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Rational Software Corporation®


VERSION: 2002.05.000
PART NUMBER: 800-025065-000

SOLARIS 2.6, 7, 8
HP–UX 10, 11
DOCUMENT NUMBER 800-025065-000 OCTOBER 2001


Copyright © 1992, 2001 Rational Software Corporation . All rights reserved.
Copyright 1989, 1991 The Regents of the University of California
Copyright 1984–1991 by Raima Corporation


Rational, Rational Software Corporation, the Rational logo, Rational the e-development
company, Rational Suite ContentStudio, ClearCase, ClearCase MultiSite ClearQuest,
Object Testing, Object-Oriented Recording, Objectory, PerformanceStudio, PureCoverage,
PureDDTS, PureLink, Purify, Purify’d, Quantify, Rational Apex, Rational CRC, Rational
PerformanceArchitect, Rational Rose, Rational Suite, Rational Summit, Rational Unified
Process, Rational Visual Test, Requisite, RequisitePro, RUP, SiteCheck, SoDA, TestFactory,
TestMate, TestStudio, The Rational Watch, among others are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Rational Software Corporation in the United States and in other countries.
All other names are used for identification purposes only, and are trademarks or registered
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Sun, Solaris, and Java are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Microsoft, the Microsoft logo, the Microsoft Internet Explorer logo, Windows, the Windows logo,
Windows NT, the Windows Start logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft
Corporation in the United States and other countries.

U.S. Patent Nos. 5,574,898 and 5,649,200 and 5,675,802. Additional patents pending.


Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions set forth in
the applicable Rational License Agreement and in DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a)
(1995), DFARS 252.227-7013(c)(1)(ii) (Oct 1988), FAR 12.212(a) 1995, FAR 52.227-19, or FAR
52.227-14, as applicable.

This document and its associated software may be used as stated in the underlying license
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or implied, with respect to the media and software product and its documentation, including
without limitation, the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or arising
from a course of dealing, usage, or trade practice.

This software and documentation is based in part on BSD Networking Software Release 2,
licensed from the Regents of the University of California. We acknowledge the role of the
Computer Systems Research Group and the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
Department of the University of California at Berkeley and the Other Contributors in its
This product includes software developed by Greg Stein <gstein@lyra.org> for use in the
mod_dav module for Apache (http://www.webdav.org/mod_dav/).
Release Notes Contents

Preface......................................................................... xiii
About This Manual .......................................................................... . . . xiii
ClearCase Documentation Roadmap.................................................... . . . xiv
Typographical Conventions.................................................................... . xv
Online Documentation ...................................................................... . . . xvi
Technical Support............................................................................... xvii

1 READ ME FIRST.......................................................... 1
ClearCase and MultiSite Hardware and Software Requirements .................... . . . . 1
Supported Architectures................................................................ . . . . 1
Supported Platforms for ClearCase Web Servers and Web Interface.......... . . . . 2
Supported File Systems................................................................ . . . . 2
NFS Support......................................................................... . . . . 2
Hardware Requirements................................................................ . . . . 2
Basic Hardware Requirements................................................... . . . . 3
Disk Space Requirements for the Release Area.............................. . . . . 3
Disk Space Requirements for Individual Hosts................................ . . . . 3
Software Requirements................................................................. . . . . 4
Basic Software Requirements ................................................... . . . . 4
Exporting the Release Area....................................................... . . . . 5
Architecture Mnemonics and mount Commands.............................. . . . . 5
Platform-Specific Information Relating to Installation................................... . . . . 6
Operating System Patches May Be Required...................................... . . . . 6
Operating System Vendor Web Sites ................................................ . . . . 9
Layered Software Packages............................................................... 10
ClearCase and MultiSite Patches Incorporated in This Release........................ 10
Upgrading from a Previous Release.......................................................... 11
General Issues with Upgrading........................................................... 11
Upgrading to the New Feature Level for UCM PVOBs............................... 12
Evaluating This Release of ClearCase.................................................. 13
Feature Compatibility Issues Across Releases........................................ 13
Upgrading from ClearCase LT................................................................. 14
MultiSite Compatibility with ClearCase....................................................... 15
MultiSite Version 2002.05.00.............................................................. 15
Compatibility Issues Across MultiSite Releases....................................... 15
Replica Creation........................................................................ 15
Replica Synchronization.............................................................. 15

Upgrading to New Schema Format................................................. 16
Enabling VOB Replicas for Interoperation......................................... 16
ClearQuest Compatibility with ClearCase................................................... 16
Installation and Licensing ...................................................................... 16
Pointer to Installation and Licensing Information ..................................... 17
Known Issues Related to Installation.................................................... 17
Deinstalling ClearCase May Remove Web Interface Views.................... 17
Cannot Use New VOB Schema Format with Link-Only or Mount
Installations............................................................. 17
Problems with Link-Only Installations .............................................. 17
Installation of UCM Integration with ClearQuest.................................. 18
Recovering from an Unsuccessful Installation.................................... 19
ClearCase Client Computers Need Consistent Character Encoding. .. . ..... 19
DDTS Integration Uses Wrong Environment Variable........................... 19
............................................................................................. 19
Installing the ClearCase Integration with Forte for Java ........................ 20

2 What’s New in ClearCase........................................... . 21

Summary of Changes in This Release....................................................... 21
New UCM Features ............................................................................. 21
Development Stream Hierarchies........................................................ 22
Interproject and Intraproject Deliver Operations....................................... 22
Nondefault Deliver Target Policies....................................................... 22
Composite Baselines....................................................................... 22
Multiple-Component VOBs................................................................ 23
Enhanced GUI Support.................................................................... 23
Support for Triggers on Additional UCM Operations.................................. 23
Other New Features ....................................................................... 24
Enhanced ClearCase Web Interface Support............................................... 24
UCM Support................................................................................ 24
Web-Based Diff/Merge Capability........................................................ 24
Improved Workspace Management for Web Views................................... 24
Improved Control Over Session Timeout Length ..................................... 24
Interop Text Mode Supported in Web View Creation ................................ 25
Web Server Component Installation iIs Now Optional................................ 25
Changes to Web Interface Documentation ............................................ 25
Enhancement to UCM ClearCase-ClearQuest Integration ............................... 25
Enhancements to Base ClearCase-ClearQuest Integration ............................. 25
Enhancements to ClearCase Integrations with Third-Party Products .................. 26
Sun Forte for C++ Support................................................................ 27
Enhancements to Installation.................................................................. 27
clearprompt is Now Installed with Miminal Developer Installation.................. 27
ClearCase LT Server Install Now Allows Selection of VOB Schema 53 or 54..... 28

vi Contents
clearmake Changes.............................................................................. 28
Recording makefiles within Configuration Records................................... 28
Improved Reporting ........................................................................ 28
Improved Handling of Special Characters in Macro Names......................... 28
Improved Handling of Special Characters in Filenames............................. 28
GUI Support for Date and Time Preservation .............................................. 29
Additional Support for Moving VOBS......................................................... 29
New View Database Format.................................................................... 29
Changes to clearhistory and clearmrgman ................................................. 29
New ClearCase Perl Module................................................................... 30
Other Enhancements............................................................................ 30
Some ClearCase Programs Access Databases as VOB Owner .. .... ... ... ...... 30
chevent-Type Triggers Set to MODIFY_TYPE Now Fire Correctly................. 30
Improved Shared Lock Memory Manager on HP-UX 11............................. 30
New MVFS tuning parameter............................................................. 31
clearfsimport Checks For VOB Locks During Operation............................. 31
rmelem Use Now Restricted to VOB Owner or Privileged User.................... 31
rmelem Triggers fire When Symbolic Link is Removed.............................. 31
recoverview Now Dumps or Loads Very Large Views................................ 31
Improved Error Reporting for diffbl....................................................... 31
xcleardiff Can Now Compare Files With Names containing ’-dir’ .................. 32
Improvements to mktrtype, mkeltype, and cptype..................................... 32
Improvement to describe................................................................... 32
Changes to ClearCase Commands........................................................... 32
New Commands ............................................................................ 32
New Options and Arguments............................................................. 33
Obsolete Options and Arguments ....................................................... 37
Obsolete Commands ...................................................................... 37
Other Changes.............................................................................. 37
Changes to Documentation .................................................................... 37
Unification of UNIX and Windows Command Reference............................ 37
Changes to Release Notes................................................................ 37
Manual Reorganization .................................................................... 38
Changes to Command Reference........................................................ 39

3 What’s New in MultiSite............................................. . 41

Requests for Mastership of Branch Types Now Supported............................... 41
New Tool to Check Epoch Numbers.......................................................... 41
New Object Selector for describe Command................................................ 42
New Option for lsvob Command............................................................... 42
Changes to Commands......................................................................... 42
Changes to Command Syntax............................................................ 43
chmaster................................................................................. 43

Contents vii
mkreplica................................................................................ 43
reqmaster................................................................................ 43
restorereplica........................................................................... 43
Changes to Command Output............................................................ 43
describe.................................................................................. 43
multitool.................................................................................. 43
restorereplica........................................................................... 43
Changes to MultiSite Documentation......................................................... 43

4 Restrictions and Guidelines for Using ClearCase......... . 45

Guidelines for Using UCM...................................................................... 45
PVOB Feature Level Requirements...................................................... 45
When Setting Up a Project, Make Components Read-Only Initially . . . . .. . . . ..... 46
Using UCM in a MultiSite Environment.................................................. 46
Notes on Using the UCM-ClearQuest Integration .................................... 46
Transitioning a ClearQuest-Enabled Activity After Delivery .................... 46
Schema Requires Submitted State ................................................ 47
Changes to UCM CustomQuery1 Do Not Appear in Dialog Box.............. 47
Cannot Import UCM-Enabled Records from ClearQuest Database. . . . . ..... 48
Cannot Delete a Project Record in ClearQuest.................................. 48
Availability of Check Mastership Policy ............................................ 48
Changing a Project Name Does Not Automatically Update ClearQuest. .... 48
When Running Integration, Certain Operations Do Not Require
ClearCase Installed................................................... 48
Rebasing a Stream......................................................................... 49
Clear Recommended Baseline Setting if Baseline Is Removed ................... 50
Delivering changes to a read-only component......................................... 50
For an intraproject Deliver............................................................ 50
For an Interproject Deliver............................................................ 51
Recommending a Baseline................................................................ 51
Delivering Selected Activities to a Non-default Target................................ 52
Remote Deliver May Fail if Remote Site Has Not Synchronized...... ............. 52
Notes on Using the Base ClearCase-ClearQuest Integration ........................... 52
Support Policy on Modifying Perl Trigger Source Code.............................. 52
Guidelines on Using the ClearCase Web Interface........................................ 53
Restrictions on the Web Interface in a UCM Environment .......................... 53
Interactive Triggers Fail When Accessed Through Web Interface.................. 53
Host Name Resolution Must Be Enabled on Web Interface Clients ............... 53
ClearCase Web Interface Problem in Overriding Primary Group................... 54
Adding the Variable to the ccweb.conf file......................................... 54
Setting the Registry.................................................................... 54
Netscape MOZILLA_HOME Environment Variable Must Be Set .................. 54
Problems With Toolbar Menus When Using Netscape............................... 55

viii Contents
Internet Explorer 5 May Terminate Display of Web Pages........................... 55
Some Fonts in Netscape on UNIX Are Difficult to Read............................. 55
Web Views Can Only Be Accessed Using the Web Interface....................... 55
Preparing Old Web Views to Run with ClearCase 2002.05.00 .................... 56
Guidelines on Using the XML Diff Merge Tool.............................................. 56
Problems Using Netscape 4 to Compare HTML Files .................................... 57
Guidelines on Using UNIX Snapshot Views................................................. 57
Version Tree Browser Opens a Temporary File ....................................... 57
Version Tree Browser Displays Error on Attempt to Access Eclipsed
Element ............................................................................ 58
Problems When Administrative VOBs Are Unavailable ................................... 58
Restrictions on Use of VOB Schema 54 .................................................... 59
If TZ Variable Is Set, ClearCase Uses It ..................................................... 59
Change to Behavior of Keep checked out Check Box .................................... 59
Verbose Mode Slows xclearcase Performance............................................. 60
Problem Using dtpad Editor on Systems Running CDE.................................. 60
xclearcase Reuses Old Comments During checkin........................................ 60
DDTS Integration Uses Wrong Environment Variable..................................... 61
Documentation Issues........................................................................... 61
Problem with Reference Pages .......................................................... 61
config_ccase............................................................................ 61
mount..................................................................................... 61
rebase.................................................................................... 62
softbench_ccase....................................................................... 62
Problem with Developing Software Manual............................................. 62
Cannot Run ClearCase Commands in a UNIX Snapshot View From a
Windows Client........................................................ 62
Delivering Work From a Snapshot View........................................... 63
Handling Elements That Are Not Visible........................................... 63
Problems with Managing Software Projects............................................ 64
Problems with Administrator’s Guide.................................................... 64
Problems with Online Help................................................................ 65
Using xman to Display Man Pages................................................. 65
Issues with Bristol HyperHelp ....................................................... 65
Help Window is Blank................................................................. 65
Issues with Tutorials........................................................................ 66
Tutorial Setup Script Fails on Windows XP........................................ 66
Tutorials in a Mixed Environment.................................................... 66

5 Restrictions and Guidelines for MultiSite..................... . 67

Change to Name of Lock File Used by Scripts............................................. 67
Warning on Receipt of Packet from Earlier MultiSite Version ........................... 67
Synchronization Error When Database Limit Is Exceeded............................... 68

Contents ix
Limitation on Editing Mastership Request ACL............................................. 68
Do Not Use MultiSite to Clone a VOB ....................................................... 68
Using UCM and MultiSite ...................................................................... 69
Problems with Documentation................................................................. 69

6 Status of ClearCase Software Change Requests.......... . 71

7 Status of MultiSite Software Change Requests............. . 73

A Network Attached Storage Devices Certified For Use

With ClearCase......................................................... . 75
Supported Platforms and Protocols........................................................... 75
Auspex NS2000.................................................................................. 77
Configuring the Auspex NS2000 for ClearCase....................................... 77
Using NS2000 Snapshot Backups....................................................... 78
EMC Celerra File Server........................................................................ 79
Configuring a Celerra File Server for ClearCase...................................... 79
Using Celerra TimeFinder and SnapSure Backups................................... 79
Network Appliance Filer......................................................................... 80
Configuring a Network Appliance Filer for ClearCase................................ 80
Using Network Appliance Snapshot Backups.......................................... 82

x Contents

Table 1 Supported Platforms for ClearCase and MultiSite Version 2002.05.00. . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Table 2 Supported File Systems by Platform................................................. . . . . 2
Table 3 Disk Space Requirements for ClearCase Product Family Releases ........... . . . . 3
Table 4 Exporting the ClearCase Product Family Release Area.......................... . . . . 5
Table 5 Mounting the CD-ROM.................................................................. . . . . 5
Table 6 Operating System Patches............................................................. . . . . 6
Table 7 Web Sites of Operating System Vendors............................................... 10
Table 8 Layered Software Packages Required by ClearCase ................................ 10
Table 9 ClearCase and MultiSite Patches Incorporated into This Release ................ 11
Table 10 Compatibility: Views with VOBs.......................................................... 14
Table 11 Compatibility: Clients with VOBs......................................................... 14
Table 12 Compatibility: Clients with Views......................................................... 14
Table 13 Supported Integrations Between ClearCase (Using UCM) and ClearQuest . .... 18
Table 14 New Command in ClearCase Version 2002.05.00.................................... 32
Table 15 New Options and Arguments to Existing ClearCase Commands.................. 33
Table 16 New Options and Arguments in MultiSite Version 2002.05.00...................... 42
Table 17 MultiSite Versions and Packet Protocols................................................ 67
Table 18 Supported NAS Devices................................................................... 75

Figures xi
xii Figures

About This Manual

This document describes Version 2002.50.00 of both Rational ClearCase configuration
management software and Rational ClearCase MultiSite software for the UNIX
operating system.

ClearCase Documentation Roadmap


Release Notes
Online Tutorials

Development Management

Developing Software Managing Software Projects

More Information
Command Reference
Quick Reference
Online documentation

Management Administration

OMAKE Guide Installation Guide

(Windows platforms) Administrator’s Guide
Building Software (Rational ClearCase)
Administrator’s Guide
(Rational ClearCase MultiSite)
Platform Information
(See online help)

xiv Preface
Typographical Conventions
This manual uses the following typographical conventions:
ccase-home-dir represents the directory into which the ClearCase Product
Family has been installed. By default, this directory is /usr/atria on UNIX and
C:\Program Files\Rational \ClearCase on Windows.

attache-home-dir represents the directory into which ClearCase Attache has been
installed. By default, this directory is C:\Program Files\Rational \Attache.
Bold is used for names the user can enter; for example, all command names, file
names, and branch names.
Italic is used for variables, document titles, glossary terms, and emphasis.

