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A Survey On Intrusion Detection System Using Machine Learning Techniques

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11 V May 2023

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue V May 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

A Survey on Intrusion Detection System using

Machine Learning Techniques
Aishwarya B H1, Bhavana S Akki2, H M Harshitha3, Navyashree R4, Vedananda D.E5
1, 2, 3, 4
Research Scholar, Dept. of CS&E, JNNCE, Shimoga, India
Assistant Prof., Dept. of CS&E, JNNCE, Shimoga, India

Abstract: In every part of the world, there is a tremendous growth in digital literacy in the present era. People are trying to
access internet-based applications with the use of digital machines. As a result, the internet as become a primary requirement for
everyone, and most business transactions often take place conveniently across the network. On the other hand, intruders
involved in making intrusions and doing activities such as capturing passwords, compromise on the route, collecting details of
credit cards, etc. Many malicious activities are taking place over the network due to this intruding activity on the internet. The
intrusion detection system (IDS) helps to find the attacks on the system and the intruders are detected. This paper has expected
for an approach to develop IDS by using the principal component analysis (PCA) and the random forest classification algorithm.
Where the PCA will help to shape the dataset by reducing the dimensionality of the dataset and the random forest will help in
classification. Results obtained states that the proposed approach works more resourcefully in terms of accuracy as compared to
other methods like SVM, Naïve Bayes, and Decision Tree.
Keywords: Intrusion detection system, Random Forest Approach, Principal Component Analysis.

Nowadays, the involvement of the internet in normal life has been increased rapidly. The internet has made a crucial place in
everyone's life. The use of the internet has become very crucial for everyone. So, with the increase in the use of the internet for
personal activities, it is also necessary to keep secure the system from malicious activities. The evolution of malicious software
(malware) poses a critical challenge to the design of intrusion detection systems (IDS). Malicious attacks have become more
sophisticated and the foremost challenge is to identify unknown and obfuscated malware, as the malware authors use different
evasion techniques for information concealing to prevent detection by an IDS.



Fig. General methodology

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 473
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue V May 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

As shown in above fig., these are the very common steps takes place in all intrusion detection system using machine learning
models. It includes Data Collection, Data pre-processing, Feature selection, Building model and Prediction of attacks. Data
Collection includes collecting data from various sources such as network traffic logs, system logs amd sensor data.
Data pre-processing includes cleaning, filtering and normalizing the collected data to remove any noise outliers or inconsistencies.
Feature Selection includes identifying the relevant features from the pre-processed data that are most important in intrusion
Model Selection includes selecting approproate ML algorithms for the IDS such as decision tree, support vector machine, neural
networks, random forest etc.
And the very last one is prediction of attacks, which detects and predicts the attack types.


The researchers, Sumaiya Thaseen Ikram et al. [1], have suggested an intrusion detection model that combines Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) using the RBF kernel. The PCA technique reduces noisy attributes and selects
the optimal attribute subset, which is then used to train the SVM classification models. The model's accuracy is improved by
optimizing the SVM parameters C and ϒ for the RBF kernel using a proposed automatic parameter selection technique. The
researchers evaluated the model's performance using two different datasets, NSL-KDD and gurekddcup. The results showed that the
proposed model outperforms other classification techniques that use SVM as the classifier with PCA as the dimensionality reduction
technique. Additionally, the proposed model requires fewer resources as the classifier input uses a reduced feature set, which
reduces the training and testing overhead time.

Table-1: Comparison of Models

Algorithm Name Datasets used Precision Recall f1-score Accuracy
NSL-KDD 0.9970 0.9970 0.9970 0.9970
gurekddcup 0.997 0.999 0.998 0.996
PCA with SVM

Nada Aboueata et al. [2] conducted a study to evaluate the effectiveness of Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN) machine learning techniques for detecting intrusions in the cloud environment. They compared the performance of
different feature selection and parameter tuning schemes. Specifically, for SVM, they evaluated the effectiveness of features
categorization, univariate, and PCA feature selection methods. They also adjusted two SVM parameters, namely the kernel function
and penalty C parameter. The researchers found that the general-purpose feature category outperformed all other feature selection
methods, achieving an accuracy of 90% with values of C as 20 and the Sigmoidal kernel function.

