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Physics TG S1

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For Rwandan Schools

Senior 1

Teacher’s Guide
© 2020 Rwanda Education Board
All rights reserved.
This book is property of the Government of Rwanda. Credit must
be given to REB when the content is quoted.
Introduction.................................................................................... 1
Preparation to teach and teaching processes............................................14
Assessment and evaluation methods............................................................35
Content Map.......................................................................................................40

Unit 1: Laboratory safety rules and measurement of

physical quantities ......................................................................... 57
Unit 2: Qualitative analysis of linear motion ..................................... 83
Unit 3: Force (I) ........................................................................................... 94
Unit 4: Newton's laws of motion ......................................................... 102
Unit 5: Centre of gravity ........................................................................ 115
Unit 6: Work, power and energy ........................................................ 128
Unit 7: Simple machines (I) ................................................................... 148
Unit 8: Kinetic theory and states of matter ...................................... 157
Unit 9: Heat and temperature ............................................................. 168
Unit 10: Magnetism .................................................................................... 179
Unit 11: Electrostatic (I) ........................................................................... 191
Unit 12: Current electricity (I) ................................................................ 211
Unit 13: Rectilinear propagation of light ............................................. 223


1. Basic Information

1.1 Organization of the book – Knowledge and

This teacher’s guide is organised into understanding: As in the
two main parts. Part 1 is the general existing curriculum, knowledge
introduction section with details and understanding is very
pedagogical issues. Part 2 is the main important.
topics area. It gives the details of the – Skills: It is through the skills
expected learning units as organised in that students apply their
the learner’s book. The main elements learning and engage in higher
of Part 2 are: order thinking. These skills
• Topic Area: Detailing the various relate to the upper levels of
Sub-topic Areas and the units Bloom’s taxonomy and they
covered under the topic area. lead to deep rather than
surface learning.
• Unit heading: This is accompanied
by some text in the learner’s book – Attitudes and values: Truly
to motivate the learners. Also, the learning requires appropriate
total number of lessons per unit is attitudes and values that relate
given. to the unit.
• Key Unit Competence: This • Links to other subjects: It
is the competence which will be is important for learners to
achieved once students have met all gain an understanding of the
the learning objectives in the unit. interconnections between different
subjects so that learning in each
• Outline of main sections in the
subject is reinforced across the
unit: Is a quick summary of the sub-
curriculum. This platform does
topics covered under the unit.
exactly that. It prepares the teacher
• Learning Objectives: The
to pass this information to the
content in this area is broken down
learners so that they are aware!
into three categories of learning
• Assessment Criteria: This is
objectives, That is; knowledge and
meant to evaluate whether learners
understanding; skills; attitudes and
have succeeded in achieving the
Key Unit Competence(s) intended.

This section will help the teacher 1.2 The Structure of the
in assessing whether the unit syllabus
objectives have been met.
Physics is taught in both O-level and
• Background information: This
A-level, but S1, S2 and S3 must do
is the introduction part of the unit.
physics. However, in A-level, physics is
It aims at giving insights to the
optional.At every grade, the syllabus is
teacher on the subject matter.
structured in Topic Areas, and then
• Additional information for
further broken down into Units. The
the teacher: This section gives
units have the following elements:
more information than what the
syllabus recommends for purposes • Each unit is aligned with the Number
of preparing the teacher to answer of Lessons.
tough questions from learners. • Each unit has a key unit competency
• Learning Activities: These are whose achievement is pursued by
given per lesson and have the all teaching and learning activities
following sub-sections: undertaken by both the teacher
– Lesson titles and the learners.
– Specific objectives of the lesson • Each unit key competency is broken
– Materials and learning into three types of learning objectives
resources as follows:
– Teaching methodology – Type I: Learning objectives
– Suggested teaching/learning relating to knowledge and
approaches Understanding. These are
associated with Lower Order
– Generic competences covered
Thinking Skills or LOTS.
– Cross-cutting issues covered
– Special needs and multi-ability – Type II and Type III: These
– Formative assessment Learning objectives relate
to acquisition of skills,
– Extended exercises/activities
Attitudes and values. They are
for fast learners and remedial
associated with Higher Order
(reinforcement) exercises/
Thinking Skills or HOTS.
activities for slow learners.
They are actually considered
– Answers to self-evaluation
to be the ones targeted by the
present reviewed syllabus.
These are repeated across all lessons
• Each Unit has a Content area
until the end of the unit followed by the
which indicates the scope of
answers or tips to the test questions at
coverage of what a teacher should
the end of every unit.

teach and learner should learn in required skills in the Rwandan education
line with stated learning objectives. system.
• Each unit suggests learning activities It is against this background that
that are expected to engage learners the Physics syllabus at O-level was
in an interactive learning process as reviewed to ensure that the syllabus is
much as possible (learner-centered responsive to the needs of the learner
and participatory approach). with a shift from knowledge-based
• Finally, each unit is linked to other learning to competence-based learning.
subjects, its assessment criteria and Emphasis in the review has been on
the materials (or resources) that building skills and competencies, as
are expected to be used in teaching well as streamlining the coherence of
and learning process. the existing content by benchmarking
• In all, the syllabus of Physics for against a number of best practice syllabi.
O-level has got eight topics area
The new Physics syllabus guides the
interaction between the teacher and
• Physical quantities the learner in the learning processes
• Mechanics and highlights the essential practical
• Heat skills and competencies a learner should
• Thermodynamics acquire, during and at the end of each
• Electricity learning unit.
• Light
1.4. Rationale of teaching and
• Electronics
• Environmental physics
learning physics

As for units, there are a total of 13 units 1.4.1. Physics and society
in senior one (S1). Physics is one of the natural science
subjects and contributes significantly to
1.3 Background Information on global socioeconomic transformation
new curriculum through its discoveries. These have led
The goal to develop a competence- to development of new technologies
based society, the globalization process, in all fields of production and are
and particularly the growth of the world beneficial to mankind. Applications
market and competition at the global of Physics knowledge is evident
level, as well as a shift from knowledge- in industries such as engineering,
based to competence-based curriculum transport (automobiles, trains, planes,
necessitated a comprehensive review of etc.), medicine and Information and
the national curriculum to address the Communication Technology (ICT).

Physics significantly contributes to the It also provides answers to problems
advancement of new technologies that faced in our modern society by
arise from theoretical breakthroughs. For empowering students to be creative
example, advances and understanding and innovative leading to independent
of electromagnetism or nuclear physics approaches of solving daily life problems.
has led to the development of new Through physics students explore the
products, which have dramatically laws and rules that govern all natural
transformed the modern society. phenomena observed in the universe.
Some of the discoveries based on Competence-based learning refers to
Physics knowledge include televisions, systems of instruction, assessment,
computers, electrical appliances, and grading, and academic reporting that
nuclear weapons advancements in are based on students demonstrating
thermodynamics and mechanics, which that they have acquired and learned
led to industrialization the prerequisite knowledge, skills and
Physics is key to the Rwandan education attitudes as they progress through their
ambition of developing a knowledge- education. Apart from being integrative,
based society. It promotes science the newly revised syllabus guides the
and technology, which are necessary interaction between the teacher and
for learners to be competitive in both the learner in the learning process. It
regional and global job markets. This further puts greater emphasis on skills
new curriculum will address gaps in a learner should acquire during each
appropriate skills and attitudes provided unit of learning. As a competency-
by the current Rwandan Education based syllabus, it elaborates on the
system. three aspects of knowledge, skills and
attitudes in science.
1.4.2. Physics and learners
Physics is a worthwhile subject because
it prepares students for the real world 1.5 Types of competencies and
of work by providing career pathways their acquisition
in mechanical engineering, construction Competencies are statements of the
engineering, information and commu- characteristics that students should
nication technology and other related demonstrate which indicate they
fields. Physics provides skills that guide are prepared and have the ability to
in the construction of theories and laws perform independently in professional
that help to explain natural phenom- practice. The two types of competencies
enon and enable management of the envisaged in this curriculum are basic
environment. and generic competencies.

a) Basic competencies iii) ICT and digital competencies
Basic competencies are addressed in the • Locating, extracting, recording
stated broad subject competencies and and interpreting information from
in objectives highlighted year on year various sources.
basis and in each of units of learning. • Assessing, retrieving and
They include: exchanging information via
i) Literacy internet or cell phones.
• Using cell phones and internet for
• Reading a variety of texts accurately
leisure and for money transactions.
and quickly.
• Using computer keyboard and
• Expressing ideas, messages and
mouse to write and store informa-
events through writing legible texts
in good hand-writing with correctly
spelt words. • Using information and
communication technologies to
• Communicating ideas effectively
enhance learning and teaching( all
through speaking using correct
phonetics of words.
• Listening carefully for understanding iv) Citizenship and national identity
and seeking clarification when • Relating the impact of historical
necessary events on past and present national
ii) Numeracy and cultural identity.
• Understanding the historical and
• Computing accurately using the
cultural roots of Rwandan society
four mathematical operations.
and how the local infrastructure
• Manipulating numbers, mathemati-
functions in relation to the global
cal symbols, quantities, shapes and
figures to accomplish a task involv-
• Demonstrating respect for cultural
ing calculations, measurements
identities and expressing the role of
and estimations.
the national language in social and
• Use numerical patterns and rela-
cultural context.
tionships to solve problems related
• Advocating for the historical, cul-
to everyday activities like commer-
tural and geographical heritage of
cial context and financial manage-
the nation within the global dimen-
• Interpreting basic statistical data
• Showing national consciousness,
using tables, diagrams, charts and
a strong sense of belonging and
patriotic spirit.

• Advocating for a harmonious and b) Generic competencies
cohesive society and working The generic competencies are
with people from diverse cultural competencies that must be emphasized
backgrounds. and reflected in the learning process.
v) Entrepreneurship and business They are briefly described below and
development teachers must ensure that learners
• Applying entrepreneurial attitudes are engaged in tasks that help them to
and approaches to challenges and acquire the competencies.
opportunities in school and in life. (i) Critical thinking and problem
• Understanding the obligations of solving skills: The acquisition of
the different parties involved in such skills will help learners to think
employment. imaginatively, innovatively and broadly
• Planning and managing micro and be able to evaluate and find
projects and small and medium solutions to problems encountered in
enterprises. their surroundings.
• Creation of employment and (ii) Creativity and innovation:
keeping proper books of accounts. The acquisition of these skills will
• Risk-taking in business ventures and help learners to take initiatives and
in other initiatives. use imagination beyond knowledge
• Evaluating resources needed for a provided in classroom to generate new
business. ideas and construct new concepts.
vi) Science and technology (iii) Research skills: This will help
• Apply science and technology learners to find answers to questions
skills to solve practical problems based on existing information and
encountered in everyday life concepts and use it to explain
including efficient and effective phenomena from gathered information.
performance of a given task. (iv) Communication in official
• Develop a sense of curiosity, languages: Teachers, irrespective of
inquisitiveness and research to being language teachers will ensure
explain theories, hypotheses and the proper use of the language of
natural phenomena instruction by learners. The teachers
• Reason deductively and inductively should communicate clearly and
in a logical way. confidently and convey ideas effectively
• Use and experiment with a range through spoken and written word,
of objects and tools of science and applying appropriate language and
technology and draw appropriate relevant vocabulary.

(v) Cooperation, inter personal Observe, analyse, evaluate and interpret
management and life skills: This without prejudice and make reasonable
will help the learner to cooperate in a decisions;
team in whatever task assigned and to • Use principles of scientific methods
practice positive ethical moral values and experimental techniques to
and while respecting rights, feelings solve specific problems in life;
and views of others. Perform practical • Develop attitudes in which scientific
activities related to environmental investigation depends on honesty,
conservation and protection. Advocate persistence, critical thinking and
for personal, family and community tolerance of uncertainty;
health, hygiene and nutrition and • Appreciate the scientific, social, eco-
responding creatively to a variety of nomic, environmental and techno-
challenges encountered in life. logical implications of physics;
(vi) Lifelong learning: The acquisition • Identify legal and ethical require-
of such skills will help learners to update ments for proper use, care, han-
knowledge and skills with minimum dling and disposal of organisms and
external support. The learners will be chemicals into the environment;
able to cope with evolution of knowledge • Identify safe and appropriate tech-
advances for personal fulfillment in areas niques used in the preparation,
that are relevant to their improvement storage, dispensing and supervision
and development. of materials used in science instruc-
1.6 Broad Physics competencies
• Identify national legal
During and at the end of learning
requirements and standards for
process, the learner can:
safe preparation, use, storage,
Analyse and explain physics phenomena and disposal of the materials used.
relating to life experience.
1.7 Physics and developing
Use and experiment with a range of
scientific and technological tools and
equipment and draw appropriate The policy documents based on
conclusions; national aspirations identify some ‘Basic
Competencies’ alongside the ‘Generic
Demonstrate curiosity, research skills Competencies’’ that will develop higher
and creativity; order thinking skills and help students
Apply scientific inquiry and methods to to learn subject content and promote
investigations; application of acquired knowledge and
Apply knowledge of mathematics and skills.
technology to scientific investigation;

Through observation, experimentation, process. Each of the cross-cutting issues
and presentation of information during has its own important programme
the learning process, the learner of learning reflecting key national
will not only develop deductive and priorities. This learning is integrated
inductive skills, but also acquire into the syllabuses of subjects across
cooperation, communication, critical the curriculum rather than each issue
thinking and problem solving skills. This having a dedicated timetable slot of its
will be realized when learners make own. As a result of this integration, the
presentations leading to inferences and learning activities in the units of subjects
conclusions at the end of learning unit. across the curriculum incorporate all
This will be achieved through learner the learning associated with the cross-
group work and cooperative learning cutting issues. The eight cross-cutting
of physics, which in turn will promote issues are:
interpersonal relations and teamwork.
a) Peace and Values Education
The manipulation of apparatus and
The need for Peace and Values
data during class experiments and
Education in the curriculum is obvious.
the undertaking of project work by
Peace is clearly critical for society to
learners will involve analytical and
flourish and for every individual to
problem solving skills directed towards
focus on personal achievement and
innovation, creativity and research
their contribution to the success of the
activities by the learners.
nation. Values education forms a key
The acquired knowledge from learning element of the strategy for ensuring
physics should help develop a responsible young people recognize the importance
citizen who uses scientific reasoning of contributing to society, working
and attitudes to develop confidence in for peace and harmony and being
reasoning independently. The learner committed to avoiding conflict.
should show concern for individual
attitudes, environmental protection and b) Financial Education
comply with the scientific method of • Financial education makes a strong
reasoning. The scientific method should contribution to the wider aims
be applied with the necessary rigor and of education. It makes learning
intellectual honesty to promote critical relevant to real life situations.
thinking while systematically pursuing It aims at a comprehensive
the line of thought. financial education program as a
precondition for achieving financial
1.8 Cross-cutting issues to be inclusion target and improves the
infused during learning financial capability of Rwandans.
These are emerging issues, which need Financial education has a key role
to be incorporated in the learning of not only improving knowledge

of personal but also transforming nothing of the sort ever happens
this knowledge into action. It again.
provides the tools for sound money • The intent of a cross-cutting
management practices on earnings, curriculum around the topic
spending, saving, borrowing and of genocide is to fight against
investing. Financial education genocide, genocide denial, and
enables people to take appropriate genocide ideology; and to equip
financial services both formal and students with a more fundamental
informal that are available to them and comprehensive understanding
and encourages financial behaviours of the genocide, thereby preventing
that enhance their overall economic further human rights violations in
well-being. the future and enabling Rwanda’s
c) Standardisation Culture population of young people to
• Standardisation Culture develops more competently and thoughtfully
learners’ understanding of the enter the workforce. So, it needs to
importance of standards as a pillar be emphasized.
of economic development and in e) Environment and sustainability
the practices, activities and lifestyle • The growing awareness of the
of the citizens. It is intended that the impact of the human race on the
adoption of standardization culture environment has led to recognition
should have an impact upon health of the need to ensure our young
improvement, economic growth, people understand the importance
industrialization, trade and general of sustainability as they grow
welfare of the people. While up and become responsible for
education is the foundation and the world around them. Hence
strength of our nation, standards Environment and Sustainability is a
are one of the key pillars of very important cross-cutting issue.
sustainable economic development. Learners need basic knowledge
d) Genocide Studies from the natural sciences, social
• Genocide Studies provides young sciences and humanities to
people with an understanding of understand and interpret principles
the circumstances leading to the of sustainability. They also need
genocide and the remarkable story skills and attitudes that will
of recovery and re-establishing enable them in their everyday life
national unity. Genocide Studies to address the environment and
helps learners to comprehend the climate change issue and to have a
role of every individual in ensuring sustainable livelihood.

f) Gender education (STIs) including HIV/AIDS. Many young
There is a strong moral imperative people approach adulthood faced with
to afford every individual their basic conflicting and confusing messages
human rights and gender inequality about sexuality and gender. This is
results in women and girls being treated often exacerbated by embarrassment,
less favourably than men. A strongly silence, disapproval and open discussion
negative impact of unequal treatment, of sexual matters by adults (parents,
which affects the nation as a whole, teachers) at very time when it is most
is the fact that it results in women needed.
being held back and their talents and Comprehensive sexuality education
abilities not being fully realised. With supports a rights - based approach in
a good understanding of the principles which values such as respect, acceptance
of Gender Equality, it is intended that tolerance, equality, empathy and
future generations will ensure that the reciprocity are inextricably linked to
potential of the whole population is universally agreed human rights. A clear
realised. message concerning these dangers and
g) Comprehensive sexuality how they can be avoided, from right
education (HIV/AIDS, STI, across the curriculum, is the best way
Family planning, Gender to ensure that young people understand
equality and reproductive the risks and know how to stay healthy.
health) h) Inclusive Education
Comprehensive sexuality education, Inclusive education involves ensuring
which is age appropriate, gender all learners are engaged in education
sensitive and life skills based can provide and that they are welcomed by other
young people with the knowledge and students so that everyone can achieve
skills to make informed decisions about their potential. Inclusive practice
their sexuality and life style. Preparing embraces every individual regardless of
children and young people for the gender or ability including those with
transition to adulthood has been one learning difficulties and disabilities. The
of humanity’s greatest challenges with almost focus of inclusive curriculum is
human sexuality and relationships at on ensuring participation in education
its core. Few young people receive of learners with different learning styles
adequate preparations for their sexual and other difficulties. To be successful,
lives. This leaves them potentially it entails a range of issues including
vulnerable to coercion, abuse and teacher’s positive attitudes, adapting
exploitation. Unintended pregnancy the learning resources, differentiation
and sexually transmitted infections

of teaching and learning methods and The special needs children can fall in any
working together. Overall, the benefits of the following common categories:
of an inclusive curriculum extend to all • Physical difficulties
learners. • Visual difficulties
1.9 Special needs education and • Hearing difficulties
• Mental difficulties
• Genocide traumatized learners
All Rwandans have the right to access
education regardless of their different The teacher should identify such cases
needs. The underpinnings of this and help facilitate the affected learners
provision would naturally hold that all learning. For example, learner’s with
citizens benefit from the same menu of visual and hearing difficulties should
educational programs. The possibility of sit near the teacher’s table for easy
this assumption is the focus of special supervision and assistance. The
needs education. The critical issue is following are some suggestions on how
that we have persons/ learners who are to support special needs children in
totally different in their ways of living your class.
and learning as opposed to the majority. a) Learners with physical
The difference can either be emotional, difficulties
physical, sensory and intellectual
In this group of learners, the affected
learning challenges traditionally known
areas are normally some body parts,
as mental retardation. These learners
especially the limbs. There may be
equally have the right to benefit from
partial or total loss of use of the limbs. In
the free and compulsory basic education
case the legs are affected, the learners
in the nearby ordinary/mainstream
will need assistance during activities that
schools. Therefore, the schools’ role is
involve movement. This could be during
to enrol them and also set strategies
a nature walk and other activities that
to provide relevant education to them.
learners have to stand for some reason.
The teacher therefore is requested
The teacher should organise for the
to consider each learner’s needs
learner’s ease of movement around.
during teaching and learning process.
The learner should also be given time to
Assessment strategies and conditions
catch up with the others.
should also be standardised to the needs
of these learners. Also, ensure that you In case the hands are affected, the
include learners with special educational learners should be given more time
needs in classroom activities as much as to finish their work. In both cases, the
possible. learners should not be pressurized to do
things that can cause injury or ridicule.

b) Learners with visual difficulties d) Learners with speech
These learners normally have problems difficulties
with their eyesight. They should sit in a A common example in a normal class
position where they are able to see the is the stammerer. They always speak
chalkboard without straining. with a lot of difficulties. The teacher
should be patient with them and
encourage such learners to express
themselves in their own way. Such
The learner could be longsighted or learners should be given more written
short sighted. exercises.
The material to be observed should e) Learners with mental
be brought closer to the learner and a difficulties
magnifying lens used where necessary.
The teacher should try to identify the
The teacher should use large diagrams,
nature and level of the mental difficulty.
charts and labels. In some cases, the
Learners with mental difficulties should
learners can be allowed to touch and
then be given special assistance and
feel whatever they are looking at.
attention at an individual level. They can
Other learners can assist by reading
be given special tests or assessments. In
aloud. The lighting system in the
general, all the learners with difficulties
classroom can also be improved.
should be reinforced promptly. This
The teacher should read aloud most encourages and motivates them. The
of the things he/she writes on the teacher and the rest of the class should
chalkboard. never ridicule learners with any of
the difficulties. Note that generally,
people with any kind of disability can
c) Learners with hearing be very sensitive to any kind of negative
difficulties comments or criticism.
The affected part in this case is the
Remind them that ‘DISABILITY IS NOT
ear. The learner should have hearing
aids. The teacher should use as many
visual aids as possible. They should also The teacher should avoid giving privileges
project their voice and always talk while where the learners do not deserve
facing the learners. Use of gestures and them. Treat them fairly but not with
signs while talking helps the learner undue favours. In extreme cases it can
figure out what the teacher is saying as be recommended for the learners to
well. join a special school.

f) Genocide traumatized learners the topic under discussion touches on
Studies have shown that learners from genocide issues. Any language that
families that were affected by genocide may elicit emotional reactions from
suffer post-traumatic stress disorder learners either by fellow learners or
(PTSD). As such, they need to be by the teacher him or herself should be
treated as a special case. As a teacher, avoided.
you need to be careful when dealing
with such learners. Also, the teacher
needs to be in control especially when

2. Preparing to teach and the teaching process

2.1 Understanding the Scientific 8. Making conclusions after

process comparing predictions with
Although the process of science aims at
guiding the learners on how, rather than 9. Communicating or reporting
what to learn, the process of discovering and exchange of information.
or finding out cannot exist without Most often we do not consciously think
content or something to be found out. about each of these steps every time
For example, a teacher cannot teach we try to solve a practical problem.
about classification without something The approach we use to solve our
to classify, for instance. On the other daily problems many times becomes a
hand, nothing can be classified without habit. It is during the early years of our
knowledge of the materials to be lives that basic patterns of behaviour
classified. It is, therefore, necessary for are established. Therefore, it is very
the teacher to strike a balance between important for learners to master the
giving some scientific information and skills of problem-solving. These skills
guiding the learners to discover on their should be applied many times over to
own through investigations. solve problems at the learner’s own
Problem-solving in Science level of understanding and interest.

In order to apply the scientific method of Among the basic skills necessary for
solving problems, learners need certain carrying out the process of scientific
skills. The process of scientific problem problem solving are:
solving can be seen as a continuous • Asking questions.
chain through the following steps: • Collecting relevant information.
1. Identifying the problem • Making predictions.
2. Collecting information and • Constructing and collecting
making relevant observations apparatus and materials.
3. Making predictions, building a • Sorting and classifying.
theory or a hypothesis • Recording of information and
4. Designing experiments results.
5. Carrying out or doing the • Reporting and exchange of
experiments information (communication).
6. Recording the results. Let us briefly discuss each of them.
7. Analysing results

a) Asking questions future. For example, if the position of the
Learners should be encouraged to ask shadow of a flag post is marked on the
any question(s) which arise from their ground at 9.00 am, 10.00 am and 11.00
work. It is the responsibility of the am in the morning, then the learners
teacher to help the learners to find can predict where the shadow will fall
answers to their questions or problems at noon with some level of accuracy.
through their own observations and d) Construction and collection of
experiments. apparatus and materials
Instead of giving answers directly, the Experiments in science most often
teacher should help to put the learners require apparatus, equipment and
in a situation whereby they can find out other materials. These can be acquired
the answers for themselves. Sometimes, through collection and construction
the nature of the learners’ questions using locally available materials.
makes this impossible. In such a case, the
A good science teacher is often described
teacher should give an honest answer
as a scavenger and his learners, as
and research to find the answer.
young scavengers. This means that
b) Collecting information they collect as many waste materials as
We can use all our senses to learn more possible.
about the world around us. Learners
Every class should have a science
should be encouraged to observe
corner or store at which they keep the
keenly, listen, feel, smell and even taste
apparatus and materials safely.
with caution. Sometimes information
can be obtained from suitable reference e) Sorting and classifying
materials and experts. Whatever the
Learners should be given an opportunity
source, careful gathering of information
to group things in ways they themselves
is a major step in problem solving. It may
believe are suitable. The process of
also lead to discovery of new problems
which will need solving. sorting and arranging things gives
learners valuable practice in decision
c) Making predictions or making.
hypotheses Through classifying, patterns may
Predicting is not the same as guessing. emerge which may help to solve
We make a prediction only after problems and unveil new ones.
careful consideration of the information
f) Recording of information
available to us. In other words, because
Learners should be encouraged to keep
we observed that certain things took
a record of what they do as well as what
place in the past, we suppose that
they observe. These records may be in
certain other things will happen in the
the form of drawings, charts, models or

reports. When records are analysed, be aware of the danger involved in
conclusions and appropriate decisions making generalisations out of limited
can be made. information. They should be open-
minded and able to distinguish between
g) Drawing conclusions
propaganda and truth.
A skilful teacher can help the learners
Some of the scientific attitudes that
to look for simple cause and effect
learners should develop include:
relationships based on observations
• Practical approach – to
made or the results obtained from an
problem solving. Learners should
experiment analysed.
seek answers to their questions
A conclusion may be the solution to a and problems by carrying out
problem and sometimes may lead to investigations wherever possible.
new problems.
• Responsibility – A learner should
h)Reporting and exchange of be responsible enough to effect
information (Communication) tasks apportioned and take good
Learners should be made to realise that care of apparatus during and after
they can learn from one another. They an investigation.
should be encouraged to exchange • Cooperation – Learners will
information through reports, displays often be working in groups while
and discussions. carrying out investigations and
The conclusions made from an need therefore to cooperate with
investigation should be communicated all other members of the group.
to other people who may use it to solve • Curiosity – Learners should have
a practical problem. a curious attitude as they observe
things and events around them.
2.2 Important attitudes in
This is the first step towards solving
learning of physics a problem.
a) In learners • Self-confidence – Learners
There are certain useful attitudes, which should have the will to attempt to
the teacher should help to develop in the solve a problem. The feeling of self
learners as they carry out investigations confidence can be strengthened in
in science. Science as a problem solving young learners if they experience
discipline is expected to make an impact many small successes that win
on a learner’s general behaviour. approval and encouragement from
the teacher. The problems which
The nature of the scientific method learners attempt to solve should
demands learners to be honest with not be so difficult that they lead to
themselves as they record results and frustration.
make unbiased conclusions. They should

• Honesty – As they make A small amount may enter, some will
observations, record, analyse stay in while the rest evaporates. This
results and draw conclusions. teachercentred approach has no place
• Patience – Learners should in our schools today. In the second
be patient for the results of an approach, which we call the dynamic or
experiment which may take time activity-oriented approach and which
to manifest. is being advocated for, the learners
In teachers are active participants in the learning
• Engage students in variety of process. They are the doers and the
learning activities materials and apparatus they work
• Apply appropriate teaching and with are the tellers. The teacher’s role
assessment methods is that of a guide and facilitator in the
learning process. Physics is a practical
• Adjust instructions to the level of
subject and learners understand it best
the learner
by doing.
• Creativity and innovation
• Makes connections/relations with a) Learner’s role in learning
other subjects Physics
• Show a high level of knowledge of Learning takes place only when the
the content learner has internally digested and
• Develop effective discipline skills assimilated the material to be learnt. As
manage adequately the classroom such, learning is a highly personal and
• Good communicator individual process. It therefore means
• Guide and counsellor that a learner must be actively engaged
• Passion for children teaching and in the learning exercise.
learning. For active participation in learning, the
learner must:
2.3 Philosophy of teaching
(a) Develop the curiosity, powers
Physics of observation and enquiry by
In the teaching of science, two definite exploring the local environment.
approaches or techniques have been (b) Raise questions about what is
used. The first is the passive traditional observed.
approach where the teacher is the (c) Suggest solutions to those questions
central figure around whom all other and carry out investigations to
things revolve. In this setup, the teacher search for answers.
talks and issues commands. The learners (d) Manipulate a variety of materials in
sit and listen. The teacher treats the search of patterns and relationships
learners like an ‘empty pot’ waiting while looking for solutions to
for information to be poured into it. problems.

The competence-based approach • Using and developing skills
considers the learning process to involve of gathering data directly by
the construction of meaning by learners. observation or measurement and
Simply, it emphasizes the need for by using secondary sources;
children to think about scientific activity • Using and developing skills of
in order to make sense of and understand organizing and interpreting data,
the scientific concepts being introduced. reasoning, proposing explanations,
In this new dispensation, learners are making predictions based on what
in the driver’s seat, which implies they they think or find out;
will construct their knowledge by • Working collaboratively with
posing questions, planning investigation, others, communicating their own
conducting their own experiments, ideas and considering others’ ideas;
analysing and communicating results. • Expressing themselves using
More specifically, when engaging in appropriate scientific terms and
inquiry, learners will describe objects representations in writing and talk;
and events, ask questions, construct • Engaging in lively public discussions
explanations, test those explanations in defense of their work and
against current scientific knowledge, explanations;
and communicate their ideas to others.
• Applying their learning in real-life
By so doing, the learners will take
ownership of the learning process.
• Reflecting self-critically about the
Learners’ activities are indicated against processes and outcomes of their
each learning unit reflecting their inquiries.
appropriate engagement in the learning
During this reciprocal interaction, what
process. Even though they do not
learners will acquire is not only content
necessarily take place simultaneously in
knowledge, but a number of skills
each and every physics lesson and for all
including how to approach a problem,
levels, over time learners get involved in
identify important resources, design
the following activities:
and carry out hands-on investigations,
• Observing and, where possible, analyze and interpret data, and, perhaps
handling and manipulating real most importantly, recognize when they
objects; have answered the question or solved
• Pursuing questions which they the problem.
have identified as their own even if
introduced by the teacher; b) Teacher’s role in learning and
• Taking part in planning investigations
with appropriate controls to answer The teacher is one of the most
specific questions; important resources in the classroom.

The teacher’s role is central to the • Preparing appropriate materials for
successful implementation of the learning activities.
learning programme in the school. The • Motivating learners to make them
role of the teacher will remain critical ready for learning.
however, instead of being the “sage on • Coordinate learners’ activities so
the stage”, the teacher will rather be that the desired objectives can be
“the guide on the side” who acts as achieved.
facilitator in a variety of ways which • Assessing learners’ activities and
include: suggest solutions to their problems.
• Encouraging and accepting student • Assist learners to consolidate their
autonomy and initiative; activities by summarising the key
• Using raw data and primary points learnt.
sources, along with manipulative, From time to time, the teacher should
interactive, and physical materials; interact with the learners individually or
• Using cognitive terminology such as in groups to diagnose their weaknesses
classify, analyse, predict, and create and frustrations, appraise their efforts,
when framing tasks. imagination and excitement. This will
• Allowing student responses to assist and guide them in the task of
drive lessons, shift instructional learning. The teacher must make an effort
strategies, and alter content; to teach learners how to team up but
• Familiarizing themselves with still have each learner directly involved
students’ understandings of in working with materials, consulting
concepts before sharing their own with the teacher and with fellow
understandings of those concepts; learners. Remember that whatever you
• Encouraging students to engage in do during the class, the interests of the
dialogue, both with the teacher and learner remain paramount! Therefore
one another; the teacher should allow and encourage
• Engaging students in experiences the learners to:
that pose contradictions to • Explore their local environment.
their initial hypotheses and then • Ask questions about things and
encouraging discussion; events.
• Providing time for students to • Make observations.
construct relationships and create • Perform simple investigations
metaphors and experiments to seek
• Nurturing students’ natural answers to their questions.
curiosity. • Talk to each other and to
• Organising the classroom to create
a suitable learning environment.

the other learners about Education at school is about children
their experiences, interests, learning. The process of organizing
problems, successes and even learners’ learning so as to achieve the
frustrations. aims and objectives of the curriculum
• Play and make models of things involves bringing together the needs
that interest them. and characteristics of the learners.
There is no doubt that scientific To do this, the skills, knowledge and
knowledge is increasing at such a rapid experience of the teacher are all
rate that it is impossible for any teacher required within a given situation.
to teach, or any child to learn, all the 2.3 Skills required of physics
information available on any particular teacher
topic, within the time allocated. As • Engage students in variety of
an alternative, we should take on a learning activities.
strategy that is practical and time- • Use multiple teaching and
saving. It involves equipping the learners assessment methods.
with skills, which they can use to find out • Adjust instructions to the level of
information, and solutions to problems the learner.
in science and in their daily lives. We
• Creativity and innovation.
therefore advocate the teaching of
• Makes connections/relations with
science as a process, combined with
other subjects.
providing basic science facts, which are
• Should have a high level of
appropriate in content to the age and
knowledge of the content.
stage of mental development of children
under your charge. The scientific skills • Effective discipline skills.
which the teacher must endeavor to • Good classroom management
introduce and promote in his /her skills.
learners include: • Good communicator.
observing, comparing, classifying (sorting), • Guidance and counselling.
recording, predicting, experimenting, measuring, • Passion for teaching children and
controlling variables, collecting data, recognising learning.
patterns and relationships, analysing and
interpreting data, making conclusions (inferring)
and communicating.
2.4 Teaching resources
These skills, used in conjunction with the These refer to things that the teacher
introduction of basic science facts will requires during the teaching process.
form a firm foundation which learners They include:
can build more as they learn both inside • The classroom
and outside of school. • Textbooks

• Wall charts and wall maps and encourage them to do worthwhile
• Materials and apparatus activities.
• Various tools and equipment
2.5 Classroom organization
• Science kit
A well organised classroom is an asset
• Models
to good Physics teaching but there is no
• Resource persons one correct style to suit all classrooms
• Social facilities such as health and situations. However, the teacher
centres, other learning institutions, should consider the following factors
community organisations, etc. when organising the classroom:
• Enterprises such as agricultural (a) Furniture should be well arranged
farms, industries, among others. so as to allow free movement of
a) Classroom as a learning learners and the teacher.
environment (b) Set a corner for storing materials
Classroom generally refers to the place so as not to obstruct learners or
where learning takes place. Learners distract them.
learn from everything that happens (c) The number of learners in the class
around them, such as the things that and their ages.
they hear, see, touch, taste, smell and (d) Learners should be reasonably
play with. It is therefore important for spread out so that they do not
the teacher to make his classroom an interfere with one another’s
attractive and stimulating environment. activities.
This can be done by: (e) The series of lessons or activities
• Carefully arranging the furniture going on for a number of days or
and desks weeks such as individual or group
• Putting up learning and teaching work or whole class.
aids on the walls. Examples are wall (f) Classroom itself, that is, positions of
charts or pictures or photographs. windows, doors such that learners
• Displaying models face the lighted areas of the room.
• Providing objects for play for (g) Personal preferences. But these
example toys. should be in the interest of the
• Having a display corner in the learners especially where you
classroom where learners display normally stand, you should be able
their work. to communicate with all learners,
• Securing a storage area and also have a general view of all
learners in the class.
The materials in the classroom should
get the learners thinking and asking Grouping learners for learning
questions about what is around them Most of the Physics activities are

carried out in groups to facilitate active (a) The individual learner’s progress and
participation of all the learners and needs can easily be observed.
therefore the teacher should place 2 (b) The teacher learner relationship is
or 3 desks against each other and then enhanced.
have a group of learners sitting around (c) A teacher can easily attend to the
those desks. needs and problems of a small
In certain activities, the teacher may group.
wish to carry out a demonstration. In (d) Materials that were inadequate for
this case, the learners should be sitting individual work can now easily be
or standing in a semicircle, or arranged shared.
around an empty shape of letter “U” (e) Learners can learn from one another.
such that each learner can see what (f) Cooperation among learners can
the teacher is doing clearly and without easily be developed.
obstruction or pushing. If the learners (g) Many learners accept correction
are involved in individual work, each from the teacher more readily and
learner can work on the floor or on the without feeling humiliated when
desk or a portion of the desk if they are they are in a small group rather
sharing. In this case, they need not face than the whole class.
each other.
(h) Learners’ creativity, responsibility
Grouping learners for learning has and leadership skills can easily be
increasingly become popular in recent developed.
years. In fact, the shift from knowledge- (i) Learners can work at their own
based to competence curriculum will pace.
make grouping the norm in the teaching The type of “grouping” that a
process. Grouping learners can be teacher may choose depends on:
informed by one or all of the following: (a) The topic or task to be tackled.
(a) Similar ability grouping. (b) The materials available.
(b) Mixed ability grouping. (c) Ability of learners in the class
(c) Similar interests grouping. (fast, average, slow).
(d) Needs grouping. However, the teacher must be flexible
(e) Friendship grouping. enough to adjust or change his/her type
(f) Sex grouping. of grouping to cope with new situations.
In Physics, groupings are commonly There is no fixed number of learners
those of types (a), (b), (c) and (d). that a group must have. This again will
Grouping learners has several be dictated by such factors as the task to
advantages such as: be done, the materials, characteristics
of learners in your class, size and the

space available. However, groups Remember, according to Rwanda laws,
should on average have between four the teacher is responsible for the safety
to seven learners. You can also resort of the children during the period he or
to pair work depending on the nature she is handling them.
of the content being taught at the time.
a) Apparatus and materials
There is no one method or approach For learners to study science through
to teaching that is appropriate to all the activity method, a number of
lessons. A teacher should, therefore, materials and apparatus are required.
choose wisely the method to use or a The important role played by materials
combination of methods depending on in learning has been felt for centuries.
the nature of the topic or subtopic at This is noted for instance in the old
hand. Chinese proverb that says:
2.6 Safety in the classroom • What I hear I forget
Learners in Senior 1 are very active and • When I see I remember
curious. As such, they are inclined to • When I do I understand
getting harmed and injured. They should Teaching and learning of Physics
therefore be constantly protected from entails practical activities for better
sources of injury and harm. The teacher conceptualisation of concepts and facts.
is therefore advised to take strict safety The successful implementation of the
precautions whenever learners are in competence based curriculum requires
class or outside the classroom. Some Physics laboratories, textbooks, charts
areas that need consideration as far as and ICT tools like computers and
safety is concerned include: projectors.
• During tasting and smelling things There are some Physics concepts that
• When using tools and equipment cannot be easily explained and some
• During experiments, demonstra- experiments that cannot be done in
tions involving use of fire or harmful our school laboratories due to safety
chemicals reasons. The use of ICT in teaching
• When handling glass apparatus and learning is vital. With ICT, these
• When handling sharp or pointed concepts can be visualised by use
objects like machete, pair of of animations and simulations.
scissors, razor blade, knife, etc. Similarly both teachers and learners
• During nature walks and field visits. are encouraged to use the Internet for
Learners should avoid handling research as well as other ICT tools, for
poisonous plants and harmful teaching and learning purposes.
animals, etc.

If each learner is to have a chance
of experimenting, cheap resources
must be made available. Expensive,
complicated apparatus may not
always be available in most schools.
Such sophisticated equipment made by
commercial manufacturers are usually
expensive and majority of schools d) Resource persons
cannot afford them. The teacher is A resource person refers to anybody
therefore advised to improvise using with better knowledge on a given
locally available materials as much as topic area. Examples include health
possible. Improvisation should however practitioners such as doctors, nurses and
not be regarded as a cheap substitute laboratory technologists, agricultural
of proper laboratory equipment. Many extension officers, environmental
of the great masters of Science used specialists among others. Depending on
the topic under discussion, the teacher
improvised apparatus and many great
can organise to invite a resource
discoveries have been made using
person in that area to talk to learners
improvised equipment.
about the topic. The learners should be
c) Science Kit encouraged to ask as many questions
as possible to help clarify areas where
A science kit is a special box containing
they have problems.
materials, apparatus and equipment
necessary to conduct an array of e) Models
experiments. The content of the A model refers to a three-dimensional
physics kit depends on the curriculum representation of an object and is usually
requirements per level. Most science much smaller than the object. Several
kits are commercially available and models are available commercially in
shops. Examples include model of the
target particular levels of learners.
heart, skin, lungs, eye, ears, among
However, the teacher is encouraged to
others. These can be purchased by
come up with a kit based on the syllabus schools for use during practicals.

2.7 Teaching methods • Giving learners specific tasks to do
There is a variety of possible ways in • Giving learners materials to work
which a teacher can help the Learners with
to learn. These include : • Asking structured or guided
(a) Direct exposition questions that lead learners to the
(b) Discovery or practical activity desired outcome
(c) Group, class or pair discussion Sometimes learners are given a problem
(d) Project method to solve and then left to work in an
(e) Educational visit/ field trips open-ended manner until they find out
for themselves.
(f) Teacher demonstration
(g) Experimentation With the introduction of the new
curriculum, this is the preferred method
The particular technique that a teacher
of teaching.
may choose to use is influenced by
several factors such as: c) Group or class discussion or
• The particular group of learners in pair work
the class In this technique, the teacher and
• The skills, attitudes and knowledge learners interact through question and
to be learned answer sessions most of the time. The
• Learning and teaching aids available teacher carefully selects his questions
• The local environment so that learners are prompted to
• The teacher’s personal preference think and express their ideas freely,
• The prevailing weather but along a desired line of thought.
Discussion method should take learners
• The requirements of the Science
from known to unknown in a logical
sequence; and works well with small
a) Direct exposition groups of learners. The disadvantage of
This is the traditional way of teaching this method is that some learners maybe
whereby the teacher explains something shy or afraid to air their opinions freely
while the learners listen. After the in front of the teacher or their peers.
teacher has finished, the learners may This may give them more confident
ask questions. However, remember that learners a chance to dominate the
in competence-based curriculum, this others. However, the method should be
technique should be used very minimally. embraced as it intends to eliminate the
lack of confidence in learners. Further,
b) Guided Discovery
it is hoped that it will help improve
In this technique, the teacher encourages interpersonal and communication skills
learners to find out answers to problems in learners.
by themselves. The teacher does this by:

d) Project method outlook that cannot be acquired in a
In this approach, the teacher organises classroom setting. It also allows them
and guides a group of learners or to learn practically through first-hand
the whole class to undertake a experience. In all “educational visit/
comprehensive study of something in nature walk lessons”, learners are likely
real life over a period of time such as a to be highly motivated and the teacher
week or several weeks. should exploit this in ensuring effective
learning. However, educational visits
Learners using the project method of
are time consuming and require a lot of
studying encounter real life problems
prior preparation for them to succeed.
which cannot be realistically brought
They can also be expensive to undertake
into a normal classroom situation. A
especially when learners have to travel
project captures learners’ enthusiasm,
far from the school.
stimulates their initiative and encourages
independent enquiry. The teacher, using f) Demonstration lessons
the project method, must ensure that
In a demonstration, the teacher shows
the learners understand the problem to
the learners an experiment, an activity
be solved and then provides them with
or a procedure to be followed when
the necessary materials and guidance
investigating or explaining a particular
to enable them carry out the study.
problem. The learners gather around
The teacher can use the project method
the teacher where each learner can
for topics, which cannot be adequately
observe what the teacher is doing. It is
studied during the normal time-tabled
necessary to involve the learners in a
school lessons.
demonstration, for example by:
Disadvantages • Asking a few learners to assist you
If a project is not closely supervised, in setting up the apparatus.
learners easily get distracted and • Requesting them to make
therefore lose track of the main observations
objective of their study. Studying by the • Asking them questions as you
project method does not work well with progress with the demonstration.
learners who have little or no initiative.
This will help to prevent the
e) Educational visits and trips/ demonstration from becoming too
nature walks teacher-centred.
This is a lesson conducted outside the
When is a demonstration
school compound during which a teacher
and the learners visit a place relevant
to their topic of study. An educational A teacher may have to use a
visit/nature walk enables learners to demonstration, for example when:
view their surroundings with a broader • The experiment/procedure is too

advanced for learners to perform. day when the lesson is carried out..
• The experiment/ procedure is - Key unit competency - Gives the
dangerous competence learners are expected to
achieve at the end of the unit.
• The apparatus and materials
involved are delicate for learners to - Lesson - refers to the lesson being
taught in that week e.g. lesson 1,2,3
and 4, etc.This shows which is a single
• Apparatus and equipment are too and which is a double lesson.
few - Date - the day when the lesson will
be taught.
- Sub-topic - a subset of the topic
2.8 Planning to teach which is a smaller component of the
The two most important documents in unit e.g. under the topic plants, one
could have ‘parts of a plant’ as a sub-
planning to teach are the schemes of
work and the lesson plan.
- Objective - what Learners are
a) Schemes of work expected to achieve at the end of the
A scheme of work is a collection of
related topics and subtopics drawn from - Learning resources - any materials
that will be used by the pupil and the
the syllabus and organised into lessons teacher for learning and teaching.
week by week for every term. It is also
- References - books or other
a forecast or plan that shows details materials that will be consulted or
under these subheadings: used in the teaching process. Books
• Week that Learners will use should also
be shown here; indicating the actual
• Key unit competency pages.
• Lesson
• Learning objectives Observations/self evaluation - this
• Learning resources and reference should be a brief report on the
materials progress of the lesson planned in
the scheme of work. Such reports
• Teaching methods and techniques
could include: ‘taught as planned’.
• Observations/self evaluation
‘Not taught due to abrupt visit by
• Comments from school director
Country Director of Education.’
‘Children did not follow the lesson,
In addition, the schemes of work shows it will be repeated on... (specific
the day when a specific lesson will be date).
taught and how long it is intended to
Below is a sample scheme of work for
- Date - refers to the exact date and your farmiliarisation.

