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FIDP Gen Math

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Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)

Grade: Grade 11 Semester: First Semester

Core Subject Title: General Mathematics No. of Hours/Semester:80 hours
Prerequisites (If needed): None

Core Subject Description: At the end of the course, the students must learn how to solve problems involving rational, exponential and logarithmic functions; to solve business-related problems;
and to apply logic to real-life situations

Culminating Performance Standard:

The learners are able to apply their knowledge of Functions, Business Mathematics, and Logic in dealing with the intricacies of mathematical and scientific concepts in higher
education, entrepreneurial demands, middle-level skills development, and employment through utilizing appropriate mathematical and financial tools.

Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in

Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skills to Assess Developing the Highest Thinking Skill to
Most Performance Flexible
Content Standar
Essential Standards Assessment Enabling
ds KUD Most KUD Flexible Learning
Topics Complete RBT Level Activities (FAA) General
Classification Essential Classification Strategies (FLS)
Performance Strategy
Functions The Modelling 1.) The learner 1. Illustrates 1. Illustrates Formative Text-Illustration
and their learners Functions is able to… and and Assessment Interaction
Graphs demonstr apply concepts distinguishe distinguishes Activity: (Discussion) Module
ate the of functions s piecewise, piecewise, Submit a paper on Illustrating
understa and accurately Rational, Rational, one- containing Functions. This is a
nding of construct one-to-one, to-one, identified scenarios reading material where
the key mathematical inverse, inverse, in life which can be actual interaction
concepts models to exponential, exponential, examples of (discussion) set-up will
of represent real- and and piecewise, rational, be translated to text
Function life situations logarithmic Understanding logarithmic Understanding Analyzing exponential, or Communication and illustration.
s using functions. functions. logarithmic
functions. (Additional (Additional function. Explain Exploratory
Competency Competency) how the function
) works or can be Pairwork
applied in the
situation. Technology
2. Evaluates 2. Evaluates a Formative Text-Illustration
a function. function. Assessment Interaction
Activity: (Discussion) Module
Worksheets on on Evaluating
evaluating functions Functions.
Understanding Understanding Applying Connection
will be given to
students. A detailed Technology
answer key will be Integration
given upon return
of worksheets.
3. Performs 3. Performs Formative Text-Illustration
operations operations on Assessment Interaction
on functions functions and Activity: (Discussion) Module
and composition of Worksheets on on Operations on
composition functions. operations on Functions.
of functions. Understanding Understanding Applying functions will be Connection
given to students. A Technology
detailed answer key Integration
will be given upon
return of
4. 4. Determine Formative Text-Illustration
Determine inverse of a Assessment Interaction
inverse of a one-to-one Activity: (Discussion) Module
one-to-one function. Worksheets on on Determining
function. determining inverse Inverse of a One-to-
of one-to-one One Function.
Understanding Understanding Analyzing Communication
functions will be
given to students. A Technology
detailed answer key Integration
will be given upon
return of Pairwork
5. Illustrates
laws of Knowing Understanding Representation
6. 6. Represents Formative Text-Illustration
Represents function Assessment Interaction
function through (a) Activity: (Discussion) Module
through (a) Table of Collect data from a on Different
Understanding Understanding Applying Connection
Table of values, (b) situation which can Representations of
values, (b) Graph, and (c) be considered as a Functions
Graph, and Equation. function. Present
these in terms of Exploratory
(c) (M11GM-Ib-4, table of values and
Equation. M11GM-Id-3, graphs. Technology
(M11GM- M11GM-If-2, Integration
Ib-4, M11GM-Ii-2)
3, M11GM-
7. 7. Represents Performance Text-Illustration
Represents real-life Check: Interaction
real-life situations Submit a paper (Discussion) Module
situations using following the on Function
using functions instruction below: Modelling.
functions (M11GM-Ia-1, Collect numerical
(M11GM- M11GM-Ib-1, data on present Exploratory
Ia-1, M11GM-Id-1, issues in the
M11GM-Ib- M11GM-Ie-3, community or Technology
1, M11GM- Doing M11GM-Ih-1) Doing Creating present national Problem Solving Integration
Id-1, issues, e.g., CoVID-
M11GM-Ie- 19 Pandemic related
3, M11GM- problems. Create a
Ih-1) model using a table
of values, simple
graphs, and an
equation which is a

