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The PerfecT LoTus From Root To BuLB II - Exalted, Character Sheets

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The Perfect Lotus

From Root to Bulb II

A martial arts collection by Melissa “JiveX” Xavier

Credits & Special Thanks Contents
Author: Melissa “JiveX” Xavier The Lotus Root...................................................3
Editing: The Mouse, Rafilar, Reminiscent Oasis, Killjoy, Azurelight Hungry Furnace Style...................................................... 3
Special Thanks to: Bodhisattva for his incalculable help in Midnight Knife Style...................................................... 6
numerous stages of this book’s development.
Pious Exemplar of (Virtue) Style.................................... 8
Layout: Charles Spaulding – Plague of Hats
Scarlet Whirlwind Style................................................ 10
Seeing Blade Style......................................................... 11
Exalted 2nd Edition: White Wolf Publishing, Inc. –
Thundering Avalanche Style........................................ 14
http://www.white-wolf.com/ Unsung Hero Style........................................................ 16
The Lotus Bulb.................................................. 18
Disclaimer Celestial Pig Style......................................................... 18
This document is an unofficial supplement for White Wolf’s
Celestial Rabbit Style.................................................... 20
Exalted 2nd Edition. It is in no way affiliated with White Wolf
publishing or its subsidiaries, it is not intended to challenge any
Celestial Turtle Style..................................................... 22
copyrights or trademarks of those companies, and all original Hellfire Ballet Style....................................................... 24
material in this supplement is copyright its respective owners. Laughing Imp Style....................................................... 26
Any incidence of copyright infringement or other infringed laws Unbroken Bough Style.................................................. 28
is unintentional. The Lotus Blossom............................................ 31
Golden Home of Wanderers Style................................ 31

Chapter One

The Lotus Root

Hungry Furnace Style: A fiery style that burns with such model, he taught his students the philosophy of this style. How-
strength it consumes the user from within. ever, it proved too time-consuming and costly to effectively ac-
Midnight Knife: A style based on trickery, deceit and dirty complish the purpose for which it was designed.
fighting, with dark origins. During the Shogunate, however, this martial art enjoyed a
Pious Exemplar of (Virtue) Style: In these fallen times, brief resurgence when it was discovered as a possible alterna-
those heroes who practice this style are the lone champions of tive to the costly production of Gunzosha armor. A second vari-
virtue and righteousness in Creation. ant of this style emerged which followed a more utilitarian, less
Scarlet Whirlwind Style: A style best practiced in a group, enlightening ideology. This variant was designed to empower
emphasizing fury and pack tactics. mortals to aid the beleaguered Dragon-Blooded host in the de-
Seeing Blade Style: Practitioners of this style see the world, fense of Creation. The principle difference between the two
not through their blind eyes, but with the keen edge of their styles, aside from their progenitors, is in the capstone Charm.
swords. In this fallen age, this style is practiced by a surprising num-
Unsung Hero Style: Practiced by the those who realize that ber of folk. It is taught—though secretlym because it is offi-
the life of a hero, for most people in Creation, is a short and cially considered heretical by the Immaculate Faith—to the
violent one, but who choose that path anyway. Dragon-handlers of the Realm. In the Threshold, mortals seek
Thundering Avalanche Style: Before the practioners of this training in it for its power and the relative ease with which it is
hard-hitting style, the earth itself shudders and quakes. learned, and because it offers them the potency to defend that
which they care for against an increasingly hostile creation,
Hungry Furnace Style even though few who practice it will live out even half their
The Hungry Furnace Style of martial arts has its roots in the natural lifespans.
Southern dojo of an ancient Solar master. This ancient God- Both versions of this style are fire-aspected. Aspects of Fire
King, too young to have a Gens loyal to him, wished to devise find that the ferocity involved in this style comes naturally to
a means by which he could train mortals to ascend to a suffi- them, and they, along with Aspect of Water, pay no surcharge
cient level of essence control to be effective stewards and war- when using Charms of this style. No martial artist can learn
riors, capable of standing beside the Terrestrial Exalted. And both pinnacle Charms of the style; they are mutually exclu-
he wished to do this without reliance on artifacts, which he sive.
viewed as inelegant and pedestrian. Instead he devised a style Weapons and Armor: This style may be practiced in any
dedicated to the idea of sacrificing one’s body and one’s life armor, but is not compatible with the use of any weapons other
for a moment of power and glory. Using a hungry furnace as a than the stylist’s own body.

Chapter One • The Lotus Root 3

Flash Fire of Intuition Hungry Furnace Form
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious 4, DV -0)
Duration: Instant Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Prerequisite Charms: None Duration: One scene
The first lesson a student of Hungry Furnace Style learns is Prerequisite Charms: Soul-Smelting Intensity
that all beings possess a glowing coal of Essence within them The student does not assume the Hungry Furnace Form ca-
that can be fanned to brilliance. Students also learn that one sually, for doing so entails committing a portion of his Essence
time, there is a terrible price for this power—one that singes to his inner fire. The hungry furnace’s smoldering core of being
their very life-force—and yet some still find the bargain tempt- is bolstered by his Essence and becomes enflamed with terrible
ing. Students who understand both this truth and its conse- brightness. His skin flushes, his body temperature rises and he
quence are taught the style’s first Charm. begins to shine with the orange light. Black smoke, like that
Rapidly stoking his inner Essence to full brilliance, the stu- which rises from a foundry’s smokestack, curls from his mouth
dent’s eyes glow with an inner white light that shines forth like and nostrils. His voice changes; echoing the rich sound of a
a beacon, and he gasps out small puffs of smoke with every roaring fire and burning coals.
breath. The hungry furnace adds two successes to his Join Bat- Activating this Charm immediately make mundane stealth
tle roll and to attempts to reestablish surprise. This Charm does impossible for the hungry furnace—his body is simply too in-
not allow him to reestablish surprise when such a feat would candescent to hide by mundane means. This negates penalties
not normally be valid. from fighting in darkness both for him and for anyone within
As Fire-Aspected Dragon-Blooded already have an intuitive (Essence ×2) yards.
knowledge of the fiery Essence within their hearts, they gain an Additionally, once per action, if the hungry furnace uses any
additional benefit from this Charm: for an additional 2m, they Charm of this style to set an inanimate object on fire, he re-
may reduce the speed of a single unarmed Martial Arts attack gains a number of motes equal to the (Resources) value of the
by 1 (minimum 3). materials used in the object’s construction, as he feeds the hun-
gry fires within. (Jade scrip may represent Resources 5, but it’s
Internal Combustion Might only paper, after all, and returns motes as Resources 1). Should
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
multiple objects be set aflame at once, such as a stack of scrolls,
(Step 1)
he only regains a number of motes equal to the value of the
Keywords: Combo-OK
objects as a whole, not each individual one. This ability cannot
Duration: Instant
be used on objects that are already aflame and cannot increase
Prerequisite Charms: None
the hungry furnace’s mote pool beyond its maximum.
As the heat and flame within the volcanic mountains in the
Example: Enlightened Malachite uses this Charm to bolster
deep south burn with tremendous fury, so too do Hungry Fur-
his fading mote pool. Lashing out with Soul-Smelting Inten-
nace stylists draw their power from a fire that burns from deep
sity to strike a merchant prince, he not only inflicts the normal
within. Fueling the fire with motes of his Essence, the hungry
damage upon the merchant prince, but he also regains 2 motes
furnace feeds the flames of his might.
of Essence as he sets afire his opponent’s fine garment.
When activated, this Charm adds (Essence ÷ 2) to the char-
acter’s (Strength) when calculating jumping distances and at- Spitfire Exhalation Technique
tempting feats of strength. Cost: 4m, 1lhl; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple
(Speed 6, DV -2)
Soul-Smelting Intensity Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type:
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Furnace Form
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Touch
The furnace burns and devours, but none would abide its
Duration: Instant
insatiable hunger were it not for it’s capacity to empower and
Prerequisite Charms: Internal Combustion Might, Flashing-
reshape. The martial artist who studies this concept knows very
Fire of Intuition
well the rewards the Hungry Furnace has to offer, but also has
Channeling the furious power that roars like a blast furnace
come to appreciate that suitable raw materials and fuel must be
within him to aid in his strikes, the hungry furnace momen-
surrendered to the furnace-of-self in return for power.
tarily imbues his blows with intense heat. A blow augmented
Bracing himself against agonizing pain, the hungry furnace
by this Charm is sheathed in a corona of heat waves so intense
activates this Charm, and regurgitates a stream of fiery, lique-
it causes flesh to blister, stone to scorch and leaves mundane
fied Essence with the consistency of molten lava. This attack
metals red hot.
is aimed with (Perception + Martial Arts), and does (Essence
When this Charm supplements an unarmed martial arts at-
+1)L dice of flame damage, which bypasses mundane armor
tack, that attack does lethal damage and adds +2 base damage
soak, flowing between the cracks and chinks in the metal. Ar-
dice. Against inanimate objects, this bonus increases to +3.
mor forged from magical materials applies half its soak value
Flammable objects struck this blow catch fire immediately.
against this attack, but its Hardness does not apply. Because
it relies heavily on the hungry furnace’s limited capacity to ex-
pectorate, this attack has a limited range of (Essence) yards.

4 Chapter One • The Lotus Root

Flesh Annealing Procedure Hungry Furnace and is devoured by the fires of power and am-
Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple bition. Using this Charm transforms the hungry furnace for a
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious brief period into a being of pure fire. His flesh and sinew is
Duration: One scene wholly consumed and he becomes a living bonfire. Attempts
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Furnace Form at Stealth are impossible. Contact with him is enough to set
Fire’s destructive properties are widely known, even to the any flammable object alight, doing (Essence)L dice of damage
most backward and unenlightened, but less thought of is the every action. For Fire-Aspected Terrestrials, this merely adds
fact that fire can also be used to strengthen materials. Temper- (Essence) dice to their normal anima power, but instantly flares
ing an object in fire increases its resilience and resistance to their banner to totemic levels.
damage, making it less brittle and less breakable. The fire within Additionally, the hungry furnace gains the ability to use the
a learned Hungry Furnace stylist can be made to do much the Dragon’s Suspire and Elemental Rejuvenation powers (The
same thing, proofing them against damage in the short term, at Books of Sorcery IV: The Roll of Glorious Divinity, Vol. I:
the cost of their long term well being. Gods & Elementals, pp. 170) at normal cost.
Activating this Charm causes the hungry furnace’s skin to Mortals who activate this Charm for the first time lose their
flush and grow hot, as fiery Essence from within tempers and mortality and are irrevocably transformed into fire elementals,
hardens it, turning it jet black. While this Charm is active, the gaining all the benefits and drawbacks of being such a spirit.
hungry furnace’s wounds cauterize immediately, instantly stop- (Players may choose which elemental, provided it fits with their
ping any bleeding. Furthermore, he may soak lethal damage character’s temperament; see The Roll of Glorious Divinity,
with either half his Stamina (if mortal) or his full Stamina (if Vol. I, pp. 112-22 for example elementals.) They gain a mote
Exalted). pool equal to ([Essence × 10] + [Willpower ×5]) and perma-
When this Charm ends, the hungry furnace takes two un- nently acquire all physical traits appropriate to the fire elemen-
soakable levels of lethal damage. Mortals—and sometimes even tal chosen, if they’re higher than the mortal’s current rating.
Terrestrials—who regularly use this Charm often bear promi- They retain the use of all other Charms they knew and may
nent scars from the searing heat that closes their wounds. immediately purchase Charms with experience points, up to a
total number as is natural for a spirit of its type (see The Roll
Radiant Hearth Reprisal of Glorious Divinity, Vol. I, pp. 170-73 for full details). After
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive the transformation is complete, the new elemental may pur-
(Step 9) chase spirit Charms normally, but must start with those Charms
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack common to its type. Newly created fire elementals retain all
Duration: Instant Charms of this Style and can teach these Charms to others.
Prerequisite Charms: Hungry Furnace Form The sheer fiery power of the transformation often over-
Those who have spent time near a furnace know better than whelms mortal minds soon after the transformation, scouring
to approach it while it is burning brightly. Those less knowledge- away their personalities and memories entirely, and leaving
able often underestimate the fire’s heat or the danger it posses only a newborn elemental. At the end of the scene in which
to those who dare draw too near. By stoking his own hearth fire a mortal first uses this Charm she must roll (Wits+ Integrity)
to full flame, the hungry furnace may impart this wisdom upon at a difficulty of (9 – Temperance). Success leaves character’s
those who prove foolish enough to approach him. personality retains largely intact; failure means the character’s
This Charm may be activated in response to a successful Motivation changes to one appropriate to the elemental type
melee-range attack, or any grapple attempt. The martial art- in question. The mortal may or may not become a Storyteller
ist rolls (Dexterity + Martial Arts + Essence) opposed by his character, at Storyteller discretion. This is a permanent trans-
enemy’s (Stamina + Resistance) roll. Each success on this roll formation, fundamentally altering the martial artist, treating
inflicts one level of lethal damage, which is soaked normally, as the Charm’s duration as instant.
the martial artist reaches out and grabs his foe’s wrist and lets
incandescent Essence burn through his target. Opponents who Furnace-Forged Juggernaut Procedure
take more levels of damage than their (Stamina) are automati- Cost: 12m, 2wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
cally disarmed and drop any weapons they may be holding. (Speed 6, DV -2)
However, by using this Charm, the hungry furnace must also Keywords: Obvious. Crippling, Shaping
roll Stamina at a difficulty of his (Essence) or take his (Valor) in Duration: One scene
unsoakable lethal damage dice from the backlash. Fire-Aspect- Prerequisite Charms: Magma Breath Technique, Flesh Annealing
ed Terrestrials are immune to this ancillary damage. Procedure, Radiant Hearth Reprisal
This Charm was developed during the Shogunate for soldiers
Elemental’s Rebirth who proudly stood beside their mortal peers and held their own
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple with the famous Gunzosha Commandos. This was a very pur-
Keywords: Obvious, Shaping poseful and sharp departure from the original pinnacle Charm
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions of this Style, channeling the power of the Hungry Furnace itself
Prerequisite Charms: Magma Breath Technique, Flesh to provide strength and durability, and allow for practitioners
Annealing Procedure, Radiant Hearth Reprisal to be effective support troops for a, somewhat, longer period.
Perfecting the understanding of the burning heart of essence Using the fire from within to forge himself anew, the hungry
within him, the martial artist achieves the perfection of the furnace literally consumes raw materials to fuel his transfor-

Chapter One • The Lotus Root 5

mation. He can insert non-magical metals—weaponry, armor, for long. They know that treachery is the only certainty when it
currency or even scrap metal—into his mouth, and the incan- comes to the habits of a Midnight Knife Stylist.
descent heat within him will melt the materials into a slag that As a result, the style’s practitioners are limited in their un-
flows down into his belly. He must consume metal with a total derstanding of the style’s origins. Its Malfean origins have been
(Resources) equal to his permanent Essence to fuel this Charm; all but erased, and the lack of any order or unity between the
it provides no benefit if this requirement is not met. masters of the style means that what information is rediscov-
Once the hungry furnace consumes the necessary fuel, he ered tends to die with the discoverer. Still, stripped of its con-
grows a foot taller and becomes infinitely more imposing, burst- nections to hell, the style and its dark philosophy persist, and
ing out of any non-magical armor he may be wearing. Gleaming even thrive, in some areas. Second Age martial artists have
and polished metal plates instantaneously burst forth from his by and large forgotten this style’s original name, and it is now
skin, rune carved and jagged, to armor his body and provide called by a far less grandiose name: “Slippery Bastard Style.”
him with natural weaponry. His eyes burn with righteous fury The demons who remember its true origins fancy it was part
from behind an articulated faceplate, and clouds of sooty, black of a long-ago failed or abandoned escape plan concocted by the
smoke curl from his mouth and nostrils. He becomes immune Ebon Dragon, and perhaps they are correct… or perhaps the
to wound penalties. He adds +1 to his Strength, Dexterity, plan is neither as failed or as abandoned as they believe.
and Stamina, +(Essence ×2) to his bashing and lethal natural This style shares an affinity with the dark, mysterious and
soak, and +3 damage to all his unarmed martial arts attacks, even deceptive nature of the Element of Water. Water Aspects
and deals lethal damage unarmed. He gains +2 automatic suc- find such duplicity natural, and they pay no surcharge when
cesses on intimidation rolls, but suffers a -4 external penalty to using Charms of this style.
Stealth rolls. Weapons and Armor: This style treats knives, and their ar-
However, once this Charm expires, the hungry furnaces suf- tifact equivalents, as form weapons. It can be practiced only in
fers an unsoakable 8ahl of damage, as his systems sffers from light armor.
the terrible heat and strain of manifesting his internal furnace. Complementary Abilities: Students of this style must have
If he is mortal, then one level of this damage is a permanent Larceny ••, Stealth ••, and must possess at least one Intimacy
Crippling wound that cannot be healed without magic, and or Motivation which could be easily described as “treacherous”
adds this Charm’s minimum Essence to the difficulty of any ef- or “deceptive.”
fects used to remove this damage. Exalts suffer no such perma-
nent damage.
Hidden-Blade-Is-Sharpest Understanding
Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple
This Charm cannot be activated while wearing armor forged
(Dramatic Action)
of the magical materials.
Keywords: None
Midnight Knife Style Duration: Indefinite
Prerequisite Charms: None
(AKA, Slippery Bastard Style) The slippery bastard may attune her essence to a weapon,
which must be one of this style’s form weapons, and cannot be
The Midnight Knife Style was developed in the unforgiving
dojos of Malfeas by an underhanded, but petty and insignifi- an Artifact with a rating higher than her (Essence). This at-
cant, demon of the first Circle who had become enamored of tunement comes on top of any other attunement costs. Bound
the Ebon Dragon. For his presumption at professing to emulate to the weapon by her essence, the slippery bastard has a pre-
the virtues of one of the Yozi, the hapless first circle was dis- ternatural familiarity with it. She becomes one with it, and it is
solved and forged into some minor helltech wonder. But the never far from her hand.
Ebon Dragon, or one of his souls, took an uncommon interest As long as the essence for this Charm is kept committed, the
in the style, finding it, if nothing else, amusing. slippery bastard may reflexively ready the weapon, provided it
The style spread through Malfeas, and then, by way of sum- is in her possession, at a cost of 1m. Also, she may spend 1m
moned demons, into Creation. There it was practiced initially to re-roll any failed attempts to resist being disarmed of the
by infernal cults, but eventually it was adopted by a wide num- weapon. If sbe is successful on the second roll, she reaches out
ber of diverse, though equally duplicitous and unsavory, indi- with her other hand and catches the weapon before it falls.
viduals. The fall of the Shogunate and the Ravages of the Ba- She may only use this re-roll effect once per roll to resist being
lorian Crusade and Contagion, wiped away most of the style’s disarmed and only if her other hand is free.
infernalist practitioners. However, perhaps because the style Open Palm Posture
possessed a portion of the emulated Yozi’s own elusive nature, Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 3; Type:
knowledge of the Midnight Knife Style survived, independent Supplemental
of the cult that backed it. Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Midnight Knife Style persists to this day, practiced by a wide Duration: Indefinite
variety of criminals, assassins, and outright murderers, in en- Prerequisite Charms: Hidden-Blade-is-Sharpest Understanding
claves of scum and villainy across Creation. It lacks any true The Midnight Knife stylist is adept at trickery, both psycho-
dojos and is taught in a one on one basis, passed from master to logical and physical. Her fingers are nimble, and she can make
student. The style’s deceitful philosophy, and the personalities objects dance in her hands. Initiates into this style frequently
that find it appealing, often do not risk one another’s presence practice feats of sleight of hand in order to condition their re-

