Expandi Book5 - Triple Your Leads On LinkedIn
Expandi Book5 - Triple Your Leads On LinkedIn
Expandi Book5 - Triple Your Leads On LinkedIn
This FREE eBook reveals EVERYTHING you
need to know to level up your Linkedin lead
generation in 2023
Hey, Stefan here
You just got an amazing e-book that will help you become a true ninja of
Linkedin cold outreach (let’s be clear about something: ninjas are really
Below, I will personally be teaching you how to achieve results like this:
Instated, they’re REAL results you can achieve if you use growth hacks
from this e-book.!
I can say that with certainty because I’ve tried them from my own per-
sonal account and even helped people with under <1,000 connections!
People who weren’t creating content and people who have no idea how
to use complicated marketing tools…
But before I reveal all the tricks of the trade, let me tell you a quick sto-
Once upon a time was a dark time when everyone was abusing the pow-
er of LinkedIn automation tools to generate hundreds of leads in a day…
I’ve seen it first hand. Those were truly the wild west times of LinkedIn
Nowadays, you can only connect with up to 100 contacts per week (but
I’ll be showing you how to work around this below as well).
And if LinkedIn detects the slightest whiff of automation coming from your
account, you risk getting your account suspended…
Meaning: If you work in LinkedIn outreach - our jobs just got harder...
But fear not! LinkedIn is still a goldmine. It’s just the approach
that’s changed!
This is why so many people at the top continue having success with
LinkedIn while you might feel limited with how many leads you’re gener-
I was trying to figure things out for myself not so long ago. And now I
have the answers to your burning questions.
How do I get serious results when I can send only 100 requests per
How do I use LinkedIn correctly when there are so many new and
frequent changes?
So trust me on this…
To make this as risk-free for you as possible, we’ll be covering the EX-
Outreach templates we used that you can copy and simply fill in the
dynamic tags.
You’ll find all the step-by-step instructions that will help you to implement
all strategies in a short time.
But we decided that giving away everything would yield more value.
If you want to go over the “100 connection per week limit”, you need to
approach outreach like a human…
But it doesn’t mean you can’t use any automation to make your life much
This might seem insignificant, but the tools you use play a huge role in
your account’s safety.
When using LinkedIn for lead generation, there are proven tools that
come up in conversations among the top salespeople…
Proven Tools
Using this small tech stack and the 5 tactics we’re about to cover below,
you’ll be able to become a “healthy” LinkedIn user, bypass all limits, and
generate quality leads on autopilot.
How to reach up to 1,000+ people on LinkedIn with a single event and:
bypass the 100 connection per week limit and avoid Linkedin account
not become a spammer
Since LinkedIn doesn’t offer a bulk invitation feature, you can use Expan-
di to safely invite your entire LinkedIn network to your event automatical-
ly. Expandi smart algorithm spreads the invites out during the day with a
maximum of 140 per day to be on the safe side.
3. Inside the Expandi profile settings, you can adjust how many invites
you want to send.
For the event invite campaign, you are not able to customize
the invite message. This is how it looks on the client’s side:
If imported contacts aren’t contacts or new contacts they won’t be
invited to the event.
Do you want to get the ticket to never wonder how to promote your
LinkedIn events?
The exact 1on1 examples we used (many times over) from our con-
tent plan (posts, video, polls)
How to interact with all attendees before the event and after the
First of all, you should learn about your leads’ interests and the challeng-
es they face. The posts they like and comment on can help you figure it
Expandi’s Best
LinkedIn Content
Retargeting Growth Hack
for 2023
No-bo-dy likes responding to automated LinkedIn outreach messag-
es because they’re all the same:
Hi {first_name} ,
Saw you also liked the amazing
LinkedIn Growth Hack post by Ugljesa
Djuric from Lemtalk.
Hey {first_name}!
I noticed you are also a fan of Dan
Martell on here, would love to connect!
Linkedin has an average engagement rate of 3.16% in 2022. It’s pretty
low because people don’t add likes and comments to every LinkedIn post
they liked.
Use Linkedin Polls to boost your Linkedin engagement rate.
Everyone likes polls. So, for almost every LinkedIn poll out there, you
can expect it to have more people voting than leaving a comment. So,
how can you use Linkedin polls for lead generation?
