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Science and Elementary


For Rwanda Schools

Teacher’s Guide

Primary 6

Joseph Mwesigye
Caritas Kanizio
Millicent Omusikoyo
Published by

Longhorn Publishers (Rwanda) Ltd.,
Remera opposite COGE Bank
P.O. Box 5910
Kigali, Rwanda

Longhorn Publishers Ltd.

Funzi Road, Industrial Area
P.O. Box 18033 – 00500
Nairobi, Kenya

Longhorn Publishers (Uganda) Ltd.,

Plot 4 Vubyabirenge, Ntinda
P. O. Box 24745
Kampala, Uganda

Longhorn Publishers (T) Ltd.

New Bagamoyo/Garden Road
Mikocheni B, Plot No. MKC/MCB/81
P. O Box 1237
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

© J. Mwesigye, C. Kanizio, M. Omusikoyo, 2017

The moral rights of the authors have been asserted.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written
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First published 2017

ISBN 978 9997 74 793 8

Printed by Ramco Printing Works Ltd,

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Before Imara Daima Turn off, Mombasa Road,
P. O. Box 27750 - 00506,
Nairobi, Kenya.
Table of Content

Part 1:
Introduction ..........................................................................................1
Section 1: General introduction .........................................................2
1.1 Structure of the book......................................................................................... 2
1.2 Rationale of teaching and learning Science and elementary technology.......... 4
1.3 Special needs education and inclusivity........................................................ ...5
1.4 Classroom organisation .................................................................................. 7
1.5 Assessment and evaluation methods .......................................................... 9
1.6 Record keeping...................................... .......................................................... 11
1.7 Reporting to parents............................ .......................................................... 11

Section 2: Content map..................................................................... 12

Section 3: Lesson plan........................................................................ 31

3.1 Important sub-headings of a lesson plan......................................................31
3.2 Sample competence-based lesson plan.........................................................33
3.3 Conclusion .......................................................................................................... 37

Part II: Unit section

Unit 1: Mechanics and Blacksmith tools ............................................................ 38

Unit 2: Simple machines ......................................................................................... 59
Unit 3: Objects production ................................................................................... 75
Unit 4: Writing skills ............................................................................................... 89
Unit 5: Computer Research ............................................................................... 120
Unit 6: Programming for Children .................................................................... 138
Unit 7: Air Pollution ............................................................................................. 164
Unit 8: Animals ...................................................................................................... 179
Unit 9: Plant Reproduction ................................................................................. 197
Unit 10: Sustainable Waste Management.......................................................... 218
Unit 11: Circulatory System................................................................................ 230
Unit 12: Respiratory System................................................................................ 254
Unit 13: Reproductive System ........................................................................... 275

Unit 14: Energy Management.............................................................................. 311
Unit 15: Magnetism................................................................................................ 344
Unit 16: States of Matter ..................................................................................... 370


1.1 Structure of the book understanding; skills; attitudes and
This teacher’s guide is presented in four
sections. – Knowledge and understanding:
As in the existing curriculum,
• Section1- is the general introduction knowledge and understanding is
section detailing pedagogical issues. very important.
• Section 2 - is the the content map, – Skills: It is through the skills that
• Section 3- gives guidelines on how to pupils apply their learning and
develop a lesson plan and parts that engage in higher order thinking.
constitute a competence-based lesson These skills relate to the upper
plan. levels of Bloom’s taxonomy and
they lead to deep rather than
• Section 4 - which is main topics area. It
surface learning.
gives the details of the expected learning
– Attitudes and values: Truly engaging
units as presented in the learner’s book.
with learning requires appropriate
Structure of a unit attitudes and values that relate to
The main elements of each unit are: the unit.
• Unit heading – this is accompanied • Links to other subjects: It
by some text in the pupil’s book to is important for learners to
motivate the learners. Also, the total gain an understanding of the
number of lessons per unit is given. i n t e rc o n n e c t i o n s b e t we e n
• Key Unit Competence: This is the different subjects so that learning
competence, which will be achieved in each subject is reinforced across
once pupils have met all the learning the curriculum. This platform
objectives in the unit. does exactly that. It prepares the
teacher to pass this information
• Pre-requisite of the unit:
to the learners so that they are
This section details what is required
to ensure success of the unit i.e
• Background information: This
what should be done for the key unit
is the introduction part of the unit.
competence to be met.
It aims at giving insights to the
• Learning Objectives: The content
teacher on the subject matter.
in this area is broken down into three
categories, that is, knowledge and

• Cross cutting issues to be Additional information for
tackled in the unit and how to the teacher
address them. This is a platform where text
• Generic competences to be related to the content areas
attained by learners and how to being taught but not expressly
develop them. within the syllabus requirements
• Key words in the unit – a list are presented. The content here
of new words or vocabularies and is intended to help the teacher
their meanings. understand the concepts more
• Guidance on the problem deeply and to be in a position
statement: This is given as to answer questions from more
a picture in the pupil’s book proactive leaners.
requiring learner interpretation. It Answers to test your
highlights how the teacher should competence
introduce the unit and create a This section provides answers to
problem situation for learners to revision questions at end of the
brainstorm and predict what the unit.
unit is about.
• Additional activities for slow
• Attention to special needs and gifted learners.
education: This section gives
These are further exercises
guidance on how to cater for
and their answers intended for
multi-ability learning and how
remedial learning for slow learners
to support learners with special
and extended exercises for gifted
• List of lessons: This section gives
• Lessons development
lesson number, title and number
All the lessons have these main
of periods expected to cover
the lesson. Immediately after the
list are the lessons themselves – Lesson number and title
covered in detail per sub-topic. – Pre-requisite of the lesson –
Summary of the unit – This guidance on how to begin the
section details how the teacher lesson.
will go about winding up the unit. – Teaching aids or resources in
It also details the values and key line with the teaching objectives.
competencies that the learner – Suggested learning activities
needs to have achieved. • Lesson sythesis – which is an
indication to the teacher on how

to go about in order to meet the Technology in everyday life. SET & ICT
lesson objective(s). at primary school enables the learner to
Assesment – A suggestion on develop competencies, which have great
how to assess whether lesson impact on the society in general. Teaching
objectives have been met or not. SET&ICT at primary school is further
1.2 Rationale of teaching justified in that it helps to develop cultural
and learning Science & and democratic notions of scientific
elementary technology literacy.

Teaching elementary science to young Learners have to be prepared from an early

children is critical for establishing a age for active and responsible citizenship.
foundation for further success in science With this regard, SET & ICT strives to
and for coping with the demands of the equip learners to understand and situate
21st century. Furthermore, technology scientific and technological developments
education constitutes an unequalled in their cultural, environmental, economic,
important added value. Not only in
political and social contexts. At the
developed countries but also in developing
countries such as Rwanda, the love and centre of teaching and learning of SET
interest in science and technology begins in & ICT, hands on activities will play a key
primary school where young children tend role, which in turn, should contribute
to be more curious and motivated to learn. significantly towards improving learner’s
The inclusion of Science and Elementary achievement, motivation, technological
Technology and ICT in the Primary School literacy and test scores.
reflects the importance of science and
technology in many aspects of our daily SET&ICT as a subject and
lives, at work, at school and at home. As developing the competences
integrated Science and ICT, it provides a very
The national policy documents based on
good foundation for the study of science
national aspirations identify some ‘basic
subjects in the post-primary setting. Most
Competencies’ alongside the ‘Generic
importantly, it cultivates a positive attitude
Competencies’’ that will develop higher
towards science and provides pupils with
order critical thinking skills and help the
opportunities to experience the excitement
pupil learn Science, Elementary technology
of working as a scientist.
and Information Communication
Above all, the rationale of teaching and technology for application in real life.
learning of SET & ICT is embedded in The nature of learning activities which
the need for learners to have a greater are mainly inquiry-oriented contribute to
awareness of the role of Science and the achievement of those competencies.
Through observations, experimentation,
and presentation of information during

the learning process, the learner will not benefit from the same menu of educational
only develop deductive and inductive programs.The possibility of this assumption
skills but also acquire cooperation and is the focus of special needs education.
communication, critical thinking and The critical issue is that we have persons/
problem-solving skills. This will be realised learners who are totally different in their
when learners make presentations leading ways of living and learning as opposed to
to inferences and conclusions at the end of the majority. The difference can either be
learning unit.This will be achieved through emotional, physical, sensory and intellectual
learner group work and cooperative learning challenges traditionally known as
learning of SET–ICT, which in turn will mental retardation.These learners equally
promote interpersonal relations and have the right to benefit from the free and
teamwork. compulsory basic education in the nearby
ordinary/mainstream schools. Therefore,
The manipulation of apparatus and data
the schools’ role is to enrol them and also
during class experiments and undertaking
set strategies to provide relevant education
of project work by learners will involve to them. The teacher therefore is requested
analytical and problem-solving skills to consider each learner’s needs during
directed towards innovation, creativity and teaching and learning process. Assessment
research activities by learners. strategies and conditions should also be
The acquired knowledge in learning standardised to the needs of these learners.
SET–ICT should develop a responsible Also, ensure that you include learners with
special educational needs in classroom
citizen who adapts to scientific reasoning
activities as much as possible.
and attitudes and develops confidence
in reasoning independently. The learner The special needs children can fall in any
should show concern of individual attitudes, of the following common categories:
environmental protection and comply • Physical difficulties
with the scientific method of reasoning. • Visual difficulties
The scientific method should be applied • Hearing difficulties
with the necessary rigor, intellectual • Mental difficulties
honesty to promote critical thinking while
The teacher should identify such cases
systematically pursuing the line of thought.
and help facilitate the affected learners
1.3 Special needs education learning. For example, learner’s with visual
and inclusivity and hearing difficulties should sit near
the teacher’s table for easy supervision
All Rwandans have the right to access and assistance. The following are some
education regardless of their different suggestions on how to support special
needs. The underpinnings of this provision needs children in your class.
would naturally hold that all citizens

(a) Learners with physical The teacher should read aloud most of
difficulties the things he/she writes on the chalkboard.

In this group of learners, the affected (c) Learners with hearing

areas are normally some body parts, difficulties
especially the limbs. There may be partial
The affected part in this case is the ear.
or total loss of use of the limbs. In case the
legs are affected, the learners will need The learner should have hearing aids.
assistance during activities that involve The teacher should use as many visual
movement. This could be during a nature aids as possible. They should also project
walk and other activities that learners their voice and always talk while facing the
have to stand for some reason.The teacher learners. Use of gestures and signs while
should organize for the learner’s ease of talking helps the learner figure out what
movement around. The learner should also
the teacher is saying as well.
be given time to catch up with the others.
In case the hands are affected, the learners
(d) Learners with speech
should be given more time to finish their difficulties
work. In both cases, the learners should not
A common example in a normal class is
be pressurized to do things that can cause
the stammerer. They always speak with
injury or ridicule.
a lot of difficulties. The teacher should be
(b) Learners with visual patient with them and encourage such
learners to express themselves in their own
These learners normally have problems way. Such learners should be given more
with their eyesight. They should sit in written exercises.
a position where they are able to see
the chalkboard without straining. Such (e) Learners with mental
learners could be longsighted or short difficulties
The teacher should try to identify the
The material to be observed should
nature and level of the mental difficulty.
be brought closer to the learner and a
magnifying lens used where necessary.The Learners with mental difficulties should then
teacher should use large diagrams, charts be given special assistance and attention
and labels. In some cases, the learners can at an individual level. They can be given
be allowed to touch and feel whatever they special tests or assessments. In general,
are looking at. Other learners can assist
all the learners with difficulties should be
by reading aloud.The lighting system in the
classroom can also be improved. reinforced promptly. This encourages and
motivates them.The teacher and the rest of

the class should never ridicule learners with
any of the difficulties. Note that generally,
people with any kind of disability can be
very sensitive to any kind of negative
comments or criticism.
Remind them that ‘Disability is not
The teacher should avoid giving privileges
where the learners do not deserve them. Fig. 1.1 Sample classroom arrangement
Treat them fairly but not with undue favours. (f) Classroom itself, that is, positions of
In extreme cases it can be recommended windows, doors such that learners face
for the learners to join a special school. the lighted areas of the room.

1.4 Classroom organisation (g) Personal preferences. But these

should be in the interest of the
A well organised classroom is an asset to learners especially where the teacher
good Science teaching but there is no one normally stand, the teacher should
correct style to suit all classrooms and be able to communicate with all
situations. However, the teacher should learners, and also have a general
consider the following factors when view of all learners in the class.
organising the classroom:
Grouping learners for learning
(a) Furniture should be well arranged so
as to allow free movement of learners Most of the science activities are carried
and the teacher. out in groups and therefore the teacher
(b) Set a corner for storing materials so should place 2 or 3 desks against each
as not to obstruct learners or distract other and then have a group of learners
them. sitting around those desks.
(c) The number of learners in the class In certain activities, the teacher may wish
and their ages. to carry out a demonstration. In this case,
(d) Learners should be reasonably spread the learners should be sitting or standing in
out so that they do not interfere with a semicircle, or arranged around an empty
one another’s activities. shape of letter “U” such that each learner
can see what the teacher is doing clearly
(e) The series of lessons or activities going
and without obstruction or pushing. If the
on for a number of days or weeks such
learners are involved in individual work,
as individual or group work or whole
each learner can work on the floor or on
the desk or a portion of the desk if they

are sharing. In this case, they need not face (h) Learners’ creativity, responsibility
each other. and leadership skills can easily be
Grouping learners for learning has
increasingly become popular in recent (i) Learners can work at their own pace.
years. In fact, the shift from knowledge- The type of “grouping” that a
based to competence-based curriculum teacher may choose depends on:
will make grouping the norm in the (a) The topic or task to be
teaching process. Grouping learners can tackled.
be informed by one or all of the follow- (b) The materials available.
ing: (c) Ability of learners in the class.
(a) Similar ability grouping.
(b) Mixed ability grouping.
(c) Similar interests grouping.
(d) Needs grouping.
(e) Friendship grouping.
(f) Sex grouping.
In Science, groupings are commonly those
of types (a), (b), (c) and (d). Grouping
Fig. 1.2 Sample classroom grouping
learners has several advantages such as: However, the teacher must be flexible
(a) The individual learner’s progress and enough to adjust or change his/her type
of grouping to cope with new situations.
needs can easily be observed.
There is no fixed number of learners
(b) The teacher-learner relationship is
that a group must have. This again
will be dictated by such factors as
(c) A teacher can easily attend to the the task to be done, the material
needs and problems of a small group. available, characteristics of learners
(d) Materials that were inadequate for in your class, size and the space
individual work can now easily be available. However, groups should on
shared. average have between four to seven
(e) Learners can learn from one another. learners. You can also resort to
pairwork depending on the nature of
(f) Cooperation among learners can
the content being taught at the time.
easily be developed.
(g) Many learners accept correction from
There is no one method or approach
the teacher more readily and without
to teaching that is appropriate to all
feeling humiliated when they are in
lessons. A teacher should, therefore,
a small group rather than the whole
class. choose wisely the method to use or a

combination of methods depending on the of the teaching and learning processes.
nature of the topic or subtopic at hand. In the new competence-based curriculum
assessment must also be competence-
Safety in the classroom based; whereby a learner is given a complex
Pupils in primary school are extremely situation related to his/her everyday life
active and curious. As such, they are and asked to try to overcome the situation
inclined to getting harmed and injured. by applying what he/she learned.
They should therefore be constantly Types of assessment
protected from sources of injury and harm.
The teacher is therefore advised to take The two types of assessment that will
strict safety precautions whenever learners be employed in the new curriculum is
are in class or outside the classroom. Some formative and summative assessment.
areas that need consideration as far as (a) Formative or continuous
safety is concerned include: assessment (assessment for
• During tasting and smelling things. learning)
• When using tools and equipment.
Formative or continuous assessment
• During experiments, demonstrations
involving use of fire or harmful involves formal and informal methods used
chemicals. by schools to check whether learning is
taking place.When the teacher is planning
• When handling glass apparatus.
his/her lesson, he/she should establish
• When handling sharp or pointed
criteria for performance and behaviour
objects like machete, pair of scissors,
changes at the beginning of the unit.Then at
razor-blade, knife, etc.
• During nature walks and field visits. the of end of every unit, the teacher should
Learners should avoid handling ensure that all the learners have mastered
poisonous plants and harmful animals, the stated key unit competencies basing on
etc. the criteria stated, before going to the next
unit.The teacher will assess how well each
Remember, according to Rwanda laws,
learner masters both the subject matter
the teacher is responsible for the safety of
and the generic competencies described in
the learners during the period he or she is
the syllabus and from this, the teacher will
handling them. gain a picture of the all-round progress of
1.5 Assessment and evaluation the learner. The teacher will use one or a
methods combination of the following:
Assessment is the process of evaluating the • Observations - to judge the extend of
teaching and learning processes through skills acquisition
collecting and interpreting evidence of • Written tests
individual learner’s progress in learning • Practical work/activities
and to make a judgment about a learner’s
• Oral questions or interviews
achievements measured against defined
standards. Assessment is an integral part • Project works

• Attitude change – this can be done by A teacher can use one or several of these
asking probing questions and checking assessment methods depending on the
body language as learners respond to subtopic being studied or the purpose for
the questions. which assessment is required.
(i) Written tests When should the teacher assess
Under this, learners are given questions learning progress?
or tasks and are required to respond in The teacher should decide whether to
writing. Examples of written tests are:
assess learners at the end of the lesson
short answer type questions, structured
or at any other appropriate time when
type questions, filling blanks, multiple
choice questions, true-false questions and enough content has been covered.
matching items. (b) Summative assessment
(ii) Practical work activity (assessment of learning)
In this category, learners are required When assessment is used to record a
to perform a task or solve a problem judgment of a competence or performance
practically. The teacher then assesses the of the learner, it serves a summative
finished work by looking at the materials purpose. Summative assessment gives
used, procedures followed, whether it a picture of a learner’s competence or
works or not or whether it is finished. He progress at any specific moment. The main
or she then awards marks accordingly. purpose of summative assessment is to
(iii) Observation evaluate whether learning objectives have
This involves the teacher observing been achieved and to use the results for the
learners as they perform a practical task ranking or grading of learners, for deciding
to assess acquisition of skills and attitude on progression, for selection into the next
change. The teacher checks ability of the level of education and for certification.
learner to measure, classify, communicate This assessment should have an integrative
findings, etc. He or she also assesses the aspect whereby a student must be able to
learner’s curiosity, patience, team and co- show mastery of all competencies.
operation spirit among others.
It can be internal school-based assessment
(iv) Oral questions or interviews or external assessment in the form of
Asking learners questions which require a national examinations. School-based
verbal response such as naming parts of summative assessment should take place
human body, a system or short explanations once at the end of each term and once
of a process such as digestion can also be at the end of the year. School summative
used to assess learner’s level of competence. assessment average scores for each subject
will be weighted and included in the final
(v) Project work
national examinations grade. Districts will
In a project, the teacher will give a task to be supported to continue their initiative to
a learner or group of learners and monitor organise a common test per class for all
progress of work until completion. He/she the schools to evaluate the performance
then awards marks depending on how and the achievement level of learners in
effective the task was accomplished.

individual schools. External summative assigning an indicator against the set
assessment will be done at the end of P6. criteria or standard. Whatever assessment
procedures used shall generate data in the
Item writing in summative
form of scores which will be carefully be
recorded and stored in a portfolio because
Before developing a question paper, a plan they will contribute for remedial actions,
or specification of what is to be tested or for alternative instructional strategy
examined must be elaborated to show the and feed back to the learner and to the
units or topics to be tested on, the number parents to check the learning progress
and to advice accordingly or to the final
of questions in each level of Bloom’s
assessment of the students.
taxonomy and the marks allocation for
each question. In a competency-based This portfolio is a folder (or binder or even
curriculum, questions from higher levels of a digital collection) containing the student’s
Bloom’s taxonomy should be given more work as well as the student’s evaluation of
weight than those from knowledge and the strengths and weaknesses of the work.
Portfolios reflect not only work produced
comprehension level.
(such as papers and assignments), but also
Before developing a question paper, the it is a record of the activities undertaken
item writer must ensure that the test over time as part of student learning. The
or examination questions are tailored portfolio output (formative assessment)
towards competence based assessment by will be considered only as enough for three
doing the following: years of Advanced level. Besides, it will
• Identify topic areas to be tested on serve as a verification tool for each learner
that he/she attended the whole learning
from the subject syllabus.
before he/she undergoes the summative
• Outline subject matter content to be assessment for the subject. The results
considered as the basis for the test. from the portfolio will contribute 50% on
• Identify learning outcomes to be summative assessment of each year.
measured by the test.
1.7 Reporting to parents
• Prepare a table of specifications.
• Ensure that the verbs used in the The wider range of learning in the new
formulation of questions do not require curriculum means that it is necessary to
memorisation or recall answers only think again about how to share learners’
but testing broad competencies as progress with parents. A single mark
stated in the syllabus. is not sufficient to convey the different
expectations of learning, which are in
1.6 Record Keeping the learning objectives. The most helpful
This is gathering facts and evidence from reporting is to share what students are
assessment instruments and using them doing well and where they need to improve.
to judge the student’s performance by



Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4

Unit title Mechanics and black- Simple Machines Objects production Writing skills
smith tools

Number of 6 12 8 17
Key Unit After studying this unit, After studying this unit, After studying this unit After studying this unit,
Competence learners should be able learners should be able learners should be able learners should be able
to use and maintain me- to classify simple ma- to make utility objects, to use common ICT
chanics and blacksmith chines and levers. toys and learning ma- terms and differentiate
tools safely. terials. Sugar and Gnome user
Number of 6 5 5 11
Equipment • Hammer, screw- Axle, inclined planes, Clay, wires, threads, • XO Laptops or
/ Learning driver, open-ended screws, pulleys, wedges, needle or lancelet, pa- any other com-
spanner, pliers, wheel and levers (crow-
/ Teaching pers, manila paper and puter
hand drill, bench bars, scissors, see-saws,
materials wheel barrow, nut- scissors • Shopping lists
vice, bellows, anvil,
required blacksmith hammer, cracker, hoe, fishing • Internet connectiv-
rad, spade, pair of tong,
blacksmith’s pliers ity
or pair of tongs. • Video link
or pair of tongs. • Video link

• Tool box
• Grease or oil
• File
• Video link
Activities / • Case studies • Group discussions • Practical work • Class practice and
Techniques • Guided discovery • Practical work • Guided discussion discussions
• Observation • Role play • Guided discovery • Question and an-
• Practical work • Guided discovery • Group work swer sessions
• Group discussions • Demonstration • Question and an- • Teacher demon-
• Pair work swers strations
• Question and an- • Discussions and • Guided discovery
swer presentation • Individual practice
• Demonstrations • Demonstration

Generic • Co-operation and • Co-operation and • Co-operation • Co-operation
Competenc- interpersonal man- interpersonal man- and interpersonal and interpersonal

es Practiced agement and life agement and life management and management and
skills skills life skills life skills
• Research skills • Research skills • Research skills • Research skills

• Communication in • Communication in • Communication in • Communication in

English English English English
• Critical thinking • Critical thinking • Critical thinking • Critical thinking
and problem solving and problem solv- and problem solv- and problem solv-
skills ing skills ing skills ing skills
• Lifelong skills • Lifelong skills • Lifelong skills • Lifelong skills
• Creativity and in- • Creativity and in- • Creativity and in- • Creativity and in-
novation novation novation novation

Cross-cut- • Environment, cli- • Environment, cli- • Environment, cli- • Gender education

ting issues mate change and mate change and mate change and • Peace and values
to be sustainability sustainability sustainability education.
addressed • Gender education • Financial education
• Peace and values • Gender education • Gender education • Standardisation
education. • Peace and values • Peace and values culture
• Financial education education: education: • Inclusive learning
• Standardization • Financial education • Financial education
culture • Standardization • Standardization
• Inclusive learning culture culture
• Inclusive learning • Inclusive learning

Assessment Assess achievement of Assess achievement of Assess achievement of Assess achievement of

Strategies the key unit competency the key unit competen- the key unit competen- the key unit compe-
of key unit using: cy using: cy using: tency using:
competence • Gauge learner • Gauge learner • Gauge learner • Gauge learner
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of
concepts using the concepts using the concepts using the concepts using the
self-test exercises, self-test exercises, self-test exercises,
self-test exercises,
unit tests, remedial unit tests, remedial unit tests, remedial
unit tests, remedial
&extended activi- &extended activi- &extended activi-
&extended activities
ties and the lesson ties and the lesson ties and the lesson
and the lesson as-
assessment ques- assessment ques- assessment ques-
sessment questions.
tions. tions. tions.

• Measure extent of • Measure extent of • Measure extent of • Measure extent of

skills acquisition skills acquisition skills acquisition skills acquisition
through observing through observing through observing through observing

learners as they learners as they learners as they learners as they
perform various perform various perform various perform various
activities. activities. activities. activities.
• Gauge attitude • Gauge attitude • Gauge attitude • Gauge attitude
change and values change and values change and values change and values
acquisition by ask-
acquisition by asking acquisition by ask- acquisition by ask-
ing learners about
learners about their ing learners about ing learners about
their opinions on
opinions on various their opinions on their opinions on
various issues af-
issues affecting the various issues af- various issues af-
fecting the society
society and through fecting the society fecting the society
and through body
body language as and through body and through body
language as they
they perform vari- language as they language as they
perform various
ous tasks. perform various perform various
• In all the above cas- tasks. • In all the above cas- tasks.
es, allocate marks • In all the above es, allocate marks • In all the above cas-
and grade learners cases, allocate and grade learners es, allocate marks
accordingly. marks and grade accordingly. and grade learners
learners accord- accordingly.
Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8

Unit title Computer Research Programming for chil- Air pollution Animals
Number of 10 12 12 17
Key Unit After studying this unit, After studying this unit, After studying this unit, After studying this unit,
Compe- you should be able to you should be able to learners should be able learners should be able
tence explore and use Search design and construct to explain the phenom- to explain and practice
engines. geometric shapes using enon of air pollution, effective management
Turtle Art activity and its consequences and of goats and cows.
design different projects management.
in Scratch and use Etoys

Number of 6 9 4 11
Equipment • XO Laptops or any • XO Laptops or any • Charts on pollution • Cows or goats,
/ Learning other computer other computer • Local environment cattle or goat
/ Teaching • Internet connectivity • Internet connectiv- • Factories or indus- houses, pictures/
materials ity tries around drawings, pots,

required • Video link water

Activities / • Class practice and • Class practice and • Guided discovery • Practical work

Techniques discussions discussions • Group work • Field visits
• Question and an- • Question and an- • Question and an- • Guided discovery

swer sessions swer sessions swers • Resource person
• Teacher demonstra- • Teacher demon- • Discussions and • Discussions and
tions strations presentations presentation
• Guided discovery • Guided discovery
• Individual practice • Individual practice

Generic • Co-operation and • Co-operation and • Co-operation and • Co-operation

Competenc- interpersonal man- interpersonal man- interpersonal man- and interpersonal
agement and life agement and life agement and life management and
es Practiced skills
skills skills life skills
• Research skills • Research skills • Research skills • Research skills
• Communication in • Communication in • Communication in • Communication in
English English English
• Critical thinking • Critical thinking • Critical thinking
• Critical thinking
and problem solv- and problem solving and problem solv-
and problem solving skills
ing skills ing skills
skills • Lifelong skills • Lifelong skills • Lifelong skills
• Lifelong skills • Creativity and in- • Creativity and in- • Creativity and in-
• Creativity and in- novation novation novation
Cross-cut- • Gender education • Gender education • Environment, cli- • Gender education
ting issues • Peace and values • Peace and values mate change and • Peace and values
addressed education: education: sustainability education:
• Financial education • Financial education • Gender education • Financial education
• Standardization • Standardization • Peace and values • Standardization
culture culture education: culture
• Inclusive learning • Inclusive learning • Financial education • Inclusive learning
• Standardization • Environment, cli-
mate change and
• Inclusive learning

Assessment Assess achievement of Assess achievement of Assess achievement of Assess achievement of

Strategies the key unit competency the key unit competen- the key Assess achieve- the key Assess achieve-
using: cy using: ment of the key unit ment of the key unit
of key unit • Gauge learner competency using:
• Gauge learner competency using:
competence understanding of
understanding of • Gauge learner • Gauge learner
concepts using the
self-test exercises, concepts using the understanding of understanding of
unit tests, remedial self-test exercises, concepts using the concepts using the
& extended activi- unit tests, remedial self-test exercises, self-test exercises,
ties and the lesson and extended unit tests, remedial unit tests, remedial

assessment ques- and extended and extended

• Measure extent of activities and the lesson activities and the lesson activities and the lesson

skills acquisition assessment questions. assessment questions. assessment questions.
• Measure extent of • Measure extent of • Measure extent of
through observing

skills acquisition skills acquisition skills acquisition
learners as they through observing
through observing through observing
perform various learners as they
learners as they learners as they
activities. perform various
perform various perform various activities.
• Gauge attitude
activities. activities. • Gauge attitude
change and values • Gauge attitude • Gauge attitude change and values
acquisition by ask- change and values change and values acquisition by ask-
ing learners about acquisition by ask- acquisition by ask- ing learners about
their opinions on ing learners about ing learners about their opinions on
various issues af- their opinions on their opinions on various issues af-
various issues af- various issues af- fecting the society
fecting the society
and through body
and through body fecting the society fecting the society
language as they
language as they and through body and through body
perform various
language as they language as they tasks.
perform various
perform various perform various • In all the above
tasks. tasks. cases, allocate
• In all the above cas-
• In all the above cas- • In all the above marks and grade
es, allocate marks learners accord-
es, allocate marks cases, allocate
and grade learners and grade learners marks and grade ingly.
accordingly. accordingly. learners accord-
Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12
Unit title Plant reproduction Sustainable waste man- Circulatory system Respiratory system
Number of 10 10 8 8
Key Unit After studying this unit, After studying this unit, After studying this unit, After studying this unit,
Compe- learners should be able learners should be able learners should be able the learner should be
tence to describe the parts of a to apply garbage col- to describe and explain able to explain the
flower and explain the pro- lection techniques and the functioning of the mechanism of respira-
cess of sexual and asexual separate hazardous, circulatory system, its tion.
reproduction in plants. organic and recyclable hygiene and mainte-
waste. nance.
Number of 5 3 8 5
Equipment • Various flowers seeds • Computers con- • Charts on parts of • Rabbit or mouse
/ Learning and parts of plants like nected to the the human circula- and dissecting kit.
• Charts on parts of
/ Teaching leaves, stems and roots. Internet. tory system, text-
the human respira-
materials • Scalpel, razorblade, • Textbooks, pam- books, pamphlets tory system, text-
required hand lens, hoe, machete, phlets, handouts and hand outs on books, pamphlets
strings, etc. and charts on circulatory system. and hand outs.
waste management.

• Video link: https:// • Video link:https://

www.youtube. www.youtube.com/
com/watch?v=_ watch?v=hwAATs


Activities / • Individual research • Guided discussion • Guide discovery • Guide discovery

Techniques work and group dis- • Research • Question and • Question and an-
cussions. • Guided discovery answer swer
• Question and answer • Questions and • Research Activity • Research Activity
sessions answers • Discussion • Discussion
• Teacher demonstra- • Demonstration • Demonstration
tions (dissection) (dissection)
• Guided discovery
• Project work

Generic • Co-operation and • Co-operation • Co-operation • Co-operation and

Competenc- interpersonal manage- and interpersonal and interpersonal interpersonal man-
es Practiced ment and life skills management and management and agement and life
• Research skills life skills life skills skills
• Research skills • Research skills • Research skills
• Communication in • Communication in • Communication in • Communication
English English English in English
• Critical thinking and • Critical thinking • Critical thinking • Critical think-
problem solving skills and problem solving and problem solv- ing and problem
skills ing skills solving skills
• Lifelong skills • Lifelong skills • Lifelong skills
• Creativity and in-

Cross-cut- • Gender education • Gender education • Gender education • Gender educa-

ting issues • Environment, climate • Peace and values • Peace and values tion
addressed change and sustain- education: education: • Financial educa-
ability • Financial education • Financial education tion
• Financial education • Standardization
• Standardization • Standardization
• Inclusive learning culture
culture culture
• Inclusive learning
• Environment, cli- • Inclusive learning • Inclusive learn-
mate change and ing

Assessment Assess achievement of the Assess achievement of Assess achievement of Assess achievement

Strategies key unit competency using: the key unit competency the key unit compe- of the key Assess
of key unit • Gauge learner under- using: tency using: achievement of the

competence standing of concepts • Gauge learner • Gauge learner key unit competency
using the self-test understanding of understanding of using:
exercises, unit tests, concepts using the concepts using the • Gauge learner
remedial & extended self-test exercises,
self-test exercises, understanding
activities and the les- unit tests, remedial
unit tests, remedial of concepts us-
son assessment ques- & extended activi-
ties and the lesson & extended activi- ing the self-test
assessment ques- ties and the lesson exercises, unit
• Measure extent of
tions. assessment ques- tests, remedial &
skills acquisition
• Measure extent of tions. extended activi-
through observing
skills acquisition • Measure extent of ties and the les-
learners as they per-
through observing
form various activities. skills acquisition son assessment
learners as they
• Gauge attitude through observing questions.
perform various
change and values learners as they • Measure extent
acquisition by asking perform various of skills acquisi-
learners about their activities. tion by asking
opinions on various learners about
issues affecting the their opinions
society and through on
body language as they • Gauge attitude • Gauge attitude various issues af-
perform various tasks. change and values change and values fecting the soci-
In all the above cases, al- acquisition by ask- acquisition by ask- ety and through
locate marks and grade ing learners about ing learners about body language
learners accordingly. their opinions on their opinions on as they perform
various issues af- various issues af- various tasks.
fecting the society fecting the society • In all the above
and through body and through body cases, allocate
language as they language as they marks and grade
perform various perform various learners accord-
tasks. tasks. ingly.
• In all the above • In all the above cas-
cases, allocate marks es, allocate marks
and grade learners and grade learners
accordingly. accordingly.

Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16

Unit title Reproductive system Energy management Magnetism States of matter

Number of 14 12 8 10

Key Unit After studying this unit, After studying this unit, After studying this unit, After studying this
Competence the learners should be learners should be able learners should be able unit the learner
able to explain the func- to understand the use of to explain and demon- should be able to
tion of male and female energy and its transfor- strate the existence of demonstrate and
genital organs, the pre- mations from one form magnetic forces and explain changes of
vention, transmission and to another. magnetic field. state of matter.
treatment of STIs and HIV
and AIDS and state ways
of preventing unplanned
Number of 10 6 6 5
Equipment • Electric heater, matches • Computers connected • Bar magnets, pins, • Items for use
/ Learning and match boxes, kero- to the Internet. paper clips rubber, during prac-
sene/charcoal stove, • Textbooks, pamphlets, pencils or pieces of ticals such
/ Teaching sources of fuels such as handouts and charts wood, coin, string, as balloons,
materials firewood, charcoal, kero- etc.
on waste manage- stick,Eureka
required sene, etc; pen or comb, ment • Charts, textbooks, can, measuring
pieces of paper, file, iron handouts and cylinder, stone,
bar, rubber bands, etc. other materials on
bottle of
• Textbooks, handouts magnetism.
water, among
and pamphlets on forms • Computers con-
of energy nected to the others
• Computers connected internet • Computers
to the Internet. connected to
the internet
Activities / • Individual research work • Guided discussion • Case studies • Guide discov-
Techniques and group discussions. • Research Activity • Guided discovery ery
• Question and answer • Observation
• Guided discovery • Question and
• Practical work
sessions • Questions and answers answer
• Group discussions
• Teacher demonstrations • Pair work • Research Activ-
• Guided discovery • Question and an- ity
swer • Teacher dem-
• Demonstrations

Generic • Comprehensive sexual- • Co-operation and in- • Co-operation • Co-operation

Competenc- ity education terpersonal manage- and interpersonal and interper-
es Practiced • Co-operation and ment and life skills management and sonal manage-

interpersonal manage- • Research skills life skills ment and life
ment and life skills • Communication in • Research skills skills
• Research skills English • Communication in • Research skills
• Communication in • Critical thinking and English • Communica-
English problem solving skills • Critical thinking tion in English
• Critical thinking and • Lifelong skills and problem solv- • Critical think-
problem solving skills • Creativity and inno- ing skills ing and prob-
vation • Lifelong skills lem solving
• Lifelong skills

Cross-cut- • Gender education • Gender education • Environment, cli- • Gender edu-

ting issues • Environment, climate • Peace and values mate change and cation
to be change and sustain- education. sustainability • Financial edu-
addressed ability • Gender education cation
• Financial education • Financial education • Peace and values • Standardiza-
• Inclusive learning • Standardization cul- education. tion culture
• Inclusive learn-
ture • Financial education
• Inclusive learning • Standardization
• Environment, climate culture
change and sustain- • Inclusive learning
Assessment Assess achievement of the Assess achievement of the Assess achievement of Assess achievement
Strategies key unit competency using: key unit competency using: the key unit competency the key unit compe-
• Gauge learner under- tency using:
of key unit • Gauge learner using:
standing of concepts • Gauge
competence understanding of • Gauge learner learner
using the self-test
concepts using the understanding of understand-
exercises, unit tests,
self-test exercises, concepts using the ing of con-
remedial & extended
unit tests, remedial self-test exercises, cepts using
activities and the lesson the self-test
assessment questions. & extended activities unit tests, remedial exercises, unit
• Measure extent of skills and the lesson as- & extended activi- tests, remedial
acquisition through sessment questions. ties and the lesson & extended
observing learners as assessment ques- activities and
they perform various the lesson
tions. assessment

• Gauge attitude change • Measure extent of • Measure extent of • Measure
and values acquisition skills acquisition skills acquisition extent of
skills acquisi-

by asking learners through observing through observing tion through
about their opinions learners as they learners as they observing
learners as
on various issues af- perform various perform various they perform
fecting the society and activities. activities. various activi-
through body lan- • Gauge attitude • Gauge attitude ties.
• Gauge at-
guage as they perform change and values change and values titude change
various tasks. acquisition by ask- acquisition by ask- and values
In all the above cases, al- ing learners about ing learners about
by asking
locate marks and grade their opinions on their opinions on learners
learners accordingly. various issues af- various issues af- about their
opinions on
fecting the society fecting the society various issues
and through body and through body affecting the
language as they language as they society and
through body
perform various perform various language as
tasks. tasks. they perform
various tasks.
• In all the above cases, • In all the above • In all the above
allocate marks and cases, allocate marks cases, allocate
grade learners ac- and grade learners marks and
grade learners
cordingly. accordingly. accordingly.
behaviour, content and standard or criteria
3.1 Important sub-headings of a
for acceptable performance.
Lesson plan
The most important document when
planning to teach is the lesson plan. (g) Plan for the class
A lesson plan is a detailed outline of how This refers to location of the lesson i.e
the teacher intends to carry out a specific where the lesson will be taught.
lesson. (h) Learning materials/teaching
Some important subheadings in a lesson resources
plan are given below. These refer to any materials and apparatus
(a) Administrative details that the pupils and the teacher will use
during the lesson.
These include: Term…………
(i) References
Date………… Subject……….
These are resources consulted or used by
Class…………. Duration…………. the teacher to prepare the lesson as well
Class size………… as any books that the pupils will use during
b) Special Educational needs the lesson.
A list of types of special educational needs
to be catered for during the lesson and the (j) Description of the teaching and
number of learners in each category. learning activities
(c) Unit title These are divided into two: teacher
This refers to the broad area that is to be activities and learner activities. They
studied – taken from the syllabus. describe what the teacher and the learner
should do during the teaching/learning
(d) Key unit competence process. Further, the teacher should be
This is/are the competence(s) that the cognizant of the fact that the various
learner is expected to achieve at the end generic competences and the cross cutting
of the unit. issues should be brought out during the
teaching/learning activities. Highlight these
(e) Title of the lesson as the activities are on-going.
This is the lesson title extracted from the
learning objective(s).
(k) Timing for each step
(f) Instructional objectives
This section is divided into three:
This represents what the teacher anticipates
pupils to achieve by the end of the lesson. • Introduction to the lesson
A good instructional objective have five • Lesson development
element, that is conditions, who, action/
• Conclusion of the lesson

31 31
(i) Introduction of the lesson competence and the cross-cutting issues
This is the beginning of the lesson. It is to be addressed. It is more convenient
allocated 10 minutes in a double lesson. to distinguish between the pupils’ and
The teacher should motivate the pupils by teacher’s activities under two columns as
creating problem situations that interest shown in the lesson plan below.
pupils e.g. posing a question, telling an (iii) Conclusion of the lesson
amusing but relevant story or episode,
This is the step in which the lesson activities
showing an object, picture or video that
are tied up or consolidated to emphazise
arouse their interest. The introduction
the main points i.e summarize the lesson.
should also if possible link what the pupils
It is followed by assessing whether the
have already learnt with what they are
learning objectives have been met. It is
going to learn.
allocated the last 20 minutes of the lesson;
(ii) Lesson development 10 minutes for summary and 10 minutes
This is the main part of the lesson. It is for assessment.
allocated 50 minutes in a double lesson. (iv) Teacher self-evaluation
Lesson development should mainly include
Here, the teacher states what went well
the activities that pupils and the teacher
or wrong with the delivery of the lesson
will perform in order to achieve the
and gives what he/she plans to do moving
stated objectives; as well as the genetic

32 32
3.2 Sample lesson plan
School Name: Fawe Primary School Teacher’s name: Angela Iribagiza

Term Date Subject Class Unit Lesson Duration Class size

No No
I 30 /4/17 Science P6 1 1 of 6 80 minutes 35

Type of Special Educational Needs to • Learners with low vision (2)

be catered for in this lesson and • Learners with hearing problems (3)
number of learners in each category • Learners with language difficulties (4)
• Intellectually challenged learners (5)
• Bright learners (3)

Unit title Mechanics and blacksmith tools

Key Unit To be able to use and maintain mechanics and blacksmith tools safely.
Title of the Common mechanics tools and their uses.
Instructional Through a garage visit to observe mechanics at work and by practising using
Objective mechanics tools such as spanners, pliers, screw drivers, mechanics hammer
among others and further, by watching the video through the video link provid-
ed, learners should accurately discover the role of various mechanics tools and
the role mechanics play in the society and properly use and maintain the tools.

Plan for this • Individual research work on who a mechanic is.

Class (location: • Academic trip to a garage to witness use of mechanics tools.
in / outside) • Group work (group size should depend on the number of learners in
the class and their abilities).
• Watching a video in class.

Learning • Common mechanics tools such as spanner, pliers, screw driver, hack saw,
Materials (for mechanics hammer, etc.
ALL learners) • Charts showing mechanics tools and their uses
• Videos on mechanics tools and their uses or video link:
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NF9dQt74O3g
• VCDs or DVDs and player and TV Screen ( For showing the video)
• Computers connected to the internet
• Projector (for projecting the video)

References Pupil’s book for Science Elementary Technology and ICT for Primary 6,
computer with internet connection and any other relevant reference textbook.

33 33
Timing for Description of teaching and learning activity Generic competences and
each step Learners observe mechanics at work and watch the video cross cutting issues to be
and discover the various mechanics tools and their uses addressed plus a short
as the teacher guides them. explanation
Teacher activities Learner activities
Introduction Asks learners to Study the picture and states what is a) Generic competences
(10 minutes) study the picture happening which is:
1. Critical thinking and problem
on page 1 of their The picture shows a public service vehi-
solving skills
books and to state cle with a flat tyre. The driver is trying This competence will be
what is going on. to replace the tyre but he cannot do it. developed as learners study the
The passengers inside the vehicle are picture and give solutions to the
problem situation.
complaining of getting late.The driver
is stranded as he is not a mechanic. 2. Co-operation and
He is using a wrong tool (hammer) to interpersonal management and
remove the wheel. life skills
This competence will be
developed as learners freely
participate in the discussions
Asks learners to Gives a solution to the problem regarding the problem situation.
suggest a solution situation as - the driver should be
to the problem situ- trained on the basics of mechanics b) Cross-cutting issues
and mechanics tools and their uses.
ation in the picture. 1. Peace and values education
As learners discuss why the
driver has to accommodate the
passenger views.

2. Standardisation culture
The problem situation may
have come about as a result of
counterfeit tyre. Stress the need
to always buy original products.

34 34
Development Guides learners to Carry out research and a) Generic competences
of the lesson carry out research writes a report. 1. Co-operation and interpersonal
(50 minutes) on who a mechanic Sample report management and life skills
is and the tools he/ A mechanic is a person who As learners engage one another
she uses and asks repairs, assembles, maintains during group discussions.
them to write a or fixes spoilt vehicles. He/ 2. Research skills
report. she uses tools such as pliers, As learners find out the meaning of
hammer, spanner, screw driv- the word mechanic and the various
m er, hack saw an screw jack. mechanics tools and their uses.
Mechanics work in a garage 3. Communication in official
where they name a special language
room for storing their tools. As learners do presentations in
They are important in our
English and as they share during
society because they help to
group discussions.
repair spoilt and worn out
vehicles and make us able to
4. Lifelong skills
d use them safely again.
By practicing using mechanics tools,
learners gain pre-requisite skills that
Takes learners to a Visits a nearby garage, will come in handy in their lives if
nearby garage to observes mechanics at work they were to become mechanics.
observe mechanics and note down the tools
at work. They should the mechanics are using and b) Cross-cutting issues
note down how each their uses. 1. Environment, climate change
tool is being used
and sustainability
and draw it in their
notebooks. The oils and other chemicals that
come from machines when not
disposed of well, cause pollution.
Shows learners a Practice using the various
Caution learners against disposing of
video of mechanics mechanics tools.
these wastes anyhow.
at work.
2. Gender education

Assists learners Watch the video, listen and Emphasize to learners the fact that
comment about the video. both men as well as women can
to form groups
earn a living by becoming either a
depending on the
class size and ability mechanic.
of learners. 3. Peace and values education
Form groups according to
teacher instructions Caution learners against using tools
Asks learners to as weapons to hurt others.
discuss, write a
4. Standardization culture
report and present
what they saw Discuss and write a report Warn learners against use of
during the garage counterfeit materials and products.
and does a presentation to
visit or in the video. the rest of the class. 5. Inclusive learning
Allow all learners to participate
equally irrespective of their gender,
physical disability or mental

35 35
Conclusion: Asks a volunteer Listens to the fellow learner a) Generic competences
(20 minutes) to come and and takes short notes.
1. Communication in official
summarise what Summary notes
they have learnt in A mechanic is a person who
a) Summary assembles, repairs or fixes As the volunteer learner does
this lesson. vehicles. He or she uses tools presentation in English to the rest of
such as spanner, pliers, screw the class.
driver among others to repair
the vehicle. Common mechanics 2. Peace and values education
tools and their uses are given in
the table below. Emphasise to learners the impor-
tance of accommodating other peo-
Tool Use
ple’s views. They should not overly
Spanner Fastening nuts criticise the presenter even if he/she
and bolts makes mistakes.
Hack saw Cutting metals
screw Driving screws
driver b) Cross-cutting issues
Screw jack Lifting vehicles 1.Inclusive learning
Pliers Holding objects
Any learner should be chosen to
Recaps by do the presentation irrespective of
highlighting the their abilities.
Listens to the teacher and
main points on
who a mechanic is corrects the wrong notes 2. Gender education
and the tools they taken during fellow learner Both boys and girls should be given
b)Assessment use and correcting
presentation equal opportunity to present to the
the learner who
rest of the class
volunteered. (Refer Learners answer oral
to pupils book pages
2-7 for the facts).
Answers to sample
Gives oral question
questions to assess
achievement of
lesson objectives.
The questions may

Sample questions:
1. People who repair/assem-
1. Who are
mechanics? ble/fix spoilt vehicles.

2. Spanners, hammer, pliers,

2. Which tools do
screw driver, etc.
mechanics use?
3. They repair broken down
3. What role do
vehicles making transpor-
mechanics play
tation from one place to
in our lives?
another possible.

36 36
Teacher self- Some learners had problems using the mechanics tools. Further garage visits will be
evaluation arranged for them to improve on their skills of using the tools.

which you will interact with pupils

3.3 Conclusion when dealing with the suggested
This teacher’s book has been written to activities.
help you guide pupils to learn science in the • Collect the materials that will
most enjoyable and captivating manner. be needed during the lesson in
You are reminded to always arouse the advance.
curiosity of learners as you teach. Some • In some cases, try out the suggested
things that you may do before you go for activities/experiments in advance
a lesson include: to avoid embarrassments like the
• Go through the expected learning experiment failing to work during
outcomes – this should help guide the lesson.
the manner of teaching.
• Read through the unit for the Remember: The suggested teaching
lesson in advance to get an activities in this book are just a guide.
overview of the content required. You may not need to follow them to the
• Form a mental picture of the letter! Feel free to incorporate other
teaching situation and the ways in innovative teaching methods that will
help in delivering the intended content

37 37
UNIT Mechanics and blacksmith tools
1 (No. of periods: 6)
Refer to Learner’s Book pages 1-18

Key Unit Competency

After studying this unit, learners should skills acquisition and attitude and values.
be able to use and maintain mechanics At the end of the unit, learners should
and blacksmiths tools safely. have knowledge and understanding
of mechanics and blacksmith tools
Learning objectives and have the right attitude towards
Competency based curriculum embraces applications and use of mechanics and
three categories of learning objectives, blacksmith tools.
that is, knowledge and understanding,

Table 1.1: Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values

By the end of this unit, the By the end of this unit, the By the end of this unit, the
learner should be able to: learner should be able to: learner should be able to:

ˆIdentify and explain the ˆˆ Find out every least ˆˆ Show concern for
use of mechanics and detail in observing the importance of
black smith tools. mechanics and blacksmith tools.
ˆExplain the blacksmith tools. ˆˆ Show responsibility
maintenance of ˆˆ Match mechanics and and caring for the
both mechanics and blacksmith tools with safety of him and her
blacksmith tools. their respective uses. and others.

ˆˆ Identity potential ˆˆ Handle mechanics ˆˆ Develop positive
dangers of using tools and blacksmith attitudes towards
mechanics and tools safely. the environment,
blacksmith tools and ˆˆ Maintain adequately mechanics and
ways of preventing mechanics and blacksmith tools
them. blacksmith tools. production.
ˆˆ Use of cleaning ˆˆ Use mechanics and
materials, tools and blacksmith tools
cleaning products safely.

Pre-requisite of the unit different tools. For example, abacuzis

This unit is about mechanics and were known to make hunting and
blacksmiths tools. Remember that agricultural tools like hoes, spears,
learners at this level have already arrows and many others.
interacted with tools before. For In Rwanda now there are many
example, in Primary 4, they learnt machines and vehicles, such machines
about agricultural tools, their safe use need repair and maintenance time and
and maintenance. While in Primary again. The mechanics are important
5, they learnt about carpentry and people as well. They do works such as
masonry tools. Take advantage of this assembling, repairing and maintaining
and link what they learn here with their machines. Our children should be made
past experiences about these tools. to like such activities by being taken to
Further, inform leaners that the concepts such places like garages to observe and
in this unit can be applied in woodwork practice these activities.
and metalwork. Let learners understand Most of the tools used by mechanics
that when they continue and further and blacksmith have sharp edges
their education in this area, they may therefore they have to be handled with
become mechanical or civil engineers. care. Tools that have sharp edges or
those that are pointed should not be
Background information
carelessly handled that is, they should
In the history of Rwandans, there have not be thrown anyhow and should
been blacksmiths known locally as not be used for playing with friends.
(abacuzi) meaning that they fabricate Further, emphasize the fact that while

in a workshop or garage, workers or counterfeits helps in saving money
any other workshop visitor or user as the tools last for long. Further,
should wear protective clothes. stress the fact that when learners
grow up, they can earn a living from
Cross-cutting issues
being mechanics and/or blacksmiths.
1. Environment, climate change
5. Standardization culture
and sustainability
Warn learners against use of
The oils and other chemicals that counterfeit materials and products
come from machines when not and encourage them to always buy
disposed of well cause pollution. By and use original products/tools.
causing pollution our environment
6. Inclusive learning
gets spoilt. This may bring problems.
Caution the learners against During practical activities, allow
disposing of these wastes anyhow. all learners to participate equally
2. Gender education irrespective of their gender, physical
disability or mental challenges.
Emphasize to learners the fact that
Also during pairing, bright learners
both men as well as women can
earn a living by becoming either a should be mixed with slow learners.
mechanic or blacksmith. Both are Generic competences to be
not a preserve of men or women addressed
only. 1. Co-operation and interpersonal
3. Peace and values education management and life skills
Caution learners against using tools During group discussions and
as weapons to hurt others, people pair works, let learners engage
should live in peace and harmony in one another by giving a chance
order to develop. Inform them that for all to participate. Also, during
they should be willing all the time to group presentations, you can allow
accommodate views of others. Also
rotational presentations within the
in case a child gets hurt accidentally
group members. Gifted learners
others should provide first aid before
should help in coming up with write-
taking him or her to the hospital.
ups of presentation content as slow
4. Financial education learners contribute. REMEMBER you
Let the learners understand that should allow slow learners to do
well maintained tools last for long presentations as well and correct
thereby reducing maintenance and them where they go wrong. Advise
replacement costs. Also, not buying learners to appreciate the different

abilities of their group members and the various uses of tools and the
accommodate each other’s views. maintenance practices on them.This
2. Research skills competence will also come about as
Guide learners on how to find learners think about their findings in
information regarding various topics the activities and as they give out
such as the meaning of the word their suggestions on why this is the
‘mechanic’ and ‘blacksmith’. Guide case.
learners on how to come up with 5. Lifelong skills
summarized notes from a large By practicing using mechanics and
body of text. You should also guide blacksmith tools and maintaining
learners on how to do Internet them, learners gain pre-requisite
searches for the various content skills that will come in handy in
areas they are looking for. their lives if they were to become
blacksmiths or mechanics.. Also,
3. Communication in English
make learners aware that they can
Communication in English will be become mechanics or blacksmiths
improved when learners freely and earn a living from that.
participate in the discussions 6. Creativity and innovation - As
and presentations. Encourage all learners think of ways of using
learners irrespective of their abilities blacksmith and mechanics tools to
to participate in group discussions, create innovative products.
during presentations by asking Key words in this unit and their
questions and during question and meanings
answer sessions to either introduce ƒƒ Assembling – To fit together
or wrap up the lessons. separate parts of a machine.
4. Critical thinking and problem ƒƒ Blacksmith – A person who
solving skills makes various objects by heating
then shaping iron metal or its
This competence will be developed
by learners as they answer the
ƒƒ Burns and scalds – A burn is
probing questions such as those on
damage to the skin caused by dry
page 1 at the beginning of this unit
heat such as hot metals or fire,
and as they discuss the results of the
while a scald is damage to the skin
various practical activities. Guide caused by wet heat such as hot
learners to discover for themselves water or steam.

ƒƒ Garage – Building or house where particular functions.
vehicles are serviced or repaired. ƒƒ Workshop – A room or building in
ƒƒ Mechanic – A worker with skills which goods are made or repaired.
in making, using or repairing Guidance on the problem statement
machines, vehicles and tools. This topic is about mechanics and
ƒƒ Repair – To restore something blacksmith tools, their uses and
that is damaged, faulty or worn maintenance. As a way of introducing
out in order to restore its good the concepts, refer learners to the
working condition. picture on page 1 of pupil’s book.
ƒƒ Rust – Reddish or yellowish- It shows a passenger vehicle with a flat
brown coating that forms on iron tyre. The driver is trying to repair it but
or steel metals in the presence of he is stranded and does not know what
moisture. to do. He is using a wrong tool (hammer)
to remove the tyre. The passengers on
ƒƒ Tool box – A box or container
the other hand are becoming impatient
used for keeping tools safely.
with him. Guide the learners to discover
ƒƒ Tools – These are implements that it is important to learn mechanics
especially ones held in the as a way of getting out of such situations.
hands and are used to carry out
Attention to special educational needs
Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning
ƒƒ Peer-teaching – engage high ƒƒ Identify the learners with hearing
achievers to help weak pupils in and visual impairment and have
understanding of concepts. them sit in front of the class so that
ƒƒ Plan remedial teaching for slow proper attention can be given to
learners. them. Also, large print texts should
ƒƒ Allow enough time to slow learners be given to visually impaired
to complete their work. learners and hearing aids provided
ƒƒ Gifted learners to be given heavy for those with hearing impairment.
tasks requiring more critical
ƒƒ Arrange the room such that it will
thinking while slow learners are
enable easy movement for the
given tasks, which they can manage
physically challenged learners.
such as collecting materials for use
during practicals among others.

ƒƒ Both gifted and slow learners to ƒƒ Assign some students to be in
be given equal opportunity to lead charge of the physically and
in group discussions and to do visually impaired learners. For
presentations of group findings to example, carrying their equipment,
the rest of the class. showing them around during the
ƒƒ Ensure all learners respect field trips, etc.
other’s views irrespective of their ƒƒ Organize Braille for blind learners.
shortcomings or talents. ƒƒ Encourage special needs learners
by reminding them that ‘disability
is not inability’!

List of lessons
Lesson No. Lesson title No. of Periods
1. Identification and use of mechanics tools 1
2. Storage and maintenance of mechanics tools 1
3. Dangers and precautions when using mechanics 1
4. Identification and use of blacksmith tools 1
5. Storage and maintenance of blacksmith tools 1
6. Dangers of blacksmith tools and their 1

ƒƒ Obtain permission to visit nearby

garage from the owners.
ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working for
research purposes.
Refer to learner’s book pages 2-5 ƒƒ Search for a video link of mechanics
Specific objectives at work in a garage in Rwanda.
Use the link: www.youtube.com/
By the end of the lesson, learners should
be able to use mechanics tools safely.
Preparation for the lesson Teaching aids
ƒƒ Collect mechanics materials and ƒƒ Common mechanics tools such as
tools available in the area to show spanner, pliers, screw driver, hack
learners. saw, etc

ƒƒ Photographs showing mechanics nearby. When in the garage, the
tools and their uses. learners should identify the various
ƒƒ Videos on mechanics tools and mechanics tools and practice using
their uses. them.

ƒƒ VCD or DVD player. ƒƒ Let learners ask probing questions

such as:
- Who is a mechanic?
Draw charts of common mechanics
tools on manila papers to be in case you - What do mechanics use to do

do not have charts on the mechanics their work?

tools. - What do we call places where

Pre-requisite of the lesson mechanics work from?

ƒƒ Let learners observe how the
Introduce the unit as explained under
various tools are being used. They
guidance on the problem statement
can come up with a table like this:
then narrow down to this lesson.
Name Tool (Drawing) Use
Teaching / learning activities

Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book

page 1)
ƒƒ Allow learners to carry out
research in groups on who a
mechanic is and his/her role in the ƒƒ Let them practice using the
society. Let them write a report on different tools. Let one of the
their findings and share with the mechanics at the workshop guide
rest of the class. them. You should be in hand to
guide them too in order to reduce
Activity 1.1 (Refer to Pupil’s book
chances of injuries. Incase there is
page 2)
no garage nereby, show learners
ƒƒ Next, lead the learners to visit a
a video on mechanics at work. Let
mechanics workshop or garage
them watch the video carefully
and list down the various tools

being used and their uses. 1. Who are mechanics?

Synthesis (Ans: Mechanics are trained people

who repair or mend machines that
The lesson introduces learners to
have broken down).
the mechanics tools and mechanics
activities in daily life. The practical 2. What is the importance of
activities carried out during the lesson mechanics in our society?
should help learners develop skills on
(Ans: Mechanics repair or give service
safe use of mechanics tools.
to machines that have broken down,
Wind up the lesson by inviting one mechanics save our money to avoid
learner to give a summay of the lesson. buying new machines all the times).
Highlight common mechanics tools and 3. What are the main tools used by
their uses as learners write short notes. mechanics?
Take the opportunity to emphasise the (Ans: Mechanics commonly use
fact that concepts learnt in this lesson spanners, pliers, hammers, screw
are crucial in mechanical engineering drivers, metal saws, drills and many
as a career. Further, motivate all others).
learners irrespective of gender to
develop interest in mechanics, as it is 4. Suppose we didn’t have mechanics,

not a preserve of a particular gender. what would happen?

Lesson assessment (Ans: Life would be very difficult because

machines need servicing periodically.
Assess whether the learning objectives
Secondly, machines wear out when
of the lesson were met by:
working due to friction, therefore the
(a) Giving learners a task of using worn out parts need replacements.
mechanics tools and assessing how Also, a vehicle or any other machine
they use the tools. can break down any time, then without
(b) Ask learners to answer these mechanics life would be very difficult
questions: because we cannot afford to have new
machines all the time).

ƒƒ Photographs showing mechanics
tools and their maintenance

Pre-requisite of the lesson

You may introduce the lesson by

Refer to learner’s book page 6-7 reminding learners what they learnt in
Lesson objective the previous lesson. Ask them to name
By the end of the lesson, learners some mechanics tools that they know.
should be able to store mechanics tools Synthesis
properly and practice maintaining
This lesson introduces learners to
maintenance of mechanics tools and
Preparation for the lesson
their safe storage.The activities carried
ƒƒ Obtain things such as grease, oil
out during the lesson should give
and sand paper used to maintain
learners enough practices on how to
maintain mechanics tools. It should
ƒƒ Borrow a tool box to show
also motivate learners to develop a
learners how to mechanics tools.
habit of keeping tools safely and not
ƒƒ Seek permission from a nearby misusing them. Further, learners should
garage for an academic visit. be motivated to maintain any valuable
ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working for tools that they use in their daily lives.
research purposes. Correct learners as is appropriate
and guide them to come up with short
Teaching aids
notes on safe storage and maintenance
ƒƒ Common mechanics tools such as
of tools.
spanner, pliers, screw driver, hack
saw, etc Lesson assessment

ƒƒ Tool box Assess whether the learning objectives

of the lesson were met by:
ƒƒ Grease and oil
(a) Giving learners a task on:
ƒƒ Sand paper
1. Safe storage

2. Maintenance of mechanics tools. ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working for
research purposes.
(b) Ask learners to answer these
questions: ƒƒ Obtain protective clothing for
classroom demonstration.
1. Mention different methods used to
ƒƒ Obtain a first aid kit.
maintain mechanics tools?
Teaching aids
Ans: The tools can be maintained
ƒƒ Tool box
by oiling, greasing and cleaning and
wiping. ƒƒ Protective clothing such as gloves,
mouth masks, goggles, overall, etc
2. What would happen to tools if they
ƒƒ First aid kit.
were not properly maintained?
Ans: If the tools are not properly
ƒƒ Learners can tie a piece of cloth
maintained, they rust and get damaged.
around nose and mouth to avoid
dust or metal particles getting into
the nose or mouth.

Pre-requisite of the lesson

ƒƒ Introduce the lesson by reminding
learners what the various types of
Refer to learner’s book pages 8
tools are used for. They can come
Lesson objective up with a table on the type of tool
By the end of the lesson learners should and its use.
be able to use mechanic tools safely.

Preparation for the lesson

ƒƒ Borrow a tool box to show
learners how to keep tools safely.
ƒƒ Seek permission from a nearby
garage for an academic visit.

Teaching / learning activities using mechanics tools. You should use
ƒƒ Bring the various protective the case study and the demonstration
clothings in class and ask learners activity to show learners the importance
what they are used for. (Refer to
of wearing protective clothing while
Pupil’s book page 9)
working in a garage. Emphasize the
ƒƒ This is a case study involving
le a r ne rs co mpari ng ri s ks fact that prevention is better than cure
mechanics encounter when they therefore; learners should always take
do NOT use protective clothings. precautions in their daily lives.
Let them look at the pictures and
state what is going on. Lesson assessment
ƒƒ Let the learners recall the visit they Assess whether the learning objectives
made to the mechanics workshop/ of the lesson were met by:
garage in Activity 1.1. Let them say
(a) Asking learners to use mechanics
what they observed the mechanics
putting on and why. tools. Assess whether they are
ƒƒ You can then demonstrate the using them safely.
importance of protective clothing (b) Ask learners to answer these
by carrying out an activity with
and without the protective clothing
on. 1. Mention different dangers that we
ƒ ƒ Summarise the lesson by face while working in a mechanics
highlighting the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’ workshop?
while in a mechanic workshop.
Some of them are: Answer:These include:
- Do not play with mechanics - Being hit by a moving object.
- Cuts or burns on our skin while
- Avoid monkey plays while in a
workshop. using the tools.
- Do not eat while in a workshop. - Dangerous chemicals getting
ƒƒ Work to do (Refer to pupils book
page 9) into our eyes, nose or mouth.
ƒƒ Wrap up by giving learners the 2. What should happen in the garage
exercise on “work to do” on page to safe guard the lives of people
9 of pupil’s book.
working in the garage?
Synthesis (Ans: Such measures include:)
This lesson intends to caution learners ƒƒ Getting protective gear for every one
about dangers and precautions when working in the garage like overalls,

goggles, boots, helmets and others. ƒƒ Videos on blacksmith tools and
ƒƒ Using the tools carefully to avoid their uses.
injury. ƒƒ VCD or DVD player.
ƒƒ Dispose of dangerous chemicals Improvisation
safely so they cannot affect the Draw charts of common blacksmith
lives of people. tools on manila papers for use in case
you do not have charts on the same.

Pre-requisite of the lesson

ƒƒ Let learners know that in this
lesson, they will learn about
Refer to learner’s book pages 10-12
blacksmith tools and their uses.
Specific objectives ƒƒ Guide them in understanding the
By the end of the lesson, learners should role of a blacksmith in the society.
be able to identify, name and explain Teaching / learning activities
uses of blacksmith tools.
Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book
Preparation for the lesson page 10)
ƒƒ Collect blacksmith materials and ƒƒ Allow learners to carry out the
tools available in the area to show research in groups on who a
blacksmith is and his/her role in the
society. Let them write a report on
ƒƒ Obtain permission to visit nearby their findings and share with the
blacksmith workshop from the rest of the class.
owners. ƒƒ At this point, you can clarify who
ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working for a blacksmith is and his/her role in
research purposes. the society.

ƒƒ Ensure that the video link: https:// Activity 1.7 & 1.8 (Refer to Pupil’s
w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / w a t c h ? book pages 10- 12)
v=ZToka1-80QA or any other link ƒƒ Next, lead the learners to visit
of your choice is working. a blacksmith workshop nearby.
While in the workshop, the
Teaching aids learners should identify the various
ƒƒ Common blacksmith tools such blacksmith tools and practice
as hammer, anvil, bellows, pincers, using them.
tong, etc.
ƒƒ Let learners ask probing questions
ƒƒ Photographs showing blacksmith such as:
tools and their uses.

(i) Who is a blacksmith? ƒƒ Wind up the lesson by inviting
(ii) What is the importance of one learner to give a summary of
blacksmiths in our society? the lesson then highlight common
blacksmith tools and their uses as
(iii)What do blacksmiths use to do
learners take short notes.
their work?
(iv) What do we call places where
blacksmiths work from? The lesson introduces learners to
ƒƒ Let the learners observe how the the blacksmith tools and blacksmiths
various tools are being used. They activities in daily life. The practical
can come up with a table like this: activities carried out during the lesson
Name Tool (Drawing) Use should help learners skills on safe use of
blacksmith tools. Take the opportunity
to emphasise the fact that concepts
learnt in this lesson are crucial in
blacksmiths career. Further, motivate
all learners irrespective of gender to
develop interest in blacksmiths, as it is
ƒƒ Let them practice using the
not a preserve of a particular gender.
different tools. Let one of the
blacksmiths at the workshop guide Lesson assessment
them. You should be at hand to Assess whether the learning objectives
guide them too in order to reduce of the lesson were met by:
chances of injuries.
(a) Giving learners a task on using
Activity 1.7 (Refer to Pupil’s book blacksmith tools and assessing
page 10) how they use the tools.
ƒƒ If there is no blacksmith workshop
(b) Ask learners to answer these
nearby, show learners a video
on blacksmiths at work. You may
use the site: https://www.youtube. 1. Who are blacksmiths?
com/watch?v=ZToka1-80QA. or (Ans: Blacksmiths are people who
any other of your choice Let them make or fabricate tools from hitting
watch the video carefully and hot metals).
down the various tools being used
and their uses. 2. What is the importance of
blacksmiths in our society?

(Ans: They make important tools research purposes.
that we use in Agriculture and in our
Teaching aids
ƒƒ Common blacksmith tools such as
3. What are the main tools used by anvil, bellows, pincers, tongs, etc
ƒƒ Tool box
(Ans: Blacksmith commonly use
ƒƒ Grease
anvils,bellows, borerer and hammers).
4. Suppose we didn’t have blacksmiths, ƒƒ Oil
what would happen? ƒƒ Sand paper
(Ans: Life would be very difficult ƒƒ Photographs showing blacksmith
because blacksmiths make tools that tools and their maintenance.
we locally use in our daily lives which
are cheap and not commonly available Pre-requisite of the lesson
elsewhere). You may introduce the lesson by
reminding learners what they learnt
in the previous lesson about common
blacksmith tools. Ask them to name
some blacksmith tools that they know.
Refer to learner’s book pages 14 Teaching / learning activities
Lesson objective
Activity 1.9 (Refer to Pupil’s book
By the end of the lesson, learners page 14)
should be able to store blacksmith tools ƒ ƒ This is an activity involving
properly and practice maintaining them.
learners comparing a situation
Preparation for the lesson where an hammer or machete
ƒƒ Obtain things such as grease, oil is left outside overnight and the
and sand paper used to maintain other is stored safely in the house.
tools. Let them observe the two tools
ƒƒ Borrow a tool box to show and compare what has happened
learners how to keep tools. and why.
ƒƒ Seek permission from a nearby
Ans:The hammer /machete
blacksmiths for an academic visit.
left outside develops
ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working for

rust while the other one Synthesis
is NOT affected. This is because the This lesson introduces learners to
hammer /machete left outside had maintenance of the blacksmith tools
water on it which made it possible and their safe storage. The activities
for rusting to occur. carried out during the lesson should
ƒƒ Let the learners recall the visit help learners identify the importance of
they made to the blacksmiths maintaining blacksmith tools and any
workshop in Activity 1.7. Let them other tools that we use in our society.
say the methods they observed It should also motivate the learners to
being used to maintain the tools. develop a habit of keeping tools safely
ƒƒ Demonstrate how to maintain and not misusing them. Further, learners
some of the tools. Give the learners should be motivated to maintain any
a task to practice maintenance of valuable tools that they use in their
practices on tools. daily lives.
ƒƒ Guide the learners to form groups Lesson assessment
and answer the following questions:
Assess whether the learning objectives
(i) Which of the tools should be of the lesson were met by:
maintained by oiling or greasing? (a) Giving learners a task on:
(ii) Name the tools that are supposed
1. Safe storage
to be wiped and kept in a dry place.
2. Maintenance of blacksmith
(iii) Which of the tools are supposed
to be sharpened, wiped and kept
in a dry place? (b) Ask learners to answer these
(iv) Why do you think that we are
not supposed to throw or drop the 1. What will happen to blacksmith
tools? tools when they are left to stay
ƒƒ Wind up by highlighting the main outside at night?
points as learners write short
Ans: The tools will develop rust, and
notes. Refer to pupil’s book page
hence get destroyed).
2. What various methods are used to
maintain blacksmith tools?

