Yes We Can
Yes We Can
Yes We Can
Each unit
corresponds to
term 1, 2 or 3 of
the school year.
Use the Picture Dictionary. Time for a story from the Big Book.
You can find an illustration of
the highlighted words in the Group Reflection You Final Product In the last
Picture Dictionary. will also carry out a final section you will present the
reflection on your team’s final product, such as a
collaboration. dialogue, poster or chart.
Let’s Be Polite! 4 Let’s Sing Together! 36 Let’s Hear a Story! 60 Picture Dictionary 84
Let’s Enjoy Rhymes! 12 Let’s Ask Questions! 44 Let’s Discover Mexico! 68 Bibliography 89
Let’s Cook! 20 Let’s Learn About Let’s Make Product Template 90
Let’s Follow the Leader! 28 Our Body! 52 an Inventory! 76 Worksheets 100
Let’s Be Polite!
Unit Overview
Look and answer the questions.
Good morning, children!
• Are they at home?
• Are they at school? How are you?
Who speaks ?
Who listens ?
Hello .
Walk around the classroom and greet different classmates. Use the dialogue as a model.
Unit 1 5
Listen and number the situations. 4
In this unit, you will make a poster. Choose two classmates to form a team. Go to the
Product Template on page e 90.
90 Complete
Com the sections with the expressions from pages 4 to
6. See Step 1 on page 11.
6 Unit 1
Look at the situations and decide if the children are polite or impolite .
Bye! Hi!
Unit 1 7
Cut out and glue the situations in the correct category. 1
Work with your team. Continue completing the Product Template on page 90. See Step 2
on page 11.
8 Unit 1
Listen and point to the expressions. 5
Unit 1 9
Listen to your teacher and point to the situations.
1 2 3 4
Thank you, Peter! Have a nice day, Betty. Hello, Carla! May I borrow your book, Anna?
You’re welcome, Mary. Thanks Mom, you too. Hi, Peter! Sure, Peter.
Work with your team and follow the suggestions to start preparing the Final Product.
1. Each member will choose an expression from the Product Template.
2. Illustrate the expressions on different sheets of paper. See Step 3 on page 11.
3. Your teacher will keep your work for the next lesson.
10 Unit 1
Make a posterer with
with illustrated
illu greetings, farewells and courtesy Final Product
1. Work with your team.
2. Ask your teacher for the expressions you illustrated on
page 10.
3. Cut them out and glue them onto construction paper.
4. Display your poster so that everybody can see it.
5. Your teacher will keep your work in your portfolio.
Group Reflection
• Can you use expressions to greet and say goodbye?
• Did you work with a classmate
to make the poster? • Can you say please and thank you?
• Were you polite?
• Can you understand written expressions?
• Did you enjoy the activity?
Unit 1 11
Let’s Enjoy Rhymes!
Unit Overview
1 3 Teddy Bear
2 4 1. Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around.
2. Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground.
3. Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch your shoe.
4. Teddy bear, teddy bear, that will do.
Work with a classmate. Listen again and take turns acting out the rhyme. 6
Rain, Rain
Rain, rain, go away,
Come again another day.
Little Johnny wants to play.
Rain, rain, go away.
Never show your face again!
In this unit, you will make an illustrated rhyme poster. Choose two classmates to form a
team. Go to the Product Template on page 91. Write the titles of the rhymes from pages
12 and 13. See Step
p 1 on page 19. Then write two words that rhyme. Practice reading the
words aloud.
Unit 2 13
Listen to the rhyme and follow along. 8
Jump a Little
To play a rhyme game, go to
Work with a classmate. Say two pairs of words that rhyme in your language.
14 Unit 2
Listen to the poem and clap to follow the rhythm. 9
Three, four,
Knock at the
Work with a classmate. Listen again to the poem and complete it using the words in
the boxes. 9
Work with your team. Go to the Product Template on page 91 and continue
completing it. Remember to read the words that rhyme aloud. See Step 2
on page 19.
Unit 2 15
Look and color the frames according to the code. Rhyme Illustration
One Potato
One potato, two potato,
Three potato, four,
Five potato, six potato,
Seven potato, more!
Listen to the rhyme and match the questions with the answers. 10
1. What is the rhyme about? 2. Who is the rhyme for? 3. How do you act out the
16 Unit 2
Listen to the rhyme and follow along. 11
Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Unit 2 17
Listen and follow with your finger. 12
Fish Story
One, two, three, four, five.
