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Measurement of Masonry Flexural Bond Strength: Standard Test Methods For

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Designation: C1072 − 13´1

Standard Test Methods for

Measurement of Masonry Flexural Bond Strength1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C1072; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

ε1 NOTE—Editorially corrected Table X1.1 in March 2014.

1. Scope* These possible evaluation criteria are given for illustration only
1.1 These test methods evaluate the flexural bond strength, and are not mandatory.
normal to the bed joints, of masonry built of manufactured 1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded
masonry units. Sampling and testing procedures are referenced, as the standard. The values given in parentheses are mathemati-
and terms are defined. Three different specimen fabrication cal conversions to SI units that are provided for information
methods are specified, each for a different purpose: only and are not considered standard.
1.1.1 The first method is the “Test Method for Laboratory- 1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the
Prepared Specimens.” Its purpose is to compare the bond safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
strengths (under the given conditions) of masonry mortars. It responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
could be used, for example, to check the quality of mortar priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
products after production, or to indicate the bond strength bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
(under the given conditions) of a mortar product without
requiring the product to be tested in combination with many 2. Referenced Documents
different units. It is not intended to represent field conditions.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
It uses standard concrete masonry units. Mortars are batched
C67 Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Brick and
by weight equivalents of volume proportions and are mixed to
Structural Clay Tile
a prescribed flow. Prisms are constructed using a jig and are
C140 Test Methods for Sampling and Testing Concrete
Masonry Units and Related Units
1.1.2 The second method is the “Test Method for Field-
C230/C230M Specification for Flow Table for Use in Tests
Prepared Specimens.” Its purpose is to evaluate the bond
of Hydraulic Cement
strength (under the given conditions) of a particular unit-mortar
C270 Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry
combination, either for preconstruction evaluation of materials
C780 Test Method for Preconstruction and Construction
or for quality control purposes during construction. Mortars are
Evaluation of Mortars for Plain and Reinforced Unit
batched conventionally, and the flow is not prescribed. Prisms
are constructed conventionally (no jig) and are bag-cured.
C1232 Terminology of Masonry
1.1.3 The third method is the “Test Method for Prisms
C1437 Test Method for Flow of Hydraulic Cement Mortar
Removed from Existing Masonry.” Its purpose is to evaluate
C1532 Practice for Selection, Removal, and Shipment of
the bond strength of unit-mortar combinations of prisms cut
Manufactured Masonry Units and Masonry Specimens
from existing walls.
from Existing Construction
1.1.4 The three methods are not consistent, nor are they
intended to be. They are intended to be used for three different 2.2 Other Documents:
purposes. To make this clear, the three methods are presented TMS 402 ⁄ACI 530 ⁄ASCE 5 Building Code Requirements
separately. for Masonry Structures3
1.1.5 Appendix X1 suggests two possible criteria for assess-
ing the bond strength values obtained using these test methods.

1 2
These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C15 on For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Manufactured Masonry Units and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
C15.04 on Research. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved April 15, 2013. Published April 2013. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 1993. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as C1072 – 12. DOI: Available from the Masonry Standards Joint Committee, http://
10.1520/C1072-13E01. www.masonrystandards.org.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

C1072 − 13´1
NBS Handbook 914 size, color range, texture, and composition produced by a
single source by virtually the same process and under essen-
3. Terminology tially the same conditions.
3.1 Definitions:
3.1.1 lot, n—material of a given quantity of a single type, 3.2 For additional terms used in this test method, refer to
grade, class, and brand and practically of the same nominal Terminology C1232.

Natrella, M. G.,Experimental Statistics, National Bureau of Standards Hand-
book 91, U.S. Government Printing Office, Aug. 1, 1963, pp. 2–14.


