Marketing Management Notes
Marketing Management Notes
Marketing Management Notes
What is marketing?
Marketing has two facets
Marketing therefore means satisfying and anticipating consumer needs by means of mutually
beneficial exchange processes, and doing so profitably and more effectively than competitors
by means of efficient managerial processes. Consumer satisfaction is marketing’s primary
goal as an organisation cannot survive without doing this in the long run.
Maximising consumer satisfaction is the goal, the firm needs to know how well they are
meeting customer’s expectations. Customer satisfaction is the feeling that a product has met
or exceeded expectations. Can happen if a products or employees performance falls short.
Consumer satisfaction measurement should provide insight into factors that are
important to customers or specific to a certain industry or firm.
Price perceptions
Image of brand
A good customer satisfaction programme also captures qualitative inputs that do not typically
result from traditional market research. The customer becomes an integral part of learning
and decision making. For example, a small focus group may provide valuable insights to a
firm on how they can improve product features, delivery times and enhance customer service.
Dissatisfied customers may not return and tarnish the reputation of the company, therefore
not creating a loyal customer base.
Consumers can tell firms why they are satisfied or dissatisfied with a product but the reasons
they offer may impact differently on their perceptions of satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The
absence or poor performance of some product attributes may quickly lead to dissatisfaction,
even though high performance on those same attributes would cause may contribute very
little to high levels or customer satisfaction. These product features (hygiene factors) are thus
what to be expected. “minimum requirements” but their existence will not make a consumer
exceptionally happy.
Conversely the factors that cause customer satisfaction may not be identified as factors whose
absence results in customer dissatisfaction. Poor performance on attributes leading to leading
to high satisfaction does not lead to dissatisfaction.
Hygiene and satisfier factors may vary from person to person.
If a firm performs at a very high level in delivering the hygiene factors, customers will rate
their product or service as acceptable but not exceptional. Hygiene factors constitute a
minimum level of satisfaction and a failure to meet these factors will cause dissatisfaction.
E.g. a clean hotel room, therefore cleanliness does not have a strong effect on satisfaction but
rather a stronger effect on dissatisfaction. The hygiene factors must be delivered at an
acceptable level before satisfiers become important.
Many firms lose their customers in five years, keeping customers satisfied by offering them
superior value increases the chances that they will become loyal customers, ensuring the
firms long survival and growth. Loyal customers are more profitable. Other benefits include:
Customer satisfaction may not ensure customer loyalty at all times, nor ensure profitability
but is necessary for building loyalty. There-fore the initial exchange between buyer seller
must be a satisfactory one as a starting point to build long-term loyalty.
A buyer gives up something of value to a seller to receive something in return that they
would rather have.