Deep Learning Models For Predictive Maintenance - A Survey, Comparison, Challenges and Prospect
Deep Learning Models For Predictive Maintenance - A Survey, Comparison, Challenges and Prospect
Deep Learning Models For Predictive Maintenance - A Survey, Comparison, Challenges and Prospect
number of examples found in literature. This work aims at facilitating this task by reviewing state-of-the-art deep learning architectures,
and how they integrate with predictive maintenance stages to meet industrial companies’ requirements (i.e. anomaly detection, root
cause analysis, remaining useful life estimation). They are categorised and compared in industrial applications, explaining how to fill
their gaps. Finally, open challenges and future research paths are presented.
CCS Concepts: • Applied computing → Engineering; • Computing methodologies → Neural networks; Machine learning
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Deep learning, predictive maintenance, data-driven, survey, review, Industry 4.0
In recent years, industry has risen attention on artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques due to their
capacity of creating automatic models that handle the big amount of data currently collected, which is growing
exponentially. The research trend of machine learning has switched to more complex models such as ensemble methods
and deep learning given their higher accuracy dealing with bigger datasets. These methods have evolved due to the
increase of computing power and the latter mainly due to the evolution of GPU-s, being deep learning one of the most
researched topics nowadays. These models achieve state-of-the-art results in many fields such as intrusion detection
system, computer vision or language processing.
Maintenance is defined by the norm EN 13306 [168] as the combination of all technical, administrative and managerial
actions during the life cycle of an item intended to retain it in, or restore it to, a state in which it can perform the required
function. Moreover, it defines three types of maintenance: improvement maintenance improves machine reliability,
maintainability and safety while keeping the original function; preventive maintenance is performed before failures
Authors’ addresses: Oscar Serradilla, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Electronics and Computer Science, Loramendi 4, Mondragon, Spain, 20500, oserradilla@; Ekhi Zugasti, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Electronics and Computer Science, Loramendi 4, Mondragon, Spain, 20500, ezugasti@mondragon.
edu; Urko Zurutuza, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Electronics and Computer Science, Loramendi 4, Mondragon, Spain, 20500,
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© 2020 Association for Computing Machinery.
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occur either in periodical or predictive ways and corrective maintenance replaces the defective/broken parts when
machine stops working. Currently, most industrial companies rely on periodical and corrective maintenance strategies.
Nowadays, we are transitioning towards the fourth revolution denominated as Industry 4.0 (I4.0), which is based on
cyber physical systems and industrial internet of things. It combines software, sensors and intelligent control units
to improve industrial processes and fulfill their requirements [109]. These techniques enable automatised predictive
maintenance functions analysing massive amount of process and related data based on condition monitoring (CM).
Predictive maintenance (PdM) is the most cost-optimal maintenance type given its potential to achieve an overall
equipment effectiveness (OEE) [171] higher than 90% by anticipating maintenance requirements [37, 44] and promise
a return on investment up to 1000% [81]. Maintenance optimisation is a priority for industrial companies given that
effective maintenance can reduce their cost up to 60% by correcting failures of machines, systems and people [42].
Concretely, PdM maximises components’ working life by taking advantage of their unexploited lifetime potential while
reducing downtime and replacement costs by replacement before failures occur; thus preventing expensive breakdowns
and production time loss caused by unexpected stops.
The numerous research works on PdM can be classified in three approaches [98]: physical model-based, data-driven
and hybrid. Physical model methods use systems’ knowledge to build a mathematical description of their degradation
[18, 91, 94, 129, 169]. It is easy to understand their physical meaning but difficult to implement in complex systems.
Data-driven methods predict systems’ state by monitoring their condition with solutions that learned from historical
data [16, 192, 201]. These are composed of statistical methods, reliability functions and artificial intelligence methods.
They are suitable for complex systems since they do not need to understand how these work. However, it is more difficult
to relate their output to physical meaning. Finally, hybrid approach combines the aforementioned two approaches
[98, 204]. Data-driven and deep learning methods have gained popularity in industry in recent years due to the increase
of machine data collection, which enables the development of accurate PdM models in complex systems.
The review methodology of this survey on deep learning models application for predictive maintenance is
explained in this paragraph. First, context and applications of PdM are analysed. After that, different types of models
are researched. Then, data-driven models are analysed. Finally, deep learning models are thoroughly reviewed. This
methodology has enabled to acquire general insight of the scope and then focus on the specific research topics.
Furthermore, the state-of-the-art (SotA) analysis has enabled the comparison among methods and discussion on
challenges and prospect of DL models for PdM. The conducted analysis is performed by querying search engines about
aforementioned topics. Initially, Scopus and Engineering Village search engines were used, since these contain more
specific and relevant articles of the field. However, when the research advanced to more specific topics, another search
engine was included: Google Scholar. This extends the research space to unindexed journals and preprints, providing a
wider space including newer and unindexed published works. Many works belong but are not limited to the following
publishing editorials: ACM Digital Library, ScienceDirect, IEEE-Xplore and SpringerLink.
Despite existing several published reviews on machine learning and deep learning models for predictive maintenance,
this work provides these additional contributions to the state-of-the-art (SotA): (1) We review and explain the most
relevant data-driven techniques focused on SotA deep learning architectures with application to PdM, providing
extensive perspective on the available techniques in a simplified and structured way. (2) We discuss the suitability of
deep learning models for PdM and compare their benefits and drawbacks with statistical and classical machine learning
models. (3) We analyse current trends on PdM publications, define their gaps, present research challenges, identifying
opportunities and prospect.