A monospaced font is used for examples. Where user input needs to be

distinguished from program output, bold is used for user input.
Nonprinting characters are in small caps and appear as follows: <EOF>, <NL>.
Key names and key combinations are capitalized and appear as follows: SHIFT,
[ ]Brackets enclose optional items in format and syntax descriptions.
{ }Braces enclose a list from which you must choose an item in format and syntax
| A vertical bar separates items in a list of choices.
...In a syntax description, an ellipsis indicates you can repeat the preceding item or
line one or more times. Otherwise, it can indicate omitted information.
Note: In certain contexts, ClearCase recognizes “...” within a pathname as a
wildcard, similar to “*” or “?”. See the wildcards_ccase reference page for more

If a command or option name has a short form, a “medial dot” ( · ) character

indicates the shortest legal abbreviation. For example:
This means that you can truncate the command name to lsc or any of its
intermediate spellings (lsch, lsche, lschec, and so on).

Preface xv
Online Documentation
The ClearCase graphical interface includes a Microsoft Windows-like help system.
There are three basic ways to access the online help system: the Help menu, the Help
button, or the F1 key. Help>Contents provides access to the complete set of ClearCase
online documentation. For help on a particular context, press F1. Use the Help button
on various dialog boxes to get information specific to that dialog box.
ClearCase also provides access to full “reference pages” (detailed descriptions
of ClearCase commands, utilities, and data structures) with the cleartool man
subcommand. Without any argument, cleartool man displays the cleartool overview
reference page. Specifying a command name as an argument gives information about
using the specified command. For example:
% cleartool man (display the cleartool overview page)

% cleartool man man (display the cleartool man reference page)

% cleartool man checkout(display the cleartool checkout reference page)

ClearCase’s –help command option or help command displays individual

subcommand syntax. Without any argument, cleartool help displays the syntax for all
cleartool commands. help checkout and checkout –help are equivalent.
% cleartool uncheckout –help
Usage: uncheckout | unco [-keep | -rm] [-cact | -cwork ] pname ...

Additionally, the online ClearCase Tutorial provides important information on setting

up a user’s environment, along with a step-by-step tour through ClearCase’s most
important features. To start the ClearCase Tutorial from the command line, type
hyperhelp cc_tut.hlp.

xvi Preface
Technical Support
If you have any problems with the software or documentation, please contact
Rational Technical Support via telephone, fax, or electronic mail as described below.
For information regarding support hours, languages spoken, or other support
information, click the Technical Support link on the Rational Web site at www.rational.com.
Your Location Telephone Facsimile Electronic Mail
North America 800-433-5444 408-863-4194 support@rational.com
toll free or Cupertino, CA
408-863-4000 781-676-2460
Cupertino, CA Lexington, MA
Europe, Middle +31-(0)20- +31-(0)20- support@europe.ratio-
East, and Africa 4546-200 4546-201 nal.com
Netherlands Netherlands
Asia Pacific 61-2-9419-0111 61-2-9419-0123 support@apac.ratio-
Australia Australia nal.com

Preface xvii
xvii Preface
This chapter contains important information about Version 2002.05.00 of Rational
ClearCase and Rational ClearCase MultiSite. Read it before you attempt to install
either product. Note that beginning with this release, ClearCase and MultiSite releases
use the same version number and version number format as other Rational Software
products released in the same period.
Note: The term CPF stands for ClearCase Product Family and refers to the products
ClearCase, Attache, and MultiSite. The term 4.x refers to 4.0, 4.1, and 4.2.

ClearCase and MultiSite Hardware and Software Requirements

This section lists the basic platform, hardware, and software requirements for running
ClearCase and MultiSite software.

Supported Architectures
ClearCase and MultiSite Version 2002.05.00 run on the platforms listed in Table 1.

Table 1 Supported Platforms for ClearCase and MultiSite Version 2002.05.00

Hardware platform Operating system
Solaris SPARC Solaris 2.6, 7, 8. 9 (latest beta)(2.6 32–bit
only, others 32– and 64–bit)
HP 9000 Series 700 and Series 800 (32- HP-UX 10.20, 10.20 ACE1 (except
and 64-bit support for all 11.x releases) diskless workstations), 11.0, 11.0 ACE2
and 11.11 (11i version 1.0)
1 Supported HP-UX ACE releases are July 1997, April 1998, June 1998, June 1999, and
December 1999 Workstation ACE, and April 1998, June 1998, June 1999, and December 1999
Networking ACE.
2 Supported HP-UX ACE release is November 1999 ACE.

For more information about differences in features and functionality by platform, see
the ClearCase Platform-Specific Guide in online help. To access the platform guide, go
to ClearCase help and click Help Topics.

Supported Platforms for ClearCase Web Servers and Web Interface
The following platforms support a ClearCase Web server:
Solaris SPARC
All supported ClearCase platforms support the ClearCase Web interface. For details
about the Web servers and Web browsers supported on different platforms, see Basic
Software Requirements on page 4.

Supported File Systems

Table 2 lists the file systems that ClearCase supports for view and VOB storage. If a
file system does not appear in the table, it is not supported. Inform Rational Technical
Support or your sales representative of any concerns you have about this list.
For information on our support of NFS implementations, see .

Table 2 Supported File Systems by Platform

Platform Supported file systems
Solaris SPARC UFS, VxFS (Veritas)

The following file systems cannot be used to store any ClearCase data on any platform:
Andrew File System (AFS), DCE Distributed File System (DFS)
Any memory-based file system (such as memFS, tmpFS, swapFS)

NFS Support
Third-party automounters are not supported on any platform.
For a given platform, we support the NFS implementations that the platform supports.
If you use non-ClearCase access, see the Administrator’s Guide for Rational ClearCase
for a description of the limitations associated with use of NFS and potential

Hardware Requirements
This section describes hardware requirements for installing and running ClearCase
and MultiSite.

2 Chapter 1 - READ ME FIRST

Basic Hardware Requirements
For ClearCase client hosts:
32 MB main memory
300 MB disk space
For ClearCase server hosts:
64 MB memory
2 GB disk space
128 UNIX processes

600 UNIX file descriptors per host (not per process)

Note: UNIX processes and UNIX file descriptors per host are set as kernel

Disk Space Requirements for the Release Area

The file system of the networkwide release host must have sufficient disk space to hold
the release area. The minimum disk space required for release areas on different
platforms is shown below:
Solaris SPARC 209 MB
HP-UX 10 217 MB
HP-UX 11 214 MB

Disk Space Requirements for Individual Hosts

Table 3 shows the disk space requirement for each kind of installation. All the space
must be contained in a single disk partition.

Table 3 Disk Space Requirements for ClearCase Product Family Releases

Type of
ClearCase MultiSite1 Attache helper
Platform installation
Solaris SPARC Full copy 175 MB 6 MB 2 MB
Standard 52 MB 2 MB 2 MB

ClearCase and MultiSite Hardware and Software Requirements 3

Type of
ClearCase MultiSite1 Attache helper
Platform installation
HP-UX 10 Full copy 184 MB 5 MB 2 MB
Standard 45 MB 2 MB 2 MB
HP-UX 11 Full copy 182 MB 6 MB 2 MB
Standard 49 MB 3 MB 2 MB
All Platforms Link < 2 MB2 (install of all ClearCase Product Family
Mounted < 2 MB (install of all ClearCase Product Family
1 These disk requirements are only for the incremental installation of this product over
ClearCase. Disk space requirements for any components shared with ClearCase are included
in the ClearCase numbers.
2 Disk space requirements for Link and Mounted installations represent the space required
for items loaded in the /var/adm/atria directory.

In addition, any host that will have snapshot view directories needs enough disk
space to contain all files loaded into the snapshot views and all view-private files
added to the views. The amount of space required depends on the number and sizes
of the files in the views.
Any host that will have VOB- or view-storage directories must have enough disk
space to contain the files and databases used for storage of VOB- or view-storage
directories. The amount of space required depends on the characteristics and use
of the VOBs and views.

Software Requirements
This section describes software requirements for running ClearCase and MultiSite.

Basic Software Requirements

ClearCase requires the following software:

4 Chapter 1 - READ ME FIRST

The HTML Diff Merge (xcleardiff) tool requires a Netscape Web browser (version
4.6 or later, but before 6.0); the browser must support the level of HTML used
in the files to be compared or merged.
The Web interface requires
On the system acting as a ClearCase Web server, either an Apache Web server
(version 1.3.14 and above), or an iPlanet Enterprise Server (version 4.1 SP8
through 6.0).
On any system accessing ClearCase through the Web interface, a Web browser,
Netscape Communicator (version 4.72 through 4.78). Netscape 6 is not
supported. (Note that it is not necessary to install ClearCase on such a system.)
Use of the online manuals in PDF format requires an Adobe Acrobat Reader,
version 3.0 or later.

Exporting the Release Area

Setting up the export is architecture specific; see . For details, see the standard
reference pages for these files and programs.

Table 4 Exporting the ClearCase Product Family Release Area

Architecture Steps to export ClearCase product family release area
Solaris SPARC 1. Revise share –F nfs /usr/ccase_rls options

2. Enter command: # /usr/sbin/shareall –F NFS

HP-UX 10, HP-UX 11 1. Revise /usr/ccase_rls options

2. Enter command: # /usr/sbin/exportfs –a other-options

Architecture Mnemonics and mount Commands

provides the architecture mnemonic and sample CD-ROM mount commands for
supported platforms. The architecture mnemonic is used as the name of root of the
release area for each platform or set of platforms.

Table 5 Mounting the CD-ROM

Architecture Mnemonic Sample mount command
Solaris SPARC sun5 Not necessary (if Volume Manager is in use)

ClearCase and MultiSite Hardware and Software Requirements 5

Architecture Mnemonic Sample mount command
HP-UX 10 hp10_pa mount –F cdfs –r /dev/dsk/c3d0s2 /cdrom

HP-UX 11 hp11_pa1 mount –F cdfs –r /dev/dsk/c3d0s2 /cdrom

1 When installing ClearCase on an individual host, you must use the appropriate release
area for the architecture on your host. For example, if you have HP-UX 11 on your host, you
must install from the hp11_pa release area.

Platform-Specific Information Relating to Installation

This section provides information that varies from platform to platform. The
Installation Guide for the ClearCase Product Family specifies when you will need this
information and defines the terms used in this section.

Operating System Patches May Be Required

Typically, correct ClearCase operation depends on your having installed a number of
required or recommended operating system patches. These are available from your
OS vendor. The operating system patches are cumulative. Therefore, if you install
a more recent patch, it will include the fix required for ClearCase. See Table 6 for a
list of patches recommended or required for all hosts on which ClearCase software
will run. There may also be required layered packages, as listed in Layered Software
Packages on page 10.
In addition to the patches listed below, which fix problems known to affect ClearCase
functionality, you may require other OS vendor patches to keep your systems
functioning properly. See Operating System Vendor Web Sites on page 9 for information
on where to obtain these patches.
ClearCase is guaranteed to be Y2K-compliant only on operating systems that are
themselves Y2K-compliant.
MultiSite has no known dependencies on operating system patches.

Table 6 Operating System Patches

Patch number Release Purpose Notes
Patches for Solaris SPARC
105181-19 (or 2.6 kernel patch Required for all ClearCase hosts.
later) (includes procfs
105778-01 (or 2.6 specfs (file system Required for all ClearCase hosts.
later) patch)

6 Chapter 1 - READ ME FIRST

Patch number Release Purpose Notes
105780-05 or 2.6 fifofs (file system Required for all ClearCase hosts.
later) patch)
108727-06 or 8 NFS patch Required for ClearCase servers
later) that are NFS clients with NFS
mounted VOB or view storage
(typically using an NAS device).
Patches for HP-UX 10 (Series 700 and 800)
PHCO_20441 10.20 cumulative libc Recommended for all
patch ClearCase hosts.
PHCO_20061 10.20 fixes mount command Required for all ClearCase hosts.
PHCO_16961 10.20 Xcurses library Required for all ClearCase hosts.
cumulative patch
PHNE_15202 10.20 cumulative streams Required for all ClearCase hosts.
(700) patch

PHNE_19187 10.20
PHNE_20839 10.20 cumulative mux and Recommended for all
pty patch ClearCase hosts.
PHNE_20091 10.20 cumulative Recommended for all
NFS/NIS ClearCase hosts. Check
megapatch the prerequisites for these
PHNE_19937 10.20 ARPA transport Recommended for all
(700) patch ClearCase hosts.

PHNE_19936 10.20
PHNE_20021 10.20 NFS kernel patch Recommended for all
ClearCase hosts.
PHKL_9270 10.20 fix for current Required for all ClearCase hosts.
(700) pathname in
PHKL_9271 10.20

Platform-Specific Information Relating to Installation 7

Patch number Release Purpose Notes
PHKL_16750 10.20 NFS hangs, NFS Required for all ClearCase hosts.
(700) write gathering,
buffer cache
PHKL_16751 10.20
cumulative patch,
VxFS cumulative
PHKL_17857 10.20 fix for mount/access Required for all ClearCase hosts.
(700) of disk sections
PHKL_17858 10.20 Required for all ClearCase hosts.
PHKL_17573 10.20 Kernel Interaction Recommended for ClearCase
(700) (KI) NFS hosts using Glance or
performance patch Measureware performance
PHKL_17574 10.20
PHKL_18748 10.20 NFS open() patch Recommended for all
(700) ClearCase hosts.
PHKL_18749 10.20
PHSS_17225 10.x dld.sl(5) cumulative Required for all ClearCase hosts.

PHSS_17872 10.x HP aC++ run-time Required for all ClearCase hosts.

libraries (aCC
A.01.21) (requires

Patches for HP-UX 11 (Series 700 and 800)

PHNE_14620 11.0 RPC/XDR patch Required for all ClearCase hosts.
PHKL_16074 11.0 Kernel Interaction Recommended for ClearCase
(KI) NFS hosts using Glance or
performance patch Measureware performance
PHKL_16983 11.0 NFS open() patch Recommended for all
ClearCase hosts.
PHCO_19182 11.0 10.20 libc Recommended for all
compatibility patch ClearCase hosts.

8 Chapter 1 - READ ME FIRST

Patch number Release Purpose Notes
PHSS_16587 11.0 HP aC++ run-time Required for all ClearCase hosts.
libraries (aCC
PHSS_20865 11.0 X/Motif2.1 Runtime Required for all ClearCase hosts.
PHKL_23406 11.0 kernel thread Required for all ClearCase hosts.
PHKL_23407 11.0
PHKL_23408 11.0
PHKL_23409 11.0
PHNE_23249 11.0 ONC/NFS patch Recommended for all
ClearCase hosts.
Patches for HP-UX 11i (Series 700 and 800)
Bundle11i 11.11 (11i Required bundle of Required for all ClearCase hosts.
version kernel header files,
1.0) B.11.11.0102.n
PHKL_24253 11.11 kernel thread Required for all ClearCase hosts.
“nostop” patches
PHKL_24254 11.11
PHKL_24255 11.11
PHKL_24256 11.11
PHKL_24256 11.11
PHNE_23502 11.0 ONC/NFS patch Recommended for all
ClearCase hosts

Note: ClearCase users running Solaris 2.6 should avoid installing NFS patches
105720-15, 105720-16, or 105720-17 (current version). ClearCase users running
Solaris 7 should avoid installing kernel patches 106541-13, 106541-14, or 106541-15
(current version). For more information on this, see ClearCase Technical Bulletin #43.

Operating System Vendor Web Sites

You can find up-to-date information on operating system patches at the vendor Web
sites listed in Table 7.

Platform-Specific Information Relating to Installation 9

Table 7 Web Sites of Operating System Vendors
Vendor URL
Sun sunsolve.sun.com

Hewlett-Packard us-support.external.hp.com

Layered Software Packages

In some cases, correct ClearCase processing requires installation of a layered software
package. Before installing ClearCase on a host, see Table 8 to determine whether
you need to install any such packages.