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Then I let it go again.
Draw a picture to illustrate the rhyme. Explain your drawing to another classmate.
Work with your team and follow the suggestions to prepare the Final Product.
1. Choose with the members of your team the rhyme you want to illustrate. Use the information from the
Product Template on page 91.
2. Decide who writes the rhyme on a sheet of cardboard and who illustrates it. See Step 4 on page 19.
3. Highlight the words that rhyme.
18 Unit 2
Final Product
Make an illustrated rhyme poster.
1. Work with your team.
2. Check that your rhyme and illustration are clear.
3. Practice reading the rhyme aloud.
4. Present your illustrated rhyme poster to the class.
5. Your teacher will keep your work in your portfolio.
Group Reflection
Share your answers with the class:
• Was it easy to make the poster?
• Say a rhyme that you remember.
• Was the Product Template useful?
• Did you enjoy presenting your poster with your team? • Say words that rhyme.
Unit 2 19
Let’s Cook!
Read the
he recipe
recipe and mark () the correct Answer the questions.
photo. • 1. Do you like salads?
• 2. Do you like these ingredients in a salad?
Healthy Salad
• 1 tomato
• 1 cucumber
• 1 lettuce
• salad dressing 1 Wash the vegetables.
2 Cut the vegetables. carrot onion orange
1 of water
• 1 liter of water
5 spoons of Steps
• 5 spoons of sugar
• 4 lemons 1.
Steps the sugar into the
1. Pour the sugar into water and mix.
the water and mix. 2. Squeeze
2. Squeeze lemon juice juice into the water
into the water and mix. and .
Read the recipes. Circle the title in , the ingredients in , and the steps in .
In this unit, you will make an illustrated recipe. Choose two classmates to form a team. Go
to the Product Template on page 92 and complete the sections with the ingredients and
steps from pages 20 and 21. See Step 1 on page 27.
Unit 3 21
Read the recipe and circle the correct answers.
• How many cups of hot water do you need?
• 2 cups of hot water
• How many cups of cold water do you need?
• 2 cups of cold water
• 1 box of Jelly
1. Mix the Jelly and hot water in a bowl.
2. Pour cold water into the mix.
3. Put the mix in the refrigerator.
• How many boxes of Jelly do you need?
Listen and mark () the words that appear in the Jelly recipe. 15
22 Unit 3
Look at the steps of the recipes and number them in the correct order.
B aann • one banana
• one cup of vanilla ice cream
pplliitt • one cup of chocolate ice cream
SS • one cup of strawberry ice cream
• one cup of chocolate syrup
• three cherries
• whipped cream
Work with a different classmate and take turns reading the recipe out loud.
Work with your team and follow the suggestions to start preparing the Final Product.
1. Choose with the members of your team a recipe from this unit or a different one to illustrate.
2. Write the ingredients for the recipe on a separate sheet of paper. Use the information from the Product
Template on page 92. See Step 3 on page 27.
3. Your teacher will keep your work for the next lesson.
24 Unit 3
Read the recipe and mark () the correct ingredients and instructions.
• loaf of bread
1. Cut
• 2 tortillas the bread.
• 3 slices of tomato Squeeze
• 4 slices of cheese 2. Wash the refried beans
• 1/2 cup of refried beans Spread onto the bread.
• 1/2 cup of milk 3. Add
the cheese.
4. Put
the molletes in the oven.
5. Bake for 5-7 minutes.
&% Work on the Final Product with your team. Write the steps for your recipe. Use the
information from the Product Template on page 92. See Step 4 on page 27.
Unit 3 25
Read the recipe and complete the steps using the verbs in the box.
Add Bake Put Spread
• 5 flour tortillas
• 1 cup of tomato sauce
• 1 cup of chopped ham
• 1 cup of shredded cheese
1. tomato sauce on
each tortilla.
2. ham and cheese.
3. the mini pizzas in
the oven.
4. for 5 minutes.
Work on your Final Product with your team. Write the instructions and the steps of your
recipe on a big sheet of paper and illustrate it. See Step 5 on page 27.
26 Unit 3
Final Product
Make an illustrated recipe.
1. Work with your team.
2. Check that the ingredients, steps and illustrations of
your recipe are correct.
3. Practice reading the recipe aloud and decide who is
presenting each part.
4. Present the recipe to the class.
5. Your teacher will keep your work in your portfolio.
• Did you work well in teams? • Can you listen to and follow recipes?