4. Summary of Test Method

4.1 This test method is for evaluating the flexural bond 6.5 Flow Table, Flow Mold, and Caliper, conforming to the
strength (under the given conditions) of masonry built of requirements of Specification C230/C230M.
standard masonry units. It uses standard concrete masonry 6.6 Cone Penetrometer, Unit Measure, Straightedge,
units. Mortars are batched by weight equivalents of volume Spatula, Tapping Stick, and Spoon, conforming to the require-
proportions and are mixed to a prescribed flow. Prisms are ments of Test Method C780.
constructed using a jig and are bag-cured.
NOTE 1—Standard fired clay masonry units are under development but 6.7 Bond Strength Test Apparatus, conforming to the re-
are not now available. When their development is complete, they will be quirements of Annex A3.
incorporated into these test methods.
7. Materials
5. Significance and Use 7.1 Select representative samples of each lot of mortar
5.1 This test method is intended for use in comparing the materials. Each sample of material shall be of sufficient
bond strengths (under the given conditions) of masonry mor- quantity to build a set of test prisms. Use standard concrete
tars. masonry units meeting the requirements of Annex A1.
5.2 This test method could be used, for example, to check 7.2 Mortar materials (including water) shall be at an equi-
one aspect of the quality of mortar products after production, or librium temperature with laboratory air (see Section 8).
to indicate the bond potential of a mortar product without 8. Temperature and Humidity
requiring the product to be tested in combination with many
different units. 8.1 Maintain the temperature of laboratory air in the vicinity
of mixing of mortar, fabrication of specimens, curing, and
5.3 This test method uses controlled conditions of fabrica- testing of specimens at 75 6 15°F (24 6 8°C).
tion and curing that are not intended to represent field
conditions. 8.2 Maintain the relative humidity of laboratory air in the
vicinity of mixing of mortar, fabrication of specimens, and
5.4 This test method uses standard concrete masonry units. testing of specimens between 30 and 80 %.
Mortars are batched by weight equivalents of volume propor-
tions and are mixed to a prescribed flow. Prisms are con- 9. Procedure
structed using a jig and are bag-cured. 9.1 Fabricate a set of stack-bonded test prisms (any conve-
5.5 Flexural bond strength determined by this test method nient number of prisms) containing a total of not less than 15
shall not be interpreted as the flexural bond strength of a wall mortar joints. Each prism shall have no more than 5 joints.
(because standard units are not used for wall construction), nor 9.1.1 Proportion mortar materials by weights equivalent to
shall it be interpreted as an indication of extent of bond for volume proportions to be used in prism construction. Use unit
purposes of water permeability evaluation. weights for individual materials as given in Specification
C270. Sand shall be permitted to be used in a damp loose
6. Apparatus condition, provided that moisture content of sand is determined
with reference to the oven-dried condition and batch propor-
6.1 Prism Alignment Jig, as described in Annex A2 and tions are adjusted accordingly. Record weight of ingredients
shown in Fig. A2.1. (including water) added to the batch of mortar.
6.2 Mortar Joint Template, as described in Annex A2 and 9.1.2 Mix mortar in a mechanical paddle-type mortar mixer.
shown in Fig. A2.2. Time periods referenced below are measured from when water
and cementitious materials are combined.
6.3 Drop Hammer, as described in Annex A2 and shown in For standard concrete masonry units, add an esti-
Fig. A2.3.
mated amount of water to the mortar to achieve a flow of 127
6.4 Mechanical Paddle-Type Mortar Mixer, of no less than 6 3 determined in accordance with Test Method C1437. Mix
0.6 ft3 (18 L) capacity. mortar for 3 min and determine flow. Once flow is recorded,

C1072 − 13´1
return the material used to measure flow to the mixer. If the Flow or cone penetrometer reading of mortar used
flow is 127 6 3, continue mixing the batch for an additional 2 to construct prisms.
min. If the flow is less than 124, add water to the batch, mix for Flexural bond strength test results for each joint of
1 min, and determine flow. Once flow is recorded, return the the test specimens. Mean, standard deviation, and test age for
material used to measure flow to the mixer. If the flow is 127 each set of test specimens to the nearest psi.
6 3, continue mixing the batch for 1 min. If one or more mortar joints break during the If after the one-time addition of water the flow is not handling of the specimen and tightening of the loading clamps
127 6 3, discard the batch. but before additional load is applied by the testing apparatus, If the measured flow exceeds 130 at any time, report which joints broke prematurely but do not include them
discard the batch. in the calculation of the flexural tensile strength average and
9.1.3 Immediately after mixing the mortar, determine its standard deviation. The top mortar joint shall be designated
initial cone penetration in accordance with Test Method C780. joint Number 1, the second, Number 2, etc. Measured loads
Determine the cone penetration of the mortar every 15 6 5 and calculations shall also be included.
min. If the cone penetration is less than 80 % of its initial Description of failure, especially indicating
value, discard the remaining portion of the mortar without whether failure occurred at the top or bottom of the mortar
constructing additional mortar joints. joint, or both.
9.1.4 Use standard concrete masonry units as defined in
11. Precision and Bias
Annex A1. Clean the bed surface of units of dirt, loose sand, or
other contaminants. 11.1 Precision—Published data are not available for within-
9.1.5 Fabricate prism specimens as described in Annex A2. laboratory variability of this test method. Published data
9.1.6 Cure prism specimens in accordance with Annex A2. (Hedstrom,5 Melander6) obtained under conditions almost
identical with those of this test method show within-batch
9.2 Conduct bond-wrench tests on prism specimens.
coefficients of variation varying between 10 % and 25 % for
9.2.1 Test the prisms in the same facility where they were
30-joint samples of selected portland cement-lime mortars and
masonry cement mortars. Because only one sample of each
9.2.2 Test masonry prisms in accordance with Annex A3.
mortar was tested in each laboratory, sufficient data are not
Determine the flexural tensile strength of each mortar joint
available to establish repeatability for this test method. Inter-
tested, as described in Annex A3.
laboratory testing is now planned to determine the reproduc-
NOTE 2—When test ages other than 28 days are specified, the general ibility of this test method. It is the intent of this committee to
relationship between the strength at the specified test age and that at 28 develop precision values within five years from the date of
days is generally established by test. That relationship may vary with issuance of this test method.
different materials and curing conditions.
11.2 Bias—No information can be presented on the bias of
10. Report this test method because no test having an accepted reference
10.1 Report the following information: value is available.
10.1.1 Identify mortar materials and units tested, including
as applicable the manufacturer’s name, brand name, type,
grade, source of sample, date sampled, and date tested. 5
Hedstrom, E. G., Tarhini, K. M., Thomas, R. D., Dubovoy, V. S., Klingner, R.
10.1.2 List unit and prism dimensions to the nearest 0.05 in. E., and Cook, R. A., “Flexural Bond Strength of Concrete Masonry Prisms Using
(1.0 mm), number of joints per prism, and number of prisms Portland Cement and Hydrated Lime Mortars,” Masonry Society Journal, Vol 9 ,
per set of specimens and prism weight. No. 2, February 1991.
10.1.3 Include the following in the report: Melander, J. M., Ghosh, S. K., Dubovoy, V. S., Hedstrom, E. G., and Klingner,
R. E., “Flexural Bond Strength of Concrete Masonry Prisms Using Masonry Cement Weight of ingredients (including water) added to Mortars,” Masonry: Design and Construction, Problems and Repair, ASTM STP
the batch of mortar. 1180, ASTM, 1993.