(Ans: Such methods include wiping and Improvisation
keeping them in a dry place, oiling or ƒƒ Advise learners to cover their
greasing them and keeping the skin of mouth and nose using a clean
the bellows moist). piece of cloth to avoid dust and
metal particles getting into their
Pre-requisite of the lesson
ƒƒ Introduce the lesson by reminding
learners what the various types of
Refer to learner’s book pages 15
blacksmith tools are used for. They
Lesson objective can come up with a table on the
By the end of the lesson learners should type of tool and its use.
be able to use blacksmith tools safely. ƒƒ Learners can then brainstorm on
Preparation for the lesson what they think are the dangers
ƒƒ Borrow a tool box to show associated with the tools above.
learners how to keep tools safely. Let them come up with a list in
ƒƒ Seek permission from a nearby their notebooks.
blacksmith workshop for an Teaching / learning activities
academic visit. ƒƒ Bring the various protective
ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working for clothings in class and ask learners
research purposes. what they are used for.
ƒƒ Obtain protective clothing for ƒƒ summarise the lesson by
class demonstration. highlighting the ‘dos’ and ‘don’ts’
while in a blacksmith workshop.
ƒƒ Obtain a first aid kit.
Some of them are:
Teaching aids (i) Do not play with blacksmith tools.
ƒƒ Tool box (ii) Avoid monkey plays while in the
ƒƒ Protective clothing such as gloves, workshop.
mouth masks, googles, overall, etc. (iii) Do not eat while in the workshop.
ƒƒ Work to do (Refer to pupils book
ƒƒ First aid kit page 16)

ƒƒ Wrap up by giving learners the (iii) Dangerous chemicals getting into
‘work to do’ on page 14 of pupil’s our eyes, nose or mouth.
book as home work. They should
(ii) What should happen in a
write down their findings and bring
blacksmith workshop to safeguard
to you for evaluation.
the lives of people working in the
Synthesis workshop?
This lesson intends to caution learners Ans: Such measures include:
about dangers and precautions when
(i) Getting protective gear for every
using blacksmith tools. You should use
one working in the garage like
the case study and the demonstration
overalls, goggles, boots, helmets
activity to show learners the importance
and others.
of wearing protective clothing while
working in a blacksmith workshop. (ii) Using the tools carefully to avoid
Emphasize the fact that prevention is injury.
better than cure therefore; learners
(iii) Dispose of dangerous chemicals
should always take precautions in their
safely so they cannot affect the
daily lives.
lives of people.
Lesson assessment
Assess whether the learning objectives
of the lesson were met by: Answers to Self-Test 1.1 (Pupil’s book
(a) Giving learners a task on: Page 10)
1. If there were no mechanics to
1. Safe storage
repair or fix the broken down
2. Maintenance of blacksmith tools. machines, life would be very
difficult because everything that is
(a) Ask learners to answer these
used need maintenance and repair.
2. (a) Spanner and screw jack
(i) Mention different dangers that we (b) Spanners
face while working in a blacksmith (c) Natural
3. (a) Bench vice
(Ans: These include: (b) A drill
(i) Being hit by a moving object. (c) Wheel spanner
(ii) Cuts or burns on our skin while 4. The dangers that we face in a
mechanics workshop include:
using the tools. ƒƒ Being hit by a moving object.

ƒƒ Cuts or burns on our skin while various maintenance practices carried
using the tools out on them. You therefore should
ƒƒ Dangerous chemicals getting effectively use the practical activities,
into our eyes, nose or mouth. demonstrations and the suggested
5. Mechanics protective clothes teaching approaches in the teacher’s
include: overalls, gloves, boots and book to guide learners acquire the
helmets. requisite knowledge and desired
competences in these areas.
Answers to Self-Test 1.2 (Pupil’s book
Page 16) At the end of the lessons, you should
assess the extent to which the
1. Blacksmiths hammer, bellows, anvil,
competencies have been achieved and
pincers or tongs and the borerer.
attitude change towards responsible
2. Blacksmiths are important in the use of tools and their maintenance. Plan
following ways: remedial activities where necessary for
ƒƒ They help to make agricultural slow learners and give extra activities
tools that help people in farming. for gifted ones as well. Also, emphasize
ƒƒ They help to recycle some metals the fact that taking this unit seriously
into usable tools, such metals may lead to careers such as mechanical
would be useless. or civil engineering.
ƒƒ Blacksmith help to make cheap
utensils that we use in our Additional information for the
families. teacher
ƒƒ Blacksmith help to fabricate Types of mechanics tools
weapons and hunting tools like There are quite a number of mechan-
spears, allows etc ics tools. What is covered at this level
3. We use, rat traps, billhooks, are the most basic tools. Infact, every
machetes, knives. area of speciliasation in mechanics
has its on set of tools. For example we
4. We wear goggles when dealing
with blacksmith activities for
ƒƒ Engine specialists tools.
protection against dangerous
ƒƒ Autobody repair tools.
objects that can get into our eyes,
ƒƒ Diagonistic tools.
also seeing in fire directly with our
ƒƒ Lifting equipments and jacks.
eyes may destroy our eye lenses.
ƒƒ Tyre repair tools.
Details of these tools will be covered
Summary of the unit by learners when they specialise or
take a course in Mechanics.
This unit deals with mechanics and
blacksmith tools, their uses and the

Blacksmith techniques machines, this may make life
Learners already have an idea of the less expensive.
tools blacksmiths use. However, they (b) Blacksmith hit hot metals to
have no idea about the techniques give them desired shapes thus
backsmiths use. making tools that we use in
Here are some:
agriculture for farming and
ƒƒ Drawing - this refers to
other utensils that we use at
hammering a piece of metal to
home. Blacksmiths make traps
make it longer and thinner.
that are used to control pests
ƒƒ Tapering - this is making the
like rats, monkeys and mice.
end of an iron metal pointed.
They also make tools such as
ƒƒ Bending - this refers to bending
hoes, billhooks, scatters that
a metal in a particular way to
serve a particular purpose. are used in farming.
ƒƒ Upsetting - this means pounding 2.
the end of an iron metal onto Tools Use
itself to make it thinner; thereby Bellows Blowing air into the
increasing its cross-section. fire
ƒƒ Spreading - this refers to Drill Making holes into
hammering iron bar to make it
wider and thinner.
ƒƒ Punching - this is the act of Bench vice Holding metals when
creating a hole in a piece of iron being cut
metal. A tool called punch with Spanner Fastening and
pointed end is used. loosening nuts
ƒƒ Slitting - this refers to creating Blacksmith Hitting metals to
a slit in a piece of a metal. hammer them desired shapes
ƒƒ Twisting - this is meant to
create aesthetic value. The iron 3. Mutoni should be advised not to
bar is twisted when still hot to undermine any type of job as all
make it look attractive. jobs act as sources of income for
families and the society as whole.
Answers to the Unit Test 1 (Pupil’s
book Page 17) 4. To avoid dangers like accidents
and pollution that can affect their
1. (a) Mechanics repair, assemble health.
and maintain machines also
5. The mechanic in the picture is
mechanics help to repair
not putting on protective clothing
broken down tools and
which puts him at a risk of getting

7. Ensure that each learner brings the tools and exercises maitenance practices
on them such as keeping them safely, cleaning, oiling/greasing moving parts

Additional activities to cater for intellectually challenged and gifted

Remedial activities for Extended activities for gifted and
intellectually challenged learners talented learners

1. Cleaning mechanic or blacksmith 1. Making blacksmith items such as

tools after use. hoes, knives, cooking pans, etc.
2. Drawing blacksmith or mechanics 2. Coming up with innovative ways of
tools on manila paper then hanging decorating the tools above.
on classroom wall. 3. Doing research on other types of
3. Playing a game of naming tools other than blacksmiths and
mechanics/blacksmith tools. mechanics and writing a report.
4. Coming up with a poem on dangers
of misuse of tools and how to use
tools safely.

Remedial questions for Extended questions for gifted and

intellectually challenged learners talented learners
1. A blacksmith uses _____ to soften 1. Given a chance between a
metals. mechanic and a blacksmith, which
2. Some mechanics tools that I know one would you become? Why?
are _____, ______ and __________. 2. Explain how mechanics interfere
3. Which blacksmith tools do you with the environment.
know? 3. Discuss the advantages of
4. We should ___ all tools after use. blacksmiths in the society.

5. Who is a mechanic?

Answers to remedial questions Answers to extended questions

1. Fire 1. The answer can be either of the

2. Spanner, screw driver, pliers, hack two. Assess reasons given by the
saw, bench vice, etc. learner to see if the advantages/
benefits of each are well captured.
3. Hammer, anvil, bellow, pincers,
Some include: Blacksmiths produce
tongs, etc.
hand tools that are useful in
4. Wash
Agriculture, for domestic use,
5. Somebody who repairs or etc. Mechanics is well paying, is a
maintains tools/machines. service that humanity cannot do
without due to breakdown nature
of machines, etc.
2. Oil and grease from garages
polute the environment. Also, if
not recycled, vehicle parts are an
eyesore to the environment in
3. Produce hand tools that are useful
in Agriculture, for domestic use, etc.
They also help in recycling metals
which would cause environmental

UNIT Simple machines
2 (No. of periods: 12)
Refer to Learner’s Book pages 19 - 35

Key Unit Competency that is, knowledge and understanding,

After studying this unit, learners should skills acquisition and attitude and values.
be able to classify simple machines and At the end of the unit, learners should
levers. have knowledge and understanding of
simple machines and levers and have
Learning objectives the right attitude towards applications
Competency based curriculum embraces and use of simple machines and levers.
three categories of learning objectives,

Table 2.1: Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values
By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit,
learners should be able to: learners should be able learners should be able to:
ˆDefine simple machines. ˆˆ Show curiosity on
ˆIdentify different types ˆˆ Draw and label the use of simple
of simple machines. the different simple machines and their
ˆOutline different classes machines. importance.
of levers. ˆˆ Make patterns of ˆˆ Be aware of possible
ˆCategorise simple simple machines and dangers of using
machines according to levers based on their simple machines.
their classes. characteristics. ˆ
ˆDisplay sense of
ˆExplain the potential ˆ
ˆSafe handling of responsibility when
dangers of using simple simple machines and using simple machines.
machines and how to levers. ˆ
ˆAppreciate the usage
prevent them. ˆ
ˆCommunicate and of simple machines as
use appropriate a way to simplify the
terminology related daily work.
to simple machines.

Pre-requisites of this unit to do work. Most mechanical machines
The content in this unit is about types such as automobiles or power tools are
of simple machines, their categories made up of hundreds of parts. However,
and safety precautions to take while no matter how complex a machine is
using simple machines. It may help it is composed of some combination of
to remind learners what they learnt the six simple machines. In this unit, you
will teach about simple machines and
in previous unit on mechanics and
the various classes of levers.
blacksmith tools. Also, remind them
about what they learnt under agricul- Cross cutting issues
tural, carpentry and masonry tools in 1. Environment, climate change
Primary 4 and 5. Let them understand and sustainability
Most of the simple machines can
that these are tools majority of which
be made by cutting down trees;
are examples of simple machines. It
learners should be cautioned not to
may also help to differentiate between
practice deforestation. Also the oils
these simple machines and complex or
and other chemicals that come from
heavy machinery used in agriculture machines when not disposed of well,
and industry. cause pollution. By causing pollution
Finally let learners understand the fact our environment gets spoilt. This
that concepts learnt in this unit con- may bring problems. Caution the
cept in this unit can be applied in phys- learners against disposing of these
wastes anyhow.
ics and other areas such as woodwork
2. Gender education
and metalwork. Let learners know
Inform learners that both men as
that when they continue and further
well as women can earn a living by
their education in this area, they may making and using simple machines.
become mechanical or civil engineers. 3. Peace and values education
Make learners aware that simple
Background information machines should not be used to hurt
others. People should live in peace
Simple machines are devices that can and harmony in order to develop.
make a tough job easier by enabling a Inform them that they should be
person to apply less force or to apply willing all the time to accommodate
views of others. Also in case a child
force in the direction that is easier to
gets hurt accidentally others should
manipulate. Each machine affects the provide first aid before taking him or
direction or the amount of effort needed her to the hospital.

4. Financial education rotational presentations within the
When we make and use our local group members. Gifted learners
simple machines, our work becomes should help in coming up with write-
easy and cheap. Encourage learners ups of presentation content as slow
to develop a habit of making their learners contribute.
own simple machines where possible. REMEMBER:You should allow slow
Also, let the learners understand learners to do presentations as well
that, well maintained tools last and correct them where they go
for long hence reduces costs of wrong.Advise learners to appreciate
replacement. Also, let learners the different abilities of their group
know that when they grow up, they members and accommodate each
can earn a living from making and other’s views.
fabricating simple machines. 2. Research skills
5. Standardization culture Guide learners on how to find
Warn learners against using information regarding various topics
counterfeit materials as this may such as the meaning of lever among
lead to frequent breakdowns which others. Guide learners on how to
end up being very costly. Also come up with summarized notes
encourage learners to always buy from a large body of text.You should
and use original products/tools. also guide learners on how to do
6. Inclusive learning Internet searches for the various
Allow all learners to participate content areas they are looking for.
during activities irrespective of their 3. Communication in English
gender, physical disability or mental Communication in English will be
challenges. Also during pairing, improved when learners freely
bright learners should be mixed with participate in the discussions
slow learners. and presentations. Encourage all
learners irrespective of their abilities
to participate in group discussions,
Generic competences to be during presentations by asking
covered questions and during question and
1. Co-operation and interpersonal answer sessions to either introduce
management and life skills or wrap up the lessons.
During group discussions and 4. Critical thinking and problem
pair works - let learners engage solving skills
one another by giving a chance This competence will be developed
for all to participate. Also, during by learners as they answer the
group presentations you can allow probing questions such as those on

page 19 at the beginning of this unit ƒƒ Lever – A simple machine with
and as they discuss the results of the effort, load and fulcrum used to
various practical activities. Guide make work easier.
learners to discover for themselves ƒƒ Machine – A system or device for
the various uses of tools and the doing work.
maintenance practices on them.This
competence will also come about as ƒƒ Meandering – A road that is not
learners think about their findings in straight i.e. with many corners.
the activities and as they give out ƒƒ Prick – making a small hole or
their suggestions on why this is the holes in the surface of something
case. or body.
5. Lifelong skills ƒƒ Ramp – Is a sloping surface
By practicing using various simple between two places that are at
machines and tools and maintaining different levels.
them, learners gain pre-requisite
ƒƒ Scoop – to pick up and move
skills that will come in handy in their
something with using a spade.
lives. Also, make learners aware
that they can become mechanical ƒƒ Steep – this is a sharply angled,
engineers and earn a living from rising or falling ground level or
that. object.
6. Creativity and innovation ƒƒ Steering wheel – this is a wheel
Encourage learners to come up used by a driver, pilot when he or
with innovative ways and make she wishes to change direction.
simple machines for use at home. ƒƒ Stiff – something that can’t be
For example, they can use bearing easily bent.
and pieces of wood to make a home
made wheelbarrow, etc. ƒƒ Tennis racket – a bat with a long
handle attached to a round frame
Key words in this unit and their with a network of tight strings
meanings over it; used to hit the ball in tennis.
ƒƒ Baseball bat – a smooth wooden
ƒƒ Tweezers – these are small tools
or metal club used in the sport of
used for picking up objects too
baseball to hit the ball after it is
small to be handled by human
thrown by the pitcher.
ƒƒ Device – A machine or tool that
does a special job. Guidance on the problem
ƒƒ Groove – A long, narrow cut or
depression in a hard material. This topic is about simple machines
and types of levers and their uses. As a

way of introducing the concepts, refer manually due to ignorance. Guide the
learners to the diagram on page 17 learners to discover and suggest some
of their book. The picture shows many of the simple machines that can be used
workers doing tiresome work at a there instead. They should compare
construction site. The job can however situations when simple machines are
be done more easily using simple used and when they are not used and
machines yet the people are doing it make conclusions on which is better.
Attention to special educational needs

Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning

ƒƒ Peer-teaching – engage high ƒƒ Identify the learners with hearing
achievers to help weak pupils in and visual impairment and have
understanding of concepts. them sit in front of the class so
ƒƒ Plan remedial teaching for slow that proper attention can be given
learners. to them. Also, large print texts
ƒƒ Allow enough time to slow learners should be given to visually impaired
to complete their work. learners and hearing aids provided
ƒƒ Gifted learners to be given heavy for those with hearing impairment.
tasks requiring more critical ƒƒ Arrange the room such that it will
thinking while slow learners are enable easy movement for the
given tasks, which they can manage physically challenged learners.
such as collecting materials for use
ƒƒ Assign some students to be in
during practicals among others.
charge of the physically and
ƒƒ Both gifted and slow learners to visually impaired learners. For
be given equal opportunity to lead example, carrying their equipment,
in group discussions and to do showing them around during the
presentations of group findings to field trips, etc. Organize Braille for
the rest of the class. blind learners.
ƒƒ Ensure all learners respect ƒƒ Encourage special needs learners
other’s views irrespective of their by reminding them that ‘disability
shortcomings or talents. is not inability’!

List of lessons
Lesson No. Lesson title No. of Periods
1. Meaning of simple machine 2
2. Types of simple machines 3
3. introduction to Levers 4
4. Safety in using simple machines 2

Pre-requisite of the lesson

Introduce the unit as explained under
guidance on the problem statement
above then narrow down to this lesson.
Refer to learner’s book page 20
Teaching / learning activities
Specific objectives
Activity 2.1 (Refer to Pupil’s book
By the end of the lesson, learners should page 20)
be able to define simple machine.
ƒƒ By now, learners have a rough idea
Preparation for the lesson of what simple machines are from
ƒƒ Prepare the lesson by organizing the demonstration in introduction
the objects you may need for of the unit. Build on this and put
the practical activities. The items learners in pairs. Let the learners
include a closed bottle, a pulley, carry out the activities in turns this
spade, wheelbarrow, hammer, etc. case study.
ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working for
ƒƒ Guide them to discuss in groups
research purposes.
how easy work becomes when
Teaching aids someone uses a simple machine
ƒƒ Common simple machines such compared to using bare hands as
as saw, hammer, bottle opener, demonstrated in the illustrations.
wheelbarrow, pulleys, etc ƒƒ Guide them to discover what a
simple machine is based on their
ƒƒ Photographs or charts showing
discussions which is ‘ anything that
simple machines.
enables people to do work easily
and with little effort’.

ƒƒ With your guidance let the learners (Ans: They include: A spade, a hoe, an
identify the simple machines they axe, a ladder and a machette.)
use in their daily lives.

The lesson introduces learners to
simple machines and their uses in our
in daily lives. From our grandparents’ Refer to learner’s book page 20
generations to ours we have always Specific objectives
used simple machines to make work
By the end of the lesson, learners should
easier. The practical activities carried
be able to identify the different types of
out during the lesson should help
simple machines.
learners identify the importance of
simple machines in society in general. Preparation for the lesson
Take the opportunity to emphasise ƒƒ Obtain some simple machines such
the fact that concepts learnt in this as saw, hammer, bottle opener,
lesson are crucial in mechanical wheelbarrow, pulleys, etc. You can
engineering. Further, motivate all also ask learners to bring some
learners irrespective of gender to from home.
develop interest in mechanics, as it is
ƒƒ Seek permission from a nearby
not a preserve of a particular gender.
workshop for an academic visit.
Lesson assessment
Teaching aids
Assess whether the learning objectives
ƒƒ Common simple machines such
of the lesson were met by asking
as saw, hammer, bottle opener,
questions such as:
wheelbarrow, pulleys, etc
1. What is a simple machine?
ƒƒ Photographs/ charts showing
(Ans: A simple machine is defined as
simple machines
a device that makes work easier and
faster. Simple machines enable people Pre-requisite of the lesson
to do work with less muscle effort and ƒƒ Remember, there are various types
with greater speed.) of simple machines which you will
2. Mention at least five simple cover in this lesson in three periods.
machines that are used at home. You may arrange such that you
cover wheels & axles in one period,

pulleys and inclined planes in the Synthesis
next period and finally wedges and This lesson introduces learners to the
screws in the last period. different types of simple machines. The
ƒƒ You may introduce this lesson activities carried out during the lesson
by reminding learners what they and the workshop visit should help
learnt in the previous lesson. learners identify the various types of
Ask them to name some simple simple machines and their uses. It should
also motivate the learners to develop
machines that they saw and their
curiosity in using simple machines and
appreciate their importance. Wrap
Teaching / learning activities up this lesson by inviting one learner
to summarise the lesson on behalf of
Activity 2.2 (Refer to Pupil’s book the rest. Finally highlight key points as
page 21) learners take summary notes.
ƒƒ Guide learners to carry out this Lesson assessment
activity in groups. Give them
Assess whether the learning objectives
sample simple machines above to
of the lesson were met by:
observe. Let them try using them.
They should then discuss whether (a) Bringing a variety of simple
they used the machines in the same machines in class, let learners
way? You may also take learners group them either as a lever, wheel
for a tour of a nearby workshop and axle, pulley, inclined plane,
to see the various machines in use. wedge or screw.

ƒƒ Build on their findings and (b) Ask learners to answer the

introduce the six types of simple following questions:
machines i.e. levers, wheel & axle, 1. What is a wheel and axle?
pulleys inclined planes, wedges and
(Ans: The wheel and axel is a simple
machine that has two wheels, a large
ƒƒ Narrow down to each type of wheel and a smaller wheel fixed
simple machine and demonstrate together).
how it is used. Let learners try
2. Mention at least three simple
using the machines as well.
machines that use wheel and axle
ƒƒ You may then put learners into principle?
groups to discuss how each simple
(Ans: Examples include: a door handle,
machine is used, write a report
a steering wheel, and a Windlass).
and present to the rest of the class
(Talking point on page 22 of Pupil’s 3. Name the three types of pulleys.
(Ans: Single fixed, movable and block
and tackle).

4. How would you distinguish a ƒƒ Build on this and introduce the
wedge from a screw? term lever.
(Ans: a wedge has a sharp edge, a Teaching / learning activities
screw has threads).
Activity 2.4 (Refer to Pupil’s book
5. Give three examples of inclined
page 22)
ƒƒ Let learners play on a see saw as
(Ans: Stairs, ramp, road winding uphill).
directed in this activity. Let them
say why one person goes down
and another up.
ƒƒ Guide them to assemble the crow
bar and the stones as shown. Let
them try using the crowbar to lift
Refer to learner’s book page 21 the big stone.
ƒƒ At this point, you can bring out
Specific objective
the concept of fulcrum, load and
By the end of this lesson, learners
effort. Guide them to understand
should be able to define what a lever is
what each means and how they
and give examples.
Preparation for the lesson
ƒƒ Let learners answer questions 4
ƒƒ Prepare the lesson by organising
in this activity. You can then guide
the objects you may need for the
them into discovering what a lever
practical activities for example,
is and show them the Figure 2.2
crowbar, sea saw, etc.
on page 23. Let them draw it in
Teaching aids
their exercise books and label the
ƒƒ Sea-saw
various parts.
ƒƒ Crow bar
ƒƒ Two stones (one large, another Synthesis
small) The lesson introduces learners to
Pre-requisite of the lesson the concept of levers and the parts
ƒƒ Introduce the lesson by reminding that make up a lever. The practical
learners the various categories of activities carried out during the lesson
simple machines. Ask them to list should help learners appreciate what
them down in their notebooks. a lever is and its various parts. Take

the opportunity to emphasize the fact
that concepts learnt in this lesson are
crucial in engineering as well.
Further, motivate all learners
irrespective of gender to develop Refer to learner’s book page 23
interest in levers, as it is not a preserve Specific objectives
of a particular gender. By the end of the lesson, learners should
Lesson assessment be able to categorise simple machines
Assess whether the learning objectives according to classes of levers.
of the lesson were met by asking Preparation for the lesson
questions such as: ƒƒ Obtain some simple machines
1. What is a lever? such as crowbar, hammer, bottle
opener, wheelbarrow, fishing rod,
(Ans: A lever is a rigid bar which scissors, pliers, etc. You can also
balances on a fixed point called a ask learners to bring some from
pivot (Fulcrum), the force applied home.
to the lever is called effort, the
Teaching aids
resistance to which the force is applied
ƒƒ Common simple machines such as
is called the load).
crowbar, hammer, bottle opener,
2. Draw and label parts of a lever. wheelbarrow, fishing rod, scissors,
pliers, etc.
ƒƒ Photographs or charts showing
various levers and their parts.
Pre-requisite of the lesson
ƒƒ Remember, there are various types
of levers which you will cover in
this lesson in three periods. You
may arrange such that you cover
first class levers in the first period,
second class levers in the next
period and finally third class levers
in the last period.

Teaching / learning activities ƒƒ Highlight key points as learners
ƒƒ You may introduce this lesson take summary notes. Refer to
by reminding learners what they pupil’s book pages 24-27.
learnt in the previous lesson. Ask
them to draw parts of a lever in
their exercise books. This lesson introduces learners to the
different classes of levers. The activities
Activity 2.5 (Refer to Pupil’s book carried out during the lessons and the
pages 23 - 24) case study should help learners identify
ƒƒ Guide learners to carry out this the various types of simple machines
activity in pairs. Give them a and their uses. It should also motivate
hammer, a tin opener and a spade. the learners to develop curiosity in using
Let them try using them. They simple machines and appreciate their
should then discuss the questions importance. Wind up this content area
after the activities. by letting learners collect a variety of
ƒƒ Guide them to draw a diagram simple machines, use them and identify
indicating the positions of effort, positions of load, effort and fulcrum.
Let them group the various machines
fulcrum and the load.
based on their findings.
ƒƒ Build on their diagrams and
Lesson assessment
introduce the concept of the classes
Assess whether the learning objectives
of lever i.e. first class, second class
of the lesson were met by:
and third class levers.
(a) Giving learners the simple machines
ƒƒ Narrow down to each class above and letting them use them
and demonstrate how using the to put them in various groups.
various machines. Let learners try
(b) Asking learners to answer the
using the machines as well.
following questions:
ƒƒ You should then guide learners
1. How would you determine whether
into discovering which class of
a machine belongs to first, second
lever the machine belongs to. Let or third class?
learners find out other examples
(Ans: By determining the position of
of machines in that class.
fulcrum, effort or load. In the first class
ƒƒ Wrap up this lesson by bringing levers, the fulcrum is between the load
the simple machines to class and and effort. In second class levers, the
learners practising using them and load is between the effort and the
grouping them. fulcrum and in third class levers, the

effort is between the fulcrum and the 3. (a) When the fulcrum is in between
the load and the effort.
2. Give the examples of levers in (b) When the load is in between
(a) First class the fulcrum and the effort.
(Ans: Examples include a claw hammer, (c) When the effort is in between
tin opener, scissors, pincers, a see saw, the fulcrum and the load.
pliers, beam balance, crow bar, shears). 4. Inclined plane
(b) Second class Summary of the unit

(Ans: Examples in this class include; This unit deals with simple machines and
a paper cutter, a nut cracker, a wheel levers and the various classes of levers.
barrow and a bottle opener. You therefore should effectively use the
practical activities, demonstrations and
(c) Third class
the suggested teaching approaches in
(Ans: Examples in this class include a the teacher’s book to guide learners
tennis racket, fishing rod, baseball bat, acquire the requisite knowledge and
the human arm, a broom, tweezers, a desired competences in these areas. At
spade). the end of the lessons, you should assess
the extent to which the competencies
Answers to Self-Test 2.1 (Pupil’s book
have been achieved and attitude change
Page 32 )
towards responsible use of simple
1. A lever is a rigid bar which
machines and their maintenance. Plan
balances on a fixed point called a
remedial activities where necessary for
pivot (fulcrum), the force applied
slow learners and give extra activities
to the lever is called effort and
for gifted ones as well. Also, emphasize
the resistance to which the force is
the fact that taking this unit seriously
applied is called the load.
may lead to careers such as mechanical
2. X – EFFORT engineering.

Y – LOAD Additional information for the

Throughout history, human beings
have developed a number of devices

that help them make-work easier. The
notable of these are known as the “six
simple machines” which are the wheel
and axle, the lever, the pulley, the screw
and the wedge. Most simple machines Refer to learner’s book page 31
work under the principle of mechanical Specific objective
By the end of this lesson, learners should
Archimedes discovered the principle of be to explain the potential dangers of
mechanical advantage (MA) which is using simple machines and avoid them.
given by the formula:
Preparation for the lesson
MA = Force(out) / Force(in)
ƒƒ Seek permission from a nearby
It is therefore a ratio of the force workshop for an academic visit.
produced by a machine to the force ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working for
applied to it. research purposes.
Simple machines are devices that can ƒƒ Obtain protective clothing for
make a tough job easier by enabling a class demonstration.
person to apply less force or to apply ƒƒ Obtain a first aid kit.
force in the direction that is easier
Teaching aids
to manipulate. Each machine affects
the direction or the amount of effort ƒƒ Protective clothing such as gloves,
needed to do work. mouth masks, googles, overall, etc.
ƒƒ First aid kit.
Most mechanical machines such as
automobiles or power tools are made Improvisation
up of hundreds of parts. However, no ƒƒ Ask learners to use a clean piece
of cloth to cover mouth and nose
matter how complex a machine is it is
when using simple machines.
composed of some combination of the
six simple machines above. Pre-requisite of the lesson
ƒƒ Introduce the lesson by reminding
learners the various types of simple
machines and their uses. They can
come up with a table on the same.

ƒƒ Learners can then brainstorm on 1. Explain how simple machines can
what they think are the dangers be harmful to us.
associated with the machines (Ans: Some of the simple machines like
above. Let them come up with a wedges have sharp edges which can
list in their notebooks. cut and damage the skin).
ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by 2. How can we prevent ourselves
highlighting the do’s and dont’s from accidents caused by simple
while handling simple machines. machines?
Some of them are:
(Ans: Wear protective clothings like
(i) Do not play with machines
gloves, goggles, aprons and gumboots).
(ii) Avoid monkey plays while in a
workshop Answers to Unit Test 2 (Pupil’s book
(iii) Do not eat while using simple Page 33-35)
machines, etc. 1. The invention of simple machines
Synthesis by early human beings helped us to
become civilized and live a simpler
This lesson intends to caution learners
about dangers and precautions to take life than before. People are now
when using simple tools. You should able to do work more easily.
use the discussion activity and the 2. Open bottles of soda or beer,
workshop visit to demonstrate the
fishing with fishing rods, opening
dangers and measures to take when
using simple tools. Emphasise the fact doors, pulling water from well and
that prevention is better than cure moving on stairs.
therefore; learners should always take 3. Door handle, a steering wheel, and
precautions in their daily lives.
a windlass.
Lesson assessment
4. True
Assess whether the learning objectives
5. Wheel and axle
of the lesson were met by:
(a) Giving a task to learners of using 1st class 2nd class 3rd class
simple machines. Observe as they levers levers levers
use to ascertain that appropriate
Pliers Wheel Tongs
precautions are being taken during
use: barrow
Pair of Nut Tweezers
(b) Ask learners to answer the
scissors cracker
following questions:
6. Parts of the body which act as

levers are the human arms and the 12. D
legs. 13. Third class lever
7. The roads are meandering; this 14. Simple objects which we use to
is to create an inclined plane on make work easier. They reduce
the hill so that it can be easy to force required to do the work,
go up hill. Otherwise, it would be change direction of force and
very difficult to go up the hill if the increase efficiency.
road is to be constructed straight 15. Spade, hoe, wheelbarrow, hammer,
upwards. saw, crowbar, etc
16. To create an inclined plane of sorts.
8. Screws and bolts are used to hold
This helps to reduce amount of
and join pieces of metals or wood
energy required to climb uphill.
together. Screws are also used in
17. A lever is a rigid bar which
carjacks. balances on a fixed point called
9. Simple machines, especially those a pivot(fulcrum), the force applied
with sharp edges should be used to the lever is called effort and the
carefully because they can cause resistance to which the force is
injury and cuts to our bodies. applied is called the load.
10. First class 18. X – Effort
11. (a) True ( b ) Tr u e Y – Load
(c) False (d) False Z – Fulcrum
19. Inclined/plane
(e) True

Additional activities to cater for intellectually challenged and gifted

Remedial activities for Extended activities for gifted /
intellectually challenged learners talented learners
1. Cleaning simple machines after use. 1. Making simple machines for use
2. Drawing different types of levers at home using locally available
materials. For example, they can
on manila paper then hanging on
make a ‘wheelbarrow’ made of
wall as a reminder.
wheel bearing and wood, etc.
3. Playing a game of naming parts of a 2. Doing research on other types of
lever and identifying various simple machines and how they work.
machines and classifying them. 3. Coming up with a poem on dangers
of misuse of simple machines and
how to use machines safely.

Remedial questions for Remedial questions for gifted
intellectually challenged learners learners
1. A ________ makes work easier. 1. Why is it not recommended for
2. Some examples of simple machines you to open a bottle using your
include ________, ________ and teeth?
__________. 2. Compare and contrast a windlass
3. Which are the six classes of simple and a satir case.
machines? 3. What is the difference between
4. A lever belongs to either _________, block and tackle pulley and a
______ or ______ class. movable pulley?

5. A windlass is an example of a ____


Answers to remedial questions Answers to extended questions

1. Machine. 1. We may break our teeth.

2. Wheelbarrow, tin opener, bottle 2. A windlass is an example of a wheel
opener, nut cracker, pair of scissors, and axle; a stair case has steps and
fishing road, etc. is an inclined plane.
3. Levers, wheel & axle, pulley, screw, 3. Movable moves; block and tackle is
wedge, inclined plane. fixed.
4. First, second or third class.
5. Wheel and axle.

UNIT Objects production
3 (No. of Periods 8)
Refer to Learner’s Book pages 36 -49

Key Unit Competency

that is, knowledge and understanding,
After studying this unit you should be
skills acquisition and attitude and values.
able to make utility objects, toys and
At the end of the unit, learners should
learning materials.
have knowledge and understanding of
Learning objectives utility objects and toys and have the
Competency based curriculum embraces right attitude towards applications and
three categories of learning objectives, use of utility objects and toys.

Table 3.1: Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values

By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit,
learners should be able learners should be able learners should be able
to: to: to:

ˆExplain how to make ˆˆ To handle manipulate ˆˆ Show dexterity to
different toys, utility properly various make and safely
and learning objects. materials to make maintain toys, utility
ˆIdentify the ways of toys, utility and and learning objects.
maintaining utility learning objects. ˆˆ Be ware of learning
and learning objects ˆˆ Use efficiently clay from mistakes - trial
produced. sticks or paper to and error.
make different tools. ˆˆ Appreciate well
ˆMaintain efficiently made toys, utility and
utility and learning learning objects.

Pre-requisite for this unit trees and/or grass when looking for
materials to use to make utilities may
This topic is about production of toys,
cause environmental degradation.
various utility items and learning aids.
This may bring problems like
Specifically, learners will be required to
destroying the swamps which may
model animal toys and make motorcycle
also affect the rainfall formation and
toy using wires. Already, learners have
an idea of how these are done given
in Primary 4 they modeled a doll using 2. Gender education
clay and made a bicycle using wires. Tell learners that both men as well
Capitalise on the knowledge and skills as women can earn a living by
they acquired during these lessons to becoming craftsmen and producing
advance the acquisition of skills in this handcrafts on large scale for sale.
area. Also, make learners understand 3. Peace and values education
that the concepts in this unit are closely Caution learners against hurting
related to Knitting in Home Science each other using the tool and that
and Pottery in Arts and crafts. Let they should live in harmony in order
learners understand that when they to develop. Inform them that they
continue and further their education in should be willing all the time to
this area, they may become porters or accommodate views of others. Also
craftsmen. in case a child gets hurt accidentally
others should provide first aid before
Background information taking him or her to the hospital.

In Rwanda and other countries, children 4. Financial education

use local materials available in their Let the learners understand that,
area to make play objects like toys and well maintained learning materials
dolls and utility objects and learning and utilities last for long hence
materials. In this unit, learners will use reduce on costs. Also, when they
local materials to make utility and play grow up, they can earn a living from
objects. making such crafts and utilities.
Cross cutting issues 5. Standardization culture
1. Environment, climate change Warn learners against use of
and sustainability counterfeit materials and encourage
Bring to the attention of learners the them to always buy and use original
fact that mining of clay, cutting of products/tools.

6. Inclusive learning among others. Guide learners on
Allows all learners to participate how to come up with summarized
during activities irrespective of their notes from a large body of text. You
gender, physical disability or mental should also guide learners on how to
challenges. Also during pairing, do Internet searches for the various
bright learners should be mixed with content areas they are looking for.
slow learners. 3. Communication in English
Communication in English will be
Generic competences to be covered improved when learners freely
1. Co-operation and interpersonal participate in the discussions
management and life skills and presentations. Encourage all
learners irrespective of their abilities
During group discussions and
to participate in group discussions,
pair works - let learners engage
during presentations by asking
one another by giving a chance
questions and during question and
for all to participate. Also, during
answer sessions to either introduce
group presentations you can allow
or wrap up the lessons.
rotational presentations within the
group members. Gifted learners 4. Critical thinking and problem
should help in coming up with write- solving skills
ups of presentation content as slow This competence will be developed
learners contribute. by learners as they answer the
REMEMBER You should allow slow probing questions such as those on
learners to do presentations as well page 36 at the beginning of this unit
and correct them where they go and as they discuss the results of the
wrong. Advise learners to appreciate various practical activities. Guide
the different abilities of their group learners to discover for themselves
members and accommodate each the various uses of tools and the
other’s views. maintenance practices on them.This
competence will also come about as
2. Research skills
learners think about their findings in
Guide learners on how to find
the activities and as they give out
information regarding various topics
their suggestions on why this is the
such as the meaning of utility objects

5. Lifelong skills ƒƒ Scarf – A long broad strip of wool,
By practicing making various utility cotton or other materials worn
objects and maintaining them, round the neck, shoulder or head.
learners gain pre-requisite skills ƒƒ Knitting – This is a method of
that will come in handy in their lives. creating fabric cloth from a single
Also, make learners aware that they strand of cloth/yarn using two
can become porters or handcraft needles.
makers and earn a living if they take ƒƒ Weaving – weaving is a method
this topic seriously. of fabric production in which
two distinct sets of threads are
6. Creativity and innovation
interlaced at right angles to form
Encourage learners to come up with a cloth.
innovative ways and make various
utility objects and toys for use at
home or even for sale. For example, Guidance on the problem statement
they can make hats, scarfs, caps, This topic is about making toys and
gloves, etc. utility objects. As a way of introducing
the concepts, refer learners to the
picture on page 36 of their book. The
Key words in this unit and their picture shows school children admiring
meanings expensive toys outside a toyshop. They
ƒƒ Plasticine – Synthetic material cannot afford them! Help learners to
which is a substitute for clay used discover that they can easily make
in modeling. simple affordable and good-looking
toys for themselves using locally
ƒƒ Wire – A flexible strand or rod of
available materials.

Attention to special needs education

Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning

ƒƒ Peer-teaching – engage high ƒƒ Identify the learners with hearing
achievers to help weak pupils in and visual impairment and have them
understanding of concepts. sit in front of the class so that proper
ƒƒ Plan remedial teaching for slow attention can be given to them. Also,
learners. large print texts should be given
ƒƒ Allow enough time to slow learners to visually impaired learners and
to complete their work. hearing aids provided for those with
hearing impairment.
ƒƒ Gifted learners to be given heavy
tasks requiring more critical thinking ƒƒ Arrange the room such that it will
while slow learners are given tasks, enable easy movement for the
which they can manage such as physically challenged learners.
collecting materials for use during ƒƒ Assign some students to be in charge
practicals among others of the physically and visually impaired
ƒƒ Both gifted and slow learners to learners. For example, carrying their
be given equal opportunity to lead equipment, showing them around
in group discussions and to do during the field trips, etc.
presentations of group findings to ƒƒ Organize Braille for blind learners.
the rest of the class. ƒƒ Encourage special needs learners by
ƒƒ Ensure all learners respect reminding them that ‘disability is not
other’s views irrespective of their inability’!
shortcomings or talents.

List of lessons
Lesson No. Lesson title No. of Periods

1. Making toys using clay 2

2. Making toys using wires 2

3. Making utility objects in threads 2
4. Making learning materials in paper 1
5. Maintenance of utility learning objects 1

consider the following questions:
Lesson 1: Making toys using clay
1. What do we need when
Refer to learner’s book page 36-39
2. What steps should we go
Specific objectives
By the end of the lesson, learners should
3. How can we make our toy
be able to make toys such as dolls and
more beautiful?
various animals using clay.
4. How can we make our toy
Preparation for the lesson
Obtain the materials to use during the
5. What design can we give our
lesson such as clay
toy to look different from others?
Teaching aids
ƒƒ Let the learners model the toys
ƒƒ Clay or placticine
with these questions in mind.
ƒƒ Water They should write down the steps
Pre-requisite of the lesson they followed to model in their
Introduce the unit as explained under
ƒƒ Summarise by highlighting the
guidance on the problem statement
main points in modeling using clay.
above then narrow down to this lesson.
ƒƒ Organise for learners to carry out
Teaching / learning activities
further activity on page 39 of their
ƒƒ You may introduce this lesson book.
through a brainstorming session
ƒƒ Learners can then use the toys for
on what toys learners made in playing after which, they should
primary 4 and 5. Let them come keep them safely at the science
up with a list. Build on this and let corner of their classroom.
learners know that they will learn
about modeling in this lesson.
The lesson introduces learners to
Activity 3.1 (Refer to Pupil’s book modeling toys using clay. The learners
page 37) should be able to model different toys
ƒƒ Guide learners to form groups like doll, cow, dog, among others using
depending on class size and their
abilities. Let them carry out the
activity in their groups. In these
groups, the learners should

clay. Also, motivate all learners to Lesson 2: Making motorcycle
participate actively in modeling using wires.
irrespective of gender.
Lesson assessment Refer to learner’s book page 40-41

Assess whether the learning objectives Specific objectives

of the lesson were met by: By the end of the lesson, learners
should be able to make a motorcycle
(a) Giving learners a task to model a
using wires.
domestic animal of their choice then
Preparation for the lesson
assessing their work.
ƒƒ Obtain materials to be used
(b) Asking learners to answer the for making toys such as wires,
following questions: old slippers, rubber bands, used
1. Why is it that we should leave our vehicle/bicycle tubes, bottle tops,
scissors, pliers, etc.
toy to dry in the shade and not
directly on the sun rays? Teaching aids

(Ans: When toys dry in the shade they ƒƒ Materials for making toys such as
wires, old slippers, rubber bands,
do not develop cracks).
used vehicle/bicycle tubes, bottle
2. Which other material can be used tops, scissors, pliers, etc.
for modeling apart from clay?
ƒƒ Photographs or charts showing
(Ans: Plasticine can be used as an simple toys.
alternative for clay). Pre-requisite of the lesson
3. How can a toys made from clay be ƒƒ You may introduce this lesson
made strong so that it cannot break by reminding learners what they
easily. learnt in the previous lesson that
is modeling using clay. Ask them
(Ans: The toys can be made stronger by to name some things that they
burning them with dry grass). modeled.
ƒƒ You can then ask whether the

learners think only clay can be ƒƒ Learners can then use the toys for
used for modeling. At this point, playing after which, they should
introduce activity 3.2. keep them safely at the science
Teaching / learning activities corner of their classroom.

Activity 3.2 (Refer to Pupil’s book Synthesis

page 38-39) The lesson introduces learners to
ƒƒ Guide learners to form groups making motorcycle using wires. Guide
depending on class size and their learners to make a motorcycle like.
abilities. Let them carry out the Advise learners to be as creative as
activity in their groups. In these possible as they come up with this toy.
groups the learners can consider You can wrap up the lesson by letting
the following questions: learners carry out the case study
1. What do we need when making on page 41 of their books. Let them
toy using wires? compare the two toys and say which is
2. What steps should we go stronger and give suggestions how they
through? can make the weak one more stronger.
3. How can we make our toy more Lesson assessment
Assess whether the learning objectives
4. How can we make our toy
of the lesson were met by:
(a) Giving learners a task of making a
5. What design can we give our motorcycle. Assess their work and
toy to look different from others?
award marks accordingly.
ƒƒ Let the learners make the toys with (b) Asking learners to answer the
the above questions in mind. They following questions:
should write down the steps they 1. How can we make our toys
followed to make the toy in their proportional?
notebooks. Activity 3.3 (Refer to
(Ans: By measuring with a tape measure)
pupil’s book page 40). Ask learners
to follow the steps on pages 41-44 2. How can we determine the shapes
of our toys?
in their books to make their own
motorcycle. They should make (Ans: First make a sketch and then make
as strong and as attractive as the frames)
possible. 3. How can we make our toys look
more beautiful?
ƒƒ Summarise by highlighting the
main steps in making motorcycle (Ans: We may try to cover the wires with
painted pieces of hard paper, this will
using wires. Refer to Pupil’s book
pages 40-41. give our toy a new look).

Lesson 3: Making utility objects in the following questions:
1. What do we need?
2. How can we make socks and scarf?
Refer to learner’s book page 41-45
Specific objectives 3. How can we make it look good?

By the end of the lesson, learners should 4. Which colours can we use to
be able to make utility objects such as make it look different from
socks, hat and gloves using threads. others?
Preparation for the lesson
ƒƒ Let the learners make the utility
ƒƒ Obtain materials to be used for
objects with the above questions in
making utility objects such as
mind. They should write down the
threads weaving hooks or needle
and pieces of clothes. steps they followed to make the
utility object in their notebooks.
Teaching aids
ƒƒ Materials such as threads, weaving ƒƒ Summarise by highlighting the
hooks or needle, pieces of clothes, main steps in making utility objects.
pair of scissors, razor – blade or Refer to Pupil’s book pages 41 - 45.
lancelet. ƒƒ Learners can then use the utility
ƒƒ Photographs or charts showing objects for playing after which,
various utility objects. they should keep them safely at the
Pre-requisite of the lesson science corner of their classroom.
ƒƒ You may introduce this lesson ƒƒ You can wrap the lesson by giving
by asking learners whether they learners a project of making either
know what utility objects are. Let a hat or a pair of gloves.
them name some which they use
at home.
Teaching / learning activities Synthesis

Activity 3.4 & 3.5 (Refer to Pupil’s The lesson introduces learners to
book page 41 - 45) making utility objects from thread.
ƒƒ Guide learners to form groups Learners should be able to make these
depending on class size and their objects i.e scarfs, socks, hats and gloves
abilities. Let them identify one among others from scratch. Advise
utility object out of the ones shown. learners to be as creative as possible
In their groups, let them consider

as they come up with their objects. Preparation for the lesson
Wrap up the lesson by giving learners ƒƒ Obtain materials to be used for
project work of making a sweater and making learning materials such as
presenting the finished product to you ruler, pencil, pair of compass, manila
for assessment. paper, razor blade (lancelet) or
pair of scissors.
Lesson assessment
Teaching aids
Assess whether the learning objectives
ƒƒ Materials such as ruler, pencil, pair
of the lesson were met by:
of compass, manila paper, razor
(a) Giving learners a task of making a blade (lancelet) or pair of scissors,
utility object (scarf, gloves, socks, hat) photographs or charts showing
of their choice. Assess their work
various utility objects.
and award marks accordingly.
(b) Asking learners to answer the Pre-requisite of the lesson
following questions: ƒƒ You may introduce this lesson by
asking learners whether they can
1. Describe the process of making a
recall the learning aids they made
pair of socks. in primary 4 and 5. Let them name
(Ans: Obtain a thread and fix it some of them and say how they
through the hole on the needle. Use made them.
two needles to knit the socks and give Teaching / learning activities
a desired shape. Continue knitting until Activity 3.6 &3.7 (Refer to Pupil’s
you reach full socks. Wrap the end of book page 46-48)
the end of the socks using a piece of ƒƒ Guide learners to form two groups.
cloth to make it strong (hemming). Let them identify one learning
aid to make out of the two given
(cylinder and cube). In their groups,
Lesson 4: Making learning materials let them consider the following
using a paper questions:
1. What do we need?
Refer to learner’s book page 45 -48 2. What steps should we go
Specific objectives
3. How can we cut out the nets and
By the end of the lesson, learners
join them to form solids?
should be able to make learning aids
ƒƒ Let learners make the learning
using manila paper.
aids following the steps given.

ƒƒ Summarise by highlighting the
Lesson 5: Maintenance of utility and
main steps in making learning
aids. learning objects

Synthesis Refer to Learner’s book page 48

The lesson introduces learners to Specific objectives
making learning aids (regular polygons By the end of the lesson, learners
and solids) using manila paper. Guide should be able to identify the ways of
learners and correct them accordingly maintaining utility and learning objects
as they make the objects. Advise produced.
learners to be as creative as possible
Preparation for the lesson
as they come up with their objects.
You can wrap up this lesson by giving ƒƒ Obtain utility and learning objects
learners additional work of making like caps, scarfs, solids such as
other polygons and present the finished cubes, cylinders, etc.
product for assessment. Teaching aids
Lesson assessment ƒƒ Materials such as wrapping papers
Assess whether the learning objectives and utility and learning objects like
of the lesson were met by: caps, scarfs, solids such as cubes,
(a) Giving learners a task to make cylinders, among others.
learning aids of their own. Assess Pre-requisite of the lesson
their work and award marks ƒƒ You may introduce this lesson by
asking learners whether they can
(b) Asking learners to answer the recall the learning aids and utility
following questions: objects they made in previous
1. What are regular polygons and how lessons. Let them name some of
can we make them? them.
(Ans: Regular polygons are figures that
have more than 2 equal sides. Examples Teaching / learning activities
are pentagon, hexagon, nonagon and Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page
many others. Polygons can be made by 48)
making cut-outs after constructing the ƒƒ Allow learners to carry out
polygons on paper or manila).
a research activity on how to
2. Describe the process of making maintain utility objects and
learning aids. Let them write
(Ans: The solids can be easily made by summary notes and share with
first of all making their nets first). other class members.

ƒƒ Let learners choose group leaders Summary of the unit
to do a presentation on their
This unit deals with toys, utility objects
behalf. Help them summarise main
and learning aids and their maintenance.
points in their notebooks.
You therefore should effectively use the
Synthesis practical activities, demonstrations and
The lesson introduces learners to the suggested teaching approaches in
maintenance of utility and learning the teacher’s book to guide learners
objects. Guide learners to come up acquire the requisite knowledge and
with innovative ways of protecting desired competences in these areas. At
their materials from being damaged. the end of the lessons, you should assess
the extent to which the competencies
Lesson assessment
have been achieved and attitude change
Assess whether the learning objectives towards responsible use of utility
of the lesson were met by: objects and their maintenance. Plan
(a) Giving learners a task to maintain remedial activities where necessary for
utility objects then assessing their
slow learners and give extra activities
for gifted ones as well. Also, emphasize
(b) Asking learners to answer the
the fact that taking this unit seriously
following questions:
may lead to careers such as pottery
1. Why do materials that we make
and craftsmanship.
require maintenance?
(Ans: If anything is not properly
Additional information
maintained it gets spoilt, and it
loses value). A toy is an item that can be used for
2. Give at least three ways we can playing. Toys are generally used for
maintain our utility and learning playing by children. Playing with toys is
objects. Ans: an enjoyable means of training young
children for life in a society. Playing
(i) They should be stored in a
with toys is important when it comes
clean and dry place.
to growing up and learning about the
(ii) They should be covered or
world around us. In addition, young
wrapped to avoid dust.
children use toys to discover their
(iii) They should be kept in a clean
identity, help their bodies to grow
environment. strong and practice skills they will need
as adults. It also helps to improve their

dexterity. Utility objects on the other hand are objects that help us during our
day-to-day life activities. Examples of utility objects include scarfs, sweaters, caps,
flower vessels, water pots among others.

Answers to Unit Test 3 5. (a) She is making a floor mat.

(Pupil’s book Page 49) (b) She is using papyrus remains.
1. We use clay or plasticine and wires (c) They can make the mat durable
to make toys. by applying a hem at the edges.
2. We may burn the models with dry
6. (a) Utility objects such as scarf,
grass to make them very strong.We
socks, hat and sweater are
may also include a frame made of
(b) Weaving, plaiting, coiling.
3. Flower vessels, lamp holders, pots ,
cups , kettles , plates and monuments. 7. Storing in a cool dry place in a clean

4. When making a toy car from wires, environment and keeping covered to
the following steps are followed:The avoid dust.
materials to use include: wires, cut 8. (a) Wires.
out car tubes, old slippers and bottle (b) Keeping in a safe place.
9. Assess pupil work and award marks
(a) Make the frames and
accordingly. Refer to activity 3.4 for
connectors with wires.
more details.
(b) Connect the frames with the
10. He should be encouraged to
continue modeling as he is likely to
(c) Complete the car and connect
develop good skills that will help
to the steering wheel.
him in life in future.
(d) We can make the toy look more
beautiful by covering the frame
work with coloured papers.

Additional activities to cater for intellectually challenged and gifted
Remedial activities for Extended activities for gifted and
intellectually challenged learners talented learners
1. Collecting materials for use in 1. Making more advanced utility
making utility objects. items such as sweater or jacket.
2. Drawing different types of utility 2. Doing research on other types of
objects on manila paper then utility objects and their functions.
hanging on wall as a reminder.
Remedial questions for Extended questions for gifted/
intellectually challenged learners talented learners
1. A toy can be made of ________ 1. Distinguish between knitting and
and ____________. weaving.
2. Which utility objects do you use at 2. Explain how the content in this unit
home? can affect the environment.
3. Name three types of polygons that
you know.

Answers to remedial questions Answers to extended questions

1. Clay, wires 1. Knitting – This is a method of

2. Baskets, mats, scarf, hat. creating fabric cloth from a single
strand of cloth/yarn using two
3. Cuboid, cylinder, cube.
Weaving – weaving is a method of
fabric production in which two
distinct sets of threads are
interlaced at right angles to form a
2. When collecting clay, we may
destroy the environment. This
therefore must be done with care.
Also, throwing pieces of paper
threads and other clothings dirty
the environment.

UNIT Writing skills
4 (No. of periods: 17)
Refer to Learner’s Book pages 50 - 99

Key Unit Competency that is, knowledge and understanding,

After studying this unit, you be able to skills acquisition and attitude and values.
use common ICT terms and differentiate At the end of the unit, learners should
Sugar and Gnome user interfaces. have knowledge and understanding of
using the computer and have the right
Learning objectives
attitude towards taking care of it.
Competency based curriculum embraces
three categories of learning objectives,

Table 4.1: Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values

By the end of this unit, the By the end of this unit, the By the end of this unit, the
learner should be able to: learner should be able to: learner should be able to:

ˆState the different ˆˆ Manipulate the ˆˆ Appreciate the ignore
elements of Gnome elements of Gnome user environment
environment. window. ˆˆ Show concern for
ˆExplain the process of ˆˆ Create folders keeping files in the
creating a folder
ˆˆ Differentiate between correct folders.
ˆRecall different
operations done on the files and the ˆˆ Show concern of
folders folders. Abiword environment
ˆIdentify the elements of ˆˆ Practice to create, design.
Abiword environment. rename, delete, move, ˆˆ Appreciate text
copy and paste a file formatting using
or folder. different colours.

ˆRecognize different ways ˆClassify
ˆ and use ˆ familiar with
of editing and formatting Abiword window to spreadsheet
text produce smart text environment.
ˆAccess and open files in well formatted. ˆ satisfied by moving
different locations of a ˆ
ˆPractice the process through the spread
computer. of saving and sheet.
ˆExplain the process of opening a file saved ˆ
ˆPay attention to the
saving a document in a given location. characteristics and use
ˆExplain the role ˆ
ˆCreate and save of sheets and cells.
of spread sheet a document in a
applications. worksheet.
ˆIdentify the basic ˆ
ˆOrganise and
features of spreadsheet manage entering
environment data in a cell.
ˆIdentify how to ˆ
ˆOrganise and use
manipulate cell contents. various methods to
ˆState how to use, move, delete and fill
manage and understand data from/into cells
a worksheet. ˆ
ˆManipulate a
worksheet and
manage columns and
ˆUse basics arithmetic
operations to
manipulate cells data.

Pre-requisites of this unit about word processing using Abiword

In primary four, learners were introduced and Gnumeric spreadsheets. Further
to writting skills where thry learnt make learners understand that what
about basic keyboard features and text they will learn here links with English
formatting. They further learnt about and Mathematics. Through this, they
tables, pictures and images in primary will understand how to create a table
five and how to manipulate columns in Write, also how to insert data and
and rows of a table nd inserting text. typing numbers in maths and writing an
In this class, learners will further their article or a report using words in English,
skills in these areas by learning more then typing in write.

in the area where the learners come
Background information from.
5. Inclusive education
Writing skills is the key part of using a All learners should be encouraged
computer. This unit will enable pupils to to participate during lessons and
use a computer keyboard and mouse to practicals. Special arrangement
write and edit text written.The Abiword should be done to take care of
in XO Laptop serves as the document learners with special needs. For
creation platform in Gnome interface. example, provide brail for blind
This is what this unit is about. learners, large print text for those
with sight problems and allocate
Cross-cutting issues to be
physically challenged learners to
others to assist them during field
1. Peace values and gender trips and practical activities. Further,
education this category should be given tasks
As learners perform the activities in that they can manage during the
the learner’s book, encourage them practical sessions.
to be careful not to hurt each other
Generic competences
or themselves with the computers.
1. Co-operation and interpersonal
2. Standardization culture
management and life skills
Encourage learners to always
As learners interact in pairs and as
ensure they use authentic external
they engage in group work and as
and internal devices on computers.
they observe the parts of Gnome
Also, encourage them to always buy
original computers, their parts or
accessories. 2. Research skills
3. Financial education Learners make practice in abiword
by doing discover y questions
Learners must ensure that they
regarding how to type in abiword.
handle Laptops with care. Repairing
or buying a new Laptop can be very 3. Communication in English
expensive. As learners participate in group work
4. Gender education and as they carry out presentation
tasks to the rest of the class.
Emphasize to learners that anybody
irrespective of their gender can 4. Critical thinking
pursue a career in computer science. Guide learners to discover for
Give examples of role models who themselves different parts of Gnome
are successful IT experts/technicians interface and their use.Also this will

come when learners think how to interface used to log in and log out
perform some activities like creating of the local system.
a folder, renaming and deleting a ƒƒ A folder - is a storage space that
folder, etc. many files can be placed into to
5. Lifelong skills group them together and organize
Knowledgeable on using computers the computer.
in typing (Abiword) may be used in ƒƒ A file - is an object on a computer
future career of learners. that stores data, information,
Key words in this unit and their settings, or commands used with a
meanings computer program. In a graphical
ƒƒ GNOME (GNU Network user interface (GUI) such as
Object Model Environment) - is Microsoft Windows, files display as
a graphical user interface (GUI) icons that relate to the program
and a set of computer desktop that opens the file.
applications for users of the Linux ƒƒ Dialogue box - is a small area
computer operating system. on screen in which the user is
prompted to provide information
ƒƒ Sugar - is a learning platform
or select commands.
that reinvents how computers are
used for education. Collaboration, ƒƒ AbiWord - is a free word
reflection, and discovery are processing program similar to
Microsoft Word.
integrated directly into the user
interface.It is a free and open source ƒƒ A keyboard - is a panel of keys
computer desktop environment that operate a computer or
designed for interactive learning typewriter.
by children. ƒƒ Undo - is a command included
in most software programs. It is
ƒƒ A desktop environment - is a
typically located at the top of the
collection of software running on
Edit menu and has the standard
top of an operating system that
shortcut “Control+Z” in Windows.
makes up the desktop Graphical
The Undo command allows you to
User Interface. It usually includes
undo the last action you performed
everything from how the windows
in the program.
look and feel, to the style of the
ƒƒ Redo - is a function performed on
icons, files, folders and the mouse
a computer that does any undo
pointers. A desktop environment
function again.
also dictates what file manager
to use, default text editor, image ƒƒ Copy - is to make a copy of a file,
viewer, wallpapers and the folder or selected text in another

ƒƒ Cut and Paste - To move files, that go across (horizontal) the
folders and selected text to spreadsheet/worksheet.
another location. Cut removes ƒƒ A cell - is the intersection
the item from its current location between a row and a column on
and places it into the clipboard. a spreadsheet that starts with cell
Paste inserts the current clipboard A1.
contents into the new location. ƒƒ A function - is a predefined
ƒƒ Gnumeric spreadsheet - is formula that helps save you time.
part of the GNOME desktop For example, use the SUM function
environment. It is an open-source to add lots of numbers or cells,
spreadsheet program. and the PRODUCT function to
ƒƒ A workbook - is the MS Excel file in multiply them.
which you enter and store related Guidance on the problem statement
data. A worksheet (also known as
This topic is about Write activity. As
a spreadsheet) is a collection of
a way of introducing the concept of
cells on a single “sheet” where you typing in word processing (AbiWord in
actually keep and manipulate the gnome interface) refer learners to the
data. Each workbook can contain picture on page 50 of their book. Let
many worksheets. them summarise what is going on in
ƒƒ A column - is a vertical series the picture using short notes in their
of cells in a chart, table, or exercise books. they should then type
spreadsheet their work in Abiword using XO - Lpatop
and make it as attractive as possible
ƒƒ A row - is the range of cells
using the various formatting tools.

Attention to special educational needs
Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning
ƒƒ Peer-teaching - engage high ƒƒ Identify the learners with hearing
achievers to help weak pupils in and visual impairment and have
understanding concepts.. them sit in front of the class so that
ƒƒ Plan remedial teaching for slow proper attention can be given to
learners. them. Also, large print texts should
ƒƒ Allow enough time to slow learners be given to visually impaired
to complete their work. learners and hearing aids provided
for those with hearing impairment.
ƒƒ Gifted learners to be given heavy
tasks requiring more critical ƒƒ Arrange the room such that it will
thinking while slow learners are enable easy movement for the
given tasks, which they can manage physically challenged learners.
such as collecting materials for use ƒƒ Assign some students to be in
during practicals among others. charge of the physically and
ƒƒ Both gifted and slow learners to visually impaired learners. Fr
be given equal opportunity to lead example carrying their equipment,
in group discussions and to do showing them around during their
presentations of group findings to field trips etc
the rest of the class. ƒƒ Organize braille for blind learners.
ƒƒ Ensure all learners respects ƒƒ Encourage special needs learners
other’s views irrespective of their by reminding them that ‘disability
shortcoming s or talents. is not inability’!

List of lessons
Lesson No. Lesson title No. of Periods
1. Identification of elements of Gnome 1
2. Working with a document 2
3. Folder management 1
4. Identification of elements of Abiword window 1
5. Text formatting 2
6. Spreadsheet environment 1
7. How to create, save and open workbook 2

8. Columns, Rows and Cells 2
9. Formatting a cell 1
10. Worksheet basics 2
11. Mathematics operators’ 2

ƒƒ Obtain any other material needed

LESSON 1: Identification of elements during the class like power strips,
of Gnome interface and abiword chargers/batteries and a projector.
window (To be covered in one period)
Teaching Aids
Refer to learner’s book pages 50 - 58. ƒƒ XO laptops, laptops or desktops
ƒƒ Charts with a short text to
Specific objectives practice.
By the end of the lesson, learners should
be able to: Pre-requisite of the lesson
ƒƒ Manipulate the elements of Gnome ƒƒ Introduce the unit as explained
window under guidance on the problem
ƒƒ State the different elements of statement above then narrow
Gnome environment down to the lesson.
ƒƒ Ask probing questions to introduce
Preparation for the lesson
the lesson. Such questions may
ƒƒ This lesson will involve individual
include: (How many interfaces does
practical work, research work and
XO laptops have? (Ans: Sugar and
group activities. You will therefore
organize the class as need arises
during the lesson. REMEMBER: ƒƒ Identify the steps on how to switch
When grouping learners, you from sugar to gnome (at the home
should consider the different page click on Xo-my settings-
abilities of learners and the special switch desktop-switch to gnome-
needs for various individuals. restart now). Refer to steps shown
on page 51-52 of pupil’s book.
ƒƒ Bring laptops (computers),
pamphlets, handouts and textbooks ƒƒ Summarize by highlighting the key
for reference in class. points, which should include the
role of each interface and when to
use one interface and why?

Teaching / Learning activities Activity 4.8 (Refer to Pupil’s book
Activity 4.2 (Refer to Pupil’s book page 59)
pages 52-53) ƒƒ By now, learners have a grasp
ƒƒ This activity is meant to introduce of what AbiWord window is. Go
the Gnome environment to ahead and show them how to set
learners. time and date.
ƒƒ Let the learners observe carefully ƒƒ Put learners in pairs and allow
this window and from the Top panel them to set time and date as
they should click on each item and
directed in this activity. At the end
write down the drop down menu
of the exercise, they can share
list that appears.Activity 4.3 (Refer
to pupils book page 54) their work and see if the times
and dates are the same. Let them
ƒƒ Guide learners to understand the
use and the role of each item and repeat these until they become
drop down list, they should identify familiar.
the parts from the top panel to Synthesis
bottom panel list. ƒƒ This lesson introduces learners
ƒƒ At this point, you can guide learners to the Identification of Gnome
to open AbiWord program. environment. The activities carried
Activity 4.7 (Refer to Pupil’s book out during the lesson should
page 58) help learners identify the various
ƒƒ Guide learners to follow the steps panels that make up the Gnome
in this activity to open AbiWord widow and appreciate the function
window.They should then go ahead
of each panel and use of each drop
and type words of their choice or
down list on the panel.Also, use the
those specified in Activity 4.5 page
55 of pupil’s book. suggested activities to introduce
AbiWord environment to learners.
ƒƒ Let learners compare their screen
with that on page 53 of their book. Lesson assessment
ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by Assess whether the learning objectives
highlighting the key points on the of the lesson were met by:
AbiWord window. Allow learners
(a) Giving learners a task on
to write summary notes as you
do your presentation. You can (i) Opening a write activity and
also make this more interactive by typing words of their choice.
inviting gifted learners to do lesson
summary as you guide them. (ii) Adjusting date and time on
their XO laptops.

(b) Asking learners to answer the Preparation for the lesson
following questions: ƒƒ This lesson will involve individual
1. What did you learn in this lesson? practical work and group activities.
You will therefore organise the
(Ans:The elements of Gnome interface) class as need arises during the
2. What are the steps of switching lesson. REMEMBER: When
to Gnome interface? grouping learners, you should
consider the different abilities of
(Ans: Click on xo-my settings-switch learners and the special needs for
desktop-switch to gnome-restart now). various individuals.
3. What makes up the Gnome ƒƒ Bring laptops and textbooks to
interface? class. Also, if you have a computer
laboratory make sure the
(Ans: Top panel and Bottom panel)
computers are set properly and
4. State different parts found in Top that the internet is working.
panel and their roles. (Ans: Teaching Aids
ƒƒ Places: Shows different places like ƒƒ Laptops and their accessories
documents, computers, pictures, etc.
Pre-requisite of the lesson
ƒƒ Date: Indicates the calendar and ƒƒ Ask probing questions to introduce
current date and time on the laptop. the lesson. Such questions may
ƒƒ Battery status: Shows the battery include: how do you open a new
status. document? (Ans: go to application-
ƒƒ Network: Helps to connect or Office-AbiWord)
disconnect the Internet and shows the Teaching / learning activities
status of your network. Activity 4.8 (Refer to Pupil’s book
ƒƒ OLPC user: Helps to switch off or log page 59)
out while in Gnome. ƒƒ Ask learners to practice opening
Lesson 2: Working with a a new AbiWord document. Refer
document learners to the Activity 4.7 on
page 58 that they did earlier on.
ƒƒ Guide learners to follow the
Refer to learner’s book pages 59-62
steps of opening a new document
Specific objectives individually. Let Learners follow
By the end of the lesson, learners the instructions in the Learners’
should be able to create, save, open book and type text of their choice.
and rename a document. ƒƒ Guide learners to discover how
to save a new abiword document.

Guide learners while doing this may be need to rename the
activity and follow the steps of existing documents or file. Let
saving a new document individually. them practise doing this using a
ƒƒ Assist learners to follow the steps document in their XO laptop.
of choosing where to save their Synthesis
document and the format of saving ƒƒ This lesson introduces learners to
I.e. ‘word.doc’. use a word document. Use laptops
Activity 4.8 & 4.9 (Refer to Pupil’s and the suggested activities to
book pages 59-60) guide learners to accurately open
ƒƒ Ask learners to discover how to a word document and practice
open existing abiword document. saving, renaming, opening an
Guide learners while doing this existing document and closing it.
activity and follow the steps of Lesson assessment
opening an existing document Assess whether the learning objectives
individually. of the lesson were met by asking
ƒƒ Assist learners to follow the questions such as:
steps on how to open an existing
1. Open a new AbiWord document,
document make changes in the
individually practice saving the
document and save again.
document on the desktop.(i) Write
ƒƒ They should then re-open the the steps of saving a document in
document where they saved and abiword. (Ans: Refer to content in
confirm the changes made. Activity 4.10 page 60 of pupil’s book)
Activity 4.11 (Refer to Pupil’s
2. How do you open an existing
book pages 61)
document? (Ans: Click the File
ƒƒ At this point, bring to the attention tab and select Open option. This will
of learners the fact that they display Open dialog box, which lets you
should close a document after navigate through different file folders
working on it. Ask learners how and also lets you select a file, which
they think this can be done. you want to open).
ƒƒ Again, put learners in pairs and
let them follow the steps given in 3. Describe the steps of renaming a
this activity. Did they successfully document. (Ans: Right click on the
close the document? Did they save document name with the mouse and
the changes as prompted by the select ‘Rename’ from the shortcut
computer or not? Activity 4.13 Menu that appears. Type a new name
(Refer to pupils book page 62) for the File and then press Enter).
ƒƒ You can then bring the attention
of learners the fact that there

ƒƒ Let learners follow the steps and
Lesson 3: Folder management individually create a folder on the
Refer to learner’s book pages 63 Teaching / learning activities
Specific objectives Activity 4.14 (Refer to Pupil’s
By the end of the lesson, learners book page 62)
should be able to: ƒƒ Put learners in pairs considering
ƒƒ Explain the process of creating a their abilities. Let them carry out
folder. this activity.
ƒƒ Recall different operations done ƒƒ Guide learners to answer the
on folders. questions in this activity and
compare their work to other
ƒƒ Create folders.
ƒƒ Differentiate between files and
Activity 4.14 (Refer to Pupil’s
book page 64)
Preparation for the lesson
ƒƒ Learners will move and delete a
ƒƒ This lesson will involve creating a
folder in this activity. Let them work
folder and storing documents in
in pairs as in earlier activity. They
the folder.
should then follow the instructions
ƒƒ Bring pamphlets, handouts, and given in this activity.
textbooks for reference in class.
Activity 4.16 (Refer to Pupil’s
ƒƒ Prepare laptops to be used book page 64)
or a computer lab if available.
ƒƒ You may begin this activity
REMEMBER: When grouping
by asking learners to tell the
learners, you should consider the
difference between a folder and
different abilities and the special
a file. Guide them to discover the
needs for various individuals.
difference between these two.
Teaching Aids
ƒƒ Pair learners as done earlier, then
ƒƒ XO Laptops or computer
guide them to practice the steps in
this activity.
Pre-requisite of the lesson ƒƒ Assist learners to type the text
ƒƒ Ask probing questions to introduce given in their laptops and save it
the lesson. Such questions may on the desktop.
include: What is a folder? (Ans: A
ƒƒ They should then reopen the file
folder is a storage space that many
and save it in the folder ‘MY CLASS’,
files can be placed into to group them
access the file again and save it in
together and organise the computer).
the second folder ‘EXERCISE1’ Let
ƒƒ Identify the steps to create a folder
them repeat this several times until
on the desktop? (Ans: Right-click on
they become familiar.
the empty space-click on New folder)

Activity 4.18 (Refer to Pupil’s Lesson 4: Identification of
book page 66) elements of AbiWord window
ƒƒ Guide the learners to check the
folder properties by following the Refer to learner’s book pages 66-73
steps in this activity. Let them write Specific objectives
the properties in their exercise By the end of the lesson, learners
books. should be able to:
Synthesis ƒƒ Identify the elements of the
This lesson introduces learners to AbiWord environment
the folder management and its role ƒƒ Classify and use AbiWord window
in the computer system. Use the to produce smart text that is well-
suggested activities to let learners formatted.
carry out various functions on a folder. Preparation for the lesson
At the end, learners should be able to ƒƒ This lesson will introduce the
accurately say the difference between Abiword window in the Gnome
an folder and a file. interface. Therefore, ensure that
Lesson assessment the XO laptops are in proper
working conditions.
Assess whether the learning objectives
of the lesson were met by asking ƒƒ Bring pamphlets, handouts, and
textbooks for reference in class.
questions such as:
ƒƒ Prepare laptops to be used or a
1. How can you view the folder computer lab if available.
Teaching Aids
(Ans: right click on the folder and view ƒƒ XO laptops or computer
the properties in the dialogue box) laboratory with functional
2. What are the steps to create a ƒƒ The diagram on page 69 of pupil’s
folder? book.
ƒƒ Textbooks for reference or the
(Ans: Right click on the empty space on
the desktop. Click on the create folder,
after it will be renamed ‘untitled folder. Pre-requisite of the lesson
ƒƒ By now, learners have a rough idea
3. Identify the steps to delete a folder. of the AbiWord environment. Give
(Ans: Right click on the folder, Click on them a small activity to practice
move to trash) opening a new abiword window.

