This document outlines the scheme of work for Grade 4 students for the 2023/2024 academic year. It includes 16 weeks of lessons covering a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. Students will work on reading comprehension, writing skills, listening, speaking, and grammar. They will read stories, poems, information texts, and more. Lessons focus on developing narrative writing, summarizing, presenting, and grammar including verb tenses, sentences, phrases, alphabetical order, and more. Revision and exams are scheduled for weeks 14 and 15.
This document outlines the scheme of work for Grade 4 students for the 2023/2024 academic year. It includes 16 weeks of lessons covering a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. Students will work on reading comprehension, writing skills, listening, speaking, and grammar. They will read stories, poems, information texts, and more. Lessons focus on developing narrative writing, summarizing, presenting, and grammar including verb tenses, sentences, phrases, alphabetical order, and more. Revision and exams are scheduled for weeks 14 and 15.
This document outlines the scheme of work for Grade 4 students for the 2023/2024 academic year. It includes 16 weeks of lessons covering a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. Students will work on reading comprehension, writing skills, listening, speaking, and grammar. They will read stories, poems, information texts, and more. Lessons focus on developing narrative writing, summarizing, presenting, and grammar including verb tenses, sentences, phrases, alphabetical order, and more. Revision and exams are scheduled for weeks 14 and 15.
This document outlines the scheme of work for Grade 4 students for the 2023/2024 academic year. It includes 16 weeks of lessons covering a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts. Students will work on reading comprehension, writing skills, listening, speaking, and grammar. They will read stories, poems, information texts, and more. Lessons focus on developing narrative writing, summarizing, presenting, and grammar including verb tenses, sentences, phrases, alphabetical order, and more. Revision and exams are scheduled for weeks 14 and 15.
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ENING E T /SPEAKIN G WK1 10 1.1 Fiction What Complete Talking Narrative and 25/08/23 makes a your about dialogue story reading stories log and their features Wk2. 12 1.2 Stories Extend Answer Summarisi Verb tenses 01/09/23 about your questions ng group’s issues and reading on opinion dilemmas meaning Wk3 14 1.3 Fiction Read and Create a Presenting Verb tenses 08/09/23 present story map a reading and extract Wk4 15 13 Fiction Spud Write an Read for Verb tenses 15/09/23 Mulphy alternativ meaning e using beginning punctuati ons Wk5 17 1.4- Fiction/ Check you Write a Listening Verb tenses 22/09/23 1.6 fantasy understand story about ing introducti fantasy on story writing
Wk6 26 1.7 Fantasy When the The key Presenting Sentences,
29/09/23 sea turned words your own phrases and key to silver and story words phrases Wk7 31 1.8- Fiction Find out Writing Discuss The verb to be 06/10/23 1.9 more about to the main the describe idea story/book a book. description Wk8 42 2..1 Non fiction A Handy Make Compare Alphabetical 13/10/23 Handbook note and informatio order of Habitats summaris n text e Wk9 48 2.3 Factual Our Past, Vowel Root words 20/10/23 information wonderful present diagraphs world and future tense Wk10 54 2.5 Content, Organising Design a Alternativ Connective 27/10/23 index, informatio contents e spellings glossary n or index of the page vowel sounds Wk11 66 2.9 Glossary Collector’s Use Alternativ Sentence type 04/11/23 card words in e spellings context of the vowel sounds Wk12 75 3.1 Poetry Old English Read Poetic technique 11/11/23 kennings Write a kenning and alliteration and riddle kenning poem poem aloud Wk13 95 4 Fiction Harry’s Fill in a Discuss Regular 18/11/23 stories Mad blurb reading features adverbs/Apostro and extract log/Answ of a text/ phes /Subject- / The er Sequence verb agreement voyages of questions a story/ Doctor using Read an Dolittle evidence/ extract chapter write aloud in a VIII/ The alternativ group scorpion e story and the ending frog WK14 REVISION REVISION REVISON REVISION REVISION WEEK 25/11/23 WEEK WEEK WEEK WEEK
Author Mark Barra's New Book, "Adventures of Sky Hawkins and Duane McSwaine," Is A Compelling Tale Chronicling What Life Was Like For Immigrants in 20th Century America