Third Periodic Test-U3
Third Periodic Test-U3
Third Periodic Test-U3
DIRECTION: Read each item carefully. Write only the LETTER of the correct answer.
4.What is the smallest particle of an element that possess all the properties of that element?
a. molecule b. atom c. particle d. compound
5. Why is the volume of the sugar and water mixture less than the sum of the combine volumes of the unmixed
sugar and water?
a. because the sugar molecules could fit in the spaces between the water molecules upon dissolving.
b. because sugar is made up of tiny particles with spaces between them.
c. because water is made up of molecules bigger than the molecules of sugar.
d.because water molecules spread out among sugar molecules on mixing.
I I .
I I I .
a. I & II b. I &IV c.I & III d. II & III
9.The molecules that escape from the liquid and go into the gaseous phase is called________.
a.liquid b.solid c. vapour d.particle
10.What happen to the water molecules when heated and the temperature rises?
a.lose kinetic energy and move faster c.gain more kinetic energy & move more slowly
b.gain more kinetic energy & move faster d.lose kinetic energy & move more slowly
16.Below is a model of an atom, which subatomic particles are both located inside the nucleus of an atom?
17.He is known for his plum pudding model or raisin bread model of an atom.
a.J.J Thomson b.Ernest Rutherford c.Ernest Marsden d.Johannes Wilhelm Geiger
18.Which of the following models of the atom that was proposed by Rutherford’s team?
a. b. c. d.
19.If the element Flourine has 9 protons and 10 neutrons, what will be the number of electrons?
a.9 b.10 c.19 d.29
20.Below is a diagram of an isotope, what is the similarity and difference of the isotopes of Carbon?
21.This is the sum of the number of protons and the number of neutrons in an atom.
a.atomic number b.mass number c.isotopes d.ion
22. How would you determine the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom by just using the Periodic Table
of Elements? means of determining the atomic number b. by means of determining the mass number means of determining the the atomic mass means of determining the isotope
25.Vertical columns of the periodic table c. Lothar Meyer & Dmitri Mendeleev
28.Gradual wearing away of metals due to interaction d. Groups, Lanthinides and Actinides
with other substances.
31.Below are the particle views of solid and liquid. Based from the illustrations, what is the common
characteristic of these states of matter?
32.Which of the ff. statements is/are the reason/s why you can feel the cooling effect when you apply rubbing
alcohol on your arms?
l. Rubbing alcohol is a volatile liquid.
ll. It easily evaporates.
lll. As it evaporates, the molecules get heat energy from your body leaving you with a cool sensation.
lV.The molecules are packed closely together in fixed position.
a.l,ll,lll b. l,lV,ll c.lV only d.lll only
a. b. c.
35. Which of the following illustrations show how particles rearrange during melting?
a. b. c. d.
a. 0 b.10 c. 7 d. 14
41.What is the correct sequence of events about the development of modern Periodic Table of elements?
l.Triad of elements were formed.
ll.Elements were arranged in order of increasing atomic mass.
lll.Elements with similar properties were assigned into group.
lV.Elements were arranged in order of increasing atomic number.
a.lll,lV,l,ll b.l,ll,lll,lV c.lV,l,ll,lll d.ll,lll,l,lV
42.In the periodic table, the metallic character of the element in the s-block increases as you move,
a.down a group and to the right of a period c.up a group and to the right of a period
b.down a group and to the left of a period d.up a group and to the left of a period
For item 43. Shown below is the relative position of metallic element in the periodic table:
K Ca
43.Which is the correct order of elements if arranged from MOST reactive to LEAST reactive?
a. Sr, Ca, K,Na,Li c. Li,Na,K,Ca,Sr
b. K,Na,Li,Ca,Sr d. K,Ca,Sr,Na,Li
45.How many electrons are there in the first, second and third energy levels in an atom?
a.8,2,8 b.2,8,18 c.8,8,2 d.2,6,8
46. Which of the following statements are true about the three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas?
I.Matter is made up of tiny particles.
II.Particles of matter are moving all the time.