Teaching / learning activities ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by
highlighting the key points about
AbiWord is a free and open source word
using abiword window. Better still,
processor program that resembles other
you can appoint a gifted learner to
modern word processors. It is easy to give summary points as you guide
use and can be modified to provide an them.
interruption-free writing experience.
AbiWord includes many of the same
features and is capable of saving and
opening documents created in Microsoft This lesson intends to introduce
Word. We can write a document and the features of AbiWord window.
make formatting, insert tables; insert Learners through practising using
their computer should be guided to
bullets, pictures, numbers or letters etc
use AbiWord toolbars correctly. They
using AbiWord.
should then be able to type in AbiWord
and be able to save their work.
Talking point (Refer to Pupil’s
Lesson assessment
book page 66)
Assess whether the learning objective
ƒƒ This is a discussion activity to be
done in a group. Put learners into of the lesson was met by asking
various groups depending on class questions such as:
size and their abilities. 1. Describe three tools found on the
ƒƒ Let them look at the diagram and formatting toolbars.
do research about the features of
(Ans: Font style, font size, bold italics
AbiWord window and their uses.
and underline)
ƒƒ Ask learners to label the parts
shown on the AbiWord window. 2. What are the toolbars found in the
ƒƒ Let them compare their work to AbiWord window?
the Fig. 4.8 on page 67 of pupil’s (Ans: Menu bar, Title bar, Formatting
book. toolbars and Status bar)
ƒƒ At this point, highlight the main
features of AbiWord as learners 3. Identify the uses of formatting
write brief notes. Refer to content toolbars.
on pages 68 (Ans: The Formatting toolbar provides
ƒƒ On the uses of AbiWord features, many of the most common options for
guide learners to carry out formatting selected text, such as font,
Activities 4.18, 4.19, 4.20, 4.21, 4.22 font size, font weight, alignment, and
and 4.23. colour).

each and start typing the text
Lesson 5:Text formatting given in the learners book.
ƒƒ Guide learners to practise selecting
Refer to learner’s book pages 71 a word, a phrase, a sentence or
Specific objectives a paragraph. They should also
By the end of the lesson, learners practise bolding text, moving or
should be able to: cutting text, copy-pasting text and
ƒƒ Recognise different ways of editing how to undo and/or redo.
and formatting text. ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by
ƒƒ Classify and use AbiWord window highlighting key points as learners
to produce smart text that is well- take short notes. Refer to pupil’s
book pages 73.
Preparation for the lesson
ƒƒ This lesson will involve a practical This lesson introduces text formatting
activity either using the computers in AbiWord to the learners. Guide
in class or in the computer learners through the practical
laboratory. activities, demonstration and
ƒƒ Bring laptops and their accessories, discussion to discover the various
handouts and textbooks for toolbars used to format and edit text
and how to do it.
reference in class.
Lesson assessment
Teaching Aids
Assess whether the learning objective
ƒƒ XO laptops and computer of the lesson was met by asking
laboratory. questions such as:
Pre-requisite of the lesson 1. Which tools are used to format
ƒƒ You may begin this lesson by and/or edit a body of text?
asking learners to observe
(Ans: Bold, Italics, Underline, font type,
carefully the AbiWord window and font size, alignment, capital letters,
identify formatting toolbars on the colours)
2. What are the steps to selecting
Teaching / Learning activities text?
Activity 4.24 (Refer to Pupil’s ƒƒ Double click: To select the current
book page 71) word, double-click it. Word will select
ƒƒ Let learners have their laptops to the left and right of the cursor, until
it encounters a space character.

ƒƒ Triple-click: A triple-click selects the ƒƒ If in class bring pamphlets,
current paragraph. handouts, and textbooks for
ƒƒ Margin+click: To select an entire line, reference in class
move the cursor into the left margin. ƒƒ Prepare the laptops to be used, or
When you see the insertion pointer the computer laborary if available.
turn into an arrow pointer, click. Doing
so will select the current line. Teaching Aids
ƒƒ [Ctrl]+a: Pressing [Ctrl] +a selects the ƒƒ XO laptops or any other computer.
entire document.
ƒƒ [Ctrl]+click: To select a sentence (not Pre-requisite of the lesson
just a line), hold down [Ctrl] and click You may begin this lesson by asking
any place within the sentence. learners what AbiWord is. Build on
their responses and explain that
3. Open abiword document, type a Gnumeric Spreadsheet is another
text of your choice, practice copy, type of computer application just like
cut and paste options till you AbiWord.
muster them. (Ans: Assess learner Teaching / Learning activities
work and award marks accordingly) Activity 4.29 (Refer to Pupil’s
Lesson 6: Spreadsheet book page 74)
environment (To be covered in one ƒƒ Let learners study the table given,
period) assist learners to open AbiWord
and start typing the contents in
Refer to learner’s book pages 74-81 the table.
ƒƒ Ask the learners to first try
Specific objectives working out the total amounts
By the end of the lesson, learners first by calculation and the using
should be able to: AbiWord.
ƒƒ Explain the role of spreadsheet ƒƒ Let them brainstorm and say
applications. whether there is a better way of
ƒƒ Identify the basic features of manipulating the data.
spreadsheet environment. Activity 4.30 (Refer to Pupil’s
book page 75)

Preparation for the lesson ƒƒ At this point, guide learners to open

a Gnumeric spreadsheet and try
ƒƒ This lesson will involve a practical
working out the totals. Let them
activity either in the computer
compare this and the first attempt
laboratory or in the classroom
where they did it manually.
and group discussions.

ƒƒ Guide learners to harmonise their (Ans: A computer program used to
tables. Let them choose a group manipulate and analyze numeric data)
leader to do a presentation on
2. Write the steps to open the
their behalf.
gnumeric spreadsheet.
Talking point (Refer to Pupil’s
book page 76) (Ans: Go to application-office-gnumeric
ƒƒ Put learners in groups depending spreadsheet)
on the size of the class and their 3. Label the key features of the
abilities. Guide them to carry out spreadsheet window.
research and discuss the features of
a Gnumeric spreadsheet window. (Ans: Refer to Figure 4.14 page 76 of
ƒƒ They can draw a diagram in their pupil’s book)
notebooks then compare with Fig. 4. Describe the roles of the
4.14 on page 76 of pupil’s book.
ƒƒ Wrap up the lesson by highlighting
the main features of a gnumeric (Ans: Help keep track of information
spreadsheet with their uses. Let in lists, organize numeric values in
columns and rows, perform and update
learners write short notes notes
as you summarise.

Lesson 7: How to create, save and

open a workbook
ƒƒ This lesson introduces the
concept of spreadsheets, the
spreadsheet environment, its
roles and its definition. Use the Refer to learner’s book pages 82-97
suggested practical activities and
the discussion group to guide Specific objectives
the learners to discover what By the end of the lesson, learners
spreadsheet is. should be able to:
ƒƒ Create and save a document in a
Lesson assessment worksheet.
Assess whether the learning objective ƒƒ Explain the process of saving a
of the lesson was met by asking document in spreadsheet.
questions such as: Preparation for the lesson
1. What is Gnumeric spreadsheet? ƒƒ This lesson will involve practical
activities in using spreadsheet.

ƒƒ Prepare laptops to be used or ƒƒ Guide learners to practice the
ensure that the computers in the exercises of opening and closing a
computer laboratory are working. workbook.
ƒƒ Bring pamphlets, handouts, and Activity 4.36 (Refer to Pupil’s
textbooks for reference in class. book page 83)
Also, ensure that all laptops are in ƒƒ Let learners understand that once
a good status ready to use. Make they have worked on a workbook,
sure the classroom is arranged in it will need to be saved just like in
a way to facilitate moving around, Abiword. Take them through the
while learners are practicing. activities of saving a workbook as
described here. Let them repeat
this several times until they get
Teaching Aids used.
ƒƒ XO laptop or any other computer Activity 4.37 (Refer to Pupil’s
or computer laboratory. book page 84)
ƒƒ Pamphlets, handouts, and ƒƒ Let learners understand that
textbooks for reference in class. in this activity, they will open a
spreadsheet file, which they saved
earlier on. Let them carry out this
Pre-requisite of the lesson activity in pairs. They should also
Introduce the topic by asking learners practice several times for them to
and reminding themselves about get used to.
spreadsheet. Ask probing questions
such as: What is spreadsheet? Synthesis
What are the main features of the Learners at this stage should open a
spreadsheet screen? Then, you can ask workbook, save it, close the computer
them to switch on their laptops and and re-open the earlier saved file.
open a new spreadsheet window and Guide learners to perform more
start exploring spreadsheet. exercises on this in order to perfect
their skills.
Teaching / learning activities Lesson assessment
Activity 4.35 (Refer to Pupil’s Assess whether the learning objective
of the lesson was met by asking
book page 82)
questions such as:
ƒƒ Let learners using their laptops
go to spreadsheet and open a 1. Create a workbook and save it on
workbook. the desktop as ‘My work’.

(Ans: Assess learner work and ensure laboratory involving manipulating
they are able to do this) columns, rows and cells.
2. What is a work book? ƒƒ If in class bring pamphlets,handouts,
and textbooks for reference.
(Ans: A workbook is the MS Excel file
ƒƒ Prepare the laptops to be used,
in which you enter and store related
or the computer laboratory if
data. Each workbook can contain
many worksheets).
Teaching Aids
3. State the process of opening an
ƒƒ XO laptops or any other
existing workbook.
(Ans: Select the FILE tab in the toolbar ƒƒ Textbooks and other reference
at the top of the screen. Then click on materials.
Open in the left menu. You will see
your “Recent Workbooks” listed on Pre-requisite of the lesson
the right. To quickly open one of these ƒƒ Introduce the topic by asking
workbooks, click on the workbook learners to define columns, rows
name under “Recent Workbooks”). and cells. They can de research in
4. State the process of opening an the internet or textbooks.
existing workbook. (Ans: Select the ƒƒ Help learners to correctly define
FILE tab in the toolbar at the top of these terms in spreadsheet then
the screen. Then click on Open in the ask learners to switch on their
left menu. You will see your “Recent laptops and open spreadsheet
Workbooks” listed on the right. To
quickly open one of these workbooks, ƒƒ Let learners differentiate between
click on the workbook name under rows, columns and cells.
“Recent Workbooks”). Teaching / learning activities
Lesson 8: Columns, Rows and Activity 4.40 (Refer to Pupil’s
Cells (To be covered in two periods) book page 87)
ƒƒ Let learners observe the table on
Refer to learner’s book pages 87
activity 4.40 and discuss in pairs to
Specific objectives come up with a correct answer on
By the end of the lesson, learners the position of the active cell.
should be able to manipulate a ƒƒ Ask learners to practice entering
worksheet and manage columns and
and deleting text in the active cell.
Preparation for the lesson ƒƒ Guide learners to experiment
adding columns, rows and cells,
ƒƒ This lesson will involve practical
activities in the computer deleting columns, rows and cells
and also resizing columns and

rows in spreadsheet. Refer to
content on pages 87-95 of the Lesson 9: Formatting a cell
pupil’s book
Refer to learner’s book pages 89
ƒƒ Wrap up the lesson by asking
Specific objectives
learners to practice activity 4.41
in pupils’ book page 88 By the end of the lesson, learners
should be able to:
ƒƒ Understand how to manipulate
cell contents.
ƒƒ The concept of understanding rows,
ƒƒ Organise and use various methods
columns and cells in spreadsheet is
to move, delete and fill data from/
very essential for learners. Use the
into cells.
practical activities suggested and
Preparation for the lesson
demonstrations to help learners
understand these concepts. ƒƒ This lesson will involve a practical
activity either in the computer
laboratory or in the classroom.
Lesson assessment
ƒƒ If in class bring pamphlets,
Assess whether the learning objective handouts, and textbooks for
of the lesson was met by asking reference in class
questions such as:
ƒƒ Prepare the laptops to be used,
1. Define rows, columns, and cells? or the computer laboratory if
(Ans: A column: is a vertical series of available.
cells in a chart, table, or spreadsheet. Teaching Aids
A row - is the range of cells that go ƒƒ XO laptops or any other
across (horizontal) the spreadsheet/ computers.
worksheet Pre-requisite of the lesson
ƒƒ Introduce the topic by asking
A cell - A cell is the intersection between
learners to define a cell in
a row and a column on a spreadsheet
spreadsheet. Let learners switch
that starts with cell A1).
on their laptops and open
2. In your spreadsheet, practise the spreadsheet.
steps of deleting and resising a ƒƒ In this lesson, learners will learn
column. how to change font type and size,
(Ans: Assess learner work during the insert or remove cell borders,
practical and award marks accordingly apply colors and align texts in a

Teaching / learning activities 2. Type the data in the cells and
You are advised to handle each of the practise changing font size and
items above one at a time. type.
Activity 4.44 (Refer to Pupil’s
3. Practise applying background
book page 89)
colour and text color to your
ƒƒ Guide learners to practice this
activity in the pupils book. Let
them practice how to change font (Ans: In all the cases above, assess
type/size, insert and remove cell learner work during the practical and
borders, apply colour in text and award marks accordingly).
align text.
ƒƒ Highlight key points when doing
this as leraners take short notes. Lesson 10: Worksheet basics
Refer to pupil’s book pages 93 Refer to learner’s book page 89
Synthesis Specific objectives
The concept of formatting cells in By the end of the lesson, learners
spreadsheet is new to learners; help should be able to manipulate a
them to make more practice from worksheet and manage columns and
the pupils’ book. Cells are the basic rows.
building blocks of a worksheet. Cells Preparation for the lesson
can contain a variety of content such ƒƒ This lesson is on using a worksheet;
as text formatting attributes, formulas it will involve practical exercises to
and functions. Guide learners to master how to use worksheets.
manipulate and use cells effectively. ƒƒ Prepare the laptops and make sure
the classroom is well arranged.

Lesson assessment
Teaching Aids
Assess whether the learning objective
ƒƒ XO laptops or any other
of the lesson was met by asking
questions such as:
Pre-requisite of the lesson
1. Open a workbook, apply all ƒƒ Introduce the topic by asking
borders to the sheet. learners to identify what a
worksheet is.

ƒƒ Ask learners to switch on their 3. Delete the spreadsheet sheet.
laptops and open spreadsheet.
(Ans: In questions 2 and 3 above, assess
Teaching / learning activities
learner work during the practical and
ƒƒ Guide learners to practice
award marks accordingly).
selecting, deleting, inserting and
renaming a worksheet, Lesson 11: Mathematical
ƒƒ Highlight key points learners write operators in spreadsheet
down short notes.
ƒƒ Wrap up the lesson by explaining Refer to learner’s book page 93
what a worksheet is. Refer to
Pupil’s book pages 93
Specific objectives
By the end of the lesson, learners
The concept of worksheet is should be able to use basic arithmetical
fundamental in using workbooks. Assist operations to manipulate cells data.
learners to practice more on inserting,
renaming, deleting and removing
Preparation for the lesson
worksheets from a workbook. Guide
ƒƒ This lesson will involve practical
learners to differentiate between a
lessons being carried either in class
workbook and a worksheet.
or in the computer laboratory.
Lesson assessment
ƒƒ Test for the laptops to be used
Assess whether the learning objective
and make sure they are in good
of the lesson was met by asking working condition.
questions such as:
ƒƒ Obtain wall charts on different
1. What is a worksheet? calculations to practice in
(Ans: A worksheet is a collection of cells
on a single “sheet” where you actually Teaching Aids
keep and manipulate the data). ƒƒ XO laptops, or any other
2. Open spreadsheet, rename sheet 1
as P6A, sheet 2 as P6B, sheet 3 as

Pre-requisite of the lesson Synthesis
ƒƒ You may begin this lesson by This lesson intends to help learners
asking learners to calculate simple understand and use mathematical
mathematics, either by adding two operators in spreadsheet. Use the
numbers on the chalkboard. various practical activities suggested
ƒƒ Ask learners to discuss how they to bring out the intended concepts.You
got the sum of these two numbers. should also be able to use a formula in
calculation like the autosum.
Let them know that it is much
easier to use spreadsheet to Lesson assessment
calculate. Assess whether the learning objectives
ƒƒ Ask learners to switch on their of the lesson were met by asking
laptops and open spreadsheet. questions such as:

Teaching / learning activities 1. Write the examples of basic math

Activity 4.45 (Refer to Pupil’s formulas in spreadsheet:
book page 93) (Ans: =A1+A6 -  this Excel formula
ƒƒ Guide learners to discuss and adds the contents of cell A1 and A6
practise the activity above. = A1+A2+A3 - this Excel formula
ƒƒ Help learners to understand adds the contents of the three
how to perform calculations in cells specified. (See the SUM
spreadsheet. function for adding multiple
ƒƒ Provide learners with an activity numbers).
to perform how to make sum by = A3-A1 - this Excel formula
using a formula. See Activity 4.46 subtracts the contents of cell
on page 96 of pupils book. A1 from the contents of cell A3.
ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by
= B2*B3 - this Excel formula
highlighting the key points about
multiples the numbers in cells
mathematical operators as
B2 and B3.
learners take summary notes.
Better still, you can appoint a gifted = G5/A5 this Excel formula
learner to give summary points as divides G5 by A5).
you guide them. Refer to the notes 2. What is the sum function in
in Pupil’s book pages 94 – 96. spreadsheet?

(Ans: The SUM function adds together topic are for learners to appreciate
a supplied set of numbers and returns the Gnome user environment. Guide
the sum of these values) learners to acquire the competencies
desired in this area.
3. Why do we need to begin with
equal sign in excel formula? Additional Information for the
(Ans: This is because the cell contains
ƒƒ Workbooks and Worksheets
or is equal to the formula and the
When Excel is opened, a
value it calculates)
workbook appears with three
worksheets. Each worksheet
Answers to Self-Test 4.1 (Pupil’s contains columns and rows. There
book Page 73) are 1,048,575 rows and 16,384
columns. The combination of a
ƒƒ Assess learners’ work and award
column coordinate and a row
marks accordingly.
coordinate make up a cell address.
For example, the cell located in the
Answers to Self-Test 4.2 (Pupil’s upper left corner of the worksheet
book Page 97) is cell A1, meaning column A, row
ƒƒ Assess learners’ work and award 1. The cell address is visible in the
marks accordingly. Name Box.
Summary of the unit ƒƒ Place your cursor in the first cell,A1.
This unit is about learners gaining The formula bar will display the cell
address in the Name Box on the left
knowledge and understanding of
side of the Formula bar. Notice that
the writing skills in abiword and
the address changes as you move
spreadsheet.You should have effectively
around the sheet. You can easily
used the suggested activities and the
move from cell to cell by pressing
teaching approaches in the teacher’s
tab or using the arrow keys.
book to help learners acquire this
ƒƒ A cell can contain any of the
competence. At the end of the lessons,
you should assess the extent to which
the competency was achieved and plan ƒƒ A number (and any associated
remedial activities where necessary. punctuation, such as decimal
Remember, one of the attitudes and points, commas, and currency
values intended at the end of the symbols).

ƒƒ Text (including any combination of can also use your mouse to click
letters, numbers, and symbols that within a cell which will select that
aren’t number-related). cell. Sometimes you will want to
select a range of cells.
ƒƒ A formula, which is a math
equation. ƒƒ A range is a group of one or more
ƒƒ A function, which is a named cells. If you select more than one
equation that shortcuts an cell at a time, you can then perform
otherwise complex operation actions on the group of them at
once, such as applying formatting
Creating a New Workbook or clearing the contents. A range
ƒƒ It is easy to create a new can even be an entire worksheet.
workbook! Simply, click on File – ƒƒ A range is referenced by the upper
New or Office Button – New and left and lower right cells. For
click on Blank Workbook to create example, the range of cells B1, B2,
a new workbook. C1, and C2 would be referred to
as B1:C2.
Creating a New Worksheet To select a range:
ƒƒ Creating a new worksheet is ƒƒ With the mouse: Drag across the
just as easy. By default, each
desired cells with the left mouse
Excel workbook contains
button held down. Be careful when
three worksheets. Three tabs
displaying Sheet 1, Sheet 2, you’re positioning the mouse over
and Sheet 3 will be displayed at the first cell (before pressing the
the bottom of the workbook to mouse button). Position the pointer
indicate the separate sheets. To over the center of the cell, and not
add a new worksheet, simply click over an edge.
on the tab after the tab that says
ƒƒ If you drag while the pointer is on
the edge of the cell, Excel interprets
the selection as a move operation
Navigating and Selecting and whatever is in the cell(s) is
ƒƒ Moving around a worksheet is dragged to a different spot.
easy! You can easily move from cell
ƒƒ With the keyboard: Select the
to cell by using the arrow keys or
pressing tab (will move the cursor first cell, and then hold down
to the right) or shift-tab (shift- the Shift key while you press the
tab will move you to the left). You arrow keys to expand the selection

ƒƒ To select a nonrectangular or sometimes it’s easier to simply
noncontiguous range, select the insert or remove columns or rows.
first portion of the range (that is, To insert a column or row:
the first rectangular piece), and ƒƒ Click on the cell on the right of
then hold down the Ctrl key while the two columns between which
you select additional cells/ranges you wish to insert. To insert rows,
with the mouse. click on the lower row of the two
ƒƒ To select an entire column, click between which you wish to insert.
the column header (where the ƒƒ Go to “Insert” and select
letter is). To select an entire row, “Columns”. To insert a row, go to
click the row header (where the “Insert” and select “Rows”.
number is). You can click one ƒƒ Appearing to the left of your
row or column and then drag to highlighted column or above your
select additional columns, or hold highlighted row will be a new row
down Ctrl as you click on the or column. Insert a row to the left
headers for noncontiguous rows of Column I and a row under Row
and/or columns. 1.

Formatting Columns and Rows

Entering and Editing Data
ƒƒ Often you will need to change
ƒƒ Let’s learn how to enter data into
your columns and rows in order
your worksheet. First, you place
for text to fit or for the text to fit
the cursor in the cell in which you
on the page correctly. There are a
would like to enter data. Then you number of different methods one
type the data and press Enter. can use to do this. Let’s start with
Inserting Columns and Rows ƒƒ Column Width: The formatting that
ƒƒ If you don’t plan your worksheet is unique to columns is Column
layout correctly, you might end up Width. Column Width is measured
in characters. A column’s width
with too many or too few rows
can be from 0 to 255 characters,
or columns in a certain area. You
which is a really wide column!
can always move data around
Decimal values are allowed. In fact,
in the sheet to help with this, but
the default size is 8.43 characters.

ƒƒ A width of 12, for example, means ƒƒ AutoFit will leave a little white
the column is wide enough for 12 space, called the cell padding,
average characters, using whatever between the text in the cell and
you chose as the Standard font. the cell edges. When Arial 10 pt.
The default is Calibri 11 pts. To is the Standard Font, the Row
change the font from the default, Height is 12.75 points. You may
go to Tools-Options-General- find that this looks a bit crowded
Standard font.  when the gridlines are shown. If
ƒƒ Be careful when you set a column’s you don’t print the gridlines, your
width with AutoFit.The column may paper version will look OK.
wind up wider than you expected.
Any text will be on a single line in Formatting Text and Data
its cell. No matter how long the
text is! If you accidentally find ƒƒ Once information has been
you’ve widened a cell out of sight entered into a cell, you might
to the right, use Undo. (my favorite want to change or enhance the
button!) Then resize the column way the information is displayed.
with another method. Text can be formatted in the same
way that one uses in Microsoft
Word or PowerPoint. Most of the
Column Width – Drag method
formatting choices can be found in
ƒƒ Dragging is a natural method of the Font grouping under the Home
adjusting column width. But since tab. First remember to always
you can’t see the change until you make sure that the cell you want
release the mouse button, it may
to format is selected.
take you several attempts to get a
satisfactory width.
Deleting versus Clearing a Cell
Row Height ƒƒ Many beginners get confused
about clearing versus deleting in
ƒƒ The only unique formatting for
Excel, so let’s look at this concept
rows is Row Height. Row Height
is measured in points, like font size, briefly.When you clear the content
from 0 to 409 points. A row height from a cell, the formatting for that
of zero hides the row.  cell is still there. It may be helpful
to think of an Excel worksheet as
ƒƒ The default setting for Row Height
a stack of empty cardboard boxes,
is AutoFit. The row height adjusts
to the largest font size in the row. 

each one with its open side facing Alignment Options
you. You can put something into a Wrapping Text When you enter text
cell or take something out. When that is too long to fit in a cell into a
you take something out of a cell, cell, it overlaps the next cell. If you do
it’s called clearing its content. The
not want it to overlap the next cell
cell itself remains in the “stack,”
you can wrap the text.
but it’s now empty.
Exercise 13
To clear the content from a cell:
ƒƒ Press Delete on the keyboard. 1. Open another new sheet.

ƒƒ Right-click the cell and then select 2. Move to cell A1.

Clear Contents. 3. Type Text too long to fit. (After
ƒƒ On the Home tab, in the Editing typing, click out of the cell and
group, select Clear>Clear back in again.)
Contents. 4. From the Ribbon, choose Home
Unfortunately, clearing a cell’s content >Cells > Format. This will open
doesn’t clear its formatting. a dropdown menu.
5. Click on Format Cells at the
To clear formatting: bottom of the dropdown menu.
ƒƒ On the Home tab, in the Editing
6. Choose the Alignment tab.
group, select Clear > Clear
Formats 7. Click Wrap Text.

ƒƒ To clear both contents and formats 8. Click OK. The text wraps.
at once, select Clear All. Merging Cells
In contrast, deleting the cell removes Sometimes, rather than having text
the cell itself from the stack and makes wrap in a cell, you will actually want
the surrounding cells shift. Think about the text to run across the width of
what happens when you pull a box out
the data. Usually when making a
of a stack of boxes -- the boxes above
spreadsheet, you need to create a
it fall down one position, right? It’s the
heading for the sheet. This heading
same thing with Excel cells, except it’s
reverse-gravity (cells fall up rather should run across the width of your
than down), and you have the choice data. To do this, one must merge the
of making the remaining cells shift up cells across the width of the data. To
or to the left. do that:

ƒƒ Select the range of cells that you ƒƒ *: Multiplication
want to merge e.g.  A1:B1.  ƒƒ /: Division
ƒƒ Click  the Merge and Center button. ƒƒ More Formula Examples
The heading is now centered over ƒƒ The math operators in Excel
the data. have an order of operation, just
Performing Mathematical like in regular math. The order of
operation is the order in which
they’re processed when multiple
What’s a formula? operators appear in the same
ƒƒ A formula is an equation that formula. Here are the rules that
performs some type of operation determine the order:
and issues a result. In Excel, ƒƒ Any operations that are in
formulas always begin with an parentheses, from left to right.
equal sign. Here are some formula ƒƒ Multiplication (*) and division (/)
examples: ƒƒ Addition (+) and subtraction (-)
ƒƒ =2+6: This formula is strictly math. Parentheses override everything and
If you place this formula in a cell, go first. So, if you need to execute an
the cell displays 8. operation out of the normal order,
ƒƒ =A1+6: Same as the preceding, you place it in parentheses.
but this time you’re adding 6 to
whichever value is in cell A1 and Common formula errors
displaying the result in the cell ƒƒ Here are some of the most
into which you enter this formula. common mistakes people make
This formula does not change A1’s when entering formulas and
contents. functions:
ƒƒ =A1+A2: Same thing again, but ƒƒ Not putting in all the required
you’re adding the contents of cell arguments: If a function is
A1 to the contents of cell A2. expecting more arguments than
you have entered, and you get a
ƒƒ =A1+A2-A3: In this example,
dialog box, be sure you’ve placed
multiple cells are referenced.
commas between the arguments
ƒƒ Here are the symbols you can use in and that you haven’t overlooked
formulas to indicate mathematical any.
operations: ƒƒ Circular references: If you refer to
ƒƒ +: Addition the cell’s own address in a function,
ƒƒ -: Subtraction you create a circular error, which

is like an endless loop. Suppose to the Page Layout tab, in the Page
that you enter =A1+1 into cell A1. Setup group and click Print Titles.
You’ll get an error message like the On the Sheet tab, under Print Titles,
one below. If you click OK at this do one or both of the following:
message, a Help window appears
to help you find the problem. (a) In the Rows to repeat at top

ƒƒ Text in an argument: Most functions box, type the reference of the

require numeric arguments. If you rows that contain the column
enter text as an argument, for labels if you want the heading
example, = SUM (text), the word repeated on each page.
#NAME? appears in the cell. This (b) In the Columns to repeat
happens because Excel allows you at left box, type the reference
to name ranges of cells using text, of the columns that contain the
so technically = SUM (text) isn’t row labels if you want those to
an invalid function. It is invalid only show.
if there’s no range that has been
assigned the name “text.”
Recognizing Cursor Styles
ƒƒ Hash marks (###) in a cell: This
ƒƒ There are four common cursor
happens when the cell isn’t wide
styles used in Excel. These cursor
enough to display its value. Widen
styles are shown in the table below.
the column to fix this.
ƒƒ Click and drag to highlight multiple
ƒƒ If you receive an error when
cells with this cursor, or click in a
copying a formula, don’t panic; it
cell to select the single cell. Click
happens to everyone. Use the skills
and drag with this cursor to fill cell
you learned earlier in this chapter
contents into cells below or to the
to display the formulas and then
check them for the common errors
discussed here. ƒƒ Click and drag the contents of the
selected cell to any other cell.
Click to place the cursor into the
Formula bar so that you can edit
ƒƒ Let’s prepare to print! If your an equation or function.
worksheet is more than one
printed page, it is possible to have
the heading on each page by going

Answers for Unit Test 4 (Refer to Pupil’s book pages 98 -99)
Let learners attempt the various questions practically then assess their work
and award marks accordingly.

Additional activities to cater for intellectually challenged and gifted

You may need to assess the questions in the self tests and the unit test and see
which ones can be used for remedial teaching and which ones to be given to gifted
learners. Examples are given in the table below.

Remedial activities for Extended activities for gifted and
intellectually challenged learners talented learners
1. Open a New AbiWord document 1. Open AbiWord blank page,Write a
and type the title as ‘Pampered 5 paragraph essay about ‘A good
Pets’ in capital letters. friend’. Bold and underline the title,
(a) Press “enter” two more times and save your work in the folder called
then type: ‘Essay’.
(b) Can your pet sing? 2. Open Gnumeric spreadsheet, on
(c) Can your pet dance? sheet I, type your First term report
(d) Can your pet tell jokes or do tricks? marks as written on your report.
Calculate the total of your marks
(e) Bring them along! Winners and
per subject and the percentage
consolation prizes.
using spreadsheet formula. Name
(f) Save on the Desktop as Pet Talent
sheet 1 as ‘Term I’, save your work
Contest. in the folder called ‘My Report’ in
2. Open spreadsheet; name the sheet my Document.
1as ‘P6 Term III’, Save the file to
3. Enter a formula that calculates
your Documents folder.
the Average, Total marks and
3. Enter the information below in the percentage for each subject.
cell indicated as B10: Averages
Format the subject titles in bold
4. Do the following calculations and in blue colour.
• =(5+6)*9
• =9+10+6
• =96/2

UNIT Computer Research
5 (No. of Periods 10)
Refer to Learner’s Book pages 100 - 115
Key Unit Competency that is, knowledge and understanding,
After studying this unit, you will be able skills acquisition and attitude and values.
to explore and use Search engines. At the end of the unit, learners should
have knowledge and understanding of
using search engines and make research
Learning objectives using different techniques.
Competency based curriculum embraces
three categories of learning objectives,

Table 5.1: Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values

By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit,
learners should be able to: learners should be able learners should be able to:
ˆExplain the role of ˆˆ Show curiosity on
search engines. ˆˆ Explore and use the use of simple
ˆGive examples of search engines. machines and their
search engines by their ˆˆ Categorise different importance.
types. search engine. ˆˆ Be aware of possible
ˆName and compare ˆˆ Filter information dangers of using
different search engines found using a search simple machines.
using keyword and engine.
phrases and searching ˆˆ Evaluate information
techniques. and edit and enrich
the information by
copying and using
a word processing

Pre-requisite of this unit 2. Standardization culture
Learners first heard about computer Encourage learners to always
research in primary 5 where they ensure they use authentic external
carried out simple tasks line accessing and internal devices on computers.
the world map and the dictionary. 3. Financial education
They also learnt about emails - how Advise learners ensure that they
to create an account, how to log into always handle laptops or computers
the account and how to write and with care. Repairing or buying new
send mail. At this level, learners are laptop or computer can be very
expected to venture more into search expensive.
engines and how to effectively search
4. Gender education
for information using the internet.
Make them understand this fact and Emphasize to learners that anybody
let them know that learning the basics irrespective of their gender can
of using a search engine, as well as pursue a carrier in computer science.
some techniques used to search on Give examples of role models who
the web has some level of association are successful IT/technicians in the
with English and to some extend social area where the learners come from.
studies. 5. Inclusive education
All learners should be encouraged
Background information to participate during lessons and
practicals. Special arrangement
In this unit you will teach how to should be done to take care of
use Search engines, search engine learners with special needs. For
techniques and browsers.A web search example, provide brail for blind
engine is a software system that is learners, large print text for those
designed to search for information with sight problems and allocate
on the World Wide Web, (www). physically challenged learners to
Therefore, it is very important for others to assist them during field
learners to understand how to make trips and practical activities. Further,
searches through different browsers. this category should be given tasks
Cross-cutting issues to be that they can manage during the
addressed practical sessions.
1. Peace values and gender Generic Competences
education 1. Co-operation and interpersonal
As learners perform the activities in management and life skills
the learner’s book, encourage them During group discussions and group
to be careful not to hurt each other interactions - let learners engage
or themselves with the computers. one another by giving a chance
for all to participate. Also, during

group presentations - you can 5. Lifelong skills
allow rotational presentations The skills acquired in research can
within the group members. Gifted be used in future while at work or
learners should help in coming up when doing job related Internet
with presentation content as slow searches. This topic area can also
learners contribute. REMEMBER lead to careers such as IT specialists
You should allow slow learners to and technicians therefore learners
do presentations as well and correct should be encouraged to take it
them where they go wrong. Advise seriously.
learners to appreciate the different Key words in this unit and their
abilities of their group members and
accommodate each other’s views. ƒƒ Search engine - Specialized
websites that help you find what
2. Research skills
you’re looking for on the Web.
Guide learners to make successful Examples are google, bing, yahoo
internet searches using the various and ask.
search engines. Further, guide ƒƒ Browser - is a program that lets
learners on how to come up with you locate and view web pages.
summarized notes from a large body The most widely used browser
of text. is Internet explorer. Others are
3. Communication in English mozila, safari, opera mini, chrome
among others.
Communication in English will be
improved when learners freely ƒƒ www - world wide web
participate in the discussions ƒƒ Keyword – the word that you
and presentations. Encourage all input in a computer to search its
learners irrespective of their abilities meaning through the Internet.
to participate in group discussions, ƒƒ Synonyms – words or phrases
during presentations by asking that have the same meaning.
questions and during question and Guidance on the problem
answer sessions to either introduce statement
or wrap up the lessons. This topic is about Computer Research.
4. Critical thinking Let learners study the picture on page
Guide learners to discover for 100 and say what it is about. The
themselves the differences between picture shows pupils searching for the
search engines and their uses. This meaning of the phrase ‘search engine’
and the various types of search
competence will also come about as
engines in a pile of books without
learners think about their research success. They seem to be stranded.
findings and as they give out their let learners brainstorm and suggest
suggestions on why certain things a solution to this problem situation
are the way they are. which is - to search for the

words in the internet. This the learners can only do if they have knowledge on
how to do effective internet search.

Attention to special educational needs

Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning
ƒƒ Peer-teaching – engage high ƒƒ Identify the learners with hearing
achievers to help weak pupils in and visual impairment and have
understanding of concepts. them sit in front of the class so that
ƒƒ Plan remedial teaching for slow proper attention can be given to
learners. them. Also, large print texts should

ƒƒ Allow enough time to slow learners be given to visually impaired

to complete their work. learners and hearing aids provided

for those with hearing impairment.
ƒƒ Gifted learners to be given heavy
tasks requiring more critical ƒƒ Arrange the room such that it will

thinking while slow learners are enable easy movement for the

given tasks, which they can manage physically challenged learners.

such as collecting materials for use ƒƒ Assign some students to be in

during practicals among others. charge of the physically and
visually impaired learners. For
ƒƒ Both gifted and slow learners to
example, carrying their equipment,
be given equal opportunity to lead
showing them around during the
in group discussions and to do
field trips, etc.
presentations of group findings to
the rest of the class.

List of lessons
Lesson No. Lesson title No. of Periods
1. Introduction to search engines 2
2. Search engine techniques 3
3. Types of search engines 4
4. How to conduct an effective internet search 1

LESSON 1: Introduction to ƒƒ The diagram on page 88 of pupil’s
Search engines. book.
Pre-requisite of the lesson
Refer to learner’s book pages 101 ƒƒ Introduce the unit as explained
Specific objectives under guidance on the problem
statement above then narrow
By the end of the lesson, learners
down to the lesson.
should be able to:
ƒƒ Introduce the lesson to learners
ƒƒ Explain the role of search engines
by asking probing questions such
ƒƒ Give examples of search engines as what do you understand by the
by their types word Internet? What are roles of
ƒƒ Explore and use search engines the Internet?

Preparation for the lesson Teaching / learning activities

ƒƒ This lesson will involve individual Activity 5.1 (Refer to Pupil’s book
page 101)
practical work, research work and
group activities. You will therefore ƒƒ Guide learners to carry out the
organize the class as need arises activity. Let them discuss their
during the lesson. REMEMBER: findings in pairs and compare their
When grouping learners, you answers.
should consider the different ƒƒ They can then have a class
abilities of learners and the special discussion on the various types of
needs for various individuals. search engines (Talking point page
ƒƒ Prepare the laptops to be used and
arrange a classroom to facilitate ƒƒ Let one learner lead the class on
recaping the main points and give
learning and moving around.
examples. Explain what search
ƒƒ Bring pamphlets, handouts, and engine is as learners take summary
textbooks for reference in class. notes.
Also, ensure that the Internet is
Talking point (Refer to Pupil’s
working if you have a computer book page 101)
laboratory or any other form of
At this point, you can introduce the
internet connectivity such as WIFI
concept of web browser by letting
or modem.
learners carry out this discussion.
Teaching Aids
ƒƒ Help learners to distinguish
ƒƒ XO laptops or any other between the browsers and where
computers. they can be used. You can then

give a small activity on using the
browsers to search for information Lesson 2: Search engine
and the learners comparing the Techniques
results of the different browsers.
Activity 5.2 page 103 of pupil’s
book) Refer to learner’s book pages 102

ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by

highlighting the key points about Specific objectives
search engines as learners take By the end of the lesson, learners
summary notes. Better still, you should be able to name and compare
can appoint a gifted learner to different search engines using
give summary points as you guide keywords and phrases in searching
them. techniques.
Preparation for the lesson
ƒƒ The lesson introduces learners
ƒƒ This lesson will involve individual
to search engines. The activities
practical work and group activities.
carried out during this lesson
You will therefore organize the
should help learners identify the
class as need arises during the
search engine types, categorise
lesson. REMEMBER: When
them and determine the roles of
grouping learners, you should
each search engine.
consider the different abilities of
Lesson assessment learners and the special needs for
Assess whether the learning objectives various individuals.
of the lesson were met by asking ƒƒ Bring reference textbooks to class.
questions such as:
Also, ensure that the Internet is
ƒƒ What did you learn in this lesson? working if you have a computer
(Ans: Search engines and their roles in laboratory or any other form of
research) Internet connectivity such as WIFI
ƒƒ What is a search engine? (Ans: A or modem.
software system designed to search ƒƒ Bring and prepare laptops to be
for information on the world wide used.
Teaching aids
ƒƒ Identify different types of search
ƒƒ XO laptops and any other available
engines. (Ans: Google,Yahoo, bing, ask)
computers and textbooks.

Pre-requisite of the lesson search pharases properly by
ƒƒ Let learners understand that in letting learners carry out the case
this lesson, they will learn about study on page 105 and activity 5.4
techniques that would give good on pages 105 of pupil’s book.
results when doing internet ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by
searches. highlighting the key points on the
ƒƒ Ask probing questions to introduce phrase and keyword techniques
the lesson. For example, how of searching. Refer to the notes
do you connect to the Internet? in Pupil’s book page 106. Allow
How best can you search for learners to write summary notes as
you do your presentation. You can
information in the Internet?
also make this more interactive by
ƒƒ Build on the answers to these inviting gifted learners to do lesson
questions to introduce the concept summary as you guide them.
of keyword and phrase searching.
Teaching / learning activities
Case study (Refer to Pupil’s book
This lesson introduces learners to
page 102)
the search engine techniques. Use the
ƒƒ Guide learners to search for a suggested practical activities and the
keyword of their choice using case studies to show learners how to
the various search engines then do successful internet searches.
compare the results.
Lesson assessment
ƒƒ Let them repeat this activity by
Assess whether the learning objectives
this time round using a phrase
of the lesson were met by asking
instead of a keyword. Again, they
questions such as:
should compare the results from
the different search engines. ƒƒ Identify the two search engine
techniques. (Ans: Keyword search and
ƒƒ Stress the need to be careful when
phrase search)
choosing pharses for the searches
to be successful. ƒƒ Explain the roles of search engines.
(Ans: They act as a bridge between the
Activity 5.3 & 5.4 (Refer to Pupil’s
world wide web and the computer)
book page 104 - 105)
ƒƒ Differentiate the keyword and
ƒƒ Guide learners to carry out these
phrase types of search engine
activities in groups of four. Let
techniques. (Ans: Keyword uses just
them compare the serach results
one word while phrase searching uses
that they obtain.
a group of words)
ƒƒ Re-inforce the need to choose

Pre-requisite of the lesson
Lesson 3:Types of search engines
ƒƒ Remind learners about the types
of search engines they learnt
Refer to learner’s book pages 106 about earlier on. Let volunteers
Specific objectives give the names as you write on the
By the end of the lesson, learners blackboard.
should be able to name and compare ƒƒ At this point you can clarify that
different types of search engines. search engines can further be
Preparation for the lesson broken down depending on the
information one is looking for. You
ƒƒ This lesson will involve individual
can give the list on pages 106 of
practical work and group activities pupil’s book.
together with case studies. You
ƒƒ Let learners know that they are
will therefore organize the class
going to explore each of these
as need arises during the lesson.
search engines individually.
REMEMBER: When grouping
learners, you should consider Teaching / learning activities
the different abilities of learners (a) Primary search engines
and the special needs for various Activity 5.5 (Refer to Pupil’s book
individuals. page 106)
ƒƒ Prepare and bring computers to ƒƒ Introduce learners to the three
be used. Ensure that the computers primary search engines, which are:
are working properly. Google, bing and yahoo.
ƒƒ Ensure that the Internet is working ƒƒ Put learners in small groups
if you have a computer laboratory according to their abilities. Ask
or any other form of Internet them to log onto their computers
connectivity such as WIFI or and input each of these search
modem. engines. Let them carry out the
activity above.
Teaching Aids
ƒƒ Guide learners to compare the
ƒƒ XO laptops or any other available
results of their searches. Let
them answer these questions:
ƒƒ Textbooks Which search engine gave more
convincing outcomes? Based on

this, which search engine would ƒƒ Allow the learners to discuss and
you prefer for carrying out your share their search results.
research? ƒƒ Clarify what targeted search
ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by engines are as learners write
highlighting the key points about summary notes.
searching a phrase ‘one laptop per (d) Meta search engines
child’ as learners write short notes.
Case study (Refer to Pupil’s book page
(b) Secondary search engines - 108)
Activity 5.6 (Refer to Pupil’s book
ƒƒ Put learners in groups and allow
page 107)
them to log on to their computers.
ƒƒ Put learners in groups of five and
ƒƒ Guide them to go to metacrawler
allow them to log on to their
and Dogpile and search for the
process of digestion.
ƒƒ Guide them to go to ask.com
ƒƒ Allow the learners to discuss and
and search who the president
compare their search results.
of Rwanda is. They should then
compare their search results. ƒƒ Clarify what meta search engines
are as learners write summary
ƒƒ Wind up this section by clarifying
what secondary search engines
are giving examples. (e) Science-specific search
engines – Case study (Refer to Pupil’s
ƒƒ Let learners search the same
book page 108)
question using the other search
engines (lycos, looksmart, miva ƒƒ Put learners in groups of four
and spotting) and compare their and allow them to log on to their
results. computers.

(c) Targeted search engines ƒƒ Guide them to go to google scholar,

sciencedirect and GetCITED and
Activity 5.7 (Refer to Pupil’s book
search for climate change.
page 107)
ƒƒ Allow the learners to discuss and
ƒƒ Put learners in groups and allow
compare their search results.
them to log on to their computers.
ƒƒ Clarify what science - specific
ƒƒ Guide them to go to Citysearch,
search engines are as learners
YahooTravel or Musicsearch and
write summary notes.
search for the various items listed.

(f) Social Science - specific search ƒƒ Clarify what arts and humanities
engines – Case study (Refer to specific search engines are as
Pupil’s book page 109) learners write summary notes.
ƒƒ Put learners in groups and allow (h) Format-specific search
them to log on to their computers. engines – Activity 5.9
ƒƒ Guide them to go to behavioral ƒƒ Finalise by informing learners
brain science archive, social science that the last search engine is the
research network, socioSite and format - specific one which focuses
The SiocioWeb and search for on searching for web pages in a
populations of sub-saharan Africa certain subject area.
countries. ƒƒ Summarise by giving learners a
ƒƒ Allow the learners to discuss and task of doing research on an area
compare their search results. of their interest then reporting
their findings back to class.
ƒƒ Clarify what Social science specific
search engines are as learners Lesson 4: How to conduct an
effective Internet search
write summary notes.
(g) Art and humanities - specific
search engines – Activity 5.8 Refer to pupils book pages 110-113
(Refer to Pupil’s book page 109)
ƒƒ Put learners in groups and allow Specific objectives
them to log on to their computers. By the end of the lesson, learners
ƒƒ Guide them to go to VADS visual should be able to use various search
art images and Arts Search engines to conduct an effective search.
and search for the origin of Preparation for the lesson
Kinyarwanda language. ƒƒ Ensure that the internet is working
ƒƒ They should also find out more properly.
about Kinyarwanda language Teaching Aids
from their parents and guardians.
ƒƒ XO laptops or computer desktop.
ƒƒ Allow the learners to discuss and
ƒƒ Internet connectivity
compare their search results.

Pre-requisite of the lesson 2. Identify the different types
ƒƒ Let learners understand that of search engine. (Ans:
in this lesson, they will use the Primary, secondary, targeted, meta
search engines they have learnt search engine, science specific search
about to do an effective search of engine, social science specific search
information on various topics. engine, art and humanities specific
Using search engines search engine, format specific search
Guide learners to carry out this
activity.They should then compare the 3. Give examples of most popular
results of the various search engines. primary search engine. (Ans:
Google, bing, yahoo)
Allow learners to share their findings
then help them harmonise their points 4. Give 3 examples of targeted
as thy write short notes. search engines (Ans:Yahoo
travel, music search, city search)
The lesson intends to make learners Answers to Self-Test 5.1
be able to categorise and use Refer to pupil’s book page 105
different types of search engines. The
1. World Wide Web
activities carried out during the lesson
should help learners identify and use 2. (a) Access to information
different categories of search engines (b) Ability to find resources
appropriately in doing research on quickly
different theme areas.
(c) Online communication
Lesson assessment through chat and social
Assess whether the learning objectives networking
of the lesson were met by asking (d) Ability to shop online
questions such as:
3. Search engines are the
1. Go to www.google.com. Search
foundation of the Internet; it is
for the question ‘what is a browser?
the quickest way of finding the
Repeat this with different search
engines. Compare and write down information, or product that
your research findings. (Ans: Assess you want.
student work and award marks 4. Key word search involves
accordingly) searching for one word or more
words and are punctuation

sensitive, while phrase extent to which the competency was
search, you search for exact achieved and plan remedial activities
sentence or phrase. For where necessary. Remember, one of
example: search for ‘milk cow’. the attitudes and values intended at
Google gives you the answer the end of the topic was for learners
and websites to search for to appreciate search engine utilisation
more information while ask to find data and information on the
internet and have desire to. Do more
directs you to another websites
research via internet and highlight.
to search for information.
Also be aware of the risks of the
internet. Guide learners to do these
Answers to Self-Test 5.2 accordingly.
Refer to learner’s book page 114 Additional information for the
1. Primary search engine (Example:
Google, msn, yahoo, bing, ask) ƒƒ Some information that may be
Secondary search engine relevant with regards to the search
(Example: Lycos, miva, look smart, engine are given below.
ask.com). Targeted search engine Definition of Search Engine and
(Example: city search, yahoo browser
Travel, music search) Etc – refer to ƒƒ A web search engine is a software
Pupil’s book pages 106 system that is designed to search
2. Assess student work and award for information on the World
marks accordingly. Wide Web. The search results are
3. Assess student work and award generally presented in a line of
marks accordingly. results often referred to as search
engine results pages (SERPs). The
information may be a mix of web
Summary of the unit pages, images, and other types of
This unit is about learners gaining files.
knowledge and understanding of how ƒƒ An internet browser, also known
to do computer research. You should as a browser or a web browser, is
have effectively used the suggested a software program that you use
activities and the teaching approaches to access the internet and view
in the teacher’s book to help learners web pages on your computer. You
acquire this competence. At the end can think of your browser as your
of the lessons, you should assess the gateway to the internet.  Without

browsers, the internet as we know ƒƒ When you use a search engine
it today cannot work. Common (such as Google, Yahoo, Ask,
web browsers include Microsoft AltaVista) you are asking it to scan
Internet Explorer, Google, Chrome, its index of sites and match your
Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari. keyword(s) and phrase(s) with
Basic Internet search techniques those in the texts of documents
within its database. Due to the
ƒƒ Before starting your search it’s
sheer number of words indexed
a good idea to have a basic
by search engines you may get
understanding of the tools used to
many responses to simple search
retrieve information. They include:
ƒƒ Internet
ƒƒ You may get lengthy documents in
ƒƒ World Wide Web
which your keyword appears only
ƒƒ Search engine once. Many may not be relevant
Defining Search Tools to your topic though. Web pages
ƒƒ The terms Internet and World found by search engines do not go
Wide Web (Web) are often used through a review process. Anyone
interchangeably, but they are not can publish their ideas. You must
the same thing. evaluate the site and information
carefully before trusting the
ƒƒ The Internet provides the electronic
information. No two search
communication structure.
engines are exactly alike in terms
ƒƒ The Web uses the structure to find of:
and display information from a
variety of sources. ƒƒ Size

ƒƒ You can search for information ƒƒ Speed and content

on the Web using any number of ƒƒ Ranking schemes
different search engines. Search ƒƒ Search options
engines are large databases of
web page files. Search engines Remember – a search engine
use programs called “spiders” or ƒƒ Cannot think for you
“robots” to “crawl” through Web ƒƒ Cannot understand what you
pages, index the information and mean by your concepts or terms
add it to the search engine. Most
ƒƒ Can only match the word(s) you
of the information is free, though
there may be links to sites that are choose
not free

ƒƒ No single search engine can access changes that affect the elderly, how
the entire Web. The information many elderly still drive (statistics),
you retrieve will depend on: The any laws that limit driving based
search engine(s) and the search on age, pros and cons of driving
term(s) you use. Check your after a certain age?
search engine’s home page or ƒƒ Once you identify your topic break
initial screen to find out its default
it into key concepts or points.
or basic settings. Look for “help”,
Write down all the keywords
“tips”, “FAQs”
and phrases that best describes
ƒƒ Know the default settings as this your topic. Think of synonyms or
may explain why your search related terms for each concept or
results are not what you expected. point. Consider spelling variations
Searching for information can as well as the singular and plural
be frustrating and the results of words.
overwhelming. Analyzing your
topic, and then using search ƒƒ Example: If writing about dyslexia
techniques effectively, will help you in the adult population consider
obtain the information you need terms such as:
for school or personal use. First ƒƒ Dyslexia: reading disorder,
take time to think about exactly developmental reading disorder,
what you are looking for – be learning disability.
specific. It may be useful to write ƒƒ Adult: adults, mature individual(s)
out your topic in the form of a
Example: If you are researching
sentence or question to help clarify
driving and the elderly consider
exactly what type of information
these related terms:
you need (a) Example: If I want to
research dyslexia. What about this ƒƒ Driving: drive, automobile driving,
topic are you interested in? car driving, auto driving.
ƒƒ Do you want to know the extent ƒƒ Elderly: old, aged, geriatric(s), elder,
of the problem (statistics), signs/ older adult, aging.
symptoms, effect on learning, how ƒƒ The word(s) you use will determine
to help someone with dyslexia, the information you find. Using
what age group, etc? (b) Example: different words in your search may
I want to research driving in the give you additional information.
elderly population. What about
ƒƒ To do a basic search on most
this topic are you interested in?
search engines type in a keyword
Do you want to know physical

you have identified For example: ƒƒ A word or phrase preceded by a
dyslexia. This will produce the ‘–‘ will exclude that word in the
greatest number of results, though search results. Example: – infant
often not what you want. A ƒƒ Use lower case to find both upper
multiple keyword search retrieves and lower case versions of a word.
more specific or focused results.
ƒƒ Use of upper case results in only
Example: elderly driving laws.
exact upper case matches.
When using a multiple keyword
search, put the most important Refine Search Results
keywords first. ƒƒ Search tips to refine your results
ƒƒ Use “ ” marks around phrases ƒƒ A way of connecting keywords
to make sure they are searched using the “operators” AND, OR,
exactly as is otherwise most NOT. Here’s how they work
search engines will look for ƒƒ Use of the “operator” AND
each word separately. Example: narrows your search because the
“nursing care plans” vs. nursing results must contain all of the
care plans. Example: “world health search terms connected by the
organization” vs. world health word AND, not just one of the
organization. words. Example: heart AND lung.
ƒƒ You can refine and improve your Example: newborn AND infant.
search by using different techniques Example: dyslexia AND adults
to broaden or narrow your search ƒƒ Use of the “operator”OR
results: broadens your search because the
Search tips to refine your results results must contain at least one
ƒƒ Use a plus sign + in front of a word of the search terms connected
to require its inclusion (no space by the word ‘OR’. Example: heart
between the sign and the word) OR lung.Example: adolescent OR
ƒƒ A word or phrase preceded by a
+ must be present in the search ƒƒ Use of the “operator” NOT
results. Example: +newborn excludes terms so that your results
do not contain any of the terms
ƒƒ Use a minus sign – in front of a
that follow it.
word to require its exclusion (no
space between the sign and the ƒƒ Use of NOT excludes unwanted
word) concepts or words. Example: lung
disease NOT smoking.

Here are some additional search ƒƒ How exhaustive your search needs
techniques you may find useful: to be.
ƒƒ Truncation Answers to Unit Test 5
ƒƒ Wild cards Refer to Pupil’s book page 115.
Use truncation and wildcards to 1. www.amazon.in/Books/
search for variations in spelling and b?ie=UTF8&node=976389031
the form of a word. Examples of
2. www.igihe.rw/
spelling variations can be seen in the
difference between American and 3. (a) Check for correct
British spellings. Examples: pediatric vs. prediction
paediatric, orthopedic vs. orthopaedic. (b) the weather will be a little
ƒƒ Truncation - Typing the stem, or bit cold, so dressing and
root of a word, plus a *, ? or $ symbol having things like umbrella
at the end of the word will retrieve will be according to the
all forms of the word. Example: weather.
allerg$ will yield allergy, allergic, 4. (a) http://www.answers.
allergen. Example: gastro will yield com/Q/What_is_the_
gastroenteritis, gastrointestinal, solution_to climate_
gastroenterologist change#slide=2
ƒƒ Wildcards - Wildcard symbols such (b) Move immediately to
as a ‘?’ may be inserted in place of renewable energy (solar,
a letter(s) in a keyword. It is useful wind,water, hydro, tidal and
when you are not sure of a spelling wave, geothermal,ocean
or when there are different forms thermal, biomass, biofuel
of the root word. Example: women and hydrogen
will yield both woman and women. (c) Stop burning fossil fuels
ƒƒ The symbols used may vary (coal, oil and natural gas) in
depending on the database or industry, transport and the
search engine you are using generation of electricity,
ƒƒ Your search approach - which releases carbon
Remember: There is no right or dioxide, reforestation.
wrong approach. It depends on: (d) Plant billions of trees to
ƒƒ The topic you choose. replace our lost forests.
ƒƒ The time you have - but NEVER 5. (a) Observe learner’s work
wait until the last minute! (b) Observe learner’s work

(c) A chart showing division for the 2017 school year
School year periods Dates Duration
Second term 17/04/2017 15 weeks
Second holidays 30/07/2017 Vacancies 2
Third term 14/08/2017 14 weeks
Primary leavers’ examination 15/11/2017 3 days
6. A new report predicts that sub-Saharan Africa will record the world’s
largest population growth between now and 2050. According to the
Population Reference Bureau, the world’s poorest region will more than
double in population, from 1.1 billion to 2.4 billion.

Additional activities to cater for intellectually challenged and gifted

You may need to assess the questions in the self-tests and the unit test and see
which ones can be used for remedial teaching and which ones to be given to
gifted learners. Examples are given in the table below.
Remedial activities for Extended activities for gifted/
intellectually challenged talented learners
1. What is a web search engine? 1. What are the major differences
between a browser and a search
engine? How can they be useful to

2. Give 4 examples of search engines. 2. Imagine that you have to write a
paper on Zoos. Choose Yahoo
and type the key word Zoos and
Wildlife conservation in the search
box. Then click Search. What is
the search result? How many site
matches did Yahoo! find?
3. (a) Type keywords in the search 3. Practice doing search using the
box to find an image of a lion. Google and Lycos Search Engines.
Are their results different? Write
(b) Click the Google Search button.
the results.
Click on any images of interest.
Right-click the image and choose
Save Picture so as to save the
image to your laptop.

4. Find a website with news in your

first language.What is the website

UNIT Programming for children
6 (No. of periods: 25)
Refer to Learner’s Book pages 116 - 168
Key Unit Competency that is, knowledge and understanding,
After studying this unit, you should be skills acquisition and attitude change
able to design and construct geometric and values. At the end of the unit,
shapes using Turtle Art activity and learners should have knowledge and
design different projects in Scratch and understanding of using programming
use Etoys activities
languages and make use of turtle blocks,
scratch and etoys activities.
Learning objectives
Competency based curriculum embraces
three categories of learning objectives,

Table 6.1: Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values

By the end of this unit, the By the end of this unit, the By the end of this unit, the
learner should be able to: learner should be able to: learner should be able to:

ˆIdentify turtle art ˆˆ Construct and ˆˆ Conceptualise the
instructions to draw produce different ICT contribution in
cylinder, cube, cuboids geometric shapes the real life.
and circle. using turtle art ˆˆ Express the desire to
ˆOutline and use different instructions. draw more colourful
turtle art instructions to ˆˆ Describe instructions drawings using turtle
display sound, video and used to display things arts commands.
text. such as text, image or
video and sound.

ˆˆ State the steps followed ˆˆ Select a sprite that ˆˆ Develop positive
to produce a project. fit with the idea to attitudes towards
ˆˆ Summarize a given develop a project. the environment,
story using animations. ˆˆ Organise mechanics and
ˆˆ Recall examples to background and blacksmith tools
compute the area, sprites for a suitable production.
perimeter of geometric project. ˆˆ Use mechanics and
shapes. ˆˆ Design and create blacksmith tools
ˆˆ State how to compute cartoon animations safely.
the sum, difference, according to the ˆˆ Show creativity for
product, quotient or given topic. designing and creating
average. ˆˆ Compute and more projects
ˆˆ Identify the components perform different reflecting the real life
of Etoys environment calculations in experiences.

ˆˆ Identify the steps and scratch. ˆˆ Support the idea

instructions of creating ˆˆ Practice and use by developing a
animations. the components of convincing project.

ˆˆ Explain the steps to Etoys window. ˆˆ Appreciate the way of

save, open, delete and ˆˆ Create Etoys expressing the ideas
rename a project. book containing through projects,
text, images and animations and Etoys
animations. book.
ˆˆ Create and design ˆˆ Appreciate the
animations. importance of using
ˆˆ Perform saving, Etoys book.
opening, deleting ˆˆ Show concern of
and renaming of keeping projects.
Etoys projects. ˆˆ Be proud to arrange
ˆˆ Analyse the different commands and
projects and develop produce animations.
criticism spirit.

Pre-requisites of this unit to use them in different ways as this
In primary 4, learners practised turtle may form their careers in computer
art and scratch activities. They learnt programming in future.
about the various features of turtle Cross-cutting issues to be addressed
art and scratch windows and practised
drawing using turtle art and creatin 1. Peace values and gender
simple animations using scratch. At this
As learners perform the activities in
level learners are expected to further
the learner’s book, encourage them
their knowledge in these areas by
to be careful not to hurt each other
practising using turtle art to display
or themselves with the computers.
various things including images and
2. Standardization culture
videos and carrying out slightly more
Encourage learners to always
advanced animations usiing scratch and
ensure they use authentic external
etoys programs. Further let learners
and internal devices on computers.
understand the fact that this unit has Also, encourage them to always buy
connections with creative writing in original computers, their parts or
English as learners need to think about accessories.
stories to animate and geometric shapes 3. Financial education
in mathematics. Learners must ensure that they
Background information handle Laptops with care. Repairing
or buying a new Laptop can be very
A program is a set of instructions that expensive.
tells a computer or other electronic 4. Gender education
devices what to do.These instructions or Emphasize to learners that anybody
commands are written in an artificial (i.e. irrespective of their gender can
non-speaking) language.The script used pursue a career in computer science.
is often referred to as code or computer Give examples of role models who
code. Computer programing or coding is are successful IT experts/technicians
the process of writing codes. In this in the area where the learners come
unit you will teach how to use different
programming languages in Turtle art, 5. Inclusive education
Scratch and Etoys. It is very important All learners should be encouraged
to participate during lessons and
for the learners to understand how

practicals. Special arrangement learners on how to come up with
should be done to take care of summarized notes from a large body
learners with special needs. For of text.
example, provide brail for blind 3. Communication in English
learners, large print text for those Communication in English will be
with sight problems and allocate improved when learners freely
physically challenged learners to participate in the discussions
others to assist them during field and presentations. Encourage all
trips and practical activities. Further, learners irrespective of their abilities
this category should be given tasks to participate in group discussions,
that they can manage during the during presentations by asking
practical sessions. questions and during question and
Generic Competences answer sessions to either introduce
1. Co-operation and interpersonal or wrap up the lessons.
management and life skills 4. Critical thinking
During group discussions and Guide learners to discover for
group interactions - let learners themselves the differences between
engage one another by giving a search engines and their uses. This
chance for all to participate. Also, competence will also come about as
during group presentations - you learners think about their research
can allow rotational presentations findings and as they give out their
within the group members. Gifted suggestions on why certain things
learners should help in coming up are the way they are.
with presentation content as slow 5. Lifelong skills
learners contribute. REMEMBER You The skills acquired in programming
should allow slow learners to do can be used in future while at
presentations as well and correct work or when doing job related
them where they go wrong. Advise programming or networking. This
learners to appreciate the different topic area can also lead to careers
abilities of their group members and such as IT specialists and technicians,
accommodate each other’s views. graphic designers or computer
2. Research skills programmers therefore learners
Guide learners to make successful should be encouraged to take it
internet searches using the various seriously.
search engines. Further, guide

Key words in this unit and their Guidance on the problem
meanings statement

ƒƒ Program - A program is a set of This topic is about Programming for

instructions that tells a computer children. Computer programming is
or other electronic devices what the art of writing computer programs,
to do. which are a sequence of instructions
written using a Computer Programming
ƒƒ Project - is a series of activities
Language to perform a specified task by
that allows the students to study,
the computer. Computer Programming
do research and act by themselves is fun and easy to learn provided you
using their abilities, interests, adopt a proper approach.
personal experience and aptitudes.
This topic attempts to cover the basics of
ƒƒ Sprite - is an animated character
computer programming using a simple
or object in scratch programme.
and practical approach for the benefit of
ƒƒ Costume - A costume is one new learners. You will build from turtle
out of possibly many “frames” or arts, which pupils learnt in Primary
alternate appearances of a sprite. 4 and 5 to introduce this unit. Refer
They can be named, edited, created learners to the picture on page 116 of
and deleted, but every sprite must their books and the conversations going
have at least one costume. on. It shows pupils watching a cartoon
ƒƒ Background - The Stage is programme with their father.The pupils
seem to be amazed. One of them is
the term for the background of
interested in making his own cartoons
the project, but can have scripts,
when he grows up.The father intervenes
backdrops (costumes), and sounds,
and tells him that it is possible for him
similar to a sprite.
to make some even now at his age. Let
ƒƒ Animation - the state of being the learners brainstorm about how the
full of life or vigour, liveliness. An kid can make his dream come true -
animation project is a project the answer lies in learning computer
that is an animation, short movie programming!
(often humorous), or music
video. Animation can involve
programming sprites that talk and

Attention to special educational needs
Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning
ƒƒ Peer-teaching – engage high ƒƒ Identify the learners with hearing
achievers to help weak pupils in and visual impairment and have
understanding of concepts. them sit in front of the class so that
ƒƒ Plan remedial teaching for slow proper attention can be given to
learners. them. Also, large print texts should
ƒƒ Allow enough time to slow learners be given to visually impaired
to complete their work. learners and hearing aids provided
for those with hearing impairment.
ƒƒ Gifted learners to be given heavy
tasks requiring more critical ƒƒ Arrange the room such that it will
thinking while slow learners are enable easy movement for the
given tasks, which they can manage physically challenged learners.
such as collecting materials for use ƒƒ Assign some students to be in
during practicals among others. charge of the physically and
ƒƒ Both gifted and slow learners to visually impaired learners. For
be given equal opportunity to lead example, carrying their equipment,
in group discussions and to do showing them around during the
presentations of group findings to field trips, etc.
the rest of the class. ƒƒ Organize Braille for blind learners.
ƒƒ Ensure all learners respect ƒƒ Encourage special needs learners
other’s views irrespective of their by reminding them that ‘disability
shortcomings or talents. is not inability’!

List of lessons
Lesson No. Lesson title No. of Periods
1. Turtle art for displaying things 2
2. Drawing irregular polygons in turtle art 3
3. Creating a scratch project 3
4. Working with stage in Scratch 3
5. Creating animated stories in Scratch 3
6. Computing in mathematics using Scratch 3
7. Identification of elements of Etoys window 2
8. Etoys book 3
9. Etoys projects and animation 3

LESSON 1:Turtle art for displaying ƒƒ Pamphlets,handouts and textbooks
things Pre-requisites of this unit
Refer to learner’s book pages 117-120. ƒƒ Introduce the unit as explained
under guidance on the problem
statement above then narrow
Specific objectives
down to the lesson.
By the end of the Lesson, learners should
ƒƒ Ask learners to switch on their
be able to:
laptops and open Turtle blocks
ƒƒ Describe instructions used to
display things such as text, images
or video and sound. Teaching / learning activities
ƒƒ You may begin the lesson by letting
ƒƒ Outline and use different turtle art
learners know that turtle blocks
instructions to display sound, video
can also be used for displaying
and text.
text, numbers, sounds and videos.
Preparation for the lesson Inform them that they are going
ƒƒ This lesson will involve a number of to experience this by carrying out
practical activities and discussion a number of activities.
work, you will therefore organize Activity 6.2 (Refer to Pupil’s book
the class as need arises during pages 118 - 119)
the lesson. REMEMBER: When ƒƒ Guide learners to perform this
grouping learners, you should activity individually with their
consider the different abilities of computers.
learners and the special needs for ƒƒ They should then run the program
various individuals. and see what happens.
ƒƒ Prepare the laptops to be used and ƒƒ Next, learners should practice
arrange the classroom to facilitate displaying images and capturing
learning and moving around. images using the webcam camera.
ƒƒ Collect pamphlets, handouts and
textbooks for reference in class. Activity 6.3 (Refer to Pupil’s book
Teaching aids pages 119 -120)
ƒƒ Guide learners try the commands
ƒƒ XO laptops or any other
given in their XO – laptops. Allow

them to run the program and see (b) Practise displaying images
the outcome. Did they listen to the and text using these commands
sound produced? in your XO laptop.
ƒƒ At this point, introduce the other Lesson 2: Drawing Regular
command ‘print’ that can as well be
used to display things. Let learners
know that it is possible to use both
‘print’ and ‘show’ to display things Refer to learner’s book pages 121-122
together. Specific objectives
ƒƒ Let learners practice with the By the end of the lesson, learners should
commands Activity 6.4 in pupil’s
be able to:
book page 120.
ƒƒ Identify turtle art instruction to
ƒƒ Summarize the lesson by draw cylinders and cuboids.
highlighting the key points,
ƒƒ Construct and produce different
which should include the way of
arranging commands in drawing geometric shapes using turtle art
shapes and allowing learners to instructions.
write short notes. Preparation for the lesson
Synthesis ƒƒ This lesson will involve a number of
The lesson introduces learners to the practical activities and discussion
turtle art for displaying things. The work, you will therefore organize
activities carried out during the lesson the class as need arises during
should help learners identify the various the lesson. REMEMBER: When
ways of using different blocks to display grouping learners, you should
text, images, sounds or videos. consider the different abilities of
Lesson assessment learners and the special needs for
Assess whether the learning objectives various individuals.
of the lesson were met by asking ƒƒ Prepare the laptops to be used and
questions such as: arrange the classroom to facilitate
1. What did you learn in this learning and moving around.
lesson? (Ans: How to use turtle art ƒƒ Collect pamphlets, handouts and
for displaying things). textbooks for reference in class.
2. (a) What are the commands Teaching Aids
that can be used in displaying ƒƒ XO laptops or any other
images or text? (Ans:‘show’,
ƒƒ Pamphlets,handouts and textbooks

Pre-requisite of the lesson and run the commands on page
ƒƒ Ask probing questions to introduce 122 in their laptops. What shape
the lesson. Such questions may did the commands give? Let them
include: discuss.
(i) What is a polygon? ƒƒ Ask learners how they can
arrange commands and draw a
(Ans: is a plane figure with at
parallelogram. Let them write the
least three straight sides and
commands down and try it using
angles) their XO laptops.
(ii) Give examples of polygons. ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by
(Ans: Examples are cube, highlighting the key points on how
cylinder, cuboid among others) better they can draw different
(iii) Differentiate between regular polygon in turtle art. Refer
regular and irregular polygon? to the notes in Pupil’s book pages
(a) Regular polygon is a 121-124.
polygon that is equiangular Synthesis
(all angles are equal in measure) This lesson introduces learners to
and equilateral (all sides have drawing irregular polygons in turtle
the same length) art. Guide learners to come up
with and use the commands to draw
(b) An irregular polygon is any
different polygons.
polygon that is not a regular
polygon. It can have sides of Lesson assessment
any length and each interior Assess whether the learning objectives
angle can be any measure. of the lesson were met by asking
questions such as:
ƒƒ Build on this then introduce this
lesson which is about using turtle 1. Draw the following shapes in
arts blocks to construct regular turtle art/blocks.
polygons. (a) A cube
Teaching / learning activities (b) A circle
Activity 6.5 (Refer to Pupil’s book (c) A cylinder
page 121) (Ans: Assess learner work as
ƒƒ Allow learners to study the polygon lesson progresses and award
Let them say what it is and come marks accordingly)
up with commands to draw it in 2. Give examples of irregular
pairs. Guide them accordingly. Let polygons. (Ans: cuboids and
them write the commands down in
their notebooks. cylinders)
ƒƒ Further, guide learners to practice

Lesson 3: Creating a scratch (i) What is scratch program?
project (Ans. One of the programs in
XO laptop used for animation).
(ii)What is a sprite?
Refer to learner’s book pages 124
(Ans: Is an animated character
Specific objectives
or object in your programme).
ƒƒ By the end of the lesson, learners
(iii) How do you get the sprite?
should be able to select a sprite (Ans.By choosing from the file, by
that fit with the idea to develop a
drawing, by taking photos)
project, and identify any sprite and
Teaching / learning activities
scene with each step of project
Activity 6.9 (Refer to Pupil’s book
Preparation for the lesson
page 124)
ƒƒ This lesson will involve a number of ƒƒ Ask learners to switch on their
practical activities and discussion laptops, open scratch activity and
work, you will therefore organize practice the the commands in this
the class as need arises during activity.
the lesson. REMEMBER: When ƒƒ Let them run the program and see
grouping learners, you should what happens.
consider the different abilities of ƒƒ Guide learners to understand
learners and the special needs for that in scratch, it is possible to
various individuals. use existing sprites or create your
ƒƒ Prepare the laptops to be used and own, make them move and create
arrange the classroom to facilitate a scene.
learning and moving around. ƒƒ Demonstrate the above by guiding
learners to create a scratch
ƒƒ Collect pamphlets, handouts and
project as shown in Activity 6.10.
textbooks for reference in class.
page 125 of pupils book.
Teaching Aids
Activity 6.10 (Refer to Pupil’s
ƒƒ XO laptops or any other
book pages 125)
ƒƒ Ask learners to open a scratch
ƒƒ Pamphlets,handouts and textbooks
program in their XO laptop.
Introduction to the lesson
Guide them to use the commands
ƒƒ Learners already came across
provided to create a cat animation.
scratch program in Primary 4 & 5.
They should then test the program
Ask probing questions such as:
if it is working.