Scheme Of Work
Academic Year: 2016 Term: 1
School: Town School Kigali Teacher’s Name: Joseph Karubandikze
Subject: Physics Number of periods per week: 4
Class: Senior 1 Combination
Date Key unit Lessons/ Instructional Teaching Resource and Observations/
competencies Title and objectives methods reference evaluation
combination and (including proposed
techniques dates assessment)

-To be able to Lesson 1: Learners should be able to Student’s text • Group work The lesson was
define, explain Definition of a identify situations where book, charts, covered well and
and describe force push or pulling takes place ropes, big • Guided discovery the learners were
forces and their in daily life with a view to stones responsive.

effects. defining a force.
Lesson 2: Learners should be able Student’s text • Group activities The lesson was
to identify friction and book, wooden covered well.
Types of forces tension forces as contact block, springs, • Guided Strategy: Gave the
(Friction force, forces. They should also string, pail discovery learners extra work
tension force) explain friction and pencil, spring on friction and tension
tension forces and their balances, • Demonstration forces and held a
effects. umbrella, discussion on their

Lesson 3 & 4: • Individual work
stopwatch, ½ findings.
Learners should be able to metre rule, a
Types of • Pair work
name action and reaction ball, plastic The lesson was not
forces (Action forces, normal reaction ruler, dry adequately covered
and reaction force, and air resistance piece of cloth, due to time limitation.
forces, normal as contact forces. They bar magnetic
reaction force, should be able to describe iron rod Strategy: Revised
air resistance) these forces and their the areas not well
effects. understood by
learners during
remedial hours.
Week Lesson 1: Learners should be Student’s text • Group work Lesson well
Types of forces able to name upthrust book, marbles, covered and
(upthrust force) force as one of contact beam balance, • Games learners were
forces. They should spring balance, responsive.
be able to describe metal and wooden • Individual work Strategy: Gave
upthrust forces in fluids blocks extra work on
• Demonstration
and its effects. upthrust and
discussed with
Lesson 2: Learners should be able learners their
to name gravitational findings.
Types of forces
force as a non-contact
(Gravitational force. They should also Lesson was
force) describe the force and well covered.
its effects. Learners enjoyed

doing practical
Learners should be able activities.
Lesson 3 & 4: to name Electrostatics

and magnetic forces Lesson well
Types of forces as non-contact forces. covered.
They should also Strategy: Gave
(Electrostatics describe the forces and extra work on
and magnetic its effects. electrostatic and
forces) magnetic forces.
I used remedial
hours to discuss
with learners
they findings.
Week -To be able Lesson1: Vector Learners should be Student’s book, • Problem soling Lesson
to represent diagram and able to represent force a block of wood, adequately
10 • Group work
force as measurement of using vector diagram. spring balance, a covered.
a vector, force They should be able ring, strings, plain
measure to identify different paper Strategy: Gave
forces, explain forces acting on a body. extra work. Set
the effects of Learners should also be remedial hours
balance and able to measure forces. to assist slow
unbalance learners on
forces areas they with
challenges to
Lesson 2: Effect Learners should be able them.
of balance and to explain the effects of
unbalanced balance and unbalanced Lesson not
forces forces. adequately
covered due to
Learners should be able time.

to add parallel and
Lesson 3 & 4:

non-parallel forces Strategy:
parallel and non-
Discussed the
parallel forces
concepts in the
next lesson and
set remedial
hours to assist
slow learners.

Lesson well

Strategy: Gave
extra work on
parallel and non-
parallel forces
and discussed
with learners.
(b) Lesson plan the Learners and the teacher will
use during the lesson.
A lesson plan is a detailed outline of
- References
how the teacher intends to carry out a
specific lesson. Any resources consulted or used by
the teacher to prepare the lesson as
Important sub-headings of a Lesson
well as any books that the Learners
will use during the lesson.
- Administrative details
- Introduction
Date………… Subject……….
This is the start of the lesson. The
Class…………. Lesson number .....
teacher should motivate the Learners
Unit ............ by creating learning situations
Time……… Term………....... that interest Learners e.g. posing
School name ............................... a problem, telling an amusing but
Teachers' name .............................. relevant story or episode, showing
Class size ................................................ an object or picture that arouse their
- Unit title interest. The introduction should link
Is the unit title as indicated in the what the Learners have already learnt
syllabus. with what they are going to learn.
- Key unit competence - Presentation/lesson
This is/are the competence(s) that development
the learner is expected to achieve This should mainly include the activities
at the end of the unit. that Learners and the teacher will
- Title of the lesson perform in order to achieve the stated
objectives; as well as the questions
Is derived from the content area
that Learners will answer as they do
being taught in the lesson.
the various activities.
- Instructions Objectives
It is convenient to distinguish
These represent what the teacher
between the Learners’ and teacher’s
anticipates Learners to achieve by
activities under two columns.
the end of the lesson. Objectives
- Summary/conclusion:
should be clear and specific. They
should also be stated in behavioural
terms, that is, in a way that the This is the step in which the lesson
outcome can be seen, displayed or activities are tied up or consolidated
measured. In science, one should to emphazise the main points,
distinguish between knowledge, summarise the lessons or make
skill and attitude objectives. conclusions. The summary should
correspond to the objectives stated
- Learning/teaching resources
for that lesson.
Any materials and apparatus that

- Comments/self-evaluation:
Teacher should write remarks on whether the objectives were achieved or not
and what he or she intends to do to improve on the weak points noted during
the lesson.
Competence based lesson plan
School name:
Term Date Subject Class Unit No. Lesson Duration Class size
1 15/10/2016 Physics S1 3 1 of 10 40 mins 36 students
Type of special educational needs to be Out of a class size of 36, two of the learners
catered for in this lesson and number of are physically challenged i.e his legs are
learners in each category. disabled. He has to be involved actively in all
activities carried out in this lesson.
Unit title: Force (I)
Key unit By the end of this unit, the learner should be able to define, explain
competencies and describe forces and their effects.
Title of the lesson Effects of forces.
Instructional By performing simple activites and discussing the observations
objectives in groups, the learner should be able to correctly describe and
evaluate the effects of applied forces on objects.
Plan for this class To be done in and or outside the classroom.
(location: in/outside)
Learning materials Soccer balls, tennis racket, balloon, sew-saw, football field, steering
References Students book, newspapers, motor magazines, internet

Timing for Description of teaching and learning activities Generic competences and
each step The learners to do simple activities of kicking and catching a ball, deforming an inflated cross-cutting issues
bolloon and swinging on a see saw, make observations then describe the effects of
forces demonstraed in the activities.
Teacher activities Learner activities
Introduction Asking learners to: • Recalling, naming and describing different Effective communication. This will
(5 min) • Recall and mention the types force of they the types of forces learnt in the previous be practiced as learners name and
learnt in the previous lessons. lessons. describe types of forces and effects of
• Describe some effects of force in real that • Describe some effects of force in real that forces.
are caused by forces. are caused by forces.
Development Force and change in state of motion of a body Working in pairs in the football field: Inclusivity in education - The learner
(30 min) • Guiding learners in a activity on kicking and • One partner kicks the ball while the other who is disabled in the legs should be
catching a ball in the field. partner catches it. involved by making him to catch a
• Asking learners to name the effect of a force • Describing the effects of a force demon- slow moving ball thrown to him.
demonstrated when the: strated in the activity in each case.
(a) stationary ball moves when kicked.
(b) goalkeeper catches and stops the first
moving ball.
Note: the student whose leg is disabled can be

made to catch a slow moving ball thrown to him
Force and change in shape of a body Working in pairs. Cooperative learning. This will be
• Guiding learners in an activity on deforming • One partners sits on a partially inflated achieved as the learners work in pairs.
a partially inflated ball by sitting on it. ball. The other partner observes the effect Observation skills.
• Asking learners to name the effect of a force of the weight of the first partner on the This will be practiced as learners
demonstrated by the activity. shape of the ball. observe deforming effect of the force
• Both partners discuss and summarise in words on the shape of the ball.
the effect of force as demonstrated by the activity.
Force and turning effect Working in pairs. Cooperative learning will be enhanced
• Guiding learners in an activity on swinging • Each partner sits on one side of an and achieved as the learners work in
an improvised seesaw to produce a turning improvised seesaw and then they swing. pairs
effect. • Both partners discuss and summarise in
• Asking learners to name the effect of a force words the effect of force as demonstrated
demonstrated by the activity. by the activity.
Conclusion Summarising the effects of forces learnt in the Writing down the effects of forces correctly in Communication skills will be enhanced
(3min) lesson and making clarification. their exercise books. as learners answer questions.

Evaluation Evaluating the success of the lesson by asking Answering questions Communication skills will be enhanced
(2 min) learners to quickly name the effects of force. as learners answer questions.
3. Assessment and evaluation methods

Assessment is the process of evaluat- criteria stated, before going to the next
ing the teaching and learning processes unit. The teacher will assess how well
through collecting and interpreting evi- each learner masters both the subject
dence of individual learner’s progress in matter and the generic competencies
learning and to make a judgment about described in the syllabus and from this,
a learner’s achievements measured the teacher will gain a picture of the
against defined standards. Assessm- all-round progress of the learner. The
ent is an integral part of the teach- teacher will use one or a combination
ing and learning processes. In the new of the following:
competence-based curriculum assess- • Observation to judge the
ment must also be competence-based; extend of skills acquisition
whereby a learner is given a complex • Written tests
situation related to his/her everyday life
• Oral questions
and asked to try to overcome the situ-
• Project work
ation by applying what he/she learned.
• Attitude change – this can be
3.1 Types of assessment done by asking probing questions
The two types of assessment that will and checking body language
be employed in the new curriculum as learners respond to the
is formative and summative questions.
assessment. (i) Written tests
a) Formative and continuous Under this, learners are given questions
assessment (assessment for or tasks and are required to respond in
learning) writing. Examples of written tests are:
Formative or continuous assessment short answer type questions, structured
involves formal and informal methods type questions, filling blanks, multiple
used by schools to check whether choice questions, true-false questions
learning is taking place. When a teacher and matching items.
is planning his/her lesson, he/she should (ii) Practical work or Activity
establish criteria for performance and In this category, learners are required
behavior changes at the beginning of a to perform a task or solve a problem
unit. Then at the of end of every unit, practically. The teacher then assesses
the teacher should ensure that all the the finished work by looking at the
learners have mastered the stated materials used, procedures followed,
key unit competencies basing on the whether it works or not or whether it is

finished. He or she then awards marks (vi) Project work
accordingly. In a project, learners undertake a
(iii) Observation comprehensive study of something in
real life over a period of time such as
This involves the teacher observing
several weeks or even months after
learners as they perform a practical
which they present a report. In project
task to assess acquisition of skills and
work, let learners begin from planning
attitude change. The teacher checks
stage (come up with a schedule of
ability of the learner to measure, classify,
events), execute the plan, analyse the
communicate findings, etc. He or she
results and look back (reflect on the
also assesses the learner’s curiosity,
challenges encountered during the
patience, team and co-operation spirit
project and come up with solutions
among others.
to those challenges–problem-solving
(iv) Oral questions or interviews skills).
Asking learners questions which require A teacher can use one or several of these
a verbal response such as naming assessment methods depending on the
parts of human body, a system or subtopic being studied or the purpose
short explanations of a process such as for which assessment is required.
digestion can also be used to assess a
learner’s level of competence. When should the teacher assess
learning progress?
(v) Drawing
The teacher should decide whether to
This involves asking learners to draw
assess learners at the end of the lesson
something they have observed or learnt
or at any other appropriate time when
about. They can also collect data and
enough content has been covered. The
draw graphs and interpret the graph
general criteria to use to gauge learner
and give conclusions. This helps to
achievement in the various generic
assess their skills in communication
competency areas is given in the table
through recording.
A Red Blue Yellow Blue Red Green Yellow
B Yellow Red Blue Yellow Blue Red Blue
C Green Blue Red Yellow Blue Red Yellow
D Yellow Green Yellow Red Yellow Yellow Green
E Red Blue Yellow Blue Yellow Red Blue
F Blue Yellow Red Yellow Blue Green Red
G Yellow Green Blue Yellow Red Blue Green

KEY: Red – Poor COMM – Communication in English
Green – Good I&C – Interpersonal skills & Co-operation
Yellow – Excellent CT – Critical Thinking
Blue – Average RS – Research Skills
LL – Life long skills
PS – Problems solving skills
C &I – Creativity & Innovation
Allocate marks for each colour and calculate the marks that the learner has attained.
Grade the learners based on how they have scored here and in the various tests
given to assess skills acquisition and attitude change.

b) Summative assessment average scores for each subject will

(assessment of learning) be weighted and included in the final
When assessment is used to record national examinations grade. School
a judgment of a competence or based assessment average grade will
performance of the learner, it serves contribute a certain percentage as
a summative purpose. Summative teachers gain more experience and
assessment gives a picture of a learner’s confidence in assessment techniques and
competence or progress at any in the third year of the implementation
specific moment. The main purpose of of the new curriculum it will contribute
summative assessment is to evaluate 10% of the final grade, but will be
whether learning objectives have been progressively increased. Districts will be
achieved and to use the results for supported to continue their initiative to
the ranking or grading of learners, for organise a common test per class for all
deciding on progression, for selection the schools to evaluate the performance
into the next level of education and for and the achievement level of learners in
certification. This assessment should individual schools.
have an integrative aspect whereby a Item writing in summative assess-
student must be able to show mastery ment
of all competencies. Before developing a question paper, a
It can be internal school based plan or specification of what is to be
assessment or external assessment tested or examined must be elaborated
in the form of national examinations. to show the units or topics to be tested
School based summative assessment on, the number of questions in each
should take place once at the end of level of Bloom’s taxonomy and the
each term and once at the end of the marks allocation for each question. In a
year. School summative assessment competency based curriculum, questions

from higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy • Ensure that the verbs used in the
should be given more weight than those formulation of questions do not
from knowledge and comprehension require memorization or recall
level. answers only but testing broad
Before developing a question paper, the competencies as stated in the
item writer must ensure that the test syllabus.
or examination questions are tailored
3.2 Structure and format of the
towards competency based assessment
by doing the following: examination
• Identify topic areas to be tested on There will be two papers for Physics
from the subject syllabus. subject at ordinary level. Paper 1
consists of closed, semi-structured and
• Outline subject matter content to
open/ extended questions while paper
be considered as the basis for the
2 is practical. Time will depend on the
paper’s items and weight. Extra time
• Identify learning outcomes to be
will be given to learners with special
measured by the test.
education needs if found necessary.
• Prepare a table of specifications.

Component weighting
Paper 1 Component Weighting
Paper 1 The paper will measure both knowledge and
understanding of the subject matter and acquisition of
competences. The question items will be balanced as
• Assessment of Knowledge and understanding
(questions from low levels of Bloom’s taxonomy)
30 %
• Assessment of Skills and competences (questions
from higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy :application,
analysis, evaluation and synthesis) 40%
Paper 2 Practical skills: The paper to measure practical/
experimental skills (Observation, Recording & report
writing, Manipulation, Measurement, Planning & 30%
designing). The experiments should be drawn from
different topic areas of the syllabus.30%
This paper will consist of experiments drawn from
different areas of the syllabus. Candidates will answer
all questions

3.3 Record Keeping papers and assignments), but also it is a
This is gathering facts and evidence record of the activities undertaken over
from assessment instruments and time as part of student learning. The
using them to judge the student’s portfolio output (formative assessment)
performance by assigning an indicator will be considered only as enough for
against the set criteria or standard. three years of Advanced level. Besides,
Whatever assessment procedures used it will serve as a verification tool for
shall generate data in the form of scores each learner that he/she attended the
which will be carefully be recorded and whole learning before he/she undergoes
stored in a portfolio because they will the end of the term.
contribute for remedial actions, for 3.4 Reporting to parents
alternative instructional strategy and
The wider range of learning in the new
feed back to the learner and to the
curriculum means that it is necessary
parents to check the learning progress
to think again about how to share
and to advice accordingly or to the final
learners’ progress with parents. A
assessment of the students.
single mark is not sufficient to convey
This portfolio is a folder (or binder or the different expectations of learning,
even a digital collection) containing which are in the learning objectives. The
the student’s work as well as the most helpful reporting is to share what
student’s evaluation of the strengths students are doing well and where they
and weaknesses of the work. Portfolios need to improve.
reflect not only work produced (such as

Content Maps
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5
Laboratory Qualitative Force (I) Newton’s laws Centre of gravity
safety rules and analysis of linear of motion
measurements of motion
physical quantities
Number of 15 15 10 10 10
Introduction • Nature of Physics • Explanation • Types of forces • Newton’s laws • Position of centre of
and the importance for distance, and their effect of motion gravity on regular
of studying Physics. displacement, on a body. and their and irregular objects
• Laboratory rules speed, applications. and its application.
and precaution velocity and • Effects of the

measures. Acceleration. position of
• Different • Draw and centre of gravity
instruments for interpret graphs on states of
measuring physical of motion. equilibrium.
Classroom • Whole class • Whole class • Whole class • Pair work • Whole class
organisation orientation orientation, orientation • Whole class orientation
• Group work Individual • Group work orientation • Group work
work and then
• Individual work • Individual work • Group work • Individual work
working in
• Pair work groups. • Pair work • Individual work • Pair work
Equipment Sample scientific Charts Charts, bench, Stopwatches, Conical, spherical and
required reports and laboratory wooden block, rulers, spring triangular objects,
safety rules manual, Metre rule stopwatch, marbles. balance, string, metre ruler, Bunsen
glass beakers, water, body, inclined plane, burner, wooden blocks,
wood blocks,Vernier Stopwatch Internet enabled beam balance and plumb line, regular and
calliper, micrometer computers trolleys. irregular shaped lamina
Surveyor tape
screw gauge, marbles, of cardboard, internet
metallic weights, thread, enabled computers and
stop watch, balance Runway reference books.
scales, eureka can,
measuring cylinder, Graph papers
different objects to
be measured, internet Internet enabled
enabled computers computers
Activities Activities on: Activities on: Activities on: Activities on: Activities on:
1. Internet research 1. Investigating 1.Investigating centre
1. Research on Physics 1. Internet research

on the definition of Newton’s first of gravity and
as a science and its in the definition forces. laws of motion.
characteristics. of distance, centre of mass of a
displacement, 2. Experimental body.
2. Group discussion on representation
career opportunities speed, velocity
and acceleration. demonstrating
in Physics. different types of
3. Group discussion on 2. Discussion of forces.
science process skills definition of
motion and listing 3. Laboratory
in learning Physics. experiments to
different types of
linear motion. demonstrate the
difference between
contact and non-
contact forces.
4. Discussion on 3. Analysis on 4. Discussions 2. Investigating 2. Determining the
laboratory safety the differences in groups the Newton’s second centre of gravity of
measures, first aid between representation of law of motion regular lamina and
and hazards in the instantaneous and forces using vector 3. Investigating irregular lamina.
lab. average speed, diagrams. Newton’s third
velocity and 3. Observe the effect
5. Researching 5. In groups, law of motion.
fundamental and acceleration. demonstrating
of position of
derived quantities of 4. Working in addition of parallel c.o.g on state of
measurements. groups in and non-parallel equilibrium.
6. Research on analysing graphs forces. 4. Conducting
measuring on distance, 6. Performing research on
instruments and speed, velocity, experiments to applications of
using them in displacement demonstrate the centre of gravity.
measuring. and acceleration effects of balanced
against time. and unbalanced
7. Determining volume
of objects. 5. Individually, forces.
formulating the

8. Determining mass of
linear motion
formula and the
9. Determining density measurements of
of objects. the acceleration
due to gravity.
Competencies • Teamwork • Critical thinking • Critical thinking • Problem solving • Teamwork
practised • Communication skills • Creativity • Creativity • Research • Communication skills
• Research • Presentation of • Presentation of • Critical thinking • Research
• Critical thinking findings findings • Creativity
• Critical thinking
• Creativity • Problem solving • Problem solving • Communication
• Creativity
• Presentation of Communication • Teamwork skills
skills • Communication • Presentation of
skills findings
• Problem solving
• Measuring • Research • Problem solving
Language • Writing rules • Discussions in  Writing • Writing • Presentation of
practise • Organising groups observations observations. experimental findings,
information  Presentation of  Discussion in • Discussion in observation and
experimental groups. groups. results.
• Discussion in groups
findings,  Presentation of • Writing observations.
• Writing units for
observation and experimental • Discussion in groups.
results. findings,
 Writing observation and
Vocabulary • Measurement terms Terminologies on Terminologies on • Terminologies • Stability
acquisition • Names of linear motion forces used to describe terminologies
instruments used for motion e.g.
measurement inertia, moment
• SI units

Numeracy • Converting units Graphical Solving numerical • Solving problems
from one form to representation of problems on forces. related to
another. findings and the Newton’s laws of
• Calculating density, data collected. motion.
volume, mass, time, • Determination of
area and other Solving numerical acceleration due
quantities. problems to gravity.
on distance,
speed, velocity and
Study skills • Correct • Proper • Ability to perform • Ability to • Proper organisation
measurement length organisation of experiments perform of experimental
and mass of objects. experimental correctly experiments results and
• Correct drawings results and • Correct correctly observation for
observation for observation of • Correct presentations.
• Ability to perform
presentations. experimental observation of • Proper note taking
• Proper note results. experimental • Ability to perform
• Correct observation
taking • Ability to organise results. experiments correctly
of experimental
results. • Ability experimental • Ability to use • Correct observation
to perform results and the internet of experimental
• Using internet
experiments observation for correctly results.
correctly presentations. • Correct note
• Proper note taking
• Proper • Proper note taking, taking
• Ability to compare observation of recording and • Correct drawing
and contrast for experimental observations in
example, mass and • Problem solving
results. tabular form.
weight. skills

• Proper recording
of observations in
tabular form.
Revision Revision exercises Revision exercises Revision exercises Revision exercises Revision exercises
provided( exercises and provided (exercises provided (exercises provided( exercises provided( exercises and
unit test 1) and unit test 2) and unit test 3) and unit test 4) unit test 5)

Assessments A formative assessment A formative A formative A formative A formative assessment

of performing assessment of assessment assessment of performing
experiments on drawing linear of performing of performing experiments on centre
measurements, motion graphs from experiments experiments and of gravity.
laboratory safety rules the data collected demonstrating the solving problems on
and solving problems. and interpreting types of forces and Newton’s laws of
them. their effects on a motion.
Learning 1. Ability to explain 1. Correct 1. Ability to define 1. Ability to explain 1. Correct definition of
outcomes Physics as a science. definitions different types of the relationship centre of gravity.
2. Defining Physics of distance, forces correctly. between mass and 2. Ability to determine
correctly. displacement, 2. Ability to explain inertia. the centre of gravity
3. Ability to explain the velocity, speed, practical and real 2. Ability to explain of regular and
relationship between acceleration, life applications of Newton’s First Law irregular objects.
Physics, other science and correct forces and their of motion. 3. Ability to explain the
subjects, society and deriving their effects on the daily 3. Ability to explain effects of the position
technology. respective operations on Newton’s Second of centre of gravity
4. Ability to describe the formulas. humans. Law of motion. on stability of objects.
science processes skills 2. Understanding 3. Ability to 4. Ability to explain
use in learning. the difference demonstrate Newton’s Third Law
5. Understanding between different types of of motion
Laboratory safety and instantaneous forces.
and average 5. Ability to explain
safety rules.
speed. Newton’s law
6. Defining basic of universal
fundamental quantities 3. Ability to

correctly. collect data,
tabulate and 6. Ability to explain
7. Correct use of
correctly the application
instruments in
representing of newton’s
measuring length, mass
the findings law of motion
and time.
graphically. on frictionless
8. Ability to state and horizontal surface.
use derived quantities
correctly. 7. Ability to describe
and determine the
9. Ability to state the SI
acceleration due to
Units correctly.
10. Ability to use metric
prefixes in everyday
use name symbols and
11. Ability to perform
experiments on density
with ease.
Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10
Work, Energy and Simple Machines Kinetic theory Heat and Magnetism
Power (I) and states of Temperature

Umutwe wa
Number of 14 10 10 9 10
Introduction • Work done on • Common simple • Physical • Different • Magnetic and non-
carrying out a machines and properties temperature scales magnetic materials
particular task, how they make of matter to and how to convert • Properties of magnets.
• Energy spent to work easier temperature and from scale to the
complete the task • Mechanical their applications. other.
and the rate at which advantage, • Types of
the task was done velocity ratio thermometers and
(power). and efficiency of how to calibrate

• Analyse the machines. them.
process of energy • Properties of
transformation. thermometric
liquids used in
• Boiling point of
different substances.
Classroom • Whole class • Individual work • Whole class • Whole class • Whole class
organization orientation • Pair work orientation orientation, orientation,
• Individual work and • Whole class • Individual work • Individual work and • Group work,
orientation and then working in
• Group work • Individual work,
• Group work groups.
• Pair work
Equipment Stop watch, weighing Incline plane, Piece of chalk or a Source of heat, Permanent magnet,
required machine, tape measure wheelbarrow, piece of paper Clinical thermometers, pieces of glasses,
Heavy bag with books, hammer, spanner, Internet enabled internet access bar magnet, iron
stairs, trolley, pulley, piece computers, water, computers, laboratory nails, plastics, wood,
of wood. alcohol access. mercury(thermometer),
Internet enabled coins, rubber, lead metal,
computers Internet enabled Sand, iron fillings, a
computers graphite motors, mobile
Plastic bottle, water magnet phone, steel nails,
Two pens, a stone Marbles and a metals, cotton threads,
transparent square pieces of wood, internet
Bunsen burner/candle, bowl/tray enabled computers, iron
match box, a retort filings and reference
stand, a nail/metallic books.
rod, An electric heater
and a radio, water in
a basin, A bob, a string,
Tennis ball

Activities Activities on: Activities on: Activities on: Activities on: Activities on:
1. Individual work and 1. Research from 1. Work in pairs 1. Research internet 1. Group discussion
then group discussion the internet on what matter is search on definition on definition of a
on when work is the definition of 2. Individual work of heat and magnet.
done in science. simple machines. on what matter temperature. 2. Identifying magnetic
2. Group work on 2. Group is made of. 2. Discussion and and non-magnetic
finding work done discussions on 3. Group work presentation of substances.
in pulling an object the types and on physical temperature as the 3. Establishing
a long a horizontal the different and chemical degree of hotness properties of a
surface. categories of properties and coldness. magnet.
simple machines. of matter, 4. Testing for magnetism
categories and types of magnets.
of physical
5. Drawing magnetic
field patterns round a
and their
3. Group work on 3. Laboratory 4. Work in pairs to 3. Discussion on the
comparing time taken experiments show the help measurements of
to do piece of work on the of magnetism temperature and
by a person and a demonstrations as a physical the conversion
machine. of the work property to of different units
4. Group work on output of separate mixed of temperature
determining one’s machines and substances measurements.
power. frictions in 5. Group work on 4. Laboratory
machines. introduction to experimentals on
5. In pairs of two to
discuss about energy 4. Performance of kinetic theory the melting and
and different forms of experiments in 6. Group work boiling points of
energy. groups on the on properties different substances.
determination of solids, and
6. A group discussion
of efficiency of comparing the
on energy –work
simple machines. densities of
7. Group work on solar

8. Individual work on mixture
sound energy.
7. Group work on
properties of
liquids and to
show viscosity in
8. Group work
on properties
of gases and to
show that a gas
Competencies • Critical thinking • Presentation of • Teamwork • Team work • Teamwork
practised • Problem solving findings • Research skills • Presentation and • Communication skills
• Problem solving findings • Research
• Communication skills • Creativity and
• Teamwork innovation • Communication • Critical thinking
• Co-operation, skills
interpersonal • Communication • Critical thinking • Creativity
management and life skills • Research
• Communication • Presentation of
skill • Teamwork findings
• Research skills
• Communication • Problem solving
• Co-operation, skills
management and • Problem solving
life skills
Language • Discussion in groups • Presentation of • Discussion in • Discussions in • Presentation of
practise and pairs. experimental groups and pairs groups experimental findings,
• Presentation of findings, • Presentation of • Presentation of observation and
observation and results.

findings making/ finding findings
writing notes. results. • Writing observations.
• Making/ writing • Writing notes in
• Writing notes. the booklets on • Discussion in groups.
observations. observations.
• Discussion in
Vocabulary • Energy conservation Terminologies on • Matter related Terminologies in heat • Names of different
acquisition related terms. simple machines. terms. and temperature. types of magnets.
• Magnetism
Numeracy Solving numerical Calculations Solving problem on
problems on work, on efficiency of temperature e.g in
power and energy. machines. convert from one
temperature scale to
Study skills • Proper estimation of • Proper • Ability to classify • Proper note taking. • Proper organisation
kinetic and potential organisation of materials • Correct organising of experimental
energy of bodies in experimental using physical of findings and results and
different situations. results and properties. information. observation for
• Solving problems observation for • Ability to presentations.
presentations. • Proper organisation
related to work, explain physical of experimental • Proper note taking.
power and energy • Proper note properties of results and • Ability to perform
correctly. taking. solids, liquids, and observations. experiments.
• Ability to estimate the • Correct gases using the
kinetic theory of • Proper observation • Correct observation
power of an individual recording of the of experimental of experimental
climbing a flight of observations in matter.
results. results.

stairs. tabular form. • Ability to
separate • Ability to perform • Proper recording
• Ability to describe • Ability to perform experiments. observations in
ways of conserving experiments mixtures
using physical tabular form.
energy. correctly
• Ability to explain the • Correct
principle of energy observation of • Ability to
conservation. experimental perform an
results. experiment
to illustrate
Revision Revision exercises Revision exercises Revision exercises Revision exercises Revision exercises
provided (exercises and provided (exercises provided (exercises provided (exercises provided( exercises and
unit test 6) and unit test 7) and unit test 8) and unit tests 9) unit test 10)
Assessments • A formative • A formative • A formative • A formative • A formative
assessment of tasks assessment assessment on assessment assessment
termed as work of performing simple kinetic of performing of performing
and work related experiments theory. experiments on experiments on
problems. demonstrating • Formative magnetism. magnetism.
• A formative simple machines assessment
assessment task on and the types of physical
power and related machines. properties of
problems. mater.
• A formative • A formative
assessment task assessment on
on energy, forms properties of
of energy, energy solids.
transformations and • A formative
ways of conserving assessment on
energy. properties of

• A formative
assessment on
properties of
Learning 1. Understanding the 1. Correct definition 1. Understanding 1. Correct definition 1. Correct definition of
outcomes different forms of of simple Simple of heat and a magnet.
energy. machines, ability kinetic theory. temperature. 2. Ability to identify
2. Understanding to state different 2. Understanding 2. Correct magnetic and non-
transformation of types, and giving the physical determination of magnetic materials.
kinetic energy to correct examples. properties of the boiling and 3. Ability to test for
potential energy and 2. Ability to explain solids. melting points of magnetism.
vice verse. the practical 3. Understanding different substances.
and real life 4. Ability to identify
3. Understanding the the physical 3. Ability to different types of
different sources of applications of properties of differentiate
simple machines magnets.
energy. liquids. and state the
and how they advantages
4. Understanding the make wok easier. 4. Understanding
different ways to the physical between mercury
conserve energy 3. Ability to properties of and alcohol
determine gases. temperatures.
5. Understanding the efficiency of
law of conservation 5. Understanding 4. Ability to correctly

simple machines convert different
of mechanical energy. and their the applications
of physical temperature scales
6. Understanding the mechanical from one to the
transformation of advantages. properties.
energy. 6. Understanding
and recognising
of physical
properties of
Unit 11 Unit 12 Unit 13
Electrostatic (I) Current Electricity (I) Rectilinear propagation of
Number of 10 10 10

Introduction • Types of electrostatic charges. • Component of electric circuit. • Nature and sources of light .

• Charging conductors using • Electric energy and power • Rectilinear propagation of light.
different methods.
• Common devices for protecting • Reflected light on a plane
• Distribution of charges on electrical appliances. mirror and its application.
different conductors.
• Effect of any electric current.
• Effects of electrostatic charges on

an object or a body.

Classroom • Whole class orientation • Whole class orientation, • Whole class orientation
• Individual work and then working • Group work • Group work
in groups. • Individual work • Individual work
• Pair work • Pair work
Equipment Internet enabled computers, Dry cells, connection wires, bulbs, Source of light, three pieces of card
required reference books, gold leaf internet enabled computers, each with small hole in the centre,
electroscope, polythene strips, glass reference books, car battery, 1 metre of thread, plasticine, screen,
rod, ebonite insulated conductor, a ammeter, voltmeter. torch, dry cells, dark room, opaque
pen mirrors, soft board, optical pins,
internet enable computers.
Activities Activities on: Activities on: Activities on:
1. The bending water and attraction 1. Experimental representation of
balloon to the wall due to the simple circuit connection. 1. Research to find out nature of
charged bodies. light.
2. Discussion on the flow and the
2. Performing different experiment sources of electric current. 2. Laboratory experiments
on methods of charging to classify materials as
3. Group work experiments in the transparent, translucent and
conductors. lab on the potential difference opaque.
3. Discussion of the law of and the verifications of Ohm’s
electrostatic. law. 3. Laboratory experiments to
investigate propagation of light.
4. Performing experiment to show 4. Discussions on effects of
how a gold leaf electroscope is electric currents and the safety 4. Laboratory experiment on
charged and used to detect the precautions to be observed reflection of light
type of charge on a conductor. when handling electrical 5. Observing characteristics of
5. Research on charge distribution applications. images formed by plane mirrors
on different body shapes. and pin hole camera
6. Project work on construction of

pinhole camera.
Competences • Teamwork • Teamwork • Teamwork
practised • Communication skills • Communication skills • Communication skills
• Research • Research • Research
• Critical thinking • Critical thinking • Critical thinking
• Creativity • Creativity • Creativity
• Presentation of findings • Presentation of findings • Presentation of findings
• Problem solving • Problem solving • Problem solving
Language • Discussion in groups and pairs. • Discussion in groups. • Writing observations.
practise • Presentation of findings. • Presentation of experimental • Discussion in groups.
• Making/ writing notes. findings, observation and results. • Presentation of experimental
• Writing observations. findings, observation and results.
Vocabulary  Terminologies on origin of  Terminologies on current and  Terminologies used in the unit
acquisition charges, methods of charging a electricity. describing nature of light e.g
conductor, coulombs, Detection rectilinear etc.
of charge etc.
Numeracy  Calculation on coulomb’s laws. Calculation on current and  Calculating magnification of
electricity. an image, number of images
formed by plane mirror, angles of
Study skills • Proper organisation of • Proper organisation of • Ability to perform experiments
experimental results and experimental results and correctly.
observation for presentations. observation for presentations. • Correct observation of
• Correct note taking. • Correct note taking. experimental results.
• Proper recording of • Ability to perform experiments. • Ability to use internet for
observations in tabular form. • Correct observation of research.
• Ability to perform experiments experimental results. • Correct note taking.

correctly. • Proper recording of • Correct drawing.
• Correct observation of observations in tabular form.
experimental results.
Revision Revision exercises provided Revision exercises provided  Revision exercises provided(
(exercises and unit test 11.) (exercises and unit test 12) exercises and unit test 13)

Assessments Formative assessment of performing A formative assessment of  A formative assessment of

experiments on electrostatics and performing experiments on current performing experiments on light
solve problems. and electricity. and solving problems.
Learning 1. Correct definition of 1. Correct definition of current and 1. Ability to state different sources
outcomes electrostatics. electricity. of light.
2. Correct drawings of how 2. Ability to demonstration 2. Correct description of rays and
charges are distributed in practically Ohm’s law and the beams.
different shapes. effects of electric current. 3. Ability to classify materials as
3. Ability to perform experiments 3. Correct explanation of the transparent, translucent and
on methods of charging a applications of heating effect of opaque.
conductor with ease. an electric current. 4. Ability to carry out experiments
4. Ability to show practically how 4. Ability to highlight the measures on light propagation.
a gold electroscope works. and precaution to be taken 5. Correct explanation of
5. Ability to determine practically when using electricity in our rectilinear propagation of light.
the factors that affect the homes.
6. Ability to state different types
magnitude of force between 5. Correct explanation on the of reflection.
two charged objects. functions of fuses and the
7. Correct description of
earthing connection in the
formation of shadow and
electrical appliances.

8. Ability to explain lunar and
solar eclipses.
9. Ability to state the law of
10. Ability to describe the
characteristics of images
formed in plane mirrors.
11. Ability to use the ray diagrams
to correctly locate the image
of an object and numbers
of images formed in inclined
12. Ability to explain the
applications of reflection of light
on a plane mirror.

Introduction to Physics

Laboratory Safety Rules and Measurements

Unit 1 of Physical Quantities

Student's Book pages 1-59 (15 Periods)

Key unit competence

By the end of this unit, the learner should be able to explain the importance of
Physics, measure physical quantities and express findings in appropriate units.

Learning objectives Skills

• Explain the relationship between
Knowledge and understanding
physics technology and society.
• Explain the nature of Physics and its
application. • Formulate scientific predictions.
• Discuss characteristics of physics. • State and explain basic laboratory
rules for conducting experiments.
• Discuss branches of Physics and their
benefits to mankind’s development. • Write a simple scientific report of
experiment carried out.
• Identify career opportunities related
to Physics. • Identify laboratory hazards and
safety precautions to be taken.
• Explain the basic fundamental
physical quantities. • Choose an appropriate measuring
• Differentiate between derived physical
quantities and fundamental quantities. • Measure physical quantities: length,
volume, mass, time and density
• Introduce international system (SI)
and express findings in appropriate
of measurements units.
• State and explain basic laboratory
• Relate Physics with observed
safety rules.
• State /recall ρ = m
v • Predict body floats in water based
on its density.
• Convert other metric units to SI

Attitudes and values Links to other subjects
• Appreciate application of Physics in Science process and safety rules in
everyday life situations. Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics
• Develop responsible behaviour (measurements), Home science
towards environmental problems. (measurements and precision)
• Apply scientific method with all Geography (area of a given space),
the rigor, intellectual honesty and primary science.
critical thinking.
Cross cutting issues
• Comply with laboratory safety
addressed in this unit
• Comprehensive safety measures in
• Behave as responsible citizens that
everydays life activities. First aid
are able to make decisions based
measures are broadly elaborated,
on scientific attitudes and findings.
Activity 1.10.
• Use of appropriate terminologies
and simple mathematical formulae. Assessment criteria
• Appreciate the importance of The learner should outline the benefits of
accurate measurements. Physics to mankind, carryout experiments
• Make a judgment of the usefulness and report the results, can use various
of measurement obtained from measuring instruments to measure
experiments. physical quantities and express findings
• Develop the skills of observation, in appropriate units.
recording, analysing interpretation Teaching methodologies
and verification. • Group work.
Generic competencies • Class discussions.
addressed in this unit • Question and answers.
• Cooperation and interpersonal • Class demonstrations.
relation. This is adhered through • Role-play.
the involvement of the learners
in the numerous activities in the
Background information
learner's book. Most learners have encountered with
• Research and problem solving. The different devices e.g. mobile phones,
several practical activities within generators, computers etc. They have
the learner's book. done measurement in their homes when
cooking or in the field when playing.
• Critical thinking. The learners are
They have also estimated how long
involved in the group discussions,
it takes to walk from their home to
class examples and problems to be
school. Build on these and other familiar
experiences to introduce this unit.

Engage all the learners in all practical 1. Learners of different abilities
activities given in student’s book. (slow learners and fast
Suggested teaching/learning
2. Different gender i.e. boys and
girls in case it is a mixed class.
3. Disabled students incase they
1.1 What is Science? are there in your class and can
be able to do activity.
(1 Period) This will enable learners to appreciate
others and boost their self-esteem as
By the end of this section, the learner
they learn from each other.
should be able to define the term science
• Ask them to choose a group
and state its branches.
leader and a secretary (preferably
Information to the teacher the disabled student if he/she can
Learners already learnt the meaning handle).
of science in primary level. Start this • Let the group leaders lead their
section by reviewing the meaning of members through the discussion of
science and put more emphasis on the activity 1.1 given in student's book
branches. As a teacher, you are required i.e. to describe science.
to read widely from internet and other • Ask each group secretary or any
relevant materials to equip yourself other member of each group to
with sufficient knowledge in this section report their findings to the whole
and others. class.
• Allow other members of the class
Suggested teaching/learning to point out omissions or errors on
materials each fact represented.
• Reference books, Internet • Summarise the discussion by
Preparation emphasizing on the key points:
As a teacher you may ask learners to 1. Science refers to a systematic
do individual research from the internet study that uses observations
and reference materials a day earlier or and experimentation to
during the lesson depend on availability describe and explain natural
of time. phenomena.
2. Science may be divided into:
Teaching guidelines 1.1 social, natural and formal
• Ask learners to form groups. Ensure sciences. Social science deals
that the group formed comprises of: with human behaviour and
society e.g. psychology.
Natural science deals with

natural phenomena e.g. lighting should be able to define the term
earthquakes etc. examples are Physics, give a brief history about
physics, chemistry and biology. Physics, highlight reasons why we should
Formal science deals with study Physics and state and explain its
mathematical concept and branches.
logics example is mathematics. Information to the teacher
At this point it is a good idea to correct Read widely from internet, reference
error in learner’s discussion. books and any other relevant reading
• Conclude the discussion by material to equip yourself with sufficient
assessing whether the objectives knowledge to guide the learners.
of this section have been achieved.
This can be done through question Suggested teaching/learning
and answer method. materials
• Reference books, Internet
• This activity will promote in learner
among other competencies: Preparation
1. Cooperation and interpersonal Set and organise the required materials
relation. This is adhered through in advance. Ask the learners to do
the involvement of the learners individual research. You may prepare
in the numerous activities in and give the learners a questionnaire
the learner's book. that will guide them during a research.
2. Research and problem solving.
Teaching guidelines 1.2
Through several practical activities
• Organise learners into appropriate
given the learner's book.
groups. Ensure that the groups
3. Critical thinking. The learners
comprise of students of different
are involved in the critical thinking
abilities and gender in case the class
through group discussions, class
comprises of both boys and girls.
examples and solving problems.
Let them choose a group a leader
4. Leadership and organizational
and a secretary.
skills as learners organise
• Ask the group leaders to lead other
themselves in appropriate
members through a discussion of
groups and lead by their
their individual research on activity
leaders to do the activities.
1.2 i.e. to define Physics as a science.
1.2 Physics as a Science and Let the group secretary note the
its Characteristics key points and harmonize them.
• Ask the groups secretaries or
choose any other member at
(1 Period)
random from each group to give
By the end of this section, the learner a report on their findings to the

whole class. the involvement of the learners
• Allow other students to point out in the numerous activities in
the omissions or errors on each the learner's book.
presentation. 2. Research and problem solving.
• Summarise their discussion by Through several practical activities
pointing out the key points and within the learner's book.
correct the errors or omissions 3. Critical thinking. The learners
made in their discussion. Now, lead are involved in the group
them through the discussion given discussions, class examples and
in student’s book and put more problem solving.
emphasis on the importance of
physics to the Rwandan economy. 1.3 Physics and other Subjects
At this point, it is important to
note to the student about electric (1 period)
microwave machine which is used
By the end of this section, learners
to carry out research on HIV and
should be able to explain the relationship
AIDS and other diseases. Take this
between Physics and other subjects.
opportunity to sensitize the learners
on the spread of HIV and AIDS and Information to the teacher
how they can avoid being infected This section of the unit is equally
with the disease. Also educate important, take sufficient time
them the need for caring for both to show learners how physics is
the infected and the affected in the related to other subjects. Explain
community. to them the career opportunities
• Discuss with learners the branches that physics opens for them. Note
of Physics and how different branches that at this stage of their lives, most
of Physics have contributed to the learners are not sure of the career
economy of our country, Rwanda. to pursue in life.
• Conclude this section by assessing
Suggested teaching/learning
whether the objectives have been
met through question and answer
• Reference books, internet
• This part of the unit will promote in Preparation
learners among other competencies: Ask leaners to do a group research on
1. Cooperation and interpersonal relationship between physics and other
relation. This is adhered through subjects.

Teaching guidelines 1.3 4. Critical thinking. The learners
• Organise learners into appropriate are involved in the group
groups. Ensure that the groups discussions, class examples and
comprise of: given problems to be solved.
1. Learners of different abilities 1.4 Career opportunities in
(slow and fast learners). Physics
2. Learners of mixed gender
(1 Period)
(boys and girls) incase of any.
3. Disabled students in case they By the end of this section, the learner
are in the classroom. should be able to identify the career
• Ask them to choose a group leader opportunities Physics opens up for them.
and secretary. Ask the group leader
Information to the Teacher
to lead others in a discussion of
This section is equally important to the
activity 1.3 given in student's book
learners. It is a section that can determine
i.e. to establish the relationship
whether the learner will or will not
between physics and other subjects.
continue with physics as a subject. As
• Ask the group secretaries or choose
Physics teacher, guide them through
at random any other group member
various career opportunities in Physics.
to give a report on their finding and
It is therefore your obligation to explain
allow others to point out omissions
to them about career opportunities
and errors of the facts given.
available for them in Physics.
• Summarise the discussion by
pointing out the main points. Suggested teaching/learning
• Conclude this section by assessing materials
the learners through question and
answer method and whether the
objectives have been achieved. It is a good idea to read widely on
various career opportunities in physics
This section will promote in the learners
to be in a position of guiding your
among other competencies:
learners appropriately in this section.
1. Cooperation and interpersonal
relation. This is adhered Teaching guidelines 1.4
through the involvement of • Ask learners to group themselves
the learners in the numerous into appropriate groups.
activities in the learner's book. • Let them do activity 1.4 given in the
2. Research and problem solving student's book i.e. to identify career
by provision of several practical opportunities in physics.
activities in the learner's book. • Guide them through a discussion on
their findings.

