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Chapter 3 & Appendix

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3.1 Research Design

This research is quantitative research that uses a descriptive method to

see the errors made by students’ in arranging jumble words into correct

sentences at SMP N 07 Padang. Quantitative techniques are one of the

important components in test development and validation research, they are a

major part of most of the published literature on language assessment (Raquel

M. 2019). According to Arikunto “descriptive research is to explain the state

or status of the phenomenon. This research had one variable that was an error

made by students in arranging jumble words. therefore, this method is used to

figure out the factors that made students error in omission and addition error.

3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population

Sugiyono (2013) defines a population as an object or subject

of the researcher who has the particular characteristics. Students of the

eighth grade of SMPN 7 PADANG 2022/2023 academic year are the

population n this study which consists of 254 students.

The number of students in each class can be seen in Table 3.1

Table 3.1 The Number Of Students

No Class Number of students

1 VIII. 32

2 VIII. 32

3 VIII. 32

4 VIII. 32

5 VIII. 32

6 VIII. 31

7 VIII. 32

8 VIII. 31

3.2.2 Sample

The sample includes several or represents the population of

the survey. The sample of this study become selected based on cluster

random sampling. Creswell (2002) defines cluster random sampling

as a set of clusters in which all elements in the selected clusters are

included in the sample. Gay (2006) states that cluster random

sampling does not select individuals but selects groups. According to

Arikunto (2010: 112), if the total population is more than 100 people,

the researcher can take the sample between 10%-15% and 20%-25%.

Therefore, the researcher decided that 25% of 254 in total choose as a

sample, the sample is 63-64 students.

3.3 Instrument

In this research, the instrument used by the researcher are test and

questionnaire. For the test, researcher use a test consist of 50 jumble words

that will be arranged by students, this test aims to determine the proportion of

omission and addition errors made by students and the researcher uses

questionnaire to ask students’ understanding regarding to test of arranging

jumble words into correct sentences.

From the test and questionnaire results, the researcher analyzes the

students' omission and addition errors in arranging jumble words into the

correct sentences. The researcher analyzes the proportions (frequency and

percentage) of the errors based on how many errors they are made in students’

tasks, then find out the causes of the errors.

3.3.1 Validity

Validity refers to the measurement method used. to measure

how accurately the method measures what it intends to measure e.

validity is defined as the extent to which a concept is accurately

measured (Heale & Twycross, 2015). Brown (2004) also added

several conditions for the test to have high validity. Firstly, the test

items must be well constructed and use a familiar task form.

Secondly, the test item must be completed within the specified time

limit. Thirdly, give clear instructuions for finishing the test. In

addition, the assignment relates to students, and course work. Finally,

there is difficulty with reasonable levels of creating challenges for


To determine the validity of the test, the researcher uses

content validity. which is used to measure student achievement based

on tests that must be based on indicators. The instruments of this

research will be validated by Ms. Dinovia Fannil Kher,S.Pd, M.Pd.

3.3.2 Reliability

Reliability is the extent to which a measurement is consistent.

If you get the same iterative results under the same conditions, the test

is reliable. A reliable test is dependable and consistent, Brown (2003).

The characteristic reliability is sometimes termed consistency. the

quality of test scores and consistency of the test is measured by

reliability. Reliability in this research is using Cronbach Alpha. The

following table is the level of internal consistency by Guilford (1956)

Table 3.2 Reliability Coefficient Category

Reliability Coefficient Category

0,1-0,20 Not Reliable

>0,20-0,40 Rather Reliable

>0,40-0,60 Reliable Enough

>0,60-0,80 Reliable

>0,80-1,00 Very Reliable

Source: Guilford (1956)

3.4 Technique of Data Collection

In this research, the researcher collect the data by using test in

arranging jumble words and give questionnaire as the instrument for

collect the data.

3.4.1 Test

The researcher uses a test of students’ ability to arrange

jumble words into the correct sentences to collect data in this

research. There are several steps to carried by the researcher as


1. The researcher preparing the test and give it for the

students. The test consists of 50 items in the form of

simple sentences that are still random.

2. The researcher collect students jumble words test

3. The researcher analyzes their test to find the omission and

addition errors made by students

4. The researcher calculated the total errors by drawing it up

in a table

5. The last step, the researcher makes conclusion

3.4.2 Questionnaire

The researcher uses a questionnaire to ask about students’

understanding of arranging jumble words into the correct

sentences. The researcher will give the students a questionnaire

about SS, S, TS, STS.

3.5 Technique of Analyzing Data

3.5.1 Technique Analyzing of the test

The data analysis strategy that the researcher uses is descriptive

analysis. The researcher finds out the proportion of errors made by students

by scoring students’ test results. The following steps in the analysis of

students’ errors in arranging jumble words into the correct sentences research


1. After all the student test results about arranging jumble words into correct

sentences are collected, the researcher will begin to analyze the data.

2. Analyzing the students’ errors in arranging jumble words into the correct


The researcher uses Sudijono’s formula (2011) to analyze the percentage

o students’ errors in arranging jumble words into the correct sentence, as



P: percentage of error

F: frequency of students’ error

N: number of errors
3.5.2 Technique Analyzing Questionnaire

To find out the source of omission and addition errors in students’

tests. the research did it through the following procedures:

1. Checking the students’ responses

2. Tabulating the data

The researcher uses Likert Scale to give score for the students’

answer. In likert scale, the researcher makes the type of the

questionnaire in check list form. Each statement of the questionnaire

has four answer choices.

1) Strongly agree is scored 4

2) Agree is scored 3

3) Disagree is scored 2

4) Strongly disagree s scored 1

3. Calculating the data

the researcher analyzes the students’ responses with the

following formula:

Note :

P: Percentage

NS: The total of questionnaire score

IS: Ideal of questionnaire score

The total source of error will be calculated and described in a

table. Next, the data will be interpreted descriptively and last, the

researcher concluded it.

