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Chapter 4

Compiled by
Cikgu Desikan
Chapter 4
Dear students,
The two basic processes of education are knowing and valuing.

Learning Objectives :
1. Understanding thermal equilibrium

2. Understanding specific heat capacity

3. Understanding specific latent heat
4. Understanding the gas laws

Analysis of Past Year Questions

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
P1 5 5 5 4 5 6 3 4
A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
P2 B - - - - - - 1 1
C - - 1 - - - - -
A - - - - 1 - - -
B - - - - - 1 - -
Chapter 4
Dear students,
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and
day out.
Concept Map

Thermal Specific Heat Specific Gas Laws

Equilibrium Capacity Latent Heat

Charles’ Boyle’s
Q = mcθ Law Law

Specific Specific Pressure

latent heat of latent heat of Law
fusion vaporisation

Q = mlf Q = mlv
4.1 Thermal Equilibrium

The measure of the

degree of hotness of
an object.
SI unit Kelvin, K
When an object is
heated, it will absorb
heat energy and the
A hot object is at a higher temperature will
temperature than a cold increase.
object. Heat
When an object is
• Form of energy cooled, it will release
• Measured in heat energy and the
Joules, J temperature will
Thermal contact decrease.

Two objects are in Net heat transferred

thermal contact when from hotter object
heat energy can be (higher temperature)
transferred between to colder object (lower
them. temperature).

Heat transfer
thermal contact,
When two objects with different degrees of hotness come into ______________________heat
energy is ______________________between
transferred the two objects.
Mechanism of Thermal Equilibrium
Faster rate of
energy transfer
from A to B


Hot Cold

Slower rate of Net flow of energy Energy transferred No net heat transfer
energy transfer from the hot object at the same rate
from B to A to the cold object between A and B

• Energy is transferred at a faster rate • After some time, energy is transferred at

from the hotter object to the colder object. the same rate between the two objects.
Energy is also transferred from the colder There is no net heat transfer between the
object to the hotter one, but at a objects.
rate. • The two objects are said to be in
• There is a net flow of _________________________________
thermal equilibrium .
energy from the hotter object to the colder
• The hotter object cools down while the
colder object warms up . 5
Thermal Equilibrium ***

When two objects are in thermal equilibrium, there is no net flow of heat between them.
Two objects in thermal equilibrium have the same temperature.


1. A wet towel is placed on the forehead of a Cooling drinks

person who has high fever. 1. A hot drink can be cooled by
2. Initially the temperature of the cloth is lower than adding a few ice cubes to the drink.
the body temperature of the person. 2. Heat from the hot drink is
3. Heat energy is transferred from the forehead to transferred to the colder ice until
the towel until thermal equilibrium is reached. thermal equilibrium between the ice
4. The towel is rinsed in tap water and the and water is reached.
procedure is repeated. 3. The final temperature of the drink
5. In this way heat energy is removed from the equal the final temperature of ices.

“ Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes

from an indomitable will.
Mahatma Gandhi ” 6
The characteristic of the liquid used How a liquid-in-glass
in liquid-in-glass thermometer thermometer works?

1. be easily seen 1. The bulb of the thermometer

2. expand and contract rapidly over a contains a fixed mass of
wide range of temperature/ expand mercury. The volume of the
uniformly when heated mercury increases when it
3. not stick to the glass wall of the absorbs heat.
capillary tube. Liquid-in-glass 2. The mercury expands and
Thermometer rises in the capillary tube.
The length of the mercury
column in the capillary tube
indicates the magnitude of
the temperature.
How can a thermometer be calibrated?
1. A temperature scale is obtained by choosing two temperatures, called the fixed point.
2. Definition of ice point and steam point

Fixed point Definition Value

Lower point:
The temperature of pure melting ice 0°C
Ice Point
Upper point: The temperature of steam from water that is boiling
Steam point under standard atmospheric pressure.

How can a thermometer be calibrated?