Table 8 Layered Software Packages Required by ClearCase

Host type Package name Description
Solaris SPARC SUNWsprot SPARCompilers,
bundled tools; includes
defaultmake.rules file
SUNWbcp Binary compatibility
SUNWscpr Source compatibility, root
SUNWscpu Source compatibility, user
SUNWmfrun Motif RunTime kit to run
ClearCase GUIs
HP-UX 10 Upgrade. UPG-TLINK Compatibility links for file
X Window System: X11R5 Window system
(or later)
HP-UX 11 Upgrade. UPG-TLINK Compatibility links for file
X Window System: X11R6 Window system
(or later)

ClearCase and MultiSite Patches Incorporated in This Release

ClearCase Version 2002.05.00 and ClearCase MultiSite Version 2002.05.00 include
all the patches listed in Table 9. If you are using a more recent patch on any of the
patch streams listed, contact Rational Technical Support to see whether there is a
corresponding patch for Version 2002.05.00.

10 Chapter 1 - READ ME FIRST

Table 9 ClearCase and MultiSite Patches Incorporated into This Release
Patch stream Last patch incorporated into this release
ClearCase v4.0 clearcase_p4.0-27 and earlier

ClearCase v4.1 clearcase _p4.1-20 and earlier

ClearCase v4.2 clearcase _p4.2-7 and earlier

MultiSite v4.0 multisite_p4.0-4 and earlier

MultiSite v4.1 multisite_p4.1-4 and earlier

MultiSite v4.2 multisite_p4.2-2 and earlier

In addition to the above patches, a fix for defect #CMBU00052278 is also included in
this release. For more information on that defect, see the cc_issues.htm file available
from the ClearCase CDROM and available from the ccase-home-dir/install directory
once the product is installed.

Upgrading from a Previous Release

If you have a version of ClearCase prior to Release 4.0 installed, you cannot upgrade
directly to Version 2002.05.00, but must upgrade to any one of the Release 4.x versions
To upgrade to Release 4.x, see the 4.x ClearCase and MultiSite Release Notes.
Upgrading to Version 2002.05.00 does not require reformatting your VOBs, unless
you are installing with the newer VOB format (schema 54). For more information
on general VOB database structure, and for details on reformatting a VOB, see the
Administrator’s Guide for Rational ClearCase and the reformatvob reference page.
Upgrading to Version 2002.05.00 from a release prior to 4.1 does require upgrading
your storage locations; Release 4.1 added enhanced support for creating and
managing storage locations. For details, see the section below on .

General Issues with Upgrading

The Installation Guide for the ClearCase Product Family provides information
necessary to install the ClearCase family of products. Here is some general
information to keep in mind about upgrading:
Make sure that all views and VOBs are fully backed up. For information on
backing up VOBs and views, see the Administrator’s Guide for Rational ClearCase.
You do not need to upgrade your license server or get new ClearCase licenses.
Licenses work with any version of ClearCase product family software, and

Upgrading from a Previous Release 11

ClearCase Version 2002.05.00 hosts can use a ClearCase license server running
a 4.x version of the software.
Be sure that VOB and view servers are upgraded before you upgrade client hosts;
Version 2002.05.00 clients cannot access VOBs or views on hosts that are running
an earlier release of ClearCase.
Updating your VOBs to use the latest VOB database schema (schema 54) requires
that you reformat them. We recommend updating your VOB database schema
only if your site clearly needs support for greater than 16 million records and VOB
database file sizes greater than 2 GB.
Caution: If you use MultiSite and update one or more replicas in a VOB family to
the new format, you must update all other replicas in the family before
the reformatted replicas exceed the database limit of the previous
schema (53). If you do not, synchronization imports will fail at any
replica that has not been updated.

Make sure the /var/adm/atria directory is backed up.

If you have added any files to or modified any files in ccase-home-dir (/usr/atria, by
default), move them; if you do not, they will be lost when you install.
Check Table 6, Operating System Patches, to determine whether you need to install
any recommended or required patches.
You need not remove the previous version of ClearCase unless you want to change
the location of your ClearCase installation directory.
Note: At Release 4.1, installation of HP-UX 11 systems was supported from the
hp10_pa release area. At Releases 4.0 and 4.2, as well as at this release, installation
of HP-UX 11 systems is from the hp11_pa release area.

Before upgrading to a new ClearCase release, you must complete all deliver
operations that are in progress.
See also Known Issues Related to Installation on page 17.

Upgrading to the New Feature Level for UCM PVOBs

This version of ClearCase introduces a new feature level, FL3, to support some of its
new functionality. To upgrade to the new feature level, you must upgrade systems to
the new feature level in the correct order after installing Version 2002.05.00 on all the
view and VOB server systems. If you are using UCM, this order is different from the
order required at previous releases of ClearCase and MultiSite. The order is:
1 Upgrade the license server to FL3.
2 Upgrade the registry server to FL3.

12 Chapter 1 - READ ME FIRST

3 Upgrade VOB servers on all replicas to FL3.
4 Upgrade view servers on all replicas to FL3.
5 Upgrade all client systems to Version 2002.05.00.
6 Upgrade PVOBs and VOB families to FL3.
Note that in a UCM environment, if you do not perform Step 5, client systems that
have not been upgraded to the new release will not operate.
If servers are upgraded to the Version 2002.05.00 before all client systems have beem
upgraded, new VOBs must be created on servers that run ClearCase Release 4.x,
because Release 4.x clients cannot communicate with VOBs created on systems that
run the new release.
Once you upgrade the feature level on your PVOBs, you must also set the
recommended baselines on integration streams that are in use. If you do not, existing
development stream configurations may be unexpectedly changed when you perform
a rebase -recommend command.
For more information, see the ClearCase white paper on migrating to Version
2002.05.00 on the Rational Web site, www.rational.com/support/products/clearcase.jsp.

Evaluating This Release of ClearCase

The way in which you evaluate Version 2002.05.00 depends on which release of
ClearCase you are currently running.
If you are running a 4.x release and you want to evaluate Version 2002.05.00, you
can install this version on one or more test systems in your existing environment
of servers, clients, views, and VOBs, and configure the test systems to use your 4.x
license server.

Feature Compatibility Issues Across Releases

Even the simplest ClearCase operation invokes a communications chain that can
involve several components. For example, the act of checking out a file element
involves a client program (running on the developer’s workstation), which acts
through a particular view (located on that workstation or elsewhere) and uses
a particular VOB (typically located on a dedicated VOB server host). If all the
components in this operation are running the same ClearCase release, compatibility
is guaranteed.
Table 10, Table 11, and Table 12 show the compatibility paths if all hosts are not
running the same ClearCase release. In these tables, client means ClearCase client
software. In each table, a component in a row can use a component in a column if
there is a yes at the intersection of the row and column. For example, Table 10 shows

Upgrading from a Previous Release 13

that a 4.x view can use a 2002.05.00 VOB or a 4.x VOB, but a 2002.05.00 view cannot
use a 4.x VOB.

Table 10 Compatibility: Views with VOBs

4.x VOB 2002.05.00 VOB
4.x view yes yes
2002.05.00 view no yes

Table 11 Compatibility: Clients with VOBs

4.x VOB 2002.05.00 VOB
4.x client yes yes
2002.05.00 client no yes

Table 12 Compatibility: Clients with Views

4.x View 2002.05.00 View
4.x client yes yes
2002.05.00 client no yes

Specifically, these tables make two points:

ClearCase 2002.05.00 clients can use only views and VOBs that reside on ClearCase
2002.05.00 hosts.
ClearCase 4.x clients can use views and VOBs that reside on 4.x or 2002.05.00 hosts.
In general, 4.x clients can access 4.x and 2002.05.00 servers, while 2002.05.00 clients
can access 2002.05.00 servers only. A notable exception is that 2002.05.00 clients and
servers will talk to 4.x albd_servers to support access to registry, license and other
administrative functions.
A Version 2002.05.00 client on UNIX can access a VOB on Windows NT using a
snapshot view. However, the snapshot view storage directory and the VOB storage
directory must be on servers running Version 2002.05.00 or later.

Upgrading from ClearCase LT

Rational ClearCase LT can be easily upgraded to full-featured Rational ClearCase.
ClearCase includes a tool that helps automate the upgrade process, though a few
manual steps may be required to upgrade certain configurations. The upgrade
preserves all of your ClearCase LT VOB data.

14 Chapter 1 - READ ME FIRST

The chapter Upgrading ClearCase LT to ClearCase in the Installation Guide for the
ClearCase Product Family explains the upgrade process in detail and describes two
common upgrade scenarios.

MultiSite Compatibility with ClearCase

ClearCase MultiSite is layered on ClearCase. To use MultiSite on a host running
Version 2002.05.00 of ClearCase, you must be running Version 2002.05.00 of MultiSite.

MultiSite Version 2002.05.00

ClearCase MultiSite Version 2002.05.00 is fully compatible with ClearCase Version
2002.05.00 client and server hosts:
A MultiSite 2002.05.00 replicated VOB can reside on any ClearCase 2002.05.00
server host.
Any ClearCase Version 2002.05.00 client program can access and modify any
replicated VOB residing on a ClearCase 2002.05.00 or 4.x server host. Other
client-VOB access is the same as that documented in Feature Compatibility Issues
Across Releases on page 13.
Installing MultiSite 2002.05.00 does not require you to reformat VOBs or views.

Compatibility Issues Across MultiSite Releases

The following sections describe compatibility restrictions and issues when different
sites are running different MultiSite releases.

Replica Creation
There are compatibility restrictions on creating replicas. You cannot create a replica
on a Release 4.x host from a replica-creation packet created on a Version 2002.05.00
host. If you want to create a new VOB family with replicas on Release 4.x and Version
2002.05.00 hosts, the VOB from which you export the replica-creation packet must be
located on a host running Release 4.x.

Replica Synchronization
Existing replicas hosted on systems running ClearCase 2002.05.00 can synchronize
with existing replicas on systems running ClearCase 4.x. See the information on
feature levels in the Administrator’s Guide for Rational ClearCase MultiSite.

MultiSite Compatibility with ClearCase 15

Upgrading to New Schema Format
If you decide to update one or more replicas in a VOB family to use the latest VOB
database schema format (schema 54), you do not have to update all other replicas in
the VOB family at the same time. However, you must update all other replicas in
the family before the reformatted replicas exceed the database limit of the previous
schema (53). If you do not, synchronization imports will fail at any replica that has
not been updated.

Enabling VOB Replicas for Interoperation

In ClearCase Releases 4.1 and later, VOBs are enabled for interoperation (MS-DOS
text mode) by default. When you create a new VOB on a host running Release 4.1 or
later, the VOB is enabled for interoperation. However, when you create a new replica,
the new replica gets the same text-mode property as the original VOB.
For example, you run mkreplica –export on a Release 4.0 host to replicate a VOB that is
not enabled for interoperation, and then run mkreplica –import on a Version 2002.05.00
host. The new VOB replica is not enabled for interoperation.
Note: When you replicate a VOB, the new replica has the same text-mode property
as the original VOB, but changes to the text mode are not included in synchronization
update packets.

ClearQuest Compatibility with ClearCase

ClearCase and MultiSite Version 2002.05.00 can be integrated with Rational
ClearQuest software in two different ways:
If you are using ClearCase with the Unified Change Management (UCM) process,
a UCM-ClearQuest integration is built in to this release; you can use it with
ClearQuest Version 2002.05.00.
If you are using base ClearCase (that is, not using the UCM process), you can
integrate with ClearQuest 2001A.04.00 or later using the ClearCase-ClearQuest
integration 1.0.

Installation and Licensing

This section contains an overview of information on installing and licensing ClearCase
and MultiSite software.

16 Chapter 1 - READ ME FIRST

Pointer to Installation and Licensing Information
See the Installation Guide for the ClearCase Product Family for detailed information
about installing and licensing ClearCase and MultiSite software.

Known Issues Related to Installation

This section discusses restrictions or defects that involve the installation of the
ClearCase product. Take into account the information in this section before or during
installation to be sure that ClearCase software or particular features are installed

Deinstalling ClearCase May Remove Web Interface Views

By default, views for Web interface users are created under the host data directory for
ClearCase (/var/adm/atria). If ClearCase is deinstalled, the view directories are deleted,
but the views remain registered. To avoid leaving entries for nonexistent views in the
ClearCase registry, do one of the following:
Remove any views created by Web interface users before you remove ClearCase
from a Web server that is used to provide access to the ClearCase Web interface.
Use the –view_storage option in the ccweb.conf file to designate some other location
for Web interface views.

Cannot Use New VOB Schema Format with Link-Only or Mount

If you install ClearCase using a Link-Only or Mount installation, you cannot install the
new VOB schema (schema 54) on your system. This feature is available only when
doing a Standard or Full installation on HP-UX 11 and Solaris 2.6 or later.

Problems with Link-Only Installations

Link-Only installations may create either of the following problems:

Web server setup restriction

If you set up a ClearCase Web server on a system that has ClearCase installed
using the Link-Only method, you must enable setuid execution across an NFS
network for the ClearCase Web server to function properly.
We strongly recommend that you set up a ClearCase Web server only on a system
that has ClearCase installed using either the Standard or Full installation.
Installation appears to provide access to all software in release area
On a host that has a Link-Only installation, you cannot tell which products have
been installed by looking in ccase-home-dir. By definition, the Link-Only installation

Installation and Licensing 17

model provides access to all files in the networkwide release area, even if the
product to which the files belong is not installed on your host. In other words, it
may appear that you can run a certain program when, in fact, the software has
not been installed.

Installation of UCM Integration with ClearQuest

To use the UCM integration with Rational ClearQuest, take into account the following
issues with the compatibility and version support of the following elements:
ClearCase version (client and server)
ClearQuest version
UCM schema package
ClearQuest metaschema feature level
Consider the following points:
The feature level of the metaschema for ClearQuest 2001.03.00 database is 3. The
feature level for ClearQuest 2001A.04.00 or 2002.05.00 database is 5.
A ClearCase 2002.05.00 client requires either a ClearQuest 2001A.04.00 or a
ClearQuest 2002.05.00 client, because the integration of UCM with ClearQuest
uses new ClearQuest API calls.
Table 13 shows the compatibility of different releases of ClearCase and ClearQuest,
the UCM package revision number, and the ClearQuest database feature level.

Table 13 Supported Integrations Between ClearCase (Using UCM) and

UCM package
ClearCase release ClearQuest releases database feature
revision numbers
Release 4.1 2000.02.10, 2001.03.00 2.0 3
Release 4.2 2001A.04.00, 2.0, 3.0 3, 5
2001A.04.20, 2002.05.00
Release 4.2 + 2001A.04.00, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 3, 5
patch 2001A.04.20, 2002.05.00
Version 2001A.04.00, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 3, 5
2002.05.00 2001A.04.20, 2002.05.00

To upgrade to Release 4.2 from 4.1 and continue to use your integration of UCM with
ClearQuest, you must perform the first two steps. The last two steps are optional.

18 Chapter 1 - READ ME FIRST

1 Install ClearQuest.
2 Install the ClearCase client (or both ClearQuest and ClearCase simultaneously).
3 Upgrade your UCM-enabled ClearQuest schema with the new version of the
UnifiedChangeManagement package.

4 Upgrade your ClearQuest user database to the new version of the schema.

Recovering from an Unsuccessful Installation

You may encounter problems running install_release on previously installed systems.
At a certain point, install_release attempts to shut down the running CPF product
software on the system. This is done by running the shutdown script. In Release 4.x,
this script is ccase-home-dir/etc/atria_start.
There is a known problem with the shutdown script. When the installation is no
longer intact, the script sometimes encounters an error and prevents install_release
from completing the installation or deinstallation.
Workaround: Delete ccase-home-dir/etc/atria_start, which lets the installation proceed
as if it did not need to stop a current installation.
Note: If an installation continues to fail because CPF software is running, reboot
the computer.

ClearCase Client Computers Need Consistent Character Encoding

All ClearCase client computers that access a common set of VOBs and views must use
a single common character encoding system. If all computers are not configured this
way, ClearCase operations may fail or produce confusing or unreadable output.
For example, the Japanese SJIS and Japanese EUC encoding systems are available.
They both represent Japanese characters but are incompatible. For this reason, you
cannot mix SJIS and EUC in ClearCase clients.

DDTS Integration Uses Wrong Environment Variable

The DDTS trigger scripts use the CLEARCASE_PNAME environment variable, but this
EV is not set. Instead, the CLEARCASE_PN EV is set to the correct value.
Workaround: Set CLEARCASE_PNAME to CLEARCASE_PN at the beginning of each
trigger that uses the EV.
This product incorporates the expat XML parser 1.0 under the Mozilla 1.1 license
available at www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.txt. The source code version of the expat XML
parser is available at www.jclark.com/xml/expat.html.