6 Chapter One • The Lotus Root

flexes and dexterity to the point where the impossibly subtle of this style. While she remains in this form, her shadow per-
movements of this style become feasible. forms a subtle, sinuous dance. Slippery bastards of particularly
This Charm supplements a (Dexterity + Larceny) roll to con- high Essence sometimes find that their animas contain writh-
ceal an item on one’s person no larger than the stylist’s hand, ing shadows that are strangely draconic, but few save the most
adding (Essence) automatic successes to the roll. In addition suspicious occultists think anything of these apparitions.
to the normal effect, if the roll overcomes an onlooker’s MDV, While this Form is active, the slippery bastard adds (Essence)
he completely fails to notice the concealed item. This is an un- dice to attempt to attempts to reestablish surprise, though she
natural mental influence that may be overcome by spending may still only make such rolls if circumstances would normally
1wp (or 2wp if the concealed item is the knife the character has permit them. Further, the slippery bastard gains one automatic
attuned through Hidden-Blade-is-Sharpest Understanding). success on all attack rolls using a knife she attuned through
Hidden Blade is Sharpest Understanding.
Foe Vexing Sidestep
Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive Thousand Deadly Stings Feint
(Step 2) Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None Prerequisite Charms: Midnight Knife Form
The slippery bastard is perfectly aware of how to move to best The slippery bastard moves so fast that her strikes appear to
destabilize her foe. When she dodges or parries, she shifts subtly replicate through the air. A blossom of blurry illusions precede
to move her opponent into a position that renders him vulnera- her attack, setting the target up for a devastating true assault..
ble to the next attack. This Charm may be activated whenever The target of the attack sees the slippery bastard make her
the slippery bastard defends against an attack through the ap- (Essence) attacks before her true strike. Though these are only
plication of her Dodge or Parry DV. If she successfully defends, an illusion, and none of them strike true, defending against
this doubles the DV penalty the attack caused the attacker. them throws the target off-balance. The target suffers an on-
Only the slippery bastard may exploit this lowered DV, and she slaught penalty to his DVs against the supplemented unarmed
may do so only if she attacks the target on her next action. Martial Arts attack equal to the slippery bastard’s (Essence).
These penalties persists until the target’s DV refreshes. This is an unnatural mental influence, Illusion effect, and the
In the event of a flurry, this Charm may be invoked once target may pay 1wp to resist and ignore the illusory assault.
per attack in the flurry, and the benefit is cumulative. No mat-
ter how many attacks the attacker makes, this Charm may not
Smirking Serpent Misdirection
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
increase the total penalty to the target’s DVs by more than the
Keywords: Combo-OK, Illusion
slippery bastard’s (Martial Arts).
Duration: Instant
All-Encompassing Sucker-Punch Method Prerequisite Charms: Thousand Deadly Sting’s Feint
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental Deception is the slippery bastard’s bread and butter, it sus-
Keywords: Combo-OK tains him, nourishes him. The art of misdirection is as second
Duration: Instant nature to him as breathing.
Prerequisite Charms: Foe Vexing Sidestep This Charm supplements a blow against a target who has not
Slippery bastards are known to smile at their enemies, give yet Joined battle with the slippery bastard. If the attack suc-
them big friendly grins, and then shove a knife in their eye the cesses exceed the target’s DMDV, then the slippery bastard can
second they blink. It’s not their fault, they explain, grinning make the attack seem as if it came from someone or someplace
sheepishly, that’s just how they were taught to fight. The sad other than her. This is an Illusion effect, and canny targets can
truth is that this is true. This Charm may supplement any at- spend one Willpower to resist, if they have reason to suspect
tack the slippery bastard makes while attempting to ambush a the plausibility of what they believe happened.
character from plain view (such as in the middle of a conversa- This Charm cannot be used against a target who has already
tion), negating the increased difficulty of the slippery bastard’s Joined Battle with the slippery bastard.
roll to establish surprise.
Furthermore, if the slippery bastard is actively engaging the
Deadly Embrace Technique
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type:
target in friendly banter or conversation, the target suffers an
additional -2 penalty to notice her malevolent intent, which
Keywords: Combo-OK
stacks with the normal penalty for distraction.
Duration: Instant
Midnight Knife Form Prerequisite Charms: Midnight Knife Form
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 4) The martial artist who advances to this level of mastery can
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious kill with the lightest touch and may strike deadly blows against
Duration: One scene those who come into his clutches. This Charm supplements a
Prerequisite Charms: All-Encompassing Sucker-punch Method, crush attack the slippery bastard makes while she controls a
Open Palm Posture clinch. This allows her to replace the crush with a martial arts
With legs spread wide and poised on the balls of hr feet, attack, which may be unarmed or made with a weapon attuned
the slippery bastard adopts the serpentine stance emblematic through Hidden-Blade-is Sharpest Understanding, but may not

Chapter One • The Lotus Root 7

use any other weapon. The clinched victim may not defend
against this attack any more than she could defend against a
Pious Exemplar of (Virtue) Style
In these dark times the Pious Exemplars of Virtue stand firm
normal crush, and extra successes from the grapple roll transfer
in their reverence for the past. Their histories recall the glories
over to this roll as usual. Damage from this attack is piercing if
and honor of the First Age, though not its horror and tyranny.
it wasn’t already. In the absence of a weapon, this instead allows
They call for a return to what they call the Time of Virtue.
the martial artist to strike an unarmed blow to a vital center,
The Pious Exemplars of Virtue are a collection of enlightened
at (+Essence/2)L damage. However, this technique relies on
mortals, god-bloods and Terrestrials all practicing a martial art
speed and finesse, not strength and brute force, and does not
developed during the Shogunate for peacekeeping. Itinerant
permit the slippery bastard to continue to restrain the target
defenders of the people, they bring law to lawless places and
after the clinch is made. Immediately after this attack, she must
give hope to the hopeless with their martial prowess. They do
release the target.
often end up serving the ends of the Gold Faction Sidereals
Serpent Strikes the Handler whether willing or not, and many of the group’s members are
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive under the influence of the Cult of the Illuminated. However
Keywords: Combo OK they may be manipulated, the Exemplars first and foremost de-
Duration: Instant vote themselves to the path of virtue, and it shows.
Prerequisite Charms: Deadly Embrace Technique In the Age of Sorrows few can rival the devoutness and piety
Slippery Bastard stylists are dangerous at close range. Why of the Pious Exemplars. Their devotion is not directed to any
anyone would dare to draw one closer than is absolutely nec- god or order, they are zealots of virtue itself. This martial art
essary baffles even the most seasoned fighters. Even so, some resonates strongly with a different Virtue for each practitioner,
hapless schmuck invariably makes the mistake of attempting always their highest Virtue, informing how they learn and use
to hold one against her will. When she finds herself in a clinch the Charms. Each Virtue is aspected to a different element. For
controlled by her opponent, the slippery bastard may take ad- the purposes of deciding this style’s aspect, Compassion is tied
vantage of the clinch to stab at the areas her opponent leaves to Wood, Temperance to Earth, Valor to Fire, and Conviction
undefended. She must be unarmed, or wielding a form weapon, to Air. Dragon-Bloods suffer no surcharge when using the style
to use this opportunity. She may activate this Charm only once if they resonate with the appropraite Virtue. As usual, Water
per tick where she fails to control a grapple. When she activates Aspects may use any version of the style with no surcharge.
this Charm, the opponent grappling her automatically suffers Weapons and Armor: The form weapons of this style vary
(her Strength + her weapon’s damage) dice of lethal damage. depending on the Virtue the practitioner dedicates herself to.
The winner of the clinch can avoid this damage by electing to Compassion: staff and wrackstaff; Conviction: axes, hatchets and
release the slippery bastard, rather than throw or crush her. grimcleavers; Temperance: mauls, clubs, tetsubo and goremauls
(but not grand goremauls); Valor: straight swords and daiklaves.
Dodge to Shadow This style is compatible with any armor provided its mobility
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
penalty, before bonuses from magic materials, is less than (but
(Step 2)
not equal to) half the Exemplar’s resonant Virtue.
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Counterattack, Illusion
Complementary Abilities: To practice this style, the martial
Duration: Instant
artist must have a Virtue rated at ••• or better. If the Virtue
Prerequisite Charms: Dodge To Shadow Technique, Serpent
in question falls below that rating for any reason, the Exemplar
Strikes the Handler
loses access to the Charms of this style. A martial artist who
”There is no such thing as nowhere to hide.” This is the first
changes their highest Virtue may spend a week meditating on
lesson that Slippery Bastard sifus beat into their pupils...and for
her new philosophy and spend two experience to realign this
a student of this style, it may actually be true. When avoiding a
style with the newly increased Virtue. A martial artist must also
blow against her, the slippery bastard steps into her opponent’s
have Melee •• and Integrity • to practice this style.
blind spot, or leaps into the shadows of the rafters above, or
somewhere else nearby. For a moment the opponent is baffled, Devout Penitent Guardianship
looking for her where she used to be. Unfortunately, the mys- Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
tery is short lived, for she soon re-appears, often carrying her Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Virtue-Resonant
opponent’s death with her. Duration: Instant
This Charm may be activated when the slippery bastard has Prerequisite Charms: None
successfully dodged an attack, allowing her to make an un- The martial artist is willing to bear the fury of the world to
armed Martial Arts counterattack at her full dice pool. She also atone for her past sins. She accepts the misfortune of another
weaves an unnatural illusion, which costs one Willpower to ig- as punishment for her own iniquity. Whenever the Exalt sees
nore, that allows her to attempt to reestablish surprise against
the victim alone. If visibility penalties from darkness exceed New Keyword: Virtue-Resonant
(target’s Essence ÷ 2, round up) the victim can not prevent the Charms with this keyword may only be activated when a
surprise by seeing through the illusion, but only by the normal character takes an action that resonates with the virtue in
means of defeating surprise attacks. If the visibility penalties question sufficiently to benifit from a virtue channel. The
from darkness are greater than -1, then reestablishing surprise resonant virtue is not dictated by the charm, but is always
is reflexive, otherwise it must be flurried as normal. the Characters highest vritue (or primary virtue).

8 Chapter One • The Lotus Root

someone assaulted in a way that is repulsive to the Virtue to (Virtue)’s Edge Technique
which this style resonates for her, she may interpose herself Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
between the attacker and the target, redirecting the attack at Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Virtue-Resonant
himself. Examples include: Duration: Instant
• Compassion: Attacks which harm a group of people, or Prerequisite Charms: Pious Exemplar of (Virtue) Form
persons towards which the Exemplar has an Intimacy. The Exemplar strikes a blow empowered by the strength of
• Conviction: Attacks which harm an institution or specific her dedication, and which resonates with her chosen Virtue.
ideology towards which the Exemplar has an Intimacy. Attacks supplemented by this Charm add the Martial artist’s
• Temperance: Wanton and indiscriminate brutality. (Virtue) to the raw damage.
• Valor: The strong attacking the defenseless.
To interpose herself, the stylist must succeed on a (Virtue) Aegis of (Virtue)
roll. Success forces the attack to target her instead and she may Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
apply her PDV against it. If the attack overcomes her PDV, it Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Virtue-Resonant
strikes her normally. If the Virtue roll fails, she still applies her Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
PDV against the attack, but if it overcomes her PDV it strikes Prerequisite Charms: Unassailable (Virtue) Defense
the original target instead. The attack is then applied normally The Pious Exemplar girds herself with Essence, channeled
to the original target with one less success, rather than the through her virtue, and becomes as durable as her own unflap-
whole of the martial artist’s PDV. pable spirit. This Charm limns the Exemplar with a focused, in-
tense, halo of light appropriate to her resonant Virtue (blue for
Humble Mendicant Devotion Compassion, green for Conviction, black for Temperance and
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2;Type: Reflexive red for Valor). She adds her resonant (Virtue) to her bashing
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Virtue-Resonant soak and half that (round up) to lethal and aggravated soak.
Duration: Instant This soak is considered natural soak, stacking with armor.
Prerequisite Charms: Devout Penitent Guardianship This Charm can only be activated when the Exemplar under-
The Pious Exemplar’s dedication to his chosen Virtue is takes a battle for a cause that resonates with her chosen Virtue.
evident in his posture and in the manner in which he humbles It automatically expires if she takes any action that contradicts
himself before the enormity of the task of restoring Virtue to that Virtue, or if she fails any checks of that Virtue.
the world. The Exemplar can steady himself against the trials
ahead and activate this Charm in response to a Join Battle roll. Insurmountable (Virtue) Dedication
He gains a number of successes equal to his resonant Virtue. Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Virtue-Resonant
Pious Exemplar of (Virtue) Form Duration: One scene
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple Prerequisite Charms: (Virtue)’s Edge Technique
Keywords: Form-type The Exemplar is devoted to her Virtue; to her, nothing else
Duration: One scene matters. Though she may bleed from a thousand wounds, she
Prerequisite Charms: Devout Penitent Guardianship will not falter in the defense of her Virtue. The stylist reduces
The Exemplar hones her dedication to her Virtue into a wound penalties that she suffers by (resonant Virtue ÷ 2).
spiritual blade, and strikes out against her foes with the righ- Wound penalties accumulated after activating this Charm are
teous fury of a Spirit of justice. The Exemplar moves with the subject to the same reduction. Furthermore, for this Charm’s
swiftness of divine retribution, adding (Virtue) to her Strength duration, the Exemplar’s lethal wounds do not bleed.
and Dexterity to calculate Movement, Dashing, and Leaping
distances as well as feats of strength. Righteous Paragon of (Virtue)
Additionally, the Exemplar gains an additional benefit based Cost: 3m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type:
on her resonant Virtue: Simple (Speed 5)
• Compassion: Add +1 to her PDV. Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Emotion
• Conviction: Reduce her wound penalties by 1. Duration: One scene
• Temperance: Reduce the cumulative DV penalty of each Prerequisite Charms: Aegis of (Virtue), Insurmountable (Virtue)
unarmed Martial Arts attack or flurry she makes by 1. Dedication
• Valor: Adds 1 to the Rate of her unarmed attacks. Loudly proclaiming her dedication to her chosen Virtue, the
Exemplar swears to champion it in Creation and bring light to
Unassailable (Virtue) Defense this fallen age. Opening a wound in the palm of her hand, the
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive Exemplar consecrates this oath with her own blood, which she
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious drips onto her weapon. Thereafter the blade shines with bril-
Duration: One tick liant, virtuous light, striking fear in the hearts of trespassers.
Prerequisite Charms: Pious Exemplar of Virtue (Form) For the rest of the scene, the Exemplar may divide (resonant
Fighting for a cause greater than herself, the Exemplar may Virtue) bonus dice between his weapon’s Speed (to a minimum
employ this Charm to negate (resonant Virtue) points of penal- of 3), Accuracy, Rate, Damage, and Defense. (If she has no
ty from both onslaught and coordinated attacks to her Martial weapon, she made apply this effect to a single unarmed attack:
Arts-derived PDV for a single tick. punch, kick, clinch, etc.) No trait may benefit from more than
a single point of alteration.

Chapter One • The Lotus Root 9

Furthermore, the terrible brilliance that she radiates forces Lust for Violence Method
anyone with Valor less than the Exemplar’s (resonant Virtue) Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
to suffers a -2 internal penalty to all dice pools while opposing Keywords: Combo-OK
her. This comes from an Emotion effect which is apropos of Duration: Instant
the Virtue she champions. (Compassionate Exemplars inspire Prerequisite Charms: None
guilt and shame, Temperate Exemplars inspire debilitating in- The scarlet whirlwind is eager for battle, and surges into con-
trospection and self-examination, Convicted Exemplars inspire flict, propelled by the force of her lust. For every ally joining
fear at the sight of the Exemplar’s single-minded ferocity, and battle at her side, she may add 1 dice to her join battle Roll, to
Valorous Exemplars inspire a different type of fear based on a maximum of her(Valor).
awe.) This unnatural mental influence costs 2wp to resist for
the scene. Steel and Savagery Practice
Finally, for the Charm’s duration, the Exemplar is incapable Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
of failing checks based on her resonant Virtue without first Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Knockdown
choosing to end the Charm. Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Lust for Violence Method
Scarlet Whirlwind Style The practitioners of this style are furious indeed. This Charm
In the marshlands of the Southwest. a band of god-blooded supplements an unarmed martial arts attack. The attack is de-
marauders harass and pillages the local merchants and cara- signed to terrify a foe rather than injure them and, therefore,
vans. This riffraff—all bastard children of some corrupt deity does no damage. Instead, if the attack hits, the target must suc-
or another—practice an art that is as violent and feared as the ceed at a (Stamina + Resistance) roll, at a difficulty of the
monsoons that ravage the region in the wet season, and as pas- attacker’s (Valor). Should he fail, the target is overwhelmed by
sionate and burning as the fires that scorch the grasslands in the attacker’s martial prowess and furry and falls prone.
the dry months. This style is neither dark nor evil in itself, but Twin-Bladed Manslayer Technique
it is horrifyingly destructive and bestially violent. Indeed, the Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
even Guild and other wealthy merchants are loathe to travel Keywords: Combo-OK
near the territory of these bandits, for fear of the tales of the Duration: One Scene
horrible Scarlet Whirlwind Stylists. These fiends are fearsome Prerequisite Charms: Lust for Violence method
warriors alone, but together they become like living natural Having mastered the art of fighting with a weapon in both
disasters, terrible tornadoes of steel and spattered blood, that hands, the scarlet whirlwind has become accustomed to using
descend in battle-fury upon their foes. paired weapons. She adopts a stance suited to combat with
Once this style was taught to young Dragon-Blooded shock paired weapons, eliminating any off-hand penalty from wield-
troops in the First Age, but even the minds of the Exalted were ing a form weapon of this style in both hands.
ill suited for the battle-mind of the style, which drove them
mad, invariably to commit atrocities and acts of brutal mad- Thousand Fangs of the Hurricane
ness. Alone a practitioner is a fearsome force on the battlefield, Cost: 3m + 2m per ally; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type:
but it is together that this style’s deadly potential reveals itself. Supplemental
Opponents who face the practitioners of this style for the first Keywords: Combo-OK
time frequently scoff at their seemingly undisciplined, mindless Duration: Instant
fury. This bestial rage is, however, not as mindless as it appears. Prerequisite Charms: Steel and Savagery Practice Twin Bladed
True, their whole minds are devoted to violence, but their rage Manslayer Technique
is not unfocused or untargeted. In lieu of the strict discipline The scarlet whirlwinds may appear to be naught but a car-
and drill favored by most soldiers and warriors, they substitute a nage-loving mob… and in many ways they are. They howl for
base, animalistic cunning and organization. They fight not with blood and advance with the mindless furry of a pack of rabid
the coordination of a crack military unit, but with the instinc- dogs or a natural disaster. But their howls and roars have pur-
tive synergy of purpose of a pack of wild dogs. pose that few, uninitiated to the martial arts, can discern.
This style emulates the fury of fire, the fluid, sanguine grace This Charm supplements an Aim action allowing, the scarlet
of water, the unrelenting single-mindedness of the gale, and whirlwind to share the benefit of his Aim action with up (Val-
the wild vitality of Wood. It is elementally neutral, and dragon- or/2) allies. The selected allies gain the bonus on their next ac-
blooded of any aspect do not have to pay the elemental sur- tion, provided they attack the target the scarlet whirlwind was
charge on the Charms of this style. aiming at. Selected allies know instinctively which target that
Weapons and Armor: This style may only be used while is. No ally may benefit from more the +3 dice from aiming.
unarmed, or wielding a matched set of chopping or hacking The scarlet whirlwind does not, herself, gain any bonus from
weapons such as hatchets, axes, or chopping swords (or their the Aim action, but her guttural grunts and howls, laden with
artifact equivalents). It may only be used while in light armor, essence, confer the full benefits of such an action to her allies.
though traditionally stylists wear little more than a few pelts
draped over their bodies. New Keyword: Knockdown
Complementary Abilities: Learning this style requires Valor Charms with this keyword knock the target to the ground,
•••+, and at least one dot each in Survival and Melee. prone. Appropriate Charms can resist this effect.

