Bio-Degradable and Reusable Sanitary Napkins: A Green Remedy For Period Care
Bio-Degradable and Reusable Sanitary Napkins: A Green Remedy For Period Care
Bio-Degradable and Reusable Sanitary Napkins: A Green Remedy For Period Care
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Komal Sharma3
Assistant Professor
Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing
Abstract:- Periods, also known as menstruations, are At the reproductive age, menstruation is a physical
regular vaginal bleeding that take place as part of a phenomenon that is natural for females. Nonetheless, it is
woman's monthly cycle. Women body gets ready for surrounded by superstitious beliefs and societal stigmas.
pregnancy each month. The uterus, also loses its lining if Lack of awareness and understanding about menstruation
there is no pregnancy. Maintaining good menstrual might result in unsafe hygiene habits, which in turn raises
hygiene and health will help us to avoid infections, lessen the risk of genitourinary and reproductive tract infections,
odours, and keep at ease when we are on our period. To cervical cancer, school abandonment, low academic
absorb or collect blood during period, we can choose performance, and an all-around low level of life quality.
from a variety of menstruation goods, such as sanitary (Zelalem Belayneh & Birhanie Mekuriaw)
pads, tampons, menstrual cups, menstrual discs and
period pants. Here aren't any official data, but according Females those are menstruating require safe feminine
to a number of reports, India produces roughly 9000 items that allow women to go about their regular lives
tonnes of waste from menstruation on a monthly without experiencing physical restrictions. Many years back
average, with the majority of it in the kind of feminine during the time of menstruation women were using natural
hygiene products. All of these sanitary pads made of items. But time by time these natural items were replaced by
plastic are either tossed in the trash or flushed down new materials. Several females who have periods choose to
toilets with other garbage from the home. In India, utilize sanitary pads all the way through their cycle in order
numerous women use sanitary pads. The vast majority to control the blood flow. Yet over the time, numerous
of the pads are made of plastic. Menstrual products, studies have brought attention to the dangers of
mostly sanitary napkins, are responsible for around 45% these sanitary napkins, warning that, these items are harmful
of the nation's overall sanitary waste generation, for the body as well to the environment also.
according to the Menstrual Health Alliance India. The
objectives of this paper is to assess the knowledge, Future generations' health will be impacted by the
practice, attitude and perception regarding choices they make today on reproductive health. As these
Biodegradable sanitary napkins among reproductive age pads contain plastic material, Synthetic plastic components
group females and to assess the comparison between have been incorporated to these pads as a liquid absorbent
biodegradable sanitary napkins and reusable sanitary for the best results. Another feature added to the various
napkins. sanitary pads sold in shops is aroma, which gives the user a
fresh feeling. There is now considerable fear that certain of
Keywords:- Menstruation, Sanitary Napkins, these substances, which are found in sanitary napkins, may
Biodegradable. have negative health effects on customers.