This paragraph describes the remaining content of this work. Section 2 reviews predictive maintenance’s background
stages and provides an overview of traditional data-driven models used in the field, together with an overview about
deep learning techniques. Section 3 reviews and categorises the most relevant state-of-the-art deep learning works
for predictive maintenance by underlying technique, analysing them by PdM stages to enable comparison. Moreover,
related reviews are analysed. Section 4 reviews the publicly available reference datasets for PdM model application and
benchmarking. Section 5 discusses the suitability of deep learning models for predictive maintenance, evaluating their
benefits and drawbacks in comparison with other data-driven techniques. Finally, Section 6 concludes this work by
highlighting the most relevant aspects and gaps discovered during the review of referenced publications.
taken by machine sensors. This data monitored over the time creates a dataset, in a form of time-series. Its analysis
using condition monitoring techniques enable determining component and machine states by comparing patterns and
trends with historical data. Many works present component degradation patterns in a plot denominated as P-F curve
[166], where health decreases from healthy working condition until failure as time or machine cycles go by.
II Failure Diagnosis
I Anomaly Detection
Commonly two additional steps are performed before the aforementioned ones to prepare the data for PdM, as
general data analytic lifecycle, Khan et al. [75] and other PdM authors present. These steps are preprocessing and Feature
Engineering (FE), which, as stated above, are key to enhance model accuracy on PdM stages by creating a representative
dataset for the problem. All PdM stages have to be designed, adapted and implemented to fit use-cases’ requirements
and their data characteristics. In addition, the PdM systems development is incremental and therefore, techniques,
algorithms and decisions taken in each stage will influence the following ones. The next subsections overview the most
common data-driven methods to address each PdM stage.
2.2.1 Preprocessing. This step consists of preparing the collected data for further stages. Each PdM model has different
requirements and these must be taken into consideration when choosing adequate preprocessing techniques to boost
model performance. The most common techniques are briefly explained and referenced below: sensor data validation
[213] makes sure the collected data is correct; feature synchronisation [79] is used to gather signals sampled at different
timestamps to create a time-series/cycle-based data that is easier to handle; data cleaning removes or interpolates
not available and missing values [30, 39]; oversampling [30, 133] is applied for imbalance data handling to boost
accuracy on commonly scarce failure data class or to deal with small datasets; encoding [114] and discretisation [114]
change features’ type by projection to a new space where they are easier to handle by the model; segmentation splits
data in chunks to analyse big datasets and enable parallelisation [106]; feature scaling like normalisation [150] or
standardisation [139] scales all features to the same or similar space that enables comparisons; noise handling [79]
facilitates noisy data modelling.
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2.2.2 Feature engineering. This step consists of extracting a relevant feature subset to be used as input for models
in further stages. It can boost statistical and machine learning model performance, despite not being compulsory
for deep learning models given these can extract new representative features that fit the problem automatically. The
most common techniques can be grouped into next groups: feature extraction as statistical features in time [200] and
frequency [55, 200, 210] domains that extract time/frequency relations of features; based on projection to new space like
principal component analysis [26, 45] which reduce dimensionality while keeping relevant information; concatenation
and fusion methods [87] create new features by combining available ones; feature selection [155] reduces dimensionality
discarding features of low variance, redundant and uncorrelated to target, given these increase complexity while not
supplying additional information.
2.2.3 Anomaly detection. It aims to detect whether the asset is working under normal condition or not. There are three
ways to address this step using data-driven models, classified by their underlying machine learning task: classification,
one-class classification and clustering. Respectively, these can be used when labeled data of different classes is available
in the training phase, when only one class data exist (commonly non-failure data) and when the data is unlabelled.
Failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) [130] and its evolution by adding criticality analysis FMECA [22] are useful
to gain vision on the possible types of failures based on expert knowledge, which helps designing the data analysis
lifecycle, prioritising the failure types or anomalies to be detected.
The anomaly detection methods need preprocessed and some also depend on feature engineered data to work. Once
worked on features, the next step is to select, train and optimise the right model for the use-case. Following PdM stages
will be influenced and constrained by the selected AD method and use-case’s data. Table 1 classifies and summarises
the main data-driven anomaly detection techniques based on referenced SotA articles and the following review works
[28, 134, 172, 200]. Besides, two or more of these techniques can be combined to create an anomaly detection system
that compensates the disadvantages of a single model.
2.2.4 Diagnosis. Once an anomaly has been detected, the next stage consists of diagnosing whether this anomaly
belongs to a faulty working condition and can evolve into a future failure or, in contrary, there is no risk of failure.
The last case indicates that the anomaly detection model has not worked properly and therefore it may need to be
reevaluated or retrained. The diagnosis is usually based on root cause analysis (RCA) techniques, which aim to identify
the true cause of a problem.
The diagnosis algorithm has to be suitable for the problem being addressed. There are several approaches to tackle
this step, which depend on the implemented AD method and training data characteristics: multi-class classification,
binary classification, one-class classification and clustering. Concretely these are chosen if the dataset has multiple
failure types, failure and non failure observations, only observations of one class or unsupervised, respectively. There is
another technique that commonly complements RCA: anomaly deviation quantification by health index (HI). It aims to
measure assets’ damage by comparing current working data with historical data in a supervised or unsupervised way.
It can either indicate a percentage of deviation with regard to normal working data, or show degradation level in a
numerical scale, where the higher the value the more damaged the component is, where minimum value means no
damage, maximum is fully damaged or failure and intermediate values indicate different degrees of degradation [119].
The diagnosis step is easier when there is more information about the dataset and its labels. The main statistical and
machine learning techniques for diagnosis are described in the following list, ordered by increasing difficulty. They are
divided according to the anomaly detection technique used in the previous stage, which depends on data characteristics.
