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Anatomy and Physiology  Sticky, opaque fluid that is heavier

than water
BLOOD  Scarlet = oxygen-rich; dull red and
violet = oxygen-poor
- The river of life
 Has a metallic taste
- Transports:
 Nutrients  pH level is slightly alkaline (7.35-
 Hormones 7.45)
 Wastes  Temperature is 38°C or 100.4°F
 Body heat  Accounts for 8% of body weight
- 5-6 L for males
 Blood is the only fluid in the body
 Functions: - 90% water
 Transportation - Salts (electrolytes)
 Regulation  Sodium
 pH level  Potassium
 body temperature  Calcium
 water content cells  Magnesium
 Protection  Chloride
 Loss of  Bicarbonate
Cardiovascular - Examples of dissolved substances:
System  Nutrients – glucose, fatty
 Against diseases acids, amino acids, and
 Wastes product of
 Formed Elements – living blood metabolism – urea and uric
cell acid
 Plasma – nonliving fluid matrix  Respiratory gases – oxygen
 Buffy coat – junction between and carbon dioxide
erythrocytes and plasma  Hormones – steroids and
o Leukocytes (WBC) – act thyroid hormones
various ways to protect the - Plasma Proteins
body  Albumin – important in
o Platelets – help stop bleeding blood buffering and
 Hematocrit – total volume of blood contributes to the osmotic
VOLUME protein) – help to stem blood
loss when a blood vessel is LEUKOCYTES OR WHITE BLOOD
injured CELLS
 Globulins (antibodies) –
- Crucial to body defences
help protect the body from
- 4,800 – 10,800 WBC’s/mm³ of blood
- Contains nuclei and usual organelles
- Helps distribute body heat, a by-
which makes it a complete cell
product of cellular metabolism,
- Diapedesis – ability of WBC to slip
evenly throughout the body
into and out of the blood vessel
- Composition of plasma varies
- Positive Chemotaxis – capability of
continuously as cells exchange
WBC to locate areas of tissue
substances with the blood
damage and infection in the body by
 Liver is stimulated to make
responding to certain chemicals that
more proteins, and when the
diffuses from the damaged cells
blood becomes too acidic
- Amoeboid Motion – form flowing
(acidosis) or too basic
cytoplasmic extensions that help
(alkalosis), both the
move WBC along
respiratory and urinary
- Leukocytosis – indicated that there
system are called to help to
is a bacterial or viral infection in the
restore the normal, slightly
body; increase WBC
alkaline pH range of 7.35 –
- Leukopenia – abnormally low WBC
commonly caused by certain drugs
FORMED ELEMENTS such as corticosteroids or anticancer
CELLS - Granule-containing WBC
- Function: transport oxygen - Lobed nuclei consist of
several rounded nuclear areas
- Ferry oxygen to all cells of the body
- Anucleated (lacks nucleus and other connected by thin strands of
nuclear material
- Hemoglobin – an iron bearing  Neutrophils
protein, transports most of the - Most numerous
oxygen that is carried in the blood WBC
- Bi-concave disc-flattened disc with - Multi-lobed nucleus
depressed centers on both sides and very fine
- Single red blood cells is consist of granules that respond
250 million hemoglobin molecules to both acidic and
- Replaced every 100 – 120 days; basic stain
reticulocytes - Avid phagocytes at
- 4-6 million RBC’s/mm³ sites of acute
-Kills bacteria and most of the cell
fungi during a volume
respiratory burst - Take up residence in
 Eosinophils lymphatic tissues
- Blue-red nucleus that - Plays an important
resembles earmuffs role in immune
and brick-red response
cytoplasmic granules  Monocytes
- Increases rapidly - U or Kidney-shaped
during infection of - Macrophages –
parasitic worms important in fighting
ingested in food or chronic infections
entering though the
- They gather around 1) Neutrophils
and release enzyme 2) Lymphocytes
from their 3) Monocytes
cytoplasmic granules, 4) Eosinophils
digesting it away 5) Basophils
 Basophils
- Rarest of the WBC PLATELETS
- Large histamine-
- Not technically cells
containing granules
- They are fragments of bizarre
that stain dark blue
multinucleate cells called
- Histamines –
- Darkly staining, irregular shaped
chemical that makes
bodies scattered among the other
blood vessels leaky
blood cells
and attracts other
- Normal platelet count is 150,000-
WBCs to the
400,000 cells/mm3
inflamed site
- Needed for clotting process
 Agranulocytes
- Lack visible cytoplasmic HEMATOPOIESIS (BLOOD CELL
granules FORMATION)
- Spherical, oval, or kidney-
shaped - Occur in the red bone marrow or
 Lymphocytes myeloid tissue
- Large, dark purple - Hemocytoblast – common stem cell
