Practical Work of Tennis
Practical Work of Tennis
Practical Work of Tennis
To play this game you need a court with a plain field and a net
divided in two halves.
First is played in France. They hated the ball with the hands. Late,
they used rackets.
To play this game players only need a racket and balls.
A tennis racquet is formed by a handle and neck joining a roughly
elliptical frame.
The Tennis ball is made of hollow rubber with a felt coating.
Traditionally, it was white. But later, the color was changed to
yellow to improve visibility.
To play tennis, a player hits the ball and has to bounce in the
opposite side.
The player has got two opportunities.
If the serve is valid, the players hit the ball in a distributed way. If
he misses two serves, the opposing player gets one point.
The area where Tennis is played is rectangular. Their
measurements are 23, 77 metres long and 8, 23 metres wide –
to singles-. To doubles the length is equal but the width is of 10,
97 metres.
These limits are marks for lines. The court is divided in two with a
net. The height of the net is 1, 06 metres in posts and it’s 0, 91
metres in centre.
The match is divided in parts –sets- , and each set is divided in
games. The first player or pair that wins six games is the winner.
The players need some techniques, such as: hits, effects,
corporal positions, travels and resistance.
In the game they use different types of strokes. These are:
Serve: it’s the most important stroke in tennis. It permits a
player win.
The players can play in different types of areas.
In slow areas the ball bounces high and slow. In fast areas the
ball bounces short and fast.
The most famous tennis tournaments are Open Championships
of United States, France, Australia and Great Britain. If four
championships are wined in a year, this is called “Grand Slam”.
French: franceses
Handle: mango
Amateur: aficionado Neck: cuello
Single: individual Join: unir
Pair: pareja Roughly: aproximadamente
Racket or racquet: raqueta Frame: marco
Egips: egipcios Hollow: hueco
Greeks: griegos Rubber: goma
Romans: romanos Felt: fieltro
Coat: contar Resistance: resistencia
Traditional: tradicional Shot: remate
Improve: mejorar Drive: derecha
Backhand: revés
Volley: volea
Distribute: distribuir Surface: superficie
Measurement: medida Grass: pasto
Wide: ancho Clay: arcilla
Equal: igual Hard: cemento tratado
Such as: como Open Championships: campeonatos
Effect: efecto abiertos
Corporal positions: posiciones