Installation and Licensing 19

Installing the ClearCase Integration with Forte for Java
Root privileges are required to sucessfully install the ClearCase Integration with Forte
for Java on the sun5 platform.

20 Chapter 1 - READ ME FIRST

What’s New in
ClearCase 2
This chapter summarizes significant new and changed features in Version 2002.05.00
of Rational ClearCase.

Summary of Changes in This Release

This version of ClearCase introduces the following significant new and changed
New UCM Features
Enhanced ClearCase Web Interface Support
Enhancement to UCM ClearCase-ClearQuest Integration
Enhancements to Base ClearCase-ClearQuest Integration
clearmake Changes
GUI Support for Date and Time Preservation
Additional Support for Moving VOBS
New View Database Format
Changes to clearhistory and clearmrgman
Changes to ClearCase Commands
New ClearCase Perl Module
Changes to ClearCase Commands
Changes to Documentation

New UCM Features

This section describes the main changes to UCM in this version of ClearCase.

Development Stream Hierarchies
In the basic UCM process, the integration stream is the project’s only shared work
area. You may want to create additional shared work areas for developers who work
together on specific parts of the project. Now you can accomplish this by creating a
hierarchy of development streams. For example, you can create a development stream
and designate it as the shared work area for the developers working on a particular
feature. Developers then create their own development streams and views under the
feature-specific development stream. In other words, the developers join the project at
the feature-specific development stream level rather than at the integration stream
level. The developers deliver work to the feature-specific development stream and
rebase their streams to recommended baselines in the that development stream.

Interproject and Intraproject Deliver Operations

You can now deliver work from an integration stream or a development stream in one
project to an integration stream or development stream in another project. In addition,
you can deliver work from one development stream to another within a project. These
features make it easier to manage related areas of development within a project,
and parallel releases of multiple projects.

Nondefault Deliver Target Policies

The default target for a deliver operation is the source stream’s parent stream. You
can also deliver work to nondefault target streams. Because any stream can now be
the target of a deliver operation, this release adds several policies that you can set on
streams to control what kind of deliver operations the target stream will accept. For
example, you can set a policy to reject deliver operations that contain changes to
components that are not in the target stream’s configuration. You can set these policies
at the project level so that the policy settings apply to all streams within the project, or
you can set the policies on a per-stream basis.

Composite Baselines
A baseline selects one version of every element visible in a component. This release
lets you create composite baselines. A composite baseline is a baseline that selects
baselines from other components. By creating a composite baseline that selects
baselines from every component in your project, you can use one baseline to represent
the entire project.
After you create a composite baseline to represent the project, the next time you
invoke the make baseline operation on the composite baseline, UCM performs the
operation recursively. If a component that contributes to the composite baseline has
changed since its latest baseline, UCM creates a new baseline in that component.

22 Chapter 2 - What’s New in ClearCase

A composite baseline can select other composite baselines. This feature allows you to
use a composite baseline to represent a system that consists of multiple projects. The
system-level composite baseline can select project-level composite baselines.

Multiple-Component VOBs
You now have greater flexibility in storing components in VOBs. For example, you
can now store multiple components in a VOB. Within a VOB you can make an existing
directory tree into a component. The component’s root directory must be the VOB’s
root directory or one level beneath it. To store multiple components within a VOB,
each component’s root directory must be one level beneath the VOB’s root directory.

Enhanced GUI Support

This version of ClearCase provides enhanced support for UCM-related GUIs, as
Project Explorer supports sorting of data, both within the Detail view and in all
property sheets. In any display where columns of data are displayed, users can
sort columns by clicking on individual column header.
If a deliver or rebase is in progress, users can now get detailed information about
the status of the operation in progress from the stream property sheet’s Get Status
button. In addition, the detailed list of items to be merged in the operation
provides additional options from the shortcut menu.
Additional functionality is available from the Add and Change baselines dialog

Support for Triggers on Additional UCM Operations

This release adds support for triggers to the following UCM operations

New UCM Features 23

Other New Features
Other new features in this product release include:
Ability to deliver selected baselines from a stream
Deliver from Stream Preview Option. The Deliver from Stream Preview dialog
box now gives you the option to pause the merge to allow you to perform any
merge-related activities. If you select this option, the merge operation stops after it
identifies the versions that require merging, checks out all versions, and performs
all directory merges. You can then perform any operations related to the merge.
When you are finished, continue the deliver operation.

Enhanced ClearCase Web Interface Support

This version of ClearCase provides a number of enhancements to the ClearCase Web

UCM Support
This version of the ClearCase Web interface supports the UCM developer role. A
developer can use the Web interface to join a project, create new activities, perform
work in those activities, deliver work to an integration stream, and rebase a
development stream to recommended baselines.

Web-Based Diff/Merge Capability

Performing the UCM rebase or deliver operation requires the ability to merge changes
in files. The ClearCase DiffMerge tool has been implemented for this purpose within
the Web interface context. The DiffMerge tool is called automatically when you do a
rebase or deliver operation from within the Web interface; you canalso run the Merge
Manager directly from the Web interface toolbar.

Improved Workspace Management for Web Views

ClearCase now provides workspace management capabilities for Web views which
are similar to those for standard ClearCase snapshot view functionality on a local
copy of element versions.

Improved Control Over Session Timeout Length

A new configuration variable has been added to the ccweb.conf file to control the
length of time that elapses before an unattended ClearCase Web session times out.
The new variable is ‘–session_timeout age_in_seconds’ where the minimum value for
age_in_seconds is 600 (10 minutes) and the default value is 14400 (4 hours).

24 Chapter 2 - What’s New in ClearCase

Interop Text Mode Supported in Web View Creation
It is now possible to specify “interop text mode” as a characteristic of a ClearCase Web
view during the view creation process.

Web Server Component Installation iIs Now Optional

Installing the ClearCase Web server components is now optional; previously these
components had been installed on all systems.
To install the Web Server components, select ClearCase Web Interface Server from the
list of components to select for installation. The Web Interface Server components
require about 3 MB of disk space.

Changes to Web Interface Documentation

The online help for the ClearCase Web interface has been updated to reflect the
enhanced functionality of this feature. In addition, the chapter Configuring a Web
Server for the ClearCase Interface in the Administrator’s Guide for Rational ClearCase
contains updated information on configuring the ClearCase Web server.

Enhancement to UCM ClearCase-ClearQuest Integration

The UCM ClearCase-ClearQuest integration has been enhanced to support
relationships betweens a single PVOB and multiple ClearQuest user databases.
In previous versions of the software, all UCM ClearCase projects controlled by a single
PVOB had to point to the same ClearQuest user database. Now different projects can
point to different user databases, even if they are all controlled by a single PVOB.

Enhancements to Base ClearCase-ClearQuest Integration

This release adds a new version of the base ClearCase-ClearQuest integration, which
allows you to associate versions of ClearCase elements with change requests in a
ClearQuest user database.
The integration uses triggers on ClearCase commands to allow developers to associate
versions with change requests. In previous releases, the integration used a Visual
Basic trigger on Windows clients and a Perl trigger on UNIX clients. This release adds
a new Perl library, including a trigger, that runs on Windows and UNIX. The new
integration provides the following benefits:
Support for UNIX and Windows platforms is now in a common code base.
The integration is implemented as a set of object classes that provide modularity,
extensibility, and reusability. The integration loads optional classes dynamically

Enhancements to Base ClearCase-ClearQuest Integration 25

depending on the client environment. For example, if ClearQuest is not installed
on a client, the integration does not load classes that support the ClearQuest Perl
application programming interface (API).
Performance has been improved by eliminating unnecessary communications
Windows clients no longer need ClearQuest installed to access ClearQuest user
databases. Like UNIX clients, Windows clients can now use the ClearQuest Web
Interface to connect to ClearQuest.
Because the integration supports the ClearQuest Perl API, ClearCase clients on
UNIX can now, like Windows clients, access Oracle user databases on ClearQuest
hosts that run on UNIX. This provides enhanced support for customization by
administrators, because changeable data is isolated from other layers of the
The integration provides improved security, in that Clearquest user login
information, stored in the .cqparams file, can no longer be copied as a file between
users. The session user logon name is now encrypted into the file and checked
when it is used to make sure that only the original user is using the file.
ClearQuest MultiSite support is provided through optional checking of change
request mastership.
Note: The new integration provides a text-based user interface for developers
who use the cleartool command-line interface and a clearprompt pop-up window
user interface for developers who use one of the ClearCase GUIs such as ClearCase
Explorer (on Windows) or xclearcase (on UNIX). The new integration does not
provide a GUI for developers. For Windows client hosts that have ClearQuest
installed, you may want to use the existing integration that uses a Visual Basic trigger
to provide a GUI for developers.

Because the new trigger package, identified as V2 in the ClearQuest Integration

Configuration GUI, completely replaces the functionality provided by the existing
Perl trigger, V1, on UNIX, the existing Perl trigger is obsolete and will be removed
from ClearCase in a future release. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you use
the V2 Perl trigger on UNIX.

Enhancements to ClearCase Integrations with Third-Party

This version of ClearCase includes the following new or improved integrations with
third-party products:

26 Chapter 2 - What’s New in ClearCase

Forte Developer (C++ IDE) Support

Sun Forte for C++ Support

Forte Developer V6.0 now supports a ClearCase integration. This integration provides
a set of commands and tools that allow a software development team to share, control
and track files created with Forte Developer.
Using this integration, you can check out, modify, and check in your files without
leaving the Forte Developer IDE or starting another application. You can also use this
integration to access files under version control.
You can access commands and tools supported by the integration from the Forte
Developer’s Tools menu.
The following ClearCase commands and tools are available:
Add to Source Control
Check In
Check Out
Source Control History
Undo Check Out
Version Tree

The first nine commands and tools give you all the capabilities you generally need.
However, when you need advanced capabilities, the last command on this list,
xclearcase, gives you access to the complete set of functions of the ClearCase system.

Enhancements to Installation
This version of ClearCase includes the following enhancements to installation.

clearprompt is Now Installed with Miminal Developer Installation

With this version of ClearCase, the clearprompt command is included in the minimal
developer installation as well as the full-function installation..

Enhancements to Installation 27
ClearCase LT Server Install Now Allows Selection of VOB Schema 53
or 54
In this version of ClearCase LT, you have the option during installation of the
ClearCase LT server to install support for either VOB schema 53 or 54.

clearmake Changes
This release provides enhancements to clearmake that do the following:
Record makefile versions within configuration records.
Improve reporting.

Recording makefiles within Configuration Records

clearmake now offers support to record the versions of makefiles, and optionally to
have changes to them affect reuse of derived objects. Two new makefile special targets
The .MAKEFILES_IN_CONFIG_REC special target causes makefiles read by a build
session to be recorded in the configuration record of all derived objects built during
that build session. You can use the .MAKEFILES_AFFECT_REUSE special target to
specify changes to makefiles as criteria affecting the reuse of derived objects during
builds. For more information, see the Building Software for Rational ClearCase.

Improved Reporting
When clearmake rebuilds a target because a “build script mismatch” is detected, you
can now use the –d and –v options to generate a print of the actual script differences to
standard output.

Improved Handling of Special Characters in Macro Names

Clearmake -C gnu now allows special characters such as ";" to be used in macro names.

Improved Handling of Special Characters in Filenames

Clearmake now supports the use of special characters such as "$$" (as an equivalent
to a literal "$") or “\%” (as the string literal "%") in target names. This has been
implemented by default for -C gnu, and through the .JAVA_TGTS special target for
all other compatibility modes.

28 Chapter 2 - What’s New in ClearCase

GUI Support for Date and Time Preservation
This release provides support for preserving the modification time of a file when
it is added to source control, checked out, or checked in using the ClearCase GUI.
The command-line interface, through the cleartool checkout, checkin, and mkelem
subcommands, already provided this functionality with the –ptime option.

Additional Support for Moving VOBS

ClearCase now supports new types of VOB move:
Moving a VOB from Windows to UNIX
Moving a VOB from UNIX to Windows
The vob_sidwalk and vob_siddump tools enable you to read and change Windows SIDs
that are stored in schema 54 VOB databases. These tools are typically used for moving
VOBs from one Windows NT or Windows 2000 domain to another or to an Active
Directory domain, or for moving a VOB between a Windows host and a UNIX host.
For more information, see the vob_sidwalk reference page and the Administrator’s

New View Database Format

This version of ClearCase uses a new view database format.
Existing view databases will be reformatted the first time the view is used after this
version of ClearCase is installed. You may also reformat the views manually using
cleartool reformatview. We recommend that you reformat views manually if they have
large databases. Doing so will minimize the chances that clients will experience view
access time-outs during the reformatting.
When a view database is reformatted, its size grows by about 50%, which increases
the size of the total view storage area by 10%.
Note: After a view is reformatted to the new ClearCase format, it cannot be
reformatted to an earlier format.

Changes to clearhistory and clearmrgman

clearhistory is being reimplemented to be more consistent with the Windows version;
for example, it will have the Comment, Labels, and Attributes boxes under the event log.
The only Windows feature that will not be available is the File>Open dialog box.

Changes to clearhistory and clearmrgman 29

clearmrgman is also being reimplemented, based on the new deliver/rebase GUI.

New ClearCase Perl Module

With this version of ClearCase, Rational is releasing a Perl module, CtCmd, to enable
users to access ClearCase calls directly from Perl scripts. CtCmd is a Perl extension to
cleartool that takes either a string or an array as input, and returns a three-element
array containing a status bit, a scalar string (if any), and any error message. The
module can be used to access all cleartool subcommands, but not the cleartool options
–ver and –verall.
CtCmd is distributed through the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) at
www.cpan.org. Our goal in developing CtCmd was to increase the speed and efficiency
by which users can write Perl programs that access ClearCase.
As with all CPAN modules, CtCmd must be built and installed by the user. For more
information, see the INSTALL file distributed with CtCmd. After you install the
module, detailed documentation is available by typing perldoc CtCmd.
Support for CtCmd is available through Rational Technical Support.

Other Enhancements
The following sections discuss additional enhancements made to this version of

Some ClearCase Programs Access Databases as VOB Owner

Certain Clearcase applications on UNIX systems—db_server, vobrpc_server, db_loader,
and the db_dumper—now access the databases as the owner of the VOB. The
permissions on the database files automatically have their ownership changed to
those of the vob_owner account.

chevent-Type Triggers Set to MODIFY_TYPE Now Fire Correctly

chevent type triggers now fire correctly when a trigger is set on MODIFY_TYPE. The
chevent operation for element triggers is now a sub-operation of the MODIFY_ELEM
operation rather than the MODIFY_MD and MODIFY_DATA operations that it fell
under previously.

Improved Shared Lock Memory Manager on HP-UX 11

This release supports an improved Lock Manager on HP-UX 11 platforms. The
Lock Manager takes advantage of a shared memory implementation to provide

30 Chapter 2 - What’s New in ClearCase

greater scalability and better performance under stress. For more information, see
the Administrator’s Guide.

New MVFS tuning parameter

Operations which enumerate the contents of VOB or view-private directories (such
as /bin/ls on UNIX, dir on Windows in a command shell,; or Explorer windows on
Windows) can be accelerated by MVFS caching of the directory contents. Directory
contents at the MVFS level are handled in blocks of entries. This value determines the
upper limit of how many blocks can be cached per directory. The default setting of 4
blocks is enough space for approximately 600 directory entries.
For more information, see the Administrator’s Guide.

clearfsimport Checks For VOB Locks During Operation

The clearimport command now checks for VOB locks before processing an element or
version. If it detects a VOB lock, it shows a message indicating that the VOB is locked
and that it will wait 60 seconds to retry. It remains in this state until either the VOB is
unlocked or the user interrupts the import.

rmelem Use Now Restricted to VOB Owner or Privileged User

Beginning with thise version of ClearCase, use of rmelem is restricted to the VOB
owner or privileged user unless no versions have metadata (labels, attributes, or
hyperlinks) and all branches were created by the user.

rmelem Triggers fire When Symbolic Link is Removed

Removing a VOB symbolic link with the rmelem command now causes all-element
rmelem triggers to fire. This works only for all-element trigger types and does not
work with per-instance triggers.

recoverview Now Dumps or Loads Very Large Views

The view_server now dumps and/or loads very large views. Previously it would fail
to dump or load a view if the dump file exceeded 2 GB in size. The view_server now
creates multiple dump files for very large views, each of which is limited to about
1 GB in size.

