The PerfecT LoTus From Root To BuLB II - Exalted, Character Sheets
The PerfecT LoTus From Root To BuLB II - Exalted, Character Sheets
The PerfecT LoTus From Root To BuLB II - Exalted, Character Sheets
Chapter One
Hungry Furnace Style: A fiery style that burns with such model, he taught his students the philosophy of this style. How-
strength it consumes the user from within. ever, it proved too time-consuming and costly to effectively ac-
Midnight Knife: A style based on trickery, deceit and dirty complish the purpose for which it was designed.
fighting, with dark origins. During the Shogunate, however, this martial art enjoyed a
Pious Exemplar of (Virtue) Style: In these fallen times, brief resurgence when it was discovered as a possible alterna-
those heroes who practice this style are the lone champions of tive to the costly production of Gunzosha armor. A second vari-
virtue and righteousness in Creation. ant of this style emerged which followed a more utilitarian, less
Scarlet Whirlwind Style: A style best practiced in a group, enlightening ideology. This variant was designed to empower
emphasizing fury and pack tactics. mortals to aid the beleaguered Dragon-Blooded host in the de-
Seeing Blade Style: Practitioners of this style see the world, fense of Creation. The principle difference between the two
not through their blind eyes, but with the keen edge of their styles, aside from their progenitors, is in the capstone Charm.
swords. In this fallen age, this style is practiced by a surprising num-
Unsung Hero Style: Practiced by the those who realize that ber of folk. It is taught—though secretlym because it is offi-
the life of a hero, for most people in Creation, is a short and cially considered heretical by the Immaculate Faith—to the
violent one, but who choose that path anyway. Dragon-handlers of the Realm. In the Threshold, mortals seek
Thundering Avalanche Style: Before the practioners of this training in it for its power and the relative ease with which it is
hard-hitting style, the earth itself shudders and quakes. learned, and because it offers them the potency to defend that
which they care for against an increasingly hostile creation,
Hungry Furnace Style even though few who practice it will live out even half their
The Hungry Furnace Style of martial arts has its roots in the natural lifespans.
Southern dojo of an ancient Solar master. This ancient God- Both versions of this style are fire-aspected. Aspects of Fire
King, too young to have a Gens loyal to him, wished to devise find that the ferocity involved in this style comes naturally to
a means by which he could train mortals to ascend to a suffi- them, and they, along with Aspect of Water, pay no surcharge
cient level of essence control to be effective stewards and war- when using Charms of this style. No martial artist can learn
riors, capable of standing beside the Terrestrial Exalted. And both pinnacle Charms of the style; they are mutually exclu-
he wished to do this without reliance on artifacts, which he sive.
viewed as inelegant and pedestrian. Instead he devised a style Weapons and Armor: This style may be practiced in any
dedicated to the idea of sacrificing one’s body and one’s life armor, but is not compatible with the use of any weapons other
for a moment of power and glory. Using a hungry furnace as a than the stylist’s own body.
Celestial Pig: The practitioners of this style are celebrated Complementary Abilities: One must have a Compassion
for both their gregarious nature and tremendous appetites. rating of 3 or higher to appreciate life’s pleasures to a sufficient
Celestial Rabbit: Temperate, and cautious, practitioners of degree to internalize the teachings of this style.
this style are nonetheless, deadly opponents on the battlefield.
Celestial Turtle: Cautious, with nigh impenetrable defenses,
Sage Stands Fast
Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
none may assail the practitioner of the Celestial Turtle Style.
Keywords: Combo-OK
Hellfire Ballet Style: An Infernal style dedicated to Malfeas
Duration: Instant
which uses Hellpieces.