• Did you enjoy making the recipe?
• Did you eat what you prepared? • Can you spell number words?
Unit 3 27
Let’s Follow the Leader!
Unit Overview
Listen and point
p to the
actions. 18
Line up.
Sit down.
Stand up. Open the door. Open your book. Put your hands down.
Close the door. Sit down. Put your hands up. Close your book.
Check your answers with a classmate. He
or she acts out an instruction and you do In this unit, you will make illustrated
the opposite. signs for the classroom. Choose two
classmates to form a team. Go to the
Discuss the questions in groups. Product Template on page 93 and
• Do you follow these instructions at school? illustrate three instructions. See Step 1
• Do you follow these instructions at home? on page 35.
• What other instructions do you follow?
Unit 4 29
Listen and mark () the instruction you hear. 20
1 2
3 4
Line up. Pick up the paper. Open the window. Look at the book.
5 6
Sit down. Close the door. Put your hands up. Put your colors away.
30 Unit 4
Listen and point to the signs. 21
Work with your team. Go to the Product Template on page 93 and illustrate three signs.
See Step 2 on page 35.
Unit 4 31
Look at the scene and discuss the
questions with your classmates.
• Where are the children?
• What do the signs mean?
32 Unit 4
Work with a classmate. Cut out the actions and glue them in the correct place. 4
1 2 3
4 5 6
No littering.
Unit 4 33
Draw a sign to complete Signs Roulette.
34 Unit 4
Final Product
Make signs for the classroom.
1. Work with your team.
2. Check that the signs of your team are clear.
3. Practice saying the instructions aloud.
4. Present your illustrated signs for the classroom to
the class.
5. Your teacher will keep your work in your portfolio.
• Did your team choose the instructions together? • Can you follow instructions and signs?
• Did you all participate in making the signs?
• Can you create signs?
• Did you like playing together?
Unit 4 35
Let’s Sing Together!
Unit Overview
36 Unit 5
Circle the animals in and the objects in .
Unit 5 37
Find and color.
Check your answers with a classmate. Take turns saying a color and saying the animal.
38 Unit 5
Look and complete the words.
How Am I Doing?
Listen and match the words that rhyme. 25 • I can recognize the topic and
purpose of a song.
Listen again and clap when the words rhyme. 25 • I can follow along a song.
• I can name objects, colors
Say two words to your classmate. He or she claps if they and animals.
Work with your team. Go to the Product Template on page 94 and illustrate two more
words. See Step 2 on page 43.
Unit 5 39
Color Mommy and circle Daddy.
40 Unit 5
Listen and follow along. 27
Work with your team. Go to the Product Template on page 94 and illustrate two more
words. See Step 3 on page 43.
Unit 5 41
Look at the pictures and circle the correct words.
Work with a classmate. First, draw a picture of a word that rhymes with each of the words
above. Then write the words and say them.
Work with your team and follow the suggestions to prepare the Final Product.
1. Choose with the members of your team the rhyming words you want to illustrate for your memory
game. Use the information from the Product Template on page 94. See Step 4 on page 43.
2. Each member of the team illustrates their rhyming words on separate index cards.
42 Unit 5
Make a memory game with rhyming words. Final Product
1. Work with your team.
2. Check that your rhyming words cards are clear.
3. Read the rhyming words aloud.
4. Mix the cards and put them in rows upside down.
5. Play the memory game in your team.
6. Your teacher will keep your work in your portfolio.
Group Reflection
• Can you sing songs?
• Was it fun to make the memory game?
• Which problems did you have with the • Can you identify rhyming words?
memory game?
• Was the Product Template useful? • Can you name objects, colors and animals?
• Did you have problems? How did you
solve them? • Can you make a memory game?
Unit 5 43
Let’s Ask Questions!
Unit Overview
Look at the picture and name How Much Do I Know?
as many classroom objects as Mark Yes () or No ().
you can. I identify classroom objects.
I know the names of colors.
I ask and answer questions about classroom objects.
Work with another pair and
I know the difference between big and small.
compare your answers by
pointing and namingg the
classroom objects.
1 What is it? 2 What are they? 3 What are they? 4 What is it?
It’s a book. They are pencils. They are crayons. It’s a glue stick.
Work with a classmate. Take turns asking and answering the questions.
In this unit, you will make a die with questions about classroom objects. Choose two
classmates to form a team. Go to the Product Template
p a on page 95 and write two questions
about classroom objects. See Step 1 on page 51.
