DLL - Perdev - April 3-7, 2023
DLL - Perdev - April 3-7, 2023
DLL - Perdev - April 3-7, 2023
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
Alangilan Senior High School
Alangilan, Batangas City
2. Analysis Task 1: TODAY I FEEL… Task 2: Talk About Feelings - TASK 3: GENEVA’S STORY
On a blank piece of bond paper, Feeling Words Read and understand the story
draw a face or an emoticon that Direction: For each sentence, about Geneva.
expresses your feelings today and think of a word that describes Copy the questions and write
don’t forget to name/label your how you feel. There’s no right or your answer in your journal.
emoticon. wrong answer, just focus on how (page 5)
Paste your drawing in your you feel. (page 4)
journal and mark it as
PRETEST. (page 3)
3. Abstraction Lecture: Provide a brief lecture Continuation of the abstraction Continuation of the abstraction
about Emotional Intelligence. activity…... activity…...
Lecture: Provide a brief lecture Lecture: Provide a brief lecture
about Emotional Intelligence. about Emotional Intelligence.
4. Application 1. Ask students to write down one Art Activity (5 minutes): Sharing and Reflection (5
example of a time when they hid Provide the students with art minutes):
or suppressed an emotion and one supplies and ask them to create a Ask the students to share their
example of a time when they visual representation of their artwork with the class and
expressed an emotion effectively. emotions. explain what emotions they were
2. In pairs, have students share Encourage them to use colors, trying to express.
their examples and discuss how shapes, and lines to express their Encourage the students to ask
they could communicate their emotions. questions and provide feedback
emotions more effectively in the Remind them that they can use to their classmates.
future. any art medium they prefer, such Ask the students to reflect on the
as drawing, painting, or collage. process of creating their artwork
and how it helped them explore
and express their emotions.
5. Assessment/ PORTFOLIO OUTPUT NO. 8
Create a Positive Treasure Chest
A positivity box is a collection of
reminders of positive experiences
we've had. It's a positivity
"treasure chest.
Collect and place inside the
“Treasure Chest” things that
Address: Primewater Road, Alangilan, Batangas City, Batangas 4200
T Telephone No: (043) 741 - 8682
Email: alangilanshs@deped.gov.ph
“Soar High with Excellence, Lead with Confidence”
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Batangas City
Alangilan Senior High School
Alangilan, Batangas City
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Date Date