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6 Oscar Serradilla, Ekhi Zugasti, and Urko Zurutuza
Table 1. Summary of anomaly detection models classified by prevailing techniques. In the first column, Unsup refers to unsupervised,
All refers to supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised and and Combination refers to a combination of models respectively.
Based What analy- Normal Anomalies Most common algorithms and categorised
on and ses data
Density Density in In high In low den- K nearest neighbors (k-NN) [39, 116, 133, 163], local outlier factor (LOF)
Unsup features density sity [30, 43], local correlation integral (LOCI) a , relative density factor, density-
space dimen- based outlier score, reliability functions [128, 194]
Distance Distance Near Far from Traditional threshold distance mahalanobis [150] or euclidean [47], rank
Unsup among from neighbors based detection algorithm (RBDA), randomization and pruning based, data
data-points neigh- streams based
Statistics Relation to Near to Far from Parametric: gaussian mixture models (GMM) with expectation maximi-
All distribution distri- distribution sation (EM) [7], control charts as exponentially weighted moving average
models fit to bution models (EWMA) [29, 162]. Non-Parametric: kernel density estimation (KDE):
training data models gaussian or KL-divergence [162, 178, 208], histogram-based outlier detec-
tion (HBOS) [120], boxplot analysis [30], 3𝜎 [1]. Entropy-based permu-
tation entropy [51, 141], fuzzy entropy [27] and K-S test [19].
Clustering Relation Belong Belong to a Partitioning clustering: partitioning around medoids (PAM), K-means
Unsup to clusters to a small cluster [7, 43, 48]. Hierarchical clustering: DB-Scan, agglomerative [30], at-
created by large and far from tribute oriented induction (AOI) [52]. Grid-based: Dcluster. For high
unsuper- cluster large clusters dimensional: D-Stream, fuzzy-rules based [43]
vised ML or near
models one
Ensemble Combines Combina- Combination Bagging or boosting based as random forest (RF) [26, 39, 45, 116], extra
Combi- dissimilar tion of of models gradient boosting (XGBoost) [30], adaboost [116] and isolation forest (IF)
nation models. models [133], greedy ensemble, score normalization
Learning Relation Near the Far from Active learning. Transfer learning. Reinforcement learning.
All to models known the known Projection-based: Subspace and compression reconstruction error mea-
learned with classes classes of the suring like PCA [7] and AE [35], correlation [205, 214] and tensor-based.
training data of the model State-space based (hidden state of observed data and time evolution):
model kalman filter [170], hidden markov models (HMM) [133], bayesian net-
works (BN) [78] (dynamic BN, belief network), attention-based NN and
RNN (GRU, LSTM). Graph-based: capture interdependiencies. OCC:
OCSVM [210], BN. Prediction error-based regression: measure devi-
ation (autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) [150], RNN
as LSTM [191]). Classification: normal and abnormal data in training
using interpretable models: linear regression [116], logistic regression
[39, 116], decision tree (DT) [39, 71]. ML classification techniques as SVM
[39, 71, 163] and feedforward NN [140]. Generative methods: GAN [88],
VAE [187].
a Methods that have been applied for AD in general but not specifically for PdM are mentioned but not referenced
• After multi-class classification for anomaly detection: diagnosis is performed based on previous failure data
knowledge of the estimated class, so the link of data to failure type is directly obtained from model [14, 21].
Once the possible failure type has been detected, semi-quantitative and qualitative approaches can be used
by harnessing expert knowledge to evaluate its potential consequences, using tools such as FMEA [38] or
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Deep learning models for predictive maintenance: a survey, comparison, challenges and prospect 7
Ishikawa diagram [137]. In addition, interpreting directly explainable models [2, 9] or using explainability on
less interpretable models such as SVM [40] can also help to perform this task.
• After binary classification for anomaly detection: clustering with extracted features can be performed to group
data by similarity and try to differentiate unlabeled failure types [193]. These diagnosis techniques can also
be based on statistical performance analysis [122], supported on trend analysis and definition of thresholds to
differentiate failure types by similarity or distance.
• After one-class classification or clustering for anomaly detection: these techniques use a threshold in distance
to the classified class or clusters density respectively to categorise anomalies. Diagnosis for these models
usually consists of precomputing metrics from data like health index and monitoring their evolution, instead of
monitoring input data evolution. The diagnosis can be performed using a clustering algorithm in these metrics
to analyse the intra-cluster and inter-cluster relations. Domain knowledge is essential to tie unsupervisedly
discovered relations to physical meaning of monitored assets. This novel knowledge is useful for interpreting
unsupervised models’ output to discover novel failure types, using models as K-means [3] or HMM with IF-ELSE
rules [184]. Log data can also be used for this clustering purpose and tag maintenance data [159] to perform
2.2.5 Prognosis. Once an anomaly is detected and diagnosed, the degradation evolution can be monitored based on that
moment’s working conditions and machine state, focusing on the most influential features for AD and diagnosis stages
that can track failures. This step is usually carried out by remaining useful life models that estimate the remaining time
or cycles until a failure occurs when there is enough historical data of that failure type. Conversely, if there is not enough
degradation data, the only way to estimate degradation is by tracking the evolution of HI or the distance between novel
working states and the known good working states. Both aforementioned models can also provide a confidence bound.
The data-driven models for prognosis can be classified into 4 groups regarding their underlying method. The following
list summarises the most common techniques categorised by groups to prognosticate degradation:
• Similarity-based: compare current behavior with past run-to-failure behavior for prognosis [3, 142].
• Statistical: rely on historical statistics to estimate degradation, for example monitoring life usage in combination
with mean-time-to-failure [16] or survival models [203] to estimate the expected duration.
• Time series analysis: ARIMA [3, 16, 73] based on previous values, kalman filter to model hidden state of time-
related noisy data [170] and fourier and genetic programming to generate a polynomial function by optimising a
fitness function [55].
