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Experience of Managers Upon Handling Neurodiverse Employees

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Experiences of Managers Upon Handling

Neurodiverse Employees
Charmaine Gie B. Galeza1, Icey Caxandra L. Quiseo2, Mikaela Dominique A. Salabit3, John Iverson B. Trinidad4,
Glenn Ian M. Vetonio5, Sheryl R. Morales6
1 ,2, 3, 4, 5
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Human Resource Management & Polytechnic University of the
Philippines – Quezon City, Philippines
Research Management Office, Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Quezon City, Philippines – (Thesis Adviser)

Abstract: The intent of this research is to unfold managers’ and driven by a particularly unique set of forces (Alton,
experiences in handling neurodiverse employees. Managers who 2020). Any manager, or aspiring manager, must understand
help their employees succeed in the organization have how to deal with employees efficiently. Employee
tremendous accomplishments, but among all the tasks that engagement is dependent on relationships with managers and
manager must perform, managing people is by far the most
challenging as each employee is different, unforeseen, and driven
employees (Martic, 2019). You are accountable for the
by the own set of forces. Proponents used a qualitative research improvement of your employees, there will still be challenges
method specifically narrative inquiry and conducted an in-depth or difficult moments along the way. In fact, in 2019, 79% of
interview with semi-structured questions. The following themes employees said they were disengaged from their jobs (Wooll,
revealed in this study are (1) manager’s knowledge and 2021). “Challenge” is a situation to face an obstacle to
involvement in neurodivergent employees at work, (2) overcome and achieve a goal that needs significant effort to be
acknowledging the challenges faced by the managers in handling done successfully and assess the person’s ability (Cambridge
neurodiverse employees, (3) strategies of managers in dealing Dictionary, n.d). If applied to the workplace, it is a problem
with neurodivergent employees, and (4) the influence of that keeps you from achieving success in the workplace or
manager’s positive approach in the welfare of neurodiverse
employees. Therefore, it is concluded that managers have little to
career where even new or seasoned employees face challenges
no challenges in handling neurodiverse employees. Moreover, at work.
these types of employees are above average people in terms of According to Indeed Editorial Team (2021), there are twelve
performance but lack emotional control that leads to anger and
common management challenges and the researchers decided
frustration. In the perspective of the following participants, there
is no perfect strategy in handling neurodiverse employees.
to narrow them down to three which are; performance,
Managers must be diversified and versatile in handling these coordination, and leadership. Pulakos & O’Leary (2011)
types of employees and use strategies that fit in with their needs. explain that employees can’t assume that their managers can
This study was assessed and completed that allows managers, read their minds and need to start a conversation about their
especially the human resource management, to get an performances whenever they meet obstacles or wanted to
informative approach in neurodiverse employees. know about the managers’ opinion. Pulakos & O’Leary
Keywords: strategies/approaches, neurodiversity, leadership, believe that educating both managers and employees about
workplace, condition how performance management plays a significant role in
maximizing performance.
Vasilescu (2019) said that leadership influences people

T here are individuals who believe that working is essential

to one’s life. It brings people meaning and a place to
belong as well as having to contribute to society by putting
willingly perform their assigned task, both effectively and
efficiently and as a result it becomes crucial for enhancing
firm performance. Leadership is a complex subject that has
their abilities and talents to service. The World Health mixed factors to help know why there are great leaders and
Organization (WHO) said that being employed gives stability, having to understand that it involves the dynamic between the
social identity and social contact, regular activity, and purpose leader and their followers. “The relationship that engages with
that are considered as vital factors in maintaining a healthy different individuals who are working within the
lifestyle. However, being employed alone does not guarantee environment.” Balcik et al., 2010 is used to describe the word
success within the workplace and this is when the role of a coordination. Achieving organizational goals and success
manager comes in since it is their responsibility to lead their must be understood that coordination is necessary for aligning
employees. They prioritize tasks, provide motivation, and the company’s operations. It means combining employees
supply job opportunities for their employees to thrive (Purcel, with different yet connected tasks (Vanagas & Stankevic,
2021). 2014).
As a manager, handling people is by far the most difficult of Australian sociologist and autism rights advocate Judy Singer,
all responsibilities. Every individual is distinct, unexpected, who happens to be on the autistic spectrum as well, coined the

