Mike Lit1
Mike Lit1
Mike Lit1
The San Jose Community College, as a part of Country’s educational system shall
primarily provide advanced Professional instruction in the field of Bachelor of
Provide students a better future through quality
VISION MISSION Science in Business Administration, Education, Culture and Arts and other fields
of disciplines. It shall also promote research, extension services and adhere to
progressive leadership in all areas of discipline and responsibilities.
The College of Business and Public Administration [CBPA] is aimed at becoming a haven for successful future business administrators, leaders, developers, managers,
COLLEGE GOAL: consultants, and, analysts equipped with highly trained skills, and global competence wielding the institutions pride, honour, and values in the workplace.
d. demonstrate problem solving skills supported by appropriate analytical and quantitative techniques; and,
e. employ the broad knowledge of the functional areas of business and an understanding of its diverse contexts.
Venue: St. Joseph. St. Isidore, St. Athony Building Office Telephone: (CP No.) 09511065092
Major Exam: 10% Major Exam: 10% Major Exam: 10% Major Exam: 20%
Outputs/Activities: 3% Outputs/Activities: 3% Outputs/Activities: 3% Outputs/Activities: 10%
Quizzes: 2% Quizzes: 2% Quizzes: 2% Quizzes: 2%
Recitation: 5% Recitation: 5% Recitation: 5% Recitation: 8%
Course Description BTIs covered
World Literature explores and provides a study of representative early and contemporary Asian, African, Anglo-American, Provide a holistic approach in effectively teaching the learners with
and European, and Latin-American literary works. This course will strengthen learners’ awareness of the historical cultures, appropriate representative literary works in the world while
develop their critical reading, thinking, and writing skills, and deepen their cultural sensitivity. advancing their intellectual capability.
Course Learning
At the end of the course, the students should be able to: BTIs covered
1. Evaluate selections using appropriate literary approach. 1. Determine concepts and approaches relating to literature.
2. Interpret select literary works from around the world. 2. Perform different activities to understand each lesson topics.
3. Create a quality literary work observing the standard sand elements of literature. 3. Apply real-life scenarios in every lesson.
4. Relate personal and contemporary issues mirrored in each representative texts. 4. Expose students to Filipino and world traditions and culture.
Teaching Learning Instructional Learning
Time Allotment Intended Learning Outcomes ( ILOs) BTIs/ CLOs content Assessment
Activities Materials/ Modalities
Review literary terminologies and the 1. Define the basic and Course Overview Classroom sharing o Syllabus Paper and
basics of the subjects. technical literary terms. Literary Standards (Introductions) o PowerPoint Pen Exam
Critique a literary work using the 2. Apply the standards in Literary Genres and Oral recitation Presentation Recitation
PRELIM literary standards. critiquing a short story. Literary Elements of Group o LCD Projector Reaction/
1-4 weeks Compare and contrast the literary 3. Identify the literary Prose and Poetry Activity/Discussion o Lecture/Discussion Reflection
elements and genres between prose elements in each type or Literary Approaches, Debate o Handouts paper
and poetry. genre. Criticism, and Trends Personal Sharing o Modules
Apply the most apt approach in 4. Perform basic analysis of Critiquing o Video Clips
critiquing a literary work. a short literary work.
MIDTERM Enumerate Gibran’s ideas on giving 1. Provide other secular Afro-Asian Literature Oral recitation o PowerPoint Paper and
On Giving [K. Gibran]
Weeks 5-8 and the value of secular fables in fables, and opinions on Group Presentation Pen Exam
Panchatantra. giving. The Lion Maker Activity/Discussion o LCD Projector Recitation
Judge the women in Burton’s, and in 2. Relate how women are [Panchatantra] Debate Reaction/
o Lecture/Discussion
The Lady and her Five
the movie Balzac. treated in two different Personal Sharing o Handouts Reflection
Suitors [S.R. Burton]
Reflect on values presented in The place and period. The River of Madness Critiquing o Modules paper
River of Madness and Psalm 23. 3. Value different faith. [T. al-Hakim]
o Movie
Psalm 23 [King David]
Critique a literary piece using 4. Give other o Chalk
Loverboy [L.P. Amansec]
Psychological Approach. psychoanalytic symbols. Balzac and the Little Chinese
Seamstress [movie]