• Learning:
– Classification: diagnose the data to a known failure type or similar working data and then prognosticate a
degradation according to the historical data of this class. Despite any classifier can be used for this purpose,
the following ones are widely used in literature: feed-forward NN [140], SVM [140], BN [9, 85, 86], HMM
[201], fuzzy logic based [211] and RF [16, 62].
– Regression: directly estimate HI, anomaly deviation or RUL from the input data. Common SotA algorithms
are below: linear function is the simplest method [159]; nonlinear functions [96, 203] can model non-linear
relations; support vector regressor (SVR) [16, 17] works like SVM adapted for regression; relevance vector
regression (RVR) is based on bayesian regression [3]; CNN models features’ time-based relationships [13];
wiener processes model degradation by a real valued continuous-time stochastic processes [160]; recurrent
neural networks like LSTM and GRU [192] retain relevant past information for prognosis at each observation.
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8 Oscar Serradilla, Ekhi Zugasti, and Urko Zurutuza
2.2.6 Mitigation. Once an anomaly is detected, diagnosed its cause and prognosticated its remaining life, there is
enough information to perform maintenance actions to mitigate failures in early phases and thus prevent assets deriving
into failure. This stage consists of designing and performing the steps necessary to restore assets to correct working
condition before failures occur, which also reduces implementation and downtime costs.
Mitigation is performed by maintenance technicians who are in charge of creating and implementing a mitigation
plan as part of the maintenance management and manufacturing operation management processes. Data-driven PdM
models should generate assistance information, providing domain technicians with statistics [122] and prescriptions
[9]. Therefore, a more advanced mitigation is accomplished by the combination of domain knowledge and data-driven
information about assets’ health and expected degradation [105].
• Feed-forward/MLP [182] is the first, most common and simplest architecture. It is formed by stacked neurons
creating layers, where all the neurons of a layer are connected to all the neurons of the next layer by feeding
their output to others’ input. However, there are no connections to neurons of previous layers or among neurons
of the same layer. The nomenclature for layers is the following: an input layer, hidden layers and an output layer.
The neural network is fed with observations pairing input features and target features, which are used to learn
their relation by minimising the error produced by the network by mapping input data to output.
• Convolutional neural network (CNN) [84] is a type of feedforward network that maintains neurons’ neighborhood
by applying convolutional filters. It is inspired by the animal visual cortex and has applications in image and
signal recognition, recommendation systems and NLP among others. The convolutional layer is usually linear
and is followed by the application of an activation function to produce non-linear output. After that, a max or
average pooling layer can be used to reduce the dimension. Finally, most architectures have a flatten step to
obtain representative features of input data that can be used with other ML or DL networks to perform typical
ML tasks. The convolutions’ weights are shared, making them easier to train.
• Recurrent neural network (RNN) [146] models temporal data by saving the state derived from previous inputs of
the network. The back-propagation through time algorithm [181] is an adaptation of traditional backpropagation
for temporal data used to propagate network’s error to previous time instances. However, this propagation can
result into vanishing or exploding gradient problem [65], making this networks forget long-term relations. To
solve this problem, specific RNN architectures were created based on forget gates, like long-short term memory
(LSTM) [66] and gated recurrent unit (GRU) [36].
• Deep belief network (DBN) [64] and restricted boltzmann machine (RBM) [152]. RBM is a bipartite, fully-
connected, undirected graph consisting of a visible layer and a hidden layer. It is a type of stochastic ANN that
can learn probability distribution over the data. It can be trained in supervised or unsupervised ways and its
main applications are on dimensionality reduction and classification. Accordingly, DBN is an ANN where every
two consecutive layers are treated as RBMs. It is trained in unsupervised way to reduce dimensionality. Then, it
can be retrained with classified data to perform classification.
• Autoencoder (AE) [15] is based on singular value decomposition concept [57] to extract the non-linear features
that best represent the input data in a smaller space. It consists of two parts: an encoder that maps input data to
the encoded, latent space, and the decoder, which projects latent space data to the reconstructed space that has
the same dimension as input data. The network is trained to minimise the reconstruction error, which is the
loss between input and output. Autoencoders can be classified according to their latent space dimensionality
in undercomplete and overcomplete, which respectively correspond to a latent space smaller, and bigger or
equal to the input dimension. These simple architectures are extended and adapted to fit different tasks and
problems. Vanilla autoencoders are the simplest autoencoders, which belong to the undercomplete type. The
following variations are obtained by applying regularisation and modifying AE types. One of these adaptations
is the denoising autoencoder (DAE) [82], used for corrupt data reconstruction. It is a type of overcomplete AE
where learning is controlled to avoid "identity function". It is fed with data pairs of noisy input and its denoised
output and trained to reduce the loss between them. Another modification is the sparse autoencoder (SAE) [112],
an AE restricted in the learning phase based on a sparse penalty constraint, which is based on the concept of
KL-Divergence. This algorithm aims to make each neuron sparse, discovering the structure information from the
data easier than vanilla AE and being more useful for practical applications [161].
• Generative models: variational autoenconder (VAE) [76] and generative adversarial network (GAN) [59]. Both
models were designed to work in unsupervised way. VAE is a generative and therefore non-deterministic
modification of the vanilla AE where the latent space is continuous. Usually, its latent space distribution is
gaussian, from where the decoder reconstructs the original signal based on random sampling and interpolation.