10 Chapter One • The Lotus Root

Scarlet Whirlwind Form While under the effects of this Charm, the scarlet whirlwind
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 5) loses her capacity for verbal language. However, she may com-
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious municate verbally with characters who are using either this
Duration: One scene Charm or Scarlet Whirlwind Form. They understand the cun-
Prerequisite Charms: Thousand Fangs of the Hurricane ning savagery that has drowned each others’ conscious minds
The scarlet whirlwind’s mind focuses wholly on the flow of and may apprehend the meaning behind her guttural roars,
battle. She roars towards her foe, she and her allies forming a grunts, and howls.
death-dealing typhoon. Their minds meld together to focus on Terrifying Fury Onslaught
a single task, becoming wholly dedicated to violence, to the Cost: 3m per attack; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type:
exclusion of all other pursuits. Mortals using this form may Extra Action
soak lethal damage with half their Stamina, and Exalts may Keywords: Combo-OK
soak lethal damage with their full Stamina. Furthermore, the Duration: Instant
scarlet whirlwind may reduce all penalties caused by wounds Prerequisite Charms: Indomitable Battle mind Trance
or pain by his (Conviction or Essence) whichever is lower. For The fury of the scarlet whirlwind will not—cannot—be sty-
as long as the Form lasts, the scarlet whirlwind’s Guard action mied by the protestations of those it seeks to vanquish. The
becomes (-1 DV). This Charm expires on any tick where the scarlet whirlwind makes a magical flurry, initially of only one
scarlet whirlwind does not either attack or advance towards his unarmed martial arts attack, at a cost of 3m. If that attack
opponents. He must always be on the attack, always moving fails to hit, however, she may spend 3m to make another at-
forward, and should care nothing for his own defense. tack. She may continue doing so each time she misses, subject
Pitiless Storm Technique to the following restrictions. The total number of attacks the
Cost: 3m or 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: scarlet whirlwind can make is capped by her weapons’ Rates,
Reflexive as normal. Additionally, she can make no more attacks than
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack the lower of her (Valor) or (Essence). She suffers no multiple
Duration: Instant action penalties, and she applies only the highest DV penalty
Prerequisite Charms: Scarlet Whirlwind Form of any single attack. However, the furious whirlwind of attacks
None escape the scarlet whirlwind, and rare is it to see any- does weaken with each successive blow. Each attack take s a
one survive an engagement with a full group of these rapacious penmalty to its base damage equal to the number of previous
monsters. Those who try to flee are cut down mercilessly, and attacks: -1 on the second attack, -2 on the third, etc. If her base
those who try to strike back often fare worse. damage pool falls to zero, she may not make the attack—she
The scarlet whirlwind may invoke this Charm (at the cost of simply doesn’t have the strength left.
3m) to make an unarmed martial arts attack against any target Cutting Cyclone Formation
who is endeavoring to move out of melee range after having en- Cost: 3m + 1m per ally, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3;
gaged her in combat. This is treated as a counterattack, made Type: Supplemental
at her full dice-pool and, occurs immediately before the target Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
manages to move away. Charms such as Leaping Dodge Meth- Duration: One tick
od, which provides a leaping dodge, do not qualify as “moving Prerequisite Charms: Terrifying Fury Onslaught
away” for this Charm’s use. Only actual Move actions qualify. The true strength of the scarlet whirlwind is that it is never
If she has Scarlet Whirlwind Form active, the scarlet whirl- alone, and the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. This
wind can pay 5m to make a counterattack, against any target Charm supplements a flurry composed of unarmed martial arts
who attacks one of her allies. The target must be within me- attacks. When making the flurry, the scarlet whirlwind can
lee range, or, if the scarlet whirlwind has not moved that tick, name a number of allies, up to a maximum of half her Valor;
within range of a normal (unmodified) Move action. each ally adds one mote to the cost of this Charm. The selected
Indomitable Battle-Mind Trance allies can take advantage of the onslaught penalties her attacks
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple caused against that target, for the rest of the tick.
(Speed 4) The affected allies, however, do not benefit from the on-
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious slaught caused by one another’s attacks, unless they all invoke
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions this Charm, in such a manner that all participants are affected.
Prerequisite Charms: Scarlet Whirlwind Form (This technique is called the Blood Maelstrom Tactic.)
While this Charm is active, the Scarlet Whirlwind adds one
dot to her Valor; this may raise her Valor over 5. Characters Seeing Blade Style
with a Valor of 6+ are truly fearless, like automata. They are War is horrible thing. It takes its tolls on combatants, by-
incapable of failing Valor rolls and are immune to all penalties standers and even the land itself. Those who engage for too
and magics based upon fear or intimidation. Furthermore, each long in battle often come to a bad end. They are often killed,
ally using this Charm within one another’s vicinity (being in and those that survive are often subject to crippling injuries.
line of sight is sufficient), the scarlet whirlwind adds +1 to her Rare is it that you see a career soldier survive into old age. No
Accuracy and Damage, to a maximum cumulative benefit of injury, however, is as feared among the soldiers as those that
her (Valor). take away sight. Indeed, all across Creation, sightlessness can

Chapter One • The Lotus Root 11

be a death sentence for many. Without vision how can one Many martial artists rely on their ability to predict their op-
fend for oneself in the harsh landscape of Creation? Most such ponent’s next move, to see the course of their blades in flight
injuries reduce a mortal to begging or worse. and intercept them before they can be harmed. Numerous
But for those few individuals with enlightened essence and styles strive to teach their students unpredictable movements
martial inclination, blindness can be a blessing. This style, in an effort to make their attacks harder to defend against. Few
invented by famed Even Blade Master Zhao Feng, who was are as successful as the Seeing Blade stylists.
himself blinded in a duel, functions not only to mitigate the Because his movements are informed not by sight but by oth-
problems of blindness, but turn it to an advantage. This style is er senses, the Seeing Blade attacks from angles and trajectories
associated with the element of Air. Aspects of Air find that the that seem impossible, awkward, and unlikely to opponents who
precision involved in this style comes naturally to them, and so rely chiefly on their sight. Unconstrained by the limitations of
ike Water Aspects pay no surcharge to use these Charms. a single perspective, a practitioner of this style angles his at-
Weapons and Armor: Seeing Blade Style treats swords tacks to take full advantage of not only the holes in their foes’
(both slashing and straight), spears, and polearms (and their defenses, but of the limitations of sight-based awareness. He
artifact equivalents) as form weapons. Practitioners frequently strikes at ankles, or from beneath his opponent, or from the
employ such weapons as walking aids, functioning in the roll side, his weapon following a wide arc towards the target. This
as a blind man’s cane. The style may only be practiced in light seemingly extraneous movement does not impede the efficacy
armor which is not made of metal (such as a buff jacket), or no of his attacks, but, enhanced by essence, makes them hard to
armor at all. defend against.
An attack supplemented by this Charm inflicts an external
Eternal Battle Mind penalty of the user’s (Essence) to the target’s DV. If Seeing
Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 1; Type: Reflexive
Blade Form is also active, the user adds (Essence/2, rounded
(Step 2)
up) dice to the attack. In order to activate this Charm the mar-
Keywords: Combo-OK
tial artist must remove the distraction of sight, ether by closing
Duration: One action
his eyes or blindfolding themselves, or by being blind.
Prerequisite Charms: None
Targets who are blind, perceive things through non-visual
This Charm allows the martial artist to use a non-readied
means (such as Feeling-the-Air Technique in The Manual of
weapon to parry or attack, striking with a sheathed blade, or
Exalted Power: Dragon-Blooded, p. 136), or who have learned
with a staff or spear held as a walking stick. When used in this
the Form of this style are immune to this Charm.
manner, a weapon does bashing damage instead of lethal, and
suffers a -1 penalty to its accuracy and damage pool. A weapon Seeing Blade Form
used in this way does not hamper the Seeing Blade’s ability to Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
perceive the world through the use of Seeing Blade Form. Keywords: Form-type
Duration: One scene
Uncanny Awareness Method Prerequisite Charms: Sightless Deftness
Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
The seeing blade attunes his senses to the winds and vibra-
(Step 2)
tions of the world around him. So long as his weapon touches
Keywords: Combo-OK
the earth, channeling the subtle ambient vibrations into his
Duration: Instant
core awareness, he can feel the subtle movements of the winds
Prerequisite Charms: None
on her flesh, she can see the whole world around her.
The martial artist cannot be surprised, his awareness is acute,
He cannot differentiate colors or read, but she can see per-
bettered by his sightless state rather than worsened. Activated
fectly otherwise through a sort of sonar perception. His vision
in response to an unexpected attack, this Charm allows the
encompasses 360 degrees around him. His vision is not based
Seeing Blade to apply half his PDV against the attack, even
on sight and therefore does not suffer penalties from darkness,
though it remains unexpected. If the martial artist is current-
fog or other such things. This renders him utterly impervious to
ly employing Seeing Blade Form, he may apply his full PDV
mundane surprise, even when attached to attacks originating
against a the attack. This Charm does not allow him to ready
from behind him. Against magically generated surprise attacks,
his weapon or parry lethal damage unarmed without a stunt
she adds (Essence/2) dice, rounded up, to her roll to become
or other magic. This Charm does not negate surprise—all the
aware of the attack.
Seeing Blade’s DVs are still considered 0—but rather permits
Furthermore, while wielding a form weapon for this style, the
the Blade’s instinctive reflexes and supernal awareness to act in
seeing blade increases the weapon’s Rate by 1 and lowers his
his defense. If activated at the outset of combat in response to
multiple action penalties to the accuracy pools of attacks with
a surprise attack, this Charm adds (Essence) to the subsequent
the weapon by 1 point each. (so a three attack flurry with a
Join Battle roll, provided the attack is successfully parried.
straight sword inflicts −2, −3, & −4 penalties instead of −3,
Sightless Deftness −4, & −5).
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental Though undeniably potent, this form suffers from several
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious restrictions. First, the seeing blade’s awareness extends only
Duration: Instant through an (Essence ×5) yard radius around him. He can nei-
Prerequisite Charms: Eternal Battle mind, Uncanny Awareness ther “see” beyond this range, nor is he immune to surprise from
Method attacks originating from beyond that range. He suffers the nor-

12 Chapter One • The Lotus Root

mal penalties from blindness when reacting to ranged attacks One of the most famous and impressive feats pupils of this
that originate beyond this range. style are made to accomplish involves standing out in a hail-
Second, the seeing blade must be able to hear and feel his storm, naked except for their weapons, and being told to parry
target in order to detect them. He suffers a −1 point visibility the storm itself. Those who scoff at the impossibility of such a
penalty against opponents that are magically inaudible or in- feat are soon shocked to see their wizened masters stand in the
tangible; if attackers are both invisible and inaudible because hail and, their blades whirling, bat aside the torrential down-
of some Charm or combination of effects, they become invalid pour of ice.
targets for the seeing blade’s awareness. The seeing blade is aware of everything around him. His
Furthermore, the martial artist must frequently return his defenses are without fault, and he has transcended any sort
weapon to its resting position, touching the ground, in order to of debility on might suffer from blindness. He twirls his blade
benefit fully from this magical awareness. This means he must about him with the canny grace and insight of someone whose
ready his weapon each action and return it to its resting state at vision has surpassed the scope of simple sight. He cannot be
the end of his action, or employ Eternal Battle Mind, (Lowering overwhelmed, even be he subject to a hundred blows.
the weapon is reflexive and does not require a separate action.) The seeing blade may apply his full PDV against any attack
Should he maintain weapon in the readied position, then his for the Charm’s duration, even unexpected attacks, but not
range of sight is limited to (Essence ×3) yards around him and against attacks made unblockable by Charms. This includes ig-
he suffers 1 point of visibility penalty from partial blindness. noring wound penalties and penalties from his own actions, but
In order to activate this form, the martial artist must remove does not include penalties caused by external factors such as
the distraction of sight, by closing his eyes, blindfolding himself, terrain, onslaught, or Charms. He reduces both onslaught and
or by being blind. Should his sight return, the Charm expires. coordinated attack penalties to his PDV by his (Martial Arts),
though this cannot reduce such penalties below zero.
Instruction in Honorable Combat The seeing blade cannot take a move action while this
Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Charm persists; he must remain firmly planted in place. If he
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
is forced to move, this Charm ends. Furthermore, this Charm
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
relies on the expansiveness of the seeing blade’s carefully culti-
Prerequisite Charms: Seeing Blade Form
vated second sight, and cannot be used if the seeing blade can
A seeing blade is not deterred by numerous underhanded as-
see normally at the time.
saults, for he can see the ways between them. He channels his
essence into his awareness and reflexes, ready to punish his foes Flurry of Sightless Steel
for their underhanded tactics. Cost: 2m/attack, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type:
For the Charm’s duration, the seeing blade may make a Extra Action
counterattack in response to each attempted surprise attack Keywords: Combo-OK
directed at him, provided the originating attackers are within Duration: Instant
range. These counterattacks are made at the seeing blade’s Prerequisite Charms: Instruction In Honorable Combat,
full dice pool. The seeing blade may not make more than (Es- Unassailable Sword Sage Style
sence) counter-attacks in a single tick. Should he receive more The seeing blade strikes with the kind of speed that evinces
than one surprise attack in a single tick and choose to make extreme planning and economy of motion made possible by the
a multiple counterattacks, the second counterattack (and any incredible spatial awareness his training affords him. The seeing
subsequent counterattacks) suffer an accuracy penalty equal blade strikes with unprecedented speed, his blows finding holes
to the number of counterattacks previously made in that tick. in the opponents defenses that few had believed were present.
This Charm is of particular utility when the seeing blade finds He may make (1 + [Essence/2]) attacks against a single target,
himself completely surrounded, as he will always be able to up to his weapon’s Rate. If the user already has Seeing Blade
make such a counterattack against at least one member of the Form active, he may instead make one Martial Arts attack each
attacking mob. against up to (Essence) targets within melee range, up to his
As an additional benefit, the seeing blade’s attunement to weapon’s Rate.
the telltale sounds of deception (racing heartbeats, shallow The DV penalty of this magical flurry is equal to half total
breath, tenseness of the voice) increase his ability to notice dis- penalty it would normally be for all the attacks.
honesty. He may add (Essence) dice to any attempts to notice
deception, lying, or subterfuge for the Charm’s duration.
Instructive Blinding Retribution
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
Though this Charm is reflexive, it must be activated on a
(Step 9)
tick when the seeing blade can act, because it does require
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Crippling, Obvious
some mental preparation.
Duration: Instant
Unassailable Sword Sage Style Prerequisite Charms: Flurry of Sightless Steel
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive When someone cuts a Seeing Blade master, they demon-
(Step 2) strate their own lack of enlightenment. Masters who teach this
Keywords: Combo-OK char, claim it is designed to initiate such unenlightened foes
Duration: (Essence) actions to the mysteries and majesty of the sightless world. Some less
Prerequisite Charms: Seeing Blade Form reverent seeing blades (and their opponents) wonder, however,

Chapter One • The Lotus Root 13

if it is not just the manifestation of the Zhao Feng’s own bitter- Crashing Boulder Style
ness at his loss of sight and his vindictive desire to inflict such Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
blindness on his foes. Certainly, seeing blades who have learned Keywords: Combo-OK
this Charm use it that way a great deal. Duration: Instant
When he fails to defend against an attack, this Charm allows Prerequisite Charms: Earthen Equilibrium Insight
the seeing blade to retaliate with impossible, blinding, speed. The longer a stone falls the more forceful its impact. Even a
The seeing blade makes an unarmed martial arts counterattack pebble can strike with killing force, if dropped from the peak of
at his full dice pool. If the attack does more than one level of the Omphalos. Learning from this, the avalanche thunderer
lethal damage or more than two levels of bashing damage, all uses his own momentum to his advantage.
additional levels (beyond the required 1L or 2B) are converted The avalanche thunderer adds a number of dice to the raw
into a Crippling wound which eliminates one of the target’s damage of the supplemented unarmed martial arts attack equal
eyes. If the counterattack does at least 4L or 6B then both eyes to the yards he had moved that tick (to a maximum of Essence
are removed, rendering the target completely blind. Exalted dice). This Charm may be used to supplement crushing dam-
target’s gouged eyes heal at the same rate as the health levels. age done as part of a clinch, by driving the opponent into a
Mortals are permanently crippled absent magical care. hard surface or by otherwise using momentum to increase one’s
impact, but only if the avalanche thunderer can move while
Thundering Avalanche Style clinching.
The earth trembles, the mountain cracks, and Stone rains
down from above. The great crag, which stood motionless for Stone Soldier Stance
centuries, suddenly becomes a peril that cannot be outrun. The Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
mountain isn’t immobile, it is waiting. This is the first lesson Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
students of the Thundering Avalanche Style learn. Duration: One tick
The practitioners of Thundering Avalanche Style hold a Prerequisite Charms: Crashing Boulder Style
long term rivalry with the masters of the Jade Mountain Style, Hard like the earth and unassailable like the mountain, the
for the two represent opposing (in their mind) philosophical avalanche thunderer doesn’t yield even to the most savage pun-
viewpoints on the element of earth. ishment. This Charm adds (Essence) to the character’s bashing
This Earth-aspected style emulates the inertial force and and lethal soak and allows him to parry lethal damage unarmed
shocking speed of the landslide. Aspects of Earth find that the without a stunt. His skin grows grey and hard, cracking like an-
brute force involved in this style comes naturally to them, and cient granite when cut, rather than opening like flesh. Wounds
they, along with Aspects of Water, pay no surcharge when using inflicted while this Charm is active do not bleed.
Charms of this style. This Charm only functions if the avalanche thunderer is in
Weapons And Armor: Hammers, warhammers, tetsubo and contact with stone, either by standing on the earth or wearing
such are form weapons of this style, and may be used with its Jade armor.
Charms, along with their artifact equivalents: goremauls and Thundering Avalanche Form
grand goremauls. This style may be practiced in armor of any Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
type, but may not armor constructed of a material that is not Keywords: Form-type
of the earth. Therefore, cloth or leather armor is always in- Duration: One scene
compatible with this style, even if it also incorporates metal Prerequisite Charms: Stone Soldier Stance
elements (such as a reinforced buff jacket). The avalanche thunderer has learned to harness the power
Complementary Abilities: This style cannot be learned and deadly grace of the avalanche. Long study of the move-
without at least Resistance •• and Melee ••. ments of the earth and diligent practice of the katas of this
Earthen Equilibrium Understanding style have rendered him as tough and powerful as stone and
Cost: 1m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2, Type: Reflexive imparted in him the sudden speed of a rockslide.
(Step 2) The avalanche thunderer who activates this form adopts a
Keywords: Combo-OK staggered stance, at once both stable and mobile. Thereafter,
Duration: Instant he adds 1 to the base damage trait of all his unarmed martial
Prerequisite Charms: None arts attacks, and an additional bonus depending on the weight
Pasiap sleeps fitfully, and his stirrings cause the earth to shake of his armor: +1 for medium armor, and +2 for heavy armor.
and tremble. But the avalanche falls only when it wishes, and is If the character is wearing armor made of white jade add an
not hindered for its fall. additional +1 bonus. Only armor made of a mundane metal, of
The avalanche thunderer is at home on the ground and, in mundane stone, or of Jade provides this benefit.
the manner of the boulder, has learned to be equally resilient While this Charm is active the avalanche thunderer’s flesh
both upright and on his side. So long as he stands on the earth, becomes harder and more resilient. His essence crystallizes into
the first story of a building, or within a structure comprised stone flakes that harden over his skin. The avalanche thun-
largely of stone, the avalanche thunderer may activate this derer may soak lethal damage with half his Stamina; if he could
Charm to ignore DV penalties from being prone or on unstable already do so (as with an Exalt), then he may soak Lethal dam-
terrain. age with his full Stamina.