ƒƒ Guide learners on how to create dog run.
their own project by going through Ans:(a) – choose a sprite from the
the steps highlighted in pages 128 file (a dog) after choosing a sprite,
go to script area and start find in
the commands to make the dog
Activity 6.12 (Refer to Pupil’s run.
book pages 126) (b) Sample program is as
ƒƒ Guide learners to carry out this follows:
activity in groups depending on - When clicked
the size of the class and learner - Move 9 steps
abilities. Let learners share their - Next costume
work with other members. Correct - Wait 0.2 secs
their work as is appropriate. - If on edge bounce
ƒƒ Summarize the lesson by - Forever
highlighting the key points on the 2. Write the steps to save a project
different ways of choosing a sprite in scratch? (Ans: Go to file-save
and how we give movement to as-give a name and click on
a sprite and create animations. save)
Allow learners to write summary
Lesson 4: Working with stage in
notes as you do your presentation.
ƒƒ This lesson introduces learners
to programming animation. Use Refer to learner’s book pages 130
the suggested practical activities Specific objectives
and examples given to guide By the end of the lesson, learners
learners to come up with beautiful should be able to organise background
animations of their own in scratch. and sprites for suitable projects.
Lesson assessment Preparation for the lesson
ƒƒ Assess whether the learning ƒƒ This lesson will involve a number of
objectives of the lesson were met practical activities and discussion
by asking questions such as: work, you will therefore organize
1. (a) What are the steps to the class as need arises during
follow when you want to make the lesson. REMEMBER: When
a dog run? grouping learners, you should
(b)Write a program to make a consider the different abilities of

learners and the special needs for better, they must know the x,y –
various individuals. co-ordinates of the stage.
ƒƒ Prepare the laptops to be used and ƒƒ Put learners in pairs considering
arrange the classroom to facilitate their abilities. Let them carry out
learning and moving around. this activity.
ƒƒ Collect pamphlets, handouts and ƒƒ Guide them to move the sprite
textbooks for reference in class. about and place a curor at a
point as they write the x and y co-
Teaching Aids
ordinates of that point.
ƒƒ XO laptops or any other
ƒƒ Explain the fact that the x and y
computers co-ordinates are used to locate or
ƒƒ Pamphlets,handouts and textbooks specify the position of the sprite.
Pre-requisite of the lesson Refer to the content in learner’s
ƒƒ You may begin this lesson by book page 135. Re-inforce these
by way of a demonstration. Give a
reminding learners what they
further activity on determining the
learnt in the previous lesson. Let
position of a sprite.
them recall the procedure they
used to animate the cat. Activity 6.15 (Refer to Pupil’s
book pages 130)
ƒƒ At this point, you can ask them
ƒƒ Next, let learners know that there
how the background of their
is need to bring some life to the
animation was and whether they
background of a sprite. This will
think it can be made better. Also,
make the stage beautiful and more
ask them whether the cat or sprite attractive.
was moving or not and whether
ƒƒ Guide learners to carry out this
the movement can be improved.
activity. They should at the end
ƒƒ Build on learner responses to run the program and see what
above questions to introduce this happens.
Activity 6.16 (Refer to Pupil’s
Teaching / learning activities
book pages 133)
X,Y Co-ordinates (Refer to Pupil’s
ƒƒ By the end of previous activity, the
book page 133 - 135)
cat was stationery. It is important
ƒƒ You may then inform learners that
to make the cat move in order
this lesson is about manipulating
the stage. Let learners know that to bring some life to the whole
for them to manipulate the stage animation.

ƒƒ Learners should make the cat 2. By choosing a sprite from file,
jump up and down as opposed to make an animation of boys in
the previous scenario where it was parade at the national stadium,
stationery. Let learners carry out put the sound of the drum in
this activity in groups depending their parade.
on size and learners ability. 3. Write the commands which
ƒƒ Input the commands shown in your made animations in question 2.
XO - laptop then run it. What can (Ans: Assess leaner answers and
you see? award marks accordingly).
ƒƒ Save your program file with the Lesson 5: Creating animated
name ‘cat jumps’. The file will be Stories in scratch (To be covered in
saved in the scratch default folder three periods)
present in the XO - laptop.
ƒƒ Wrap up this lesson by giving Refer to learner’s book pages 135 -145
learners additional activities, for
example the further activity on Specific objectives
page 135 of pupil’s book. By the end of the lesson, learners
Synthesis should be able to:
This lesson introduces learners to the ƒƒ Identify the steps and instructions
movement of sprites and changing of creating animations.
background. Use the suggested ƒƒ Summarise a given story using
activities and the demonstrations to animations.
explain these concepts to learners.
Preparation for the lesson
Also, encourage learners’ to take
this topic seriously as it can lead to ƒƒ This lesson will involve a number of
careers such as graphic design and practical activities and discussion
programing. work, you will therefore organize
the class as need arises during
Lesson assessment
the lesson. REMEMBER: When
Assess whether the learning objectives grouping learners, you should
of the lesson were met by asking consider the different abilities of
questions such as: learners and the special needs for
1. In scratch make a cat various individuals.
animation and make the cat
change colour while moving.

ƒƒ Prepare the laptops to be used and ƒƒ Guide learners to read and
arrange the classroom to facilitate understand the story line on page
learning and moving around. 139 of their book. You can then
go through the steps of creating
ƒƒ Collect pamphlets, handouts and
animations as described in pupil’s
textbooks for reference in class.
book pages 135– 143.
Teaching Aids ƒƒ In paint editor assist learners to
ƒƒ XO laptops or any other draw Mr Meow, Donut man and
computers Dounut.
ƒƒ The diagrams on table 6.1 page ƒƒ Assist learners to create the
138 of pupil’s book. scripts from the story line and
choose a suitable background for
Introduction to the lesson
it. You will also need to add scripts
ƒƒ By now, learners’ have a rough idea for movement.
of how to choose a background ƒƒ Do a demonstration, then let
and various sprites. learners follow the steps to create,
ƒƒ Let learners know that in this save and test their scratch project.
lesson, they will create a storyline ƒƒ You can then let learners carry out.
and animate it.The way to go is to Further activity page 143 in their
first create their own sprites using books. Assess learner work and
guide them in doing corrections as
paint editor.
is appropriate.
ƒƒ Give them a small activity to draw
ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by
in their notebooks a donut, a house highlighting key points about
and a boy. creating stories and animating
ƒƒ Let them try drawing these them. Let learners take summary
figures using paint editor in their notes. Better still, you can appoint
XO- laptops. Guide them as a gifted learner to give summary
is appropriate. Then after, ask points as you guide them. Refer
learners to switch on their laptops to the notes in Pupil’s book pages
and open scratch activity. 135-143
Teaching / learning activities ƒƒ Synthesis
The learning here will involve going This lesson involves how to make
through steps 1–7 of creating an animations by creating a story line.
animated story and carrying out Learners through the guidance in
activity 6.18 pupils book pages 135- the pupils’ book, they should be able
143 to use paint editor correctly, be able

to select different and appropriate Specific objectives
backgrounds and also be able to use By the end of the lesson, learners
the scripts and make animation.
should be able to:
Lesson assessment
ƒƒ Recall examples to compute the
Assess whether the learning objective
area, perimeter of geometric
of the lesson was met by asking
questions such as:
1. What is a paint editor? ƒƒ State how to compute the sum,
difference, product quotient or
(Ans:The Paint Editor in
Scratch allows you to design average.
and or edit the costumes of ƒƒ Compute and perform different
sprites and backgrounds of the calculations in scratch.
2. Draw a girl skipping the rope Preparation for the lesson
and make the script to make
ƒƒ This lesson will involve a number of
a movement and animation. practical activities and discussion
(Ans: Assess learner work and
work, you will therefore organize
award marks accordingly)
the class as need arises during
3. What is a script area? the lesson. REMEMBER: When
(Ans:The Scripts Area is where grouping learners, you should
scripts can be assembled.The consider the different abilities of
Scripts Area is the area on the
learners and the special needs for
right side of the project editor
various individuals.
where scripts are assembled. It
can be accessed from both the ƒƒ Prepare the laptops to be used and
Stage and from sprites, although arrange the classroom to facilitate
the Stage and each sprite all learning and moving around.
have separate scripts areas and ƒƒ Collect pamphlets, handouts and
scripts) textbooks for reference in class.
Lesson 6: Computing in Teaching Aids
Mathematics using Scratch ƒƒ XO laptops or any other
(To be covered in three periods)
Pre-requisite of the lesson
Refer to learner’s book pages 147-155 ƒƒ You may begin this lesson by
asking probing questions on

mathematical operations like: commands and see the shape that
How do you calculate the area comes out. They should compare
of a rectangle? Write the formula their work to those of other
of calculating the perimeter of a learners.
rectangle etc.
ƒƒ Summarise this section by
ƒƒ You can then let learners know
highlighting key points about as
that in this lesson, they are going
learners take summary notes.
to learn about determining angles
and shapes, calculating areas Better still, you can appoint a
and perimeters and calculating gifted learner to give summary
averages using scratch. points as you guide them.
Teaching / learning activities (b) Using scratch in calculations
(a) Using scratch to draw shapes Let learners know that scratch can
and angles also be used to carry out calculations.
Activity 6.19 (Refer to Pupil’s Such calculations include performing
book pages 144)
subtractions, additions, multiplications
ƒƒ Put learners in pairs considering and calculating areas and averages.
their abilities. Let them carry
Activity 6.20 (Refer to Pupil’s
out this activity by following the
instructions given in the pupils’ book pages 147)
book. Let them identify the shape ƒƒ In order to calculate area of a
and angles. They should also find rectangle, you need to create two
out how to draw this shape in variables i.e. length (L) and width
scratch activity. (W). You can then guide learners
ƒƒ Ask learners to switch on their how to make variables and set
computers and switch on scratch
length and width. Guide learners
activity. Guide them to input the
on how to do this then guide them
commands in this activity.
to input this data in scratch.
ƒƒ Let them run the program and see
the shape that comes out. At this ƒƒ Let them repeat this several times
point, you can tell learners that till they master. They should come
it is possible to come up with a up with the area of the rectangle
simpler command using the repeat
by running the program.
loop that can do the same thing as
the one above. Let them run this ƒƒ Give them additional activity of
program in their computers and calculating the perimeter of the
see the shape that comes out. rectangle. They should use the
ƒƒ Allow learners to try out different formula: P = 2(L+W)

(c) Using scratch to compute members.
average ƒƒ Wind up the lesson by giving
ƒƒ Guide learners to calculate the learners a task to calculate
average by following the guidelines average of a set of numbers. Refer
in the learners’ book page 148. to further activity on page 156 of
Ask if they are aware the average pupil’s book.
can be done in scratch. ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by
ƒƒ Let them aware that just like in area, highlighting the key points about
there is need to create variables calculating the area, perimeter,
before computing average. This is average and drawing different
the first step. Refer to page 148 of shapes in scratch as learners write
pupil’s book for an explanation of short notes. Refer to the notes in
the variables.
Pupil’s book pages 154 – 156.
ƒƒ Refer to content on page 155 on
how to create the variables. Let
leaners create all the variables This lesson introduces learners to
and input them in scratch. computing using scratch. Through
ƒƒ The next step is to create the demonstrations and practical activities,
program. The program has three guide learners to draw different shapes
parts namely: using scratch programming language,
- the part that allows you to insert and also to calculate area, perimeter
values (N). and average of a set of data.
- the part that prompts inputting of Lesson assessment
numbers. Assess whether the learning objectives
- the part that computes the average. of the lesson were met by asking
ƒƒ Guide learners to identify these questions such as:
parts in Fig. 6.7 on page 149. 1. Identify the formula for
They should then open a scratch calculating the area of a
activity and imput the instructions rectangle.
to determine the average of 14,15 (Ans: area = length x width)
and 16. Let them run the program
2. Which scripts would you use to
and see the average obtained.
draw a square?
ƒƒ Let learners compare their work
with that of the rest of the class

(Ans: When clicked, Clear, Pen ƒƒ Textbooks, pamphlets and hand
down, Repeat 4, Move 100,Turn outs.

right 90) Introduction to the lesson

ƒƒ Remind learners about what they
Lesson 7: Identification of
have learned in previous lessons
elements of Etoys environment
about programming languages.
Refer to learner’s book pages 151 i.e. Turtle art/blocks and Scratch
activities. Let them understand that
Specific objectives in this lesson, they will learn about
By the end of the lesson, learners another programming language
should be able to: called Etoys.
ƒƒ Identify the components of Etoys Teaching / learning activities
environment Activity 6.21 (Refer to Pupil’s
ƒƒ Practice and use the components book page 151)
of Etoys window ƒƒ Begin this lesson by letting learners
Preparation for the lesson input the commands in this activity
ƒƒ This lesson will involve a number of in their XO laptops. Let them run
practical activities and discussion the program and say what shape is
work, you will therefore organize produced. Ask them whether they
the class as need arises during think the shape can be produced in
the lesson. REMEMBER: When a better way. The answer is: yes –
grouping learners, you should using Etoys program.
consider the different abilities of
ƒƒ At this point, you can define what
learners and the special needs for
etoys is i.e. a kind of program that
various individuals.
allows joining together of code
ƒƒ Prepare the laptops to be used and snippets that have been written to
arrange the classroom to facilitate create interesting motions, games,
learning and moving around. videos, etc.
ƒƒ Collect pamphlets, handouts and
textbooks for reference in class.
Teaching Aids
ƒƒ XO laptops

(Refer to Pupil’s book page 158- of etoys. They should also be able to
159) navigate and understand the use of
etoys environment. Further, this is a
ƒƒ Begin this lesson by letting
very interesting area involving careers
learners observe carefully the
such as graphic design, animations
Etoys window and try to identify and computer programming therefore
different tools. Let them draw the learners should take the lesson
window in their notebooks and seriously.
label the various parts. Lesson assessment
ƒƒ At this point, let learners log onto Assess whether the learning objective
their computers and open Etoys of the lesson was met by asking
program. Ask them to study the questions such as:
window that pops up and compare 1. Name some important elements
it to what they saw in activity 6.17. in etoys window.
ƒƒ Guide learners to describe what (Ans: navigator bar, clouds,
automobile, script)
they have seen. Ask probing
2. What general name do we give
questions such as: What toolbars
to etoys window? (Ans: the
can you see, give their names?
(Ans: navigator bar, automobile, three
3. How can we use etoys?
colored clouds and the script). How is
etoys screen called? (Ans:The world) (Ans: Etoys can be used in making
your own games, multimedia
ƒƒ Ask learners to describe the etoys presentation,computer art,
window using their own words. animated story books, computer
ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by simulations and many others)
highlighting the key points about
Lesson 8: Etoys book
Etoys window as learners write
short notes. Refer to the notes in
Pupil’s book pages 151 - 152. Refer to learner’s book pages 156 - 161
Synthesis Specific objectives
This lesson is about creating By the end of the lesson, learners
awareness and understanding the should be able to create etoys book
etoys programming and its use. containing text, images and animations.
Learners through demonstration Preparation for the lesson
and through manipulating different ƒƒ This lesson will involve individual
activities should appreciate the use work, video watching, and group

activities. and add a text.
ƒƒ Prepare the laptops to be used and ƒƒ Through your guidance, let
arrange a classroom to facilitate learners practice adding text, a
learning and moving around. drawing to the book, and paint a
ƒƒ Collect pamphlets, handouts, and background using paint toolbar.
textbooks for reference in class. ƒƒ Test the link: https://www.youtube.
Also, ensure that the Internet is com/watch?v=Zbem3iKl5NE.
working if you have a computer This link has a video on creating
laboratory or any other form of a book and adding some images.
Internet connectivity such as WIFI Let leanrers study it and practice
or modem. what they see.
Teaching Aids ƒƒ Guide learners to carry out
ƒƒ XO laptops or any other activities 6.23 and 6.24 pages 155-
computers 156 in the pupil’s book. Did their
Pre-requisite of the lesson work look like the picture After the
ƒƒ You may begin this lesson by presentations, guide learners to
asking learners to describe the write short notes in their created
etoys environment and tools. Let book and write the main points in
them open supplies option and their notebooks. Refer to Pupil’s
observe carefully the tools. book pages 155 – 159.
ƒƒ Inform learners that the book is ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by giving
the most important and useful learners a task of coming up with
object in etoys. The book can be a created diary and adding an
used to do slide shows, organise image in etoys book.
class diaries, develop albums,
register observations or even
create animations. ƒƒ This lesson introduces the use
of a book in etoys. Learners
Teaching / learning activities
would understand the various
Activity 6.22 (Refer to Pupil’s components in supplies option, and
book page 153) be able to create a book, add a text
ƒƒ Let learners open etoys activity, and also add a drawing. Learners
and open etoys book. Assist can create class diaries, albums or
learners to view and describe the slide shows in etoys book.
tools available in ‘Supplies option’
Lesson assessment
and their uses.
Assess whether the learning objective
ƒƒ Guide learners to do activity 6.24 of the lesson was met by asking
on page 155 of pupils book by questions such as:
practicing creating etoys book 1. What is an etoys book?

(Ans: A book is a multi-page and renaming of Etoys project.
structure for creating texts, ƒƒ Analyze the different projects and
presentations, and the like by develop criticism spirit.
dropping in other objects, with Preparation for the lesson
controls for adding or removing ƒƒ This lesson will involve individual
pages and for navigating). work, video watching, and group
2. Identify two ways of getting activities. You will therefore
image for the book. organize the class as need arises
(Ans: By drawing in paint during the lesson. REMEMBER:
editor and by importing from the When grouping learners, you
laptop) should consider the different
3. What is ‘halo’ in etoys? abilities of learners and the special
(Ans: A halo is a set of controls needs for various individuals.
that let you make changes to ƒƒ Prepare laptops or computer lab if
objects in etoys) available.
4. Identify the tools found in ƒƒ Bring reference textbooks to class.
supplies option. Also, ensure that the Internet is
working if you have a computer
(Ans: Sound recorder, rectangle,
laboratory or any other form of
eclipse, star, book and holder)
Internet connectivity such as WIFI
5. Using paint toolbars, draw a or modem.
star in etoys. ƒƒ Test the link: https://www.youtube.
(Ans: Assess student work and com/watch?v=xMDYf3_uovk in
award marks accordingly) advance to see if it is working.
Lesson 9: Etoys Projects and This link has a video on creating
Animation animation projects in etoys.
Teaching Aids
ƒƒ XO laptops or any other
Refer to learner’s book pages 158 - 167 computers.
Specific objectives
ƒƒ Video link: https://www.youtube.
By the end of the lesson, learners
should be able to:
ƒƒ Identify the steps and instructions Pre-requisite of the lesson
of creating animations in etoys. Ask probing questions to introduce
ƒƒ Explain the steps to save, open, the lesson. Such questions may include:
delete and rename a project. ƒƒ What is the etoys book? (Ans: is a
ƒƒ Perform saving, Opening, deleting multi-page structure for creating texts,

ƒƒ How do you add an image in the Activity 6.28 & 6.29 (Refer to
book? (Ans: just drag it and drop over Pupil’s book page 160- 162)
the book) ƒƒ Assist learners to experiment on
ƒƒ How do you add a text in a book? moving a car fast or slow. Follow
(Ans: open supplies box and look for the steps from the pupils book
the Text object) page 158-163
ƒƒ Build on the answers to the Activity 6.30 (Refer to Pupil’s
questions to inform learners that book page 163-164)
in the lesson, they will create ƒƒ In this activity help learners to
animation projects in etoys. continue building their project by
creating a steering wheel then
Teaching / learning activities fixing it onto the car and using it.
ƒƒ Let the learners watch the video Activity 6.31 (Refer to Pupil’s
above carefully. They should book page 164)
describe what is happening in the ƒƒ Guide learners to try different
video. effects on their project, they should
ƒƒ After watching the video, learners also perform saving their projects
now have a rough idea of how and opening it.
to go about creating an etoys Activity 6.32 (Refer to Pupil’s
animation project. book page 165)
ƒƒ Take learners through the steps ƒƒ Guide learners to perform this
of creating the animation project activity and see the effect of
as explained in pupil’s book pages changing the specifications on the
157 – 166. performance of the car.
Activity 6.26 (Refer to Pupil’s ƒƒ You can then let learners know
book pages 158) that after finishing the project,
Guide learners to practice drawing they need to publish it. this is same
a car, let them follow the steps as as saving the project.
highlighted in the pupils’ book. ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by
Activity 6.27 (Refer to Pupil’s highlighting the key points on how
book page 159-160) to draw the car step by step. Refer
ƒƒ Assist the learners to view the to the notes in Pupil’s Book pages
properties of the car using the 151 – 166 Allow learners to write
handles as explained here. summary notes as you do your
presentation. You can also make

this more interactive by inviting irregular polygons do not.
gifted learners to do lesson 3. Cube, cuboid, rectangle, square.
summary as you guide them.
4. Practical activity – assess
learner work then award marks
ƒƒ This lesson introduces learners to
create projects and animations accordingly.
in etoys. Use the video and the 5. Practical activity – assess
practical activities highlighted learner work then award marks
help learners practice coming up
with beautiful etoys animations
and projects. Learners should 6. Practical activity – assess
be able to make the animations, learner work then award marks
open existing projects, save and/or accordingly.
delete a project in etoys.
Lesson assessment
Answers to Self-Test 6.2
ƒƒ Assess whether the learning
Refer to learner’s book page 151
objectives of the lesson were met
by asking questions such as: 1. An object in Scratch which
1. How do you add an image to performs functions controlled
the book? by scripts.
(Ans: Drug it and drop over 2. Because every program is made
the book).
of sprites and the scripts
2. Create a human head in etoys
(instructions) that control them.
with eyes and mouth that
moves. 3. Practical activity – assess
(Ans: Assess learner work and learner work then award
award marks accordingly) marks accordingly.
Answers to Self-Test 6.1 4. (a) The “X position” value
Refer to learner’s book page 123 determines the horizontal

1. Text, numbers, sound, images,

location of the sprite and the
“Y position” value determines
the vertical location or height.
2. Regular polygons have equal
(b) i. moves sprite horizontally
angles and lengths of sides,

left instructions, which is
(ii) moves sprite vertically up interpreted by another
5. (a) Create a story line, program.
(b) Create sprites 7. The heading indicates at
(c) Create scripts what angle the object is
(d) Create a simple scene rotating. It will turn right.
(e) Add movements
(f) Save your projects Summary of the unit
(g) Test This unit is about learners gaining
6. Area, perimeter and average. knowledge, understanding and
skills of programming languages.
You should have effectively used
Answers to Self-Test 6.3 the suggested activities and
Refer to learner’s book page 167 the teaching approaches in the
1. World teacher’s book to help learners
2. Navigator bar, three colored acquire this competence. At the
clouds, an automobile that end of the lessons, you should
travels around and the script assess the extent to which the
competency was achieved and
that controls the car’s
plan remedial activities where
movement. necessary. Remember, one of the
3. Halo is a set of tools provided attitudes and values intended at the
for each object. Right-clicking end of the topic are for learners to
the object brings up a halo conceptualise the ICT contribution
like this one. in the real life. Guide learners to
4. Right click your mouse over acquire the intended skills as is
the object then click on appropriate.
Additional Information for the
viewer handle to see a set of
script tiles. Turtle Art/Blocks is a fun activity in
5. Size ,color, location, and which you learn how to command a
little turtle to draw shapes, pictures
and designs. It is an off shoot of the
6. Script is a sequence of Logo programming language and

is intended for children as young Etoys on the other hand is;
as from 6 years old to learn about ƒƒ An educational tool for teaching
programming and debugging. children powerful ideas in
They can play with Turtle Art to compelling ways.
draw colourful art patterns using the ƒƒ A media-rich authorising
turtle that accepts instructions for environment and visual
movement. You program with Turtle programming system.
Art by snapping together blocks. Each ƒƒ A free software program that
block is a command for the turtle, e.g., works on almost all personal
there is a block to tell the turtle to go computers.
forward, to turn right, etc. The blocks ƒƒ Etoys makes children active
are organized on palettes: one for the participants, gives immediate
turtle, one for the pen, etc. Start by feedback and rewards, and
clicking on the turtle to show the turtle allows students to pursue their
palette. Try dragging blocks from the own interests in building projects.
palette onto the turtle canvas. Click Young children learn best by
on them to see what they do. experimentation and play. In
Scratch is a programming language etoys, kids are trained to grasp,
and an online community where drop, stack, and smash the world
children can program and share around them, often without adult
interactive media such as stories, encouragement. Etoys makes
games and animation with people abstractions more palpable,
from all over the world. As children allowing children to visualize and
create with Scratch, they learn to explore new ideas.
think creatively, work collaboratively
and reason systematically. Scratch is Answers to Unit Test 6 (Pupil’s book
designed to be fun, educational, and pages 168)
easy to learn. It has the tools for
creating interactive stories, games, art, Assess learners work and award
simulations, and more, using block- marks as is appropriate. The learner
based programming. Scratch even has should have shown high level of
its own built-in paint editor and sound creativity inorder to earn maximum
editor. marks.
Users program in Scratch by dragging
blocks from the block palette and
attaching them to other blocks like a
jigsaw puzzle. Structures of multiple
blocks are called scripts. This method
of programming (building code with
blocks) is referred to as “drag-and-drop

Additional activities to cater for intellectually challenged and gifted
ƒƒ You may need to assess the questions in the self-tests and the unit test and see
which ones can be used for remedial teaching and which ones to be given to
gifted learners. Examples are given in the table below.
Remedial activities for intellectually Extended activities for gifted/
challenged learners talented learners

1. Self Test 6.1 Questions 1, 2 and 3 1. Self Test 6.1 Questions 4, 5 and 6

2. Self Test 6.2 Question 1, 2, 4 and 6 2. Self Test 5.2 Question 3 and 5

3. Unit Test 6 Questions 1, 2 ,3, 5 and 8.1 3. Unit Test 6 Questions 4, 5 and 7

UNIT Air pollution
7 (No. of periods: 12)
Refer to Learner’s Book pages 169 - 175

Key Unit Competency that is, knowledge and understanding,

After studying this unit, learners should skills acquisition and attitude and values.
be able to explain the phenomenon At the end of the unit, learners should
of air pollution, its consequences and have knowledge and understanding of
management. air pollution and have the right attitude
Learning objectives towards air pollution management.

Competency based curriculum embraces

three categories of learning objectives,

Table 7.1: Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values

By the end of this unit, the By the end of this unit, the By the end of this unit, the
learner should be able to: learner should be able to: learner should be able to:

ˆIdentify air pollutants ˆˆ Recognise polluted ˆˆ Be aware of the
ˆIdentify causes and air. importance of pure
dangers associated ˆˆ Apply the knowledge air.
with air pollution. of recognising air ˆˆ Develop positive
ˆExplain how to pollution. attitude towards
protect air against air ˆˆ Practice ways to avoiding air pollution.
pollutants. avoid air pollution. ˆ advocate against
the air pollution.

Pre-requisite of this unit gender can pursue a carrier in
Learners were already introduced to environmental conservation. Give
the concept of air and its components examples of role models who are
in primary four. They also learnt about successful in the area where the
the uses of the main components learners come from.
of air i.e nitrogen, oxygen and 2. Standardization culture
carbon dioxide. In this class, they are Emphasize the need to use certified
supposed to learn about air pollution, equipment and machines which do
its causes, consequences and how it not pollutethe environment. Caution
can be controlled. Further, it is also learners against using counterfeits
important to highlight the fact that the which may lead to accidents or injury
concepts in this unit can be applied in of users or frequent breakdowns
environmental management in social
studies. Also, learners should be made 3. Inclusive education
aware when they continue with their All learners should be encouraged
education in this area, they may become to participate during lessons and
environmentalists. practicals. Special arrangement
should be made to take care of
Background information learners with special needs. For
Due to increased human activities that example, provide brail for blind
include industrialisation, transportation, learners, large print text for those
use of fuel for power generation, cooking, with sight problems and allocate
cigarette smoking and many others; such physically challenged learners to
activities lead to air pollution.When air others to assist them during field
is polluted it becomes harmful to human trips and practical activities. Further,
beings, other animals and plants. Air this category should be given tasks
pollution also causes global warming that they can manage during the
which has lead to changes in the climate practical sessions.
and unpredictable seasons. Therefore,
4. Financial education
this unit is about creating awareness on
air pollution and its consequences. Learners should be made aware of
the fact that a clean environment
Cross cutting issues ensures healthy living devoid of
diseases hence helps to reduce
1. Gender education
health related costs. Also, buying
Both boys and girls should participate quality equipment will lead to saving
in conserving our environment. It is money in the long run as they stay
not a preserve of the boy or girl for long and costs on repairs are
gender. Also, emphasize to learners reduced.
that anybody irrespective of their

5. Environment and sustainability 2. Research skills
education Guide learners on how to find
This is a topic that directly affects the information regarding various topics
environment. Emphasize the need to such as the meaning of air pollution
reduce air pollution and other forms and its consequences. Guide learners
of pollution in general. Caution the on how to come up with summarized
learners against activities that cause notes from a large body of text.You
air pollution like cigarette smoking,
should also guide learners on doing
bush burning among others.
Internet searches for the various
6. Peace and values education content areas they are looking for.
People should learn to live in 3. Communication in English
harmony and they should be ready Communication in English will be
to help other people, especially
improved when learners freely
those who are affected by natural
participate in the discussions
disasters like floods or landslides.
and presentations. Encourage all
Generic competences to be learners irrespective of their abilities
covered to participate in-group discussions,
1. Co-operation and interpersonal during presentations by asking
management and life skills questions and during question and
During group discussions and answer sessions to either introduce
pair-work let learners engage or wrap up the lessons.
one another by giving a chance
4. Critical thinking and problem
for all to participate. Also, during
solving skills
group presentations, you can
allow rotational presentations This competence will be developed
within the group members. Gifted by learners as they answer the
learners should help in coming up probing questions such as those on
with presentation content as slow page 169 at the beginning of this
learners contribute. REMEMBER
unit and as they discuss the results
You should allow slow learners to
of the various practical activities.
do presentations as well and correct
them where they go wrong. Advise Guide learners to discover for
learners to appreciate the different themselves the various sources of
abilities of their group members and air pollution and their consequences
accommodate each other’s views. This competence will also come

about as learners think about their ƒƒ Drought – this is a long period
findings in the activities and as they of time without rainfall or with
give out their suggestions on why little rainfall that is not enough to
this is the case. support the lives of people, animals
5. Lifelong skills and plants.
Knowing how to prevent air pollution ƒƒ Fossil fuels – these are forms
is a lifelong skill that will ensure of energy sources obtained from
healthy living for all in the society. organic materials such as oil, coal
6. Creativity and innovation and natural gas. They are formed
Encourage learners to come up in the earth from plant and animal
with innovative ways of reducing remains over many years ago.
air pollution and maintaining the ƒƒ Fumes – these refer to vapors,
environment. dust and / or smoke given off by
Key words in this unit and their substances as a result of chemical
meanings reactions.
ƒƒ Atmosphere – this is a thin ƒƒ Global warming – this is the
layer of gases that surrounds and current increase in temperature of
protects the Earth. the earth’s surface both land and
ƒƒ Catalytic converters - these are water as well its atmosphere.
devices, which help to protect the ƒƒ Smog – this is fog, which contains
environment by cleaning up and smoke or soot in it, smoke occurs
reducing vehicle emissions. mainly due to air pollution.
ƒƒ Chemical reactions – this is
a process when one or more Guidance on the problem statement
substances react to form other
substances. In this topic, you will teach about air
pollution, its causes, effects and control/
ƒƒ Chimneys - a part of a building prevention measures. Use the pictures
through which smoke rises into the in pupil’s book on page 169 to guide
outside air especially; the structure the learners on what they are going
extending above the roof. to discover in this topic. The learners
ƒƒ Contamination – this is the should observe the picture carefully.
adding of dangerous substances It shows a mother and her daughter
in air, water, soil or food that can lighting a charcoal burner inside a
cause harm to living organisms. closed room. This is very dangerous

because of the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning.Assist learners to discover
this and relate it to air pollution which is the concern of this topic.

Attention to special educational needs

Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning

ƒƒ Peer-teaching – engage high ƒƒ Identify the learners with hearing

achievers to help weak pupils in and visual impairment and have
understanding of concepts. them sit in front of the class so that
ƒƒ Plan remedial teaching for slow proper attention can be given to
learners. them. Also, large print texts should

ƒƒ Allow enough time to slow learners be given to visually impaired

to complete their work. learners and hearing aids provided

for those with hearing impairment.
ƒƒ Gifted learners to be given heavy
tasks requiring more critical ƒƒ Arrange the room such that it will

thinking while slow learners are enable easy movement for the

given tasks, which they can manage physically challenged learners.

such as collecting materials for use ƒƒ Assign some students to be in

during practicals among others. charge of the physically and

ƒƒ Both gifted and slow learners to visually impaired learners. For

be given equal opportunity to lead example, carrying their equipment,

in group discussions and to do showing them around during the

presentations of group findings to field trips, etc.

the rest of the class. ƒƒ Organize Braille for blind learners.

ƒƒ Ensure all learners respect ƒƒ Encourage special needs learners

other’s views irrespective of their by reminding them that ‘disability
shortcomings or talents. is not inability’!

List of lessons

Lesson No. Lesson title No. of periods

1. Definition of air pollution 2
2. Common air pollutants and their sources 4
3. Consequences of polluted air 3
4. Control of air pollution 3

ƒƒ Textbooks, pamphlets, handouts

LESSON 1: Definition of air
and charts on air pollution.
ƒƒ Pictures on page 173 of pupil’s
Refer to learner’s book pages 169
Specific objectives Photographs of polluted cities or
By the end of the lesson, learners towns.
should be able to define the term air
pollution. Pre-requisite of the lesson
Introduce the unit as explained under
Preparation for the lesson guidance on the problem statement
ƒƒ This lesson will involve individual above then narrow down to this lesson.
research work and group
discussions. You will therefore Teaching / learning activities
organize the class as need arises ƒƒ You may begin the lesson by asking
during the lesson. REMEMBER: learners probing questions such as:
When grouping learners, you have you ever heard of the word
should consider the different ‘pollution? What does it mean?
abilities of learners and the special
Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book
needs for various individuals. page 169)
ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working ƒƒ This is a research activity to be
properly before the lesson for done by individual learners. Let
leaners to use to do research. learners go to the library to
Teaching Aids read textbooks on the meaning
ƒƒ Computers connected to the of air pollution, its various causes
Internet. and consequences. They can also
visit sites where they can get this

information. For example: http:// LESSON 2: Common air
www.scholar.google.com or by pollutants and their sources
simply searching the phrase ‘ ‘air
pollution using google search
engine. Refer to learner’s book pages 170
ƒƒ Guide learners to discover the Specific objectives
definition of air pollution, which is By the end of the lesson, learners
‘contamination of air with harmful should be able to identify causes of air
pollution and their sources.
chemicals. (You may need to stress
the fact that).
Preparation for the lesson
ƒƒ Emphasise the fact that we should
ƒƒ This lesson will involve group
avoid polluting air at all times.
activities and pair work. You will
therefore organize the class as
Synthesis need arises during the lesson.
The lesson introduces learners to REMEMBER: When grouping
knowledge about air pollution and learners, you should consider
the different abilities of learners
the effects of air pollution on our
and the special needs for various
environment. They may also hold individuals.
group discussions and agree on the
ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working
meaning of air pollution. Let them properly before the lesson for
write their findings down and correct leaners to use to do research.
them as is appropriate.
Teaching aids
Lesson assessment ƒƒ Computers connected to the
Assess whether the learning objectives Internet.
of the lesson were met by asking ƒƒ Textbooks, pamphlets, handouts
questions such as: and charts on air pollution.
1. What did you learn in this ƒƒ Charts on sources of air pollution
lesson? (Ans: Air pollution)
2. What is air pollution?
Photographs of polluted cities or
(Ans: Air pollution is the adding of towns or drawings of sources of air
dangerous substances or pollution in manila papers.
contamination of the atmosphere)
Pre-requisite of the lesson

You may introduce the lesson by Cause of air Artificial Natural
reminding learners what they learnt pollution source source
under meaning of air pollution. Let
volunteers define what air pollution
is. Build on this and ask whether
the learners know what causes air
ƒƒ Some substances that cause air
pollution. Have a brainstorming
pollution include smoke from
session. industries, smoke from people
smoking cigarettes, burning tyres
Teaching / learning activities and other pieces of trash in open
places, fumes from old vehicles,
Activity 7.1 and 7.2 (Refer to
burning charcoal and fire wood to
Pupil’s book page 170)
prepare food among others.
ƒƒ Let learners look at the pictures
ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by
and say what is going on in the highlighting main points as
pictures. Let them suggest how the learners write summary notes.
activity in the picture is going to Refer to Pupil’s book pages 171.
affect the air.
ƒƒ Guide the learners to make a field Synthesis
study and observe physically the The lesson introduces learners to
possible causes of air pollution and causes of air pollutants and their
their sources. Ask them questions sources. Observe learners as they
such as:
carry practical activities suggested to
1. Which causes of air pollution discover the various air pollutants and
are natural? their sources.
2. Identify examples of artificial Lesson assessment
causes of air pollution in the Assess whether the learning objectives
environment. of the lesson were met by asking
ƒƒ Back in class, let learners write questions such as:
a summary of what causes air 1. Define air pollutant? (Ans: Air
pollution and their sources. They pollutants are substances that
can group them as shown in the
cause air pollution).
table below.
2. List four examples of gases that
cause air pollution.

(Ans: The bad gases that Teaching Aids
cause air pollution to the ƒƒ Computers connected to the
atmosphere include: carbon Internet.
dioxide, carbon monoxide,methane, ƒƒ Textbooks, pamphlets, handouts
nitrous oxide and ammonia gas). and charts on air pollution.

LESSON 3: Consequences of ƒƒ Charts on sources of consequences

polluted air of pollution.

Refer to learner’s book pages 171 Photographs of polluted cities or
Specific objectives towns or drawings of consequences of
air pollution in manila papers.
By the end of the lesson, learners should
be able to identify the consequences
of air pollution. Pre-requisite of the lesson

Preparation for the lesson You may introduce the lesson using
probing questions such as ‘what do you
ƒƒ This lesson will involve individual
think are the consequences of polluted
research work and group
air? Let them have a brainstorming
discussions. You will therefore
organize the class as need arises
Teaching / learning activities
during the lesson. REMEMBER:
Research activity 7.3 (Refer to
When grouping learners, you Pupil’s book page 171)
should consider the different
ƒƒ This is a research activity to be
abilities of learners and the special done by individual learners. Let
needs for various individuals. learners go to the library to read
textbooks on the consequences
ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working
of air pollution. They can also
properly before the lesson for visit sites where they can get this
leaners to use to do research. information. For example: http://
www.scholar.google.com or by
simply searching the phrase ‘air
pollution’ using google search

ƒƒ You may also organise for learners write summary notes.
learners to visist a local Refer to Pupil’s book pages 172.
environment management office.
While there, let them find out
from the officers concerned
some of the consequences of air The lesson introduces learners
pollution. to consequences or effects of air
ƒƒ Guide learners to discover the pollution. You should effectively use
consequences of air pollution, the two activities and the academic
during the research activity or the visit to help learners discover some of
academic visit. Some consequences these consequences. Learners should
that they may mention include:
then use the information as a learning
- Damage to living organisms experience to help them take seriously
(food crops, or natural
issues to do with prevention of air
- Global warming, acid rain.
- Destruction of atmosphere.
Lesson assessment
Effects on human beings include:
Assess whether the learning objectives
- It makes the lungs not to function well
of the lesson were met by asking
- It causes irritation of eyes nose
questions such as:
mouth and throat
1. Give two effects of air
- IMay cause asthma attacks
pollutants to the environment.
- It causes respiratory symptoms such
(Ans: Acid rains, destruction of
as coughing and wheezing
atmosphere, global warming)
- It may cause bronchitis
2. Mention any 4 consequences
- It causes headaches and dizziness
of air pollution on humans?
-- It may cause cardiovascular problems
(Ans: It causes respiratory
- It may cause cancer
symptoms such as coughing and
wheezing , it causes bronchitis,
ƒƒ Emphasize the fact that we should
it causes irritation of eyes nose
avoid polluting air at all times.
mouth and throat. It brings on
ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by
asthma attacks)
highlighting main points as

LESSON 4: Control of polluted drawings of such an environment in
air manila papers.

Refer to learner’s book pages 173 Pre-requisite of the lesson

Specific objectives You may introduce the lesson using

probing questions such as ‘how do
By the end of the lesson, learners
you think we can reduce air pollutants
should be able to explain how to
protect air against air pollutants and in the atmosphere? Let them have a
apply them in their lives. brainstorming session.
Preparation for the lesson Teaching / learning activities
ƒƒ This lesson will involve individual Research Activity 7.5 (Refer to
research work and group Pupil’s book page 173)
discussions. You will therefore
ƒƒ This is a research activity to be
organize the class as need arises
during the lesson. REMEMBER: done by individual learners. Let
When grouping learners, you learners go to the library to
should consider the different read textbooks on the control
abilities of learners and the special measures of air pollution. They
needs for various individuals. can also visit sites where they can
ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working get this information in the internet.
properly before the lesson for Let them search for the phrase
learners to use to do research. ‘air pollution’ using google search
Teaching aids
ƒƒ You may also organise for learners
ƒƒ Computers connected to the to visist a local environment
management office. While there,
ƒƒ Textbooks, pamphlets, handouts let them find out from the officers
and charts on air pollution.
concerned some of the control
ƒƒ Charts on control measures of measures of air pollution.
ƒƒ Guide learners to discover how
to control/prevent air pollution
from the research activity or the
Photographs of clean and well-kept
academic visit. Some of these ways
environment with many trees or

- Putting industrial sites far from questions such as:
residential places. 1. Suggest different ways of
- Proper disposal of wastes. safeguarding air against pollutants.
- Use of air pollution control (Ans:
devices in industries and vehicles. ƒƒ Using sources of fuel which do not
- Planting plenty of trees. produce so much air pollutants.
ƒƒ Emphasise the fact that ƒƒ Cars should be fitted with catalytic
‘PLANTING OF TREES’ is the converters which remove dangerous
best way of ensuring clean air. exhaust gases.
Bring to their attention the fact ƒƒ We should find alternative sources of
that this is why the Rwanda energy that are clean, like using solar
government emphasizes on energy or wind mills.
plating two trees everytime one ƒƒ Encouraging people to use public
is cut. transport other than buying their own
cars, also walking, cycling, sharing cars
ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by
all reduce the rate of pollution from
highlighting main points as vehicles.
learners write summary notes.
ƒƒ Consider going green by planting more
Refer to Pupil’s book pages 173 trees and garden plants.
Synthesis ƒƒ Use natural gas instead of charcoal.
The lesson introduces learners to ƒƒ Quit smoking and encourage those
control measures of air pollution. You around you to do the same, smoking is
should effectively use the research terrible for you and for the quality of
activity and the academic visit to help air around us.
learners discover some of these ways
of controlling air pollution. Learners Additional information to the
should then use the information in teacher
their daily lives to prevent/control air Some information that may be relevant
pollution. in this topic include:
Lesson assessment
Assess whether the learning objectives (a) Examples of greenhouse
of the lesson were met by asking gases are:
Dangerous gases to the atmosphere

are called greenhouse gases. Green chlorofluorocarbons.
house gases are both produced 3. - It causes diseases that affect
naturally and through human animal lives e.g. respiratory
activities. Such gases include carbon diseases.
dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide
and fluorinated gases including - It causes global warming
chloroflourocarbons(CFCs). which has caused climate
(b) Effects of global warming change in the world, those
include: results into natural disasters.
ƒƒ Desertification
- Air pollution causes acid rain
ƒƒ Increased melting of ice burgs
which damages crops and
which increases ocean levels
erodes buildings and vehicles.
ƒƒ Drought
ƒƒ Changed weather patterns 4. Burning charcoal produces
ƒƒ Violent winds and hurricanes carbon monoxide in a cloased room
due to limited supply of air. This can

(c) Ways of reducing global cause carbon monoxide poisoning.

warming include: 5. The term ‘go green’ means
ƒƒ Use of energy saving bulbs reducing pollution by all possible
ƒƒ Switch off electric appliances ways. When you reduce
ƒƒ Use of solar energy pollution you help to conserve
ƒƒ Planting many trees our environment.
ƒƒ Reduce rubbish at home 6. Smoking cigarettes in public
ƒƒ Reduce use fossil fuels
places is disastrous because it
causes respiratory diseases to
Answers to Unit Test 7 (Refer to
the passive smokers (non-
pupils book pages 174-175
smokers) and it also contributes
1. Air pollution is the adding
of dangerous substances into to air pollution.

the atmosphere.
2. Carbon monoxide, 7. (a) Wrong - causes air pollution
methane, nitrous oxide and (b) Wrong - Causes air pollution

(c) Right - Planting trees pollution, it is always difficult
improves forest cover which for drivers to drive well due to
in the long run helps in cleaning up poor visibility.
the sorrounding air by using carbon
10. People who use fossil fuels
dioxide during photosynthesis.
should change to clean energy
8. (a) Global warming refers to the
like using natural gas, solar
increase of the average atmospheric
temperature due to effects of green biogas and other forms of
house gases such as carbon dioxide. energy to avoid pollution.
(b) Planting many trees and 11. Air pollution is severe in cities
avoiding quarrying, mining, because this is where most
smoking, etc to avoid industries are located,
accumulation of green house also there are always
gases in the atmosphere. very many vehicles in the cities.

9. Due to smog formed by air 12. B

Additional activities to cater for intellectually challenged
and gifted learners

Remedial activities for Extended activities for gifted and

Intellectually challenged learners talented learners
1. Enter a room with smoke and see 1. Make air filters using locally
how it feels. available materials and use it to
2. Observe the back of cooking filter smoke.
pots and appreciate the effects of 2. Build a greenhouse using polythene
smoke/air pollution. bags, strings and sticks and use it
to feel what happens when global
warming occurs.
Remedial questions for Extended questions for gifted
Intellectually challenged learners learners
1. Air pollution is __________ 1. What differentiates a polluted and
2. ______, ________, ________ gases a non polluted environment?
are examples of air pollutants. 2. The consequences of not taking
3. State how air pollution affects care of our environment is grave.
plants. Discuss.
4. Name one natural and one
3. The Rwanda government insists on
artificial source of air pollution.
planting TWO trees for every one
5. One method of controlling air
cut down. Explain why.
pollution is to plant _______.
Answers to remedial questions Answers to extended questions

1. Contaminating air with air 1. Polluted is contaminated with air

pollutants. pollutants, the other one is not.
2. Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, 2. Refer to consequences of air
sulphur dioxide, methane. pollution as explained in pupil’s
3. Brings about acid rain which burns book pages 178 - 180.
plants. Also smoke or dust particles 3. To conserve the environment as
clog leaves which interferes with trees help in cleaning or refreshing
their normal processes. the air. They also act as catchment
4. Natural – dust from vulcanic areas of rain.
eruptions and that created by wind.
Artificial – smoke from industries,
fumes from vehicles, etc.
5. Trees

UNIT Animals
8 (No. of periods: 12)
Refer to Learner’s Book pages 175-195

Key unit competence skills acquisition and attitude and values.

At the end of the unit, learners should
After studying this unit, learners should have knowledge and understanding of
be able to explain and practice effective how to rear goats and cows and be able
management of goats and cows.
to achieve a living from such enterprises
in future.
Learning objectives
Competency based curriculum embraces
three categories of learning objectives,
that is, knowledge and understanding,

Table 8.1: Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values
By the end of this unit, the By the end of this unit, the By the end of this unit, the
learner should be able to: learner should be able to: learner should be able to:
ˆ the characteristics ˆChoose
ˆList ˆ good types ˆ
ˆShow interest in cow
of a good cowshed/
goat shelter of cows/goats for or goat breeding.
ˆIdentify the types of breeding. ˆ
ˆDevelop awareness
goat or cow breeds.
ˆApply techniques of about the socio-
ˆIdentify the good
elements of cattle diet. cows/goat breeding. economic value of
ˆExplain conditions of ˆ
ˆUse appropriate cows and goats.
cattle health.
cow/goat breeding ˆ aware of the
ˆExplain the most
common cattle diseases, terminology. nutritive value from
their prevention and livestock products.
ˆExplain the importance
of cattle/goat farming.

Pre-requisites of this unit Cross cutting issues
Under this unit, learners have already 1. Environment, climate change
been introduced to the various classes and sustainability
of animals that is mammals, birds, fishes,
reptiles and amphibians in primary 4. As farming or keeping of animals is
Further, in primary 5, learners were being started, there are a lot of trees
taught about chicken rearing and good cut down to construct the animal
practices that should be carried out in houses or sheds.While cutting down
chicken farming. In this class, learners trees and clearing the farm area we
will further be taught and practice goat should be conscious not to destroy
and cattle farming.They will learn about the environment. In fact, we should
proper housing for goats and cattle, plant two trees for every one tree
goat and cattle breeds, how to feed cut down.
goats and cattle and how to prevent 2. Gender education
goat and cattle diseases. There is also Inform learners that both men as
need to sensitize learners about the well as women can earn a living
fact that the concepts in this unit can by becoming professional farmers
be applied in Agriculture under animal or practicing commercial farming.
management. Let them know that Farming is NOT a preserve of one
when they continue and further their gender!
education in this area, they may become
3. Peace and values education
Agricultural officers, veterinary doctors
or professional farmers. Caution learners against using
farm tools as weapons to hurt
Background information others. Stress the fact that people
should live in peace and harmony
Cattle keeping in Rwanda is a
in order to develop. Inform them
development strategy by the Rwandan
that they should be willing all the
Government whereby the government time to accommodate views of
is planning for each family to have at others. Also, in case a child gets hurt
least one grade cow for milk production. accidentally others should provide
Cattle, goats or other farm animals first aid before taking him or her to
help families in very many ways. For the hospital. Also, inform them that
example, families will solve nutritional as they share animals according to
problems as well as financial issues the government policy it should be
through this initiative. At the same time, peacefully and harmoniously done.
farm animals help to provide manure
4. Financial education
for the crops as well. That informed the
need to include this topic as part of the Let the learners understand that
curriculum. Ensure that you highlight the farming or keeping of farm animals
importance of afrm animals as you take is highly beneficial to the people
learners through this unit. and government of Rwanda. They

can comfortably ache a living from 2. Research skills
farming in future therefore they
should not look at it in a negative Guide learners on how to find
way. information regarding various topics
such as characteristics of a good
5. Standardization culture cow/goat breed. Guide learners on
how to come up with summarized
Encourage learners to learn about notes from a large body of text.You
new innovations in modern farming. should also guide learners on how to
They should migrate from traditional do Internet searches for the various
farming to modern farming methods. content areas they are looking for.
Also, caution them against using
counterfeit materials and feeds 3. Communication in English
when doing farming.
Communication in English will be
6. Inclusive learning improved when learners freely
participate in the discussions
Allow all learners to participate and presentations. Encourage all
during class/group activities learners irrespective of their abilities
irrespective of their gender, physical to participate in group discussions,
disability or mental challenges. during presentations by asking
Also during pairing, bright learners questions and during question and
should be mixed with disadvantaged answer sessions to either introduce
learners. or wrap up the lessons.
Generic competences to be 4. Critical thinking and problem
covered solving skills
1. Co-operation and interpersonal This competence will be developed
management and life skills by learners as they answer the
During class/group discussions and probing questions such as those on
pair works - let learners engage page 177 at the beginning of this unit
one another by giving a chance and as they discuss the results of the
for all to participate. Also, during various practical activities. Guide
group presentations - you can allow learners to discover for themselves
rotational presentations within the the various uses of tools and the
group members. Gifted learners maintenance practices on them.This
should help in coming up with write- competence will also come about as
ups of presentation content as slow learners think about their findings in
learners contribute. REMEMBER – the activities and as they give out
You should allow slow learners to their suggestions on why this is the
do presentations as well and correct case.
them where they go wrong. Advise 5. Lifelong skills
learners to appreciate the different
abilities of their group members and By practicing and understanding
accommodate each other’s views. how to take care of goats and

cattle, learners gain pre-requisite • Growth rate – this is the time
knowledge and skills that will come an animal takes to mature or to
in handy in their lives were they to become an adult.
become livestock farmers. • Drought – long period of prolonged
6. Creativity and innovation shortages in water supply in an area

Encourage learners to come up with • Suckle – allow taking milk at the

innovative ways of taking care of breast or teat.
goats and cattle. For example, they • Antibodies - Antigens, which help
can use cattle dug as a source of to fight viruses and bacteria that
biogas in the farm and goat pellets cause diseases.
as fish feeds, etc. • Hay - grass, legumes or other herbs
Key words in this unit and their that have been cut, dried and stored
meanings for use in future.

• Ventilation – this is to provide fresh • Pasture – perennial grasses for

air to a room or building and getting grazing animals.
out bad air • Supplements – any product taken
• Concrete – a very hard building by animals containing minerals.
material made by mixing together • Quarantine – this is when animals
cement, sand, small stones and and their products movements
water. are restricted from one region to
• Crash – is a strongly built stall or others in order to control disease
cage for holding cattle safely when outbreaks.
they are being examined or given • Vaccine - a biological preparation
treatment. It minimizes injury to the that improves immunity to prevent
animal or the person working on it. a particular disease.
• Predators – this is an animal that • Isolation – the state of being in a
eats other animals place that is separate from others.
• Bucks – these are male goats. • Dipping – to put down into a liquid
• Does – these are female goats. quickly or partially and lift out again.
Cows and goats are dipped into
• Kids – the young ones of goats. pesticides that kill pests like ticks.
• Resistant – this means being • Antibiotics – these are powerful
immune or to be able to resist or medicines that fight certain infections
fight off. or diseases caused by germs.
• Humps – this is a mixture of muscle • Sterile insect techniques – or
and fat on the back of some cows. STI is a method of biological insect
• Ticks-these are parasites that control whereby overwhelming
remain on the animal’s body to suck numbers of sterile insects are
blood, carry a number of diseases released into the wild. The sterile
that affect animals. males compete with wild males to

mate with females; females that rearing. As a way of introducing the
mate with sterile males do not concepts, refer learners to Fig. 8.1 on
produce offspring. page 176 of their book. The picture is
• Oxen – are any breed of cattle that associated with traditional cattle keeping
are at least four and are taught to whereby many cattle are kept within
work. a very small piece of land. The cattle
• Leather – a durable and flexible are less productive and are generally
material created by tanning animal weak and unhealthy. This practice goes
hides and skins. People use leather against the modern way of farming
to make: shoes, bags, hats, trousers, which entails practices like zero grazing
skirts, sofa seats and belts. and intensive farming. Leraners should
identify this as the problem situation in
Guidance on the problem state- the picture.
This topic is about cattle and goat

Attention to special educational needs

Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning

– Peer-teaching – engage high – Identify the learners with hearing
achievers to help weak pupils in and visual impairment and have
understanding of concepts. them sit in front of the class so
– Plan remedial teaching for slow that proper attention can be given
learners. to them. Also, large print texts
– Allow enough time to slow learners should be given to visually impaired
to complete their work. learners and hearing aids provided
for those with hearing impairment.
– Gifted learners to be given heavy – Arrange the room such that it will
tasks requiring more critical thinking enable easy movement for the
while slow learners are given tasks, physically challenged learners.
which they can manage such as – Assign some students to be in
collecting materials for use during charge of the physically and visually
practicals among others. impaired learners. For example,
– Both gifted and slow learners to carrying their equipment, showing
be given equal opportunity to lead them around during the field trips,
in group discussions and to do etc.
presentations of group findings to – Organize Braille for blind learners.
the rest of the class. – Encourage special needs learners by
– E n s u re a l l l e a r n e r s re s p e c t reminding them that ‘disability is not
other’s views irrespective of their inability’!
shortcomings or talents.

List of lessons
Lesson No. Lesson title No. of periods
1. Characteristics of a good cow/goat shelter 2
2. Types of cattle/goat breeds 2
3. Characteristics of cattle/goat breeds to rear 2
4. Feeding of cows/goats 2
5. Common diseases that affect cows and goats 3
6. Importance of cattle/goat farming 1

Lesson 1: Characteristics of good guidance on the problem statement

cow/goat shelter (To be covered in above then narrow down to this lesson.
two periods)
Teaching / learning activities
Refer to learner’s book pages 176-177
• This lessons will be divided into two
Specific objectives parts: cowshed and goat shelter.You
By the end of the lesson, learners should will teach about the characteristics
be able to list the characteristics of a of either in two separate sections.
good cowshed/goat shelter.
• Ask learners if they keep some
Preparation for the lesson animals at home. Ask them the kind
of shelter the animals live in.
• Seek permission from a nearby
livestock farm for an educational Activity 8.1 (Refer to Pupil’s book
page 177)
• Learners to observe animal houses
at home in preparation for the • Let learners write down the
lesson. characteristics of the type of shelter
where the animals live as per the
Teaching aids questions in this activity.
• Animal structures at school at home
or in a farm. • You can then organise for learners
to visit a nearby livestock farm.
• Photographs/ charts showing animal While in the farm let them observe
structures the characteristics of the animal
Improvisation houses.
You may improvise by making sketch • Let them ask questions regarding
drawings of animal houses and using the type of shelter as the farmer
them instead of charts. answers. The questions may include:
Pre-requisite of the lesson 1. Where is the shed located? Why?
2. What is the shed made of?
Introduce the unit as explained under

3. Do young ones share the same shelter - Should have an isolation box to
as the old ones? accommodate the animals that are
4. How and where do animals feed and on treatment not mix and infect the
take water from? normal ones.
5. How is the floor of the shed made and - Should have a bull box as bulls
why? shouldn’t be mixed with the cows.
They should come up with summary - There should also be a crash.
notes then compare with what they
wrote down earlier. Lesson 2:Types of good cattle/
• Back in class, wrap up by highlighting goat breeds
the characteristics of a good cow
shed and goat shelter as learners
write summary notes. Refer to
pupil’s book page 177. Refer to learner’s book pages 178-184
Synthesis Specific objectives
The lesson should help learners to gain By the end of the lesson, learners should
knowledge about the structure of a be able to identify the types of cattle/
good cow shed / goat shelter. Use the goat breeds.
suggested activities and the educational
visit to help learners discover the Preparation for the lesson
characteristics of a good cowshed. In
general, it should be constructed in a • Seek permission from a nearby
way that is favourable to the health of livestock farm for an educational
the animals. visit.

Lesson assessment • Learners to observe livestock at

Assess whether the learning objectives of home and in school in preparation
the lesson were met by asking questions for the lesson.
such as: • Ensure the internet is working for
1. Outline the qualities of a good cow doing research on livestock breeds.
shed/goat shelter.
Teaching aids
(Ans - Should be roofed.
- Should have proper sanitation. • Animal structures at school at home
or in a farm.
- Should be fenced.
- Should have concrete rough floors • Photographs / charts showing
that are easy to clean and not so various types of animals.
- Should have both clean feeding and • Textbooks and the internet.
watering troughs.
- There should be another part
reserved for calves. You may improvise by making colourful

drawings of cattle/goat breeds on (a) Cattle breeds
manila paper and using them instead • Organise learners to go for a visit to
of charts.
a cattle farm to observe the various
breeds of cattle.
Pre-requisite of the lesson
Introduce the lesson by reminding Activity 8.2 (Refer to Pupil’s book
learners about the previous lesson. page 178)
Ask them whether they remember the
• During the trip, let learners observe
animals they saw. Let them name some
the various types of cattle ( both
of them.
dairy and beef). Let them write down
Teaching / learning activities the characteristics of cattle that
they see. They may consider things
• This lessons will be taught in two like colour, weight, presence/absence
separate sessions (1) cattle breeds of horns, among others.
and (2) goat breeds.
• Back in class, give learners the charts
• Ask learners if they keep some of cattle to oberseve. They should
animals at home. Ask them the kind compare the characteristics of the
of shelter the cattle in the chart with what they
wrote during the trip. Based on this,
Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book guide them to identify the cattle that
page 176) they saw.
• This is a research activity involving • Summarise by highlighting the main
learners finding out what the word characteristics of the various breeds
‘breed’ means and the various types of cattle. Refer to pupil’s book pages
of breeds of cattle and goats. Let 178 – 184. Do this for dairy and beef
them write summary short notes cattle separately.They should write
and share with other members of summary notes for aech breed and
the class. draw and colour the animal against
• At this point you can explain the respective characteristics.
the meaning of the word breed (b) Goat breeds
– a group of animals with similar
characteristics. You can then • Organise learners to go for a visit to
specify that breeds of animals can a goat farm to observe the various
be indeginous or exotic. Explain breeds of goat.
the difference between the two:
Lesson assessment
indeginous – local; exotic – foreign.
Assess whether the learning objectives of
You can then narrow down to cattle
the lesson were met by asking questions
such as:

1. What are indigenous cattle breeds? • The beef cattle breeds: these
(Ans: Indigenous cattle (native) breeds: breeds are purposely kept for
These are breeds of cattle that have
the production of beef. Examples
been in Rwanda for a long period of
time.These cattle can withstand hostile of beef breeds cattle include:
climatic conditions and they are resistant Aberdeen angus, Hereford,
to tropical diseases.They have long legs charolais , shorthorns ,Galloway
and they can walk long distances looking and beef master.
for food and pasture. Their maturity is
low and they are small in size.) 5. Briefly discuss the different types of
2. Briefly discuss the different types of goat breeds.
indigenous types of cattle. (Ans: goat breeds can be indeginous or
(Ans: exotic)
• Zebu cattle: these were kept by • Local or indigenous breeds of
Rwandans; they are small in size
goats - These are goats, which
and have short humps. They are
mainly dairy cattle.They have ability have been reared in Rwanda for
to resist tick-borne diseases. many years. They are resistant
• The long horned cattle (Inyambo) to tropical diseases. They are
These are fairly large in size and kept mainly for meat and for
have well developed horns skin production. Local breeds
• The boran cattle: these have short include the east African small
horns and big humps.They produce
goats, Nubian and Alpine.
good quality beef. They are large in
size than Zebu.) • The exotic goats – these are
3. What are exotic cattle breeds? imported and they include: the
(Ans: The exotic cattle breeds: these Boer goat, Galla goat.
are breeds which were introduced to
Rwanda from overseas countries.) Lesson 3: Characteristics of cattle
4. Briefly discuss the different types of and goats to rear
exotic cattle.
• Dairy cattle: These are mainly
kept for the production of milk.
Examples of dairy cows include Refer to learner’s book pages 184
Friesians, Guernsey, jersey,
Specific objectives
Ayrshire and Brown Swiss.
By the end of the lesson, learners should

be able to select proper goats and cattle short noteson these.
to rear based on their characteristics.
• Back in class, put learners in groups
Preparation for the lesson depending on class sizes and their
abilities. Let them summarise their
• Ensure the internet is working for
doing reasearch on livestock breeds.
They should then choose a group
Teaching aids leader to do a presentation on
• Photographs / charts showing behalf of the rest.
good animals for rearing • At this point you can explain the
• Textbooks and the internet various features to look for when
choosing cattle and goats to rear.
Pre-requisite of the lesson
• Emphasise the need to identify high
Introduce the lesson by reminding productivity breeds, both drought
learners about the previous lesson. and diseases resistant breeds and
Ask them whether they remember the those with good feeding habits.
various breeds of animals. Let them
name some of them. Synthesis
After this lesson, learners should be able
Teaching / learning activities to appropriately choose cattle and goat
• Ask learners if they keep some for breeding. Use the suggested research
animals at home. Ask them the activity and the discussion groups to
help learners discover this skill.
kind of animals they keep. What
characteristics do they have?
Lesson assessment
Activity 8.3 (Refer to Pupil’s book Assess whether the learning objectives of
page 185) the lesson were met by asking questions
such as:
• This is a research activity involving
learners finding out what the word 1. Briefly discuss about different
‘characteristics of a good breed to characteristic of goat breeds or
rear are’. Let them write summary cows to be reared.

(Ans: Factors or criteria to follow Preparation for the lesson
when selecting a suitable breed of
• Seek permission from a nearby
cows or goats to rear include:)
livestock farm for an educational
(a) Growth rate: the breed should visit.
that type that grows faster.
(b) Resistance to diseases: the • Learners to observe livestock at
breed should that one that resists home and in school feeding in
the common diseases found in our preparation for the lesson.
area. For example tropical diseases
• Ensure the internet is working for
in Rwanda. doing reasearch on livestock breeds.
(c) Feeding: they should be breeds
• Collect sample animal feeds such
that can survive on local foods
as napier, lucern and a variety of
concentrates for demonstrations in
(d) Productivity: they should be class.
breeds that produce a lot of milk or
high quality meat. Teaching aids

(e) Suitability to climatic conditions: • Sample animal feeds such as napier,

they should be breeds that survive lucern and a variety of concentrates
in the range of climatic conditions • Photographs/charts showing various
available in our area. types of livestock feeds
Lesson 4: Feeding cows/goats • Textbooks and the internet

You may improvise by making colourful
Refer to learner’s book pages 184 drawings of cattle/goat feeds on manila
paper and using them instead of charts.
Specific objectives
Pre-requisite of the lesson
By the end of the lesson, learners should
Introduce the lesson by asking learners
be able to explain the elements of a
probing questions such as: What
good diet of cattle and goat and feed
do animals feed on? What are the
them appropriately.
importance of these feeds?

Take advantage of their answers and

introduce this lesson.

Teaching / learning activities They should also find out their
Activity 8.4 (Refer to Pupil’s book omportance and davantages and
page 186)
• Summarise the lesson by highlighting
• Take laerners for an academic the main classes of animal feeds
visit to a goa/cattle farm. Let them and the main nutrient they contain.
observe the types of feeds that the • NB – Bring to the attention
of learners the fact that apart
animals are feeding on.
from the foods above, animals also
• Let them find out from the farmer MUST be given planty of water and
why he/she prefers those feeds. Let roughages.
them write summary notes.
• Wind up the lesson by giving learners
• Back in class, put learners in groups project work on establishing a farm.
depending on their abilities and class
size. Let them discuss their findings. Synthesis
• Guide learners to categorise the The lesson should help learners to gain
feeds that they saw. Let them come knowledge about how to feed animals
up with a table on the same. They and to know the characteristics of the
should then compare their work to various types of livestock feeds.
other group members by way of
presentations. Lesson assessment
• Emphasize the faect that cattle are Assess whether the learning objectives of
fed depending on their type and the the lesson were met by asking questions
age. Also their status, for example, such as:
whether pregant or not matters.
1. What are indigenous cattle breeds?
• Also, emphasize the need to give (Ans: Indigenous cattle (native) breeds:
balanced ration to cattle/goats.
these are breeds of cattle that have
Balanced ration cointains all body
nutrients necessary for healthy been in Rwanda for a long period of
growth of the animals. time.These cattle can withstand hostile
climatic conditions and they are resistant
• At this point, you can introduce the to tropical diseases.They have long legs
concept of classification of animal and they can walk long distances looking
for food and pasture. Their maturity is
Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page low and they are small in size.

• Give learners a research activity

to find out what rouphages,
concentrates and succulents are.

Lesson 4: Common diseases that Pre-requisite of the lesson
affect cattle and goats
• Introduce the lesson by reminding
learners about common diseases
that they know or might have
Refer to learner’s book pages 187
come across. They may name some
Specific objectives diseases that affect human beings.
By the end of the lesson, learners should • You can then ask them if they think
be able to: the same diseases affect animals.The
answer may be yes or no.
• Explain health sanitation conditions
of cattle and goats. • Take advantage and build on this by
asking them to do research about
• Identify the most common cattle and
goat diseases and treat or prevent
them. Teaching / learning activities
Preparation for the lesson Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page
1. This lesson will involve a research
activity and a academic trip to • Let learners go to the library and
search in textbooks, the meaning
a livestock farm. Therefore seek
of the word ‘sanitation’ and the
permission in advance from the farm
sanitation conditions necessary for
cattle and goats.
2. Bring pamphlets, handouts, and • At this point, you can come in and
textbooks for reference in class.Also, explain the meaning of sanitation
ensure that the Internet is working and the various sanitation conditions
if you have a computer laboratory which are good for cattle and goats.
or any other form of Internet
connectivity such as WIFI or modem.
Activity 8.5 (Refer to Pupil’s book
Teaching aids page 187)
• Reference materials on diseases that
• You can then take learners for an
affect cattle and goats. academic trip to a livestock farm.
• Livestock farm While at the farm, let them look out
for any sick animals. They should
• Computers and Internet identify an animal, say ‘animal X’
and write down its characteristics.

• Back in class, put learners in groups Synthesis
depending on the size of the class Guide learners to research and through
and the abilities of class members academic visits, to discover the diseases
to harmonise their findings. Give that affect goats and cattle. Ensure that
them a chart showing various at the end they appreciate the need to
diseases that affect cattle and goats. prevent/control these diseases as a way
Alternatively, they can look at table of helping animals live healthy lives.
8.1 pupils’ book pages 188 - 191
on the various diseases that affect Lesson assessment
livestock. Let them go through the Assess whether the learning objective of
signs and symptoms column and the the lesson was met by asking questions
animals affected. such as:
• They should then compare the 1. What is sanitation? (Ans: Keeping the
characteristics they wrote down environment around us clean)
during the academic trip with these 2. Give two conditions that must
information. Let them use it to be maintained to ensure healthy
identify the disease the animal was livestock.
suffering from.
(Ans: Refer to pupil’s book page 186)
• Let them compare their work and 3. Name two:
see if they all got it right.
(a) Bacterial diasease
• Wrap up by highlighting the main (Ans: Anthrax, Pnemonia,
points as learners take notes.
Brucellosis, Mastitis)
• You may give learners a further (b) Viral diseases
activity on finding out about the
(Ans: Foot and mouth
common diseases that affect
livestock in their community. They fever, Rinderpest)
should write a report then present (c) Protozoon diseases that affect
it for assessment. livestock?
(Ans: Trypanosmiosis, Anaplasmosis,
Heart water)

Lesson 6: Control and prevention animals and how he/she controls
of cattle / goat diseases. them.