12. Summary of Test Method

12.1 This test method is for evaluating the flexural bond 13.2 The purpose of this test method is to evaluate the bond
strength (under the given conditions) of masonry built of strength (under the given conditions) of a particular unit-mortar
conventional masonry units. Mortars are batched combination, either for preconstruction evaluation of materials
conventionally, and their flow is not prescribed. Prisms are or for quality control purposes during construction. Precon-
constructed conventionally (no jig) and are bag-cured. struction field tests may be used to provide information on the
potential performance of a mortar-unit combination under field
13. Significance and Use conditions of fabrication and workmanship (but not curing).
13.1 This test method is intended for evaluation of flexural Construction field tests may be used as a quality control
bond strength (under the given conditions) between mortar and measure to ensure that performance criteria established in
units. preconstruction tests are being met.

C1072 − 13´1
13.3 Flexural bond strength determined by this test method 16.2.2 Clean the bed surface of the units of dirt, loose sand,
shall not be interpreted as the flexural bond strength of a wall or other contaminants. Sample and test clay units in accordance
constructed of the same material, nor shall it be interpreted as with Test Methods C67 to determine initial rate of absorption
an indication of extent of bond for purposes of water perme- (Field Test).
ability evaluation. However, if effects of construction 16.2.3 Keep handling of the prisms to a minimum and
conditions, specimen size, workmanship, and curing conditions handle in such a way that the joints will not be subjected to
are taken into account, the results may be used to estimate the detrimental tensile stresses.
flexural strength of a wall. 16.2.4 Set the first unit of each prism on a firm, horizontal
surface without the use of mortar.
14. Apparatus
NOTE 5—An alignment device may be used to ensure plumbness and
14.1 Mechanical Paddle-Type Mortar Mixer, of no less than joint thickness uniformity.
0.6 ft3 (18 L) capacity.
16.2.5 Place a full or face shell mortar bed on all units
14.2 Cone Penetrometer, Unit Measure, Straightedge, without furrowing unless the effect of furrowing is being
Spatula, Tapping Stick, and Spoon, conforming to the require- studied.
ments of Test Method C780.
16.2.6 Immediately place the next unit on the mortar bed
14.3 Bond Strength Test Apparatus, conforming to the and tap it to proper level and joint thickness. One face of each
requirements of Annex A3. prism shall be in a nearly true plane.
16.2.7 Repeat 16.2.5 and 16.2.6 until the prisms are the
15. Sampling desired height. Identify all specimens using a water-resistant
15.1 Select representative samples of each lot of masonry marker.
materials intended for use in construction. Each sample of 16.2.8 Depending upon the desired test conditions, strike
material shall be of sufficient quantity to build a set of test flush or tool the mortar joints. If tooling is required, tool only
prisms. A lot of each material shall consist of not less than the the joints on one face of each prism.
following quantities: 16.2.9 Unless specified otherwise, construct specimens in
15.1.1 4000 of each type of masonry unit, an open moisture-tight bag large enough to contain the com-
15.1.2 15 bags of each type of cement (or the equivalent pleted prism (see Annex A2). After fabrication, draw and seal
bulk quantity), the bag around the specimen and cure for 28 days. Record and
15.1.3 15 bags of lime (or the equivalent bulk quantity), report the daily high and low temperatures in the area where
15.1.4 3 yd3 of sand, and specimens are stored for curing. If other curing conditions (for
15.1.5 If mortar is delivered in bulk, 3 yd3 of mortar. example, no moisture-tight bag) are specified, record and
report all details of the curing.
16. Procedure
NOTE 6—Workmanship during fabrication, temperature of the materials
16.1 Prepare and mix mortar in accordance with the con- during fabrication, curing conditions, time between removal from moist
struction contract specifications. If no construction contract curing test, and other factors may affect the bond strengths measured by
specifications exist, use the mortar preparation procedures of this test. Standardized specimen fabrication curing procedures that attempt
Test Method C780, modifying them as appropriate when to control these variables are prescribed in the Test Method for
Laboratory-Prepared Specimens, above.
proprietary materials are added to the mortar or when pre-
batched materials are used. Use sufficient water to achieve 16.2.10 Do not disturb or move specimens for the first 48 h
optimum workability. after construction. Unless specified otherwise, keep specimens
NOTE 3—Workable consistency of mortar for concrete masonry con-
in the moisture-tight bags. Keep specimens at essentially the
struction generally requires an initial cone penetration reading of 55 6 5 same temperatures as those experienced by the masonry that
mm or a flow of 125 6 5 %. Workable consistency of mortar for clay the specimens are intended to represent. At 24 6 4 h prior to
masonry construction generally requires an initial cone penetration test age, remove bag and place specimens in laboratory air with
reading of 65 6 5 mm or a flow of 135 6 5 %. Optimum consistency for a temperature of 75 6 15°F (24 6 8°C) and a relative humidity
a specific mortar-unit combination may differ from these values.
between 20 % and 80 %.
16.2 Fabricate a set of any convenient number of stack-
bonded prisms, containing a total of at least 15 mortar joints. NOTE 7—Carefully package prisms and transport them to a laboratory
in accordance with Practice C1532 for testing.
Each prism shall have no more than 5 joints and a minimum
width (b) of 3.5 in. (see Note 4). Do not fabricate more prism 16.2.11 If specimens are transported for testing, strap them
specimens than can be constructed within 30 min. tightly first. Prepare plywood boards at least 3⁄4-in. thick, cut to
NOTE 4—It is recommended that a width (b) of 1 full masonry unit be
the size of the bed area of the unit. Place these boards under the
used. When conducting construction field tests for quality control, one set bottom unit and on the top unit of the prism prior to strapping.
of test prisms for each 5000 ft2 of masonry in the structure has been During transport, cushion the specimens from vibration and
traditionally specified. from direct contact with each other.
16.2.1 Sample and test mortar in accordance with Test 16.2.12 Test specimens at an age of 28 days unless other-
Method C780 to determine initial consistency by cone pen- wise specified. Do not test specimens at an age of less than 3
etrometer or flow table and air content. days.