Table-2: Comparison of Models

Algorithm Name Datasets used Precision Recall f1-score Accuracy
0.92 0.92 0.91 0.92
UNSW-NB-15 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.91

Erdo gan Dogdu et al. [3] proposed a novel method that combines big data technologies and deep learning techniques to enhance the
performance of intrusion detection systems. They evaluated their approach using the UNSW-NB15 and CICIDS2017 datasets. The
researchers used the homogeneity metric to rank and select the features, and they employed Deep Neural Networks (DNN), Random
Forest (RF), and Gradient Boosted Tree (GBT) classifiers to classify the attacks in binary and multiclass modes. They conducted all
experiments on Apache Spark with the Keras Deep Learning Library, while the RF and GBT classifiers were used from Apache
Spark Machine Learning Library. The results showed high accuracy levels for DNN in binary and multiclass classification on the
UNSW-NB15 dataset (99.19% and 97.04%, respectively) and low prediction times. The GBT classifier achieved the best accuracy
(99.99%) for binary classification using the CICIDS2017 dataset and 99.57% accuracy for multiclass classification on the same
dataset using DNN classifier.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 474
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue V May 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

Table-3: Comparison of Models

Algorithm Name Datasets used Accuracy Algorithm Name Datasets used Accuracy

DNN 0.99 DNN 0.97

0.98 0.92
0.97 0.99

Shilpashree. S et al. [4] developed a decision tree-based model that enables system administrators to classify incoming traffic as
malicious or non-malicious, regardless of the nature of the incoming data. They evaluated the model's effectiveness by comparing it
with other strategies and tested it using both a 20% dataset and the full dataset. The experimental results showed that the decision
tree-based model was effective in classifying incoming traffic and was powerful enough to handle the full dataset.
Table-4: Comparison of Models
Algorithm Name Precision Recall f1-score Accuracy
SVM 0.92 0.92 0.91 0.92
ANN 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.91
Ansam Khraisat et al. [5] conducted a comprehensive survey on intrusion detection system methodologies, types, and technologies,
highlighting their advantages and limitations. They reviewed various machine learning techniques proposed for detecting zero-day
attacks but noted their drawbacks, such as generating and updating information about new attacks, and high false alarms or poor
accuracy. The authors also summarized recent research results and explored contemporary models to improve the performance of
AIDS and overcome IDS issues. The study further examined popular public datasets used for IDS research, discussing their data
collection techniques, evaluation results, and limitations. The authors highlighted the need for newer and more comprehensive
datasets that contain a wide spectrum of malware activities, as normal activities are constantly changing and may become
ineffective over time. Additionally, the study examined four common evasion techniques to determine their ability to evade recent
IDSs. Developing IDSs that can accurately detect different types of attacks, including those that incorporate evasion techniques,
remains a major challenge for this research area. There are several issues associated with these systems, such as high false positive
rates, low detection rates, and difficulty in dealing with new and emerging threats. To improve the performance of anomaly-based
IDS and overcome these issues, several contemporary models have been proposed. Some of these models are: Deep Learning-based
IDS, Machine learning-based IDS, Ensemble-based IDS, Hybrid IDS, Cloud-based IDS, Big data analytics. These contemporary
models offer promising solutions to improve the performance of anomaly-based IDS and overcome the issues associated with these
Priyanka Sharma et al. [6] proposed a hybrid feature selection technique for the NSL-KDD dataset, followed by random forest
classification on the reduced feature set. Their experiment results indicated that combining wrapper with filter methods and hybrid
wrapper feature selection resulted in low accuracy, while filter-based feature selection using Gain ratio outperformed all other
methods in terms of accuracy and time consumption in both testing modes. Hybrid feature selection techniques for the NSL-KDD
dataset followed by the random forest approach can help improve the accuracy and efficiency of intrusion detection systems (IDS).
The NSL-KDD dataset is a popular benchmark dataset for evaluating IDS, and the random forest approach is a widely used machine
learning algorithm for classification tasks.
Some hybrid feature selection techniques that can be used for the NSL-KDD dataset are:
Correlation-based feature selection (CFS), Wrapper-based feature selection. After selecting the optimal subset of features using
hybrid feature selection techniques, the random forest approach can be used for classification. The random forest approach is an
ensemble learning technique that combines multiple decision trees to improve the accuracy of classification.
Some advantages of using the random forest approach for IDS are:
1) The random forest approach can handle high-dimensional datasets with many features.
2) The random forest approach can detect non-linear relationships between features and the target class.
3) The random forest approach can handle missing values and noisy data.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 475
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue V May 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

Hybrid feature selection techniques followed by the random forest approach can help improve the accuracy and efficiency of IDS
using the NSL-KDD dataset. These techniques can help select only the most informative features and improve the classification
accuracy of the IDS.
Jofrey L. Leevy and colleagues [7] have explored various intrusion detection datasets, including CICIDS2018, which is a large
multi-class dataset with about 16 million instances, but is class-imbalanced. The authors searched for relevant studies based on this
dataset and found that the reported performance scores were unusually high, possibly due to overfitting. They also observed that few
studies addressed the class imbalance issue, which can distort experiment results, especially for big data. Another concern was the
inadequate level of detail in data cleaning, which could impact the reproducibility of experiments. The authors identified several
gaps in the current research, such as the absence of topics like big data processing frameworks, concept drift, and transfer learning.
In a different context, the authors applied their approach to analyze Amazon.com reviews from various categories, which improved
analytical precision and helped classify the reviews into various sentiments. Their approach produced accurate results on their
datasets, and SVM was found to be the best algorithm for computing polarity on cryptic reviews.