III.The particles of matter attract each other.
IV.Particles of matter have no spaces between them.
50.Do you agree that in an uncombined atom, the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons? Why?
a.No, because in neutral atom, the number of proton is equal to the number of electron.
b.No, because in neutral atom, the number of proton is not equal to the number of electron.
c.Yes, because in neutral atom, the number of proton is equal to the number of electron.
d.Yes, because in neutral atom, the number of proton is not equal to the number of electron.
Noted Approved
S.Y. 2017-2018
1. D 26.A
2. A 27.D
3. B 28.A
4. A 29.B
5. D 30.A
6. C 31.A
7. B 32.A
8. B 33.B
9. C 34.A
10.B 35.A
11.B 36.C
12.A 37.A
13.D 38.B
14.D 39.D
15.A 40.A
16.A 41.B
17.A 42.B
18.A 43.A
19.A 44.B
20.B 45.B
21.B 46.A
22.A 47.A
23.C 48.D
24.B 49.B
25.D 50.C
Name:__________________________ Score:__________________
Grade/Section:___________________ Date:___________________
DIRECTION: Read each item carefully. Encircle the LETTER of the correct answer.
1.What do you call the measure of the space occupied by an object?
a. mass b. flexibility c. properties d. volume
2.The mass of an object is_____________.
a. a measure of the amount of matter the object has c. a measure of the space occupied by an object
b. a sample of matter d. a measure of density of an object
3. The following are examples of matter EXCEPT
a. soil b. water c. air d. heat
4.What is the smallest particle of an element that possess all the properties of that element?
a. molecule b. atom c. particle d. compound
5. Why is the volume of the sugar and water mixture less than the sum of the combine volumes of the unmixed
sugar and water?
a. because the sugar molecules could fit in the spaces between the water molecules upon dissolving.
b. because sugar is made up of tiny particles with spaces between them.
c. because water is made up of molecules bigger than the molecules of sugar.
d.because water molecules spread out among sugar molecules on mixing.
6. Which of the following is not a characteristic property of matter?
a. Boiling point b. Volume c. Shape d. Weightless
7. All of the following are the characteristics of gases, EXCEPT,
a. Particles are able to move freely.
b. Particles are far apart.
d.Have definite shape and volume.
8.Below are the particle views of solid and liquid. Based from the illustrations, what is the common
characteristic of these states of matter?
I I .
I I I .
a. I & II b. I &IV c.I & III d. II & III
14. On a summer morning, drops of water have collected on the grass. It has not rained for days. Where
did the drops come from?
a. The sun warm and melted frozen water
b. blowing wind carried and dropped water
c. water vapor in the air cooled enough to turn into liquid water
d. water drops fell from the atmosphere
15. Water is heated on a stove until steam is given off. What phase change is this?
a. Melting b. Freezing c. Vaporization d. Condensation
16.What happen to the water molecules when heated and the temperature rises?
a.lose kinetic energy and move faster c.gain more kinetic energy & move more slowly
b.gain more kinetic energy & move faster d.lose kinetic energy & move more slowly
17. Water is boiled. Then drops of water are seen on the lid of the container after cooling. Describe the
arrangement of the particles of water before and after cooling.
a. The particles of water moved closer to each other and become more orderly after cooling.
b. The particles of water moved farther from each other and become disorderly after cooling.
c. The particles of water moved closer to each other and become disorderly after cooling.
d. The particles of water moved farther to each other and become more orderly after cooling.
18.___________is a process in which a solid is changed to a liquid.
a.freezing b.melting c.evaporation d.boiling
19. Which of the following illustrations show how particles rearrange during melting?
a. b. c. d.
20. Which of the following is a correct description of what happens to the molecules of water when you
place it in the freezer?
a. The molecules become far apart from each other.
b. The molecules become closer to each other.
c. The molecules become very far apart from each other.
d. The molecules move apart then moves closer to each other.