• Let learners write short notes and

Refer to learner’s book page 188
share with other class members
Specific objective once in class. Give a chance for a
learner to recap what they learnt
By the end of this lesson, learners should
during the visit.
be able to explain, prevent and control
common cattle and goat diseases • Correct the learners as they write
Preparation for the lesson short notes.

• Wing up the lesson by giving

• Seeking permission to visit a cattle/
learners a further activity to find out
goat farm.
common diseases that affect cattle/
• Inviting a resource person to give a goats in their community and how
talk to learners. they control them.

Pre-requisite of the lesson Lesson 7: Importance of cattle/

• Introduce the lesson by reminding goat farming
learners what they learnt under
Refer to learner’s book pages 192
cattle/goat diseases.

• Ask them whether they think it is Specific objective

possible to control and prevent the By the end of this lesson, learners should
diseases. be to explain the importance of cattle/
goat farming.
Teaching / learning activities
• Build the lesson from the learner Preparation for the lesson
responses above. • Collection of some products from
Activity 8.5 (Refer to Pupil’s book cows or goats.
page187) • Obtain charts on cow or goat
• During the visit, let learners ask he
farmer which diseases affect his/her

Teaching aids Lesson assessment
• Cow or gaot products such as milk, Assess whether the learning objectives of
hides, belts and handbags, meat, etc. the lesson were met by asking questions
such as:
• Charts on the products above.
1. Say why cattle and goat farming is
• You may make your own chart on
(Ans: Refer to pupil’s book pages
cow or goat products by drawing
them on manila paper.

Pre-requisite of the lesson Answers to the Unit Test 8 (Pupil’s

book Pages 194-195)
• Introduce the lesson by whether
they think cattle and goats are 1. Refer to pupil’s book pages 159 -161.
important or harmful to us. Allow
2. (a) A group of organisms having
them to give reasons for their choice
common ancestors and sharing
of answer.
certain traits that are not shared
Teaching / learning activities with other members of the same
species. Breeds are usually produced
• Build on the learner responses above
by mating selected parents.
to introduce the discussion below.
(b) Indigenous – local; exotic ,
imported or foreign breeds
This lesson intends to make learners
3. (a) To avoid predators.
appreciate cattle and goats. Ensure that
the learners use the research activity (b) To prevent spread of diseases/
suggested and the discussion groups to parasites.
help learners understand the benefits
4. That she is very wrong. Tell her
we derive from livestock and more
that farming is the backbone of our
particularly goats and cattle. Emphasise
country and that many families rely
the fact that livestock farming can be a
on farming as a source of income.
source of income in future if learners
As such, she should embrace it by all
take it seriously.

5. (a) Good milk producer produce manure which is the used to
enrich soil for increased cro yields.
(b) Good feeder and quality meat.
10. To reduce cases of malnutrition in
6. Refer to table 8.1 pages 178 of
the country and to provide some
pupil’s book.
sorce of family income.
7. It reduces chances of the animals
11. Unboiled milk may transmit
becoming sick thereby ensuring
tuberculosis to human beings.
healthy stock.
12. (a) False (b) False
8. (a) Fresian cow (b) Hereford bull
(c) False (d) False
(c) Jersy cow
13. To improve nutrition of the populace.
(a) and (c) are dairy cows;

(b) is beef cattle

9. Animal wastes can be used to

Additional activities to cater for intellectually challenged and gifted

Remedial activities for Extended activities for gifted and

intellectually challenged learners talented learners
1. Drawing and painting various breeds 1. Collecting locally materials,
of goats and cattle on manila papers coming up with innovative ways
and hanging them on the wall. of constructing goat shelter, going
ahead and constructing one.
2. Collecting various products of
animals. 2. Coming up with research questions
fo academic visits.
Remedial questions for Extended questions for gifted
intellectually challenged learners learners
1. Examples of animal products are 1. C o m m e n t a b o u t e x o t i c a n d
_________, _______ and ______. indegenous cattle.Which one would
you prefer?
2. Name three things that can be used
to make a cattle house. 2. Which factors would you consider
when choosing a heifer for breeding?
3. Which local breeds of cattle do you
know in Rwanda? 3. Why are concentrates important in
animal diet?
4. The three major classes of animal
feeds are ______, ____ and ______.

Answers to remedial questions Answers to extended questions

1. Hides & skins, milk, meat, eggs, etc 1. The preference would depend on
what the farmer wants: if quantity
2. Timber, bricks, iron sheets, cement,
and quality of product – exotic; if
sand, etc
resistance to drought and diseases
3. Inyabo, zebu, boran. - indeginous.
4. Rouphages, Succulents, concentrates 2. Growth rate, resistance to diseases,
feeding habits, productivity among
3. They are a major source of proteins.

UNIT Plant reproduction
9 (No. of periods: 10)
Refer to the Learner’s Book pages 196 -210

Key Unit Competency that is, knowledge and understanding,

After studying this unit, learners should skills acquisition and attitude and values.
be able to describe the parts of a flower At the end of the unit, learners should
and explain the process of sexual and have knowledge and understanding of
asexual reproduction in plants. reproduction in plants.

Learning objectives
Competency based curriculum embraces
three categories of learning objectives,

Table 9.1: Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values

By the end of this unit, the By the end of this unit, the By the end of this unit, the
learner should be able to: learner should be able to: learner should be able to:

ˆIdentify the reproductive ˆˆ Draw and label a ˆˆ Show curiosity
parts of a flower. flower. in exploring the
ˆExplain the process of ˆˆ Recognize just by surrounding plants
sexual production of looking at plants and be inquisitive.
flowering plants. and flowers those ˆˆ Show interest in
reproducing either growing different
sexually or asexually. plants both at home.

ˆˆ Explain the process of ˆˆ Value individual effort
asexual reproduction of and teamwork in
flowering plants. protecting flora.
ˆˆ Explain reasons of plant

Pre-requisite of this unit Cross cutting issues to be

This unit is about reproduction in plants. addressed
Remembe, learners have come across 1. Financial education
plants before. For example, in primary
4, they learnt about types of plants and Bring to the attention of learners the
the process of germination. In primary 5, fact that they should practice crop
they were introduced to importance of production so that they improve
plants and trees in particular.Therefore, food security in the country.
link what the learners already know
with what they will learn here. Also, it 2. Environmental conservation
will help if you bring to the awareness and sustainability
of learners the fact that this topic is
Caution learners on the practice
related to reproduction in plants in
of picking up flowers from plants
biology and vegetative reproduction in
Agriculture. When learners pursue this everywhere. This will make them
and further they can become botanists interfere with plant reproduction.
or plant specialists.
3. Gender education
Let learners know that people
Background information of all gender can take care of
plants and pursue a career in plant
This topic is about reproduction in
plants and reasons for reproduction. management.
Therefore, the difference between 4. Inclusive education
sexual and asexual reproduction should All learners should be encouraged
be emphasized then narrow down to to participate during lessons and
the specifics of reproduction processes
practicals. Special arrangement
in plants. This topic will therefore in
should be made to take care of
a nutshell enable learners understand
how reproduction occurs in plants. learners with special needs. For
example, provide brail for blind

learners, large print text for those Internet searches for the various
with sight problems and allocate content areas they are looking for.
physically challenged learners to 3. Communication in English
others to assist them during field
Communication in English will be
trips and practical activities. Further, improved when learners freely
this category should be given tasks participate in the discussions
that they can manage during the and presentations. Encourage all
practical sessions. learners irrespective of their abilities
Generic Competences to participate in group discussions,
during presentations by asking
1. Co-operation and interpersonal
management and life skills questions and during question and
answer sessions to either introduce
During group discussions and or wrap up the lessons.
pair-work let learners engage
one another by giving a chance 4. Critical thinking and problem
for all to participate. Also, during solving skills
group presentations, you can
allow rotational presentations This competence will be developed
within the group members. Gifted by learners as they answer the
learners should help in coming up probing questions such as those on
with presentation content as slow page 197 at the beginning of this unit
learners contribute. REMEMBER
and as they discuss the results of the
You should allow slow learners to
various practical activities. Guide
do presentations as well and correct
them where they go wrong. Advise learners to discover for themselves
learners to appreciate the different how reproduction takes place in
abilities of their group members and plants. This competence will also
accommodate each other’s views. come about as learners think about
2. Research skills their findings in the activities and as
they give out their suggestions on
Guide learners on how to find out why this is the case.
information regarding various topics
such as the different parts that Key words in this unit and their
make up the flower, its role in plant meanings
reproduction, etc. Guide learners on
how to come up with summarized ƒƒ Calyx – many sepals put together.
notes from a large body of text.You ƒƒ Corolla – many pertals put
should also guide learners on doing together in a flower.

ƒƒ Dicotyledonous seed – Seed with ƒƒ Radicle – Part of embryo of a seed
two cotyledons. that develops into a root.
ƒƒ Fertilisation – Fusion of male and ƒƒ Stamen – Male parts of a flower.
female gametes to form a zygote.
The zygote later develops into Guidance on the problem
embryo, foetus then finally baby. statement
As a way of introducing the unit, refer
ƒƒ Monocotyledonous seed – Seed
learners to the picture on page 196
with only one cotyledon.
of their book. The picture is about
ƒƒ Nectar – The sweet smelling creating awareness about how to
substance found at the base of a maximize land usage by creating
flower that often attracts insects container gardens using recycled
and birds. bottles and bags. Let learners comment
on how they can help the family in
ƒƒ Pistil – Female parts of a flower. picture B whose crops have failed.
ƒƒ Plumule – Part of embryo of a They most likely used wrong planting
seed that develops into a shoot. materials and did not take good care
of their crops. Let learners understand
ƒƒ Pollination – the process by which that for good crop yields, there is need
pollen grains are transferred from to choose good planting mmaterials
the anther to the stigma of a flower. and take good care of them.

Attention to special educational needs

Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning
ƒƒ Peer-teaching – engage high ƒƒ Identify the learners with hearing
achievers to help weak pupils in and visual impairment and have
understanding of concepts. them sit in front of the class so that
ƒƒ Plan remedial teaching for slow proper attention can be given to
learners. them. Also, large print texts should
ƒƒ Allow enough time to slow learners be given to visually impaired
to complete their work. learners and hearing aids provided
for those with hearing impairment.

ƒƒ Gifted learners to be given heavy ƒƒ Arrange the room such that it will
tasks requiring more critical enable easy movement for the
thinking while slow learners are physically challenged learners.
given tasks, which they can manage ƒƒ Assign some students to be in
such as collecting materials for use charge of the physically and
during practicals among others. visually impaired learners. For
ƒƒ Both gifted and slow learners to example, carrying their equipment,
be given equal opportunity to lead showing them around during the
in group discussions and to do field trips, etc.
presentations of group findings to
ƒƒ Organize Braille for blind learners.
the rest of the class.
ƒƒ Encourage special needs learners
ƒƒ Ensure all learners respect
by reminding them that ‘disability
other’s views irrespective of their
is not inability’!
shortcomings or talents.

List of lessons
Lesson No. Lesson title No. of Periods
1. Meaning of plant reproduction 1
2. Identification of parts of a flowers 2
3. Sexual reproduction in plants 3
4. Asexual reproduction in plants 3
5. Reasons for plant reproduction 1

types of reproduction in plants.

9.1 Definition of plant
reproduction Preparation for the lesson
ƒƒ This lesson will involve a practical
Refer to learner’s book pages 196 -197
activity and group discussions. You
Lesson 1: Meaning of plant will therefore organize the class as
reproduction need arises during the lesson.
Specific objectives REMEMBER: When grouping
By the end of this lesson, learners should learners, you should consider the
be able to explain plant reproduction different abilities of learners and the
and show an understanding the two special needs for various individuals.

ƒƒ Look for textbooks, handouts, sugarcane cuttings and seeds and
pamphlets and other materials on water them until they sprout. Let
plant reproduction. learners note their observations
ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working after two weeks. Note: This
properly before the lesson for activity should be done two weeks
leaners to use to do research. in advance.
ƒƒ Put the learners into groups
depending on the class size and
Teaching aids
their abilities. Let them discuss their
ƒƒ Textbooks, handouts and pamphlets. findings in the activity.
ƒƒ Computers connected to the ƒƒ Guide learners to discover the
Internet. meaning of reproduction through
ƒƒ Plant parts such as sugar cane their observations, which is to
cuttings, seeds and root tubers. create new individuals for continuity
of species. (You may need to stress
the fact that without reproduction,
Pre-requisite of the lesson
species will become extinct).
ƒƒ Introduce the unit as explained
ƒƒ At this point, you may inform
under guidance on the problem
learners that reproduction can be
statement above then narrow down
sexual or asexual.
to this lesson.
ƒƒ Ask learners how they plant
ƒƒ You may then introduce this lesson
sugarcane or sweet potatoes,
by asking probing questions such as:
then what happens. Emphasize the
How do plants reproduce?
fact that this is a form of asexual
ƒƒ Leverage on the responses to the reproduction where gametes are
probing questions and introduce not involved.
activity 9.1.
ƒƒ You can then narrow down to
Teaching / learning activities human beings and ask learners how
Activity 9.1 (Refer to Pupil’s book they think babies come into being.
page 196-197) Let them know that this is a form
of sexual reproduction and that it
ƒƒ Guide learners to plant some

involves reproductive systems. It is (Ans: Giving rise to new ones of
the process that leads to formation own kind. Sexual, asexual)
of seeds in plants. 3. Which form of reproduction
ƒƒ Wrap up the lesson by highlighting involves gametes? ___________
the main points and allowing (Ans: sexual)
learners to write short notes. You
may also appoint a gifted learner
to summarise the lesson on behalf
of the rest as you correct him or
her as is appropriate.
Refer to learner’s book pages 197
Specific objectives
By the end of the lesson, learners should
This lesson introduces learners to the be able to identify the reproductive
reproduction in plants. Learners should parts of a flower and state their
through the activities suggested and functions.
the group discussions, discover what
the term reproduction means and how
reproduction occurs in plants. Preparation for the lesson
ƒƒ This lesson will involve a practical
activity and group discussions. You
Lesson assessment
will therefore organize the class
Assess whether the learning objectives as need arises during the lesson.
of the lesson was met by asking REMEMBER: When grouping
questions such as: learners, you should consider the
1. What did you learn in this different abilities of learners and the
special needs for various individuals.
(Ans: Meaning of reproduction and ƒƒ Look for textbooks, handouts,
function of reproductive system in pamphlets and other materials on
human body) plant reproduction.

2. Reproduction is __________. It ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working

can be ______ or ______. properly before the lesson for

leaners to use to do research. ƒƒ Take learners for a field visit to
Teaching aids collect flowers. Let them come back
to class with them and dissect them.
ƒƒ Charts, textbooks, handouts and
pamphlets on parts of a flower. ƒƒ Let the learners observe the
dissected flowers using naked eyes,
ƒƒ Computers connected to the
then hand lens. Ask them what they
can see.
ƒƒ Different flowers collected from the
ƒƒ Provide learners with charts
showing parts of a flower. Let them
ƒƒ Razor-blade or scalpel, hand lens compare what they saw to these

Improvisation ƒƒ Guide learners to draw the parts

of a flower in their notebooks then
You may come up with a well-painted
label them.
diagram on parts of a flower on manila
paper for use if you lack charts. ƒƒ In their groups, they can play a game
of pointing and naming the various
Pre-requisite of the lesson
parts. Let one member point at a
ƒƒ You may begin this lesson by asking part as others name the part.
learners whether they recall the
ƒƒ At this point, you can highlight
parts of a plant they learnt about
the main points emphasising parts
in primary 3.
of a flower and their functions.
ƒƒ Let them come up with a table on Remember to caution learners
the name of the part and its function. against destroying plants as they
ƒƒ Obviously, one of the parts that collect flowers. This is not good for
learners will mention is the flower. the environment.
Build on this id introduce Activity ƒƒ Let learners know that the parts
9.2. of the flower can be put into two
Teaching / learning activities distinct groups that is, male and
female parts.
Activity 9.2 (Refer to Pupil’s book
page 197) ƒƒ Put learners in groups and let them
find out what these parts are made

of. Let them draw the figures in their Lesson assessment
notebooks.They can refer to Fig. 9.2 Assess whether the learning objectives
page 198 in their books. of the lesson were met by asking
questions such as:
1. ________ is the reproductive
organ of a flower. (Ans: Flower)
2. External parts of a flower are
______, _____ and _______?
(Ans: stalk, sepals and petals)
3. What organs make up:

(a) Male (b) Female (a) pistil? ______________

Fig. 9.1 Male and female parts of a (Ans: stigma, style, ovary and
flower ovules)
ƒƒ Wind up the lesson by giving (b) Stamen?____________
learners a task of collecting flowers (Ans: Anther, and filament)
and identifying the male and female
parts and drawing them in their
notebooks as a further activity.
ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by highlighting
the key points as learners write
down short notes.
Refer to learner’s book pages 200 - 203
Specific objectives
From the previous lesson, learners
By the end of the lesson, learners should
already have an idea what reproduction
be able to explain the process of sexual
in plants is. Therefore, guide learners
reproduction in flowering plants.
to use the activities suggested in
this lesson to help them discover the
various organs that make up the flower
and their functions in general.

Preparation for the lesson various flowers and observe what
ƒƒ Charts, textbooks, handouts and goes on inside them.
pamphlets on sexual reproduction ƒƒ Guide the learners to discuss the
in flowering plants. questions in this activity.
ƒƒ Computers connected to the CAUTION: Learners against
Internet. destroying flowers or plants during this
ƒƒ Different flowers collected from the activity.
field. ƒƒ Some of the observations that
Improvisation learners may record include insects
and birds visiting flowers.
You may come up with well-painted
diagrams of processes such as ƒƒ Take advantage of this and explain
fertilisation and pollination and parts what pollination is and the two
of a seed on manila papers for use if types of pollinations: self and cross
you lack charts. pollination.

Pre-requisite of the lesson ƒƒ Guide learners to discover the

difference between the two. Show
ƒƒ You may begin the lesson by
them diagrams in Pupil’s book pages
informing learners that sexual
200 -201 or the figures in charts.
reproduction in flowering plants
occur through various processes. ƒƒ At this point you can introduce the
These include pollination, concept of agents of pollination.
fertilisation, dispersal of seeds and Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page
eventually germination. Therefore, 201)
this lesson will be taught in these ƒƒ Let learners go to the library to
four distinct parts. research about agents of pollination
Teaching / learning activities and write a report. They can also
do internet searches.
(a) Pollination
ƒƒ Allow learners to share their
Activity 9.3 (Refer to Pupil’s book
findings in a discussion forum in
pages 200)
class. Let them choose a group
ƒƒ Take learners for a nature walk leader to do presentations on their
in the field. Let them look out for behalf.

ƒƒ At this point, you can introduce the (d) Seed germination
three agents of pollination, that is Ask learners to say what they think
animals (birds and insects), wind happens to seeds after dispersal. Take
and water. Explain how each of advantage and introduce activity 9.6.
these occurs. Activity 9.4 (Refer to Pupil’s book
page 204)
ƒƒ Wrap up by giving the main parts
ƒƒ Guide learners to carry out this
as learners write summary notes.
activity in groups. The composition
(b) Fertilisation of the groups should be informed by
size and ability of learners. Note:
You may begin this lesson by asking This activity should be done 3 - 5
learners what they think happens after days earlier.
pollination has taken place. ƒƒ At the end of the experiment,
(c) Seed dispersal learners should observe that
germination has occurred. Let them
Ask learners where they think seeds
say or find out what it is and share
go to after maturity in plants. Build on
with other class members.
their answers to explain what is seed
ƒƒ You can then clarify that seeds
germinate into new plants after
ƒƒ Advise learners to take a nature dispersal.
walk when they go back at home.
ƒƒ At this point, you can introduce
They should then observe their
the fact that certain conditions are
clothes there after. Let them share
their experiences. necessary for germination to occur.

ƒƒ Further, guide them to carry out the ƒƒ Guide learners to carry out this
rest of the activities in this practical. activity in groups. Again, plan and
do this activity 3-5 days in advance.
Guide them to discover the fact that
The composition of the groups
their findings are what is known as
should be informed by size and
seed dispersal. Go through the various
ability of learners.
agents of seed dispersal as they write
summary notes. Refer to pages 202 ƒƒ Let them do research in the library
-203 for details.

or the internet to find out why the Lesson assessment
results of this experiment are the Assess whether the learning objectives
way they are. of the lesson were met by asking
ƒƒ Back in class, they should share questions such as:
ideas by choosing group leaders to 1. Which processes are involved is
do presentations on behalf of the
sexual reproduction in flowering
ƒƒ Wrap up the lesson by highlighting
(Ans: Pollination, fertilisation, seed
the main conditions necessary
dispersal, germination)
for germination as learners take
summary notes. 2. Give three conditions necessary
for germination to occur.
(Ans: Water (moisture), warmth,
This is a very long lesson sub-divided presence of air (oxygen)
into the four sections i.e. pollination,
3. What is seed dispersal?
fertilization, seed dispersal and
germination. Using the suggested (Ans: scattering away of seeds in
activities and teaching approaches, order to germinate)
allow learners to discover the process 4. Draw and label parts of a
of sexual reproduction in flowering flower.
plants. Guide them through each step
(Ans: Refer to Fig. 9.2 page 198 of
mentioned above. Let them know that
Pupil’s book)
they occur in that order and that non
can happen before the preceding one
occurs. As they have seen, the process
ends with germination which gives
rise to a new plant. This new plant
is subjected to a growth process,
develops into a mature plant which
later produces seeds and the process
begins afresh. This goes on and on and
it forms what is called the life cycle of
a plant.

ƒƒ You may then inform learners that
asexual reproduction in flowering
plants occur through various
processes. These include use of
cuttings, grafting, layering, budding
Refer to learner’s book pages 205 and use of suckers. Therefore, this
lesson will be taught in these five
Specific objectives distinct parts.
ƒƒ By the end of the lesson, learners Teaching / learning activities
should be able to explain the
Note: The activities in this lesson
process of asexual reproduction of
should be done over a period of time
flowering plants. with constant monitoring for learners
Preparation for the lesson to make and record observations.

ƒƒ Charts, textbooks, handouts and (a) Use of Cuttings

pamphlets on asexual reproduction Activity 9.6 (Refer to Pupil’s book
in flowering plants. page 206)

ƒƒ Computers connected to the ƒƒ Ask learners to say what they

Internet. think happens in cuttings as a
vegetative propagation method.
ƒƒ Different vegetative parts collected
Take advantage and introduce
from the field. activity 9.6.
Improvisation ƒƒ Guide learners to carry out this
You may come up with well-painted activity in groups. The composition
diagrams of processes such as grafting, of the groups should be informed by
cuttings, budding, layering among size and ability of learners.
others on manila papers for use if you ƒƒ At the end of the experiment,
lack charts. learners should observe that the
Pre-requisite of the lesson stem cuttings sprouted into young
plants. Let them say or find out why
ƒƒ You may begin this lesson by letting
this is so and share with other class
learners carry out Activity 9.5 on
page 205 of pupils book.

ƒƒ You can then examples of plants advantage and introduce activity 9.8
that can be planted using stem Activity 9.8 (Refer to Pupil’s book
cuttings such as sweet potatoes, page 207)
cassava, sugarcane, yams, etc.
ƒƒ Guide learners to carry out this
(b) Grafting activity in groups. The composition
Activity 9.7 (Refer to Pupil’s book of the groups should be informed by
page 206) size and ability of learners.
ƒƒ Put learners into groups depending ƒƒ At the end of the experiment,
on their abilities and class size. Let learners should observe that the
them study the diagram in this layered plant sprouted into a young
activity. They should do research plant. Let them say or find out why
and say what is happening. this is so and share with other class
ƒƒ Let them find out why the activities members.
in the picture are important. ƒƒ You can then summarise by
ƒƒ You can then inform them that the highlighting key points as learners
diagram is about grafting. Clarify take summary notes. Refer to pupil’s
that this is one of the methods of book page 207.
vegetative propagation just like use (d) Budding
of stem cuttings. You can inform learners that budding
ƒƒ Summarise by explaining what is similar to grafting only that a bud is
happens during grafting and giving used.
examples of plants that can be
ƒƒ Summarise by explaining what
grafted such as oranges, lemons,
happens during budding and giving
mangoes and avocados.
examples of plants that can be
ƒƒ Wrap up this section by giving budded.
learners a project on grafting (See
page 209 of pupil’s book) ƒƒ Wrap up this section by giving
learners an activity to practice
(c) Layering or marcotting
budding at home.
Ask learners to say what they think
happens in during layering as a
vegetative propagation method. Take

(e) Use of suckers plant is subjected to a growth process,
develops into a mature plant which
Ask learners to say what they think
later produces seeds and / or can be
happens when we use suckers as a
vegetatively propagated.
vegetative propagation method. Take
advantage and introduce activity 9.10.
Activity 9.9(Refer to Pupil’s book Lesson assessment
page 208)
Assess whether the learning objectives
ƒƒ Guide learners to carry out this of the lesson were met by asking
activity in groups. The composition questions such as:
of the groups should be informed by
1. What is vegetative propagation?
size and ability of learners.
(Ans: Growing new plants from
ƒƒ At the end of the experiment,
learners should separate the existing plant parts)
plantlets and grow them in separate 2. Give four methods of vegetative
field. They should take care of them propagation.
until they become mature. (Ans: Use of cuttings, grafting,
ƒƒ You can then summarize by budding, layering, use of suckers)
highlighting key points as learners 3. What is the other name for
take summary notes. layering? (Ans: Marcotting)
ƒƒ Synthesis
This is a very long lesson as well sub
divided into the five sections i.e. use of
cuttings, grafting, layering, budding and
use of suckers. Using the suggested
activities and teaching approaches, Refer to learner’s book pages 208
allow leaners to discover what goes Specific objectives
on during these processes. Let them
By the end of the lesson, learners
understand that this is alternative
should be able to explain reasons why
way of producing plants without
plant reproduction is important.
seeds. It involves using parts of plants(
leaves, stems, roots and branches)
that sprout into a new plant. This new

Preparation for the lesson Lesson assessment
ƒƒ Charts, textbooks, handouts and Assess whether the learning objectives
pamphlets on reproduction in of the lesson were met by asking
flowering plants. questions such as:
ƒƒ Computers connected to the 1. State the importance of plant
Pre-requisite of the lesson
(Ans: Refer to learner’s book page 208)
ƒƒ You may begin the lesson by asking
learners what they think is the
importance of plant reproduction. Answers to Self-Test 9.1

ƒƒ Build on their answers to introduce Refer to learner’s book page 205

activity 9.10. 1. Reproductive organ
Teaching / learning activities
2. Refer to Fig. 9.6 pupil’s book
Activity 9.10 (Refer to Pupil’s page 201.
book page 208)
3. Anther and filament
ƒƒ This is a research activity for 4. Wind – cotton, Jacaranda;
individual learners. Let them go
Water – coconut, water lily.
to the library and do research or
search the Internet. 5. Corolla, calyx

ƒƒ They should write a report then 6. Transfer of pollen grains from

share with the rest of the class. anther to stigma of a flower.

ƒƒ Back in class, let learners do 7. Self, wind.

presentations as you correct
them. Guide them to discover the
importance of plant reproduction
as listed in their books on page 208.

Summary of the unit ƒƒ Crop propagation - Crop

This unit deals with two major areas: propagation involves the formation
sexual and asexual reproduction in and development of new individual
plants. You should effectively use the plants. This can happen sexually
suggested activities and the teaching through seeds or asexually
approaches in the teacher’s book to through vegetative planting
help learners acquire the competence
about sexual reproduction process
in plants and methods of asexual ƒƒ These are parts of plants, other than

reproduction. seeds, which can be used to produce

new individual plants. Vegetative
Emphasise the need for learners
to behave responsibly in order to parts have the ability to grow into
avoid destruction of environment as a whole new individual plant. The
they collect samples for use during use of vegetative materials for plant
the experiments. At the end of the propagation is known as asexual
lessons, you should assess the extent reproduction.
to which the competencies have been
ƒƒ This system of reproduction
achieved and attitude change towards
perpetuates crops as individual
environmental conservation. Plan
remedial activities where necessary. units. Below is a table showing
various types of vegetative planting
Additional information for the
materials and a few examples of
crops that are propagated by the
Some information that may be relevant respective planting materials.
with regards to the reproductive system
are given below.

Table 9.1:Vegetative planting
materials with examples
Vegetative planting Examples of
materials crops
(a) Stems-cutting Tea, sugarcane

(b) Leaves Bryophyllum

(c) Suckers Banana,
pineapples Fig. 9.1 (b) Sugarcane sett
(d) Tubers Irish potatoes
(b) Leaves - Bryophyllum pinnatum
(e) Bulbs Onions (Air plant, life plant, miracle leaf or
(f) Corms Cocoyams goethe plant, is a succulent plant.
(g) Rhizomes Kikuyu grass It is propagatted vegetatively by
growing small plantlets on the
(h) Runners Strawberry
fringes of the leaves.These eventually
drop off and begin to root.
(a) Stems - These are cuttings that
can be developed from stems of
plants. Stem cuttings can be raised
in nurseries as in tea or planted
directly in the field, as in sugarcane.
Most cuttings for perennial crops are
obtained from the hard sections of
the plant parts.
Fig. 9.2 Leaf vegetative planting materials
(c) Suckers - These are lateral
branches of a stem with terminal
buds at the tips. They grow from
the base of the underground stem;
just beneath the soil surface. New
shoots grow along the sucker with
adventitious roots developing below
Fig. 9.1 (a) Single leaf stem cuttings of the stem.
a tea plant

Fig. 9.5 Onion bulb
Fig. 9.3: A banana sucker
(f) Corms - These are short, thick,
(d) Tuber - This is a swollen tip underground stems protected by
on an underground stem bearing dry scale leaves. A corm has one or
a number of reduced scale leaves.
more buds located on the underside
Each scale leaf surrounds the ‘eye’
of the leaf with adventitious roots
of the tuber. The eye is actually the
at the base.The corm shrivels when
bud.The buds produce aerial shoots
and adventitious roots grow at the the food reserves are used up as the
base. buds grow into aerial shoots.

Fig. 9.4: Irish potato tuber

Fig. 9.6 A corm
(e) Bulb - This is a flattened stem
with nodes bearing fleshy scale ( g ) R h i zo m e s - T h e s e a re
leaves surrounded by some dry horizontal underground stems which
scale leaves. Buds arise in the axils possess scale leaves and buds. The
of the fleshy scale leaves.The food is
leaves are reduced to thin scales. In
stored in the fleshy scale leaves and
some plants, adventitious roots are
not in the stem. Adventitious roots
are found at the base of the stem.

ƒƒ Materials are bulky hence difficult
to store and transport.
ƒƒ Vegetative propagation does not
result in new crop varieties.
ƒƒ Materials cannot be stored for long
since they get spoilt.

Answers to Unit Test 9 (Pupil’s book

Page 209
Fig. 9.7 A rhizome
1. Pollination – transfer of pollen
grains from anther to stigma of
Advantages of vegetative a flower; fertilization – fusion of
propagation male and female gametes to form
a zygote.
ƒƒ Crops originating fromvegetable
materials mature faster than those 2. Wind, water and animals
from seeds 3. Stigma, anthers
ƒƒ Vegetatively propagated plants 4. Refer to Fig 9.3 and 9.4 pages 200-
exhibit uniformity in disease 204 of pupil’s book.
resistance, size, colour etc
5. Root
ƒƒ It is possible to produce many
varieties of compatible crops on the 6. Ovules, ovary
same root stock. 7. (a) Use of suckers
ƒƒ They germinate much faster (b) Use of cuttings
compared to seeds because they
8. Wind
cant go dormant.
9. Refer to Fig. on page 206 (grafting)
ƒƒ The resulting plant does not grow
and page 207 (layering).
very tall hence making carrying
out cultural practices like spraying 10. Water, warmth and air
practices like spraying, harvesting 11. Bees help in pollination
much easier
12. Refer to Fig 9.2 page 200 of pupil’s
ƒƒ Facilitates the propagation of book.
seedlers or plants with low viability.
13. (a) - (vi) (b) – (v) (c) – (ii)
Disadvantages of vegetative
propagation (d) – (iii) (e) - (i) (f) – (iv)

ƒƒ It is difficult to control diseases 14. (a) Fruit (b) seeds

hence an infected plant may easily 15. To attract insects or birds for
transmit diseases to other plants. pollination to occur.

Additional activities to cater for slow and gifted learners

Remedial activities for slow Extended activities for gifted and

learners talented learners
1. Drawing of charts on parts of a 1. Carrying out a project on grafting
flower and seed on manila paper and budding and taking care of the
and hanging them on the wall for plant until maturity.
reference. 2. Helping the teacher to come up
2. Playing a game of naming parts with improvised charts with various
of flower or seed. One points at a painted drawings on parts of
part and the other names. 3. Researching about other forms of
vegetative propagation, writing a
report and sharing in class.
Remedial questions for slow Extended questions for gifted
learners learners
1. ________ is transferring pollen 1. Discuss the risks of vegetative
from the anther to the stima of a propagation.
plant. 2. Why would you prefer asexual
2. Name three processes involved in reproduction to sexual
sexual reproduction in plants. reproduction and vice versa?
3. Draw and label parts of a monocot 3. Describe an experiment that you
seed. would use to show the conditions
4. Which agents of pollination do you necessary for germination.
Answers to remedial questions Answers to extended questions

1. Pollination 1. May transfer diseases and bad

2. Pollination, fertilization, seed characteristics to the new plant.
dispersal, germination. 2. Refer to the content under
3. Refer to Fig. 9.9 page 190 pupil’s advantages of vegetative
book. reproduction above.
3. Refer to Activity 9.3 pupil’s book
page 201.

UNIT Sustainable waste management
10 (No. of periods: 10)
Refer to the Learner’s Book pages 211 - 220

Key Unit Competency

After studying this unit, learners should that is, knowledge and understanding,
be able to apply garbage collection skills acquisition and attitude and values.
techniques and separate hazardous, At the end of the unit, learners should
organic and recyclable waste. have knowledge and understanding of
sustainable waste management systems
Learning objectives and have the right attitude towards
Competency based curriculum embraces conserving the environment.
three categories of learning objectives,

Table 10.1: Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values
By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit, the By the end of this unit, the
the learner should be learner should be able to: learner should be able to:
able to:
ˆApply knowledge to ˆ aware of existence
ˆDifferentiate recognize biodegradable of inflammable /
biodegradable from and non-biodegradable explosive / corrosive /
non-biodegradable waste in our environment toxic waste materials
types of waste. ˆ
ˆCarry out an in the environment
ˆIdentify different investigation to ˆˆ Show concern to
sources of waste. discover different waste separate hazardous,
ˆCite and explain the management techniques. organic and
waste management recyclable waste as
techniques. away of saving the

ˆˆ Apply basic waste ˆˆ Develop positive
management attitude to perform
technique professional garbage
collection techniques.

Pre-requisite of this unit Cross cutting issues

1. Standardization culture
This is a relatively new topic to learners.
However it is closelt related to what Emphasize the need to use certified
pupils learnt in primary 4 about the equipment and machines which
environment and in primary 5 under do not pollute the environment
water and water pollution.You may take when dealing with wastes. Caution
advantage of that and introduce the learners against using counterfeits
concept of proper waste management which may lead to accidents or injury
as a way of keeping our environment of users or frequent breakdowns.
clean. you my also bring to the 2. Inclusive learning
attention of learners the fact that the
concepts in this unit can be applied in All learners should be encouraged
environmental management in social to participate during lessons and
studies, environmental chemistry and practicals. Special arrangement
should be made to take care of
Agriculture. Further, learners should be
learners with special needs. For
made aware of the fact that when they
example, provide brail for blind
continue with their education in this area,
learners, large print text for those
they may become environmentalists.
with sight problems and allocate
physically challenged learners to
Background information others to assist them during field
trips and practical activities. Further,
This unit is about sources of wastes this category should be given tasks
that they can manage during the
and how to manage wastes in our
practical sessions.
environment. If we do not manage
wastes, it becomes a problem in our 3. Financial education
environment.You are therefore expected
Learners should be made aware of
to show learners how to manage wastes
the fact that a clean environment
and how to ensure that we stay in a ensures healthy living devoid of
clean environment in general.

diseases hence helps to reduce Generic Competences
health related costs. Also, buying 1. Co-operation and interpersonal
quality equipment will lead to saving management and life skills
money in the long run as they stay During group discussions and
for long and costs on repairs are pair-work let learners engage
reduced. one another by giving a chance
for all to participate. Also, during
4. Environment, climate change group presentations, you can
and sustainability allow rotational presentations
within the group members. Gifted
This is a topic that directly affects
learners should help in coming up
the environment. Emphasize the
with presentation content as slow
need to reduce wastes in our
learners contribute. REMEMBER
environment and other forms You should allow slow learners to
of pollution in general. Caution do presentations as well and correct
learners against activities that may them where they go wrong. Advise
cause environmental pollution in learners to appreciate the different
general. abilities of their group members and
accommodate each other’s views.
5. Peace and values education
2. Research skills
People should learn to live in
harmony and they should be ready Guide learners on how to find
information regarding various topics
to help other people, especially
such as the meaning of air pollution
those who are affected by natural
and its consequences. Guide learners
disasters like floods or landslides. on how to come up with summarized
6. Gender education notes from a large body of text.You
Both boys and girls should participate should also guide learners on doing
in conserving our environment. It is Internet searches for the various
content areas they are looking for.
not a preserve of the boy or girl
gender. Also, emphasize to learners 3. Communication in English
that anybody irrespective of their
Communication in English will be
gender can pursue a carrier in improved when learners freely
environmental health. Give examples participate in the discussions
of role models who are successful in and presentations. Encourage all
the area where the learners come learners irrespective of their abilities
from. to participate in-group discussions,

during presentations by asking • Biodegradable- wastes that can
questions and during question and be decomposed by natural methods.
answer sessions to either introduce
• Hazard – substance or chemical
or wrap up the lessons.
that can cause harm.
4. Critical thinking and problem
• Non-biodegradable- wastes that
solving skills
cannot be decomposed by natural
This competence will be developed methods.
by learners as they answer the
• Recycle – To recondition and adapt
probing questions such as those on
to a new use or function.
page 212 at the beginning of this
unit and as they discuss the results • Re-use – to use again, especially
of the various practical activities. after salvaging or special treatment
Guide learners to discover for or processing.
themselves the various sources of
• E-waste – wastes from electronic
wastes in the environment and their
materials or equipment.
consequences. This competence
will also come about as learners • Landfill – A site for the disposal of
think about their findings in the solid waste in which refuse is buried
activities and as they give out their between layers of dirt.
suggestions on why this is the case.
• Incinerator – a furnace or other
5. Lifelong skills container for burning rubbish
Knowing how to prevent without polluting the environment.
environmental pollution by wastes
is a lifelong skill that will ensure Guidance on the problem
healthy living for all in the society. statement
In this topic, you will teach about
6. Creativity and innovation
sustainable wastes management and
Encourage learners to come up sources of wastes. To introduce the
with innovative ways of managing unit, let learners study what is going
wastes and maintaining a clean on on page 211 of their books. It is
environment. about improperly disposed of wastes.
Key words in this unit and their Children are playing nearby and one
meanings of them have gotten hurt. Let learners
• Waste – An unusable or unwanted brainstorm and give solutions to the
substance or material in the problem in the picture.

Attention to special educational needs

Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning

ƒƒ Peer-teaching – engage high ƒƒ Identify the learners with hearing
achievers to help weak pupils in and visual impairment and have
understanding of concepts. them sit in front of the class so that
ƒƒ Plan remedial teaching for slow proper attention can be given to
learners. them. Also, large print texts should

ƒƒ Allow enough time to slow learners be given to visually impaired learners

to complete their work. and hearing aids provided for those

with hearing impairment.
ƒƒ Gifted learners to be given heavy
tasks requiring more critical thinking ƒƒ Arrange the room such that it will
while slow learners are given tasks, enable easy movement for the

which they can manage such as physically challenged learners.

collecting materials for use during ƒƒ Assign some students to be in

practicals among others. charge of the physically and visually

ƒƒ Both gifted and slow learners to impaired learners. For example,

be given equal opportunity to lead carrying their equipment, showing

in group discussions and to do them around during the field trips,

presentations of group findings to etc.

the rest of the class. ƒƒ Organize Braille for blind learners.

ƒƒ Ensure all learners respect ƒƒ Encourage special needs learners by

other’s views irrespective of their reminding them that ‘disability is not
shortcomings or talents. inability’!

List of lessons
Lesson No. Lesson title No. of Periods
1. Classification of wastes 2
2. Sources of wastes 3
3. Wastes management techniques 5

Pre-requisite of the lesson

Introduce the unit as explained under

guidance on the problem statement
above then narrow down to this lesson.
Refer to learner’s book pages 211 –213
Teaching / learning activities
Specific objectives
ƒƒ You may begin the lesson by asking
By the end of the lesson, learners learners probing questions such as:
should be able to differentiate between Have you ever heard of the word
biodegradable and non-biodegradable ‘waste? What does it mean?
wastes. Activity 10.1 (Refer to Pupil’s book
page 212)
Preparation for the lesson
ƒƒ This is a research activity to
ƒƒ This lesson will involve individual be done by individual learners
research work and group followed by discussion with other
discussions. You will therefore class members. Let learners go
organize the class as need arises to the library to read textbooks
during the lesson. REMEMBER: on the meaning of waste and the
When grouping learners, you various types of wastes They can
should consider the different also visit web pages where they can
abilities of learners and the special get this information. For example:
needs for various individuals. http://www.scholar.google.com or
ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working by simply searching the phrase ‘
properly before the lesson for ‘air pollution using google search
leaners to use to do research. engine.

Teaching Aids ƒƒ Guide learners to discover the

definition of waste, which is
ƒƒ Computers connected to the ‘any unwanted material in the
Internet. environment.
ƒƒ Textbooks, pamphlets, handouts ƒƒ Emphasise the fact that we should
and charts on waste management. avoid polluting the environment at
all times.

ƒƒ At this point, guide learners to go Synthesis
through the chart on page 212 then
The lesson introduces learners to
answer the questions associated
knowledge about wastes and their
with the chart.
management. Let learners use the
ƒƒ Let learners give the answers to research activity and the discussion
the questions as you correct them. session to discover the definition of waste
Examples of categories of wastes and the various categories of wastes.
are: biodegradable and non- Guide them to appreciate the importance
biodegradable wastes. You can also of proper waste management by
mention that wastes are further observing the 3r rule.
divided into hazardous, toxic,
Lesson assessment
radioactive and flammable wastes.
ƒƒ Explain the above kinds of wastes Assess whether the learning objectives of
as learners write summary notes. the lesson were met by asking questions
Refer to learners book pages 212 such as:
ƒƒ Remind learners that it is important 1. What is waste?
to always separate wastes into
(Ans: any unwanted material in the
harzadous, recyclable, etc.
2. (a) Mention the two main
ƒƒ Let learners take a walk around the categories of wastes.
school compound. Let them identify
(Ans: Biodegradable and non
the types of wastes that they can
biodegradable wastes)
(b) What is the difference between
ƒƒ Guide laeners to group the wastes
as shown in the table. Let them
(Ans: Biodegradable – can decompose
compare their work to those of
naturally, non biodegradable wastes –
other class members.
cannot decompose naturally)
ƒƒ Guide learners to find out the
3. (a) Which other categories of wastes
davantages and disadvantages of
do you know?
the various types of wastes.
(Ans: Hazardous, toxic, radioactive and
ƒƒ Remind learners of the golden rule
flammable wastes)
which is ‘the 3Rs – recycle, re-use
and reduce. Encourage them to
always practice this when they
come across wastes!

Pre-requisite of the lesson

Refer to learner’s book pages 213 You may introduce the lesson by
reminding learners what they learnt
Specific objectives under meaning of wastes. Let volunteers
define what it is. Build on this and ask
By the end of the lesson, learners should
whether the learners know where
be able to identify different sources of wastes come from. Let them have a
wastes. brainstorming session.

Preparation for the lesson Teaching / learning activities

1. This lesson will involve a group Let learners think about the activities
that take place in various places where
discussion and individual research
they stay. They should then say which
work.You will therefore organize the
ones create wastes based on the hints
class as need arises during the lesson. given in this activity.
REMEMBER: When grouping
ƒƒ You may also guide the learners
learners, you should consider the
to make a field study and observe
different abilities of learners and the physically the sources of wastes.
special needs for various individuals.
ƒƒ Let them come up with a report
and share with the other members
2. Ensure the internet is working
of the class.
properly before the lesson for
ƒƒ Some of wastes include urban/
leaners to use to do research.
municipal wastes, industrial wastes,
Teaching aids agricultural wastes, construction
and biomedical wastes, electronic
ƒƒ Computers connected to the wastes and wastes from
Internet. automobiles.

ƒƒ Textbooks, pamphlets, handouts ƒƒ Summarise by highlighting main

points as learners write summary
and charts on air pollution.

Synthesis Specific objectives

The lesson is about sources of wastes. By the end of the lesson, learners should
Learners should be able to use the be able to cite, explain and practice
discussion and research activities waste management techniques.
suggested to discover the various
Preparation for the lesson
sources of wastes.
ƒƒ This lesson will involve an academic
Lesson assessment
visit and group discussions. You
Assess whether the learning objectives of will therefore organize the class
the lesson were met by asking questions as need arises during the lesson.
such as: REMEMBER: When grouping
learners, you should consider
1. What sources of wastes do you
the different abilities of learners
know of?
and the special needs for various
(Ans: Municipal, industrial
construction, agricultural,biomedical,
ƒƒ Ensure the internet is working
electronic and automobile wastes) properly before the lesson for
2. What is the difference between leaners to use to do research.
biomedical wastes and electronic Teaching aids
ƒƒ Computers connected to the
(Ans: Biomedical – from hospitals
and health centres; electronic – from
electronic equipment). ƒƒ Textbooks, pamphlets, handouts
and charts on air pollution.

Recycle waste bottles or buckets for use

to store wastes.

Refer to learner’s book pages 217

Pre-requisite of the lesson write summary notes. Wind up by
giving learners a task of cleaning
You may introduce the lesson using
their school compound.
probing questions such as ‘what are
some of the techniques that can be used
to manage wastes? Let them have a Synthesis
brainstorming session.
This lesson should help learners
Teaching / learning activities understand the various methods of

Activity 10.3 (Refer to Pupil’s book waste disposal. Learners should then

page 217) use the knowledge gained during the

academic visit and the discussion
ƒƒ Take learners for a visit to a activities to identify the various methods
nearby local authority. While of safe waste disposal.
there, let learners find out how
they manage wastes.
ƒƒ They should also do individual Lesson assessment
research work on how wastes can Assess whether the learning objectives of
be managed. Let them come up the lesson were met by asking questions
with a report and share with other such as:
members of the class.
1. Give four ways of disposing of
ƒƒ At this point, you may let learners
wastes safely.
know that waste management
begines with collection, processing (Ans: safe collection, processing,
(whereby wastes are separated transportation and finally disposal)
into those that are biodegradable
and those that are not, harzadous,
Answers to Unit Test 10 (Page 220)
toxic, radioactive etc), this is
followed by safe transportation to 1. Taking care of wastes to reduce its
disposal site or a landfill. impact on the environment.
ƒƒ Summarise the lesson by 2. Non - biodegradable – cannot be
highlighting main points as learners

decomposed naturally for example cause environmental pollution.
polythene and plastics; degradable, 10. Gamka should desist from this
can be decomposed for example, habit as a dirty environment
kitchen wastes. harbors disease-causing germs.

3. (a) Wastes that can cause harm 11. A place where wastes are dumped
in the city. It helps to avoid disposal
(b) Biomedical wastes – can
of waste everywhere in the locally.
transmit diseases.
This enures that the environment
4. To recycle is to change to
remains clean and attractive.
something else then use again; re-
12. They should be incinerated.
use is to use for a different purpose.
13. We use various items in our lives
5. By putting in place strict legislations
which are very essential and we
that hinder environmental
cannot do without.
degradation and educating the
masses on the importance of
environmental conservation.
6. Recycle, Re-use, Reduce.
Type of waste Example How to manage
Industrial Smoke Fitting chimneys and catalytic
Medical Syringes and needles Incineration

Electronic Old computer parts Recycling

Agricultural Chemical containers Re-using

8. Professional way of managing

garbage which involves collection,
processing, transportation and
finally disposal.
9. This was very wrong as it will

Additional activities to cater for slow and gifted learners

Remedial activities for slow Extended activities for gifted and

learners talented learners
1. Cleaning the environment around 1. Making makeshift dust bins using
home. banana fibres.
2. Collecting rubbish around school 2. Researching more about wastes
compound. management, writing notes and
sharing with other class members.
Remedial questions for slow Extended questions for gifted
learners learners

1. Waste is ________________. 1. What are radioactive wastes.

2. ________, ________, ________ are 2. What is the other name of
examples of non biodegradable biodegradable wastes?
wastes. 3. Describe the process of managing
3. How would you manage hazardous wastes proffessionally.
Answers to remedial questions Answers to extended questions

1. Unwanted materials in the 1. Wastes that emit radiations.

environment. 2. Organic wastes
2. Polythene, pipes and plastics. 3. Collecting, processing, transporting
3. Burning in an incinerator. and finally disposing in a landfill.

Circulatory system
11 (No. of periods: 8)
Refer to the Learner’s Book pages 221 - 235

Key unit competency

After studying this unit, learners should that is, knowledge and understanding,
be able to describe and explain the skills acquisition and attitude and values.
functioning of the circulatory system, its At the end of the unit, learners should
hygiene and maintenance. have knowledge and understanding of
Learning objectives the circulatory system and have the
right attitude towards taking care of it.
Competency based curriculum embraces
three categories of learning objectives,

Table 11.1 Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and

understanding values
By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit,
learners should be able learners should be able to: learners should be
to: able to:
ˆˆ Draw and label the
ˆExplain the main human circulatory ˆˆ Show concern
function of circulatory system. about the hygiene
system. ˆˆ Observe the of the circulatory
ˆˆ Describe the human components of the system.
circulatory system. circulatory system and
ˆˆ Explain the process of predict the functions of ˆˆ Show awareness of
blood circulation. each of them. circulatory system
ˆˆ Explain the diseases.
ˆˆ Practice hygiene of
composition of blood. human circulatory ˆˆ Take care of his/her
ˆˆ Explain the hygiene of system. circulatory system.
the human circulatory. ˆˆ Count and compare the ˆˆ Develop a habit
ˆˆ Interpret the blood heart beats for different of regular blood
pressure measurement persons. pressure check up.
for different persons.

Pre-requisite of this unit Cross-cutting issues to be
Learners have already been introduced addressed
to human body since lower primary. 1. Standardization culture
They however started learning more
advanced concept at primary four. For Bring to the attention of learners
example, they learnt about the various the need to seek medical healthcare
sence organs and human skeleton in this in standard and quality hospitals
class. In primary 5, they learnt about whenever they have problems with
the digestive and reproductive systems. their circulatory system.
In this class, they will further on their
knowledge in this area by learnig about 2. Financial education
the circulatory and respiratory systems. Emphasize the fact that learners
During the lessons, strive to bring to the should practice good hygiene to
awareness of learners the fact that this avoid conditions and disease of the
topic is related to circulatory system in circulatory system in order to avoid
biology that they will study at higher spending money on treatment.
levels of learning. Let them understand
that at this level, they may only need 3. Gender education
the basic information otherwise, details
of functioning of the circulatory system Emphasize to learners that anybody
will be learnt in high school and even irrespective of their gender can
better, when later in life, they specialize pursue a carrier in medicine. Give
in the area of medicine and particularly examples of role models who are
cardiology. successful cardiologists of specialist
doctors in the area where the
Background information learners come from.
Circulatory system is very important 4. Inclusive education
in the life of human beings and animals
in general. As you are already aware, All learners should be encouraged
human body is made up of many systems to participate during lessons and
that work together. This particular practicals. Special arrangement
system helps in the transportation of should be done to take care of
oxygen and other substances required learners with special needs. For
in different parts of the body. It also example, provide brail for blind
helps in the transportation of waste
learners, large print text for those
products of metabolism in the body.
This topic will therefore enable learners with sight problems and allocate
realize the need for a circulatory system physically challenged learners to
in the body. They will also know the others to assist them during field
various conditions that affect the trips and practical activities. Further,
circulatory system and how to maintain this category should be given tasks
proper hygiene of the heart and other that they can manage during the
circulatory system organs in general. practical sessions.

Generic Competences participate in the discussions
and presentations. Encourage all
1. Co-operation and interpersonal
learners irrespective of their abilities
management and life skills
to participate in group discussions,
During group discussions and during presentations by asking
pair-work let learners engage questions and during question and
one another by giving a chance answer sessions to either introduce
for all to participate. Also, during or wrap up the lessons.
group presentations, you can 4. Critical thinking
allow rotational presentations
within the group members. Gifted Guide learners to discover for
learners should help in coming up themselves various aspects of the
with presentation content as slow human circulatory system through
learners contribute. REMEMBER the various practical activities,
You should allow slow learners to probing questions and the videos
do presentations as well and correct
that they will be watching during
them where they go wrong. Further,
the lessons. This competence will
advise learners to appreciate the
different abilities of their group also come about as learners think
members and accommodate each about their findings in the activities
other’s views. and as give out their suggestions.

2. Research skills 5. Lifelong skills

Guide learners on how to find out Practicing hygiene of the heart and
information regarding circulatory the circulatory system in general
system and diseases that affect it. creates a habit of taking care of
Guide learners on how to come up oneself. Learners can also pass this
with summarized notes from a large habit to others through training.
body of text.This they should do by Also, make learners aware that
first identifying major points and they can become doctors and
listing them down. You should also particularly cardiologists if they take
guide learners on doing Internet
this topic seriously.
searches for the various content
areas they are looking for. Learners Key words in this unit and their
can use ‘single word searches or meanings
well crafted ‘phrases’ in order to get
the relevant information they are • Antherosclerosis – This is a
looking for. condition that refers to hardening of
arteries and/or veins.This causes the
3. Communication in English
narrowing of the lumen or blocking
Communication in English will be of the affected artery/vein due to
improved when learners freely formation of a clot.

• Antibodies – These are special with increased blood pressure as a
proteins that are produced in the result of faster pumping action of
body as a result of introduction of the heart.
an antigen (which is a foreign body)
in the body. Antibodies help to fight • Hormones – chemical messengers
diseases in the body. which are protein in nature and
are produced by the endocrine
• Arteries – blood vessels which are glands that help in controlling body
usually narrower than veins and functions.
which carry blood away from the
heart to other body parts. • Plasma – the liquid part of blood
which is mostly water but which
• Auricles – the upper chambers of contains digested food materials,
the heart where blood is received mineral salts, dissolved metabolic
from the rest of the body.They have waste products and hormones.
thinner walls than ventricles.
• Platelets – one of the many
• Blood - the red fluid consisting of components of blood which are
plasma, blood cells and platelets the responsible for the clotting process.
nourishes and supplies oxygen to
tissues. • Sphygnomanometer – the
instrument used to measure blood
• Blood vessels – these are the tubes pressure.
through which blood is transported
throughout the body. They are • Stroke – a disease of the circulatory
of three types: arteries, veins and system which causes parts of the
capillaries. body not to move due to damage
of sections of the brain.
• Capillaries – these are the smallest
blood vessels which form a network • Thrombosis – this refers the
at tissue level. They have thin walls condition whereby an artery or a
and tiny pores which allow foe vein is obstructed by a blood clot. It
exchange of materials between may lead to heart attack.
blood and body tissues. • Valves – flaps of flesh found either
• Heart – the muscular organ located in the heart or veins that ensure that
in the chest between the lungs that blood flows only in one direction.
pumps blood throughout the body. • Veins - blood vessels which are
• Heart attack – one of the disesaes usually broader than arteries and
of the circulatory system that is as which carry blood towards the
a result of blocked arteries or high heart from the rest of the body.
blood pressure. • Ventricles - the lower chambers of
• High blood pressure – a disease the heart where blood is received
of the circulatory system associated from auricles and pumped away

from the heart. They have thicker of their book. The diagrams are about
walls than auricles. an overweight man having problems
walking and the children laughing at
Guidance on the problem him (A). The man later goes to hospital
statement and the nurse realises that his blood
This unit is about the circulatory system pressure is very high (B). He needs to
and its importance in the body. As a do something about his weight as it may
way of introducing the concepts, refer affect the functioning of his circulatory
learners to the diagrams on page 221 system.

Attention to special educational needs

Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning

– Slow learners can point at the various – Allocate roles like holding charts
parts on the charts as gifted learners and dismantling models like the
name the parts and explain their heart model to learners with
functions. physical disabilities.
– When watching videos, you may – Provide brail for blind learners
repeat or pause for the benefit of slow and large print text to learners
learners. with seeing difficulties. Provide
– Both gifted and slow learners to sign language alphabet symbols
be given equal opportunity to lead for the deaf and sign language
in group discussions and to do interpreters.
presentations of group findings to – Also, arrange learners such that
the rest of the class. shortsighted ones are at the front
– Ensure all learners respect other’s views and long-sighted ones are at the
irrespective of their shortcomings or back. Spectacles can as well be
talents. provided if available.

List of lessons
Lesson No. Lesson title No. of periods
1. Main organs of the human circulatory system and 1
its function
2. Structure of the heart and its functions 1
3. Blood vessels and their functions 1
4. The process of blood circulation 1
5. Components of blood 1
6. Hygiene of the circulatory system 1
7. Circulatory system diseases 1
8. Blood pressure and its measurement 1

learners, you should consider the

different abilities of learners and the
special needs for various individuals.
2. Bring pamphlets, handouts, and
textbooks for reference in class.Also,
ensure that the Internet is working
Refer to learner’s book pages 222-223
if you have a computer laboratory
Specific objectives or any other form of internet
connectivity such as WIFI or modem.
By the end of the lesson, learners should
be able to: 3. Test the link: https://www.youtube.
com/watch?v=_qmNCJxpsr0 in
• Explain the main function of human advance to see if it is working. This
circulatory system link has a video on circulation of
• Name and identify the organs that blood, which is part of one of the
make up the human circulatory activities in this lesson.
system. 4. Obtain wall charts on circulatory
Preparation for the lesson system and other materials in
1. This lesson will involve individual
Teaching aids
work, video watching, research
work and group activities. You • Charts on parts of the human
will therefore organize the class circulatory system, textbooks,
as need arises during the lesson. pamphlets and hand outs on
REMEMBER: When grouping circulatory system.

• Video link: https://www.youtube. session on their findings then write
com/watch?v=_qmNCJxpsr0 summary notes. Correct them as is
IMPROVISATION: You may come up
appropriate. Refer to notes on page
with your own charts drawn on manila
222 of pupil’s book on importance
papers in case your school does not have
of the circulatory system.
the circulatory system charts. Activity 11.1 (Refer to Pupil’s book
page 221)
Pre-requisite of the lesson
• This activity is meant to introduce the
• Introduce the unit as explained
organs that make up the circulatory
under guidance on the problem
statement above then narrow down
to this lesson. • Let the learners watch the video
carefully. They should note how the
• Ask probing questions to introduce
blood flows and the organs that are
the lesson. Such questions may
• Show learners the charts on the
(i) Which body processes do you
circulatory system. Using the charts,
know? (Ans: excretion, respiration,
they should identify the organs they
circulation, reproduction)
observed in the video.
(ii) What is their role in human body?
• Let them write the names of the
(Ans: Removal of wastes, production of
organs that make up the circulatory
energy, transportation, procreation)
system and briefly explain their
• From the probing questions, learners roles. The organs are:
may mention circulatory system.
(i) Heart – pump blood throughout
Take advantage and introduce it.
the body
Teaching / learning activities (ii) Blood vessels – tubes through
Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page 221) which blood flows
(iii) Blood – circulates throughout
• This is a research activity. Provide the body
learners with handouts, pamphlets
and textbooks and ask them to find • Summarise the lesson by highlighting
out what circulatory system is and the key points, which should include
what its function in the body is.They the role of circulatory system in
can also refer to the internet. human body and the various organs
that make up the circulatory system.
• Let learners have a brief discussion

The lesson introduces learners to the
human circulatory system.The activities
carried out during the lesson above
should help learners identify the various
Refer to learner’s book pages 222-223
organs that make up the circulatory
system and appreciate its function in Specific objectives
the body.
By the end of the lesson, learners should
Lesson assessment be able to:
Assess whether the learning objectives of • Explain the structure of the heart.
the lesson were met by asking questions
• Draw and label the heart.
such as:
• Describe the functions of the various
1. What did you learn in this lesson? parts of the heart.
(Ans: The function of the circulatory
system in human body and the organs Preparation for the lesson
that make up the circulatory system.) 1. This lesson will involve individual
2. What are some of the processes work, video watching, and group
that take place in human body? activities.You will therefore organize
(Ans:Respiration, excretion, digestion, the class as need arises during
circulation of blood, reproduction among the lesson. REMEMBER: When
grouping learners, you should
consider the different abilities of
3. What makes up the circulatory learners and the special needs for
system? various individuals.
(Ans:The heart, blood and blood vessels)
2. Bring reference textbooks to class.
4. Suppose we lacked a circulatory
Also, ensure that the Internet is
system, what will happen? Ans: We
working if you have a computer
will not survive because our body tissues laboratory or any other form of
will lack oxygen, will not have digested Internet connectivity such as WIFI
nutrients, will not remove waste products or modem.
and hormones will not be distributed
throughout the body for their action. 3. Test the link: https://www.youtube.
Also, antibodies and white blood cells will com/watch?v=_qmNCJxpsr0 in
not go to sites where they are needed advance to see if it is working. This
to fight diseases.This will lead to death link has a video on circulation of
of cells and tissues hence death of the blood, which is part of one of the
individual.) activities in this lesson.

4. Obtain wall charts on structure of Teaching / learning activities
the heart and other materials in Activity 11.2 (Refer to Pupil’s book
advance. page 222)

Teaching aids • Let the learners watch the video

• Charts on parts structure of the carefully.They should describe what
heart and textbooks, on circulatory is happening to the heart in the
system. video. (The pumping action)
• Ask learners where they think the
• Video link: https://www.youtube. heart gets the energy it uses to
com/watch?v=_qmNCJxpsr0 pump the blood. (Its muscles as they
• Heart model contract and expand)
• Guide learners to dismantle the
model of the heart. Assist them to
You may come up with your own chart identify the various parts.
of structure of the heart drawn on • At this point, you can show learners
manila papers in case your school does the chart on the structure of the
not have one.You can also organize for heart. Using the charts, they should
learners to model a heart using clay or identify the parts that make up the
plasticine. heart.
• Let them draw the structure of the
Pre-requisite of the lesson
heart in their notebooks and label
• Ask probing questions to introduce it.
the lesson. Such questions may • Summarise the lesson by highlighting
include: the key points on the parts that
(i) What do you think is the function make up the heart and their
of the heart in human body? (Ans: functions. . Allow learners to write
Pumping of blood) summary notes as you do your
presentation.You can also make this
(ii) Based on that, how should the more interactive by inviting gifted
heart look like? (Ans: should generate learners to do lesson summary as
enough power to pump) you guide them.
• Lead a brainstorming session on Synthesis
the structure of the heart giving This lesson introduces learners to the
comparisons to other types of structure of the heart. Use the video,
pumps and their features then heart model and the charts to guide
narrow down to the content of this learners to accurately describe the
lesson as explained below. structure of the heart and state its

Lesson assessment • Describe the functions of the various
types of blood vessels.
Assess whether the learning objectives of
the lesson were met by asking questions Preparation for the lesson
such as:
1. This lesson will involve group work.
1. Which parts make up the heart? REMEMBER: When grouping
(a) Externally? learners, you should consider the
(Ans: Auricles, ventricles, aorta, vena different abilities and the special
cava, pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein, needs for various individuals.
coronary artery.) 2. Test the link: https://www.youtube.
(b) Internally? com/watch?v=_qmNCJxpsr0 in
(Ans: Septum, bicuspid valve, tricuspid advance to see if it is working. This
valve, semi-lunar valves.) link has a video on circulation of
2. State the role of each part of the blood, which is part of one of the
heart. activities in this lesson.
(Ans: Refer to pupil’s book page 238) 3. Obtain wall charts on various blood
3. Why do ventricles have thicker walls vessels in advance.
than auricles?
(Ans: Because they pump blood over a Teaching aids
longer distance (to the rest of the body) • Charts on blood vessels.
compared to auricles which only push
the blood to ventricles within the heart.) • Video link: https://www.youtube.
4. Why is separation of the heart into com/watch?v=_qmNCJxpsr0
two distinct parts important? IMPROVISATION: You may come up
(Ans: This helps to avoid mixing of with your own chart on various blood
oxygenated and deoxygenated blood) vessels drawn on manila papers in case
your school does not have one.

Lesson 3: Blood vessels and their Pre-requisite of the lesson

functions Ask probing questions to introduce the
Refer to learner’s book pages 224 lesson. Such questions may include:

Specific objectives 1. What are blood vessels?

By the end of the lesson, learners should (Ans. Pathways through which blood
be able to: travels in the body).
• Name the types of blood vessels. 2. How do you think they look like?

Why? (Ans: Because they have to minute)
have space for movement of blood and • Summarise the lesson by highlighting
this must be continuous). Let learners the key points about blood vessels,
brainstorm about these questions then pulse and heart beat.
narrow down to the content of this
lesson, which is types of blood vessels • Finalise by giving learners a task of
and their functions. coming up with a table on differences
between arteries and veins.
Teaching / learning activities
Activity 11.4 (Refer to Pupil’s book Synthesis
page 224) This lesson introduces learners to blood
vessels and their role in the circulatory
• Put learners in pairs considering system. Use the video and charts to
their abilities. Let them carry out guide learners to discover the various
this activity. types of blood vessels, their functions
• Guide learners to answer question and the differences between them.
4 in the activity - Ans: The water will
not be supplied to the tap) and to Lesson assessment
summarize their points. Assess whether the learning objectives of
the lesson were met by asking questions
• Let the learners watch the video on such as:
the link: https://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=_qmNCJxpsr0 carefully. 1. The three types of blood vessels are
They should identify the blue and the ______, ________ and _______.
red coloured vessels. (Ans: Blue – Veins, (Ans. Arteries, veins and capilaries).
Red - Arteries)
2. Which blood vessels:
• Provide learners with the charts on
(a) carry blood away from the
the blood vessels. Help them identify
heart? (Ans:Veins)
the various vessels. (Its muscles as
they contract and expand) (b) carry blood towards the heart?
• At this point, you can introduce (Ans: Arteries)
the three types of blood vessels i.e. (c) form a network inside tissues?
arteries, veins and capillaries. (Ans: Capillaries)
• Let learners draw the blood vessels
3. What is pulse?
in their notebooks and label them.
(Ans: Heart beat)
• You can then guide learners to feel
the pulse at the wrist as shown in 4. The heart beats __________ times
procedure 4. Let them repeat this per minute. (Ans: 72)
several times and count the number
of heartbeats.They should come up
with an average (Ans: 72 beats per

notebooks how they think blood flows in
the body considering the position of the
heart and the fact that blood vessels are
tubes. Assess their work then narrow
Refer to learner’s book pages 224-227 down to activity 11.4.

Specific objectives Teaching / learning activities

By the end of the lesson, learners Activity 11.4 (Refer to Pupil’s book
should be able to explain the process page 224)
of circulation of blood in the body. • Let the learners watch the video on
Preparation for the lesson the link: https://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=_qmNCJxpsr0 carefully.
1. This lesson will be a whole class They should identify the path of
lesson. blood in the vessels.
2. Test the link: https://www.youtube. • Provide learners with the chart
com/watch?v=_qmNCJxpsr0 in on circulation of blood. Using the
advance to see if it is working. This knowledge about the video, guide
link has a video on circulation of them to trace the path of blood in
blood, which is one of the activities the chart.
in this lesson.
• Let them draw the path of blood in
3. Obtain wall charts on circulation of their notebooks and label it.
blood in advance.
• Summarise the lesson by highlighting
Teaching aids the key points about blood circulation
as learners take summary notes.
• Charts on circulation of blood in
Better still, you can appoint a gifted
human body.
learner to give summary points as
• Video link: https://www.youtube. you guide them.
This lesson intends to create awareness
You may come up with your own chart of how blood flows in human body.
on blood circulation by drawing on Learners through watching the video
manila paper in case your school does should trace the path of flow of blood
not have one. in the circulatory system. They should
then be able to reproduce this in their
Pre-requisite of the lesson notebooks and explain how blood flows
By now, learners have a rough idea of from point A to the last point within the
how blood circulates in the body. Give circulatory system.
them a small activity to draw in their

Lesson assessment Teaching Aids
Assess whether the learning objective of
• Charts on various components of
the lesson was met by asking questions
such as:
1. Which organ pumps blood to all Teacher notes on components of blood.
body parts? (Ans: Heart) Pre-requisite of the lesson
2. From the heart, blood moves
You may begin this lesson by asking
to the rest of the body through
learners to name some things that are
___________. (Ans: Aorta)
present in the classroom.They may name
3. Oxygenated blood from the lungs desks, tables, chairs, blackboard, books,
comes back to the heart through pens and themselves among others.
_______ vessel. (Ans: Pulmonary vein) Inform them that what they have named
4. ______ brings deoxygenated blood can be referred to as ‘components of the
back to the heart. (Ans:Vena cava) classroom’. Make them aware that in a
similar way, blood is made up of different
5. ____ takes deoxygenated blood to things. You can then narrow down to
the lungs. (Ans: Pulmonary artery) activity 11.5.

Teaching / learning activities

Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page

Refer to learner’s book pages 227-228 • Let learners go to the library and
search in textbooks what blood is
Specific objectives made of. They can also do Internet
By the end of the lesson, learners should searches.
be able to explain the composition of • They should also find out the
blood. functions of the various components
Preparation for the lesson of blood.
1. This lesson will involve a research • Back in class, put learners in groups
activity either in the library or using of five depending on the size of the
the Internet or group work. class to harmonize their findings. Let
them choose a group leader to do a
2. Bring pamphlets, handouts, and presentation to the rest of the class.
textbooks for reference in class.Also,
ensure that the Internet is working • After the presentations, guide
if you have a computer laboratory learners to write short notes and
or any other form of internet draw the various blood components
connectivity such as WIFI or modem. in their note books. Refer to Pupil’s
book pages 227-228.

• Summarise the lesson by giving a
task of coming up with a table on
the differences between white and
red blood cells.