• Take learners through a discussion required to guide them appropriately. It
given in the student's book. is a good idea to read widely from the
• This activity will promote in learners internet, reference books or any other
among other competencies: reading materials so that you are well
1. Cooperation and interpersonal equipped with sufficient knowledge.
relation. This is adhered Suggested teaching/learning
through the involvement of materials
the learners in the numerous
Two mobile phones, envelope, a bag
activities in the learner's book.
2. Research and problem solving Preparation
by provision of several practical The role-play given in the student’s book
activities within the learner's requires two mobile phones and an
book. envelope so that you can demonstrate
3. Critical thinking. The learners the traditional and modern ways of
are involved in the group communication. You are therefore
discussions, class examples and required to avail them in advance. You
given problems to solve. may use your mobile phone or borrow
from other teachers.
1.5 Physics, Society and Teaching guidelines 1.5
Technology • Ask learners to form groups of
six. Ensure that the group formed
(1 period)
comprise of:
By the end of this section, the learner 1. Learners of different abilities.
should be able to explain the contribution
2. Both gender i.e. boys and girls
of physics to the development in the
3. Disabled student if there is
Information to the teacher • Guide them through the steps of
This section is one of the crucial parts role play provided in student’s book
of this unit. It explains how physics has activity 1.5 and ask them to role
played a great role in the society. You play. Let the sixth student record
are therefore advised to take adequate observations and allow them to
time to explain to the learners how discuss their observations after the
physics has improved life in the society. role-play.
This may be done through the practical • Ask the group secretary to give a
activities and role-play given. The role- short report on their discussion to
play given in student’s book is meant the class. Allow a debate on the
to assist the learner to understand report for a short time from other
the concept clearly. You are therefore members.

• Now, summarise the discussion predictions, write a simple scientific
by helping learners to connect report related to physics and apply
between the role-play and the scientific method with all the rigor,
importance of physics to the intellectual, honest and critical thinking.
development of our society. Prompt
Information to the teacher
the learners to think of other areas
where technology through physics This section will enable learners to
has improved the lives of people in analyze, interpret and come up with a
Rwandan societies. solution of a particular problem. It is
therefore very important to take your
• Now, guide them through a
time and guide the learners properly.
discussion given in student’s book.
You are also advised to equip yourself
• Conclude this section by assessing
adequately with knowledge in the area
the learners through question
by reading widely from other relevant
and answer method whether the
materials e.g. internet and reference
objectives have been met. Ask them
to do exercise 1.1 in student’s book.
• This section will promote leaners Preparation
among other competencies in: Ask learners to read from internet or
1. Cooperation and interpersonal reference materials in advance about
relation. This is adhered through scientific processes and skills used in
the involvement of the learners learning of physics.
in the numerous activities in
the learner's book.
Teaching guidelines 1.6
• Organise learners into groups of
2. Research and problem solving
different abilities and gender.
by provision of several practical
• Using the findings obtained from
activities within the learner's
individual research let them do
activity 1.6 given in student’s book.
3. Critical thinking. The learners
• Take them through the activity and
are involved in the group
hold a class discussion about their
discussions, class examples and
given problems to solve.
• Summarise the discussion by highlighting
1.6 Science processes skills the key points i.e. scientific processes of
used in learning of physics learning physics, include observation,
prediction, data reading and recording,
(2 periods) data analysis, interpretation, decision-
By the end of this section, the learners making and reporting.
should be able to formulate scientific

• Guide them through the discussion 1.7 Laboratory Safety
of all these processes given in measures
student’s book and ask them to
do activity 1.7 on student’s book. (1 period )
Note that this activity will enable
you to assess the learners whether By the end of this section, the learner
they have understood the scientific should be able to understand laboratory
processes learnt, therefore, ensure safety measures.
that you have marked and guided Information to the teacher
them accordingly. Take them through
This section is very sensitive to both the
a sample given in activity 1.8.
learner and you as a teacher. This is
• Conclude the discussion by: because both of you use the laboratory
1. Assessing the learners through and if the safety rules are not understood
question and answer method well, the mess done by a student will
whether they have understood affect, you and the whole school at
this section. Note that you large. It is therefore very important to
may choose to address any take this section very serious because it
challenging areas during next touches on the lives of learners, you as
lesson for some couple of minutes a teacher and the school community at
before or during remedial hours. large.
2. Asking them to do exercise 1.2
You must take sufficient time to guide
given in the student’s book.
the learners one step at a time on the
• This section of the unit will promote
safety rules and regulation so that they
in the learners:
can understand them very well and
1. Cooperation and interpersonal apply them every time they are in the
relation. This is adhered through laboratory or even outside.
the involvement of the learners
in the numerous activities in the Suggested teaching/learning
learner's book. materials
2. Research and problem solving First aid kits, charts.
by provision of several practical
activities within the learner's
book. Prepare in advance a chart showing
categories of safety rules and regulations
3. Critical thinking. The learners
and another one showing possible
are involved in the group
laboratory hazards and safety
discussions, class examples and
precautions need to be taken.
given problems to solve.

Teaching guidelines 1.7 2. Research and problem solving
• Organise learners into appropriate by provision of several practical
groups. Ensure that the groups activities within the learner's
formed comprise of: book.
1. Learners of different abilities 3. Critical thinking. The learners
i.e. slow and fast learners. are involved in the group
2. Both gender i.e. boys and girls discussions, class examples and
in case it is a mixed class. given problems to be solved.
3. Disabled students if there is
any. 1.8 First aid
• Ask them to do activity 1.9 given in
the student’s book. (1 Period)
• Guide them through the activity and By the end of this section, the learner
let them discuss among themselves should be able to identify the items
before giving a summary of their found in a first aid kit and state their
discussion. At this point, correct uses.
the errors or any omission from the
learner’s discussion. Information to the teacher
• Now, take them through table 1.4 Help your learners to name all the
given in the student’s book and the items in the kit. It is a good idea to read
chart on the categories of safety widely in advance to be able to guide
rules. your learners.
• Conclude the discussion by emphasizing Suggested teaching/learning
the importance of keenly observing the materials
laboratory safety rules whenever • First aid kit
learners are in the laboratory.
Explain how a small mistake like Preparation
careless handling of a burning Ensure that you have a full equiped
matchstick may be disastrous to first aid kit before the beginning of the
him/her, others and the whole lesson.
school. Teaching guidelines 1.8
• This activity will promote in learners • Organise learners into groups of
among other competencies: three students. Ensure that gender
1. Cooperation and interpersonal balance is observed in case it is a
relation. This is adhered through mixed class of boys and girls. Also
the involvement of the learners ensure that learners in each group
in the numerous activities in the are of different abilities i.e. slow and
learner's book. fast learners.

• Now ask them to do activity 1.10 1.9 Hazard symbols and their
given in student’s book. meaning
• Guide them through the activity
and allow them to discuss the uses
(1 Period)
of each item in the first aid kit.
• Conclude the discussion by By the end of this section, the learner
emphasizing to the learners how should be able to categorize and identify
important it is for each and every hazard symbols and their meanings.
learner to have first aid skills i.e. Information to the teacher
enabling them to deal with any
This section deals with hazard symbols
emergency cases anywhere to save
and their meaning. Ensure that your
learners understand them well.
• Note: First aid skills are necessary
to every learner including you as a Suggested teaching/learning
teacher. It is therefore important materials
to train learners on how to handle • Charts showing hazard symbols
different situations. You may call an Preparation
expert or any other teacher who is
Ensure that you have a chart that shows
trained in first aid skills so that he/
hazard symbols before the beginning of
she can teach you and the learners
the lesson.
these skills.
• This activity will promote in learners Teaching guidelines 1.9
among other competencies • Guide the learners through a chart
1. Cooperation and interpersonal that shows hazard symbols.
relation. This is adhered • Now, guide them through a discussion
through the involvement of given in the student's book.
the learners in the numerous • Through question and answer
activities in the learner's book. method, ensure that learners have
2. Research and problem solving understood the hazard symbols.
by provision of several practical
activities within the learner's 1.10 Laboratory hazards and
book. Safety precautions to be
3. Critical thinking. The learners taken
are involved in the group
(1 Period)
discussions, class examples and
given problems to be solved. By the end of this section, the learner
should be able to state the possible
laboratory hazards and suggest the
safety precautions to be taken.

Information to the teacher • Conclude the section by:
Read widely from internet and reference 1. Assessing the learners by use
book, this section to be in a position of of question and answer method
guiding learners appropriately. whether they have understood
laboratory rules and safety
Suggested teaching/learning measures/precaution incase of
materials any laboratory hazards.
• Chart showing a table of hazards 2. Asking them to do exercise
and safety measures 1.3 given in the student’s book.
• Reference books. Note that you may also use
this exercise to assess them.
• This section will promote in learners
Ensure that you have all the required
among other competencies:
materials to be used in this section in
1. Cooperation and interpersonal
relation. This is adhered through
Teaching guidelines 1.10 the involvement of the learners
• Organise learners into groups of in the numerous activities in
two. Ensure gender balance and the learner's book.
mix of different abilities (i.e. slow 2. Research and problem solving
and fast learners). by provision of several practical
• Ask them to do activity 1.11 given activities within the learner's
in student’s book and report to the book.
whole class. 3. Critical thinking. The learners
• Guide them through table 1.5 are involved in the group
on hazards and safety measures discussions, class examples and
provided in the student’s book or given problems to solve in the
through a chart, summarise by learner's book.
pointing out the possible hazards in
the laboratory, such as: 1.11 Fundamental and derived
quantities of measurement
1. Fire outbreaks.
2. Electric shock. (1 Period)
3. Suffocation. By the end of this section, the learner should
4. Breaking of equipment among be able to differentiate between derived
others. physical quantities and fundamental physical
• Emphasize on the safety precaution quantities. Give examples on each and
to be taken incase of the hazards state their international system (SI)
mentioned. units.

Information to the teacher research and harmonize them later.
This section builds a basis for • Ask the secretaries to give a short
measurement of physical quantities. It report on their findings and all the
is important to read deeply from other learners to point out omissions or
reference books and internet so that you errors on each fact presented.
can come up with different approaches • Summarise the discussion by
towards this section that can enable pointing out the key points: -
you and your learners to understand it 1. Fundamental quantities are
better. those that cannot be obtained
from any other physical quantities.
Suggested teaching/learning Examples are length, mass, time
materials etc.
• Reference books, Internet 2. Derived quantities are those
Preparation that are expressed in terms of
Ensure that you have enough reference the fundamental quantities e.g.
books or internet enabled computers area, force etc.
before the beginning of the lesson. It is 3. Guide them through prefixes
a good idea to prepare a questionnaire for SI units and take them
in advance to assist learners in their through table 1.6 in student’s
research. book.
Teaching guidelines 1.11
• Take them through the discussion
• Ask learners to form groups. Ensure
given in student’s book and guide
that the groups comprise of:
them through the table 1.6 on
1. Different abilities i.e. slow and
fundamental quantities and SI units.
fast learners.
• Ask learners to do activity 1.13 given
2. Gender balance i.e. boys and
on student's book i.e to practise the
girls incase the class is mixed
use of prefixes.
3. Physically challenged learners • Guide them through prefixes for SI
incase they are there. units in table 1.7 in student’s book.
• Ask them to choose a group leader • Conclude this section by assessing
and a secretary. Let the group through question and answer
leader lead the others to do activity method whether the objectives
1.12 given in the student’s book. have been achieved.
Note that learners should have • This section will promote in learners
done individual research earlier. among other competencies:
• Let them discuss the individual 1. Cooperation and interpersonal
research as the secretaries write relation. This is adhered through
down the main points from each the involvement of the learners

in the numerous activities in instruments e.g. vernier calliper and
the learner's book. micro screw gauge if any before the
2. Research and problem solving students start using them. Ask learners
by provision of several practical to do their individual research in time
activities within the learner's and not during the lesson.
Teaching guidelines 1.12
3. Critical thinking. The learners • Organise learners into different
are involved in the group groups. Ensure that the groups:
discussions, class examples and
1. Comprise learners of both
gender i.e. boys and girls incase
it is a mixed class.
1.12 Measuring Instrument
1. Have learners of different
(1 Period) abilities i.e. slow learners and
fast learners.
By the end of this section, the
2. Have learners with physical
learner should be able to use various
challenges incase they are
instruments to measure length, mass
among the class.
and time of various objects and record
in the measurements in a table. • Ask them to choose a group leader
and a secretary. Let the leader lead
Information to the teacher others in their discussion as the
As a teacher ensure that all learners are secretary writes down the main
actively participating in all activities have points.
in this section to achieve the objectives. • Ask them to do activity 1.14 given
Also ensure that the instruments given in the student's book and report to
to learners are functioning and zero the whole class.
error. Read widely on this section from • Ask the group secretaries to
other sources of information to guide present their findings in a class
your learners appropriately. presentation.
Suggested teaching/learning • Summarise their discussion by taking
materials learners through the discussion
• Ruler, screw gauge, vernier given in the student’s book. At this
callipers, balances, electronic point, correct errors made by the
balances, stopwatches, internet. learners in their discussion.
• This activity will promote in learners
Preparation among other competencies:
Arrange and organise the instruments 1. Cooperation and interpersonal
required for a particular activity in relation as learners work
time. Correct any zero error in the together in groups.

2. Communication skills in English the activity and allow them to
as they express their opinions brainstorm between them.
in group discussion. • Now ask any learner randomly
3. Research and problem solving to tell the class their findings and
as they do research based allow others to point out omissions
activities and answering or errors on the fact given by the
different questions. learner.
• Summarise their discussion by
1.13 Measurement of length pointing out key points i.e.
1. Length is the distance between
(1 Period)
two ends.
By the end of this section, the learners 2. The SI unit of length is metres
should be able to define length and state (m).
its SI unit. They should be in a position • Conclude by taking learners
of measuring length using different through table 1.9 given in learner's
instruments e.g metre rule book. Assess them through questions
Information to the teacher to determine whether the objective
has been achieved.
Guide your learners on how to use
• This activity will promote in learners
a metre rule and other measuring
among other competencies:
instruments to measure length of an
1. Cooperation and interpersonal
object. You are advised to read widely
relation. This is adhered through
on this area from various reference
the involvement of the learners
in the numerous activities in
Suggested teaching/learning the learner's book.
materials 2. Research and problem solving
• Metre rule, metre stick, venier by provision of several practical
calliper, micrometre screw gauge. activities within the learner's
Preparation book.
Ensure that you have all the suggested 3. Critical thinking. The learners
teaching/learning materials before the are involved in the group
lesson. discussions, class examples and
given problems to solve.
Teaching guidelines 1.13 (a)
• Organise learners into pairs. Teaching guidelines 1.13(b)
• Ask them to do activity 1.15 given in • Ask learners to form groups and
student’s book. ensure that they have observed
gender balance and the members of
• Guide them through the steps of

each group are of different abilities. Teaching guidelines 1.13 (c)
Incase there are learners with • Ask learners to do activity 1.17
physical challenges, ensure that in the student's book.Let them
they are also involved in the group. proceed to activity 1.18 later on i.e.
• Ask them to do activity 1.16 given in to observe the metre rule, scales
student’s book i.e. making and using and demonstrate how to use it.
metre stick to measure length. • Through the leadership of a group
• Guide them through the steps of the leader and the secretary, let them
two activities and let them discuss discuss their observations from the
among themselves. activity and record their findings
• Allow them to determine the in a tabular form as one given in
measurement of different objects student’s book.
within the class. • Guide the learners through their
• Ask them to measure the length findings and the discussion given on
of the chalkboard and record their student’s book on the challenges
results. Note that the physically of using a metre rule to measure
challenged learners (e.g. blind) can length.
hold the metre stick as the other
• Conclude the discussion by assessing
learners read the measurement.
the learners through question
• Ask each group to present their
and answer method whether the
findings. Discuss with them the
objective has been achieved.
causes of error in measurement e.g.
parallax error. • This activity will promote in learners
• Conclude the discussion by assessing the following competencies:
the learner through question and 1. Cooperation and interpersonal
answer method whether they have relation. This is adhered through
understood how to use the metre the involvement of the learners
stick to determine the length of in the numerous activities in
different objects. the learner's book.
• This activity will promote in learners 2. Research and problem solving
among other competencies Cooperation by provision of several practical
and interpersonal relation. activities within the learner's
1. Critical thinking as they book.
analyse their measurement.
3. Critical thinking. The learners
2. Communication skills as they
are involved in the group
express their opinion to the
discussions, class examples and
given problems to solve.

Teaching Guidelines 1.13(d) different objects.
• Ask learners to form groups. Ensure • Guide them through the worked
that: example 1.1 given in student’s book.
1. Student don’t maintain to same • Conclude by asking them to do
groups they have been working exercise 1.4 given in learner’s book.
with in the previous activities. Use this exercise to assess whether
2. The new groups comprise of the learners have achieved the
both boys and girls incase it is objectives.
a mixed class. • This section will promote learners
3. The members of each group in among other competencies:
are of different abilities i.e. slow 1. Cooperation and interpersonal
learners and fast learners. relation. This is adhered through
• Ask them to do activities 1.19 and the involvement of the learners
1.20 given in the student’s book. in the numerous activities in
• Ask the group secretary to present the learner's book.
their findings to the class and allow 2. Research and problem solving
others to point out omission and by provision of several practical
error in the fact given. activities within the learner's
• Guide the learners on discussion of book.
their findings. 3. Critical thinking. The learners
• Summarise the discussion by are involved in the group
pointing out that a vernier calliper discussions, class examples and
was invented in 17th century by given problems to solve.
Pierre Vernier. Teaching guidelines 1.13(e)
• Guide the learner through the • Organise learners into groups.
discussion given in the learner’s Ensure that the groups comprise of:
book and emphasize on using of a 1. Learners of different abilities
vernier scale. i.e. slow and fast learners.
• Ask learners to do activity 1.21 still 2. Learners of both sex i.e. boys
in their groups, let each leader tell and girls incase it is a mixed
their class their finds. class.
• Guide them through the discussion 3. Learners with physical challenges
given in the student's book. incase there are any and can
• Now, guide them to do activities be able to do the activity.
1.22 and 1.23 given in the student’s • Let them choose a group leader
book i.e. how to read the vernier and secretary. Allow discussion of
callipers scale when measuring individual research on micrometer

screw gauge; history of micrometer • Conclude this section by assessing
screw gauge, features of micrometer learners through question and
screw gauge and how to read it. answer method whether the
• Summarise the discussion by guiding objectives have been achieved.
them through the discussion given • This section will promote learners
in student’s book. in among other competencies
• Now, ask them to do activity 1. Cooperation and interpersonal
1.24 given in student’s book i.e. to relation. This is adhered
observe the parts of micrometer through the involvement of
screw gauge. the learners in the numerous
• Guide them through the steps in the activities in the learner's book.
activity and let them discuss. 2. Research and problem solving
• Let the group secretaries present by provision of several practical
their discussion to the whole activities within the learner's
class and allow other learners to book.
contribute to each presentation by 3. Critical thinking. The learners
pointing out omissions and errors in are involved in the group
each. discussions, class examples and
• Ask them to do activities 1.25 given problems to solve.
in the student's book and guide
them through a discussion given
1.14 Measurements of time
• Now, discuss with them example
1.2 given in student’s book. (2 periods)
• Ask them to do activity 1.26 in
By the end of this section, the learners
student's book page 37 in groups.
should be able to define time, state its SI
• Demonstrate for them how to
unit and measure how long it can take
determine the diameter of a ball
to do a particular task.
bearing. Afterwards allow them to
try measuring the diameter of the Information to the teacher
ball bearing and also do example Read in advance from various reference
1.3 plus exercise 1.5 in the student's books and internet to equip yourself
book. well incase the bright learners ask
• Go through learners work and guide you challenging questions you will
them where they have challenges. be in a position of answering them
Note all this exercise may be used appropriately.
to check whether the objectives
have been achieved.

Suggested teaching/learning rest of the question.
materials • Conclude this section by
• Stopwatch 1. Assessing learners through
• Play ground question and answer method
• Clock whether the objectives have
been achieved.
2. Assessing learners by going
Ensure that you have enough required through their work on the
materials in this section in advance. assignment from exercise 1.6
given in student’s book and
Teaching guidelines 1.14(f) identify the challenging areas
• Ask learners to organise themselves
so that you can guide them
in pairs. Ensure gender balance,
varied abilities among the group
• This section will promote in learners
the following competencies:
• Ask them to do activity 1.27 given
1. Cooperation and interpersonal
in student’s book i.e. to describe the
relation. This is adhered through
concept of time.
the involvement of the learners
• Allow learners to discuss between in the numerous activities in
themselves and let one of them from the learner's book.
each group report their findings.
2. Research and problem solving
• Now, guide the learners through by provision of several practical
a discussion given in student’s activities within the learner's
book putting more emphasis on book.
table 1.11 on SI unit of time and its 3. Critical thinking. The learners
comparison given in student’s book are involved in the group
and discussing with them example discussions, class examples and
1.4 in the student's book. given problems to solve.
• Guide them through activities 1.28
and 1.29 given in student’s book.
1.15 Measurements of derived
• Discuss with learners worked
example 1.5 given in student’s book.
• Ask them to do exercise 1.6 given (2 Period)
in student’s book. Go through their
By the end of this section, the learner
work and let the fast learners who
should be able to measure physical
finish continue with the rest of the
quantities: area, volume, mass and
question as your guide slow learners
density and state their SI units.
and then join them in answering the

Information to the teacher • Guide them through table 1.12 in
As a teacher, guide learners through student's book.
worked examples and practical activities • Now, discuss with them example
in student’s book appropriately. To be 1.6, 1.7, and 1.8 in the students'
able to do this, you are advised to read book.
widely from other reading materials • Summarise the discussion by
and the internet on the same area to pointing out the key points i.e. area
enrich yourself with information. is the measure of the extent of a
surface. Its SI unit is m2 .
• Now, guide them through tables
A ruler, square and rectangle shaped 1.13 given in the student’s book
solids, beaker, water, measuring cylinder, and involve them in a discussion of
rectangular containers, burette, pipette, worked example 1.8 on finding area
a marble, irregular stone, eureka can, of regular objects.
different types of balances, fresh and • Summarise the discussion by
boiled eggs. pointing out the key points i.e. Area
Preparation is the measure of the extent of a
This section consists of many practical surface. Its SI unit is square metre
activities, prepare in advance and m2 .
engage them in all activities and guide • Conclude this section by asking
them accordingly. Also involve them in a learners to do exercise 1.7 given
discussion of the worked examples given in the student’s book Mark the
in student’s book. Any research should student’s work and use it to assess
be done in advance before the beginning learner’s weak areas so that you
of the lesson. can assist them during remedial
Teaching guidelines 1.15 • This section will promote in learners
• Ask learners to form groups. Ensure among other competencies
gender balance, varied abilities
1. Cooperation and interpersonal
among the groups.
relation. This is adhered
• Ask them to do activity 1.30 given in through the involvement of
the student’s book and guide them the learners in the numerous
through the steps of the activity. activities in the learner's book.
• Give them time to discuss their 2. Research and problem solving
findings and let the secretary give by provision of several practical
a report to the whole class, allow activities within the learner's book.
other learners to point out any
3. Critical thinking. The learners
omission or error on the facts.
are involved in the group

discussions, class examples and 3. Physically challenged learners
given problems to solve. if there are any. It also depends
on their numbers in your class
and whether they are able to
1.16 Measurements of volume
do the activity.
• Now, ask them to do activity 1.31
(1 period) given in student’s book and allow
By the end of this section, the learner them to discuss their findings
should be able to define volume, state among themselves before reporting
its SI units and use various instruments to the whole class through their
provided to measure volume of various secretary.
objects. • Summarise their discussion by
pointing out that volume is the
Information to the teacher amount of space occupied by a
This section is equally important like substance. Its SI unit is cubic metre
other sections of this book, read widely (m3).
on this area from various references. • Now, take them through table 1.14
Ensure that all learners have participated example 1.9 given in student’s book.
actively in all given activities in the
• Take them through the discussion
student's book.
given in the student's book about
Suggested teaching/learning volume of regular shaped solids and
materials the formulae of different shapes
• Beaker, water, pipettes, burette, (objects) in table 1.15 .
measuring cylinder, sphere ball, • Ask the learners to do activity 1.32
Eureka can given in the student's book. Guide
them to measure length, height
and width of rectangular container
Ensure that you have required materials and allow them to measure the
in this section before the beginning height and radius of the cylindrical
lesson. container. Emphasise on the formula
Teaching guidelines 1.16 (a) of finding the volume of the two
• Organise learners into groups. and the reason of equating them
Ensure that the groups comprise of i.e have equal volume of water.
1. Learners of different abilities • Guide them through activity 1.33
i.e. slow and fast learners. i.e. to identify instruments for
2. Learners of different sex i.e. measuring volume. Assess them
boys and girls in appropriate through question and answer
ratio. method to determine whether the
objectives have been achieved.
• This part of the unit will promote in Teaching guidelines 1.16 (b)
learners among other competencies • Organise learners into groups.
1. Cooperation and interpersonal Ensure that the groups formed
relation. This is adhered comprise of: -
through the involvement of 1. Learners of different abilities
the learners in the numerous i.e. slow and fast learners.
activities in the learner's book. 2. Learners of different sex i.e.
2. Research and problem solving boys and girls in appropriate
by provision of several practical ratio.
activities within the learner's 3. Physically challenged learners
book. if there are any and can be able
3. Critical thinking. The learners to do the activity.
are involved in the group • Ask them to choose a group leader
discussions, class examples and and a secretary. Let them discuss
given problems to solve. their individual research led by the
Additional activity to measure group leader or the secretary. Note
the area and volume of the that learners should have done
classroom their individual research before the
commencement of the lesson.
Suggested materials: tape measure
• Ask the group secretary to present
(surveyors). Explain why the metre
their discussion about the use and
rule is not an appropriate measuring
identify measuring instruments to
instrument in this case. You may need
the whole group and allow other
a ladder or a tall chair/table for the
students to point out omissions and
pupils to be able to measure the height.
errors of each presentation.
The tape should be stretched when
• Summarise the discussion by taking
taking the length and the width. Divide
them through the discussion given
the class such that when one group is
in student’s book on how to use
taking one measurement say length the
measuring cylinder, burette and a
other groups are also taking the other
measurements. Compare the results
of each group. You need to have taken • Now ask learners to do activities
the measurements in advance. Let the 1.34 and 1.35 given in student’s book
students use the formulae given in the i.e. to determine the volume of regular
student's book on page 44 and 46 to and irregular solids respectively by
calculate the area of each wall and the displacement methods. Put more
volume of the air inside the classroom. emphasis on how to determine
You may need to choose a room that is volume of irregular solid using a
not very congested with desks. Eureka can in student’s book.

• Guide them through the steps and Information to the teacher
thereafter the discussion given in Guide learner on different parts of
the student's book. a beam balance. It is a good idea to
• Conclude the discussion by: read widely on this area from various
1. Assessing learners through reference books or internet on this area.
question and answer method
whether the objectives have Suggested teaching/learning
been achieved. materials
• Beam balance both analogue and
2. Asking them to do exercise 1.8
in student’s book. Note that
• Different masses
this exercise can also be used
to test whether the objectives Preparation
have been achieved. Ensure that you have all and enough
• This part of the unit will promote materials required and the beam
the following competences. balance are functioning well before the
1. Cooperation and interpersonal beginning of the lesson.
relation. This is adhered Teaching guidelines 1.17
through the involvement of • Ask learners to form groups. In
the learners in the numerous their groups there must be
activities in the learner's book. 1. Gender balance i.e. boys and
2. Research and problem solving girls in an appropriate ratio
by provision of several practical incase it is a mixed class.
activities within the learner's 2. Different abilities i.e. both slow
book. and fast learners.
3. Critical thinking. The learners 3. Inclusive education i.e. disabled
are involved in the group student (if they can do activity)
discussions, class examples and should be incorporated and
problems to solve. engaged in the activity.
• Ask learners to do activities 1.36
and present their findings to the
1.17 Measurements of mass
whole class.
• Guide them through table 1.16 given
(1 Period) in the student's book.
By the end of this section, the learner • Lead the learners through example
should be able to define mass, state 1.10.
its SI unit and use various instruments • Take them through the discussion
provided to measure mass of various given in student’s book on different
objects. types of balances.

pointing out the key points i.e
1.18 Density
1. An object is denser than water
when it sinks in it.
(1 period) 2. An object is less dense than
By the end of this section, learner should water when it floats in it.
be able to define density, state its SI unit • Now, connecting to the discussion,
and solve problems on density. define density as mass per unit
Information to the teacher volume i.e.
Density = .
Introduce this part using experiments volume
1.37 and 1.38 in learner's book. It is • Its SI unit is kilogram per cubic
good to read widely on density from metre (Kg/m3). Note to them that
other relevant materials to guide them the symbol for density is ‘rho’.
appropriately. • Take the learner through table 1.18
given in student’s book on densities
Suggested teaching/learning of different objects. Guide them
materials through worked examples in the
• Drinking glass, water, stone, fresh student’s book.
and rotten eggs • Ask learners to do exercise 1.9
Preparation question 1. Mark the work of
Ensure that you have enough teaching/ learners who finish faster and let
learning materials suggested on this them do the rest of the questions
section before the beginning of the as you guide the slow learners
lesson. before joining them to answer all
the questions
Teaching guidelines 1.18
• Conclude this section by
• Ask them to do activities 1.37 and
1. Assessing learners through
1.38 given in the learner's book
question and answer method to
i.e. determining whether an object
determine whether the objectives
is denser than water or not when
have been achieved. Note that
immersed in water.
the exercise in this section can
• Allow learners to discuss their
be used to assess learners.
findings in their groups and let the
2. Taking them through the unit
secretaries give a report in a class
3. Asking learners to do unit
• Engage them in a discussion of Test 1. The unit test is very
their findings as a class and then important to you as a teacher
take them through the one given in and your learner too. Ensure
student’s book. that they attempt all questions
• Summarise the discussion by given.
Further exercises and their answers
Further exercises/activities
Further exercises for slow learners Further exercises for fast learners
1. What is physics? 1. Describe how to determine volume
2. State two branches of physics. of irregular object.
3. What is time? State its SI unit. 2. Discuss how physics has improved
lives of many citizens in Rwanda.

Answers to further exercises/activities

Further exercises for slow learners Additional exercises for fast learners
1. Physics is the study of matter and its 1. Mark student’s work and guide them
relation to energy. appropriately. You may refer to
2. – Electromagnetism student’s book.
– Nuclear Physics
3. Time is a measure of duration of an
event. Its SI unit is seconds.

For non-numerical questions, the learners can get most of the answers from the discussions
given in student's book or from the internet and any other reference books. Mark the student's
work and use it to guide them appropriately.
Exercise 1.4
(Student’s book page 34)
3. (a) 5.12 cm
(b) 3.00 cm

Exercise 1.5 Exercise 1.9
(Student’s book page 38) (Student’s book page 56)
1. (a) 10.63 mm (b) 6.63 mm 2. (a) 6.4342 kg (b) 0. 0046 kg
Exercise 1.6 (c ) 0.040065 kg
3. 1.12 g/cm3
(Student’s book page 42)
4. 25 cm3
2. 12.5 s
3. 13.5 s Unit Test 1
4. 0.15 s (Student’s book pages 57- 59)

Exercise 1.7 9. 40 000 µm

10. (a) 2700 mm (b) 269 mm
(Student’s book page 45)
(c ) 0.356 mm
3. 10 times
12. 2 000 000 000 kg
4. 31030 mm2
15. (a) 5 cm3 (b) 12.5 s (c ) 62.5 s
5. 1.273 cm2
17. (a) 1000 cm3 (b) 37. 04 cm3
Exercise 1.8 18. 180 cm3
(Student’s book pages 50-51) 19. 400 kg
2. (a) 600 l (b) 600 000 cm3 21. 3.3 cm
(c) 600 000 ml 24. 646. 5 kg
3. (a) 200 cm2 (b) 20 blocks
4. (a) 785.7 cm (b) 707.2 cm2

7. (a) 1 cm3 (b) 50 cm3

8. 23 cm3


Unit 2 Qualitative Analysis of Linear Motion

Student's Book pages 60-94 (15 periods)

Key unit competence

By the end of the unit, the learner should be able to describe objects in motion in
one dimension using the principles of kinematics.

Learning objectives speed/time graph that a body is at

Knowledge and understanding rest, moving with constant speed
• Define and explain the terms: moving with changing speed
displacement, distance, velocity, Attitudes and values
speed, acceleration and trajectory. • Appreciate trajectories of moving
• State the difference between bodies.
velocity/speed and displacement/ • Appreciate effective ways of
distance. crossing roads using the shortest
• Calculate speed. distance between two points.
• Recall formulae of speed/velocity • Adapt scientific skills in estimating
and acceleration. the speed of approaching cars to
avoid road accidents.
• Explain terms used in rectilinear Generic competencies
motion. addressed in this unit
• Calculate the time required to cover • Critical thinking through provision of
a certain distance if the average discussions, activities and questions
speed is given. to answer.
• Calculate displacement, velocity • Problem solving by involving
and acceleration. learners in solving problems and
• Plot and interpret a distance/time. answering questions in the learner's
• Graph, displacement/time, a speed/ book.
time graph, velocity/time graph. • Communication through discussion
• Recognise from the shape of a based activities in the learner's
• Co-operation, interpersonal means; the study of the motion of points
management and life skills (or massless particles). You should
through group work activities and not consider the agent that causes
discussions. the motion. Linear motion occurs
frequently and can be described by
Links to other subjects
Simple Mathematics. This topic is taught
Biology – blood circulation, reflex
in S1 and S2. Only qualitative aspects
action, Mathematics – Moving bodies,
should be considered in this unit.
arithmetical operations and use of
equations and formulae in calculation Suggested teaching/learning
Entrepreneurship and business – activities
2.1 Distance and Displacement
Cross cutting issues addressed
in this unit
• Learners with disability challenges (4 periods)
are involved in the group work By the end of this section, the learner
activities and discussions. should be able to differentiate between
• Environment. This is by sensitising distance and displacement.
learners through provision of
environment based activities, Information to the teacher
questions and discussions based on Before you start this section, establish
environment. the depth of treatment for this level.
• Standardisation culture through You can do this by comparing what is
sensitising learners on culture based in the syllabus for S1 and S2. Make sure
activities and discussions. you share your experiences with those
of the learners about motion in general
Assessment criteria i.e. movement of various objects on
Learner can explain the relation between the ground, air and in water, then zero
distance, speed and acceleration, can down to linear motion.
solve and discuss problems involving
distance, speed and acceleration. Suggested teaching/ learning
Teaching methodologies Charts, playing ground, tape measure,
• Group work. a tennis ball, rigid wall,stopwatch
• Class discussions.
• Question and answers. Teaching guidelines 2.1 (a)
• Ask learners to form groups of
• Class demonstrations
two. Ensure that they observe
Background information gender balance and mix of learners
In the syllabus, the word kinematics of different abilities. All learners

whether disabled or other students • Refer them to the discussion given
should participate actively in the in student’s book to put more
activity and discussion. For instance emphasis on your discussion.
you can help those with sight NB: Those students who are disabled
problem to walk in a zigzag manner may act as group leaders if they
as the other student descries his/ are able to.
her motion. • Activities 2.1 and 2.2 in student’s
• Use activity 2.1 in the introduction book will promote in learners
part of student’s book to help the among other competencies:
learner in describing different 1. Critical thinking as they answer
motions. questions.
• Help them to differentiate the 2. Cooperation and interpersonal
motion of different bodies and come relation as they work together.
up with a definition of linear motion 3. Communication and leadership
and the types of linear motions. skills as they air their views and
• Let the learners know that in this lead others in discussion.
unit they are going to study motion 4. Inclusive education as all
in one-dimension i.e. linear motion. student work together.
Teaching guidelines 2.1 (b) Difference between distance
• Take the learners out of class to a and displacement
playing field. Teaching guidelines 2.1 (c)
• Organise them in groups of two • Guide learners to do activity 2.3 i.e
students. to measure how far the ball is from
• Allow the learners to perform its original position.
activity 2.2 in the learner's book. • Through probing question, let the
• Visit the groups to make sure they learners discover that distance is
understand the steps of the activity the total length of the path travelled
and whether they are doing the while displacement is the distance
expected. between final position and initial
• Let the groups measure the distance position.
i.e. the total length of the path. • Summarise the difference between
• Go back to class and let the group distance and displacement from
leader or any other member of their observation.
every group report their findings. • Displacement = distance in a stated
• Guide learners through a class direction.
discussion on the activity and • Distance is a scalar quantity and
help them to define distance and displacement is a vector quantity.

• This activity will promote: Information to the teacher
1. Critical thinking as they answer • Ensure that learners have obtained
questions. their results from activities 2.5, 2.6
2. Cooperation and interpersonal and 2.7.
relation as they work together.
3. Communication and leadership Preparation
skills as they air their views and Familiarise yourself with activities 2.5
lead others in a discussion. and 2.6 in advance to know exactly
Road safety what is expected of your learners.
Teaching guidelines 2.1 (d) Read widely on speed, average speed
and instantaneous speed from different
This part of the unit is to help learners
to apply the concept of displacement reference books to guide your learners
in their lives especially when crossing a appropriately.
road. It is a crucial section because it Teaching guidelines 2.2 (a)
touches on life safety in our roads. Help • Organise them in equal groups
learners to understand this part. of different abilities and observe
• Help learners especially the slow gender incase of a mixed class.
learners to draw a road in their • Let them do activities 2.5, 2.6 and
exercise book. 2.7 given in student's book.
• Let them discuss activity 2.4 i.e. • Guide learners through the
between Peter, Jane and John, discussion of activity.
who took the shortest route from
• Summarise their finding by defining
side B to A starting at P.
speed and average speed.
• Let them realise that Jane took the
• Use the same groups and ask the
shortest route i.e displacement.
• Guide them through a class learners to go through examples
discussion on the importance of 2.1 in their working emphasis
the shortest route when crossing and need to observe SI units and
the road. significant figures.
• Summarise this section by taking Instantaneous Speed
them through a class discussion
on safety measures they need to Information to the teacher
observe before crossing a busy Activity 2.8 is particularly meant to
road. help learners understand what both
instantaneous and average speeds are.
2.2 Speed Guide them accordingly not to confuse
instantaneous speed with average
(2 Periods) speed.
By the end of this section, the learner
should be able to define speed, average
speed and instantaneous speed. In this activity you require a vehicle.

You may use any vehicle in the school Suggested teaching/ learning
compound if there is any or give learners
assignment as a homework to observe
and present theer findings during a class Playing ground, surveyors tape
discussion. You may organise with the measure, stopwatch.
owner of the vehicle before the time of Preparation
the lesson.
Ensure that you have prepared the
Suggested teaching/learning required materials suggested in student's
materials book on this section in advance.
A vehicle.
Teaching guidelines 2.3
Teaching guidelines 2.2 (b) • Ask learners to organise
• Group learners into appropriate themselves into appropriate pairs
groups of two. i.e. considering gender balance
• Ask them do activity 2.8 given in and different abilities.
student’s book. • Ask them to do activity 2.9 given
• Guide them in a class discussion in student’s book.
on their findings
• Let the learners measure and then
• Help them to define instantaneous
make steps from point A to C in a
speed and to differentiate it
forward direction (positive) and
with average speed.You may
refer to student’s book for more in a reverse direction (negative)
information about the two without turning to face point A till
concepts. they reach point B.
• Discuss with the learners Example • Let them add the two distance
2.2 given in student’s book. taking consideration of direction
i.e. distance in a forward direction
2.3 Velocity is positive and that in reverse
direction is negative.
(2 periods)
• Through question and answer
By the end of this section, the learners method
should be able to define velocity and • Establish that velocity =
state its units. He/she should also be displacement ÷ time.
able to tell what uniform velocity is and • Guide learners through a class
solve problems on velocity with ease. discussion example 2.3 given in
Information to the teacher student’s book.
NB: In both cases of speed and velocity,
In this section learners must take into
emphasise the term ‘rate of’ when
consideration the direction in activity
distance or displacement and time are
2.9. Insist that they should not turn
when moving in a reverse direction.

• Speed is the rate of change of Teaching guidelines 2.4
distance. • Ask learners to form groups.
• Velocity is the rate of change of Ensure that the groups formed
displacement. comprise of:
• Summarise this section by taking 1. Different abilities i.e. slow and
them through a discussion given fast learners.
in student's book. 2. Different sex i.e. Boys and girls
• Conclude by asking them to do incase the class is mixed one.
Exercise 2.1 given in student’s 3. Disabled student incase they
book. are there and can be able to
• As explained in the student’s book handle the activity.
ask the learners to distinguish be- • Guide learners through Activities
tween speed, velocity and average 2.10 given in student’s book.
speed/velocity. • Let them present their findings in
class discussion and help them to
2.4 Acceleration define acceleration as the rate of
change of velocity.
• Guide learners through examples
(1 period)
2.4 and 2.5 given in student’s book.
By the end of this section, the learners
Additional activity
should be able to define acceleration
• Take the students out in a
and state its SI unit. They should also
horizontal ground.
solve problems on acceleration with
• Organise them in equal groups
of different abilities and observe
Information to the teacher gender incase of a mixed class.
Familiarise yourself with activity 2.10 in • Ask them to mark a point A on
the student's book on the determination the ground.
of the rate of change of velocity in • Place a flag zoom infront of point
advance. Also read widely from different A.
reference books on acceleration to • Let them observe and record their
guide your learners well. results in a tabular form as follows
Preparation in the tables in the next page.
Ensure that you have the required
materials in advance.

Motion increase

Movement Walking Increase pace Running

Time Distance

Movement Running Increase pace Walking

Time Distance
Motion decrease (a) Distance-time graph
• Summarise their observations, Teaching guidelines 2.5 (a)
1. The significance of the flag – • Ask learners to organise
direction is towards the flag themselves into groups depending
2. Non-uniform and uniform on the availability of materials.
motion. Ensure that the issues of gender
balance and different abilities
(i.e. slow and fast learners) are
2.5 Graphs of linear motion
• Ask the learners to do activity
(4 periods) 2.11 given in student’s book.
By the end of this section the learner • In groups, ask the learners to
should be able to draw and interpret describe the motion of the two
graphs of linear motion. bodies.
• Allow the group leaders to present
Information to the teacher their group findings.
It is necessary to review the drawing • Summarise their findings paying
of graphs. Also to interpret graphs of attention to bodies at rest and
straight-line and of curves. Emphasis moving of constant motion.
should be on slopes of gradient, tangents • Give student example 2.5 given in
and area under the graph. student book as a read assignment.
• Emphasise the need to have 0-0
Suggested teaching/ learning
• This part of the unit will promote
Graph papers, student’s book.
in learners among other

1. Cooperation and interpersonal with the learners areas with
relation as learners in the challenges.
appropriate group. Let them
Velocity-time graph,
do activity 2.13 in the student's
acceleration - time graph
2. Problem solving skills as they Teaching guidelines 2.7(d)
answer questions on groups of • Ask learners to organise
linear motion. themselves into appropriate
(b) Displacement - Time Graph • Ask them to choose a group
Teaching guidelines 2.5 (b) leader and a secretary (preferably
• Ask learners to do activity 2.12 the disabled students).
given in student’s book. • Ask learners to do activity 2.14
• Allow the secretaries to report given in student’s book.
their findings in a class discussion. • In groups allow the learners to
• Let the learners suggest real interpret graph in fig. 2.25, 2.26
situations addressed by the graph. and 2.27. 2.28.
• Summarise the interpretation. • Summarise their findings and
emphasise to acceleration,
(c) Speed - Time Graph negative acceleration, uniform
Teaching guidelines 2.5(c) and non-uniform motion.
• Organise learners in the • Example 2.7 and 2.8 should be
appropriate groups. Let them do discussed in groups.
• Encourage the learners to
activity 2.13 in the student's book.
attempt as many questions in
• In the same groups, allow the
exercise 2.43
learners to interpret graphs in
• This activity promotes in the
figures, 2.18, 2.19, 2.20, 2.21 and learners:
2.22 in the students book. 1. Leadership and organisational
• Emphasis should be on; skills as learners organise
instantaneous speed, uniform themselves into appropriate
motion, non uniform motion, area groups.
under the curve d = vt. 2. Research and problem solving
• Guide them through the example 2.6. skills as they carry out research
• Give exercise 2.2 as a take away and answer questions given
assignment. correctly.
• Guide slow learners step by step 3. Communication skills as
for them to understand speed- they express their opinions
time graph. to the group among other
• Mark the assignment and discuss competencies.

