5. The "Throttle position" value does not change from 0 to 100, is that
a problem ?
No, the value displayed here is not normalized and may vary from
bike to bike.
The ECM learns the minimum and maximum TPS values and then
knows how much throttle is applied.
The important thing is, the value should increase as you pull the
throttle. Graph view can be useful to detect sensor malfunction.
The OBD-H01 will support ALL new Honda FI models, and the
update is offered free of charge.
If you need a tool for both a Honda and e.g. a Suzuki, you'll need to
purchase both OBD Tool models.
However, even if you purchase one for all major brands, the cost is
still much smaller compared to other diagnostic systems.
and open a .HDS sample file from the install folder, e.g.:
\Documents\HealTech\OBD Tool for Honda\Samples\
You can play back the file and also try the Graph view mode.