It has applications on estimating the data distribution, learning a representation of data samples and generating
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10 Oscar Serradilla, Ekhi Zugasti, and Urko Zurutuza
synthetic samples among others. GAN is another type of generative neural network that consists of two parts:
generator and discriminator. The generator is trained to generate an output that belongs to a specific data
distribution using as input a representation vector. The discriminator is trained to classify its input data whether
it belongs to a specific data distribution or not. The generator’s output is connected to discriminator’s input and
they are trained together, adversely. Generator’s objective is to bias discriminator by generating outputs from
random input and trying to make the discriminator classify it as it belongs to the specific trained distribution.
The role of the discriminator is to distinguish between synthetic, generated data, from non-synthetic, real data
from trained distribution. They are trained together so that each part learns from the other, competing to bias the
other part, similar to game theory. GANs can be extended to other ML tasks such as supervised or reinforcement
• Self organising map (SOM) [77] is an ANN-based unsupervised way to organise the internal representations of
data. It uses competitive learning, in contrast to typical ANNs that use backpropagation and gradient-descend, to
create a new space called map that is typically 2 dimensional. It is based on neighborhood functions to preserve
the topological properties of the input space into the new space, represented in cells. It has applications on
clustering, among others.
manual and feature engineering process. Table 2 shows common deep learning techniques used for feature engineering.
These techniques are integrated with machine learning and deep learning models to create architectures that perform
PdM stages.
Table 2. Deep learning techniques for automatic feature engineering and projection. They are based on input signals relations and
temporal context.
Deep Learning
Traditional Features
Training data classified as Training data classified Training data not classified
correct and failure as correct or classified as correct
- Feedforward
with probability
Fig. 2. Diagram of the main deep learning techniques for anomaly detection applied to predictive maintenance and time-series,
classified by machine learning task4 .
Those algorithms are summarised, compared and their main applications are referenced in the following tables. On
one hand, the anomaly detection algorithms based on binary and multi-class classification approaches [5, 140] rely on
training data classified as correct and failure. These commonly used feature extraction techniques either traditional
or deep learning followed by a flatten process, and then have several fully-connected layers of decreasing dimension
until the output layer. The output layer usually uses the softmax activation function to output the probability of failure
and not failure. In the case of binary classification, there are one or two neurons indicating the probability of failure
and normal working condition. Similarly, in multi-class classification there are N+1 number of neurons, where there is
one neuron to indicate the probability of not failure and each of remaining N indicate the probability of each type of
failure. On the other hand, Table 3 contains algorithms that address AD problem based on one-class classification or
unsupervised approaches, using only training data classified as correct or not classified.
4 Inthis work, the term traditional features refers to handcrafted and automatic feature extraction techniques such as statistical or ML-based features,
excluding DL-based features.
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Table 3. Anomaly detection methods that use training data classified as correct or not classified: one-class classification and
3.3 Diagnosis
The diagnosis steps depends on the information and type of AD model used for the previous stage, given PdM is an
incremental process where each stage is complemented by previous stages. In the case of multi-class classifier, the type
of failure related to the detected anomaly is already known, which enables a straightforward diagnosis and comparison
with historical data [5, 140]. Nonetheless, most PdM architectures implement binary classifier, one-class classifier or
unsupervised models, which lack of failure type information. Therefore, these can only perform diagnosis by grouping
the detected anomalies among them by similarity, which is done using clustering models [6, 12, 186, 212] and SOM
[63, 95, 148, 153]. The features used for this stage are similar to the ones for AD, which can be based either on traditional
or deep learning techniques.
3.4 Prognosis
The deep learning based models for PdM prognosis are focused on fitting a regression model to prognosticate either the
remaining useful life (RUL) of the diagnosed failure or the health degradation when there is no historical data of that
type. The RUL is commonly measured in time or number of cycles and the health degradation is tracked using anomaly
deviation quantification by health indexes. The most common algorithms are summarised and compared in Table 4.
Their input can be the information generated in previous stages and traditional or deep learning features. There are
many other algorithms that use DL features or traditional features combined with fully-connected network as last layer
to perform prognosis, but these are presented in the combination Section 3.6, while this section focuses on the most
common and simple SotA techniques that only use DL for prognosis.
Table 4. Summary of DL based prognosis works for PdM. Unsup and sup in algorithm column refer to unsupervised and supervised
3.5 Mitigation
The research methodology followed to create the current publication, showed no DL-based mitigation publications.
Several possible reasons for this fact are described bellow. The majority of DL works are focused on optimising a single
performance metric for the ML task to be solved, like maximising accuracy or F1 score on classification, and minimising
errors like MAE or RMSE on regressions. These works’ solutions are usually compared in simulated reference datasets,
looking for the architecture that outperforms the rest on the aforementioned metrics. Nonetheless, deep learning models
are the hardest ML type to understand given their higher complexity that makes them more accurate at modelling high
dimensionality complex data, and therefore they fail to meet the industrial explanation facility requirement.
In order to address this problem, they should provide mitigation advice or at least explanations about the reasons
for making predictions, which could be supported on the emerging field explainable artificial intelligence (XAI).
Furthermore, the final and most ambitious step in this PdM stage should be the automatising of recommendations
for domain technicians to integrate PdM in the maintenance plan, by optimising industrial maintenance process via
maintenance operation management. Finally, the reasons for existing few real application publications are presented
bellow. Industrial companies avoid publishing their data or implementation details to protect their intellectual property
and know-how from competence. Moreover, many data-driven research publications lack of domain technician feedback
so they tackle the problem only relying on data-driven techniques, without embracing domain knowledge.
the problem being addressed results into more accurate models that fulfil its requirements. Table 5 summarises how
these models are commonly combined in SotA architectures, presenting their strengths and limitations.
Moreover, Table 6 contains relevant works of the aforementioned types, which merge traditional FE or deep learning
FE with traditional data-driven or deep learning models. This collection of works shows that combination of techniques
can address all PdM stages using supervised or unsupervised approaches.