• Guide them through a class
2.6 Acceleration due to Gravity discussion on their findings.
• Ask them to do activity 2.16
(2 periods) given in student’s book.
• Help them to tabulate their
Information to the teacher results from the activity and ask
The acceleration due to gravity is the them to plot a graph.
acceleration experienced by an object • Let them interpret their graphs.
in free-fall at the surface of the Earth, • Guide them to find a gradient
assuming air friction is negligible. It has the from the graph.
approximate value of 9.80 m/s2, although • Hold a class discussion on their
it varies with altitude and location. findings.
The gravitational acceleration can • Ask them to do question 1 of
be obtained from theory by applying exercise 2.4 given in student’s book.
Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation • Let them do the rest of the
to find the force between the Earth and questions in exercise 2.4
an object at its surface. Guide your • Select some questions in unit test
learners to understand the concept. 2 and administer a written exam.
Suggested teaching/learning From this exam, you will know
materials whether the key unit competencies
have been achieved. If not prepare
A tennis ball, ticker tape timer, bodies
some remedial work on the
of different masses, clamps and power
• This activity promotes;
Preparation 1. Teamwork as learners work
Ensure that materials have been together in the discussion.
assembled in advance to different 2. Communication as learners
groups you want to work with. express their opinion
3. Critical thinking as learners
Teaching guidelines 2.6 answer question given critical
• Ask individual learners in those
and correctly
groups to do activity 2.15 provided
in student’s book.

Further exercises and their
Further exercises/activities
Further exercises for slow learners Further exercises for fast learners
1. Differentiate between distance and 1. By giving an appropriate example,
displacement. distinguish between instantaneous
2. What is instantaneous speed? speed and average speed .
3. Sketch a velocity time graph for 2. Sketch and interpret a velocity-time
a body moving with a constant graph for a body thrown upward and
acceleration. caught.
3. Describe any experiment of determining
gravitation due to gravity.

Answers to some further exercises/

Further exercises for slow learners Additional exercises for fast learners
1. Distance is total length between Mark student’s work and guide them
two points . It is a scalar quantity appropriately. You may refer to
whereas displacement is the distance student’s book.
in specified direction. It is a vector
2. Speed at a particular point when a
body is in motion.
3. Mark learner’s work and guide
them accordingly. You may refer to
student’s book.

Answers 8. 1 m/s2
9. (a) 808 m (b) 52 m/s
For non-numerical questions, the learners
can get most of the answers from the (c) 2.6 m/s2

discussions given in student's book or from Exercise 2.4

the internet and any other reference books. (Student's book page 85)
Mark the student's work and use it to guide
3. 2.94 kg
them appropriately.
Unit Test 2
Exercise 2.1 (Student's book pages 90-93)
(Student's book pages 70-71) 2. B
2. (a) 8.33 m/s ( b) 30 km/h 3. 3 cm/s
3. (a) 2 hrs 12 min 4. 190 m
(b) 5. 5 km/h 6. 8.33 m/s
4. (a) (i) 15 m/s (ii) 20 m/s 7. (a) 5 m/s2 (b) 10 m
(iii) 35 m/s 10. (a) 2 m/s2 (b) 15 s
(b) 22.5 m/s (c) 120 m (d) 290 m
12. (b) 15 m/s (c) DE, 2 s
Exercise 2.3
(d) 120 m
(Student's book pages 85-88)
13. (a) 225 m
2. (a) 18 m/s2 (b) 1800 m
(b) 225 m
3 (b) 1 m/s , 400 m
(c) 1 m/s2
4. (a) 3 m/s2 (b) 3 m/s2 (c) 600 m
14. (a) 2 m/s, 2.86 m/s
5. (a) 5 m, 20 m, 45 m, 80 m
(b) 0.21 m/s2
(c) 10 m/s
(c) 3.2 s
7. (b) 4 m/s2



Unit 3 Force (I)

Student's Book pages 95-127 (10 Periods)

Key unit competence

By the end of this unit, the learner should be able to define explain and describe
forces and their effects.

Learning objectives • Choose instruments for measuring

weight and mass.
Knowledge and understanding
• Define and explain the concept of Attitudes and values
force. • Appreciate effects of forces in
• Identify different types of forces in nature.
nature. • Appreciate the effect of gravity on
• Represent a force as a vector. bodies near the earth surface.
• Combine parallel forces and non • Develop responsible behaviour
parallel forces using parallelogram based on the knowledge of effects
method and scale drawing. of forces.
• Demonstrate the effect of balanced • Cooperate to demonstrate force
and unbalanced forces. combination.

Skills Generic competencies

• Evaluate the effects of an applied addressed in this unit
force. • Cooperation and interpersonal
relation through provision of group
• Analyse and combine forces.
work activities.
• Measure force using a spring
• Lifelong learning.
• Critical thinking through involving
• Explain natural phenomena
learners in solving problems and
depending on force concept and
discussion based activities.
effects of an applied force.
• Communication skills by involving
• Analyse and combine forces.
learners discussion based activities.

• Research and problem solving enjoy the effects and application of force
through provision of learner in overcoming some common problems
discussion based activities. in our day to day activities.
Links to other subjects Suggested teaching/learning
Geography (landform formation, ocean activities
currents, solar system etc), Mathematics
(vectors addition and scale drawing). 3.1 Force

Cross cutting issues

addressed in this unit (1 period)
• Environment. This is through
provision of environmental-based By the end of this section, the learner
activities and discussions as should be able to define force.
explained in the learner’s book. For Information to the teacher
instance, activity 3.12 learners are In primary school, the learners covered
sensitized to plant more trees and magnetic force. Use this type of force
plough across the farm to minimize and activity 3.1 to define force.
soil erosion.
Teaching guidelines 3.1
Assessment criteria
• Ask learners to form groups of two
Learner can explain clearly the concept students. Ensure that they observe
of forces, can solve problems involving gender balance and the groups
combined forces, and can illustrate to comprise learners of different
and report demonstrations related to abilities.
combine forces effectively. • Ask learners to displace a big stone
within the school compound using
Teaching methodologies
a rope. Caution them to be careful
• Group work.
while displacing the stone not to
• Class discussions. injure themselves.
• Question and answers. • Let the learners study the pictures
• Class demonstrations shown in figure 3.1 in student’s
book. Guide them to observe things
Background information
being pushed or pulled.
Force is a topic in the branch of physics • Through question and answer
called mechanics. The understanding of method, probe the learners to give
this topic is very crucial as it cuts across other situations where pushing or
many branches in physics. You should pulling occurs.
engage the learners with practical • Guide slow learners to identify
activities in our daily life with a view where there is a push or a pull. Help
to making the learners appreciate and them to define force. Encourage

them to participate in class Wooden block , string, a pail with water,
discussions on their observations. two identical springs, a rigid support, a
• Summarise their findings by defining bench, an umbrella, a stopwatch, a ball,
force as a pull or a push. a magnet, a rod, a piece of paper or
• Find out whether the learners cloth, different tyres.
know a scientist by the name Isaac
Newton. Ask them to use internet
to study more about this scientist Ensure that you have the suggested
and report their finding with a view materials before the start of the lesson.
to give the SI unit of force. The SI Teaching guidelines 3.2 (a)
unit of force is newton (N). The • Let learners organise themselves
word newton has a small letter n into groups. Ensure that they are
but its symbol is capital N. of different abilities and gender
• This activity will promote in learners (if any). All learners the disabled
among other competencies or the other learners should
1. Cooperation and interpersonal participate actively in the lesson
relation through group work and all activities.
activities. • Use activities 3.2 to 3.14 to explain
2. Critical thinking through different types of forces. It will be
solving problems. a good idea to start with activities
3 . Communication skills through that the learners have already
group work discussions in the covered before covering the ‘new’
student's types of forces.
• Let the groups have a group
3.2 Types of Forces discussion on their observation
and ask the group secretaries to
note the main points from their
(2 periods) discussion.
By the end of this section, the learner • Ask the group secretaries or any
should be able to name and explain other group member chosen at
types of forces. random to present their findings
to the whole class and allow other
Information to the teacher members to contribute in pointing
In primary school, the learners have out errors and omissions to the fact
covered magnetic force as a type of a presented.
force. • Summarise by highlighting different
types of forces e.g friction, tension,
Suggested teaching/learning
gravitational, electrostatic.

• Ask learners to do exercises 3.1, Teaching guidelines 3.3(b)
3.2 3.3 and 3.4 given in learners • Ask learners to organise themselves
book. They may do those exercise into groups. Ensure that the group
that require research in groups formed are of different abilities
depending on availability of and gender (if any). All learners
materials and time. whether disabled or normal should
• This activity will promote in learners participate actively during the
among other competencies: lesson and all activities.
1. Cooperation and interpersonal • Review with the learners activities
skills as they work in group. 3.2, to 3.14 to help them explain
2. Communication skills in English different types of forces that are
as they express their points referred to contact and non contact
through a discuss. forces.
• Let the groups have a group
Contact and non-contact forces
discussion on their observation and
(2 periods)
ask the group secretaries to note
By the end of this section the learner the main point from their discussion.
should be able to state what contact • Ask the group secretaries or any
and non contact forces are and give other group member chosen at
examples for each. random to present their findings
to the whole class and allow other
Information to the teacher
members to contribute in pointing
This section is mainly to help learners
out errors and omissions to the
to distinguish between contact and non-
facts presented.
contact types of force. It is therefore a
• Summarise by emphasizing the
good idea to read on the same from
key points that contact forces are
different reference books to guide your
friction, tension, action and reaction,
learners appropriately.
air resistance and upthrust while non
Suggested teaching/learning contact forces include: gravitational
materials forces, electrostatic force and
All materials suggested under the types magnetic force. At this point, it is a
of forces on 3.2(a). good idea to differentiate between
contact and non-contact forces i.e.
Preparation Contact forces are those types of
Ensure that you have the materials forces which result when the two
for each activity in specific section in interacting objects are perceived to
advance. be physically contacting each other
while non-contact force is any force

applied to an object(or body) by Encourage them to participate
another object that has no indirect in class discussions on their
contact with each other. observations.
• This activity will promote in learners • Use the activities in this section
among other competencies: and the summary at the end of
1. Cooperation and interpersonal this section in student’s book to
summarise the effects of forces. You
skills through working in
may assign slow learners different
activities to demonstrate effect of
2. Communication skills in English forces and allow them to perform
by expressing their points in a and report.
discussion. • This activity will promote in learners
3. Research and problem solving among other competencies:
skills as they carry out research 1. Cooperation and interpersonal
to answer a given question. skills through groups work
3.3 Effects of Forces
3.4 Representation of Forces
2. Communication skills in English.
(2 periods) using Vector Diagrams
By the end of this section the learner
should be able to list the effects of force. (1 period)
By the end of this section, the learner
Information to the teacher
should be able to represent forces using
Use common experience from local
vector diagram.
Information to the teacher
Teaching guidelines 3.3
Use the concept thought in vectors in
• Ask learners to form groups of two.
mathematics to show learners how
Ensure that they observe gender
forces can be presented using vector
balance and the groups comprise
learners of different abilities and
the disabled ones if there is any in Suggested teaching/learning
your class. materials
• Ask them to do activities 3.11, 3.12, Marbles
3.13 and 3.14 and report back to
the whole class. Teaching guidelines 3.4
• Guide them (especially slow • Ask learners to form groups. Ensure
learners) through the activities so that the group formed comprise of:
that they can be able to explain 1. Learners of different abilities
the effects of forces on a body. (slow learners and fast
2. Gender balance i.e. boys and Information to the teacher
girls in case it is a mixed class. Learners learnt about measurement
3. Disabled students incase they of mass in Unit 1, in this section review
are there in your class. about mass but put more emphasize
This will enable learners to appreciate on how weight is measured and the
others and boost their self-esteem as difference between the two quantities.
they learn from each other. Suggested teaching/learning
Ask them to choose a group leader and materials
a secretary (preferably the disabled A spring balance, wooden and metal
students). blocks
• Ask learners to do activity 3.15
given in student’s book and let Preparation
them hold a discussion on their Set the suggested materials at different
observation. groups in advance .
• Choose randomly any member
Teaching guidelines 3.6
from each group to present their
• Ask learners to organise themselves
into groups depending on the
• Guide them through the availability of materials. Ensure that
discussion provided in student’s the issues of gender balance and
book. different abilities (i.e. slow and fast
• This section will promote in learners learners) are observed.
among other competences: • Guide them to do activity 3.15, 3.16
1. Communication skills in English and 3.17 given in student’s book and
in group work discussion. give a report on their findings to
2. Cooperation and interpersonal the whole class.
relation. This is adhered • Lead them through a discussion and
through the involvement of Example 3.1 given in student’s book
the learners in the numerous • Ask them to do Exercise 3.6 in
activities in the learner's book. student’s book.
• This section will promote in learners
3.5 Weight and Mass among other competencies:
1. Communication skills in English
(1 period) in group work discussion.
By the end of this section, the learner 2. Cooperation and interpersonal
should be able to name the instruments relation. This is adhered
used for measuring weight and mass through the involvement of
and distinguish the two quantities. the learners in the numerous
activities in the learner's book.

3.6 Balanced and unbalanced • Ask learners to do exercise 3.7
forces question 1 and 2 in class and
give question 3 as a take away
(1 period)
• Ask learners to do activity 3.20
By the end of this section, the learner given in student’s book and use the
should be able to demonstrate the activity to demonstrate the addition
effects of balanced and imbalanced of non-parallel forces.
forces. • Example 3.2 shows scale drawing
Information to the teacher as a method to add non-parallel
You should review vectors addition and
• Give question 3 as a take away
scale drawing in Mathematics.
Teaching guidelines 3.6 • Conclude this section by:
• Ask learners to form groups. Ensure 1. Assessing learners through
that the groups formed comprise of: question and answer method
1. Varied abilities i.e. slow and to test whether the objectives
fast learners. have been achieved. Also note
2. Gender balance boys and girls also that the exercise in this
incase the class is mixed one. section can be used to assess
3. Disabled student incase they learners.
are there. 2. Taking them through the unit
• Guide learners through activities summary.
3.18, 3.19, 3.20 and 3.21 to show the 3. Asking learners to do unit
effects of balanced and unbalanced Test 3. Note that this unit test
forces. is very important to you as a
• Activity 3.20 in student’s book teacher and the learner. Ensure
demonstrates the addition of that they attempt all questions.
parallel forces. • This section will promote in learners
• Allow learners to discuss their among other competencies:
findings in their groups and let the 1. Communication skills in English
secretaries or any other group through group work discussion.
member chosen at random to give 2. Cooperation and interpersonal
a report to the whole class. relation. This is achieved
• Use example 3.2 given in student’s through the involvement of
book to show how the addition is the learners in the numerous
done numerically. activities in the learner's book.

Further exercises and their
Further exercises/activities
Further exercise for slow learners Further exercise for fast learners
1. Define the term force. 1. Describe the effects of forces that
2. Name two contact and non contact you have encountered in your life.
forces. 2. Distinguish between contact and
3. List three effects of forces. noncontact forces.

Answers to some further

Further exercises for slow learners Additional exercises for fast
1. Force is a push or a pull on a body. Mark student’s work and guide
2. Contact forces: friction, tension. them appropriately. You may
Non-contact forces: magnetic, refer to student’s book or any
electrostatic. other relevant materials.
3. Distorts a body, moves a body,
changes the direction of a moving

Answers Exercise 3.8

For non-numerical questions, the learners (Student's book page 125)
can get most of the answers from the 3. (b) 210 N (c) 10 N
discussion given in student's book or from
the internet and any other reference books. Unit Test 3
Mark the student's work and use it to guide (Student's book pages 126-127)
them appropriately. 4. 250 kg
6. (a) 3 N (b) 7000 N (c ) 0.00005 N
Exercise 3.6
(Student's book page 116) 7. 0.2 N
10. (a) 50 N (b) 200 N
3. (a) 3 N (b) 7000 N
12. (a) 66.7 N (b) 400 N
(c) 0.0000005 N
13. 11.4 N
4. 0.2 N
14. (a) 100 N (b) 92.39 N
Exercise 3.7 (c) 70.71 N (d) 38.27 N
(Student's book page 120) (e) 0 N
3. (a) 0 N (b) 30 N (c) 13 N



Unit 4 Newton's Laws of Motion (I)

Student's Book pages 128-149 (10 Periods)

Key unit competence

By the end of this unit, the learner should be able to state Newton’s laws of motion
and describe the effects of forces on objects.

Learning objectives • Appreciate the need to observe and

Knowledge and understanding report.
• Explain the effect of force on the • Acquire ability to think logically and
direction and state of a body. systematically in pursue of Generic
• Define Acceleration, action and competencies addressed in this unit
reaction, inertia, net force, free particular thought.
body diagram. • Recognize the value of applying
• State Newton’s three laws. the scientific method in solving
• Observe and interpret change of Generic competencies
position of a body due to force addressed in this unit
acting on it. • Communication skills in English
• Conduct appropriate experiments through provision of group work
on Newton’s law illustrating laws of activities in the student's book
motion. that requires individual learners to
express their points.
• Solve simple problems involving
Newton’s laws of motion. • Cooperation and interpersonal
relation through provision of
Attitudes and values group based activities that require
• Appreciate applications of Newton’s learners to work together to solve
laws of motion. a particular task.

• Critical thinking through provision learners’ curiosity to understand the
of a variety of questions in the laws in detail is boosted.
activities and exercise that require
Suggested learning/teaching
the students to think.
Links to other subjects
Linear motion, transportation in 4.1 Newton’s first law of motion
entrepreneurship, Sports (Running and
jumping). (3 periods)
By the end of this section, the learner
Cross cutting issues addressed should be able to state Newton’s
in this unit first law of motion and explain the
Inclusive education – all students relationship between mass and inertia.
including the disabled ones are actively
involved in group’s activities. Information to the teacher
This section comprises a discussion
Assessment criteria of real life situations that learners
Learner can solve and explain problems have seen before. You may use school
that involve application of Newton’s bus or any other vehicle in the school
laws of motion in one dimension. Can compound (if any) to demonstrate this
perform simple experiments related to
section before engaging the learners in
Newton’s laws of motion.
a discussion on Activity 4.1 in student's
Suggested teaching
methodology Preparation
• Guided discovery You may read any other materials e.g.
• Research reference books to equip yourself with
• Question and answers wide knowledge on Newton’s laws of
• Discussion motion. This will give you advantage
• Role play over your learners so that you can
be able to guide and respond to any
Background information question asked by them.
Most learners have experienced a
forward lurch when a vehicle they are Arrange with the school driver or
travelling in is suddenly stopped. They owner of individual vehicle in school in
have seen or involved in a tug of war, advance.
they have seen objects falling from the
Teaching guidelines 4.1 (a)
sky or high levels to the ground. Build on
• Ask learners to form groups of
these and any other common experience
two and ensure that the groups
to guide the learners to understand
Newton’s laws of motion. By doing so formed comprise of learners with

different abilities (slow and faster to express their points.
learners) and gender balance. Let 2. Cooperation and interpersonal
the disabled learners be actively relation through provision of
involved in these groups for instance group based activities that
those with physical challenges require learners to work
of walking can be given a task to together to solve a particular
record down observations. task.
• Ask learners to do Activity 4.1 in 3. Critical thinking by provision
student’s book. of a variety of questions in the
• Guide slow learners in a discussion activities and exercise that
of activity 4.1 in student’s book. require the students to think.
This can be done by listening to
their experience while in a vehicle
To demonstrate Inertia using a
that stops suddenly. Use this
opportunity to help them explain Teaching guidelines 4.1 (b)
the term inertia. • Organise the students into groups
• Let them brainstorm on their of different abilities and gender
observations and ask the group (incase it is a mixed class). Let
secretaries or any other group them choose a group leader and a
member to present in a class secretary.
discussion. • Ask them to do activity 4.2 given in
• Allow other learners to point student’s book i.e. to demonstrate
out errors or omissions during inertia on a card being pulled slowly
classroom presentation. and then suddenly.
• Summarise the discussion by taking • Guide them (especially slow
learners through a discussion given learners) through the steps
in student’s book and point out and allow them to discuss their
that inertia is when a body resists observations as the group secretary
change to its state of motion. note down the main points.
• Conclude the activity by assessing • Ask the group secretaries to present
them through question and their findings to the whole class and
answer method to test whether allow other students to contribute
learners are able to explain what is by pointing out omissions and
meant by inertia. errors in the facts given.
• This activity will promote: • Guide them through a class
1. Communication skills in English discussion and point out that the
through provision of group work coin resists to change its state of
activities in the student's book rest thus falls into the beaker when
that requires individual learners the cardboard is quickly removed.

• At this point, correct the errors • Guide the learners through the
made by learners during discussion steps and let them observe and
and conclude the discussion by explain their observations as the
assessing them to test whether the secretaries write down the points
objective has been achieved. agreed upon. Encourage learners
• This activity will promote in learners especially slow learners to ask
among other competence: any question while doing those
1. Communication skills in English activities.
through provision of group work • Hold a class discussion on their
activities in the student's book findings by pointing out that the
that requires individual learners upper part of the pile shows the
to express their points. resistance to motion when the
2. Cooperation and interpersonal lower block was pulled. Use this
relation through provision of opportunity to correct errors made
group based activities that by learners in their discussion.
require learners to work Asses whether the objective has
together to solve a particular been achieved.
task. • This activity will promote in learners
3. Critical thinking through among other competence:
provision of a variety of questions 1. Communication skills in English
in the activities and exercise that through provision of group work
require the students to think. activities in the student's book
that requires individual learners
To demonstrate Inertia using a
to express their points.
wooden block
2. Cooperation and interpersonal
Suggested learning/teaching relation through provision of
materials group based activities that
Four wooden blocks, smooth surface, require learners to work
string. together to solve a particular
Teaching guidelines 4.1 (c)
3. Critical thinking by provision
• Ask learners to form groups of
of a variety of questions in the
different abilities and gender.
activities and exercise that
Let them choose a leader and a
require the students to think.
• Ask them to do activity 4.3 given in Forces that can bring a change
student’s book i.e. to demonstrate Teaching guidelines 4.1 (d)
inertia on a pile of wooden blocks • Ask learners to form groups of
pulled slowly and suddenly. different abilities and gender,

let them choose a leader and a • Conclude the discussion by
secretary. emphasizing the key points and
• Ask them to do activities 4.4 and then assess whether the objective
4.5 given in student’s book i.e. to of the activity has been achieved.
show that a body will continue in • This activity will promote in the
its state of motion unless compelled learners among other competencies:
otherwise. 1. Communication skills in English
• Let them observe and give an through provision of group work
explanation to their observation activities in the student's book
in their respective groups. Let the that requires individual learners
secretary note down key points. to express their points.
• Ask the groups secretaries to give 2. Cooperation and interpersonal
a report on their finding to the relation through provision of
whole class and allow contribution group based activities that
from the class on omission or error require learners to work
made. together to solve a particular
• Hold a class discussion on the task.
result from the activity and help the 3. Critical thinking by provision
learners to note the key point i.e. of a variety of questions in the
1. The wooden block will continue activities and exercise that
moving in the same direction. require the students to think.
2. A wooden block is reluctant to
Mass and inertia
stop moving.
(1 period)
These two points lead students to
Newton’s first law of motion i.e. a By the end of this section, the learner
body will continue in its state of rest or should be able to explain the relationship
uniform motion in a straight line unless between mass and inertia.
compelled by some external forces to
act otherwise. Information to the teacher
• Help learners (especially the slow This part is crucial, read widely from
learners) to understand how to other sources e,g. reference book on
define Newton’s first law of motion. mass and inertia so that you are well
• Give slow learners remedial equipped to guide and assist learners
activity to demonstrate inertia accordingly
and encourage them to seek for Suggested learning/teaching
assistance from their fellow student materials
or their teachers whenever they
A string, a heavy and light stones, hook
encounter any challenge.

Preparation allow other members to point out
Ensure that all materials required for omissions and error in the facts
this activity are available in time and presented.
arranged into groups depending on the • Summarise the discussion by
availability of the materials and number emphasizing on the key points in
of students. Activity 4.6 student’s book i.e. A
body continue in its state of rest
Teaching guidelines 4.2 or uniform motion in a straight line
• Organise learners into groups unless compelled by some external
of different abilities and gender. force to act on them.
Ensure that the disabled are • Conclude this activity by:
also involved in all activities .For 1. Assessing whether the objectives
instance, allow them to push the have been achieved. You may use
two stones in activity 4.6, student’s question and answer method.
book, as normal student note the 2. Asking students to do Exercise
observations. Remember Disability 4.1 and hand in their work for
is not inability! marking. Ensure that you have
• Ask them to do activity 4.6 given marked learner’s work and spend
in student's book i.e. to investigate sometime to address areas with
relationship between mass and some challenges in the next
inertia of a body. reason or during remedial hours.
• Guide slow learners through • This activity will promote in
activity 4.6 to enable them to see learners:
the relationship between mass and 1. Communication skills in English
inertia i.e. the greater the mass the low through provision of group work
the inertia and vice versa. Encourage activities in the student's book
them to participate in class that requires individual learners
discussions on their observations. to express their points.
• Guide the learners through the 2. Cooperation and interpersonal
steps and let them discuss the relation through provision of
question on the activity. Remind the group based activities that
secretary to harmonize the points require learners to work
from all members and report to the together to solve a particular
class on your discussion. Note that task.
any other member of a group can
3. Critical thinking by provision
give a report to the whole class.
of a variety of questions in the
• Ask each group secretary to give activities and exercise that
a presentation on their report and require the students to think.

4.3 Newton’s second law of • Guide them through the activity
motion and let them answer and explain
the questions asked. Let the group
(2 periods) secretary write down the main
By the end of this section, the learner points from the discussion and
should be able to state Newton’s second report to the whole class.
law of motion, express it mathematically, • Let the class contribute to each
and use it to solve problems. report presented and summarise
the discussion by emphasizing the
Information to the teacher
key points i.e.
You are required to prepare widely
1. Newton’s second law of motion
before the lesson.
states that the acceleration (a) of
Suggested learning/teaching a body is directly proportional to
materials the not (resultant) force(f) acting
A football on it and inversely proportional
to its mass(m) and the note to
Preparation them that the acceleration takes
Read and understand this section i.e. place in the direction of the
activity, discussion, worked example resultant force.
and all the questions in exercise 4.2 2. It is mathematically expressed as
in student's book so that you are a∞F/m implying F=kma.
well prepared to guide the learners 3. From F = ma, when resultant
appropriately. Ensure that you have all force is increased, acceleration
materials required in these section i.e. produced is increased and vice
footballs. versa. The force also produces
Teaching guidelines 4.3 a smaller acceleration on a
• Organise learners into appropriate body of a greater mass and vice
groups. Ensure that the disabled versa. Use this chance to correct
learners are actively involved in errors in learners’ discussion and
the groups formed. For instance, through question and answer
if they can, allow them to kick method, assess whether the
the ball in activity 4.7 in student’s objectives have been achieved.
book as normal students note the • Now guide the learners through the
observations down. worked examples 4.1 to 4.5 given in
• Ask them to do activity 4.7 given the student’s book and ask them to
in student’s book i.e. to verify do Exercise 4.2 in student’s book.
Newton’s second law of motion. Go around and mark their work. Note
that the fast learners will finish within

a short time, mark their work and let 3. Cooperation and interpersonal
them do the remaining questions as you relation through provision of
guide slow learners. group based activities that
require learners to work
together to solve a particular
It is good to take advantage of
4. Critical thinking by provision
remedial hours to discuss with learners
of a variety of questions in the
their assignment after marking it since
activities and exercise that
lesson time may not be sufficient.
require the students to think.

Additional information to the 4.4 Newton’s third law of motion

(2 periods)
We can also derive the equation F = ma
using momentum i.e. By the end of this section, the learner
should be able to state Newton’s third
Resultant force, F = Change of
law of motion and explain some of the
momentum = final momentum - initial
common experiences due to it.
momentum = mv-mu
Rate of change of momentum = change Information to the teacher
of momentum/time taken = mv-mu/t Newton’s third law of motion is
experienced in our daily activities.
Therefore, Force = mv-mu/t but change
v–u Therefore, as a teacher read widely
in t = a. Substituting we obtain F =
either from the internet, reference book
ma. However, this concept of momentum
or any other relevant material to enrich
is not required at this level but at higher
yourself with knowledge on this section
levels. Therefore, you should not use
so that you can guide your learners
This activity will help to promote in
learners among other competencies: Suggested learning/teaching
1. Research and problem solving
through provision of research A rigid support, 2 pieces of string
based activities and variety of Preparation
questions to be solved..
Assemble and organise all the materials
2. Communication skills in English
required for the practical activities in
through provision of group work
this section prior to the lesson.
activities in the student's book
that requires individual learners Teaching guidelines 4.4
to express their points. • Ask learners to form groups of two.

• Ensure that all learners whether • Now ask them to do activity 4.10
disabled or normal are involved given in the student’s book to
actively in the lesson and all demonstrate action and reaction
activities. For instance, allow force.
them to pull springs in activity 4.9 • Guide the learners through the
provided in student’s book as other steps of the activity and let them
student note the observations. record their observations. Allow
• Ask them to do activity 4.8 given in them to discuss their observations
student’s book i.e. to demonstrate before giving a report to the whole
Newton’s third law of motion. class through their secretaries.
• Guide slow learners through • Let the other students contribute to
activities 4.8 and 4.9 in student’s each presentation given by pointing
book to demonstrate reaction and out errors and any omission.
action forces. Activity 4.8 may be • Summarise their discussion by
considered as normal activity by pointing out the key point i.e.
slow learners thus they may overdo 1) Action force and reaction force
it deviating from learning the main are equal in magnitude.
concept. Help them as they perform 2) The two forces (action and
the activity to appreciate that action reaction) are acting in opposite
and reaction are equal and act in direction.
opposite directions. Encourage them
Use this chance to correct errors made
to participate in class discussions
by learners. In their discussions and
on their observations.
through questions answer method,
• Let the learners brainstorm
assess whether the objective of the
between themselves and give a
activity has been achieved.
reason of what happened to the girl
• Now, guide the learners through
in the activity.
some of the examples of action and
• Guide them through a class
reaction given in student’s book.
discussion as the one given in the
Note that some learners may
student’s book .
demonstrate one of them e.g. the
• Summarise the discussion by
tag of war.
pointing out that a force excited
• At this point, you can now define
first by a body to another is called
newton’s third law of motion which
action force and the respond force
states that whenever a body exerts a
from another body is reaction.
force on another body, the other body
• Note to the learners that the two
exerts an equal but opposite force on
forces are always equal and act in
the first body or in short, to every action
opposite direction.
there is an equal but opposite reaction.

• Conclude this part by taking adequately so that you are in a position
learners through some common of guiding and answering the questions
experiences due to newton’s third from the learners sufficiently and
law of motion given in student’s satisfactory.
book Ask them to do exercise 4.5
Suggested learning/teaching
and hand in their work for making.
Note: An internet and Reference books
It is important to mark student’s Preparation
assignment to identify some challenging Make a questionnaire that will guide
areas and guide them appropriately. learners in a research and give them
a day earlier. Set and assemble all the
required materials before the material
This section will promote in the learners
day of the lesson for a research and ask
among other competence.
learners to do individual research.
1) Research and problem solving as
they try to answer questions in Teaching guidelines 4.5
Exercise 4.3. • Organise learners into groups
2) Cooperation and interpersonal of different abilities and gender
relation as they work together in balance. Let them chose a group
different activities. leader and a secretary (preferably
the disabled students if there is
3) Communication skills in English as
they express their points during a
discussion. • Guide learners (especially slow
learners) through activity 4.11.
4.5 Newton’s Universal Law Show them a quicker way of
of Gravitation carrying out research from internet
and reference books i.e. going
(2 periods) for specific relevant areas on
the internet and using table of
By the end of this section, the learners
content to locate required topics in
should be able to state Newton’s
reference books. Encourage them
universal law of gravitation and use its
to participate in class discussions
equation to solve problems involving
on findings.
this law.
• Ask the group leaders to lead others
Information to teachers in a discussion and let individual
As a teacher, you are required to refer students give a summary on his or
to different books, including research her findings. Tell the group leaders
on the internet to prepare yourself to allow others to contribute to

each finding from the members and At this point, correct errors
let the secretaries harmonize the made by the learners in their
main points. Learners with sight or discussion and assess through
auditory problems can be placed questions and answers method
in front of the class or any other whether the objectives have
appropriate position for them to be been made.
able to learn during the whole class • Take the learners through the
discussion. discussion then examples 4.6 to 4.9
• Ask the group secretaries to given in student’s book.
present their findings to the whole • Ask learners to do exercise 4.4. Go
class and allow contribution around the classroom and mark
from other students to point out their work. Note that the fast
omissions, additions and errors in learners will finish within a short
each presentation. They can also time, mark their work and let them
be assist with reading and writing do the remaining questions.
instructions. • Guide the slow learners and let
• Summaries the presentation them also do the rest of questions.
by pointing out the key points • Take the student through the unit
i.e. Newton’s universal law of summary and ask them to do unit
gravitation states that any two test S.
bodies in the universe attract each
other with a force that is directly
proportional to the product of their Ensure that you have marked learners
masses and inversely proportional to work. This will enable you to assess
the square of the distance between whether the unit objectives have been
them. achieved and identify challenging
areas to the class and guide them
1) The equation obtained from accordingly.
universal law is given by

F = Gm1m2 where G is the


universal gravitational constant

equal to 6.673×10 -11 Nm/kg.

Further exercises and their
Further exercises/activities
Further exercise for slow learners Additional exercise for fast earners
1. Define the term ‘inertia’. 1. State Newton’s laws of motion and
2. For every ________ there is an equal give three examples from ordinary
and opposite _____________. experience to illustrate each of these
A. reaction, action laws.
B. action, action 2. Explain why a toy balloon filled with air
C. reaction, reaction and released it moves in the opposite
D. action, reaction direction to that of the air coming out
of it.
3. How long will an object remain at
rest, according to Newton's First 3. Explain why it is important to study
Law of Motion? Newton’s laws of motion.
A. It can't rest.
B. Until noon.
C. Until an unbalanced force
D. As long as there are unbalanced
forces acting on it.
4. Which of Newton's Laws describes
the amount of force applied to
accelerate an object's mass?
A. Newton's First Law
B. Newton's Second Law
C. Newton's Third Law
D. Newton's Fourth Law

Answers to some further
Additional exercises for slow Additional exercises for fast learners
1. Is the property of a bodies to 1. - Newton’s First Law of Motion: I.
resist change in state of motion. Every object in a state of uniform
2. D motion tends to remain in that
3. C state of motion unless an external
4. B force is applied to it.
- The acceleration of an object
is directly proportional to net
force acting on it and inversely
proportional to its mass; the
acceleration takes place in the
direction of the resultant force.

- The newton's third law of motion

states that for every action (force)
in nature there is an equal and
opposite reaction
Answers 4. (a) 3 m/s2 (b) 180 N
For non-numerical questions, the learners Exercise 4.4 (Student’s book page 147)
should be encouraged to get most of the 1. 460.9 N
answers from the discussions given in
2. 926320.0431 N
student's book or from the internet and any
3. 1.3681 × 1017 N
other reference books. Mark the student's
work to guide them appropriately. 4. 2.6717 kg
5. 2.0876 m
Exercise 4.2 (Student’s book page 138)
2. 15 m/s2 Unit Test 4 (Student’s book pages
3. (a) 60 N (b) 00.36 N 148 - 149)
(c) 48 N 6. 7. 34232 m
5. 160 N 7. (a) 3.5448× 1024 N
6. 12.5 N (b) 1.9876 × 1020 N
7. 5 m/s2 8. 225. 8169 kg
8. 16000 N 9. 8.497 × 101 or 84.97
Exercise 4.3 (Student’s book pages
142 - 143)



Unit 5 Centre of Gravity

Student's Book pages 150-165 (10 Periods)

Key unit competence

By the end of the unit, the learner should be able to determine the position of
centre of gravity of a body.

Learning objectives Attitudes and values

Knowledge and understanding • Appreciate the role of centre of
• Differentiate between centre of gravity in determining the stability
mass and centre of gravity. of a body.
• Define centre of gravity and • Recognize that when there is no
determine its position for objects of resultant force and no resultant
regular shape. turning effect, a system is in
• Identify position of centre of gravity equilibrium Accept that position
for bodies of different shapes. of centre of gravity of a body
determines its state of equilibrium.
Skills • Recognise c.o.g (centre of gravity)
• Predict the equilibrium of body of uniform triangular, circular or
based on position of centre of rectangular shaped bodies.
gravity. • Show concern about stability of
• Apply knowledge of centre of bodies in particular positions.
gravity and centre of mass to
state equilibrium of a body (stable, Generic competencies
neutral, unstable). addressed in this unit
• Lifelong learning. As learners keep
• Describe the working of toys with
on learning more about stability
in relation to equilibrium.
and effect of force of gravity in their
• Determine experimentally, the
daily lives
position of centre of gravity for
• Communication skills in English
bodies of different shapes (Regular
through provision of group work
and Irregular).

activities in the students book Assessment criteria
that requires individual learners to Learner should explain the difference
express their points.. between centre of mass and centre
• Cooperation and interpersonal of gravity, conduct and report on
relation through provision of experiment to determine centre of
group based activities that require gravity, and discuss the states of
learners to work together to solve equilibrium in relation to the positions
a particular task. of centre of gravity.
• Critical thinking by provision of a
Suggested teaching
variety of questions in the activities
and exercise that require the
• Guided discovery
students to think. • Research
Links to other subjects • Question and answers
Carpentry (stability of different • Discussion
furniture), design of racing cars and • Role play
modern bus.
Background information
Cross cutting issues addressed In Unit 3, learners were introduced
in this unit to forces and their effect on a body.
• Standardization culture-It is They were taught about balanced and
emphasized by cautioning learners unbalanced forces on a body. Actually
that it is dangerous to stand on a ,when unbalanced forces acts on a
moving vehicle thus in a moving body, its stability is affected. In this
vehicle. unit, learners are going to learn most
• Communication skills in English interesting and commonly experiences
through provision of group work they have ever met in their lives. For
activities in the students book instance, overturned truck in our roads,
that requires individual learners to balancing toy bird in the supermarket
express their points.. among other experiences. Therefore,
• Cooperation and interpersonal you should use these common
relation through provision of experiences to trigger learners’ curiosity
group based activities that require to understand the reason behind all
learners to work together to solve these experience that they have ever
a particular task. encountered in their daily lives. This unit
is full of practical activities, therefore,
• Critical thinking by provision of a
you should engage the learners in all
variety of questions in the activities
activities so that the point you want
and exercise that require the
them to understand is brought home. It
students to think.

is a good idea to introduce this unit by the point where the rectangular
a common practical activity i.e. Activity cardboard balances.
5.1 in student’s book of balancing a book • Guide slow learners on how to
using the finger. locate the point where the weight
Suggested teaching/learning of a body acts. You may use activity
activities 5.2 given in student’s book. Help
them to define centre of gravity
5.1 Centre of Gravity and of a body. Encourage them to
Centre of mass of a body participate in class discussions on
their observations.
• Let them discuss their observations
(2 periods)
in their groups and present their
By the end of this section the learners findings to the whole class through
should be able to differentiate between the secretary or any other group
centre of gravity and centre of mass by member. Allow other members to
their definition. contribute by pointing out errors
or omissions from their discussions.
Suggested teaching/learning
materials • Guide them in class discussion on
• A thin rectangular card, an irregular their result by pointing out the key
lamina, table points:
1. Centre of gravity of a body is
Preparation the point from which the whole
Assemble all the required apparatus for weight of a body acts.
this activity into groups depending on 2. Centre of mass of an object is
the number of students and availability the point where all the mass
of materials. of the object is concentrated
in different regular shapes
Teaching guidelines 5.1 (rectangular, square, triangular
• Ask learners to pair up to do and circular) given on student’s
activity 5.2 in the Student's Book. book.
• Ask them to do activity 5.2 provided • Ask the learners to do activity 5.3
in student’s book i.e. to investigate on their own and present their
where the weight of a body acts observations and explanations
from. All learners whether disabled during remedial hours.
or normal should participate • Assign slow learners remedial
actively in the lesson and all activity on determining centre of
activities. For instance, they can gravity of different regular bodies
hold a ruler as other student draw. e.g. a square lamina so that they
• Help them on how to determine can catch up with others.

5.2 Centre of Gravity of a 5.3 Centre of Gravity of an
regular lamina irregular lamina

(2 periods) (2 periods)

By the end of this section, the By the end of this section, the
learners should be able to determine learner should be able to determine
experimentally the position of the centre experimentally the position of the centre
of gravity of regular lamina. of gravity of an irregular lamina.

Suggested teaching/learning Suggested teaching/learning

materials materials
A pump line, drawing pins, an regular A pumpline, drawing pins, an irregular
lamina. lamina

Assemble all the required apparatus for
this activity into groups depending on Arrange all the required materials
the number of students and availability into groups according to the number
of materials. of students and the availability of the
Teaching guidelines 5.2
• Ask learners to form groups. Ensure Teaching guidelines 5.3 (a)
that the groups are of different • Guide the learners (especially slow
abilities and gender (if any). learners) through activity 5.4 and
• Ask them to do activity 5.3 given in help them to determine the centre
the student’s book i.e. to determine of an irregular lamina using a
the centre of gravity of a regular plumbline.
lamina using a plumbline. Learners • Ask them to present their findings
with sight or auditory problems can through their secretaries and allow
be placed infront of the class or any other members from different
appropriate position for them to groups to balance a lamina at point
learn and be allowed to use their ‘M’ to show whether the lamina is
sense of touch to tell where the balancing.
plumb line is passing through. • Guide them through a class
Remember: Disability is not inability! discussion on how to determine the
centre of gravity of an irregular
shaped lamina using a plumb line.
Use this chance to correct errors
made in learner’s discussion and

assess whether you have achieved Teaching guidelines 5.3 (b)
the objectives. • Organise learners into groups.
• Summarise the discussion by Ensure that they are of different
emphasizing the steps taken to abilities and gender (if any). All
determine the centre of gravity of learners whether disabled or
an irregular lamina given lamina, normal should participate actively
plumbline, a drawing pin and point during the lesson and all activities
out that when a body is freely • Ask them to do activity 5.5 given in
suspended it rests with its centre of the learner’s book i.e. to determine
gravity vertically below the point of the centre of gravity of a lamina
suspension. using a straight edge.
• Give slow learners remedial • Guide them as they do the activity so
activity on determining the centre that they can be able to determine
of gravity of different irregular the centre of gravity using the edge
objects e.g. irregular cardboard. of a prism.
Encourage them to appreciate the • Let them discuss how to determine
importance of seeking guidance centre of gravity of different lamina
from their teachers whenever they and locate the point M (centre of
encounter challenges in the process gravity) on them.
of learning. • Provide to them different lamina
• This activity will promote in and ask them to practice on them
learners; - by determining their centres
of gravity. Encourage them to
1. Communication skills in English
participate in class discussions on
through provision of group
their observations.
work activities in the students
• Summarise the activity by having
book that requires individual
a whole class discussion and point
learners to express their
out the steps to be followed when
points. determining the centre of gravity
2. Cooperation and interpersonal and use this chance to correct errors
relation through provision of on learner’s discussion and examine
group based activities that whether the objectives have been
require learners to work achieved as you conclude.
together to solve a particular • This activity will promote in learners
task. among other competencies: -
3. Critical thinking by provision 1. Communication skills in English
of a variety of questions in through provision of group
the activities and exercise that work activities in the students
require the students to think. book that requires individual
learners to express their points.

2. Cooperation and interpersonal • Ask learners to do a research for
relation through provision of activity 5.6 prior to the lesson and
group based activities that present their findings during the
require learners to work lesson .
together to solve a particular
task. Teaching guidelines 5.4 (a)
3. Critical thinking by provision • Organise learners into groups and
of a variety of questions in ensure that they are of different
the activities and exercise that abilities and gender (if any). Let
require the students to think. them have a group leader and
secretary to record down points
5.4 Effect of position of from their discussion.
centre of gravity on states of • Ask each group leader to lead a
equilibrium discussion on their research.
• Let the groups' secretaries present
(4 periods) the harmonized points from their
By the end of this unit, the learner will discussion to the whole class.
be able to explain the effect of position Allow other members to point out
of the centre of gravity to the stability omissions or errors on the fact
of simple objects. presented if any.
Information to the teacher • Guide them in a class discussion
and point out the key points:
Effect of position of centre of gravity
1. The state of rest of a body is
to the stability of body is a crucial
referred to as stability.
part of this unit, therefore you should
ensure that learners have understood 2. Some bodies are in a more
this concept well. Make use of remedial stable condition than others.
hours to assist slow learners and explain 3. The states of balance of a body
to the class any other areas that they is called the state of equilibrium.
have not understood well. Use this opportunity to correct
errors in the students research
Suggested teaching /learning and discussion. You can assess
materials whether the objectives of the
A plastic thistle funnel, a bench, internet, research have been met.
Reference books • Summarise the activity by
Preparation emphasising out that there are
• Arrange the required materials three states of equilibrium; stable,
into appropriate groups depending unstable and neutral. Activities 5.7,
on availability of the materials and 5.8 and 5.9 will raise the curiosity of
number of students. leaners to know more about them.