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

term of neurodiversity in 1990. Neurodiversity is an umbrella study is to create a narrative based on the participant’s
term that refers to individuals with different neurological experiences upon handling neurodiverse employees.
conditions, namely dyscalculia, dyslexia, autism, attention
Manager's Culture and Climate in Workplace
deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other brain
functions (Disabled World, 2021) or people with diverse ways Patrick and Kumar (2012) state that understanding and
of thinking. The social model of disability influences that appreciating the interdependence of the natural environment,
advocates are adopting this principle would benefit society by humanity, and culture is involved in the conscious practices of
recognizing the talents of these neurodiverse individuals diversity. Managers must adhere to organizational culture
rather than pathologizing them for their weaknesses (Doyle, because it is vital for the growth and success of the
2020). organization (Griffin & Moorhead, 2013). People's feelings
and emotions related to their work environment are referred to
They have a higher probability of being underemployed or
as "climate." Many individuals mix up climate with culture,
unemployed than the wider population which was individuals
believing that climate cannot be handled because it is too
with a common neurological function or development or
broad and set in the organization. The climate is measurable
neurotypicals, Day-Duro et al., 2018 who takes up most
and much flexible to shape, while culture stresses an
employees (Loiacono, 2018) due to the stigma and prejudice
organization's unstated beliefs, which can be more difficult to
of psychiatric disabilities that becomes one of the main factors
change. Great managers understand that the climate can be
of the low prevalence of people with psychiatric conditions
transformed and making proper changes can turn employees
Kosyluk et al., 2013. Though, it does not mean that the talents
from fear to confidence and from isolation to connection. A
and potential of the neurodivergent should be ignored since
positive work environment does not always imply more
some neurodivergent have specific skills that could contribute
enjoyment or leisure; it means setting up conditions in which
to success and show a competitive advantage to an
workers feel productive and extraordinary (Freifeld, 2012).
organization (Brinzea, 2019).
Managers serve as a link between the vision of leadership and
Various theories have been led to the experiences of managers
the harsh realities of the front lines. They are often the most
in the workplace. In the perspective of Situational Leadership
dedicated workers, as well as your greatest critics, offering
Theory, this study tries to understand the experiences and
valuable feedback that propels the company ahead while
challenges of managers in handling employees. In relation to
avoiding barriers and blind alleys. Managers support their
the rationale of this study, this will serve as a basis to unfold
leaders in making better decisions, while also educating
the experiences of managers and to know what approaches
employees about organizational dynamics and making them
managers will take, especially the Human Resource
feel like important contributions to an essential goal. (Wigert
Management (HRM) could apply in handling neurodiverse
& Maese, 2019)
employees. The theory of Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard
(1997) which is Situational Leadership aims to find different Factors that affect Manager's Performance
managers' approaches toward their staff. In this theory, leaders
are evaluated in terms of their leadership styles based on their The main reason to employ a manager is to help the
team members' situations and developmental stages. This organization to achieve its goals as part of the manager’s
responsibility is to make their employees act both effectively
notion will aid them in successfully adjusting to their work
and efficiently. According to Purnama (2014) that the
environment and the people they supervise. (Wolf, 2021). It is
manager’s performance includes four characteristics such as
the manager’s responsibility to oversee the success and
manage their employees (Perkbox, 2021) and to know how to knowledge, skills, emotional maturity, and attitude which she
find and address the challenges of supervising the teams that concluded are the qualities that managers need to perform
their responsibilities. In addition, Aini (2018) study implies
are often facing difficulties in productivity and
the model of competency-performance showed that the role of
communications (Indeed Editorial Team, 2021).
organizational culture, leadership, commitment, and
Hence, dealing with neurodiversity in an organization is more competence improves the manager’s motivation. With the
complex and requires careful planning and assessment. In lack of management theories to apply, Hosmer-Jolley (2018)
other words, Human Resource Management (HRM) personnel believes that it limits managers from familiarizing themselves
face many challenges in handling neurodiversity employees with an effective behavior to lead their employees to do their
(Austin & Pisano, 2017). Practices that support their workers best at work and without enough knowledge it results using
to fulfill their potential rather than approaches that do not the wrong approach that decreases productivity.
consider the advantages that each employee can contribute are
The Emergence of Neurodiverse Employees
beneficial for all staff, especially the neurodivergent. (Bewley
& George, 2016). Based on reports from the World Report on Disability shows
There is a paucity of research on how managers should 15% of the world’s population has some sort of disability
(The World Bank & World Health Organization, 2011). A
approach dealing with neurodiverse employees in the
billion people around the world have some form of disability
Philippines. Proponents assume that it is significant when
and neurodivergent takes up over 10% of the population. 1 in
viewed in this manner. Therefore, the primary goal of this

