Rizal traveled extensively through several countries, including extended periods in Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States. In Europe, he visited places in Italy and Spain with his partner Viola before returning to the Philippines briefly. He later returned to Europe for safety due to tensions with the Dominican friars in the Philippines. In Hong Kong and Macau, he observed local culture and festivals. In Japan, he admired their culture and discipline, and had a relationship with a woman there. His tour of the US took him through several states where he observed the landscape and society. Rizal was also involved with organizations and publications supporting Filipino interests during his time in London and Paris.
Rizal traveled extensively through several countries, including extended periods in Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States. In Europe, he visited places in Italy and Spain with his partner Viola before returning to the Philippines briefly. He later returned to Europe for safety due to tensions with the Dominican friars in the Philippines. In Hong Kong and Macau, he observed local culture and festivals. In Japan, he admired their culture and discipline, and had a relationship with a woman there. His tour of the US took him through several states where he observed the landscape and society. Rizal was also involved with organizations and publications supporting Filipino interests during his time in London and Paris.
Rizal traveled extensively through several countries, including extended periods in Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States. In Europe, he visited places in Italy and Spain with his partner Viola before returning to the Philippines briefly. He later returned to Europe for safety due to tensions with the Dominican friars in the Philippines. In Hong Kong and Macau, he observed local culture and festivals. In Japan, he admired their culture and discipline, and had a relationship with a woman there. His tour of the US took him through several states where he observed the landscape and society. Rizal was also involved with organizations and publications supporting Filipino interests during his time in London and Paris.
Rizal traveled extensively through several countries, including extended periods in Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, and the United States. In Europe, he visited places in Italy and Spain with his partner Viola before returning to the Philippines briefly. He later returned to Europe for safety due to tensions with the Dominican friars in the Philippines. In Hong Kong and Macau, he observed local culture and festivals. In Japan, he admired their culture and discipline, and had a relationship with a woman there. His tour of the US took him through several states where he observed the landscape and society. Rizal was also involved with organizations and publications supporting Filipino interests during his time in London and Paris.
Countries Countries Europe Hongkong Japan United States London Paris Rizal in Europe Rizal in Europe Rizal and Viola went to Italy after the publication of Noli Me Tangere and visit different historical places and tourist spots. They travelled back to Madrid from which rizal travels back to the Philippines. Indo-China- route he used in coming back to the Philippines and rode Haiphong to Manila He took a ship that route Manile-Calamba owned by Captain Luis Yangco. He visited his teachers in ateneo and their topic of conversation is about Noli Me Tangere. Rizal in Europe The Governor General learned about his returned and asked him to go to Malacanang to commend him because of the novel. The Governor General gave him a guard in the person of Jose Taviel de Andrade Rizal operated on the eyes of his mother In the time of his return, the Dominican friars wanted to increase the taxes they imposed on the farmers in Calamba. He came back to Europe for his safety and the sake of his family. Rizal in Hongkong Rixal in Hongkong From Manila, he boarded the ship named Zapiro. Mauricio Balbino and Jose Basa met Rizal in Hongkong. Rizal travels to Macao in February 18, which was a colony in Portugese. In Macao, he observed the active gambling areas and he travelled different places in China and visited different Museums and enjoyed the different Chinese Festivals. In February 22, 1888, he boarded the ship named Oceanic, an American ship. Rizal in Japan Rizal in Japan February 28, 1888 is the date Rizal reached Japan and stayed in Tokyo in less than a year. He admired the attitude of Japanese, traditional dresses of Japanese women, the objective of Japan which is to maintain their own culture despite of the modernization, the honesty of the Japanese and stated "You can leave your valuables inside the room without the fearing that other Japanese might steal it." He also admired the houses that was clean and neat. And he also observed that Japanese aren't religious but they were dignified and full of discipline. In Japan he met Usui Seiko which he called O Sei San. 23 year old lady came from the family of Samurai which he was mesmerized by her charm. Rizal in Japan Their relationship lasted for 45 days. He left Usui Seiko because of his commitment to Leonor and his plan to write the sequel of Noli Me Tangere and then he travelled back to Europe. In April 13, 1888, he left Japan and the woman according to him loved him most. Rizal in United States Rizal in U.S. In April 28, 1888, Rizal reached San Fransisco but the authority refuse to let them leave the ship because of the quarantine due to the cholera outbreak. As the time they were allowed to leave the ship, he observed the abuse of the Americans to negros slaves, and the true reason why the government won't allow them to leave the ship. Rizal made a diary about his experienced in America. Rizal in U.S May 7, 1888 (First Day in America)- Ain Indian attired in Semi- European suit and Semi-Indian Suit. Place was a wide desert like chalk wihtout trees or plants. On warm day, he saw blue mountains with snow on top of them. May 8, 1888 (2nd day)- He was in Utah and saw well cultivated land, horses, oxen, and trees. The place was one hour ahead and he appreciated the beauty of Salt Lake and compared it in lake in Laguna Rizal in U.S May 9, 1888 (3rd Day)- They pass Colorado and which they passed mountains and rivers. According to Rizal, they passed tunnels made of wood to protect the rode against the snow. May 10, 1888 (4th day)- He woked up in Nebraska. He saw the big city of Omaha and the Missouri river which according to him is twice as big as the Pasig River. May 11, 1888 (5th day)- they reached Chicago. Rizal stated that the state was very cultivated and there was a big Cigarette Store Rizal in U.S May 12, 1888 (6th day)- they reached Niagra Falls. They stopped in the beautiful point of the falls and Rizal stood in the stone, however, according to Rizal. it was not as beautiful as the falls of Los Baños. May 13, 1888 (7th day)- they arrived in Albany and saw the Hudson river and crossed over a bridge and he saw beautiful houses and compared to the Pasig river in the Philippines. In May 13, 1888, Jose travelled to New York, and he stated that it was the biggest city he have seen. His grand tour in U.S. ended in May 13, 1888 at 11:10a.m. He left U.S. and travel to London in May 16, 1888. Rizal in London Rizal in London
In May 25, 1888, Rizal reached London.
He stayed in his friend's house named Dr. Antonio Regidor. Then he boarded to the house of Becketts in Primose Hills Manuscript of Antonio de Morga - Sucesos de Islas Filipinas In his stay in London, he became a good friend of Gertrude Beckett. Who is a young lady who prepares breakfast and tea to rizal Rizal and La Solidaridad
Rizal became a honorable member of La Solidaridad and the
number one organ of the organization. "Letter of the Young Women of Malolos" In March 16, 1888, Rizal left London and Travel to Paris Rizal in Paris Rizal in Paris In May 6, 1889, Jose Rizal was able to witness the opening of the Universal Exposition in Paris. This is the reason why Rizal needed to pay high price for accommodation and food in Paris. Jose, Rizal used the event opening of the Eiffel Tower in Paris to encourage the Filipinos to establish an organization so that they could be united. Organizations The Kidlat Club- was purely a social society of a temporary nature. It was founded by Rizal simply to bring together the young Filipinos in French capital so that they could enjoy their sojourn in the city during the duration of the Universal Exposition. Organizations The Indios Bravo- the main objective is to divert the negative connotation of the word Indio that the spaniards used to address the Filipinos. Rizal used the word Indio affiliated to the word Bravo. This organization aimed to unify Filipinos in Paris. Organizations The Association of R.D.L.M.- The organization aims to pursue knowledge in Science, Arts, Literature, and in other aspects. Thank you for Listening!