21. A mothball becomes smaller after it was exposed for several days in the air. What is the process
a. Condensation b. Evaporation c. Solidification d. Sublimation
22. Which of the following is not an example of deposition?
a. frost form on a leaf c. water vapour to ice during winter months
b. melting of ice d. soot deposited on the walls of the chimneys
23.All of the following are the subatomic particles of an atom EXCEPT;
a.electrons b.protons c.neutrons d.photons
24.Which of the following statements about atom is not correct?
a.Atoms contain particles with positive and negative charges.
b.Atoms are neutral with an equal number of protons and electrons.
c.Atom is the basic unit of element possessing its physical and chemical properties.
d.Atom is negatively charged.
25. One of the Greek philosophers who thought that matter is made up of tiny, indivisible particles
called atomos was _________.
a. Archimedes b. Aristotle c. Democritus d. Empedocles
26.Which subatomic particles of an atom have almost the same mass?
a.protons and neutrons c.protons and electrons
b.electrons and neutrons d.electron and photons
27.Below is a model of an atom, which subatomic particles are both located inside the nucleus of an atom?
a.protons and neutrons c. neutrons and electrons
b.protons and electrons d.electrons and photons
28.Which subatomic particles contribute to the mass of the atom? Why?
a.Proton and Electron, because of their heavier masses as compared to the Neutron which is lighter than proton
and electron.
b.Proton and Neutron, because of their heavier masses as compared to the electron which is lighter than proton
and neutron.
c.Neutron and Electron, because of their heavier masses as compared to the proton which is lighter than neutron
and electron.
d.Neutron because of its heavier mass as compared to the electron and proton which are lighter than neutron.
29. The “ raisin bread “ or plum pudding model of the atom was proposed by
a. James Chadwick b. Eugene Goldstein c. Ernest Rutherford d. John Joseph Thomson
30.Which of the following models of the atom that was proposed by Rutherford’s team?
a. b. c. d.
31. Who proposed the atomic model that electron travels around the nucleus in circular orbits?
a. Neil’s Bohr b. Arnold Sommerfeld c. Joseph Thomson d. Erwin Schrodinger
32.If the element Flourine has 9 protons and 10 neutrons, what will be the number of electrons?
a.9 b.10 c.19 d.29
33.Below is a diagram of an isotope, what is the similarity and difference of the isotopes of Carbon?
K Ca
44.Which is the correct order of elements if arranged from MOST reactive to LEAST reactive?
a. Sr, Ca, K,Na,Li c. Li,Na,K,Ca,Sr
b. K,Na,Li,Ca,Sr d. K,Ca,Sr,Na,Li
45. Why do we need to study the chemical reactivity of metals?
a. To avoid deterioration of metallic materials.
b. To lessen the corrosion of metallic materials.
c. To avoid harmful effects of chemical reaction to metallic materials
d. All of the above statements are correct.
46. If you are an engineer, which metal is the most appropriate for construction material?
a. Iron b. Tin c. Nickel d. Aluminum
47. Which of the following elements is a metal?
a. Gold b. silicon c. carbon d. chlorine
48.Within the group, which of the following elements has the highest metallic property?
a. Be b. Mg c. Ca d. Sr
49.Which of these elements have similar chemical properties?
I. argon II. lithium III. sodium IV. phosphorus
a. I and II b. II and III c. III and IV d. I and IV
50. What happens to the metallic property of the elements across a period and down a family?
a. Metallic property decreases across a period and increases down a family.
b. Metallic property increases across a period and decreases down a family.
c. Metallic property decreases across a period and down a family.
d. Metallic property increases across a period and down a family.
Prepared by:
HT-III/Science Approved:
Principal II
S.Y. 2019-2020
1. D 26.A
2. A 27.A
3. D 28.B
4. B 29.D
5. A 30.A
6. D 31.A
7. D 32.A
8. A 33.B
9. A 34.B
10.B 35.D
11.D 36.C
12.C 37.B
13.B 38.D
14.C 39.B
15.C 40.D
16.B 41.D
17.A 42.A
18.B 43.D
19.A 44.A
20.B 45.D
21.D 46.A
22.B 47.A
23.D 48.D
24.D 49.B
25.C 50.A
SPECIES DIVERSITY------------- different kinds of organisms.
