Employee Engagment
Employee Engagment
Employee Engagment
• Describe a comprehensive approach to
retaining employees.
Turnover is an expensive cost for organizations.
Understanding more about the costs and causes of turnover
is important.
Costs of turnover
Managing voluntary turnover
Reducing voluntary turnover
There are tangible and intangible costs associated with
Employee turnover. Reducing turnover requires identifying and
managing the reasons for both voluntary and involuntary
Turnover turnover.
Identify issues with surveys :Any
retention strategy begins with
identifying the specific causes of
turnover within a particular company.
Use exit interviews and surveys to
Managing identify issues.
Business units that have employee Highly engaged employees generate 26%
engagement have 83% chance of performing higher revenue per employee
above the company median
Those with the lowest employee
engagement have a 17% chance
• Understanding how their department contributes to company
success Employee participation also improves engagement. For
example, Milliken & Co. uses employee participation safety teams
at one plant. The safety process consists of 16 employees on the
plant’s safety steering committee, which in turn governs 8
Employee employee safety subcommittees. The program appears to produce
high levels of safety engagement among employees, and significant
Actions That improvements in the plant accident rates.
Career terminology : career is “occupational positions a
person has had over many years.”
Career management is a process for enabling employees
to better understand and develop their career skills and
interests and to use these skills and interests most
effectively both within the company and after they leave
the firm.
Career Career development is the lifelong series of activities
Management (such as workshops) that contribute to a person’s career
exploration, establishment, success, and fulfillment.
The Gender Gap
Decisions Today women constitute more
than 40% of the workforce,
but hold less than 2% of top
management positions.
• Eliminate barriers
• Improve networking, mentoring
• Have flexible career tracks
• Look at Practical Considerations :There are several
practice steps that should be taken by employers and
• Establish eligibility requirements
• Review the job description
• Review candidates’ performance and history
Making • Hire only those who meet the requirements.
Promotion • Managing transfers :Transfers are moves from one job
to another, usually with no change in salary or grade.
Decisions The frequent relocating of transfer employees has
been assumed to have a damaging effect on
transferees’ family life. Transfers are also financially
• Managing retirements :Some employers are
instituting formal pre-retirement counseling aimed at
easing the passage of their employees into
retirement. A large majority of employees have said
they expect to continue to work beyond the normal
retirement age. Part-time employment is an
alternative to outright retirement.
Grounds for Dismissal
There are four bases for dismissal:
1. Unsatisfactory performance refers to a persistent
failure to perform assigned duties or to meet
prescribed standards on the job. 96 Specific reasons
include excessive absenteeism, tardiness, a persistent
failure to meet normal job requirements, or an adverse
Misconduct is deliberate and willful violation of the
employer’s rules and may include stealing and rowdy
Managing 2. Lack of qualifications for the job is an employee’s
Dismissals inability to do the assigned work, although he or she is
diligent. Because this employee may be trying to do the
job, it is reasonable to try to salvage him or her—
perhaps by assigning the employee to another job.
3. Changed requirements of the job is an employee’s
incapability of doing the job after the nature of the job
has changed. Similarly, you may have to dismiss an
employee when his or her job is eliminated. Again, the
employee may be industrious, so it is reasonable to
retrain or transfer this person, if possible.
The Exit Process and Termination Interview :Have exit interviews with
employees leaving the firm.
These are interviews, usually conducted by a human resource
professional just prior to the employee leaving.