Task Title: Detailed Lesson Plan with Technology Integration and Video Tutorial
Task Goal: This task allows students to craft a detailed lesson plan with technology integration
emphasizing the Cone of Experience and TPACK Framework.
Task Guidelines:
✓ Create a 1 to 3-minute video tutorial on utilizing the chosen application in your lesson plan.
✓ For BSED-English students, this will be done in pairs as well. However, BSED-Science, BSED-
Math, and BEED students will do this individually.
✓ Sound must be audible, and visuals should be related to the topic.
✓ Refrain from using foul words that harm netizens and the school.
✓ Your video will be assessed according to its reliability in the lesson plan outlined and its quality
based on its content and creativity.
✓ The video tutorial should be submitted in GCR on July 27, 2023, until 5 PM.
Scoring Rubrics
(30 points)
(5 points)
(20 points) (10 points)
-The video is - The video is
-Video is edited with only -The video is edited in few unedited and
quality shots remaining. edited spots. Several many poor
Visual - throughout poor shots shots remain.
and Image/Title/Subtitle/Digital with only remain. -No/very few
Audio effects are used quality shots -Limited use transitions
Clarity appropriately for remaining. of Title/ Sub- between clips
communicating the main -Video not title/ text are used.
(10 idea shaky, clear -Transitions -Shaky/Blurry
points) -Shots and scenes flow images selected are video
seamlessly. -Text can be not always -Very limited
read appropriate use of Title/
for the scene. Subtitle/images.
-Extremely well-rehearsed, -A variety of -There are
smooth delivery in a Digital effects many -Presentation
conversational style are used. unnatural sounds like you
-Voice is clear, expressive, -Good pacing breaks and/or are reading /
and enthusiastic and timing. early cuts. has long pauses
-Voice volume/audio like "ums"
enhances presentation. -Well- -Adequate -The audio is
-Free of background noise, rehearsed & rehearsal, but cut-off and
fumble sounds or dead almost always sometimes inconsistent or
space. smooth mechanical overpowering.
delivery -Some parts
-Voice is clear of the
and voice/audio
expressive lacks clarity
-Voice -Too noisy in
volume/audio background.
-Some extra
noise or dead
space that
does not
interfere with