• This activity promotes in the by their group members. After that,
learners in let them do activities 5.7
1. Leadership and organizational • Ask the groups secretaries to give
skills in learners. Organise a report on their findings to the
themselves in groups and whole class and allow the class to
choose leaders to guide them. point out the omission and errors
2. Communication skills in English from the facts given.
through provision of group • Guide them in a class discussion
work activities in the students as the one given in student’s book
book that requires individual * and emphasize the key point that
learners to express their a body is said to be in a state of
points.. equilibrium if given a slight push it
3. Cooperation and interpersonal will fall back to its original position
relation through provision of to keep its centre of gravity as
group based activities that low as possible. Use the chance to
require learners to work correct the errors or omission from
together to solve a particular the discussion of the learners and
task. assess whether the objectives have
4. Critical thinking by provision been made as you conclude the
of a variety of questions in activity.
the activities and exercise that • This activity will promote
require the students to think. 1. Gender sensitive among the
learners as mixed class is
Three states of equilibrium
grouped with boys and girls
Teaching guidelines 5.4 (b) being mixed in equal ratio.
• Organise learners into groups of 2. Communication skills in English
different abilities and gender (if through provision of group
any). Prompt them to realize that work activities in the students
they need a group leader and book that requires individual
secretary. Ensure that those who learners to express their
have never been chosen as a leader points.
or a secretary also participate. 3. Cooperation and interpersonal
• Ask them to do activity 5.6 given relation through provision of
in the student book i.e. define and group based activities that
describe three states of equilibrium. require learners to work
• Guide them through the activity together to solve a particular
and let the secretary record task.
observations and explanation given

4. Critical thinking by provision this point, correct the errors made
of a variety of questions in by learners in their discussion ad
the activities and exercise that examine whether the objectives
require the students to think. have been made.
Unstable equilibrium • This activity will promote in learners
among other companies.
Teaching guidelines 5.4 (c) 1. Communication skills in English
• Ask learners to group themselves. through provision of group
Ensure each group is made of work activities in the students
learners with different abilities and book that requires individual
they have observed gender balance learners to express their
(if any). points.
• Ask them to do activity 5.8 given in 2. Cooperation and interpersonal
student’s book i.e. to demonstrate relation through provision of
unstable state of equilibrium. group based activities that
• Guide them through the activity require learners to work
and prompt them to explain why together to solve a particular
we have used plastic thistle instead task.
of glass one. Use this chance to 3. Critical thinking by provision
caution them to be careful not of a variety of questions in
to break laboratory apparatus the activities and exercise that
because they will affect finances require the students to think.
meant for something else.
• Allow the groups to have a group Neutral equilibrium
discussion on their observation and Teaching guidelines 5.4 (d)
let the group secretaries to note • Organise learners into groups of
the main pint from their discussion. different abilities and gender.
• Ask the group secretaries to present • Ask them to do activity 5.9 given
their findings to the whole class and in student’s book page i.e. to show
allow other members to contribute neutral state of equilibrium.
in pointing out errors and adding • Guide the learners through the
omission to the fact presented. activity and help them to understand
• Summarise the activity to having a that the position of centre of gravity
class discussion on the result of the of plastic funnel does not change
learners. Point out the key point when given a slight push.
that a body is said to be unstable if • Let the learners have a discussion on
it continue falling after a slight push their observations from the activity
to lower its centre of gravity. The and present them to the whole class
body will occupy new position. At

through their secretaries. Relationship between position
• Allow participation from the whole of the weight of the body and
class on each presentation and then its stability
have a class discussion to point out Teaching guidelines 5.6
the key point i.e. a body is said to be • Organise learners into groups of
in a neutral state when its position two. Ensure that in each group there
of centre of gravity remains at the is a light student and heavy one.
same vertical position even when Note that in this activity 5.10 the
the object is displaced. group should be of the same sex i.e.
• Summarise the discussion by a boy and a boy or a girl and a girl.
reminding learners the three states • Guide them through the steps given
of equilibrium; stable, unstable and on the student’s book.
neutral and how to describe each
• Caution the students to be careful
of them. Lead them ( especially
with their partners when carrying
slow learners ) step by step through
the three activities to describe the
• Let the disabled students observe and
state depicted by the funnel when
record down all the observation.
placed at different position and
Remember that disabled students
given a slight push. Encourage them
should always find part to
to participate in class discussions on
participate in every activity. By
their observations by telling them
doing so they will feel part of the
not to fear giving wrong answers. By
activity and boost their self-esteem.
the way it is through giving wrong
answers that we get to learn. Give • DISABILITY IS NOT INABILITY!!
slow learners remedial activity to • Let the learner gather at one point of
place on. the field and give their observations
• Help the special need student e.g. and explanations. Prompt them to
those with sight problems to connect the activity to the states of
use their sense of touch in those equilibrium; stable and unstable and
activities to tell when the funnel is in also connect it to the vehicle with
stable, unstable or neutral states of heavy loads on its upper part.
equilibrium when it is given a slight • Have a discussion with them and
push from their initial position. point out the main points.
• The activity will promotes 1. A body is unstable if its upper
1. Cooperation. part is heavy than lower parts.
2. Communication skills. 2. A body is stable if its lower parts
is heavy than upper parts. Use
3. Critical thinking in learners
this opportunity to correct
among other competencies.

errors made by the learners 5.5, 5.6 Factors affecting
during their discussion. the stability of a body and
• Summarise the discussion by applications of position of
emphasizing the reason why it is the centre of gravity
not advisable to put heavy luggage
on top of the vehicles i.e. the upper (2 periods)
part becomes heavier than lower
part hence rises the centre of By the end of this section, the learners
gravity thus the vehicle becomes should be able to explain factors that
unstable. affect stability and some of applications
• Ask them to do exercise 5.1 go of position of the centre of gravity in
around marking their work. Note real life.
that the quick learners will finish
first, let them do the remaining
questions. Information to the teacher
• This activity will promote in Learners have seen different situations
the learners among other where position of centre of gravity
competencies:- is applied e.g. balancing bird, in
1. Communication skills in English supermarket, boat tilting etc. Capitalize
through provision of group these and other common situations to
work activities in the students trigger the curiosity of learners so that
book that requires individual they can understand the application of
learners to express their position of centre of gravity.
points. Suggested teaching /learning
2. Cooperation and interpersonal materials
relation through provision of • A plastic funnel, Balancing bird toy
group based activities that
require learners to work
• Ensure that you have a balancing
together to solve a particular
bird toy and plastic funnel before
the lesson starts.
3. Critical thinking by provision
of a variety of questions in Teaching guidelines 5.5
the activities and exercise that • Organise learners into groups of
require the students to think. different abilities and gender. All
learners whether disabled or
normal should participate actively
in the lesson and in this activity.
• Learners have already done
activities 5.7 and 5.8. Ask them to

repeat activity 5.6 and let them tell peak i.e. is where the position of
when is the body said to be in a the centre of gravity is located
stable equilibrium. And guide them thus its weight concentrates at
to do activity 5.11 given in student's the peak. Help them (especially
book. the slow learner) to balance the
• Allow learners to discuss in their toy bird provided and lead them
groups the factors that affect in the discussion provided in the
the stability of a body and report student’s book. Encourage them to
their findings through the group’s
participate in class discussions on
secretaries. At this point allow other
their observations by telling them
students from different groups to
not to be afraid of giving wrong
contribute on each presentation.
answers. By giving wrong answers
• Summarise the discussion by
pointing out key points that a body they can get to learn new concepts.
is said to be stable when: - • Let them explain other life
• The COG is as low as possible. experiences e.g. one lean to the
• Area of the base is as large as opposite side when carrying heavy
possible. loads i.e. so that the weight of the
• The vertical line drawn from the load and one carrying it are always
COG always fall on the base. balanced at the position centre of
• Using these factors as a basis, gravity.
lead the learners into some of • Summarise the discussion by taking
applications of the position of the learners through applications given
centre of gravity through activity in student’s book.
5.12. • Ask learners to do unit Test 5
• Demonstrate to them how the bird question one. Go round checking
toy is balanced i.e. supported i.e. by how learners answer and correct
supporting it at the peak where the them. Note that the quick learners
weight of the bird is concentrated. may finish fast, let them do question
• Allow learners to balance the toy 5 and then include others after
bird and let them explain why it marking their work. Use this chance
balances when supported at the to emphasize the importance of
observing traffic rules.

• Let learners do the rest of the book that requires individual
questions as assignment to be learners to express their
marked then discussed during points.
remedial hours. Give slow learners 2. Cooperation and interpersonal
remedial assignment on application relation through provision of
of position of centre of gravity. You group based activities that
may ask them to do questions 8 and require learners to work
9 provided in student’s book Unit 5. together to solve a particular
• This activity will promote in task.
the learners among other 3. Critical t hink ing t hrough
competencies:- provision of a variety of
1. Communication skills in English questions in the activities
through provision of group and exercise that require the
work activities in the students students to think.

Further exercises and their answers

Further exercises/activities
Further exercise for slow Further exercise for fast learners
1. Define centre of gravity and 1. Describe how to find the centre of gravity
centre of mass. of an irregular lamina.
2. Name apparatus used to 2. Explain how a tight-rope walker maintains
determine the centre of gravity his/her stability on the rope.
of irregular objects. 3. A mechanical engineer considers various
3. State three states of equilibrium. aspects when coming up with a plan for
4. List three applications of constructing racing cars. Name some of
position of centre of those aspects and their significance.
4. Discuss three states of equilibrium a body
can be in.

Answers to some further exercises/activities
Further exercise for slow learners Additional exercise for fast
1. Centre of gravity of a body is the point from 3. Wide-heavy base to lower
which the whole weight of the body appears to the position of centre of
act on the other hand while centre of mass is a gravity. This will increase
point in a body where all the mass of the object stability of the racing
is concentrated. car and thus cannot
2. irregular lamina, plumbline, a drawing pin. easily topple over when
3. stable, unstable and neutral state. negotiating a corner at
4. Balancing bird toy, buses apartments are made high speed.
below the passengers seat, a three legged stool
its stands are placed far apart.

Answers of a body appear to act from while

For non-numerical questions, the learners on the other hand, centre of mass
can get most of the answers from the is a point in a body where all the
discussion given in student's book or from mass of the body is concentrated.
the internet and any other reference books. 5. a) Stable-when the marble is given
Mark the student's work and use it to guide a slight push , its centre of gravity
them appropriately. is raised but it retains to its initial
Exercise 5.1.
b) Neutral- The centre of gravity of
(Student’s book page 159) the marble does not change even
2. (a) after given a slight push.
i) Stable c) Unstable- its centre of gravity
ii) Unstable changes from its initial position
iii) Neutral when a marble is given a slight
4. Neutral state. The position of push.
centre of gravity remains the same
even after given a slight push. NB: Mark the correct answers
given by students for exercises
Unit Test 5
5.1 and Unit Test 5.
(Student’s book pages 164-165)

1. Centre of gravity of a body is the

point from which the whole weight


Work, Power and Energy

Unit 6 Work, Power and Energy (I)

Student's Book pages 166-211 (14 Periods)

Key unit competence

By the end of the unit the learner should be able to analyse the process of energy
transformations and conservation.

Learning objectives • Estimate power of an individual

Knowledge and understanding climbing a flight of steps.
• Explain the concepts of work, • Calculate the work done on an
power and energy. object pulled along a horizontal
• Identify forms of mechanical of surface using a spring balance.
energy. • Analyse the process of energy
• Explain transformation of energy. transformation.
• Illustrate how potential energy • Describe ways of conserving
changes into kinetic energy and energy.
vice versa. • Explain the principle of energy
• State the law of conservation of conservation.
energy. Attitudes and values
• Enumerate types of energy and • Appreciate the role of work, power
their sources. and energy in our daily life.
• Identify ways of conserving energy. • Use the terms work power and
Skills energy correctly in a scientific
• Estimate the kinetic and potential context.
energy of bodies in different • Optimize the Generic competencies
situations. addressed in this unit efficiency in
• Solve problems related to work, relation to work, energy and power.
power and energy. • Be aware of danger of high-speed
objects or falling objects.

• Show concern about shortage of Background information
energy sources in our country. In this unit, we will introduce learners to
Generic competencies addressed the concept of work, power and energy.
in this unit Energy is an abstract concept that we
• Critical thinking and problem solving only become aware of its presence
through involving the learners in when it’s seen to do work. Use simple
problem solving and discussion. experiments to introduce the language
• Communication through provision of energy and go on to include more
of learners discussion based advanced terms. Quiet often students
activities. confuse work and energy so engage
• Co-operation, interpersonal them in a number of activities to help
management and life skill through differentiate between them. Field trips
provision of group work activities. to energy production sites may help the
learners to discuss energy concept with
Links to other subjects ease.
Building construction, agriculture,
engineering, aviation industry.
Suggested teaching/learning
Cross cutting issues addressed
in this unit 6.1 Work
• Conservation of energy and the
use safer sources of energy in both (1 period)
domestic and commercial use.
By the end of this section the learners
• Environment, climate change and
should be able to define the term work,
identify it’s units and calculate work
Assessment criteria using the appropriate formula.
Learner should solve problems of
Information to the teacher
energy transformation and energy
conservation, can perform and report In this section, you will introduce the
experimental work related to energy learners to the concept of work in
transformation. science for the first time.

Teaching methodologies Suggested teaching/learning

• Group work. materials
• Class discussions.
Reference materials including books,
• Question and answers. piece of chalk, pen, chair, desk and a
• Class demonstrations chart showing people doing different

Preparation from its definition. Guide them
Assemble all the required apparatus for to formulate its SI units from its
this activity into groups depending on formula. Introduce the joule as
the number of students and availability 1 Nm = 1 joule.
of materials. • Guide them through example 6.1 in
Teaching guidelines 6.1 (a) the learner's book.
• Ask the learners to work individually. • Ask them to do question 1, 2 and
• Ask them to do activity 6.1 in the 3 from exercise 6.1 given in the
learner's book as they observe. student’s book.
• Ask each one of them to walk from • This activity promotes;
his/her desk to the chalk board 1. Teamwork, values and
and write the word work on the enjoyment.
chalkboard. 2. Communication and critical
• Ask them to collect litter in the thinking through discussions
class then carry their chair to the
front of the class and sit on it.
6.2 Work done in Pulling
an Object along a
• Ask them to try to push a wall then
Horizontal Surface
discuss in groups whether in the
previous tasks given to them there
Suggested teaching/learning
was work being done.
• Let them discuss to the class their
A block of wood, a spring balance, and
findings. All learners whether
a tape measure/ metre ruler
disabled or normal should be
involved actively in the activity. For Preparation
instance, those with sight problem Before the period, prepare a set of the
can be helped to push the wall or to materials mentioned above for each of
sit on a chair. the groups you will work with.
• Summarise the activity by helping
Teaching guidelines 6.1 (b)
the learners (especially the slow
• Organise the learners into
learners) know that for any work
convenient groups. Let each group
to be done, a force acting on a body
appoint a secretary.
must make it move (get displaced)
• Guide them to do Activity 6.2 given
in the direction of the force.
in the student’s book on how to
• Help them to understand why in
calculate the work done in pulling
activity 6.1 task (b) and (c) we say
an object along a horizontal surface.
work is not being done.
• Ask them to place block of wood on
• Discuss with the learners the
derivation of the formula for work a horizontal surface and attach the
spring balance on the block.
• Let them identify and mark the
6.3 Power
initial point of block then to pull it
slowly. (1 period)
• As one is pulling, another student
By the end of this section the learners
should record the force being used
should be able to define the term power,
to pull the block.
identify the SI units of measurement, and
• Let the learners measure the
calculate power using the appropriate
distance through which the block
has moved from the initial point
using a meter rule or a tape Information to the teacher
measure. Record it down. The quantity that has to do with the
• Ask learners to calculate the work rate at which a certain amount of work
done using the formula (work = Fd) is done is known as power. It is the rate
• Summarise the activity by asking at which work is done. In other words,
each group to give a presentation power is a measure of how quick work
to the class. can be done. The unit of power is the
• Prompt them to suggest reasons watt = 1 joule/second. Bigger units of
why different groups have obtained power are kilowatt (KWh) which is
different values of work done. In 1000 W, megawatt-1 million watts,
case they do not give accurate giga watt- 1 billion watts, terawatts- 1
reasons, let them know that this trillion watts.
arose from the use of blocks that
are not exactly of same weight,
application of forces of different Assemble all the required apparatus for
this activity into groups depending on
magnitudes, differences in the the number of students and availability
distances moved, and roughness of of materials.
the surfaces.
• Guide the learners through examples Teacher’s guidelines 6.2 (a)
6.2 and 6.3 in the learners book. • Organise learners into groups of
different abilities and gender incase
• Ask them to do Exercise 6.1 in
it is a mixed class of boys and girls.
student’s book.
Ensure that the disabled are also
• This activity will promote in a
involved in all activities.
• Ask each pupil to do Activity 6.3
1. Leadership and organization
given in the student’s book.
• After the activity, let each member
2. Communications skills critical
present their findings to the rest of
the class.
3. Problem solving competencies.

• Summarise the results of the Suggested teaching/learning
activity by guiding the learners to materials
understand that a tractor does the Stop watch, stairs, and a weighing
work at a faster rate than the man machine, and a tape measure.
due its higher power rating. Let
them know that the rate of doing
work is known as power. Assemble all the required apparatus for
this activity into groups depending on
• Lead the learners through the the number of students and availability
derivation of the formula for power. of materials.
Ask them to formulate its SI units
Teacher’s guidelines 6.2 (b)
from its formula.
• Organise learners into convenient
Guide them in a discussion on
groups of three or four.
example 6.4 in the student book.
• Provide each group with a stop
• Ask them to do questions 1 and 2 of
watch, and let them use the
Exercise 6.2.
weighing machine one group at a
Estimating one's own power time if the machines are few.
Preparation to the teacher • In case of any disabled, let them be
Before the period, the teacher should the ones to time the others.
check that he/she has enough stop • Guide them to do Activity 6.4 in the
watches, and weighing machines student’s book on how to estimate
(scales). In case they are not enough, the power of an individual.
you can borrow from neighboring • Ask them to find stairs that they
schools, or for weighing machines they can use while walking and running.
can use them one at a time. Let them count the number of stairs
Note; this experiment will generate and measure the height of each,
noise and discipline problems unless it guide them on how to measure
is well organised. Student will wish to total height of the stairs in meters.
compete against one another to find the (total height = height of one stair ×
most powerful person; plan in advance number of the stairs).
where students will stand and how other • Ask one member of the group to
staff and/or students can pass by whilst weigh him/herself in Newton, let the
the experiment is in progress. other member record the weight.
• Let them record the time in seconds
Safety; learners must be warned to take
it takes to walk and run up the
care on the stairs as they are running to
stairs using a stop watch
avoid accident.
• Ask them to calculate the work
done using the formula (work = Fd)

• Ask them to finally calculate the should be able to define the term
power using the formula energy, identify the different forms of
p = work energy, analyse energy transformation
time and conservation.
• Summarise the activity by asking Information to the teacher
each group to give a presentation
Energy is one of the most fundamental
to the class on the work done while
requirements of our universe; it moves
walking and that while running if it
motorcycles, cars along roads, airplanes
was the same. Let them deduce on
through air, and boats over water. It
where it needed more power and
warms and lights our homes and this is
allow them to explain why they
done through energy transformations.
thought so.
• The teacher should discuss example Suggested teaching/learning
6.5 to the learners. materials
• Ask learners to do question 3 and 4
Reference materials including books
of Exercise 6.2 in the students book.
heavy bags with book and stains.
• This activities will promote in a
learner; Teacher’s guidelines 6.3
1. Leadership and organization • Organise the learners in pairs and
skills, ask them to do activity 6.5 in the
2. Communications skills, student's book.
3. Critical thinking, • After the discussion of at least 5
4. Problem solving competencies. minutes let each member present
the outcomes from their discussion
Additional information to the to the rest of the class.
teacher • From the discussion, help them
In case of lack of stairs, another activity define energy as the ability or
can be done which involves rising of capacity to do work. Then, give
measured weights to measure the them various examples of everyday
power of learners arms. life situations, which need energy
for them to happen.
Note; while raising the weights they
• Engage the learners in discovering
should be carefully not to just drop the relationship between energy and
them and they should be far from their work by asking them to do activity
bodies, like the head, and the foot. 6.6 in the student’s book. Through
this discussion, conclude that work
6.3 Energy done = energy transferred and
that the SI units of measurement of
(2 periods) energy are the same as the SI units
of work and are in joules.
By the end of this section the learner

• This activity will promote in a the vibration. A vacuum is an empty
learner among other competencies; space without anything like gas
1. Research skills based on the particles.
numerous. iii) Heat energy; heat (thermal) energy
2. Communications skills on is directly related to temperature
group discussion. (the measure of hotness or coldness
3. Critical thinking and problem of a body). When there is a difference
solving skills. between the temperature of the
environment and the system within
6.4 Forms of Energy it, then heat energy is transferred
between them. Heat flows from
(2 periods) high temperature objects to low
temperature objects that are near
Let the learners remind themselves of
them until all objects are at the
the examples of the forms of energy
same temperature.
they listed in activity (6.6) which may
iv) Electrical energy;
include, solar energy, heat energy, wind
energy, sound energy, electrical energy, v) Nuclear energy
chemical energy etc. vi) Chemical energy
vii) Mechanical energy.
Information to the teacher
Guide the learners in doing example 6.5
i) Solar energy; this is energy from
the sun inform of radiant heat Guide them through the following
and light. Solar energy is used for
heating water for domestic use
(using solar heaters), space heating
Solar Energy
of buildings, drying agricultural
products and generating electrical Suggested teaching/learning
energy (electricity) using PV cells materials
or solar panels. plastic bottle, cold water, sunlight,
ii) Sound energy; sound is produced convex lens, piece of paper
when stuff vibrates-like strings on Teacher’s guidelines 6.4 ( a)
an instrument. Sound travels when • Organise the learners into groups.
the vibrating stuff causes the stuff
• Ask them to fill a plastic bottle
surrounding it to also vibrate. This
with cold water then place it in the
happens in solid, liquid and gas.
compound where there is no shade
For sound to travel it must have a
and observe what happens to the
material media for its transmission
water after 30 minutes. Ask them
(it can’t travel in a vacuum because
to explain their observation.
a vacuum has no atoms to transmit

• Ask them to try it again when the Sound Energy
bottle is in a shade, and let them
(4 periods)
explain what they observe.
• Still in their groups, ask one Suggested teaching/learning
member to hold a convex lens, put materials
it horizontally where one surface Pens, stones
is facing the sun and another one
Teacher’s guidelines 6.4 (b)
down. • Ask them to hit two pens and
• Ask the other member to put a observe and follow the steps of
thin paper just below the lens. Ask activity 6.8.
them to observe what happens to • Ask them to lift a stone a meter
the paper after some 30 minutes or above the ground, then release it
more. and ask them to conclude on what
• In case they don’t give accurate happens whenever two things hit or
reasons, let them know that in the collide with each other.
first activity the water in the bottle • In case they don’t give accurate
becomes hot because of the heat reasons, let them know that
from the sun, and if the bottle is put sound energy is always produced
in a shade, nothing would change whenever two bodies hit each other.
(the water will remain cold). • This activity will promote in a
• In the second activity, the sun’s rays
• Critical thinking
are converged to one point on the
• Communications skills
thin paper and after some time the
paper is seen to burn. The paper is • Problem solving competencies
burnt because the intensity of the
sun rays is focused to one point
Heat Energy
which then burns the paper.
• This activity will promote in a Suggested teaching/learning
learner; materials
• Leadership and organization Bunsen burner (a candle), lighter (match
skills, box), retort stand, nail (metal rod)
• Communications skills Teacher’s guidelines 6.4 (c)
• Critical thinking • Organise learners into groups of
• Problem solving competencies three or five.
• Ask them to light a Bunsen burner
or a candle using a lighter or a match
bo as in activity 6.9 in the student's

• Ask them to clamp or put a nail on made available by the flow of
a retort stand and then bring it near charges(electrons).
the candle or Bunsen flame. • Let the learners do activity 6.10 in
• Ask them to touch and feel at the the students book.
other end of the nail or metal rod • This activity will promote in a
ask them to explain what they feel. learner;
• In case they don’t give accurate • Communications skills
reasons, let them know after some
time the other end of the nail is
Nuclear Energy
observed to become hot. This form Suggested teaching/learning
of energy which moves from a hot materials
place to a cooler one is called heat. reference books, and internet
• This activity will promote in a
Teacher’s guidelines 6.4 (e)
• Organise learners into groups of
• Leadership and organization skills,
three or five.
• Communications skills
• Ask them do research from the
• Critical thinking
internet and give them reference
• Problem solving competencies names of books on Nuclear energy,
Electrical Energy its advantages and disadvantages
to the environment.
Suggested teaching/learning
• Ask to them to share and discuss
their findings to the rest of the class.
Reference books, internet, bulb, electric
• In case they don’t give accurate
wire, battery, switch, bulb holder and
reasons, let them know that
cell holder.
electrical energy is the energy,
Teacher’s guidelines 6.4 (d) which is released when the nuclei
• Organise learners into groups of are combined, or split apart.
three or five. • This activity will promote in a
• Ask them do research from the learner;
internet and give them reference • Communications skills
names of books on electrical energy
Chemical Energy
• Ask them to majorly find out what
electrical energy is and allow them Suggested teaching/learning
to share and discuss their findings materials
to the rest of the class. glass beaker, a small bowl, steel wool,
• In case they don’t give accurate white vinegar, thermometer.
reasons, let them know that
electrical energy is the energy

Teacher’s guidelines 6.4 (f) • Critical thinking
• Organise learners into groups of • Problem solving competencies
three or five.
Mechanical Energy
• Ask them to place a steel wool in
a bowl and soak it in white vinegar Suggested teaching/learning
for a couple of minutes. materials
• Ask them to squeeze out excess Pen, fully piece of chalk
vinegar and wrap the steel wool Teacher’s guidelines 6.4 (g)
around the thermometer such • Organise the learners in groups.
that it is still easy to read the
• Ask the learners to remind
themselves of what happens to
• Ask them to put the steel wool in them whenever a driver applies
the beaker, and then place a cover brakes suddenly while stopping a
with a paper or small book on top car.
• Ask them to record the temperature • In case they don’t give good
immediately, then a gain in a minute’s answers, explain to them that
time or so, and again every minute their bodies move forward because
for about five minutes. Ask them to the car was in motion and so the
write down their observation. Let person to and thus it possessed
them (each group member) discuss kinetic energy while the body had
each group’s findings. potential energy due to the position
• In case they don’t give accurate of the car relative to the ground.
reasons, let them know that The body can have both potential
soaking the steel wool in vinegar energy and kinetic energy at the
removes the protective oil and same time like an aeroplane, which
steel begins to rust. The chemical has potential energy due to its
reaction generates heat energy, height, and kinetic energy due to
which increases the temperature, its speed. So the mechanical energy
which is then measured by the of a system is the summation of the
thermometer. There fore chemical potential and kinetic energy
energy is the energy stored in • Let the learners do activity 6.13 in
bonds of the atoms and molecules the student's book.
that make up the substance
• This activity will promote in a Potential Energy
learner; Suggested teaching/learning
• Leadership and organization materials
skills, a catapult or a spring, a small stone
• Communications skills

Teacher’s guidelines 6.4 (h) • This activity will promote in a
• Organise the learners in pairs. learner;
• Ask each learners to raise a small • Leadership and organization skills,
stone or any object from the ground • Communications skills
or any other resting place (a table) • Critical thinking
upwards to a particular height • Problem solving competencies
above the resting surface. Ask them
the kind of energy the small stone
Gravitational Potential Energy
has attained. Suggested teaching/learning
• Ask them to release the stone and materials
observe what take place. Let them bricks, meter ruler, beam balance, soft
explain what they observe board (ply wood)
• Ask each student to compress a
Teacher’s guidelines 6.4 (i)
spring (to stretch a catapult) to a
• Organise learners in pairs.
particular size and ask them which
• Ask the learners to do activity 6.5
kind of energy it has in its state.
in the learner's book.
Ask them to release the spring and
observe what happens and discuss • Ask the learners to measure the
with the fellow class mates each mass of a brick using a beam
one’s findings. balance and record it on a paper
• Summarise the activity by discussing • Ask them to support the Soft board
with the learners that a the stone Bridge on tow bricks, let the third
had to move down when released to brick be on top whereby that will be
the ground which implies that it had the height one (1).
stored energy due to its position • Ask another member to measure
which makes it to start moving the heights using ruler let us say H
down after it has been released. And 1 H2 H3 H4. H 1 being when the
it’s called gravitational potential brick is on the soft board.
energy. Similarly when a spring or • Ask them to release the brick at
catapult is released it stretched to each height to fall on the soft board
a bigger size and this implies that bridge and observe what happens
the spring had stored energy due whenever it is released from each
to compressing or stretching for height.
a catapult. This energy is called • Ask them to calculate potential
elastic potential energy. Potential energy at each height and compare
energy is in two forms, that is the effect done on the soft board
gravitational potential energy and and the potential energy related to
elastic potential energy it.

• Summarise the activity by discussing to observe other moving objects
with the learners that a brick from around and ask them to state the
a bigger height has more potential energy they will be having.
energy than one on from a shorter • Summarise the activity by discussing
height, this is the same reason why with the learners that the energy
it will break the soft board. possessed by a moving object is
• Guide them through example 6.5 called kinetic energy.
in students book: Then ask the
learners to do exercise 6.3 in the 6.5 Sources of Energy
students book.
• This activity will promote in a (2 periods)
learner; Suggested teaching/learning
1. Cooperation and interpersonal materials
relation. This is adhered Reference materials including books,
through the involvement of internet, stream of water/water tap.
the learners in the numerous
activities in the learner's book. Preparation
2. Research and problem solving Assemble all the required apparatus for
by provision of several practical this activity into groups depending on
activities within the learner's the number of students and availability
of materials.
3. Critical thinking. The learners
Teaching guidelines 6.5
are involved in the group
• Organise learners into groups
discussions, class examples and
• Draw the attention of the students
given problems to be solved.
to the student’s book. Ask them to
Kinetic Energy do activities 6.17 using internet and
Suggested teaching/learning reference books to tell where the
materials water from the tap or steam comes
from and define the meaning of a
trolley, table
Teaching guidelines 6.4 (j) • In case they don’t give accurate
• Organise the learners in pairs. answers, let them know that the
• Provide each group with a trolley. stream starts from the mountain or
Let them place the trolley on a hills.
table and give it a slight push. Ask • Summarise the activity by letting
them to observe what happens and them understand that an energy
explain their observation. Ask them source is that system that makes

energy in a certain way, and secondary sources of energy are
the sources can be primary or sources converted from primary
secondary sources. sources. Secondary sources of
• Ask them to conduct a research energy are converted from primary
from internet and reference books sources. For instance electricity is
on primary sources of energy secondary because it’s converted
a) The type of primary sources from solar energy from the sun
b) How each of them is used to by solar panels or from flowing
make lives easier water turning the turbines to form
The type of primary sources • Examples include petroleum
• Still in groups, guide a discussion
products, manufactured solid fuels,
about the different examples of
gases, electricity and heat, bio fuel
primary sources of energy.
and etc.
• Ask learners to activity 6.18 in the
• This activity will promote in learners
students book.
among other competencies
• Incase they don’t give accurate
1. Cooperation and interpersonal
answers, let them know that
relation. This is adhered
Primary source of energy occurs
through the involvement of
naturally and include; Flowing
the learners in the numerous
water, Wind, Sun, Geothermal
activities in the learner's book.
(interior of the earth), Fuels,
Minerals, Biomass (living thing and 2. Research and problem solving
their waste materials. by provision of several practical
• Let them do activity 6.19 on the activities within the learner's
production of biogas and allow book.
them to discuss they findings. 3. Critical thinking. The learners
• Ask them to conduct a research are involved in the group
from internet and reference books discussions, class examples and
on secondary sources of energy. given problems to be solved.

The type of secondary sources 6.6 Renewable and

• Organise learners in groups. Non-renewable Sources of
• Ask learners to do activity 6.20. Energy
On the identification of secondary
(1 period)
sources of energy.
• Ask them to discuss their findings Suggested teaching/learning
and present them to the whole class materials
• In case they don’t give accurate Reference materials including books,
answers, let them know that match box.

Preparation Source of Non-renewable energy
Assemble all the required apparatus for These can be depleted because they
this activity into groups depending on are of a fixed quantity (they have finite
the number of students and availability amounts). So they will run out one day.
of materials. Examples are coal, crude oil, natural
gas, and uranium.
Teaching guidelines 6.6
• This activity will promote in a
• Draw the attention of the students
to the student’s book.
1. Cooperation and interpersonal
Ask them to do activity 6.21 in the
relation. This is adhered
student's book.
through the involvement of
• Ask them to take one match stick
the learners in the numerous
and light it. Ask them to leave it to
activities in the learner's book.
burn for a few seconds and then put
2. Research and problem solving
it off.
by provision of several practical
• Ask them to use the same match
activities within the learner's
stick to light it again. Let them
observe what happens and try
3. Critical thinking. The learners
explaining their observation.
are involved in the group
• Ask them to research about
discussions, class examples and
renewable and non-renewable
given problems to solve.
sources of energy. Ask them to
discuss their findings to the class. 6.7 Environmental Effects
• In case they don’t give accurate of the use of Energy
answers, let them know that a
Renewable energy source is an
energy source which can’t be (1 period)
depleted/exhausted (they exist Suggested teaching/learning
infinitely or never run out). They materials
are renewed by natural processes.
Reference materials including books.
Examples include; the sun, wind,
geothermal, trees Teaching guidelines 6.7
However they can also be depleted, • Organise learners into groups and
like trees and animals if used too much guide them through the activity.
more than the natural process can • Draw the attention of the students
renew them. So it’s advisable to take to the student’s book .
precaution while using them in other • Ask them to do activity 6.22. Let
words they should be conserved. them research on air and water
pollution, climate change and

global warming, deforestation, • Ask them to place an electric
land degradation in relation to heater in the basin with water and
environment and the measures connect it to the socket. Let them
to be taken to ensure safe use of put on the switch. Ask them to
energy resources. observe and explain what happens.
• Summarise the activity by Ask them to suggest the energy
discussing with them how air and changes involved in that case. Let
water pollution, climate change them disconnect the heater and
and global warming, deforestation, connect a radio to the socket, let
land degradation relate to the them turn on the radio and suggest
environment as in the book. the energy changes involved. Ask
• Ask them to do exercise 6.4 in the them to name some examples of
student book. energy transformations.
• Ask them to repeat the activity by
6.8 Energy Transformations connecting wires, battery, a switch
and a bulb. Ask them to observe
Suggested teaching/learning
what happens when the switch is
closed. Ask them to give a name
Reference materials including books, to devices like a bulb, heater, and
electric heater and radio, water in a radio and battery that converts
basin. energy from one form to another.
Preparation • In case they don’t give accurate
reasons, they should have observed
Assemble all the required apparatus for
that the water in the basin boils,
this activity into groups depending on
that is electrical energy has been
the number of students and availability
converted to heat energy which
of materials.
boils the water. Electrical energy is
Teaching guidelines 6.8 turned to sound energy in the radio
• Organise the learners in groups of and the bulb lights because the
between three and five. circuit is completed. And that the
• Ask learners to do activity 6.23 energy changes are from chemical
in form of research about energy energy in the cell (battery) to
transformations. electrical energy through the wires,
• Organise the learners into then to light energy by the bulb and
convenient groups. Let each group some heat. Let them know that
appoint a secretary. a device that converts one form
• Guide them to do activity 6.23 given of energy to another is called a
in the student’s book. transducer.

• Ask the learners to look at Fig Teaching guidelines 6.9
6.10, Fig 6.11, Fig 6.12 and Fig 6.13 • Ask the learners to organise
in the student’s book to discover themselves in pairs.
some other forms of energy • Ask learners to do research about
transformation and guide them on the law of conservation of energy
some explanations. and how it is stated.
• Ask them to do exercise 6.5 in the • Ask the learners to do activity 6.24
students book.
in the learners book.
• This activity will promote in a
• Ask the to identify :
a) The energy transformation
1. Cooperation and interpersonal starting from the sun as the
relation. This is adhered main
through the involvement of
b) Examples to demonstrate the
the learners in the numerous law of energy conservation
activities in the learner's book.
• Ask each learner to present his/her
2. Research and problem solving finding to the class.
by provision of several practical • Through their findings guide and
activities within the learner's book. let them know that the law of
3. Critical thinking. The learners conservation of energy states
are involved in the group that energy cannot be created or
discussions, class examples and destroyed but is merely changed
given problems to be solved. from one form into another. Energy
6.94. Law
Problem solving competencies
of Conservation of can be inter converted among
Energy many forms, mechanical, chemical,
nuclear, electric, and others but the
(3 periods) total amount of it remains constant
By the end of this section, the learner (the same).
should be able to state and understand • Discus with them the examples
the law of conservation of energy. given in the student book .

Information to the teacher. 6.10 The Law of Conservation

In this section, you will introduce the
of Mechanical Energy
learners to the concept of the law
conservation of energy in science which (3 periods)
they have heard about in their primary By the end of this section, the learner
science. should be able to understand and state
the law of conservation of mechanical
Suggested teaching/learning
Reference materials including books.

Suggested teaching/learning • Ask them to pull the bob to one
materials side either to the right or left but at
least the angle can be 600 from the
Internet enabled computers, reference
rest position and then release it.
books, meter rule, piece of chalk.
• Ask them to observe the movement
Teaching guidelines 6.10 (a) of the bob and ask them to try and
• Organise the learners into pairs. state the energy changes at different
• Ask the learners to do research points as it is moving guiding them
about the law of conservation of as in the students book Fig 6.94.
mechanical energy how it states and And let them give reasons for their
give four examples to demonstrate answers.
it. • In case they don’t give accurate
• Ask the learners to do activity 6.25 reasons, let them know, the bob
in the learners book. will attain a maximum potential
• Ask them to discuss their findings energy due to its height above the
with their pairs in class. ground at point 1 but minimum
• Guide them through the discussion kinetic energy because it’s at rest(
and allow learners to point out the point where it will be raised to),
omission and errors from their When it swings after letting it go,
research. the bob will gain kinetic energy at
point 2 because of its motion, and
To demonstrate the law of potential energy still because it’s at
conservation of mechanical a certain height from the ground
energy until it’s passing through the lowest
a) A swinging pendulum point at point 3, where potential
energy is minimum (because it can’t
Suggested teaching/learning
move further down) and all has
changed to kinetic energy. Because
Bob, a thread/string, retort stand
of its kinetic energy, it swings up to
Teaching guidelines 6.10(b) the other side and now its kinetic
• Organise the learners into pairs. energy starts changing to potential
• In pairs, let the learners do Activity at point 4 until when it reaches the
6.26 in the learners book as you maximum point and it stops moving
guide them through. momentarily at point 5. At that
• Provide each pair with a thread point, it has maximum potential
and a bob and ask them to tie the energy but minimum kinetic energy.
thread on the hook of the bob to • This activity will promote in a
make a simple pendulum (plumb learner:
line). Let them tie the other end on 1. Cooperation and interpersonal
to the retort stand and allow it to relation. This is adhered through
settle in one position. the involvement of the learners

in the numerous activities in ball moves up with reducing speed
the learner's book. because of the force of gravity
2. Research and problem solving acting on it downwards until it
by provision of several practical reaches the maximum point where
activities within the learner's it stops momentarily and then falls
book. back. At that point it has maximum
3. Critical thinking. The learners potential energy and minimum
are involved in the group kinetic energy.
discussions, class examples and • Draw the attention of the students
given problems to be solved. to the student’s book analyse Fig
b) A body thrown upwards
• Guide the learners through a
Suggested teaching/learning discussion about Fig 6.16 by doing
materials some examples using real figures to
Tennis ball drive the point home of mechanical
energy being conserved all the way
Teaching guidelines 6.10(c)
through the journey of the body.
• Ask the learners to work individually.
• Summarise the activity by helping
• Ask each student who is given
the learners do Exercise 6.6 in the
the ball to throw it upwards and
students book.
observe the movement up to the
• This activity will promote in a
maximum point.
• Ask them to sketch the motion of
1. Cooperation and interpersonal
the ball on a paper in three different
relation. This is adhered
interval’s starting from the lowest
through the involvement of
when thrown upwards.
the learners in the numerous
• Ask them to indicate the forms of
activities in the learner's book.
energy at each stage (kinetic and
2. Research and problem solving
by provision of several practical
• In case they don’t give accurate
activities within the learner's
reasons, let them know , that a
ball thrown up vertically is thrown
3. Critical thinking. The learners
at a maximum speed so at the
are involved in the group
point of throwing it has maximum
discussions, class examples and
kinetic energy and minimum
given problems to be solved.
potential energy since it was on
the ground(rest position). The

6.11 Conservation of Energy 6.12 Energy Efficiency

(3 periods) Suggested teaching/learning

By the end of this section, the learner materials
should be able to state various ways of Reference materials including books.
conservation of energy. Teaching guidelines 6.12
Suggested teaching/learning • Ask learners to do research about
energy efficiency and discuss how
energy can be efficiently used.
Reference materials including books. • Ask each learner to present his/her
Teaching guidelines 6.11 finding to the class.
• Ask learners to form groups of two. • In case they don’t give accurate
Ensure that the groups formed are answers, let them know that energy
of different abilities, have observed efficiency is defined as saving energy
gender balance in case it is a mixed but keeping the same level of service.
class of boys and girls. Ensure that For example. If you turn off the
all learners whether disabled or lights when you are leaving a room,
normal are involved actively in the that’s energy conservation, if you
period and all activities. replace an efficient incandescent
light bulb with a more efficient
• Ask the learners to do activity 6.28
compact fluorescent bulb, you are
in the learners book.
practicing energy efficiency
• Ask learners to do research about
• Ask learners to do exercise 6.7 in
the conservation of energy and sate
the student’s book
some examples of how energy can
• This activities will promote in a
be conserved and find out what
energy efficiency is.
1. Cooperation and interpersonal
• Ask each learner to present his/her
relation. This is adhered
finding to the class.
through the involvement of
• In case they don’t give accurate
the learners in the numerous
answers, let them know that
activities in the learner's book.
conservation of energy is the act of
saving energy by reducing a service 2. Research and problem solving
or cutting back on the usage of the by provision of several practical
service. activities within the learner's
• Guide the learners through some book.
examples and after ask open 3. Critical thinking. The learners
questions for them to give some are involved in the group
other ways of conserving energy in discussions, class examples and
our daily life. given problems to be solved.

Further exercises and their answers
Further exercises/activities
Further exercises for slow learners Further exercises for fast learners
1. Define 1. By giving appropriate example,
- Work distinguish between energy and
- Energy power.
- Power 2. Explain five ways of conserving
2. State two forms of energy. energy.
3. What is energy transformation? 3. Discuss two examples of renewable
and nonrenewable resources.

Answers to some further exercises/Activities

Further exercises for slow learners Additional exercises for fast
1. Work is the product of force and distance Mark student’s work and guide
moved in the direction of force. them appropriately.
- Energy is the ability to do work.
- Power is rate of doing work
2. Electrical and solar energy
3. Change of energy from one form to other.

Answers 4. Machine C, 400 W

For non-numerical questions, the learners Exercise 6.3
can get most of the answers from the (Student’s book page 182)
discussions given in student's book or from 4. 5000J
the internet and any other reference books.
Mark the student's work and use it to guide Unit Test 6
them appropriately. (Student’s book page 209-211)
Exercise 6.1. 2. a) 1800 J b)64.3 W
3. a) 4000 J b) 800 J
(Student’s book page 170)
4. 400 W
3. 200 J
5. a) 4000 N b) 9200 J
4. 1000 J
Exercise 6.2 c) 1800 J
(Student’s book page 173) 6. b) 300 W
1. 5 W 7. 480 W
2. 220 W 8. 266.7 N
3. Student B, 20 W 9. a) 400 N b)101.8 W


Work, Power and Energy

Unit 7 Simple Machines (I)

Student's Book pages 212-239 (10 Periods)

Key unit competence

By the end this unit, the learner should be able to analyse relationship among
energy, work and power for simple machines.

Learning objectives Attitudes and values

Knowledge and understanding • Appreciate the importance of
• Outline examples of simple simple machines in our daily life.
machines. • Recognize the work output of
• Explain the principles behind simple simple machines.
machines used in daily life. • Recognize the effect of friction on
• Define machine, work, energy, efficiency of simple machines.
power and efficiency of machines. Generic competence
• Determine output work of simple addressed in this unit
machines. • Cooperation and interpersonal
relation through group work and
discussion based activities.
• Explain the working principles of
simple machines. • Communication skills in English
through group work and discussion
• Explain efficiency of simple machine.
based activities.
• Evaluate efficiency of simple
• Research and problem solving skills
through provision of problems
• Use simple machine to perform a
provision of problems and questions
given task.
to answer in the learners book.
• Design and use simple machines.
• Solve problems on simple machines.

Links to other subjects Suggested teaching/learning
Chemistry (metal extraction), English activities
(vocabulary), Agriculture (agricultural
7.1 Definition of Simple
Cross cutting issues addressed
in this unit (1 period)
• Environment. This is through By the end of this section, the learner
provision of environment based should be able to define the term simple
activities, discussions and knowledge. machine and give examples of simple
For instance wells have been machines.
discussed extensively i.e we cover
wells or boreholes in our homes and Information to the teacher
after use. This unit is not unfamiliar to the students
as they were introduced to machines in
Assessment criteria
primary 6. For instance
Should explain working principles of
• Definition of simple machines on a
simple machines; can solve problems on
tool that makes work easier.
simple machines, can construct a simple
• Types of simple machines; lever,
machine and apply them.
inclined planes, screws, pulleys,
Teaching methodologies wedges, wheel and axle.
• Group work.
• Class discussions.
Suggested teaching and
• Question and answers.
learning materials
• Class demonstrations. Closed soda bottle, bottle opener.