Unit 6 45
Listen to your teacher and nod your head to answer Yes or shake your head for No.
Work with a classmate. Take turns asking and answering questions about the classroom
objects. Use the questions from Activity 3 as a model.
Work with a different classmate. Take turns asking and answering questions about the
classroom objects on this page. Use the questions from page 45 as a model.
Unit 6 47
Circle the big classroom objects in and the small ones in .
big small
Listen and nod your head to answer Yes and shake your head for No. 30
How Am I Doing?
Work with a classmate and complete
the dialogue using Yes or No. • I can identify school objects.
Take turns asking and answering questions about the classroom objects. Use the previous
dialogue as a model.
48 Unit 6
Listen to the dialogue and draw the classroom object in the space provided. 31
Yes. No.
Is it a book?
Is it a pencil?
Is it yellow?
Go to https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.
org/en/word-games/school-things-1 and say
to a classmate which of these things are
in your classroom.
Work with your team and follow the suggestions to prepare the Final Product. 6
1. Choose with the members of your team the questions you want to include in your question die.
Use the information from the Product Template on page 95.
2. Use the die template from Worksheet 6. See Step 4 on page 51.
3. Each member of the team writes the questions and illustrates them. Do not include the answer.
50 Unit 6
Make a die with questions. Final Product
Group Reflection
• Can you identify classroom objects?
• Did you enjoy the game? • Can you talk about the name, color and
• Did you think the Product Template was useful? size of objects?
• Was it easy to organize the Final Product? • Can you ask and answer questions
• Which was your favorite part? about classroom objects?
• Did you have problems? How did you solve them?
Unit 6 51
Let’s Learn About Our Body!
Unit Overview
52 Unit 7
head shoulder
leg hand
Work with a classmate. Take turns pointing to different parts of the body and saying
their names. To sing a song about parts of the face, go to
In this unit, you will make a parts of the body poster. Choose two classmates to form a
team. Go to the Product Template on page 96. Draw yourself and write the name of seven
body parts. See Step 1 on page 59. T
Unit 7 53
Color the hair and the eyes of the faces.
ime to
1 2 3
1 2 3
Work with a classmate. Ask and answer questions about each other's work and color the
faces. Use the dialogues as models.
54 Unit 7
Draw yourself and complete your ID.
How Am I Doing?
Share your answers with a classmate:
Mention five parts of the body.
What color are your eyes?
Hello. My name's Roberto. I'm five years old. What color is your hair?
My hair is brown and my eyes are black.
Work with your team. Go to the Product Template on page 96. Write the rest of the parts of
the body. See Step 2 on page 59. T
Unit 7 55
Read the questions and complete them with the corresponding body parts.
1. Where is your ?
ime to
5. How many do you have?
Work with a classmate. Write two questions to ask to another pair. Use the questions
from Activity 6 as a model.
1. ?
2. ?
56 Unit 7
Color by code the children's hair and eyes. Read the dialogue with a
a b c
classmate and guess who the
d e f Read!
boy or girl is.
ime to
A: She is a girl.
1 2
c B: Is her hair blonde?
a A: Yes, it is.
B: Are her eyes brown?
A: Yes, they are.
B: She is .
Choose a child and role-play a
dialogue. Use the previous one
Lula Rob
as a model.
3 4 b
Work with your team and follow
the suggestions to prepare the
Final Product. T
1. Draw the silhouette of a body on
a construction paper. Decide in your
team who is going to draw the body
parts. See Step 3 on page 59.
2. Your teacher will save your work for
Alex Ana
the next lesson.
Unit 7 57
Cut out and glue the names of the body parts. 7
Check your answers with a classmate. Point to the body parts and say their name.
Work with your team and follow the suggestions to finish the Final Product. T
1. Label the parts of the body with your classmates. Use the information of the Product Template from page 96. See
Step 4 on page 59.
58 Unit 7
Final Product
Make a parts of the body poster.
1. Work with your team.
2. Check that your drawings and names are correct.
3. Practice with your team reading the parts of the
body aloud.
4. Display your poster and present it to the class.
5. Your teacher will keep your work in your portfolio.
Group Reflection • Can you identify the parts of the body?
• Did all the team like the poster? • Can you participate in short dialogues?
• Did you like your presentation to the class? • Can you write the names of parts of the body?
• Were the drawings and names clear to the class?