When the two fixed points have been marked on the stem of the
thermometer, the range between them is divided equally into 100
Steam divisions or degrees. The thermometer now has a scale.
point L100


100 equal Steam
divisions Ice
Lθ Boiling

L0 Ice point Steam point

Bulb Lθ  L0
θ  100C
L100  L0 8
Explain the working principle of a thermometer
1. When the thermometer is placed in contact with hot water, Thermometer
heat is transferred from hot water to the thermometer.
2. Thermal equilibrium between the thermometer and hot water
is reached when the net rate of heat transfer is zero.
3. The thermometer and the water are at the same temperature.
At this point, the thermometer reading shows the temperature
of the water.

What are characteristics of mercury that makes it suitable as a liquid-in-glass thermometer?

1. It is a good conductor of heat
2. It has a high boiling point, 357°C
3. It expands uniformly when heated
4. It is opaque (does not allow light to pass through) and it can be seen easily.
5. Mercury freezes at a temperature of - 39°C and it is therefore not suitable for measuring
temperatures below this temperature, such at the north pole.

How to increase the sensitivity of a mercury thermometer?

1. Thin capillary tube
2. A glass bulb with thinner wall
3. Small bulb

Exercise 4.1
1. Which of the following characteristics is used in the
function of a liquid-in-glass thermometer?
A Volume of a fixed mass of liquid
B Boiling point of the liquid
C Resistance of the liquid Swami
D Density of the liquid Vivekananda

2. Which of the following methods can be used to increase

the sensitivity of a mercury thermometer?

A Thick-walled glass bulb
B Thinner capillary tube
C Shorter capillary tube Take up one idea. Make
D Larger glass bulb that one idea your life -
think of it, dream of it, live
3. An alcohol-in-glass thermometer has not been calibrated. on that idea. Let the brain,
When it is inserted into melting ice and boiling water, its muscles, nerves, every
lengths are 5.2 cm and 13.7 cm respectively. part of your body, be full of
When it is inserted into a cup of warm water, the alcohol that idea, and just leave
length is 9.8 cm. Calculate the temperature of the warm every other idea alone.
water. This is the way to success,
A 44.12 °C that is way great spiritual
B 52.22 °C giants are produced
C 20.45 °C
D 54.12 °C ”
4.2 Specific Heat Capacity
Heat capacity, c
The amount of heat required to change its temperature by one degree.

Specific Heat capacity, c

The amount of heat that must be supplied to increase the temperature by 1 °C for a mass of
1 kg of the substance.

SI unit: = J kg-1°C-1
c Q = heat absorbed / released, unit J
mθ m = mass of the substance, unit kg
∆θ = temperature difference , unit °C

Quantity of heat absorbed or lost by

a substance Q = mc∆θ
What does specific heat of Aluminium 900 J of heat needs to be supplied to 1 kg of Aluminium
900 Jkg-1°C-1 mean? to produce a 1 °C temperature increase.

What does specific heat of water 4200 4 200 J of heat needs to be supplied to 1 kg of water to
Jkg1°C-1 mean? produce a 1 °C temperature increase.

The physical When two objects of equal mass are heated at equal rates, the object with the
meaning of smaller specific heat capacity will have a faster temperature.
specific heat When two objects of equal mass are left to cool down, the temperature of the
capacity, c object with smaller heat capacity will drop faster.

A substance with 1. Heats up and cools at a faster rate. For example, metal like iron, steel,
a small value of copper and Aluminium is used as pots and pans because they can be
specific heat quickly heated up when there is only small heat absorption.
capacity 2. Sensitive to temperature changes a thermometer has low specific heat
capacities so it enables heat to be easily absorbed and released even
when small quantities of heat are involved.

A substance with 1. Heats up and cools at slower rate. Require more heat to raise its
a high value of temperature by a specific amount. Poor conductor of heat – handle of pot
specific heat 2. Can absorb a great amount of heat without a high increase in
capacity temperature. For example, water acts a heat reservoir as it can absorb a
great amount of heat before it boils. Water is used as a cooling agent in a
car radiator.