Background information Preparation

Simple machines helps us to do various Assemble all the required apparatus for
tasks with ease. We unconsciously this activity into groups depending on
apply the use of machines in doing the number of students and availability
work. For instance, visit a construction of materials.
site and identify the devices used in
Teaching guidelines 7.1
performing tasks. Perhaps you will see
• Ask learners to organise themselves
wheelbarrows, hammers, human beings
into appropriate groups depending
walking and using hands, cranes, wheel
of the materials/apparatus/equip-
and axles. These and many more are
ment available.
examples of machines. Once you study
• Ensure that each group has a group
this unit, you will be able to choose
leader and a secretary to record
the appropriate machine(s) for a given
and report the group’s findings.

• Ensure that they take into
7.2 Terms used in simple
consideration of gender and those
with challenges (i.e. the disabled).
• Review the definition and examples (1 Period)
of machines done in P6 (syllabus
By the end of this section, the learner
page 61).
should be able to define different terms
• Let the students do activity 7.1 used in simple machines, their formulas
given in student’s book in groups and solving problems based on these
and report their findings. terms
• Guide them in a whole class
discussion on their findings. Information to the teacher
• Take them through the discussion This is first time the learners are
given in the student’s book. encountering these concept as a way of
• Summarise by emphasizing on measuring how good a machine is. Put
the safety precaution when using them do research on this section.
machine. Teaching guidelines 7.2
• This activity will promote in learners • Let learners organise themselves
among other competencies: into groups. Ensure that they are
1. Cooperation and interpersonal of different abilities and gender (if
relation. This is adhered any). All learners whether disabled
through the involvement of or normal should participate
the learners in the numerous actively during the lesson and in all
activities in the learner's book. activities.
2. Research and problem solving • Ask them to do activity 7.2 given in
by provision of several practical student’s book.
activities within the learner's • Allow the students to report on
book. their finding.
3. Critical thinking. The learners • Use the activity to guide them in a
are involved in the group discussion of the terms. M.A, V.R
discussions, class examples and and efficiency of machines.
given problems to be solved. • Summarise this information in a
Additional information to the tabular form using student’s book.
teacher • Guide the student in groups
It will be advisable to ask the learners discussion of Examples 7.1, 7.2 and
to list down where these machines 7.3.
are used in daily life as a take away

• By use of question answer method, Suggested teaching and
summarise this section to determine learning materials
whether the objectives have been Internet, journals and student books, a
achieved. nail, claw hammer, scissors, ground nut,
• This activity will promote in learners piece of cloth, pliers.
among other competencies
1. Cooperation and interpersonal Teaching guidelines 7.3 (a)
relation. This is adhered • Review what was done in Primary 6 on
through the involvement of levers through question and answer
the learners in the numerous method.
activities in the learner's book. • Ask learners to organise themselves
2. Research and problem solving into groups. Ensure that they the
by provision of several practical group formed are of different abilities
activities within the learner's and gender (if any). All learners
book. whether disabled or normal should
participate actively in the period
3. Critical thinking. The learners
and all activities.
are involved in the group
discussions, class examples and • Let the learners in groups perform
given problems to solve. activity 7.3 and 7.4 given in student’s
book on levers.
Additional information • Ask any member of the group to
Not all the information on the internet is present their finding to the whole
accurate.Verify whether the information class.
the students research on is accurate.
• Allow the learners to point out
omissions and errors on each fact
7.3 Types of simple given.
machines • Summarise their discussion by
guiding them to classify levers into
(3 periods) three groups as explain in student’s
By the end of this section, the learner books.
should be able to identify different types • Let the students draw levers and
of simple machines according to their indicate the position of fulcrum
different groups. (pivot), load and effort.
• Ask the students to give situations
1. Levers where levers are commonly used in
Information to the teacher daily life.
Levers have been covered in P6. • Guide them in a class discuss on

how M.A, V.R and efficiency of • Choose any members at random to
levers may be calculated. give a brief report on their findings.
• In groups let the learner discuss • Through question and answer
example 7.4 and 7.5 in the student's method, lead learners in a discussion
book to show that an incline plane is a
• Give them Exercise 7.1 as an simple machine.
assignment. • Let the students research on the
• This activity will promote in the M.A., V.A & efficiency of inclined
learners plane and report their finding.
1. Cooperation and interpersonal • In groups, allow the learners to
relation. This is adhered perform Activity 7.6 on how length
through the involvement of of the inclined plane affects M.A.
the learners in the numerous • These activity will promote in the
activities in the learner's book. learner
2. Research and problem solving 1. Cooperation and interpersonal
by provision of several practical relation. This is adhered
activities within the learner's through the involvement of
book. the learners in the numerous
3. Critical thinking. The learners activities in the learner's book.
are involved in the group 2. Research and problem solving
discussions, class examples and by provision of several practical
given problems to be solved. activities within the learner's
2. Inclined plane
3. Critical thinking. The learners
(1 period)
are involved in the group
Information to the teacher discussions, class examples and
Example of inclined plane as a simple given problems to be solved.
machine was given in P6. Review on
those introduction to this section.
7.4 Screws and bolts
Suggested teaching and learning
(1 period)
A trolley, inclined plane, masses
By the end of this section, the learner
Teaching guidelines 7.3 (b) should be able to demonstrate the
• Organise the learners into groups. working of screws and bolts as simple
• Let the learners do Activity 7.5 on machines
inclined plane.

Information to the teacher 2. Research and problem solving
Screws were mentioned in P6 as by provision of several practical
examples of simple machine. activities within the learner's
Preparation 3. Critical thinking. The learners
Ensure that you have enough screws are involved in the group
and bolts for the groups you want to discussions, class examples and
work with. given problems to be solved.
Suggested teaching and Additional information to the
learning materials teacher
A screw driver, a bolt, soft wood, screw Use the activity 7.7 to show how friction
driver affects mechanical advantage but not
Teaching guidelines 7.4
• Ask learners to form groups of two. 7.5 The Wheel and Axle
Ensure that they observe gender
balance and the group to comprise
learners of different abilities. Also, (1 period)
ensure that the disabled one (if any)
are involved in all activities. By the end of this section, the learner
should be able to demonstrate the
• Let the learner perform activity
action of the wheel and axle.
7.7 on screws and bolts as a class
experiment. Information to the teacher
• Through and answer method let From p6, the learner knows the wheel
the learner define the term pitch.
and axle is an example of a simple
• Follow this activity with Activity 7.8.
• In groups, allow the learners to
research on M.A., V.R and efficiency Suggested teaching and
of screws, bolt and screw jack. learning materials
• summarise this section by taking Cylindrical rod, y-shaped braches, a
learners through the discussion stone with string tied to it
given in student’s book
• This activity will promote in learners
among other competencies: Assemble all the require materials for
1. Cooperation and interpersonal this activity in advance for all groups
relation. This is adhered you wished to work with.
through the involvement of Teaching guidelines 7.5
the learners in the numerous • Ask learners to form groups. Ensure
activities in the learner's book. that the group formed comprises of:

1. Learners of different abilities 3. Critical thinking. The learners
(slow learners and fast are involved in the group
learners). discussions, class examples and
2. Different gender i.e. boys and given problems to be solved.
girls in case it is a mixed class.
3. Disabled students incase they
Additional information
are there in your class. The wheel and axle may be used also as
• This will enable learners to a simplified form of wheel and axle.
appreciate others and boost their
self-esteem as they learn from 7.6 Pulleys
each other.
• Ask them to choose a group leader
(2 periods)
and a secretary (preferably the
disabled students) By the end of this section, the learners
• Allow the learners to perform should be able to describe the functioning
activity 7.8 on wheel and axle or of pulleys in marking work easy.
a project to be done as a project, Suggested teaching and
using locally available materials. learning materials
• Let them demonstrate the working
Reference books, internet, flag post
of the wheel and axle on a simple
machine. Teaching guideline 7.6
• Use the project to guide learners to • Organise learners into groups.
identify the wheel and axle. Ensure that the groups comprises of
• Use the project to lead them students of different abilities and
in a class discussion to obtain gender in case the class comprises
expressions of M.A., V.R. and of both boys and girls. Let them
efficiency of this machine. choose a group a leader and a
• Ask them to do Exercise 7.2 given in secretary.
student’s book. • Ask the group leaders to lead other
• This section will promote in learners members in a discussion of their
among other competence individual research of Activity 7.9
1. Cooperation and interpersonal given in student’s book and let the
group secretary note the key points
relation. This is adhered
and harmonize them.
through the involvement of
• Ask the groups secretaries or
the learners in the numerous
choose any other member at
activities in the learner's book.
random from each group to give
2. Research and problem solving a report on their findings to the
by provision of several practical whole class.
activities within the learner's • Guide the learners through activity

7.9 and 7.10 given in student’s book book as you guide them through.
to determine the velocity ratio and • Ask learners to do exercise 7.3
mechanical advantage of a block given in student’s book.
and tackle. • Encourage the learners to solve as
• Help them(especially slow learners) many problems as possible in the
on how to determine the M.A. and unit Test 7.
V.R. of a block and tackle.
Set aside a period to help the learners
• Let the learners discuss examples
to discussing the difficult problems.
7.6, 7.7 and 7.8 given in student’s

Further exercises and their answers

Further exercises/activities
Further exercise for slow learners Further exercise for fast learners
1. Define the mechanical advantage 1. Explain how to determine velocity ratio
of a machine. of an incline plane.
2. Give a reason why a machine is 2. Describe an experiment to determine
not 100 percentage efficient. mechanical advantage of a block and
tackle pulleys.

Answers to some further exercises/activities

Further exercises for slow learners Additional exercises for fast learners
1. Mechanical Advantage of a machine Mark student’s work and guide them
is the ratio of Force being moved appropriately. You may refer to student’s
W to the Effort. book.
2. Because of friction within the internal
parts of the machine.

Answers (c) 112.5 N (d) 78.75 J
For non-numerical questions, the learners (e) 15.75 J
can get most of the answers from the 3. 266.67 N 4. 79.78 %
discussion given in student's book or from
the internet and any other reference books. Unit Test 7
Mark the student's work and use it to guide
(Student’s book pages 237-239)
them appropriately.
2. (c) 15m (d) 2250 J (f) 2550 J
Exercise 7.1 3. (c) (i) 4 (ii) 75%
(Student’s book page 221) 4. 69.23 %
1. 73.3% 5. (a) 2900 J (b) 16% (c) 100 N
2. 3600 J 6. (a) 85.69 (b) 114.25
3. 83.3%, 421 J 7. (a) 1 m (b) 226 J
5. 5.67 (c) 180 N (d) 79.65 %
8. (a) 1 (b) 88.89%
Exercise 7.2 9. (a) 4 (b) 1.6
(Student’s book page 228) (c) 40 %
3. (a) 439.8 (b) 6597 N 10. (a) 3 (b) 88.89 %
11. (b) 5 (c) 400 N
Exercise 7.3 (d) 2000 J (e) 400 J
(Student’s book pages 235 - 236) 12. 1000 W
2. (a) 2 (b) 1.6

Thermal Physics

Basic Properties of Matter

Unit 8 Kinetic Theory and States of Matter

Student's Book pages 240-257 (10 Periods)

Key unit competence

By the end of this unit the learner should be able to relate physical properties of
solids, liquids and gases to temperature.

Learning objectives different materials in daily life

Knowledge and understanding • Show concern on the use of solid
• Describe physical properties of materials based properties of
matter. stiffness, sharpness and softness.
• State physical properties of matter. Generic competencies
Skills addressed in this unit
• Classify materials using physical • Problem solving through provision
properties. of problems to solve and questions
• Explain physical properties of solids, to answer.
liquids and gases using the kinetic • Research skills through provision
theory of matter. of research based activities in the
• Separate mixture using physical learners book.
properties • Creativity and innovation
• Determine boiling point and melting through group work activities and
point of different substances. discussions, answering and asking
• Perform an experiment to illustrate
viscosity. • Critical thinking through group
work activities, discussions,
Attitudes and values answering and asking questions.
• Appreciate the application of • Communication through group
properties of materials in daily life. work activities, discussions, and
• Show concern on how to use answering and asking questions.

• Co-operation, interpersonal Background information
management and life skill through • In this chapter we will explore the
group work activities and states of matter and then look at
discussions, answering and asking the kinetic theory of matter. Matter
questions. is anything that has mass (weight)
Links to other subjects and volume (occupies space). All
matter is made up of particles called
English vocabulary, Chemistry (chemical
atoms and exists in three different
bonding, filtration and distillation).
states; solid, liquid and gas.
Cross cutting issues addressed • Matter being made up of small
in this unit particles can be seen using diffusion
• E nvironment , climate change for example.
and sustainability. Discussion • Diffusion is the movement of
of conservation measures of particles from a high concentration
environment. For instance, activity to a low concentration.
8.13 discusses about polythene bags • Diffusion can be seen as spreading
and their effects in the environment. out of particles resulting in an even
They should be disposed properly distribution of the particles. This
and recycled. can be seen if you place a drop
• Comprehensive sexuality education of food colouring or crystals of
(the HIV/AIDS concern). This is purple potassium permanganate
through discussion of HIV/AIDS in water. The colour spreads out
in some activities. For instance on slowly through the water. If matter
page 241, learners are sensitized was not made of particles that are
about HIV/AIDS. AIDS has NO constantly moving then we would
cure and therefore they should only see a clump of colour when
abstain until marriage. we put the food colouring or purple
potassium permanganate in water
Assessment criteria as there would be nothing that
Learner should outline properties of could move about and mix with the
the three states of matter, identify and water.
explain physical properties of water,
solid and gas. Give examples of materials Suggested teaching/learning
with different physical properties of activities
hardness, malleability, elasticity and
conductivity. 8.1 Matter and Its composition
Teaching methodologies (2 periods)
• Group work.
• Class discussions. By the end of this section the learners
• Question and answers. should be able to define matter and
• Class demonstrations. state its composition.

Information to the teacher Teaching guidelines 8.1
Most learners have a rough idea about • Organise the learners into pairs.
the state of matter from primary level. • Draw the attention of the students
In this level we will learn more about to the student’s book. Ask them
the states of matter. to do activity 8.1 i.e define matter
Matter comes in three states that are and give examples of matter.
distinguished by the strength of the • Summarise the activity by helping
forces in their bonds that hold them the learners to clarify on the
together. The three states of matter definition they had in their
are: primary that matter is anything
• Solids : The strong bonds that has weight (mass) and
between molecules make solids occupies space (volume). Guide
rigid and very difficult to deform. them to give as many examples
as possible.
• Liquids: The relatively weak
bonds between molecules allow Teaching guidelines 8.2
liquids to be deformed without • Ask them to do activity 8.2 in the
effort. Liquids have a fixed volume, learners book individually.
but the shape of the container • Provide each student with a piece
holding them determines their of chalk and ask him or her to
shape. break it into two pieces. Ask them
• Gases: Virtually no bonds to continue breaking it until when
exist between gas molecules so they can’t break it any further
that gases can spread into any • Ask them to compare and explain
available space. The volume of a in regards to the size of the initial
gas is determined by the size of and final pieces of chalk. At this
the container holding it. point, bring the attention of
learners to tiny HIV virus that
Suggested teaching/learning
results to AIDS. Caution them
that the disease has NO CURE.
Reference materials including books, Inform them that the disease has
pieces of chalk or paper. killed millions of people around
Preparation the world.
• Ask them to form groups and
Assemble all suggested materials for
discuss about an element, a
Activity 8.1 into different groups in
compound and a mixture.
advance .

• In case they don’t give accurate Suggested teaching/learning
reasons, let them know matter is materials
made up of tiny particles called Water, alcohol (spirit) and two beakers,
atoms, which cannot be broken internet, reference books, sand, iron
down further. Matter can be made filings, a magnet, bunsen burner, match
box, magnet, two stones, beam balance.
of particles (atoms) of the same
kind or a mixture of particles Preparation
of different kind. Matter that is Before the lesson, request the chemistry
made of particles of the same teacher to prepare for you alcohol like
kind is called an element. While methane in the laboratory or use spirit.
that made up of different kinds of Give each learner a sample.
particles can be a mixture or a
Teaching guidelines 8.3
• Organise the learners into
• Guide them through a discussion convenient groups. Let each
about elements, compounds, group appoint a secretary.
mixtures, and ask them to give • Ask them to do Activity 8.3 i.e
examples of each. Encourage slow access the internet or reference
learners to participate in class books and do research on
discussions on their observations. physical and chemical properties
• This activity will promote in a and give some examples.
learner; • Ask them to discuss to the class
1. Communications skills through their findings.
expressing their opinion in the • Ask them to pour equal amounts
group discussion. of water and alcohol in two
2. Critical thinking through different beakers.
answering questions critically. • Ask them to smell the odour
3. Problem solving by answering of each one of them, ask them
given questions correctly if after the activity one of the
among other competencies. liquids changed to something else
like porridge and juice or if even
8.2 Physical Properties of matter the odour changed. Let them try
to explain their observation.
• In case they do not give accurate
(2 periods)
reasons, let them know that the
By the end of the section, the learner
two liquids have different odours
should be able to state both the physical
and chemical properties of matter. that after smelling them, they
don’t change into other liquids.
They remain alcohol and water.

They should know that such a • Guide them to do activity 8.4
property that is observed on given in the student’s book.
matter that does not change its • Ask them to pour water in a
composition is called a physical beaker to more than half way
property. and allow it to settle. Let them
• This activities will promote in a drop crystals of potassium
learner; permanganate into the water
1. Communications skills through in the beaker and observe what
expressing their opinion in the happens.
group discussion. • With another beaker, ask them
2. Critical thinking through to repeat the same thing but this
answering questions critically. time after putting the potassium
3. Problem solving by answering permanganate, let them apply
given question correctly among heat to the bottom of the beaker
other competencies. using a Bunsen burner and
observe what happens. Ask them
8.3 Simple kinetic theory to compare the two situations
of matter when heat is applied and when it
is not.
(2 periods) • Ask one student in the class room
By the end of this section, the learner to go into the corner in front of a
should be able to demonstrate motion class with a perfume and spray it.
of matter and the components of matter • After five minutes, ask the class to
that are in contact motion. tell what they smell and observe
most especially students in the
Suggested teaching/learning
far corner of the class. Ask them
to explain their observation.
Two beakers, purple crystals of
potassium permanganate, water, a • In case they don’t give accurate
Bunsen burner and perfume. reasons, let them know that
the purple colour in the first
Preparation place spreads throughout the
Before the lesson, prepare a set of the
water slowly but when heat is
materials mentioned above for each of
applied, it spreads very fast. This
the groups you will work with.
shows that matter is in constant
Teacher’s guidelines 8.4 random motion (moving) and the
• Organise the learners into rate at which it moves depends
convenient groups. Let each on the temperature. When the
group appoint a secretary. temperature is low, it moves

slowly and when the temperature Preparation
increases, the movement Before the lesson, prepare a set of the
increases. And in 2, the scent materials mentioned above for each of
of the perfume spreads to the the groups you will work with.
other parts of the class including
the far corner because particles Teaching guidelines 8.5
have move from a region of high • Organise the learners into
concentration to a region of low convenient groups.
concentration. • Ensure that members on the
• Guide them to know that the previous groups in activity 8.6
movement of these tiny particles are mixed up to form a new
is summed up in a model called group. Prompt them to realize
kinetic theory of matter. that they need a group leader
• Guide a discussion about the and secretary who will record
kinetic theory of matter, how it the group’s findings.
explains the three different states • Ask them to do activity 8.5 i.e.
of matter and its relationship physical properties of solids.
with temperature. • Guide them to do a research on
• These activities will promote in a the properties of solids and their
learner; applications from internet or
1. Communications skills through reference books. Let them discuss
expression of their opinion in their findings in class.
the group discussion. • Ask them to put as many marbles
2. Critical thinking through into the squarer bowl as they can
answering questions critically. and after incline it a bit.
3. Problem solving by answering • Ask them to also put as many
given questions correctly marbles into a test tube until it is
among other competencies. full and then cover the test tube
with a lid.
8.4 Physical Properties of • Ask them if they are able to
Solids notice the pattern (arrangement)
of the marbles in the square bowl
(2 periods) and then draw it on a notebook.
Suggested teaching/learning • Ask them to shake the marbles in
materials the test tube while touching the
lid and explain the movement of
Transparent square bowl, marbles, test
the marbles in the test tube.
tube and internet enabled computers.

• Summarise the activity by
8.5 Physical Properties of
helping the learners know it
is very difficult for marbles to
move because they are so much
(2 periods)
packed. That is how atoms are
arranged in a solid state. Suggested teaching/learning
• Guide them through a discussion
about the different properties Water in a beaker, Bunsen burner, chalk
of solids and drawing the real dust
pattern of arrangement and Preparation
help them to connect the kinetic Before the lesson, prepare a set of the
theory to the properties of the materials mentioned above for each of
solid state. the groups you will work with.
• These activities will promote in a
Teaching guidelines 8.6
• Organise the learners into
1. Communications skills through convenient groups and ask them
expression of their opinion in to do activity 8.6 in lerner's book.
the group discussion. • Ask them to put chalk dust on
2. Critical thinking through the surface of the water in the
answering questions critically. beaker. Ask them to observe and
3. Problem solving by answering explain the motion of the chalk
given question correctly among particles.
other competencies. • Ask them to heat the water
until it boils and still observe the
Kinetic theory of solids
motion of the chalk particles.
Suggested teaching/learning • Ask them to draw the
material arrangement of particles in
Chocolate chip cookies, ruler, electronic liquids.
balance (beam balance) • In case they don’t give accurate
reasons, let them know that the
particles or molecules of liquids
Before the lesson, prepare a set of the move freely and randomly.
materials mentioned above for each of • This activity will promote in a
the groups you will work with. learner;
1. Leadership and organization
skills by leading others in a

2. Communications skills by and repeat previous steps two
expression of their opinion more times for the same liquid.
in a discussion among other • Ask them to rinse and dry the
competencies. sphere, then repeat the two
previous steps for two more
Viscosity in Fluids liquids.
Suggested teaching/learning • From their data collected ask
material them, to conclude the liquid in
Room temperature, water, honey, oil, which the sphere moved very
a steel ball, 100 ml graduated cylinder, fast and if it has a low viscosity
ruler, and a stop watch or high viscosity. Ask them from
their knowledge of viscosity to
Preparation explain why.
Before the lesson, prepare a set of the • Ask the learners to do activities
materials mentioned above for each of 8.8, 8.9 and 8.10 on solubility,
the groups you will work with. evaporation and boiling point of
liquids respectively.
Teacher’s guidelines 8.7 • Let the learners follow all the
• In their groups, guide them to do steps and procedures stated in
activity 8.7 given in the student’s these activities.
book on how to show viscosity in • Guide learners through activity
fluids. 8.14 on applications of physical
• Ask them to measure equal properties of a liquid.
amounts of the liquids to be tested • Conclude this section by taking
and put them into graduated learners through the discussion
cylinders. on applications of physical
• Ask them to measure the depth quantities given in student’s book.
of the liquids using the ruler. • This activity will promote in a
• Ask them to copy the data chart learner;
into their notebook from the 1. Communications skills through
student’s book. expressing their opinion in the
• Ask them to place a sphere on group discussion.
the surface of the liquid and let 2. Critical thinking through
another student use a stop clock answering questions critically.
to measure how long it takes 3. Problem solving by answering
for the sphere to travel to the given questions correctly among
bottom of the liquid. other competencies.
• Ask them to remove the sphere

• Let them know that the activity
8.6 Physical Properties of done was an example of how
Gases gases behave and discuss with
them other properties of gases.
(2 periods)
Suggested teaching/learning
Suggested teaching/learning
Polythene (plastic bag), a straw, cello
Three marbles, transparent dish, a lid,
reference books and internet. tape

Preparation Teacher’s guidelines 8.13

Before the lesson, prepare a set of the • Still in their groups, distribute a
materials mentioned above for each of polythene bag (plastic bag), a
the groups you will work with. straw and cello tape.
• Ask the learners to do activity
Teacher’s guidelines 8.12
8.13 in the learners book.
• Organise the learners into
• Ask them to pick one polythene,
convenient groups.
make a small hole where they
• Guide them to do activity 8.12 will insert in a straw from leaving
given in the student’s book. it to protrude and then seal it
• Ask them to do research on the with a cello tape.
properties of gases and discuss • Ask them to put a book on top
their findings to the class. of the polythene bag and in turns
• Ask them to put 3 marbles in a let them blow it into the bag
transparent dish, and try to move and observe what is happening.
them separately from each other Prompt them to explain their
as possible and then cover it with observation.
a lid. • In case they don’t give accurate
• Ask them to shake the dish and reasons, let them know that
observe the movement of the the activity done was to prove
marbles inside. that a gas occupies a space and
• Prompt them to give a reason for continue a discussion about the
their observation. other properties of gases.
• They should notice the pattern
• Take the student through the unit
(arrangement) of the marbles
summary and ask them to do
and then draw it in a note book.
unit Test 8.

molecules are moving at random inside
the beaker. Though the solid dust particles
Ensure that you have marked learner’s have a tendency to settle down, the water
work. This will enable you to assess molecules moving at random collide with
whether the unit objectives have these solid particles and force them to
been achieved and also enable you move in a haphazard manner.
to identify challenging areas to the
student and guide them accordingly. 2. Suggested materials: Toothpaste, glass
slide and cover slip (can be collected from
• These activities will promote in a the biology laboratory), powerful source
learner; of light, a microscope and water.
1. Communications skills through
Take a small trace of toothpaste mixed
expression of their opinion in
in water on a microscope slide and place
the group discussion. a cover slip over the slide. Illuminate the
2. Critical thinking through slide with concentrated light from the
answering questions critically. side and observe the top with a powerful
3. Problem solving by answering microscope. Concentrate on one tiny
given question correctly among particle. Though the particle seems to be
other competencies. stationary in one position first, eventually
you can see the random motion of the
Additional activities molecules of paste in the mixture, being
1. Suggested materials: beaker, provision for displaced continuously in all the directions.
tap water, hand lens, bright source of light As the molecular structure concept in
(if the day is not bright and sunny). gases, solids and liquids has been well
Collect fresh tap water in a beaker and established, the teacher should tell the
focus sunlight on to the beaker. You can students to draw a table and compare the
‘see’ the movement of the suspended spacing, ordering and the movement of the
particles of solid matter. The water molecules in the three states of matter.

Further exercises and their answer
Further exercises/activities
Further exercise for slow learners Further exercises for fast learners
1. What is matter? Give three 1. Draw a well diagram showing
examples of matter. arrangement of particles in solids,
2. Name three states of matter and liquids and gases.
briefly explain the arrangement of 2. Explain two applications of physical
their particles. properties of the three state of matte

Answers to some further exercises/activities

Further exercise for slow learners Additional exercise for fast learners
1. Matter is anything that has mass and Mark student’s work and guide them
occupies space. appropriately.
2. Solids, liquids and gases: Guide
learners on their arrangement. You
may refer to student’s book for S1.

For non-numerical questions, the learners can get most of the answers from the discussions
given in student's book or from the internet and any other reference books. Mark the student's
work and use it to guide them appropriately.

Thermal Physics


Unit 9 Heat and Temperature

Student's Book pages 258-288 (10 Periods)

Key unit competence

By the end of this unit the learner should be able to explain principle of thermometry
and compare different temperature scales.

Learning objectives points of candle wax, mrthylated

Knowledge and understanding spirit, water.
• Explain the difference between heat Attitudes and values
and temperature. • Appreciate the applications of
• Explain temperature as degree of measuring body temperature.
coldness and hotness. • Appreciate that feeling cold and hot
• Read temperature from different is subjective.
thermometers. • Recognize the advantages of
• Explain steps of calibrating a mercury over alcohol as a
thermometer. thermometric liquid.
Skills Generic competencies
• Evaluate temperatures of different addressed in this unit
substances. • Co-operation, interpersonal
• Differentiate between heat and management and life skills through
temperature. the provision of group work based
• Describe different thermometer activities in the student book.
scales and thermometric liquids • Research skills. This is achieved
used. through the numerous problems to
• Convert temperature from one be solved and group discussions.
temperature scale to another. • Problem solving and critical
• Determine the boiling and melting thinking. Achieved through

research based activities within the Suggested teaching/learning
learners book. activities
Links to other subjects
Use of thermometers in medicine, 9.1 Heat as a form of energy
geography, agriculture, and all sciences.
(1 period)
Cross cutting issues By the end of this section the learner
addressed in this unit should be able to describe heat as a
• Inclusive education and health issues form of energy.
in terms of temperature changes
and heat. Information to the teacher
• Environment, Climate change and The learners were introduced to energy
sustainability. in Primary 6 and have covered kinetic
theory in Unit 8. Build on this fact to
Assessment criteria
explain heat as a form of energy.
Learner can identify, explain and
describe different types of thermometers Suggested teaching and
and liquids used in the thermometers. learning materials
Can convert different temperature from Ice, a bowl, hot water
one scale to another.
Teaching methodologies Make the following available, ice and
• Group work. immersion heaters.
• Class discussions.
Teaching guidelines 9.1
• Question and answers.
• Ask learners to organise themselves
• Class demonstrations.
into appropriate groups. Ensure
Background information that:
Temperature is a measure of average 1. They observe gender balance
kinetic energy of molecules. You should incase it is a mixed class.
introduce kinetic energy of matter. Now 2. The groups comprise of
that the students have covered kinetic different abilities i.e. fast and
theory you should use it to explain heat slow learners.
and temperature. 3. The disabled learners are
included incase you have them
in your class.
• Prompt learners to see the need to
have a secretary and group leader
in their group.

• In those groups, let the learners Suggested teaching and
perform activity 9.1 given in the learning materials
student’s book. Thermometer, water, oil, stirrers, test
• Let the group leader or any other tubes.
member of each group to present
their observations to the class. Preparation
• Summarise their findings by Set enough set-ups in advance as this
highlighting the important points set-up takes time to set and not easy
in this section i.e. Heat is a form of as well.
energy which passes from a body
Teaching guidelines 9.2
of high temperature to a body of
• Organise the learners into groups
low temperature. The SI unit of depending on the available set-
heat is joules. It is measured using ups.
a thermometer.
• Ask students to do activity 9.2 in
• This activity will promote among the leaner's book
other competence; communication
• Through probing questions, let
skills in English and co-operation
the learners describe the various
and interpersonal relation among parts of the set-up.
• Let the learners record the
Additional information temperature after heating the
You should also let the learners know water and oil in the test tube.
that feeling hot or cold is subjective. • Ask the learners the use of water
9.2 Heat and temperature • Let them discuss their findings
from the activity.
(1 period)
• Summarise their findings by
By the end of this section, the learner pointing out that substances can
should be able to differentiate between gain equal amount of heat but
heat and temperature. are in different temperature.
• This activity will promote in learners
Information to the teacher among other competencies:
Although the learners are going to be 1. Communication skills in English
exposed to other temperature scale, as learners discuss their points.
it will be advisable to use Celsius scale 2. Cooperation and interpersonal
(°C). Assist them to take reading, as relation as leaners work
they might not know how to read the together in the activity.
temperature scale.

• Let the learners use the formula • Ask learners to do activity 9.3 in
given to convert temperature student’s book.
scales. • Guide them especially the slow
learners on how to do research
9.3 Temparature scales from the internet and reference
book i.e. searching for specific
(2 periods) relevant areas only.
By the end of this unit the learner • Let each group present their
should be able to convert the magnitude findings through one of their
of temperature from one scale to the members chosen at random.
other. • Summarise their discussion by
taking them through a discussion
Information to the teacher
given in student’s book on
The three commonly used temperature different types of temperature
scale include Celsius, kelvin and scales.
Fahrenheit. However in this unit we will
• This activity will promote in a
also learn about Reaumur scale. As a
teacher you should guide your learners
to understand how to convert the 1. Communications skills through
magnitude of temperature given to any expression of their opinion in
of these four temperature scales. the group discussion.
2 . Critical thinking through
Suggested teaching and answering questions critically.
learning materials 3. Problem solving by answering
Reference books including textbooks, given question correctly among
Internet other competencies.
Preparation Conversion of temperature
Ensure that you have all required from one scale to another
materials for all groups you want to Teaching guidelines 9.3 (b)
work with. • Organise the learners into
Teaching guidelines 9.3 (a) convenient groups. Ensure that
• Ask learners to organise members on the previous groups
themselves into groups of different in activity 9.3 are mixed up to
abilities and gender. All learners form a new group. Prompt them
whether disabled or normal to realize that they need a group
should participate actively in the leader and secretary who will
lesson and in this activity. record the group’s findings.

• Ask them to do activity 9.4 given
9.4 Thermal equilibrium
in student’s book.
• Let one member from each group (1 period)
give a presentation on their By the end of this section, the learner
findings. should be able to explain the meaning
• Hold a discussion a class of thermal equilibrium.
discussion on their presentation
and help them to see relationship Information to the teacher
from one temperature scale to Thermal equilibrium is a state when
the other. two objects connected by a permeable
• Summarise the discussion barrier don’t have any heat transfer
by guiding learners through between them. This happens when the
Examples 9.1 to 9.9 given in two objects have the same temperature.
student’s book to show them how See the following figure.
to convert given magnitude of
temperature from one scale to 0° 100°
• Ask learners to do Exercise 9.1
given in student’s book.
• This activity will promote in 50° 50°
the learners among other
1. Cooperation and interpersonal
Help your learner to understand what
relation in learners.
thermal equilibrium is. You may use the
2. Communication skills in English. have figure to illustrate the concept.
3. Research and problem solving
skills. Teaching guidelines 9.4
• Ask learners to group themselves
Additional information to the appropriately.
• Let them do a research on
• Let them see that 40°C = 40°F
thermal equilibrium and present
• The learner may be interested to they findings to the whole class.
know the meaning of the various
• Guide learners through activity
temperature scales. Check from
9.5 in the learners’ book
the internet.
• Guide them through a class
discussion on their findings.

• Use the illustration given above • Guide them to understand
to help them understand the the characteristics of the
concept i.e. thermal equilibrium. thermometric substances
• This activity will promote identified.
research skills and cooperation • Help them to note the advantages
among learners. and disadvantages of the
thermometric substances from
their findings.
9.5 Measurement of
• Summarise this section by taking
learners through the discussion
(1 period) given in student’s book.
By the end of the lesson, the learner • This activity will promote in
should be able to measure temperature the learners among other
using different thermometers available. competencies:
1. Research and problem solving
Definition and discussion of
skills as they access internet to
do a research.
Teaching guidelines 9.5
2. Cooperation as learners work
• Organise the learners into
together in groups.
groups and ensure that learners
3. Communication skills in English
are made up of different abilities
as learners discuss and defend
and gender (in case it is a mixed
their points.
• Ask them to choose the group 9.6 Types of Thermometers
leader and secretary and ensure
that learners who have been (1 period)
group leaders and secretaries By the end of this section, the learner
are not chosen again. By doing should be able to differentiate different
so all learners will feel part of the types of thermometers according to
group and thus promoting team their use.
work and leadership skills to all
Information to the teacher
Care must be taken when using
• Ask them to do activity 9.6 on
mercury-in-glass thermometer. In case
the definition and discussion of
of breakage, use sulphur to engulf the
thermometric substances used in
droplets of mercury running everywhere.
thermometers i.e. mercury and
alcohol. Mercury causes cancer!
• Let them present their findings in
a class discussion.

Suggested teaching and a rubber band and capillary tube with
learning materials your palms.
Thermometers both mercury and Suggested teaching and
alcohol learning materials
Preparation Thermometers and hand lens.
Draw the various thermometers on a
manila paper
Borrow any of the thermometer(s) that
Teaching guidelines 9.6 (a) you may be lacking. Before the activity
• Organise the learners into of clinical thermometer make sure you
convenient groups depending on shake the thermometer vigorously
availability of materials. by stroking it so that all the mercury
• Arrange enough sets of mercury- is in the bulb. For six’s maximum and
in-glass clinical and minimum minimum thermometer, using bar
thermometers to fit the groups. magnet let the index 1 and 2 rest on
• Let the learners perform activity the mercury surfaces of both sides.
9.7 in the learners book.
Teaching guidelines 9.6 (b)
• Summarise the types of
thermometer using the diagrams Laboratory thermometer
on the manila paper. • Allow the learners in groups to
perform activities 9.8 and 9.9
Additional information given in student’s book.
Give the learners a graph paper to • Let the group leaders present
draw an accurate scale. Keep the graph their findings.
paper it will be useful when calibrating • Let the learners summarise their
a thermometer. findings.
Working of thermometers Clinical thermometer
By the end of this section, the learners • Let the learners form groups
should be able to explain how the and perform activity 9.9 given in
thermometers function. student’s book.
• Ask them to shake the
Information to the teacher
thermometer to restore the
Since the learners have not done thermal
mercury back into the bulb.
expansion of matter, it is prudent that
• Let them discuss the usefulness of
you explain to them through simple
the constriction.
activities i.e. ball and ring experiment,
• Allow other members in the same
holding a round bottomed flask
group to repeat the experiment.
containing colour liquid and fitted with
• Summarise by noting that the

temperature of a person who is Teaching guideline 9.7
not sick (normal) is about 36.9°c. • Organise the learners into
• Clinical thermometers are never groups.
sterilized by dipping in hot water • Calibrate a lab thermometer –
(100°C) but use of other cold cover the thermometer with a
sterilizers. white paper.
Six’s maximum and • Allow them to perform activity
minimum thermometer 9.11 in student’s book.
• Let the learners perform activity • Summarise this section by
9.10 in student’s book. taking the learners through the
discussion given in student book.
• Allow them to present their
• Ask the learners to do example
9.10 as you guide them through.
• Summarise by pointing out the
• Let the learners do exercise 9.2 in
key points.
the learners book.
• This activity will promote in
the learners among other Additional information to the
competencies; teacher
i) Cooperation and interpersonal A p a r t f ro m t h e l i q u i d - i n - g l a s s
skills. thermometers which can be used
ii) Communication skills. depending upon the temperature range,
iii) Critical thinking. sensitivity and accuracy needed.
9.7 Calibration of a
1. Platinum resistance thermometers:
-200°c to 1200°c. It has a wide
(1 period) range and is very accurate.
2. Thermo-couple thermometer: -250°c
By the end of this section the
to 1 500°c. It has a wide range,
learner should be able to calibrate a
and is fairly accurate. This is used
to measure the temperature of
Information to the teacher a apoint where there is a rapid
Suggested teaching and change. It is also good for remote
learning materials sensing and the temperature can
Thermometer, ice, stand and clamp, be monitored with a Cathode Ray
source of heat, beaker. Oscilloscope (CRO) or a data
logger device.
Preparation 3. Pyrometers are used to measure
Be sure there is enough ice for the temperatures greater that 1000°c.
group. 4. Modern heat radiation "non-touch'
thermometers: -50°c to 3000°c.

The food industries use these • The learners are aware of change
non-touch thermometers for low of states of matter. Use this to
temperatures (up to 300°c) and establish the melting point of ice.
metal or glass industries use this for • Summarise by showing from the
high temperatures 300°c to 3000°c. graph that the melting point of
ice is 0°c.
9.8 Melting and Boiling points Additional information
of substances • The experiment by cooling water
at room temperature in this case
(1 period) we have a freezing point at °c.
By the end of this section, the learner • Freezing point of ice = melting
should be able to determine boiling and point of ice
melting points of substances.
Boiling point of water
Information to the teacher Teaching guidelines 9.8(b)
Use an immersion heater as it gives a • Perform this experiment on a
constant quantity of heat that does not class demonstration.
fluctuate with time.
• Let the learners make a table of
Suggested teaching and time and temperature as the one
learning materials given in student’s book activity
Ice, water, copper calorimeter, source 9.13 in their exercise book.
of electric power, graph papers, stop • With your guidance let some
watch. learners take the reading.
Preparation • Provide the learners with graph
Make sure you have enough ice for all papers to draw the graph of
the groups. temperature (°c) against times.
• Guide the learners to read the
Teaching guidelines 9.8 (a) boiling point of water from the
Melting point of ice graph.
• Let the learners form appropriate
groups. Boiling point of methylated
• Let the learners perform activity spirit
9.12 given in student’s book. Teaching guidelines 9.8(c)
• Provide the learners with a graph • Organise the learners into groups
paper to draw the graph of of two and ensure that they are
temperature (°c) against times. of different ability and gender.
• Guide the groups on how to Ask them to choose a secretary
choose the suitable scale. who will note down their findings

• Ask learners to do activity 9.14 Teaching guidelines 9.9
given on the student’s book. • Organise the learners into two
• Guide them in their discussion on main groups.
determining the melting point of • Let one group use salt as the
methylated spirit. solute and the other group uses
• Summarise the discussion by sugar.
pointing out that the boiling • Let them do activity 9.16 given in
point of methylated spirit ranges student’s book.
between 62 to 64 degrees Celsius. • Lead them through a class
Melting point of candle wax discussion on their findings
• Summarise this section by pointing
Teaching guidelines 9.8(d)
out that solute increases the
• Allow the learners to do activity
boiling point of liquids.
9.15 in groups.
• Ask them to do Exercise 9.3 and
• Provide graph papers for them to
attempt all questions in unit test
draw a graph of temperature (°c)
9. Let them hand in their work
against time (s).
for marking. Use this opportunity
• Guide the learners to obtain the
to ascertain whether the unit
melting point of wax.
objectives have been achieved
• Summarise the activity by noting and identify challenging areas to
the temperature of candle wax as be discussed with learners in the
80°c. next lesson or during remedial
9.9 Effects of solutes on
boiling point of liquids • This activity will promote in
the learners among other
(1 period) competencies;
By the end of this section, the learners i) Cooperation and interpersonal
should be able to determine the effects relations
of solutes on boiling point of a liquid. ii) Research and problem solving
Suggested teaching and iii) Communication skills
learning materials iv) Critical thinking among other
water, sugar or salt, beaker competencies.

Further exercises and their answers
Further exercises/activities
Further exercise for slow learners Further exercise for fast learners
1. Differentiate between heat and 1. Explain how clinical a thermometer
temperature. works.
2. State two characteristics of a 2. Draw clinic thermometer and
good thermometric liquid. explain its features.
3. Name two fundamental points of 3. Describe how you can calibrate
a thermometer thermometers.
Answers to some further exercises/activities
Further exercises for slow learners Additional exercises for fast learners
1. Heat is a form energy that flows Mark student’s work and guide them
from a body of high temperature to appropriately. You may refer to
a body of low temperature whereas student’s book.
temperature is the degree of coldness
or hotness of a body or a place.
2. Should have a high temperature range.
Should expand uniformly
3. Lower fixed point
Upper fixed point
Answers 27.2°Re, -296.8 Re, 13.6 °Re,
For non-numerical questions, the learners From Kelvin to Fahrenheit
can get most of the answers from the 105.53°Re, -224.4°Re, 0.12°Re, 173.4°Re
discussion given in student's book or from From Kelvin to Reaumur
the internet and any other reference books. 32.68°Re, -470.47°F, 31.73°F, 378.67°F
Mark the student's work and use it to guide Exercise 9.2
them appropriately.
(Student’s book page 278)
Exercise 9.1 4. (a) 18.59 cm (b) 23.6 0C
(Student’s book page 266) Unit Test 9
4. (a) 307 K (b) -98 K (d) 290 K
(Student’s book page 287)
5. (a) 41 °c (b) -279 °c (c) 0°c
4. 310 K
(d) -228 °c
5. (a) 31.73°F (b) 211.73 °F
6. (a) 93.2 °F, -635.8 °F, 62.6 °F, 105.53°F,
-470.47 °F, 31.73 °F, -378.67 °F (c) -279.67 °F (d) -459.67 °F
(b) 93.2 °F, -635.8 °F, 62.6 °F, 12. 54 °c
From Celsius to Reaumur 14. 20 °c
15. +5

Electricity and Magnetism


Unit 10 Magnetism

Student's Book pages 289-303 (10 Periods)

Key unit competence

By the end of this unit, the learner should be able to differentiate between magnetic
and non-magnetic materials.

Learning objectives • Recognize the importance

Knowledge and understanding of magnetism in lifting heavy
• State properties of magnets. magnetic materials in industries.
• Identify the poles of a bar magnet. • Appreciate the use of magnets
in separating magnetic materials
• Draw magnetic field patterns
from non-magnetic materials.
around magnet.
• Appreciate the existence of
• Identify the poles of a bar magnet.
magnetic force of attraction and
• State and explain the basic law
of magnetism (attraction and
repulsion). Generic competencies
addressed in this unit
• Cooperation and interpersonal
• Predict what happens when a
relation by engaging the learners
magnet is brought near various
in performing the various class
solid materials.
activities provided in the learners
• Distinguish between magnetic and book.
non-magnetic materials.
• Communication skills and critical
• Identify the poles of a bar magnet thinking through group discussions.
using the earth’s magnetic field.
• Research and problem-solving by
Attitudes and values involving the learners in performing
• Appreciate application of magnetic the research based activities
materials. provided in the learners book.