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

68 people are diagnosed with Autism (ASD) and in the workplace is unpleasant at the current company. (Siddiqui,
Philippines. It is estimated that 1 in 500 Filipinos total 2014).
population has autism spectrum disorder (Autism Care Act,
Managers have an overall performance of an organization,
which is likely the most significant of any role in the
The decline in employment of individuals with disabilities, workplace. Managers have the greatest potential for having an
like other minorities, is due to the prejudice from supervisors immediate impact on how they handle the employees under
and coworkers, affecting their work experiences and skill their direct supervision. They are tasked with the duty of
development. A Danish software executive, Thorkil Sonne, guaranteeing that the achievements of both their department
encourages companies to employ disabled people out of a and the personnel working within it are in line with the overall
sense of goodwill. As 75% of his workers are people with goals of the company. So, managers and the employees are
Asperger’s syndrome, and some other form of ASD. Society the ones who play an extremely key part in the formation of
has slowly begun to accept neurodiversity. However, Balilan the company's culture (Foster, 2017).
(2019) said that the society's perception in neurodiverse is still
It is crucial for both the company and the individual that
a mixture of both positive and negative due to the
managers and employees are engaged. The provisions of
misconceptions about them.
contract agreements could be used by employees to obstruct
There are positive perceptions about neurodivergent the manager's position has gotten more challenging in terms of
individuals, and the most common belief is that they are defining which organizational cultures to adapt to and which
incredibly gifted where they excel in specific fields to prevent the company's aims from being met. Any
(Maddocks & Hughes, 2019). Organizations should establish successful company needs executives that can take advantage
new norms and encourage HRM to design and adjust their of employee engagement efforts. (Hammoud, 2017).
practices if they want to provide support to neurodivergent Employees are the ones who are directly accountable for
employees and applicants. Human resource management carrying out an organization's goal, which is one of the
practices are often catered for the neurotypicals, it is primary reasons why employees are so vital to the success of a
suggested that the organization has a foundation that supports company (Peek, 2022).
neurodiversity and their inclusion in the workplace (Valpone
et al., 2022).
This study used a qualitative research design specifically the
The Struggles of Managers in Handling Neurodiverse
narrative inquiry as it gives an opportunity to allow
participants to express themselves freely and publicly (Austin,
Managers must be prepared to respond to the specific Zubin; Sutton & Jane, 2014), allows researchers to understand
challenges that Neurodiverse Employees bring to the how participants create stories using a narrative structure
workplace. This includes management of time, interacting based on their own experiences (Limpaecher, 2022) and
well with people around, committing careless errors, eventually to interpret them and any resulting themes to aid in
impetuous actions, mood swings and antisocial actions (Pitts, understanding the topic being examined (Sargeant, 2012).
Mangle, & Asherson, 2015). Managers are sometimes hesitant
Researchers conduct an in-depth interview with semi-
to engage with neurodiverse staff, not because they believe
structured questions to gather information that goes beyond
they are less talented or intelligent, but because they are
the initial answers and answers on a more superficial level
unsure how to speak with them. “Can they ask questions about
(Macfarlan, 2020) and allowing the interviewer to make up
a person’s disability?”, “Will they be labeled as ignorant,
follow-up questions in response to the participant’s answers
mean or ‘politically incorrect’ if they do?”, “What happens if
(from Hardon, Rubin & Rubin, Polit & Beck [as referenced in
a neurodivergent employee is insulted by the question?”,
Kallio et al., 2016]) and giving them a room to express
“What questions are managers legally prohibited from
themselves verbally (RWJF, 2008).
asking?”. Many managers ask themselves these critical
questions but are often afraid to ask (Loiacono, 2018). They This study's participants are the managers who handle
occasionally assert that taking part in programs to promote neurodiverse employees selected using the purposive
neurodiversity at work "improves them as managers." (Austin sampling method due to the limited mobility of the
& Pisano, 2017). Employers may find it challenging to know researchers in this time of pandemic.
how to best recruit and support mental health service users
Saturation is referred to as the golden standard or the rule that
within their organizations due to the ambiguous legal status
influences the size of the purposive sample and it was used to
(Wheat et al., 2010).
discontinue the collection of data when it is figured out that
Handling Employees is Pivotal for Organizational Success there are no more other data gathered from the participants
(Saunders, et al., 2017).
Finding the cultures that their firms ought to adopt and those
that they ought to reject has become more difficult for Participants are the three (3) managers from the companies of
managers to undertake. There is a risk that an employee will selected cities in the National Capital Region (NCR),
switch companies in quest of a better work environment if the