Table 6. Combination of deep learning techniques for PdM: relevant works summary.
The rest of this subsection summarises the contributions and strengths of relevant analysed works. One interesting
article was published by Shao et al. [157], where a methodology of AE optimisation for rotating machinery fault
diagnosis is presented. Firstly, they create a new loss function based on maximum correntropy to enhance feature
learning. Secondly, they optimise model’s key parameters to adapt it to signal features. This model is applied to fault
diagnosis of gearbox and roller bearing. Another relevant publication is by Lu et al. who use growing SOM [107], a
extension of SOM algorithm that does not need specification of map dimension. It has been applied to simulated test
cases with application in PdM.
Guo et al. [60] propose a model based on LSTM and EWMA control chart for change point detection that is suitable
for online training. An additional interesting work is presented by Lejon et al. [89], who use ML techniques to detect
anomalies in hot stamping machine by non-ML experts. They aim to detect anomalous strokes, where the machine is
not working properly. They present the problem that most of the collected data corresponds to press strokes of products
without defects and that all the data is unlabelled. This data comes from sensors that measure pressures, positions and
temperature. The algorithms they benchmarked are AE, OCSVM and IF, where AE outperforms the rest achieving the
least number of false positive instances. As the authors conclude, the obtained results show the potential of ML in this field
in transient and non-stationary signals when fault characteristics are unknown, adding that AEs fulfill the requirements
of low implementation cost and close to real-time operation that will lead to more informed and effective decisions.
As previously mentioned in this article, the possibility of model combination is infinite. For instance, Li et al. in the
work [110] combine a GAN structure with LSTM neurons, two widely used DL techniques that achieve SotA results.
Additionally, DL techniques can be combined with other computing techniques as Unal et al. do in [167], combining a
feed forward network with Genetic Algorithms.
The last highlighted article that combines DL models is by Zhang et al. [199], one of the most complete unsupervised
PdM works. They build a model that uses correlation of sensor signals in the form of signature matrices as input that
is fed into an AE that uses CNN and LSTM with attention for AD, partial RCA and RUL. The strengths of this work
are the following: they show that correlation is a good descriptor for time-series signals, attention mechanism using
LSTMs gives temporal context and the use of anomaly score as HI is useful for RCA, mapping the detected failures to
the input sensors that originate them. Conversely, the RCA they do is not complete since they only correlate failures to
input sensors but are not able to link them to physical meaning. Moreover, the lack of pooling layers together with the
combination of DL techniques results in a complex model that is computationally expensive, needs more time and data
for training and its decisions are hard to explain.
The following publications use other ML tasks combined with DL models for PdM, and other DL techniques. Wen et
al. [179] use transfer learning with a SAE for motor vibration AD, outperforming DBNs. The article by Wen et al. [180]
proposes a transfer learning based framework inspired in U-Net that is pretrained with univariate time-series synthetic
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Deep learning models for predictive maintenance: a survey, comparison, challenges and prospect 19
data. The aim of this network is to be adaptable to other univariate or multivariate anomaly detection problems by
Martinez et al. [115] present a bayesian and CNN based DL classifier for AD. They first use a small labelled dataset
to train the model. Then, the model is used to classify the remaining data and then, it uses uncertainty modelling to
analyse the observations that cannot be correctly classified due to high entropy. Finally, it selects the top 100 with
highest entropy to query an domain knowledge technician, asking him/her to label them in order to retrain the model
with this new data. This procedure is followed until the model obtains a good accuracy. This work is an example of how
to use two interesting techniques in the field of PdM to address the problem of lacking labelled data by querying domain
technicians, showing them the instances from which the model can learn the most. Concretely, the aforementioned
techniques belong to semi-supervised classification type using active learning. Similarly, the review by Khan et al.
[75] mentions that expert knowledge can help troubleshooting the model and, if domain technicians are available, the
model could learn from them using a ML training technique called active learning where the model queries them in the
learning stage. Moreover, Kateris et al. present the work [74] where they use SOM as OCC model for AD together with
active learning, to progressively learn different stages of faults.
Another interesting technique with PdM applications is deep reinforcement learning. The publication by Zhang et al.
[197] uses it for HI learning, outperforming feed-forward networks but underperforming CNN and LSTM for AD and
RUL. This technique consists of transferring the knowledge adquired from one dataset to another one. The procedure
consists of reusing a part or the whole pretrained model adapting it to new’s requirements, which sometimes requires
retraining the model but this needs less data and time.
FE techniques perform better since these are learned specifically for the problem and directly from the data. However,
they are not as intuitive as aforementioned features, meaning that technicians can have problems trying to understand
how they work.
The article by Zhao et al. [206] also summarises the information already stated throughout this survey: DL models
can achieve SotA results, pre-training in AEs can boost their performance, denoising models are beneficial for PdM
because of the nature of sensor data and that CNN and LSTM variants can achieve SotA results in the field of PdM
using model-optimisation, depending on the dataset’s scale. In addition, domain knowledge can help in FE and model
optimisation. Conversely, it is difficult to understand DL models even if there are some visualisation techniques because
they are black-box models. Transfer learning could be used when having little training data, and PdM belongs to a
imbalaced class problem because faulty data is scarce or missing.
The survey by Zhang et al. [200] compares the accuracy obtained by ANN, Deep ANN and AE in different datasets,
which allows comparisons, however these comparisons are done with models applied to different datasets and therefore
they are not fair. Nonetheless, they show high accuracy results, most of them between 95% and 100%, emphasising that
DL models can obtain promising results. They state that deeper models and higher dimensional feature vectors result in
higher accuracy models but sufficient data is needed. With the increase of computational power and data growth in the
field of PdM, research on this area tends to focus on data-driven techniques and specifically DL models. However, DL
models lack of the explainability and interpretability of taken decisions.