Links to other subjects ensure that all learners whether normal
Chemistry (Kinetic theory of gases, or physically challenged have been
electrons, State of matter), Air and fully engaged in all practical activities.
sea navigation, Geography (compass This will arouse their interest to learn
direction and bearing). more. Hence use this opportunity to
help learners understand magnetism
Cross cutting issues concepts.
addressed in this unit
Always check the number of magnets
Inclusive education where learners with
given out to the learners otherwise you
disabilities are grouped together with
are likely to lose a number of them.
other learners to perform group work
activities. Suggested teaching/learning
Assessment criteria
Learner should distinguish between 10.1 Definition of a magnet
magnetic and non-magnetic materials. (1 period)
Define terms related to magnetism and
By the end of this section, the learner
sketch magnetic field patterns.
should be able to identify a magnet
Suggested teaching from other materials and define the
methodology term magnet.
• Guided discovery
Information to the teacher
• Research
Learners were introduced to a simple
• Questions and answers
definition of a magnet in primary school
• Discussions
level. In this section, help them to come
Background information up with a comprehensive definition of a
Most of the students have interacted magnet.
with magnets in their daily lives. They
Suggested materials and
also have a rough idea about magnets
learning resources
from primary school level. Therefore,
Reference books, bar magnets, magnetic
build on the common experiences that
and non-magnetic materials.
the students are aware of in regards to
magnets e.g. magnets in speakers of a Preparation
radio, bar magnets etc. To introduce Assemble different materials, both
the unit. It is also a good idea to involve magnetic and non-magnetic e.g. cooking
learners in a discussion on the origin of stick, cock, spanner, steel nail and a bar
magnetism. magnet in different groups. You may use
This unit is a highly practical unit, different materials in different groups.
therefore as a teacher you should

Teaching guidelines 10.1 book. This is also your chance to
• Ask learners to group themselves emphasize the key points.
into groups of three. Go round • This activity will promote in the
and reorganise them to avoid a learners;
tendency of fast or slow learners 1. Communications skills through
grouping themselves into one group. expression of their opinion in
All learners whether disabled or the group discussion.
normal should participate actively 2. Problem solving t hrough
in the group. answering given questions
• Prompt them to realize that they correc tly among ot her
need a group leader and a secretary competencies.
to record and report the group’s 3. Critical thinking as they try
findings. to come up with a definition
• In their groups, guide them do of a magnet among other
activity 10.1 given in learner’s book competencies.
i.e. to identify a magnet and define
it. Guide slow learners to identify 10.2 Magnetic and non-
a magnet during the activity and magnetic materials
encourage them to participate in
class discussions in defining what a
(2 periods)
magnet is.
• Let the group identify a magnet By the end of this section, the learner
and come up with a correct should be able to identify magnetic and
definition of a magnet. Use this non-magnetic materials.
opportunity to inform learners the
Information to the teachers
importance of respecting other
In this section, you need to understand
people’s opinion thus promoting
why some materials (metals) attract a
peace among themselves.
magnet while others don’t. They are full
• Ask them to present their findings
of tiny magnets (dipoles). Those tiny
in a class discussion through
magnets twist about so that they align
their secretaries and allow other
with the field of the larger magnet.
members of the class to point
out omissions or errors in the Suggested materials and
definition. learning resources
• Summarise their presentation by Bar magnet, cobalt, zinc, reference
helping the learners to understand materials and textbooks, steel nails,
the accurate definition of a magnet Wood, Chalk board illustrations,
as discussed in the student’s Copper metal ,Glass rod.

Preparation attracted to a magnet and they
Assemble magnetic and non-magnetic are referred to us as ferromagnetic
materials into different groups and materials e.g. iron, cobalt, steel nail.
provide a bar magnet to each group. • Some ferromagnetic materials are
made from alloys. This is a mixture
Teaching guidelines 10.2 of two or more metals e.g. al-ni-co
• Organise the class into groups. which is the mixture of aluminium
Ensure that members on the (Al) nickel (ni) and cobalt(Co).
previous groups in activity 10.1 are • Some magnetic materials are used
mixed up to form a new group. to make magnets. Those that are
Prompt them to realize that they hard to make a magnet are called
need a group leader and secretary hard magnetic materials but once
who will record the group’s findings. they become a magnet, they retain
• Guide the groups to do activity 10.2 their magnetism for a long period
given in the student’s book i.e. to of time.
identify magnetic and non-magnetic • Materials that are easy to magnetise
materials and give examples on but losses their magnetism quickly
each. are called soft magnetic materials. As
• Guide slow learners on how to use you summarise their discussion, it is
a magnet to identify magnetic and your chance to emphasize the key
non-magnetic materials provided in points that you want the learners
activity 10.2 in student’s book. Help to understand and possibly correct
them to record their observations any erroneous as you conclude.
in tabular form. Encourage them to Also use this opportunity to assess
participate in class discussions on whether the objectives have been
their observations. met.
• Let the groups present their findings • Give slow learners remedial
in a tabular form on the chalkboard activity to identify a magnetic and
as the one given in the student’s nonmagnetic materials catch up
book through their secretaries or with others.
any other member of the group.
• This activity will promote in the
Allow other members of the class
learner among other competencies;
to point out omissions or errors in
1. Leadership and organization
the table.
skills as they form their groups
• Summarise their discussion by
2. Communication skills as they
guiding them in a class discussion.
discuss their points
• Through the discussion help the
learners to understand that; 3. Cooperation as t hey work
• Some materials are strongly together in their groups.

4. Critical thinking as they analyze their secretaries and allow other
dif ferent situations in the members to point out the omissions
activity. and errors in the facts presented.
• Summarise their presentation by
10.3 Properties of magnets helping the learners to understand
(3 periods) 1. The ends of a bar magnet where
By the end of this section, the learner iron fillings are seen to be
should be able to understand the poles more concentrated are called
and directional properties of a magnet. magnetic poles.
Identify the poles of a magnet by use of 2. The line that divides a magnet
a colour paint. into two equal parts is called
Suggested materials and the magnetic axis.
learning resources • Take this advantage as you are
• 1 metre thread, Iron filings, a bar summarizing their presentation to
magnet emphasize the main point i.e poles
of a magnets and correct possible
Preparation erroneous made in the learner’s
Assemble a bar magnet and iron filings discussion.
into different groups. Cut 1 m long • This activity will promote in the
threads and give one each to those learners;
1. Communication skills when
Pole Properties of magnets they are discussing their points
Teaching guidelines 10.3 (a) 2. Cooperation as they work
• Organise the learners into groups together in their groups.
to do activity 10.3 given in student’s 3. Critical thinking as they figure
book i.e. the pole property of out why iron fillings are more
magnets concentrated to the ends.
• Guide them to identify the part of Directional property of magnets
the bar magnet where iron filings Teaching guidelines 10.3 (b)
are more concentrated. • Ask learners to group themselves
• Let them explain why the iron into groups. Go round the groups to
fillings are more concentrated to ensure that slow learners or quick
the ends of a bar magnet i.e the learners are not in one group. Mix
force of attraction is strong at the them to enable the learners to share
ends. ideas when they are discussing. This
• Let the groups present their findings will boost individual self-esteem and
in a class discussion through cooperation among the learners.

• Guide them to do activity 10.4 given 1. Cooperation as they work
in student’s book i.e. directional together in their groups.
property of a magnet. 2. Critical thinking as they discover
• Help them to identify the north- the connection between the
south direction of the place where ends of a magnet and the north-
the school is i.e. when the sun rises south of the earth.
from the east and sunset is the west
To identify the poles of a magnet
thus north-south will be other parts
by color
of the place.
• Let the learners observe in which Teaching guidelines 10.3 (c)
direction the magnet rests and • Organise learners into groups with
guide them to see a connection different potentials i.e slow learners
between the ends of a bar magnet and fast learners. Ask the groups to
and the direction they are pointing do activity 10.5 given in student’s
to as they are discussing. Ask the book i.e to identify the poles of a
secretary to note down the point. magnet by use of a colour paint.
• Ask the groups secretaries or any • Guide the learners to observe the
other group members to present colours i.e blue and red on the bar
their findings to the whole class and magnet and the direction they are
let other members from different pointing to. Help the colour blind
groups point out omission and students to identify the colours.
errors in the fact presented. Ask them to deduce the connection
• Summarise their presentation by in relations to the poles of the
helping the learners to understand earth, i.e red colour end of a bar
the key points magnet points to the north pole
• The bar magnet rests in north- of the earth , it is the north of a
south direction magnet and blue end is the south
• The pole of a magnet that points to pole. Use this chance to remind the
the direction of north pole of the learners what the blue colour in our
earth is called north pole and the national flag symbolizes happiness
other which points to the direction and peace. Let them understand
of south pole of the earth is the why it is important to live happily
south pole. Use this opportunity to with one another and keep peace in
point out the errors made in their our country.
discussion and the assess whether • Give them a chance to discuss
the objectives have been made as their observations and report their
you conclude. findings to the whole class. Allow
• This activity will promote in learners other members from different
among other competence. groups to participate and point

out mistakes or omissions from the a thread on tables according to the
facts given. number of groups you want the learners
• Summarise their discussion by to form.
pointing out the key points i.e the To investigate the action of
red colour end of a magnet is the magnets on each other
north pole and the blue end is the
south pole.
Teaching guidelines 10.4 (a)
• Ask the learners to form groups.
• Point out the errors made in their
Go around to check any group with
discussion and then assess whether
slow learners and fast learners in
the objectives have been met and
one group or too many boys or
you conclude.
girls in one group and mix them so
• This activity will promote in learners
that learners can appreciate and
among other competencies;
support each other. Prompt them to
1. Cooperation as they realize the have a group leader and secretary.
importance of working together
• Guide them to do activity 10.6
in harmony and keeping peace
given in the student’s book i.e. to
among themselves.
investigate the action of magnets
2. Critical thinking as they discover on each other.
by themselves the connection
• Let the group observe how the
between the earth poles and the
magnets behave when the two poles
colour on the ends of a magnet.
north pole are brought to each
other and let the secretary record
10.4 Test for magnetism
their observations in a tabular form
as the one shown in student’s book.
( 2 periods)
• Help students with sight problems
By the end of this section, the learner to feel repulsion between two
should be able to discover that unlike magnets using their sense of touch.
poles attract each other while like poles • Ask the group secretaries or any
repel i.e. the first law of magnetism. other members from each group to
They should also discover that repulsion present their findings to the whole
is the only sure way of testing for class and allow other members
polarity of a magnet. from other groups to point out the
Suggested materials and omission and errors if any in the
learning resources facts presented.
• 1 metre thread, 2 bar magnets • Guide them in a class discussion
of their results of the activity.
Through the discussion help them
Assemble 2 bar magnets, a nail and to understand that;

1. A south pole repels a south pole confidence and communication
2. A south pole attracts north pole skills let the secretary note the
3. A north pole attracts a south main point from their discussion.
pole • Ask the group secretaries to give
4. A north pole repels north a report on their discussions and
pole. Use this chance to correct allow other learners from different
errors made during the learner’s groups to point out any omission
discussion and error in the facts given.
• Summarise the discussion by • Guide them in a class discussion on
pointing out the point that is unlike their results from the activity by
poles attract each other while like pointing out the key point that;
poles repel each other. Inform the 1. There is attraction between a
learners that this is the basic or first south pole or a north pole of a
law of magnetism. magnet and magnetic material
• This activity will promote in learners e.g. the nail.
among other competencies; 2. There is attraction between one
1. Cooperation as they work in pole of a magnet and the other
groups with other learners in pole of another magnet and
the activity. repulsion with the other pole of
2. Communication skills and the another magnet. Use this
confidence among the learners opportunity to point out the
as they discuss their points. errors made in their discussion.
• Summarise the discussion by point
Testing Polarity of magnets using
out the main point that repulsion
the basic law of magnets
is the only sure way of testing for
Teaching guidelines 10.4 polarity of a magnet and conclude
• Organise learners into groups to do the discussion s you assess whether
activity 10.7 given in the student’s the objective has been achieved.
book i.e. testing the polarity of • This activity will promote in learners
magnets. Help students with sight among other competencies;
problems to feel repulsion between 1. Critical thinking as learners
two magnets using they hands. discuss and defend their points
• Let them discuss their observations 2. Cooperation as learners work
and go around as you listen how they in groups in the activity
are defending their points. Ensure 3. Communication skills and
that all members including the confidence as all learners
disabled students are participating participate in a discussion.
in the discussion to boost their

• Guide them to observe and discuss
10.5 Types of magnets
their observations as the group
(2 periods) secretary write down their main
By the end of this section, the learners
should be able to understand the two • Ask the group secretaries to present
types of magnets; temporary and their findings to the whole class
permanent magnets and their use. and allow others to participate in
pointing out omissions and errors in
Suggested materials and the facts given.
learning resources • Guide them in a class discussion
• A large soft iron nail (3 inches), on their findings by pointing out
1 m thin coated copper wire Iron the key points i.e. Soft magnetic
filings, cello tape, fresh size dry cell, materials e.g. iron nails becomes
reference books, internet. magnets when current pass through
Preparation them but loses magnetism when is
stopped thus they make temporary
Assemble all the materials into different
magnets called electromagnets
groups and you may carry out activities
which are used in loudspeakers,
as a teacher before the student do it
motors etc
to ascertain any challenges from the
activity and address it e.g. one dry cell 1. Hard magnetic materials e.g.
may not show the property of attraction steel nail become magnets when
thus you need to use two more. current pass through them but
they retain their magnetism
Teaching guidelines 10.5 for quite a long time thus they
• Organise the learners into groups make permanent magnets. Use
and ensure that learners are made this chance to also point out
up of different abilities and gender the errors the learners made in
(in case it is a mixed school ). Ask their discussion.
them to choose the group leader and • Summarise the discussion by
secretary and ensure that learners pointing out that there are two
who have been group leaders and types of magnets, temporary and
secretaries are not chosen again. By permanent magnets. Also guide the
doing so all learners will feel part of learners through the uses of each
the group and thus promoting team as discussed on the student’s book
work and leadership skills to all and conclude by:
learners. 1. Assessing whether the objectives
• Ask learners to do activity 10.8 to have been achieved
10.10 given on the student’s book 2. Asking learners to do a research
i.e. types of magnets.

on exercise 10.1 in their free of different ability and gender. Ask
time and present them during them to choose a secretary who
remedial class (morning or will note down their findings.
evening preps). • Guide learners to do activity 10.11
• This activity will promote in the given on the student’s book i.e to
learners among other competencies: show existence of magnetic field
1. Research and problem solving lines around a magnet.
skills as they access internet to • Let them note their observations
find solution to exercise 10.1 and discuss them as the secretary
2. Cooperation as learners work write the main points.
together in groups • Ask the group secretaries to
3. Communication skills as present their findings to the whole
learners discuss and defend class and all other members in class
their points to contribute.
• Guide them in a whole class
10.6 Magnetic flied pattern discussion on their findings by
around a magnet pointing out that;
1. The space around a magnet
(2 periods) where attraction or repulsion is
felt is called magnetic field which
By the end of this section, the learner
is represented by line of force
should be able to discuss magnetic field
called magnetic field line
pattern on a round magnet.
2. The field line forms a magnetic
Suggested materials and field pattern. Use this chance
learning resources to correct the errors learners
• A magnetic compass, U-shaped made in their discussion and
magnet ,Reference materials and drawing magnetic field lines.
textbooks, Paper 3. Summarise the discussion by
• Iron filings, 2 bar magnet comprising about magnetic field
pattern and that they allow
originate from north-south.
Assemble all the materials into different
So as to raise the curiosity of
groups depending on the number of
learners on how to draw them.
student and availability of the materials.
• This activity will promote in
Existence of magnetic field the learners among other
around a magnet competencies;
1. Cooperation
Teaching guidelines 10.6(a)
• Organise the learners into groups 2. Communication skills among
of two and ensure that they are other competencies

Drawing magnetic field pattern 1. The pattern displayed by the
round a magnet iron filings represents the
magnetic line of force.
Teaching guidelines 10.6(b)
2. The magnetic line of force
• Organise the learners into groups
always originate from north to
of two. Ensure that learners are of
south pole of a magnet.
different ability and gender. Prompt
them to have a secretary. 3. The magnetic field line do not
cross each other. Also use this
• Ask them to do activity 10.12 given
opportunity to correct the
on the student’s book i.e. drawing of
errors made by the learners and
magnetic pattern found in a magnet.
check whether the objectives
Assist the disabled student with
have been achieved.
reading and writing materials. Help
them to draw magnetic field line on • Summarise the discussion by taking
those materials. learners through the unit summary.
• Guide them through the activity. • Ask them to do all questions in
Unit Test 10 and hand in their work
• Let learners observe how iron filings
for marking. Use this opportunity
align themselves around a magnet.
to ascertain whether the unit
Help them to draw the magnetic
objectives have been achieved and
field lines as observed on the paper.
identify challenges or areas to
Student with sight or auditory
be discussed with learners during
• Problems can be placed in front of
remedial hours.
the class or any other appropriate
• This ac tivity will promote
position for them to be able to learn
in t he learners among ot her
competencies ;
• Let them discuss in their groups
1. Cooperation
their observations and drawings
2. Research and problem solving
as the secretary prepare the final
3. Communication skills
findings to present to the whole
4. Critical thinking among other
• Ask the group secretaries to present
their findings to the whole class Answers
and all other members to point out For non-numerical questions, the learners
errors and omissions in the facts can get most of the answers from the
presented. discussion given in student's book or from
• Guide them in a whole class the internet and any other reference books.
discussion on their findings and Mark the student's work and use it to guide
point out the key point. them appropriately.

Exercise 10.1 2. Unlike poles attract while like poles
(Student’s book page 300.) repel each other.
2. 3. U-shaped magnet, bar magnet,
ceramic magnet, horse-shoe
Magnetic Non magnetic
Steel • Aluminium 7. The poles of ceramic magnet are on
• Plastic its face while that of a bar magnet
• Paper are at its end.
• Graphite 8. a) North pole
• zinc b) i) They will attract each other.
ii) They will attract each other.
Unit Test 10 iii) They will repel each other.
(Student’s book pages 303) NOTE: Mark any other correct
answers given by students.
1. a) Pole property
b) Directional property

Electricity and Magnetism

Unit 11 Electrostatics

Student's Book pages 304-342 (10 Periods)

Key unit competence

By the end of the unit, the learner should be able to explain charging of materials
and distribution of electric charges on conductors.

Learning objectives • Differentiate between insulators

Knowledge and understanding from conductor.
• Describe atomic structure of atoms. • Discuss methods of charging bodies.
• Identify types of charges. • Demonstrate and explain charge
• State the laws of electric charges. distribution on a conductor.
• Describe methods of charging. • Evaluate distribution of electrostatic
charges on a conductor.
• Explain the principle of charge
conservation. • Analyse and critically evaluate
electrostatic related issues.
• Explain effects of electric charges
on a conductor. Attitudes and values
• Differentiate between insulators • Appreciate the application of static
and conductors. charges.
• Explain factors that affect the • Develop positive attitudes of
magnitude of force between two curiosity, honesty, respect for
charged bodies. evidence, and perseverance
• Describe electrostatic phenomena, and tolerance in the study of
using, concepts, laws, theories and electrostatics.
models. • Show concern on the danger caused
• State Coulomb`s law, electric field by electrostatic charges and be
and potential. aware of safety precautions to be
observed during rainstorms.
• Show concern on the use of an
• Explain the fundamental law of

Generic competencies phenomena and describe charge
addressed in this unit attraction and repulsion.
• Research skills through provision Teaching methodologies
research based activities. • Group work.
• Creativity and innovation through • Class discussions.
involving learners solving problems • Question and answers.
and answering questions in the • Class demonstrations.
students book.
• Critical thinking through provision
Background information
of discussion based activities and The study of electrostatic is the study of
involving them in answering and the behaviour of electric charges, which
asking questions. are not in motion (at rest).
• Communication. This is through To understand the concept of a charge,
provision of group work activities think about an atom which is electrically
and group discussions in student’s neutral. Because it is composed of
book. equal number of positive charges and
• Co-operation, interpersonal negative charges in form of protons
management and life skill. This is and electrons respectively (neutrons
through provision of group work are electrically neutral). The structure
activities and group discussion in of the atom is such that the protons
student’s book. and neutrons are tightly bound while
the electrons encircling the nucleus are
Links to other subjects
relatively easier to dislodge. Hence the
Structure of an atom (chemistry). addition or removal of electrons from
Geography (formation of clouds and a neutral atom will cause it to become
lightening). either positively or negatively charged.
Cross cutting issues Suggested teaching/learning
addressed in this unit activities
• Environment – learners are
sensitized about danger during rains. 11.1 Types of electrostatic
That is; it is not safe to shelter charges
under trees when its raining. This is
because trees are good conductors (1 period)
of charges and touching a tree you Information to the teacher
risk of being electrocuted during
In this section, you will introduce the
learners to the concept of existence
Assessment criteria and origin of charges by giving them
Learner can explain electrostatic examples in real life situations.

Suggested teaching/learning 1. Communications skills through
materials expression of their opinion in
Reference materials including books, the group discussion.
a small stream of water, a comb 2. Critical thinking through
(polythene strip) answering questions critically.
3. Problem solving by answering
Teaching guidelines 11.1 given questions correctly among
• Draw the attention of the students other competencies.
to the student’s book to find out the
existence of charges from real life 11.2 Origin of Charges
• Organise the learners into (1 period)
convenient groups. Guide them
to do activity 11.1 in the learners Suggested teaching/learning
book. materials
• Ask them to take the comb near a A balloon, internet, reference books
stream of water. Ask them to state
Teaching guidelines 11.2
what they observe.
• Organise the learners into
• Ask them to rub the comb convenient groups.
(polythene strip) through hair or a
• Guide them to do activity 11.2 given
cloth so much, and then slowly take
in the student’s book on how to
it to the stream of water.
show the origin of charges.
• As one is doing the practical work,
• Ask them to blow air into a balloon
another person should be writing
carefully not to make it burst. Let
down the observation.
them take it near the wall and try
• Ask each group to give a to stick it to the wall. Ask them to
presentation to the class. state what they observe.
• Summarise the activity by helping • Ask them to rub the balloon against
the learners know that the comb hair, and then try sticking it on the
was able to attract the stream of wall again. Ask them what they
water because it was charged. But observe.
before, it was not able to do so
• Summarise the activity by helping
because it was not charged. When
the learners know that the balloon
a body is not charged, nothing
was able to stick on the wall on the
happens when it is brought near
second trial because it was charged
another object but when an object
by rubbing it against hair (charged
is charged, it attracts other objects.
by friction). The first time it was
• This activities will promote in a not able because it wasn’t charged,
that is, both the balloon and the in a transfer of electrons between two
wall were neutral, but after it was objects that are rubbed together. Help
rubbed against hair, it was able to learners in this section to understand
attain a charge. this method.
• Explain the reason as to why the
Suggested teaching/learning
balloon got charged by discussing
with them the structure of an atom.
Pen made of plastic material and some
Ask them to draw its structure from
small pieces of paper of tissues.
their Chemistry knowledge, where
it is made up of two parts, one being Teaching guidelines 11.3 (a)
the central core called the nucleus • Organise t he learners into
and the other part being made of convenient groups.
orbits where electrons go around • Guide them to do activity 11.3 given
the nucleus. The nucleus contains in the student’s book on how to
protons and neutrons closely and charge a material by friction.
tightly packed. Protons carry a • Ask them to take the pen near the
positive charge; neutrons carry no small pieces of paper and state
charge while the electrons carry what they observe.
a negative charge. The number of
• Let them rub the pen through hair
protons in an atom is equal and
and then take it to the small pieces
hence an atom is always neutral.
of paper. Ask them to state what is
This is the same reason as to why
observed again.
the balloon in the first instance does
• Summarise the activity by telling
not stick on the wall because both
them how the pen got charged.
are neutral.
By rubbing it with hair, in some
• These activities will promote in a
materials where the electrons are
not tightly bound to the nucleus
1. Leadership and organization when rubbed (this is because they
skills. are far from the nucleus and the
2. Communications skills. force pulling them to the nucleus
weakens as the distance from the
11.3 Methods of Charging
nucleus increases) with other bodies.
The heat energy developed due to
friction can possibly move some of
(3 periods) the loosely bound electrons from the
a) Friction method material and transfer them to the
other. Materials like polythene gain
Information to the teacher
electrons when rubbed with flannel
The frictional charging process results

cloth (cotton wool) and therefore either negative or positive.
become negatively charged while iii) The quantity of charge
the flannel cloth loses electrons and produced in some cases may
becomes positively charged as in be small and in some cases the
Fig 11.3. Materials like glass loses charges may escape before
electrons to materials like silk when they are detected. Therefore
rubbed together. Silk gains electrons a dry atmosphere and a clean
and becomes negatively charged dry state of the body are
while glass which looses electrons essential for the holding the
becomes positively charged as in electrical charges.
Fig 11.4. • These activities will promote in a
• Ask students to utilize table 11.1 in learner:
the student’s book to get to know 1. Leadership and organization
that the nature of charge on a skills.
rubbed substance depends on the 2. Communications skills through
nature of the rubbing material and expressing their opinion in the
its level in the tribelectric series group discussion.
shown by table 11.1. 3. Critical thinking through asking
• Guide the learners in doing examples and answering questions
11.1 and 11.2 in the student’s book. critically.
• Summarise the lesson by discussing 4. Problem solving by answering
with them the most important given questions correctly among
points to be noted when materials other competencies.
are charged by friction method
which are: Additional activities
i) The excess negative charges 1. Blow up a balloon and rub it with
on one body are equal to the a piece of fur or duster. Place the
excess positive charges on balloon on the ceiling or the wall
the other. No new charges and leave it. It stays undisturbed for
have been created. This some time.
explains the principle of charge
2. Spread out a sheet of newspaper
conser vation, as it will be
and press it gently against a wall
discussed in the later part of
or a looking glass. Rub the paper a
this unit.
number of times with your hand all
ii) During the rubbing process over its surface. Try to gently pull
some materials acquire the up one corner of the paper and let
same kind of charge where as it go. It is attracted to the wall or
some materials may acquire the mirror. If the day is hot, you can

also hear the crackling sound of the • Ask them to use the law of
charges stored. electrostatics to state what will
As the students may not have any idea happen to the charges in the
of electrostatic charging of objects, the uncharged body.
teacher should explain the Physics behind • Ask them to touch a conducting
these observations. The polythene strip wire on the other side of insulated
or a plastic ruler or the balloon gets
conductor away from the glass rod,
‘charged’ or ‘electrified’ when rubbed
against materials like silk, duster, cat skin, while holding the glass rod near the
rubber or wool. The charges developed conductor, let them withdraw the
on the materials are at rest and cannot conducting wire first then followed
move, i.e. static charges are developed. by a glass rod.
The study of static charges is called
electrostatics (static electricity). • Prompt them to suggest what
will happen to the charges in the
b) Charging a body by induction conductor.
method • Ask them to bring a charged
polythene rod and glass rod close
Suggested teaching/learning
each at a time but not touching the
conductor. Let them observe and
Insulated uncharged conductor, glass explain their observation.
rod, conducting wire and polythene rod.
• Ask them to touch the conductor
Preparation and bring a charged polythene rod
Before the lesson, prepare a set of the and glass rod close each at a time
materials mentioned above for each of but not touching the conductor. Let
the groups you will work with. them explain their observation.
• In case they do not give accurate
Teaching guidelines 11.3 (b) reasons, let them know that when
• Organise the learners into the glass rod is rubbed through
convenient groups. Let each group a silk cloth, it attains a positive
appoint a secretary. charge (as from the table in the
• Guide them to do activity 11.4 given students book), and it’s attracted
in the student’s book on how to to the conductor and repelled by
charge a body by induction method. the polythene rod. When the glass
• Ask them to rub a glass rod with a rod is brought near the conductor,
silk cloth. Ask them to suggest the positive charges are repelled away
charge attained by the glass rod. from the law of charges and negative
• Ask them to take the charged glass charges attracted towards the side
rod close to the insulated uncharged of the glass rod. On connecting the
conductor but not touching it. conducting wire to the side with
positive charges, electrons flow

from the ground to the conductor • Ask them to rub a glass rod with a
and neutralize the positive charges. silk cloth.
When the conducting wire is • Ask them to take the charged glass
removed, the negative charges rod in contact with the insulated
redistribute themselves throughout uncharged conductor and then after
the conductor because of the force that remove it from the conductor.
of repulsion between charges • Ask them to bring a charged glass
of the same kind so the body is rod and a polythene rod close to
negatively charged. There after the the conductor and observe what
conductor is attracted by positively happens. Prompt them to suggest a
charged glass rod and repelled by reason for their observation.
negatively charged polythene rod. • In case they do not give accurate
On touching the conductor after it reasons, let them know that
has been charged, it gets discharged when a positively charged glass
and hence attraction on both rods rod is brought in contact with
because it behaves like a neutral the conductor, it neutralizes the
body. negative charges on the conductor
c) Contact (conduction) method and repels the positive charges away
from the side of the glass rod. When
Suggested teaching/learning
the glass rod is removed (contact
broken) the positive charges on
Insulated uncharged conductor, glass the conductor repel each other
rod, conducting wire, polythene rod. and hence spread throughout the
Preparation body and therefore the conductor
becomes positively charged. This is
Before the lesson, prepare a set of the
the reason why when the charged
materials mentioned above for each of
glass rod is brought near to it, it
the groups you will work with.
repels it and attracts the charged
Teaching guidelines 11.3 (c) polythene rod when they are
• Organise the learners into brought close to one another one
convenient groups. Let each group at a time.
appoint a secretary.
d) Separation method
• Guide them to do activity 11.5
given in the student’s book on Suggested teaching/learning
how to charge a body by contact materials
(conduction) method. Two metal spheres (A and B), polythene

Preparation positive charges towards sphere
Before the lesson, prepare a set of the A. Separating the spheres when
materials mentioned above for each of the polythene is still in place and
the groups you will work with. then after separating the spheres
leaves sphere A positively charged
Teaching guidelines 11.3 (d) and sphere B negatively charged.
• Organise the learners into Therefore, bringing a charged
convenient groups. Let each group polythene to sphere A results into
appoint a secretary. attraction and if brought near
• Guide them to do activity 11.6 sphere B it results into repulsion.
given in the student’s book on how • These activities will promote in a
to charge a body by separation learner;
method. 1. Leadership and organization
• Let them place the two spheres on skills,
insulating stands in contact to each 2. Communications skills through
other to form one conductor. expressing their opinion in the
• Let them take the charged group discussion.
polythene rod and then bring it 3. Critical thinking through
close but not touching sphere A. answering questions critically.
• Ask them to move away sphere B 4. Problem solving by answering
while holding the charged polythene given question correctly among
rod in position so as to break the other competencies.
• Ask them to remove the polythene 11.4 The Law of Electrostatics
• Let them test spheres A and B using (1 period)
a negatively charged polythene rod. Information to the teacher
• Prompt them to suggest a reason
As mentioned in the introduction part of
for their observation.
student’s book, there are two charges
• In case they do not give accurate in an atom of a body; a negative and
reasons, let them know that before positive charge.
the polythene is brought near the In nature, unlike charges attract each
conductors (A and B), charges, other, and like charges repel each other.
positive and negative are balanced These fact is known as the First Law of
hence the spheres are neutral. Electrostatics and is sometimes referred
When the polythene is brought to as the law of electrical charges.
closer to the two spheres, charge Learners should remember this law
separation occurs i.e. negative because it is one of the vital concepts in
charges are repelled towards B and electricity.
Suggested teaching/learning 1. Leadership and organization
materials skills.
An ebonite rod, thread, silk materials, 2. Communications skills through
polythene rod expressing their opinion in the
group discussion.
Teaching guidelines 11.4 (a ) 3. Critical thinking through asking
• Organise the learners into and answering questions
convenient groups. Let each group critically.
appoint a secretary. 4. Problem solving by answering
• Guide them to do activity 11.7 given given questions correctly
in the student’s book that is how to among other competencies.
show the force of repulsion between
two charged bodies using different Force of attraction between
materials. two charged bodies
• Ask them to rub an ebonite rod (1 period)
with silk and suspend the rod with Suggested teaching/learning
a stirrup (support) and thread. Ask materials
them to bring a charged polythene
Glass rod, ebonite rod
rod near one end of the ebonite rod
and observe what happens. Preparation
• Ask each group through their Before the lesson, prepare a set of the
secretary to explain to the class materials mentioned above for each of
their observations in terms of the groups you will work with.
attraction and repulsion and why Teaching guidelines 11.4 ( b )
this could be so? • Organise the learners into
• In case they do not give accurate convenient groups. Let each group
reasons, explain to them that the appoint a secretary.
force between the two charges is a • Guide them to do activity 11.8 given
repulsion force. This is because both in the student’s book i.e how to show
the ebonite rod and the polythene the force of attraction between two
are charged negatively when charged bodies.
rubbed with the silk cloth. Because • Ask them to rub an ebonite rod
they are both higher in the list than with silk and suspend the rod with
silk and therefore repel each other a stirrup (support) and thread. Ask
(because they acquired the same them rub the glass rod and then
charge). take it near one end of the ebonite
rod and observe what happens.
• This activity will promote in a
• Ask each group through their
secretary to explain to the class
their observations in terms of

attraction and repulsion and why in the student’s book on how to
this could be so? show the force of repulsion between
• Explain to them that force between two charges using rods of the same
the two charges is an attractive material.
force. This is because the ebonite • Ask them to rub two polythene
rod and the glass rod have unlike rods with a silk cloth vigorously
charges. The ebonite rod is and suspend them with stirrups and
negatively charged because it is
higher in the list while the glass rod
• Ask each group to bring the two
is positively charged because it is
suspended rods close to each other
lower in the list.
• Prompt them to conclude on what and observe what happens.
happens when different charges are • Ask each group to explain their
brought near each other. observation.
• This activity will promote in a • In case they do not give accurate
learner; reasons, let them know that the
1. Leadership and organization force between the two charged
skills. polythene rods is a repulsive force.
2. Communications skills through This is because they have similar
expressing their opinion in the charges and therefore repel each
group discussion. other. It is now that the teacher can
3. Critical thinking through discuss with the learners that if the
answering questions critically. same activity was done using two
4. Problem solving by answering glass rods rather than polythene
given question correctly among rods, the same effect would be
other competencies. observed. The two glass rods would
The force of repulsion between repel each other still.
two similar charges using rods of • Prompt them to conclude on what
the same material happens when same charges are
(1 period) brought near each other.
• From activities 11.4,11.5 and 11.6 the
Suggested teaching/learning teacher should guide the learners
materials to conclude that:
Two polythene rods, silk cloth, a thread i) The electric charges are of
Teaching guidelines 11.4 ( c ) two types that is negative and
• Organise the learners into positive charges.
convenient groups. Let each group ii) Unlike charges attract each
appoint a secretary. other.
• Guide them to do activity 11.9 given iii) Like charges repel each other.

The law of electrostatics states that a stirrup (support) and thread
like charges repel each other and unlike separately.
charges attracts each other • Ask them to Charge a polythene
• This activity will promote in a rod by rubbing it with silk, and then
learner: pass it over the pieces of paper,
1. Leadership and organization then bring it to near the ebonite
skills. rod and then to the glass rod. Let
2. Communications skills. them write what they observe.
3. Critical thinking. • In case they do not give accurate
4. Problem solving competencies. reasons, let them know that the
ebonite rod and the glass rod both
To confirm that a body is charged attract the pieces of paper and
Suggested teaching/learning they each other because they have
materials been charged oppositely, negatively
Glass rod, ebonite rod, silk, thread, (ebonite rod) and the other
pieces of papers and a polythene rod. positively (glass rod). When in turn
a charged polythene rod is brought
Preparation near the pieces of papers, they get
Before the lesson, prepare a set of the attracted to it, then to an ebonite
materials mentioned above for each of rod it is repelled while for the glass
the groups you will work with. rod it is attracted. So attraction is
not a good test to confirm whether
Teaching guidelines 11.4 (d) a body is charged or not because
• Organise the learners into
both the papers and the glass rod
convenient groups. Let each group
were attracted yet one is charged
appoint a secretary.
and another is not. No uncharged
• Guide them to do activity 11.10 body is repelled by a charged body.
given in the student’s book on how Therefore, repulsion is the best way to
to confirm that a body is charged. confirm that a body is charged.
• Ask learners to rub both a glass
rod and ebonite rod with a silk
cloth. Then bring one at a time to 11.5 Coulomb's Law
near the pieces of paper. Ask them
to state what they observe? (1 period)
• Ask them to bring them close to one Suggested teaching/learning
another and state what is observed. materials
• Ask the learners to suspend the Internet and reference books
glass rod and the ebonite rod with

Teaching guidelines 11.5 Two identical polythene rods A and B,
• Ask the learners to form groups one Perspex rod C, and two clamps and
of two and do activity 11.11 stands
by accessing the internet and
reference books on research on
Before the lesson, prepare a set of the
coulombs law and how it states.
materials mentioned above for each of
• In case they don’t give accurate
the groups you will work with.
answers, let them know that
coulomb’s law of electrostatics Teaching guidelines 11.6 (a)
states that two electrically charged • Organise the learners into
bodies experience an attractive or convenient groups. Let each
repulsive force, F, which is inversely group appoint a secretary.
proportional to the square of the • Guide them to do Activity 11.12
distance between them and directly given in the student’s book on
proportional to the product of their how to determine the effect of
electric charges Q 1 and Q2 . the quantity of charge on the
• Discuss with the learners the magnitude of the force between
derivation of the formula of two charged particles
coulombs law from its definition.
• Ask them to charge a polythene
Guide them to understand how to
rod A lightly by rubbing it with a
remove the proportion sign and
piece of dry cloth and suspend it
that it depends on the material
on a stand.
media in between the charges.
• Guide them to know smaller and • Ask them to charge a polythene
bigger units of charge as from the rod B strongly by rubbing it with
student's book . a piece of dry cloth and suspend it
• Guide them through the example on a stand.
11.3 in the student’s book. • Ask them to charge a Perspex
rod C strongly by rubbing it in a
11.6 Factors affecting the piece of dry cloth.
magnitude of the force • Ask them to bring the charged
between two charged Perspex rod in turns near the
objects suspended rods A and B then
observe compare the magnitudes
(1 period)
of the force of attraction in both
Effect of the quantity of cases. Ask them to write down
charge their observation.
Suggested teaching/learning • Prompt them to suggest a reason
materials for their observation.

• In case they do not give accurate • Ask them to charge a Perspex
reasons, let them know that there rod C strongly by rubbing it in a
is a strong force of attraction piece of dry cloth.
between rods B and C than • Ask them to bring the charged
between rods A and C. Guide Perspex rod C very close to the
them through a discussion that suspended charged polythene
an electrostatic force between rod A. Ask them to observe the
two charged objects depend on strength of the force of attraction
the quantity of the charge on between the two rods
the two objects. The greater the • Ask them to bring the charged
quantities of charge on the two Perspex rod C close but far
objects the greater the force than in the previous step to the
between them. suspended charged polythene
rod A. Ask them to observe the
Dependence of the magnitude of
strength of the force of attraction
force on the distance of separation
and compare it with the first one
Suggested teaching/learning in the first step.
materials • Guide them through a discussion
Two identical polythene rods A and B, that there is a strong force of
one Perspex rod C, and two clamps and attraction between rods A and
stands. C when the separation distance
between them is short and weaker
Preparation when the separation distance is
Before the lesson, prepare a set of the wide.
materials mentioned above for each of • Lead them to conclude that
the groups you will work with. the electrostatic force between
Teaching guidelines 11.6 (b) charged objects depends on the
• Organise the learners into separation between the charged
convenient groups. Let each objects, the greater the distance,
group appoint a secretary. the smaller the force and vice
• Guide them to do Activity 11.13 versa.
given in the student’s book on • It is now that you can summarise
how to show the dependence of the two activities that the
the magnitude of force on the magnitude of the force between
distance of separation two charged objects depends
• Ask them to charge a polythene on:
rod A lightly by rubbing it with a i) The quantity of charge i.e the
piece of dry cloth and suspend it greater the charge, the greater
on a stand. the force.

ii) The distance of separation, i.e. get? Let them suggest the general
the greater the distance, the name for them.
smaller the force. • Ask them to discuss their
observations in all cases and
11.7 Conductors and come up with a list of materials in
Insulators each group named in step 5.
• In case they do not give accurate
(1 period) reasons why the bulb lights when
it is connected to the cell in
Suggested teaching/learning step 1 and when the steel nail is
materials connected between points A and
A bulb in a bulb holder, connecting B in step 3. However the bulb did
wires, a 1.5V dry cell in a cell holder, not light when a gap was made
plastic pen, a steel nail. between points A and B and
Teaching guidelines 11.7 when a plastic pen was connected
• Organise the learners into between them.
convenient groups. • Materials that allow the flow of
• Guide them to do Activity 11.14 charge are called conductors
given in the student’s book while those that don’t allow
the flow of charge are called
• Ask them to connect wires to
cell holder and a bulb holder as
shown in Fig 11.15 in the student’s
book and observe what happens
11.8: Electric Field and
to the bulb.
Electric Potential
• Ask them to make a gap between
point A and B and connect a (1 period)
plastic pen between them. Ask Suggested teaching/learning
them what will happen to the bulb. materials
Ask them to suggest a reason for
a pen, and pieces of paper, reference
books and internet.
• Ask them to repeat step 2 but
with steel nail and observe what Preparation
will happen to the bulb, and Before the lesson, prepare a set of the
explain their observation. materials mentioned above for each of
• Ask them to group the materials the groups you will work with.
that give the same result into Teaching guidelines 11.8
groups. How many groups do you • Organise the learners into

convenient groups. the SI units from its formula.
• Guide them to do activity 11.15 From the learners discussion help them
given in the student’s book on to define electric potential, the work
electric field and electric potential. done in bringing a unit positive charge
• Ask them to rub a pen through a from infinity to that point. It is given as,
silk cloth many times. where is the charge to be moved, is the
• Ask them to lower it down at distance moved, is the permittivity, the
different heights towards the pieces medium which separates two charges.
of papers and observe at each point It can be a vacuum or an insulator. The
until it comes very close to the material with a high permittivity is one
pieces of papers. which reduces appreciably the force
• Ask them to note down their between two charges.
observation at each height above • Engage the learners in discovering
the papers. Prompt them to give a the SI units from its formula as C
reason for each of their observation. ask them to complete exercise
• In case they do not give accurate 11.1
reasons, let them know that the pen
only starts attracting the pieces of
11.9 Distribution of charges
paper when it is in a region called
on metallic conductors
the electric field, the region in which
(1 period)
a body experiences an electric
force. Suggested teaching/learning
• Guide learners through a research materials
about the meaning of electric field Spherical conductor, oval conductor,
strength, its formula and units. Also gold leaf electroscope, and a proof
find out about electric potential. plane
• Allow them to discuss their findings. Preparation
• After the discussion of at least 5
Before the lesson, prepare a set of the
to 10 minutes, let each member
materials mentioned above for each of
present the outcomes from their
the groups you will work with.
discussion to the rest of the class.
• From the learners discussion help Teaching guidelines 11.9
them to define electric field as the • Organise the learners into
force per unit charge. It’s given as, convenient groups. Let each
where is the charge, and is the group appoint a secretary.
force acting on the charge, and is • Guide them to do activity 11.16
the electric field strength. given in the student’s book i.e on
• Engage the learners in discovering how to show charge distribution

on a conductor. Ask them to access to conclude that charge is mostly
the internet and do research concentrated at places where
on distribution of charges on a the surface is sharply curved.
conductor, a proof plane and This is particularly noticeable at
its uses and the meaning of the the end point of the pear-shaped
charge density. Let them discuss conductor. From that, discuss
their findings with other groups in with them that charge density
the class. (surface density) is defined as the
• Ask them to charge both quantity of charge per unit area
conductors by any one of the of a surface of a conductor.
methods of charging (allow them • Note; there is even distribution
to use one they desire). of charge on evenly distributed
• Ask them to press the proof plane bodies, like spheres, rectangles.
into contact with the surface at
various places of the spherical
11.10 The law of conservation
conductor and then transfer the
of charge
charge to the electroscope and
observe the divergence each time
it is done. Suggested teaching/learning
• Ask them to do the same for the materials
oval conductor, i.e. to press the Reference materials including books
proof plane into contact with the
Teaching guidelines 11.10
surface at various places of the
• In pairs, ask students to do
oval shaped conductor and then
activity 11.17.
transfer to the electroscope and
observe the divergence each time • After the discussion of at least 10
it is done. to 15 minutes let each member
present the outcomes from their
• Prompt them to suggest reasons
discussion to the rest of the class.
for every observation they have
made. • Guide them through the
discussion.Let them know that if
• In case they do not give accurate
you rub a comb through your hair,
reasons, let them know that
it becomes negatively charged.
on each transfer, the gold leaf
The only way for this to happen
is seen to diverge, however the
is for your hair to also become
divergence of a leaf is seen to
positively charged. So the comb’s
be more when the proof plane is
charge becomes the charge in
initially pressed on the pointed
your hair.
end of the conductor. Lead them

• Guide them through examples • This activity will promote
of energy conservation given in learners among other
in student's book e.g rubbing competencies:
a rubber rod with animals far. 1. Cooperation and interpersonal
Explain to them that at first skills.
the total charge of the system 2. Research and problem solving
is zero (neutral, that is, it has skills.
equal numbers of electrons and
protons) before rubbing. The 11.11 Effects and applications
system is made up of rubber of electrostatics
rod and fur. When she rubs, the
rubber rod will acquire negative
charges, like ten (10) negative Suggested teaching/learning
charges, because of the heat materials
generated by rubbing leads to fur Reference materials including books,
to losing its electrons, and thus it internet enabled computers.
becomes positively charged and
Teaching guidelines 11.11
with ten positive charges. So the
• Organise leaners into groups of
total charge of the system is zero.
two students and task them, to do
Note: activity 11.18 that is to research
The only way to change the net charge and discuss about the effects
of a system is to bring in a charge from and applications of electrostatic
elsewhere or remove the charge from charges.
the system. • After the discussion of at least
10 minutes let each member
E.g. Two identical metal spheres are present the outcomes from their
charged, sphere A has a net charge discussion to the rest of the class.
of sphere B. The spheres are brought
• From the learners discussion help
together, and allowed to touch and then
them to know that electrostatics
separated, what is the net charge on
can be good and on the other
each sphere now?
hand bad because the buildup
When the spheres are touched the net of charges on a body can be a
charge will spread out evenly over the nuisance. Engage the learners in
two spheres each sphere will have a net a discussion about the following;
charge of on separation. i) One gets a shock on touching
• Ask learners to do Exercise 11.2 the metal knob of the door of a
given in the student's book. car while getting out of the car.
Electric charges build up on the

surface of a car due to friction v) Electrostatic induction is used
with the road as well as with in the photocopying machines.
the air molecules. When the vi) Though rubber is an insulator,
metal knob is touched, charges special materials called
flow from the knob to the conductive rubber is used to
earth through the person. The make aero plane tyres. The
discharging of the charges on conductive rubber tyres reduce
the surface of the car through the risk of an explosion during
the person gives a shock. If a refueling the aircraft. When
metal chain is attached to the the metal sprout of the fuel pipe
car on the outside, the charges touches the petrol tank sparks
can pass easily to the earth can be produced leading to an
and the charges cannot build explosion.
up. It is for this reason that vii) Lightning arrestor
metal chains are attached to a The discharge action of points
petrol tanker. If large charges
is utilised in an important
are allowed to pile upon the
device called lightning arrestor
tanker, even a small spark
or conductor used to prevent
produced can cause a fire and
the tanker can explode. tall buildings and towers
against the destructive effect of
ii) When a mirror is cleaned with
a dry cloth, both the mirror lightning. A lightning conductor
and the cloth get charged is a thick metal rod. One end is
due to friction. The charged attached to a metal plate and
mirror acquires the attractive buried deep in the ground. The
property. Dust, thin hair or other end, which is pointed,
fluffs can therefore stick to the sticks up above the building.
mirror. The conductor provides a
iii) Cars are painted using a spray path for electrons to flow
gun. The car is usually earthed easily through it. If a positively
and the paint droplets coming charged cloud is above the
out of the spray gun are given building, a negative charge will
a positive charge. The car be induced on the pointed edges
attracts these charged droplets of the lightning conductor.
of paint uniformly. Electrons concentrate on these
points and by the discharge
iv) Dust and smoke particles are
action of the pointed edges,
extracted from the inside of
the chimney by electrostatic negative ions are sprayed into
attraction. This reduces the the air and are attracted by
air pollution which is a health the positive charges on the
hazard. cloud. Thus the charge on the

base of the cloud is reduced. • Take the student through the unit
This prevents a large build-up summary and ask them to do unit
of charges which otherwise Test 11. Ensure that you have
would result in discharges marked every learner’s work. This
to the earth in the form of will enable you to assess whether
lightning. If the neutralizing the unit objectives have been
effect is insufficient and even if achieved and identify challenging
the lightning strikes, the huge areas to the student and guide
electrical charge is conducted them accordingly.
through the metal rod, to the
• These activities will promote in a
earth. Thus the building is
saved from any damage. In the
absence of a lightning arrestor, 1. Leadership and organization
lightning would strike the skills.
highest point of a building and a 2. Communications skills through
large current would pass to the expressing their opinion in the
earth through the building. The group discussion.
heat generated by the passage 3. Critical thinking through
of this large current can set answering questions critically.
fire to the building. 4. Problem solving by answering
• Conclude this par t by given question correctly among
assigning learners the project other competencies.
of constructing a simple leaf
electroscope given in student’s

Further exercises and their answers
Further exercises/activities
Further exercises for slow Further exercises for fast learners
1. Name two types of charges. 1. Describe a method of charging an
2. State the law of electrostatics. electroscope positively.
3. Name two methods of 2. Explain why it is dangerous to carry an
charging a body either umbrella with a pointed top during a
positively or negatively. rainstorm when walking in an open field.
3. An uncharged polythene rod brought close
to but not touching the cap of a charged
electroscope cause a decrease in the
divergence of the leaf. Explain.

