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Computer Sciece Class-Viii ch-8 Q.A.

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A. Fill in the blanks :-

1. In HTML there can be an unordered list, a/an ordered list, and a/an definition list.
2. Hover property highlights the table cell, row, or column with the specified colour when we
hover our mouse over it.
3. Column is the vertical arrangement of data in various cells of the table.
4. A description list is a list of items with a description or definition of each item.
5. Unordered list of items will be indented in the list and a bullet will appear in front of the
6. The list-style-position property indicates whether the marker should appear inside or
outside of the box containing the bullet points.
B. State True or False:
1. The height and width properties are used to set the height and width
of an element. TRUE
2. The border-align property sets the distance between the borders of
adjacent cells. FALSE
3. Table Padding is used to control the space between the cells. FALSE
4. The <dl> element is used in conjunction with the <dr> (data term)
element. TRUE
5. Ordered list is created by using <ul> tag. FALSE
6. A definition list arranges your items in the same way as they are
arranges your items in the same way as they are arranged in a dictionary. TRUE
C. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. In HTML we cannot create a list of which of the following type?
Ans:- Table
2. Which table property is used to set the horizontal alignment of text?
Ans:- Text-align
3. Which table property is used to set the placement of a table caption?
Ans:- Caption-side
4. Which table property is used to set the layout for a table?
Ans:- Table-layout
5. By default, an ordered list appears with which of the following?
Ans:- 1
6. By default, an unordered list appears with which of the following?
7. Ans:- circle
D. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences only:
1. What is List-style-image property?
Answer:- The list-style-image allows us to specify an image so that us can use our own bullet
2. What is start attribute of <ol> tag?
Answer:- It is used to start the number from which we want to start the list.
USAGE- <ol start= “10”>
OUTPUT- List will start from 10 to instead of 1
3. What is a description list?
Answer:- A description list is a list of items with a description or definition of each item.
4. Which tag is used to define a table?
Answer:- <table> tag
5. What is an ordered list?
Answer:- Ordered list is used to display items in specific order.
6. Which attribute is used to change the type of bullet in unordered list?
Answer:- Type attribute
E. Answer following in detail:
1. What are lists? Explain the type of list available in HTML.
Answer:- A list is a record or short pieces of information. It is of three types:-

i) Unordered list:- This will list items using plain bullets.

ii) Ordered list:- This will use different schemes of numbers or alphabets to list items.

iii) Definition (description) list:- This arranges items in the same way as they are arranged in

a dictionary.

2. What are the various list properties which you can use in HTML? Explain in brief.
Answer:- The different list properties allow us to:
 Set different list item markers for ordered lists.
 Set different list item markers for unordered list.
 Set an image as the list item marker.
 Add background colours to list items.
The list-style-type property allows us to control the shape or style of bullet point in the case
of unordered lists and the style or numbering characters in ordered lists.
The list-style-image allows us to specify an image that we can use our own bullet style and
background colours add background colour to lists and list items.
3. Discuss the various attributes which can be used with ordered list?
Answer:- Attribute of order list are three types:-
i) Start:-It is used to start the number from which we want to start the list.
USAGE- <ol start= “10”>
OUTPUT- List will start from 10 to instead of 1
ii) Reversed – It is used which start the numbering in reverse order
USAGE- <ol start= “10” reversed >
OUTPUT- List will start from a bigger number. The last list will have 10.
iii) Type – It is used to specify the type of number which can be 1, A, a, I, or I
USAGE- <ol start= “i”>
OUTPUT- List will be in roman numerals like i, ii, iii, etc.
4. What are tables? Which HTML tags are used to create a table? Explain in brief.
Answer:- Tables are used to represent tabular data. Tables are very flexible and an attractive
way of presenting information in the form of rows and columns.
The HTML tables are created using the <table> tag in which the <tr> tag is used to create
table rows and <td> tag is used to create data cells.
A table header is defined with the <th> tag. The<caption> tag is used to specify the title
for the table.
5. What are the table properties related to alignment of text in the cells? Explain them with
Answer:- The text-align and vertical-align properties are used to set the horizontal and
vertical alignment of the text respectively in a table. These properties are used with the
<th> or <td> tag .
text –align:value; for Horizontal Alignment
Where value is left or center or right
Vertical-align:value; For Vertical Alignment
Where value is top or middle or bottom
F. Write short note on the following:
1. Caption-side
Answer:- This property specifies the placement of a table caption.
2. Empty-cells
Answer:- This property sets whether or not to display borders on empty cells in a table.
3. Border
Answer:- This property helps in specifying the border of a type which includes width, border
style, and border-color of the table including its cells.
4. Reversed Attribute of <ol> tag
5. Answer:- This property is used which start the numbering in reverse order.
G. Solve the jumbles:
H. Match the following:
a) OL iv) Ordered
b) UL v) Unordered
c) DT i) Description
d) TR iii) Row
e) TD ii) Data

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