GENETIC DIVERSITY------------ genetic information that the organisms contain.
ECOSYSTEM DIVERSITY------- different kinds of places where organisms live and the
interconnections that bind these organisms together.
Kingdom Archaebacteria-live in various places, some even in the most severe environments
METHANOGENS-can survive in places where there is no oxygen. Some members of this group inhabit
digestive tracts of animals and ponds where animal, human and domestic wastes are treated. Present
also on bottoms of lakes, swamps, and rice fields. They produce methane gas.
Methane Gas-is utilized as biogas, a cheap alternative source of energy.
HALOPHILES-adapted to very salty environment. Examples are Haloccocuc dowbrowski and
Halobacterium salinarum.
Division of Masbate
Dimasalang, Masbate
S.Y. 2013-2014
Prepared by Noted
DIRECTION: Read each item carefully. Write only the LETTER of the correct answer.
1.This level of biodiversity refers to the different kinds of places where organisms live and the interconnections
that bind these organisms together.
a.species diversity b. genetic diversity c. ecosystem diversity d.animal diversity
5._____is a eubacterium that is naturally found in the large intestines of humans that provide Vit. B12.
a.Escherichia coli b.Bacillus anthracis c.Leptospira interrogans d.Lactobacilli
6.What do you call the group of protist that produce their own food?
a.heterotrophs b.phototrophs c.sporozoans d. both a & c
7.This group of plant is characterized by the absence of vascular tissues to transport food and water.
a.non-vascular plant b. vascular plant c. gymnosperm d. angiosperm
11.The third group of organism in food web that acts on dead organism and change to simple nutrients is
a.producer b.consumer c. decomposer d.plants
14.All of the following are the human activities that affect the ecosystem EXCEPT;
a.monoculture c. use of chemical fertilizers
b.use of herbicides & insecticides d. use of organic fertilizers
15. This process of digestion starts in the mouth where food is chewed and broken down to smaller pieces for
easier digestion?
a.mechanical digestion c. both a & b
b.chemical digestion d. non-mechanical digestion
16.What do you call the enzyme found in both fresh pineapple juice and bromeliad plants?
a.bromelain b. papein c. lipase d. amylase
18.This is a process wherein muscle contractions in the esophagus help move the food down to the stomach.
a.peristalsis b. ingestion c. absorption d. digestion
27. What is the phenotypic ratio of the offsprings from the above given cross?
a. 4:0 b.2:2 c.3:1 d.1:2:1
28. How important are the Punnett Squares? Punnett squares are used to ________the outcome of crosses of
a. assure b. dominate c. predict d. ensure
29.This is Non Mendelian Pattern of Inheritance in which the phenotype of the offspring is intermediate between
the phenotypes of both parents.
a. codominance c. sex-linked genes
b. incomplete dominance d.multiple alleles
30. Any type of blood in the ABO system may safely be given to a person with type ____ blood.
a.O b. A c. AB d. B
32.Angiosperms can be classified according to their lifespan. Which is the correct match of years and plants
l. Annual—rice and corn ll.Biennals—ampalaya and okra lll.Perennials—bamboo and trees
a. l only b. ll only c. lll only d. l & lll
33.Which of the following characteristics is/are shared by diatoms and red algae?
l. Both are aquatic ll. Both are unicellular lll. Both manufacture food
a.l only b.ll only c.l & ll d. l & lll
Man 10 kg
Chicken 100 kg
Corn Plants ?
34. If there are 10 kg. of biomass of man in the third trophic level and 100 kg. of biomass of chicken in the second
trophic level, how much biomass is present at the first trophic level?
a.1 kg b. 10 kg c. 100 kg d. 1000 kg
36. The cell cycle is composed of the following stages. Which is the correct sequence?
a. Interphase-G1-S-G2-mitotic phase c. Interphase-S-G1-G2-mitotic phase
b.Interphase-G2-S-G1-mitotic phase d.Interphase-mitotic phase-S-G1-G2
37. Inside the box are some events that take place during mitosis. What would be their correct order?
1.Chromosomes line up at the equatorial plate.
