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Disusun Oleh :
1. Nazilatur Rohmah
2. Nurul Fatimah
3. Sarifatun
4. Serly Wijayanti


Praise the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed guidance, taufik, and inayahnya to all of us. So that we can
live this life according to his pleasure. Thank God we were able to complete this paper according to the plan. Sholawat
and greetings may still be poured out to our lord Prophet Muhammad SAW. Because he is one of the figures of the
people who are able to give intercession later on the Day of Resurrection. Furthermore, we would like to thank Mr.
Dra.Hj.A.Umroh, M.Pd.I. as a lecturer who has guided us. We ask ma'af as much as possible when writing this paper
there are many errors in it. I look forward to constructive suggestions and criticisms for the sake of achieving the
perfection of the next paper. Hopefully this paper can be useful for writers generally and especially for readers.

Kalirejo, 1 April 2021


Group 8




B. Formulation of the proplem
C. Purpose of wraiting


A. Definition of the pillars of islam

B. The contents of the pillars of islam and their meaning
C. The importance of the pillars of islam
A. Conclusion



In Islamic teachings, the are several points of worship which are the fundamental basis of religion. Some of the
basic principles of worship are called the pillars of islam which cover 5 main matters, namely syahadat, prayer
(sholat) , zakat, fasting (puasa) and going on the pilgrimage (haji). These five things are the characteristics of a
muslim’s worship that distinguishes people from other religions.
The implementation of the principles of worship contained in the rukun islam is an abligation that must be
carried out by a muslim.
1. Syahadat is an oath of promise that strengthens aqidah to always acknowledge and firman Allah Swt and
acknowledge that the prophet Muhammad Saw is his messenger.
2. Prayer is a ritual worship that is carried out as means of connecting humans and Allah Swt.
3. Zakat is a form worship that has a social dimension as a manifestation of a muslim’s obedience to Allah
4. Fasting is worship that strengthens personality.
5. Haji is the last pillar of islam which shows the obedience and desire of a muslim to fulfill Allah Swt call.

The five main teachings contained in the five pillars of islam must be carried out by every muslim. The
obedience of a muslim in carrying out the pillars of islam will illustrate the level of their love for Allah Swt. So
that learning the principles of these teachings is the beginning of muslim sefforts to improve the quality of daily
Based on the description above, the author will examine the main principles of worship in Islamic teachings
known as the pillars of islam wich includes syahadat, prayer, zakat, fasting and going on the pilgrimage.
Through this study, it is hoped that the writer’s understanding of the content and meaning of the pillars of islam
will increase and also be able to improve the quality of the writer’s worship.

B. Formulation of the proplem

1. Definition of the pillars of islam ?
2. The contents of the pillars of islam and their meaning ?
3. The importance of the pillars of islam ?

C. Purpose of wraiting
1. To know the meaning of the pillars of islam
2. To find out the contents of the pillars of islam and their meaning
3. To know the importance of the pillars of islam

1. Definition of the pillars of islam

In islam there are several aspects that form the foundation of worship, which are called the pillars of
islam. The foundations of worship are the manifestation of the servants of Allah Swt in implementing
their servitude to Allah Swt. The pillars of islam it self consist of five things, namely
“ say to sentences of the creed and accept that Allah Swt is one and that prophet Muhammad Saw (peace
be upon him ) is the messenger of Allah swt. Performing prayers five times a day, Issue zakat, Fasting
during the month of ramadhan, Performing haji for those who can afford it.
2. The contents of the pillars of islam and their meaning
A. Syahadat
Syahadat is a statement of believ in the oneness of Allah Swt and the prophet Muhammad Saw as
the messenger and is the principle and basis for other pillars of islam. Syahadat is the spirit, core and
foundation of all Islamic teachings. The creed is often called the syahadat because it consists of 2
sentences, namely
First sentence
“Asyhadu an-laa ilaaha illallah”
Meaning: I testify that there is no god but allah swt. The first sentence shows the confession of
monotheism. This means that a muslim only believes in allah Swt to be the one and only god. Allah
swt is lord in the artist, something that becomes someone’s motivation or goal. So by pledging the
first sentence, a muslim is determined to make only allah swt as the goal, motivation and way of life.
“wa asyhadu anna muhammadan rosullulah”
This means: and I testify that Muhammad Saw is the messenger of Allah swt. The second sentence
the shows the recognition that the prophet Muhammad Saw is the messenger of Allah Swt. By
pledging this sentence a muslim can strengthen himself to believe in the teaching of allah swt. As
conveyed through Muhammad saw, such as believing in Muhammad’s hadits.