Improved Error Reporting for diffbl

Previously, when diffbl failed comparing imported baselines, initial baselines, or
baselines/streams based off imported or initial baselines, against other similar
baselines or streams, it displayed confusing error messages. These messages described

Other Enhancements 31
the failure as resulting from the fact that the baselines or streams involved did “not
share a common ancestor (initial or imported) baseline”.
Now the error message describes the cause of the failure more accurately as resulting
from the fact that the baselines/streams “are derived from different import baselines
or the initial baseline”.

xcleardiff Can Now Compare Files With Names containing ’-dir’

xcleardiff can now compare files whose pathnames contain the "-dir" substring.
Before, xcleardiff could not compare such files because the "-dir" string can be used as
a keyword for a ClearCase directory comparison.

Improvements to mktrtype, mkeltype, and cptype

It is now possible to use the cleartool mktrtype and cleartool cptype commands for
creating and copying trigger types that have locked obsolete types in the restriction
list. It is also possible to use the cleartool mkeltype and cleartool cptype commands to
create and copy element types whose super types are locked as obsolete.

Improvement to describe
Previously, the command cleartool describe oid:oid-number returned an extra
version-id-string when the version was not selected by the view. In the current
version of ClearCase, it returns exactly one version-id-string.

Changes to ClearCase Commands

This section describes new commands, changes to existing commands, and commands
that have been made obsolete in this release of the product.

New Commands
Table 14 lists new commands in this version of ClearCase. In addition, the clearprompt
command is now available as part of the minimal developer installation.

Table 14 New Command in ClearCase Version 2002.05.00

Command Description
vob_sidwalk/ Read and change Windows SIDs that are stored in schema
vob_siddump 54 VOB databases.

32 Chapter 2 - What’s New in ClearCase

New Options and Arguments
Table 15 lists new options and arguments to commands in this version of Rational

Table 15 New Options and Arguments to Existing ClearCase Commands

Command New Option/Argument Use
catcr -follow Lists link targets only
-scripts_only Lists configuration record header
and build script only
chbl –nrecurse Causes the changes specified by -full
or -incremental to only apply to the
composite and not its members
chmaster –obsolete_replica Transfers mastership of all objects
old-replica-selector in the replica specified with
chproject -dmodcomp component- Removes one or more modifiable
selector [,...] components
-spolicy policy-keyword [,...] Allows the specified policy to be
enabled or disabled by individual
streams in the project
chstream –target stream-selector Sets the default deliver stream for an
integration stream only
–ntarget Clears the default deliver stream
–generate Forces an update of the stream’s
copy of the config spec
–policy policy-keyword [,...] Enables the specified policy
–npolicy policy-keyword [,...] Disables the specified policy
–recommended Sets the list of recommended
{baseline-selector {,...}} baselines for the stream
| default}
–nrecommended Clears the list of recommended
{baseline-selector {,...}} baselines previously set in a stream
| default}

Changes to ClearCase Commands 33

Command New Option/Argument Use
clearmrgman –deliver [ -to target-view-tag ] Specifies a view attached to the
deliver target stream
–deliver [ -target Specifies a non-default deliver target
stream-selector ] in the same or a different project
–rebase [ -stream Specifies a stream to be used as the
stream-selector ] source for the UCM rebase operation
–directory For each directory, considers only the
directory itself, not the directory or
file versions or VOB symbolic links
it catalogs
–nrecurse For each directory version, considers
the file and directory versions within
it, but does not descend into its
–follow Causes VOB symbolic links to be
–noautomerge Turns off automated merging of
–query Turns off automatic merging for
nontrivial merges and prompts you
to proceed with every change in the
–qall Turns off automated merging.
Prompts you to determine whether
you want to proceed with each
–file mrgman-file Loads the specified merge manager
clearprompt –n Allows use of ’\n’ to represent the
newline character .

34 Chapter 2 - What’s New in ClearCase

Command New Option/Argument Use
cleartool –status In interactive mode, returns the
status of each cleartool subcommand
describe replica-uuid-selector Displays the properties of a replica
by specifing its OID
deliver –target stream_selector Specifies an alternate deliver target
stream in the same or a different
--baseline baseline-selector Specifies a list of baselines to deliver
diffbl –baselines Displays differences in terms of
member baselines for the named
composite baselines

–nrecurse For composite baselines, displays

differences between the named
baselines themselves and not
between their members
diffcr –follow Lists link targets only
lsactivity –contrib Displays contributing activities
delivered in an integration activity
lsbl –cview Lists baselines in the stream attached
to the current view
lsvob –family vob-family-uuid Lists the VOB with the specified
VOB family UUID

Changes to ClearCase Commands 35

Command New Option/Argument Use
mkbl –adepends_on Adds dependency references to
baselines in its member components
-ddepends_on Drops dependency references to
baselines in its member components
-nact Makes a baseline only in the specified
-component component- Specifies the component whose
selector dependency relationship you wish
to change. When used with -import,
specifies the component that contains
the label type
mkcomp -nroot Specifies the non-root directory for
components which only contain
mklabel -follow Label the targets of VOB symbolic
mkproject -policy policy-keyword [,...] Enables the specified policy
-npolicy policy-keyword [,...] Disables the specified policy
-spolicy policy-keyword [,...] Allows the specified policy to be
enabled or disabled by individual
streams in the project
mkstream -target stream-selector Sets the default deliver target for an
integration stream only
-policy policy-keyword [,...] Enables the specified policy
-npolicy policy-keyword [,...] Disables the specified policy
-in stream-selector Selects the parent stream of the
stream to be created
rebase -stream stream-selector Specifies the stream to be rebased

36 Chapter 2 - What’s New in ClearCase

Obsolete Options and Arguments
The -title title option/argument pair, previously used by the ClearCase commands
chfolder, chproject, chstream, mkfolder, mkproject, and mkstream, is obsolete at this
release of the product.
In addition, the –generate old-object-selector option to the rename command is also

Obsolete Commands
The clearexport_ffile command is obsolete; use clearfsimport instead.

Other Changes
Redefinition of element types (mkeltype -replace) is no longer allowed in replicated

Changes to Documentation
The following major changes have been made to the documentation:
Integration of UNIX and Windows material in a single Command Reference.
There is significant reorganization of material in the Administrator’s Guide, Building
Software, and the Command Reference.

Unification of UNIX and Windows Command Reference

The ClearCase Command Reference is now published in a single edition for both UNIX
and Windows. At the beginning of each reference page are tables that show the
platforms and ClearCase Product Family products to which the interface described

Changes to Release Notes

The first chapter of the Release Notes for Rational ClearCase and ClearCase MultiSite
(this document) has been reorganized. All the material related to basic hardware
and software requirements for installing and running the products has been moved
to a single section titled Hardware and Software Requirements in the READ_ME_FIRST
chapter, to make it easier for customers to prepare for installation of new versions of
the products.

Changes to Documentation 37
Manual Reorganization
Large sections of material in the Command Reference have been moved to other
manuals, and some material from Building Software has been moved to the Command
Certain build-related information that was formerly published in Building Software
is now published in the following reference pages:
Some reference pages that do not describe any user interface—but rather ClearCase
internals or concepts—have been removed from the Command Reference and the
information has been incorporated into other titles.
In particular, information from the following obsolete reference pages is now
published in the Administrator’s Guide for Rational ClearCase:
Information from the following obsolete reference pages is now published in
Building Software:

38 Chapter 2 - What’s New in ClearCase

A new reference page, intro, provides a broad orientation by organizing all
ClearCase Product Family commands into various lists.

Changes to Command Reference

In previous releases, restrictions for commands were in a section called PERMISSIONS
AND LOCKS. In this release, the section is named RESTRICTIONS. The section that was
previously named Permissions Checking is now called Identities. There is a new section
named Mastership, which describes any restrictions applied when the command is
run in a replicated VOB.
The msdostext_mode reference page now describes the options –r and –f. The –r
option resets the line counters for elements of type text_file that have been changed
to a binary type, and the –f option forces a recalculation of the line count of all VOB
objects of type text_file.

Changes to Documentation 39
40 Chapter 2 - What’s New in ClearCase
What’s New in
MultiSite 3
This chapter summarizes new and changed features in this release of Rational
ClearCase MultiSite.
For more information about the commands described in this chapter, see the reference
pages in the Administrator’s Guide for Rational ClearCase MultiSite. For information
about the feature level requirements for using these features, see PVOB Feature Level
Requirements in Chapter 4.

Requests for Mastership of Branch Types Now Supported

In this release, the reqmaster command supports requests for mastership of branch
types. For more information, see the reqmaster reference page, the MultiSite online
help, and the Implementing Requests for Mastership chapter in the Administrator’s Guide
for Rational ClearCase MultiSite.

New Tool to Check Epoch Numbers

The epoch_watchdog script checks whether a VOB replica’s epoch numbers have rolled
back without a restorereplica command being run. This script is intended to be run
regularly by the ClearCase scheduler. For more information, see the epoch_watchdog
reference page in the Administrator’s Guide for Rational ClearCase MultiSite.
MultiSite installation does not create a task or job for the script. For information on
setting up a scheduled job to run epoch_watchdog, see the scheduler reference page
in Command Reference and the scheduler information in the Administrator’s Guide
for Rational ClearCase.
Note: A previous version of this script was shipped as part of a patch. The Version
2002.05.00 script no longer supports the -notify option. To set up notification, use the
notification option in the ClearCase scheduler.

New Object Selector for describe Command
The describe command now accepts a replica-uuid-selector argument, which you
can use to display the properties of a replica by specifing its UUID. Specify
replica-uuid-selector in the following form:

The replica you specify must be at your current site. If the replica is located at a
remote site, the command does not return any output.
The description of this object selector in the describe reference page incorrectly uses
replica-oid; it should use replica-uuid.

New Option for lsvob Command

The lsvob command has a new option, –family vob-family-uuid. This option prints
information about the VOB with the specified VOB family UUID.

Changes to Commands
Table 16 lists new options and arguments in this release. For more information, see
the reference page for the command.

Table 16 New Options and Arguments in MultiSite Version 2002.05.00

New Option or
Command Use
chmaster –stream [ –override ] Changes mastership of a UCM stream
and its associated objects.
chreplica –isconnected Indicates whether a sibling replica has
–nconnected IP connectivity to the local replica.
describe replica-uuid-selector Describes a replica when you specify
the replica’s UUID.
lsvob (cleartool –family vob-family- Lists the VOB with the specified VOB
command) uuid family UUID.
multitool –status Returns status of multitool
subcommands when you enter
them in multitool interactive mode.
reqmaster branch-type-selector Requests mastership of a branch type.

42 Chapter 3 - What’s New in MultiSite

Changes to Command Syntax

The –force option has been changed to –obsolete_replica.

The –vob option for mkreplica –export is now obsolete. This option was replaced by the
replica-selector argument in Release 3.0.

The –instances option is now optional.

The –completed option has been changed to –override.

Changes to Command Output

The following sections describe the changes to command output in this release.

The output for describe replica: includes the connectivity property.

The output for –version and –VerAll displays the version string in a different format.
The new format uses a version string like the following:

Additional warning text has been added to the output from restorereplica —override.

Changes to MultiSite Documentation

The MultiSite permuted index (ccase-home-dir/doc/man/ms_permuted_index) is no longer
shipped with MultiSite.
In the MultiSite reference pages, the section named Permissions Checking is now
named Identities.
The following chapters contain significant new information:

Changes to MultiSite Documentation 43

The chapter Introduction to MultiSite contains a summary of mastership restrictions
for ClearCase operations.
The chapter Planning a MultiSite Implementation contains information about
different kinds of synchronization patterns.
The chapter Synchronizing Replicas contains information about synchronizing more
efficiently by using the chepoch –actual command.

44 Chapter 3 - What’s New in MultiSite

Restrictions and
Guidelines for Using
This chapter provides restrictions on and guidelines for using Rational ClearCase
Version 2002.05.00 software that are considered noteworthy. These are not considered
defects because the behavior reported is not expected to change in a future release
of the product.

Guidelines for Using UCM

The following sections provide guidelines for using UCM.

PVOB Feature Level Requirements

This version of ClearCase introduces a new feature level, Feature Level 3 (FL3).
To support all of the new UCM functionality provided with the new release, a
PVOB must be upgraded to the new feature level. Until a 2002.05.00 PVOB has been
upgraded to FL3, it will support ClearCase Release 4.x clients as well as Version
2002.05.00 clients, but without providing support for all the new UCM functionality
delivered with the new release.
Specifically, the following new features are not supported, even on 2002.05.00 clients
accessing 2002.05.00 servers, until the feature level of the associated PVOB has been
raised to FL3:
Creation of baseline dependencies (composite baselines)
Creation of components without root directories
Using composite baselines to configure a stream
Creation of sub-VOB components
Creation of nested streams
Support for relationships between a single PVOB and multiple ClearQuest user
Installing this software on a PVOB server that is running a previous release of
ClearCase does not automatically change the PVOB’s feature level; you must raise the
feature level manually. Before raising the feature level, all ClearCase clients accessing

that PVOB must be upgraded to Version 2002.05.00. ClearCase UCM operations will
fail on clients that run previous versions of ClearCase if they try to access a PVOB
whose feature level has been upgraded to FL3.

When Setting Up a Project, Make Components Read-Only Initially

This release of ClearCase supports the ability to change a stream’s configuration from
one using a modifiable component to one using a nonmodifiable one. However, we
generally recommend that components initially be specified to be nonmodifiable
when creating a new project. After verifying that the project builds and tests correctly,
update the project policies to allow modifications to any or all components.

Using UCM in a MultiSite Environment

When you join a project in which the integration stream is not mastered by your
current replica, you can create a development stream and view, but not an integration
view. The Join Project Wizard displays a message that you will not be able to create
an integration view; but when you click Finish, the wizard attempts to create the
integration view and fails. If creation of the development view and stream succeeded,
you can ignore the error.

Notes on Using the UCM-ClearQuest Integration

The UCM process in ClearCase is enhanced for sites that have installed Rational
ClearQuest by a very tight integration between the activity management provided
by UCM and the change request management provided by ClearQuest. Use the
following guidelines with the UCM-ClearQuest integration.

Transitioning a ClearQuest-Enabled Activity After Delivery

If the Do ClearQuest action after delivery policy is enabled on a UCM project, delivery
of a ClearQuest-enabled UCM activity may result in an attempt to transition the
activity to a Complete state type.
If the activity record has a field that must be filled in before it can transition to the
Complete state, the program displays an error. An example is the Defect record
type in the default UnifiedChangeManagement schema, whose Resolution field must
be nonempty before it can be resolved.
Workaround: Modify the UCU_CQActAfterDeliver global script to include code similar
to that below, which fills in the Resolution field when the activity is delivered.
REM Add complete resolution code
REM Defect record type requires Resolution field to be non-empty
’Get hook’s session context
Set Session = GetSession()

46 Chapter 4 - Restrictions and Guidelines for Using ClearCase

’Get the entity
Set entity = Session.GetEntity(entity_type,entity_id)
REM If record type is "Defect"
... If(entity.GetEntityDefName = "Defect") Then
REM If Resolution field is empty
... If(entity.GetFieldValue("Resolution").GetValue = "") Then
REM Fill in required field
session.EditEntity entity, "modify"
Call entity.SetFieldValue("Resolution", "Fixed")
msg = entity.Validate
REM Remember to do some action if validate fails
End If End If

For information on editing entities, see the ClearQuest API documentation .

Schema Requires Submitted State

If you are applying the UCM package to a custom ClearQuest schema (as opposed to
using the out-of-the-box Unified Change Management schema), be aware that this
package depends on the existence of a state whose name is Submitted. If your custom
schema does not include a Submitted state, you can apply the package to your schema
by using one of the following methods:
Before applying the package, temporarily rename the state that is the target of the
Submit action to Submitted. After applying the UCM package, you may rename
it to its original name.
Create a dummy state called Submitted, and assign its state type to Complete. If you
do this, you must also create a dummy action whose target is the Submitted state.
After applying the UCM package, you may delete the dummy state and action.

Changes to UCM CustomQuery1 Do Not Appear in Dialog Box

When using the UCM-ClearQuest integration, the list of records displayed in the list
on the Add To Source, Check Out, and Check In dialog boxes is generated by running the
UCMCustomQuery1 query, which can be customized. (To see the effect of your changes,
you must click File>Save to save the query edits.)
However, if you copied the Public Queries UCMCustomQuery1 query to your Personal
Queries folder and edited it there, the changes are not immediately visible. To see your
changes, you must stop the integration server process.
To do so on your UNIX clients, type cqintsvr stop on the command line.