“ When one makes the mind stick to one

thought, the mind becomes rock-steady and
the energy is conserved.
Ramana Maharshi 12
Applications of Specific Heat Capacity

1. Large specific heat capacity.
The handle will not become too hot
when heat is absorbed.
2. Poor conductor of heat.

Cooking pot

Aluminium body
Copper base
1. Relatively low specific
1. Low specific heat capacity. The pot heat capacity. The pot
becomes hot very quickly. This enables becomes hot quickly.
quick cooking of the food in the pot. 2. Low density so it will
2. The heavier
High density. _____________________ be lighter
base ensures that the pot is stable
__________________________________ 3. Does not react with
and will not topple over easily.
__________________________________ the food in the pot
Sea Breeze

• Land has a smaller specific heat capacity than

sea. Temperature of land increase faster than
sea. Therefore, land is warmer than the sea at
day time.
• Air above the land is heated up and rises.
• Cooler air from the sea moves from towards the
land as sea breeze.

Land Breeze

• At night, heat is lost from the land and sea.

• Sea has a larger specific heat capacity so sea is
warmer than land.
• Warmer air above the sea rises
• Cooler air from the land moves towards the sea
as land breeze.

Exercise 4.2
1. Calculate the total heat that is absorbed by a copper block of mass 500 g and which has been
heated from 31 °C to 80°C. (specific heat capacity of copper = 390 Jkg-1°C-1).
Ans : 9555 J

2. When an electric heater is supplied with an electric power of 2 kW to heat 4 kg of water for 1
minute, calculate the increase in temperature of the water. [specific heat capacity of water =
4 200 Jkg-1°C-1) .Assume there is no heat loss to the surroundings.
Ans : 7.15°C

Tips : Electric Energy, E = Pt = VIt Heat Energy, Q = mcθ 15

3. A lead bullet moves horizontally with a velocity of 130 ms-1 and embedded into a cement wall
after collision. If the specific heat capacity of lead = 130 Jkg-1°C-1 and all heat produces is
absorbed by the bullet, what is the increase in temperature of the bullet?
Ans : 65°C

4. An aluminium block of mass 1 kg is heated by an electric heater for 3 minutes and a

temperature rise of 15 °C is recorded. If the electric heater is connected to a voltmeter which
gives a reading of 30 V and an ammeter which gives a reading of 2.5A, calculate the specific
heat capacity of the aluminium.
Ans : 900 JKg-1°C-1

Tips : Kinetic Energy, E = ½ mv2 Heat Energy, Q = mcθ 16

5. 300 g of water at temperature 40 °C is mixed with 900 g of water at temperature 80°C. If there
is no heat loss to the surroundings, what is the final temperature when thermal equilibrium is
achieved by the mixture of water?
Ans : 70°C

Tips : Heat Energy Released = Heat Energy Absorbed 17

4.3 Specific Latent Heat
Latent heat
The heat absorbed or the heat released at constant temperature during change of phase.

1. When a solid melts at its melting point, latent heat of fusion is absorbed 4 main
2. For a liquid to solidify at its freezing point, latent heat of fusion is released. Changes of
3. When a liquid is boiling at its boiling point, latent heat of vaporization is phase
4. When vapour condenses back into the liquid phase, latent heat of
vaporization is released.

Latent heat Latent heat
absorbed absorbed

SOLID Latent heat LIQUID Latent heat

released released

The common characteristics of the four processes in the change of phase

1. A Substance undergoes a change of phase at a particular temperature.
2. Heat energy is transferred during change of phase
3. During change of phase, the temperature remains ___________ even though there is
transfer of heat. 18
Heating Curve

http://spmphysics.myhometuition.com/ 19
Cooling Curve Draw a cooling curve.

Why does the temperature remains constant during change of phase?
1. During change of phase, the transfer of heat does not cause a change in the kinetic energy of
the molecules.
2. During melting, the heat absorbed is used to break up the bonds between the particles. The
particles are freed from their fixed positions and are able to vibrate and move among each
3. When a liquids boils, the heat absorbed is used to completely break the bonds between the
particles and also to do work against atmospheric pressure when the gaseous vapour expands
into the atmosphere.

Specific Latent Heat, l

The amount of heat required to change the phase of 1 kg of the substance at a constant

Q Unit : J kg-1
l Q = latent heat absorbed or released by the substance
m m = mass of the substance

Specific latent heat of fusion

The amount of heat required to change 1 kg of the substance from solid to liquid phase
without a change in temperature.

Specific latent heat of vaporization
The amount of heat required to change 1 kg of the substance from the liquid to gaseous
phase without a change in temperature.