Problem 2.) The learner 8. Pre-assessment:

A text with illustration
Solving is able to Distinguishe Distinguishes Search for different
module will be
Involving accurately s rational, rational, examples about the
provided for reading
Functions formulate and exponential, exponential, different kinds of
and comprehension.
solve real-life and and functions ,
The attached
problems logarithmic logarithmic equations and
worksheet will be
involving function, function, inequalities in the
available at the end of
piecewise, equation, equation, and internet and identify
Reasoning and each topic to be
rational, and Understanding inequality. Understanding its differences or
Proof answered and
inverse, inequality. M11GM-Ib- similarities by
exponential, (M11GM- 2M11GM-Ie- completing the
and Ib-2, 4, M11GM-Ih- online graphic
Exploratory approach
logarithmic M11GM-Ie- 2) organizer.
can be applied in
functions with 4, M11GM-
answering the different
precision and Ih-2) Post-assessment:
answer sheets.
accuracy. Distinguish the
given examples
according to its Various linkages will
properties be available for further

9. Solves 9. Solves Worksheet about A text with illustration

rational, rational, solving rational, module will be
exponential, exponential, exponential, and provided for reading
and and logarithmic and comprehension.
logarithmic logarithmic equations and The attached
equations equations and inequalities will be worksheet will be
and inequalities. given to be available at the end of
inequalities. (M11GM-Ib- answered and each topic to be
(M11GM- 3M11GM-If-1, submitted. answered and
Ib-3, Understanding M11GM-Ii-1) Understanding Analyzing Communication submitted.
M11GM-If- An option of online
1, M11GM- assessment can be Exploratory approach
Ii-1) given using can be applied in
different answering the different
applications or web answer sheets.
Various linkages will
be available for further
10. Solves 10. Solves Worksheets about A text with illustration
problems problems solving problems module will be
involving involving involving provided for reading
rational, rational, logarithmic and comprehension.
exponential, exponential, functions, The attached
and and equations, and worksheet will be
logarithmic logarithmic inequalities will be available at the end of
equations equations, and given to be each topic to be
and inequalities. answered and answered and
inequalities. (M11GM-Ic-3, submitted. submitted.
(M11GM- Understanding M11GM-Ig-2 Understanding Evaluating Reasoning and
Ic-3, M11GM-Ij-2) An option of online Proof Exploratory approach
M11GM-Ig- assessment can be can be applied in
2, M11GM- given using answering the different
Ij-2) different answer sheets.
applications or web
pages Various linkages will
be available for further

Effective Questioning
Lecture via
synchronous modality

Students self
assessment using the
module provided

11. Graphs
M11GM-Ie- Understanding Applying Connection
1, M11GM-
12. 12. Identifies Worksheets about A text with illustration
Identifies the parts of the identifying the module will be
the parts of graph (Domain parents of the graph provided for reading
the graph and Range, (domain, range, and comprehension.
(Domain Intercepts, intercepts, The attached
and Range, Asymptotes asymptotes) will be worksheet will be
Intercepts, (M11GM-Ib-5, given to be available at the end of
Asymptotes M11GM-Ic-1, answered and each topic to be
) M11GM-Id-4, submitted. answered and
(M11GM- M11GM-If-3, submitted.
Ib-5, M11GM-If-4, An option of online
M11GM-Ic- M11GM-Ii-3, assessment can be Exploratory approach
1, M11GM- M11GM-Ii-4) given using can be applied in
Id-4, Understanding Understanding Analyzing different Communication answering the different
M11GM-If- applications or web answer sheets.
3, M11GM- pages.
If-4, Various linkages will
M11GM-Ii- be available for further
3, M11GM- reference
Learning thru provided
Learning Materials
13. Solves 13. Solves A text with illustration
problems problems From the previous module will be
involving involving performance check provided for reading
functions functions. regarding function and comprehension.
(M11GM- M11GM-Ia-4, modelling use the The attached
Ia-4, ,M11GM-Ic- model to analyze, worksheet will be
M11GM-Ic- 3M11GM-Ie- interpret, and solve available at the end of
3, M11GM- 2, M11GM-Ig- problems that may each topic to be
Ie-2, 2, M11GM-Ij- arise in the answered and
M11GM-Ig- 2) situation. The submitted. Also, a
2, M11GM- following standards copy of this module
Ij-2) will be considered: will be uploaded to an
Uniqueness and online LMS for
Authenticity, students reference.
Appropriateness Exploratory approach
and Accuracy of can be applied in
Equation, answer in the different
Correctness of answer sheets.
Contribution and Various linkages will
Participation. be available for further
Doing Doing Creating Problem Solving reference