14 Chapter One • The Lotus Root

This Charm only works if the avalanche thunderer remains attack inflicts at least one level of damage, convert all levels of
in contact with the earth or a solid stone surface. Should he damage after the first into knockback (at a rate of 2 yards per
break contact for more than (Essence) ticks, this form auto- 1 level). Targets who suffer knockback must check for knock-
matically terminates. down upon landing, against a difficulty of the martial artist’s
Earthshaking Hero Technique
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive Falling Mountain Might
(Step 1 or 2) Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Inexorable Landslide Offense Prerequisite Charms: Unencumbered Avalanche Method
It is not easy to stand firm in the face of an avalanche, for When a mountain shrugs of a portion of its burden, and
the earth shudders and quakes with such ferocity that even the stones rain down to the land below, the land is made to feel the
stoutest hearts cannot help but tremble too. The avalanche full weight of the mountain’s burden. The avalanche thunderer,
thunderer smites the Earth with the thundering force of an on- similar to the mountain, may manipulate his weight in such a
coming rockslide, and the land trembles before him. way that he can use it to maximum effect against his oppo-
While this Charm is active, the area within melee range of nents. Channeling this force into a target he may pulp organs
the avalanche thunderer is considered be Unstable Terrain, ap- and shatter bones.
plying a -3 penalty to the DVs of those in the area, and to have The avalanche thunderer makes an unarmed martial arts at-
an Instability rating equal to the avalanche thunderer’s (Es- tack, adding his armored mobility penalty to the raw damage.
sence). This Charm can be employed in several ways. It may Anyone struck by this attack who suffers multiple levels of dam-
be used in step two of defense in an attempt to foil an attack, age, instead has their damage reduced to 1 lethal level and suf-
or in step 1 to set someone up for a devastating blow. However, fers an external penalty equal to the remaining levels of damage
it only works when the avalanche thunderer stands on solid to all actions, representing the horrible damage wrought upon
ground or on a stone surface. his body by this fearsome blow. This wound often manifests as
This attack causes (Essence ×2)L damage to the land be- very serious blunt trauma, contused organs, or rather disgusting
neath the avalanche thunderer; if used in a stone building, this compound fractures. The penalty stacks with wound penalties
could cause the floor to give way, with disastrous results. and persists until the damage inflicted is healed.
Unencumbered Avalanche Method Transcendent Flesh-and-Stone Unity
Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Combo-OK Keywords: Obvious
Duration: Until next action Duration: One scene
Prerequisite Charms: Thundering Avalanche Form Prerequisite Charms: Falling Mountain Might, Earthshaking
This Charm allows to character to not only ignores their ar- Hero Technique
mor’s mobility penalty to their movement, but adds it as bonus Standing with legs spread wide and muscles tensed, the ava-
to the distance of their move and dash actions equal to what lanche thunderer is enveloped in a wave of earth essence that
the penalty would normally be. The mobility penalty still af- hardens into an invulnerable carapace. If he has an elemental
fects DDV as normal. aspect, he takes on the trappings of that aspect (flesh of molten
This Charm only functions with armor made of substances magma, moss covered stone, or clear crystal). The armor he is
that are of the Earth. This includes most metals and stones, wearing fuses to his flesh, and his hands fuse to his weapon (if
and Jade, but explicitly excludes the Celestial Magical Materi- he is carrying one made of Jade, or mundane metal or stone).
als, and non-metal substances like silk or cloth. Furthermore, While this Charm lasts, the avalanche thunderer’s armor
this Charm only functions while the avalanche thunderer carries no mobility penalty (though Charms that use that value
stands upon the earth. to calculate effects still function based on the normal penalty),
and his weapon cannot be disarmed. Because the armor has
Inexorable Landslide Offense been fused to his body by the hardened stone essence, and can-
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
not be removed for the duration of the Charm, the soak it pro-
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Knockback
vides is considered either armored or natural soak, whichever
Duration: Instant
on is more beneficial.
Prerequisite Charms: Thundering Avalanche Form
Finally, the avalanche thunderer’s flesh grows numb and
The avalanche thunderer is a true juggernaut, unstoppable
deadened. He does not suffer wound or pain penalties for the
and irrepressible in his might. As his armored bulk trundles to-
scene. This Charm only functions while the avalanche thun-
wards his hapless target, the poor soul’s allies often seek to stop
derer stands on solid earth.
the advance. With the stubbornness of a rock, the character
ignores such attempts to halt his progress. Attackers, failing to
even slow his progress, are thrown aside by a savage sweep of
his fist or club. This Charm may be activated upon successfully
parrying a melee attack. It allows the avalanche thunderer to
make an unarmed Martial Arts counterattack. If this counter-

Chapter One • The Lotus Root 15

Unsung Hero Style Mortal martial artists are playing a game where the deck is
decidedly stacked against them. They must make the most of
The Unsung Hero is the everyman, and yet he is more rare
every advantage they can. To this end, they learn to fight with
than even the Exalt. He is that singular individual who dares to
impossible ferocity or remarkable efficacy, in either case making
rise above his station, to fight the un-winnable fight, to stare,
the Unsung Hero’s attack hard to weather. Unarmed Martial
unblinking, into the grim face of reality and say, “I can.” This
Arts attacks enhanced with this Charm inflict an onslaught
style incorporates aspects of all elements. All Dragon-Bloods
penalty one higher than normal.
may use this style without incurring any elemental surcharge.
Weapons and Armor: This style may be practiced in light Unsung Hero Form
armor, and treats any weapon attuned to with Familiar Com- Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
panion Attunement as in form, but permits the use of no other Keywords: Form-type
weapons. Duration: One scene
Complementary Abilities: This style requires Melee • and Prerequisite Charms: Limitless Tenacity Offense
at least one Virtue rated at ••••, to represent the extreme of Adopting a rather natural ready stance, the Unsung Hero
personality required to learn this style. infuses his body with essence, and, for a time, becomes as ro-
As an optional rule, Storytellers may allow any martial artists bust as any Chosen. The Unsung Hero may soak lethal damage
capable of learning Terrestrial martial arts to learn this style with half his Stamina (or his full Stamina, if he is an Exalt). If
without a tutor, if they possess the appropriate mindset (substi- he could not close his wounds reflexively, he may do so now; if
tuting instead appropriate martial training and hard-earned life he could already, then his wounds simply do not bleed. Finally,
lessons), thus making it a sort of general Hero Style—-at least, Mortal Unsung Heroes no longer suffer naturally disabling
for a certain type of hero… wounds or crippling effects from mundane attacks, resisting
them as the Exalted. Exalts and other supernaturals obviously,
Wings of Desperation do not gain anything this third and final benefit, but instead be-
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 1; Type: Supplemental
come able to parry lethal damage unarmed, their already sturdy
Keywords: Combo-OK
frames further reinforced by essence.
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: None Familiar Companion Attunement
When a mortal fights, the stakes are always high and the Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple
threat always palpable. Even a minor scrape could potentially (Dramatic Action)
grow infected and turn lethal. He can spare no effort, nor hold Keywords: None
back anything from his assaults. He must throw himself into Duration: Indefinite
battle with total dedication or he will certainly die. The Un- Prerequisite Charms: Unsung Hero Form
sung Hero adds (Valor or Conviction), at his preference, to his The Weapon of an Unsung Hero is more than a tool, it is a
Join Battle roll. If he channels that Virtue on the roll, he turns companion, an extension of his self. The weight of the char-
the dice added through this Charm into automatic successes. acter’s continued well-being often rests squarely upon his
weapon, and he cherishes it for its reliability. This Charm is an
Unfailing Preservation Instincts outgrowth of the reverence and tender care which he lavishes
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
upon his weapon. This Charm is invoked with a small sacrifice
(Step 2)
and ceremony (usually taking the form of delicate cleaning and
Keywords: Combo-OK
maintenance) to the small god of a single weapon the Unsung
Duration: Instant
Hero possesses. As long as he spends one hour each day tending
Prerequisite Charms: Wings of Desperation
to the weapon and maintains the mote commitment, he gains a
A mortal will never be as potent as even the least of super-
situational bonus of +2 dice when wielding the weapon.
natural entities, he must be swift or he will surely die.
The essence pattern of this Charm does not commingle well
The Unsung Hero may activate this Charm in response to an
with essence committed to artifacts, and therefore cannot be
ambush or unexpected attack. He may apply (25% per Essence
used on an artifact with an attunement cost greater than the
dot) of his DDV against the attack. Therefore, a mortal with
Hero’s (Martial Arts).
Essence 1 may apply a quarter of his DDV, half of DDV with
Essence 2, three-quarters with Essence 3, and Essence 4 beings Thousand Ordeals Empowerment
can apply their full DDV against surprise attacks. This Charm Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental
provides no additional benefits to beings of Essence in excess of Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
4. This Charm can be employed against any unexpected attack Duration: Instant
he could feasibly detect, but not against unexpected attacks he Prerequisite Charms: Familiar Companion Attunement
has no opportunity to roll to anticipate. The Unsung Hero has hacked his way through the kind of
hardship that would kill a lesser individual. Having overcome
Limitless Tenacity Offense this, the Hero’s blows resonate with the force of a 100 lifetimes
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive (Step 1)
of hardship. He strikes, unhesitatingly, against his adversaries
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
and his blows bite deeply. He adds his (Essence) to the Lethal
Duration: One flurry
damage of the supplemented attack, and adds +1 to the mini-
Prerequisite Charms: Unfailing Preservation Instincts
mum damage.

16 Chapter One • The Lotus Root

Wise Concession Finally, the Storyteller should track every experience point
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive spent on the activation of this Charm. For every three points
(Step 9) spent, the Unsung Hero gains a point of the Destiny Back-
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Counterattack ground (see Scroll of the Monk, p. 151). The nature of that
Duration: Instant destiny is up to the Storyteller, but it should lead the Hero to-
Prerequisite Charms: Familiar Companion Attunement wards playing an instrumental role in orchestrating the success
The truly brave must know when they are overmatched and or triumph of an individual or group greater than himself.
have no hope of success. The Unsung Hero could not have pro- Burn Fast, Burn Bright Understanding
gressed to this degree of mastery without fully absorbing such Cost: 3m, 1lhl, 1xp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type:
knowledge. He has no compunctions about withdrawing when Simple (Speed 5, DV -0)
necessary. Whenever the Unsung Hero applies his parry DV Keywords: Obvious
against an attack, whether he successfully defends himself or Duration: One scene
not, he may allow the force of the blow upon his weapon to car- Prerequisite Charms: Back-to-the-Wall Ferocity, Thousand
ry him backwards (Martial Dexterity) yards. Moving away from Ordeals Empowerment, Wise Concession
his opponent in this manner can give him much needed respite Those with the strength to become Unsung Heroes always
from the fray and save him from the onslaught of a flurry. find themselves presented with the same choice: subsume
Back-to-the-Wall Ferocity themselves to another being or cause, or sacrifice their life for
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Supplemental one last moment of glory. While many decide there is honor
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious enough in a life of service, a significant fraction demand that
Duration: One flurry Creation provide glory to themselves and their name. Those
Prerequisite Charms: Familiar Companion Attunement who see this choice and choose the path of glory learn this
The Unsung Hero relies on his single-minded perseverance Charm. This Charm flares the Unsung Hero’s essence into a
to see him through the travails of life, and his raw, animal des- glorious beacon, even if he does not have an anima banner, he
peration to see him through the ravages of combat. This Charm becomes enfolded in a brilliant bonfire of essence. He moves
enhances a flurry of unarmed Martial Arts attacks. The Rate of with speed far beyond the limits of the human body and strikes
each attack increases by 1, and the multiple action penalty ap- with the fury of a war god. His visage becomes transcendentally
plied to each attack is reduced by (Hero’s Essence), to a mini- beautiful, conveying utterly the glory and tragedy of his situa-
mum of +1 point of penalty for every attack after the first. tion. None who see this Charm in action ever forget the sight.
When activating this Charm, the Unsung Hero may include
Survival is Fury Understanding Limitless Tenacity Offense, Back-to-the-Wall Ferocity or Thou-
Cost: 3m, 1wp, 1exp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: sand Ordeals Empowerment in its effect. He may choose to add
Simple (Speed 5, DV -0) only one Charm in this way and must pay that Charm’s cost in
Keywords: None addition to the cost of activating this Charm. The Charm so
Duration: One scene included remains active just as long as this Charm. Further-
Prerequisite Charms: Back-to-the-Wall Ferocity, Thousand more, while using this Charm the duration of the other two
Ordeals Empowerment, Wise Concession Charms may, optionally, be extended to (Essence) actions by
The Unsung Hero, his naiveté and illusions brutally shat- adding one Willpower to their normal cost.
tered by the long road behind him, knows he has two choices: Perhaps most significantly, while this Charm is active, the
survival in the shadow of beings greater than himself, or a brief, stunt dice reward of all the Unsung Hero’s combat stunts in-
shining, moment of greatness. Those who follow the path of creases by one die. This has no effect on the rewards of the
serving a cause or greater being find satisfaction and glory in stunt (such as motes or Willpower). If the Hero is mortal or
contributing as they are able. They learn the value of their life god-blooded and has also activated Unsung Hero Form, they
in service, and shed the vainglorious notion of achieving glory stunt as Exalts rather than as heroic mortals (see Exalted, p.
and personal fame through senseless self-sacrifice. The Hero, 128 for a description of the difference).
knowing that to serve his cause best he must endure and fight Finally, the Storyteller should track every experience point
as long as he can, may activate this Charm to do just that. spent on the activation of this Charm. For every three points
While this Charm is active, the Exalt treats all his health spent the Unsung Hero gains a point of the Destiny Background
levels above Incapacitated as -0 levels. (His Dying health levels (see Scroll of the Monk, p. 151). The nature of the destiny is
are considered to be -4 levels, if he is able to remain active up to the Storyteller, but it should lead the Hero towards a
while below Incapacitated). This reduced wound penalty ap- climactic moment of brief but marvelous, even world changing,
plies to healing rates as well as damage resistance. glory that culminates in his death or, perhaps, his ascension.
Additionally, the Hero can spend 1wp when he becomes in-
capacitated or knocked out to attempt to remain conscious. He
rolls his (Conviction), and a success on that roll enables him
to continue fighting for (Essence) actions. After this duration
elapses the Exalt must spend willpower and roll again or suc-
cumb to incapacitation or knockout. This willpower expendi-
ture is reflexive and does not count as Charm usage.

Chapter One • The Lotus Root 17

Chapter Two

The Lotus Bulb

Celestial Pig: The practitioners of this style are celebrated Complementary Abilities: One must have a Compassion
for both their gregarious nature and tremendous appetites. rating of 3 or higher to appreciate life’s pleasures to a sufficient
Celestial Rabbit: Temperate, and cautious, practitioners of degree to internalize the teachings of this style.
this style are nonetheless, deadly opponents on the battlefield.
Celestial Turtle: Cautious, with nigh impenetrable defenses,
Sage Stands Fast
Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
none may assail the practitioner of the Celestial Turtle Style.
Keywords: Combo-OK
Hellfire Ballet Style: An Infernal style dedicated to Malfeas
Duration: Instant
which uses Hellpieces.
Prerequisite Charms: None
Laughing Imp Style: A style based on taunting and jeering
The Boar is resolute in the defense of his own, and the Smil-
at your foe, wearing them down to nothing. Dedicated to the
ing Sage grows decidedly unhappy when foes threaten those he
laughter of Adorjan
holds dear. This Charm adds (Compassion) dice to the char-
Unbroken Bough: A that grants the supple flexibility of the
acter’s join battle roll, if the Exalt is fighting in the defense
young sappling and strength of the ancient oak.
of someone towards whom he has a positive intimacy he adds
Celestial Pig Style (Compassion) successes instead.
The Boar is an honest beast. It is stubborn, sometimes lazy, Enlightened Heart’s Strength
and its zeal for life’s little pleasures can verge on gluttonous, but Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
in all things it is direct and upfront. Smiling Sages, as skilled Keywords: Combo-OK
practitioners of this style are often called, are renowned for Duration: Instant
both their loyalty, honesty, and prodigious appetite, which is Prerequisite Charms: None
matched only by their stoutness of heart and body. This style The Smiling Sage draws power from both his enormous size,
is characteristically focused the body’s power, both in its defen- and from the power of his loyalty and strength of his love of
sive aspect, as the ability to whether blows, and offensively as a life. The Smiling Sage, fighting for those things which he hold
means of doing harm. Its Charms are as direct as its underlying dearest, be they comfort, companionship, luxury or something
philosophy, and those who fight using this style are valuable else, can infuse his blows with a terrible strength. He adds his
allies and terrible foes. (Compassion) to the raw damage of his Martial Arts attacks.
This style does not permit the use of armor and, though Should he channel his compassion on an attack supplemented
it treats Mauls and Gore-mauls as form weapons, the later by this Charm, he instead adds (Compassion) successes to his
Charms of this style make little use of these weapons. damage roll.