Guidelines for Using UCM 47

Cannot Import UCM-Enabled Records from ClearQuest Database
In general, you cannot import UCM-enabled records from a ClearQuest database;
ClearCase cannot guarantee that UCM information that references an arbitrary
ClearQuest database is correct. However, this restriction does not prevent data
recovery in the event of a data loss. Records may be successfully imported into a
ClearQuest database if all the following conditions are true:
The records have been backed up from that database.
The name of the database has not changed.
The ClearCase UCM information in the record is still valid.

Cannot Delete a Project Record in ClearQuest

If you are working with a UCM project that is linked to a ClearQuest user database
and attempt to delete the project record, you get a run-time error. You cannot
delete the record or undo the CommitAction hook. The workaround is to use the
squid_patch utility to force the ucm_vob_object field of the orphaned project to 0.

Availability of Check Mastership Policy

The ClearQuest page of the UCM project Properties Browser has a check box for
the policy Check mastership before deliver. This is supported with the UCM 3.0 and
UCM 4.0 package revisions. If you are using the 2.0 package revision, the check box
is unavailable.

Changing a Project Name Does Not Automatically Update

If information in ClearQuest records is changed from a ClearCase application, such as
cleartool or the UCM Project Explorer, the ClearQuest display may not always reflect the
actual contents of the database. To refresh the display, close and re-open the database
from the File menu.

When Running Integration, Certain Operations Do Not Require

ClearCase Installed
The following ClearQuest operations do not require ClearCase to be installed on the
user’s system when working with the ClearCase/ClearQuest integration:
Submiting new CQ records (Defect, BaseCMActivity, or UCM_Project).
Modifying an activity record if its headline field has not been changed.
Modifying a UCM_Project record if its name field has not been changed.

48 Chapter 4 - Restrictions and Guidelines for Using ClearCase

Rebasing a Stream
A stream can be rebased to a baseline that meets the following criteria:.
The baseline is not from the stream that is being rebased.
The baseline is labeled. Baselines created by deliver operations are not labeled by
default. For information about how to change a baseline’s labeling status, see
the chbl reference page.
Additional rules apply to integration streams and development streams in selecting a
An integration stream can be rebased only to a baseline created in another project
or to an imported or initial baseline of that project.
A development stream can be rebased to a baseline that meets one of the following
The baseline was created in its parent stream.
The baseline is in its parent stream’s foundation
The baseline was created in a stream other than its parent stream, and is
contained in its parent stream. A baseline is contained in another baseline if all
changes in the first baseline are included in the second baseline.
Rebase is typically used to advance a stream’s configuration; that is, to replace
its current foundation baselines with more recent ones. However, under certain
conditions, rebase can be used to revert a baseline, and to add or drop a component in
a stream’s configuration. It can also switch to a baseline that is neither an ancestor nor
a descendant of the current foundation. The rules explained above are general rules
for all rebase operations. You need to satisfy only the general rules when adding a
component to a stream. When you advance, revert, drop or switch a baseline, you
need to satisfy the general rules and some additional ones.
To advance a stream’s configuration, the new baseline must contain the current
foundation baseline.
To revert or drop a baseline for a component in a stream, one of the following
conditions must be met:
The component is nonmodifiable.
The component is modifiable but has not been modified in the stream, and the
component is not in the configuration of any child streams.
To switch to a baseline that is neither an ancestor nor a descendant of the current
foundation, one of the following conditions must be met:

Guidelines for Using UCM 49

The component is nonmodifiable.
The component is modifiable but has not been modified in the stream, and the
component is not in the configuration of any child streams.
The component has been modified but the new baseline contains the current
foundation baseline, and the component is not in the configuration of any child
These rules ensure that any changes made in a stream are not lost when the
configuration changes.

Clear Recommended Baseline Setting if Baseline Is Removed

If a baseline is recommended for a stream, and then that baseline is removed, clear
the recommended baseline setting in the stream by typing the command chstream
–nrecommended. Then you can set new recommended baselines by using the command
chstream –recommended.

Delivering changes to a read-only component

Deliver cannot allow changes to a read-only component. This situation can result
from someone changing the component modifiability in your project. What actions
you take depend on whether you are doing an intraproject or an interproject deliver.

For an intraproject Deliver

If you are performing an intraproject deliver for a component that was previously
modifiable, you receive a warning message. Decide what can be delivered from your
stream. If the changes in the other components are independent of the changes in the
read-only component, move the versions from the read-only component into a new
activity. Deliver all activities in your stream except the new one.
If any of the changes in the other components are dependent on changes to the
read-only component, decide whether those versions can be separated into a new
activity. This may involve not delivering a subset of activities in your development
If there are dependencies among the versions, your stream may no longer be
deliverable to its default target. Decide whether there is a project to which you can
deliver the changes. The project integrator may have to create a new development
stream in this project and selectively findmerge the changes (findmerge -insert) from
the versions into the new stream. Deliver cannot be used.
As a last resort for an intraproject deliver, you can remove all the versions (rmver) that
should not have been made. Also, remove all changes dependent on that component.
You must use rmver -xhlink to remove the versions from the change set. You may

50 Chapter 4 - Restrictions and Guidelines for Using ClearCase

need to manually recode some changes to remove the dependence on the changes to
the read-only component.

For an Interproject Deliver

If you are performing an interproject deliver, you can also receive a warning message.
The project from which you are delivering and the target project can have differences
in component modifiability at any time. You have the following choices:
Set the policies on the target stream and target project so that deliver can ignore
the changes in both the read-only component and in other components that are
dependent on the changes to the read-only component.
Isolate the changes in the read-only component and changes in other components
that are dependent on the changes to the read-only component. Deliver only the
activities that contain changes to modifiable components.

Recommending a Baseline
You can recommend a baseline for a stream if the baseline is from the stream or the
stream’s foundation.
For a baseline not from the stream or the stream’s foundation, the following rules
The baseline must be from the same project as the stream.
The baseline must be contained in the stream, which means the baseline has been
delivered to the stream, or the stream has rebased to the baseline or one of its
The baseline must contain the current recommended baseline, which means it
must be a descendent of the current recommended baseline.
You are not required to recommend a baseline for every component in the stream’s
You can clear the list of recommended baselines. Note that doing this step alone will
cause problems when existing development streams rebase to the recommended
baselines. The rebase operation will attempt to drop all baselines in the development
streams’ configuration. This operation will probably fail or produce errors and
therefore not desirable.
You can choose to reset the recommended baselines to baselines from the stream or
the stream’s foundation with or without clearing the recommended list. This allows
the stream to return to a known correct state after being changed inadvertently to a
bad list.

Guidelines for Using UCM 51

Delivering Selected Activities to a Non-default Target
Delivering selected activities to a non-default target is subject to the following
If the full set of activities in the stream violates one of the policy settings, you will
not be allowed to proceed with the selected activity delivery, even if the selected
activities would not violate the policies.
If the full set of activities in the stream contains changes from a foundation
baseline, you will not be allowed to deliver selected activities from this stream.
This is regardless of the deliver policy settings.
If the set of activities you want to deliver contain versions in components that are
not visible in the target stream or are not modifiable by the target stream, you will
not be allowed to deliver the set of activities. Delivering an activity requires that
you deliver all versions in all components in the change set. You can move the
versions of the missing or non-modifiable components into another activity.

Remote Deliver May Fail if Remote Site Has Not Synchronized

It is possible for a remote deliver to include changes to a component when the
component is non-modifiable in the project. This only happens when the remote site
has not synchronized with the local site, and does not know that the component
has been made non-modifiable. When the integrator attempts to resume the remote
deliver, a check is made to ensure that no versions in non-modifiable components
will be changed. If there are such versions in the deliver, the operation fails and the
user has to cancel the deliver.

Notes on Using the Base ClearCase-ClearQuest Integration

This section provides guidelines for using base ClearCase and ClearQuest together.

Support Policy on Modifying Perl Trigger Source Code

In this release, the integration includes a new trigger, which runs on Windows and
UNIX platforms. The release includes the source code, in the form of Perl scripts,
that the trigger uses. The Perl scripts include extensive comments that describe the
purpose of their classes. For additional source code documentation, including an
architectural overview and formatted class documentation, contact Rational Customer
Support. However, Rational Customer Support cannot and will not support changes
that you make to this source code.

52 Chapter 4 - Restrictions and Guidelines for Using ClearCase

Guidelines on Using the ClearCase Web Interface
The following restrictions and guidelines apply to using the ClearCase Web Interface.

Restrictions on the Web Interface in a UCM Environment

If you are using the Web interface in a UCM environment, you cannot use the Web
interface to work effectively in projects enabled for ClearQuest. You can view
such projects, but you cannot perform any integration operations through the Web
interface; also, you cannot use the interface as a suitable client in a UCM project
enabled for ClearQuest.

Interactive Triggers Fail When Accessed Through Web Interface

The ClearCase Web interface supports noninteractive triggers. Interactive triggers,
such as those that attempt to read input or create a window, fail.
If a trigger attempts to read input using clearprompt, the ClearCase Web interface
prints this error:
clearprompt is not supported in the Web interface

If a trigger attempts to read directly from standard input, it receives an error, because
standard input does not specify a valid file descriptor.
In addition, any trigger failure in the Web interface context displays this error message:
Interactive triggers are not supported in the Web interface. If the
trigger was interactive, it may have failed for that reason.

Trigger script writers can detect whether a trigger is running in the Web interface
context by checking for the environment variable ATRIA_WEB_GUI. It is set to 1 if you
are running in the Web interface context.
Note that the base ClearCase-ClearQuest integration is dependent on the operation
of interactive triggers; for this reason, the ClearCase Web interface is not a viable
interface for using that integration.

Host Name Resolution Must Be Enabled on Web Interface Clients

The Java program used in the Web interface attempts to connect to the Web server
to transfer files. Web browsers only allow Java programs to open connections to the
server from which the programs were downloaded.
To enforce this rule, the Web browser on the Web interface client must be able to
resolve the Web server’s host name to an IP address. If you use a host name in a URL
that cannot be resolved by the client host, the Java program cannot connect to the

Guidelines on Using the ClearCase Web Interface 53

server. In this case, Web-interface file-transfer operations such as checkout, checkin,
and download fail.
If the Web server is being accessed through a firewall by means of a proxy server, the
proxy server being used must support DNS lookup outside the firewall.

ClearCase Web Interface Problem in Overriding Primary Group

When the ClearCase Web server on Windows logs on to a client, it sets the primary
group to the designated primary group in the client user’s domain account. In Release
4.0, you could not override this group setting. As a result, sites that use domain
mapping to allow user accounts in multiple domains to share VOBs could not access
those VOBs through the ClearCase Web interface.
Workaround: Specify a configuration variable in the ccweb.conf file, and add a value
to the registry that enables domain mapping.

Adding the Variable to the ccweb.conf file

To enable a single Web server to support one primary group override, add the
–primary_group variable with a groupname value to the ccweb.conf file. The allowable
values for groupname are the same as for the CLEARCASE_PRIMARY_GROUP
environment variable. The ccweb.conf file must be located in /var/adm/atria/config. If you
need more than one primary group override, configure additional Web servers.

Setting the Registry

Typically, when domain mapping is used to allow users from multiple domains to
access the same VOB, each user must create the DomainMappingEnabled value (set to 1)
in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Atria\ClearCase\CurrentVersion registry key.
To enable domain mapping for a Web server, create the DomainMappingEnabled value
in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINES\Software\Atria\ClearCase\CurrentVersion key on the Web
server machine. The value must be of type DWORD and set to 1.
If you log on directly to the computer instead of logging on through the Web interface,
user values for DomainMappingEnabled override the machine value.

Netscape MOZILLA_HOME Environment Variable Must Be Set

When you use the ClearCase Web interface on a Netscape browser, the MOZILLA_HOME
environment variable must be set to the Netscape Communicator installation
directory. Otherwise, messages similar to the following may be displayed when you
try to check out or download files.
Java reported the following error on startup:
java.lang.SecurityException: system classes were not signed.

54 Chapter 4 - Restrictions and Guidelines for Using ClearCase

Netscape: Error
# Error: Issuer certificate is invalid. (-8156)
# jar file: ./java/classes/java40.jar
# path: ./java/classes/java40.jar

We recommend that you check the Netscape Web site, www.netscape.com, for more
information on general Netscape requirements.

Problems With Toolbar Menus When Using Netscape

Toolbar popup menus don’t close properly when running the Web interface using
Netscape Navigator. Rather than closing automatically when the mouse pointer is
moved out of the menu location, they close only when you must reselect the menu

Internet Explorer 5 May Terminate Display of Web Pages

Internet Explorer 5 terminates the display of Web pages early if the response
from the Netscape Web server is delayed. This may affect use of the ClearCase
Web interface because accessing VOBs may delay the Web server’s response.
The Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q226550, which can be accessed at
support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles, describes how to download a patch to fix this

Some Fonts in Netscape on UNIX Are Difficult to Read

The fonts used for ClearCase Web interface pages in UNIX versions of Netscape
Navigator can be hard to read. Users can work around this by setting font preferences
in Navigator:
1 Open Edit->Preference->Fonts
2 Set variable width font to "Helvetica (Adobe))", size: 12
3 Set fixed width font to "Clean (Schumacher))", size: 12
4 Select "Use my default fonts, overriding document-specified fonts"

Web Views Can Only Be Accessed Using the Web Interface

Web views can only be accessed via the Web interface; they cannot be used with
native ClearCase interfaces (for example ClearCase Explorer or cleartool). Various
native GUIs may allow selection of a Web view (for example as a deliver target),
but any attempt to access a Web view using a native ClearCase interfaces will result
in a warning or error message.

Guidelines on Using the ClearCase Web Interface 55

Preparing Old Web Views to Run with ClearCase 2002.05.00
Rational ClearCase 2002.05.00 introduces a new ClearCase Web interface. This
interface is not compatible with Web views created by previous ClearCase Web
interface clients. If you want to re-use existing Web views, we recommend that you
clean them up before you upgrade the ClearCase Web server host to ClearCase 5.0.
Use the following procedure:
1 Check in all checked out files and directories, or cancel the checkouts.
2 Make a note of the files and directories you have loaded into the view. You can
use this information to configure the view to load these objects after the Web
server host has been upgraded.
3 Unless the view contains important view-private files or directories (or hijacked
files that you cannot convert to checkouts and then check in), delete all files and
directories under the Web view root directory, but not the root directory itself.

Guidelines on Using the XML Diff Merge Tool

The tool presents some problems with scrolling:
Windows restricts the height of a window to 32,767 pixels. This may not be enough
to display the contents of large XML files. If this maximum size is exceeded, XML
Diff Merge compensates for this restriction by reporting the number of lines that
are not visible. This line count is displayed in the title bar of any affected tree view
pane. The size (height) of the tree control window may be reduced by collapsing
tree nodes. When nodes are collapsed or expanded, the count of lines not visible is
updated. When the entire file is visible, the title bar indicator is removed.
The operations "collapse branch", "collapse level" and "collapse attributes" can be
used to collapse many nodes in the tree at once. For navigating differences in an
especially large file, we recommend that you collapse the tree entirely by selecting
"collapse branch" on the root element, and then use the difference navigation
buttons to expose the individual differences.
If a tree control is scrolled horizontally, and then the control is widened such that
the horizontal scroll bar is removed (the control is now wide enough to display the
entire horizontal contents), the tree remains scrolled horizontally. Its scroll position
should be "pulled back" to the left (zero).
Workaround: Scroll the control to the left (zero) before resizing it.
When an attribute name node is collapsed, it also displays the attribute value in
the form ’name = "value"’. The length of this "summary text" should be measured
when computing horizontal scroll extents. Currently, "name" and "value" are

56 Chapter 4 - Restrictions and Guidelines for Using ClearCase

measured separately, and this may cause the horizontal scroll extent to be too
small if the ’name = "value"’ line is the longest line.
Workaround: The right scrollbar button always scrolls, so any horizontal extent
can be made visible.
When the display is horizontally scrolled, the background rectangle of some
attribute name nodes may not be computed correctly, causing a certain amount of
the default selection rectangle to "peek through". This default rectangle will be
colored in the user’s default selection background color.
Workaround: Make the tree control wider, rather that use horizontal scrolling, and
the background rectangle will be displayed correctly.

