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Act Research

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna
College of Teacher Education A.Y.

Action Research

Submitted by:

Mercado, Cyrel S.

Submitted to:

Dr. August V. Tuiza

Title: Consolidating Dominant Teaching with Modern Teaching against absurd behavior of

21st century learners


Cyrel S. Mercado

Roan Kate Angeles

I. Context and Rationale

A lot of technology advances can be seen today in terms of computers, cellphones and

other gadgets. It’s nice to know that these materials are also being used in the field of education.

Today, teachers were encouraged to use Interactive White board, computers, laptop, netbooks

and other updated equipment in teaching. There are even some schools who are now using

tablets in their class instead of the traditional method. A big change was observed not only in

our country but around the world regarding the use of these modern equipment’s in teaching.

But our values should never be set aside though we are now living in the modern times.

Teachers should never forget to inculcate Love of God, Love of Country, Respect, Industry,

Obedience, Kindness and other traits as they continually inspire their learners to learn. With

the advances in education, our teachers must remain the same, armed with dedication,

commitment and passion of transforming their learners to become better.

Dominant traits of a teacher in the school environment refers to the exertion of a major

controlling influence of one or more class upon all other classes by virtue of their number, size,

productivity or related activities. As we move on to the 21st Century, there are lots of changes

that will take place not only in the field of education but also in other areas of our lives. There

are changes happening and being introduce in our way of living, in our schools, in the place

where we live and around the world. Students seems to be curious about all these modern stuff

and everyone wants to understand the things going on around us that leads on some students to

become confident on demonstrating an absurd behavior.

Some students who misbehave are expressing a desire for more control in the

classroom. Acting inappropriately makes them feel powerful. Some students would much

rather see themselves as behavior problems than struggling learners. Many students who value

or crave attention don’t care if it is positive (praise) or negative attention (reprimands). They

just want attention.

According to Felipe (2013), in school, there will be more changes as the days go by.

Teachers must be active instruments and be prepared for that.

Back to school with a full blast class leaves a shocking environment for the school.

With this, teachers need to know the importance of dominating different students, especially if

there are overly large numbers of students in one classroom, so that they will have clearer views

on what and what not to do in the school, mainly in terms of their behavior.

Above all these, love must be the main ingredient in imposing discipline among the


Students have complex, varying needs — some of which they can voice for themselves,

some of which may be less visible or difficult to meet. Educators are in a unique position to

both identify and understand student needs and advocate for their students to receive the

support they require to thrive.

II. Action Research Questions

Teacher’s approaches will be measured in terms of their Inclusion technique, flow of

discussion, routine Movement, rules and Standards, and online interaction by answering the

following questions below.

1. Can you describe your overall teaching approach or philosophy? What principles or

values guide your instructional practices?

2. How do you differentiate your teaching approach to meet the diverse needs and

learning styles of your students?

3. Can you provide an example of a specific teaching strategy or method you employ

to actively engage students in the learning process? How do you assess its


4. How do you incorporate technology or digital tools into your teaching approach?

How do you ensure that technology enhances student learning rather than being a mere


5. How do you establish a positive and inclusive classroom environment that promotes

active participation and collaboration among students?

6. How do you incorporate formative assessment into your teaching approach? How do

you use assessment data to inform your instruction and provide targeted support to


7. Can you share an example of how you differentiate instruction to address the needs

of students who may be struggling or excelling academically? How do you ensure that

all students are appropriately challenged?

8. How do you foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills in your students? Can

you provide an example of an activity or project that promotes these skills?

9. How do you promote student autonomy and self-directed learning in your classroom?

What strategies do you use to encourage students to take ownership of their learning?

10. How do you collaborate with other teachers or professionals to improve your

teaching approach? How do you seek feedback and continuously reflect on your

instructional practices?

III. Proposed Innovation, Intervention Strategy

The researcher will use different intervention such as:

1. Enable learning opportunities that give students the chance to gain expertise through

investigation, comprehension, and the acquisition of new knowledge about a foreign

culture or a problem that affects people around the world.

2. In order to effectively support learning, teaching calls for a delicate balancing act of

knowledge, competence, and personality traits. A specific professional qualification

should be attained by effective teachers. Students frequently make connections

between their preferred subject and their teacher and how the subject should be


3. Rules and other instructional organizers are frequently displayed on the walls of a

well-organized classroom. The classroom can run itself amongst the commotion of

student and teacher interaction due to the teacher's planning for the environment,

including the arrangement of the classroom and the organization of the pupils.

4. Driven to support pupils in their academic success. In any setting, great teachers

ought to want to see their pupils succeed. Although face-to-face contacts between

students and teachers are eliminated in distance learning, the best online educators

may still inspire and motivate learners from a distance.

Next, applying of different application in teaching that will suite or meet the learning

objectives and learning outcomes. It will be applied by giving activities, assessment,

evaluation, motivation and discussion of the topic.

IV. Action Research Methods

a. Participants/Other sources of Data

The participants will be the teacher and the students in Senior High School.

b. Data Gathering Methods

The school principal and other instructors from the same school observed all of the courses

during the implementation to make sure the applications were used. The observers used several
applications while they were observing in the classroom. In order to gauge the efficacy of each

application, the students will also complete an assessment or test.

c. Data Analysis Plan

The effectiveness of the consolidating dominant teaching with modern teaching against absurd

behavior of 21st century learners was determined through the classroom observation after the

intervention. Moreover, data gathered through the post-intervention teacher and student


V. Action Research Work Plan

The researcher will use different intervention such as: webinar, through this

application they will invite some speakers that has the capacity or they experts on that field to

showcase their expertise and knowledge to thought on how to uplift the knowledge of each

teacher in using application like Kahoot, Google classroom, Zoom, Moodle Cloud, Google

meet, Edmodo, and Canva.Next, applying of different application in teaching that will suite or

meet the learning objectives and learning outcomes. It will be applied by giving activities,

assessment, evaluation, motivation and discussion of the topic.

This intervention, it will happen in every quarter of the academic year to strategize if

the webinar is effective or need for improvement.

The participants of this webinar were teachers and students. To execute this

webinar, each teacher same also with the students were able to have this kind of

materials namely: laptops, desktops, tablets, smart phone, and stable/strong internet

connection to proceed to the webinar that they need to attend.

VI. Cost Estimate

The cost estimate for this intervention will be three thousand pesos (P3,000).

VII. Plan Dissemination and Utilization

To disseminate the result of this action research, the researchers may:

1. Conduct another webinar to the other school

2. It will be posted in a reliable website in order to easily spread the result of the

conducted action research by the researchers.

3. Researchers can create videos on how to use different applications and upload

it to the different social media platform such YouTube.

VIII. References

Mrs. Ruvirosa B. Felipe. March 30, 2013. “Four Ways to Advocate for Your Students”


McGraw Hill. Oct 30, 2019.



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