Demonstrate understanding of 1. Specify the attributes of English-American Oral recitation o PowerPoint Paper and
setting, surprise endings, revenge a setting, and story Group Presentation Pen Exam
Stopping by Woods on a
and peace of mind. endings. Snowy Evening [R. Frost] Activity/Discussion o LCD Projector Recitation
The Gift of the Magi
Relate opinions on sacrifice, 2. Provide instances of Debate o Lecture/Discussion Reaction/
[O. Henry]
marriage, and liberty. sacrifice in marriage. Cat in the Rain [E. Personal Sharing o Handouts Reflection
Weeks 9-13 Hemmingway]
Outline the author’s idea of existence 3. Debate on the idea of Critiquing o Modules paper
The Rhodora [RW Emerson]
and death at the same time using existence and death. I Felt a Funeral in my Brain o Movie
[E. Dickinson]
varying texts and authors. 4. Compose a poem or o Chalk
The Cask of Amontillado
Enumerate ways on how to lead short story underscoring [E.A. Poe]
all in green went my love
one’s life. peace of mind and on
riding [e.e. cummings]
leading one’s life. Die Slowly [Pablo Neruda]
The Great Gatsby [movie]
Compare and contrast the two epics 1. Deduce various themes European Literature Oral recitation o PowerPoint Paper and
Divine Comedy (Inferno)
based on period, and themes. from two different epics. Group Presentation Pen Exam
FINALS [Dante Alighieri]
Demonstrate the ideals of poetry 2. Share some study habits Of Studies [F. Bacon] Activity/Discussion o LCD Projector Recitation
Weeks 13-18 Song of Roland [Turold]]
according to Pope. that are effective. Debate o Lecture/Discussion Term
An Essay on Criticism
Debate on existentialism and 3. Show to class a poem Excerpt [Alexander Pope] Personal Sharing o Handouts paper
Daffodils [W. Wordsworth]
meaning of life. for critiquing. Critiquing o Movie
The Seagull [movie]
References: 1 .Academy of American Poets (2022). The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. Poets.org. https://poets.org/poem/rubaiyat-omar-khayyam-excerpt
2 .Academy of American Poets (2022). On Giving. Poets.org. https://poets.org/poem/giving-0
3. TellaTale (2016). PanchatantraStory: The Lion Makers. https://www.tell-a-tale.com/panchatantra-the-lion-makers/
4. Washington State University (n.d.). The Lady and her Five Suitors, from The Thousand and One Nights. https://brians.wsu.edu/2016/11/04/the-lady-and-her-five-suitors-
5. Frain (2005). The Madman on the Roof. LiveJournal. https://frain.livejournal.com/50467.html
6. Excerpts from the Analects of Confucius. https://www.bisd303.org/cms/lib3/WA01001636/Centricity/Domain/379/Ch.%2021%20Confucian%20excerpts.pdf
7. Modern Arabic Literature (2009). The River of Madness. https://www.bisd303.org/cms/lib3/WA01001636/Centricity/Domain/379/Ch.%2021%20Confucian%20excerpts.pdf
8. KUPDF (2017). Loverboy. https://kupdf.net/download/lover-boy_5966b48adc0d608c09a88e77_pdf
9. Academy of American Poets (2022). Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening. Poets.org. https://poets.org/lesson-plan/teach-poem-stopping-woods-snowy-evening-robert-
10. American Literature (2021). The Gift of the Magi. https://americanliterature.com/author/o-henry/short-story/the-gift-of-the-magi
11. Biblioklept (2014). Cat in the Rain. https://biblioklept.org/2014/02/11/cat-in-the-rain-ernest-hemingway/
12. Poetry Foundation (n.d.). I Felt a Funeral in my Brain. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45706/i-felt-a-funeral-in-my-brain-340
13. Emerson Central (2022). The Rhodora. https://emersoncentral.com/texts/poems/the-rhodora/
14. The Poe Museum (2021). The Cask of Amontillado. https://poemuseum.org/the-cask-of-amontillado/
15. Academy of American Poets (2002). How Do I Love Thee. https://poets.org/poem/how-do-i-love-thee-sonnet-43
16. Academy of American Poets (2022). Songs V. https://poets.org/poem/songs-v
17. Kavishala (n.d.) Die Slowly. https://kavishala.in/sootradhar/pablo-neruda/die-slowly
18. East of the Web (n.d.). The Necklace. https://www.eastoftheweb.com/short-stories/UBooks/Neck.shtml
19. Wyoming Catholic (n.d.). Divine Comedy : Inferno. https://wyomingcatholic.edu/wp-content/uploads/dante-01-inferno.pdf
20. Nordquist R. (2020). Of Studies. ThoughtCo. https://www.thoughtco.com/of-studies-by-francis-bacon-1688771
21. Rabb K. M. (n.d.). The Story of Song of Roland. http://www.authorama.com/national-epics-20.html
22. Poetry Foundation (n.d.). An essay on Criticism Part 1. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44896/an-essay-on-criticism-part-1
23. Poetry Foundtion (n.d.). I wandered Lonely as a Cloud. https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45521/i-wandered-lonely-as-a-cloud