Problems Using Netscape 4 to Compare HTML Files

A bug in some versions of Netscape Navigator 4 may cause problems when using Diff
Merge to compare HTML files.
Under some circumstances, Netscape opens a mail window, instead of a browser
window, when you try to render HTML files for comparison using Diff Merge. This
can happen when you have both a mail window and a browser window minimized
on the desktop. When you are comparing two HTML files and click Render HTML, the
Netscape browser opens correctly. If you minimize the browser window and select
the browser or another file to render, the mail window may open instead.
A different problem may occur if you close both the browser and mail windows and
leave the Message Center open on the desktop. (The Message Center is a toolbar that
can start, among other things, the browser and mailbox windows.) When you click
Render HTML, Netscape attempts to open a new instance of Netscape rather than use
the one that is running. As a result, you see multiple dialog boxes (some unreadable)
from xcompare and a message from Netscape that it has found a lock file.

Guidelines on Using UNIX Snapshot Views

The following sections describe restrictions when using ClearCase snapshot views
on UNIX platforms.

Version Tree Browser Opens a Temporary File

Using the Version Tree Browser to open a file from within a snapshot view on a UNIX
system creates a temporary file that contains the text for that version of the element.
Although the name assigned to the temporary file is not the version-extended
pathname of the element, it provides all the information contained within that
version-extended pathname, including the version number and branch structure of

Guidelines on Using UNIX Snapshot Views 57

the selected element version. For example, the temporary file name for an element
foo.c@@/main/11 would be unique_id_foo.c_main_11.

The temporary file is removed when the editor exits.

Version Tree Browser Displays Error on Attempt to Access Eclipsed

The Version Tree Browser now displays an error message if you try to access a
checked-out version that is eclipsed. Previously, accessing the checked-out version
would appear to work but the version actually accessed was the version visible in
the view (that is, the eclipsing version) instead of the checked-out version. The error
message now includes the following text with the pathname of the checked-out

Problems When Administrative VOBs Are Unavailable

An administrative VOB is used by one or more other VOBs as a central repository of
global type objects. For a description of this feature, see the Administrator’s Guide .
ClearCase users may see errors when the administrative VOB is unavailable.
Following are examples of situations when this may happen:
A user attempts to attach a version label, using a label type that was previously
created automatically, as a local copy of a global label type. The ClearCase mklabel
command tries to contact the administrative VOB that contains the global label
type. If that administrative VOB is unavailable, the mklabel command fails.
A VOB backup script attempts to lock the entire VOB object of vobsprojproj///
before copying data to tape. For each administrative VOB used by vobsprojproj///,
the ClearCase lock command tries to contact the administrative VOB. If any
administrative VOB is unavailable, the lock command fails, which causes the
backup script to fail.
To disable the above checking for a particular ClearCase command (for example, to
keep working while an administrative VOB is offline):
1 Become the root user.
2 Set the environment variable CG_PROCFLAGS to the value no_process.
3 Execute the command.

58 Chapter 4 - Restrictions and Guidelines for Using ClearCase

Restrictions on Use of VOB Schema 54
There are a number of restrictions on the use of the larger VOBs created using the
extended VOB functionality (VOB schema 54):
reformatvob –rm may not completely remove an old VOB database directory
during the load phase of the reformat operation. If the reformat cannot be
completed because there is not enough disk space on the host, remove the
old VOB database directory manually. This directory has a name of the form
VOB-storage-directorydb.reformat/. After you remove this directory, run reformatvob

reformatvob uses the space command to calculate the amount of space needed for
a reformatting operation. This fails for large database files, although the failure
does not cause the reformat itself to fail.
The space command cannot successfully run the stat() routine on large database
files. As a result, the cleartool space –vob –generate command can fail. This, in
turn, can cause the Standard ClearCase Daily Tasks task, supported as part of new
administration functionality in Release 4.0, to fail. If you have a VOB with large
database files, the space command fails nightly on scheduled jobs.
To avoid this problem, edit the scheduled job list so that it runs only on VOBs
that do not have large database files.

If TZ Variable Is Set, ClearCase Uses It

If the TZ environment variable is set to a value different from the time maintained
by the operating system, ClearCase uses the TZ time rather than the system time. In
this case, file creation and change dates can be in error, and config specs may not
work as expected.

Change to Behavior of Keep checked out Check Box

Prior to ClearCase Release 4.2, if you selected this check box, the view-private file that
you added to source control would remain checked out. This behavior is consistent
with that of the cleartool mkelem command. As a result, you could lose the contents
of this file before it was truly part of the VOB. This was most likely to happen if you
canceled the checkout.
In the current version of ClearCase, the file is checked in and checked out. You can
continue working on the file, but its contents at element-creation time are preserved,
even if you cancel the checkout.

Change to Behavior of Keep checked out Check Box 59

Verbose Mode Slows xclearcase Performance
If you want xclearcase to display the following annotations, select display version
in the browser preferences dialog box.
checked out but eclipsed
eclipsed by checkout
checked out but removed
error on reference
view vob hard link
no config record
disputed checkout
Note: Selecting display version slows xclearcase performance, especially if
xclearcase is working with larger directories.

Problem Using dtpad Editor on Systems Running CDE

The dtpad editor that is part of the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) is
implemented as a client/server application. By default, one dtpad server process is
spawned for each dtsession, and all subsequent dtpad invocations run on clients that
connect to this server. The server process, however, has no ClearCase view context,
and thus cannot process VOB files properly.
Workaround: There are two possible workarounds for this problem:
Invoke dtpad with the –standalone option. This forces the current invocation of the
editor to run independently of the server process, and as such, it can run and
retain the current view context.
Before editing, start the dtpad –server process manually in a process set to a view.
Subsequent invocations of dtpad then connect to this server. To edit files from a
different view, stop and restart the server.

xclearcase Reuses Old Comments During checkin

The checkin comment is taken from the comment text box. If the comment text box is
blank, the new version is checked in with the comment string ““ (empty string).

60 Chapter 4 - Restrictions and Guidelines for Using ClearCase

DDTS Integration Uses Wrong Environment Variable
The DDTS trigger scripts use the CLEARCASE_PNAME environment variable, but this
environment variable is not set. Instead, the CLEARCASE_PN environment variable is
set to the correct value.
The workaround is to set CLEARCASE_PNAME to CLEARCASE_PN at the beginning of
each trigger that uses the environment variable.

Documentation Issues
This section presents late changes to documentation and describes errors or
information missing from the documentation delivered with ClearCase software.

Problem with Reference Pages

The following problems relevant to ClearCase exist in the Command Reference.

The config_ccase reference page on UNIX systems does not mention the file
/var/adm/atria/config/admin.conf, which allows or disallows remote administration of the
host. Also, this reference page says that anyone can edit files in the ../config directory.
That may not be true for all files there, including admin.conf. You must be root to
edit admin.conf.

The mount reference page should contain a section on AUTOMATIC VOB
DEACTIVATION AT SYSTEM SHUTDOWN with the following contents:
At system shutdown, the architecture-specific ClearCase startup script is invoked
with the stop option to execute the ClearCase shutdown procedure. As part of this
procedure, a umount -all command deactivates all VOBs currently active on the local
On UNIX platforms, umount -all invokes the standard umount(1M) utility directly.
In addition, on some UNIX platforms, mounting VOBs with the ro option works
properly; that is, it prevents writes to view-private files within the VOB, but does
not prevent other clients from modifying the VOB nor does it prevent changes
that do not go via the MVFS, such as some cleartool operations. However, on
other UNIX platforms (namely, HP-UX 11.0 mounting VOBs with the ro option

Documentation Issues 61
prevents view-private changes to the file namespace (such as creation or deletion of
view-private files) but does not prevent writes to view-private files.

With the introduction of stream hierarchies at this release, most of the rules for
rebasing an integration stream and a development stream are now the same. The
rebase reference page contains sections on Rules for Development Streams and Rules
for Integration Streams. These sections are superseded by information in the section
Rebasing a Stream on page 49 in this version of the release notes.

The softbench_ccase reference page is incorrect in the following ways:
It states that ClearCase integration with SoftBench supports SoftBench 4.x and 5.x;
ClearCase supports 5.x and 6.x, but does not support SoftBench 4.x
The description of the integration is accurate for the ClearCase integration
with SoftBench 5.x, but not for Softbench 6.x. SoftBench functionality changed
significantly at 6.x, causing the ClearCase integration user interface to also change.
For an accurate description of the integration for this user interface, see the online
help for third-party integrations (available from the top-level online help menu).

Problem with Developing Software Manual

The Developing Software manual for ClearCase is missing information relating to the
following topics.

Cannot Run ClearCase Commands in a UNIX Snapshot View From

a Windows Client
You can access a snapshot view that was created on a UNIX host from a Windows
ClearCase client, but you cannot run ClearCase commands from that Windows client
and have them be effective in the UNIX snapshot view. For example, if you use
Windows Explorer to navigate to a team member’s view on a different computer and
right-click a file in the view, ClearCase options may not be available. To perform
ClearCase operations on the files in a team member’s view, register the view as
1 In Windows Explorer, navigate to the root directory of the view you want to
2 Right-click the root directory of the view.
When you right-click the root directory of the view, ClearCase registers the view by
adding an entry to your Windows User Profile.

62 Chapter 4 - Restrictions and Guidelines for Using ClearCase

Delivering Work From a Snapshot View
If you deliver your work to a snapshot view, you can encounter an error caused by
your not having ever registered the snapshot view. This condition occurs because
ClearCase cannot find the path to the snapshot view root directory until you register
the view. Typically a view is registered when you run the mkview command.
On UNIX systems, if you are using the command line interface, you see the following
Error: Can’t find root directory of snapshot view with tag "..."
Error: Unable to determine view root of snapshot view "..."
Error: View "..." is inaccessible.
Error: Unable to prepare view common.
Error: Unable to deliver stream "..."

On UNIX systems, if you are using the GUI, you see the following messages:
It appears that you have never before accessed the snapshot view (view tag).
As a result, we’re unable to locate the view’s root path name
Please ’cd’ to the snapshot view’s root directory and do a
’cleartool update’. This establishes you as a user of the view.

If you see either of these messages, change directory to the view root directory of the
snapshot view and use the following command in that directory:
cleartool update -print

This preview form of the update command is quicker than update and does not change
the loaded files. After the command completes, retry the deliver.

Handling Elements That Are Not Visible

(The following material should be used as part of Section 5.4, Merging Versions in
Part 2, Working in UCM.)
During a deliver (or rebase) operation, you can see the following warning message
about elements not being visible in the integration view:
1 elements were skipped because they are not visible. You should
determine why they are not visible before you complete this deliver
or rebase operation. If these elements should be visible, cancel
this operation, fix the problem, and re-run the operation.

Do not ignore this situation. The deliver operationfound versions of elements in the
development stream that need to be considered for merging to the target stream,
but did not find the elements in the target stream. Some possible causes for this
situation are:

Documentation Issues 63
A new element was added to source control, but the directory that catalogs the
element is not checked in.
In this case, cancel the deliver or rebase operation, check in the directory, and
start deliver or rebase again.
While a change to the element was being made (in the development stream, for
a deliver; in the stream from which you are rebasing, for a rebase), someone
operated on the element (in the target stream, for a deliver; in the development
stream, for a rebase), as follows:
The name of the element or the name of a VOB symbolic link to the element
was removed.
The element itself or the VOB symbolic link to the element was removed.
In either case, decide whether the removal was appropriate. If the removal was
appropriate, you can allow the deliver or rebase to ignore the element.
The change may be obsolete, because you intended to remove the name of the
element or the element itself.
Because ClearCase cannot tell what caused the situation, you must find the cause, fix
the problem, cancel the current operation, and start over.

Problems with Managing Software Projects

The wording of one of the UCM policies governing deliver operations has changed
in this release to the following:
Do not allow deliver to proceed with checkouts in the development stream.

Previously, the wording for this policy was

Allow deliveries from stream with pending checkouts.

The online help and the Managing Software Projects manual continue to use the old
wording for this policy.

Problems with Administrator’s Guide

Because of a change in the scaling algorithm, Table 13 on page 507 of the
Administrator’s Guide for Rational ClearCase shows incorrect values for the effect of
memory size on the MVFS Scaling Factor for memory sizes greater than 256 MB.
The corrected values are:
Memory Size MVFS Scaling Factor
<24MB 0
24MB-511MB 1

64 Chapter 4 - Restrictions and Guidelines for Using ClearCase

Memory Size MVFS Scaling Factor
512MB-2.99GB 2
>=3GB Memory Size (in GB)

The largest value that the Scaling Factor is automatically set to is 24.

Problems with Online Help

The following issues exist with online help.

Using xman to Display Man Pages

ClearCase and MultiSite reference pages are supplied in ASCII catman format in
directories named cat1, cat4, and cat5. If you want to use xman to display ClearCase
and MultiSite reference pages, you must create symbolic links named man1, man4, and
man5 in ccase-home-dir /doc/man that point to the cat directories. For example:
% cd /usr/atria/doc/man
% su
Password: xxxxxx
% ln -s cat1 man1
% ln -s cat4 man4
% ln -s cat5 man5

Caution: If you create man directories, do not run cleartool man as the root user. If
you do, the man page will be deleted.

Issues with Bristol HyperHelp

The ClearCase online documentation is displayed using Bristol HyperHelp. If your
site already is using HyperHelp, make sure that ccase-home-dir/bin appears in the path
before any other reference to Bristol HyperHelp. Rational Software has extended
HyperHelp to support special features in the ClearCase online documentation. The
HyperHelp viewers supplied with ClearCase will display conventional HyperHelp
files, but conventional HyperHelp viewers may not display ClearCase HyperHelp

Help Window is Blank

Occasionally, a ClearCase help topic fails to appear: the title appears, but the body of
the window is blank. When this happens, you can correct the problem as follows:

Documentation Issues 65
1 In the Help window menu bar, click Options>Font>Normal. The Help window
is refreshed.
2 If the wrong help topic is displayed when the help window is refreshed, click the
Back button to return to the original topic.

Issues with Tutorials

This section describes problems with running tutorials.

Tutorial Setup Script Fails on Windows XP

In Task #6 of the ClearCase UCM Project Manager tutorial, a setup script prepares the
tutorial environment to allow the user to create a new baseline. When executing the
setup on a system running Microsoft XP, the setup script fails to execute correctly.
The workaround is to set the COPYCMD environment variable with a value of /Y as
1 Open the Control Panel and click the System icon.
2 Click the Advanced tab and then click Environment Variables
3 Under User variables click New.
4 As Variable Name, enter: COPYCMD
5 As Variable Value, enter: /Y
6 Click OK to close the New User Variable dialog box, the Environment Variables
dialog box, and then the System Properties dialog box.
You can then resume the tutorial.

Tutorials in a Mixed Environment

The ClearCase tutorials cannot be run on Windows client hosts that use UNIX servers.
VOB creation is not supported across heterogeneous network configurations, and all
ClearCase tutorials create private VOBs.

66 Chapter 4 - Restrictions and Guidelines for Using ClearCase

Restrictions and
Guidelines for
This chapter contains release notes for Rational ClearCase MultiSite Version

Change to Name of Lock File Used by Scripts

In previous releases, the name of the lock file created by the sync_export_list and
sync_receive scripts may not be unique because the name was based on the replica
name. In this release, the name of the lock file is based on the UUID of the replica,
not on the replica name.

Warning on Receipt of Packet from Earlier MultiSite Version

Table 17 lists the packet protocols for MultiSite versions.

Table 17 MultiSite Versions and Packet Protocols

MultiSite version Packet protocol
3.2, 3.2.1 1.2
4.0, 4.1, 4.1.1, 4.2 3
2002.05.00 4

When multitool with a newer protocol reads a packet with the older protocol, it prints
this message:
multitool: Warning: Version mismatch, software:new-protocol, packet:old-protocol

This message does not indicate a problem. It means one of the following things:
The feature level of the VOB family is lower than the feature level of the receiving
The feature level of the VOB family is the same as the feature level of the sending
and receiving replicas. However, when the sending replica created the update
packet, it had not yet received a packet containing the information about the new
VOB family feature level.

Synchronization Error When Database Limit Is Exceeded
ClearCase Releases 4.x include support for a new VOB database schema. If you update
one or more replicated VOBs in a family to the new schema (version 54), you do not
have to update the other replicas in the VOB family immediately. However, you must
update all replicas before one of the updated replicas exceeds the database limit of the
previous schema (version 53). If you do not, replicas that have not been updated will
not be able to import synchronization update packets from the updated replica.
When this type of import failure occurs, syncreplica output includes a VOB database
error, and an error is written to the db log.
The syncreplica output includes an error like the following:
multitool: Error: Error from VOB database: ’’\\vob.setup’’.