Answers to some further exercises/Activities

Further exercises for slow learners Additional exercises for fast
1. Positive and negative Mark student’s work and guide
2. Unlike charges attract while like charge repels them appropriately. You may
3. - Induction refer to student’s book incase of
- Contact any doubt.

For non-numerical questions, the learners can get most of the answers from the discussions
given in student's book or from the internet and any other reference books. Mark the student's
work and use it to guide them appropriately.
Exercise 11.2
(Student’s book page 335) Unit Test 11
5. 2.162 × 10 -5 N (Student’s book pages 340-342.)
6. 1.99 m 20. 1.764 × 10 -2 N
7. 0.2939 N 21. 9.235 × 10 -7 N

Electricity and Magnetism

Unit 12 Current Electricity (I)

Student's Book pages 343-391 (10 Periods)

Key unit competence

By the end of this unit, the learner should be able to explain different effects of
electricity and safety precautions to observe while using electricity.

Learning objectives of devices (uses of fuses and circuit

Knowledge and understanding breakers).
• Outline simple electric circuit • Explain what would happen to
components and define them. a house without fuses or circuit
• Explain the functioning of cells and breakers during electric circuit
batteries. overload and short circuiting.
• Illustrate the effects of electric • Measure current, voltage and
current (heating, magnetic and resistance.
chemical). • Verify Ohm`s law.
• Explain applications of earth Attitudes and values
wire, fuse, and circuit breaker in • Recognize how to measure electric
preventing electrical shocks and current and potential difference
short circuits. using ammeter and voltammeter.
• State and describe different effects • Appreciate the application of effects
of electric current. of electric current.
Skills • Appreciate that chemical reactions
• Apply the knowledge of electric produce current.
current in electrolysis. • Appreciate that if electrical circuit
• Set up simple electric circuits. is not properly used and controlled,
• Explain different effects of electric it can cause fires.
current. Generic competencies
• Distinguish between simple cells addressed in this unit
and batteries • Problem solving through provision
• Apply knowledge of safety of problems to solve and answering
precaution to avoid overheating questions in the students book.

• Communication through involving Primary 6, allow the student to do most
learners in group discussions asking of the activities in groups and report
and answering questions in the their findings to the rest of the class.
students book.
• Research skills through provision of
Suggested teaching/learning
research based activities.
• Cooperation through provision of
research based activities. 12.1 Simple electric circuit
and it's component
Links to other subjects
Electrolysis and chemical effects (2 periods)
(Chemistry). By the end of this section, the learner
Cross cutting issues addressed should be able to define simple electric
in this unit circuit and its components.
• Environment:– Learners are Information to the teacher
sensitized on conservation of
Learners have been introduced to the
environment. For instance they are
concept of simple electric circuit. Review
advised not to cut trees because
what they covered in Primary 6, see page
cutting trees leads to deforestation.
56 of the primary syllabus i.e. explaining
Assessment criteria the importance and production of
Learner can explain effects of electric electricity, identifying sources of
current and safety precautions to be electricity, identifying components of
electric current, explaining the methods
taken to avoid electric shocks and
of controlling and danger of electric
circuit overloading.
circuit, explaining danger of electric
Teaching methodologies current. This can be done by assigning
• Group work. groups different concepts covered in
• Class discussions. PS in advance and allowing the groups
secretaries to make presentation in
• Question and answers.
class (see generic competence). Inform
• Class demonstrations.
the learner the career opportunities
Background information e.g. electrical engineers, technologist,
Current electricity (1) deals with the technicians etc.
basic ideas about electricity. The main Career opportunities students with
point in this unit is how to operate a visual impairments should be paired
simple electric circuit. Since the learners with the other learners to help them
have studied a simple electric circuit in identify components and construct

simple circuit by the sense of touch. more information on the circuit
(inclusive education) connection.
• Helping the learners to differentiate
Suggested teaching/learning
an open and closed circuit as
discussed in students book.
Battery/cells, bulbs, connecting wire,
• Summarise their presentation by
plotting compass, insulated copper
guiding them how to draw a simple
wire, ammeter, voltmeter, ohmmeter,
electric circuit.
resistor, electrolytic (voltammeter)
• This activity will promote in the
switch, charts learners leadership and organization
Preparation skills and communication skills.
Since cells and batteries are consumable Additional information to
buy them a day before the start of this teacher
unit. In case of chargeable batteries Setting in electric circuit may be difficult
have the charged properly before the for student at the beginning. You may
unit starts. Make sure to alert the have to demonstrate to the class how
students to disconnect their circuit once to set one. Then move to each group
they are through with the circuit. This to check the circuit before switching on.
will promote standardization culture of The main source of discomfort in the
saving energy and waste management in lose connection at the cell terminals
disposing properly the used up batteries and at the component. Ask learners to
and cells. attempt questions 1, 2 in class. Assign
Teaching guidelines 12.1 the question 3 to the fast learners.
• Organise the class into groups
depending of t he materials / 12.2 Simple cells and
apparatus/equipment available. batteries
• Ensure that each group has a
secretary to record and report
(2 periods)
the group; take care of gender and Information to the teacher
learners with challenges. Arrange to have various chemical cells.
• Ask the group to do activity 12.1 You might have to borrow.
given in the students book i.e. to set
up a simple electric circuit. Suggested teaching/learning
• Let the group present their finding materials
in a class discussion through Le m o n , zinc a nd co p pe r plat e s ,
their secretaries and allow other connecting wires with clips, milliammeter/
members of the class to point out galvanometer, knife.

12.3 Electric Current
Assemble all required materials in this
section into different groups in advance.
(2 periods)
Get a car battery in advance if it is not
within school compound. Information to the teacher
In Primary 5, the students were
Teaching guidelines 12.2
introduced to electricity. Differentiate
• Have the learners organised in
at this point between electricity and
groups to do activities 12.2, 12.3,
electric current. Emphasise to the
and 12.4 given in student’s book.
learners that the cells/batteries are not
• Guide them through those activities
the source of electrons.
and let the group secretary note
down their findings. Suggested teaching/learning
• Randomly pick any group member materials
to present their findings to the Straws, beaker (tins) and water
whole class.
• Allow the learners to suggest the
Teaching guidelines 12.3 (a)
• Allow the learners to perform
summary of their findings through
activity 12.5 in groups. Guide them
question and answer method.
through the activity.
• Summarise their discussion by
• Use the activity to show that:I = Q/t
taking them through each discussion
provided in student’s book. • Let the learners understand and
convert the unit of coulomb per
• Conclude this section by:
second (c/s) to ampere (A).
1. Assessing learners through
• Discuss in class big and small units
question and answer method
of current mA, uA etc.
whether the objectives have
been achieved. Note that also • With the student’s book closed.
the exercise in this section can Give examples 12.1, 12.2 and 12.3
be used to assess learners. as practice exercise. When all the
learners are through, ask them to
2. Taking them through the each
check the solution in their textbook.
activity in a summarised form.
• This activity will promote in learners
• This activity will promote in learners
among other competencies
among other competencies;
1. C o m m u n i c a t i o n t h ro u g h
1. Research skills through
involving learners in group
provision of research based
discussions asking and answering
questions in the students book.
2. Cooperation through provision
2. Cooperation through provision
of research based activities.
of research based activities.

Measurement of electric be followed by activity on how
current to use an ammeter to measure
current in a in series. Explain and
(2 periods) even demonstrate, what series
Information to the teacher connection mean i.e +ve to +ve and
–ve to –ve or left to right and right
Although the syllabus does not specify
to right (let the students hold their
whether the measuring instruments are
hands). Ref the learner to the 600
digital or analogue, it is advisable to
m on how to read ammeter.
consider both with more emphasis on
• Go through example 12.4 with the
the analog scale as it is more difficult
students by first letting them work
to read.
in their groups and referring to the
Suggested teaching/learning activity and let the students attempt
materials questions 2,3 and 4 in class. Assign
Dry cells, connecting wires, resistors, questions 5,6, 7 and 8 as homework.
switch. • This activity will promote in learners
among other competencies
Preparation 1. Communication t hrough
In case you do not have the digital involving learners in
meters, borrow from your neighbouring group discussions ask ing
school. Make sure that the batteries/ and answering questions in
cells are in good working condition. the students book.
Teaching guidelines 12.3 (b) 2. Cooperation through provision
• Organise the learners in pairs to do of research based activities.
activity 12.6 i.e. to identify parts of
12.4 Potential Difference
an ammeter.
• Avail the instructions to the groups
and allow them to proceed to (1 period)
activity 12.7 and 12.8. Ensure that Information to the teacher
the groups are active and clarify Learners should read in advance the
any misconception scale reading to water model and volt in the students
the groups where applicable. book.
• Insist on the drawing of the
instrument scale to understand Suggested teaching/learning
the various scale ranges i.e. 0.1.0 materials
MA, 0-1A, 0-1.0uA etc. Then show Reference book, internet
now which terminals to use for a
given range. This activity should

Teaching guidelines 12.4(a) Teaching guidelines 12.4(b)
• Allow the students to report on the • Ask learners to organise themselves
working of a water model. into groups. Ensure that the groups
• Guide them through activity 12.9 in formed are of different abilities
student's book. and gender (if any). All learners
• Reinforce their report with the slide whether disabled or normal should
model in fig 12.14 in student’s book. participate actively in the lesson
• Through questions and answer and all activities.
method establish that; • Ask the groups to do activity 12.10
at A, p.E= o B, p.E= max C , given in student’s book. i.e. to show
E= PE+IIE D, p.E= O how to measure voltage.
• Bring out the connection between • Let the group’s report their findings.
work done (J) and voltage (V) • Guide the learners through the
activity and discussion in student’s
• This activity promotes in learners;
1. Communication skills through
• Summarise the groups finding.
group discussions asking and
1. Emphasize on various scales
answering questions in the
and conversion of units Mv-V,
students book.
V- Mv etc.
2. Cooperation through provision
2. How the voltmeter is connected
group work activities.
in a electric circuit.
Measurement of Voltage • This activity should be followed by
activity on how to read a voltmeter.
Information to teacher
• Learners to do exercise 12.3
In case the school does not have a
questions 3,4 &7 in class. Select
digital voltmeter borrow one or request
some learners to do them on
for one.
chalkboard/white board.
Suggested teaching/learning • Give question 1, 6 as assigned.
materials • This activity will promote in learners
Voltmeter, cells/batteries, connecting among other competencies
wires, resistors , switch. 1. Communication through
involving learners in group
Preparation discussions, asking and
Make sure the cells/batteries are answering questions in the
working. Prepare a chart showing the students book.
various parts of a voltmeter. 2. Cooperation through provision
of research based activities.

• Ask them to do all questions in
12.5 Ohm's Law
exercise 12.4 as an assignment.
(2 periods) • These two activities promote in the
learners the following:
Information to the teacher 1. Communication through
Ohm’s law is to be done in both S1 and involving learners in group
S2. Both quantitative and qualitative in discussions asking and
S1, but applications in S2 i.e. resistors in answering questions in the
parallel and in series. students book.
2. Cooperation through provision
Suggested teaching/learning
of research based activities.
Cell/batteries, connecting wires, 12.6 Electrical Energy and
variable resistor, switch, voltmeter and Power
ammeter, graph papers.
(2 periods)
Information to the teacher
Ensure the cell/batteries are in good
working condition. Learners have been introduced to heat
in Primary 6 i.e
Teaching guidelines 12.5 - Definition of energy
• Organise the class into suitable
- Forms of energy
groups preferably in pairs.
- Energy transformation/energy
• Allow the learners to do activity
12.11 given in student’s book .
- Importance of energy
• Allow the groups to present their
- Sources of energy
- Renewable energy
• Make a summary of the student
finding. Quickly review the above concepts
• Emphasise on directly proportional. Suggested teaching/learning
• Use their finding to do activity 12.12 materials
on ohm's law. An immersion heater, bulbs stopwatch,
• Guide the learners in drawing the power supply
graph and determining the slope of
the graph. Preparation
• Through question and answer Ensure that all required materials are
method, arrive at V = IR. set in place in time.
• Guide learners through example
12.5 to 12.7.

Teaching guidelines 12.6 • These two activities promote in the
• Ask learners to form groups. Ensure learners the following:
that the groups comprise of: 1. Leadership and organization
1. Different abilities i.e. slow and skills.
fast learners. 2. Communications skills through
2. Gender balance i.e. boys and expressing their opinion in the
girls incase the class is mixed group discussions.
one. 3. Critical thinking through
3. Disabled students incase they answering questions critically.
are there. 4. Problem solving by answering
• Allow the learners to do activity given questions correctly among
12.13. other competencies.
• Ask them to present their findings
12.7 Earth Wire, Switch
on the chalkboard using arrows to
and Fuses
show how energy is transformed
from one form to the other. (1 period)
• Discuss with the class the outcome
Information to the teacher
of their finding with a view to
summarizing their findings. Most learners have interacted with
switches, earth wire and fuses at home.
• Guide them through activity 12.13 in
Help them to understand how important
the view of coming up with electric
these devices are in protecting a house
energy equation.
and electrical appliances in our homes.
• Ask them to go through examples
Equip yourself with sufficient knowledge
12.5, 12.6 and 12.7 visit the groups
by reading widely from internet and
and discuss with them the challenges
reference books or any other relevant
they encounter.
material so that you are able to answer
• Ask them to do activities 12.14 and
any question asked.
12.15. Guide them on each step with
a view of helping them to come up Suggested teaching/learning
with an an equation of electric power. materials
• Take them through examples 12.8 A 3-pin plug, screw driver
to 12.14. At this point bring their
attention to the need of conserveing
energy by using energy saving Get a 3-pin plug and screw driver in
bulb in order to save on energy advance.
consumption cost. Teaching guideline 12.7
• Give Exercise 12.5 as a take way • Learners to form groups. Ensure
assignment. that the groups formed by learners

are of different abilities and gender Teaching guideline 12.8
(if any). • Ask learners to group themselves
• Let them do activities 12.16, 12.17, into groups. Go around and
12.18 and 12.19 given in the reorganise them to avoid a
student’s book tendency of fast or slow learners
• Let each group give a presentation grouping themselves into one group.
of their discussion to the whole All learners whether disabled or
class. normal should participate actively
• Guide the learners through the in the lesson.
discussion given in student’s book • Prompt them to realize that they
and summarise by pointing key need a group leader and a secretary
points on the importance of earth to record and report the group’s
wire, switch and fuses. Advise findings.
learners to open the circuit when • In their groups, let them do activity
not in use. 12.20 to 12.22 given in student’s
12.8 Effects of an Electric • Guide them through their discussion
Current and summarise by pointing out
factors that affect the heating effect
(1 period)
of an electric current i.e. amount of
(a) Heating effect of electric current, time and resistance of the
current wire.
Information to the teacher. • Guide them through a discussion on
This section equips learners with application of heating effect of an
knowledge on how the appliances at electric current.
home e.g. iron box works. It is therefore • Ask leaners to do exercise 12.6 in
important for you as a teacher to student’s book.
prepare well in this area to be able to • Communication skills
guide learners accordingly. • Cooperation among learners
• Critical thinking
Preparation • This activity will promote in the
Ensure that you have all the required learners;
materials in time. 1. Communication through
Suggested teaching/learning involving learners in group
materials discussions, asking and
Immersion heater, thermometer, answering questions in the
variable resistors, water, switch and students book.
connecting wires water, a bucket 2. Cooperation through provision
of research based activities.

(b) Magnetic effect produced • Invite some students to help you
by current carry out the demonstration.
(1 period) • This activity will promote in the
Information to the teacher 1. Team work.
The learners have been introduced to 2. Values through probing
magnetism in Primary 6 in the following questions.
area; 3. Respect for others (make
- Types of magnets; natural/ artificial observation without blocking
- Composition of magnets other).
- Magnetic ad non magnetic material 4. Critical thinking.
- Definition of magnetic field 5. Cooperation.
- Magnetic compass and its uses
Additional information
- Uses of magnets
- Making a temporary magnet The same concept may be demonstrated
Review the above concept first. by activities 12.27 and 12.28, which can
be done as a class activity. The student
Suggested teaching/learning knows how a plotting compass works
materials as it was covered in Primary 6.
Batteries/Cells, connecting wires, along
straight stiff conductor, stand and clamp,
switch cardboard, iron filings. 12.9 Chemical Effect of an
Electric Current
Prepare the set up as shown in students (1 period)
book in advance. Give activity 12.22 as
Information to the teacher
a research.
This being the first time the students are
Teaching guidelines 12.8 learning about this effect, it is a good
• Demonstrate activity 12.23. The idea to form groups with few students (2
student might not be able to set it students) for them to be able to directly
up. Also as the current need is high participate in the activities.
it is risk for the student.
Suggested teaching/learning
• Arrange the set up in an elevated
position for all the students to make
the observation at the same time. A 250 ml beaker, two carbon rods, a
The student need to be arranged battery or d.c. source water, connecting
properly to avoid some blocking wires and bulb.
the view of others.

Teaching guidelines 12.9 Additional information
• Organise the learners in pairs to do The same concept may be understood
activity 12.25. by use of activity in student book. The
• Care moist be taken when handling word electrolysis should be avoided, as
dilute suphuric acid, teacher should it will be done in S2. Avoid use of any
prepare acidulated water. chemical equation at this stage.
• Move round the group and check • This activity will promote in the
their observations. learners;
• Allow the learners to report their 1. Communication through
finding. involving learners in group
• Ask them to do activity 12.26 in discussions asking and
student's book. answering questions in the
• Summarise their observations. students book.
• Give learner the project work given 2. Cooperation through provision
in student's book as an assignment of research based activities.
to be marked after two weeks.
• Guide them through unit summary.
• Ask them to do unit test 12.

Further exercises and their answers

Further exercises/activities
Further exercises for slow learners Further exercises for fast learners
1. What is an electric circuit? 1. Explain how a fuse protects electric
2. Name two components of electric appliances.
circuits. 2. Distinguish between a dry cell and
3. Define current and state its SI unit. battery.
3. Explain five electric hazards and
suggest the safety measures to be

Answers to some further exercises/activities
Further exercises for slow learners Additional exercises for fast learners
1. It is a path through which electric Mark student’s work and guide them
charges flow. appropriately.
2. Cells/battery, bulb
3. Is the rate of flow of charges. Its SI
unit is Amperes.

Answers Exercise 12.5

For non-numerical questions, the learners (Student’s book page 369-370)
can get most of the answers from discussions 1. (a) 135000 J (b) 4959000 (c) 9000 V
given in student's book or from the internet
3. (a) 0.25 A, 960
and any other reference books. Mark the
(b) 8. 33 A, 28.8
student's work and use it to guide them
4. (b) 10800 KJ
6. 21600 kJ
Exercise 12.2
7. 960 W
(Student’s book pages 355-356)
8. 0.625 A
2. 4500 C 3. 2.67 A
4. 6. 25 × 1018 5. 3 A Exercise 12.6
6. (a) 1.2 C (Student’s book page 377)
(b) 1.25 × 1019 electrons 1. 2.4 kW
Exercise 12.3 Unit Test 12
(Student’s book pages 359-360) (Student’s book pages 388-391)
4. 2.5 V 2. 0.33 A
7. (a ) (i) 69 mV 3. 324 C
(ii) 170 mV 6. 64.8 C
(iii) 1.7 V 7. 2A
(iv) 0.069 V 9. 0. 65 A, 53.5 A
(v) 6.9 V 13. 10 A
(vi) 17 V 17. 58 000 J
Exercise 12. 4
(Student’s book page 364)
2. 8 Ω 3. 6 V 4. 6 V


Nature of Light

Unit 13 Rectilinear Propagation of Light

Student's Book pages 392-432 (10 Periods)

Key unit competence

By the end of this unit, the learner should be able to explain the nature of light,
rectilinear propagation of light and reflection at plane surfaces.

Learning objectives Skills

Knowledge and understanding • Identify sources of light.
• State sources of light. • Show that light travels in straight
• Explain the nature of light. lines.
• Describe transparent, translucent • Analyze the formation of penumbra
and opaque materials. and umbra.
• Explain how light travels in a • Illustrate penumbra and umbra
straight line. using a torch.
• Describe the formation of penumbra • Describe the nature of images
and umbra. formed by pinhole camera.
• State characteristics of images • Explain functioning of pin-hole.
formed by plane mirrors. • Verify experimentally laws of
• State laws of reflection. reflection.
• Explain applications of reflections • Solve problems involving pin-hole
at plane mirrors. camera and mirrors inclined at an
• Describe images formed by a
pinhole camera. Attitudes and values
• State characteristics of images • Appreciate light is important for
formed by pinhole camera. seeing and photosynthesis.
• E x plain a p plicat io n s of light • Adapt the need to report
reflected at plane mirror surfaces. scientifically and critical thinking in

performing experiments related to and so on. Build on these and many
light. more familiar experience so that the
• Recognize light travels in straight learner’s curiosity to learn more is
lines. boosted. Make every lesson lively and
interesting by engaging learners in all
Generic competencies addressed practical activities. These activities will
in this unit enable them to understand different
• Cooperation and interpersonal concepts in this unit with ease.
relation through involving the Most learners are aware of the story
students in the numerous activities of creation as given in the bible or any
provided in the learners book. other holy books. It is therefore a good
• Communication skills in English. This idea to introduce this unit with the
is achieved through incorporating creation of light as told in these holy
learners in group discussions. books (bible, Koran etc)
• Research and problem solving skills Suggested teaching/learning
achieved through research based activities
activities and involving the learners
13.2 Nature and source of light
in problem solving activities.
13.1.1 Nature of light
Links to other subjects
Organic and inorganic (chemistry),
Mirror (use in saloon). (1 period)
By the end of this section, the learner
Cross cutting issues addressed should be able to define light and identify
in this unit different sources of light.
• Environment ,climate change and
sustainability through appreciating Information to the teacher
the world sources of light and Activity 13.1 is a discussion activity.
nature in general. Therefore, ensure that learners have
Assessment criteria access, to refference books and learning
Learner can describe sources of light materials e.g internet to facilitate their
and explain its propagation. discussion.
Suggested teaching/learning
Background information materials
Most of the learners have experienced • Reference books, internet
the nature of light and its properties
in their daily lives. For instance, they Preparation
have observed a beam of light rays in • Ask learners, to do a research in
a dark room from an opening on the advance on nature of light and its
roof top of a building, they have seen sources from reference books in the
a reflection of their image on a mirror library.

Teaching guidelines 13.1 (a) on their own but rather reflect
• Ask learners to organise themselves it e.g. tree, people, animals,
into groups. Ensure that the groups moon etc.
formed comprise: • At this point, note the errors the
1. Learners of different abilities learners made in their discussion
i.e. slow and fast learners and correct them. Use this chance
2. Learners of different sex i.e. to assess whether the objectives
both boys and girls incase it is have been made as you conclude
a mixed class. this part.
3. Disabled learners incase they • This activity will promote in learners
are among the class. among other competencies:
• Prompt them to realize that they 1. Cooperation and interpersonal
need a secretary and a group relation as they work in groups.
leader. 2. Research and problem solving
• Let them use their findings from skills as they carry out
individual research to do Activity research from internet and
13.1 given in student’s book on answer questions.
nature of light and its sources. 3. Communication skills in English
• Allow learners to discuss in their as they articulate their points
respective groups and come up in a discussion.
with harmonised points and let 4. Leadership and organizational
the secretaries or any other group skills as they organise
members from each group to give themselves into groups and
a report to the whole class on their lead others in a discussion.
discussion. 13.2 Rays and Beams
• Let other learners contribute to each Teaching guidelines 13.1 ( b)
report presented and summarise • Ask students to organise themselves
the discussion by pointing out the into two groups or more depending
key points i.e. on the availability of materials.
1. Light is a form of energy that Provide each group with a torch
enables us and animals to see and other materials suggested in
surrounding objects. activity 13.2 in student's book.
2. There are two sources of light, • Ask them to do activity 13.2 and
luminous and non-luminous guide them in answering the
sources of light questions in the activity. Ensure that
3. Luminous source emits light on all students whether disabled or
their own e.g. sun, stars, candle normal are actively participating in
flame, electric bulb etc the activity. Ensure that all students
4. Non-luminous do not emit light disabled and other students are
actively participating in the activity. • Provide learners with the teaching/
• For instance, student with sight learning materials suggested in
problem can be given a torch and activity 13.3 in the student's book.
helped to switch it on as normal • Ask them to do activity 13.3 in
student make observations. student’s book. Note that this
• Summarise the discussion by activity involves using the sense
pointing out that. of sight that is not any excuse not
1. A ray of light is the path along to involve students with sight
which light travels in a medium. problems. You may ask them to
2. A beam of light is the streams hold the materials i.e. oiled piece of
of light rays. paper, a cardboard etc. as the normal
3. The rays of light that meet at look through them. Warn learners
a point (converge) are called who might make sensitive jokes on
divergent beam. those who have the problem. Let
4. Rays that are parallel to each them know that it is not their faulty
other are called parallel beam. to be the way they are.
5. Rays of light that originate • Let them discuss in their groups
from a point of light source and whether they were able to see
spread outwards are called through the materials and suggest
divergent beam. the general name for each material.
• Use question and answer method • Ask the secretaries or any other
to assess whether the objectives members of each group to present
have been attained. their findings to the whole class
This activity will promote in learners and allow other class members to
among other competencies contribute.
1. Cooperation and interpersonal • Summarise the discussion by
relation as they work in groups. pointing out the following keys
2. Communication skills in English points:
as they express their points 1. Materials e.g. clear glass that
during a discussion. allow all light to pass through
3. Critical thinking as they think them and we are able to see
critically when answering clearly through them are called
questions in the activity. transparent materials
2. Materials like an exercise book
13.3. Transparent, translucent that totally do not allow any
and opaque materials light to pass through them are
Teaching guidelines 13.1 (c) called opaque materials
• Organise learners into groups of • Conclude the activity by asking
different abilities and gender (if any). learners to give more examples

of transparent, translucent and all required materials suggested in
opaque materials as a way of advance and group them according
assessing whether the objective has to the number of groups you need
been met. and availability of materials.
• This activity will promote in learners • It is worth noting that time is not
among other competencies sufficient, therefore ensure that
1. Cooperation as learners work learners are informed in advance to
together in groups. avail themselves in the laboratory
2 . Communication skills as to avoid wastage of time.
learners express their points in Teaching guidelines 13.2
a group discussion. • Ask student to organise themselves
into groups of different abilities and
13.4 Rectilinear propagation
gender. Let them choose a leader
of light
and secretary (preferably those
(1 period) with disabilities).
• Provide the suggested teaching/
By the end of this section, the learner
learning materials suggested for
should be able to show that light travels
activities 13.4 and 13.5 to the
in a straight line.
Information to the teachers • Ask them to do activities 13.4 and
This is one of the interesting part of 13.5 given in student's book.
this unit, therefore you should do a • Ask them to have a group discussion
wide research on the same to equip on their observation and let the
yourself with appropriate knowledge secretary write the main points.
and skills to enable you to answer • Ask any member of each group
learners questions and give appropriate to present their findings from the
guidance. discussion to the whole class. At
this point, you can allow other
Suggested teaching/learning members of the class to contribute
materials to each presentation in pointing out
• Soft board, a plane mirror, any error or omissions.
plasticine, white sheet of paper • Summarise the discussion by
Preparation emphasizing the main point i.e. the
• Engage the learners actively for the property of light rays to travel in
first ½ of the lesson, and the other a straight line is called rectilinear
½ discuss with them their findings. propagation of light. Use this
• This is a practical section which opportunity to correct the errors
should be taught in one lesson. You made by learners in their discussion
are therefore required to assemble • Conclude the discussion by

assessing whether the objective Suggested teaching/learning
has been achieved i.e. are learners materials
able to show that light travels on a • A torch, a ball, white screen ,a tennis
straight line? ball, 2 cardboard with a large and
• This activity will help to promote in narrow opening
learners the following competencies.
Information to the teacher
1. Cooperation and interpersonal
Formation of shadows and eclipses is a
relation as they work in groups.
common occurrence in everyday life.
2. Research and problem solving
Therefore, you are required to equip
skills as they carry out
yourself with sufficient information
research from internet and
from objective books and internet on
answer questions.
shadows and eclipse formation so that
3. Communication skills in English
you can explain adequately to the
as they articulate their points
learners about them.
in a discussion.
4. Leadership and organizational Preparation
skills as they organise This section involves practical activities,
themselve into groups and lead including a research from the internet.
others in a discussion. You are therefore required to avail
and organise all required materials
Additional experiment
Take an empty can and pierce a few holes suggested in advance to save on time.
(1 or 2 mm in diameter) on all sides. In a Ask learners to do individual research a
darkroom, cover a candle flame with the day before the material day of research
can. Blow smoke (use a burning straw) or activity.
smear fire chalk dust or talcum powder
around the can. We can ‘see’ where
the light comes from and also in what
Teaching guideline 13.3 (a)
direction it travels. Now the teacher can • Ask student to organise themselves
also mention about the track of light in into different groups of different
a room and the projector in a cinema ability and gender. Let them choose
theatre. a group leader and a secretary.
• Ask them to do Activity 13.6
13.5 Formation of shadows provided in student’s book i.e.
and eclipses demonstrating formation of
shadows. Involve learners with
(3 periods) disability if incase they are they.
By the end of this section, the learner For instance, let those with sight
should be able to analyse the formation problem place required material in
of penumbra and umbra and illustrate place as directed by other students.
them using a torch.

• Ask any member of each group to Eclipses
present their findings to the whole
Teaching guidelines 13.3 (b)
class and allow others to point out
• Ask learners to pair up. Prompt
omissions and errors in the facts
them to see that they require a
group leader and secretary.
• Summarise the discussion by
• Ask the group leaders from each
pointing out the main point from
pair to lead others in a discussion
the activity i.e.
or doing activity 13.7 given in
1. A shadow is a shade cast by an
the student's book then let them
object rays of light
discuss their findings the secretary
2. Umbra is the region of total
harmonize the points. Note that
darkness. It is formed when an
this activity may be done in class
opaque object blocks the light
during the lesson or in advance
during remedial hours. This will
3. Penumbra is the region of
depend on availability of time and
partial darkness. It is formed
by extended source of light.
• Ask the secretary of each group to
At this point, correct learners
give a report in there findings to the
errors in their discussion and whole class and allow the students
asses whether the objectives to contribute by pointing out any
have been achieved. omission or errors.
• This activity will promote in learners • Guide them through a discussion
among other competencies: given in the student’s book and
1. Cooperation and interpersonal at appropriate point correct the
relation as they work in groups. errors the learners have made in
2. Research and problem solving their discussion.
sk ill s a s t he y car r y o u t • Summarise the discussion by
research from internet and pointing out the key points:
1. There are two types of eclipses:
answer questions.
solar and lunar eclipse.
3. Communication skills in English
2. Solar eclipse is formed when
as they articulate their points
the moon blocks the sun rays
in a discussion. from reaching the earths
4. Leadership and organizational surface.
skills as they organise 3. Lunar eclipse is formed when
themselve into groups and lead the earth comes between
others in a discussion. the sun and the moon hence
blocking light rays from
reaching the moon’s surface.

• Conclude the discussion by leading and a secretary. A group leader
learner's through a discussion given should lead others in a discussion of
in the student's book and then ask individual research as they present
them to do question 1 and 2 of while the secretary harmonises the
exercise 13.1 in student's book. points.
Note that the fast learners will • Ask any member at random, from
finish first, ask them to do the each group to present their findings
remaining question as you guide of their research. This will enable
the slow learners then later let all
you to monitor those learners
of them do all questions in exercise
with a tendency of copying other
student’s work. Allow students to
13.6 Pinhole camera point out omissions or errors if any.
• Guide them in the discussion given in
(2 periods) student’s book. Use the opportunity
By the end of this section, the learner to warn students against water
should be able to describe the nature of pollution that may lead to loss of
images, explain the functioning and solve aquatic life.
problems involving pinhole camera. • Summarise the discussion by
pointing out the key point such as
Information to the teacher 1. Characteristics formed by a
This section involves problem solving pinhole camera are:
on magnifications. You should therefore i. Real
engage learners in a variety of problems ii. Inverted
from other reference books apart from iii. Magnified
those given in the student's book. 2. A pinhole camera has limited
field focus, when its pinhole
Suggested teaching/learning
is enlarged it forms a blurred
material images.
Internet, reference books, a pihole 3. Magnification produced by a
camera pinhole camera is given by
Preparation height of the image (Im)
Magnification (m) =
Ensure that all required materials for height of the object (ob)
research are available and ready in M = Im = v
ob u
• Take the learners through a
Teaching guideline 13.4 discussion and worked examples
• Ask learners to form groups and 13.1 and 13.2 on pinhole camera
ensure that they are of different given in student’s book .
abilities and gender incase it is a • And ask them to do exercise 13.2 in
mixed class. student’s book as you conclude.
• Let them choose a group leader • This activity will promote in the
learners among other competence: in advance so that they don’t waste time
1. Research and problem solving. as they shift from another lesson.
2. Cooperation and interpersonal
relation. Teacher guideline 13.5 (a)
3. Communication skills in • Ask the learners to pair up to do
English. activity 13.9 givesn in the student's
13.7 Reflection of light at • Provide to them the required
plane surfaces materials i.e plane mirror.
• Ask them to do activity given in
(1 period) student’s book i.e. to show reflection
By the end of this section, the learner of light on a plane surface
should be able to identify different types • Guide the learners to discuss the
of reflections and state the laws of question in activity 13.9 and let the
reflection. group secretary note down the
main points from their discussion.
Information to the teacher
• Ask them to do activity 13.10 on
This section involves a lot of practical
different types of reflection and
activities. Ensure that all learners
activity 13.11.
whether disabled or normal are actively
• Ask the group secretaries to
involved in all activities so that they can
present their findings to the whole
achieve the specified objectives. You
class and all students to contribute
are also advised to take advantage of
by pointing out omissions or errors
remedial hours to assist slow learners
from the discussion presented.
and also the normal class hours.
Summarise the discussion by
Suggested teaching/learning highlighting the main points such as:
materials 1. Reflection is the bouncing
•  A plane mirror, different reflecting back of light rays when they
surfaces, soft board, plasticine, strike a surface
protractor, white sheet of paper, 2. A ray from the source is called
drawing pins, optical pins, a ray incident ray, while those
box. from the reflecting surface is
called reflected ray. A line
perpendicular to the reflecting
As mentioned earlier, this section surface and meets at the point
consists of many practical activities. where incident ray strikes the
Therefore, it is a good idea you prepare surface is called the normal.
all materials required for each activity 3. The angle between the normal
in advance. Learners should be informed line and incident ray is called

angle of incidence, while • Ask them to do activity 13.12 given
that between the normal and in student’s book i.e. to verify the
reflected ray is called the laws of reflection using optical pins.
angle of reflection. • Guide the learners through all steps
4. There are two types of and let the secretaries record their
reflections: regular and diffuse findings and have final results.
reflection. Regular reflection • Give them a chance to discuss their
occurs on a smooth surface findings and have final results.
while diffuse on a rough • Ask learners to do activity 13.13 i.e.
surface. verify laws of reflection using a ray
• Use this opportunity to correct box.
errors made from learner’s • Guide them through the steps of
discussion and assess them through the activities to show them the
question and answer method to relationship between the angle of
test whether the objective has been incidence and the angle of reflection.
achieved as you conclude. • Let them record their observation
• This activity will promote in learners through their secretaries.
among other competence: • Ask the secretaries or any at
1. Cooperation and interpersonal member from each group to report
relation as they work in groups. their findings to the whole class
2. Research and problem solving and allow learners to point out
skills as they carry out omissions or errors from the facts
research from internet and
• Summarise the discussion by
answer questions.
pointing out the laws of reflection
3. Communication skills in English
of light which state that:
as they articulate their points 1. The incident ray, reflected ray
in a discussion. and the normal at the point of
4. Leadership and organizational incidence all lies on the same
sk ill s a s t he y org a nise plane.
themselves into groups and 2. The angle of incidence is equal
lead others in a discussion. to the angle of reflection.
To verify laws of reflection using
13.8 Image formation by a
optical pins
plane mirror
Teaching guidelines 13.5 (b)
• Organise learners into groups of (2 periods)
different abilities and gender incase By the end of this section, the learner
it is a mixed class and let them have should be able to state characteristics
a group leader and secretary. of images formed by plane mirrors.

Information to the teacher images formed by a plane mirror
• This section involves the nature i.e.
of images and problem solving of 1. The size of the image is equal to
images formed by plane mirror. the size of the object.
You are therefore advised to refer 2. The image is erect.
to different references so as to
3. The image is virtual.
equip learners with a variety of
questions a part from one given in 4. The image is laterally inverted.
the student’s book. 5. Distance of the image is equal
to that of object.
Suggested teaching/learning • Guide the learners through
materials discussion on worked examples 13.3
• Plane mirror
to 13.6 given in student’s book.
Preparation • Ask learners to do question 1 of
Go through the worked examples and exercise 13.3. Go around and mark
solve problem in exercise 13.3 student’s their work. Note that the fast
book so that you are in a position of learners will finish first. Let them
guiding the learners well before you do the rest of the questions as you
start the lesson. guide the slow learners.
Number of images formed by a
Characteristics of images formed plane mirror
by a plane mirror
Teaching guidelines 13.6 (b)
Teacher guidelines 13.6 (a) • Organise learners into groups of
• Ask individual learner to do activity
two and ask them to do activity
13.14 given in student’s book. The
13.15 given in student book i.e. to
disabled students may stand in
observe the number of images
front of the mirror and the normal
formed by parallel mirrors.
observe their images.
• Let them discuss their observations
• Guide them to answer all the
and report to the whole class.
questions in the activity.
• Guide them through the discussion
• Let them brainstorm about the
gi ve n in s t ud e nt ’s b oo k a nd
characteristics of images formed by
summarise by pointing out the
plane mirror.
applications of the principle of
• Guide learners in a discussion given multiple reflections i.e.
in student’s book.
1. Beauty parlours
• Summarise the discussion by
2. Tailor and barbershop
pointing out the characteristics of

Plane mirrors inclined at an angle • Let them do activity 13.17 given
of 90° in student’s book pages i.e. to
determine the number of images
Teaching guidelines 13.6 (c)
when two plane mirrors inclined at
• Organise learners into pairs.
angle of 60°.
• Ask learners to do activity 13.16
• Allow them to discuss their results
given in student’s book and guide
and you may ask them to determine
them through a discussion given in
the number of images with any
the student’s book.
other angle e.g. 30°, 10° etc.
• Summarise the discussion by
• Let them come up with a general
pointing out that when two plane
formular determining the number
mirrors are at 90° to each other,
of images when plane mirrors are
they form 3 images. At this point,
inclined at an angle.
correct any error made by learners
in the activity and assess whether • Let all the secretaries or any
you have achieved the objective member from each group present
through question and answer their findings and all students to
method. point out omissions or errors in
each presentation.
• The activity will help to promote
among other competencies • 
Summarise their discussion by
pointing out that:
1. Cooperation and interpersonal
relation as they work in groups. 1. When the plane mirrors are
2. Research and problem solving inclined at 60°, they form 5
sk ill s a s t he y car r y o u t images.
research from internet and 2. The general formula of
answer questions. calculating the number of
3. Communication skills in English images formed when two
as they articulate their points mirrors are inclined at an
in a discussion. angle is given by
4. Leadership and organizational n = 360° –-11 where n is the
s k ill s a s t he y org a nise number of images.
themselves into groups and • At this point, correct errors made
lead others in a discussion. by learners in their discussions.
Two plane mirrors inclined at • Take the learners through the
angle of 60° applications of reflection at plane
surface given in student’s book.
Teaching guidelines 13.6 (d)
• Conclude this part by
• Ask learners to pair up to do
activity 13.17.

• Assessing whether the • Ask them to do activity 13.18 given
objectives have been made in the student's book.
through question answer • Guide them on the discussion given
method. in the student's book on periscope.
• Let the learners suggest other
13.9 Application of reflection
applications of reflection on the
at plane surfaces
plane surface.
• Co nclud e t his se c t io n by
By the end of this section, the learner summarising their discussion and
should be able to explain the applications ask them to do exercise 13.4 given
of reflection at plane surfaces in real life in the student's book.
• Conclude this part by
Information to the teacher 1. Assigning learners the project
• Like other sections, this section is work given in student book to
equally important to learners, guide be completed within two gives.
them to understand the applications You may provide any materials
of reflections on a plane surface. that they cannot access.
It is a good to read widely from 2. Taking the learners through
different reference books including unit summary and ask them
the internet to be able to guide to do unit Test 13. Ensure that
your learners appropriately. you mark their work and guide
them accordingly.
Suggested teaching/learning
• This unit will promote in the learners
among other competencies
• Reference books
1. Research and problem solving
• Internet
2. Cooperation and interpersonal
Preparation relation
Ensure that the materials required by 3. Communication skills in English
learners to do their research are enough 4. Critical thinking as learners
and ready in advance. come up with formula
5. n = 360° –-11
Teaching guidelines 13.7 θ
• Organise learners into appropriate

Further exercises and their answers
Further exercises/activities
Remedial exercises for slow Additional exercises for fast
learners earners
1. State two characteristics of 1. describe experiment to verify that
images formed by a plane mirror. light travel in a straight line.
2. Define reflection. 2. Explain how periscope works
3. Name two non-luminous bodies

Answers to some further Exercise 13.2 (Student’s book pages 407)

exercises/Activities 5. (a) 0.045 (b) 2 m
Remedial Additional 6. 9 cm 7. 50 cm
exercises for exercises for Exercise 13.3
slow learners fast learners (Student’s book pages 418-420)
1.- image is erect 2. (a) 30 0 C 6. 60 0
- image is virtual,
Exercise 13.4
a drawing pin.
(Student’s book pages 424 - 425)
3. moon, stone
3. (a) (i) 2 (ii) 3
Answers (iii) 5 (iv) 11
For non-numerical questions, the learners
can get most of the answers from discussions Unit test 13
given in student's book or from the internet (Student’s book pages 428 - 430)
and any other reference books. Mark the
student's work and use it to guide them 4. 60 0
appropriately. 5. (a) 11 (b) 1 (c) 4 (d) 7
9. 160 0
14. 20 cm


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