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Uas Bahasa Inggris Pba

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Yang termasuk quantity expression: a few, a lot (of) all (of), a great deal of
many, much, a large amount (of) a large number (of).

1. A little (of)
- berarti sedikit
- diikuti kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun)
- A little bisa berdiri sendiri tanpa diikuti kata benda
- Biasanya digunakan dalam bentuk positive, dalam kalimat negative/interrogative, a little
berubah muenjadi “much”

-The servant needed a little coconut oil to fry an aegg
- The gardener got a little time to fix teh fence
- There was a little gasoline in the tin
- Have you wasted much time?
- I am sorry, I don’t have much time to help you

2. A few (of)
- Berarti “beberapa”
- diikuti kata benda jamak bila menggunakan “of”
- A few bisa berdiri sendiri tanpa diikuti “of”
-Biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat positive, dala kalimat negative/interrogative, a few
(of) berubah menjadi “many”

- Ida delivers a few of the packed of food
- The servant saw a few boy near the post office
- They are able to help a few of the boys
- Daniel : Does Anggi have to pick Mary flowers? Santi : Yes, a few
- I received a few cards last month

3. A lot (of)
-Berarti banyak
- Dapat diikuiti countable noun maupun uncountable noun atau tanpa diikuti kata benda
bila tidak menggunakan “of”
-Digunakan dalam kalimat positive. Dapat digunakan dalam kailmat interrogative apabila
jawabannya sudah pasti “yes”
- Dalam kalimat negative/interrogative a lot (of) berubah menjadi “much” bila “a lot of” di
ikuti “uncountable noun” dan berubahmenjadi “many” bila diikuti “cuntable noun”

-The chief tried to get a lot of profit on the bazzar
-My niece has a lot of foreign stamps
-Does your brother decide to mortgage many furniture’s ?
-Did Anggi have to take much coffee for then workers?
-Dani had to take much coffee for them

4. A great deal of
-Berarti “banyak”
-Biasanya diikuti kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun)
-Biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat postive
-Dapat digunakan dalam kalimat interrogative apabila jawabannya sudah pasti “yes”
-Dalam kalimat negative/interrogative “a great deal of” berubah menjadi “much”

Contoh :
-My mother has a great deal of coconut oil.
-The workers are going to remove a great of sand to the truck
Contoh pada sebuah percakapan:
- The woman : How much money have the expanded for fixing the building?
Mr Dani : Yes, they have expanded a great deal of money for fixing the

Dina : do you keep “much” oil in the tin?

Atika : Yes, I keep a great deal of oil in the tin

Tomy : Are the farmers going to order much fertilizer in the wet season?
Hadi : Yes, they are going to order a great deal of fertilizer in the wet

5. A large number of
-Berart banyak
-Biasanya diikuti kata benda yang dapat dihitung (countable noun)
-Digunakan dalam kalimat positive, kalimat kalimat negative/interrogative biasanya
berubah menjadi “many”

Contoh :
- My father will send a large number of invitations cards
- The servant made a large number of boxes for the food
- He needs a large number of books to have a private library
Contoh pada sebuah percakapan
Daniel : How many old shirts did the women give to the orphan house
Pamela : Yes, they gave a large number of shirts to them

The girls : Are you able to pick many flowers for thr show?
The boys : Yes, we are able to pick a large number flowers for the show

6. A large amount of
- Berarti banyak
- Biasanya didikuti kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun)
-Biasanya digunakan dalam kalimat positive, dan dalam kalimat negative/interrogative
berubah menjadi “much”

Contoh :
- Aunt Tina mixes a large amount of liquid
- We should brought a large amount of water for the flowers
- The child tried to hold a large amount of sand to play with
Contoh dalam prcakapan
- Tika : How much gasoline did your cousin fill in the fark?
- Ira : He filled a large amount of gasoline in the fark

- Santi : Has her nephew wasted much time during this week?
Hadi : Yes, he has wasted a large amount of time during this week.

REFERENSI : T, Pangesti, M Cara mudah belajar Grammar &

Converesation dalam Bahasa Inggris sistem cepat edisi
baru. Januari 2000 Bintang Cemerlang.


Buatlah contoh kalimat a little of, a feew of, a great deal

of, a large number of, a large amount of masing-masing
per contoh 3 kalimat!


23.00 WIB

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