nucleus that occupies where formed elements arise, which
resides in the red bone marrow
 Lymphoid stem cells – 3 MAJOR PHASES
produces lymphocytes
 Vascular spasms
 Myeloid stem cells –
- Immediate response to blood vessel
produce all other classes of
injury is vasoconstriction, which
formed elements
causes blood vessel spasms. The
FORMATION OF RED BLOOD CELLS spasms narrow the blood vessel,
decreasing blood loss until clotting
 Reticulocytes - young red blood can occur
cells  Platelet plug
 Erythropoietin – hormone that - When underlying collagen fibers are
controls the rate of erythrocytes exposed, the platelets become sticky
production and cling to the damaged site.
 Kidney plays the major role Anchored platelets release chemicals
in producing erythropoietin that enhance the vascular spasms and
 Homeostasis is maintained by attract more platelets to the site.
negative feedback from oxygen Piling up of platelets form plate plug
blood levels  Coagulation
FROMATION OF WHITE BLOOD - Injured tissue are releasing tissue
CELLS AND PLATELETS factor, a phospholipid that coats the
surface of the platelets
 Colony stimulating factors and - This combination interacts with other
Interleukins – hormones that clotting factors and calcium ions
stimulate the formation of leukocytes which are essential for the clotting
and platelets; enhance the ability of process to form an activator to form
mature leukocytes to protect the thrombin, an enzyme.
body - Thrombin then joins soluble
 Thrombopoietin – accelerates the fibrinogen proteins into long,
production of platelets from hairlike molecules of insoluble
megakaryocytes fibrin.
 Bone marrow biopsy – - Fibrin forms a meshwork that traps
confirmatory test for leukemia which RBCs and forms basis of the clot
is a procedure that provide cells for - Within an hour, the clot begins to
microscopic examination retract, squeezing serum (plasma
minus clotting proteins) from the
HEMOSTASIS mass and pulling the ruptured edges
of the blood vessel closer together
- Process that stops the bleeding due to
the breaking of blood vessel DISORDERS OF HOMEOSTASIS
- Normally, blood clots happen in 3-6
 Thrombus - Transfusion of fresh plasma
- A clot that develops and or injections of purified
persists in an unbroken blood clotting factor they lack
- If it is large enough, it may
prevent blood from flowing  15 – 30 percent of blood loss can
to the cells beyond the lead to pallor and weakness
blockage  Over 30 percent of blood loss can
 Embolus cause severe shock, which can be
- Thrombus break away from fatal
the vessel wall and floats  Treated blood can be stored in the
freely in the blood stream refrigerator at 4°C or 39.2°F until
- Clog vessels needed for 35 days
 Anticoagulants
 Anticoagulant – stops
 Antigen
- bear genetically determined
 Antipyretic – reduces fever
proteins which identify each
- Heparin
person as unique
- Warfarin
- a substance that the body
> BLEEDING DISORDERS recognizes as foreign;
stimulates the immune
 Thrombocytopenia system to mount a defense
- Insufficient number of against it
circulating platelets  Antibodies
- Can arise from any condition - The “recognizers” that are
that suppresses the bone present in plasma that
marrow attaches to RBCs surface
- Petechiae – evidence of different from those on the
small purplish blotches that patient’s RBCs
resembles rash on the skin  Agglutination
- On whole blood transfusion - Binding of anti bodies causes
is helpful foreign RBCs to clump
 Hemophilia - Can lead to identification of
- Hereditary bleeding disorder blood type
that results from lack of any  ABO blood groups
of the factors needed for - Two antigen, type A or type
clotting B, a person inherits
- Absence of both antigens
results to type O blood
- Presence of both antigens
results to type AB blood
- Presence of either results to
type A and type B
 RH blood groups
- Originally identified in
Rhesus monkey
- RBCs carry Rh antigen
- If an Rh- (Rh negative)
receives Rh+ blood, shortly
after the transfusion his or
her immune system becomes
sensitized and begins
producing anti-Rh antibodies

 Hemolysis
- Rupture of RBC


 Cross matching – involves testing

for agglutination of donor RBCs by
the recipient’s serum and of the
recipient’s RBCs by the donor serum



- Before birth, the fetal liver
and spleen is the main site of
blood formation
- After 7 months, the fetus’s
red marrow has become the
chief site of hematopoiesis

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