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SW Simulation - An Engineering View of FEA

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SOLIDWORKS Simulation An Engineering View of Finite Element Analysis Reza Tabatabai, PhD Sr. Technical Manager Simulation Products 3DEXPERIENCE’ Topics > Approaches in solving engineering problems > Finite Element Analysis (FEA) history > Examples of Numerical methods > Newton-Raphson > Two-spring system matrix structural analysis > From CAD Model to FEA Results > Things to watch in analysis types, model setup, ... > Multi-Physics > The Science&Art of Engineering Design re ee Engineering view of FEA >» This is an engineering high-level view of FEA. > Explanations focus on structural/mechanical applications. » Specifics of FEA either discussed in other clips or not covered. Shape functions Elasticity lsoparametric element . Residual stress Singularity eigenvectors Plane stress Constitutive relationship TerPa . bandwidth lasticity Adaptive meshing pareve Gaussian elimination ; . interpolation Plane strain axisymmetric Constraint equations Orthotropic material compatibility Cauchy stress Ne Solving Engineering Problems > Basic approaches > Analytical > Experimental t& Numerical Analytical Approach > Only applicable to simplest cases > Not applicable to real practical applications Cantilever beam with end load 4 ———— 7 c paau-2) a w(x) = P28 SEE | eee ee Experimental Approach > Need simplifications, scaling, calibration, etc. » Expensive, difficult, time-consuming, prone to mistakes, ... Numerical Approach » Using mathematics for simulation > Suitable for computers » Users can be trained more efficiently at required level. > Wider range of applications, cheaper, easier and faster than alternative approaches ay Experiment vs. Simulation » Resonance Plate Experiment vs. Simulation > Resonance Plate Experiment vs. Simulation » Resonance Plate Experiment vs. Simulation Experiment vs. Simulation Experiment vs. Simulation [A> pag oi » aS SSS Numerical Methods > Example of Newton-Raphson to find x in f(x) =0 >Use formula to iterate x = x,- (F(x,)/ f'(x,)) > Quadratic equation and its analytical solution . -b+(P -4ac ax +bx+c=0 7 2a ee Numerical Methods fivkoe > Example: f(x)=2x2+3x-5=0 > Two analytical solutions: -2.5 and 1 > Newton-Raphson DXQ= Xq7 (FOG)/ Fr) OF X= Xq~ ( (2K12+3X1-5) / (4X1 +3) ) a 1 +6 -3.66667 da i) 4.167442 2 -3.66667 -2.73333 2 4.767442 2.28625 3 -2.73333 -2.51373 3 2.28625 1.272448 4 2.51373 -2.50005 4 1.272448 4.018351 Discretization > Curved path is approximated by straight segments > Measure the lengths and add up Discretization > Curved path is approximated by straight segments > Measure the lengths and add up FEA History > Research in the 1950s > becoming practical with the introduction of computers b starting with matrix structural analysis > One of the biggest contributions: b Prof. Ray Clough, University of California at Berkeley b Also coined “Finite Element Method” terminology in his 1960 paper Clouc, R.W., “The finite element method in plane stress analysis”, Proc. 2nd A.S.C.E. Conf. on Electronic Computation, Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 1960. a Spring Equation ZAK? > 1-Dimensional Linear spring: F=ku | a. , > External force F, spring constant &, resulting displacement u > Element stiffness formulation in matrix form > End (nodal) forces f, > End (nodal) displacements u;, u Two Spring System TKN Nive ' > Formulate element stiffness matrices individually based on the internal end forces ee Global Equation System TANWWve : > Equilibrium equation at all nodes between external and internal forces Fy F, Fy > —_ — DF =0 —o —o— o— fan, AO a, BO oe » Assemble the global stiffness matrix and form the equation system k -k 0) uw F [K] {U} = {F} ( ne 3) = fe) 0 -ky k) U3 F3 » Apply boundary conditions: F;=F,=0 F3=F u,=0 > Solve equation system and find up, u3 re Finite Elements & Degrees of Freedom > Meshing a continuum into finite elements b> Elements > Nodes / nN > Degree of Freedom fa agg > Many element types and formulations exist bea >0, 1, 2, 3D elements i » eg. mass, beam, shell, solid > Element formulations » eg. 4/10 noded TETs, 3/6 noded thin&thick shells, beams ee FEA: 2-spring system to a Continuum > Two spring system b> Element stiffness: spring constant > 1 dimensional, 1 DoF/node > Continuum (infinite number of springs) b> Meshing & discretization (finite number of springs) > Element stiffness formulations > Material model > Various study types > A lot more complicated (mostly in the background), yet the same proven fundamental concepts From CAD Model to FEA Results Study type ‘Atnecessary) Fixtures Discretization Numerical solver + Loads , - Rey- meen: Sep - FEA Pre-processin: FEA Solution FEA Post processin a 9 ges geese Applications of FEA > Started with Structural and expanded into other fields of > Mechanical > Thermal > Fluid Flow (CFD) > Electromagnetics Restraints & Model Isolation Nuances > An example of a cantilever Force on the surface Prescribed displacement on the edge Prescribed displacement on the surface I a Failure Criteria > Various failure criteria depending on analysis types and requirements >eg. von-Mises stress < material yield strength yo 5lsx -SY)’ +(SY-Sz)* + (SZ- sx)?] + 3(TXY? + TYZ? +TZx?) > Other failure criteria depending on material and functional requirements Linear vs. Nonlinear behavior > Linear vs. Nonlinear materials > Nonlinear material models > Elastic, plastic, hyperelastic, ..., Nitinol > Small vs. Large deformation > Direct vs. iterative solvers Se > General contact EE al deformation a Simulation of Reality > WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get >in computer programming and desktop publishing > WYGIWYS: What You Get Is What You Setup > appropriate for FEA > In using FEA > Get properly trained for your level of usage > Examine different scenarios > Verify your results through experiments, expert reviews or other means a Sources of Approximation > Input approximations > Geometry > Model isolation > Boundary conditions > Loads > Modeling approximations Material model > Element selection > Convergence > Reduce approximations without over-complicating the problem ee a find the — balance. Levels of Complexity > Linear elastic static analysis of a simple part > Nonlinear dynamic analysis of car crash testing > Short duration shock loading > Contact and large deformations < | > Plasticity and large strains > Non-conventional material models > Crack propagation > fracture mechanic and material rupture bas Multi-Physics > Multi-Physics > One-directional > Fully coupled (Fluid-Solid Interaction) Multi-Physics > Mechanical-Electrical-Fluid Flow > Dassault Systemes Simulia: The Living Heart Project ee The Science&Art of Engineering Design > Many solutions for a given problem. > Choice dependent on many factors: > Available technology > Cost& time constraints > Functional requirements > Aesthetics > Optimize ee The Science&Art of Engineering Design “Tecoma Narrows Bridge Golden Gate Bridge > Strength > Vibration > Wind » Earthquake D.. » Study ALL possible modes of failure. ee Summary > Considering the many limitations of other approaches, numerical methods are powerful tools to better understand and simulate reality. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is well researched and extremely appealing for virtual prototyping. > FEA lends itself beautifully to simulate many applications and in different fields, from the preliminary design of a simple part to complicated model of an airplane and understanding the most complex behaviors such as a beating human heart . > As powerful as the FEA methodology is, and as sophisticated software packages continue to become, this is still a tool. It is therefore incumbent upon the engineer to use it properly and effectively. > As engineers, there are many ways to design a product. FEA isan excellent tool to come up with better, cheaper and more efficient products.

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