C1072 − 13´1
16.3 Testing Specimens—Test masonry prisms in accor- 17.2.1 Volume proportions of mortar ingredients used in test
dance with the requirements of Annex A3 except as otherwise mortar batch. Note whether mortar was prepared under the
provided in this test method. Determine the flexural tensile proportion or the property specification requirements of Speci-
strength of each mortar joint tested, as described in Annex A3. fication C270.
NOTE 8—When test ages other than 28 days are specified, the general 17.2.2 Whether report is of preconstruction evaluation test
relationship between the strength at the specified test age and that at 28 or construction field tests. If field tests, identify building area
days is generally established by test. That relationship may vary with represented by set of specimens.
different materials and curing conditions. 17.2.3 Length of mixing time, time at which mixing was
completed, and time at which specimen fabrication was com-
17. Report pleted.
17.1 Report the following information: 17.2.4 Initial consistency as determined by flow or cone
penetration, mortar water content, mortar aggregate ratio, air
17.1.1 Identify mortar materials and units tested, including
content and compressive strength determined in accordance
as applicable the manufacturer’s name, brand name, type, with Test Method C780.
grade, source of sample, date sampled, and date tested. 17.2.5 Initial rate of absorption (Field Test) of fired clay
17.1.2 List number of prisms per set of specimens, number masonry units, as determined in accordance with Test Methods
of joints per prism, unit dimensions, and joint thicknesses. C67.
17.1.3 Average prism dimensions to the nearest 0.05 in. (1.0 17.2.6 Ambient temperature and humidity at time speci-
mm) including width, depth, and height. mens were fabricated.
17.1.4 Weight of specimen, lbf (N). 17.2.7 Daily high and low temperatures in area where
specimens were stored for curing.
17.1.5 Individual and average gross or net area flexural
17.2.8 Date and time when curing bags were removed from
tensile stress calculated to the nearest psi (MPa), standard
deviation, and position of the joint tested within the specimen.
17.2.9 Description of strapping procedure, if applicable.
If one or more mortar joints break during the handling of the 17.2.10 Date and time specimens were delivered to
specimen and tightening of the loading clamps but before laboratory, if applicable.
additional load is applied by the testing apparatus, report which 17.2.11 Condition of specimens as received from transport,
joints broke prematurely but do not include them in the if applicable.
calculation of the flexural tensile strength average and standard 17.2.12 Length of time specimens were exposed to labora-
deviation. The top mortar joint shall be designated joint tory air prior to testing.
Number 1, the second, Number 2, etc. Measured loads and
calculation shall also be included. 18. Precision and Bias
17.1.6 Description of failure, especially indicating whether 18.1 Precision—Because this test method can be applied to
failure occurred at the top or bottom of the mortar joint, or many different combinations of units and mortar, and because
both. workmanship is not controlled in fabricating field-prepared
17.1.7 Sketch or photo of masonry unit showing core specimens, it is not possible to establish repeatability and
reproducibility values that would be universally correct.
configuration and mortar bedded area, full or face shell.
17.1.8 Description of bonding pattern, joint tooling, loca- 18.2 Bias—No information can be presented on the bias of
tion of tooled joint during test, and joint thickness. this test method because no test having an accepted reference
value is available.
17.2 Include the following in the report of preconstruction
evaluation and construction field test results:


19. Summary of Test Method

19.1 This test method is for evaluating the flexural bond properties, workmanship, curing conditions, coatings on ma-
strength of masonry assemblies removed from existing ma- sonry units, and the procedures used to cut, transport and
sonry. prepare the specimens for testing.
20. Significance and Use 20.3 Flexural bond strength determined by this test method
20.1 This test method is intended to provide a simple and should not be interpreted as the flexural bond strength of a wall
economical means to evaluate the bond strength of unit-mortar constructed of the same material. Nor should it be interpreted
combinations of prisms cut from existing walls. as an indication of extent of bond for purposes of water
20.2 The flexural bond strengths determined by this method permeance evaluation. However, results may be used to predict
are influenced by such factors as masonry unit and mortar the flexural strength of a wall.