Unit 7 59
Let’s Hear a Story!
Unit Overview
60 Unit 8
Circle the titles of the books and underline the names of the authors.
The lion wakes up. He’s angry. The lion catches the mouse.
3 The mouse is surprised. The mouse is scared. 4
In this unit, you will make a mini book about emotions. Choose two classmates to form a
team. Go to the Product Template on page 97. Draw three emotions and label them. See
Step 1 on page 67. T
62 Unit 8
Look at the characters and discuss how they feel in each scene.
The mouse says, “Let me go and I’ll The lion lets the mouse go.
help you.” The mouse is happy.
5 6
Work with a classmate. Draw the feelings in the story. scared happy sad
Unit 8 63
Listen and act out the song. 37
How Am I Doing?
Mark () what you can do.
Draw an emotion on each face. Do not I can predict what a story is about.
I can say how a story makes me feel.
complete the sentences. I can identify emotions.
Take turns pointing to the faces and guessing the emotions. Finally, complete the sentences.
Work with your team. Go to the Product Template on page 97 and write three more emotions
and illustrate them. See Step 2 on page 67. T
64 Unit 8
Cut out and assemble to make a story booklet. 8 Go to
games?id=205 Look at the photos of the
children and say how they feel:
Read the story and complete the information. He's happy. He's angry. He's surprised.
Number of pages:
Characters: , and
Work with your team and follow the suggestions to prepare the Final Product. T
1. Decide with your team the character or characters you want to use for your mini book about emotions.
Use the information from the Product Template on page 97.
2. Decide who is going to prepare the cover of the mini book and the pages with the emotions.
3. Each member of the team starts working on their part on separate sheets of paper. See Step 3 on page 67.
4. Your teacher will keep your work for the next lesson.
Unit 8 65
Follow the lines and complete the emotions.
66 Unit 8
Final Product
Make a mini book about emotions.
1. Work with your team.
2. Check that your mini book has a cover, title, names
of authors and page numbers.
3. Practice with your team reading the mini book aloud.
4. Present your mini book about emotions to the class.
5. Your teacher will keep your work in your portfolio.
Unit 8 67
Let’s Discover Mexico!
Unit Overview
Work with a classmate. Point to the map and say which animal lives in the north, south,
east and west of Mexico.
Check your
answers with
a classmate.
Take turns
saying the
names of the
animals and
pointing to
In this unit, you will make a map of Mexico and some of its animals. Choose two
classmates to form a team. Go to the Product Template on page 98. Start completing the
information of some Mexican Animals. See Step 1 on page 75. T
70 Unit 9
Look and number.
1 = bear
2 = bat
3 = prairie dog
4 = toucan
5 = owl
Nuevo León
Look and match.
bear Zacatecas Zacatecas
owl Quintana Roo
toucan Estado de México
bat Nuevo León Estado de
prairie dog Chiapas Quintana
Answer the questions in pairs.
1. What’s the name of your state?
2. What animals can you find in your state?
How Am I Doing?
Circle the answer.
I can identify a map. Yes No
I can identify my state. Yes No
I know some animals in English. Yes No
I know where some animals live. Yes No
Unit 9 71
Cut out the information and complete the table. Use the map on page 71 to
help you. 9
butterfly Michoacán
It is a butterfly.
Check your answers with a classmate.
Use the example as a model. It lives in Michoacán. It is small.
Work with your team. Go to the Product Template on page 98 and continue completing the
information about some Mexican animals. See Step 2 on page 75. T
72 Unit 9
Listen to your teacher and draw the animal. Write the description of one more
animal. Go back to page 72 and use
the information from the table.
It is big.
It lives in Chiapas.
It is yellow and brown. .
Work with your team and follow the suggestions to prepare the Final Product. T
1. Decide with the members of your team the Mexican animals you want to include in your map. Use the
information from the Product Template on page 98.
2. Decide which member of the team is going to draw or copy the map of Mexico. Your teacher
can help you.
3. Each member of the team starts working on their part on separate sheets of paper. See Step 3 on page 75.
4. Your teacher will keep your work for the next lesson.
Unit 9 73
Find the Mexican animals in the picture and circle them.
Group Reflection • Can you read aloud information about animals in Mexico?
• Was it easy to draw the map and • Can you say and write the names of animals?
the animals?
• Did you like your presentation to • Can you make a map of Mexico and some of its animals?
the class?