The review by Khan et al. [75] states that the developed DL architectures are application or equipment specific and
therefore there is no clear way to select, design or implement those architectures; the researches do not tend to justify
the decision of selecting one architecture over another that also works for the problem, for instance selecting CNN
versus LSTM for RUL. Its authors also argue that SotA algorithms as the ones presented throughout this section all
have shown to be working correctly and are not different from one another.
Even if this section has been focused on DL models for PdM, we have seen that they are often integrated with
traditional models and/or traditionally FE features, such as time and frequency domains, feature extraction based on
expert knowledge or mathematical equations.
As the authors Khan et al. state in [75], there is a lack of understanding of a problem when building DL models. They
also argue that VAE is ideal for modelling complex systems, achieving high prediction accuracy without health status
information. The algorithms that analyse the data maintaining its time-series relationship by analysing the variables
together, at the same time, are the most successful: no matter if using sliding window, CNN or LSTM techniques. Most
of SotA algorithms focus on AD, whereas they can also be adapted to perform RUL by a regression or RNN, where the
majority use LSTMs. Regressions commonly use features learned for the used AD models, or even use traditional and
hand-crafted features. Generative models like GAN do not work as good as expected. However, CNN works well while
needing less data and computing effort. This means that even DL models can achieve similar accuracy using traditional
features or deep features extracted from the data unsupervisedly.
3. Milling dataset [124] gathers acoustic emission, vibration and current sensor data under different operating
conditions with the purpose of analysing the wear of the milling insert. Regarding PdM stages, it allows the application
of AD, RCA and RUL.
4. Bearing dataset [124] gathers vibration data from 4 accelerometers that monitor bearings under constant pressure
until failure, obtaining a run-to-failure dataset where all failures occur after exceeding their design life of 100 million
revolutions. Its possible PdM applications are AD and RUL estimation.
6. Turbofan engine degradation simulation dataset [124] contains run-to-failure data from engine sensors. Each
instance starts at a random point of engine life where it works correctly, and monitors its evolution until an anomaly
happens and afterwards reaches the failure state. The engines are working under different operational conditions and
develop different failure modes. Its possible PdM applications are AD, RCA and RUL.
10. Femto bearing dataset [124] is a bearing monitoring dataset inside the Pronostia competition that contains run-to-
failure and sudden failure data. The used sensors are thermocouples gathering temperature data and accelerometers
that monitor vibrations in the horizontal and vertical axis. Its possible PdM applications are AD, RCA and RUL.
Industrial companies are reluctant to publish their own datasets because they tend to trade secret their data and
knowledge in order to protect themselves from their competence. The dataset that approximates most to companies
data is the one published by Semeion research center named Steel plates faults dataset [99], where steel plate faults are
classified into 7 categories.
Table 7. State-of-the-art results on four turbofan dataset subsets since 2014. The lower the metric, the better the model is considered
to perform on average. Best results are highlighted in bold.
Reference Year 𝑅𝑚𝑎𝑥 Architecture FD001 FD002 FD003 FD004 FD001 FD002 FD003 FD004
RMSE RMSE RMSE RMSE Score Score Score Score
Ramasso et al. [143] 2014 135 RULCLIPPER 13.3 22.9 16.0 24.3 216 2796 317 3132
MLP 37.6 80.0 37.4 77.4 17972 7802800 17409 5616600
SVR 21.0 42.0 21.0 45.3 1381 589900 1598 371140
Babu et al. [13] 2016 130
RVR 23.8 31.3 22.4 34.3 1504 17423 1431 26509
DCNN 18.4 30.3 19.8 29.2 1287 13570 1596 7886
Zhang et al. [198] 2017 130 MODBNE 15.0 25.1 12.5 28.7 334 5585 422 6558
Zheng et al. [209] 2017 130 LSTM + FFNN 16.1 24.5 16.2 28.2 338 4450 852 5550
Li et al. [93] 2018 125 CNN + FFNN 12.6 22.4 12.6 23.3 273 10412 284 12466
Ellefsen et al. [101] 2019 115- RBM + LSTM 12.6 22.7 12.1 22.7 231 3366 251 2840
Da Costa et al. [72] 2019 125 LSTM+attention 14.0 17.7 12.7 20.2 320 2102 223 3100
dataset until prediction. Nonetheless, the table shows that deep learning based architectures are the ones that achieve
state-of-the-art results in recent years. Concretely, these architectures are composed of combination of different DL
This section analyses deep learning architectures’ suitability in the field of PdM. It is the result of comparing reviewed
articles’ trends, results and conclusions with PdM data characteristics and industrial requirements.
from the list [169] by creating specific architectures: quick detection and diagnosis, isolability, novelty identifiability,
classification error estimation, adaptability, and real-time computation and multiple fault identifiability. However, the
main differences among these type of models are summarised in Table 8. Hence, the election of one group over the rest
and even deciding the final architecture requires a thorough analysis and comparison to determine the one that suits
both: use case and its data requirements.
Table 8. Differences of statistical, machine learning and deep learning architectures for predictive maintenance.
In the end, most deep learning architectures are either based on traditional data-driven concepts or are combined
with them in order to fill their gaps. Therefore, DL models could be a piece inside a PdM architecture that combines
other kind of models presented in Table 8. This could compensate the drawback of some models with others by a fusion
that meets PdM needs better.
combination for PdM sensor modelling in unsupervised way is CNNs with LSTMs in an AE or derived architecture.
Similarly, supervised approaches usually use CNNs and LSTMs in a ANN that outputs probability of failure types or
regressions. However, techniques fusion augments model complexity.