Synthesis Refer to learner’s book pages 229-230

This lesson introduces the various
components of blood to learners. Guide Specific objectives
learners through research and discussion
to discover the various components of By the end of the lesson, learners should
blood and their roles in the circulatory be able to explain the hygiene of the
system. human circulation system.
Lesson assessment Preparation for the lesson
Assess whether the learning objective of
the lesson was met by asking questions 1. This lesson will involve a research
such as: activity either in the library or using
the Internet or group work.
1. Blood is made up of three types of
cells. Name them. 2. Bring pamphlets, handouts, and
textbooks for reference in class.Also,
(Ans: White blood cells, red blood cells
and platelets) ensure that the Internet is working
if you have a computer laboratory
2. Plasma is ___________ of blood. It
or any other form of internet
contains __________ , __________
and___________ among other connectivity such as WIFI or modem.
Teaching aids
(Ans: liquid, digested food materials,
mineral salts, hormones, antibodies • Reference materials on hygiene of
among others) circulatory system.
3. Platelets help in ________ of blood. Pre-requisite of the lesson
This is important because it prevents
excessive bleeding. Ask learners to list some practices they
do in order to avoid diseases such as
(Ans: clotting)
cholera outbreak and typhoid. They
4. ___________ help to carry oxygen may mention practices such as washing
from the lungs to body tissues. hands before eating and after visiting
(Ans: Red blood cells) the toilet and keeping the environment
clean in general. Let them know that
5. Which type of cells protect the body
against diseases? in a similar way, we should carry out
practices that ensure healthy circulatory
(Ans:White blood cells)

system. At this point, narrow down to (Ans: Practices that keep the heart
Activity 11.6. healthy)

Teaching / learning activities 2. List three practices that will enhance

Activity 11.6 (Refer to Pupil’s book a healthy heart.
page 229 (Ans: Balanced diet, exercising, not
smoking or taking alcohol, among
• Let learners go to the library and others)
search in textbooks what hygiene of
the circulatory system is and what 3. Apart from the heart, which other
should be done to keep the heart organs should we take care of in the
and associated organs healthy.They circulatory system?
can also do Internet searches. (Ans: Blood vessels, also blood should be
• They should then come up with a taken good care of)
list of practices that enhance healthy
heart, blood and blood vessels.
• Back in class, put learners in groups
depending on the size of the class
and the abilities of class members
to harmonise their findings. Let Refer to learner’s book pages 230
them choose a group leader to do
a presentation on their behalf. Specific objectives
• After the presentations, guide By the end of the lesson, learners should
learners to write short notes and be able to identify main diseases of
draw a table on how to take care of
the circulatory system and state their
the heart, blood and blood vessels.
causes, signs & symptoms and how to
prevent them.
This lesson introduces the concept of
hygiene of the heart and circulatory Preparation for the lesson
system in general. Through research,
learners should discover and practice 1. This lesson will involve a research
activities that keep their circulatory activity either in the library or using
systems healthy.
the Internet or group work.
Lesson assessment
2. Bring pamphlets, handouts, and
Assess whether the learning objective of
the lesson was met by asking questions textbooks for reference in class.
such as: Also, ensure that the internet is
working if you have a computer
1. What is hygiene of the heart?

laboratory or any other form of Synthesis
Internet connectivity such as WIFI Learners at this stage have come across
or modem. various diseases.Take advantage of their
past knowledge and guide them to do
Teaching aids research on the various diseases and
• Reference materials on diseases of disorders of the circulatory system.They
the circulatory system. should at the end write summary notes
and appreciate the need to prevent/
Pre-requisite of the lesson control these diseases as a way of living
• Introduce the topic by reminding healthy life.
learners about common diseases
that they know or might have come Lesson assessment
across. Ask probing questions such Assess whether the learning objective of
as: the lesson was met by asking questions
such as:
(i) What causes the diseases?
1. Give four diseases that affect the
(ii) How are they controlled?
circulatory system. (Ans: Heart attack,
• You can then ask them if they think stroke, antherosclerosis, high blood
diseases can affect circulatory pressure among others)
2. Which signs would you look out for
Teaching / learning activities in order to know when someone is
Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page 231) suffering from:

• Let learners go to the library and (a) Antherosclerosis?

search in textbooks diseases that (b) Stroke?
affect the circulatory system and
their signs and symptoms. They can (Ans: Refer to table 11.2 pages 231 in
also do Internet searches and watch Pupil’s book)
videos on the same.
• Back in class, put learners in groups
depending on the size of the class
and the abilities of class members
to harmonize their findings. Let Refer to learner’s book pages 232
them choose a group leader to do Specific objectives
a presentation on their behalf.
By the end of the lesson, learners should
• After the presentations, guide be able to interpret blood pressure
learners to write short notes and measurement for different persons.
draw a table on various heart
Preparation for the lesson
diseases, their causes, signs &
symptoms and control/prevention 1. This lesson will involve a visit to a

nearby health facility or hospital. normal blood pressure? (Ans: Between
Arrange in advance to get permission 120/80 mmHg – 140/90 mm Hg).
to visit the health facility. (ii) How about abnormal blood
2. Ask learners to prepare questions pressure? (Ans: anything outside the
to ask during the visit in advance. bracket 120/80 mmHg – 140/90 mm
Teaching aids
• Ask the nurse to take the blood
• A nearby health facility pressure of a few pupils as they
• Sphygnomanometer record. Let them work the average
and compare it with the range given
Pre-requisite of the lesson by the nurse as the normal blood
Introduce the topic by leading a pressure. Is it normal?
brainstorming session on what blood • Wrap up the lesson by explaining
pressure is and the need to regularly what blood pressure is and how it
check blood pressure. You can then is taken.
narrow down to activity 11.18. Synthesis
The concept of blood pressure is
Teaching / learning activities relatively new to learners. The hospital
Activity 11.8 (Refer to Pupil’s book visit should be used to reinforce the
page 233) importance of regularly checking blood
• Take learners to visit a nearby
health facility to witness blood Lesson assessment
pressure being measured on patients Assess whether the learning objective of
by the health personnel. the lesson was met by asking questions
• Let learners observe how the blood such as:
pressure is being taken as they take
notes. At the end, ask them to come 1. What is sphygmanometer? (Ans:
up with the steps followed when Instrument used to measure blood
taking blood pressure.
• They should ask questions during 2. What blood pressure is considered
the trip such as: (i) What is the normal? (Ans: Between 120/80 mmHg
– 140/90 mm Hg)

Answers to Self-Test 11.1 Summary of the unit
Refer to learner’s book pages 229

1. Heart, blood and blood vessels.

This unit is about learners gaining
2. Refer to Fig.11.6 Page 248 in knowledge and understanding of the
student’s book. circulatory system and its maintenance
3. Prevents mixing of oxygenated and
deoxygenated blood.
4. Vena cava – carries blood from the
rest of the body to the heart.
Inflatable cuff
Pulmonary artery - carries blood
Pressure gauge
from the heart to the lungs.
Pulmonary vein - carries blood from
the lungs to the heart.
Aorta - carries blood from the heart
to the the rest of the body apart
from lungs.
Arteries Veins
Have thick walls Have thin walls
Have small lumen Have large
Lack valves Have valves
and hygiene. You should effectively use
6. White blood cells, red blood cells, the suggested activities and the teaching
platelets and blood plasma. approaches in the teacher’s book to help
learners acquire this competence.At the
end of the lessons, you should assess
the extent to which the competency is
achieved and plan remedial activities
where necessary. Remember, one of
the attitudes and values intended at
the end of the topic is for learners to
develop the habit of taking good care

of their circulatory system, checking (i) Single circulation
blood pressure regularly and avoiding In single circulation, blood flows through
respiratory diseases and disorders.
Guide learners to observe these at all the heart once to make a complete
times. circuit. This is found in fish, reptiles and
amphibians. For example in fish, blood
Additional Information for the flows from the heart to the gills to
teacher collect oxygen, then to all parts of the
Some information that may be relevant body before returning back to the heart.
with regards to the circulatory system
are given below. (ii) Double circulation
Circulatory systems in animals
There are two types of circulatory
systems in animals:

• Open circulatory system Heart

• Closed circulatory system
(a) Open circulatory system body
Rest of body
Here, blood is pumped by the heart
into a body cavity. The body cavity is
a series of body spaces collectively
known as haemocoel.This means that In double circulation, blood flows
blood does not flow in closed vessels through the heart twice to make a
but rather flows freely into spaces. This complete circuit.This occurs in mammals
system is found in most arthropods such
as insects. for example, human beings and birds.
The blood flows from the heart to
(b) Closed circulatory system lungs to collect oxygen and back to the
heart. The blood is then pumped by the
Here, blood flows in closed vessels and heart to all parts of the body and finally
does not come into direct contact with
body tissues. Blood is pumped by the back to the heart the second time to
heart under high pressure to the tissue complete the circuit.
through closed blood vessels and flows
back to the heart. An example is in Blood pressure is lost as blood flows
human beings. There are two types of through the capillaries in the lungs .The
closed circulatory system: blood flows back to the heart where
pressure is restored by the pumping of
• Single circulation the blood by the heart to all part of
• Double circulation the body. Double circulation is possible
because the heart is divided into the

right and left side by septum. The right atrioventicular valves (cuspid valves)
side of the heart contains deoxygenated close to prevent backward flow of blood
blood.The left side of the heart contains into the auricles.
oxygenated blood.
(b) Diastole

Lungs There are two types of diastole:

• Atrial diastole
• Ventricular diastole
During atrial diastole the muscles of
the atria (auricles) relax and blood
from the lungs and body is received in
Rest of body the auricles. Oxygenated bloods from
the lungs enter the left auricle through
pulmonary vein. De-oxygenated blood
from various parts of the body enter
Functioning of the heart into the right auricle through the
The heart pumps blood to the lungs and vena cava. During ventricular diastole,
to all parts of the body. The pumping of the semi- lunar valves close down to
the heart is as a result of contraction prevent backward flow of blood from
and relaxation of cardiac muscles. The the pulmonary artery and aorta. The
contraction of heart muscles is known atrio-venticular valves open to allow
as systole. The relaxation of cardiac blood to flow from the auricle to the
muscles is called diastole. ventricles.

(a) Systole The process of blood clotting

These are two types of systole namely: Blood clotting occurs when blood is
exposed to air such as when the tissue
• Atrial systole is injured. Blood clotting is important
in reducing further loss of blood in the
• Ventricular systole event of a damaged blood vessel as
Atrial systole refers to the contraction well as preventing entry of bacteria
of the atria that pushes the blood that cause diseases. Platelets are
in the atria into the ventricles. The involved in the clotting process. Platelets
ventricular systole is the contraction of contain a chemical substance called
the ventricles that pushes blood out of thromboplastin, which is released,
the ventricles. During systole, semi-lunar at the injured vessel. Thromboplastin
valves opens to allow blood to flow out activates prothrombin, an inactive protein
of the artery and out of the left ventricle compound in plasma, to thrombin.
through the aorta. During this time, the Thrombin is a protein-digesting enzyme

(protease). It stimulates the conversion There are four main blood groups
of fibrinogen, a protein found in plasma, namely blood group A, Blood group
to fibrin. Fibrinogen is a soluble protein B, Blood group AB and blood group O.
molecule but fibrin is insoluble. Fibrin The antigens contained in these blood
forms a meshwork of fibres that trap groups are given below.
blood cells forming a clot.This prevents
further blood loss. Blood group Antigen
A Have antigen A
B Have antigen B
Have both antigen A
and antigen B
Lack both antigen A
and antigen B

There are antibodies found in the blood

NOTE: Calcium ions play an important plasma as well.These antibodies interact
with the antigens on the red blood cells.
role in the blood clotting process. The
They are named as:
calcium ions and vitamin K are required
in the clotting process as enzyme co- • Antibody a
factors. Enzyme co-factors activate the • Antibody b
working of enzymes since the blood
Note that antigens are named in capital
clotting process is controlled by enzymes. letters (A and B) while antibody are
named in small letters (a and b).
Normally blood does not clot in
undamaged blood vessels. There is a Blood Antigens on red Antibodies in
chemical substance found in plasma group blood plasma
called heparin which prevents
A A b
conversion of prothrombin to thrombin
and fibrinogen to fibrin. B B a
AB A and B None
This chemical is used in hospitals as O None A and b
anticoagulant to prevent blood kept in
A person with a specific antigen does
blood bank from clotting. not possess the complimentary antibody.
Blood groups For example, a person with antigen A
(Blood group A) does not have antibody
Human beings have different blood
a in the plasma. The table below shows
groups depending on the antigens the antigens and antibodies present in
found on the surfaces of red blood cells. the different blood groups.

Blood transfusion Blood disorders
Blood transfusion is the transfer of Examples of blood disorders include:
blood from one person to the blood
stream of another person. The person (a) Leukemia
who gives blood is called donor and the
person who receives the blood is called This is a disorder caused
the recipient. During blood transfusion, by uncontrolled production of
the blood groups of both the donor white blood cells. Therefore, it is
and recipient should be determined and sometimes called blood cancer.
It is characterised by abnormally
• A person with blood group AB does high number of white blood cells
not have antibodies in the blood
per mm3 of blood.The high numbers
plasma. Therefore such a person
can receive blood from all other of cells digest the tissues resulting
blood groups. Since there will be no in general body weakness and
antibody to agglutinate with the body wasting. The condition can be
antigen. Blood group AB is hence controlled through blood transfusion
said to be a universal recipient,
from time to time; or through
that is, is able to receive blood from
all donors. chemotherapy and radiotherapy to
kill the abnormal number of cells.
• A person with blood group O lacks
antigens. Such a person is referred to (b) Sickle cell anaemia
as universal donor, and is able to
give blood to all other blood groups This disorder arises when red blood
without agglutination. cells lose their biconcave shape
The table below shows the blood and assume sickle cell shapes that
transfusion options available. A tick (√) greatly reduce the surface area for
indicates that safe blood transfusion transport of oxygen. Patients with
is possible while a cross (x) shows
sickle cell anaemia are characterised
agglutination and hence safe blood
transfusion is not possible. by difficulty in breathing especially
after vigorous physical exercise,
Recipient muscle fatigue, abdominal pain and
Blood Group A B AB O general weakness of body. Sickle
A √ × √ × cell anaemia can be controlled by
B × √ √ × avoiding vigorous physical exercise
AB × × √ × and taking a diet rich in vitamins and
O √ √ √ √ mineral ions.

(c) Haemophilia high pressure hence blood cannot
flow backwards.
This is caused by failure of blood to
clot in the event of a damaged vessel. 8. During exercise, the heart beats
This results in excessive bleeding. faster than at rest.
The disorder is caused by lack of 9. By eating balanced diet, through
clotting factors such as calcium ions regular exercises, drinking plenty of
and vitamin K. It can be controlled water and fluids, avoiding sex before
by injecting clotting factor into the
blood stream of the patient. 10. To avoid diseases like high blood
pressure, heart attack and stroke.
Answers to Unit Test 11 (Pupil’s book
11. High, low
Page 234
1. Heart and blood vessels 12. Fighting disease causing germs,
2. Aorta, vena cava
13. Oxyhaemoglobin
3. Valves
14. A
4. Aorta, vena cava
15. Pulmonary artery
5. Refer to Fig. 11.7 page 232 of pupil’s
16. A
17. Vena cava
6. Arteries,veins, capillaries.
7. Because they transport blood under
Extension Activities to cater for slow and gifted learners
Remedial activities for slow Extended activities for gifted and
learners talented learners
1. Modelling the heart. 1. Preparing questions to ask during
educational visits such as when they
2. Drawing and tracing the path of visit a health facility.
blood in the circulatory system
(they should use red colouring 2. Leading group discussions and doing
for oxygenated blood and blue presentations on behalf of group
colouring for deoxygenated blood). members
3. Coming up with a table on 3. Summarizing lessons following
differences between arteries and guidance from the teacher.
veins, circulatory system diseases 4. Carrying out additional research, for
on manila papers and hanging them example on blood disorders and the
on classroom walls. clotting process.

Remedial questions for slow Extended questions for gifted
learners learners
1. ____, ___ and ___ make up the 1. Relate the structure of the heart to
circulatory system. its functions.
2. The heart has _____ chambers,
two on the right and two on the 2. Why would you rather go swimming
left.The lower chambers are called than sleeping?
_______ while the upper chambers
are called _______. 3. Assuming you cut your arm with a
3. Which diseases attack the heart? piece of glass which got into your
4. _____ and ___ is bad for the health bloodstream. Describe the path of
of the heart. the piece of glass to your leg.
5. _____, ______ and ____ are the 4. Amongst the things that make up the
cells that make up blood.
6. Which part forms the bulk of blood circulatory system, one is NOT an
and is largely water? organ, which one? What is it?
Answers to remedial questions Answers to extended questions

1. Heart, blood and blood vessels. 1. - It is divided into two separate

parts by septum – this ensures that
2. Four, auricles(atria), ventricles. oxygenated and deoxygenated
3. Heart attack, thrombosis. blood do not mix.
4. Smoking and excessive drinking of – Has four chambers that receive
and pump blood. Lower chambers
alcohol. (ventricles) have thicker walls
5. White blood cells, red blood cells that upper ones (auricles) – this
enables them generate enough
and platelets. force to pump blood far away.
6. Plasma. – It is made up of cardiac muscles,
which contract and expand to
generate pumping force.
– Has valves which control the
direction of flow of blood.
2. Swimming exercises the organs of the
circulatory system thereby keeping
them healthy.
3. Vein in the arm to vena cava to right
auricle through the tricuspid valve to
right ventricle to pulmonary artery
to the lung to pulmonary vein to
left auricle through bicuspid valve to
the left ventricle to the aorta to the
artery in the leg.
4. Blood. It is a tissue.

Respiratory system
12 (No. of periods: 8)
Refer to the Learner’s Book pages 236- 250

Key unit competency that is, knowledge and understanding,

After studying this unit, the learner skills acquisition and attitude and values.
should be able to explain the mechanism At the end of the unit, learners should
of respiration. have knowledge and understanding of
Learning objectives the respiratory system and have the
right attitude towards taking care of it.
Competency based curriculum embraces
three categories of learning objectives,

Table 12.1 Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values

By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit,
learners should be able to: learners should be able learners should be able to:
ˆˆ Explain the main to: ˆˆ Show concern about
function of the ˆˆ Observe wall charts the hygiene of the
respiratory system. or human respiratory respiratory system.
ˆˆ Describe the human system models and ˆˆ Show awareness of
respiratory system. respiratory system
describe them. diseases.
ˆˆ Explain the process of
respiration. ˆˆ Draw and label the ˆˆ Take care of his/her
ˆˆ Explain the care of the human respiratory respiratory system.
human respiratory system. ˆˆ Develop habit of
system. ˆˆ Take care of their regular health check
ˆˆ Identify the main up.
respiratory system.
diseases of the human ˆˆ Advocate against
respiratory system. smoking.

Pre-requisite of this unit respiratory system and how to maintain
In the previous unit, pupils learnt about proper hygiene of the lungs and other
the circulatory system.They also learnt respiratory system organs in general.
about the reproductive and digestive Cross-cutting issues to be
systems in primary 5. Build on their addressed
knowledge in these areas to introduce
1. Standardization culture
the respiratory system, its function, its
hygiene and the diseases that affect it. Bring to the attention of learners
Also, during the lessons, strive to bring the need to seek medical healthcare
to the awareness of learners the fact in standard and quality hospitals
whenever they have problems with
that this topic is related to respiratory
their respiratory system.
system in biology that they will study
at higher levels of learning. Let them 2. Financial education
understand that at this level, they Emphasize the fact that learners
may only need the basic information should practice good hygiene to
otherwise, details of functioning of the avoid conditions and disease of the
respiratory system will be learnt in high respiratory system in order to avoid
school and even better, when later in life, spending money on treatment.
they study medicine and become chest
specialists. 3. Gender education
Emphasize to learners that anybody
irrespective of their gender can
Background information
pursue a carrier in medicine. Give
examples of role models who are
In unit 11, learners were introduced
successful chest specialists in the
to circulatory system. Let them
area where the learners come from.
understand that respiratory system is
one of the many body systems just like 4. Inclusive education
the circulatory system. REMEMBER:
Respiration system to be covered here All learners should be encouraged
is also known as breathing system) NOT to participate during lessons and
respiration which is the breakdown of practicals. Special arrangement
food substances to release energy. It should be made to take care of
is the system that helps in gaseous learners with special needs. For
exchange, which simply means taking air example, provide brail for blind
in and out of the body and incorporating learners, large print text for those
it into the bloodstream. with sight problems and allocate
physically challenged learners to
Circulatory system takes over after others to assist them during field
gaseous exchange in the lungs. This trips and practical activities. Further,
topic will therefore enable learners this category should be given tasks
realize the need for a respiratory that they can manage during the
system in the body. They will also know practical sessions.
the various conditions that affect the

Generic Competences and presentations. Encourage all
1. Co-operation and interpersonal learners irrespective of their abilities
management and life skills to participate in group discussions,
during presentations by asking
During group discussions and questions and during question and
pair-work let learners engage answer sessions to either introduce
one another by giving a chance or wrap up the lessons.
for all to participate. Also, during
group presentations, you can 4. Critical thinking
allow rotational presentations
within the group members. Gifted This competence will be developed
learners should help in coming up by learners as they answer the
with presentation content as slow probing questions such as those on
learners contribute. REMEMBER page 253 at the beginning of this unit
You should allow slow learners to and as they discuss the results of the
do presentations as well and correct various practical activities. Guide
them where they go wrong. Further, learners to discover for themselves
advise learners to appreciate the how teenage pregnancies can be
different abilities of their group avoided and how to stay free
members and accommodate each from respiratory diseases. This
other’s views. competence will also come about
as learners think about their findings
2. Research skills in the activities and as they give out
their suggestions on why this is the
Guide learners on how to find out case.
information regarding respiratory
system and the diseases that affect 5. Lifelong skills
it. Guide learners on how to come up
with summarized notes from a large Practicing hygiene of the lungs and
body of text.This they should do by the respiratory system in general
first identifying major points and creates a habit of taking care of
listing them down. You should also oneself. Learners can also pass this
guide learners on doing Internet habit to others through training.
searches for the various content Also, make learners aware that
areas they are looking for. Learners they can become doctors and
can use ‘single word searches or particularly chest specialits if they
well crafted ‘phrases’ in order to get take this topic seriously.
the relevant information they are
Key words in this unit and their
looking for.
3. Communication in English • Alveoli (Singular – alveolus) –
Communication in English will be These are tiny airspaces found in
improved when learners freely the lungs where gaseous exchange
participate in the discussions occurs.

• Breathing – this refers to the • Lungs – the two organs of
process of taking fresh air into the respiration located in the chest
lungs and removing waste air out cavity.
of the lungs. It involves breathing in
and out. • Respiration – the act of taking air
into the lungs or removing waste
• Bronchi (Singular – bronchus)– air from the lungs. It is also known
These refers to the two main as breathing. However, in advanced
branches of the trachea, which go biology, respiration refers to the
into the lungs.They are divided into process of burning food particles in
bronchioles in the lungs. the body to release energy.
• Bronchioles – these are the • Suffocation – this is a term, which
final branches of bronchi, which refers to the act of causing to dies
communicate directly with alveoli by preventing access to oxygen or
in the lungs. air.
• Diaphragm – This is the muscular Guidance on the problem state-
flap of flesh that separates the chest ment
cavity and the abdominal cavity,
which is involved during breathing This topic is about the respiratory
process. system and its importance in the body.
As a way of introducing the unit, refer
• Exhalation – The act of breathing learners to the diagram on page 236
out. It is also known as expiration. of their book. Let learners study the
picture and say what is going on. Ask
• First Aid – Emergency care or
them whether it is right or wrong. (
treatment given to a patient or
The picture shows an adult smoking in
injured person before complete
medical treatment is secured. front of children. This is very wrong as
it affects children and other occupants
• Immunization – this refers to in the house. Further, smoking in public
the act of vaccinating a person to places is prohibited by Rwanda laws).
make them immune to a particular Bring to the attention of learners the
disease. fact that smoking affects the respiratory
system and particularly the lungs. This
• Inhalation – The act of breathing
interferes with its functioning and this
in. It is also known as inspiration.
can cause problems.

Attention to special educational needs
Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning
- Slow learners can point at the - Allocate roles like holding charts
various parts on the charts as gifted and dismantling models like the
learners name the parts and explain lung model to learners with physical
their functions. disabilities.

- Gifted learners can be performing - Provide brail for blind learners

the actions during practical activities and large print text to learners
as slow ones make observations with seeing difficulties. Provide sign
and take notes. For example, in language alphabet symbols and sign
activity 12.2, they can perform the language interpreters for the deaf.
- Also, arrange learners such that
- Both gifted and slow learners to shortsighted ones are at the front
be given equal opportunity to lead and long-sighted ones are at the
in group discussions and to do back. Spectacles can as well be
presentations of group findings to provided if available.
the rest of the class.

- Ensure all learners respect

other’s views irrespective of their
shortcomings or talents.

List of lessons
Lesson No. Lesson title No. of periods
Main organs of the human respiratory system
1. 2
and its function
2. Mechanism of respiration 2
Practices and behaviors that ensure healthy
3. 1
respiratory system
4. Respiratory system diseases 2
5. Suffocation 1

• Video link: https://www.youtube.com/
up with your own painted diagrams on
respiratory system drawn on manila
papers in case your school does not
Refer to learner’s book pages 236 have the charts.
Specific objectives Pre-requisite of the lesson
By the end of the lesson, learners should 1. Introduce the unit as explained
be able to: under guidance on the problem
• Explain the main function of human statement above then narrow down
respiratory system to this lesson.

• Describe the human respiratory 2. To introduce the lesson, you

system. may remind learners about the
circulatory system they learnt about
Preparation for the lesson in the previous unit. Ask questions
such as:
1. This lesson will involve individual
work and dissection activity. You (i) What is circulatory system?
will therefore organize the class (Ans: System that transports blood
as need arises during the lesson. throughout the body)
REMEMBER: When grouping (ii) What is its importance?
learners, you should consider the
different abilities of learners and the (Ans: Distributes oxygen, food nutrients
special needs for various individuals. and other materials throughout the
body and also helps to remove body
2. Look for a rabbit or a mouse in wastes).
advance and ensure that all the (iii) Do you think the body has other
tools in the dissection kit are in good systems apart from circulatory
working condition. system?
3. Obtain wall charts on respiratory (Ans:Yes) Which ones? (Ans: Respiratory
system and other materials such as system, excretory system, reproductive
lung model in advance. system).
3. From the probing questions, learners
Teaching aids
may mention respiratory system.
• Rabbit or mouse and dissecting kit. Take advantage and introduce it.
• Charts on parts of the human
respiratory system, textbooks,
pamphlets and hand outs.

Teaching / learning activities guide them to carry out a dissection
Activity 12.1 (Refer to Pupil’s book practical on a rabbit or a mouse to
page 237) observe the respiratory system.You
may also use a model on the same
• This is individual learner’s activity. Let if available.
them carry out the tasks highlighted
in this activity then discuss their • Let them use the charts to identify
findings with friends. the parts that they see. They can
also use Fig. 12.2 on page 238 of
• Guide learners to discover the role of their book. Let them make a sketch
respiratory system, which is to bring of the respiratory system in their
fresh air into the lungs and remove notebooks and share with the rest
waste air out of the body. (You may of the class.
need to stress that fresh air is mainly
oxygen and waste air is mainly • Finally, guide learners to come up
carbon dioxide and what their with a table on the various parts
sources are i.e. from atmospheric of the respiratory system and their
air and by-product of respiration functions.
in living cells). REMEMBER: This • Wind up by giving learners a task
topic is not about respiration, which on describing the human respiratory
is the process of breaking down system in their own words.
food substances to release energy.
It is respiration, which refers to Synthesis
breathing in and out followed by This lesson introduces learners to the
gaseous exchange in the lungs. human respiratory system.The activities
carried out during the lesson above
should help learners identify the various
Activity 12.2 (Refer to Pupil’s book organs that make up the respiratory
page 237) system and appreciate its function in
the body.
• By now, learners have a rough idea
what respiratory system and its
Lesson assessment
function is hence you can now delve
further into the components of the Assess whether the learning objectives of
respiratory system. the lesson were met by asking questions
such as:
• You can then do a class demonstration
on dissecting either a rabbit or a 1. What did you learn in this lesson?
mouse to show learners parts of the (Ans: The function of the respiratory
respiratory system. Later, depending system in human body and the organs
on availability of resources, you that make up the respiratory system.)
may put learners into groups and

2. What is the difference between Preparation for the lesson
respiratory system and circulatory • This lesson will involve watching a
system? video and a practical activity. You
(Ans: Respiratory system helps in will therefore organize the class
bringing fresh air into the lungs and as need arises during the lesson.
removing stale air out of the body. REMEMBER: When grouping
Circulatory system on the other hand learners, you should consider the
helps in transportation of substances in different abilities of learners and the
the body.) special needs for various individuals.
3. What makes up the respiratory • Pre-test the video to confirm that
system? it is working. Use video link: https://
(Ans: Lungs, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-
diaphragm, alveoli and ribs.) wATTsMBBA&t=128s
4. Suppose we lacked a respiratory • Obtain charts on breathing process
system, what will happen? and mechanism of breathing
(Ans: We will not survive because our
body tissues will lack oxygen, and also, Teaching aids
carbon dioxide will not be removed from • Items like bell jar, balloons, rubber
the body leading to poisoning of body sheet, stoppers and Y- shaped glass
cells.) tube.

• Charts on breathing mechanism,

textbooks, pamphlets and hand outs.

• Video link: https://www.youtube.com/

Refer to learner’s book pages 239
IMPROVISATION: You may come up
Specific objectives with your own breathing model and use
By the end of the lesson, learners should it during the practical activities.
be able to Pre-requisite of the lesson

• Explain the process of respiration. Remind learners about what breathing

process is i.e. breathing in and out. Let
• D e s c r i b e t h e m e c h a n i s m o f them understand that in this lesson, they
respiration. will learn about what happens during
breathing in and out through the various
practicals under your guidance.

Teaching / learning activities up and down. Let them observe and
state what happens.
Activity 12.3 (Refer to Pupil’s book
page 239) • Ask learners what the various items
in the model above correspond to
• Begin this activity by letting learners and the actions.
feel the breathing process as
described in procedure no. 1 in this • Guide them to summarize what
activity. They should repeat this the various items and actions
several times and come up with a correspond to in the respiratory
conclusion on what is happening. system.
• You can then play the video or let • At this point, you can guide learners
them visit the above website to to discover the mechanism of
watch the video in groups. breathing in and out. Refer to
learner’s book pages 240-242. Guide
• Guide learners to describe what they learners to come up with a table on
have seen. Ask probing questions what happens to every organ in the
such as: respiratory system during breathing
1. What happened to the ribs? in and out.
(Ans:They were moving up and • Let learners come up with summary
down or inwards and outwards) notes on breathing mechanism.
2. How about the diaphragm? Assess their work then correct them
(Ans: Dome-shaped or flattens) accordingly.
3. What is the significance of
This lesson should create awareness of
(Ans:They cause change in
how breathing takes place. Learners
volume of chest cavity which
through watching the video and through
leads to breathing in or out)
manipulating the lung model, should be
made to appreciate what happens during
Activity 12.4 (Refer to Pupil’s book the breathing process. They should then
page 240) be able to describe the mechanism of
breathing and do presentations on the
• At this point, you can introduce same.
the activity on making a breathing
model then demonstrating how Lesson assessment
it works. Learners should then Assess whether the learning objective of
compare this to the working of the the lesson was met by asking questions
breathing system in human beings. such as:
• Let learners assemble the items in
1. Which organ allows air to get into
this activity as shown in the figure
the breathing system?
of their book page 240 Let them pull
the strings tied on the rubber sheet (Ans: Nose/nostril)

2. When the diaphragm flattens REMEMBER: When grouping
during breathing in chest cavity learners, you should consider the
___________. (Ans: increases) in different abilities of learners and the
volume. This reduces the _________ special needs for various individuals.
(Ans: pressure) inside the chest cavity
2 Bring pamphlets, handouts, and
thereby leading to air rushing into the
textbooks for reference in class.Also,
ensure that the Internet is working
3. What is the equivalent of these if you have a computer laboratory
things in a breathing model? or any other form of internet
(a) Y-shaped tube _____________ connectivity such as WIFI or modem.
(b) Bell jar ____________________ Teaching Aids

(Ans: chest cavity) • Transparent plastic bottle with cap,

cigarette, tissue paper, biro pen
4. What happens in the alveoli during
casing, matchbox.
(Ans: Gaseous exc hange occur s • Reference materials or internet
i.e. oxygen is introduced into the connectivity.
bloodstream while carbon dioxide is
released into the alveolus airspace) Pre-requisite of the lesson
You may begin this lesson by letting
learners know that just like any other
body system, respiratory system should
also be well taken care of. Remind them
about the care they learnt about under
circulatory system. Give a chance to one
Refer to learner’s book pages 242 student to list the various practices on
the chalkboard as others give the points.
Specific objectives
Teaching / learning activities
By the end of the lesson, learners should
be able to explain the care of the human Activity 12.5 (Refer to Pupil’s book
respiratory system. pages 243-244)

Preparation for the lesson • Guide learners to go through

the procedures given on pages
1. This lesson will involve a practical 243 - 244 in their textbooks. Ask
activity and group work. You will probing questions along the way,
therefore organize the class as for example: why should the bottle
need arises during the lesson.

be filled halfway with water? (Ans: to 1. What is hygiene of the respiratory
allow atmospheric pressure to push the system?
smoke into the bottle).What is the use
of the tissue paper? (Ans:To show the (Ans: Practices that keep the respiratory
effect of smoking on the lungs) system healthy)

• Let learners discuss the results of 2. List three practices that will enhance
a healthy respiratory system.
the experiment in their groups.
They should write summary notes (Ans: Balanced diet, exercising, not
and nominate a group leader to do smoking or taking alcohol, among
presentation on their behalf. others)
• Summarize by highlighting the main 3. How will washing hands before every
aim of the experiment which is to meal help in keeping respiratory
find out the effect of smoking on the system healthy?
(Ans: Prevents infection of the lungs)
• Highlight other points about safety
of respiratory system as listed in
Pupil’s book page 245. Let learners
write summary points.

Refer to learner’s book pages 245
This lesson is about hygiene of the
respiratory system in general. Through Specific objectives
the demonstration of the effects of
By the end of the lesson, learners should
smoke on the tissue paper in Activity
be able to identify main diseases of
12.5, you should emphasize the fact that the respiratory system and state their
smoking is bad to the lungs. You should causes, signs & symptoms and how to
also highlight other bad habits such as prevent them.
alcoholism, not eating a balanced diet
among others as other ways in which Preparation for the lesson
we expose our respiratory system to
1. This lesson will involve a research
ill health. Advise learners to desist from activity either in the library or using
such practices in order to live healthy the Internet and group work.
2. Bring pamphlets, handouts, and
Lesson assessment textbooks for reference in class.Also,
Assess whether the learning objective of ensure that the Internet is working
the lesson was met by asking questions if you have a computer laboratory
such as: or any other form of Internet
connectivity such as WIFI or modem.

Teaching aids Synthesis
• Reference materials on diseases of Learners have already been taken
the respiratory system. through circulatory system diseases.
Take advantage of their past knowledge
Pre-requisite of the lesson and guide them to do research on the
various respiratory diseases. They
• Introduce the lesson by reminding should at the end appreciate the need
learners about common diseases to prevent/control these diseases as a
that they know or might have come way of living healthy life.
across. Ask probing questions such
Lesson assessment
as: What causes the disease? How
can the disease be controlled? Assess whether the learning objective of
the lesson was met by asking questions
• You can then ask them if they think such as:
respiratory system can be affected
by diseases. Let them do research 1. Give four diseases that affect the
on this. respiratory system.
( A n s : H e a r t a t t a c k , s t ro ke ,
Teaching / learning activities antherosclerosis, high blood pressure
Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page among others)
2. Which signs would you look out for
in order to know when someone is
• Let learners go to the library and
suffering from:
search in textbooks, diseases that
affect the respiratory system and (a) Tuberculosis?
their signs and symptoms. They can (b) Asthma?
also do Internet searches and watch (c) Bronchitis?
videos on the same.
(Ans: Refer to Table 12.3 pages 246 of
• Back in class, put learners in groups Pupil’s book)
depending on the size of the class 3. How would you prevent pneumonia
and the abilities of class members in your locality? (Ans: Refer to table
to harmonize their findings. Let 12.3 pages 246 of Pupil’s book)
them choose a group leader to do
a presentation on their behalf.
• After the presentations, guide
learners to write short notes and
Refer to learner’s book pages 248
draw a table on various respiratory
diseases, their causes, signs &
symptoms and control/prevention Specific objectives
measures. Refer to Pupil’s book By the end of the lesson, learners should
pages 246-247. be able to define suffocation, state its

causes and do first aid to a suffocation suffocation, its causes, and how to
victim. give first aid to a suffocated person.
They can also do Internet searches
Preparation for the lesson and watch videos using the above
1. This lesson will involve a research
activity and group work involving • Back in class, put learners in groups
role play. depending on the size of the class
2. Pre-test the video to confirm and the abilities of class members
that it is working. Use video to harmonize their findings. Let
link: https:www.youtube .com/ them choose a group leader to do
a presentation on their behalf.
3. Bring pamphlets, handouts, and Activity 12.7 – Role play (Refer to
textbooks on first aid for suffocation Pupil’s book page 248)
for reference. • Let learners watch the video using
Teaching aids the link provided above.
• Reference materials on diseases of • Put learners in pairs and let them act
the respiratory system. first aid for suffocation as they saw
in the video. One learner should act
• Video link: https:www.youtube.com/ a victim while the other gives first
watch?v=NXnXAYceSqQ aid. They should then change roles.
Pre-requisite of the lesson Synthesis
Suffocation concept is introduced at this The concept of suffocation may be
level due to the fact that it is a danger relatively new to learners in theory but
that young children as well as adults in practice, they may have come across
face in their daily lives. Ask learners to it. Emphasise the need to know what to
brainstorm about other risks that occur do to both children and adults in case
around them. Such risks involve fire of suffocation.The video should provide
accidents, getting cuts or bruises, electric enough guidance on this. Reinforce this
shocks among others. Ask them what competence by allowing learners to
happens when such incidences occur.Ask role-play first aid for suffocation. You
them to say whether the same should should also stress the need to avoid
happen when one suffocates. activities that may cause suffocation
such as eating too fast, inhaling
Teaching / learning activities poisonous fumes among others.
Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page
248) Lesson assessment
• Let learners go to the library and Assess whether the learning objective of
search in textbooks the meaning of the lesson was met by asking questions
such as:

1. To suffocate is to ___________? achieved and plan remedial activities
(Ans: cause to die by to depriving air or where necessary. Remember, one of
oxygen) the attitudes and values intended at
the end of the topic is for learners to
2. What causes suffocation? develop the habit of taking good care
of their respiratory system and avoiding
(Ans: Chocking, drowning, asthma,
respiratory system diseases and
inhaling poisonous substances) suffocation. Guide learners to observe
3. What should you do to help a these at all times.
suffocation victim? Additional Information for the
(Ans: Refer to pupil’s book page 15)
Some information that may be relevant
Answers to Self-Test 12.1 with regards to the respiratory system
are given below.
Refer to learner’s book page 249
Types and characteristics of res-
piratory surfaces
1. Eating a balanced diet, avoiding
Respiratory surfaces refer to places or
smoking and excessive consumption sites where gaseous exchange occurs
of alcohol, not inhaling poisonous in organisms. Organisms have different
gases, exercising regularly among respiratory surfaces depending on their
complexity and their habitat. Examples
other practices. of specialised structures for gaseous
2. Asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonia, exchange in animals include:
bronchitis, pleurisy, whooping cough. • Cell membrane for example in
3. Choking, drowning, throat infection, amoeba
inhaling poisonous substances, • Tracheal system in insects
physical damage to the airways
• Buccal cavity in frogs
among others.
• Skin in frogs
4. Refer to learners book page 249
• Gills in fish
Summary of the unit
This unit is about learners gaining • Lungs in mammals, birds, reptiles and
knowledge and understanding of the amphibians.
respiratory system and its maintenance Gaseous exchange takes place over
and hygiene. You should effectively use these respiratory surfaces.A respiratory
the suggested activities and the teaching surface must have certain characteristics
approaches in the teacher’s book to help that make it efficient for gaseous
exchange. They include:
learners acquire this competence.At the
end of the lessons, you should assess • Thin walls for faster diffusion of
the extent to which the competency is gases across it.

• It should be moist to dissolve gases (a) Protozoa
as they diffuse across it. Protozoa are single celled organisms.
• It must have a large surface area to Examples of protozoa include Amoeba,
volume ratio for maximum gaseous Plasmodium and Trypanosoma. These
exchange. are microscopic organisms. They are
mainly found in water or in the body
• In animals with a transport system, fluids of other organisms.
the respiratory surface has to have
a rich supply of blood capillaries to The respiratory surface of protozoa is
quickly transport gases to and from the cell membrane. Gaseous exchange
the cells. occurs across the cell membrane
However, not all respiratory surfaces directly by diffusion. Due to respiration,
are in direct contact with the medium the concentration of carbon dioxide
through which gaseous exchange occurs, inside the cell is higher than that in the
such as the water or air around the surrounding water. Therefore, carbon
organism. This presents two difficulties dioxide diffuses out of the organism into
to the cells namely; not getting enough the surrounding.
oxygen, and accumulation of carbon
dioxide at the respiratory surface.
Therefore, there is need for a process that O2
can ensure a continuous supply of fresh
water or air to and from the respiratory
surface. This is achieved by the process
of ventilation which continuously brings
water or air containing more oxygen
to the respiratory surface and removes CO 2
from it water or air containing a lot of
carbon dioxide. Ventilation, therefore, is
important because it maintains a high
diffusion gradient at the respiratory On the other hand, the concentration
surface to ensure a high rate of gaseous of oxygen is higher in the surrounding
exchange. Breathing is an example of water than inside the organism.This gas
ventilation. Learners have already been is continuously used for respiration in
taught about ventilation (breathing)
in mammals. In the next section, we the organism. Oxygen therefore diffuses
present to you additional information from the surrounding water into the
on breathing/ventilation mechanisms in organism.
other organisms.

(b) Insects are filled with a fluid. These ends act as
The respiratory system in insects is respiratory surfaces between the cells
called the tracheal system. It consists and the tracheoles. In small insects,
of spiracles, trachea and tracheoles. simple diffusion is enough to meet their
gaseous exchange requirements. In large
active insects, like grasshoppers, wasps,
bees, and others breathing movements
which ventilate the tracheal system are
necessary to increase the efficiency of
gaseous exchange.
Each spiracle has a muscular valve, which
can be opened or closed to regulate the (c) Bony fish
flow of air. There are also hairs in the In bony fish, the respiratory structures
spiracles, which prevent excessive loss of are the gills.The bony fish have four gills
water by evaporation from the tissues. on each side of the body. The gills are
located inside a cavity in the head region
known as the operculum cavity. Each
Air sac side of the fish has an operculum cavity
which has an opening to the outside of
Tracheoles the fish known as the opercular opening.

Blood vessel

The spiracles open into large tracheal Eye

tubes called tracheae (singular trachea).
These tubes are strengthened with
spiral bands of chitin to keep them
open at all times. There are several
large air sacs, which are connected to The gills are protected by a thick gill
the tracheal tubes. The tracheae are cover or operculum on both sides of
the body near the head. This is a fold of
subdivided into microscopic tubes (with
skin made stiff by a bony plate.The gill of
a diameter of about 0.1mm) called
bony fish consists of a set of long, curved
tracheoles. Tracheoles penetrate the bony structures called gill bars, see Fig.
body tissues and are in direct contact 12.5.A large number of long thin-walled
with all the living cells.They lack the and moist gill filaments project from
spiral bands of chitin and their ends each gill bar. The curved shape of the

gill bar allows for more filaments to fit (d) Amphibian
on it. The filaments are richly supplied In an amphibian such as a frog, the
with blood due to the presence of many respiratory structures are three i.e. the
capillaries. The respiratory surface of mouth cavity, the skin and the lungs.
the gill on the gill filaments is a layer of
cells, exposed to the surrounding water (i) The mouth
on one side and to blood vessels on
The mouth or buccal cavity of a frog is
the other. The thin surface allows rapid the space just inside the mouth.The lining
diffusion of carbon dioxide and oxygen of the buccal cavity is thin and is also
between water and the blood. richly supplied with blood capillaries.
It is kept moist by mucous membrane.
The gill bar has bony teeth-like structures Gaseous exchange takes place through
called gill rakers on the opposite side the lining of the mouth cavity. When the
of the gill filaments. The gill rakers face frog lowers the floor of its mouth, the
the mouth and prevent food and other volume in it increases but the pressure
decreases. Air is sucked into the mouth,
solid materials in water from reaching
through the nostrils.
the delicate filaments.

Gill filaments

Gill rackers

Gill bar

Gaseous exchange in the fish occurs Since the lining of the mouth is moist,
between the gill filaments and water. oxygen dissolves in the moisture, and
This means that there has to be contact diffuses into the blood capillaries
between water and the gill filaments. beneath. Carbon dioxide diffuses from
the blood capillaries into the mouth
Such contact is brought about by
cavity. When the floor of the mouth is
ventilation processes of inspiration and raised, this reduces the volume in the
expiration, which continuously bring mouth cavity, increases the pressure and
in and remove water from the gills. air is expelled via the nostrils.
This water gets into the mouth, passes
over the gills and leaves through the
opercular cavity.

CO 2 out Gaseous exchange across the al-
veoli in lungs of human beings
Gaseous exchange at the alveolus takes
place between the phases of inhalation
and exhalation. Figure 12.7 shows that
the alveolus is a suitable point for
gaseous exchange because:

• It is supplied with blood, which

carries the gases being exchanged.
(ii) Skin • It has a very thin wall across which
gases diffuse between it and the
In most land animals, the skin has a
tough, waterproof epidermis for
protection against injury and excessive • It is lined with a thin film of moisture
water loss. It is not suitable for gaseous to dissolve the diffusing gases.
exchange. Therefore most organisms • A ventilation process brings in and
that live on land do not use the skin as takes away air containing the gases
a site for exchange of gases. being exchanged.
In the frog’s skin, however, the amount • The lungs has a very large number
of protective covering in the epidermis of alveoli to increase their surface
is small. The skin is thin and richly area for gaseous exchange.
supplied with blood vessels kept moist
CO 2
by secretions from glands. The frog’s
skin is therefore suitable, for gaseous

(iii) Lungs O2
The frog has two lungs, which are
connected, to the buccal cavity through
a small passage with a valve. The inner CO 2
surface of the lungs is thin, moist and is
richly supplied with blood capillaries. It
also has tiny folds which increase the O2
surface area for exchange of gases.
Lungs in frogs work largely like those
of human beings.

Oxygen in air in the alveolar space is
3. (a) Chest – ribs move upwards and
at a higher concentration than that
outwards thereby increasing the
in the blood capillaries. It therefore
first dissolves in the water layer in the volume of the chest cavity. Lungs
alveolar lining then diffuses across the – expand allowing air in.
alveolus and then the capillary walls (b) Chest – Ribs move downwards
into the red blood cells. This becomes and inwards thereby reducing the
oxygenated blood, which is carried to
volume of the chest cavity. Lungs
the heart by the pulmonary vein. On the
other hand, carbon dioxide in the blood - contract thereby expelling the
diffuses across the capillary and alveolus air.
walls into the alveolar space and is 4. Hairs, mucus. It prevents entry of
eventually expelled during exhalation. germs that can cause diseases into
the body.
Answers to Unit Test 12 (Pupil’s book
pages 250) 5. Diaphragm

1. Just like a car needs fuel, human 6. Refer to Activity 12.4 page 246
beings require oxygen foe respiration
pupil’s book.
that provides the body with energy
to occur. 7. Carbon dioxide, oxygen.

2. (a) To increase the supply of oxygen 8. Inhalation, exhalation

to muscle tissues to meet increased
9. C
10. Refer to Activity 12.5 page 243 of
(b) Because our body tissues are
the learners book.
starved of oxygen when we hold our
breath. 11. Exercising, eating a balanced diet,
avoiding smoking and excessive
drinking of alcohol.

Extension activities to cater for slow and gifted learners
Remedial activities for slow Extended activities for gifted and
learners talented learners
1. Modelling the lungs. 1. Performing dissection of mouse or
rabbit after demonstration by the
2. Drawing and tracing the path of air in
the respiratory system (they should
use red colouring for oxygen and 2. Leading group discussions and doing
blue colouring for carbon dioxide. presentations on behalf of group
3. Coming up with a table on differences
between circulatory system and 3. Summarizing lessons following
guidance from the teacher.
respiratory system on manila papers
and hanging them on classroom 4. Carrying out additional research, for
walls. example on mechanism of gaseous
exchange at the alveolar level and
ventilation in other animals such as
fish, frog and insects.
Remedial questions for slow Extended questions for gifted
learners learners
1. Name two gases involved in 1. Relate the structure of the respiratory
respiration ________ and _________ system to its functions.

2. The trachea is also called ________ 2. Account for darkened lungs in

3. Gaseous exchange in the lungs takes smokers?

place inside the _____________ 3. Using diagrams show the difference
4. (a) What is most likely to happen between breathing in and out.
if the string is pulled down in the 4. Would you rather eat apples and
diagram below?____________
grapes or chew sugarcane? Why?
(b) What will happen if the rubber sheet
is pushed upwards_____________?

Answers to remedial questions Answers to extended questions

1. Oxygen and carbon dioxide 1. (a) Trachea, bronchi and bronchioles

2. Wind pipe are lined with tough substance
3. Air sacs or alveoli made of cartilage, which prevents
them from collapsing.
4. (a) Balloons will expand
(b) The nose and nostril has hairs
(b) Balloons will reduce in size
and mucous which filter dust
particles and germs.
(c) There are numerous alveoli,
which increase surface area for
gaseous exchange.
(d) The walls of alveoli are very thin
to reduce distance travelled by
gases during gaseous exchange.
(e) Alveoli are surrounded by a
network of blood capillaries
which supply them with blood.
2. The smoke gets into the lungs,
interfere with or stain lung tissues
which makes them appear dark.
This reduces efficiency of gaseous
3. Eat apples and grapes. They are
good for healthy lungs as opposed
to sugar from sugar cane which
affects the lungs.

UNIT Reproductive system
13 (No. of Periods 14)
Refer to the Learner’s Book pages 251 - 266
Key unit competency three categories of learning objectives,
After studying this unit, the learners that is, knowledge and understanding,
should be able to explain the function skills acquisition and attitude and values.
of male and female genital organs, the
At the end of the unit, learners should
prevention, transmission and treatment
have knowledge and understanding of
of STIs and HIV and AIDS and state ways
the reproductive system and have the
of preventing unplanned pregnancy.
right attitude towards preventing STIs
Learning objectives and taking good care of the reproductive
Competency based curriculum embraces system.

Table 13.1 Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values

By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit,
learners should be able learners should be able learners should be able
to: to: to:
ˆˆ Show concern for the
ˆˆ Explain the ˆˆ Clean external
care of genital organs
main function of genital organs
in order to prevent
reproductive system. regularly. diseases.
ˆˆ Explain how boys and ˆˆ Demonstrate how ˆˆ Appreciate the
girls have different to use a condom to importance of asking
external and internal avoid pregnancy. questions about the
reproductive organs. genital organs.

ˆˆ Explain the purpose/ ˆˆ Be aware of signs ˆˆ Be aware of the
function of human and symptoms of importance and need
reproductive system. common STIs and to abstain from sex.
ˆˆ Describe how to prevent HIV and AIDS. ˆˆ Use basic methods of
unplanned pregnancy. ˆˆ Use condoms contraception safely.
ˆˆ Explain the social and correctly and ˆˆ Be non-judgmental of
health consequences consistently people who have STIs
of unwanted or early or HIV and AIDS.
ˆˆ Adhere to ARVs.
pregnancy. ˆˆ Be aware of
ˆˆ Care for someone
ˆˆ Describe the danger of confidentiality,
with HIV and AIDS
procuring an illegal or avoiding
ˆˆ Negotiating safer stigmatization or
unsafe abortion.
sex practices. adjudging people
ˆˆ Describe common STIs.
having STIs or HIV
ˆˆ Explain the transmission and AIDS.
prevention and treatment
ˆˆ Show concern
of common STIs.
for personal
ˆˆ Explain the basic facts responsibility as
about HIV and AIDS. a way to protect
ˆˆ Analyze how to prevent oneself against STIs
and treat common STIs and HIV and AIDS.
and HIV and AIDS. ˆˆ Show respect and
ˆˆ Explain available compassion towards
treatment for HIV and people living with HIV
ˆˆ State how to live ˆˆ Show concern about
positively with HIV and voluntary counselling
AIDS patients. and testing and its
ˆˆ Be aware of risk
reduction strategies
for STIs and HIV and

Pre-requisite of this unit the infected. This topic will therefore in
Learners are already privy to many body a nutshell enable learners realize the
system such as digestive, circulatory and need for a reproductive system, what
respiratory systems. In this class learners makes it up in both males and females
will learn about the reproductive and and how to stay responsibly in general
respiratory systems. Take advantage to avoid problems that are associated
of learners prior knowledge when with the reproductive system such as
teaching this unit. Further during the early pregnancy and STIs.
lessons, strive to bring to the awareness
Cross-cutting issues to be
of learners the fact that this topic
is related to reproductive health in
biology. Let learners understand that 1. Comprehensive sexuality
at this level, they may only need the education
basic information otherwise, details of Emphasize the need for learners
functioning of the reproductive system to take good care of themselves in
will be learnt in high school and later in order to avoid early pregnancy, STIs
life when they specialize in gynaecology and HIV and AIDS. Stress the fact
branch of medicine. that diseases such as HIV and AIDS
have no cure hence they should
avoid them at all costs. Emphasize
Just like the circulatory and reproductive abstinence until marriage. Also, this
systems, let learners understand that topic is about contraceptives. Let
reproductive system is one of the many learners appreciate the need of
body systems. It is the system that helps using contraceptives later on when
in procreation. REMEMBER – the they form families.
difference between sexual and asexual
reproduction should be emphasized then 2. Gender education
narrow down to sexual reproduction Bring to the attention of learners
of which this topic is about. Also, the fact that reproductive health
let learners understand that they affects people of all genders and that
will be covering diseases that affect it is not a preserve of women only.
the reproductive system (STIs), early Emphasize the fact that STIs and HIV
pregnancy and how to deal with it. and AIDS affects people of all gender
Finally, learners will learn about HIV therefore the need for all to play
and AIDS and how to live positively with their part in preventing the diseases.

Also, emphasize to learners that should be made to take care of
anybody irrespective of their gender learners with special needs. For
can pursue a carrier in medicine example, provide brail for blind
and specialize in Gynaecology. Give learners, large print text for those
examples of role models who are with sight problems and allocate
successful gynaecologists in the area physically challenged learners to
where the learners come from. others to assist them during field
trips and practical activities. Further,
3. Standardization culture
this category should be given tasks
Emphasize the need to visit qualified that they can manage during the
personnel when seeking medical practical sessions.
help with regard to the reproductive
system. Also, they should always go 6. Environment and
for quality and approved medicine/ sustainability education
contraceptives. Bring to the attention of learners
the fact that contraceptives such
4. Financial education
as condoms, coils and diaphragms
Learners should be made aware can contaminate the environment
of the fact that taking proper care hence there is need to dispose
of themselves will help them avoid them of properly. They can be well
STIs and other diseases such as wrapped in tissue paper then thrown
HIV and AIDS. They will also avoid in dustbins to await being dumped
unwanted pregnancy and in the long into garbage sites.
run, save money by avoiding costs
that are associated with treatment
and taking care of pregnancy and Generic Competences
1. Co-operation and
5. Inclusive education interpersonal management

All learners should be encouraged and life skills

to participate during lessons and During group discussions and

practicals. Special arrangement pair-work let learners engage

one another by giving a chance questions and during question and
for all to participate. Also, during answer sessions to either introduce
group presentations, you can or wrap up the lessons.
allow rotational presentations
within the group members. Gifted 4. Critical thinking and problem
learners should help in coming up solving skills
with presentation content as slow This competence will be developed
learners contribute. REMEMBER by learners as they answer the
You should allow slow learners to probing questions such as those on
do presentations as well and correct page 270 at the beginning of this unit
them where they go wrong. Advise and as they discuss the results of the
learners to appreciate the different various practical activities. Guide
abilities of their group members and learners to discover for themselves
accommodate each other’s views. how teenage pregnancies can be
avoided and how to stay free from
2. Research skills STIs and HIV and AIDS.
Guide learners on how to find out
This competence will also come
information regarding various topics
about as learners think about their
such as the different parts that
findings in the activities and as they
make up the reproductive systems,
give out their suggestions on why
STIs and HIV and AIDS and the
this is the case.
consequences of early pregnancy.
Guide learners on how to come up 5. Lifelong skills
with summarized notes from a large
Behaving responsibly in general
body of text. You should also guide
creates a habit of taking care of
learners on doing Internet searches
oneself. For example, when learners
for the various content areas they
behave responsibly, they avoid
are looking for.
problems such as early pregnancy
3. Communication in English and HIV and AIDS. Learners can also
pass this habit to others through
Communication in English will be
training or by being role-models
improved when learners freely
or through mentorship. Also, make
participate in the discussions
learners aware that they can
and presentations. Encourage all
become doctors and particularly
learners irrespective of their abilities
gynaecologits if they take this topic
to participate in-group discussions,
during presentations by asking

Key words in this unit and their • Sexual intercourse – Sexual
meanings union between a male and a female
• Abstinence (or to abstain) – the organism involving insertion of the
act or practice of restraining oneself penis into the vagina.
from indulging in something, for
• Teenagers – A boy or a girl at
example sexual intercourse.
puberty, usually between the ages
• Contraceptive – this term refers of 13 – 20 years.
to a devise, medicine or any other
substance that prevents pregnancy. • Tubal ligation – This is a method
of female sterilization in which the
• Fertilization – Fusion of male and
female gametes to form a zygote. fallopian tubes are usually surgically
The zygote later develops into tied or cut.
embryo, foetus then finally baby.
• Vasectomy – This is a method of
• Opportunistic disease – any male sterilization in which the sperm
infection caused by a microorganism ducts are usually surgically tied or
that does not normally cause disease cut to prevent passage of semen.
in human beings. It usually occurs in
persons with abnormally functioning • Zygote – This is the cell resulting
immune systems such as those with from the union of an ovum and a
HIV and AIDS. sperm.
• Pregnancy – This is the term
used to refer to the period from
conception until childbirth. Guidance on the problem
• Pre-marital sex – This term refers
to engaging in sexual intercourse In this topic, you will teach about the
before marriage. reproductive system in both males
and females. You will teach about
• Reproduction – this is a term that
refers to any of various processes, pregnancy and family planning. As a
by which an animal or a plant way of introducing reproduction, refer
produces one or more individuals the learners to the picture on page 251
similar to itself. It can be either of their books and guide the learners to
sexual (involving male and female discuss the conversation of the family
gametes) or asexual (no gametes members in the picture. It is about a
are involved).

family that cannot take care of itself wekll. Through it, learners should realise that
bearing children requires proper family planning.

Attention to special educational needs

Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning

–– Slow learners can point at the –– Allocate roles like holding charts
various parts on the charts as gifted and dismantling models like the
learners name the parts and explain reproductive system model to
their functions. learners with physical disabilities.
–– Gifted learners can be performing
–– Provide brail for blind learners
the actions during practical activities
and large print text to learners
as slow ones make observations and
take notes. For example, in activities with seeing difficulties. Provide sign
13.5 and 13.9. language alphabet symbols and sign
language interpreters for the deaf.
–– Both gifted and slow learners to
be given equal opportunity to lead –– Also, arrange learners such that
in group discussions and to do shortsighted ones are at the front
presentations of group findings to and long-sighted ones are at the
the rest of the class.
back. Spectacles can as well be
–– Ensure all learners respect provided if available.
other’s views irrespective of their
shortcomings or talents.

List of lessons
Lesson No. Lesson title No. of periods
1. Function of the human reproductive system 1
2. Parts of the male reproductive system and their 2
3. Parts of the female reproductive system and 2
their functions
4. Differences between male and female genitalia 1
5. Early (teenage) pregnancy and its consequences 2
6. How to avoid unplanned (unwanted) 1
7 Dangers of illegal abortion 1
8. Common STIs and their prevention 2
9. Basic facts about HIV and AIDS 1
10. Treatment and prevention of HIV and AIDS and 1
living positively with HIV and AIDS patients

Preparation for the lesson

1. This lesson will involve individual
research work and group discussions.
You will therefore organize the class
as need arises during the lesson.
REMEMBER: When grouping
Refer to learner’s book pages 251-252
learners, you should consider the
different abilities of learners and the
Specific objectives special needs for various individuals.
By the end of the lesson, learners should 2. Look for textbooks, handouts,
pamphlets and other materials on
be able to explain the function of the
reproductive system.
human reproductive system. 3. Ensure the internet is working
properly before the lesson for
leaners to use to do research.

Teaching aids 3. From the probing questions, learners
• Textbooks, handouts and pamphlets may mention reproductive system.
Take advantage and introduce it.
• Computers connected to the
Internet. Teaching / learning activities
• Activity 13.1 (Refer to Pupil’s book
page 251)
Pre-requisite of the lesson
1. Introduce the unit as explained • This is a research activity to be done
under guidance on the problem by individual learners. Let learners go
statement above then narrow to the library to read textbooks on
down to this lesson. what reproductive system is and its
2. You may remind learners about the function and write summary notes.
circulatory and respiratory systems They can also use the textbooks
they learnt about in the previous and handouts or pamphlets, which
units. Ask questions such as: you will provide. If the school has
(a) What is circulatory system? Internet connectivity, guide learners
(Ans: system that transports blood to visit sites where they can get this
throughout the body) information. For example: http://
www.scholar.google.com or by
(b) How about respiratory
simply searching reproduction using
google search engine.
(Ans: System that takes fresh air into
and stale air out of the lungs) • Guide learners to discover the role
of reproductive system, which is to
(c) What is their importance? create new individuals for continuity
(Ans: Circulatory system distributes
of species. (You may need to stress
oxygen, food nutrients and other
materials throughout the body and the fact that without reproduction,
also helps to remove body wastes; species will become extinct).
Respiratory system provides body • At this point, you may inform
tissues with oxygen which is required
learners that reproduction can be
for respiration).
sexual or asexual.
(d) Do you think the body
has other systems apart from • Ask learners how they plant
circulatory and respiratory sugarcane or sweet potatoes,
system? (Ans:Yes) Which ones? then what happens. Emphasise the
(Ans: Excretory system, reproductive fact that this is a form of asexual
system). reproduction where gametes are
not involved.

• You can then narrow down to Specific objectives
human beings and ask learners how By the end of the lesson, learners should
they think babies come into being.
be able to identify the different parts
Let them know that this is a form
of sexual reproduction and that it of the male genitalia and explain their
involves reproductive systems for functions.
both males and females.
Preparation for the lesson
1. This lesson will involve individual
This lesson introduces learners to research work and group activity.
the human reproductive system. You will therefore organize the class
Learners should discover what the term as need arises during the lesson.
reproduction means and the important
REMEMBER: When grouping
role played by reproductive system in
learners, you should consider the
organisms which is to perpetuate a given
different abilities of learners and the
species (ensure that it doesn’t become
extinct). special needs for various individuals.
2. Look for textbooks, handouts,
Lesson assessment pamphlets and other materials on
Assess whether the learning objectives of reproductive system.
the lesson was met by asking questions
3. Ensure the Internet is working
such as:
properly before the lesson for
1. What did you learn in this lesson? leaners to use to do research.
(Ans: Meaning of reproduction and
function of reproductive system in Teaching aids
human body.) • Textbooks, handouts and pamphlets.
2. Of what significance is reproductive
• Computers connected to the
(Ans: Ensures continuity of a given
species.) IMPROVISATION: You may come up
with a well-painted diagram on male
genitalia on a manila paper and use it
instead of charts.

Refer to learner’s book pages 252

Pre-requisite of the lesson • Guide learners to draw and label the
• You may remind learners about internal and external male genitalia
what they learnt in the previous in their notebooks. Correct them
lesson. Ask questions such as: where appropriate.

(i) What is reproduction? • In the second period of the lesson,

(Ans:The process of giving rise to young give learners a chance to do research
ones of own kind). on the functions of the various parts
of the male genitalia. Let them write
(ii) What is the role of reproductive
summary notes then share with
system in human body?
other group members.
(Ans: Helps with reproduction or
bringing up new individuals). • Let the learners in each group
choose a group leader to help them
• By now, learners have a rough idea
summarize their points on functions
what reproductive system and its
function is hence you can now delve of the various parts of the male
further into the components of the genitalia in a table format. He or
reproductive system. she should then do a presentation
to the rest of the class on behalf of
• Let learners know that we have male
the group.
and female reproductive systems.
Emphasize the fact that they will • Summarise the lesson by describing
learn about the male reproductive
the functions of the various parts as
system in this lesson.
learners note down main points.
Teaching / learning activities
Activity 13.2 (Refer to Pupil’s book
page 252) From the previous lesson, learners
already have an idea what reproductive
• Provide learners with charts showing
system is. The activities carried out
both internal and external male
during this lesson should help learners
genitalia. Let them study the charts
in groups. dicover the various organs that make
up the male reproductive system both
• In their groups, they can play a game
internally and externally and appreciate
of pointing and naming the various
their functions in a reproductive process.
parts. Let one member point at a
part as others name the part.

Lesson assessment Preparation for the lesson
Assess whether the learning objectives 1. This lesson will involve individual
of the lesson were met by asking research work and group activity.
questions such as: You will therefore organize the class
as need arises during the lesson.
1. What makes up external male REMEMBER: When grouping
genitalia? learners, you should consider the
(Ans: Penis, testicles and scrotum.) different abilities of learners and the
2. What is the function of: special needs for various individuals.
(a) Urethra? 2. Look for textbooks, handouts,
(Ans: Lets out semen during pamphlets and other materials on
copulation) reproductive system.
3. Ensure the Internet is working
(b) Sperm duct? properly before the lesson for
(Ans: Passage for sperms from leaners to use to do research.
epididymis to urethra.)
Teaching aids
(c) Seminal vesicles? • Textbooks, handouts and pamphlets.
(Ans: Produce semen together • Computers connected to the
with prostate and cowper’s glands. Internet.
Semen helps in transporting
IMPROVISATION: You may come up
3. Do you think male genitalia are with a well painted diagram on female
same or different from female genitalia on a manila paper and use it
genitalia? instead of charts.
(Ans: Different)
Introduction to the lesson
• You may remind learners about
what they learnt in the previous
lesson. Ask questions such as:
1. What is male genitalia made of:
(a) externally? (Ans: Scrotum, penis,
Refer to learner’s book pages 253 testicles).
(b) Internally? (Ans: Urethra, seminal
Specific objectives
vesicles, cowper’s gland, sperm duct,
By the end of the lesson, learners should and epididymis).
be able to identify the different parts of (c)Do you think in females, the
the female genitalia and explain their internal genitalia are different
functions. from the external genitalia? (Ans:

• Let learners know that the male and • Summarise the lesson by describing
female reproductive systems are the functions of the various parts of
different. Emphasize the fact that one the female genitalia as learners note
is designed to produce ova (female) down main points.
and the other to produce sperms
and introduce them into the female
genitalia during copulation (male). From the previous lesson, learners
already have an idea what male
Teaching / learning activities reproductive system is made of. Borrow
Activity 13.3 (Refer to Pupil’s book the same leaf and help learners discover
page 253) the various organs that make up
the female reproductive system both
• Provide learners with charts showing internally and externally and help them
both internal and external female appreciate the functions of these parts
genitalia. Let them study the charts in a reproductive process.
in groups.
Lesson assessment
• In their groups, they can play a game
Assess whether the learning objectives
of pointing and naming the various
of the lesson were met by asking
parts. Let one member point at a
questions such as:
part as others name the part.
1. What makes up internal female
• Guide learners to draw and label genitalia?
the internal and external female (Ans: Ovary, fallopian tube, uterus,
genitalia in their notebooks. Correct vagina and cervix)
them where appropriate.
2. What is the other name of:
• In the second period of the lesson,
(a) Uterus? (Ans:Womb)
give learners a chance to do research
on the functions of the various parts (b) Fallopian tube? (Ans: Oviduct)
of the female genitalia. Let them (c) Vagina? (Ans: Birth canal)
write summary notes then share
3. Where does fertilization take place
with other group members.
in female genitalia? (Ans: Fallopian
• Let the learners in each group tube)
choose a group leader to help them 4. Differentiate between Batholin
summarize their points on functions gland and clitoris? (Ans: Bartholin
of the various parts of the female gland – produces chemical substances
genitalia in a table format. He or like hormones, Clitoris – flap of flesh in
she should then do a presentation external female genitalia that is very
to the rest of the class on behalf of sensitive to touch).
the group.

Lesson 4: Differences between Pre-requisite of the lesson
male and female genitalia • You may remind learners about
Specific objectives what they learnt in the previous
By the end of the lesson, learners lesson. Ask questions such as:
should be able to differentiate between 1. What is male genitalia made of:
male and female parts of the human externally? (Ans: Scrotum, penis,
reproductive system. testicles).
2. What is female genitalia made of
Preparation for the lesson
externally? (Ans: labia mijora and
1. This lesson will involve review
minora, vulva, clitoris and Bartholin
of the previous two lessons as a
class and group activity. You will
therefore organize the class as • At this point, you can introduce
need arises during the lesson. Activity 13.3.
REMEMBER: When grouping Teaching / learning activities
learners, you should consider the
Provide learners with charts showing
different abilities of learners and the
both internal and external female and
special needs for various individuals.
male genitalia. Let them study the charts
2. L o o k f o r m a l e a n d f e m a l e in groups.
reproductive system charts.
Guide learners to draw and label the
3. Ensure the Internet is working internal and external male and female
properly before the lesson for genitalia in their notebooks.
leaners to use to do research.
Let them compare the external genitalia
Teaching aids for males and female in pairs. Ask them
• Textbooks, handouts and pamphlets. to state any similarities or differences
that they noted.
• Computers connected to the
Internet. Let them repeat the step above but
this time using the internal structure of
IMPROVISATION: You may come up
male and female genitalia. They should
with your summary table on differences
come up with a list of similarities and
between male and female genitalia on
differences as well.
a manila paper.

Summarize the lesson by guiding the learners to come up with a table on similarities
and differences between the male and female genitalia.A sample table is given below.

(a) Similarities
1. Both have urethra
2. Both have internal and external parts which are different
(b) Differences
Male genitalia Female genitalia
1. Externally is made up of scrotum, 1. Externally is made up of labia
testicles and penis. mijora and minora, clitories and
bartholin gland.
2. Internally is made of urethra, sperm 2. Internally is made of ovary, oviduct,
duct, epididymis, seminal vesicles uterus, vagina and cervix.
and prostate and Cowper’s glands.
3. Produces and deposits sperms into 3. Produces ova and receives sperms
the female reproductive system. from the male reproductive system.

REMEMBER: Emphasize the need differences between the male and female
for learners to clean their genitals genitalia and come up with a table on
regularly in order to avoid diseases. the same as shown above.
This should particularly be done to girls
especially when they are undergoing Lesson assessment
menstruation. Capture this as a cross Assess whether the learning objectives
cutting issue under Reproductive health of the lesson were met by asking
and comprehensive sexuality education.
questions such as:
Synthesis 1. What are the similarities between
This lesson is meant to consolidate what male and female genitalia?
learners were taught in lessons 2 and 3
about the external and internal genitalia (Ans: Both have internal and external
of males and females. Help learners parts, which are different; both have
discover the various similarities and urethra)

2. What are the differences between: Teaching aids
(a). Female and male Internal • Textbooks, handouts and pamphlets.
genitalia? (Ans: Refer to table • Computers connected to the
above) Internet.
(b). Female and male external • Posters on consequences of teenage
genitalia? (Ans: Refer to table pregnancy and warning against
above) irresponsible behaviour


You may come up with posters bearing

warnings against irresponsible sexual
behavior that may lead to teenage
Refer to learner’s book pages 256
Specific objectives
Introduction to the lesson
By the end of the lesson, learners
should be able aware of what teenage • You may introduce the lesson by
pregnancy and its consequences asking probing questions such as:

Preparation for the lesson 1. What is pregnancy? (Ans:The period

1. This lesson will involve individual between conception and birth).
research work and group work.You 2. Have you ever seen a pregnant
will therefore organize the class mother? (Ans:Yes).
as need arises during the lesson. 3. Is pregnancy good or bad? (Ans: It
REMEMBER: When grouping may be good or bad depending on the
learners, you should consider the
person who has become pregnant).
different abilities of learners and the
special needs for various individuals. • You can then guide learners to the
discussion activity on page 260 in
2. Look for textbooks, handouts,
order for them to discover what
pamphlets and other materials on
teenage pregnancy. pregnancy is and the consequences
of early pregnancy.
3. Ensure the Internet is working
properly before the lesson for
leaners to use to do research.