Specific latent heat of fusion of ice is Specific latent heat of vaporization of water
336 000 Jkg-1 is 2.26 x 106 Jkg-1

336 000 J of latent heat is needed for 1 kg ice 2.26 x 106 J of latent heat is needed for 1 kg
to melt to become water at 0 °C water to boil to become vapour at 100°C

Formula to
calculate Q = mcθ Q = Pt = ml Q = ml
HEAT as as
Condition The heat added or If heat is supplied When the heat added
removed changes the electrically to or removed changes
temperature of an change the phase of a the phase of an object
object, the heat is substance, the at constant
calculated using equation Q = ml can be temperature, the heat is
written as calculated using
P = power of the heater, unit in W,
t = time , unit is seconds
Exercise 4.3
1. The specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 2. An electric kettle contains 3kg of water.
336 000 Jkg-1. What is the quantity of heat Calculate the amount of heat required to
required to melt 2.5 kg of ice at 0 °C? boil away all the water after the boiling
Ans : 840000 J point has been reached.
Ans : 6.78 x 106 J

Specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 336 000 Jkg-1

Specific latent heat of vaporization of water is 2.26 x 106 Jkg-1
Specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 x 103 J kg-1°C-1 23
3. What is the quantity of heat that is required to convert 4g of ice into steam at 100°C.
Ans : 12064 J

Specific latent heat of fusion of ice is 336 000 Jkg-1

Specific latent heat of vaporization of water is 2.26 x 106 Jkg-1
Specific heat capacity of water is 4.2 x 103 J kg-1°C-1 24
The freshness of fish and meat can be maintained
by placing them in contact with ice. With its larger
1 latent heat, ice is able to absorb a large quantity of
heat from the fish as it melts. Thus, food can be
Drinks can be cooled by adding
kept at a low temperature for an
in several cubes of ice. When
extended period of time.
ice melts a large amount of heat
is absorbed and this lowers the
temperature of the drink.

Applications of Specific
Latent Heat

Always be very careful when
Water has a large specific latent
opening the lid of a pot when the
heat of vaporization. This property water in it is boiling. Water has a
enables steam to be used for large specific latent heat of
cooking by the method of vaporization. When steam
steaming. When steam condenses on the skin of your
condenses on the food, the latent arm, the very large amount of
heat is released directly onto the latent heat released can cause a
food enables the food to be serious burn.
cooked at a faster rate. 25
4.4 Gas Laws

Boyle’s Law Charles’ law Pressure Law

states that for a fixed mass states that for a fixed mass states that for a fixed mass
of gas, the pressure of the of gas, the volume of the of gas, the pressure of the
gas, P is inversely gas, V is directly gas, P is directly
proportional to its volume, proportional to its absolute proportional to its absolute
V when the temperature, T temperature, T when its temperature, T when its
is kept constant. pressure, P is kept volume, V is kept constant.

1 V1 V2 P1 P2
P P1V1  P2V2 V T  P T 
V T1 T2 T1 T2


V 1 T

Boyle’s Law Charles’ law Pressure Law

1. When the volume of a 1. When a gas is heated, the 1. When a gas is heated,
gas is decreased, the average kinetic energy of the average kinetic
number of molecules the molecules increases . energy increases .
per unit volume Temperature of the gas The temperature of the
increases . increases. gas increases.
2. Rate of collision between 2. The faster moving
2. The same number of the molecules and the molecules strike the
molecules moves in a walls will increase if walls of the container
smaller space. the volume is constant. more frequently .
3. The molecules collide 3. If the gas is allowed to 3. Thus, the pressure of
more frequently expand, the faster the gas increases .
with the walls of the molecules now move in a
container. bigger space.
4. This increase in the 4. Therefore, the rate of
rate of collision results collision between the
in an increase in molecules and the walls
the pressure exerted by remain constant and
the gas. thus the pressure is
constant. 28
Absolute temperature
Temperatures measured in the Kelvin, K

T/K θ / °C T/K θ / °C
-273 -273
0K 0K

Convert °C to Kelvin: Convert Kelvin to °C :

θ + 273 T – 273

At this point:
Absolute zero
1. Voume and pressure of gas is zero
The lowest possible temperature 2. Kinetic energy of the gas molecules is zero
3. Gas molecules are stationary.
-273°C or 0 K
which is ________________________ .

