6 Badac
6 Badac
6 Badac
Section 1. Composition of the BADAC – The Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC)
shall be composed of the following:
Section 2. Powers and Functions of the BADAC – The BADAC shall have the authority and
responsibility to perform the following:
1. Plan, strategize, implement and evaluate programs on drug abuse prevention in the
2. Organize the BADAC Auxiliary Team and orient them of their roles and functions in
formulating a plan of action to address the drug problem;
3. Equip Barangay Tanods and BADAC Auxiliary Team on their roles and functions in the
campaign against street level illegal drug trade thru seminars or trainings;
4. Coordinate and collaborate with other institutions implementing programs and projects on
drug abuse prevention at the barangay level;
5. Conduct information, education and communication campaign activities on illegal drug
demand reduction;
6. Conduct regular and consultative meetings at least once a month and call for special
meetings with organizations in the barangay;
7. Strengthen the family in the barangay by promoting family affairs and conduct values
formation on parental care and guidance in coordination with other peoples’ organization
and concerned agencies;
8. Determine and maintain a record of the names and other personal information of actual
residents of the barangay, likewise, gather and update all drug related incidents and its
effects on the peace and order situation in the barangay including listings of suspected drug
users/dependents and pushers;
9. Identify drug affected house clusters, work places, streets, puroks and sitios where there are
violations of RA 9165 and immediately report the same to PNP or PDEA;
10. Conduct an inventory of drug personalities who were identified to be involved in illegal drug
activities and identify who were brought to both government and/or private facility/center
and community-based rehabilitation centers;
11. Refer suspected drug users and dependents who voluntarily surrendered to the barangay
duty officer to CADAC/MADAC for proper assessment
12. Conduct periodic monitoring of those undertaking facility/center and community-based
rehabilitation program;
13. Empower and encourage the community in reporting drug-related cases through an
award/commendation system;
14. Extend assistance to law enforcement agencies during the conduct of drug clearing
operations at the barangay level;
15. Enact local ordinances, policies and other legislative measures to support the barangay drug
clearing program;
16. Set quarterly targets to reduce level of drug affectation and ultimately, to achieve and
maintain drug-cleared status;
17. Submit monthly report to the CADAC/MADAC copy furnished DILG city/municipal field office
on the progress of the barangay drug clearing program;
18. Monitor the progress and disposition of drug-related cases filed with courts;
19. Ensure the safety of the community and extend such other necessary assistance to the
operating units during the conduct of anti-drug operations; and
20. Perform other related functions.
Section 3. Composition of the BADAC Auxiliary Team – The following shall be designated as
members of the BADAC Auxiliary Team:
Section 4. Functions of BADAC Auxiliary Team – members of the BADAC Auxiliary Team shall
perform the following duties and responsibilities:
1. Identify and report to the BADAC suspected drug dependents, pushers, illegal drug
laboratories, and other illegal drug-related activities in their areas;
2. Assist in the conduct of information, education and communication campaign activities;
3. Help facilitate in the preparation and distribution information, education and communication
materials in collaboration with schools, neighbourhood associations, etc.; and
4. Initiate the conduct of neighbourhood activities to prevent drug abuse in their area of
operation especially among children and youth.
Section 5. Organization of Barangay House Clusters – The organization of Barangay House Cluster
shall be based on the number of streets in the Barangay and the following shall be designated as cluster
Section 6. Functions of Barangay Cluster Leaders – Designated cluster leaders shall perform the
following duties and responsibilities:
DONE this 17th of January, 2023 in Barangay Canaway, Kitcharao, Agusan del Norte, Philippines.
Punong Barangay