C1072 − 13´1
21. Apparatus 24.1.4 Individual and average gross or net area flexural
21.1 Bond Strength Test Apparatus, conforming to the tensile stress calculated to the nearest psi (MPa), standard
requirements of Annex A3. deviation, and position of the joint tested within the specimen.
If one or more mortar joints break during the handling of the
22. Test Specimen specimen and tightening of the loading clamps but before
22.1 Select, remove, document, and transport the sample additional load is applied by the testing apparatus, report which
from existing masonry in accordance with Practice C1532. joints broke prematurely but do not include them in the
calculation of the flexural tensile strength average and standard
22.2 The sample shall have at least five bed joints. The deviation. The top mortar joint shall be designated joint
sample shall contain one or more prisms. Each prism in the Number 1, the second, Number 2, etc. Measured loads and
sample shall have not more than five joints and a minimum calculation shall also be included.
width (b) of 3.5 in. (see Note 9) as shown in Fig. X2.1. 24.1.5 Description of failure, especially indicating whether
NOTE 9—It is recommended that a width (b) of 1 full masonry unit be
used where possible. Typical specimens cut from walls laid in running
failure occurred at the top or bottom of the mortar joint, or
bond have courses consisting of one full-unit alternating with courses both.
consisting of two half-units. 24.1.6 Sketch or photo of masonry unit showing core
22.3 Where mortar fins and extrusions project from the configuration and mortar bedded area, full or face shell.
specimen to the extent that they may interfere with the 24.1.7 Description of bonding pattern, joint tooling, loca-
attachment of the bond wrench, they shall be removed without tion of tooled joint during test, and joint thickness.
causing damage to the specimen. Remove only enough mate-
rial to enable proper attachment of the bond wrench. 25. Precision and Bias

23. Procedure 25.1 Precision—Because this test method can be applied to

many different combinations of units and mortar, and because
23.1 Test masonry assemblies in accordance with the re- workmanship is not controlled, it is not possible to establish
quirements of Annex A3. Determine the flexural tensile repeatability and reproducibility values that would be univer-
strength of each mortar joint tested as described in Annex A3. sally correct.
24. Report 25.2 Bias—No information can be presented on the bias of
24.1 In addition to the information required to be reported this test method because no test having an accepted reference
by Practice C1532, report the following information: value is available.
24.1.1 Identification number of prism.
24.1.2 Average prism dimensions to the nearest 0.05 in. (1.0 26. Keywords
mm) including width, depth, and height. 26.1 assemblies; bond wrench; flexural bond strength; flex-
24.1.3 Weight of specimen, lbf (N). ure; masonry


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Standard concrete masonry units are special concrete than 75⁄8 in. (not less than 178 mm nor more than 194 mm)
units selected for the purpose of determining the flexural bond within a tolerance of 61⁄8 in. (3 mm). Units shall be 100 %
strength properties of mortars. The standard concrete masonry solid.
unit shall conform to the following requirements: NOTE A1.1—When the performance of mortar is being studied, it is
recommended that units of consistent length be used.
A1.1.1 Dimensions of units shall be 35⁄8 in. (92 mm) wide A1.1.2 The unit material shall be concrete masonry manu-
by 21 ⁄4 in. (57 mm) high within a tolerance of 61⁄8 in. (3 mm). factured with the following material proportions by volume:
The units shall have a single length not less than 7 in. nor more 1 part portland cement to 8 parts aggregate.
A1.1.3 Aggregate used in the manufacture of the unit shall
be as follows:
The sole source of supply of the units known to the committee at this time is
National Concrete Masonry Association (NCMA), 13750 Sunrise Valley Dr.,
Herndon, VA 22071-4662. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide
this information to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive
careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee, which
you may attend.

C1072 − 13´1

Bulk Specific Gravity 2.6 to 2.7 6 5°C), and atmospheric pressure. Continue curing in a roofed
Sieve Designation Percent Retained by structure under ambient temperature and relative humidity for
3⁄8-in. sieve 0 at least 28 days. Units shall be free of visible surface moisture
No. 4 sieve 0 to 5 at the time they are cubed for storage or shipping.
No. 8 sieve 20 to 30
No. 16 sieve 20 to 30 A1.1.7 Upon delivery, protect the units from outside con-
No. 30 sieve 15 to 25
No. 50 sieve 5 to 15
tamination. Wet units only to meet the requirements of A1.1.8.
No. 100 sieve 5 to 10 Do not surface-treat the units prior to or during prism fabrica-
Pan 5 to 10 tion.
A1.1.4 Density of the unit shall be 125 to 135 lb/ft3 (2000
to 2160 kg/m3). A1.1.8 When the prisms are fabricated, units shall have a
moisture content of between 25 % and 35 % of total
A1.1.5 During manufacturing of the standard masonry unit, absorption, as determined in accordance with Test Methods
prevent contamination of the surfaces of the unit by mold- C140.
release agent.
A1.1.6 After manufacturing, cure units for 10 to 20 h at a
relative humidity of 100 %, a temperature of 140 6 10°F (160


