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Raise Small Ruminants

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In the Philippines, two of most popular small ruminants are goats and sheep. Both
are part of farming in the country. Ruminants the world ruminant comes from the Latin
“ruminare,” which means “to chew over again”are mammals that are able to acquire
nutrients from plant-based food by fermenting it in a specialized stomach prior to
digestion, principally through bacterial actions.
Breeds of Goats

Anglo Nubians La Mancha Alpine Toggenburg

Saanen Boer Nigerian Dwarf Kiko

Oberhasli Spanish Meat Tennessee Angora
Goat Fainting Goat

Pygora Kinder Pygmy

Breeds of Sheeps
 Meat Sheep Breeds  Hair Sheep Breeds
 Long Wool Sheep Breeds  Minor Sheep Breeds
 Fine Wool Sheep Breeds
 Dual Purpose Breeds

Selecting a Breed
Each livestock breed has different traits that they are recognized for. Breed
associations can provide information on those traits and help you narrow your
decision regarding what breed or breeds fit best with your operation.

Sheep breeds are often divided into meat-producing (ram) and wool-producing
(ewe) breeds. In addition, some sheep breeds are known as hair sheep because
they shed their wool. The more common hair sheep breeds are commonly used
for meat production. Sheep also have breeds used for milk production.

Some goat breeds are noted for their meat production, while others are
recognized for milk production or fiber production.

Properly Handling Sheep and Goats

 Sheep are herd animals and do the best when they are kept together with each
other. It is easier to move a herd of sheep than to move one sheep
 When moving sheep forward, always try and stay behind the shoulder of the
animal. Standing in front of the line drawn on this sheep will make it turn to the
side or back up.
 Usually, a sheep will refuse to move if they see a human in front of them. Always
move sheep slowly. Do not allow sheep to form little groups to themselves. Move
sheep slowly, calmly and quietly. If you want a sheep to go backward stand in
front of it. If you want it to turn to the left then stand to the animals right side. To
the right stand to its left side.
 Remember, sheep always will move the best when you walk behind them. Using
a low voice and keeping the flock together.
Catching Sheep
Sometimes you will need to catch an individual sheep. If you can, put the
sheep in a small catch pen. Approach the sheep from the rear and try and maneuver
the sheep into a corner. When catching a sheep or goat place your hand on the
boney part of the jaw. Keep the animal’s head up. Sheep and goats have much more
power when their head is down.
A good way to hold a goat or a ram is by its horns. However, be careful that
the horns are attached securely to its head. You can break off loosely attached
horns. Sheep are easier to handle when they are put in a sitting position. They are
easier to give medicine, trim their hooves and to examine if the animal is sitting.
Sheep are easily managed when sitting. Shearing is simpler if the animal sits.
Tipping a Sheep
Stand to the side of the sheep. Put your left hand under the jaw of the sheep
and your left knee in the left shoulder of the sheep. Your right knee in the sheep's left
hip. Put your right hand on the sheep’s back over the hips. Turn the sheep’s nose
away from you towards its shoulder. You will feel the weight of the sheep against
your legs. Take a step back with your right leg. The hind leg of the sheep will start to
go down. Continue to bring the head of the sheep around until the sheep is sitting
down Some farmers will use a, “SHEEP CHAIR,” to work on or to help medicate
sheep with. This keeps the sheep still and comfortable. If possible, never catch a
sheep or goat by the front leg. This could result in injury of the animal. Always catch
the animal by the rear leg. In conclusion sheep and goats will be healthier and more
productive if they are handled in a safe and sound manor.

This guide applies to sheep farmers and their employees, sheep transporters,
drafters, veterinarians and anyone else who works in stockyards or handles sheep.
Provides recommendations on how to eliminate, isolate and minimize those
o Anyone working with sheep must be appropriately trained or experienced for
the task
o Keep yards and woolsheds tidy and well maintained
o Before working with sheep in the yards, leave them for 30 minutes to calm
o Avoid lifting sheep if possible. If you have to, use your legs, not your back
o Always wash and dry your hands after working with sheep

Classification of Common Feed Ingredients for Ruminants

o Roughages. These are feeds containing relatively large amounts of fiber or

digestible material (legumes, ipil-ipil, napier, etc.).
o Concentrates. These are feeds which have a comparatively high digestibility
(rice bran, corn bran, bone meal, molasses, etc.).
o Feed Additives. These are chemical compounds that are included in animal
rations but do not supply nutrients to the animals (natural
antibacterial/antimicrobial, etc.).
o Mineral Supplements. The function of mineral elements in goats is to
provide structural support for the body (salt, oyster shell, wood ash, CRH,
mineral supplements).
o Vitamins’ Supplements. The dietary vitamin requirements of ruminants like
goats are relatively simple due to the nature of feeds they ordinarily
consume (FFJ, FPJ, OHN, LABS, IMO, etc.).