Human beings unlike plants and animals have the capacity to choose what they want to
be. I belief that if a child elects to be a brilliant and successful person he has the innate,
God-given talents to achieve whatever he desires. There are absolutely no obstacles to
his ambition except himself. 29
Exercise 4.4
Question 1 Question 2
The air in a foot pump has an initial volume The pressure of a bubble under the sea is 120
of 2800 cm3 and pressure 100 kPa. The cm Hg. When the bubble rises to the surface
outlet of the pump is closed and the piston of the sea, its volume becomes 25.0 cm3.
pushed inwards until the volume of the air Assuming that the atmospheric pressure is 76
becomes 700 cm3. What is the pressure of cm Hg, what is the original volume of the
the compressed air in the pump? bubble?
Ans : 400 kPa Ans : 15.83 cm3

Question 3 Question 4
A cylinder contains 200 cm3 of gas at a A fixed mass of gas in an enclosed metal
temperature of 27°C. The gas is heated until container has a pressure of 2.5 x 105 Pa. If the
its temperature increases by 30°C. If the gas is heated from 27°C to 87°C, calculate the
piston of the cylinder expands under constant final pressure of the gas.
pressure, what is the final volume of the gas? Ans : 300 kPa
Ans : 220 cm3

Challenge Zone
1. As shown in Figure 1 , block P of mass 7 kg at 90°C and block Q of mass 3 kg at 30°C . Given
that the specific heat capacity of P is 4 900 J kg-1°C-1 and the specific heat capacity of Q is
3800 J kg-1°C-1 .Block P and Q are contact with each other. Assume that there is no energy loss
to the surroundings.
7 kg
(a) What is the final temperature of P and Q if they
are in thermal equilibrium?
(b) Find the energy given by P during the process.
3 kg
P Give the answer in unit of kJ.
(c) Find the energy absorbed by Q during the
process. Give the answer in unit of kJ.
90°C 30°C
Figure 1 Ans : (a) 75.03C (b) 513.47kJ (c) 513.34kJ

2. There are two beakers of water each with mass 500 g and 1 200 g respectively. The water is
then mixed together by pouring the water into another beaker. If the initial temperature of 500g
water and 1 200g water are 38°C and 88°C respectively.
(a) Determine the final temperature of the mixture of water after achieved equilibrium.
(b) State the assumption used in your calculation.

Ans : (a) 73.29 °C (b) No heat loss to the surroundings

3. The graph of temperature-time in Figure 2 is
T/°C Graph of temperature
obtained when a solid is heated by a heater of against time
power 500 W. Determine
(a) the melting point of the solid.
(b) the latent heat of fusion of the substance.
Ans : (a) 75 °C (b) 900 J

0 0.2 2.0
Figure 2

4. Figure 3 shows a gas trapped inside a tube by 7 cm of
mercury. The length of the gas column at 20°C is 23 cm.
Determine the length of the air column at temperature
7 cm Mercury

Ans : 28.49 cm
23 cm at
20°C Gas

Figure 3

5. Diagram 4 shows an ice cream container used by an ice cream seller using his 36

Diagram 4

Table 1 shows the specification of four types of ice cream containers P, Q, R and S, that can
be used by an ice cream seller to carry ice cream.

You are required to determine the most suitable ice cream container to carry ice cream.
Study the specification of the four types of ice cream container based on the given aspects.
Explain the suitability of the each aspects.
[10 marks]
Box P Q R S

Specific heat capacity of ice cream box High High Low Low

Size of ice cream box Large Small Small Large

Material of outer box Copper PVC PVC Aluminium
Colour of outer box Dark Bright Bright Dark

Table 1
Answer : 37
Characteristics Explanation
Low specific heat capacity of ice Easy get cold // becomes cool quickly
cream box
Smaller size of ice cream box Easier to carry // easy too become cool

Plastic PVC Poor conductor of heat

Bright colour of outer box Does not absorb heat from surrounding quickly

R is chosen because Low specific heat capacity of ice cream

box, Smaller size of ice cream box, Plastic PVC,
Bright colour of outer box

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