As Past Paper Questions p2
As Past Paper Questions p2
As Past Paper Questions p2
Describe the role of Golgi bodies in secretory cells, such as the salivary
gland cells of aphids.
1 modification / process / described, of, proteins / polypeptides ;
examples of modification
cutting of polypeptides
5 AVP ;
R if 80S ribosomes
R by mitosis
4 AVP ;
5 AVP ;
5 gives strength (to cell wall) to, prevent cell bursting / withstand (turgor) pressure / AW ;
7 idea of many gaps, in wall / between fibres, allowing passage of water / named) substances / making
cell wall permeable ;
I plasmodesmata
8 AVP ;
Describe the roles of the sinoatrial node (SAN) and the atrioventricular
node (AVN) in the initiation and control of the cardiac cycle.
A regulates heartbeat
R nerve impulses
3 spread across / AW, atria / atrial walls or leads to atrial, systole / contraction(s) ;
5 passes the impulse / wave of excitation, to the Purkyne fibres / down the septum ;
A Bundle of His
R nerve impulse
6 detail ;
e.g. so atria contract before ventricles allows ventricles to fill / allow atria to empty completely
Explain why it is important that the Purkyne fibres extend to the base of
the heart.
contraction / ventricular systole, begins at the base of the ventricles ;
A pushed
Suggest and explain how the effect of phagocytes on tissues in the lungs
leads to people feeling tired all the time.
1 phagocytes / macrophages / neutrophils / elastase, breaks down / weakens, alveolar walls ;
2 (reduced elastin so) alveoli cannot stretch and recoil / alveoli overstretch ;
5 less oxygen absorbed by blood / reduced oxygen supply (to tissues) / not enough oxygen for (aerobic)
respiration / AW ;
Discuss the biological factors and social factors that make TB a difficult
disease to control.
1 Transmission ;
I airborne
2 HIV / immunodeficiency ;
3 Diagnosis is difficult ;
4 Treatment ;
e.g. treatment is long term / treatment may not start early enough
5 Acquired resistance ;
6 Vaccination ;
7 Education ;
e.g. limited education / low awareness, about prevention for general population
6 memory cells are produced for, secondary response / faster response (when antigen encountered
again) ;
2019 feb 22
Nov 2022 22