Teaching / learning activities • Challenge learners to think about
• Refer learners to the pictures on what they can do to prevent early
page 257 of their book. Put them in pregnancy. Emphasise ABSTINENCE
groups based on their abilities and though later on under contraceptives,
class size then let them talk about you may tell learners to develop a
what is happening in the pictures. habit of using condoms as a way
Their discussion should also include of preventing pregnancy and STIs
what will happen to both the boy in case they are tempted to have
and the girl. sexual intercourse!
• Guide them to find out what the • Let the learners in each group
difference between early pregnancy choose a group leader to help them
and unplanned pregnancy is. summarize their points on what
REMEMBER: Early pregnancy is pregnancy is, signs of pregnancy and
also known as teenage pregnancy
consequences of early pregnancy. He
whereas unplanned pregnancy is
or she should then do a presentation
unwanted pregnancy, which
to the rest of the class on behalf of
occurs between couples by accident.
the group.
• Emphasise the signs of pregnancy
• Summarise the lesson by highlighting
as highlighted in the pupil’s book
key points.
page 260 This will prepare girls to
be in a position to know when they REMEMBER: Emphasize the importance
are pregnant by accident and take of ABSTINENCE as a cross cutting
necessary precautions. issue under Reproductive health and
Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page comprehensive sexuality education.
• Guide learners to do research as This lesson is about early pregnancy
guided on page 256 of their book. and its consequences. Take your time
Let them write short notes and to emphasize the side effects of early
share with their friends once they pregnancy and caution learners against
come back to class.
irresponsible sexual behaviour.
• Initiate a discussion on what the
consequences of early pregnancy Lesson assessment
are. Let the learners contribute Assess whether the learning objectives
points as their group leader notes of the lesson were met by asking
them down.
questions such as:

1. What is early pregnancy? (Ans: demonstrations. You will therefore
Getting pregnant before marriage) organize the class as need arises
during the lesson. REMEMBER:
2. How is it different from unplanned When grouping learners, you should
p re g n a n c y ? ( A n s : U n p l a n n e d consider the different abilities of
learners and the special needs for
pregnancy is that that is not planned various individuals.
for. It mostly happens by accident).
2. Look for textbooks, handouts,
3. Which signs would you look out pamphlets and contraceptives such
as condoms, pills, diaphragms, coils
for if you suspect your friend is
among others.
3. Ensure the Internet is working
(Ans: Refer to learner’s book page 284) properly before the lesson for
leaners to use to do research.
4. Give three consequences of early
pregnancy. Teaching aids
• Contraceptives such as condoms,
(Ans: Refer to learner’s book pages
pills, diaphragms and coils, pipe,
284-285) string, some water in a tin.
• Charts on vasectomy and tube
• Textbooks, handouts and pamphlets.
• Computers connected to the
Refer to learner’s book pages 257 Internet.

Specific objectives Pre-requisite of the lesson

• You may introduce the lesson by
By the end of the lesson, learners should showing the learners the various
be aware of the methods to use in contraceptives. Ask them what they
order to prevent unplanned (unwanted) think they are and their use.
pregnancy. • Most learners may have come
across a condom. Take advantage
Preparation for the lesson of this and introduce the concept of
1. This lesson will involve individual use of condom as a contraceptive.
research work, group work and

Teaching / learning activities REMEMBER: Emphasise the
• Refer learners to page 285 of their importance of using a condom during
book. Let them find out more about sexual intercourse as a cross cutting
the various methods used to prevent issue under Reproductive health and
pregnancy individually. Let them find comprehensive sexuality education.This
out how the methods work and their will help prevent unwanted pregnancies
advantages and disadvantages. and STIs including HIV and AIDS.
• Back in class, put them in groups • Narrow down to the permanent
based on their abilities and class size methods of family planning. i.e.
then let them talk about what their vasectomy and tube ligation.
findings were.
• Let learners do some research on
• Guide learners in each group what vasectomy and tube ligation
to choose a group leader to do are.
presentation to other class members
on behalf of the group. • Show learners the char ts on
vasectomy and tube ligation. Put
• Highlight the main points about each
them into groups. Let them recall the
contraception method emphasizing
their advantages and disadvantages structure of internal genitalia both
for males and females. They should
• For condoms, carry out a class draw them in their notebooks.
demonstration on proper use of a
condom. • Narrow down to the cut or folded
areas in the diagrams. Let them
Activity 13.5 (Refer to Pupil’s book identify what has been done to these
page 258) parts.
• Using a penis model or a ripe • To hammer the point home ,
banana, demonstrate to learners demonstrate using a tied pipe and
how to put on a condom properly.
open pipe and water. Pour some
REMEMBER: Emphasize to
water in an open pipe. Let learners
learners the importance of proper
say what happens. Next, tie the pipe
putting on of condom to avoid
bursting or tearing. using a string. Let them say what
• Let learners individually put on
a condom on the model or ripe • Relate the findings above to what
banana. They should repeat this happens in either vasectomy or tube
several times until they become ligation. Let learners write summary
familiar. notes and draw the diagrams in
their notebooks.

REMEMBER: Emphasise the advantages pregnanc y – getting pregnant
and disadvantages of tube ligation and accidentally).
the necessity to seek consent of your 2. Name two contraceptives that you
partner in a marriage relationship know.
before carrying out tube ligation or
(Ans: diaphragm, condoms, coils,
norplant, spermicides, depo-provera)
Synthesis 3. ––––––––––– (Vasectomy) is to men
This lesson is about creating awareness whereas –––––––– is to women.
about unplanned pregnancies and (Ans: tube ligation).
how to avoid them. Take your time to 4. Write IUD in full.
emphasize the need to avoid getting (Ans: Intra-uterine device)
children who are not planned for
through use of contraceptives. Proper
use of condoms in particular should
be emphasized and the proper use of
the various contraceptives. You should
also emphasize the advantages and Refer to learner’s book page 259
disadvantages of the various methods
for the learners to make informed Specific objectives
choices when they grow up. By the end of the lesson, learners should
be aware of the dangers of illegal
IMPORTANT: Remember to emphasize abortion.
the fact that the contraception methods
are not necessarily meant for use by Preparation for the lesson
learners at this level. It is meant for 1. This lesson will involve individual
educative purposes so the learners research work and group discussion.
should know what to do when they You will therefore organize the class
get married. At this stage, emphasize as need arises during the lesson.
learners, you should consider the
Lesson assessment different abilities of learners and the
Assess whether the learning objectives special needs for various individuals.
of the lesson were met by asking 2. Look for textbooks, handouts,
questions such as: pamphlets and other materials on
1. Differentiate between early abortion. You may also look for a
pregnancy and unplanned video on consequences of abortion.
pregnancy. Use the link: https://www.youtube.
(Ans: Early pregnancy - Getting com/watch?v=8GzjO14Yetc. Test
pregnant before marriage; unplanned it before the lesson to ensure it is

3. Ensure the Internet is working • Highlight the main points about
properly before the lesson for dangers of abortion as learners
leaners to use to do research. write summary notes.

Teaching aids REMEMBER: Emphasise the importance

• Video link: https://www.youtube. of not engaging in illegal abortion as a
com/watch?v=8GzjO14Yetc. cross cutting issue under Reproductive
health and comprehensive sexuality
• Charts on consequences of abortion. education. This will help prevent risks
• Textbooks, handouts and pamphlets and dangers associated with illegal
on abortion. abortion.

• Computers connected to the Synthesis

Internet. This lesson is about creating awareness
Introduction to the lesson about illegal abortion. Use the video
to effectively pass across the message.
• You may introduce the lesson by
Emphasize dangers of abortion and most
asking learners what abortion is. Let
importantly possibility of dying during
them look for its meaning either in
abortion. Also, bring to the attention of
textbooks, handouts, pamphlets or
learners the fact that ABSTINENCE is
the internet.
the surest way to avoid abortion and
Teaching / learning activities its effects.
• Let learners carry out research what
Lesson assessment
abortion is and its dangers and risks.
They can do this using textbooks in Assess whether the learning objectives
the library or the internet. of the lesson were met by asking
questions such as:
• Show learners the video on abortion.
Let them watch as they note down 1. What is abortion? (Ans: Removing
summary notes regarding the risks unborn child pre-maturely)
and dangers of abortion. 2. What are the dangers of abortion?
(Ans: Refer to pupil’s book page 259)
• Using the information from the
video and textbooks, let the learners
summarize their findings and share
with other class members.

• Video link on STIs i.e. https://
w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /

Refer to learner’s book pages 260 Pre-requisite of the lesson

• Introduce the topic by reminding
Specific objectives
learners about common diseases
By the end of the lesson, learners should that they know or might have come
be able to: across. Ask probing questions such
• Describe common STIs. as: What causes the diseases?
How are they controlled?
• Explain the transmission, prevention
and treatment of common STIs. • You can then ask them if they think
Reproductive system can be affected
Preparation for the lesson by diseases. Let them do research on
1. This lesson will involve a research this.
activity either in the library or using
the Internet and group work. Teaching / learning activities
Activity 13.6 (Refer to Pupil’s book
2. Bring pamphlets, handouts, and
page 260)
textbooks for reference in class.
Also, ensure that the Internet is • Let learners go to the library
working if you have a computer and search in textbooks or the
laboratory or any other form of internet, diseases that affect the
Internet connectivity such as WIFI reproductive system which are
or modem. sexually transmitted and their signs
3. Test whether the video link and symptoms.
- h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m / • Let them watch the video on sexually
watch?v=SyJwEUIUOzk is working. transmitted diseases through the
link above. They should write short
Teaching aids
notes on:
• Reference materials on sexually
transmitted infections diseases, their –– Signs and symptoms of the
causes, signs and symptoms and diseases

–– Their cause 1. Name common STIs that you
–– Mode of transmission know. (Ans: Heart attack, stroke,
antherosclerosis, high blood pressure
–– Control and prevention
among others)
• Back in class, put learners in groups
2. What causes
depending on the size of the class
and the abilities of class members (a) Syphilis? (Ans: bacteria)
to harmonize their findings. Let (b) AIDS? (Ans: HIV (Virus)
them choose a group leader to do (c) Vaginal candidiasis? (Ans: Fungi)
a presentation on their behalf. 3. Give two symptoms each of
• After the presentations, guide (a) Gonorrhoea?
learners to write short notes and (Ans: Refer to table 13.2 pages
draw a table on various STIs, their 260-261 Pupil’s book)
causes, signs & symptoms and
(b) Chancroid?
control/prevention measures.
(Ans: Refer to table 13.2 page
Synthesis 298 Pupil’s book)
This lesson is about creating awareness 4. What is the most effective way of
of STIs particularly gonorrhoea, syphilis, preventing STIs? (Ans: Abstinence)
chancroid and candidiasis. Guide
learners to discover by way of research
and watching the video, the causes, signs
and symptoms and prevention/control
measures of the diseases.They should at Refer to learner’s book pages 262
the end appreciate the need to prevent/
control these diseases as a way of living Specific objectives
healthy life. By the end of the lesson, learners should
be able to:
Lesson assessment
Assess whether the learning objective of • State the meaning of HIV and AIDS.
the lesson was met by asking questions • Explain the cause of HIV and AIDS.
such as:

• Describe how HIV and AIDS is 1. What are STIs? (Ans: Sexually
transmitted. transmitted infections)
2. Can you name some STIs that
• Describe the symptoms of HIV and
you know? (Ans: Syphylis, gonorroea,
AIDS. chancroid, HIV and AIDS)

Preparation for the lesson • Amongst the STIs the learners are
1. This lesson will involve a research likely to name is HIV and AIDS.Take
activity either in the library or using advantage of this and introduce the
basic facts about HIV and AIDS.
the Internet and group work.
2. Bring pamphlets, handouts, and Teaching / learning activities
textbooks for reference in class. Activity 13.8 (Refer to Pupil’s book
page 262)
Also, ensure that the Internet is
working if you have a computer • Let learners go to the library and
laboratory or any other form of search in textbooks or the Internet,
what HIV and AIDS is, its cause, how
Internet connectivity such as WIFI
it is transmitted and its signs and
or modem. symptoms.
3. Test whether the video link
• Let them watch the video on HIV
h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /
and AIDS through the link provided
watch?v=17pfZUlAqow is working
above.They should write short notes
or any other relevant video link.
Teaching aids –– Signs and symptoms of the
• Reference materials on HIV and disease
AIDS – may include textbooks, –– Its cause
magazines, hand outs and pamphlets.
–– Mode of transmission
• Video link on HIV and AIDS such
–– Its progression
as:https://www.youtube .com/
watch?v=17pfZUlAqow –– Signs and symptoms
• Back in class, put learners in groups
Pre-requisite of the lesson depending on the size of the class
• Introduce the lesson by reminding and the abilities of class members
learners about the STIs they learnt to harmonize their findings. Let
about in the previous lesson. Ask them choose a group leader to do
probing questions such as: a presentation on their behalf.

• After the presentations, highlight
the main points as learners come
up with summary notes.
This lesson is about creating awareness
about HIV and AIDS and preventing its Refer to learner’s book pages 263
spread. As you may be aware, HIV and
AIDS is a major concern by various Specific objectives
governments in the world including
By the end of the lesson, learners should
Rwanda. As a result, measures have
be able to:
been put in place to prevent and control
its spread. Guide learners to discover • Explain available treatment for HIV
by way of research and watching the
and AIDS and how to prevent it.
video, the causes, mode of transmission
and signs and symptoms of the disease. • State how to live positively with HIV
They should at the end appreciate the and AIDS patients.
need to prevent/control this disease as
a way of living healthy life. Preparation for the lesson
1. This lesson will involve a research
Lesson assessment
activity either in the library or using
Assess whether the learning objectives
the Internet and group work.
of the lesson were met by asking
questions such as: 2. Bring pamphlets, handouts, and
1. What do HIV and AIDS stand for? textbooks for reference in class.
(Ans: H - human, I - Immunodeficiency, Also, ensure that the Internet is
V - Virus; A - Acquired, I – Immune, D - working if you have a computer
Deficiency, S – Syndrome. laboratory or any other form of
2. What causes AIDS? (Ans: HIV) Internet connectivity such as WIFI
or modem.
3. What are opportunistic infections?
(Ans: Diseases that take advantage of
weakened immune system to attack
the body)

Teaching aids used to reduce SEVERITY of the
Reference materials on HIV and AIDS – disease by boosting immunity and
may include textbooks, magazines, hand reducing the viral load as opposed
outs and pamphlets. to treating the disease.

Pre-requisite of the lesson • Back in class, put learners in groups

depending on the size of the class and
• Introduce the lesson by reminding
the abilities of class members. Let
learners about what they learnt
them discuss how to live positively
on prevention and control of STIs.
with people living with HIV and
Let them list the methods in their
AIDS. They should also discuss the
challenges that HIV positive people
• Remind learners that HIV and AIDS or their relatives go through. Let
is an example of an STI. Seek their them choose a group member to
opinion about whether they think harmonize their points and do a
HIV and AIDS can be controlled in presentation to the rest of the class.
a similar way.
• Highlight the main points as learners
Teaching / learning activities come up with summary notes.

Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page 262) • This topic was mainly about good
sexual behaviour and proper
• Let learners go to the library and
decision-making. Wrap up the topic
search in textbooks, magazines,
by learners dramatizing on this as
pamphlets and handouts or the
explained in this activity.
Internet, how HIV and AIDS can be
controlled or prevented.They should REMEMBER: Emphasize the necessity
also find out whether HIV and AIDS to avoid HIV and AIDS infection as a
can be treated, if so, using which cross-cutting issue under reproductive
drugs? health and comprehensive sexuality
education. Also, bring to the attention
• Highlight the main points as learners
of learners the fact that ARVs are
come up with summary notes.
Refer to Pupil’s book pages 262-263
Emphasize the fact that ARVs are

nowadays available to reduce the 3. Explain why drug abuse increases
severity of the disease. Equally important the chance of getting HIV and AIDS.
is - discrimination of people living with (Ans: It compromises the persons’
HIV and AIDS should strongly be ability to think straight hence the
condemned. person may engage in irresponsible
sexual behaviour)
4. How would you handle a person
This lesson is about creating awareness
living with HIV and AIDS? (Ans:
about prevention of HIV and AIDS. As
Taking good care of them, helping
mentioned earlier, HIV and AIDS is a
them get medical attention if need be,
major concern by various governments
showing them love, assisting them to
in the world including Rwanda. As a
take ARVs, etc)
result, measures have been put in place
to prevent and control its spread. Guide
learners to discover by way of research, Answers to Self-Test 13.1
the various methods to use to prevent Refer to learner’s book pages 256
the spread of HIV and AIDS. They 1. Seminal vesicles
should at the end appreciate the need
to prevent/control this disease as a way Sperm
of living healthy life.
gland Urethra
Lesson assessment Epididymis
Assess whether the learning objectives
of the lesson were met by asking 2. L a b i a m i j o r a , l a b i a m i n o r a ,
questions such as: Bartholin’s gland, clitoris and vulva.
1. Write ARV in full? (Ans: Anti-Retro- 3. Uterus Fallopian
Virus) tube

2. How can you avoid HIV and AIDS?

(Ans: Refer to pupil’s book page 263)

Summary of the unit with regards to the reproductive system
This unit deals with two major areas: are given below.
the organs of the reproductive system
Importance of reproduction
and sexually transmitted infections and
pregnancy.You should effectively use the • Reproduction ensures continuity of
suggested activities and the teaching individual members of a species.
approaches in the teacher’s book to
• It results in the perpetuation of life
help learners acquire the competence
on earth and increase in populations
on parts that make up male and female
of living organisms.
genitals and their functions.
• Good and desirable traits are also
Further, the suggested activities and
videos should help you drive home the maintained through reproduction.
risks and dangers associated with early
Reproduction in human beings
pregnancy and sexually transmitted
diseases including HIV and AIDS and Human beings like all other mammals
the necessity to stay safe. Emphasise the carry out internal fertilisation where the
need for learners to behave responsibly male and female gametes meet and fuse
in order to avoid these diseases and inside the body of the female to form
pregnancy in general. At the end of a zygote, which then later develops
the lessons, you should assess the into an embryo. The embryo further
extent to which the competencies have develops into foetus, which completes
been achieved and attitude change its development within the womb into a
towards responsible behaviour. Plan baby.The baby is then born in a process
remedial activities where necessary. called parturition. After giving birth, the
REMEMBER, one of the attitudes and female parent nurtures the young one
values intended at the end of the topic with milk produced from the mammary
is for learners to develop the habit of glands. Human beings have complex
taking good care of themselves and and elaborate reproductive system.The
avoiding reckless and irresponsible reproductive system involves the male
behaviour. and female genitals as have been taught.
These organs are specialized to produce
Additional information for the respective gametes, transfer and receive
teacher them for fertilization to occur.
Some information that may be relevant

The sperm
This is the male reproductive cell
(male gamete). The sperm has an oval
head with large nucleus and a long
whip-like tail for swimming. (See the Nucleus
figure below)

Fig. 13.1 A sperm cell

A sperm has a long whip-like tail used Fig.13.2 A mature ovum

for propulsion (swimming). Sperms
Role of hormones in reproduction
are produced in large numbers to in human beings
increase their chances of survival. The
Hormones are chemicals secreted
large number of mitochondria located
at the neck region provide enough by special glands in the body called
energy needed for propulsion.The large endocrine glands. These hormones
Acrosome are transported via the bloodstream
Head to specific organs called target organs.
Middle piece
The hormones cause specific effects
in the target organs, which regulate
or coordinate various body activities.
Hormones that influence sexually
nucleus helps the sperm cell to carry related changes in the body are called
a lot of genetic information. The lytic sex hormones. Hormones control the
enzymes in the acrosome digest the egg entire process of reproduction from the
membrane to facilitate fertilisation. development of the reproductive features
The ovum at puberty to pregnancy and birth.
Hormones also control the shedding of
The human ovum is a large cell of about
the (lining of the uterus) endometrium
0.1mm in diameter.The outer membrane
every month i.e. menstruation.
known as vitelline membrane encloses
the plasma membrane, which surrounds (a) Females
the yolk containing cytoplasm. Right In girls, follicle stimulating hormone
at the centre of the ovum is a nucleus (FSH) stimulates the ovaries to produce
encircled by a nuclear membrane. oestrogen and progesterone.

Oestrogen is responsible for the The average length of the menstrual
development of the female secondary cycle is 28 days. It can however be
sexual characteristics.The ovaries start as short as 24 days or as long as 35
producing ova and this leads to the first days. The first day of the menstrual
menstruation also known as menarche. period can be regarded as day 1 of
At first, it is irregular and unpredictable. the menstrual cycle. During this time,
Within a year the hormone levels the endometrium is shed from the
increase and monthly menstruation uterus through the cervix and vagina
periods become more regular. In some together with some blood.
people, pains may be experienced
due to the progesterone hormone,
(b) Males
which causes the uterine muscles
At puberty, the human male pituitary
to contract. These are commonly
gland in the brain secretes follicle
known as muscle cramps. Oestrogen
stimulating hormone (FSH) and
hormone also triggers Graafian follicle
l u t e i n i s i n g h o r m o n e (L H ) , F S H
to develop and mature. This brings
stimulates the production of sperms
about release of ovum under the
from the germinal epithelium while LH
influence of Luteinising Hormone brings about secretion of testosterone
(LH), in a process called ovulation. hormone by interstitial cells. In boys,
the interstitial cell-stimulating hormone
is taken to the interstitial cells in the
Menstruation is the discharge of testes. It stimulates these cells to secrete
uterine tissue lining and blood through testosterone, which is responsible for
the vagina in females. Menstruation the development of the male secondary
only takes place when fertilisation sexual characteristics.
does not occur. All these events are
under the influence of hormones.
These events are cyclic which means Fertilisation
that the whole sequence repeats Fertilisation in human being takes
itself once every month in what is place in the oviduct. Once the sperms
called the menstrual cycle. During are ejaculated from the penis into the
this cycle, the uterus is prepared for vagina, they swim and are also propelled
implantation. If fertilisation does not through the cervix, uterus and into the
occur, the new uterus lining and the oviducts where they may meet an ovum.
ovum are discharged from the uterus. This normally occurs in the upper part

of the oviduct.There are about 50 to 200 oviduct. Movement of the zygote is aided
million sperms in a single ejaculation, by the beating of cilia found on the
although only one sperm fertilises an oviduct. As it moves down the oviduct,
ovum. it undergoes a series of cell divisions to
form a hollow mass of cells known as
When the sperms and an ovum meet, the blastocyst. It develops fingerlike
the head of a sperm sticks onto the projections called villi which attach it
ovum. The action of the sperm causes to the endometrium of the uterus. It is
the follicle cells surrounding the egg to then referred to as an embryo.
disperse. Eventually, the nucleus of one
Development of the embryo
sperm passes into the cytoplasm of the
The period within which the embryo
ovum along with the head and middle grows and develops into a fully
piece leaving the tail outside.The sperm grown baby is known as gestation
nucleus fuses with the nucleus of the period. In humans, gestation period
ovum.This fusion of the sperm and ovum lasts for 38–40 weeks (9 months).
nuclei is known as fertilisation. The The cells of the embryo continue to
egg membrane changes its structure divide and grow, until they become
after one sperm penetrates to prevent organised into all the different body
other sperms from entering the ovum. organs. When this is completed the
The fertilised ovum is called a zygote. embryo is known as foetus.

Umbilical cord


(Birth canal)

Fig. 13.4 Development of the embryo

Fig. 13.3 The process of fertilisation
The feotus further develops into a full-
Implantation grown baby which is born at the end of
Implantation is the process by which the 9 months.
the zygote becomes embedded onto the
uterus walls. After fertilisation, a zygote
is formed. The zygote moves down the

Healthy pregnancy The mother should ensure that she goes
For a baby to be healthy and be to a health facility to give birth for safe
born safely, the mother has to take delivery and avoid complications that
care of herself well during the period might harm the baby. If any complication
of pregnancy. The care given during arises during birth, it is easier for health
gestation period is called prenatal or practitioners like a nurse or doctor to
antenatal care. A pregnant woman identify and deal with them.
should ensure that;
Child Birth
• She eats a well balanced diet and In the last stages of pregnancy before
may incorporate more iron and folic a baby is born, it normally turns upside
acid foods to prevent anaemia. Poor down with its head just above the cervix.
nutrition affects development of the Progesterone hormone levels in the
foetus. mothers blood drops. This stimulates
• She does not take any drugs unless the pituitary gland to release another
they are prescribed by a doctor and hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin
are necessary. flows in the blood to the uterus where it
simulates the muscles of the uterine wall
• She does light exercises but avoids to contract.The waves of contraction of
doing heavy work and lifting heavy these muscles results to pain commonly
loads. called labour pain. The amnion
ruptures and the amniotic fluid passes
• She avoids taking harmful substances
out through the vagina (also known as
that could harm the baby. She should
birth canal). The uterine contractions
not drink or smoke since smoking
become stronger and more frequent
may cause miscarriage and reduce
and the cervix dilates to let the baby’s
the baby’s birth weight. Heavy
head pass through.The foetus is pushed
drinking could also damage the
downwards through the cervix into the
brain of the baby.
birth canal.The birth canal is elastic and
• She wears comfortable flat-heeled it widens allowing the baby to be born
shoes to avoid falling. as the mother pushes. After birth, the
umbilical cord is cut followed release of
• She attends antenatal clinics where
the placenta.
she is given medical advice and
gets vaccinated for example, an
anti-tetanus vaccine and German
measles if at risk of containing the

Answers to Unit Test 13 (Pupil’s book 13. Because it is risky and dangerous.
page 265)
1. F o r p r o c r e a t i o n t h e r e b y 14.
guaranteeing continuity of species. Disease Cause Prevention
2. (a) Refer to Fig. 13.2 on page 255 Candidiasis Fungi Avoiding
of pupil’s book. s e x u a l
(b) Refer to Fig. 13.4 on page 259 intercourse
of pupil’s book. or using a
3. Testicle, ovary.
Syphilis Bacteria A v o i d i n g
4. Sperms, urine. s e x u a l
5. (a) Womb intercourse
(b) Fallopian tube or using a
(c) Birth canal
Chancroid Bacteria A v o i d i n g
6. Refer to pupil’s book pages 299-300 s e x u a l
7. (a) Seminal vesicle (b) prostate intercourse
gland (c) sperm duct or using a
(d) urethra condom
(e) Epididymis (f) Penis
(g) Testis (h) Scrotum 15. (i) – (c); (ii) – (d); (iii) – (b); (iv) – (a)
8. C 16. D
9. C
17. D
10. Provide medical care when needed,
show him or her love and affection, 18. Assess learners as they dramatise a
keep them clean all the time, ensure boy seducing a girl.The girl refuses,
they take balanced diet, give them goes on with her education and
ARVs, comfort them.
excels in exams.The girl eventually
11. Missing periods, mood swing,
goes to university, studies medicine
frequent urination, white discharge
from vagina, spotting, nausea and (or any other profession) and is
frequent urination. proud of what she is together with
12. Refer to content on page 284-285 her family members.
pupil’s book.

Additional activities to cater for slow and gifted learners
Remedial activities for slow Extended activities for gifted and
learners talented learners
1. Helping the teacher to collect 1. Reading the pamphlets, newspaper
pamphlets, newspaper cuttings, cuttings, magazines and handouts
magazines and handouts on various and summarizing the information.
topics on reproductive system and 2. Helping the teacher to come up
reproduction in general. with improvised charts with various
2. Help with labeling of parts of painted drawings on parts of male
drawn charts. and female genitalia.
3. Acting during role-plays. 3. Coming up with scripts to dramatize
4. Reading group reports to group/ during role-play.
class members. 4. Compiling group reports and doing
5. To be given homework on content presentations.
areas taught. 5. To be given research work on the
various content areas learnt. For
example, the role of hormones
in reproduction, how ova and
sperms are manufactured, the
process of fertilization and embryo
development, etc.

Remedial questions for slow Extended questions for gifted

learners learners

1. Name the parts that make up 1. Relate the structure of the male
external male genitalia. reproductive system to its functions.
2. Why do we say early pregnancy is 2. Compare and contrast vasectomy
unwanted? and tube ligation.
3. Which of these parts act as a 3. Using diagrams show the difference
pathway for sperms? (sperm duct, between external male and female
epididymis) genitalia.
4. Name the parts shown in the 4. Demonstrate how you would use a
diagram below. male condom.

5. Given a choice between use of a
C female condom and pill, which one
would you go for? Why?
6. Taking care of HIV and AIDS
patients is not a choice. Explain this

5. Which of these is not a contraceptive?

(Vasectomy, coil, pill)
6. Is abortion bad or good? Why?
7. Name any three sexually transmitted
diseases that you know.
Answers to remedial questions Answers to extended questions

1. Penis, scrotum, testicles. 1. Refer to the adaptations to functions

of the various of the male genitalia
2. B e c a u s e i t h a p p e n s b e f o re
as explained in pupil’s book pages
recommended time and causes 255.
problems to the girl who in most
2. Similarities – they all work work
cases is supposed to be going to
by blocking the union between
school. sperms and ova. In both cases, the
3. Sperm duct tube involved is either tied or cut.
Differences – vasectomy is done
4. (A) Ovary (B) Fallopian tube (C) in males, tube ligation is done in
Uterus (D) Cervix (E) Vagina females. Vasectomy is done on the
5. Vasectomy sperm duct, tube ligation is done on
the oviduct.
6. Bad – it may lead to death or cause
3. Let learners follow the steps as
permanent health complications. highlighted in Activity 13.8 pages
7. Gonorhoea, syphilis, chancrod, 266 of pupil’s book.

5. Condoms. They are 98% effective
compared to pills which are 92%
6. In Rwanda it is a criminal offence
to discrimate against HIV and
AIDS patients. Everybody has a
responsibility of taking good care
of the patients and giving them
support where required.

UNIT Energy management
14 (No. of Periods 12)
Refer to the Learner’s Book pages 267-292

Key unit competency that is, knowledge and understanding,

skills acquisition and attitude and values.
After studying this unit, learners
At the end of the unit, learners should
should be able to understand the use
have knowledge and understanding of
of energy and its transformations from
one form to another. energy management systems and have
the right attitude towards conserving
Learning objectives
Competency based curriculum embraces
three categories of learning objectives,

Table 14.1 Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values

By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit,
learners should be able to: learners should be able to: learners should be able to:
r Define the concept r Make relevant r To develop an
of energy. choice of the best form awareness of the wise
r List the forms of of energy to use. use of energy.
energy. r Perform basic r To show concern
r Explain ways of experiments related to about the consequences
energy transformations/ energy transformations. of the use of particular
conversations. source of energy to the
r Explain the impor- environment.
tance of energy.

r Identify the main r To represent r To do advocacy of
sources of energies. in a diagram the the use of renewable
r Identify and explain transformation of energy energy.
renewable energies and in different forms. r Be aware of the
state some examples. r To maintain basic existence of renewable
r Describe the solar and biogas energy energy resources.
components of a installations. r Develop positive
biogas and solar power attitude towards solar
installations. power and biogas.
r Explain advantages
of using renewable

Pre-requisite of this unit

Under energy management learners This topic mainly deals with the various
will be taught about what energy is, the
forms of energy, their sources and the
various forms of energy, its importance
various transformations that they
and the various energy transformations
undergo. Emphasize the fact that at
in our daily lives. Remember learners
this level, learners will be restricted to
have already tackled some aspects of
mechanical, chemical, thermal, electrical,
energy in primary 5. For example, they
learnt about light, its properties and electromagnetic and elastic forms of
electricity as a form of energy. Borrow energy. Learners should be made aware
on the pupils’ experiences in these of the sources of these forms of energy
areas to introduce the concepts in this and how to convert from one form
topic.Also during the lessons, strive to another. Finally, the unit winds up
to bring to the awareness of learners by emphasizing the various renewable
the fact that this topic is related to sources of energy and how to install and
forms of energy in Physics. Let learners maintain solar and biogas plants.
understand that at this level, they
Cross-cutting issues to be
may only need the basic information
otherwise; details of energy generation
and usage are taught in Physics in more 1. Gender education
Both boys and girls can assemble

biogas digester and a solar facility. It 5. Environment and
is not a preserve of the boy gender. sustainability education
Also, emphasize to learners that Bring to the attention of learners the
anybody irrespective of their gender fact that some of the devices in this
can pursue a carrier in engeering unit such as broken bulbs, used dry
and energy conservation specialist. cells, spoilt car batteries, solar panels
Give examples of role models who and generators are environmental
are successful engineers in the area hazards. They should appropriately
where the learners come from. be disposed of including some being
2. Standardization culture taken for recycling.
Emphasize the need to use certified Generic competences
energy equipment. Caution learners
against using counterfeits which 1. Co-operation and
may lead to accidents or injury of interpersonal management
users. and life skills
During group discussions and
3. Inclusive education pair-work let learners engage
All learners should be encouraged one another by giving a chance
to participate during lessons and for all to participate. Also, during
practicals. Special arrangement group presentations, you can
should be made to take care of allow rotational presentations
learners with special needs. For within the group members. Gifted
example, provide brail for blind learners should help in coming up
learners, large print text for those with presentation content as slow
with sight problems and allocate learners contribute. REMEMBER
physically challenged learners to You should allow slow learners to
others to assist them during field do presentations as well and correct
trips and practical activities. Further, them where they go wrong. Advise
this category should be given tasks learners to appreciate the different
that they can manage during the abilities of their group members and
practical sessions. accommodate each other’s views.
4. Financial education 2. Research skills
Learners should be made aware Guide learners on how to find
of the fact that they need to save information regarding various topics
energy.This they can do by switching such as the meaning of energy
of energy utilizing equipment when transformation, renewable energy
not in use. Also, buying quality and non-renewable energy. Guide
equipment will lead to saving money learners on how to come up with
in the long run as they stay for long summarized notes from a large
and costs on repair are reduced. body of text. You should also guide
learners on doing Internet searches

for the various content areas they reducing unnecessary expenses
are looking for. on maintenance and repair of
the various energy equipment
3. Communication in English learners will be using throughout
Communication in English will be their lives. Further, knowledge of
improved when learners freely working and maintenance of biogas
participate in the discussions and solar panel plants will help in
and presentations. Encourage all provision of energy in future. Also,
learners irrespective of their abilities make learners aware that they can
to participate in-group discussions, become engineers of energy utilizing
during presentations by asking or generating devices if they take
questions and during question and this topic seriously.
answer sessions to either introduce
or wrap up the lessons.
Key words in this unit and their
4. Critical thinking and problem
solving skills
This competence will be developed • Biofuel – a gaseous, liquid, or solid
by learners as they answer the substance of biological origin that
probing questions such as those on is used as a fuel.
page 281 at the beginning of this unit • Biogas – a gas, mainly methane
and as they discuss the results of the that is produced by the action of
various practical activities. Guide bacteria on organic waste matter
learners to discover for themselves often used as a fuel.
the various energy transformations
that occur in various instances, foe • Conduction – The process by
example, when we eat food, when we which heat moves through solids.
fuel a vehicle and start the engine, • Convection – The process by which
when we connect an electric circuit, heat travels through liquids.
etc.This competence will also come
about as learners think about their • Crude oil – A term often used to
findings in the activities and as they refer to unrefined petroleum. It is a
give out their suggestions on why mixture of diesel, petrol, kerosene,
this is the case. bitumen among others.
• Current electricity – Electricity
5. Lifelong skills
in motion or a form of electricity
Knowing how to handle the
found in things like dry cells, car
various sources of energy without
batteries, hydro-power, generators
incurring energy loses will help in
among others.
conserving energy and by extension,

• Electrical appliance – any device charge, often created by friction,
that uses current electricity. consisting of stationary ions that
do not move. It is the opposite of
• Energy – Capacity to do work. current electricity.
• Energy transformation – • Windmill – a piece of equipment
Changing energy from one form that extracts usable energy from
to another. winds.
• Non-renewable energy – these
refer to sources of energy that can Guidance on the problem
get exhausted. statement
• Nuclear energy – Form of energy
which is as a result of nuclear In this unit, you will teach about the
reaction such as fission or fusion. various forms of energy, their sources,
• Photosynthesis – The process by energy transformations and renewable
which green plants make their own
and non–renewable energy sources. As
food using energy from the sun.
a way of introducing these concepts, of
• Radiation – The process by which
heat travels through a vacuum. pupil’s book page 267. It shows children
using a tin lamp to study. The light is
• Renewable energy – these
refer to sources of energy that not sufficient and it is producing alot of
cannot get finished or exhausted. smoke.The children are not aware that
They can either be recycled or
re-used. Examples include solar there are other sources of light like solar
energy biofuels, hydro-power or and biogas that give clean light and
geothermal power.
can easily be installed anywhere in the
• Solar panel – a piece of equipment, country. Let them brainstorm and give
usually installed on a roof, that
absorbs energy from the sun to altenative energy as a solution to the
heat water or turn it into electricity. problem situation in the picture.
• Static electricity – an electrical

Attention to special educational needs

Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning

–– Gifted learners can assemble the –– Allocate gifted learners to help

variousequipment during practical fellow learners with special needs.
activities as slow ones make –– Provide brail for blind learners
observations and take notes. and large print text to learners
–– Both gifted and slow learners to with seeing difficulties. Provide sign
be given equal opportunity to lead language alphabet symbols and sign
in group discussions and to do language interpreters for the deaf.
presentations of group findings to –– Also, arrange learners such that
the rest of the class. shortsighted ones are at the front
–– Ensure all learners respect and long-sighted ones are at the
other’s views irrespective of their back. Spectacles can as well be
shortcomings or talents. provided if available.

List of lessons

Lesson No. Lesson title No. of periods

1. Meaning and importance of energy 1
2. Forms of energy 1
3. Energy transformations 5
4. Sources of energy 1
5. Renewable sources of energy: Solar energy 2

6. Renewable sources of energy: Biogas 2

above then narrow down to this lesson.

Teaching / learning activities

• You may begin the lesson by asking
learners probing questions such as:
have you ever heard of the word
Refer to learner’s book pages 267
‘energy? What does it mean?
Specific objectives
Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page
By the end of the lesson, learners should
be able to: 267)

• Define the term energy. • This is a research activity to be

done by individual learners. Let
• Explain the importance of energy. learners go to the library to read
textbooks on the meaning of
• List the various forms of energy.
energy, its various forms and its
Preparation for the lesson importance. (Remember – In this
• This lesson will involve individual lesson, you will only concentrate
research work and group discussions. on the meaning and importance
You will therefore organize the class of energy). They can also visit sites
as need arises during the lesson. where they can get this information.
REMEMBER: When grouping For example: http://www.scholar.
learners, you should consider the google.com or by simply searching
different abilities of learners and the the phrase ‘meaning of energy’ using
special needs for various individuals. google search engine.

• Ensure the internet is working • Guide learners to discover the

properly before the lesson for definition of energy, which is ‘the
leaners to use to do research. ability to do work. (You may need to
stress the fact that without energy,
Teaching Aids nothing will go on the surface of
• Computers connected to the the Earth).
Internet. • Emphasise the fact that for work to
• The diagram on page 267 of Pupil’s be done, effort must be applied.This
Book. effort is the energy that is required
to do work.
Pre-requisite of the lesson
Introduce the unit as explained under This is a research activity to be done by
guidance on the problem statement individual learners as well. Let learners

go to the library to read textbooks on such as:
the importance of energy. Guide them 1. What is energy?
to answer the questions in this activity. (Ans: Ability to do work).
Answers to questions: 2. Of what significance is energy in
1. To gain energy to do work and to our lives?
sustain body functions. (Ans: Refer to pupil’s book page 319).
2. The vehicle will not move.
3. P l a n t s w i l l n o t b e a b l e t o
manufacture food.
4. From various sources such as hydro, Refer to learner’s book pages 268
geothermal, generators, batteries
(dry cells among others.
Specific objectives
• Help learners to relate the answers
to the above questions to uses or By the end of the lesson, learners should
importance of energy in our lives. be able to list and describe the various
• Let them give examples where forms of energy.
various forms of energy are used.
Preparation for the lesson
• Wind the lesson by letting learners 1. This lesson will involve individual
carry out a discussion activity on research work, pair work and
the importance of using energy to
group activities. You will therefore
the economy of Rwanda.
organise the class as need arises
Synthesis during the lesson. REMEMBER:
This lesson introduces learners to the When grouping learners, you should
concept of energy. Learners should consider the different abilities of
discover what the term means and the learners and the special needs for
important role energy plays in our lives. various individuals.
2. Look for textbooks, handouts,
pamphlets and other materials on
Lesson assessment
forms of energy.
Assess whether the learning objectives of
3. Ensure the Internet is working
the lesson was met by asking questions properly before the lesson for

leaners to use to do research. activity above. At the end of the
activity, they should compare the
Teaching aids cooked and uncooked potatoes.
• Electric heater, matches and match
boxes, kerosene/charcoal stove, • Let learners answer the probing
sources of fuels such as firewood, questions in this activity. Answers:
charcoal, kerosene, etc; pen or comb, Cooked potato is softer. The heat
pieces of paper, file, iron bar, rubber from the fire made the potato softer.
bands, etc.
• Guide the learners to understand
• Textbooks, handouts and pamphlets the relationship between energy
on forms of energy. in fuels ( kerosene, charcoal and
• Computers connected to the firewood) and the cooking action
Internet. i.e. the chemical energy stored in
the fuels provides the energy used
Improvisations: during cooking.
Old bicycle or car tubes can be cut to
• Emphasise the fact that similar thing
obtain rubber sheets for making catapult happens in our bodies where stored
to demonstrate elastic energy. energy in foods is used to help us do
various activities. The same applies
Pre-requisite of the lesson to store energies in batteries and
• You may remind learners about the dry cells.
research that they conducted in
lesson 1 above. From the research, • Wrap up the section by asking
let them come up with a list of forms learners to name other things that
of energies.Their list should include contain chemical energy.
chemical, mechanical, thermal,
electrical, magnetic and elastic (b) Heat energy
Activity 14.3 (Refer to Pupil’s book
• Let learners know that they are now page 269)
going to conduct various activities
to help them understand the various • Ask learners to name some sources
forms of energies further. of heat that they know. They can
also say what the heat is used for.
Teaching / learning activities
• Guide learners to conduct the
(a) Chemical energy activity above. At the end of the

Activity 14.1 (Refer to Pupil’s book

page 267)
• Guide learners to conduct the

activity, they should the source of • Guide learners to conduct the
warm in their hands and rubbed activity above. At the end of the
surfaces. activity, they should conclude that
the comb or the biro pen case are
• Let learners understand that able to pick the pieces of paper due
whenever two surfaces are rubbed, to static electricity that is induced
during rubbing.
heat energy is produced. The heat
energy causes the feeling of warmth. • You may wrap up the section by
asking learners to come up with
• You may wrap up the section by a list of uses of electricity in our
explaining the difference between homes.
conduction, convection and
radiation. Refer to pupil’s book page (d) Electromagnetic energy
302. Activity 14.5 (Refer to Pupil’s book
page 271
(c) Electrical energy • Let learners observe the items in
the picture.
Activity 14.4 (Refer to Pupil’s book
page270) • You may also bring some of the
magnets to class. Ask learners
• Let learners observe the items in Whether they have seen those
the pictures. things. Some may say ‘yes’ while
others ‘no’. Take advantage of the
• You may also bring some of these yes group and ask what learners
things to class. Ask learners to think they are used for.
name the things and say what
• At this point, you can introduce
they are used for. Ask them to say the concept of magnetic force and
the common denominator about magnetism as a form of energy.
the things – which is ‘ they all use REMEMBER – This topic will
electricity’. exhaustively be covered in Unit 15
so do NOT delve into much details
• You can then challenge learners to at this point.
say what electricity is. Let them do
simple research on this. (e) Mechanical energy
• Begin this section by asking learners
• Tell them that electricity is actually whether they think energy can be
electrical energy, which is as a result in motion. Ask them to say what
happens when water is poured from
of movement of current. a container.
• At this point, you can mention static • Take advantage of their discussions
and current electricity and explain and introduce the concept of kinetic
the difference between the two. or mechanical energy in motion.

Activity 14.6 (Refer to Pupil’s book • Summarise the lesson by highlighting
page 271) the various forms of energy. 8. Let
• Guide learners to conduct the learners come up with a list.
activity above. At the end of the
activity, they should conclude that
the heat is produced during rubbing Using the various activities in the
because of mechanical energy pupil’s book, let learners discover the
(movement back and forth). The differences between the various forms
same thing happens when rubbing of energy and come up with a list at the
a matchstick on matchbox and this end of the lesson.
causes fire.
Lesson assessment
(f) Elastic energy Assess whether the learning objectives
of the lesson were met by asking
Activity 14.7 (Refer to Pupil’s book
questions such as:
page 272)
• Ask learners whether they know 1. Which forms of energy do you
the thing in the diagram (Ans: know?
Catapult). Ask them to say what it (Ans: chemical, mechanical, thermal
is or it can be used for and why. (heat), electrical, electromagnetic and
elastic energies).
• You can then let them make their
own catapult and play with it (use 2. A catapult has __________ form of
it to throw stones).Ask them to also energy. (Ans: Elastic)
throw stones using their hands. 3. What causes heat when two objects
• Learners should then compare are rubbed together?
which is more effecting at throwing (Ans: Mechanical energy)
a stone (catapult or bare hands?) 4. Distinguish between current and
• Take advantage of their discussions static electricity.
and introduce the concept of elastic (Ans: Current is electricity in motion,
energy which is the energy stored static is electricity caused by creation
in things that stretch such as rubber of charges)
bands. 5. Energy in motion apart from being
• You could also give learners other mechanical, can also be known as
examples of elastic materials such ___________.
as springs (Ans: Kinetic energy)

• Computers connected to the
Energy Internet.

• Old bicycle or car tubes can be cut
Refer to learner’s book pages 273 to obtain rubber sheets for making
catapult to demonstrate elastic
Specific objectives energy.
By the end of the lesson, learners should • Using a lemon instead of dry cells
be able to explain the various ways to demonstrate electric current
generation (See figure in Question
through which energy transformations
2 Self-test 14.2 page 281 of pupils
can occur. book)
Preparation for the lesson Pre-requisite of the lesson
1. This lesson will involve pair work or • You may remind learners about
group activities. You will therefore what they learnt in the previous
organize the class as need arises lesson on forms of energy. Ask
Questions such as: (i) What forms of
during the lesson. REMEMBER:
energy do you know? (Ans: Chemical,
When grouping learners, you should heat, mechanical, electrical, elastic, etc).
consider the different abilities of
• Ask learners whether they think the
learners and the special needs for various forms of energy are inter-
various individuals. convertible and give examples.
2. Look for textbooks, handouts, • At this point, you can introduce the
pamphlets and other materials on concept of energy transformation
as the conversion from one form of
energy transformations.
energy to another.
3. Ensure the Internet is working
properly before the lesson for Teaching / learning activities
leaners to use to do research. Activity 14.8 (Refer to Pupil’s book
pages 273)
Teaching aids • Provide learners with the materials
• Torch, dry cells, matches and match in these activity. Let them try the
boxes, pen or comb, pieces of paper, various activities out.
file, metal bar, rubber bands, bulb,
• Guide learners to give an explanation
switch, kettle, turbines, etc.
of what happened in every activity
above. Emphasize the fact that

energy can NEVER be created but • Allow learners to brainstorm of
can only be transformed from one other cases involving transformation
form to another. from mechanical to current
Conversion from mechanical to
heat energy • At this point, ask them whether they
know how electricity that they use
Activity 14.9 (Refer to Pupil’s book
at home is generated.
page 274)
• Let learners carry out the various • Inform them that in Rwanda,
activities. In either case, they will feel electricity mainly comes from
some warmth. hydro-power generation plants
such as WASAC. Plan for a visit to
• Guide learners to understand that this facility or any nearby power
the warmth is because of conversion
generation facility
of mechanical energy (rubbing) to
heat (thermal) energy which causes • Let learners understand that in
the warmth feeling. such plants, there is conversion of
mechanical energy ( in the rotating
• Allow learners to brainstorm of
other cases where this kind of turbines by water) to electrical
transformation occurs.They should energy.
come up with a list and share with • Allow learners to brainstorm of
other class members. other cases where this kind of
transformation occurs.They should
Conversion from mechanical to
come up with a list and share with
electrical energy
other class members.The list should
Activity 14.10 (Refer to Pupil’s book include windmills and geothermal
274 ) power
Let learners carry out this activity
individually. Conversion from chemical to heat
• Guide learners to understand
• In this section, you will refer to
that the attraction is because of
Activity 14.11 on page 275 where
conversion of mechanical energy
(rubbing) to static electricity which potatoes were cooked using burning
is a form of electrical energy. charcoal or kerosene.

• You can then take this opportunity • Ask learners where the heat that
to clarify the difference between was used to cook the potatoes
static and current electricity. Give came from. The answer should be
learners a chance to explain the ‘from chemical energy stored in
difference based on previous lesson. the fuel’.

• Guide learners to understand that • Let learners study the figure. You
the energy transformation that can also take them to a nearby
takes place here is chemical to heat. solar electricity installation.

• Allow learners to brainstorm of • Let learners discuss the questions in

other cases where this kind of this activity. It is a case where solar
transformation occurs.They should
energy is used to provide electricity
come up with a list and share with
other class members.The list should in a house.
include the food that we eat which
is burnt down to release heat which • Guide learners to understand that
maintains our body temperatures the energy transformation that
constant. takes place here is solar to electrical.

Conversion from chemical to Conversion from electrical to

electrical energy
mechanical energy
Activity 14.12 (Refer to Pupil’s book
pages 276) Activity 14.15 (Refer to Pupil’s book
• Let learners assemble the things as page 279)
shown in this activity. They should
• Let learners assemble the things as
then put on and off the switch then
observe what happens. shown in this activity. They should
then switch on the electric kettle
• Guide learners to understand that
the energy transformation that then observe what happens.
takes place here is chemical to
• Let them direct the steam from the
electrical which causes the bulb
to light. If switched off, the circuit boiling water to the turbines. They
breaks and the bulb goes off. should notice the turbines moving.
• Allow learners to brainstorm of Ask them to give an explanation
other cases where this kind of on this.
transformation occurs.They should
come up with a list and share • Guide learners to understand
with other class members. The list that the energy transformation
should include in a torch bulb, car that takes place here is electrical
headlights among others.
to mechanical which causes the
Conversion from solar to electrical turbines to turn.
• In this section, you will refer to • Allow learners to brainstorm of
the picture in Activity 14.13 page other cases where this kind of
277of pupils book. It shows a house transformation occurs.They should
installed with solar electricity.
come up with a list and share with

other class members. An example 3. Ironing a piece of cloth involves
is ironing a piece of cloth using an _________ to _________ energy
electric iron. conversion. (Ans: Electr ical -
Using the various activities in the pupil’s
book, let learners discover the various
transformations that occur between the
various forms of energies. Emphasise the Refer to learner’s book page 282
importance of these transformations (i.e. Specific objectives
various uses like electricity generation By the end of the lesson, learners should
among others). Learners should also be be able to identify the main sources of
made aware of the fact that what they energy.
have learnt here can lead to careers
Preparation for the lesson
such as electrical and mechanical • This lesson will involve individual
engineering. research work and class
presentations. You will therefore
Lesson assessment organize the class as need arises
during the lesson. REMEMBER:
Assess whether the learning objectives of When grouping learners, you should
the lesson were met by asking questions consider the different abilities of
such as: learners and the special needs for
various individuals.
1. What is energy transformation?
• Look for locally available sources
(Ans: Conversion of energy from one of energy for example solar panels,
biogas installations, and generators,
form to another)
LPG etc.
2. What energy transformation is • Ensure the Internet is working
involved in: properly before the lesson for
leaners to use to do research.
(a). Lighted torch? (Ans: Chemical-
light+heat) Teaching aids
(b). Hydro-power generation • Biogas installations, solar panels,
station? (Ans: Mechanical - generators, LPG, windmills, etc.
electrical) • Charts on sources of energy and

• Computers connected to the Synthesis
Internet. Using research activity learners should
be helped to discover the various
sources of energy and the differences
• You can assemble a temporary
between renewable and non-renewable
windmill to illustrate energy
generation using wind. sources of energy.

Pre-requisite of the lesson Lesson assessment

• You may introduce the lesson by Assess whether the learning objectives of
asking learners whether they know the lesson were met by asking questions
where energy comes from. They such as:
may say yes or no. Let them know
that in this lesson, they will learn 1. Where does energy come from?
about the various sources of energy. (Ans: From various sources such as Sun,
wind, water, biomass, etc)
Teaching / learning activities
Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page 2. What is the main source of energy
281) on Earth? (Ans: Sun)
• Let learners go to the library and 3. How can we generate energy using
individually find out from text books wind? (Ans: By installing windmills)
the various sources of energy. They
should also find out the differences 4. Give two examples of:
between renewable and non- (a). Renewable sources of energy
renewable sources of energy.
(Ans: Solar, water, wind, biofuels
• Learners should come up with such as trees (can be replanted)
summary notes and back in class,
share their findings with other class (b). Non-renewable sources of
members during presentations. energy

• Guide learners to discover the (Ans: Coal, crude oil, nuclear,

various sources of energy which natural gas)
include the Sun, fuels, hydro, biomass,
wind among others. Emphasize the
fact that the Sun is the main source
of energy on Earth.

Teaching aids
• Solar panels, solar battery, inverters,
bulbs etc.
Refer to learner’s book pages 283
• Chart on an installed solar power
Specific objectives plant.
By the end of the lesson, learners should • Computers connected to the
be able to: Internet.
• Identify solar energy as a renewable Improvisation
source of energy.
• You may come up with a drawing of
• Describe the components of a solar a solar power installation plant on a
power installation. manila paper to be used as a chart.

• Explain the advantages of solar Pre-requisite of the lesson

power • Introduce this lesson through a
brainstorming session on what
Preparation for the lesson learners know about sources of
1. This lesson will involve a case energy.
study and a field visit to a solar
• Let them group the various
power installation facility. You
sources either as renewable or
will therefore organize the class
non-renewable. Through group
as need arises during the lesson. discussions, they should justify their
REMEMBER: When grouping groupings.
learners, you should consider the
• Take advantage of the mention of
different abilities of learners and the
solar energy as an example of a
special needs for various individuals.
renewable source of energy and
2. Look for solar panels and other introduce this concept.
solar power installation facility
accessories such as solar battery, Teaching / learning activities
inverters, bulbs etc. • In order to further emphasize the
differences between renewable and
3. Identify a power installation plant non renewable energy sources, let
for a field visit and seek permission learners carry out the following
from concerned authorities in case study.

questions in this activity. Guide them
to come up with summary notes
Case study (Refer to Pupil’s book and a sketch diagram of a solar
page 284) power installation plant.
• Let learners study the two pictures.
• Ask them to list down the various
Initiate a discussion on what
components of a power solar power
happens in the second picture (B)
installation facility. .
when the charcoal gets finished YET
THE FOOD IS NOT YET COOKED. • Wind up this lesson by highlighting
The answer will be: ‘more charcoal the various uses of solar energy
is added’. As for the second picture,
the cooking process goes on un- • Let learners write summary notes
interrupted. as you do the explanation.

• Guide learners to engage in more Synthesis

discussions about the advantages Use the case study and the field trip
and disadvantages of each. For to make learners understand what
example, A is clean energy, B - solar energy is and its importance.
can cause death if used in a room Guide learners during the field visit to
without enough ventilation due to seek answers to pertinent questions
carbon monoxide poisoning, etc. regarding solar installation plants,
Based on these learners should their functionality and maintenance. At
feel free to choose which cooking the end of the lesson, learners should
method they prefer. appreciate solar energy and be willing
• Narrow down to solar energy as to apply it in their daily lives.
an example of renewable source of
Lesson assessment
Assess whether the learning objectives of
Activity 14.18 (Refer to Pupil’s the lesson were met by asking questions
book page 285) such as:
• Arrange for learners to visit a 1. What is the difference between
house or a place with a solar power renewable and non-renewable
installation facility. energy sources? (Ans: Renewable –
cannot be exhausted, non-renewable
• During the above visit, guide
– can be exhausted)
learners to engage the officer in
charge or the owner in a question 2. Give two examples each of:
and answer session using the (a). Renewable energy sources

__________, ___________ a source of energy.
(Ans: Sun, wind, water, geothermal,
trees ) Preparation for the lesson
(b). Non-renewable energy sources 1. This lesson will involve a field visit
____________, ____________ to a biogas generation facility
(Ans: Coal, crude oil, nuclear, and a class project on biogas
natural gas )
generation at school. You will
3. Name three main components of a therefore organize the class as
solar installation facility. (Ans: Solar need arises during the lesson.
panel, inverter, battery) REMEMBER: When grouping
4. Where can you use solar energy? learners, you should consider the
different abilities of learners and the
(Ans: Cooking, drying things, water
special needs for various individuals.
heater, etc)
2. Identify a biogas plant for a field
5. Give one MAJOR advantage of
visit and seek permission from
solar energy?
concerned authorities in advance.
(Ans: Is the cleanest and the safest
source of energy) 3. Test whether the video link:
h t t p s : / / w w w. y o u t u b e . c o m /
watch?v=mWefbc1spd0 is working.

Teaching aids
• Biogas digester.
Refer to learner’s book pages 287
• Chart on an installed biogas plant.
Specific objectives
• Computers with internet connection.
By the end of the lesson, learners should
be able to: Improvisation

• Identify biogas as a renewable • You may use cut plastic bottles, jerry
source of energy. cans or drums/tanks when making
a simple biogas digester.
• Describe the components of a
biogas plant and build one. Pre-requisite of the lesson
• Explain the advantages of biogas as • Introduce this lesson by reminding

learners what they learnt in the Use the link: https://www.youtube.
previous lesson about solar energy. com/watch?v=mWefbc1spd0 or any
other appropriate video of your
• Let them know that biogas which choice.
they will cover in this lesson is
• After watching the video, let
another example of renewable learners assemble a biogas digester
energy. as highlighted in this activity. The
learners should then monitor biogas
Teaching / learning activities production from this installation.
Activity 14.19 (Refer to Pupil’s book NOTE: You may recommend use
page 287) of this facility for cooking purposes
• Arrange for learners to visit a place in school as learners oversee the
with a biogas facility. During the maintenance as per what they
visit, guide learners to engage the learnt during the field visit.
officer in charge or the owner in a • Encourage learners to come up with
question and answer session using a similar project at home under
the questions in this activity. Guide guidance of their guardians.
them to come up with summary
notes and a sketch diagram of a • Wind up this lesson by highlighting
biogas digester. the various uses of biogas energy
and the advantages of using biogas
• Ask them to list down the various and renewable energy in general as
components of a biogas facility. listed on pages 288 of Pupil’s book.
You may also refer learners to Fig.
14.19 on page 287of pupil’s book Synthesis
for reference. Use the field visit and the biogas digester
• At this point, you may engage assembling project to make learners
learners in a project of assembling understand what biogas energy is and its
a biogas digester in school. This importance. Guide learners during the
should be done as a class project. field visit to seek answers to pertinent
questions regarding biogas plants,
Activity 14.20 (Refer to Pupil’s book their functionality and maintenance. At
page 288) the end of the lesson, learners should
• Begin this exercise by showing appreciate biogas energy and be willing
learners a demonstration video to apply it in their daily lives.
of how biogas digester is made.

Lesson assessment 3. (a) chemical to electrical to sound.
Assess whether the learning objectives of (b) Mechanical to electrical to
the lesson were met by asking questions heat or light.
such as:
(c) Elastic to mechanical.
1. What is the raw material for
4. Elastic – found in materials that
producing biogas? (Ans:Water + cow stretch like rubber; thermal –
dung or other domestic wastes) heat energy ( causes increase in
2. Where do we produce biogas? (Ans: temperature of a body).
In a biogas digester) 5. Chemical (in lemon) to electrical
3. Draw and label a biogas digester. (in bulb).
(Ans: Fig. 14.10 page 287 pupil’s book)
4. Where can you use biogas? (Ans:
Answers to Self-Test 14.3
cooking and source of lighting.
Refer to learner’s book page 290
Slurry from biogas digester can also
be used as manure in farms) 1. Water, wind, biofuels such as trees,
coal, crude oil, nuclear, etc.
2. Renewable – cannot be exhausted,
Answers to Self-Test 14.1 non-renewable – can be exhausted
Refer to learner’s book page 273 3. Black colour absorbs maximum
1. Ability to do work. amount of heat.

2. Chemical, thermal (heat), electrical, 4. Solar panel – Absorbs light energy

mechanical, elastic, electromagnetic. from the Sun and converts it to
electrical energy
3. TV, DVD, refrigerator, electric
cooker, electric iron, radio, etc. Inverter – converts alternating
current (AC) to direct current (DC)
4. By rubbing a biro pen case, comb or
for storage.
any object made of plastic on hair.
Battery – stores electric current.
Wires – channels or transports
Answers to Self-Test 14.2
found in materials that stretch like
Refer to learner’s book page 281
rubber; thermal – heat energy (
1. Chemical, thermal (heat), electrical, causes increase in temperature of
mechanical, elastic, electromagnetic a body).
2. (a) Heat (b) Electric 5. Biogas, making charcoal balls,
(c) Mechanical drying and burning directly.

6. Methane and solar energy). Emphasize this
7. Cheap, safe, readily available, point and the fact that taking this unit
conserves the environment, are seriously may lead to careers such as
convenient to use. electrical and mechanical engineering.

Summary of the unit Additional Information for the

This unit mainly deals with energy teacher
transformations and renewable sources Some information that you may find
of energy and particularly solar energy relevant in this topic are given below.
and biogas.You should effectively use the Forms of energy
suggested activities and the teaching
Energy exists in many different forms.
approaches in the teacher’s book to
Some of these forms include light, heat,
help learners acquire the competence
chemical, sound, electrical, mechanical
in these areas. Further, the suggested
among others.
activities and videos should help you
drive home the fact that renewable Light energy
sources of energy are much better This is a form of energy that enables
for use compared to non – renewable the eye to see. It is usually produced by
sources which require huge investments. very hot
Emphasize the need for learners to objects such as the sun, electric bulbs,
behave responsibly in order to avoid fire, e.t.c. The Sun is the main source of
environmental destruction, which energy on Earth.
will eventually interfere with energy
supplies. At the end of the lessons, you Heat energy
should assess the extent to which the This is the form of energy which causes
competencies have been achieved and changes in temperature when absorbed
attitude change towards responsible or lost by a body. It is usually released
use of energy sources. Plan remedial by burning fuels, the sun, electric heaters
activities where necessary. Remember, (when a current flows through it) among
one of the attitudes and values intended others. Heat is given off when thermal
at the end of the topic is for learners to energy is transferred.

be able to adopt the proposed energy Chemical energy

sources in their lives in future (biogas

This is a form of stored energy that act on the body, giving it kinetic energy.
exists in matter. It is released when
(ii) Potential energy (P.E)
matter is involved in a chemical reaction.
Such a reaction may involve burning of This is the type of energy that is stored
the matter for example, burning of fuel in a body and has the potential or ability
such as kerosene in oxygen. Food is our to do work. There are three forms of
main source of chemical energy. Fossil Potential Energy:
fuel like coal, petrol,oil and natural gas
–– Gravitational and elastic potential
are other sources of chemical energy.
energy - Is a form of energy that
The burning process releases the stored is possessed by a body due its
chemical energy in a substance. position relative to another point at
a lower level. A body raised above
Sound energy
the ground to a height possesses
Sound refers to vibrations composed of potential energy whose magnitude
frequencies, capable of being detected. depends on the height.
–– Elastic potential energy - is a form
This is a form of energy that is produced
of energy possessed by stretched or
by vibrating objects.The vibrating object
compressed objects e.g. rubber and
causes disturbances in air which transmit
the sound energy. Solids and liquids also
–– Chemical potential energy is the
transmit sound. In human beings, we
energy a body has because of what
hear sound using our ears.
it’s made off. This energy is present
Mechanical energy in an electrical cell, explosives, food
and fossil fuels.
This type of energy exists in two different
Nuclear energy
forms; the kinetic energy and potential
energy. This is a form of energy stored in the
nuclei of atoms. The particles of the
(i) Kinetic energy (K.E) nucleus are held together by forces
This is a form of energy possessed by which when broken release enormous
amounts of energy in form of radiations
a body due to its motion. Any body in
(nuclear fission). This energy can be
motion possesses kinetic energy, which
converted to heat and light.The nuclear
reduces to zero when the object stops.
energy may also be released when
To make a body move requires a force to

smaller nuclei combine to form larger electrons through a conductor make
ones (nuclear fusion). an electric current. Electric current
Electrical energy (commonly just referred to as current)
is measured using an instrument called
This form of energy is obtained by an ammeter. The ammeter is always
conversion of energy from other forms. connected in series - in the same line
For example, the potential energy of with the source of electricity, such as a
water is converted to electrical energy battery. See figure below. The units of
in hydroelectric power stations; the current are amperes (can be shortened
chemical energy in batteries is converted to amps – or by using symbol A). It is
into electrical energy in a closed circuit. the current that makes a bulb to light
This energy due to the flow of charges is or a radio to play. Thus, for a current
electrical energy.They are of two types: to light a bulb there must be a source
static and current. of electricity, such as a battery. For an
(i) Current electricity electric current to flow, there must be a
complete circuit, - no gaps.
Electricity is the flow of electrons.
Electrons are negatively charged
particles found in matter, specifically in
the nucleus of atoms. Electrons are very Battery
light and move through a conductor to
make an electric current. Ammeter Voltmeter

Electricity (or simply moving electrons)

is “pushed” by a power source such Switch
as a cell, a battery or any other
source of electrical energy. And for Fig. 14.1 Complete circuit
electrons to travel or to flow they need
Voltage (also called Potential difference)
a pathway; they travel in a circuit along
a conductor (which is usually a metal In order to understand what voltage
bar – a wire) which allows electricity is, we first need to remind ourselves of
to flow through it. That is why electric what we discussed earlier about the
current can be defined as a flow of push that electrons get in a circuit for
electrons through a wire. In other words, them to flow. It was stated that a cell

or a battery pushes electrons round there is a potential difference between
a circuit. It means that for an electric points X and Y. Voltage or potential
current to flow, there must be a force difference is therefore the total energy
to drive or to push electricity around supplied by a source such as a battery
the circuit. Different cells can exert to drive electricity across a resistor.
different electrical forces or pressures.
This electrical force or pressure is called
electromotive force (e.m.f.) and Voltage or potential difference is
is provided by dry cells, batteries or measured in a unit called the volt (symbol
generators. When a bulb is connected V). The instrument used to measure
to a cell, the electron power or the potential difference in the voltmeter.
e.m.f. of the cell is being resisted from Since the voltmeter measures voltage
flowing smoothly by the bulb (which we across a resistor, it is therefore always
can call a resistor).The bulb or resistor connected in parallel to or across the
opposes the smooth flow of an electric resistor.
current in a circuit. This means that as
current is flowing in a circuit, the e.m.f. (ii) Static electricity
across the bulb gradually decreases. For
example, in figure 14.2 below, the e.m.f. All physical objects are made up of
at point X will be higher than at point atoms. Inside an atom are protons, elec-
Y. A difference in the e.m.f. will thus be trons and neutrons. The protons are
observed between the two ends X and positively charged, the electrons are
Y. This difference in e.m.f. between the negatively charged, and the neutrons
two ends of a resistor (bulb) in a circuit are neutral.

Therefore, all things are made up of

charges. Opposite charges attract each
other (negative to positive). Like charges
repel each other (positive to positive
Bulb x or negative to negative). Most of the
Y time positive and negative charges are
balanced in an object, which makes that
object neutral.
Fig. 14.2 Circuit showing voltage
Static electricity is the result of an
is what is referred to as potential
difference (p.d.), or voltage; thus, imbalance between negative and
positive charges in an object. These

charges can build up on the surface of a light bulb, the heat and light energy
an object until they find a way to be obtained is equal to the electrical energy
released or discharged. One way to drawn by the bulb i.e.
discharge them is through a circuit. Electrical energy drawn by the
The rubbing of certain materials against bulb = heat energy + light energy
one another can transfer negative produced by bulb
charges, or electrons. this is what hap- In all cases of conversion, the total energy
pens when you rub a case of biro pen or before conversion is equal to the total
comb against your hair.And what about energy obtained after conversion.This is
that “hair raising” experience? You may summarized in the law of conservation
have realized that when you remove of energy which states:
your hat from the head, you experience
‘’Energy can never be created nor
hair rising. As you remove your hat, destroyed but can be changed from one
electrons are transferred from hat to form to another’’
hair, creating that interesting hairdo! Re-
member, objects with the same charge Heat transfers
repel each other. Because they have the The word heat refers to the state of
same charge, your hair will stand on having thermal energy. It is the
end. Your hairs are simply trying to get thermal energy that is transferred
as far away from each other as possible! from hot places to cold places. When
we sit around a fire, we feel warm.
When you rub a balloon against your This is because heat moves from the
clothes and it sticks to the wall, you are source (fire) to us. When we put a pot
adding a surplus of electrons (negative on fire, the water inside gets hot and
charges) to the surface of the balloon. boils because heat moves from the
The wall is now more positively charged fire, through the pot, to the water. This
than the balloon. As the two come in makes the water hot. Heat transfer is
contact, the balloon will stick because of the movement of heat from a hotter
the rule that opposites attract (positive place to a colder place. Heat travels
to negative). through all the three states of matter
i.e. solids, liquids and gases. It can also
Law of conservation of energy move through a vacuum.
When energy in one form is converted Types of heat transfer
to another form(s), the energy obtained
There are various ways through which
through this conversion is always equal heat travels. They are:
to that in the original form. For example,
when electric current flows through • Conduction

• Convection as it ‘bumps’ into them, making them
move as well. The process is repeated
• Radiation
and energy is transferred throughout
(a) Conduction the substance, from the hot region to
colder regions. Hence in conduction,
When you hold the end of an object
energy transfer takes place by vibration
such as a metal rod over a fire, at first
of the particles. Note that there is no
you do not feel the heat. After a while,
actual movement of heated particles.
Metals are particularly good conductors
of heat because energy is transferred
from the hotter regions to the colder
ones by the ‘free’ electrons present in
their structures. Materials which are
Metal rod poor conductors of heat are known as
insulators. They lack free electrons
Charcoal burning that conduct heat. Examples include
wood and plastic.
(b) Convection

Fig. 14.3 Conduction Convection is the method of heat

transfer in fluids (liquids) or air.
you begin to get burnt and you have to
let go off the rod.

Look at the figure below. What will Convection

happen after a while? How did the heat currents
reach the hand of the learner?

The heat must have travelled along the

metal rod. The heat travelled from the A. Before B. After
hot end to the cooler end. Heat travels
through solids by a method called Fig. 14.4 Convection
It occurs due to the actual physical
When a substance is heated, the movement of molecules of the fluid due
molecules which are nearer to the to temperature differences within the
source of heat gain kinetic energy and so fluid. Convection cannot take place in
move faster. Each molecule passes some solids because molecules in solids do
of its extra energy to its neighbours not move.They only vibrate within their

fixed positions. Look at the figure below (c) Radiation
that demonstrates convection in liquids.
If you stand in front of a fireplace, Fig.

14.6 Radiation
Fig. 14.5 Convection in air you feel warmth. Heat energy cannot
reach you by conduction as air is a
The crystals dissolve and the hot water
poor conductor of heat. How about
of less density starts rising, displacing the
convection? The hot air molecules in and
cold dense water down. As they do this,
around the fireplace can only rise and
they move together with the crystals.
cannot reach you by the movement of
The streams of physically moving warm
the air currents. How does the energy
liquid (as depicted by the path taken
from the fireplace then reach you?
by the crystals) are called convection
Heat energy must be transferred by a
different mode other than conduction
Now, hold your hand high above a fire, and convection.
as shown in Fig. 14.5 below. Do you feel
Look at the picture below. The people
the heat?
are warming themselves besides a
Hot air rises carrying the heat along charcoal stove.
with it. This way, the heat reaches your
They are separated from the charcoal
This method of heat transfer is called
stove by air. How do you think the heat
convection. Because it involves air
or warmth reaches them? Heat reaches
currents, it is convection in air.
the girl by another method of heat
Similarly, smoke which is made up of hot
transfer called radiation. Radiation
air rises up because it is lighter. It has a
takes place in form of waves.The waves
lower density than cold air.The cold air
do not require materials such as solids,
comes down because it is heavier. This
liquids or air in order to travel.
explains why smoke always moves up in
a burning flame.

