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Procedure For Applying For Membership of Aiu

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1. Conditions approved by the Governing Council of AIU in its meeting held

on 23rdJuly, 2019 for granting Provisional Membership of AIU.

For getting provisional membership of AIU the University must be

included under section 2(f) of the UGC Act, 1956.

2. Procedure for applying for provisional membership of AIU:

The University is required to submit the following documents for grant of

provisional membership of AIU:

(i) Duly filled membership form {available on the AIU Website

(www.aiu.ac.in) under ‘Download Section’}.
(ii) A copy of UGC letter mentioning that the university is included
under section 2(f) of the UGC Act, 1956
(iii) A copy of Gazette Notification in respect of establishment of the
(iv) A copy of the Act of the University.
(v) A copy of audited account of the University for the last year.
(vi) ₹ 10,000/- + 1800 (GST @ 18%) one time =11,800/- as Processing
fee (one time) and Annual membership fee of ₹ 50,000/- Per Annum
+ 9000 (GST @ 18%) = 59,000/- (for Public universities) & ₹
1,50,000/- Per Annum + 27000 (GST @ 18%) = 1,77,000/- (for Private
universities) to be submitted through AIU Online Payment Portal.

All the above-mentioned documents are required to be forwarded to

Association of Indian Universities on the following address:

The Secretary General

Association of Indian Universities
16, Comrade Indrajit Gupta Marg, New Delhi – 110 002

3. Benefits accrued to member universities of the Association of Indian


(i) The Vice Chancellor of member universities may be nominated on

the Governing Council of AIU based on their individual and
institutional seniority.

(ii) AIU maintains a close relationship with international organizations

in the field of higher education including the Commonwealth of
Learning, Association of Commonwealth Universities and the
Commonwealth Secretariat. Also, AIU is a member of:

 International Association of Universities, Paris (IAU)

 University Mobility in Indian Ocean Region, (UMIOR)
 Global University Network for Innovation, Cataluña, Spain
 National Association of Foreign Student Advisers (NAFSA),
 India EU Study Centers Programme
 International University Sports Federation (FISU)
 Asian University Sports Federation (AUSF)

Also, AIU works closely with the following National LevelOrganizations:

 Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi

 Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, New Delhi
 University Grants Commission, New Delhi
 All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi
 Indian Council for Agricultural Research, New Delhi
 Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi
 Education Departments of various States and State
 National Sports Federations of India

Being member of Association of Indian Universities, member

universities get a platform to project their views in the above
forums. Additionally, the selected University students can
represent Indian Universities in World University Games, World
Championship, Asian University Sports Championships conducted
by the International University Sports Federation (FISU) and Asian
University Sports Federation (AUSF).

(iii) Association of Indian Universities organizes Annual Conference of

all Vice Chancellors/Directors of member Universities/Institutions.
The conference is attended by eminent educationists, international
experts, representatives of UGC, MHRD and heads of apex bodies.
The AIU member universities get free invite for this conference of
VCs where they can meet fellow Vice Chancellors, MHRD and UGC
Officials and deliberate on issues of national importance relating to
higher education.

(iv) The Association of Indian Universities (AIU) organizes five Zonal

Meets of Vice Chancellors every year wherein issues relating to
higher education are discussed amongst the Vice Chancellors of
that zone. All Vice Chancellors/Directors of AIU member
Universities/Institutions of the respective zone get free invite for
the Zonal Conferences.

(v) AIU also organizes various Round Table Conferences of Vice

Chancellors on emerging issues in higher education. The main
objective of organizing such programmes is to bring the Vice
Chancellors and Senior Academics and policymakers on a common
platform to discus and deliberate on the problems and issues
relating to higher education. This paves the way for preparing a
broader framework on the policy formation on issues of national
importance. The AIU member universities are invited for such

(vi) The regular academic research activities of the AIU, with financial
support from Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD)
a) Research Projects
b) Capacity Building Programmes such as
Workshop /Seminar
c) ANVESHAN – Student Research Convention
d) Vice Chancellor’s Roundtable Conferences
e) Data-base activities
f) Publications

The Vice Chancellor faculty and students from AIU

memberuniversities can participate in all such events.

(vii) AIU on annual basis organizes youth programmes, which are

dedicated to Human Development, Personality Development, Active
Citizenship, Building Youth Leadership, National Character,
Human and Cultural Values. The activities also provide the youth
an opportunity for a healthy interaction thereby instilling in them
an awareness of our historical and cultural heritage. Students of
all member universities can participate in all such activities
organized by AIU.

A few of important activities are enlisted below:

a) Inter-University Youth Festivals (AIU UNIFESTS)
a) South Asian Universities Youth Festival
b) Inter-University National Qawwali Competition
c) Youth Leadership Camps
d) Yoga Camps
e) Awareness Campaigns (e.g. HIV/AIDS,
Communal Harmony, National Integration)
f) DSWs & Cultural Coordinators Seminar
g) NSS Workshops
h) Seminars
i) Literary Contests
j) Indian Students Parliament
k) Home Stay Exchange
l) Fine Arts Youth Exhibition, etc.