B. Prayer
Prayer means pray. Meanwhile, according to the term prayer means as series of special pr certain
worship activities that begin with takbiratul ihram and with greetings. The importance of prayer can
be judge by the fact that it is the first obligation and although prayer and zakat are often reffered to
together in al-qurán, prayer is always called more. First as for the proposition of committing the
Meaning and establish the prayer, actually praying it can prevent heinous and evil acts. (QS.
In islam there is no specific day devoted to prayer or prayer, as in judaism and chirtianity. Praying or
praying is a part of everyday human life. There are prayers at fajr (fajr) , midday prayers (dzuhur),
afternoon prayers (asr), prayers at sunset (magrib) and prayers before going to sleep (isha). Thus
islam demands that in various condition experienced by humans, his spirit must always be related to
the devine spirit.
C. Fasting
The language of fasting means to hold back. According to Islamic law fasting is a form of worship
activity to Allah Swt by refraining from eating, drinking, lust, and other things that can cancel
fasting from dawn to sunset magrib with prior intention. Functions and benefits to make us resistant
to lust, patient, disciplined, honest, caring for the poor, always be grateful to Allah Swt and also to
make the body healthier. As for the arguments for fasting :
Meaning “hi people believers, it is obligatory for you to keep fast as it is obligatory for those who
people before you so that you fear.” (Qs. Al- baqarah:183).

D. Zakat
Zakat is certain amount of property that must be issued by muslims and given to the group entitled to
receive it (needy and so on). According to the provisions stipulated by syarak. Zakat is the third
pillar of the pillars of islam. And become one of the main elements of the establishment of Islamic
law. Therefore the law of zakat is mandatory (fardhu) for every muslim who has met certain
conditions. Zakat is included in the categories of worship such as prayer, pilgrimage, and
contentment which have been arranged in detail based on the Qur’an and sunnah. Zakat is also a
social and humanitarian charity that can develop in accordance with the development of mankind
anywhere. As for the arguments for giving zakat :
Meaning :”take zakat from some assets them, with that zakat you clean and sanctify them (Qs. At-
Zakat is divided into two types, namely :
1. Zakat fitrah the zakat that muslims must issue towards eid al-fitr in the month of ramadhan. This
amount of zakat is equivalent to 3.5 liters (2.5 Kilograms) of staple food in the area.
2. Zakat maal (property) includes commercial, agricultural, mining, marine products, livestock
products, inventions, gold and silver. Each type has it’s own calculator.

E. Hajj
Hajj is to baitullah and certain places to carry out certain worship practices as well . hajj is the fifth
pillar of islam after syahadat, prayer, fasting and zakat. Performing the hajj is a form of annual ritual
carried out by capable muslims of the world (material, physical, and scientific) by visiting and
carrying out several activities in several places in Saudi Arabia at a time known as
Hajj season (month zulhijah). This is different from the umrah service which can be carried out at
any time. As for the arguments he ordered the pilgrimage
Meaning “to him there are obvious signs, (among them) maqam Ibrahim :”whoever enters it (the
baitullah) is safe for him :”doing hajj is a human duty towards allah swt, namely (for) those who are
able to travel to the baitullah. Whoever denies (obligatory hajj), then indeed allah swt is rich (does
not need something) from the universe ( Qs. Al- Imran:97).
The core activities of the pilgrimage begin on the 8 th of zulhijah when the muslims stay overnight in
mina, wukuf (silence) in padang arafah on the 9 th of zulhijah, and end after throwing jumroh
(throwing stones symbolizing the devil) on the 10th of zulhijah. Indonesia people also commonly
refer to idul adha as hari raya haji because it coincides with the celebration of this hajj pilgrimage .
pilgrimage is only obligatory once in a lifetime. The rest is sunnah.

3. The importance of the pillars of islam

The pillars of islam play a role in every aspect of the rekigious life of muslim’s because they are the
foundation of worship for muslim’s. therefore, the pillars of islam cannot be separated from islam.
These five commands af Allah Swt are a sign that a person is muslim. If you don’t do it properly and
correctly, someone can be considered not Islamic.
B. Conclusion
The pillars of islam are the foundation of all kinds of muslim worship. The pillars of islam is mandatory for all
muslim’s because it is a direct command of Allah Swt which was conveyed through Muhammad Saw in the Al-
qur’an. As people who belive in Allah Swt, we are obliged to fulfiil the five pillars of islam. Such are the rules the
regulations of allah ta’ala which have been obliged to all muslim’sand muslim’s to do it. Hopefully all muslim’s
can fulfill and fear allah swt. Amiin ya rabbal alamiin.

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