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Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems Donna Rose M.
2nd Semester, 2022 – 2023 SST-1

I. Multiple Choice: Directions: Read each question carefully and choose the best answer. Write
only the letter that corresponds to your best choice.

1. Which of the following describes atman?

A. a way of being in the world C. the ritual of death
B. one’s eternal soul or self D. the karma each person takes on
2. The four basic Vedic books, which are sacrificial hymns compiled from an earlier oral
tradition. Which of the following is not part of four basic Vedic books?
A. Athena-veda B. Rig-veda C. Sama-veda D. Yajur-veda
3. Among the four Vedas, which is the most important and oldest book that dates back
around 1500 B.C.E. to 1200 B.C.E?
A. Athena-veda B. Rig-veda C. Sama-veda D. Yajur-veda
4. Hinduism is one of the major religions in the world. What places in the world where
Hinduism is most widely practiced?
A. China and Japan C. Israel and Iraq
B. India and Nepal D. Middle East
5. Where do Hindus go for a place of worship?
A. Synagogue C. Mosque
B. Church D. Shrines in their homes or temple
6. Which of the following is not a practice of Hinduism?
A. belief in many gods C. fasting during Ramadan
B. celebrate festivals D. all of these
7. Which of the following is not part of the fundamental beliefs of Hinduism?
A. every soul dies and is reborn anew in new form (this cycle is called samsara)
B. every person must acquire all the material things in the world
C. one’s deeds have an effect in this or a future life
D. one may escape the weary round of death and birth
8. Reincarnation is the Hindu’s______________.
A. belief that woman is superior to man in all aspect
B. belief that the individual soul is reborn in a different form
C. method of training that is supposed to lead to oneness with Brahman
D. way to worship the leader as a god
9. There are also many local and regional festivals of Hinduism, such as harvest and deity
festivals, marked by colorful processions and performances. Which of the following are
festivals celebrated by Hindus in a year?

I. Diwali IV. Holi

II. Dusserah V. Shawwal
III. Janmashtami VI. Muharram
A. I, II, V B. I, II, III, IV C. II, III, V, V1 C. III, IV, V, VI
10. Festival of Light is India’s biggest and most important holiday of the year held in
October or November that is comparable to the Christmas holiday of the
Christians. Why Indians light outside their homes during the Festival of Lights?
A. to show that they can afford to buy many diyas
B. to represent the light that gives hope and peace to every person
C. to symbolize the inner light that safeguards the people from evil forces
D. none of these
11. Most festivals celebrated in the Buddhist tradition are frequently happy occasions. What
is the most important festival and the holiest day for all Buddhists?
A. Asalha Puja Day B. Bodhi Day C. Buddha Day D. Magha Puja Day
12. Siddhartha Gautama is the founder of Buddhism who later became known as “The
Buddha”. The name Buddha means____________.
A. divine B. enlightened C. learned D. sacred
13. The Noble Eight Path or “Middle Way” is a practical path that aimed of ending suffering,
which of the following is not part of Noble Eight Path?
A. Right Action B. Right Livelihood C. Right Salute D. Right View
14. To end suffering, one must do the following:
1. Earn a living in a way not harmful to any living thing
2. Abstain from killing, stealing, and sexual misconduct
3. Free one’s self from ill-will, cruelty, and untruthfulness
4. Pay vigilant attention to every state of the body, feeling, and mind
5. Abstain from truthfulness, tale-bearing, kind language, and modest talk

A. 1, 3 & 5 B. 1, 2, 4 & 5 C. 1, 2, 3 & 4 D. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

16. According to Buddha’s teaching, why do people suffer?
A. because they want to C. because they don’t go to school
B. because they are mean to others D. because they desire worldly things
17. What is the Buddha’s Eightfold Path?
A. eight steps to become a god C. eight steps to eliminate suffering
B. eight steps to be reincarnated D. eight steps to become one with the world
18. Siddhartha founded the Sangha during the same year that he attained his
enlightenment. Which of the following characterized the Sangha?
A. group of disciples who renounced the worldly life to wander with the Buddha and
listen to his teachings
B. group of adherents who regard themselves as culturally, ethnically, or religiously
adhering to aspects of Hinduism
C. group of people formed based on some common and coherent features like
language, race, religion, culture, and economic interest with a common leader,
goal, and constitution
D. none of these
19. Which of the following are beliefs of Buddhism?

1. The world is full of sorrows.

2. People suffer on account of desire.
3. If desires are fulfilled, nirvana will be attained.
4. The existence of God and soul must be recognized.