A2.1 Fabricate the test specimens as follows: perpendicular to the surface on which the prism is constructed, to within
a tolerance of 65° in each direction (length and width of the prism). A
A2.1.1 Each stack-bonded prism shall be built in an opened sample alignment jig, constructed of steel plate and using flat-head
moisture-tight bag that is large enough to enclose and seal the machine screws for adjustment, is shown in Fig. A2.1. That jig has a base
completed prism. Set the first unit of each prism on a plywood that is L-shaped rather than rectangular, thereby permitting the jig to sit
block in an alignment jig, as shown in Fig. A2.1. beside the prism rather than under it, so that the jig can be moved away
from the prism immediately after construction. Other types of jigs of other
NOTE A2.1—The purpose of the alignment jig is to align the prism materials are acceptable provided that they align the prism and provided

FIG. A2.1 Schematic of Alignment Jig Used in Prism Construction

C1072 − 13´1
that the samples can be left undisturbed as specified in A2.1.8. With some NOTE A2.3—The purpose of the drop hammer is to deliver a prescribed
types of jigs, it may be necessary to adjust the elevation of the base of the impact to the current topmost unit of the prism. The drop hammer shown
prism. This can be done with blocks about as big as the bed face of the in Fig. A2.3 consists of a plastic tube fixed to a plywood base. A
units and made of any convenient material that will maintain uniformity cylindrical steel rod is allowed to drop inside the tube, striking the base.
of thickness when wet. Plywood blocks, commonly about 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) The purpose of the tube is to guide the steel rod and also to permit the
thick, are acceptable for this purpose; other materials are also acceptable. operator to hold the drop hammer on top of the prism during this
A2.1.2 Place the mortar template on the unit so that the operation. Provided that those purposes are achieved, other designs and
mortar bed depth prior to compaction is 1⁄2 in. (12 mm). Place materials are permitted for the drop hammer.
the mortar in the template, and strike off excess mortar with a A2.1.4 Repeat the steps given in A2.1.2 and A2.1.3 until the
straight edge. prisms are complete.
NOTE A2.2—The purpose of the mortar template is to facilitate the
creation of a uniform-thickness mortar joint on top of the most recently A2.1.5 Joints shall be cut flush after the prism is completely
laid unit. A sample mortar template, made of poly(methyl methacrylate) built. The joints shall not be tooled.
(PMMA) and resting on four machine screws, is shown in Fig. A2.2. Other
convenient materials that will maintain the template’s dimensions when A2.1.6 Identify all test specimens using a water-resistant
wet are also acceptable. Other means of support on the previously laid
unit, such as two tightly stretched wires, are also acceptable.
A2.1.3 Remove the template, and immediately place the A2.1.7 Draw and seal the moisture-tight bag around the
next unit on the mortar bed in contact with the three machine prism within 10 min of placing the last unit.
screws used to align that course, using a bulls-eye level to
A2.1.8 Do not disturb the specimens for at least 24 h.
ensure uniform initial contact of the unit surface and bed
mortar. Carefully position the drop hammer shown in Fig. A2.3 A2.1.9 Cure all prisms for 28 days unless otherwise
on top of the unit, and drop its 4-lb (1.8-kg) steel rod, round required.
end down, once from a height of 1.5 in. (38 mm).

FIG. A2.2 Schematic of Mortar Joint Template Used in Prism Construction

C1072 − 13´1

FIG. A2.3 Schematic of 4-lb Drop Hammer Used in Prism Construction


A3.1 Apparatus upper and lower clamping mechanisms shall be constructed as

A3.1.1 The test apparatus is shown in Figs. A3.1-A3.4. The shown, except that the hex head bolts are permitted to be

FIG. A3.1 Bond Wrench Testing Apparatus

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FIG. A3.2 Bond Wrench Frame and Elevation

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FIG. A3.3 Material List and Detail Drawings

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FIG. A3.4 Detail Drawings of Bond Wrench

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FIG. A3.4 Detail Drawings of Bond Wrench (continued)

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FIG. A3.4 Detail Drawings of Bond Wrench (continued)