Energy conservation Conserving energy by using energy-
Energy conservation means using the efficient devices
available energy resources carefully Most of the energy available is wasted
so that they do not get exhausted or because our machines, equipment or
depleted. There are many methods of devices are not efficient. To be efficient
conserving energy. Examples include: means to be able to work well without
• Using energy sparingly. wasting much energy. If the devices
we use are efficient, then we minimize
• Using energy-efficient devices or wastage of energy.
Some of these energy efficient devices/
• Using renewable energy resources ways that people can use include:
such as wind, sun, biogas, planting
• Geothermal energy, tidal and wave
energy and nuclear energy.
• Use of 3Rs of conservation

Using energy sparingly

The following examples show ways in
which we can use energy sparingly.
Fig. 14.7 Improved jiko
• If we are cooking, we should use
1. Cooking using improved fireplaces
just enough fuel to complete the
and charcoal stove
cooking. No fuel should be left
burning wastefully after the cooking A three-stone wood fire used for
is completed. cooking is very wasteful. Firewood burns
very fast. Heat energy is spread out in
• If we are using electricity to light our all directions and as a result, a lot of
houses we should switch off lights in energy is wasted.
the rooms that are not being used.
We should also use bulbs that do Similarly, the ordinary charcoal
not consume much electricity; For stove loses most of the heat to the
example, use low energy saving surroundings. It has no insulation and
bulbs. therefore a lot of heat is lost sideways
through conduction of heat by the
• If we use firewood or charcoal after metal walls or casing. Heat is also lost
cooking the fire on the remaining in all directions through radiation. An
pieces should be put out. improved charcoal stove like the one
shown below is preferred.

In the improved charcoal stove, the clay The three R’s of conservation
lining keeps most of the heat inside Clay
is a poor conductor of heat. It is an The three R’s mean Reduce, Reuse and
insulator. A few pieces of charcoal can Recycle. Which by extension means.
effectively be used to cook food. Practice what you preach, don’t buy
things you don’t need or items that
2. Other varieties of improved
come in wasteful packaging or that
cookers are the clay cooker and
cannot be recycled. Reuse and Recycle
pressure cooker.
whatever you can.
Vacuum flask
Other methods of conserving heat
energy include the use of a vacuum
flask to keep liquids and foods hot for
a long time. The flask is designed to
prevent heat loss by either conduction,
radiation or convection. By preserving
drinks or foods hot in a vacuum flask, it
saves on fuel that would otherwise have
been used to re-warm them later when Fig. 14.8 3 Rs of conservation
we want to take them. a). Reduce
Reducing the amount of waste you
Conserving energy by using renewable produce is the best way to help the
energy environment. For example:
Fuels formed from remains of plants • Buying products that don’t have a
lot of packaging.
and animals are called fossil fuels.
They include coal, natural gases, oil and • Save energy by turning lights off
its products. These sources of energy when leaving a room.
are non-renewable. This means that • Save water by turning off taps.
once they have been used they cannot
be replaced or restored. There are b). Reuse
alternative sources of energy which Instead of throwing things away, try to
find ways of using them again. For
are not exhaustible. We refer to these
sources of energy as renewable Example:
sources. They include: • Plastic containers can be reused for
• Wind energy other activities.
• Cans can be used to store other
• Sun or solar energy things.
• Biogas • Use all writing papers on both sides
• Use silverware and dishes instead of
• Planting trees. disposables plastics.

c). Recycle 5. Trees are sources of renewable
Recycled items are put through a energy, they are sources of rain
process that makes it possible to create as well ( through transpiration),
new products out of the materials from
the old ones. sources of timber used to make
furniture, prevent soil erosion, are
Buy materials made from recycled medicines, animals use some as
materials e.g. paper, towels, garbage
bags, greeting cards and toilet paper sources of food ( fruits, seeds, stems,
among others. leaves and roots), etc.
6. D
7. D
Answers to Unit Test 14 (pupil’s
book page 291) 8. Chemical
1. Energy is ability to work. 9. When you rub your hands against
2. Chemical one another, you feel warm. This
3. Chemical energy stored in fuel shows existence of thermal energy.
is released during burning and 10. Static is caused by charged particles
converted to mechanical energy and is immobile, current is electricity
which is used to propel the vehicle. in motion.
4. Chemical Electrical 11. A
Light/thermal (heat)

13. B
14. B

15. (a) True
(b) True
(c) False
(d) False
16. Let learners plan and execute the project under the guidance of their parents/
guardians at home. Ensure that the parent/guardian gives a report on the
project progress. Evaluate and award marks to individual learners.
17. – Using energy sparingly.
–– Using energy efficient devices
–– Prioritizing using renewable sources of energy.
–– Emphasizing on the 3Rs of conservation that is, Reduce, Recycle and Re-

Additional activities to cater for slow and gifted learners

Remedial activities for slow Extended activities for gifted and
learners talented learners
1. Collecting materials for use during 1. Make a biogas digester at home
making of biogas digester. and use it for coking. What raw
2. Help with labeling of parts of drawn materials did you use?
charts. 2. Research and write short notes
3. Reading group reports to group/ about magnetic energy.
class members. 3. Compiling group reports and doing
Remedial questions for slow Extended questions for gifted
learners learners
1. Name the common sources of fuel 1. Food is often referred to as fuel of
in your community. the body. Explain the statement.
2. Identify some domestic uses of heat 2. Name two things that are produced
energy. when fuels burn.
3. Draw a simple chart to illustrate 3. Compare and contrast solar energy
the energy transformation of fuels and biogas.
during burning.
4. What is potential energy?
5. Solar water heater uses energy
from the _______.

Answers to remedial questions Answers to extended questions

1. Firewood, paraffin, charcoal, LPG. 1. It is because food has stored energy

2. Cooking, warming, heating. which is produced when food is
digested to make the body move
3. Chemical heat + light and feel warmth.
4. It is a stored energy 2. Heat and light
5. Sun 3. Solar energy is from the Sun, biogas
is from cow dung or kitchen wastes;
solar energy is safe, biogas may be
dangerous in case of leakages; both
are clean sources of energy, both
are cheap, both are convenient to

UNIT Magnetism
15 (No. of Periods 8)
Refer to the Learner’s Book pages 293-307

Key unit competency that is, knowledge and understanding,

After studying this unit, learners should skills acquisition and attitude and values.
be able to explain and demonstrate At the end of the unit, learners should
the existence of magnetic forces and have knowledge and understanding of
magnetic field. magnetism and have the right attitude
towards applications of magnets and
Learning objectives
Competency based curriculum embraces
three categories of learning objectives,

Table 15.1 Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values

By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit,
learners should be able to: learners should be able to: learners should be able
r Recognize that a magnet r Observe different
can exert a push or a pull. types of magnets. r Show curiosity in
exploring uses of
r Explain the composition r Compare and magnets in everyday life.
of magnets. classify the types of
magnets, non-magnets
r Identify the characteristics and magnets materials.
of magnets.
r Make a temporary

r Classify materials
according to magnetic
r Explain the types of
magnets and magnetic
r List some uses of
magnets in everyday

Pre-requisite of this unit

Background information
This is a completely new concept to
the learners except for having been This topic deals with magnets and
mentioned in the previous unit as a form magnetic forces and their applications.
of energy.Take cognisance of this is you Emphasize the various types of magnets,
their characteristics, the forces that are
introduce the topic. Here, you will guide exerted around a magnet ( magnetic
the learning process on the definition of field), the magnetic compass and its uses
magnetism, types of magnets, definition and the uses of magnets in our daily lives
in general.
of magnetic field and its effects, the
magnetic compass and finally the uses Cross-cutting issues to be
of magnets. During the lessons, strive
1. Gender education
to bring to the awareness of learners
B o t h b oy s a n d g i r l s s h o u l d
the fact that this topic is related to participate equally in the activities.
magnetism in Physics. Let learners Also, emphasize to learners that
understand that at this level, they anybody irrespective of their gender
can pursue a carrier in engineering.
may only need the basic information Give examples of role models who
otherwise; details of magnetism, its are successful engineers in the area
applications and usage will be taught where the learners come from.
in Physics at higher levels of education. 2. Standardization culture
Bring to the attention as well the fact Emphasize the need to use certified
that magnetism is heavily applied in magnetic equipment. Caution
learners against using counterfeits
engineering therefore taking this topic which may lead to accidents or
seriously is of essence. injury of users.

3. Inclusive education group presentations, you can
All learners should be encouraged allow rotational presentations
to participate during lessons and within the group members. Gifted
practicals. Special arrangement learners should help in coming up
should be made to take care of with presentation content as slow
learners with special needs. For learners contribute. REMEMBER
example, provide brail for blind You should allow slow learners to
learners, large print text for those do presentations as well and correct
with sight problems and allocate them where they go wrong. Advise
physically challenged learners to learners to appreciate the different
others to assist them during field abilities of their group members and
trips and practical activities. Further, accommodate each other’s views.
this category should be given tasks
that they can manage during the 2. Research skills
practical sessions. Guide learners on how to find
information regarding various topics
4. Financial education such as the meaning of magnetism,
Emphasize the need to buy quality why magnets attract and repel
equipment and devices made among others. Guide learners on
of magnets. By buying quality how to come up with summarized
equipment, people save money in notes from a large body of text.You
the long run as the equipment stay should also guide learners on how to
for long and costs on repair are do Internet searches for the various
reduced. content areas they are looking for.

5. Environment and 3. Communication in English

sustainability education Communication in English will be
Bring to the attention of learners the improved when learners freely
fact that some of the devices made participate in the discussions
of magnets can be environmental and presentations. Encourage all
hazards. They should appropriately learners irrespective of their abilities
be disposed of or should be recycled. to participate in group discussions,
during presentations by asking
Generic Competences questions and during question and
1. Co-operation and answer sessions to either introduce
interpersonal management or wrap up the lessons.
and life skills 4. Critical thinking and problem
During group discussions and solving skills
pair-work let learners engage This competence will be developed
one another by giving a chance by learners as they answer the
for all to participate. Also, during probing questions such as those on

page 309 at the beginning of this unit usually represented using magnetic
and as they discuss the results of the lines of force.
various practical activities. Guide
learners to discover for themselves • Magnetic material – Any material
what causes magnets to attract or that can be attracted by a magnet
repel, the various characteristics such as iron or steel and can be
of magnets, etc. This competence magnetized.
will also come about as learners • Magnetism – This term refers to a
think about their findings in the property associated with magnets,
activities and as they give out their which causes attraction or repulsion
suggestions on why this is the case.
of substances that are magnetic.
5. Lifelong skills • Magnetite – A type of mineral found
Make learners aware that they can in Earth’s crust that is magnetic by
become future engineers or device nature.
technicians if they take this topic
seriously. • Non - magnetic material – Any
material that cannot be attracted by
Key words in this unit and their a magnet such as plastic or wood.
meanings They can neither be magnetized.
• Electromagnet – A magnet
• Permanent magnet – A type of
consisting of a coil of insulated
magnet that retains its magnetism
wire wrapped round a steel or iron
after it is removed from a magnetic
core that is magnetized only when
current flows through the wire. field.
When current is switched off, it loses • Temporary magnet – A type of
its magnetic properties. magnet that does not retain its
• Magnet – A special type of object/ magnetism after it is removed from
item that produces a special type of a magnetic field. An example is the
force, which either attracts or repels electromagnet.
other materials.
Guidance on the problem
• M a g n e t i c c o m p a s s – A n statement
instrument or a device that uses
In this topic, you will teach about what
magnetized steel bar to indicate
direction relative to the Earth’s magnetism is, the various types of
magnetic poles. magnets, their uses and magnetic field.
• Magnetic field – This term refers As a way of introducing these concepts,
to an area around a magnet where refer learners to the diagram on page
magnetic force is experienced. It is 293 of pupil’s book.The picture is about

a child having accidentally spilled metallic pins into the flour (PictureA).The mother
is trying to remove the pins from the flour and it is proving to be difficult (Picture
B). She is stressed. Ask learners give a quick solution to the mother of the child
which is - to use a magnet to attract the pins. Build on this to introduce the unit.

Attention to special educational needs

Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning

–– Gifted learners to be given heavy –– Allocate gifted learners to help
tasks requiring more critical fellow learners with special needs.
thinking while slow learners are –– Provide brail for blind learners
given tasks which they can manage and large print text to learners
such as collecting materials for use with seeing difficulties. Provide sign
during practicals among others. language alphabet symbols and sign
–– Both gifted and slow learners to language interpreters for the deaf.
be given equal opportunity to lead –– Also, arrange learners such that
in group discussions and to do shortsighted ones are at the front
presentations of group findings to and long-sighted ones are at the
the rest of the class. back. Spectacles can as well be
–– Ensure all learners respect provided if available for learners
other’s views irrespective of their with seeing difficulties.
shortcomings or talents.

List of lessons
Lesson No. Lesson title No. of periods
1. Composition and types of magnets 2
2. Characteristics of magnets 1
3. Magnetic forces and magnetic materials 1
4. Magnetic field 1
5. Magnetic compass and its uses 2
6. Uses of magnets 1

Teaching aids
• Bar magnets, pins, paper clips rubber,
pencils or pieces of wood, coin,
string, etc.
Lesson 1: Composition and types • Charts, textbooks, handouts and
of magnets. other materials on magnetism.
(To be covered in two periods) • Computers connected to the internet
Refer to learner’s book pages 293
Pre-requisite of the lesson
Specific objectives Introduce the unit as explained under
By the end of the lesson, learners should guidance on the problem statement
above then narrow down to this lesson.
be able to:
You may begin the lesson by asking
• Recognize that a magnet can exert learners probing questions such as:
a push or a pull. What is a magnet? What are they used
for or where are they found? How can
• Explain the composition of a magnet. we differentiate magnets from other
• List the various types of magnets.
Teaching / learning activities
Preparation for the lesson
Activity 15.1 (Refer to Pupil’s book
1. This lesson will involve individual
page 293 )
research work and group activities
or pair work. You will therefore • Put the learners in pairs and let them
carry out the activities listed in this
organize the class as need arises
practical activity.
during the lesson. REMEMBER:
When grouping learners, you should • Let them make their observations
consider the different abilities of and record them in their note books.
learners and the special needs for • Guide the learners to discover the
various individuals. main property of magnets, which is
‘attracting magnetic materials and
2. Ensure the Internet is working
unlike poles attracting and like ones
properly before the lesson for
learners to use to do research.

• Emphasize the fact that a magnet • Wrap up this topic by highlighting the
is a special metal with the ability to various types of magnets i.e. natural
pull or push other objects. Let them verses artificial and permanent
know that this is what magnetism is verses temporary as learners write
about. summary notes.

Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page Synthesis

This lesson introduces learners to the
• This is a research activity to be done concept of magnetism. Learners should
by individual learners. Let learners discover what the term means and the
go to the library to read textbooks various types of magnets by performing
on what magnets are and the the suggested practical activities as you
various types of magnets. guide them.
• They should come up with summary
Lesson assessment
notes and share with the rest of their
class members. Assess whether the learning objectives of
the lesson was met by asking questions
Activity 15.2 (Refer to Pupil’s book such as:
page 295-296) 1. What is a magnet?
• Put the learners in groups of five (Ans: A material that attracts or repels
or any other number depending on magnetic materials)
class size and let them connect the
2. The two categories of magnets are
items as shown in the figure in this
________ and _________?
(Ans: Natural and artificial)
• Let them try to pick up pins or
paper clips when the switch is on 3. Give one example of each magnet
and when off. Let them share their named in question 2 above.
observations. (Ans: Natural – magnetite; Artificial –
bar or horse shoe magnet)
• G u i d e t h e l e a r n e r s t o g i ve
explanations to their observations 4. Give the difference between
above – which is the concept of temporary and permanent magnets
temporary magnets. Magnetism is (Ans: Temporary magnets lose
lost when the current is switched off magnetism when removed from a
– this explains why the pins or clips
magnetic field, permanent magnets
are no longer attracted unlike in
permanent magnets, which possess do not)
magnetism continuously.


Ask probing questions such as:

(i) What is a magnetism?
(ii) What types of magnets do you know?
Refer to learner’s book page 297
(iii)Based on your knowledge from the
Specific objectives previous lesson, can you give some
By the end of the lesson, learners should properties of magnets?
be able to identify the characteristics of
Teaching / learning activities
Activity 15.4 (Refer to Pupil’s book
Preparation for the lesson page 297)
1. This lesson will involve individual
• Put learners in groups and let them
research work and group activities
carry out the activities listed in this
or pair work. You will therefore
organize the class as need arises practical activity.
during the lesson. REMEMBER: • Let them make their observations
When grouping learners, you should and record them in their notebooks.
consider the different abilities of
learners and the special needs for • Guide the learners to discover the
various individuals. properties of magnets. Let them
write short notes and share with
2. Ensure the Internet is working
their group members.
properly before the lesson for
leaners to use to do research. • Call upon one learner to give a
summary on the characteristics of
Teaching aids
magnets as other learners take notes.
• Bar magnets, pins, paper clips rubber, Correct him/her where appropriate.
pencils or pieces of wood, coin, Refer to pupil’s book page 298 for
string, etc.
a summary of characteristics of
• Charts, textbooks, handouts and magnets.
other materials on magnetism.
• Computers connected to the internet This lesson is more or less a review of
the previous lesson. Using the practical
Pre-requisite of the lesson
activity, guide learners to discover other
You may begin the lesson by asking characteristics of magnets other than
learners what they learnt in lesson I

what they already know. different abilities of learners and the
special needs for various individuals.
Lesson assessment
2. Collect materials required to
Assess whether the learning objectives of
perform the various practical
the lesson was met by asking questions
activities given below under
such as:
teaching aids.
1. Give atleast three properties of
magnets. Teaching aids

(Ans: Have two pole (north and south • Bar magnets, safety pins, paper clips
pole); unlike poles attract, like ones rubber, pencils or pieces of wood,
repel; attract magnetic materials but coin, string, white sheet of paper,
not non magnetic materials; always iron fillings, biro pen casing, pieces
rest with north pole pointing south of of glass, cork, sewing needle, etc.
Earth’s magnetic pole) • Charts, textbooks, handouts and
other materials on magnetism.

• Computers connected to the internet

for research.
Refer to learner’s book pages 298
Pre-requisite of the lesson
Specific objectives
• You may begin the lesson by asking
By the end of the lesson, learners should learners probing questions such as:
be able to: ‘do you think all materials found
• Classify materials either as magnetic on Earth can be attracted by a
or non magnetic. magnet?’ ‘Why is this the case?’

• Make and use a temporary magnet. • Based on their answers to the above
questions, introduce the concept
Preparation for the lesson of magnetic and non-magnetic
1. This lesson will involve individual materials.
pair work and group activities.You
will therefore organize the class Teaching / learning activities
as need arises during the lesson. Activity 15.5 (Refer to Pupil’s book
REMEMBER: When grouping pages 299)
learners, you should consider the

• Put the learners in groups of four or • Let them try to pick up pins or paper
any other number depending on the clips using the magnetized nail.
class size.
• G u i d e t h e l e a r n e r s t o g i ve
• Let them brainstorm about magnetic explanations to their observations
or non-magnetic materials that above – which is the concept of
they know. They should then come temporary magnets.The nail became
up with a table like the one in magnetized by passing it several
procedure 1 of this activity. times over the magnet. However,
this magnetism is lost after some
• Provide each group with the
time – this explains why the pins or
materials in listed. Let them carry
clips are no longer attracted.
out the activities described.
• Wrap up this topic by highlighting
• Let them make their observations
the various magnetic and non-
and record them in a table like
the one above. They should then magnetic materials as learners write
compare the results in this table with summary notes.
the one they came up with before Synthesis
the practical activity.
• Guide the learners to discover the This lesson is about magnetic and non
materials that are magnetic and the magnetic materials and magnetization.
ones that are not. They should then Using the practical activities, guide
come up with updated table with
learners to discover magnetic materials
accurate information.
and how to make a temporary magnet.
• Let them compare their table with
They should then use the temporary
table 15.1 on page 300 of their book.
Did they get it right? If not, they magnet they have made to pick magnetic
should correct accordingly. materials.
• Learners will make a temporary Lesson assessment
magnet and use it to pick magnetic
materials like paper clips and pins in Assess whether the learning objectives of
this activity. the lesson was met by asking questions
such as:
• Put the learners in groups of five
or any other number depending on 1. Name some
class size and let them connect carry
out the activities described. (a) Magnetic (Ans: Iron, steel, nails,
pins, paper clips, etc)
(b) Non – magnetic materials that

you know. (Ans: Wood, plastic, perform the various practical
cork, rubber) activities given below under
2. How can you make a temporary teaching aids.
magnet using a permanent magnet? Teaching aids
(Ans: Moving the metal to be magnetized • Bar and horseshoe magnets, iron
in the same direction, rather than back fillings, a piece of white paper.
and forth. Using the same quick motion
you would use to light a match and • Charts, showing magnetic fields of
continue rubbing the material with the different magnets.
magnet about 50 times as quickly as • Computers connected to the internet
you can) for research.

Pre-requisite of the lesson

• You may begin the lesson by
reminding learners why magnets
Refer to learner’s book pages 300
are in fact said to be magnetic.Their
Specific objectives answers may include – ‘ because
By the end of the lesson, learners should they exhibit magnetic forces’. Let
be able to explain what a magnetic them name the forces.They may say
field is and draw the magnetic fields of ‘ forces of attraction or repulsion’.
various types of magnets. • Based on their answers, introduce
the concept of magnetic field are the
Preparation for the lesson
area where these forces operate.
1. This lesson will involve pair work or
group activities. You will therefore Teaching / learning activities
organize the class as need arises Activity 15.6 (Refer to Pupil’s book
during the lesson. REMEMBER: page 301)
When grouping learners, you should
consider the different abilities of • Put the learners in pairs or groups
learners and the special needs for depending on the size of the class.
various individuals. • Provide each group with the
2. Collect materials required to materials listed. Let them carry

out the activities described under by different types of magnets and
procedure 1 and 2. when like and unlike poles are
brought close together.
• Let them make their observations
and record them in their notebooks. Synthesis
They should draw the pattern
This lesson is about magnetic forces
obtained when the various magnets
and magnetic lines of force. Using the
are used.
practical activities, guide learners to
• Guide the learners to discover the discover what magnetic field lines are
magnetic field lines of bar and horse and how to draw accurate field lines for
shoe magnets. various magnets.

• Let them compare their drawings Lesson assessment

with those in Fig. 15.4 on page 301of Assess whether the learning objectives
their book. Did they get it right? If of the lesson were met by asking
not, they should correct accordingly. questions such as:
• They should then proceed with 1. What is magnetic field?
procedures 3 and 4 by bringing like (Ans:The area around a magnet where
poles of same magnet and unlike magnetic force is experienced)
poles together.They should observe
2. Draw magnetic field line of:
the pattern formed by the iron
fillings and come up with a drawing. (i) Bar magnet

• Let them compare their drawings Ans

to those in Fig. 15.6 and 15.7 for bar
magnet. Guide them to correct their
drawings accordingly.

• Wrap up this lesson by highlighting

the meaning of magnetic field and
clarifying the differences between
the various magnetic fields formed (ii) Horse shoe magnet

Ans Teaching aids
• Bar or horseshoe magnet, clear
plastic jar with water, three needles,
thread, pencil, piece of manila paper,
clay or plasticine, tape.

• Magnetic compass

• Computers connected to the internet

Lesson 5: Magnetic compass
and its uses for research

Pre-requisite of the lesson

Refer to learner’s book pages 303
• You may begin the lesson by showing
Specific objectives learners the sample magnetic
By the end of the lesson, learners should compass that you have. Let them
be able to explain what a magnetic say whether they know what it is
compass is and state its use. or not.

Preparation for the lesson • Irrespective of their answers,

1. This lesson will involve pair work or introduce activity 15.7 straight away.
group activities. You will therefore
Teaching / learning activities
organize the class as need arises
Activity 15.7 (Refer to Pupil’s book
during the lesson. REMEMBER:
page 303)
When grouping learners, you should
consider the different abilities of • Put the learners in groups depending
learners and the special needs for on the size of the class. Provide each
various individuals. group with the materials listed.
2. Collect materials required to • Guide the learners to carry out
perform the various practical the activities described under this
activities given below under activity. At the end of the activity
teaching aids. they would have made a home-
made magnetic compass and tested
how it works. Let them make their
observations and record them in
their notebooks.

• At this point, you should show Synthesis
learners the magnetic compass This lesson is about magnetic compass
again. Let them say what it is based and its uses. Using the practical activity
on earlier discussions. suggested, guide learners to make their
• Throw the magnetic compass next own magnetic compass and compare
to the equipment that they made. its working with that of a manufactured
Let them note the direction where magnetic compass. They should then
the north pole points compared to predict the use of the magnetic compass
their equipment. based on the fact that the earth being
a being a huge magnet, obeys the
• Guide the learners to discover magnetic laws.
the use of a magnetic compass in
showing direction. Emphasise the Lesson assessment
fact that the Earth is a big magnet Assess whether the learning objectives
hence being a magnet, it has poles. of the lesson were met by asking
Therefore, based on the rules of questions such as:
magnetism whereby like charges 1. What is magnetic compass?
attract and unlike repel, when a
(Ans: An instrument or a device that
magnet like the magnetic compass is
uses magnetized steel bar to indicate
placed on Earth’s surface, it tends to
direction relative to the Ear th’s
obey this law. Therefore the North
magnetic poles)
Pole will always point away from
the Earth’s magnetic North. This 2. How is magnetic compass useful
concept is what causes the pointer to us?
of the magnetic compass to settle (Ans:To tell direction)
in a direction that is always south
of the Earth’s magnetic North pole.
As such, the magnetic compass can
be used to tell the direction where
one is going or coming from.

• Let learners write summary notes

as you explain the concepts above.

Pre-requisite of the lesson
You may begin the lesson by asking
Refer to learner’s book pages 305 learners to name some objects that they
know where magnets are used.The most
Specific objectives common one is usually the speaker of
which they are likely to name.
By the end of the lesson, learners should
be able to list some uses of magnets in Synthesis
everyday objects. This lesson is about uses of magnets.
Using the talking point and the case
Preparation for the lesson
study suggested, guide learners to
1. This lesson will involve discussion discover uses of magnets, among them
activity and a case study. You will use in finding lost items and separating
therefore organize the class as substances. Also, show learners devices
need arises during the lesson. that we use in our daily lives such
as speakers, microphones, Radios,
REMEMBER: When grouping
DVDs and TVs that use magnets. Also
learners, you should consider the
emphasise the fact that electromagnets
different abilities of learners and the are very important in lifting heavy items
special needs for various individuals. especially at the port.

2. Collect materials required to Lesson assessment

perform the various practical case Assess whether the learning objectives
study. of the lesson were met by asking
questions such as:
Teaching aids
1. Why is it more appropriate to use
• Bar or horseshoe magnet, a piece of
a magnet to separate iron fillings
needle or pin, sand, grass.
from flour?
• Textbooks on uses of magnets.

• Computers with internet connection.

(Ans: Because it will attract all the iron 3.
fillings living behind pure flour)
2. Name some items that you know
which use magnets.

(Ans:TV, Radio, speakers, microphones,

3. Why are electromagnets more
useful than permanent magnets 4. Fridge,TV, radio, hand bags, wallets,
when carrying heavy loads? DVD, Microphone, etc

(Ans: They can pick and release the

load as required – they are temporary Summary of the unit
This unit deals with magnets and their
Answers to Self-Test 15.1 applications. You therefore should
Refer to learner’s book page 300 effectively use the practical activities
1. Nail, pin, needle, spoon, metallic and the suggested teaching approaches
plates, hoe among others. in the teacher’s book to guide learners
2. Using a magnet – to attract iron acquire the requisite knowledge and
fillings leaving behind salt or sugar. desired competences in these areas. At
3. TV, DVD, refrigerator, electric the end of the lessons, you should assess
cooker, electric iron, radio, etc. the extent to which the competencies
have been achieved and attitude change
4. By rubbing a biro pen case or comb
on hair, it creates charges which towards responsible use and disposal
attract pieces of paper. of devices made of magnets as a way
of conserving our environment. Plan
Answers to Self-Test 15.2
remedial activities where necessary for
Refer to learner’s book page 306 slow learners and give extra activities
1. Area around a magnet where for gifted ones as well. Also, emphasize
magnetic force is experienced. the fact that taking this unit seriously
may lead to careers such as engineering
2. To tell direction and becoming technicians of devices such
as fridges, mobile phones, computers
among others that use magnets.

Additional information for the Bring the two poles of the magnet in
teacher turn close to a nail placed on a table.
Some information that you may find Record your observations. Repeat the
relevant in this topic are given below. procedure, using a second bar magnet
instead of the nail.
Origin of magnetism
The people of Magnesia in Asia Minor Fig. 15.1 Magnet attracting nails
observed that certain kinds of naturally
We observe that there is attraction
occurring ores possessed an iron-
attracting property. The ore was when the south and north pole of the
discovered near the city of Magnesia and suspended magnet is brought near the
hence it was named Magnetite. Huge nail. When the second bar magnetis
lumps of magnetite were often called
lodestone meaning “ leading” stone or
natural magnet. Chemically lodestone
consists of iron oxide. Dr.William Gilbert
(1540-1603) did a lot of work with the
natural magnets. He published a book
called De magnete in 1600 in which he
gave an account of his research into the
magnets and their properties.

Identification of the poles of a used, both attraction and repulsion are

observed.We can conclude that there is
In order to identify the poles of a magnet, always an attraction between a magnet
the ends are usually painted in different
and a magnetic material or between
colours. For example, the N-pole is
the unlike poles of different magnets.
painted red while the S-pole is painted
blue. In other cases the whole bar is But there is always repulsion between
painted red with a white dot or spot on two like poles of a magnet. Repulsion is
therefore, the only sure way of testing
one end to identify the north pole. Also,
for polarity of a magnet. However, the
letters ‘N’ and ‘S’ are used to identify poles of the suspended magnet must be
North and South poles respectively. known first.

Testing polarity of magnets Making magnets (Magnetisation)

To do this, freely suspend a bar magnet. In the second century A.D, Chinese
found a method of making magnets by

rubbing pieces of common iron against end, lift the magnet well away from the
lodestone. Nowadays, magnets are steel needle i.e. make a wide sweep as
made using various methods. Some of shown in Fig. above. Repeat the process
these methods include:
several times (50 times).Test the polarity
• Stroking or touching method of the steel needle by the repulsion
• Electric method method. It is observed that the steel
needle becomes magnetised with end B
• Hammering and
becoming a S-pole and end A becoming
• Induction method a N-pole. Note that the end of the
(a) Stroking method magnetic material last touched by the
magnet acquires a polarity opposite to
This can be single or double stroking.
the one touching it.
(i) Single stroking
(ii) Double stroking
Here, a piece of steel e.g. steel needle is
placed near a magnet and it becomes Stroke a steel needle using two magnets
magnetised. However, the magnetism as shown in Fig. 15.3 below. The stroking
acquired usually disappears quickly when should begin at the middle of the steel
the magnet is removed ( temporary
needle each time making sure that the
two bar magnets are lifted far away
Fig. 15.2 Single stroking from the steel needle once you reach
the ends.
Place the steel needle on the bench.
Stroke the steel needle with the south Fig. 15.3 Double stroking
pole of a bar magnet along the whole
Test for the polarity at the end of
length of the steel needle. Once at the
the needle. It is observed that end C

becomes a N-pole while end D becomes

a S-pole. The double stroke method is Fig. 15.5 To make a magnet by hammering
also called the divided stroke method.

(b) Electrical method

Using a wire wind a number of turns

round a hollow rod. This is called a
solenoid. Place a steel knitting needle
and pass a direct current (DC) through
The steel bar becomes a weak magnet.
the turns of the solenoid as shown in Fig.
The lower end becomes a weak north
15.4. Switch off the current and remove
pole for countries in the northern
the needle.Test for polarity of the needle.
hemisphere and a south pole for
Repeat the experiment but with the
countries in the southern hemisphere.
electric current direction reversed. Test
In this method the influence of earth’s
for polarity of the needle.
magnetic field is used to magnetise the
Fig. 15.4 Making a magnet by electrical steel bar being hammered.
(d) Magnetisation by induction

Place a magnet near an unmagnetised

steel pin and note what happens.The pin
is attracted by the bar magnet. Bring
another pin next to the first pin and
note what happens. The second pin is
attracted to the first pin (Fig. 15.6 (a)
It is observed that the polarity of the
magnet produced depends on the Fig. 15.6 To make a magnet by induction
direction of the electric current.

(c) Hammering

Hammer one end of a steel bar fixed in

north-south direction several times.

The first pin becomes magnetised by

the magnet through a process called Heating
induction and then gets attracted to the Heating a magnetised material until red
magnet.The second pin gets magnetised hot and cooling it suddenly when resting
by the first pin through the same process. in East-West direction makes it lose its
Separate the first pin from the magnet magnetism.
and note what happens to the second
pin. It is observed that the second pin Electrical method
falls off.This shows that it is the presence Placing a magnetised needle in a coil
of the bar magnet that sustains the placed in East-West direction and
magnetism between the first and second passing an alternating current (A.C)
pin. Repeat the experiment using two demagnetises the needle.
pins placed side by side. Introduce a
Domain theory of magnetism
north pole between the two pins and
The domain theory of magnetism
observe what happens. The two pins
developed by a scientist called Wilhelm
separate further when a north pole is
Weber helps to explain the phenomenon
placed in between them (Fig. 1.14 (b)).
of magnetism.
This shows that the induced pole nearest
to the magnet is of opposite polarity to Magnetise a steel bar using any of the
that of the inducing magnet. methods described earlier. Cut the
magnetised bar into two halves.Test the
polarities of the ends of each half.
Demagnetisation is the process through
which magnets lose their magnetism. Cut one of the halves into two halves
The process may be achieved through and again test the polarities.
a number of methods. Some of the
methods are discussed below.

Fig. 15.7 Effects of cutting bar magnet into
Hammering a magnetised material
small pieces
placed in the East-West direction or
dropping it violently on the hard floor Continue cutting one piece until you
several times makes it lose most of its are not able to cut it any more. Each
magnetism. time test the polarity of the halves (Fig.
15.7).The polarity test for the first halves

shows that each piece is a magnet in its 15.9 (a) are not all aligned in the same
own right. Further cutting of the pieces direction. When the material is fully
still yields a smaller magnet.The smallest magnetised the domain walls move and
portion of any matter is a molecule.Thus the molecular magnets align themselves
if we were able to cut the magnet further in one particular direction as shown in
we would see that the smallest magnet Fig. 15.9 (b).
would be a molecule.

In ferromagnetic materials, these

molecular magnets also called dipoles
(because of the two poles) occupy
tiny regions called domains within a Fig. 15.9 (a) Unmagnetised material
magnet.The magnetism of each domain
is aligned. However, different domains
point in different and random directions
as shown below.

Fig. 15.9 (b) Magnetised material

A ferromagnetic material is said to

be magnetically saturated when the
walls are swept out and the molecular
Fig. 15.8 Unmagnetised material
magnets point in the same direction.
The domain theory may be used to
A resultant north pole is produced at
explain the processes of magnetization
one end and a south pole at the other
and demagnetisation.
end as shown in Fig. 15.9 (b).
Since the domains are aligned in all Demagnetisation
possible directions in an unmagnetised The walls of the domain slowly return
material (Fig. 15.8), the net magnetism to their original state with time as
in the material is zero. In a partially this is a more stable state; hence the
magnetised material the domains align material becomes demagnetised.
themselves as shown in Fig. 15.9 (a). This kind of demagnetisation is called
Notice that the domains in Fig. 15.8 and self-demagnetisation. This is due to the

poles at the end, which tend to reverse The soft iron keepers are used since
the direction of the molecular magnets. they are easily magnetised by induction.
The demagnetisation process can also
The earth’s magnetic field
be influenced externally by giving the
molecular magnets enough energy to When a bar magnet is suspended freely,

overcome the forces holding them in it comes to rest in N-S direction. This
a particular direction. The energy may is as if it is trying to align itself with a
be provided by heating, hammering or certain magnetic field. It is believed that
dropping on a hard surface or by using this alignment of the bar magnet is due
an alternating current. to the magnetic field due to the earth.
The earth is considered to behave as if
Storage and uses of magnets
it contains a bar magnet positioned at
A bar magnet loses its magnetism with
its centre.
time due to self-demagnetisation. The
process of self-demagnetisation starts at Answers to Unit Test 15 (pupil’s
the ends of a magnet in which the free book page 307)
like poles repel each other and slowly 1. A term used to refer to a property
upsetting the alignment of the molecular associated with magnets, which
magnet inside it. To minimise this, soft causes attraction or repulsion of
substances that are magnetic.
iron bars called keepers are placed
across their ends as shown in Fig. 15.10 2.

Magnetic Non
materials magnetic
Iron Paper
Fig. 15.10 Keepers for storing magnets Steel Cork
Nails Wood
This way, the dipoles find themselves
Pins Plastic
in a closed chain or loops round the
magnet and the keepers, with no free Needle Ceramic

poles, available to upset the domains. Paper clips Pieces of cloth

3. and make a magnet.The magnet is
made by stroking a magnetic metal
on a bar magnet several times (50
times) only in one direction. The
speed should be that of striking a
matchstick.The parent or guardian
should be advised to follow up and
4. Temporary magnets lose magnetism
ensure the learner has made the
when taken away from magnetic
field or when power is disconnected
9. Have two poles (North and South
in an electromagnet, permanent
pole), like poles attract while
magnets do not lose their magnetic
unlike poles repel, attract magnetic
properties whatsoever unless the
materials but not non magnetic
magnet is physically destroyed.
materials, when suspended, they
5. Magnetic materials or metals that
rest with their south pole settling
that can be attracted by a magnet.
in the Earth’s magnetic north pole
Examples include iron, nickel, cobalt
or naturally occurring magnetic
10. Magnetite or lodestone
materials such as magnetite or
iodestone. 11. When separating mixtures of
magnetic and non magnetic
6. B
substances, in finding lost magnetic
7. B
items, in telling direction (magnetic
8. Ask learners to first write down compass), etc.
how they will do it then go ahead

Additional activities to cater for intellectually challenged and gifted
Remedial activities for Extended activities for gifted and
intellectually challenged learners talented learners
1. Collecting, observing and drawing 1. Do further research in textbooks
the various types of magnets in or the internet about why magnets
their note books. behave the way they do. Write
2. Collect various materials/objects short notes then share with other
at home. Test for magnetism using class members.
a magnet. Classify the things either 2. Break a magnet into smaller pieces
as magnetic or non-magnetic. with hammer by hitting hard. Test
3. Collect old speakers, microphones, the pieces for magnetic properties.
bags, wallets. Search for magnets Research about the results of this
in them. Remove the magnets and experiment and come up with
test whether they are working summary notes.
using magnetic materials such as 3. Think of a project on making a
nail or pins. device using magnets based on
daily activities either at home or in
school. Assemble locally available
materials and make the item.

Remedial questions for Extended questions for gifted

intellectually challenged learners learners
1. How would you differentiate 1. Explain why it is possible to tell
magnetic from non-magnetic direction using a magnetic compass.
substances? 2. How are magnets used in a
2. Look around you. List some (a) Speaker?
magnetic materials that you can
(b) Refrigerator?
3. Explain why electromagnets are
3. Like charges attract while unlike
used in lifting of heavy machinery
charges repel. True or false? ––––
at the port.
4. What is a magnet?

Answers to remedial questions Answers to extended questions

1. By bringing a magnet close to the 1. The Earth has magnetic materials

item. If it attracts, it is magnetic; if at its core. As such, it is kind of a
it doesn’t, it is not. huge magnet. Being a magnet, it
2. Magnetic: Nail, pin, paper clip, door has North and South poles. When
handle. Non magnetic – wooden a magnetic compass is placed on
chair/tabl, biro pen case, book, etc) the Earth’s surface. Its North pole
is repelled by the Earth’s magnetic
3. False
North pole. Therefore, the north
4. An object/item that produces a pole of the magnetic compass
special type of force, which either always settles southwards. Using
attracts or repels certain materials. this knowledge, we can drop a
magnetic compass and look at
the pointer. Where it points is the
south of the earth hence we can
use that information to tell the
direction where we are going or
coming from.
2. (a) A speaker converts electrical
signals into sound energy. By
moving the cone back and forth, the
speaker increases and decreases
the air pressure in front of it thus
creating sound waves. Below is a
basic diagram of a speaker.





When a fluctuating electric current
(from the sound system such as
radio or TV) flows through the
coil, it becomes a temporary
electromagnet, attracted and
repelled by the permanent magnet.
As the coil moves, it moves the
cone back and forth, pumping
soundwaves into the air.That is how
we get to hear the sound.
(b). In the doors to keep the doors
3. Huge magnets are very powerful
hence can be used to lift heavy
loads. Additionally, electromagnets
are made from magnetic cores and
coilings, which use electricity. It is
therefore possible to determine
what amount of force is generated
or even manipulate the amount
of force generated, plus it can be
switched on to lift the load and
switched off to drop it once the
point of offloading is reached.

UNIT States of matter
16 (No. of Periods 10 )
Refer to the Learner’s Book pages 308 - 320
Key unit competency skills acquisition and attitude and values.
After studying this unit the learner At the end of the unit, learners should
should be able to demonstrate and have knowledge and understanding of
explain changes of state of matter.
states of matter and have the right
Learning objectives attitude towards applications of states
Competency based curriculum embraces of matter.
three categories of learning objectives,
that is, knowledge and understanding,

Table 16.1 Knowledge, skills and values to be attained

Knowledge and Skills Attitudes and values
By the end of this unit, learners By the end of this unit, By the end of this unit,
should be able to: learners should be able to: learners should be able to:
r By the end of this unit r Observe and compare r S h ow c u r i o s i t y i n
the learner should be able to different objectives/matter
define the matter. in different states. exploring matter in
the surroundings and
r Identify the three states r To use apparatus and questions on what they
of matter (solid, liquid, gas) in equipment properly.
terms of shape and volume. show concern for water
r Predict the effect of as a limited natural
r Identify t h r e e heat/cooling water on its resources and the need
interchangeable states of physical appearance.
water. for water conservation.

r State how water changes r Investigate the effect

from one state to another. of heat gain or loss on the
temperature and state of
r State the melting point of water and communicate
ice, the freezing point of water
and boiling point of water.
r E x p l a i n t h e ro l e s o f r Recognize the changes
evaporation and condensation in the water cycle.
in the water cycle.

Pre-requisite of this unit and practical activities. Special
This is a new area although learners arrangement should be made to take
have already interacted with solids, care of learners with special needs.
liquids and gases in their lives. Let them For example, provide brail for blind
understand that in this unit, they will be learners, large print text for those
introduced to the definition of matter, with sight problems and allocate
the various forms of matter and the physically challenged learners to
process that take place when matter is others to assist them during field
transformed from one state to another. trips and practical activities. Further,
During the lessons, strive to bring to physically challenged learners should
the awareness of learners the fact that
be given tasks that they can manage
this topic is related to states of matter
during the practical sessions.
in Chemistry and Physics. Let learners
understand that at this level, they 3. Financial education
may only need the basic information
Emphasize the need to conserve
otherwise; details of states of matter, its
water by using it sparingly and only
applications and usage will be taught in
Chemistry and Physics at higher levels when absolutely necessary.This way,
of education. water bills will be reduced and the
authorities will reduce expenses on
Background information treating large volumes of water for
This topic deals with states of matter domestic consumption.
and the inter-conversions from one 4. Environment and sustainability
state of matter to the other. Emphasise
the three states that is solids, liquids
and gases and narrow down to water Bring to the attention of learners
and state its three forms. You will also the fact that they should ALWAYS
explain the various processes that are avoid water pollution.
involved when matter changes from one
state to another and the role of these Generic competences
processes in water cycle. 1. Co-operation and interpersonal
Cross-cutting issues to be management and life skills
addressed During group discussions and
1. Gender education group interactions - let learners
engage one another by giving a
Both boys and girls should participate
chance for all to participate. Also,
equally in the activities in this unit.
during group presentations - you
2. Inclusive education can allow rotational presentations
All learners should be encouraged within the group members. Gifted
to par ticipate during lessons learners should help in coming up

with presentation content as slow unit and as they discuss the results
learners contribute. of the various practical activities.
REMEMBER – You should allow Guide learners to discover for
slow learners to do presentations as themselves what causes things
well and correct them where they go to flow and others not to flow,
wrong.Advise learners to appreciate things to compress and others not
the different abilities of their group to compress, among others. This
members and accommodate each competence will also come about
other’s views. as learners think about their findings
in the activities and as they give out
2. Research skills their suggestions on why this is the
Guide learners on how to find case.
information regarding various topics Key words in this unit and their
such as the meaning of the word meanings
‘transformation’ and the various
processes involved in change of • Condensation – Change of state
state. Guide learners on how to from gas to liquid as a result of
come up with summarized notes reduction in temperature.
from a large body of text.You should • Deposition – Direct change from
also guide learners on how to do gaseous state to solid state. It is the
Internet searches for the various opposite of sublimation.
content areas they are looking for.
• Eureka can – A container used
3. Communication in English to determine the volume of an
Communication in English will be irregular object such as a stone done
improved when learners freely by measuring the volume of liquid
participate in the discussions displaced.
and presentations. Encourage all • Evaporation – Change of state
learners irrespective of their abilities from solid to liquid as a result of
to participate in group discussions, increase in temperature.
during presentations by asking
questions and during question and • Freezing – Change of state
answer sessions to either introduce from liquid to solid by reducing
or wrap up the lessons. temperature.

4. Critical thinking and problem • Mass – The amount of matter in a

solving skills
• Matter – Anything that occupies
This competence will be developed space and has weight.
by learners as they answer the
probing questions such as those on • Melting – Change of state from
page 308 at the beginning of this solid to liquid as a result of increase
in temperature.

• Transpiration – The process by • Weight – The force experienced by
which plants lose water in form of a body due to gravitational pull.
water vapour to the atmosphere
Guidance on the problem state-
through the leaves.
• Transformation – this is a term This topic is about states of matter and
that refers to changing something the various processes involved during
completely from one form into change of state.As a way of introducing
another. the concepts, It is about a father who
• Sublimation – Direct change has medicine from hospital and he is
supposed to use pure water to dissolve
from solid to gaseous form without
the medicine before he gives his son.
undergoing liquid state.
They are stranded on how to get pure
• Surface run-off – Water that flows water. Learners should brainstorm
on the Earth’s surface after it has about how pure water can locally be
rained, often due to the fact that made at home. An easy way of making
enough water has infiltrated the soil pure water is shown below.
such that it cannot accommodate

In the diagram, pure water is being obtained by heating water using gas then
directing the vapour through a pipe to a bucket of ice. The ice helps to cool
the vapour which is then collected in another clean bucket.This water is pure
enough and can be used to dilute the medicine.

Attention to special educational needs

Support for Multi-ability learning Support for special needs learning

– Gifted learners to be given heavy tasks – Allocate gifted learners to help fellow
requiring more critical thinking while slow learners with special needs.
learners are given tasks, which they can
– Provide brail for blind learners
manage such as collecting materials for
and large print text to learners
use during practicals among others.
with seeing difficulties. Provide sign
– Both gifted and slow learners to be language alphabet symbols and sign
given equal opportunity to lead in group language interpreters for the deaf.
discussions and to do presentations of
– Also, arrange learners such that
group findings to the rest of the class.
shortsighted ones are at the front
– Ensure all learners respect other’s views and long-sighted ones are at the back.
irrespective of their shortcomings or Spectacles can as well be provided
talents. if available for learners with seeing

List of lessons
Lesson No. Lesson title No. of periods
1. Definition of matter 2
2. The three states of matter 2
3. Change of state of water 2
4. The water cycle verses change of state 2
5. The transformation of states of matter 2

Preparation for the lesson

1. This lesson will involve individual

Refer to learner’s book pages 308 research work and group activities.
You will therefore organize the class
Specific objectives
as need arises during the lesson.
By the end of the lesson, learners should REMEMBER: When grouping
be able to define matter. learners, you should consider the
different abilities of learners and the
special needs for various individuals.

2. Ensure the Internet is working experiments.
properly before the lesson for • Emphasise the fact that matter is
leaners to use to do research. anything that occupies space and
3. Collect or instruct learners to bring has volume. Prove the fact that this
the various items to be used during is the case by citing the results of
the practical session i.e. balloons, the experiments in this activity.
stick, Eureka can, measuring cylinder,
stone, bottle of water, among others.
This lesson introduces learners to the
Teaching aids concept of matter. Learners should
• Items for use during practicals discover what the term means and
such as balloons, stick, eureka can, by performing the suggested practical
measuring cylinder, stone, bottle of activities as you guide them. Help them
water, among others discover the fact that matter occupies
• Computers connected to the internet space and has weight.

Pre-requisite of the lesson Lesson assessment

Introduce the unit as explained under Assess whether the learning objectives of
guidance on the problem statement the lesson was met by asking questions
above then narrow down to this lesson. such as:
1. The fact that a stone has weight
Teaching / learning activities shows that is an example of
• You may begin the lesson by asking ____________?
learners probing questions such as: (Ans: matter)
Have you ever heard of the word 2. Blowing air into a balloon makes
‘matter’? What does it mean? it expand. This shows that air has
Activity 16.1 (Refer to Pupil’s book ___________
pages 308) (Ans: volume)
• Put learners in groups of four or 3. Based on your answers to Questions
any other number depending on 1) and 2) above, define matter.
the class size. Let them carry out (Ans: Anything that occupies space and
the activities listed in this practical has weight)
• Let them make their observations 16.2 The three states of matter
and record them in their note books.
Refer to learner’s book pages 310
• Guide the learners to discover
the meaning of the word matter Specific objectives
by discussing the results of above By the end of the lesson, learners should

be able to identify the three states reminding learners what they were
matter. taught in the previous lesson. Let
volunteers give the meaning of
Preparation for the lesson
matter. You can then ask learners
whether they think matter exists
1. This lesson will involve individual
in only one state or more than one
research work and group activities, state.
pair work and class presentations. Teaching / learning activities
You will therefore organize the class
Activity 16.2 (Refer to Pupil’s book
as need arises during the lesson.
pages 310-311)
REMEMBER: When grouping
learners, you should consider the • Put learners in pairs then let them
different abilities of learners and the carry out the activities listed in this
practical activity. You can also use
special needs for various individuals.
groups of varied numbers depending
2. Ensure the Internet is working on the size of the class. Let them
properly before the lesson for pour, compress and feel the various
items as they make observations.
leaners to use to do research.
• Let them record their findings in
3. Collect or instruct learners to bring their notebooks. They can do it in a
the various items to be used during table format as shown in their books
the practical session i.e. water, juice, page 311.
stone, pieces of wood, cooking oil, • Guide the learners to discover the
book, milk, methylated spirit, inflated differences between the various
balloon, among others states of matter. They should
try to group them based on the
Teaching aids characteristics that they have
• Water in a container, juice, stone,
pieces of wood, cooking oil, book, • Let them do research on the
characteristics of the various states
milk, methylated spirit, inflated
of matter.They should then compare
balloon, among others. their findings to the characteristics
• Textbooks in the library and charts that they earlier wrote down.
on states of matter. • Guide them to make conclusions
about the three states of matter i.e.
• Computers connected to the internet solids, liquids and gases.
Pre-requisite of the lesson • Emphasise the fact that the particles
• You may begin the lesson by in the three states of mater are

organised differently hence the (Ans: Far apart)
observed characteristics. Show
4. Draw a diagram to illustrate
learners the pictures in Fig. 16.2
arrangement of particles in a solid.
page 311-312 of their books to help
them differentiate between the three (Ans: Fig. 16.2 (a) page 311 of pupils book)
• Wind up the lesson by highlighting
the characteristics of the three
states of matter as they write
summary notes.
Refer to learner’s book pages 312
Guide learners to discover the
characteristics of the three states of Specific objectives
matter by performing the suggested
By the end of the lesson, learners should
practical activities and the pictures in
be able to:
charts or the pupil’s book. Emphasise the
fact that the way particles are arranged • Identify the three interchangeable
causes the difference in properties. You states of water.
can demonstrate this using marbles
placed in a closed container; full for • State how water changes from one
solids, ¾ for liquids and ¼ for gases. state to another.
Shake the container and let learners • State the melting point of ice
note the behavior of the marbles then (freezing point of water) and the
compare with the characteristics of boiling point of water.
each state of matter.
Preparation for the lesson
Lesson assessment
1. This lesson will involve an experiment
Assess whether the learning objectives of to investigate the physical changes in
the lesson was met by asking questions
water and coming up with melting
such as:
and boiling point of water. You will
1. Which of these have definite shape? therefore organize the class to
Soilds, liquids, gases? ____________? enable demonstration on the same.
REMEMBER: When grouping
(Ans: Solids)
learners, you should consider the
2. Which of these can flow? Soilds, different abilities of learners and the
liquids, gases? ___________ special needs for various individuals.
(Ans: Liquids and gases) 2. Ensure the Internet is working
3. The particles in a gas are _________ properly before the lesson for
( near one another, far apart). leaners to use to do research.

3. Collect or instruct learners to bring equipment, put leaners in groups
the various items to be used during of manageable sizes to carry out
the practical session i.e. water, the activity. Let them carry out the
freezer, bucket of ice, clock, source of activities listed in this experiment.
heat, tin with lid, transparent beaker,
thermometer, test tubes, among • They should heat some water and
others allow it to cool then observe the
underside of the container on top
Teaching aids with cold water in it or lid. Help
• Water in a container, freezer, bucket learners to draw a conclusion about
of ice, clock, source of heat, tin with this.
lid, transparent beaker, thermometer,
• In the same manner, allow learners
test tubes, among others
to heat some ice then observe and
• Textbooks in the library and charts record what happens. Guide them
on states of matter to interpret the observations.
• Computers connected to the internet • Next, guide learners in finding out
Pre-requisite of the lesson the melting point of ice and boiling
point of water. Heat ice and water
• You may begin the lesson by
reminding learners what they did respectively with thermometer
in Activity 16.3. In this activity, immersed in it. Let them record the
learners discovered the fact that temperature at which the ice melts
water occurs in three states. Let and the water boils.
them name these three states. • Guide learners to answer the study
• Build on this and ask learners to questions in this activity.
say whether they think it is possible • Summarise the lesson by guiding
to convert water from one state to
learners to discover the meaning of
melting, evaporation, condensation
• At this point, introduce Activity 16.3 and freezing. Stress the fact that
pages 312-313 of pupil’s book. melting point of ice is the same as
Teaching / learning activities freezing point of water. Help them
Activity 16.3 (Refer to Pupil’s book come up with a chart like the one
pages 312) shown in Fig. 16.3 page 314 of pupils
• This can be a class demonstration
• Emphasise the fact that pure water
or alternatively, if you have enough
boils at 100ºC and ice melts at 0ºC

under standard conditions. (b) Change from water to ice
• Wrap up the topic by highlighting ____________. (Ans: freezing)
the main points as learners write 3. What is the melting point of water?
summary notes. ______________. (Ans: 0o C)
Synthesis 4. What is the boiling point of water?
This lesson will involve a demonstration __________. (Ans: 100oC)
on heating and cooling water and ice.
Using the demonstration or group
activities, guide learners to discover
what happens when water is heated
or cooled and when ice is heated. Use
the results of the experiment to guide Refer to learner’s book pages 315
learners in discovering the difference Specific objectives
between melting and evaporation and By the end of the lesson, learners
freezing and condensation. Emphasise
should be able to explain the roles of
the fact that ice melts at a particular
evaporation and condensation in the
temperature and likewise, water boils
at a particular temperature. These are water cycle.
the melting point and boiling point Preparation for the lesson
respectively. Reinforce this concept by
asking learners the temperatures they 1. This lesson will mainly involve
noted during the activity. group discussion on water cycle.
You will therefore organize the
Lesson assessment class manageable groups based on
Assess whether the learning objectives of the size of the class. REMEMBER:
the lesson was met by asking questions When grouping learners, you should
such as: consider the different abilities of
1. When you heat ice it ____________ learners and the special needs for
into water and when you heat water, various individuals.
it _________ into water vapour. (Ans: 2. Ensure the Internet is working
melts, evaporates) properly before the lesson for
2. Choose the correct word for these leaners to use to do research.
descriptions: Freezing, condensation
3. Prepare charts for use during the
(a) Change from steam to water lesson
__________ (Ans: condensation)

IMPROVISATION You may draw and condensation respectively. Let
a chart on water cycle in manila learners understand that after
paper for use in class in case you condensation of water vapour in the
sky, clouds are formed which later
do not have a chart on water cycle.
precipitate into drops of rain.
Teaching aids • Let learners understand that when
• Chart on water cycle or the Fig. on it rains, some water goes to water
page 315 of pupil’s book bodies, others are absorbed into the
• Textbooks in the library soil while others form surface run-
• Computers connected to the internet offs.

Pre-requisite of the lesson • You may then wind up the topic

by highlighting the main points
• You may begin this lesson by asking about water cycle as learners write
learners whether they know how summary notes.
rain comes about. Let them have a
brainstorming session on how rain Synthesis
is formed. This lesson is about the various processes
involved in change of states of water.
• Build on this and ask learners to Use previous knowledge learnt and link
carry out the discussion it up with the discussion results of the
Teaching / learning activities talking point on page 315 of the pupil’s
book to guide learners understand
Talking point the concept of water cycle. Emphasize
the main processes in the water cycle,
• Put learners into groups
that is, evaporation, transpiration and
depending on the class size and their condensation. Further, reinforce the
abilities. importance of conserving water as a
cross-cutting issue.
• Provide learners with a chart on the
water cycle. Alternatively, let them Lesson assessment
study the picture on page 315 with
Assess whether the learning objectives of
their friends in the group. the lesson was met by asking questions
• Guide learners to discover what is such as:
happening in the various processes
1. Where does water come from? (Ans:
in the diagram.You may remind them
condensation of water vapour in the
of the outcomes in Activity 16.3.You
may also repeat this activity as well.
2. Name two process that lead to
• Explain the processesA,B and C which
formation of water vapour in the
are - evaporation, transpiration
atmosphere. (Ans: Evaporation from

water bodies, transpiration) 3. Collect the various items necessary
3. What is precipitation? _______ for this practical activity that is
naphthalene solid, iodine, transparent
(Ans: the process by which rain drops
tin with lid, bottle top and a source
are formed from clouds)
of heat.
4. _____________ refers to water that
runs on earth surface as a result of Teaching aids
lack of infiltration of wrain water • N a p h t h a l e n e s o l i d , i o d i n e ,
into the soil. (Ans: Surface runoff) transparent tin with lid, bottle top
and a source of heat
• Textbooks in the library
• Computers connected to the internet

Refer to learner’s book pages 316 Pre-requisite of the lesson

Specific objectives • You may begin by asking the

learners if they know what the word
By the end of the lesson, learners should transformation means. Let them
be able to describe the transformation
brainstorm what it means.
of the various states of matter
Teaching / learning activities
Preparation for the lesson
Find out (Refer to Pupil’s book page
1. This lesson will involve both 316)
individual research activity and
a classroom demonstration on • Build on the brainstorming task
what happens when naphthalene is above and ask learners to carry out
heated. You will therefore organize the research activity.
the class to enable demonstration • Let them write down a report and
and individual research. REMEMBER: share with other members of the
When grouping learners, you should class.
consider the different abilities of
• At this point, you can explain the
learners and the special needs for
meaning of the word transformation
various individuals.
and relate it to what happened to
2. Ensure the Internet is working the water in Activity 16.5.
properly before the lesson for
• Let learners understand that other
leaners to use to do research.
substances can undergo similar

Activity 16.5 (Refer to Pupil’s book • Wrap up the topic by highlighting
page 316) the main points as learners write
summary notes.
• Put learners in various groups
depending on class size then Synthesis
demonstrate what happens when This lesson will involve a demonstration
naphthalene and iodine solids are on heating and cooling iodine and
heated and cooled. napththalene. Using the demonstration
• Let learners observe and record together with content learnt in Activity
what happens. 16.3, guide learners to understand the
various processes that are involved in
• You can then clarify the fact that
some solids change directly to change of state of substances. Emphasise
gaseous state when heated while what sublimation and deposition are
when cooled, they also change in addition to melting, evaporation,
directly to solid state. Give iodine condensation and freezing Reinforce
and naphthalene in this experiment this concept by asking learners to think
as examples. about substances that undergo the
above process.
• At this point, you can explain the
difference between sublimation and Lesson assessment
deposition. Refer to pupil’s book
Assess whether the learning objectives of
page 316.
the lesson was met by asking questions
• Remind learners about activity 16.3 such as:
where they heated water and ice.
Let them say what they observed. 1. ___ is changing something completely
You can also carry out this activity from one state to another.
here again. Ask them the processes
2. Distinguish between sublimation and
• From the activity above, learners
should list evaporation and melting
and condensation and freezing as (Ans: Sublimation – direct change from
some of the processes involved. solid to gas on heating; deposition –
• Combine the content above and direct change from gas to solid on
what has been learnt in this activity cooling)
and summarize the various changes 3. Describe what happens when iodine
of state that occur in substances. solid is heated.
Refer to Fig.16.4 in pupil’s book page (Ans: Changes directly to purple vapour)

Answers to Self-Test 16.1 1. The process by which water is made
Refer to learner’s book page 315 available on the surface of the earth.
2. (a) Bring about transpiration
1. Anything that occupies space and
has weight. (b) leads to accumulation of water
in water bodies
2. Solid, liquid, gas.
(c) It is where evaporation occurs
3. Transformation of a substance from
one form to another. 3 E v a p o r a t i o n , t r a n s p i r a t i o n ,
condensation, precipitation, surface
4. Cooling happens when temperature
is reduced while heating occurs
when temperature is increased. 4. Permanent change in state of a
5. B
5. Refer to learners book page 317.
6. Ice, steam
7. 100°C, 0°C

Answers to Self-Test 16.2

Refer to learner’s book page 318

Word Meaning
Sublimation Change of state from solid to gas directly without undergoing
liquid state as a result of heating.
Deposition Change of state from gas to solid directly without undergoing
liquid state as a result of cooling.
Evaporation Change of state from liquid to gaseous state due to heating.
Condensation Change of state from gaseous to liquid state due to cooling.
Melting Change of state from solid to liquid state due to heating.
Freezing Change of state from conservation
liquid to solid specialists.
state due to cooling.

Summary of the unit Additional information for the

This unit deals with states of matter and
the various processes involved in the Some information that you may find
states of matter. You therefore should relevant in this topic are given below.
effectively use the practical activities Temperatures at which water
and the suggested teaching approaches changes state
in the teacher’s book to guide learners
Changes in temperature can cause a
acquire the requisite knowledge and
substance to change its physical state.
desired competences in these areas. At
We have seen that water can be a solid
the end of the lessons, you should assess
(ice), a liquid (water) or a gas (vapour
the extent to which the competencies
or steam). Its state can be changed
have been achieved and attitude change
by heating or cooling. This is because
towards responsible use of water and its
heating or cooling affects the kinetic
various states. Plan remedial activities
energy of the molecules.
where necessary for slow learners and
• When ice is heated, its temperature
give extra activities for gifted ones
rises steadily until it all melts. This
as well. Also, emphasize the fact that
change is called melting and the
taking this unit seriously may lead to
temperature at which it occurs is the
careers such as water engineering and

melting point.The melting point of point of ice (i.e. 0°C). All these changes
pure water is O˚C. can be represented as shown in the Fig.
• On further heating, the temperature 16.2 below.
of the water rises steadily, some of
the water change to vapour (steam).
This change is called evaporation.
The hotterthe water gets, the
quicker it evaporates and soon
bubbles appear. The water is now
boiling and this is the boiling point of Fig. 16.2 Cooling curve for water
water. At sea level the boiling point
of pure water is 100˚C.
We have seen that matter is anything
that occupies space and has mass. Mass
therefore is the amount of matter in
a substance. Mass does not vary with
temperature, pressure or any other
physical change. It will have the same
value on the earth, the moon or in
A plot of temperature against time gives free space. The SI unit for mass is the
a graph similar to the one shown below kilogram (kg). Other common units are
grams (g) and tonnes (T).
Fig. 16.1 Heating curve for water
Table 16.1 Shows the relationship
The change of state from solid (ice) to between the SI unit of mass (kg) and
liquid (water) and then from liquid to other larger and smaller units of mass.
steam (water vapour) can be reversed
Table: 16.1 Relationship between
by cooling. On cooling, the water vapour
different units of mass
changes into water.This process is called
condensation. Unit Symbol Comparison
with kg
On further cooling (to below 0°C), the 1 tonne t 1000 kg
liquid water changes into solid ice. The 1 kg 1 kg
process is called freezing. The freezing
1 gram g 0.001 kg
point of water is the same as the melting

1 mg 0.000 001 kg Fig. 16.3 Weighing a fish using spring
milligram balance

Weight Calculating the weight of a substance

given the mass
Weight unlike mass, is affected by the
gravitational pull. While mass is the Weight per unit mass is called the
quantity of matter present in an object, gravitational field strength (g) i.e.
weight is the measure of the pull of Weight (w)
gravity on an object. The weight of an
Mass (m) = gravitational field
object varies according to the size of the
gravitational pull acting on it. This pull
of gravity is always directed towards wm = g
the centre of the earth. Thus weight w = mg
has both direction and size. The SI unit
Worked Examples
for weight is the Newton (N). Weight
1. Calculate the weight of the following.
is measured using an instrument called
(Take g = 10N/kg)
spring balance or Newton metre. Spring
balances Fig. 16.3 are made using spiral (a) 300 g of ice
springs. When an object is suspended

w = mg

w = 300 kg

1 000 × 10 = 3N

(b) 800 kg of lead

from a spring balance, the pull of gravity
w = mg
on the object (weight) causes the spring
to stretch as shown below. 800 × 10 = 8 000 N

Differences between mass and weight

Table 16.2 gives a summary of the differences between mass and weight.
Table 16.2 The main differences between mass and weight

Mass Weight
1. Quantity of matter contained in a 1. Pull of gravity on a body.
2. SI unit is kilogram (kg) or gram (g). 2. SI unit is Newton (N)
3. Constant everywhere. 3. Changes from place to place
depending on gravitational field
4. Measured using a beam balance. 4. Measured using a spring balance or
a Newton metre.
5. Mass can never be zero. 5. Weight can be zero if no gravity acts
on an object e.g in space.

Density Calculate its density

The density of a substance is defined Solution

as its mass per unit volume. Density is Density = Mass
therefore a derived quantity of mass and Volume
volume. The unit of density is gram per
Mass = 2 373 g
cubic centimetre (g/cm3). The symbol
Volume = 7 × 3 × 10 = 210 cm3
(Rho) is used to denote density.
Density = 2373
Therefore, 210 = 11.3 g/cm3
Mass M
Density = or = Determining the densities of ir-
Volume V
regular objects
Worked example
Worked example A stone of mass 40 g was completely
immersed in a liquid.The different levels
A block of lead metal weighing 2373 g
of the liquid are as shown below and
is 7.0 cm long, 3.0 cm thick and 10 cm after immersing.

A block of lead metal weighing 2373 g is 7.0 cm long, 3.0 cm thick and 10 cm

(a) The volume of the stone in cubic centimetres.
(b) The density of the stone in grams per cubic centimetre.

Volume of liquid displaced = 60 – 40 = 20 ml

(a) Note: 1 ml = 1 cm3 hence, 20 ml = 20 cm3.

Volume of the stone = volume of the liquid displaced = 20 cm3

(b) Density = Mass

Volume = 40 g

20 cm3 = 2 g/cm3

Answers to Unit Test 16 (Pupil’s book page 319-320)

1. Occupies space.
2. Liquids flow, solids do not flow
liquids can be compressed, solids
3. Refer to Activity 16.3 pages 326 – 327 pupil’s book

4. D
5. Total amount of matter in a substance.
6. (a) A – Transpiration, B – Evaporation
(b) Water vapour
(c) Precipitation
7. (a) Rain forms through water cycle. It is the main source of water which has a

wide variety of uses in our lives ranging from domestic to agricultural and
industrial uses.
(b) Because trees are important catchment areas of rains. Trees undergo
transpiration process which leads to availability of water vapour in the
atmosphere. The water vapour is condensed to give us rain.
8. Use thermometer while heating then
note the temperature at which (a)
melting occurs and (b) boiling
9. C
10. (a) Melting
(b) Evaporation
(c) Condensation
(d) Freezing
11. B
12. Melts

Additional activities to cater for intellectually challenged and gifted
Remedial activities for intellectually Extended activities for gifted and
challenged learners talented learners
1. Practice boiling water and melting 1. Determining boiling points of other
candle wax at home and observing liquids such as spirit and melting
what happens. points of solids such as salt and sugar
2. Drawing water cycle in a manila and comparing to that of water and
paper and hanging on the wall of ice respectively.
classroom for future reference. 2. Finding out factors that affect boiling
3. Playing a game of naming the point and freezing point of various
various processes in the chart on substances.
page 331 Fig. 16.4 of pupil’s book. 3. Determining volumes of various
They can also draw this figure in a irregular objects using eureka can,
manila paper and hang it on the wall measuring their weights and using
of class room for reference. the masses obtained to calculate
the densities of the objects using the
Density = Mass/Volume
Remedial questions for slow Extended questions for gifted
learners learners
1. Matter is anything that occupies 1. The fact that water is found both
________ and has _________. as ice and steam shows it exits in
2. The three states of matter are _______ states.
_______, _______ and ________. 2. Why would you be unable to
3. Give the name of (a) water in solid compress a stone?
state. ______ (b) Water in gaseous 3. Distinguish between deposition and
state. __________ sublimation.
4. The boiling point of water is_______
4. Describe water cycle.
ºC while the melting point of ice is
________. ºC

Answers to remedial questions Answers to extended questions

1. Space, mass 1. Three

2. Solid, liquid and gas 2. Because its particles are arranged/
3. (a) Ice (b) Steam packed very closely together.
4. 100, 0 3. Sublimation – change from solid to
gaseous state directly. Deposition –
change from gaseous to lsolid state
4. The process by which water is made
available on Earth’s surface. It involves
four processes namely evaporation,
transpiration, condensation and
precipitation. Evaporation and
transpiration add water vapour into
the atmosphere. The water vapour
is then converted to clouds through
condensation. Precipitation leads
to rainfall. After it has rained, water
gets into the water bodies through
surface runoff, plants absorb water
from soil and the processes are
repeated over and over.

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• Beryl Kendall: Start finding out. Longhorn Primary Science, Pupil’s book standard
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• Karaka J., Nyangasi L.: Githui. K: Understanding Science. Longhorn publishers
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• Livestock technical handbook by Department of Veterinery services and animal
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• Nyapera W, Muchunku Z.: Mentor KCPE science – 2013.
• Ojwang’ A nad K’opiyo F.: Science matters Standard 6. East African Educational
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• Omar T.S., Nyangasi L., (2014) Star Revision KCPE Science – 2014.
• Primary Science for standard 6 by Kenya literature Bureau, 2006.
• Vashista S.K.’ Patel N.M. (1992): Learning Science and Agriculture.A complete
textbook for revision. Malimu Publications - 1992.
• Wanderi. J. 2002.: Mean score booster for classes 4,5,6,7 & 8. Naship J. Publishers,
• http://etoysillinois.org/files/i3learning.pdf
• http://scratch.mit.edu
• http://shallwelearn.com/blog/stories/Scratch_Intro.pdf
• http://www.cse.msu.edu/~stockman/ITEC/Scratch/BGC2011Scratch-Rev1.pdf
• http://www.okbamboo.cn/index.php/product/Garden+Rake(OK-T1205).html
• http://www.rpbourret.com/scratch/Bourret-ScratchProgramming.pdf
• https://etoysillinois.org/files/Etoys%20tutorial%201.pdf
• https://resources.scratch.mit.edu/www/guides/en/Getting-Started-Guide-

• https://www.mindofateacher.com/scratch-tutorial-for-beginners/


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