Some Local Ingredients for Ruminant Feed

o Corn. This is the most popular grain used for feeds. High in total digestible
nutrients, low in fiber, and higher in fat.
o Corn bran. A by-product of corn milling industry. It consist of broken grains
of corn and bran, rich in protein.
o Rice bran. Called “tiki-tiki”, the good quality fine rice bran contains an
adequate amount of fat. First class bran contains approximately 11% crude
o Sorghum. This is very similar to corn in feed value except that is lower in fat.
o Copra meal. This is what is left of the coconut meat after the oil has been
removed or extracted.
o Soybean oil meal. This is a by-product after extracting the soybean oil. It
contains about 44% crude protein and is also a good source of energy.
o Mungo. This legume is a human food, it can also be given to goats in place
of oil meal.
o Molasses. This is practically all carbohydrates with only 3% crude protein.
o Ipil-ipil. As a leaf meal, it contains 21% crude protein.

Feeding practices in small ruminants

During feeding of sheep nutritional requirement should be met during different
physiological stages like growth, pre - weaning, post weaning,finishing, pregnancy,
lactation and breeding.

Pre-weaned lambs
o The practice of providing supplemental feed to nursing lambs in an area is
called creep feeding.
o Lambs start creep feeding 10 - 40 days of age
o Up to 10 - 12 weeks of age suckling lambs should be supplemented with
creep ration. Its consumption is affected by palatability location and
environment of creep area.
o  In 100 kg of creep mixture adequate quantity of vitamins and oral anti -
biotic (powder) should be added.
o Fish meal and meat meal replace by groundnut cake, soybean cake and
linseed cake.

Post-weaned lambs
o A ration providing 12-16 % CP and 58-65 % TDN with 3-4.3 % dry matter
consumption meet requirement for expected average daily gain of 50-150
o When there is availability of poor quality forage like mature grasses and
straws, this concentrate mixture in enhance to 300 - 600 g /head / day for
lamb weight 10 - 30 kg.
o When quality fodder like green oat, maize, berseem, lucerne and hay
available for feeding,a concentrate mixture (cereal grain, groundnut cake,
wheat bran, mineral mixture and common salt.

Pregnant ewes
o Last 6 - 7 weeks of pregnant critical for fetal development since 70 - 80 %
gain in fetus must achieved during this period.
o Fetus growth and pregnancy requirement are average approximately 0.5
time of maintenance requirement for single bearing ewes and 1 time for
twins. So, total feed requirement increases to 1.75 times

Lactating ewes
o  Sheep have relatively short lactation period.
o Ewe nursing twin lambs produce 20-40 % more milk than nursing one
lamb. Although, milk production responds to nutrient intake.
o 65-83 % ME is converted to milk energy during 12 weeks of lactation.
o Daily feed requirement is 4-5 % during first half of lactation
o First 10 days of lactation legume, hay and concentrate mixture given.
Feeding for Breeding
o Flushing is a practice of increase intake or dynamic effect that influence
body weight changes during breeding.
o Its purpose increase ovulation 

Pasture and Forage Crops for Ruminants

o Grasses
o Star grass (6.05% crude protein (CP)
o Napier grass (1.57% crude protein)
o Para grass (3.00% crude protein)

Nutrients Needed in Ruminants’ Feed to protect from stock diseases

o Energy. Most energy required is supplied by carbohydrates and fats found
in forage and grain.
o Protein. This nutrient is essential for growth, repair of old tissues, milk
production, and development of unborn kid.
o Minerals. These are essential for growth and reproduction. These are
mostly calcium and phosphorus, which are found chiefly in the skeleton.
o Vitamins. These are feed nutrients which are needed in very small
quantities but which are essential to life.
o Water. The animal body is 56-70 percent water. Water helps liquefy the
nutrients fermented in the digestive process.

Tips in building a suitable house for organic goats

o Try to select a dry and higher place for making the goat house. Ensure that,
the selected goat housing area is high enough to keep the goats safe from
o You must have to keep the floor of the house dry always.
o Always ensure the huge follow of light and air inside the house.
o Make house in such a way so that it become very suitable for controlling
temperature and moisture.
o Always keep the house free from being damped. Because damping
condition is responsible for various diseases.
o Never let the rain water enter inside the house.
o Try to make the wall of the house with concrete or by using bamboo poles.
o The house must have to strong and comfortable.
o Keep enough space inside the house for taking rest.
o The house must have to have the facilities of cleaning well regularly.
o Goats are feared about cold and water. So take extra care in rainy and
winter season. Otherwise they may caught by Pneumonia.
Best bedding options for goat

1.Pine Shavings 4. Sawdust

Pine shavings are the best kind Sawdust is probably the most
material to use for your goat pen popular bedding material for most
bedding. Pine shaving is not only very animals. Sawdust is light, easy to
absorbent, it is cheap and easy to spread, absorbent, prevents smell, and
remove when it is soiled.Depending provides many other benefits.Sawdust
upon your region and the season, you is very advantageous to use as spent
can use pine shavings for a few days bedding material (will be discussed
to a week. later).

