09 - CLS 382 - 443 - Renal - FINAL
09 - CLS 382 - 443 - Renal - FINAL
09 - CLS 382 - 443 - Renal - FINAL
➢ Water, electrolytes, and small dissolved solutes (e.g. glucose, amino acids, low-
molecular-weight proteins, urea, and creatinine) can pass freely through the
basement membrane and enter the proximal convoluted tubule.
➢ Other blood constituents are too large to be filtered;
i. many plasma proteins (e.g. albumin)
ii. cellular elements
iii. protein-bound substances (e.g. lipids and bilirubin)
➢ In addition, because the basement membrane is negatively charged, negatively
charged molecules, such as proteins, are repelled.
Tubular function
I) Proximal Tubule
• The proximal tubule is the next part of the nephron to receive the now cell-free
and essentially protein-free blood.
• This filtrate contains waste products, which are toxic to the body above a certain
concentration, and substances that are valuable to the body.
• The 1st function of the proximal tubule is reabsorption; to return the bulk of each
valuable substance back to the blood circulation;
➢ 75% of the water, Na+, and Cl-
➢ 100% of the glucose (up to the renal threshold)
➢ almost all of the amino acids, vitamins, and proteins
➢ varying amounts of urea, uric acid, and ions (e.g. Mg2+, Ca2+, K+, and HCO3-).
• When the concentration of the filtered substance exceeds the capacity of the
transport system, the substance is then excreted in the urine.
• The plasma concentration above which the substance appears in urine is known as
the renal threshold, and its determination is useful in assessing both tubular
function and non-renal disease states.
• A renal threshold does not exist for water because it is always transported
passively through diffusion down a concentration gradient.
• The 2nd function of the proximal tubule is secretion; the movement of substances
from peritubular capillary plasma into the filtrate in the tubular lumen.
• These include products of kidney tubular cell metabolism, such as hydrogen ions,
and drugs, such as penicillin.
II) Loop of Henle
• The loop of Henle is a hairpin-like loop between the proximal tubule and the distal
convoluted tubule.
• This facilitates the reabsorption of water, Na+, and Cl-
• The opposing flows in the loop, the downward flow in the descending limb, and
the upward flow in the ascending limb, is termed a countercurrent flow.
• The ascending limb is relatively impermeable to water
• The descending limb, in contrast, is highly permeable to water and does not
reabsorb sodium and chloride.
• This interaction of water leaving the descending loop and sodium and chloride
leaving the ascending loop to maintain a high osmolality within the kidney medulla
produces hypo-osmolal urine as it leaves the loop.
Distal Tubule
• The distal convoluted tubule is much shorter than the proximal tubule, with two or
three coils that connect to a collecting duct.
• The filtrate entering this section of the nephron is close to its final composition.
• About 95% of the sodium and chloride ions and 90% of water have already been
reabsorbed from the original glomerular filtrate.
• The function of the distal tubule is to effect small adjustments to achieve
electrolyte and acid-base homeostasis.
• These adjustments occur under the hormonal control of both antidiuretic
hormone (ADH) and aldosterone.
Collecting Duct
• The collecting ducts are the final site for either concentrating or diluting urine.
• The hormones ADH and aldosterone act on this segment of the nephron to control
reabsorption of water and sodium. Chloride and urea are also reabsorbed here.
• Urea plays an important role in maintaining the hyper-osmolality of the renal
Elimination of Non-protein Nitrogen Compounds
• Nonprotein nitrogen compounds (NPNs) are waste products formed in the body as
a result of the degradative metabolism of nucleic acids, amino acids, and proteins.
• Excretion of these compounds is an important function of the kidneys.
• The three principal NPNs are urea, creatinine, and uric acid
I) Urea
• Urea makes up the majority (more than 75%) of the NPN waste excreted daily as a
result of the oxidative catabolism of protein.
• Urea synthesis occurs in the liver. Proteins are broken down to amino acids, which
are then deaminated to form ammonia.
• Ammonia is readily converted to urea to prevent toxicity.
• The kidney is the only significant route of excretion for urea.
• Urea has a molecular weight of 60 Da and, therefore, is readily filtered by the
• In the collecting ducts, 40%–60% of urea is reabsorbed. The reabsorbed urea
contributes to the high osmolality in the medulla, which is one of the processes of
urinary concentration (Loop of Henle).
II) Creatinine
• Muscle contains creatine phosphate, a high-energy compound for the rapid
formation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
• This reaction is catalyzed by creatine kinase (CK) and is the first source of metabolic
fuel used in muscle contraction;
Creatine phosphate + ADP + H+ ⎯CK → creatine + ATP ←nonenzymatic → creatinine
• Every day, up to 20% of total muscle creatine (and its phosphate) spontaneously
dehydrates and cycles to form the waste product creatinine.
• Therefore, creatinine levels are a function of muscle mass and remain approximately
the same in an individual from day-to-day unless muscle mass or renal function
• Creatinine has a molecular weight of 113 Da and is, therefore, readily filtered by the
• Unlike urea, creatinine is not reabsorbed by the tubules. However, a small amount
of creatinine is secreted by the kidney tubules at high serum concentrations.
III) Uric Acid
• Uric acid is the primary waste product of purine metabolism.
• The purines, adenine and guanine, are precursors of nucleic acids ATP and
guanosine triphosphate (GTP), respectively.
• Uric acid has a molecular weight of 168 Da.
• Like creatinine, it is readily filtered by the glomerulus, but it then undergoes a
complex cycle of reabsorption and secretion as it courses through the nephron.
• Only 6%–12% of the original filtered uric acid is finally excreted. Uric acid exists in
its ionized and more soluble form, usually sodium urate, at urinary pH 5.75 (the
first pKa of uric acid).
• At pH < 5.75, it is undissociated. This fact has clinical significance in the
development of urolithiasis (formation of calculi) and gout.
Glomerular disease
I) Acute Glomerulonephritis
• Is often related to recent infection by group A β-hemolytic streptococci.
• Circulating immune complexes trigger a strong inflammatory response in the
glomerular basement membrane, resulting in a direct injury to the glomerulus itself.
• Other possible causes include:
➢ drug-related exposures
➢ acute kidney infections due to other bacterial (and, possibly, viral) agents
➢ other systemic immune complex diseases (e.g. systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
and bacterial endocarditis).