Unit 9 75
Let’s Make an Inventory!
Unit Overview
Belongs in
this room =
Doesn’t belong
in this room =
glass spoon
Work with a partner. Say which objects you use to eat and color them.
Unit 10 77
Cut out and glue the utensils to eat. 10
fork knife
78 Unit 10
Draw the objects to eat, cook and clean in the categories below.
In this unit, you will make a utensils inventory. Choose two classmates to form a team. Go to the
Product Template on page 99. Write and draw two utensils to eat. See Step 1 on page 83. T
Unit 10 79
Complete the table with words from this unit.
80 Unit 10
Circle the text and the pictures .
Work with your team. Go to the Product Template on page 99 and add two utensils to
clean. See Step 3 on page 83. T
Unit 10 81
Look and match.
broom glass
pot fork
feather duster
Work with your team and follow the suggestions to start preparing the Final Product. T
1. Choose with the members of your team utensils from this unit or to write and illustrate.
2. Write and draw the utensils on a separate sheet of paper. Use the information from the Product
Template on page 99. See Step 4 on page 83.
3. Your teacher will keep your work for the next lesson.
82 Unit 10
Final Product
Make a utensils inventory.
1. Work with your team.
2. Check that the names and illustrations of your
utensils are correct.
3. Practice reading the utensils inventory aloud
and decide who is presenting each part.
4. Present the utensils inventory to the class.
5. Your teacher will keep your work in your portfolio.
Unit 10 83
Unit 1
Hello! Good-bye! Excuse me. See you!
Unit 2
wall shoe rain horse door
84 Picture Dictionary
Unit 3
spread pour
cut mix
Unit 4
Stop! Line up! Be quiet! No running.
Picture Dictionary 85
Unit 5
triangle circle pencil mommy sister
eraser chair
86 Picture Dictionary
Unit 7
hair head, shoulders leg, knee ears, mouth
Unit 8
angry excited happy sad surprised scared
Picture Dictionary 87
Unit 9
bear jaguar prairie dog crocodile butterfly
Unit 10
stove fork knife bucket broom
88 Picture Dictionary
1. Barnett, Mac & Klassen, Jon (2017). Triangle (Shape Trilogy). 4. Dr. Seuss (2018). Dr. Seuss’s Book of Colors. Random House
Candlewick. Books for Young Readers.
2. Blackwood, Freya & Gleeson, Libby (2013). Banjo and Ruby Red. 5. Frazee, Marla (2014). The Farmer and the Clown. Beach
Little Hare. Lane Books.
3. Carlin, Laura & Davies, Nicola (2014). The Promise. 6. Surratt, Tereasa & Lukas, Donna (2018). The Forever Tree.
Walker Books. Crown Books for Young Readers.
Product Template
90 Unit 1
Product Template
Rhyme 1 Rhyme 4
Title: Title:
Rhyme 2 Rhyme 5
Title: Title:
Rhyme 3 Rhyme 6
Title: Title:
Unit 2 91
Product Template
92 Unit 3
Product Template
Unit 4 93
Product Template
94 Unit 5
Product Template
Unit 6 95
Product Template
96 Unit 7
Product Template
Unit 8 97
Product Template
98 Unit 9
Product Template
Utensils to eat
Utensils to cook
Utensils to clean
Unit 10 99
Worksheet 1
Unit 1 101
Worksheet 2
head ground
Unit 2 103
Worksheet 3
Cut the banana and
Put the ice cream in a bowl. Pour whipped cream. put it in the bowl.
Worksheet 4
I love my mommy.
London Yes, I do.
I love my mommy,
And she loves me, too.
lady Loves me too, loves me, too.
Unit 5 107
Worksheet 6
Unit 6 109
Worksheet 6
Unit 6 111
Worksheet 7
nose ear
mouth eye
neck hair
Unit 7 113
Worksheet 8
Jack and Mom are helping the giant. Jack and Mom are poor. Jack is exchanging
8 Jack, Mom and the giant are happy. his cow for magic beans. Jack is surprised. 1
Unit 8 115
Mom is very angry. Mom and Jack are scared. The giant is
2 Jack is hungry and sad. talking to Mom and Jack. 7
There is a big castle and a giant. The giant is sleeping. Jack takes the money.
4 The giant is counting his coins. He’s happy. He is scared. 5
116 Unit 8
Worksheet 9
bear big
small crocodile
Unit 9 117
Worksheet 10
Unit 10 119