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

particularly in Quezon City and Manila that meet these the two participants, the issues fall into the superior’s end.
following criteria: These superiors who were handling these neurodiverse
employees needed to be more knowledgeable and empathic on
• Currently employed in any company within the NCR handling these types of employees. On the other hand, all
• At least at the age of 20 to 60 years old participants said that they are above average when it comes to
• Have at least two (2) years of working experience as performance level. However, P1 and P3 added that usually
a manager neurodiverse employees lack emotional control and are prone
• Have at least six (6) months of working experience in to anger and frustration.
handling neurodivergent employees
• The participants are open to any gender. Austin & Pisano (2017) said that managing the stress of
neurodiverse staff is another difficulty and to keep everything
The instruments used in the study before the collection of data under control you must keep them under their feet, you must
were interview guide questionnaires, audio and video record, gently help them and make them aware by explaining to them
and transcription prepared by researchers has Ethical where these emptions came from or how to release it.
Consideration and Informed Consent approved by the Branch Managers must be quick in responding and resolving the
Research Ethics Board (BREB) of PUPQC given and signed situation so that it will not escalate.
by the participants.
Despite the difficult features associated with various kinds of
The data collected on the in-depth online interview, neurodivergence, it is vital to recognize that they also have
particularly in “Google Meet” focuses on the experiences of beneficial traits such as hyperfocus, tenacity, visual-spatial,
managers in handling neurodiverse employees. This online loyalty, lateral thinking, creativity, and more. However, not all
interview happened in June 2022. neurodivergent people are gifted, but they all have strengths
In data analyzation, proponents included the procedure of and unique combinations of qualities linked with their
transcription, familiarization with the interview, coding, and illnesses (Bewley & George, 2016).
thematic analysis. Transcription, coding, and thematic Theme 3: The Influence of Manager’s Positive Approach on
analysis are used for analyzing the information gathered Welfare of Neurodiverse Employees
through interviews to extract the participants’ leadership
approaches toward their neurodiverse employees. The This is encouraging to hear through interviews among the
questions that are asked during the interview reflect the participants’ answers that they use a positive approach at work
Situational Leadership Theory, which evaluates the manager’s on handling neurodiverse employees. It is also notable that
leadership styles based on situations and developmental they care for the welfare of these types of employees, boosting
stages. Thematic analysis was used for interpreting and their morale and ending discrimination present at the
finding the repeated patterns found in the experiences of the workplace. The participants are really devoted to promoting a
participants (Braun & Clarke, 2006). positive environment and it is important to acknowledge the
power of influence that a manager could bring forth for the
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION betterment of the workplace.
Theme 1: The Manager’s Knowledge and Involvement in Whether they are aware of it or not, managers have a lot of
Neurodiverse Employees at Work influence especially their behavior over the employee under
This theme tackles the overall knowledge and involvement of their care. In addition to helping workers understand and
the three (3) participants who are managers. It is notable to appreciate their value within the team and company, they can
see that these participants have enough knowledge and more decide career advancement, and development possibilities
than a year of involvement in handling neurodiverse (Knuth, 2022).
employees. P1 stated that neurodiverse refers to someone who Managers taking regards of a clear understanding of their
acts differently from the majority. P2, however, said that employee’s conditions and effective interaction guidelines can
neurodiversity is not profound and there are times that their have a positive effect in the employee, industry, and in the
attitudes cannot be controlled so managers should let organization (Holley-Jolley, 2018). Managers who had gone
themselves be more involved in the matter. through proper training allows them to recognize and use their
It also affirms the statement of Indeed Editorial Team, 2019 neurodiverse employees’ strength and allow them to
that great managers have the ability and knowledge to help understand what to expect from them, in terms of needing to
their employees whatever the situation, especially when make accommodations and differentiation of management
dealing with neurodiverse employees. styles, thus resulting in new ways for support and better
productivity as well as creating a better environment where
Theme 2: Acknowledging the Challenges Faced by the employees and managers can have an open conversation
Managers in Handling Neurodiverse Employees (Orduna, 2019; Austin & Pisano, 2017; Loiacono & Ren,
This theme pointed out that there are little to no challenges at 2018).
all in handling neurodiverse employees. In fact, according to