C1072 − 13´1
replaced by other tightening devices of equal, or greater, b = cross-sectional width of the mortar-bedded area, mea-
strength and stiffness. The support frame shall be constructed sured perpendicular to the loading arm of the upper
as shown or shall be constructed using configurations and clamping bracket as determined in A3.3.3 (see Fig.
materials of equal, or greater, strength and stiffness. The testing A3.5), and
apparatus shall be constructed to apply the load vertically d = cross-sectional depth of the mortar-bedded area, mea-
downward on the upper clamping system in such a manner that sured parallel to the loading arm of the upper clamping
the upper and lower clamp do not come in contact during the bracket as determined in A3.3.4 (see Fig. A3.5).
tests. The prism support system shall be able to accommodate A3.3.2 For prisms built with hollow masonry units (less
the size of the prism to be tested. than 75 % net area), calculate the net area flexural tensile stress
A3.2 Test Procedures as follows:
PL1P l L l P1P l
A3.2.1 Place the prism vertically in the support frame as Fn 5 2 (A3.2)
S An
shown in Fig. A3.1, and clamp firmly into a locked position
using the lower clamping bracket. Orient the prism so that the where:
face of the joint intended to be subjected to flexural tension is Fn = net area flexural tensile strength, psi (MPa),
on the same side of the specimen as the clamping bolts. The S = section modulus of the net bedded area of the prism,
prism shall be positioned at the required elevation that results in.3 (mm3), and
in a single brick projecting above the lower clamping bracket. An = net bedded area of the prism, in.2 (mm2).
A3.2.2 Attach the upper clamping bracket to the top unit as A3.3.2.1 If hollow masonry prisms are constructed using
shown in Fig. A3.1. Tighten each clamping bolt using a torque face shell mortar bedding in which opposing face shells are
not greater than 50 lbf·in. (5.7 N·m). equal in thickness (within 1⁄8 in. (3 mm)) and are symmetrical
about the centroidal axis of the prism, calculate the section
A3.2.3 Lower base support away from the bottom of the properties of the prism as follows:
prism so that no contact occurs during testing.
A n 5 2b ~ t fs! (A3.3)
A3.2.4 Apply the load at a uniform rate so that the total load
is applied in not less than 1 min or more than 3 min. Measure I
load (see Note A3.1) to an accuracy of 62 % with maximum c
error of 5 lbf (22 N).
NOTE A3.1—The load indicated in Fig. A3.1 may be applied by any
means, such as a testing machine, hydraulic jack, dead weights, etc. but
must be within 63° of vertical. Load may be measured using the testing
machine indicator, proving ring, load cell, or any device capable of the
prescribed precision. Special attention must be given to non-recording
load measuring devices. Since failure of the specimen is sudden, the
device must be continuously monitored or the failure load will be lost.

A3.3 Calculations
A3.3.1 For specimens built of solid masonry units (at least
75 % net area), calculate the gross area flexural strength as
6 ~ PL1P l L l ! ~ P1P l !
Fg 5 2 (A3.1)
bd 2 bd

Fg = gross area flexural tensile strength, psi (MPa),
P = maximum applied load, lbf (N),
Pl = weight of loading arm, lbf (N), (see Appendix X2),
L = distance from center of prism to loading point, in.
Ll = distance from center of prism to centroid of loading NOTE 1—All void areas are less than or equal to 25 %.
arm, in. (mm) (see Appendix X2),
FIG. A3.5 Example Cross-Section of Solid Masonry Units

C1072 − 13´1

I52 F b 3 ~ t fs! 3
12 S
1 ~ b 3 t fs! 3 c 2
t fs
2 DG
b ~ t fs! 3 btfs 3 ~ d 2 t fs! 2

An = net bedded area of the prism, in.2 (mm2),
S = section modulus of the net bedded area of the prism,
in.3 (mm3),
I = moment of inertia of the net bedded area of the prism,
in.4 (mm4),
c = distance from the centroid to the most extreme tension
fiber of the mortar bedded area, in. (mm),
b = cross-sectional width of the mortar-bedded area, mea-
sured perpendicular to the loading arm of the upper
clamping bracket as determined in A3.3.3 (see Fig.
d = cross-sectional depth of the mortar-bedded area, mea-
sured parallel to the loading arm of the upper clamping
bracket as determined in A3.3.4 (see Fig. A3.6), and
tfs = minimum face shell thickness of unit (determined in
accordance with Test Methods C140), in. (mm) (see
Fig. A3.6).
A3.3.3 Determine the cross-sectional width of the mortar-
bedded area, measured perpendicular to the loading arm of the
upper clamping bracket, b, as follows:
A3.3.3.1 For clay masonry units, determine the length of the
unit using Test Methods C67. This length shall be considered
as the cross-sectional width of the mortar-bedded area, b, as
defined in this test method.
A3.3.3.2 For concrete masonry units, determine the length
of the unit using Test Methods C140. This length (referred to as
L in Test Methods C140) shall be considered as the cross-
sectional width of the mortar-bedded area, b, as defined in this
test method.
A3.3.4 Determine the cross-sectional depth of the mortar-
bedded area, measured parallel to the loading arm of the upper
clamping bracket, d, as follows:
A3.3.4.1 For clay masonry units, determine the width of the
unit using Test Methods C67. This width shall be considered as
the cross-sectional depth of the mortar-bedded area, d, as
defined in this test method.
A3.3.4.2 For concrete masonry units, determine the width FIG. A3.6 Example Dimensions of Hollow Masonry Units Used to
of the unit using Test Methods C140. This width (referred to as Determine Section Properties
W in Test Methods C140) shall be considered as the cross-
sectional depth of the mortar-bedded area, d, as defined in this test method.