18 Chapter One • The Lotus Root

Celestial Gourmand’s Appetite Hale Boar Body Technique
Cost: 2m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 3; Type: Simple Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Keywords: Obvious, Sage (Pig) Keywords: Combo-Basic, Sage (Pig)
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
Prerequisite Charms: Enlightened Heart’s Strength, Sage Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Swine Form
Stands Fast Through careful manipulation of his internal essence and
Truly, few creatures in creation have a love of epicurean lux- his own impossible control of his physical form the Exalt may
uries that equals that of the Pig. Among the Exalted, there are cause his mighty body to become preternaturally hale and resis-
none so renowned for their eccentric (and impressive) tastes tant. The Exalt rolls his (Compassion + Essence), he adds the
as the Smiling Sages. The Exalt’s appetite grows enormously number of successes on this roll, to a maximum of the lower of
and he becomes able to not only eat, but enjoy eating, almost his Essence or Stamina, as -0 health levels. These health levels
anything. So long as an object is not an artifact or expressly cannot be healed once they have been filled. At the end of
harmful to one’s health, the Exalt can eat it. Doing so causes its duration the Exalt may repay the mote and willpower cost
his belly to swell as he digests the nourishing Essence. Eating an of this Charm as a reflexive, non-Charm, action to maintain
object is a miscellaneous action (Speed 5, DV -2). He regains 1 his increased hardiness. Ending this Charm moves the dam-
mote for each dot of Resources consumed, be it in the form of age levels suffer by this Charm’s health levels into the martial
coinage, paper money, expensive fabrics, rare foods, or anything artist’s normal health track. This does not count as suffering
else. these motes are stored in a separate pool and can only be the damage again, so effects that reduce levels of damage being
used to power Charms of this style or Martial Arts Excellencies suffered do not apply. If the Charm is allowed to last to the end
and may not be committed (and therefore cannot be used for of the scene the damage levels to disappear with the health
any Charm with a duration is longer than instant). levels they fill.
The martial artist may not store more motes than (Stamina
+ Compassion) through the use of this Charm. Any motes not
Mighty Hog Expansion
Cost: 5m+, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
used by the time this Charm ends are lost in a blaze of essence.
(Speed 4)
While saturated with essence the Sage’s stomach seems to glow
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Sage (Pig), Stackable
from within, as if a fire burned in his gut. The brightness of this
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
light, and its effects on stealth, are equivalent to the effects
Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Swine Form
of an anima banner burning at a level equal to the number of
The Exalt focuses his essence into his body and grows even
motes currently stored. This Charm does not prevent the Sage
larger. Each expenditure of 5m committed to this Charm adds
from being poisoned or made sick by eating something, but it
+1 to the Exalts Strength and Stamina Rating for the dura-
does permit him to eat things that are not normally edible.
tion of the scene. Every five motes also applies a -1 mobility
Celestial Swine Form penalty (which functions as an armored mobility penalty). The
Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple trait increases this Charm grants may raise Attributes above
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious 5 but are considered dice added by Charms. This Charm also
Duration: One scene incrementally increases the Sage’s stature, causing him to grow
Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Gourmand’s Appetite 10% larger and more massive per usage. This may cause certain
The Smiling Sage cuts a striking figure, his impressive mass is terrain to be unsuitable for him and may make it difficult to
daunting to even the boldest adversaries. Taking a deep breath, maneuver in smaller spaces. In open space the increase in size
a lung-full of the sweet essence of creation, the Exalt sets his adds 1 to the maximum number of simultaneous attackers, per
feet in a wide and sturdy stance. Then he exhales with a mighty five motes spent. This Charm cannot be used if doing so would
snort, doing so he gorges every fiber of his being on raw es- reduce the Sage’s base movement rate (before Charms) to 0.
sence. Saturated with these energies his body gains consider-
able stature The Exalt gains +1 to his strength and stamina,
Furious Guardianship Charge
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed
may soak Lethal damage with his full, modified, stamina, and
5, DV -2)
parry ranged and lethal attacks unarmed. These increases do
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
not interact with the character’s maximum dice from Charms,
Duration: Instant
either by raising the cap or counting against it, and may raise
Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Swine Form
traits above 5.
The Boar’s greatest weapon is its charge, and the Smiling
The martial artist’s physical stature, now at least 25% larger
Sage, bon vivant that he is, is no less acquainted with the raw,
than before, makes him a more vulnerable target and impedes
brutal power and combat utility of a good charge than the el-
his movements somewhat. While this Charm is active the Exalt
dest, most battles scarred Wild Hog. The Sage trundles for-
suffers -1 point of armored mobility penalty (which cannot be
ward, carried on by his immense bulk, rather than by his ability
ignored through Charms) and can be attacked by 6 targets at
to run. Some Smiling Sages roll, rather than run, tumbling like
once instead of the normal 5. This does mean, however, that
living boulders, others charge like true boars, and still others
he must be surrounded by 6 targets instead of just 5 before he
hurl themselves bodily through the air. The form this attack
suffers an automatic surprise attack.
takes is unique to each martial artist, but the Charm is unmis-
takable to those who have seen it before.

Chapter Two • The Lotus Bulb 19

The martial artist surges forward up to (Stamina) yards and Having internalized the lessons of the Boar, and mastered its
crashes into his target. His travel is unimpeded by difficult ter- ways the Exalt gains a preternatural spiritual affinity for Charms
rain and unaffected by encumbrance. The Exalt strikes the which emulate the lessons of this style and which embody the
target with terrible, crushing force and has a base damage of philosophy of the Smiling Sage. Having learned this Charm, the
(Stamina + Strength)B Piercing. This frequently leaves the martial artist may, when he activates the form Charm for this
target on his back in a ditch that the Exalts terrible onslaught style, also activate up to half his Compassion (round up) Sage
tore in the ground. If the attack does any damage at all both the (Pig) Charms with it. He must pay the full cost to do so, but
target of the attack and anyone within (Essence x 2) yards of raises their duration (where applicable) to one scene and acti-
him must roll against knockdown at a difficulty of the Smiling vates them reflexively. Should the form terminate, the effects
Sage’s (Essence). The target adds the levels of damage inflicted of these Charms do as well. Variable cost Sage (Pig) Charms are
by the attack to this Difficulty. This attack cannot benefit from activated at their lowest possible level, but may, in subsequent
any standard weaponry, natural or otherwise. actions, be activated normally to increase their effects. It is also
possible, on subsequent actions, while this form is active, to
Sow Defends Her Young Insight activate the normal duration version of the Charms and gain
Cost: —(+2m per target, 1wp); Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4;
their benefits twice. However, Only the instance of the Charm
Type: Permanent
activated with the Form has an extended duration.
Keywords: None
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: Furious Guardianship Charge
Celestial Rabbit Style
The Rabbit Style Martial Art is a curious one indeed, often
The Smiling Sage may attack whomsoever threatens that
overlooked, even at the hight of its popularity during the Late
which he prizes. Like the Wild Sow defending her den, the
First Age, the style is not nearly so ostentatious or flashy as
Smiling Sage’s loyal guardianship knows no limits. This Charm
other martial arts. Indeed, in many ways it is a reaction to the
Modifies its pre-requisite. By adding 1wp to the cost of this
more overt and showy Animal Styles, most notably Celestial
Charm the attack becomes unblockable. Provided they are all
Rooster Style, prizing instead presence of mind and timing over
roughly in the same direction, the Sage can target (Essence ÷
brute force and ferocity. The Rabbit Style always had a small
2) targets with this Charm, altering the trajectory of his charge
but dedicated following among those who valued a degree of
to strike them all en route to his main target. Therefore every
quiet, understated, elegance and who were of a more medita-
targets must be within (Stamina) yards of each other.
tive, thoughtful bent. Diplomats, Courtiers, both Celestial and
Consummate Porcine Delectation Terrestrial, relished the Rabbit Style, more than anything, for
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: its minimalist approach to combat.
Supplemental Celestial Rabbit Style emphasizes thoughtful analysis, and its
Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping, Touch practitioners spend much of a battle assessing their opponent
Duration: Instant rather than seeking to overwhelm them with relentless offense.
Prerequisite Charms: Mighty Hog Expansion, Hale Boar When a Rabbit stylist strikes a blow it is always decisive, not
Technique because of the power or strength of the fighter, but because
The Boar’s Tusks maim, and eviscerate those they cut, tear- the attack was delivered with expert timing and exactly the
ing flesh savagely asunder and spilling blood. The Smiling Sage right amount of force. Measured and thoughtful in all things,
does not relish such cruelty, and cannot, though the fury of the Rabbit Stylist does not go in for excess brutality or flashy
his stewardship is great, permit himself to commit such violent moves, but employs a strong defense, even retreating when he
acts. Though reluctant to spill blood, he has no compunctions must find a more favorable position. He then strikes quickly
about causing his foes to hemorrhage raw essence. Should an and decisively, and any doubt his earlier caution might have
attack supplemented by this Charm strike a target successfully, cast on his prowess with fist, foot or blade, is dispelled.
the Smiling Sage may drink deeply of his foes essence, drawing Weapons and Armor: This style cannot be practiced in ar-
the sweetest nectar in creation into his being with a contented mor, but permits the use of bucklers and target shields (though
sigh. The Exalt rolls his 3 dice for every level of damage he nothing larger). This style treats rapiers and their artifact
inflicts with the supplemented attack. Each success on this roll equivalents as form weapons.
spills a single, precious mote from the wound. If the Smiling Complementary Abilities: This style, though not showy,
Sage has Celestial Gourmand’s Appetite active he reflexively requires swift reflexes and speedy reaction. No character who
draws these motes into himself (subject to that limits of that does not have at least Athletics or Dodge 2, Melee 1, and
Charm’s reservoir). If that Charm is inactive then the motes are Awareness 2 would be able to learn this style. Sifus who teach
still lost, but vanish in a brilliant flash of light. The Exalt can- this art also generally hope their students have Wits 3, though
not steal more motes than his opponent has in his pool. this isn’t necessarily a requirement.
Celestial Swine Combat Internalization Sagacious Preservaton Alertness
Cost: — ; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Keywords: None Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Permanent Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Sow Defends Her Young Insight, Prerequisite Charms: None
Consummate Porcine Delectation

20 Chapter Two • The Lotus Bulb

The Rabbit is vigilant, ever alert and wary of threats to its Judicious Striking Methodology
well being. Though the martial artist may seem at ease, he to Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple
is eternally vigilant. Even when he fails to detect an incoming (Speed 5)
threat, something at the base of his subconscious has always Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Sage (Rabbit)
anticipated the threat. Whenever he would be subject to a sur- Duration: One scene
prise attack the Exalt may activate this Charm. This Charm Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Rabbit Form
guarantees the Exalt a PDV of his (Temperance), before other The martial artist’s evaluates his foes with unerring accu-
Charm effects, against any unexpected attack he failed to an- racy and insight. His mind dissects, with the speed of one who
ticipate, even those he wouldn’t normally be able to (such as knows their life depends on the swiftness of their thought not
attacks from behind), provided the surprise is not ‘perfect’ and the strength of their sword-arm, his opponent’s weaknesses.
resulting from a Charm or effect that does not permit the Exalt Taking a moment to center himself and calm his racing heart,
to anticipate it. Activating this Charm also allows him to ready the Exalt extends their weapon (or open hand) towards her
the Form Weapon for this style reflexively. opponent in a genteel sweeping motion. This gesture of salute
Discerning Sage Appraisal serves to calm her nerves and focus her mind on her weaponry
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental and how best to utilize it. The Player of the Woodland Sage
Keywords: Combo-OK then rolls her unmodified (Temperance + Wits). She may add
Duration: One action a number of dice equal to the successes on this roll to the raw
Prerequisite Charms: Sagacious Preservation Alertness damage of her Martial Arts.
Rabbit Stylist takes time to study his opponents and gauge Fight or Flight Empowerment
the strength of the opposition. When He strikes he does so Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive
only from a place of safety and understanding. This Charm Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
supplements an aim action. When the aim action ends and the Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
martial artist attacks his target he rolls the dice gained from the Prerequisite Charms: Burrow of Self Armament, Judicious
aim action separately and adds the successes from those dice Striking Methodology
to his PDV until the next time his PDV refreshes as well as to Even the Woodland Sage sometimes errs in his calculations
his accuracy. This Charm may not add more than the Exalt’s and allows himself to be struck. In these moments he must fight
Temperance to the character’s PDV the rising terror with the cool iron of his Temperance. Wounds
Prudent Retreat Bolt dealt to the Woodland Sage are instructive, they remind him of
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive his error and offer insight into the strengths of his foes. Touch-
(Step 9) ing his wound and taking a moment to reflect upon it, the Exalt
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack dedicates his mental faculties to minimizing the threat. The
Duration: Instant Woodland Sage Rolls (Wits + Temperance) against a difficulty
Prerequisite Charms: Discerning Sage Appraisal of the essence of the person who wounded him. He adds one
The Woodland Sage knows when he is outmatched and has automatic success to the roll for every health level of damage
the presence of mind to beat a hasty retreat. Feeling his oppo- that target dealt him with that attack, but must contend with
nent is in a position of strength, the Exalt will seek to retreat wound penalties as normal. Thereafter the Exalt gains an un-
and re-engage on more favorable ground. Whenever the Exalt derstanding of that opponent’s combat style. He adds his suc-
uses his PDV to successfully evade a close combat attack he cesses on the roll as automatic successes to all his Martial Arts
may activate this Charm, somersaulting or otherwise bounding actions when facing that opponent.
backwards a number of yards equal to (attack’s base damage Burrow of Self Armament
+ Essence). Should the stylist fail to parry the attack, he may Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple
still activate this Charm to move up to (Post-Soak Damage + (Speed 4)
Essence). Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Sage (Rabbit)
Celestial Rabbit Form Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 4) Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Rabbit Form
Keywords: Form-type It is Judiciousness and caution which preserves the rabbit
Duration: One scene stylist’s life, his understanding of his enemy lends him to even-
Prerequisite Charms: Prudent Retreat Bolt tual, if not speedy, victory. Girding himself with his temper-
His body alert, but relaxed and balanced, the martial artist ate soul, the Exalt may survive even the occasional error in
stands on the balls of his feet and regards the adversary with his calculations. He reacts swiftly to incoming harm, melting
calm composure and a meditative demeanor. He strikes with- away from blows and cushions them with a buffer of essence,
out leaving openings in his defense, and eludes his foes with thus he minimizes harm. Just as natural rabbits retreat to the
uncanny grace. The Exalt reduces the cumulative DV penalty safety of their burrows when threatened, so must Woodland
associated with any Martial Arts attack or flurry made unarmed Sages retreat to the safety of their own Temperance. when this
or with the form weapon by -1, (minimum 0) and adds dice Charm is activated, a second skin of downy white essence, visu-
equal to his Temperance to his Martial Arts when calculating ally evocative of fur (though clearly not fur) enfolds the martial
his Parry DV. artist’s form.

Chapter Two • The Lotus Bulb 21

The martial artist rolls his (Wits +Temperance), suffering an Lagomorphic Combat Internalization
external penalty equal to the number of enemies facing him. He Cost: —; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
adds the number of successes, to his bashing and lethal soak. If Keywords: None
he fails his initial roll however, his meditative state slipped and Prerequisite Charms: Strike The Beleaguered Foe, Fight or
he gave in to the nagging fear that goes hand in hand with that Flight Empowerment
degree of thoughtfulness. In the even that he fails the (Essence Having internalized the lessons of the Rabbit, and mas-
+ Temperance) roll the Charm has no effect but its cost is still tered its ways the Exalt gains a preternatural spiritual affinity
spent. The soak this Charm grants is considered natural. No for Charms which emulate the lessons of this style and which
combination of this Charm and any other can add more than embody the philosophy of the Woodland Sage. Having learned
the character’s unmodified (Wits + Temperance) to the Sage’s this Charm, the martial artist may, when he activates the form
soak for a duration longer than Instant. Charm for this style, also activate up to half his Temperance
Humble Rabbit Technique (round up) Sage (rabbit) Charms with it. These Charms are
Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple activated reflexively, though the martial artist must pay their
(Speed 4) full cost, and, when used in this manner, have a duration of
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, Sage (Rabbit) One Scene.
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions Furthermore, Sage Charms (like Humble Rabbit Technique)
Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Rabbit Form that have conditions that cause them to lapse prematurely, can
Rabbits who live long know that the best way to defend one- be reflexively reactivated by spending the cost of the Charm
self is to present one’s enemies with as small a target as possible. again on the martial artist’s next action. Doing so does not
Thus, a wise rabbit, even when he stands in the middle of a count as a Charm activation. This benefit only applies to
field, is always folded in on himself and disturbs little or noth- Charms activated in conjunction with the Form.
ing with his movements. Reducing his posture, by crouching
even lower and hunching slightly, the martial artist becomes Celestial Turtle Style
a coiled spring of restrained potential movement. All attacks Guarded Sages are not the most praised or famous of heroes,
made against him suffer an additional -1 external penalty. His for they are an understated lot. Humble and quiet. They abhor
reduced stature also makes him harder to fight, reduce the the limelight and tend to lead lives of contentment. That is not
maximum number of people who can attack him at once by 1. to say they do not undertake heroic tasks or fight great battle,
(for example: in an open area up to five enemies could normally they do, but their heroism is often unnoticed or misattributed
assault the character at once, but, with this Charm active, this to others. They like it that way; the Guarded Sage values his
number would be reduced to four). Finally, his reduced stature privacy. When the sanctity of his domain or home is threat-
is more easily defensible, he reduces co-ordinated attack pen- ened, however, the Celestial Turtle stylist will take up arms,
alties by his temperance and onslaught penalties by half that and what foe could be more fearsome than one which carries a
amount (round up). While this Charm is active, however, the fortress with him.
Exalt may not Move, by his own volition or otherwise, more Weapons and Armor: This style treats shields as form weap-
than half his unmodified move rating in a single tick, doing ons and masters of the style can pair the shield with another
so terminates the Charm’s effects. Being clinched or physically weapon. This style can be practiced in armor.
restrained also ends this Charm. Complementary Abilities: This style cannot be learned un-
less the martial artist has at least two dots in Resistance.
Strike the Beleaguered Foe
Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive Living Fortress Integration
(Step 9) Cost: —(2xp); Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack Permanent
Duration: Instant Keywords: None
Prerequisite Charms: Humble Rabbit Technique, Judicious Prerequisite Charms: None
Striking Methodology The Turtle Carries his Shell on his back wherever he might
The Rabbit knows when its enemies are weary of keeping go. He is never without it, and would surely die without it. It is
pace with it and striking empty air. Leaping nimbly away from his armor against the misfortunes of life, his sanctuary, and his
blows the martial artist sets himself up for a devastating coun- home. This Charm permits the Exalt to emulate this symbiotic
terattack which exploits the multifarious holes the attacker’s relationship, making a shield as much a part of his being as a
offensive zeal left open in his defenses. The practitioner makes shell is a part of a turtle’s. Spending two experience and some
a counterattack which adds a number of automatic successes to time handling and generally familiarizing himself with a shield
its attack roll equal to the number of failed attacks the assailant which he owns, the martial artist integrates a portion of his
made against the martial artist during that tick. Thus, if the own life and experience into the weapon. A practitioner may
martial artist used this Charm in response to the third attack bond with only one shield at a time through this Charm and,
in a three attack flurry, all of which failed, he adds 3 successes, if he wishes to switch the attunement to another, must spend
if he applies it in response to a single failed attack, he gains 1 one scene handling the new shield and two more experience.
success. The number of successes gained may not exceed the A shield attuned to in this manner becomes a natural part of
martial artist’s (Temperance). the martial artist’s being, similar to a spirit’s panoply. The object
cannot be disarmed from the martial artist, and can be called