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022|ISSN 2454-6186

Theme 4: Strategies of Managers in Dealing with

Neurodiverse Employees
The participants said a few strategies that would overcome the
challenges in dealing with neurodiverse employees.
Proponents compile those strategies that fall into these four
categories which are communication, coordination, training,
and monitoring.
Referring to the P1 statement, monitoring monthly with the
use of Key Performance Index is a clever way to form a
strategic and proper approach for neurodiverse employees. P1
also said that communication and coordination are key or vital
factors for them to be able to manage their employees,
particularly neurodiverse employees. It’s also important to set
those expectations for every manager that handles different
people with distinct roles and has their own responsibilities.
So, that’s why in setting up the expectations with those
people, it is nice to be more open, honest, and transparent with
them in terms of the expectations as well.
Figure 1: Adaptation of Situational Leadership Theory Model
It is also noticeable how P3 arguments fall into the superior’s
end. The challenge on their part for human resource Figure 1 illustrates that a manager’s strategy in handling
management is how to help not only those who have neurodiverse employees should depend on their performance
neurodivergence conditions, but to train their superiors as well and behaviors in the organization. Thus, the more
on how to handle these kinds of situations involving neurodiverse employees perform and behave well at work, the
neurodiverse employees. It is because they have direct control less the manager should be directive and spend more time in
and direct management over the staff. addressing, motivating and offering instructions to them.

Participants also mentioned being diversified and versatile in Managers may find it time-consuming and distracting to
handling these types of employees, using a strategy that fits in understand and value people with neurodivergent problems at
with their needs or to what is needed. We must look for a work, as well as adapting their leadership style to each
strategy that could fit in with the types of personality because employee's demands, caused by the failure to apply their
this is important that one strategy may not apply to the rest of abilities and comprehend strategies. (Hosmer Jolley, 2018)
the employees or to everybody. So, we must use mixed or which is why it’s crucial to educate future managers about
different strategies. such conditions to guarantee that they do not contribute to the
emerging cycle of ignorance or inability to be supportive
The action that needs to be taken to help neurodiverse (Coetzer, 2016). In addition, Ortiz (2020) said that industry
employees or coworkers is to educate oneself on the minor leaders claimed that the initiative to reform human processes
adjustments every worker can make to the working so that neurodiverse skills are accessible is producing better
environment to make it more approachable and accessible for managers because of their increased dedication to using all
everyone (Meehan, 2020). Seek someone different from you their employees' talents and having immense sensitivity to
when you are managing and recruiting employees since they individual needs. Overall, managers can benefit from more
will give you a broader and more developed feel of the knowledge, and employees benefit from more training
environment you are working in. (Austin & Pisano. 2017) (Knows & Styles, 2020).
The findings under this theme suggest that a manager can use IV. CONCLUSION
strategies to deal with employees who have neurodivergent
conditions. As a result, the Theory of Situational Leadership Handling employees that have neurodivergence condition in
developed by Ken Blanchard and Paul Hersey (1977), can be an organization is not a snap of a finger. First, there will be
used in knowing the best approach they can do to deal with adjustments to be made not only by their superior but also by
different performances and behaviors of neurodivergent the other employees around the workplace to meet their needs.
employees as the theory itself is all about the manager being It takes time but with frequent discussions, training and
flexible in adapting their strategy based on their employees’ mentoring by a manager, eventually all employees within the
needs (Rabarison, 2013). company will understand and help them out to cope up with
their emotions, adapt to their work environment, perform
ordinary tasks, and interact with ordinary people.
This study particularly focused on experiences of managers on
handling neurodiverse employees manage to get the

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