Using Expandi, it’s possible to scrape all the people who have voted in
your LinkedIn poll and start a cold outreach campaign based on how they
voted in your poll, if they commented on your post, and even how they
reacted to your post.
1. Find the poll you want to scrape and copy the post URL
To scrape the LinkedIn poll, you have to be the author of the
post, otherwise it won’t work.
3. Paste the poll URL. Once you scrape the voters from your poll, you
can filter them according to the option they voted for
Hey {first_name}.
Thanks for voting on my poll about
using images in your LinkedIn
It’s pretty hard to find the target audience to promote your own LinkedIn
As long as you know what kind of events your target market attends on
LinkedIn, you can now scrape the list of attendees and reach out to them
with Expandi.
1. Find a LinkedIn event you want to scrape and Copy its URL
Make sure you’ve clicked ‘Attend event’ on Linkedin so that
Expandi can scrape it properly.
2. Go to Expandi and create the new Event Search to search and ex-
tract attendees from the Event
Connection Request
Hey {first_name},
Connection Request
Hey {first_name},
I saw you clicked that you were
attending the event: Roundtable Dis-
cussion: Outreach Campaigns That
Generate ROI.
Accepted rate
Reply rate
As a result, we achieved:
Accepted rate
Reply rate
Hack #5
If you are still using just first name, company name, or some dynamic
placeholders for your Linkedin message personalization, you have a
big chance of failure. Why? Because every salesperson is doing the
same thing.
If you want to grab your contacts’ attention and make them reply, you
need to win the personalization battle. Image/GIF personalization is
what you exactly need.
Once you finished Expandi and Hyperise integration, you can:
1. Create an image /Gif personalization in the Hyperise
- First name
- Last name
- Company Name
- Job Title
Connection Request
Heyo (first-name)
Let’s connect.
As a result, we achieved:
They went to the “Campaign builder” campaign and created the smart
sequence that included such steps as:
1,052 Connections
587 Engagements
62 Replies
182 Clicks
Even though there are a ton of sales tools out there, it’s still difficult to
connect everything so that it’s seamless.
But when a lead is in the “need” stage, they want to talk to several
potential vendors to find which one solves their problems best.
And what can make you look better in your lead’s eyes?
It’s your communication and how reactive you are. That’s why you
need to remind them about yourself constantly.
Using this growth hack, you’ll be able to instantly connect with your new
leads on LinkedIn as soon as they fill in your Calendly form. After that,
you’ll be able to follow up automatically as needed.
Because your leads will remember your name – they’ll naturally connect
with you on LinkedIn as well.
Here’s how:
1. Log in to Zapier and click Create a Zap. Then, choose Calendly
as an app and Invitee Created as the trigger.
6. Now, to connect the Zap with Expandi, you need to select Web-
hooks by Zapier as an app. In the Action Event, select Post.
Then continue.
7. For the next section, you’ll need to get the URL for the reversed
webhook in Expandi. To do that, log into Expandi, select the
campaign you’d like to use, and copy the URL to use under the
Integrations section.
8. Go back to Zapier and paste the URL in the URL field. Then, set
the Payload type to JSON. Finally, you’ll need to map the Data
to the relevant Calendly questions you’ve set up. Other fields to
include could be the first name, last name, email, etc. Like so:
Feel free to copy our templates below and adjust them for your brand.
Talk soon.
That’s how we gained a connection request acceptance rate of
88.9%! A rate much higher than average.
Bonus #2. Increase
Webinar Attendance
number with LinkedIn
(Zoom + Linkedin
Last but not least, we have one final growth hack that can be really
valuable if you’re hosting online webinars.
Just imagine that if someone signs up for your webinar via Zoom
form, you send the trigger to your LinkedIn account to automatical-
ly connect with your lead.
1. Ask for a LinkedIn URL in your webinar registration form (we use
Zoom for this).
4. Continue the sequence after the webinar with follow-ups (e.g. links
mentioned in the webinar, asking for their thoughts, and so on).
Sequence Examples
Now, here’s the exact Expandi template sequence we used that you can
copy and adjust for your brand.
Heeyooo {first_name}!
I just popped open the champagne
when I saw your name on the list of
attendees for our next Expandi Live
Welcome aboard, {first_name}!
70% of B2B leads generated on social networking sites come from Linke-
dIn. Imagine a software that will do that automated LinkedIn outreach for
you on autopilot