theory PowerPoint Assignment
12.1 Explain the effects of stress CO 10 18 1. Taking care of one’s self Textbook [1]
to one’s health; 1.1 Effects of stress to one’s self Graded [2]
12.2 Examine cultural dimension 1.2 Cultural dimension of stress and Lecture White Recitation
of stress and coping; and coping Board and
12.3 Design a self-care plan 1.3 Self-care plan Interactive Marker Quizzes
Individual /
PowerPoint Assignment
Textbook [1] Pastor, EJ. P., Caslib, B. N., Jr., Serafica, JP. J., R. A. Pawilen: Understanding the Self:
Printed and Online
[2] M. M. Aguinaldo: Personality Development and Social Relations
[3] Alata, Eden Joy, (2018). Understanding the Self. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc
[4] Understanding the Self (Outcome-based Module) (2018) by Jonathan Veran Macayan, PhD, RPsy, Jasmine Nadja Junghan Pinugu, RPm, RGC,
References and John Christopher Dimasaka Castillo, MSSW, RSW.
Course Outcome (CO) Assessment Task Addressing CO Weight (%) Target Standard
Periodical Examination 50%
Quiz 30%
Demonstrate appreciation of the arts within interdisciplinary 75% of the class will obtain
Assignment/Participation/Prep 15% 75%
perspective satisfactory rating (75%)
Attendance 5%
TOTAL 100%
Periodical Examination 50% 75% 75% of the class will obtain
Quiz 30% satisfactory rating (75%)
Comprehend Philippine art and its situatedness in global context Assignment/Participation/Prep 15%
Attendance 5%
TOTAL 100%
Periodical Examination 50% 75% 75% of the class will obtain
Quiz 30% satisfactory rating (75%)
Evaluate the art forms from various cultures and societies Assignment/Participation/Prep 15%
Attendance 5%
TOTAL 100%
*As per the institution guide, the grade for prelim, midterm and final are calculating using the base-50 grading system
Students are expected to maintain proper decorum in the classroom. Students must adhere to the rules set forth by the instructor. Failure to comply with classroom rules
may result in dismissal from the class and/or the College;
1. Take responsibility for your education - willingness to listen, ask appropriate questions, and do the work necessary to pass the course.
2. Attend every class - If you have an emergency or illness, contact your instructor ahead of time to let her/him know that you will be absent.
Important note: if you miss a class, it is your responsibility to meet with the instructor, outside of regular class time, to determine a plan to make up the missed work.
3. Get to class on time - Students who walk into the classroom late or leave early distract other students and disrupt the learning environment.
4. Do not have private conversations - The noise is distracting to other students.
5. Turn cellular phones off or put in silent mode- Hearing a phone ring in the classroom can be highly disruptive and cause significant distraction. Texting in class is
6. Do not dominate other students’ opportunities to learn by asking too many questions - It’s good to ask questions and make comments, but if you dominate the class
time with too many questions and/or comments, the instructor and other students cannot participate in class discussions. When asking questions or making comments,
keep them related to the discussion at hand.
7. Respect your instructor - Openly challenging the instructor’s knowledge or authority in the classroom is not proper. If you take issue with the instructor’s information
or instructional methods, make sure that your comments are made without confrontation or antagonism. You may want to discuss your issues with her/him privately.
8. Instructors’ classroom policies, procedures and teaching styles vary - Some instructors enforce attendance policies vigorously; other instructors are more lenient
about attendance. Assignments and classroom activities are at the prerogative of the instructor. Each instructor has the freedom and authority to set the guidelines and
policies for their classroom (within the overall policies of the college).
9. Your classmates deserve your respect and support - Others may have different ideas and opinions from yours, they may ask questions you perceive to be “stupid,” but
they deserve the same level of respect from you as you wish from them.
10. Come to class prepared - Students who forget common classroom supplies such as a pencil, paper, books, test materials, etc. usually waste class time. Students who
have not completed their assigned homework many times ask questions that could have been answered through their assignments.
11. Turn in your work on time - It is important to plan ahead. Students who wait until the last minute to do their work usually make lower grades and are more likely to
miss deadlines. Study and do your assignments every day. If a problem occurs at the last minute such as a computer malfunction, you will still be prepared.
12. When having academic difficulty seek assistance - Your instructors are willing to assist you however, there are other ways to get help.
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