(viii) AIU Sports Division, partially funded by the Ministry of Youth

Affairs and Sports, functions as Inter University Sports Board (AIU)
for promotion of competitive Sports in university sector which is
full of sporting potential for excellence. It organizes National
University Games and Special Coaching/advance Training camps
for highly talented and selected athletes in collaboration with
member universities, for participation of Indian Universities
teams/contingent in National and International Sports
Championships.  At present, 223 sporting events are being
organized on All India and zonal basis for both men and women

AIU Sports Division also processes the release of financial

assistance, if received from the Sports Ministry to the host
universities for the successful conduct of National University
Games, every year.

The AIU, being an affiliated member of International University

Sports Federation (FISU) arranges visits of Indian Universities
teams for participation in World University Games/Championships
and acts as a host to visiting universities teams from other
countries as and when required.

Further, AIU Sports Division also organizes the Capacity-building

and Sports Management programmes for up-dating professional
knowledge, technical skills and promoting anti-doping awareness
among the athletes and support staff, on the regular basis. The
continuous professional development of the faculty (coaches,
trainers and Sports scientists) which is of paramount importance
for effective management of university Sports, broad-basing Sports
and achieving excellence at global competitions.

(ix) AIU International Cell promotes and felicitates Internationalization

of Higher Education necessitating increasing international
academic collaboration in the areas of common interest
particularly exchange of students/faculty/research and technical
staff, joint research projects, sharing of information, joint capacity
building programme, credit transfer, dual/joint degree
programmes, recognition of courses and programmes, equivalence
of degree etc. between the universities of India and other countries.
The division also keeps records of MoUs/Collaboration with
National/International Organization and representation of AIU in
various International forums.

(x) AIU Students Information Services Division provides extensive

information on university institutions, professional bodies,
accredited courses conducted by all types of universities, teaching
staff of university departments, etc. It brings out comprehensive
Universities Handbook giving detailed information about the
universities, their faculty, administration, and disciplines in which
it offers courses at all levels. It also brings out handbooks on
professional courses including Management Education,
Engineering Education, Health Sciences Education, Computer
Education and Distance Education. The Division also provides
information to the stakeholders in India on their eligibility for
admission to an Indian university or on the standing of an
institution through e-mail, post and telephone. The AIU handbook
is sent to all the AIU member universities on complementary basis.

(xi) AIU Library and Documentation Division provides its services to

member universities/ students/researchers/faculty members of
Higher Education as Reference Library and Resource Centre and
acts as a knowledge base on higher education. The Division has a
very rich library of international and Indian books and journals on
higher education. There are more than 21,000 documents and 150
current periodicals available in the Library. The Library is
particularly rich in its collection of reports different
commission/committee established by the federal
Government/UGC from time to time and other government policy
documents. The annual reports, calendars, handbooks and Act
and Statutes of various universities and Judgments of Hon’ble
Supreme Court on higher education and Volumes of Journals of
University News since 1963 till date, are available in the Library.
On request, the Division supplies information on subject
bibliographies and selective information on higher education
system. The Library and Documentation Division renders the
following services to its stake holders :
a) Circulation
b) Reference
c) Press clippings
d) Bibliographic
e) Reprographic
f) Selective information dissemination
g) Indexing for University News

(xii) AIU also brings out the University News, a Weekly Journal of
Higher Education. The Journal contains information about higher
education and is referred to nationally and internationally for the
happenings in Indian higher education. The regular features of the
Journal are the articles that Containcurrent, national and global
thinking; Campus News; Doctoral Theses accepted by Indian
Universities; Advertisements for Openings in Universities,
Institutes, Colleges and Research Institutes; Admission
Notifications, and Calendar of Events. It provides updates on
developments in the field of higher education, youth affairs, Sports
and culture. From time to time the special issues of the Journal
are brought out on vital issues to collect, disseminate and
document the views of the experts. Over the years, it has gained
immense popularity and has carved a niche for itself in regularity
of appearance and richness of its contents.

(xiii) AIU Publication Division forwards the University Hand Book,

Directories, Journal, Bibliography of Doctoral Dissertations and
other publication on complimentary basis to all the member
universities of AIU.

(xiv) Vice Chancellors/ Directors on member universities/Institute may

book AIU Guest House on very subsidized rate.
AlsoConference/Meeting facilities of AIU may be utilized by all
member universities for conducting various meetings.

(xv) Besides this, there is a future plan to create an AIU Portal for
providing value added services to the member universities.

The AIU Portal proposes to provide following services:

(i) AIU Admission Portal will provide services for one stop
admission to students and will provide visibility to university
academic programs
(i) AIU Job Portal will provide a platform to universities for
wider publicity of vacancy advertisements
(ii) AIU portal will promote national and international
Collaboration amongst member universities
(iii) AIU portal will be an Information store house for Indian and
foreign students
(iv) AIU portal willshowcase best practices of all universities to
enable learning from each other.

(xvi) AIU also proposes to conduct many studies in higher education in

partnership with member universities.

(xvii) AIU is also proposing to launch a National Integration Train during

vacations from North to South and from East to West of India for
promoting cultural values in students of member universities in
collaboration with identified universities.

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