A. 1 & 4 B. 1 & 2 C. 1, 2 & 4 D. 1, 2 & 3

20. When it comes to gender relations, Buddhist women:
A. are more dependent on their husbands
B. are in general more equal to men
C. enjoy more freedom than Hindu men
D. as independent as Hindu men regarding their spirituality
21. Why is Buddhism considered one of the most practical among the world’s great
A. because followers believed that mankind was created from a single soul, and all
people are equal in the eyes of God
B. because adherents believed that God communicates to believers through prophets
and rewards good deeds while also punishing evil
C. because its belief system intends to meet basic human needs and solve
humankind’s spiritual problem without depending on supernatural forces
D. none of these
22. Which of the following is NOT a tradition of Mahayana Buddhism?
A. Concept of reborn for others Nirvana C. Politically Liberal
B. Compassionate is a virtue D. Politically Conservative
23. The following are the tradition of Theravada Buddhism EXCEPT ONE.
A. Refers to higher beings of religion. C. Strives for wisdom first
B. Emphasizes rules and education D. Followed philosophy
24. What are the first two main division of Buddhism?
A. Mahayana and Vajrayana C. Theravada and Vajrayana
B. Theravada and Mahayana D. Mahayana and tantra
25. Who is Siddhartha Gautama “Buddha” in the beliefs of Theravada Buddhism?
A. Monk C. Saint
B. Savior D. Layperson
26. You would find people prioritize strives for wisdom in which form of Buddhism?
A. Mahayana C. Mantra
B. Theravada D. Theravada and Mahayana
27. Request for prayers is the religious practices as set forth in which form of Buddhism?
A. Mahayana C. Mantra
B. Theravada D. Theravada and Mahayana
28. Which of the following situations demonstrate the key virtue of compassion in Mahayana
A. Frequent cutting of trees without replacing it.
B. An online seller made a buy one take one offer to get more costumers.
C. Everybody attend the barangay assembly called by the barangay captain.
D. A group of NGO’s went to Bohol to help those affected by the 2013 earthquake.
29. Which of the following situations demonstrate Mahayana Buddhism beliefs “Humans are
involved with others”.
A. Livelihood program to the indigenous community who were affected by El Niño.
B. Jose would prefer to be alone during recreation time in school.
C. Humans who eliminating plastic waste through burning them.
D. A teacher highly promoting personal task to her pupils.
30. It refers to the branch of Buddhism who Moved primarily North and West covering China,
Japan and
A. Mahayana C. Mantra
B. Theravada D. Theravada and Mahayana
31. When we abide and obey the rule of law than intuition and practices of religion, we highly
embrace _______.
A. Mahayana Buddhism C. tantra
B. Theravada Buddhism D. Vajrayana Buddhism
32. Which belief is associated with the philosophy of Confucianism?
A. Filial Piety C. Legalistic
B. Nirvana D. Reincarnation
33.The following are parts of the Five Classics book regarded as early Confucianism’s basic
core teachings EXCEPT ONE.
A. Rectifications of Names. C. Book of Poetry
B. Classic of Rites D. Analects
34. He is the philosopher known for his golden rule “Do not do unto others what you would
not have them do unto you.”
A. Lao Tzu C. Dalai Lama
B. Confucius D. Siddhartha Gautama
35. It is marital practice wherein the parents of the bride transfer their belongings to the
A. Proposal C. Offerings
B. Dowry D. Compensation
36. Which of the following situations demonstrates the Xin or Fidelity as one of the five
classical virtues in Confucianism?
A. Share other personal secrets to another person without due consent of the owner.
B. A person who is devoted to his job despite of small wages
C. A married person who had an extramarital affair.
D. A person who is involved in fraudulent activities.
37. Confucianism emphasizes the idea that ___________________?
A. An individual’s personal goals are more important than the goals of the group.
B. Economic success is more desirable than knowledge and learning.
C. Each person has an important responsibility to family and society.
D. Government should own the means of production
38. The philosophy of Confucius stresses the importance of ___________?
A. religious beliefs C. owning a land
B. a classless society D. respect for the authority
39. What kind of Classical Virtues in Confucianism that promotes high filial love for parents,
siblings and to fellow human beings?
A. Zhi B. Li C. Yi D. Ren
40. Confucius’ ideas were put into a book called ____________?
A. The Quran B. The Bible C. The Analects D.Class
41. Confucius is best known as _____________?
A. An inventor of sub-par writing methods.
B. A Chinese philosopher and teacher
C. A follower of Buddhist tradition
D. A Chinese business elite
42. Confucianism emphasizes the idea that ___________________.
A. Humans should respect those who are superior to them.
B. Humans are born pure and shares with the divine soul.
C. Humans must own all means of resources on earth.
D. Humans are in tune with the “Tao”.
43. Which teaches the thought that respect to elders and the law is the best way to maintain a
peaceful society?
A. Buddhism C. Taoism
B. Shintoism D. Confucianism
44. Lao (Lao Tzu) is the founder of _____________.
A. Buddhism C. Taoism
B. Shintoism D. Confucianism
45. Which of the following situations demonstrate philosophy of promoting harmony and
purity in all spheres of life?
A. Judging people based on their status in life.
B. Promoting peaceful advocacies to the community
C. Employees in a certain company conducting a work strike.
D. An employee in a company constantly submitting late reports to the supervisors.


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