The teacher will help

facilitate and monitor
the progress of the
students through
online consultation.

open dialogue with the

teacher using the
different LMS
Basic Key Simple and 1.) The learner 14.) 14.) Illustrates
Business concepts Compound is able to Illustrates simple and The teacher will
Mathematics of simple Interest investigate, simple and compound illustrate simple and Discussion Forums
and analyze and compound interests.
compound interests
compoun solve interests. Activating Prior
d problems through video
interests, involving presentation. As he
and simple and delivers his lecture,
Video Presentation
simple compound he will ask the class
and interests and if they understand
general simple and Knowing Knowing Understanding https://youtu.be/Rmol9
the concept. If they Representation
annuities general, stocks IzSDXk
think they get it,
, stocks and bonds
and annuities thumbs up. If they
bonds. using are not sure, thumbs
appropriate middle, if they don't
business and Xdc
get it, thumbs down
financial through a video
instruments in conferencing on a
specified time.
and making
decisions. 15.) 15.) To deepen the
Distinguishe Distinguishes understanding of
s between between simple and
simple and simple and compound interests,
compound compound the teacher will ask
interests. interests. the students to do Asynchronous /
exercises in class or Synchronous
online. The teacher Discussion
Understanding Understanding Evaluating Reasoning and
takes an informal
poll about how
many questions Menti
students answered
correctly in class or
through their
learning platform.

16.) 16.) Computes

Computes interest, From the given Scan solutions from
interest, maturity value, worksheets, the worksheets
maturity Understanding future value, Understanding Applying teacher will ask Connection
value, future and present their students to Teacher will give
value, and value in simple immediate feedback.
present interest and give a detailed
value in compound solution in
simple interest computing the
interest and environment. interest, maturity
compound value, present value
interest of simple and
environment compound interest.
. When students
submit their works,
it is expected that
teachers will give

17.) Solves 17.) Solves Students will

problems problems receive electronic
involving involving worksheets on
simple and simple and simple and
compound compound compound interests.
interests. interests. If a face to face
modality is set, the
teacher will help
and guide them to
solve the first
Understanding Understanding Evaluating Reasoning and Reflective blogs
exercise. If not, the
teacher will use the
electronic white
board. Once the
grey areas are
cleared, the teacher
will ask them to
work independently
on a new question
covering the same
Annuities 18.) 18.) Illustrates The teacher will
Illustrates simple and illustrate simple and
simple and general general annuities
Video Presentation
general annuities. through video
annuities. Knowing Knowing Understanding presentation. As he
delivers his lecture,
he will post
questions online,
say, a poll of yes or
no, multiple choice
questions (A, B, C,
D). Students will
then participate in
the poll. Using the
device the LMS
provides, their
responses will be
revealed quickly.
19.) 19.) To deepen the
Distinguishe Distinguishes understanding of
s between between simple and general
simple and simple and annuities, the
general general teacher will ask the
annuities. annuities. students to do Structured academic
exercises in class or controversy
Understanding Understanding Evaluating Reasoning and
online. The teacher
Proof Discovery/inquiry-
takes an informal
poll about how based learning
many questions
students answered
correctly in class
through their
learning platform.
20.) Finds 20.) Finds the Students are asked
the future future value to collaboratively
value and and present post their solutions
present value of both on the classroom or
Discussion forum
value of simple digital white board.
Understanding Understanding Analyzing
both simple annuities and Each student is Communication
annuities general asked to check the
and general annuities. written solutions. A
annuities. student can make a
"steal" if he finds an
erroneous solution.
21.) 21.) Calculates Have the students
Calculates the fair market explain to the
the fair value of a cash teacher how to
market flow stream calculate the fair
value of a Understanding that includes Understanding Applying market value of a
Connection Effective Questioning
cash flow an cash flow that
stream that annuity. includes annuity.
includes an Try to see from
annuity. their explanation if
they have their