2. Straw 5. Wood Chips/Landscaping Chips

Just like pine shavings, straw is Wood chips, just like other
also a great bedding material for your bedding materials, are effective in
goat pen. One slight issue with straw is insulating the goat pen and also
that goats sometimes eat straw and prevent moisture from building up in
you don’t want that to happen the ground. Another advantage of
(especially if they have pooped on chips is that they can be stored
it).Don’t worry, not all goats will eat outside, so they are easier to handle.
straw from the ground (in fact, most
goats will not eat any feed off the 6. Cedar Chips/Shavings
ground), so you can use straw if it Cedar chips or shavings are
works for you and your goats. good for your goats as a goat pen
bedding, but it is not as cost-effective
3. Pelleted Bedding as some other options. While cedar
Pelleted bedding (made of chips are as effective as other bedding
compressed wood) is mostly used in options, you should stop using it if you
horse pens but it can also be used in find your goats eating it because cedar
goat pens. This bedding material is can make goats sick if they eat too
cheap, absorbent, easy to manage, much of it.
and unattractive for goats to
eat.Pelleted beddings come in bags of 7. Sand
different sizes and can be bought from Sand or sandy soil is great for
various websites or shops near you. drainage. It is best to use sand as a
bedding amendment (will be discussed
later) rather than just the actual
Feeding Facilities
1. Fodder rack
Elevate the feeder 1.5ft above the floor and attach it to the goat house from
2. Water container
Plastic basins or pails can serve the purpose. Place this outside of the pen to
avoid contamination with urine or manure.
3. Salt container
A bamboo tube with 2 or more slits at the bottom can serve as container for the
ordinary table salt for the goats to lick. Hang the bamboo tube inside the house.
4. Hay rack
Store the fodder/forage in hay rack under a shade or shed adjacent to the goat

Desirable Characteristics of Ruminants for Organic Production

 Good teeth. ~ Good legs and feet.
 Good skin and shiny hair.
 Normal reproductive parts.

System of Raising Ruminants

 Grazing System.
 Cut and Carry System (confined).
 Goat (or sheep)-Sloping Agricultural Land Technology (SALT) Integration
System (SALT 2).

In order to be certified organic, goats must be raised on pasture that is

certified organic. This requires that no pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers or
any other restricted materials be used. Unless the pasture land to be used
for goats is already certified, obtaining initial certification will take time.

Keys to sustainable sheep and goat production:

• Pastures must be managed to optimize nutritious, low-cost feed for the animals.
• Pastures must be managed to leave adequate residue (two to four inches
minimum) of stubble, so that soils are protected and plants do not die out.
• Brush used as a feed source must be rested just as grassy pastures are rested,
to avoid eradicating the brush. It may need to be rested a full year. If the
objective is to kill the brush so that more grass can be grown, then the brush
could be grazed more frequently.
• Animals must be kept healthy. Prevention is much cheaper and more effective
than treatment; good management and good nutrition will do far more than
drugs and be more economical and satisfying.
• Animals must be protected from predators.
• Animals must be productive in their environment. Selecting for twinning,
milking, and mothering ability, fiber production, rate of gain, parasite
resistance, good disposition, longevity—or whatever meets your goals—will
lead to consistently better animals in your flock or herd over time.
• All products should be sold at a fair price; meat, fiber, milk, hides, manure, and
grazing services are all potential products. More than one option should be
feasible. Greater diversity of products can help reduce economic risk, but that
diversity may also reduce critical time for marketing and require more

Why keep records?

Record keeping is a key component of managing an efficient farm business.

Records are needed not only for legal, financial and taxation purposes but also for
maintaining a permanent record of the farm business, analyzing the business,
monitoring day-to-day activities, and future planning.

Sales Expense

(kg) (Php)
1 Rice Bran (D1) Fine 100 960.00 50.00
2 Corn Bran 65 650.00 32.50
3 ACE-PROTEIN Meal ( C++) 15 300.00 07.50
4 Copra meal 20 180.00 10.00
Total Weight 200 2,090.00 100.00
8 Additives 2 100.00
ACE Nutri-balancersalt 1 6.00
FAA } 70%
FFJ } 10% 10 TBS
FPJ } 10%
OHN }10%
Total volume 20 L 200.00
10 Labor 2 md 500.00
TOTAL COST 2,950.00
FRC = 2.5 Feed cost = P 15
36.88 kg/bag


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