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Basic Exercise Program

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At the end of the lesson, the student will able to;
a. Identify basic exercises in physical activity,
b. Discuss the importance of exercise in promoting fitness and health,
c. Design personal exercise program.


Topic: Basic Exercise Program

Reference: Physical Education and Health 7 Learner’s Material,
Materials: Laptop, Picture, Video and PPT


A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer/Greetings
2. Checking of Cleanliness
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Checking of Assignment
5. Review of the past Lesson

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

B. Motivation

Good Morning Class! May I request everybody

to stand and let’s prepare our body to some
stretching exercises. Are you ready? Yes Ma’am!

Students will do the following exercises.

1. March in place

2. Head stretch

3. Arm Stretch
4. High Knees

5. Lunge

Nice work class! In any case scenarios are you

doing those exercises? Yes Ma’am!

That’s good! Can you give me example? Before/After Playing Basketball Ma’am!

Precisely! Are you doing some exercises at (Students will answer)


Very Good Class! What do you think is the To avoid injuries.

importance of exercise before doing physical To condition our body.
activity like playing games or doing work out? For Fun.

That’s Correct! Today we’ll tackle about Basic

Exercise Program in Physical Activity.

C. Lesson Proper
Exercise Program- A plan or program detailing
What is an exercise program? Can you please a range of physical exercises and the amount of
read. time each exercise should be performed
tailored to individual’s needs.

Thank you, In order to achieve good exercise

program you have to set your plan workout
that targeting your desire, condition of your
body, setting your time on executing exercises
based on your strength, flexibility and
endurance without wasting your time and
getting injuries before performing physical
activity. Did you get it? Yes Ma’am!
What are the benefits we can get on designing 1. Improved condition of heart and lungs
our exercise plan or program? Please read. 2. Increased muscular strength
3. Endurance and motor fitness
4. Weight Management
5.Agility and Flexibility
6. Coordination and Balance
7. Improve Immunity
8. Self Confidence

In creating Exercise Program there are three

things that your plan should have:

1. Warm-Up Exercise
Anyone can read what is warm-up exercise? Warm-Up Exercise- To prepare the muscle
undertaken prior to strenuous activity without
greater risk of physical injuries.

Thank you, by warming up our muscle are

provided with sufficient amount of blood and
oxygen supply so that they will contract more
efficiently before proceeding immediately with
vigorous activities.

Here are some examples of warm-up exercises.

(Video Presentation of Warm-up Exercises)

Can you do it class? Students will do the same exercises being

Let’s now move on to 2. Major Exercise
Focus, We have three major exercises, will 1. Flexibility Exercises- It is done by
you read Joshua? doing gradual stretching activities from
lower to upper extremities

2. Strength Exercises- Develops muscular

strength and power includes resistance
training, weightlifting and bodyweight

3. Endurance Exercises- Refers to the ability of

a given muscle to exert force, consistently,
repeatedly, over a period of time.

Let’s focus on flexibility exercises. Will you

read it again John? Flexibility Exercises- It is done by doing
gradual stretching activities from lower to
upper extremities
Flexibility exercise helps you to stretch you
muscle. We have two types of stretching Static Stretching- Appropriate in cool down as
exercises to improve flexibility. These are they help muscle to relax, realign muscles and
Static Stretching and Dynamic Stretching, re-established their normal range of movement
please read Mary?
Dynamic Stretching- To prepare the muscles
for active contraction. However, they do not
cause long term improvement in flexibility
Very Good! Here’s some example of static and because of short stretching time.
dynamic exercises.
(Video Presentation of Static and
Dynamic Stretching )

It’s your turn now class! Everybody will do the same example of
static and dynamic exercises.

You’re doing great class! Let’s move on to the Cool Down Exercises- A exercises at the end
last exercises which are Cool Down Exercises. of your workout to ease yourself out of
Will you read Ana? strenuous activity.

Exactly! Cool down exercises helps to lower

our chance of injury, promote blood flow, and
reduce stress to your heart and other muscles.
I want you to look these examples of cool Students will watch video
down exercises.

(Video Presentation of Cool-down


Let’s now do it class! Students will do the same exercises being

Good Work Class! Now let’s do them together
from warm-up exercises to cool-down Students will perform all exercises

Nice performance class! Give yourselves a

round of applause!

Do you have any questions regarding to our

lesson? None Ma’am!

D. Activity

Students will perform the following exercises below. Let them do it for 20 seconds with 10
seconds rest on each exercises. Then identify if it is Static or Dynamic.

Exercises Static Dynamic

1. Squats 
2. Lunge Torso Twist 
3. Plank Walk-Outs 
4. Calf Stretch 
5. Shoulder Stretch 
6. Side Cross Swings 
7. Jumping Jacks 
8. Toe Touch 
9. Walking High Knees 
10. Arm Stretch 

E. Analysis

Think about other reasons you have heard for not exercising. If a friend gave you these reasons,
how will you convince him or her that being physically fit or performing exercises is important?
F. Application

Zumba Moves

1. Prepare a 3-minute Zumba dance presentation.

2. Incorporate the components of a basic exercise program: warm-up, exercise proper, and cool-
3. Choose the exercises carefully to avoid injury.

Performance Indicator 5 4 3 2 1
1. Performs stretching correctly.

2. Display accurate movements

3. Shows positive attitude towards

participating in the activity

G. Evaluation

Exercise Program

Directions: Using the template below, design a 4 – week exercise program that consists of warm-
up (dynamic stretching), exercise proper, and cool down (static stretching). Specify the exercises
that you are going to perform in each phase, their corresponding frequency, time, and intensity.

Example of Exercise Program using FITT Principles

Phase Exercises Frequency Intensity Time

1. Warm-up Jog in place 3-5 times per Low-Moderate 2-3 minutes
(Dynamic week
2. Exercise Push ups 10 push ups Low 2 repetitions
3. Cool down Shoulder stretch 2-4 times per Low-Moderate 2-3 minutes
(Static week

G. Assignment

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