C1072 − 13´1

(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Introduction strength target value. The lower tolerance limit is selected so
X1.1.1 This standard is a test method only. Its mode of that a certain percentage of the time (the so-called
application is left to the discretion of the user. The purpose of “confidence”), no more than the desired percentage of the
Appendix X1 is to suggest two possible criteria for evaluating entire population will fall below the target value. This statis-
the results obtained from these test methods. These criteria are tical technique is referred to as a “one-sided tolerance limit.” It
included for illustrative purposes only and are not mandatory. is more complex than the lower characteristic value approach
of X1.2. It is appropriate for use when relatively few joints are
X1.1.2 Many criteria are available for evaluating test re-
tested, and the sample of joints may not closely approximate
sults. One simple criterion would be to require that the
the entire population of joints. It is also appropriate for use
minimum value be not less than some target value. Another
when the scatter of results is small, so that the required number
would be to require that the average value be not less than
of specimens is less than for the criterion of X1.2. Specifically,
some target value. However, each of these simple criteria has
the objective of this example criterion is to establish a 90 %
the disadvantage of being insensitive to the scatter of the test
probability that 90 % of the masonry in the entire population
results. Clearly, test results with smaller scatter are more
will have a flexural bond strength, perpendicular to the bed
reliable; this increased reliability ought to be reflected in the
joints, equaling or exceeding the target value.
evaluation criteria. For this purpose, two such criteria are
discussed here. The first criterion uses a lower characteristic X1.3.2 Determine and report the acceptability of the flex-
value. The second criterion uses a one-sided tolerance limit. ural bond strength of the masonry by the following calculation:
X1.2 Possible Acceptance Criterion Using a Lower Char- @X 2 ~K 3 s!# $ A (X1.2)
acteristic Value where:
X1.2.1 This possible criterion involves comparing a lower X = mean flexural tensile strength of masonry sample, psi
characteristic value of the tensile bond strength with a target (MPa),
value. This criterion has previously been used for statistical K = factor determined from Table X1.1,
comparisons in the masonry industry. It is appropriate for use s = standard deviation in flexural tensile strength of ma-
when so many joints are tested (usually at least 30) that the sonry sample, psi (MPa), and
sample of joints closely approximates the entire population of A = target value.
joints. Specifically, the objective of this example criterion NOTE X1.2—The target value in Eq X1.2 might be the allowable stress
would be to establish a lower 10 % characteristic value (also in flexural tension perpendicular to bed joints in unreinforced masonry, psi
(MPa). If no other building code is used to select the allowable stress
referred to as a “10 % fractile”) for the test data and to ensure referred to above, the allowable stress might be that specified in
that this lower characteristic value would exceed some target TMS 402 ⁄ ACI 530 ⁄ ASCE 5. The allowable tensile stress would be that
value. perpendicular to bed joints in unreinforced masonry. It might also be some
other value, determined by project design requirements.
X1.2.2 Determine and report the acceptability of the flex-
NOTE X1.3—The values of K given in Table X1.1, excerpted from
ural bond strength of the masonry by the following calculation: standard statistical tables, are obtained based on the properties of the
@ X 2 ~ 1.28 3 s ! # $ A (X1.1) normal distribution. These values of K correspond to a 90 % probability
that 90 % of the masonry population will have a flexural tensile strength
where: equal to or greater than the corresponding target value.4
X = mean flexural tensile strength of masonry sample, psi X1.3.3 If Eq X1.2 is satisfied, the masonry bond strength is
(MPa), acceptable. If Eq X1.2 is not satisfied, the masonry bond
s = standard deviation in flexural tensile strength of ma- strength is not acceptable.
sonry sample, psi (MPa), and
A = target value, psi (MPa).
NOTE X1.1—The value of 1.28, excerpted from standard statistical
tables, is based on the properties of the normal distribution. In such a
distribution, 90 % of the values will lie above the mean minus 1.28 TABLE X1.1 Factors for One-Sided Tolerance Limits for Normal
standard deviations.4 Distributions
X1.2.3 If Eq X1.1 is satisfied, the masonry bond strength is Number of Mortar Joints Tested K
acceptable. If Eq X1.1 is not satisfied, the masonry bond 15 1.87
18 1.80
strength is not acceptable. 24 1.71
30 1.66
X1.3 Possible Acceptance Criterion Using One-Sided Tol- 35 1.62
erance Limits 40 1.60
45 1.58
X1.3.1 This possible criterion involves establishing a lower 50 1.56
tolerance limit (based on the sample size) to the tensile bond

C1072 − 13´1


X2.1 Side and plan views of the upper clamping bracket are method, vary the position of the frame upon the knife edge
illustrated in Fig. X2.1. The weight (P) of the upper clamping balance. The location of the frame centroid is the point where
bracket including the loading arm, is determined by weighing the frame balances upon the knife edge.
to the nearest 25 g or oz. A brick weighing within 0.1 lbf (0.44
N) and having a thickness (d) within 0.25 in. (6 mm) of those X2.1.1 Determine L for use in Eq A3.1 and Eq A3.2 by the
being tested must be clamped into the position shown for the following expression:
brick in Fig. X2.1 before determining the weight and centroid L l 5 r1d/2 (X2.1)
of the upper clamping bracket. The centroid of the upper
clamping bracket is located by positioning the bracket upside where:
down upon a knife edge balance. Using a trial and error r is shown in Fig. X2.1.

FIG. X2.1 Upper Clamping Bracket


Committee C15 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last issue
(C1072 – 12) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved April 15, 2013.)

C1072 − 13´1
(1) Changes have been made to 22.1 and 22.2 to clarify that
multiple prisms are allowed.

Committee C15 has identified the location of selected changes to this standard since the last version
(C1072 – 11) that may impact the use of this standard. (Approved Dec. 1, 2012.)

(1) Changes have been made to Section 26 to update the


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