JSCE-SF6 Limitations For Shear Tests and ASTM D5607 Shear Tests On Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
JSCE-SF6 Limitations For Shear Tests and ASTM D5607 Shear Tests On Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
JSCE-SF6 Limitations For Shear Tests and ASTM D5607 Shear Tests On Fiber-Reinforced Concrete
The shear strength of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC)
may be assessed at a structural level (tests on beams and
corbels) or at a materials level (direct shear tests). The direct
shear tests are required to understand the basic shear-transfer
mechanisms and behavior of FRC, while the tests on beams
and corbels are necessary to understand the behavior of
FRC structures.1 As for FRC, ACI 544.4R-18,2 Section 4.8,
only addresses “the design aspects of FRC for shear in flex-
ural members where longitudinal bars are used in conjunc-
tion with fibers as shear reinforcement”—that is, concrete
Direct shear tests for FRC have so far fallen into three cate-
gories3,4: Z-type pushoff specimen,1 push-through test devel- Fig. 1—(a) Schematic for JSCE-SF65 shear test8; and
oped by the Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) JSCE- (b) schematic of shear test used by Mostafazadeh and
SF65 (Fig. 1), and FIP standard method.6 Qasim4 presents Abolmaali.11
finite element models (FEM) for the Z-type pushoff test and
In the literature, it has been assumed that the JSCE-SF6
the FIP standard method and compares these model results to
test produces a pure shear state of stress (for example, Refer-
experimental results. Mostafazadeh7 presents an ABAQUS
ences 3 and 8 to 10), and that the test measures the FRC
FEM model for a JSCE-SF6 test, where the author intro-
shear strength at a materials level under a Mode II failure.
duces an interface at the notches under the knives: “8-node
For example, Mirsayah and Banthia stated: “More recently,
three-dimensional cohesive element (COH3D) with a small
the Japan Society of Civil Engineering (JSCE) has proposed
amount of viscosity has been used to simulate mode II frac-
a standard method SF-6, which is an improvement over
ture of concrete equipped with synthetic fiber.” However:
the Z-type specimens in that during the test, the stress field
• The introduction of an interface element breaks
remains substantially that of pure shear, and hence a more
the FRC continuity—it introduces an artifact into a
reproducible shear response is obtained.”8
homogeneous material where the failure mode is prede-
The research reported in this paper is intended to:
termined, and therefore the model is forced to fail along
the cohesive elements. ACI Materials Journal, V. 118, No. 3, May 2021.
• The author does not discuss the state of stress in a JSCE- MS No. M-2020-246, doi: 10.14359/51732599, received June 20, 2020, and
reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2021, American Concrete
SF6 test but only provides a comparison between exper- Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
imental results and FEM model results. closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Although several JSCE-SF6 tests have established the
strength improvements caused by fiber reinforcement, it is
unknown whether the measured strength improvements are
caused by shear strength improvements (that is, Mode II),
or by tensile or flexural strength improvement (Mode I).
A need therefore exists to investigate the stress field in the
JSCE-SF6 test (used so far in research on FRC), and in other
existing standardized tests to determine which test develops
a stress field as close as possible to “pure shear.” Once such
a test has been found, FRC should be tested to determine the
actual fiber improvement to shear strength.
Table 2—Test results for plain concrete and SFRC: ASTM C39 cylindrical strength and ASTM D5607
shear strength
Shear specimen dimensions Peak shear load and strength
Compressive strength ASTM Shear strength difference with
Mixture C39 (standard deviation), MPa Length, mm Width, mm Load, kN Strength, MPa respect to plain concrete, %
Plain 55.8 (1.08) 100.01 63.10 44.3 7.14 0
Dramix 90 degrees (1) 96.42 50.93 36.1 7.35 3
Dramix 90 degrees (2) 96.41 58.78 41.4 7.30 2
56.6 (0.67)
Dramix 0 degrees (1) 102.50 59.40 45.7 7.51 5
Dramix 0 degrees (2) 97.25 49.79 35.8 7.39 4
Fig. 11—Displacements for ASTM Model 3 (smeared crack model), last converged increment: (a) general view of model; and
(b) close-up view of sheared specimen.