22.) 22.) Calculates Students will be

Calculates the present given worksheets
the present value and on present value
value and period of and period of
period of deferral of a deferred annuity.
deferral of a deferred Through their
deferred annuity. platform of
annuity. Understanding Understanding Analyzing learning, they will
work on the first
question all together Communication
and provide each
Discussion Forum
other's feedback in
the chat box. Once
the grey areas are
cleared, they will
work independently
on a new question
covering the same
Stocks and 2.) The learner 23.) 23.) Illustrates
Video Presentation
Bonds is able to use Illustrates stocks and The teacher will
appropriate stocks and bonds. illustrate stocks and
financial bonds. https://www.youtube.c
bonds through
instruments om/watch?v=hE2NsJG
video presentation.
involving in pEq4&list=PLf5N6dqf
To check the
formulating QaNRHiN68HhNpFcR
transfer of learning,
conclusions Al5Zfo0Qz&index=1
they will
and making Knowing Knowing Understanding
build/create Representation
decisions something that https://www.youtube.c
requires the om/watch?v=IuyejHO
application of what GCro&list=PLf5N6dqf
they learned QaNRHiN68HhNpFcR
through soft and Al5Zfo0Qz&index=3
hard copy.
Use the apps on
24.) 24.) Teachers will have
Distinguishe Distinguishes a preposted
s between between stocks questions for the Web conferencing
stocks and and bonds. students to deepen
bonds. their understanding Reinforcing Efforts
between stocks and and Providing
Understanding Understanding Evaluating Reasoning and
bonds. Answers Recognition or
may be collected Feedbacks)
electronically via
google classroom or https://www.youtube.c
emails. om/watch?v=ngfKXvf

25.) 25.) Describes The teacher will

Describes the different give examples of
the different markets for the different
markets for stocks and markets for stocks Realia
stocks and bonds. and bonds. They
Knowing Knowing Understanding
bonds. will categorize the Representation Identifying similarities
problems into
simple, general, and and differences
neither. Pick the
neither pile and
analyze in class.
26.) 26.) Analyzes Discuss the
Analyzes the different different market
the different market indices indices for stocks
market for stocks and and bonds. The
indices for bonds. teacher will ask the
stocks and class if they can
bonds. share their insights
and examples. Their
exchange of ideas
Understanding Understanding Analyzing can be written on
Communication Web Conferencing
chat box or sent
through emails. In
case of face to face,
the discussion will
be done in the
classroom.The rest
of the class are able
to build their own
through the sharing
of their peers. This
is great for shy
students as they
have a voice
through technology.
the theory Understanding Analyzing
of efficient