22 Chapter Two • The Lotus Bulb

to his hand with a thought and a reflexive one mote expendi- Otherwise, mundane shields have the following traits: Speed
ture. He must consciously initiate this Ready Weapon action, 5, Accuracy +0, Damage +(shield’s normal Mobility Penalty
so it cannot be used in response to an attack the martial artist × 2)B or +(shield’s normal mobility penalty)L, Defense +1,
didn’t anticipate. Furthermore, the item cannot be stolen, and Rate 2. . Normally, A shield used as a weapon still confers its
the martial artist remains aware of its exact location, so long as bonus to PDV, but does not confer the benefits of its traits from
he remains in physical contact with it on a daily basis, and it being made of a magic material or of fine, exceptional or perfect
remains within 1 mile of his person at all times. quality. If the shield is one attuned to through Living Fortress
Integration, however, she may apply bonuses to its weapon
Sanctuary is No Burden Technique traits if it is fine, exceptional or perfect, or the bonuses for a
Cost: 2m or 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Simple
magical material weapon if it is an artifact shield. Only shields
(Speed 3)
made of one magic material, such as the Thunderbolt Shield,
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sage (Turtle)
benefit in this manner. These magic material bonuses function
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
in addition to any normal benefits the shield gains from being
Prerequisite Charms: Living Fortress Integration
made of a magical material, not in lieu of them, but the shield
After activating the Charm, the martial artist does not suffer
cannot gain the material bonus to its weapon traits twice.
any mobility penalty for using his shield for its duration. He may
also wield it in whichever hand he chooses and, if Best Offense Celestial Turtle Form
Atemi enables him to use it as a weapon, he suffers no penalty Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 4)
for wielding it in his offhand. As a final benefit of this Charm, Keywords: Form-type
he may spend one mote reflexively while it is active to avail Duration: One scene
one of his allies, who must be within melee range of him, of the Prerequisite Charms: Best Offense Atemi, Citadel Body
benefit of his shield for a tick. This does not reduce the martial Method, Sanctuary is No Burden Technique
artist’s DV, but allows the nearby ally to gain a shield bonus to Raising His shield and cautiously tracking his opponents
his for the tick. The practitioner may only do this once per tick with his eyes, the Martial artist adopts the Posture of the Wary
and cannot protect more than one ally in this manner. This Turtle. Completely defended, and yet poised to strike anyone
Charm reduces its cost by one mote when used on a shield that who should assail his defenses. This form permits the Exalt
has been attuned with Living Fortress Integration. to Soak Lethal damage with his full stamina, and strike lethal
blows barehanded, his hands moving in a manner evocative of
Citadel Body Method a turtle’s snapping beak. Furthermore, his defense gain a certain
Cost: 3m or 4m: Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple
natural resilience that makes them impossible to wear down.
(Speed 4)
For the duration, so long as she uses either her bare hands, or
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sage (Turtle)
her shield to defend himself, he doesn’t suffer Onslaught penal-
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
ties to his Martial Arts derived PDV.
Prerequisite Charms: Living Fortress Integration
Expanding upon the symbiosis between self and shield, the Adamant Shell Crush
Turtle Sage makes the protection of the shield truly a part of Cost: 4m or 5m Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type:
himself. When the Sage uses this Charm the parry DV benefit Supplemental
it provides cannot be circumvented by Charms that enable at- Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback, Obvious
tacks to circumvent shield bonuses. In this regard, the shield is Duration: Instant
no longer treated as a separate source of protection, but as an Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Turtle Form
extension of the martial artist’s body. This Charm reduces its The martial artist strikes a resounding blow with his fists or
cost by one mote when used on a shield attuned through Living shield, reinforced by essence and given the impregnable aspect
Fortress Integration. of the shell of the Celestial Tortoise. An attack supplemented
by this Charm doubles its base damage and counts 10’s twice
Best Offense Atemi on the damage roll. Furthermore, if the Sage strikes with a
Cost: 3m: Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
shield attuned with Living Fortress Integration and spends an
Keywords: Combo-OK, Sage (Turtle)
extra mote, the target is thrown back a number of yards equal
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
to levels of damage done. This knockback can be resisted.
Prerequisite Charms: Living Fortress Integration
The Turtle, though he may snap those who threaten his home Snapping Turtle Method
with his savage beak, is not an offensive creature. Instead, he is Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Simple
a creature of defense and repulsion, his impenetrable shell is his (Speed 3)
greatest weapon, his foes exhaust themselves beating against Keywords: Combo-OK, Sage (turtle)
the impenetrable walls of his defenses. When he must fight, Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
and the Guarded Sage knows there are times when no other Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Turtle Form
response will suffice, he may use his defenses as an offense. This For The Duration of this Charm the Exalt no longer Need
Charm turns a shield into a functional weapon. The weapon’s worry about sacrificing his defense’s integrity for offensive ca-
traits vary depending on the size and shape of the shield. Some pability. He may lash out from behind the cover of his own
shields are spiked and will do lethal damage, while others do defenses with impunity. The Sage reduces the total PDV pen-
bashing damage. alty inflicted by his Martial Art’s actions (or flurries thereof)

Chapter Two • The Lotus Bulb 23

by his (Essence). Furthermore, while this Charm is active the The martial artist withdraws beneath an aegis of his own
martial artist reduces the multiple action penalty his mundane shield. His defense is impossibly complete, as if he had with-
flurries suffer by his (Essence). The martial artist’s Dash action drawn into himself. She may using her full (Dexterity + Mar-
increases its speed and DV penalty by one while this Charm is tial Arts) total as her Defense Value for the scene (not dividing
active, because of the difficulty maintaining involved in this the value by two, per her normal Parry DV). This explicitly may
level of defense while also moving swiftly. break the cap on dice adders. If the Exalt activates this Charm
while wielding a shield attuned through Living Fortress Inte-
Tortoise-Denies-the-Eagle Reprisal gration she also becomes immune to surprise, her defense never
Cost: 4m (+1wp); Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type:
fails due to a lack of ability to predict it. Even attacks made
Reflexive (Step 9)
from behind while completely surrounded may be defended
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
against with the martial artist’s full DV.
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Turtle Form Celestial Terrapin Combat Internalization
If the martial artist’s opponent makes an unsuccessful at- Cost: —; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Permanent
tack, the martial artist makes a reflexive counterattack with Keywords: None
her shield, knocking her foe to the ground. The Guarded Sage’s Prerequisite Charms: Iron Abatis Defense, Inviolate Shell
player rolls her full (Dexterity + Martial Arts) reflexively. If the Protection
martial artist’s roll succeeds in striking the opponent, her target Having internalized the lessons of the Turtle, and mastered
suffers no damage but is knocked to the dirt and must fight its ways the stylist gains a preternatural spiritual affinity for
prone (suffering a -2 internal penalty) until he takes a miscel- Charms which emulate the lessons of this style and which
laneous action to get back to his feet. The target rolls (Stamina embody the philosophy of the Guarded Sage. Having learned
+ Resistance) against a difficulty of (Sage’s Essence) to resist this Charm, the martial artist may, when he activates the form
severe dizziness and disorientation from the concussive force Charm for this style, also activate up to half his Temperance
of the impact. Failure inflicts an additional -2 internal penalty (round up) Sage (Turtle) Charms with it. These Charms are
from stunning until the victim’s DV refreshes twice. activated reflexively, though the martial artist must pay their
If the martial artist is wielding a shield that has been attuned full cost, and, when used in this manner, and have a duration of
with Living Fortress Integration she can spend one Willpower one scene. Furthermore, The Exalt may also now a strait sword,
when activating this Charm to attempt to break the weapon. If kama, hooksword, short sword, or the artifact equivalent as any
she does so, she must roll damage as usual against a difficulty of of these weapons, as a form weapons for this style provided they
the Resources cost of the weapon. Success shatters the weapon also wield a shield attuned to with Living Fortress Integration
against his shield. Artifact weapons can’t be broken this way, in the other hand. Should he not be wielding such a shield then
but can still be knocked clear of the target’s grasp if they fail he cannot gain this secondary benefit.
the roll. The difficulty of this roll is equal to the successes on
the damage roll. For every success the resistance roll falls short Hellfire Ballet Style
of the difficulty, the weapon flies one yard away. As the layers of the demon city come crashing together,
gouts of vitriol and toxic fire erupt over the landscape. There
Iron Abatis Defense is much screaming and gnashing of teeth. And in the epicenter
Cost: 3m, 1wp + 2m or 1m per attack; Mins: Martial Arts 5 ,
of this daily armageddon, there stands the master of Hellfire
Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
Ballet Style. Green flames leap from her weapons and hate and
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Sage (Turtle)
wrath sparkles in her eyes. Hers is not a righteous crusade, but
Duration: (Martial Arts) Actions
a crusade of bloody vengeance that shall scorch Creation.
Prerequisite Charms: Tortoise-Denise-The-Eagle Reprisal,
Weapons and Armor: Hellwands, hell-tongue repeaters,
Snapping Turtle Method
and their Creation-based counterparts (firewands and plasma
The Exalt Stands in a guarded stance, his shield held ready
tongue repeaters) are form weapons for this style. It may not be
to deflect incoming blows away from his body and meet out
practiced in armor.
retribution. While this Charm is active, the martial artist may
Complementary Abilities: Learning this style requires, at
pay 2m to make a free reflexive (Step 9), unarmed Martial Arts
least, Archery •••. As an added benefit, martial artists who
counterattack against any target who fails to breach his PDV.
know the Form Charm of this style may, combo any Charm that
This attack uses his full dice pool. As with normal counterat-
can validly enhance an Archery-based attack with the Charms
tacks, this can not respond to other counterattacks, and the
of this style.
stylist may only respond to a given attack with a single counter-
attack. If this counter is made with a shield attuned via Living Ravenous Fiend Preparedness
Fortress Integration, the stylist pays 1m per attack instead. Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Inviolate Shell Protection Duration: Instant
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Prerequisite Charms: None
Keywords: Obvious, Sage (Turtle)
Martial artists find this style not out of enlightenment, nor
Duration: One scene
for the benefit of others, but out of sheer hatred and wrath.
Prerequisite Charms: Adamant Shell Crush, Snapping Turtle
They do not seek wisdom, the seek power and bloody ven-

24 Chapter Two • The Lotus Bulb

geance. They are like Malfeas, who cries out against his own Speed bellow 3. No trait can be raised or lowered by more than
imprisonment with boundless fury, ever seeking conflict. For two points. These boosts to the weapon’s melee stats do not
them violence is not a response, or a tool, but an end unto benefit the weapon’s use as a ranged weapon. As a final benefit
itself. This Charm supplements a Join Battle action, adding the of this Charm, the hellfire dancer may add half her (Martial
hellfire dancer’s (Martial Arts) dice to the roll, so long as it was Arts), round up, to her DDV pool against ranged attacks.
she who initiated the conflict.
Vengeful Titan’s Prowess
Green Sun Scourge Cost: —(1m); Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Permanent
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Simple Keywords: None
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Duration: Permanent
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Hellfire Ballet Form
Prerequisite Charms: Ravenous Fiend Preparedness The hellfire dancer may spend 1m ready her hellwands (or
With the wrathful fury of Malfeas himself, the hellfire dancer other form weapons of this style) instantly, provided they are
squeezes the trigger of her weapon and lets fly with a deluge of on her person, without necessitating the normal miscellaneous
baleful green flame. As the algarel ammunition detonates in a action. Furthermore, if she has the Hellfire Ballet Form active,
gout of green fire, this blasphemous conflagration is augmented she may reload such a weapon reflexively, at a cost of 1m. She
by the reservoirs of the dancer’s own hatred and wrath. Stoked must have the appropriate ammunition for the weapon, how-
into veritable verdant bonfire, the flame that erupts from the ever.
barrel is far more potent and bright than it ought to be. This
Charm supplements an attack with one of the style’s form
Champion of the Baleful Sun
Cost: 8m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
weapons, doubling its raw damage, and allowing the dancer to
(Speed 5)
count tens twice on the damage roll.
Keywords: Obvious
Insidious Emerald Consumption Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental Prerequisite Charms: Vengeful Titan’s Prowess
Keywords: Combo-OK The movements of the hellfire dancer are unnaturally swift
Duration: Instant and precise. Her body blurs as he takes on the speed of the rays
Prerequisite Charms: Green Sun Scourge of the Demon City’s green sun. She trails faint green essence
No barrier can slow vitriol. It seethes through the toughest behind her as she becomes so quick she is almost impossible to
barrier and dissolves to feed it’s never-ending hunger. An un- see. This Charm enables the hellfire dancer to, once per action,
armed Martial Arts attack supplemented by this Charm gains make a free miscellaneous action without needing a flurry. She
the piercing tag. Furthermore, if this attack is made against a cannot use this action to activate a Charm. However, she could
target that is a subject of one of the hellfire dancer’s negative reflexively attack once with his weapon while leaping across
Intimacies, it ignores armor altogether. the yawning chasm between two Chiaroscuran skyscrapers.
While this Charm is active the hellfire dancer also increases
Hellfire Ballet Form her movement speed by her (Essence) yards.
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple
Keywords: Form-type, Obvious Laughter and Torment Counter
Duration: One scene Cost: 5m (+1wp); Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type:
Prerequisite Charms: Green Sun Scourge, Insidious Emerald Reflexive (Step 9)
Consumption Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack
The beauty of the hellfire ballet is marred only by the mortal Duration: Instant or one action
peril it presents to even distant spectators. Green tongues of Prerequisite Charms: Vengeful Titan’s Prowess
vitriolic fire dance and flicker from the barrels of the hellfire The virtuosos of the Hellfire Ballet are fearsome combatants.
dancer’s guns while this Form is active. A miasma of Malfean Just as none can assail the green sun of the Demon City and es-
fumes, green and noxious, ooze out of the weapon and hang cape unscathed, so too do these dancers punish those hubristic
heavy in the air about the dancer, her eyes glinting with the re- enough to provoke their ire.
flected menace of Ligier. The dancer moves in jerking, abrupt, The hellfire dancer may reflexively activate this Charm to
angular gestures, pivoting sharply, aiming almost without a make a counterattack against any opponent who attacks her
thought, and firing at odd angles. her accuracy does not suf- unsuccessfully. This attack must be a ranged attack made with
fer from this wild, yet tightly restrained, fury. She is a terrible a form weapon of this style. If the Form is active, the Martial
whirlwind, a fiend from the depths of hell, the fury of the Titans artist may instead make a melee attack using the butt of his
given flesh and form. firearm. The attack is made at the dancer’s full dicepool. This
While this form Charm is active, the hellfire dancer may attack is a savage blow which automatically forces the subject
use her hellwands to make hand-to-hand attacks (wielding the to check against knockdown.
butt of the gun as a club or cudgel); mechanically, the gun-butt By paying an additional Willpower, the hellfire dancer can
uses the traits of a tonfa. The dancer may allocate a number extend this effect’s duration until her next action, allowing her
of bonus dots equal to her (Martial Arts) among the weapon’s to freely make counterattacks against anyone who tries and
Rate, Accuracy, Damage or Defense. Additionally, Speed can fails to strike her, once per failed attack.
be reduced, but doing so costs two dots and cannot lower the

Chapter Two • The Lotus Bulb 25

Gift of the Wrathful God Judgment of the Maimed King
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple Cost: 4m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type:
Keywords: Combo-OK, Crippling Supplemental
Duration: Instant Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Prerequisite Charms: Laughter and Torment Counter Duration: Instant
A gruesome expression of the burning wrath of Malfeas, fo- Prerequisite Charms: In Damnation’s Clutches
cused into a single beam of brilliant emerald light, erupts from The hellfire dancer presses her blasphemous weapon against
the hellfire dancer’s weapon and burns through her foe. a vital area of her hostage’s anatomy, her eyes gleaming with
This Charm is a called shot attack with the hellfire dancer’s malevolent glee and the reflected flames of the Hell-Sun Ligier.
form weapon. However, instead of a gout of green flame and She smiles, laughs, or otherwise lays bare the monstrousness of
noxious, vitriolic fumes, the energy is focused into a relatively her nature and the depth of her hatred and wrath, and then ex-
narrow shaft of brilliant green light, as bright and as fierce as ecutes her victim. This Charm supplements a crush attack on
the light of Ligier. This beam causes terrible, searing damage as a victim the hellfire dancer has clinched with In Damnation’s
it passes clean through the targeted body part, leaving naught Clutches. Instead of a normal crush, she makes an unarmed
but charred flesh, sinew and gristle in its wake. Martial Arts attack with the form weapon of this style against
The hellfire dancer rolls a normal (Dexterity+Martial Arts) her clinched victim. The attack hits automatically, for she is
attack, which suffers a -4 external penalty for being a called firing from point blank and there is no possibility of a miss,
shot. This attack targets a specific part of the body. Should the doing aggravated damage, and the dancer adds (her Essence)
attack hit and do one or more levels of damage, that damage successes to the damage roll. At this range the mundane metals
instead becomes one level of aggravated damage. The affected are turned to molten slag and even the magical materials are
character also suffers an amputation effect (Exalted, p. 152) momentarily superheated by the vitriolic flames. They offer no
due to severe damage to the limb or body part pierced by the protection to their wearer, the damage ignoring armor.
lance of infernal fire. This is not an amputation, merely render- Deaths caused by this Charm are always gruesome: a head
ing the limb useless, so an Exalt can heal the Crippling effect cut from the body by a torrent of fire, a hole the size of a melon
normally as soon as the aggravated damage heals. bored into the chest cavity, or something of that nature. No
one who sees the corpse, with its charred flesh and exposed
In Damnation’s Clutches viscera, will be able to ignore the infernal nature of the char-
Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type:
acter’s demise.
Keywords: Combo-OK
Duration: Indefinite
Laughing Imp Style
In Malfeas there is a silence more terrifying than any roar,
Prerequisite Charms: Champion of the Baleful Sun, Gift of
and a laughter more damning than any death sentence. The
the Wrathful God.
Silent Wind Adorjan sweeps over the land, and in her wake
This Charm supplements a clinch attack. Once the clinch
she leaves a trail of destruction. Created as a glorious tribute to
succeeds, the hellfire dancer can shift her hold to a highly ef-
her by an ancient akuma, the Laughing Imp style emulates the
fective, one handed grip. This allows her to maintain control of
lethal humor of Adorjan.
her victim and keeps one had free to wield her firearm. As long
Weapons and Armor: This style may not be practiced in ar-
as she holds the victim and keeps this Charm active, the dancer
mor, it may be used with nunchaku, sais, seven-section staves,
may use the victim as a human shield. The victim provides a
or their artifact equivalents.
+2 cover bonus to her DVs. Attacks that miss the dancer in-
Complementary Abilities: In addition to being rooted in
stead hit the clinched victim, who may not defend since they
taunting the opponent with the futility of his very existence,
are held in a clinch. Attacks that bypass the hellfire dancer’s
Laughing Imp Style is highly athletic and requires at least two
defenses still strike her, not the restrained victim. As a final
dots in each Dodge, Athletics, and Presence to learn.
benefit, since she need only hold her hostage tight against her
Because of its resonance with her nature, masters of this style
to avoid being struck, a feat which is hardly taxing, the hellfire
may add their (Martial Arts) to their prayer rolls to Adorjan or
dancer’s mininum PDV pool may not be lowered below her (Es-
her subsidiary souls.
sence + 2) instead of (Essence). (This does not apply to wound
penalties and the DV penalties from actions, as normal.) Laughing in the Rain of Blades
The hellfire dancer makes rolls to retain control of the clinch Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
reflexively without a need to flurry. Indeed, she may move, (Step 2)
jump and act as normal, subject only to a few restrictions. Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
While maintaining the clinch she may only make attacks using Duration: One tick
a form weapon for this style. Furthermore, she may not take Prerequisite Charms: None
dash actions. Finally, she may crush the victim to inflict dam- The laughing imp vexes attackers with her easy, mocking
age (without using the next Charm, Judgment of the Maimed manner and her quicksilver reflexes. The more she turns aside
King), as she is only using one arm and cannot apply sufficient the weapons of her assailants, the more furious they become,
force. She may throw them as usual, however. Indeed, Hellfire and the more impossible she is to strike. The imp’s hands and
Ballet Masters frequently hurl victims clinched in this manner weapons flick easily into the path of incoming attacks, turning
at their enemies to provide a few moments of distraction. them aside with maddening ease.