Table 5: Summary of survey

Improving accuracy of Data pre- processing Dimensionality reduction using PCA removes noisy This would not be applicable in a real time
Intrusion detection model PCA technique attributes and retains the optimal attribute subset. environment.
using PCA and optimized SVM SVM algorithm Minimum training and testing overhead time. SVM without normalization will increase
calculation time.

Supervised Machine Learning Artificial Neural Networks Clustering reduces the number of data points and Supervised machine learning models require large
Techniques for efficient network Support Vector Machine as a result it reduces the training complexity amounts of labeled data to train effectively. In the
intrusion detection significantly and showed better performance. case of network intrusion detection, it can be
The proposed classifier achieved an accuracy of difficult to obtain a large enough dataset that
95.72% and false positive rate of 0.7% represents all possible types of attacks and normal
network traffic.
Intrusion Detection System using K-means The results show that the best accuracy results are Big data is data that is difficult to store, manage or
Big data and Deep Learning Deep neural networks obtained by DNN. manipulate using traditional
Techniques This paper presented a method to improve the techniques.
performance of intrusion detection The characteristics of big data include volume,
systems by integrating big data technologies and variety and velocity. The large volume of data is
deep learning techniques. often associated with another challenge, which is
variety, meaning different data source.
Random forest classification of Random forest classification Compared to a single decision tree algorithm Wrapper based hybrid feature selection and
NSL-KDD dataset using hybrid algorithm. random forest runs efficiently on large data sets with combining wrapper with filter method gives poor
feature selection model. a better accuracy. performance
Random forest is the best classification algorithm In terms of accuracy, recall, precision, roc and
compared to others. This algorithm gives high kappa and showing highest FPR and error.

A survey and analysis of Deep learning For the most part, they observed that the best Topics such as big data preprocessing
intrusion detection models based Random forest classification performance scores for each study, where frameworks, concept drifts and transfer learning
on CSE- algorithm provided, were unusually high. are missing from literature.
CIC-IDS2018 Big Data. The highest accuracies (100%) were obtained for The non-availability of an accuracy score for the
the DDoS, and brute force attack types. collective attack types
Decision Tree: A Machine Learning Decision Tree The decision tree gives a higher accuracy of up It takes higher time to train the model.
for Intrusion detection to 82% for DoS attacks and 65% for probe. Improving Network performance is challenging.
It requires less effort for data preparation during

Survey of intrusion detection Artificial neural network SIDS: Very effective in identifying intrusions Cyber-attacks on ICSs is a great challenge for
systems: Support vector machine with minimum false alarms (FA). the IDS due to unique architectures of ICSs as
techniques, datasets and AIDS: Could be used to detect new attacks. the attackers are currently focusing on ICSs.
challenges Could be used to create intrusion signature.

1) PCA with SVM: When used together, PCA can help to reduce the dimensionality of the data, making it easier and faster for
SVM to classify the data. However, this approach may not always lead to the best performance, especially when there are
nonlinear relationships between the features and the target variable.
2) SVM with ANN: When used together, SVM and ANN can complement each other, with SVM providing a robust classification
algorithm and ANN providing the flexibility to learn complex relationships between the features and the target variable.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 476
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 11 Issue V May 2023- Available at www.ijraset.com

3) Big Data and Deep learning: When used together, deep learning can be used to process and analyze big data, providing insights
and predictions that would be difficult to obtain using traditional techniques. However, deep learning requires large amounts of
data and computational resources, which can make it difficult to implement in some settings.
4) Decision Tree Models: They are easy to interpret and can handle both categorical and continuous data. However, they can be
sensitive to small changes in the data, which can lead to instability and overfitting.
5) Hybrid Feature Selection technique with NSL-KDD: They can be used to address the limitations of individual algorithms and
provide more accurate and robust predictions. When applied to NSL-KDD and CICIDS2018 datasets, hybrid model selection
techniques can help to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the intrusion detection system, leading to better protection
against security threats and attacks.

It's difficult to say which technique is the "best" among these as each technique has its strengths and weaknesses, and the best
technique depends on the specific requirements of the intrusion detection system and the characteristics of the data.
For example, PCA with SVM may be a good choice when there are many features in the dataset, and it's important to reduce the
dimensionality of the data to improve the efficiency of the classification algorithm. SVM with ANN may be a good choice when the
data has complex relationships that can't be captured by a linear SVM model alone. Big data with deep learning may be a good
choice when the data is too large and complex to be processed using traditional techniques. Decision tree-based models may be a
good choice when the data has a clear hierarchy of features that can be modeled using a tree-like structure. Hybrid model selection
techniques may be a good choice when it's important to combine the strengths of multiple techniques to improve the accuracy and
robustness of the system.
Therefore, the choice of the best technique depends on the specific needs of the system, the characteristics of the data, and the
performance metrics used to evaluate the models. It's important to carefully evaluate the performance of different techniques on the
specific dataset and select the one that provides the best results for the given requirements.

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