The db log includes an error like the following:

09/20/96 10:40:49 db_server(19528): Error: DBMS error in "../db__lock.c" line 79
*** db_VISTA database error -909 - file record limit exceeded
09/20/96 10:40:49 db_server(19528): Error: DBMS error
09/20/96 10:40:49 db_server(19528): Error: db_VISTA error -909

To fix this problem, you must convert all replicas in the family to schema version 54.
To display the schema version for a VOB replica, use the cleartool describe vob:vob-tag
command. To display the schema version of the ClearCase release installed on your
computer, use the cleartool –ver command.

Limitation on Editing Mastership Request ACL

In this release, you do not have to be logged on to a VOB server host to edit the
mastership request ACL for a replica on that host. However, if you are not already
on the ACL, both of the following conditions must be true in order for you to edit
the ACL:
You must be the VOB owner or privileged user.
You must be logged on to a host in the same domain as the VOB server host.

Do Not Use MultiSite to Clone a VOB

Do not use MultiSite to create multiple copies of a VOB in a single ClearCase region.
Because the VOB UUID is identical for all replicas in a VOB family, and is stored in
many structures within a VOB, there is no way to make the copy of the VOB unique.
Creating and using multiple copies of a VOB in a single region causes clearmake and

68 Chapter 5 - Restrictions and Guidelines for MultiSite

views to exhibit unpredictable behavior, may cause data loss, and is not supported by
Rational Software.

Using UCM and MultiSite

The following restrictions apply to use of UCM and MultiSite:
You cannot request mastership of branches or branch types that are associated
with streams.
If a UCM component is replicated, its associated UCM project VOB (PVOB) must
be replicated.
You must synchronize a UCM component and its associated PVOB at the same
UCM projects enabled for ClearQuest can be replicated and synchronized. In
addition to using ClearCase MultiSite to replicate and synchronize UCM project
and component VOBs, you can use Rational ClearQuest MultiSite to replicate and
synchronize associated ClearQuest user databases. You must synchronize a UCM
PVOB and its associated ClearQuest user database at the same time.

Problems with Documentation

The epoch_watchdog reference page has an EXAMPLES heading but does not contain
any examples. For an example of using epoch_watchdog, see Troubleshooting MultiSite
Operations in the Administrator’s Guide for Rational ClearCase MultiSite.
In the reqmaster reference page, the output for reqmaster -deny for a branch type is
incorrect. The correct output does not include the words "branch type".
On page 151 of the Administrator’s Guide for Rational ClearCase MultiSite, the output
for the command cleartool describe -fmt "%[reqmaster]p\n" brtype:boston_main@/vobs/dev
is incorrect. The corrected example:
cleartool describe -fmt "%[reqmaster]p\n" brtype:boston_main@/vobs/dev
denied for branch type
denied for all instances

Problems with Documentation 69

70 Chapter 5 - Restrictions and Guidelines for MultiSite
Status of ClearCase
Software Change
Noteworthy problems found in or resolved in Version 2002.05.00 of Rational
ClearCase are listed in the file cc_issues.htm.
You can find this file in two places:
On your ClearCase CD, in the directory Rational/doc/platform, where platform
is an architecture mnemonic like ux (for UNIX computers) or nt (for Windows
In the directory ccase-home-dir/install/ after you’ve installed the product.
Note that any problems relating to installation or setup of ClearCase are noted in the
section Known Issues Related to Installation on page 17.

72 Chapter 6 - Status of ClearCase Software Change Requests
Status of MultiSite
Software Change
Noteworthy problems found in or resolved in Version 2002.05.00 of Rational
ClearCase MultiSite are listed in the file ms_issues.html.
You can find this file:
On your ClearCase CD, in the directory Rational/doc/platform, where platform
is an architecture mnemonic like ux (for UNIX computers) or nt (for Windows
In the directory ccase-home-dir/install/ after you’ve installed the product.
Note that any problems relating to installation or setup of MultiSite are noted in the
section Known Issues Related to Installation on page 17.

74 Chapter 7 - Status of MultiSite Software Change Requests
Network Attached
Storage Devices
Certified For Use
With ClearCase
Network-attached storage (NAS) devices communicate with other hosts on a local
area network using a network file system protocol like the Network File System (NFS)
or the Common Internet File System (CIFS). While any NAS device can provide
storage for ordinary files that are created and used by ClearCase, only the NAS
devices described in this section have been certified for use with VOB server and view
server hosts. When configured and used as described in this section, these devices can
provide remote storage for VOB and view databases in addition to ordinary files.
Caution: Every certified NAS device must be specially configured to support
remote VOB or view databases. If you do not configure a certified NAS
device as described, you put your VOB or view data at risk. If you host a
VOB or view database on a NAS device that has not been certified for this
purpose, you will put your VOB or view data at risk.

The Administrator’s Guide has more information about putting VOB or view databases
on certified NAS devices.

Supported Platforms and Protocols

Rational has certified the following NAS devices for the uses described in
Administering ClearCase. Not all NAS devices can support VOB or view servers
on Windows hosts.

Table 18 Supported NAS Devices

VOB or view
server platforms
Vendor Product Software Version supported
Auspex NS2000 NetOS 3.0.1 UNIX only

VOB or view
server platforms
Vendor Product Software Version supported
EMC Celerra File Server 2.2 (contact EMC UNIX and
Customer Service Windows
for ClearCase
Network Series 7xx Filer, DataOnTAP UNIX and
Appliance Series 8xx Filer OS V5.3.6, Windows

Note: Rational only supports use of the NFS protocol to connect a UNIX VOB
server host with a VOB database on a NAS device. You must use the CIFS protocol
to connect with NAS devices from Windows hosts. Use of NFS software to connect
Windows hosts to NAS devices is not supported by Rational.
All of the NAS devices described in this document can be configured to support
native interoperation with both UNIX and Windows hosts. You do not need to install
a third-party NFS product on Windows or an SMB server product on UNIX to make
VOBs and views on NAS devices accessible to both UNIX and Windows hosts.
The following sections describe procedures for configuring and using various NAS
devices with ClearCase. In these sections, we assume that:

you are familiar with the basic configuration and operation the NAS device you
are using
you have already installed the device on your network and verified that it can be
used with applications other than ClearCase
We also assume that you have established the appropriate level of cross-platform
interoperability for your site if both UNIX and Windows computers are in use as
ClearCase hosts. All the requirements detailed in the Administrator’s Guide for user
and group accounts on both UNIX and Windows must be met if you are using a NAS
device to host ClearCase data that is accessed from UNIX and Windows computers.
NAS devices often provide their own implementation of cross-platform file-access
solutions such as NFS and CIFS (SMB), but these implementations usually require that
any user who must access files on the NAS device can be authenticated using the same
user name and group name regardless the type of platform (UNIX or Windows) they
are using. If ClearCase users at your site use UNIX and Windows computers, verify
that users can create and delete file and directories on the NAS device from both UNIX
and Windows before proceeding with additional NAS device configuration steps.

76 Network Attached Storage Devices Certified For Use With ClearCase

Caution: Rational does not support use of CIFS oplocks on any NAS device used
for VOB or view storage. By enabling oplocks on such a NAS device, you
put any ClearCase data on that device at risk. Instructions for disabling
oplocks on each certified NAS device are included in this chapter.

Auspex NS2000
This section describes configuration procedures that you must perform before you
can use an Auspex NS2000 NAS device for VOB or view storage as described
in Administering ClearCase. For additional information about the NS2000, see

Data stored on an Auspex NS2000 can be organized into virtual file systems and
shares on virtual partitions and RAID sets. A RAID set may be "sliced" into
independent file systems using virtual partitions. A RAID set must contain at least
three data disks. Auspex recommends a RAID set with at least six data disks for
frequently accessed ClearCase data.

Configuring the Auspex NS2000 for ClearCase

These are the steps you must take to configure the Auspex NS2000 for use by
1 Create a filesystem if necessary. You may use an existing file system or create a
new one specifically for use by ClearCase.
2 Create partitions. For ease of administration, Auspex recommends using virtual
partitions on the NS2000 to hold ClearCase data. The remaining steps in this
section assume you are using a virtual partition named /dev/axvp/fspNvpX where N
is the number of the file system partition and X is the virtual partition number:
3 Create a file system mountpoint. Log in to the NS2000 as root. Run the following
command to create a mountpoint for the virtual filesystem you created in Step #2:
mkdir /vobstg

4 Mount the virtual file system. Run the following command to mount the virtual
file system you created in Step #2 at the mountpoint you created in Step #3:
mount -F lfs /dev/axvp/fspNvpX /vobstg

To ensure that a virtual file system is mounted at boot time, create an entry for it
in /usr/AXbase/etc/lfstab.
5 Enable read/write access for the albd_server. All volumes used for VOB or view
storage must be configured with read/write (rw) access by the ClearCase server
process user account (Windows) and root (UNIX).

Auspex NS2000 77
6 Make the file system accessible. Volumes that will only be accessed by UNIX
computers must be shared using the NetOS share command. Volumes that will
only be accessed by Windows computers must be shared using the NetOS net share
command. Volumes that must be accessed by both UNIX and Windows computers
must be made accessible using both commands. The following command makes
the file system mounted at /vobstg accessible to NFS clients:
share -F NFS /vobstg

7 Disable oplocks. Opportunistic locking (CIFS oplocks) is enabled by default on

the NS2000. You must disable oplocks by setting the NS2000 registry key:

to a value of 0 using the NetOS regconfig command or the Windows regedt32

command. To use regedt32 to edit the registry on the NS2000, click
Registry>Select Computer

and type the name of the NS2000 in the Select Computer dialog box.

Using NS2000 Snapshot Backups

The Auspex NS2000 snapshot backup tool ax_snapshot allows you to quickly make a
read-only copy of a virtual file system. We support use of ax_snapshot to make backups
of all ClearCase data, including VOB data. The following command line creates a
snapshot on cache partition fsp1m0rd1s0 of a virtual partition mounted at /vobstg:
ax_snapshot ckpt /vobstg fsp1m0rd1s0

As with any VOB backup strategy, you must lock the VOB before backing it up.
Because the snapshot backup copy can be made quickly, lock time required for the
backup will be minimal.
A cached snapshot backup should also be backed up to hard media such as tape or
CD, using backup software (for example, the Auspex utility ax_gtar) that will preserve
all file system information, including ACLs if the file system is used to hold VOBs
or views served by a VOB or view server on Windows.
Note: To back up a cached snapshot, you must first mount it.

By default, NS2000 file-based backup does not back up files larger than 2GB. VOBs
using schema version 54 may include some files larger than 2GB. To ensure that these
files are included in hard-media (file-based) backups of a snapshot cache, edit the file
/usr/AXndmp/etc/config on the NS2000 as follows:

1 Locate the following line:

78 Network Attached Storage Devices Certified For Use With ClearCase

#ALLOW_TAR_EXTENSION # auspex extension to support large files (>=2GB)

2 Remove the first comment delimiter (#) to enable this feature.

ALLOW_TAR_EXTENSION # auspex extension to support large files (>=2GB)

Note: When this option is enabled and a large file is encountered during file-based
backup, Auspex’s proprietary extension to standard GNU-tar format is used instead
of the standard GNU-tar format. With this option on, you may not be able to use the
standard GNU-tar command to recover data from file-based backups

EMC Celerra File Server

This section describes configuration procedures that you must perform before you can
use an EMC Celerra File Server for VOB or view storage as described in Administering
ClearCase. For additional information about the Celerra File Server, see www.emc.com.

Configuring a Celerra File Server for ClearCase

These are the steps you must take to configure a Celerra File Server for use by
1 Configure storage. Create an appropriate network interface, metavolume, and file
system for use by ClearCase.
2 Create a mountpoint for the filesystem you created in Step #1.
3 Mount the file system. Use the -o nooplock option to server_mount to disable CIFS
oplocks. The default access checking policy for server_mount is NATIVE. We
recommend that you use this default.
4 Export the file system as needed for UNIX (NFS) and/or Windows (CIFS) clients.
The following commands export the file system /ufssc1 on Data Mover server_2 for
NFS and CIFS access.
server_export server_2 /ufssc1
server_export server_2 -P cifs -n ufssc1

Note: You must also configure and start CIFS services if you are exporting a file
system for CIFS access.

Using Celerra TimeFinder and SnapSure Backups

The EMC Celerra TimeFinder facility creates a mirrored copy of a file system on the
Celerra device. The SnapSure facility creates a read-only copy of a Celerra file system
on another volume on the device. We support use of either facility to make backups of
all ClearCase data, including VOB data.

EMC Celerra File Server 79

As with any VOB backup strategy, you must lock the VOB before backing it up.
Because these copies can be made quickly, lock time required for the backup will be

Network Appliance Filer

This section describes configuration procedures that you must perform before you
can use a Network Appliance Filer for VOB or view storage as described in the
Administrator’s Guide. For additional information about Network Appliance Filers,
see www.netapp.com.
Data on a Network Appliance filer is organized in volumes. A volume is an
independent file system with its own RAID group(s). Every RAID group must contain
at least two disks (the default is 8). Network Applicance recommends creating
volumes with at least four data disks if they contain frequently accessed ClearCase
data. Smaller volumes may be adequate for storage pools containing infrequently
accessed or read-only data.
In addition to creating volumes to hold ClearCase data on a Network Appliance Filer,
you must also create qtrees to manage access control for the files and directories in
these volumes, and you must use the appropriate commands to make these volumes
accessible to UNIX and/or Windows clients.

Configuring a Network Appliance Filer for ClearCase

These are the steps you must take to configure a Network Appliance Filer for use
by ClearCase.
1 Create volumes. Create one or more volumes on the Filer for use by ClearCase.
You must use the nvfail on option to the Data ONTAP vol command. The following
commands create a volume named ccvol that uses 10 disks.
vol create ccvol 10
vol options ccvol nvfail on

Note: Network Appliance Filers provide a specialized snapshot backup facility (not
related to the ClearCase snapshot backup program), which is managed at the
volume level. Keep backup considerations in mind when allocating volumes
to hold VOB data or other ClearCase data. It will simplify implementation of
Network Appliance snapshot VOB backups if you dedicate one or more volumes
exclusively to VOB storage.

2 Disable quotas on volumes to be used for VOB storage. If quotas are enabled,
Network Appliance recommends disabling them on volumes used for VOB
storage. The following Data ONTAP command reports on whether the volume
ccvol has quotas enabled:

80 Network Attached Storage Devices Certified For Use With ClearCase

quota report ccvol

The following Data ONTAP command disables quotas on the volume ccvol:
quota off ccvol

3 Make the volume(s) accessible. Volumes that will only be accessed by UNIX
computers must be exported using the Data ONTAP exportfs command. Volumes
that will only be accessed by Windows computers must be shared using the
Data ONTAP cifs_shares command. Volumes that must be accessed by both UNIX
and Windows computers must be exported and shared.
4 Enable read/write access for the albd_server. All volumes used for VOB or view
storage must be configured with read/write (rw) access by the ClearCase server
process user account (windows)and root (UNIX).
5 Create qtrees. A qtree is a special subdirectory of the root directory of a volume.
The following Data ONTAP command creates a qtree named vobstg in a volume
named ccvol.
qtree create /vol/ccvol/vobstg

6 Specify each qtree’s security style. The Data ONTAP qtree command allows you
to specify the type of access checking (security style) that will be used when a
determining whether a user has rights to access a file or directory. You can specify
any of three security styles:
unix evaluates user access rights by considering the UID and GID of the user
and the access mode of the file or directory
ntfs evaluates user access rights by considering the SID of the user and the
ACL of the file or directory
mixed provides support for both security styles

The following Data ONTAP command specifies that the unix security style will be
implemented in the qtree named vobstg
qtree security vobstg unix

Note: For any qtree used to provide VOB storage server by a VOB server running
Windows, you must set the qtree security style to ntfs.

7 Disable oplocks. Opportunistic locking (CIFS oplocks) is enabled by default when

a qtree is created. The following Data ONTAP command disables oplocks on
the qtree named vobstg:
qtree oplocks vobstg disable

Network Appliance Filer 81

Using Network Appliance Snapshot Backups
The Network Appliance snapshot backup facility creates a read-only copy of a volume
on another volume on the Filer. We support use of this facility to make backups of
all ClearCase data, including VOB data.
As with any VOB backup strategy, you must lock the VOB before backing it up.
Because the snapshot backup copy can be made quickly, lock time required for the
backup will be minimal.

82 Network Attached Storage Devices Certified For Use With ClearCase

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