26 Chapter Two • The Lotus Bulb

This Charm negates onslaught penalties to the imp’s un- the wondrous levity with him. Only through his cracked and
armed martial arts PDV, up to his (Martial Arts). Additionally, warped perception can the truth be seen clearly. His foes find
as the fury of her enemies is something she can easily exploit, his madness unsettling and enraging and they strike with great-
the laughing imp benefits from an onslaught bonus to her PDV er fury, which seems to embolden him and make him even more
equal to the benefit she would normally suffer, up to a maxi- elusive as he flows around and past them, like a mad and deadly
mum of (5 − the attacker’s Temperance). wind. While this form is active the martial artist adds one to the
dice bonus (but not other rewards) of all stunts that emphasize
I’m Over Here Revelation cracked, and profoundly cruel, humor and the whimsical, light-
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Tiype: Reflexive
hearted, and wholly inhuman malice. Furthermore, this Charm
(Step 2)
reduces the multiple action penalties the martial artist’s flurries
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
suffer by his (Essence). While this Charm is active the Exalt
Duration: Until next action
cannot succeed at compassion rolls.
Prerequisite Charms: None
The laughing imp knows how to throw her foes off balance Unman the Opposition Method
both physically and mentally. Deftly evading an attack, she dis- Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
rupts her target’s balance, evading their perception for a key (Step 9)
moment. When activated in response to a single attack, this Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Counterattack
Charm adds a number of successes equal to the difference be- Duration: Instant
tween the attacker’s attack roll and the imp’s DV to an attempt Prerequisite Charms: Laughing Imp Form
to reestablish surprise on the imp’s next action. This Charm When enemies beset the Laughing Imp, he dances away, but
does not negate penalties for reestablishing surprise in combat. if they press their case he is happy to take their weapons away.
The Laughing Imp wants an audience for his farce of madness,
Insult to Injury Method he wants them to see the humor of the broken world, if that
Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
means taking their toys from them then he is more than able to
(Step 1)
do so. In response to an attack which the martial artist parries
Keywords: Combo-OK, Emotion, Obvious
successfully (if unarmed, he may do so with his bare hands) he
Duration: Instant
may attempt to disarm his attacker, gaining a number of suc-
Prerequisite Charms: I’m Over Here Revelation, Laughing in
cesses on the attempt equal to the amount by which his PDV
the Rain of Blades
exceeded their attack roll (to a maximum of his Martial Arts
In combat it is important to keep one’s wits intact. The laugh-
rating). Use of a perfect parry grants maximum reward provid-
ing imps, however, find that sort of restraint dull and draining,
ed it was made with this style’s form weapon. If the opponent is
so they substitute for personal composure the ability to drive
unarmed (or the martial artist wishes to do this instead) he may
others to distraction. The laughing imp may invoke this Charm
attempt a sweep counterattack in lieu of the disarm attempt.
when striking his foe to seamlessly integrate some sort of irritat-
The sweep gains the same extra successes as the counterattack,
ing, distracting, or suggestive gesture into his movements. Her
though this Charm does not negate the normal penalties as-
opponents find themselves quite vexed by her light hearted ir-
sociated with either attempt.
reverence. Compare the results of the imp’s attack roll to the
target’s DMDV; the attack beats the DMDV and strikes the Cackling Jester Onslaught
target, the foe is so maddened by the imp’s cavalier irreverence Cost: 3m/attack, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type:
that they have trouble focusing on the battle. The foe takes an Extra Action
internal penalty on all actions equal to the amount by which Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
the attack successes exceeded his DMDV, until his DV next re- Duration: Instant
freshes. The foe can focus and ignore this mental influence by Prerequisite Charms: Laughing Imp Form
spending one Willpower, though they must still contend with Those beset by the laughing Imp have little choice but to
the imp’s physical attack. attempt to whether the ceaseless storm of jeers and blows.
His strikes, like his ceaseless mocking laughter, are not force-
Laughing Imp Form ful, earth shaking blows. That would be easy to resist. Rather
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Simple (Speed 5)
his attacks are persistent and unnerving, wearing away at his
Keywords: Form-type
target. The martial artist may make up to his (Essence + 1)
Duration: One scene
martial arts attacks against a single target. Every attack after
Prerequisite Charms: I’m Over Here Revelation, Laughing in
the first suffers a compounding multiple action penalty of -1.
the Rain of Blades
However, the onslaught of blows is difficult to whether and
The martial artist takes a relaxed, jaunty stance as he slips
taxes both body and soul, the Onslaught penalty from each of
into the mindset of the Laughing Imp. A too-big grin spreads
these attacks is doubled. This magical flurry’s total number of
across his face and he comes to see the world for the farce it is.
attacks cannot exceed the weapon’s Rate, and it suffers a DV
He laughs, both at the scope and profundity of the joke, and
penalty equal to half the cumulative penalties of all attacks in
at the idiocy of those who seem to miss the humor. He moves
the flurry.
with a jocular ease, laughing at his assailants and trying to share

Chapter Two • The Lotus Bulb 27

Gleeful Insanity Technique in a savage, almost invisible wall of deadly steel, the martial
Cost: 5m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: artist exudes a destructive shockwave that smothers the area
Supplemental around him in silent death. This crushing pressure blasts out
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious from his whirling weaponry as he performs the elaborate, caper-
Duration: Instant ing death-dance, as part of a martial arts strike, he flattens the
Prerequisite Charms: Laughing Imp Form world around him beneath the sound dampening pressure of
The Laughing imp wears his contempt for life and his amuse- his hate. Even the martial artist is punished by this descending
ment at its destruction on his sleeve. Striking a blow that is deathstorm. Only the mocking laughter of the martial artist
as ostentatious as it is nearly fatal, the martial artist does not can be heard. In this zone of silent death the martial artist can
kill a target, but rather conveys to the hapless victim exactly kill with impunity. This attack supplements a Martial Arts at-
how meaningless his existence is. With flourish of a blade and tack, applying the attack, as an invisible, unblockable, strike
a chuckle, the Laughing Imp can display his sociopath urges to to everything within (Martial Arts) Essence yards. The martial
such effect that he reduces a stalwart warrior to tears and hor- artist needn’t even strike a target, he need only strike the air
ror. This attack supplements a attempt at Showing-off (Exalted and his essence expands outwards crushing everyone within
2nd, p. 158), where the attacker strikes the target in such a way range. The damage from this Charm bypasses armored soak and
that he non-lethally demonstrates his callousness and deadli- affects both the material and immaterial worlds, all mundane
ness, if the attack hits, it does no damage. Instead, the martial objects and structures take damage from this attack and those
artist rolls (Charisma + Martial Arts) against the MDV, of the that are not significant should be assumed to be destroyed. Fi-
target. If successful he applies an external penalty equal to the nally, all targets within range of the attack must check against
difficult of the Showing-off penalty against the target’s com- knockdown.
bat actions for the rest of the scene. This reflects the sheer,
paralytic terror that grips the target and makes even the most Unbroken Bough Style
mundane undertaking an ordeal. The penalty endures for the Unbroken Bough Style was developed by a Shogunate era
rest of the scene unless the target spends 2wp to resist it. When Sidereal who became enamored of life in the Woods of the East.
the target spends the martial artist’s (Essence) in willpower, he This style is, itself, a love letter to the mighty trees and forests
become immune for one scene. of that direction. Those who practice it are often ascetics and
hermits, and certainly posses a strong love of the woods. How
Malicious Jester Deflection else could they practice an art which is so plainly reverential of
Cost: 8m Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive (Step 2) such things?
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious Weapons and Armor: This style treats staves (and their ar-
Duration: Instant tifact equivalents) as form weapons. It is compatible with ar-
Prerequisite Charms: Unman the Opposition Method mor made of cloth, green jade, or other organic materials that
The One thing the Laughing Imp delights in more than resonate with the element of wood (spider-silk, leather—even
spreading the joy and humor of its own nihilistic philosophy, synthetic—-or the vegetative armors of the Dragon Kings, for
is visiting a portion of the pain and betrayal it feels in it heart instance).
upon other. With casual flick of her wrist, the Martial artist’s Complementary Abilities: To learn this style, a martial artist
weapons guide a would-be assailant’s attack past her and into must have Survival ••, as a minimum. Masters also frequently
the heart of another. The more enraged the opponent, the have Craft (Wood), as constructing one’s own staff is a rite of
more given to excess, the more vulnerable to her they are. With passage that marks the transition from student to master.
a smile and a laugh she says, “oops.” and then she dances away.
Subject to an attack, the martial artist spend 8m. Doing so, she Bending Sapling Defense
rolls her (Martial Arts + Essence) against a difficulty of their Cost: 2m; Mins: Martial Arts 2, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
Temperance, if she is successful she may apply the same attack, (Step 2)
augmented by all the same Charms, to another target within Keywords: Combo-OK, Stackable
that attack’s range. She may not apply the attack directly to Duration: Instant
the attacker Prerequisite Charms: None
The bough is strong, but more than that, it is wise and judi-
Silent Laughter Force cious in its application of its strength. The unbroken bough
Cost: 7m, 1wp, 1lhl; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: allows this wisdom to inform his defense. When he parries a
Simple melee attack (either unarmed or with a form weapon), he not
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious only absorbs the force of the attack but, through careful timing
Duration: Instant and martial prowess, unbalances his opponent.
Prerequisite Charms: Unman the Opposition Method This Charm adds one to the action penalty the attacker suf-
The Laughing Imp would see Creation end amidst a chorus fers as a result of making the attack which was parried, and
of laughter and tears, the malevolent jester would dance on prevents the unbroken bough from suffering onslaught penal-
the worlds grave and do it happily, for he sees little difference ties from that attack. The penalty this Charm imposes vanishes
between a dead joke and a living one. Reflecting the empti- when the attacker’s DV refreshes.
ness and nihilistic outlook, the martial artist may share his de- This Charm cannot be used against a ranged attack.
structive glee with the world. Whirling his weapons about him

28 Chapter Two • The Lotus Bulb

Ancient Oak Rebuff The unbroken bough adds his (Essence) to his PDV while
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive wielding the style’s form weapon, and half that amount while
(Step 2) unarmed (though his ability to bend, but not break, when
Keywords: Combo-OK, Counterattack, Knockdown struck allows him to parry lethal damage unarmed). He also
Duration: Instant reduces the speed of all unarmed martial arts attacks, by -1 (to
Prerequisite Charms: Bending Sapling Defense a minimum of 3).
The power of the ancient oak is startling. So rooted is it in Bristling Pine Disarmament
the earth that those who would try to overpower it often find Cost: 3m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 2; Type: Reflexive
themselves thrown to the earth by the unbending rectitude of (Step 2)
its trunk. In response to an attack, the unbroken bough roots Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Counterattack
himself to the ground in the balanced pose of the rooted oak, Duration: Instant
and activates this Charm. Should he parry the attack success- Prerequisite Charms: Unbroken Bough Form
fully, his defense is so forceful that he can sometimes knock his The branches of a pine extend outward, cloaking the tree’s
opponent to the ground. This often manifests as the unbroken trunk with a aegis of nettles and limbs. The unbroken bough
bough, having caught a sword swing on the middle of his staff, similarly attempts to dissuade those who would attack him
pushing back against the opponent at the instant of contact, from their course of action. By exploiting his weapon’s reach
destroying their equilibrium, or some other feat that demon- and his own whiplike reflexes, the unbroken bough may strike
strates his mastery of both force, timing, and flexibility. at his opponent and render them helpless.
Mechanically, the attacker, after his attack has been par- This Charm permits the martial artist to attempt to disarm
ried, must roll to resist knockdown at a difficulty equal to the any melee ranged attacker as a counterattack. This disarm does
amount by which his attack roll failed. This difficulty is never not suffer the normal penalties for such an attempt. This Coun-
greater than the unbroken bough’s (Martial Arts). terattack occurs in Step 2 of attack resolution and is resolved
This Charm is a counterattack, and penalizes the unbroken before the opponent’s attack. If successful the attacker loos-
bough’s DVs accordingly. This Charm cannot be used against a es his weapon and, though he cannot abort the attack, must
ranged attack or against a Counterattack. make the attack unarmed. Should the attack benefit from any
Mighty Yew Technique Charms that cannot supplement an unarmed strike, the attack-
Cost: 4m; Mins: Martial Arts 3, Essence 2; Type: Supplemental er still spends the motes, but the Charms do mnot function.
Keywords: Combo-OK Leaf and Branch Reprisal
Duration: Instant Cost: 8m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive
Prerequisite Charms: Ancient Oak Rebuff Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious, Counterattack
With the flexibility and strength of a young tree, the unbro- Duration: One action
ken bough strikes with strength born of his own flexibility and Prerequisite Charms: Bristling Pine Disarmament
agility, as well as brute force. By this point in his training, the unbroken bough has mas-
This Charm supplements an unarmed martial arts attack. tered the poise, grace, and flexibility of the most mighty and
Vaulting over his staff and using its supple power to propel him ancient trees. When attacked, he responds not with fear and
towards his foe and add momentum to the force of his blows, human emotion, but with the impassive tranquility of nature.
the unbroken bough may add his (Dexterity) to the raw dam- Though he may smile amiably at an attacker, the unbroken
age of his attack. This Charm is somewhat limited when used bough is no pushover; indeed, his serenity makes him a danger-
without the style’s form weapon. Lacking the staff with which ous foe indeed. This Charm may be activated in response to any
to vault, the character must emulate the unique flexibility of attack the unbroken bough elects to dodge. If he successfully
the bough with his own body. Used without a staff, this Charm dodges the attack, he leaps into the air, coming to rest upon
adds only (Dexterity ÷ 2) raw damage. the attacker’s weapon, as perfectly balanced as a leaf upon a
Unbroken Bough Form stem. From there, the he may make an unarmed martial arts
Cost: 5m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 2; Type: Simple (Speed 5) counterattack at his full dice pool.
Keywords: Form-type. Obvious Furthermore, because the unbroken bough, like a sparrow
Duration: One scene on the branch of at tree, on the attacker’s weapon, his oppo-
Prerequisite Charms: Mighty Yew Technique nent cannot use that weapon to parry. Instead, the opponent
With the regal bearing of an towering pine, the silent still- can only parry with another readied weapon or one that can
ness of an ancient oak, and the flexibility of a sappling, the be readied reflexively, drop that weapon and attempt to parry
is somewhat limited, in both manner and bearing, evokes the unarmed, or dodge. In this way he is considered functionally
virtues of these titans of the wood. Holding his weapon in both disarmed for the instant the unbroken bough attacks. Unlike
hands, he faces his opponent. His stance is wide and low; firm, other counterattacks this Charm imposes a -2 DV penalty, due
yet relaxed; and ready to bend and move in the wind of com- to the sheer volume of athletic movement it involves. This
bat. While he stands thus, nothing can break him. Charm cannot be used to counter a ranged attack.

Chapter Two • The Lotus Bulb 29

Thrashing Elm Technique The unbroken bough may enhance Unbroken Bough Form
Cost: 3m; Mins: Martial Arts 4, Essence 3; Type: Reflexive with this Charm when activating it, by adding an additional
Keywords: Combo-OK, Knockback, Knockdown, Obvious +1m to the Form’s cost. Thereafter, the unbroken bough re-
Duration: One action duces the cost of all Charms of this style by 1m. This reduc-
Prerequisite Charms: Unbroken Bough Form tion in cost also applies to all wood-aspected Dragon-Blood
The unbroken bough’s blows are augmented by sudden, Charms, wood-aspected terrestrial martial arts Charms, and
whip-like movements, adding force to his strikes. He batters wood-aspected Elemental Charms. (This does not include ev-
his foes aside with his blows, hurling them back so that he may ery Charm possessed by a Wood Elemental, but only Charms
engage them only on his terms. specifically dealing with the element of wood, such as Wood
Every time the unbroken bough damages a target with an Affinity Control.) Because of the unbroken bough’s resonance
unarmed martial arts attack for this Charm’s duration, he may with the Element of Wood, this cost reduction applies automat-
opt to automatically causes knockback to the target. He hurls ically in areas that are densely forested and located in the East,
targets back (Essence ÷ 2) yards for each level of damage without the 1m commitment, as long as the Form is active.
inflicted, and they must then succeed at a difficulty 2 check This Charm may never reduce the cost of a Charm by more
against knockdown or land prone. than half. This is otherwise cumulative with other discounts.
Interestingly, this Charm is also compatible with the Wood
Tree Fells the Woodsmen Dragon Form, and can be activated in conjunction with that
Cost: 2m +1m per attack, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Form as well.
Type: Extra Action
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Champion of the Emerald Flow
Duration: One action Cost: 7m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: Simple
Prerequisite Charms: Thrashing Elm Technique, (Speed 5)
The unbroken bough whirls his staff about him, fending off Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
his foes as they press in from all sides. In some instances he Duration: One scene
focuses his fury on only one or two targets, and it is a terrible Prerequisite Charms: Burning Hawthorn Understanding
thing indeed. In other cases he opts to spin his staff in an elabo- The unbroken bough resonates fully with the woodland. He
rate series of arcs around his body, striking each target once. communes with the trees and the forests and they nourish his
This second method is less damaging to individual targets, but being. Wood yields to his touch and protects him. For his part,
may strike more opponents. the unbroken bough has come to understand the wood, and
This Charm may be used in two ways: through it, the cycle of life. He knows the cyclical nature of
• The unbroken bough may make magical flurry of (Essence) life and death and can appreciate its beauty and necessity. Like
unarmed martial arts attacks against any targets within melee the leaf that falls in autumn, dancing, even in the throes of its
range, up to a maximum of his weapon’s Rate. own death, he will revel forever, and find joy in every moment
• Alternatively. while wielding a staff (or other form weap- of life.
on), the unbroken bough may sweep his staff about his body in When he desires, an eruption of living essence pours forth
whirlwind of punishing furry. He makes a single attack against from the unbroken bough’s anima. This makes the unbroken
each target within melee range, regardless of their number and bough transcendently serene and joyful. He adds the lower of
unlimited by Rate. He may not move between attacks. This his (Survival) or (Performance) to his PDV calculation, reflect-
function is often combined with Thrashing Elm Technique for ing the sinuous dance of windblown trees and falling leaves,
truly impressive effects. which he mirrors in his movements, and in the way his staff,
invigorated by the living essence pouring out of him, seems to
Burning Hawthorn Understanding dance and sway as well. Furthermore, this negates all wound
Cost: —(0m or 1m); Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 3; Type: penalties, and up to the unbroken bough’s (Martial Arts) in
Permanent onslaught penalties to his DVs. Coordinated attack penalties
Keywords: Obvious are reduced by half his (Martial Arts).
Prerequisite Charms: Tree Fells the Woodsmen, Leaf and Most impressively, however, while under this Charm’s ef-
Branch Reprisal fects, the unbroken bough’s strikes drain 1m from targets when
There is a lesson to be learned from the hawthorn, whose he strikes them with martial arts attacks. This essence flashes
wood—through its intimate connection with the vital energy out of the opponent’s body, manifesting as some floral display,
of the world—provides the hottest fire and burns the longest. such as a rain of petals or leaves. The unbroken bough does not
Long study has revealed the secret of this connection the un- gain these motes, however; they are absorbed into the ambient
broken bough. Once he has learned this Charm, the unbroken essence of Creation as soon as they leave the opponent’s body.
bough stylist shares this intimate knowledge of life essence, However, if he is wielding a form weapon made of Green Jade,
and so, like the hawthorn, burns hotter and longer than his because the weapon acts as a conduit for life essence, he gains
fellows. Mastery of this Charm reflects a new understanding of not only the benefit of the magical material, but absorbs the
living essence and, through it, allows for greater conservation motes drained by this Charm.
of power.