Table 3.4 Table of Students’ Responses

No Statement Student’s Responses Total


1 S1

2 S2

4 ...

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Appendix 1. The English Exercise Score of Students SMP N 7 Padang 2020/2021

No Score
Class Total
≥70 <70

1 VIII 1 16 16 32

2 VIII 2 8 23 31

3 VIII 3 13 18 31

4 VIII 4 14 17 31

5 VIII 5 15 17 32

6 VIII 6 14 18 32

7 VIII 7 13 19 32

8 VIII 8 13 17 30

Total 106 145 251

Percentage 42% 58% 100%

Appendix 2. Jumble Words Test




Please arrange the jumble words to be the correct sentences!

1. Is – friend – a smart – student – my


2. Mom- is – from – not – Indonesia – my


3. Plays - the yard – in – his – with – friend – brother – my


4. Go – we – movie – the – to


5. Write – to – teacher – my – a letter – don’t – I


6. Doesn’t – she - about – project – talk – to – our – me


7. Teacher – you – school – this – in – the – are


8. She – runner – in – best – the – is – school – my


9. From – same – the – not – are – we – school

10. Some – take – pictures – I – to – like


11. Speak – everyday – don’t – I – English


12. Class – from – are –we – the – same


13. Beautiful – is – she – not


14. Winner – competition? – are – the – we – of – the


15. Student? – am – a – I – smart


16. Sister – good – cooking? – at – is – your


17. Angry – is – mom – your – you? – with


18. Play – guitar? – does – he


19. School? – go – to – they – do


20. Not – are – friend – best – my – you


21. Her – forgets – schedule – always – she


22. Shoes – new – don’t – I – buy


23. Work – you – the – hospital? – do – in


24. Have – shoes? – she – new – does


25. A teacher – this – in – you – are – school?


26. Library – was – the – in – she


27. What - not – sure – problem – was – my sister’s – my father


28. Did – play – football – not – yesterday – I


29. A – worked – as – teacher – father – my


30. Money? – you – mom – your – give – did


31. Buy – snacks? – some – they – did


32. Primary – students – a – was – I – school


33. Was – rainy? – weather – the


34. Those – students – were – late – morning? – this - come

35. Math – good – at – were – we


36. Not – was – lesson – the – interesting


37. So – friend – my – hungry – was


38. Were – student? – a – you


39. Home – at – not – were – you – yesterday


40. School – went – to – I


41. Come – did – to – not – party – birthday – my – you – come


42. School – go – to - not – did – friend – my


43. Your – they – classmate? – were


44. Did – she – not – do – homework – do


45. Not – hungry – sister – my – not


46. A - story – our – we – wrote - about – families


47. Walked – in – park – friend – you – the – with – your


48. Last night? – did – come – she – to – home – your


49. I – our – schedule? – about – forget – did


50. Before? – here – was – she

Appendix 3. Instruction for Questionnaire






Keterangan Pilihan Jawaban :

SS : Sangat Setuju TS : Tidak Setuju

S : Setuju STS : Sangat Tidak Setuju

Pilihan Jawaban
No Pertanyaan
Orang tua mengajari penggunaan bahasa
Inggris dirumah
Saya sering menggunakan bahasa Inggris di
Saya menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam
percakapan dengan tetangga dan teman.
Saya senang belajar jumble words di dalam bahasa
Saya mudah mempelajari jumble words dalam
bahasa inggris
6 Saya mengerti tentang jumble words
Saya paham penggunaan jumble words dalam
bahasa inggris.
Saya dapat menyusun jumble words dalam bahasa
Ketika saya menemui kesulitan dalam memahami
materi guru menjelaskan kembali tentang materi.
10 Guru memberikan buku bahasa inggris yang
membantu saya memahami materi yang diajarkan
Guru mengajarkan bahasa inggris dengan metode
yang bagus sehingga mudah dipahami.
Metode yang digunakan guru menuntut siswa aktif
di dalam kelas.
Jika saya mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami
13 cara menyusun jumble words saya selalu bertanya
dan guru memberikan jawaban dengan sesuai.
Saya bertanya kepada guru ketika tidak memahami
Guru selalu menanyakan kembali materi yang telah
diberikan pada pertemuan selanjutnya.
Appendix 4. Questionnaire (statement and possible factor)

No Statement Possible Factor

Orang tua mengajari penggunaan bahasa
Inggris dirumah
Saya sering menggunakan bahasa Inggris di
2 Interlingual Transfer
Saya menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam
percakapan dengan tetangga dan teman.
4 Saya senang belajar jumble words di dalam bahasa inggris
Saya mudah mempelajari jumble words dalam bahasa
6 Saya mengerti tentang jumble words
Saya paham penggunaan jumble words dalam bahasa Intralingual Tranfers
8 Saya dapat menyusun jumble words dalam bahasa inggris
Ketika saya menemui kesulitan dalam memahami materi
guru menjelaskan kembali tentang materi.
Guru memberikan buku bahasa inggris yang membantu saya
memahami materi yang diajarkan
Guru mengajarkan bahasa inggris dengan metode yang
11 Context of Learning
bagus sehingga mudah dipahami.
Metode yang digunakan guru menuntut siswa aktif di dalam
Jika saya mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami cara
13 menyusun jumble words saya selalu bertanya dan guru
memberikan jawaban dengan sesuai. Communication
14 Saya bertanya kepada guru ketika tidak memahami materi Strategies
Guru selalu menanyakan kembali materi yang telah
diberikan pada pertemuan selanjutnya.

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