2.Chromosomes condense becoming shorter and thicker.
3.Chromosomes have lengthen and the nuclear membrane forms around
4.Centromeres divide, and the chromosomes move to the opposite poles.
a.2-1-4-3 b.3-4-1-2 c.1-3-2-4 d.4-1-2-3
38.Is it TRUE that (l) the chromosome number of the daughter cells in mitosis is the same as in the parent cell, and
( ll ) that of meiosis is half that of the parent cell?
a. Neither l nor ll b.Both l & ll c. l but not ll d. ll but not l
39.Brown eyes (B) is dominant over blue eyes (b). If a homozygous brown-eyed man married a homozygous blue-
eyed woman. What is the probable phenotype of their offspring?
a. Twenty-five percent is brown–eyed c. Seventy-five percent is brown-eyed
b.Fifty percent is brown-eyed d. One hundred percent is brown-eyed
40.In corn plants, rugged leaves (R) are dominant to smooth leaves (r). If two heterozygous rugged-leaf plants are
crossed, what are the possible genotypes of the offspring?
a. Rr only b. Rr & rr c. RR & rr d. RR,Rr, and rr
For item 41, refer to the dihybrid experiment of Gregor Mendel in peas.
ry RrYy RrYy
ry RrYy RrYy
LEGEND: R=round r=wrinkled Y=yellow y=green
41.What are the phenotypic characteristics of the resulting offspring?
a. all round-green peas c. Two wrinkled green peas
b.all round-yellow peas d. Two wrinkled yellow peas
For item 42
The ff. traits have been observed when two homozygous traits are crossed.
1.A red flower when crossed with a white flower produced pink flower.
2.A chestnut and white-colored horse produces a palomino, a creamy-golden
42. What inference can be derived out of the observed traits?
a. Traits of parents can be partially expressed and the offspring can have a phenotype that is in between the
parents’ phenotypes.
b.Many gene pairs determined the characteristics of the offspring.
c. Not all traits of the parents can be inherited by the offspring.
d.All traits of the parents can be inherited by the offspring.
43. A man is color blind but there is no history of this disorder in his wife’s family. What is the chance that their
daughter is color blind?
a. 0 b. 25% c. 75% d.100%
44. Hypertrichosis pinnae auris is an example of a Y-linked trait. If a male who is a carrier of this disorder married
a normal female. What is the probability of having a child with hypertrichosis pinnae auris?
a.1/4 b. 2/4 c.3/4 d.4/4
45. A father with heterozygous blood type A and a mother with heterozygous blood type B produced 3 offsprings
with blood types A, B, and O respectively. What will most likely be the blood type of the fourth child?
a. Type A b.Type B c.Type AB d.Type O
46. As a student, how can you contribute to protect and conserve the endangered and economically important
47.What is the impact of the different human activities to the marine and forest ecosystems?
48. What happens when nutritional needs are not adequately met by every individual?
49. What is the effect if non disjunction or non separation of chromosomes will occur during Meiosis?
Prepared by
DIRECTION: Read each item carefully. Write only the LETTER of the correct answer.
2. Which of the following explains that substances expand when heated and contract when cooled?
a. heat capacity c. specific heat
b. thermal expansion d. linear coefficient
4. A change that may occur when heat is added to or taken out from an object.
a. phase change c. transform
b. heat change d. fusion
5. It happens when the exposed parts of the electrical wires touch one another.
a. explosion c. brownout
b. parallel connection d. short circuit
7. It states that an object at rest will stay at rest or an object in motion will stay in motion and travel in
straight line, as long as no external net force acts on it.
a. law of inertia c. law of conservation of energy
b. law of interaction d. law of acceleration
10. If you push against the floor, the floor will push against you with_______ force.
a. greater c. less
b. equal d. double
11. When work is done against gravity. We can solve for work by using the equation________.
a. W= F x d c. W=mgh
b. W= Fd cos0 d. W=mg
12. What law governs the pulling out of a tablecloth on a dining table without disturbing the plates laid
on it?