30 Chapter Two • The Lotus Bulb

Chapter Three

The Lotus Blossom

Golden Home of Wanderers: A Sidereal style exploring the may cross any terrain without regard for difficulty. Although
concepts of place, location, and journeys. she must still roll to maintain her balance if necessary, the
Marital Artist essential ignores all obstacles to her movement.
Golden Home of She suffers no penalties unbalanced, or difficult terrain. Most
impressively, while the Charm is active, the martial artist may
Wanderers Style run up vertical or even inverted surfaces. Assuming such ob-
Sidereal who work in the Golden Barque are all, at least stacles could be circumvented given sufficient acrobatic feats,
nominally aware of it, it is a potent style and oft favored among the martial artist is assumed to do so.
the more itinerant Sidereals. Delving deep into the loom of fate Though he may not perform impossible feats, such as walk-
and the underlying principles of Travel and Place, the Martial ing on water, through a solid object or across hazardous terrain
artist learns to exploit location and displacement, and the fun- (such as lava, etc.) without harm, the Sidereal may essentially
damental essence of Journeys the martial artist can manipulate move wherever he pleases. No external penalties affect the
it and use it to grant him a significant edge in combat. martial artist’s movement. All These benefits apply to all forms
Weapons and Armor: This Style is compatible with the rope of locomotion, not just walking, but also climbing, swimming
dart and the Chain Daiklaive. It may not be used in armor. and Riding. If the martial artist does not move on any tick
Complementary Abilities: To learn this style the martial while this Charm is active, the Charm ends immediately.
artist must have Survival 2 and Ride or Sail 2.
Student’s Sutra of Travel: Once there was a maiden on the Cutting to the Chase Technique
road. Cost: 8m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3,
DV -0)
Unrestrained Wanderer Method Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious
Cost: 6m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Reflexive Duration: Instant
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious Prerequisite Charms: Unrestrained Wanderer Method
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions …crossed a thousand roads.
Prerequisite Charms: None Every seasoned traveler knows that the significant moments
She walked a hundred years… of a journey are often separated by seemingly interminable
The martial artist is accustomed to the ordeal of travel, and expanses of mindless, boring, forward progress. Sidereals who
suffers little form natural impediments to her progress. She know this style may manipulate the flow of Fate and Essence,
moves with speed that is not so much impossibly great as super- effectively “skipping to the important part” of a journey, with-
naturally deft. The martial artist moves at his Dash speed, and out having to endure the dull parts. Provided the stylist could

Chapter Three • The Lotus Blossom 31

reach a point within (Essence) consecutive actions (which may he may make a full Move action in Step 2, this functions as
encompass any type of movement the martial artist is capable a counterattack (even though it does no damage) and there-
of, but may not assume the activation of Charms or effects not fore may not be used against other counterattack Charms. If
already active when the Charm is used). The martial artist side- this Move action carries him out of the reach of his opponents
steps the intervening space, appearing at her intended loca- blade or the current range increment of their attack, the attack
tion without traversing the space in between. This means that, automatically fails and combat resolution proceeds no further.
while the martial artist must be able to travel across the area, by This also interrupts any flurry unless the attacker can close the
running, climbing, leaping, swimming or other means, he need distance somehow. If the attacker has not taken his movement
not necessarily concern himself with the perils of doing so. action yet, he can use it in an effort to close the range between
Any environmental effects, traps, or other hazards that lie in them.
the martial artist’s path may be ignored. Obstructions, such as If the distance the martial artist covers exceeds 1 yard, melee
locked doors or impassible boulders, which can be circumvent- attacks fail, unless they carry the R tag (which then requires the
ed through feats of strength (Exalted, p. 127), may be bypassed stylist to move 3 yards away from the attacker). Ranged attacks
with one of the martial artist’s ‘actions’ as long as the martial fail automatically if the Exalt moves out of the attack’s range.
artist’s Strength + Athletics value must be sufficient to the If the Exalt cannot move, or if the attack is supplemented by
task. Furthermore, because the journey is ‘assumed’ by fate and a Charm that allows it hit with 0 successes, or have infinite
causality, and did not actually happen, the object is not actually range, this Charm offers no protection. The martial artist may
moved or destroyed. When this Charm is activated, the martial only elude his opponent in this manner once per enemy action.
artist vanishes, reappearing three ticks later at his intended lo- The movement this Charm provides is obviously supernatural,
cation. During the interim the martial artist is nonexistent and the marital artist appears to slip into the distance without any
is an invalid target for attacks. The martial artist’s movement conscious effort on his part, as if he had been there all along.
for this Charm can benefit from any relevant Charms he has
active, provided their durations are long enough that they will
Winding Path Assault
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple
not terminate before the martial artist reappears.
(Speed 5)
Horizon Chaser’s Obligation Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious
Cost: 8m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (Speed 3, Duration: Five actions
DV -0) Prerequisite Charms: Cutting to the Chase Technique
Keywords: Combo-OK, Obvious The horizon called to her daily…
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions A True Traveler seldom takes the most direct route, for to
Prerequisite Charms: Cutting To the Chase Technique do so would deprive him of the pleasure of the journey. The
But she could not rest… martial artist adopt the posture of Ambiguous Presence, and
A Traveler cannot tarry one place too long and be a trav- his limbs and weapon seems to twist and shift, occupying and
eler still, for every period of sedentary life two must be spent moving in a way that is wholly unpredictable. The martial art-
in motion. The martial artist may exploit this fact, deliberately ist’s attacks do not approach strait on, but twist and bend im-
standing still and incurring a debt of distance to the maiden of possibly, becoming difficult to anticipate. Unarmed blows twist
journeys, one that must be repaid with interest. For every tick and bend, limbs becoming malleable beyond the capacity of the
the martial artist doesn’t take any Move action, he doubles his human form. Attacks with the form weapon coil like angry ser-
Move distance for the remainder of the scene. This increase pents, following equally impossible trajectories yet loosing none
stacks with itself to a maximum of (Essence) increases. of their efficacy. At the beginning of the Sidereal’s action, Tar-
gets subject to Martial Arts attacks made by the sidereal, must
Vagabond’s Whim Defense (Wits + Awareness) at a difficulty of the Exalt’s (Essence), or
Cost: 12m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Simple (5/-
the attack or flurry becomes unexpected. If the target is an Es-
sence User, and she fails the roll, she may spend 1wp reflexively,
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Counterattack, Obvious
forcing herself to ignore the distracting strangeness of the at-
Duration: (Martial Arts) actions
tack. Doing so enables the target to apply her full DV against
Prerequisite Charms: Horizon Chaser’s Obligation
the martial artist’s attacks for that action. However, her DV’s
…could not linger.
are still reduced by the martial artist’s (Essence) against the
Place is a circumstantial consideration. A true wanderer can
attack, because they remain rather confusing and difficult to
just as easily be in one place as a hundred others. The Sidereal
react to. Charms which negate surprise perfectly, allow the tar-
who learns this Charm masters this detachment from location
get to forgo this roll, but still impose the (Essence) DV penalty
and, like so many vagabonds, uses it to avoid trouble. While
unless the character spends 1wp, in which case he may ignore
this Charm is active, the martial artist is detatched from the
even this for a single action. Any character who spends the Si-
specifics of place and has wedded the Fate of his location to
dereal’s (Essence) in wp resisting this Charm becomes immune
that of his personal location. Whenever he is subject to attack,
to it for a scene.

32 Chapter Three • The Lotus Blossom

Caravan Self Mastery Golden House of Wanderers Form
Cost: 10m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type: Extra Cost: 13m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple
Action Keywords: Form-type, Obvious
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious Duration: One scene
Duration: Instant Prerequisite Charms: Indispensable Journey, Vagabond’s
Prerequisite Charms: Winding Path Assault Whim Defense, One Complete Celestial Martial Art
…and the one place she could not go... The road was her home.
The truly transcendent travelers, Like Luna and Mercury, The martial artist takes the posture of the Student of the
may walk many roads at once, but great thought the Sidereal World his posture is easy and his gaze expansive. Paths form
is, he cannot yet perform that miracle. He can however, divide where he treads and his eyes and anima become shot with wind-
his essence, so that a portion himself might travel several paths, ing reflections of golden light. For the duration of the Charm,
so long a they arrive at the same location. Thus the Sidereal the martial artist is a traveler beyond compare. While on foot,
assures that even if he doesn’t follow the best course, his abil- or riding, he may walk up walls, or even inverted surfaces, as
ity to learn from experience insures eventual success. Thus, as easily as anything. He seems to be able to casually ignore gravity.
a mortal relies upon his forebear’s experiences to ensure his His feet form a path wherever he steps. The path is comprised
success on the road, does the Sidereal blazes the trail for his of Essence hardened into a material appropriate to the Exalt’s
own journey. Activating this Charm, the martial artist releases personality. This path vanishes in his wake into its component
a number of dazzling golden simulacra from his anima. These motes, but it can support the martial artist anywhere, allowing
essence phantasms strike at his foe, blazing a trail for the mar- him to walk through the air or over liquid. It also prevents the
tial artist’s own attack. This Charm enables the martial artist to martial artists feet from ever really touching the earth, which
construct a magical flurry of up to (Essence) unarmed Martial permits him to walk unharmed over dangerous surfaces and
Arts attacks against one target. Each attack benefits from the also leaves no trail. Mundane attempts at tracking the stylist
experience of the one that went before it. Therefore, it suffers, automatically fail.
not normal multiple action penalties, but rather an inversion The martial artist gains a further benefit from this form. By
of them. The martial artist’s first attack gains a dice bonus to folding journeys past and future into the present, the martial
its Accuracy roll equal to half the number of actions in the artist manifests himself at an almost unlimited number of loca-
flurry and every attack after that increases the dice bonus by tions. In lieu of his Move action, the martial artist may vanish
one. Should the dice reach the maximum allowable bonus from from his current location to appear at any other location within
Charms, the additional dice are applied as an internal penalty (Essence x 10) yards, or anywhere he had previously stood in
to the target’s PDV and DDV. This penalty is applied before that scene. The martial artist does not travel to this location,
onslaught but may not reduce DVs below 0. instead he just vanishes from one point and reappears at the
other. Finally, the martial artist gains the benefits of the Charm
Indispensable Journey Unrestrained Wanderer Method.
Cost: 6m per target; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 4; Type:
Simple Endless Expanse Buffer
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious Cost: 17m; Mins: Martial Arts 5, Essence 5; Type: Simple (Step 2)
Duration: Five actions Keywords: Combo-OK, Shaping
Prerequisite Charms: Caravan Self Mastery Duration: (Essence) actions
…was her destination. Prerequisite Charms: Golden House of Wanderers Form
No destination can be reached without a journey, and no Elder Sutra of Travel: The Maiden walked across the World…
goal can be attained without the necessary travails. Every seek- The Exalt stretches the journey between himself and his en-
er owes a journey, both to themselves and to Mercury. Where emies indefinitely. He dilates the space between himself and
circumstances would prohibit the Sidereal from traveling the them, widening the gulf of empty air to form a buffer between
distance to achieve his object, he may force the issue, creating himself and his enemies. Whenever an attacker would ap-
a path and a journey. Having tasted the object of his desire, the proach the martial artist while the Charm is active, he finds
Sidereal is loath to relinquish it. This Charm may be activated that, regardless of how fast or far he moves, he is always 2 yards
against any target the martial artist can directly see (even if away from the stylist. Ranged attacks suffer a similar fate, as the
they are behind cover), and whom he has successfully attacked Exalt is always exactly 2 yards out of their range. Attacks which
or been attacked by previously in the scene. Even if neither at- ignore range, also ignore this effect, but there is no way for an
tack did damage, that prior physical contact is necessary. attacker to close to melee range while this Charm is active.
Activating this Charm the martial artist may make unarmed Teleportation effects circumvent this protection. The Sidereal
Martial Arts attacks against the target even if they would not himself is affected by this buffer, and must use Charms such
be within range normally. These attacks gain extra successes as Indispensable Journey to attack from a distance. The buffer
equal to (martial artist’s Essence ÷ 2) and ignore cover, shields, zone extends in a circle around the martial artist, and affects
range and environmental penalties. The attacks travel to the everything within (Essence x 2) yards, preventing anything
target’s location via folds in the warp and weft of fate, circum- that enters within that radius from getting within 2 yards of
venting the distance between the two, and taking the journey the stylist. Multiple characters who surround a target and all
in spirit if not in practice. A martial artist may subject no more employ this Charm could, theoretically, fence the target in and
than (Essence) targets at one time to this Charm. prevent him from moving.

Chapter Three • The Lotus Blossom 33

Walking A Thousand Roads is not, even if a defense negates the effects of this Charm, the
Cost: 20m, 1wp 1ahl; Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 6; Type: blow might still do damage. Sidereals frequently use this Charm
Extra Action to provide swift transport to themselves or their allies…and
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Obvious, sudden death to their enemies.
Duration: (Essence) actions Inescapable Psychopomp Stride
Prerequisite Charms: Golden House of Wanderers Form Cost: —(+Varies); Mins: Martial Arts 7, Essence 7; Type:
…and stood atop every mountain. Permanent
The notion that location must be singular, and that an en- Keywords: Shaping, Touch
tity can occupy only a single, discrete, place at a time, is utter Prerequisite Charms: Journey Launching Blow
illusion, The Martial artist learns. Nothing keeps the a being …and the two were one.
from being in more than one place at a time, but that being’s A journey with boundaries is not a journey. Crossing thresh-
own capacity make it so. Sidereals, having progressed far on the olds is the essence of travel, and the total separation of self and
road to mastery, have refined this capacity. Folding and twist- place is the treasure that, in their hearts, all wanderer’s seek.
ing the threads of Fate and Journey to the near breaking point The martial artist, having learned this Charm, has achieved to-
the Exalt can literally be in more than one place at a time. The tal, transcendent, separation from place. There is nothing that
Exalt creates (Essence) doppelgängers, folded into being by a may gainsay his movement, no wall or barrier that is relevant
brutal torsion of the Exalt’s own living journey. to him. An Exalt who learns this Charm is permanently trans-
The entities share one mote pool, and are limited in their use formed into a creature, not of place, but of journey. He perma-
of Charms as if they were one entity, but otherwise each have nently occupies the line between one space and another. This
fully independent actions which they may flurry normally. They manifests physically in ways that are observable, but not easily
have only (Essence) -0 health levels and are clearly marked as understandable. When the martial artist walks, the movement
the copies by the way that they are shrouded in a golden halo. of his legs seems out of sync with his physical displacement,
Each uses the exact same traits as the stylist and is treated as if as if he were really gliding from place to place, and only aping
they had the same equipment as the original. When the Charm normal movement. Periodically the martial artist will veer off
duplicates weapons, it always creates mundane variants (that the balance of materiality and immateriality, causing parts of
appear like the original) but have the traits of the weapon’s his body to accidentally phase through solid objects. This is
non-artifact counterpart. The copies cannot give their gear never harmful or beneficial, and is totally outside the Sidereal’s
away, and it immediately vanishes if it leaves their possession. control, (though it might be an interesting explanation or con-
Finally, the group resists mental influence as one, and spends sequence of a botch). This Charm offer’s several benefits:
Willpower to do so as one. • The Exalt may pay one Willpower in addition to the usual
Journey Launching Blow cost of the Charm Journey Launching Blow to cause the journey
Cost: 17m, 1wp; Mins: Martial Arts 6, Essence 7; Type: to end in the immaterial realm (causing the target to remain
Supplemental immaterial at the end of the journey), in Yu-Shan (provided
Keywords: Combo-Basic, Shaping, Touch the Exalt owns [Exalted, p. 238] a space in Yu-Shan), or in a
Duration: Instant parallel location in the Underworld that is either within range
Prerequisite Charms: Walking A Thousand Roads, Endless of the normal travel or which the Exalt has visited in the last
Expanse Buffer week. This makes being hit by the Charm very dangerous on
The horizon came to kiss her… the Blessed Isle, near the Imperial Mountain (which is mirrored
Travel is not always something one chooses to do. Indeed, by the Mouth of Oblivion in the Underworld).
there are some dull souls who would stay bound to the same • They May also pay one Willpower in addition to the cost of
location for all their lives. The martial artist can free them from Journey Launching Blow, to have it affect a number of willing
this drab fate however, striking her a blow with her bare fist, targets equal to (the Sidereal’s Essence).
the martial artist separates the target’s identity and self from • The Exalt may pay one Willpower in addition to the usual
the place to which it is bound. Thus does she free the target of cost of Cutting to the Chase Method to allow the Exalt to by-
her ties to the land and send her, quite abruptly, on a journey. pass any barriers or obstructions to his journey without need of
A target struck by this attack suffers no damage, instead they a roll, as if he were immaterial.
are hurled across creation to any specific location the Exalt has • The Exalt is solid to both the material and immaterial. He
been within the last week, has ownership of (Exalted, p. 238) is not perfectly balanced between both states, however, so he
or, otherwise to any specific location within ([Martial Arts + sees the immaterial as faint, blurry, phantasms. This incurs a -2
Essence] x 2) miles. external penalty on rolls to perceive or attack an immaterial
The target flies there propelled by the force of the journey target. He can touch and be touched by immaterial creatures.
that has been foisted upon him, becoming semi-material as he • At a cost of one mote and as part of a move action, the
shoots through the sky at impossible speeds. He phases through Exalt can set himself enough out of phase with the world phase
obstructions, taking no damage from collidions. Normally he through solid objects. While the Form is active, the stylist’s
lands safely on the ground, though if the Exalt wishes he may mastery over his spiritual and physical location is sufficient that
cause the target’s journey to end in midair, causing the target he may perform this trick reflexively as a defense against any
to fall and, potentially, take falling damage (Exalted, p. 158). attack not supplemented by Charms or made with an artifact
This Charm is a Shaping effect, but the attack it supplements weapon. This transformation lasts for only an instant so the

34 Chapter Three • The Lotus Blossom

Exalt must be clear of whatever damaging effect or solid surface
he wishes to phase through, on the next tick. This Charm may
be reactivated on simultaneous ticks, or instants if it is used as
a defense, but its cost doubles on each subsequent tick until the
Exalt’s DV refreshes. This protection does not function against
magical attacks at all, but doesn’t count as Charm use.
• Finally, as a speed 6 miscellaneous action, which while the
form Charm is active, the Exalt can spend one Willpower to
transcend materiality entirely. He becomes, at once, more and
less material than everything. This state persists for (Essence)
actions during which time no one can touch the stylist with-
out using Charms that allow them to attack beings of the op-
posing material state (such as Ghost-Fire Blade, or Shattered
Adamant attack). This means that immaterial beings require
attacks that target the material and material beings must make
an attack that targets the immaterial. The Exalt, however, can
affect both with impunity.

Chapter Three • The Lotus Blossom 35

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