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American Civil War

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The American Civil War between pro and anti slavery happened called

Bleeding Kansas. Fifty five people were killed in

Objectives 4 years of struggle. The Republican Party was
formed then that opposed the slavery's
At the end of the lesson the reader should be extension in western territories.
able to:
Another event that is a stepping stone to civil
● discuss the American Civil War war was the Dred Scott Case. Scott v. Sanford
● validate the perspective of the Union case after a decade trial confirmed the legality
and Confederates of slavery in the territories.
● and reflect from the happenings during
the civil war. John Brown the abolitionist - traveled to Kansa
with his son's and army and tried to invade pro
slavery territories. They raided the Harpers
The Civil War in the United States began in 1861 Ferry but the US Marines led by Colonel Robert
due to the disputes between northern and Lee surrounded them. Brown was wounded and
southern states over slavery, state's rights, and captured while 10 of his men including his two
westward expansion. Seven southern states sons were killed. John Brown was executed and
seceded and formed the Confederates States of this became one of the causes of the civil war.
America when Abraham Lincoln was elected as
president in 1860. The Civil War is the deadliest The selection of Abraham Lincoln as President
ever on American soil and left the south ruined. in November 1860 was the culmination for the
southern states to secede. South Carolina,
Causes of Civil War Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia,
The United States of America during the 19th Louisiana, and Texas formed the Confederates
century was experiencing a tremendous growth States.
that also divided the northern and southern
regions. Manufacturing and industry was well Start of the Civil War
established in the North while the South was
still based on large-scale farming that really Attack of Fort Sumter
depended on the labor of Black slave people. The siege of Fort Sumter in Charleston, South
They grow crops like cotton and tobacco. Carolina was the start of the Civil War. Fort
Sumter is an island fortification under the
People who are against slavery grew when Federal Government. Confederates bombarded
there's are threat of slavery extension in the the fort as President Lincoln ordered to
newly acquired territories in the west of resupply Sumter. For less than two days the
America. It made southerners fear that slavery fort's commander Major Robert Anderson
is in danger. In 1855, the US Congress passed surrendered. Four more states joined the
the Kansas-Nebraska Act that opened new Confederates after the Fort Sumter siege.
territories to slavery because of their rule of
popular sovereignty. It is the rule that gives the
states to decide whether they will abolish or
allow slavery in their territory.

Following the creation of the Kansas territories,

the period of outbreaks done by guerillas
the second Battle of Bull Run. Lee drove Pope
back to Washington and this victory started the
Confederate invasion of the North. McClellan
reorganized his army despite the contradictory
orders from Lincoln and Halleck and attacked

Battle of Antietam
The attack on Lee's forces was the bloodiest
day. 12,410 killed on the Union side and 13,724
on Confederates. Union won and forced Lee to
retreat into Virginia but still the reluctance of
McClellan to gain the advantage in the war
First Battle of Bull Run (First Manassas) removed him in command in favor of Ambrose
It took place when 35,000 Confederates soldiers Burnside.
forced Union Armies to retreat to Washington
D.C. led by Thomas Jonathan 'Stonewall' Union suffered heavy casualties under
Jackson. Lincoln called for 500,000 troops Burnside's command. He was replaced by
making clear the the war would not be a short Joseph 'Fighting Joe's Hooker.
The Union's victory in Antietam led to the
issuance of Emancipation Proclamation by
Lincoln. It freed all enslaved people in Southern
States. He used it as a wartime measure to
deprive the Confederates labor forces and have
strong opinions of other countries to their side.
186,00 Black people then joined the Union

Battle of Chancellorsville
It resulted in another Confederate's victory
after Union's offensive was surprisingly attacked
Seven Days Battle
by Lee's. Lee then launched another invasion of
George B. McClellan became the Supreme
the North but again failed and was able to
Commander of Union Army. He led his army to
escape into Virginia.
capture Yorktown but he was forced to retreat
because of the combined forces of Robert Lee
Battle of Chattanooga
and Jackson that took seven days. McClellan's
Grant became the supreme council of the Union
reluctance frustrated Lincoln and he was
after his success in the west and went to
replaced by Henry W. Halleck.
Washington to force Lee's army. William
Sherman led the army in the west. Sherman
Second Battle of Bull Run (Second Manassas)
pushed through the sea capturing Savannah
Lee and his troops moved northwards and
and North Carolina. Lee's troops was exhausted
separated into two. Union troops led by John
and evacuated their capital Richmond. There's
Pope met the Confederates army of Jackson in
no possibilities for an escape forcing them to
surrender at Appomattox Court House on April The Freedmen's Bureau and Civil Rights Bill was
9. vetoed by President Johnson. It is a bill to help
millions of former black slaves and poor whites
in the South. Johnson was impeached and the
bill was passed into law.

The Reconstruction Act of 1867 was passed that

ratified the 14th Amendment of Southern
States. Later in 1869, 15rh Amendment was
approved that guaranteed citizen's rights to
vote no matter what race, color, or previous
condition of servitude.

Prepared by
Randolf Surca

Lost of the Great Leader References

The Union lost their great leader on the eve of
History.com editors (n.d.). History. Civil War.
their victory. President Lincoln was assassinated
by and actor and Confederate sympathizer John
Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theatre in Washington
on April 14. On April 26, the Civil War officially
ended after the surrender of Johnson in North History.com editors (n.d.). History. Reconstruction.
Carolina. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.history.com/.

Andrew Johnson assumed the presidency after
Lincoln died. He planned for a reconstruction
that would give the southern states the right to
build themselves. Due to this, southern states
passed a series of laws known as 'black codes'.
It restricted freed Black people's activities.

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