a. first law of motion c.third law of motion
b. second law of motion d. none of these
14. Rick pushes a crate which is 82 kg. along 10 m distance. How much work is done?
a. 8 036 J b. 8 200 J c. 820 J d. 836 J
16. Once__________ is overcome, the ground suddenly moves and an earthquake occurs.
a. energy b. friction c. rocks d. magnitude
17. It refers to the sudden movement of the Earth’s crust along a geological fault line.
a. faults b. tsunami c. friction d. earthquake
18. The released energy of an earthquake expressed using the Hindu-Arabic numerals.
a. intensity b. epicentre c. focus d. magnitude
19. It has generated earthquakes before and is capable of more in the future.
a. tsunami b. active fault c. inactive fault d. both a & c
20. An astronomical object that is composed of a mass of ice and dust and has a long luminous tail.
a. meteor b. asteroid c. comet d. short period comet
21. An irregularly shaped rock that orbits the sun mostly occurring in the band asteroid belt between
Mars and Jupiter.
a.comet b. meteorite c. asteroid d. long period comet
22. A fiery mass of rock from space that burns up after entering the earth’s atmosphere.
a. meteoroid b. meteor c. comet d. meteorite
24. What are the conditions/factors of the Philippines that make it prone to typhoons?
l. It is near the equator lll. It is near cold ocean water
ll. It is near the Pacific ocean lV. It is near warm ocean water
27. What do you call the measure of the space occupied by an object?
a. mass b. flexibility c. properties d. volume
28. What is the smallest particle of an element that possess all the properties of that element?
a. molecule b. atom c. particle d. compound
31. What happen to the kinetic energy and molecules of the liquid upon putting it in a freezer?
a. less kinetic energy and move more slowly c. more kinetic energy & move more slowly
b. more kinetic energy & move faster d. less kinetic energy & move faster
33. He is known for his plum pudding model or raisin bread model of an atom.
a. J.J Thomson b. Earnest Rutherford c. Ernest Marsden d. Johannes Wilhelm Geiger
34. If the element Flourine has 9 protons and 10 neutrons, what will be the number of electrons?
a. 9 b. 10 c.19 d. 29
35. How are elements arranged in the modern periodic table of elements?
a. increasing atomic number c. increasing atomic mass
b. increasing atomic weight d. increasing mass number
36. In the periodic table, the metallic character of the element increases as you move
a. down a group and to the right of a period c. up a group & to the right of a period
b. down a group and to the left of a period d. up a group & to the left of a period
38. How many electrons are there in the first, second and third energy levels in an atom?
a. 8,2,8 b. 2,8,8 c. 8,8,2 d. 2,6,8
41. What is the correct way of writing the scientific name of man?
a. homo sapiens b. Homo sapiens c. Homo Sapiens d. homo Sapiens
42. Which animal does NOT belong to the group?
a. shark b. milkfish c. sea horse d. starfish
46. Any type of blood in the ABO system may safely be given to a person with type ____ blood.
a. O b. A c. AB d. B
48. If there are 10 kg. of biomass of man in the third trophic level and 100 kg of biomass of chicken in
the second trophic level, how much biomass of corn plant is present in the first trophic level?
Man 10 kg.
Corn Plants ?
49. In corn plants, rugged leaves (R) are dominant to smooth leaves (r). If two heterozygous rugged-leaf
plants are crossed, what are the possible genotypes of the offspring?
a.Rr only b. Rr & rr c. RR & rr d. RR, Rr and rr
1. C 26.A
2. B 27.B
3. D 28.C
4. A 29.B
5. A 30.C
6. B 31.B
7. A 32.D
8. B 33.D
9. D 34.D
10.D 35.A
11.C 36.A
12.B 37.A
13.A 38.B
14.D 39.D
15.A 40.D
16.A 41.B
17.A 42.A
18.A 43.A
19.D 44.B
20.D 45.C
21.A 46.
23.B 47.
25.B 48.