Basic Business 3.) The learner 28.) 28.) Illustrates Teachers will have
concepts and is able to Illustrates business and a preposted
of Consumer decide wisely business and consumer question for the
business Loans on the consumer loans. students to respond
and appropriatenes loans. to deepen their
Reflective blogs
consume s of business understanding of
Knowing Knowing Understanding
r loans. or consumer business and Representation
Survey through google
loan and its consumer loans.
proper Answers may be
utilization. collected
electronically via
google classroom or
29.) 29.) For a better
Distinguishe Distinguishes comprehension of
s between between business and
business and business and consumer loans
consumer consumer (amortization,
loans. loans. mortgage), students Socratic Seminar
Understanding Understanding Evaluating Reasoning and
will do an on line
search Break Out Rooms
Once ready, they
will have break out
rooms and share
independent studies.
30.) Solves 30.) Solves
problems problems Video Presentation
involving involving on Warren Buffet
business and business and
consumer consumer
loans loans Students will
(amortizatio (amortization, determine the
n, mortgage). financial issues
mortgage). brought by the
pandemic in their
barangays. Ejournals
Through google
forms, the students
will educate their
constituents on
loan offerings from E-portfolios
government and
private institutions.
They will classify
Doing Doing Creating the loans as Problem Solving Multi part course
business or
Presentations can be
in infographics,
mini magazines, https://www.youtube.c
vlogs, om/watch?v=d0XKtU
The students will do
an online research
on the different loan
offerings from
lending companies,
pawnshops, or
banks. Make an
schedule from
numerical data

Logic The Introductio The learner is 31.) Knowing 31.-32. Knowing Understanding Create a graphic Representation Text-Illustration
learner n to Logic able to Illustrates a Illustrates and organizer Interaction
demonstr judiciously proposition symbolizes a illustrating the (Discussion) Module.
ates apply logic in proposition meaning of This is a module where
understa real-life 32.) Knowing Knowing Understanding proposition, its type actual interaction
nding of arguments. Symbolizes and how simple (discussion) set-up will
key a propositions are be translated to text
concepts proposition. combined to form and illustration.
of compound Convertible to
propositi propositions. video/online
onal 33.) Understanding 33. Understanding Evaluating Problem set on Reasoning and presentation for other
logic; Distinguishe Distinguishes identifying which Proof modes of learning.
syllogis s between between propositions are
ms and simple and simple and simple/ compound. Video Presentation
fallacies. compound compound
propositions propositions. Exploratory
Understanding 34. Performs Understanding Evaluating List down at least Reasoning and Pairwork/Triad work
34.) the different ten observations in Proof
Performs types of the community
the different operations on related to decision
types of propositions making during this
operations pandemic. From
on these statements,
propositions students must create
propositions and
use it performing
the different types
of operations on
35.) Understanding 35. Determines Understanding Evaluating List down at least Reasoning and
Determines the truth values ten observations in Proof
the truth of the community
values of propositions. related to decision
propositions making during this
. pandemic. From
these statements,
create conditional
propositions and
use it to determine
the truth values of
36.) Knowing 36. Illustrates Knowing Understanding List down at least Representation
Illustrates the different ten observations in
the different forms of the community
forms of conditional related to decision
conditional propositions. making during this
propositions pandemic. From
. these statements,
illustrate the
different forms of
Establishin 37.) Knowing 37. Illustrates Knowing Understanding Practice Representation Self-Regulated
g Validity Illustrates the difference Worksheet: Learning through the
and Falsity the between Routine exercise on provided Learning
of Real- difference tautologies and illustrating Materials
Life between fallacies. Tautologies and
Arguments tautologies Fallacies using the Guided
and Truth Table. Learning/Lecture
fallacies. Discussion

38.) Understanding 38. Determines Understanding Evaluating Practice Reasoning and Video Presentation
Determines the validity of Worksheet: Proof
the validity categorical Determining Student Self-
of syllogisms. Validity and Falsity Assessment
categorical of Real-Life
syllogisms. Arguments using Think-Pair-Share/
Rules of Inference CooperativeLearning
and Table of
39.) Understanding 39. Establishes Understanding Evaluating Based on the Reasoning and
Establishes the validity information with Proof
the validity and falsity of the necessary
and falsity real-life computations
of real-life arguments gathered from
arguments using logical banks, private
using propositions, institutions, or
logical syllogisms and government
propositions fallacies. financial agencies,
, syllogisms decide which
and financial
fallacies. institution/agency
can provide the
better, if not the
best, option to aid
their financial
key The learner is 40.) Knowing Understanding Representation
methods able to Illustrates
of proof appropriately the different
and apply a methods of
disproof method of proof (direct
proof and and indirect)
disproof in and disproof
real-life (indirect and
situations counter
41.) Doing Creating Problem Solving
al and real-
using the
methods of
proof and