Prerequisite Charms: None
Laughing Imp Style: A style based on taunting and jeering
The Boar is resolute in the defense of his own, and the Smil-
at your foe, wearing them down to nothing. Dedicated to the
ing Sage grows decidedly unhappy when foes threaten those he
laughter of Adorjan
holds dear. This Charm adds (Compassion) dice to the char-
Unbroken Bough: A that grants the supple flexibility of the
acter’s join battle roll, if the Exalt is fighting in the defense
young sappling and strength of the ancient oak.
of someone towards whom he has a positive intimacy he adds
Celestial Pig Style (Compassion) successes instead.
The Boar is an honest beast. It is stubborn, sometimes lazy, Enlightened Heart’s Strength
and its zeal for life’s little pleasures can verge on gluttonous, but Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
in all things it is direct and upfront. Smiling Sages, as skilled Keywords: Combo-OK
practitioners of this style are often called, are renowned for Duration: Instant
both their loyalty, honesty, and prodigious appetite, which is Prerequisite Charms: None
matched only by their stoutness of heart and body. This style The Smiling Sage draws power from both his enormous size,
is characteristically focused the body’s power, both in its defen- and from the power of his loyalty and strength of his love of
sive aspect, as the ability to whether blows, and offensively as a life. The Smiling Sage, fighting for those things which he hold
means of doing harm. Its Charms are as direct as its underlying dearest, be they comfort, companionship, luxury or something
philosophy, and those who fight using this style are valuable else, can infuse his blows with a terrible strength. He adds his
allies and terrible foes. (Compassion) to the raw damage of his Martial Arts attacks.
This style does not permit the use of armor and, though Should he channel his compassion on an attack supplemented
it treats Mauls and Gore-mauls as form weapons, the later by this Charm, he instead adds (Compassion) successes to his
Charms of this style make little use of these weapons. damage roll.
Golden Home of Wanderers: A Sidereal style exploring the may cross any terrain without regard for difficulty. Although
concepts of place, location, and journeys. she must still roll to maintain her balance if necessary, the
Marital Artist essential ignores all obstacles to her movement.
Golden Home of She suffers no penalties unbalanced, or difficult terrain. Most
impressively, while the Charm is active, the martial artist may
Wanderers Style run up vertical or even inverted surfaces. Assuming such ob-
Sidereal who work in the Golden Barque are all, at least stacles could be circumvented given sufficient acrobatic feats,
nominally aware of it, it is a potent style and oft favored among the martial artist is assumed to do so.
the more itinerant Sidereals. Delving deep into the loom of fate Though he may not perform impossible feats, such as walk-
and the underlying principles of Travel and Place, the Martial ing on water, through a solid object or across hazardous terrain
artist learns to exploit location and displacement, and the fun- (such as lava, etc.) without harm, the Sidereal may essentially
damental essence of Journeys the martial artist can manipulate move wherever he pleases. No external penalties affect the
it and use it to grant him a significant edge in combat. martial artist’s movement. All These benefits apply to all forms
Weapons and Armor: This Style is compatible with the rope of locomotion, not just walking, but also climbing, swimming
dart and the Chain Daiklaive. It may not be used in armor. and Riding. If the martial artist does not move on any tick
Complementary Abilities: To learn this style the martial while this Charm is active, the Charm ends immediately.
artist must have Survival 2 and Ride or Sail 2.
Student’s Sutra of Travel: Once there was a maiden on the Cutting to the Chase Technique
road. Cost: 8m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3,
DV -0)
Unrestrained Wanderer Method Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive Duration: Instant
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Prerequisite Charms: Unrestrained Wanderer Method
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions …crossed a thousand roads.
Prerequisite Charms: None Every seasoned traveler knows that the significant moments
She walked a hundred years… of a journey are often separated by seemingly interminable
The martial artist is accustomed to the ordeal of travel, and expanses of mindless, boring, forward progress. Sidereals who
suffers little form natural impediments to her progress. She know this style may manipulate the flow of Fate and Essence,
moves with speed that is not so much impossibly great as super- effectively “skipping to the important part” of a journey, with-
naturally deft. The martial artist moves at his Dash speed, and out having to endure the dull parts. Provided the stylist could