Students Performance Prediction
Students Performance Prediction
Students Performance Prediction
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Abstract Student performance prediction is an Education has undergone a significant transformation
important aspect of education that has gained significance with the widespread application of technology in recent years.
in recent years. Predicting the academic outcomes of Technology has allowed for the development of new teaching
students can help educators identify students who are at methodologies and learning tools that cater to diverse
risk of falling behind and provide them with targeted learning styles and promote greater student engagement.
interventions to improve academic performance. New From online courses to virtual classrooms, technology has
technologies such as deep learning have revolutionized the made education more accessible and convenient than ever
way student performance prediction is done. Deep before, and it is expected to continue to play a crucial role in
learning algorithms can analyze large amounts of data the future of education. However, it is important to ensure that
and identify patterns that would be difficult to detect the integration of technology in education is done
using traditional statistical methods. In the proposed thoughtfully and with a focus on enhancing learning
study, the dataset of students in Portuguese school outcomes, rather than simply replacing traditional teaching
contains various features such as age, gender, family methods.
background, study time, travel time, weekly study time,
etc. The deep learning techniques employed in this study Educational data mining is a field that involves
include Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Long Short- analyzing large sets of educational data to identify patterns,
Term Memory (LSTM), Convolutional Neural trends, and insights that can inform instructional decision-
Network(CNN) and Bi-directional LSTM. The making [2]. This includes data from a range of sources, such
performance of these deep learning models was evaluated as student assessments, attendance records, and demographic
using metrics such as accuracy, mean squared error information. By analyzing this data, educators can gain a
(MSE), and mean absolute error (MAE). This study better understanding of student performance and behavior,
demonstrates the effectiveness of deep learning and develop targeted interventions to improve outcomes. Our
techniques in predicting student performance and can be study demonstrates that the use of deep learning models can
used as a basis for developing interventions to improve significantly improve the accuracy of predicting students’
academic outcomes. academic performance compared to traditional statistical
Keywords:- Deep Learning;Academic Performance;Early
Prediction. II. RELATED WORK
I. INTRODUCTION Over the past few years, there have been numerous
studies aimed at discovering various patterns and strategies
Education plays a crucial role in shaping the future of that can enhance students academic performance. Different
children and society as a whole. It provides children with the methodologies and tools are used to visualize and analyze the
knowledge and skills they need to succeed in life and make data. Some of related works that have been done so far
positive contributions to their communities. Education also discussed on this section:
helps children develop critical thinking, problemsolving, and
decision-making abilities that will serve them well A. Nabil, M. Seyam and A. Abou-Elfetouh [3]
throughout their lives. Furthermore, education can promote presented a study to explore the efficiency of deep learning in
social mobility, reduce poverty and inequality, and promote the field of Educational Data Mining, for predicting students
economic growth and development [1] . Overall, investing in academic performance, inorder to identify the students who
education for children is essential for building a brighter, are at a risk of failure. The study used a public 4-year
more prosperous, and equitable future for all. university dataset and developed predictive models to
forecast students’ performance in upcoming courses based on
Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, their grades in the previous courses of the first academic year.
values, and attitudes through various methods such as Various models, including a deep neural network (DNN),
teaching, training, research, and practical experience. decision tree, random forest, gradient boosting, logistic
Education can take place in formal settings such as schools regression, support vector classifier, and K-nearest neighbor,
and universities, as well as informal settings such as were employed for this purpose. The DNN model proposed
workplaces and homes. It is not just about memorizing facts in the study exhibited a high accuracy of 89 %, outperforming
and figures, but also about developing social skills, creativity. other models such as decision tree, logistic regression,
Education helps individuals to broaden their perspectives and support vector classifier, and K-nearest neighbor. The model
understand diverse cultures, which in turn promotes tolerance was able to predict students’ performance in the course data
and mutual respect. Moreover, education is a fundamental structure and thus helped to identify those students at the risk
human right that should be accessible to all, regardless of of failure in an early stage of a semester.A recent study
their background, gender, or socioeconomic status. focused on predicting student performance using the
attention-based Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory
LSTM achieved the highest accuracy score, followed by records, which may provide more information for accurate
CNN, ANN, and BiLSTM.This may be attributed to the fact prediction.
that the LSTM algorithm is able to capture long-term
dependencies in sequential data, such as student performance This helps in visualizing the accuracy scores of different
deep learning algorithms for predicting students