Regarding the diagnosis step, it is easy to perform RCA with supervised models given that, when the training
data contains the label, failure or not or even the type of failure, the model can directly map the new data with the
corresponding failure type automatically. However, in companies that lack this type of data, they can only model
normality by OCC models or even use unsupervised approach to model unlabelled data. There is a gap in these latter
models since they are unable to perform complete RCA given the impossibility to classify unspecified failure types.
One underlying reason could be the lack of collaboration between data scientists and expert-knowledge technicians.
Therefore, this gap could be filled by applying explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) techniques to facilitate the
communication, understanding and guidance of DL models. XAI is a promising emergent field with few publications in
the field of PdM.
Deep learning models also fail to propose mitigation actions since, as mentioned before, they should work together
with domain technicians knowledge and many works do not, tackling the problem in a purely data-scientific way and
forgetting about the underlying process working knowledge. For this reason, even if many models are accurate, they
can not meet industrial and real PdM requirements. They present complex schemes with many hidden layers even if
Venkatasubramanian et al. [169] state that understandability is one desired characteristic for PdM models. Without it,
industrial companies may not deploy a deep learning models to production as domain technicians would be unable to
understand their predictions and therefore trust them. Once again, the application of XAI techniques together with
expert knowledge could overcome the problem by enabling to: understand the predictions, map detected failures to real
physical root cause and even propose mitigation actions giving data-driven advice to help in maintenance management
(MM) and manufacturing operation management (MOM) decision making.
The majority of reviewed works were created and tested in research environments but not transferred or tested in
industrial companies. Even if there are some models trained with real industrial process data, the majority use reference
datasets that have been preprocessed and specifically prepared for the task, such as the ones presented in Section 4
that are generated in simulation or testing environments. However these are unable to adapt to industrial companies’
requirements presented by Venkatasubramanian et al. in article [169] that still prevail nowadays. Lejon et al. in the
work [89] consolidate the aforementioned needs by stating that industrial data is unlabelled and mostly correspond to
non-anomalous process conditions. With regard to PdM architectures, the work by Khan et al. [75] seems to be the one
that summarises and could better fit the requirements of the companies, even though it lacks of specification on how to
address PdM in real companies.
All in all, we have seen that industrial companies need PdM models to be accurate, easy to understand, process data
on streaming and adapted to process data characteristics. Their data is mostly collected in unsupervised way, or only
non-failure data is available. Moreover, it is collected under different EOC. Conversely, there is a gap in the published
data-driven models because available unsupervised and OCC proposals are unable to link novel detected failures to their
physical meaning. The main reason is that these models ignore expert knowledge. In addition, there are few research
publications on the application of XAI techniques in PdM, which could provide solutions for the main presented gaps.
The majority of industrial companies that rely on corrective and periodical maintenance strategies can optimise costs
by integrating automatic data-driven predictive maintenance models. These models monitor machine and component
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Deep learning models for predictive maintenance: a survey, comparison, challenges and prospect 25
states, whose research has evolved from statistical to more complex machine learning techniques. Nowadays, their
main research focuses on deep learning models.
The main objective of this survey is to analyse the state-of-the-art deep learning techniques implementation in the
field of predictive maintenance. For that purpose, several analysis and research are reviewed throughout the work,
which are summarised in this paragraph. In the beginning, the most relevant factors and characteristics of industrial
and PdM datasets are presented. Secondly, the steps necessary to perform PdM are presented in a methodological way.
Afterwards, statistical and traditional machine learning techniques for PdM are reviewed, in order to gain knowledge
on baseline models in which some deep learning implementations are based. Thenceforth, a thorough review on deep
learning state-of-the-art works is performed, classifying the works by their underlying technique, data typology and
compared among them; which enables methods’ comparison in a structured way. Related reviews on DL for PdM
are also analysed, highlighting their main conclusions. Thereafter, a summary on the main public PdM datasets is
presented and SotA results are compared on turbofan engine degradation simulation dataset. Moreover, the suitability
and impact of deep learning in the field of predictive maintenance is presented, together with the comparison with other
data-driven methods. In addition, the systematisation of deep learning models development for predictive maintenance
is discussed. Finally, the application of these models in real industrial use-cases is argued, analysing their applicability
beyond public benchmark datasets and research environments.
As stated before, industrial companies that want to optimise their maintenance operations should transition towards
predictive maintenance. However, this automatising should be embraced from simpler to more complex models, always
choosing the ones that could better fit their specific needs. Both domain experts and data scientists should collaborate in
the development and validation of a PdM structure. This hybrid model could benefit from the advantages of both domain
knowledge-based and data-driven approaches, resulting in an accurate yet interpretable model. Explainable machine
learning applied to deep learning could be an alternative to white-box and grey box models, which are more interpretable
and less accurate. These new models may achieve a trade-off between accuracy and explainability, integrating with
domain knowledge technicians, which can use them as a tool to perform PdM and gain knowledge from the data while
contrasting with theoretical background and domain expertise.
Industrial companies nowadays have collected much data by monitoring assets under normal working condition
and little to none failure data. Therefore, unsupervised and one-class classification algorithms research is relevant for
predictive maintenance field. Concretely, architectures like autoencoders or deep belief networks with LSTMs or CNNs
are one of the most researched type of architecture that enable unsupervised time-series data modelling. Nonetheless,
the design and optimisation of DL architectures is mainly guided by previous experience and trial and error.
To sum up, deep learning models have gained popularity in PdM due to their high accuracy, achieving state-of-the-art
results when trained with enough data. However, many works do not address other relevant aspects for PdM models
such as interpretability, real time execution, novelty detection or uncertainty modelling, given that mainly laboratory
datasets have been used. These aspects are fundamental to transfer any machine learning model to real, industrial use
cases, and run in production.
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