Legend: MC – Multiple Choice K – Knowing RBT – Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy WW – Written Works
U – Understanding QA – Quarterly Assessment
D – Doing PC – Performance Check

Reference: Philippines, Department of Education Curriculum Guide for General Mathematics

Literal Transfer: The learners should be able to solve problems in the community by modelling and interpreting data using functions, recognize and apply appropriate financial
tools, and arrive at a logically sound decision.

Performance Task (in paragraph form):

Since the start of the spread of the covid-19 in the Philippines, many have lost their job due to the lockdown order in the different regions. Thus, many Filipinos have
experienced financial difficulties.
As a team of financial analysts, you are to conduct a webinar (online) or produce a brochure (offline) presenting bank products or loan schemes of government agencies
(SSS, GSIS, Pag Ibig) and other private financial institutions to educate the community (teachers, classmates, family members and barangay constituents) regarding their financial
status through available digital sources or hypothetical data and present sound financial decisions based on the gathered data from the different financial institutions. The webinar
or brochure will be evaluated according to the following criteria: completeness of content, accuracy of computation, presentation, application of mathematical concepts, and practicality
of recommendations.

Performance Task (in GRASPS form):

Goal: Educate the constituents regarding the prevailing issue in their community and produce financial recommendations.
Team of Financial analysts who will gather numerical data on the financial status of their community through available digital sources or hypothetical data and present sound
financial decisions based on the gathered data from the different financial institutions.

Teacher, classmates, family members, barangay constituents

Since the start of the spread of the COVID-19 in the Philippines, many have lost their jobs due to the lockdown order in the different regions. Thus, many Filipinos have
experienced financial difficulties.

Webinar (online) or Brochures (offline)- presenting bank products or loan schemes of government agencies (SSS, GSIS, Pag Ibig) and other private financial institutions.

Standards: The product/performance will be evaluated according to the following criteria: (a)Completeness of content; (b) accuracy of computations; (c)Presentation,
(d)Application of mathematical concepts, (e)Practicality of recommendations

Rubric for Webinar (online) or Brochure (offline)

Criteria Outstanding(4) Satisfactory (3) Developing(2) Beginning (1)

Completeness of [ ] Sources for the completion of the [ ] At least 50% of sources for the [ ] At most 50% of sources for the [ ] Sources for the completion of the
content output are factual and reliable. completion of the output are factual completion of the output are factual output are not factual and reliable.
and reliable. and reliable.
[ ] The presentation involves all of the [ ] The presentation lacks at least 3 of
following: [ ] The presentation lacks one (1) of [ ] The presentation lacks two (2) of the following:
[ ] function models the following: the following: [ ] function models
[ ] analysis and interpretation of [ ] function models [ ] function models [ ] analysis and interpretation of
models [ ] analysis and interpretation of [ ] analysis and interpretation of models
[ ] computations of necessary models models [ ]computations of necessary
values for loans [ ]computations of necessary [ ]computations of necessary values for loans
[ ] recommendations generated values for loans values for loans [ ] recommendations generated
from valid arguments [ ] recommendations generated [ ] recommendations generated from valid arguments
from valid arguments from valid arguments
Accuracy of [ ] Solutions or computation to the [ ] At least 50% of the solutions or [ ] At most 50% of the solutions or [ ] Solutions or computation to the
computations following are all detailed and computation to the following are computation to the following are following are not detailed nor
supported with correct and clear detailed and supported with correct detailed and supported with correct supported with correct and clear
interpretations. and clear interpretations. and clear interpretations. interpretations.
[ ] generating function model [ ] generating function model [ ] generating function model [ ] generating function model
[ ] analysis and interpretations of [ ] analysis and interpretations of [ ] analysis and interpretations of [ ] analysis and interpretations of
function models function models function models function models
[ ] values necessary to present [ ] values necessary to present [ ] values necessary to present [ ] values necessary to present
bank products or loan schemes bank products or loan schemes bank products or loan schemes bank products or loan schemes

Presentation [ ] The presentation is chronologically [ ] At least 50% of the presentation is [ ] At most 50% of the presentation is [ ] The presentation is not
arranged according to the following: chronologically arranged according to chronologically arranged according to chronologically arranged according to
[ ] discussion of the identified the following: the following: the following:
prevailing issue in the community [ ] discussion of the identified [ ] discussion of the identified [ ] discussion of the identified
[ ] discussion of the possible prevailing issue in the community prevailing issue in the community prevailing issue in the community
function model [ ] discussion of the possible [ ] discussion of the possible [ ] discussion of the possible
[ ] analysis and interpretation of function model function model function model
the model/s [ ] analysis and interpretation of [ ] analysis and interpretation of [ ] analysis and interpretation of
[ ] possible conclusion in relation the model/s the model/s the model/s
to the financial needs of the [ ] possible conclusion in relation [ ] possible conclusion in relation [ ] possible conclusion in relation
people in the community to the financial needs of the to the financial needs of the to the financial needs of the
[ ] presentation of different people in the community people in the community people in the community
products or loan offerings from [ ] presentation of different [ ] presentation of different [ ] presentation of different
banks, lending companies, and products or loan offerings from products or loan offerings from products or loan offerings from
private/government financial banks, lending companies, and banks, lending companies, and banks, lending companies, and
institutions private/government financial private/government financial private/government financial
[ ] computation and graph institutions institutions institutions
illustrating the different products or [ ] computation and graph [ ] computation and graph [ ] computation and graph
loan offerings illustrating the different products or illustrating the different products or illustrating the different products or
[ ] providing sound and valid loan offerings loan offerings loan offerings
recommendation [ ] providing sound and valid [ ] providing sound and valid [ ] providing sound and valid
recommendation recommendation recommendation
Application of [ ] Shows in-depth understanding of the [ ] Shows understanding of required [ ] Shows some understanding of the [ ] Shows no understanding of the
Mathematical required mathematical knowledge. mathematical knowledge. required mathematical knowledge but problem, perhaps only re-copying the
Concepts with errors in some parts. given data.
[ ] All equations/ functions listed (or [ ] At least 50% of the equations/
used) are correct. functions listed (or used) are incorrect. [ ] At most 50% of the equations/ [ ] The equations/ functions listed (or
functions listed (or used) are incorrect. used) are all incorrect.
[ ] The mathematical concept [ ] At least 50% of the mathematical
considered (i.e., models, kind of loan, concept considered (i.e., models, kind [ ] At most 50% of the mathematical [ ] The mathematical concept
rule of inference) are appropriately of loan, rule of inference) are concept considered (i.e., models, kind considered (i.e., models, kind of loan,
used in the output. appropriately used in the output. of loan, rule of inference) are rule of inference) are not appropriately
appropriately used in the output. used in the output.

Practicality of The recommendations provided The recommendations provided do The recommendations provided do The recommendations provided do
Recommendations satisfy the following: not satisfy 1-2 of the following: not satisfy 3-4 of the following: not satisfy any of the following:
[ ] Specific [ ] Specific [ ] Specific [ ] Specific
[ ] Measurable [ ] Measurable [ ] Measurable [ ] Measurable
[ ] Attainable [ ] Attainable [ ] Attainable [ ] Attainable
[ ] Realistic [ ] Realistic [ ] Realistic [ ] Realistic
[ ] Timely [ ] Timely [ ] Timely [ ] Timely
[ ] Responsive to the needs of the [ ] Responsive to the needs of the [ ] Responsive to the needs of the [ ] Responsive to the needs of the
various communities various communities various communities various communities

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